#aaaah anon sorry for rambling u have my mind on it now!!!
inkykeiji · 2 years
I dont know what you have planned for the plot of DA au but the image of touya covered in blood, trickling down the side of his face and his lips, lips he crushes against the reader's, kissing her fervently with tongue and teeth, someone else's blood in both their mouths😳😱
hahaha i have the entire thing plotted, from start to finish, split into three distinct parts. this is v sexy hehe but she will not be there when the murder takes place—firstly, she isn’t strong enough for that especially considering that she’s involved with all three men and secondly, not one of those three men would allow her to be present <3 and touya is such a pristine pretty boy that there’s no way he’s marching back into his minimalist, upscale, monochrome apartment tracking blood all over the place! talk about leaving a trail of evidence ehehehe
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
riddle, ace, deuce, and malleus watching a meteor shower w/ the reader
anon asked: hi! may i request hcs for a reader who's a super nerd for everything related to space and stars (as in. they'd talk about it for literal Hours if u'd let them) dragging out their friend (who maaybe has a crush on them lol) ace, deuce, riddle and malleus to stargaze after hearing there's gonna be a meteor shower that night, perhaps from astronomy class? how would they react, would they enjoy such an activity + how would they deal with such an excitable and odd person such as the reader? tysm!! 💖
im bacccccccc from deeeeeeeed,, hey guys how are y’all doing? i think this will be the last request i’ll do before i focus my attention on the summer beach bash writing collab event held by the amazing, the lovely @nonsensical-twistedriddles​ anyways i hope you all are doing alright and enjoy these headcanons ❤️
for a better visual/image of what the meteor shower is like, refer to kimi no na wa or episode 6 of violet evergarden “somewhere, under a starry sky”
headcanons under the cut :))
riddle rosehearts
being the dorm leader of heartslabyul means that he’s always busy and he has tons of things to do, so when you first approached him he was a little hesitant 
“i....i don’t know (y/n)...” “pleaseeeeeeee”
you gave him your signature ‘cute puppy dog eyes’ and that was when he knew he couldn’t resist, so he agreed
that night he was surprised to find himself in a hill at the back of the school. you had laid out a blanket and brought a couple of pillows and a telescope just in case. a couple books about the whole meteor shower, and books about stars and space in general were sprawled across the grass as well
“ah riddle! you’re on time!” “of course. those who are late have to be taught a lesson” 
you patted the empty space next to you and he sat down beside you
“i’ve actually read about tonight’s meteor shower in one of my books. it happens once every 300 years! i’m just getting super duper excited just thinking about it! the fact that i get to see a comet that happens once in 300 years! aaaah! it’s amazing!”
personally, riddle didn’t know too much about comets or meteors or just astronomy. he just knew what he needed to learn for the subject. but seeing you being so happy and hyped about the meteor shower made him want to learn more
as you continued to ramble, riddle let out a small chuckle, causing you to focus your attention on him
“sorry, sorry. it’s just...you’re so cute rambling about these things. please tell me more.”
riddle saw a light in your eyes as they seemed to sparkle and you continued
he didn’t really understand half of the things you were saying but he enjoyed it
“and...and then it said that-” your sentence got cut off as the meteor shower started. an array of colors filled the sky as the sight before your eyes was the most beautiful thing you’ve seen
you stood up and just gazed at the whole thing in amazement, riddle followed but half of the time, he was looking at you. he was amazed at how passionate you were in this and how he wants to see you smile like this all the time
“(y/n). thank you for inviting me.” “it’s no problem, really!” “they say that when two people who are truly in love are together gazing at a meteor shower...their love for each other will be known to both and it will continue to grow.”
riddle blushed and so did you. were you saying...?
“well it’s just an old legend, though. we should head back.”
the next day in class, riddle approached you out of nowhere and handed you something. it was a crystal necklace in the shape of a star
“i really hope there’s another meteor shower soon. and i want you to come along with me.” he smiled before quickly running to his own class. 
and as the legend went, after spending time with riddle during that meteor shower, your love for each other grew and grew 
ace trappola
“haaah? a meteor shower? what’s so interesting about that?” “oh come on ace! you owe me one anyways! remember that one time-” “okay! okay! i’ll go.”
truth be told, ace really doesn’t mind doing anything and going anywhere as long as you were there. but his big ego doesn’t allow him to agree that easily. 
 you were both snuck into the astronomy classroom and went out the window to the balcony. a perfect view of the meteor shower
“what’s so cool about this meteor shower, anyways?” “a lot of things actually!” you continued to ramble on about it
ace could care less about space, stars, meteors, all that jazz, but since you were the one talking about it, he really doesn’t mind. there was one sentence which grabbed his attention though
“tonight’s meteor shower is called ‘the falling stars’” “what? so like...stars come falling from space? or is it just one big ass star?” “no! it’s called ‘the falling stars’ because they say if you make a wish while gazing at the meteors, it’ll come true.”
“what the-that’s all-” “ace! it’s starting!”
he glanced up at the sky, and truth be told, he never saw a scene as beautiful as that. it was really as if the stars from the sky were falling down. 
“it lasts only for three minutes! hurry up and make your wish!” he turned his head to face you and saw your eyes closed and face scrunched up. some wish. “alright then~”
once the meteor shower ended you giddily asked ace what his wish was
“hmm...maybe i’ll tell you someday.” “what?! why not tell me now?!” “my wish is something you should figure out on your own.”  “what?! hey! that’s not fair! ace! wait for me!”
the next day, ace was delighted to find you skipping through the hallways with a bright smile on your face
“good morning guys!” you smiled to your two best friends. “what’s with the smile, (y/n)?” deuce asked you. “nothing! just feeling happy.” “so my wish did come true.” ace whispered to himself. 
“what did you say?” “nothing. now let’s get to class.” “ow! ace that hurt!” “it was just a playful slap, you big baby.” 
now what was ace’s wish, you may ask?
i wish for (y/n) to always be happy, and to let me see her beautiful smile on her face each day
deuce spade
“what!? it’s tonight?!” “jeez you never keep your eyes open in astronomy class, do you? but yes! it’s tonight. so we should go together, okay?” 
you and deuce were known to be the chaotic, nerd-like duo over these things. you were much more invested than deuce however, but he just likes to listen to you talk about it. 
he helped you up the roof of the ramshackle dorm where you both could get a good view of the sky
truth be told, you were trembling a bit. heights weren’t your thing and now here you were sitting on top of a roof which could’ve collapsed any second. 
you clung onto deuce’s arm, causing him to blush slightly but he assured you that you both were going to be fine
the sky changed from a dull dark blue to a bright, glowing purple and light blue, and you both knew that the meteor shower started
“it’s...beautiful.” the both of you whispered in amazement. you and deuce just stayed up talking about astronomy and how the both of you got interested in it as the meteor shower continued.
“you know something about this meteor shower?” deuce shook his head. “...no? what?”
“it says that you’re granted good luck if you’re under the sky of this meteor shower.” “that means everyone in night raven college gets good luck huh?”
“i don’t know. it’s not specific! they didn’t even say how long the luck lasts or...yeah. it’s just not specific. it’s just an old saying anyways.” you and deuce laughed. 
you both felt something slip under your feet. “uh oh.” it was a roof tile. 
this caused you both to slide from your position and started tumbling down the roof. 
“deuce! do something! summon something soft so we don’t fall!” “u-uhhh, okay!” 
it was his and your safety in his hands so he prayed that he was able to come up with something appropriate 
“i summon...a big fluffy pillow!” you and deuce managed to fall off the roof without any harm and landed on the pillow, slightly bouncing even
you both laughed in relief as the both of you were okay. “hey, you managed to summon something good!” “well..maybe it’s the good luck from the meteor shower.”
“and you know, i’m feeling pretty lucky. so...i can do this.” he leaned in and pecked your cheek. your cheeks instantly burned up as you buried your face in your arms. 
“deuce you idiot! you should consider being lucky that i don’t slap the heck out of you!” he just laughed at your cute behavior and attacked you with a big hug
you two ended up accidentally falling asleep on that big, fluffy pillow and you both woke up to find yourselves in each other’s arms 
malleus draconia
“(y/n).” he called out to you. “yes?” “i heard there’s going to be a meteor shower tonight.” 
“ah! yeah...about that. i was thinking...if you would want to come see it with me?” you fiddled with your fingers. “me? i’m...invited?” “yes! i wouldn’t want to invite anyone else in the whole world.”
malleus felt delighted and was just looking forward to that night. he didn’t really matter what else happened during the day. 
“but i don’t really know where we can watch it from. the other students are planning on watching it too...” “we can see it from the diasomnia observatory.” “WAIT, YOU HAVE THAT?!” you shrieked a little too loudly
“i mean....if you don’t mind.” “of course. it’s alright.”
you were shocked to find yourself in a neat and organized observatory. bookshelves surrounded the whole room and a big telescope was in the middle of it. “this is amazing...”
“you could always come here if you want.” “WHAT?! WAIT, REALLY?” you beamed as you followed malleus. “i know your love for space, (y/n).”
you mentally slapped yourself, was it always that obvious? am i just too loud about it? ugh damn it. 
“you shouldn’t worry about it. it’s fascinating to learn all about it.” you were always there for malleus when he was in depth into talking about gargoyles and you treated him with the utmost respect. you also joined in the conversation and actually asked him a few things. he wanted to do the same for you. 
“i was the one who invited you, yet here you are doing everything.” “i don’t mind...” if i can spend time with you, i’d do anything. 
“malleus, look!” you pointed at a golden glow coming from the sky. it was starting. 
you two stood in silence for a while, enjoying the view of the night sky and each other’s presence
“you know...i’ve seen this meteor once. when i was a child.” “really?” you scooted closer to him. “sadly, back then, i didn’t have anyone to enjoy it with. i didn’t have anyone who is as passionate talking about it as much as you. and now, i’m glad you’re by my side, (y/n).” 
“and i’ll continue to be by your side! i promise, we’re going to see as many meteor shower as possible! we’ll go stargazing, go chase clouds, everything! and--ah sorry. am i rambling too much?” 
malleus took your hand in his and placed a gentle kiss atop it. “hearing  you talk about these things makes me happy, (y/n). and i’m glad you’re by my side. i promise we’ll do all these things together. i’d do anything with you, as long as we’re together.” “thank you.” you smiled back (trying your best not to lose your composure)
and you both spent the whole night in the balcony, hand in hand, with your head resting on him as you watched the stars in the night sky and as the sky turned from a dark blue to a bright blue
just like the way you both wanted it to be 
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and now i wanna go stargazing uuuugggghhhhh or watch kimi no na wa/violet evergarden again efjwoejfowe. FAIRY GALA EVENT TOMORROW!!!! the best of luck to everyone who’s scouting !!!
love, a♕
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inkykeiji · 3 years
Hiya Clari 💖
I know it’s been awhile since I’ve checked in and this is another ask that you don’t have to reply to at all I just wanted to let you know that I’m still thinking of you and hoping that you are getting rest and taking care of yourself <3
Take as much time as you need to heal, I’m not going anywhere so bitch (respectfully) you’re stuck with me as an anon for what looks to be quite a while
I’ll give you a lil life update since I have missed talking to you but I 100000% understand why you have done a hiatus because your well being comes before anything else <3 I got my tattoo so very exciting times and uni terms start back in a few weeks so another exciting year for me
Also like I said this is just a lil message for you just so you know I’m still thinking about you and sending my love, you don’t have to reply at all or if you decide you want to take as long as you want/need so as always sending you all the love and hugs in the world <333-🍯
oh you are so lovely, thank you so much for your well wishes and for checking in!!! i appreciate it a lot <33 i am trying my best to rest and take care of myself!!! yesterday was filled with a lot of needless anxiety, so hopefully today is a little better <33
i’ve missed talking to you, too!!! sorry it’s taken me forever and a day to get to your message below waaaaah :(((( i feel really bad about that :/
OOOH U GOT UR TATTOO!? DID IT HURT??? WHAT WAS THE EXPERIENCE LIKE OMG!!!! that is super super exciting honey aaaah!!! yaaay uni!!! be safe and be kind to yourself during the school year, please!! remember that grades never equal your worth as a person!! <33
my gosh you genuinely are so incredibly sweet to me, and so understanding, and i just can’t express my gratitude enough; i literally cannot put into words how happy i am to have you in my life, my precious honey, my sweet virtual penpal <33
i hope u don’t mind me answering this here as well!! <33
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BLAH it’s super hot here right now, too!! and extremely humid because it keeps raining, it’s so ._. icky. i went to the zoo with my boyfriend not too long ago and my shoulders + face got totally fried by the sun, it was awful :( fall and winter are my favourite seasons!! tho i do really love denim shorts, so i enjoy summer in that respect hehehe <3
OOOOH YES DID YOU??? I LOVE THEM BOTH SO MUCH!!!! get out totally blew me away, literally everything about that film is immaculate, from its writing to its acting to its cinematography to its sound and music, it’s an absolute masterpiece!! i wrote an essay on get out during uni and it’s still one of my favourite academic papers i’ve ever written hehe <3 BUT YES I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, get out expertly builds this extremely unsettling tension in its viewers ugh it’s so so so goooooooooooood
kiki’s delivery service is my favourite ghibli film!!!!!! oh my gosh!! i just think it’s so so so sweet, i love magic and cats and cute little homey spaces like that, and i love the european inspired seaside town, that whole film is just SUCH a comfort movie and a feel good movie for me <3
HAHAHAHA WELL, IF U DID REREAD THEM i hope you enjoyed <3 i recently reread my 1950s dabi fic, because i love it so much??? and i’ve been listening to a lot of like, lana del rey and elvis lately so it got me in the mood hahahaha <3 hopefully one day i can do more with that universe, i wrote a whole backstory for 1950s dabi but i couldn’t find a good place in the fic to put it so it now sits abandoned in my notebook </3 ANDDDDDD if you haven’t yet, pls go vote on my poll for what you’d like to see posted next!!
i love your rambling, stop this nonsense 🥺 i sincerely love your little letters and i promise you i always look forward to reading them and replying to them, even if it takes me a little time to get there. they always put such a smile on my face and i am so grateful!!!
in terms of plans, tiff (toronto international film festival) is happening super super soon so i’m wickedly excited for that!!! my boyfriend and i always go and make a whole week out of the whole festival and it’s just lovely, we have so much fun!! they just released the schedule for the films yesterday and i am BUZZING eeeee!!! now that i’ve graduated uni i don’t get the film student discounts anymore which kinda sucks LMAO but!!! it’s okay!! i love supporting film and i especially love supporting film in my home city!!! <333
oh honeybee i love you so so so very much, please never forget it <33
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inkykeiji · 4 years
Clari, may i ask you to explain why you love twin peaks so much? i want to start watching it and instead of googling reviews or watching trailers i want YOUR opinion over anyones lmao
AH OKAY ANON SORRY IT TOOK ME A FEW DAYS TO GET TO THIS but i was finishing up bmb and i wanted to be able to take my time on this ask and give it my full attention so!!!
WAAAAAAAH okay, first of all, david lynch is just one of my favourite directors ever. i love him so much, i love all of his work, and it’s so difficult for me to put into words WHY, because lynch’s work focuses so much on FEELINGS; or at least, it does to me!! they’re quite bizarre but they’re so DREAMY. they evoke so many feelings in the viewer and honestly watching one of his films is literally a whole experience in and of itself. i’d even argue that he borders the line of the art film, too. see aaah i’m already having trouble explaining what i mean here, but it’s like idk you’ll watch a scorsese film or a carpenter film and yeah, of course, it evokes emotions but we almost instantaneously know why we’re reacting that way. does that make sense??? they’re a little more straightforward in their messages, in their story/plot, in their characters, etc.
i personally feel that lynch’s work goes a lot deeper than that; it really makes you think and question and it’s almost introspective in that way as well??? because (to me) with his work, it instills all of these emotions in you, but sometimes you aren’t exactly sure WHY you’re feeling the way you’re feeling--it’s a little challenging, and you have to do more work to understand the film or understand your personal reaction to the film. i also just love everything lynch thinks about art in general; i find his presence very calming and i agree with many of his sentiments surrounding art as a whole. okay now that i’ve rambled about my love for him
twin peaks is a fantastic intro to lynch (although of course he didn’t direct/write every single episode, but the show itself is truly imbued with his whole presence and all of his themes, just toned down a little. most of this was due to abc in the 90s; which means fair warning, season 3 is much more lynchian than the first two seasons, and it is honestly more of a 18 part movie than it is a television show!!). to be honest with you anon, i’d say twin peaks is one of the biggest influences on my own work!! i love the dreaminess which is almost infused with these feelings of hopelessness and despair, i love how bittersweet it is, i love love LOVE how the universe as a whole is a few degrees removed from our actual reality, i love the characters and their relationships,  i love the way it plays with drama and the human subconscious, i love the aesthetic, i love the air of mystery that surrounds the whole twin peaks universe, i love all of its beautiful surrealism...it’s so STRANGE in such a lovely way, it reminds me a little of the original twilight zone too.
it’s so hard for me to explain it anon, but it’s so much more than a murder mystery (and tbh it knows this; it’s self-reflexive to an extent, especially with invitation to love, which is a satirical fictional soap opera in the world of twin peaks). i feel like it deals with the human condition in a way??? because there’s significant focus on emotions, dreams, hallucinations, death, morality, etc etc all wrapped up in this thin translucent element of the supernatural.
give it a try and see if it hooks you from the beginning or not!!! i’m sorry this is a bit of a mess ehehehe, interpreting twin peaks feels especially personal (i relate to some of the characters a LOT and the town itself reminds me of my hometown so much its scary) so i’m not sure if you’ll feel the way i do when you watch it, which is totally okay and completely valid!!! the fandom is STILL cooking up theories etc honestly there are ENDLESS theories for the twin peaks universe as a whole (it spans books + a movie as well). with that being said, please let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to expand upon here or if you have more specific questions!!
i’d also just warn you that you will not get closure with this show; it is extremely open-ended, so keep that in mind to if that isn’t exactly your thing!! aaaah i hope u give it a try n like it tho anon!! <333
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