#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thanks for asking I had a lot of fun writing this! I love this game and its characters i could talk about them forever lol
ribcageteeth · 10 months
please tell us more about your tower maiden dnd game
Ooh ok!
So, the tower maiden in question is actually a player character, the lovely and terrible G.100, by @aceofvase.
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My campaign was actually inspired by movies like The Monster Squad and Van Helsing, so our main cast of NPCs are all based on Universal monsters. The original plan was to have a Frankenstein monster NPC who would occasionally aid the party, BUT, Miss Vase beat me to the punch.
G.100 is soul-stitched, a homebrew race similar to a flesh golem, but overall more capable and intelligent. Created by blending necromancy with engineering, powered by electricity, and requiring the individual parts of about ten different people, in this story the soul-stitched were brought about by an elven man called Isla Gryffith, primarily through his own efforts at achieving some form of immortality, but eventually with the intention of creating the perfect lover. G.100 is, somewhat obviously, his hundredth attempt, and one of only about three or four to be considered a success.
Due to the taboo nature of his work, (and, you know, all the murder involved) Isla primarily lived and operated out of a fortified lighthouse, in an area known for dangerous bandit raids, where people often disappear anyway. He and G.100 lived there in isolation for about a year, with her being kept in the dark over how exactly she was created. Upon discovering the horrible truth (again, cannot stress the amount of murder involved in this process), G.100 threw Isla from the top of the lighthouse tower, in a fit of rage. However, as previously mentioned, the building had been heavily fortified, including several locks on the front door, which could only be opened by key. There was only one, and Isla had it on his person when he was killed.
As such, G.100 spent the next 15 years of her life stuck inside the lighthouse. Functionally immortal, and without the need to eat or sleep, she spent her time reading books, studying magic, and overall trying not to think too hard about the nature of her existence, or her creator, whom she was still regretfully in love with. At a point it became a conscious choice to stay there; she could have broken the door down, or escaped out a window, or even jumped from the tower and aimed for the ocean, but spiritually, she would always be trapped in that tower anyway. Her refusal to move on went so far that she has still never given herself a proper name, preferring not to be referred to at all.
Eventually, she ran out of electrical charge, which resulted in her essentially falling asleep... for a little over a hundred years. Long enough for the lighthouse to collapse around her. Now exposed to the open air, she was promptly struck by lightning and reawakened, only to realize that there was now quite literally nothing left to keep her there. When she meets up with the rest of the party at the campaign's start, she's technically only been outside for about a year.
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As the game has progressed, she's somehow managed to both open up, and close herself off further. Initially, she attempted to put on an upbeat persona, going so far as to pretend to be a bard for the first part of the game, but since growing a bit more comfortable with her surroundings, her more grumpy nature has begun to show through, and her abilities as a warlock have grown powerful enough that she can't really hide them anymore. She's also begun romancing one of the series antagonists, which has drawn her a bit further out of her shell.
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So yeah, it's a real specific kind of tower, and technically while she was in it she presented as masc, since canonically she is trans, but all that really means is she didn't start leaning into the Tower Maiden aesthetic until fairly recently. In fact, I think her most recent redesign really reflects that particular vibe:
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So yeah! That's just one of the wonderful players I've been getting to DM for, I think she's so cool, I've done literally so much fanart of her (as you can see), and I'm so excited to see her character arc continue to progress! If you want to know more about her, I suggest taking a look through her character tag over on @aceofvase's blog, or asking her for further detail <3
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lorei-writes · 2 years
How about 12, 33 and 40 for the writing ask? 😋
Yas, yas, yas, thank you, thank you, thank you! 👀
12. If you write in more than one language, what's the difference?
I haven't written in Polish in a while (switching between different syntaxes is a pain and it is never a smooth transition), but when I did... Well, of course, my vocabulary was much more extensive. I had a tendency to tap into overusing archaic words too.
I think I pay more attention to rhythm of the sentences when I write in English.
Overall, I think I adapted most things rather well to English? Although, I loved using words with a certain tone to them to build up a lot of detail or even the atmosphere of a scene (say, you can technically call a smart person both clever and sly, but those carry different undertones, don't they?). I think I still need to work on that a lot, I lack the reference frame. TvT
33. Give your writing a compliment.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, okay, okay, lemme thiiiiiiiink...
I suppose it's generally common for my works to contain quite a lot of feelings written into the story and how the characters act? So it's usually not all emotionless and robotic?
40. Write a 9-word fic.
Oh, oh, that's a fun challenge!! I wrote a series with 9 words fics! But... It’s angst. With Comte. Because why not.
I. Comte winced – love that lives forever? What a lie…
II. „Funeral?” „Yes, good Sir.” „A shame, Comte –” „Enough.”
III. Magnolia bloomed, sweet as her intoxicating blood. Comte sighed.
IV. Hours. Days Weeks. Months. Years. Decades. Millennia. Together, at last.
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frostironficrecs · 7 years
Hey there ! Hope you're good and having a nice day
Here is the Top!Tony rec list, which does have some Dom!Tony on it, and then the Alpha!Tony rec list
Pining Loki (Sorry-not-sorry in advance that there are,, a lot of STARSdidathing works on this list alkdf):
Let’s Be Alone Together- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsA friendship that can stand the test of time and a man who adores him for who he is; this is the most valuable thing that Loki possesses and he will not risk it for the world. Or, more accurately, he will not take a risk of his heart. Because love is only useful if the person loves you back, and Loki isn’t about to take chances where Anthony is concerned.This is one of the sweetest fucking things ever, damn, I love STARS, just, it’s just the right amount of angst, and just the right amount of pining and aaa
The Astronomy of Manmade Stars- babyblueglasses, T, No WarningsLoki has turned the life of a recluse into an art, right down to the technologically obsolete candles and stolen magical tomes. Yet when an armored man stumbles in past his forbidden window, Loki finds himself obsessed with unraveling the mystery man’s secrets. Firstly, his name.Buddy, this was fucking cute, he’s a lovelorn teenager with a happy ending, how could I not love this fic?
Not Your Choice- STARSdidathing, M, No WarningsIt’s all fun and games until someone falls in love.Hoo Boy, this one has a major Tissue Warning, like dude, aaaaaaa
Longing- Scotch, E, Chose No WarningsAs Loki serves his sentence in Asgard, he thinks back on where he went wrong. He wonders if a certain mortal could have seen the good in him, and it’s the only thought that keeps him sane in his solitude.Aksjhjf to put it crudely, Loki jerks off, accidentally sends these fantasies to Tony through dreams, and then Tony (my wonderful amazing boy) comes and rescues Loki from prison. This fic,, is,,, it’s a ride asdjfjk
Doing the Right Thing- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsAnthony finds something he was never meant to see and it forces him to make a decision. But is it better to wreck his relationship with Loki… or to wreck his Prince’s future?Tony is a nosey motherfucker, and snoops, and then doesn’t regret his mistake at all, bc they’re in looooooove. (And while it is slightly openended and slightly depressing, I refuse to believe that these two idiots would ever break up)
I Know I’ve Made Mistakes (I’ve always been afraid)- dls, T, No WarningsLoki and Tony had been together since the Trickster cleared his name of the Chitauri invasion and the Avengers defeated Thanos. They pledged their lives to each other, except a lifetime didn’t quite mean the same for a god as it did for a mortal. Loki set out to correct that, but with a few detours first.Parallel universes and pining Loki galore.
Quiet Comforts- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsLoki knows what it’s like to fall. He knows what it’s like to rage and be misunderstood. He knows a lot of the problems that can plague a man like Tony Stark, and in turn, Loki knows the ways that he can sooth him.This is open ended and angsty please don’t murder me, IT’S REALLY GOOD GUYS (and also I may or may not be planning on making a slight fix-it fic for this, but you didn’t hear it from this blog, no siree)
Tony Stark’s Secret Diary- Sparcina, E, No WarningsLoki has never meant to fall for a mortal. He doesn’t do love; he doesn’t do loss. When Tony starts avoiding him, Loki discovers something in the mortal’s room that could change everything.Now it’s Loki’s turn to be a nosey motherfucker! With a decidedly… happier outcome, one could say akjsdhf
Criminals & Forensics (series)- STARSdidathing, M, No WarningsCriminal mastermind Loki Laufeyson is enamored with forensic scientist Tony Stark to an extreme. A courtship of a sorts follows their meeting.Lots of feels, lots of pining (on both sides at the end of part 1), so much happens here, and it’s done so well just!! Aaa!!!!
It Isn’t Always Easy- Schadenfreudessa, E, No WarningsLoki’s fallen from grace, fallen from power, and fallen from the Bifrost. Now, he’s falling again, but this time it’s for one of the very team that beat him. Somehow, Tony Stark has become the focus of Loki’s sexual fantasies, and he won’t quit until he makes them happen.Coming from the amazing author Schadenfreudessa, writer of the hit series Of Monsters and Men (another series which features some serious Loki-and-Tony pining, go read it), comes another amazing fic that I could not put down once I opened the tab. Does get a bit squicky for me at one point (non-con kissing, but nothing more really), but overall, pretty good nonetheless.
I Could Look After You- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsWhen Anthony is injured in battle, all Loki wants to do is help. But he’s barely accepted as a member of the team when he’s useful, let alone the rest of the time. Anthony might treat him differently than the others, but Loki has no reason to think he’d want a former enemy around when he’s vulnerable and wounded.What may seem like some major angst and rejection turns out happy and amazing.
My Little Iron Man- STARSdidathing, T, No warningsThings aren’t always what they seem, but Loki does not trust anything that comes from the Avengers. Especially not something so innocent and… childish.(Another fic inspired by more amazing artwork by NovaRain, and here it is!!)You know that feeling when you read something absolutely adoraable, and you can’t help but let this horribly goofy, big, cheesy grin creep across your face? That’s what this fic is in written form, I’m not kidding, it’s amazing, and it’s cuteness concentrated.
Lay With Me, Stay With Me- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsLoki is avoiding Anthony. The Prince said something Anthony can’t get out of his head, and the distraction causes him to lose focus when he shouldn’t have. The near death steels Anthony’s resolve to find out just how truthful Loki was being when he asked Anthony for something they both knew better than to speak about.AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA this is pretty much the opposite of Doing The Right Thing (Loki being pessimistic and Tony being hopeful here, vs DTRT with Loki being hopeful and Tony being pessimistic) and it kills meeeeee (except there is still a semi happy ending that could definitely lead to more, and that is horribly exciting, isn’t it? It is, it really is.)
Concerns of the Heart- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsSomething is bothering Loki. It’s painfully obvious to those who know him, and it’s making him retreat from others. Only, unlike in the past when he would come to Anthony for help or distraction, this time he is avoiding the weaponsmith, too. Anthony is more worried than he’d care to admit, and he’s determined to do something about it - to show Loki that, whatever it is, he doesn’t need to weather it alone.(Inspired by this artwork by NovaRain and guys, it’s amazing)I am absolutely not planning on also continuing this, nope, not at all, I’m totally not imaging all the amazing and sweet directions that could arise out of these two courting each other, of course not. I’m also totally not writing the outline in my head as I type this out. (STARS and Nova, if you two are reading this, I love you both aaaa)
Some Secrets Were Meant To Be Told- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsLoki had been the most annoying, insulting member of the Avengers since he first joined what felt like centuries ago - or he would have been, if he wasn’t perfectly nice to everyone else except for Tony. He frustrated and sniped at the Engineer at every available opportunity. Tony had no idea what the Mage’s problem was - but apparently, Thor did.Loki being a little shit is my jam, guys, like, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read alksjdhf
And then a Dom!Tony fic that’s not on the Top!Tony rec list:
Breaking the News- i_am_a_mole_and_i_live_in_a_hole, E, No WarningsThe Avengers aren’t officially aware of Loki and Tony’s… arrangement. That changes when Loki kisses Tony in the middle of a restaurant, and Tony fucks Loki on a rooftop in Manhattan. Honestly, I laughed quite a bit at the end, bc Tony was so aghast at what had happened after everything. A pretty good fic, all in all
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oceanswife · 7 years
id like to know a little more about thr dynamic of their relationship, how they act with each other, if they enjoy pda, things like that!!
my friend..............................I hope you have time for the novel I’m about to write answering this question..........I’ll try to summarize but..............woo boy........
I’m gonna put this under the cut cause I know me and it’s gonna be long
there’s just so much to say idk where to start hhhhhh they haven’t known each other too long, they just became friends in the beginning of their senior year when Devin asked Xavier to be his partner for a bio project, but they quickly became friends after that because Devin is very social and likeable and even though Xavier is pretty shy he’s pretty easy to get along with once you get to know him so yeah!! they started as friends and they had (and still do have) a lot of fun together hanging out but there was................a lot of sexual tension during their just friends stage and it was greeeeeeeeeeat woo boy
but yeah!! in our current timeline for them they’ve been together a few months and they are very very much in love, they actually knew they loved each other before they even got together those saps
Devin is a very passionate person and is very emotional, he feels everything very strongly and his love for Xavier is overwhelmingly strong and he does everything he can to make sure Xavier and well everyone knows that, he shows him unwavering support and he’s that boyfriend that is like “WOOO THAT’S MY BABY Y’ALL LOOK AT HIM GO!!! INCREDIBLE I’M SO PROUD OF YOU BABE EVERYTHING YOU DO IS AMAZING” so yeah he’s definitely very pro-pda and loves kissing Xavier in the halls and walking him to class and he just!!! loves him so much and is the most supportive, caring, open, and thoughtful boyfriend you could imagine
Xavier has had a very very rough life (THANKS @shcith), he’s been an orphan most of his life and has suffered from abuse, so he has very deep rooted trust issues, but he still loves Devin just as much as Devin loves him and honestly Devin is just....perfect for him with how patient and outwardly loving and kind and gentle he is........he’s very thankful to have Devin and it shows and it’s!!! so good!!!! 
they’ve both never been in love before so everything is very new and overwhelming for both of them and it’s !!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA
they’re so soft with one another, very affectionate and cheesy and so fucking in love it kills me every day, they’re each other’s entire worlds and biggest support systems and it’s just!!! it’s so good!!! they’re so fucking soft!!!! and Cara and I have decided they’re gonna be together forever and have kids and it’s gonna be.....................................................so great
this has been my ted talk thank you
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