#aaaand someone crying (other than me)
livsmessydoodles · 4 months
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laughterfixs · 3 months
fic suggestion!:
lee Eclipse, but like specifically, it’s during the dlc’s timeline. Eclipse is slowly realizing that the kids aren’t going to return to the daycare (unfortunately), and slowly slips into a depressive state.
the ler can be anyone you want, bc I dunno who to suggest that lines up with the timeline I’m suggesting, but the ler notices Eclipse (or just straight up finds ‘em) is feeling a little (okay, a LOT) gloomy, and bam! Cheer-up tickles!
A bit shorter than my usual but here's fic one! Wait til you see who the ler is :3c
No One’s Coming 
The daycare is cleaned up! Eclipse is in charge and now all that’s left is to wait for the children! 
But…when the children don’t show up, Eclipse starts losing hope. Who could possibly be there in his time of need?
“Aaaand done!” Eclipse hummed happily as he stepped back to admire his hard work. He spent the last…well he wasn’t keeping track of time but, he knew it was more than a couple hours, cleaning up the daycare. 
Now it wasn’t as….ruined. There was more space to walk around. The play structures no longer collapsed and blocked half the daycare. The toys were…a little burn’t and messy but that was okay! They could still play plenty of games!
“We should open any moment now..” Eclipse smiled, sitting patiently as he checked his internal clock. 
He waited. 
And waited….
And waited some more. 
But nothing happened. No laughter from the children on the other side of the door. No footsteps of the guards walking around. 
There was just…nothing. 
“Uhh…heh…are…are we opening late this morning? Gosh it’s awful quiet!” 
From the digital realm, Sun and Moon looked at each other and then back at their brother.
“We have to tell him…” Moon sighed. 
“B-but it’s gonna break his heart!”
“So will just sitting here waiting…” Moon reasoned, earning a sigh from Sun. 
“You’re right…” he agreed, tapping his fingers. 
“Cmon…” Moon sighed as the two gingerly made their way over to Eclipse’s sides. 
“Hm? Oh, hello brothers! Late start to the day huh? What’s today? Saturday? That must be why the kids aren’t here yet! Though…I haven’t seen any employees…or even heard the glamrocks.” 
Moon looked to Sun who shrunk his rays in and sighed. 
“B-but it’s still early. I just have to keep positive! It’s been so long since I played and-and…”
Eclipse sighed, slumping over. 
“….no one’s coming, are they…?” 
The twins looked to each other. Sun sat beside Eclipse and wrapped his digital arms around him. 
“They’re not…” Moon answered. “No ones been here in a long time…” 
“We don’t think anyone’s coming anymore…” Sun finished, hugging their brother tighter from the digital scape. 
Eclipse didn’t answer. He simply just stared off, arms limp. He looked down at his…broken self and sighed. 
“Eclipse..?” Sunny frowned. “You okay?”
Eclipse didn’t answer at first. He simulated a deep breath. 
“I’m fine…” he answered. “I just….need to be left alone for a bit…” 
As he stood, arms wrapped around himself and summoned the wire to fly to the top balcony, Sun reached out to him only to be stopped by Moon. 
“Just…let him process…he’s been gone a long while…waking up to all this? And finding out he no longer has a purpose…it can take a toll on someone…” 
Sun frowned, his rays shrinking in as he sighed. 
“I guess you’re right…I hope he’ll be okay…”
Eclipse however felt anything but fine in the moment. He crawled into the makeshift bed that was on the floor and curled up. He felt every wire and servo screaming with exhaustion. But he couldn’t power down to sleep…his mind was racing too much. 
“No purpose…
Not important…
Never important. 
Does anyone even remember me?
Did…anyone miss me…?” 
Eclipse hiccuped a bit, curling up into a tighter ball, he could feel his chest tighten with the need to cry. 
He heard a buzzing sound behind him and turned his head. 
“Sun, moon please-“ he stopped, seeing the digital blue rabbit there. 
“O-oh…MXES…it’s you.” 
The rabbit tilted its head, holding a large hand out to him as if questioning something. The security program couldn’t speak, but the boys were able to communicate pretty easily with him, reading his body language. 
“Oh it’s…it’s nothing…I’m okay, really…” 
MXES didn’t seem to believe that. He placed a gentle hand on the attendant's shoulder, silently coaxing him to talk. 
Eclipse glanced up at him. He sighed again and hugged his legs to his chest. 
“I…I just…the kids aren’t coming. I cleaned up the daycare for them and-and no one’s coming! Did they forget about us? Are they mad? Did…did I fail…wh-what’s going to happen to us..” Eclipse felt the tightness in his chest again, the tears falling now. He scrubbed his eyes with the side of his hand that still had plastic covering on it. 
MXES listened, saddened as the broken bot lamented. He rubbed his back as he allowed Eclipse to get all his emotions out. 
As he calmed down again, he rested his head on his knees. 
“I’m sorry MXES…I probably sound ridiculous…you have more to worry about than me and my fears and worries…”
A curt buzz sounded from the glitchy bunny, grabbing Eclipse’s attention. Seeing the stern look he was given, he shrunk back a little. 
MXES mimicked a sigh before gently hugging the bot. 
“Heh…I guess I should know better than to think I’m bothering you with such things…all you do is act like a protector…it’s only natural for you isn’t it..”
MXES nodded, pulling away to get Eclipse’s attention again. He pointed to the corners of his mouth, and slid his hands up. Eclipse looked away. 
“I-I’m sorry MXES. I’m just…not in the mood right now…everything just…hurts…”
MXES frowned with drooped ears, looking to the side as if to think…suddenly his ears perked up as an idea came to him. The blue bunny turned back to the smaller bot, smirking as it seemed Eclipse was paying no attention to him. 
One large glitchy hand moved ever so slowly to Eclipse’s unbroken side. Without the bot realizing, he gently wiggled his fingers. 
Eclipse gasped, straightening his back. Streams of giggles flooded out of him while he tried to wriggle away. 
“Wait-wahahait! Nohoho! Ohoho stahahars eep!” Eclipse fell back in his bed, MXES following him and tickling around his belly. 
“PFFFHEHEHEE! Ohohoho nyahat THEHERE!” Eclipse curled up on his side, wrapping his arms around his belly to try and protect it. “Mahahahax!!” 
“Max”, a nickname lovingly bestowed upon him by the daycare trio, mimicked a chuckle. He looked happy to be cheering up the attendant after such a harsh realization. 
They all needed a playmate. And he was more than happy to be one if it meant Eclipse and the brothers wouldn’t feel so lonely. 
Max pulled his fingers away, giving Eclipse a moment to breathe. He looked up at the rabbit only to see his fingers wiggling teasingly at him. 
Eclipse squeaked and used his hat to hide his face. Even without the ability to speak, Max could effectively tease. 
“Nohohoho! Thahats not fahahair!” Eclipse cackled, kicking his legs from the anticipation alone. Max grinned down at him and gently scritched around under his arms, earning a squeal from the daycare attendant. 
“OHOHOHO STAHAHAHARS THAHAHATS CHEHEHEATIHIHIHING!” He locked his arms down in an attempt to protect them from the tickle monster entity above him but Max was bigger and stronger than the attendants. 
Max’s fingers crawled like ants along Eclipse’s exo, procuring an entire cornucopia of giggles, snorts, surprised squeaks and snickers. 
Max lifted the bot’s hat back up so he could see him, Eclipse hiccuping through giggles and snorts. 
“Y-youhoohoohoo snort meheheanie hic heheheheee…” 
MXES gave him a smirk, his fingers moving and wiggling toward Clipse’s face and rays. Eclipse froze seeing the big hands getting closer. 
Eclipse’s rays wobbled in place, some shrinking back. When one would shrink back Max would go for another only for that one to shrink back too. 
“Ohohokay! Okah*hic*aHAHAY! MaHAHAax, no snort mohore! No moOHOHORE mahax!”
With that, the security program pulled away and let the attendant breathe and calm down. 
“Hehehe..ohoho stahars…you ahare s-suhuhuch a sneheaky bunny…”
Again, Max pointed to the corners of his mouth and slid his fingers up. 
“Hehe, yes I feel much better. Thank you friend…” 
The glitchy rabbit gave a nod, patting his head and hat. 
Eclipse chuckled and sighed as he stood up. 
“I guess I should let Sun and Moon know I’m alright…I’m sure I worried them..” 
Max nodded, giving the bot’s side a quick prod. 
“Eep! Okahahay okay! I know it isn’t my fault.” He took a deep breath and sighed with a smile. 
“We’ll get through this…” Eclipse then waved to MXES. “Thank you again MXES, I’ll see you later!”
MXES nodded and disappeared to get back to his security job. Eclipse hooked the wire and flew back down to the daycare floor. 
“Clipsey! We know you aren’t the happiest about the kids not comin…but-BUT we want you to know it’s not your fault, okay?” Sun frowned. 
“The kids would’ve loved you…don’t beat yourself up for any of this.” Moon added. Eclipse looked between them and chuckled, surprising the twins. 
“Wha-what’s funny..?” Sun asked. 
“It’s okay guys…I’m not as upset about it as I was then. I know it’s not my fault. It still hurts that I won't be able to play with the kids…but maybe something will change! I still have you two, and we got Max…with you three in my life? I’ll be happy. And we’ll figure something out together…” 
Sun and Moon blinked at each other. Then turned to their elder brother and smiled. 
“Yeah…we’ll be fine as long as we’re together.” Moon smiled softly. 
“Like family’s meant to be!” Sun cheered. 
Eclipse nodded in agreement, hugging both his brothers. 
“Just as family’s meant to be..” he repeated, happy to have such a thing during such a dark time. 
He was going to be okay. They all were. 
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lyloneliness · 1 year
Okay, I'm frustrated that bones changed some details in the anime since it suppressed the proofs that Dazai is alive and I'm also tired of seeing this chaos... So I'm gonna share the complete explanation of how it is he survived and no one will be crying anymore!!!
So first of all, look closely at the bullet impacts on the wall.. ..... There are only three even though chuuya shot four times. There no impact behind dazai's head, when the bullet would normally go through dazai's head.
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At this point of the reflexion, some think that it's a point blank bullet, which makes sound and all but doesn't kill. But I don't think it is cause :
When did chuuya put it in his gun? If it was really one, asagiri would show chuuya recharging
It would hurt dazai much more than that since the gun is literally ON his forehead, the impact itself greater than what we've seen
There is no shot sound for this shot if you look closely
BUT, there are three shot sound on the next panel, which means chuuya hurt dazai on the forehead with his ability somehow (I think since dazai isn't touching him directly he can still augment the mass of his gun and direct it forward in order to leave a round mark on his forehead), and THEN shot three times to fool Fyodor into thinking that the wound on dazai's forehead was made at that time and that he shot him in the head, shoulder and hip.
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But then, where did the 'headshot' go? If you remember what dazai said just before the 'we're destined to-' speech, he screamed at chuuya saying "where the fuck are you aiming at, you lousy shooter ?! ". And we've seen when chuuya arrived that he can respond to dazai's provocation... Now, look at the first shot impact on the wall :
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It's two times bigger than the others. And the first shot sound on this panel is different from the two that follow, meaning it hit something other than flesh. So I think chuuya made a Pinpoint shot in the first hole as an answer to dazai's provocation and to make Fyodor associate it with the head wound, and then shot two times to enforce the feeling of violence and comfort Fyodor into thinking he won.
Note that this theory is plausible because we've seen on the screens Fyodor is looking at that the camera is in chuuya's back, and that chuuya knows it since he was in the control room with Fyodor before coming here. Which means Fyodor cant see the moment of the impact on dazai's forehead, but only the three shots after and the wound on dazai's head.
Also note that none of dazai's injuries are dangerous for his life, none of them are situated on vital points or nerves and all. And since dazai is bleeding much more from the first wound than the two last, I think at that time chuuya hit his artery and that's why he complained... And chuuya ajusted after that.
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Aaaand that's what everyone is saying so you probably already know it but, he COULDN'T speak if he were really shot in the head (which they suppressed in the anime to make it more realistic and leave the suspense) .
Also his 'last words' could be talking about how he waited for the proof chuuya was still on his side, and not about how he waited for death as a suicide maniac.
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Let me also remind you that a vampire can chose to ignore the order to kill when it's someone important to them, like we've seen with aku. That doesn't keep them from hurting them (shots, atsushi's leg... AGAIN) but at least, they can chose not to kill them. Or even to sacrifice themselves, like akutagawa when he didn't activated his armor, willing to take atsushi's punch..
I'm sure most of you know that the 'goodbye' in chap 101 isn't just a farewell to chuuya but also the title of the last book of irl dazai. And we know from several fights that the tactics soukoku uses are named after the irl authors' book, meaning dazai said this code to tell chuuya that he wants to use that plan.
Also dazai's rambling about how many time he imagined this scene could also refer to that, but since he says he imagined it the other way around, the original 'goodbye plan' was probably more about chuuya playing dead and dazai saving the day, unlike how it happens here.
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Alright! Hope you feel better after reading that and thanks for getting to the end! ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
And if you like it and/or don't want ppl crying anymore please reblog this, we need the truth to come out!!! And I made it with all my heart (❀╹◡╹) ❀~
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hermioneismyrealname · 2 months
Ep 6 empty mugs and jealousy
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Well... Hm. I'm angry at mugs.
More sugar daddy shopping. Belts? Mahasamut, you innocent darling... He doesn't want them for you. The writer needs his bedroom inspiration, and he's thinking of a belt.
Rak is actually pretty cheery. Hm. Yes, I completely agree that he looks adorable.
JEALOUSY?! Hungry? Two scoops? Wah. DONT LIE TO ME THERE WAS NO WATER IN THERE! NONE. Also that mug is iconic. I want it but it looks small for the amount of tea I drink.
Shh.. not yet.. now you may speak
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That was a good move, Mahasamut. You listen if they want to tell first. Brilliant. And wishing for someone's misery, heh. I really like his character. So far, other than abandoning the town that relies on him, there isn't much fault with him. Oh and Rak's heart eyes.
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OH cousin! Wow... i want to be his mom. the money part not the getting cheated on. and... being obsessed with a complete ass. wow. abusive too. MAME ENOUGH WITH THE TRAUMA. As easy and terrible of a man like this sounds, to the point that this is unbelievable... I know some of my friends with this sort of background. So yeah. Yeash. And being called annoying when crying.. yup. been there. Next.
I feel like that the bratty cousin is going to be forgiven by the end of this. ONLY 14 MINUTES THROUGH? Jeez MAME. Ok. That hug was cute.
So i respect the hustle of a bunch of friends getting the inside scoop on an author's latest work, I'd be guilty of that too. However, if it wasnt at Mook's expense. Poor girl.
Ok this was also adorable.
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but that steel beam must be uncomfortable. aaaand there goes the adorableness. HHAAHHAAHAHAHAHA! oh hello friend. Oh... wait... Did Rak change his pants? OI CONTINUITY STAFF!
my guy.... Khom... you were bought too. I read your book. Dont play coy.
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Yes Rak. Send it to Connor and have him come fetch his hubby. THERE IT IS! JEALOUSY! OOOOHHH!! Hydro turbines! Go green energy! (at least what i think they are)
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oh. oohohohoh Connor... Oh Connor. You bitter jealous bastard. Who does Rak hug when he has writer's block. ahahaahahah! IF he is going to show up, I want the awful blond hair. YOU HEAR ME MAME?! Give me the full cringe.
That fight was cute but immediately i was distracted by this terrible interior design.
VIE IS MANIPULATING AGAIN. WAH! WAH! Her acting is very convincing. Ah kantoi. A hug? I really want to hate Vie here, but I do admire her manipulation tactics.
Oh. yeah. Escape that deadass grandpa.
Oh they are going to get interrupted again. Mahasamut, I suggest you put your phone somewhere other than your trousers pocket. That was quick coffee making. AGAIN THERE IS NOTHING IN THAT CUP!!! WHY JUST FILL IT UP WITH SOMEHTING ITS PISSING ME OFF! I WAS GOING TO GIVE THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT THAT HE DIDNT MAKE IT THATS WHY IT WAS SO QUICK BUUUUTTTT NOOOOOOOO
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OH THAT IS FUNNY. One always thinks its best to give people space, so afraid of disappointing someone while the other cant stand being left alone. HAH!
yeahp. RAk. Mood.
ehheheheh kid's got attitude. Oh brililiant attitude. Ok. Meena is favourite character. and she is emotionally intelligent. I'm completely Meena here. She is so expressive too!
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Yeah... and the music change... welp. Sorry but where is the prep? We end it like that then? Sure.
What the hell do they keep pointing at?
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And so now I realize, this is going to get worse. Today's ep was a little sweet. Soft. Comforting even. Rak's character development is back, it will go again next episode because of his cousin. His cousin, by the way, I do not like but I think there is going to be some sort of Oh, can i say it? Tong level redemption arc™️. And by arc, I mean a 2 degree curve because her character is shallow and close to pointless when the giggolo father plot exists. A little disappointed with this week's bingo, but alas.
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multi-lefaiye · 8 months
song / pic / saying tag
Rules: Pick an OC and post a song you relate to them, an image that represents them in some way (aesthetic, picrew, art, etc), and a quote of dialogue or narration from them. Totally feel free to expand and explain!
OC: Eden Linnaeus (because he's all that's on the brain rn)
tagged by @addisons-damn-dialogue and @written-in-gold <3 ty both!
song: father - the front bottoms
(content warning: this song is about child abuse, including implied sexual abuse)
i don't take this song completely literally when i apply it to eden, but well. it's a song about the narrator having a complicated hatred for his abusive father that negatively affects his relationships with the other people in his life, such as his girlfriend.
for eden, i take this song to represent his anger and hatred for his father. abdiel walked out on him and, in the process, irreparably damaged eden's self worth and ability to have healthy relationships with others. but also... eden's hatred for abdiel is also hatred for himself. after all, they have a *lot* in common. eden wants to destroy abdiel, and by extension he wants to destroy himself.
anyway. the opening lines of this song are incredibly eden-core:
I have this dream that I am hitting my dad with a baseball bat And he is screaming and crying for help And maybe halfway through, it has more to do with me killing him Than it ever did protecting myself
okay i had trouble finding a serious one. so you get a silly one.
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i think this is pretty self-explanatory. eden is a ball of anger and daddy issues. he is fueled by spite.
"Oh, boo-fucking-hoo, yes, I lied to you! Why does it fucking matter? We have bigger problems. You have your way of fixing things, and I have mine. Gods forbid I decide to get shit done and not sit on my ass whining because someone didn't tell me everything."
aaaand tagging time :3c
tagging (with no pressure to any of y'all): @albatris @skitzo-kero @anexor @vacantgodling @invaderskoodge @astral-runic
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
It's been a week. "But Pancake," you say, "it's only Monday."
At least we can all come together and cry over Trigun.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 6, Chapters 1-2 below.
TriMax Volume 6 Covers
This is the most band cover of the covers. Except someone forgot to tell Vash and he's just enjoying hanging out with everyone, and Milly has given up on her cool pose because it's just too hot.
Ohhhhhh, crap! I don't recognize most of the people on the back cover, but there's a certain two-gunned fellow who looks familiar. I'm so excited to meet him!
I love how the text on the back frames this like some fun, action-packed adventure instead of action-trauma with an extra side of MORE trauma.
I don't have a clue what's going on with the gag covers. I wish everyone the best in the inevitable tentacle wars.
Oh, man. These chapter titles have me hyped!
Chapter 1: The Gunslinger
Every time Vash is wrapped in a big cloak like that I think of him looking over the crater of July.
Is this... Meryl having a bit of a panic attack over all the information?
Yep, that's what it is.
At least Milly is sleeping again. And apparently through Meryl waking up screaming.
Maaaaannnn, the old-timey Southwestern U.S. aesthetic is real.
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Oh, dude. Was this guy in '98? Are we gonna get to see Vash's drinking tie again??
Telling someone who refused to give you a guy that they're gonna regret not giving you a gun isn't a very sound argument for them giving you a gun.
Eyyy, it's Vash!
LOL, "Lightning." I wonder what this guy's seen Vash do to give him a nickname like that.
Nick thinks Meryl just wants some of his food.... I mean, eating probably would make her feel a bit better.
Wolfwood knows. Sort of.
I don't think he's trying to drive her away so much as he's trying to protect her.
Look at him being all pretty here....
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You know... Nightow hasn't exactly portrayed sheriffs as good, upstanding citizens in this series....
He's not a very good sheriff if he couldn't figure out that Marlon and this "total stranger" have a bit of a history.
Oh, don't worry about Meryl. She's seen worse. A lot worse.
Glad she takes her weapons seriously.
Whyyyyy is this guy a walking, talking bell??
That's soooooo many bullets....
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Good hell, Vash. Burning off some steam or something? Pretty sure you don't need to shoot that much.
Sherrif's an idiot if he doesn't recognize the skill required for precise grouping. Doesn't deserve a gun.
Dude. I don't like this sheriff guy. I know I already implied that, but now I'm gonna spell it out.
Spoilers for '98: Ok, this gunsmith guy is apparently a direct descendant of the character from the anime. That explains the resemblance; I'm pretty sure that episode aired before this volume was compiled and likely before this chapter was written.
Ah, this shitty sheriff can handle a gun. But he goes straight for killshots and doesn't have nearly the precise grouping Vash has. Also, Vash's face....
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Vash still claps for the guy. He knows it's expected of him, and he'll get further with the guy if he tries to smooth things out than if he criticizes his technique. They're not close enough for that yet.
Marlon gets it. Also, I think it's hilarious that he calls the sheriff "kid," since I'm guessing the sheriff assumes he's older than Vash. But it seems like the Marlon family has a history with Vash that goes back far enough to know he's not exactly human.
Ooooh, Vash just went straight into panic mode. Poor boy, he's got so much trauma....
Dynamite for EVERYONE!!!!
Milly seems happy to be able to go back to hiding behind Meryl. Can't wait to see this dynamic in Stampede.
Uhhhhh, that's a lot more than one....
Rocket? Is... is this Wolfwood?
LOL, what the heck, Vash?? Aaaand there's the Punisher, so....
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Bet me Vash is gonna do this without firing a single shot, just to prove a point. Maybe without even pulling a gun.
These shield guys are so Mad Max.
Geez, regardless of whatever other conflicted emotions they might have about him, they're so worried for his wellbeing.
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Pretty sure he can still pull the trigger. Pretty sure he still doesn't want to, though.
Oop, he's got a gun out... aaaaand he's pulling crazy trick shots again.
The sheriff continues to be the real dumbass here.
He's putting two and two together. Took him long enough.
Oh, now Vash has the Vash gun.
Yep, that's Vash right there.
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His look is like... a bit of an apology, and maybe a bit of embarrassment. He didn't mean to worry Meryl, I think. And he's not used to being seen so plainly.
LOL, he stole the Punisher. Wolfwood will get over it. He just missed his security giant machine gun cross.
Chapter 2: Double Team
Dramatic Wolfwood pose!
The thing about never being able to go back to the people you left to keep safe is you can never quite be sure if they're actually safe in your absence.
Dang, that's quite a recruitment squad that came for him there.
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Did... Knives kill everyone at the orphanage??
Nightow really likes his custom alcohol labels, doesn't he? I wish we could get a better look at this one, 'cause it looks all kinds of intricate.
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Barkeep's trying to be friendly, but Wolfwood's in no mood to talk.
Yyyyyeeeaaahhh, comparing someone to Bluesummers is not a compliment.
Is the "him" Wolfwood is thinking of here Knives or Vash?
Fffffwwwwhaaaaaaat?? Knives shows up, Vash blows a hole in the moon, and Wolfwood, gosh darnit, he goes straight to Knives and pulls a gun on him??? Dang, boy is far more like Midvalley than he'd like to admit.
HC Vash picked up on Wolfwood feeling down and out and deliberately went to find him and check up on him. I mean, if he was able to pick up Wolfwood's voice in the crazy that was the fight in the Dragon's Nest from however far away....
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I have thoughts on Wolfwood pulling his gun on Vash.
Wolfwood: "Sit this one out, Vash." Vash: *already gone*
Oh, no. They've earned Vash's serious face.
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This new yin-yang brother is a bit unhinged.
Awwww, they damaged those super-tough tables!
OMG this spread a;sjdf;lal;al;al;fa;lfl;ajdl;jasdhfah it's delicious
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RIP table. It was hiding a Wolfwood and a big-ass cross machine gun.
LOL, the shot of the poor bartender mourning his awesome table.
Gods, the way Wolfwood's gone from leveling a gun at Vash's head to placing himself as a shield at Vash's back.... Ugh. These boys.
Haaaahahahahahahahaha, Wolfwood knows that Vash knows. And it just makes him like Vash more.
Meanwhile, Milly slept through their building getting the crap beat out of it. You go girl.
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Volume 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6
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littlenighttales · 1 year
Live thoughts of E6 of The Sounds of Nightmares. As always, expect spoilers for that. Edits in parenthesis if I decide to do any, etc etc.
Spoiler warning over let’s goooooo!
The Lonely Way
Gee, guys, way to make even the title depressing. Are we going to the Maw this week?
Also crinkling noises. Otto eating candy?
Otto: “Brain machine broke”
Noone: “Understandable, have a nice day.”
Apparently Noone disappeared for a lot longer than she normally did. Otto feels powerless, so he clearly needs some AA batteries.
Otto planning to use Noone to bring out the Ferryman now. Abusing his power to do so, sounds like. Noone is clearly angry at him.
The tumor has the poor girl worried. Otto slips and let’s Noone know the Ferryman’s name. Tantrum time.
Science talk that I don’t understand, cool, cool. Noone doesn’t understand either. Nice.
Otto being insistent on candy and this plan, forcing her into both. Naturally. Still a bit peeved at him over last week, so obviously Noone would be.
Dream time!
Armless and faceless mannequins. Did the Lady’s mannequins have arms? Lot of fancy clothes.
Pink tutu and shoes, yellow raincoat. And a puppet.
Yellow raincoat draws Otto’s attention. Liking my theory that CiCi= that girl in yellow raincoat from the paintings. Possibly Raincoat Girl? Six didn’t get hers until after being taken to the Nowhere.
Spying through a keyhole. New mannequin. Not sure what to make of this, might be unique location as the others have been. Could be in LN3, maybe. Maybe even 4.
The Nowhere curing Noone, as we knew from a few episodes ago. Unfortunate sacrifice.
Science talk from Otto, for Otto.
Time for the realm of nightmares.
They’re together in dreamland. Neither can see. Like most nights of sleep, really.
Misty room. But they’re somewhere Noone was before… with the Ferryman. Maw? Yes, I’m still thinking of the Maw.
A door in the distance. Otto is so close (so close). Noone isn’t waiting.
Eye door. Verrrry ominous.
Ferryman is Ferrymanning all over the place.
“Only youth blooms, (something) pure but not rooted, spoils white within.”
Otto talks to the Ferryman! And the other way around. He basically just tells Otto that CiCi is in a wide, wide world. Implying alive. Maybe still Six? Unless a prequel.
Eyes. Lot of eyes. All watching Noone. Uncomfortable. Reminds me of poor Mono.
Otto wants to come, but Ferryman tells him he has to be pushed into it. Maybe because he’s too old?
“Sleep now, Ruth?”
(Noone is just a nickname? Middle name, maybe? I thought Noone’s nickname was No One and only that.)
Dang it, riddles. I can’t catch them all.
And Otto sounds like he’s about to cry… ):
“Give her back! Give her back, damn you!”
Damn, really two times they’re making me feel bad for Otto. Such a broken man.
I think Noone is trapped. Otto wakes up, starts freaking out… and Otto starts considering the abandonment comment.
Otto is the little brother? Thought he was the older one. That’s depressing as heck. (Really making me like the “RCG as a big sister/mom friend of the group” personality I have for her. CiCi COULD still be Six, assuming Six woke up at some point after dropping Mono (we were separated from Six even during the adventure, and the Ferryman still stalked her after the drop).
Brings up a toll to be paid. Start recording, end recording. Start recording.
Is there more next week? No way anything significant comes up within the next like two minutes.
Another patient named Ethan. Sudden sleepwalker. Only mumbles, but Otto is telepathic apparently. He’s gonna use this kid.
Aaaand he really just did it. The “sweets for my sweet”.
Candy could be helping the travel? The Nowhere is curing disease, so maybe all the kids were very sick before coming? Ferryman might be saving kids from their diseases in exchange for them being there.
Okay it’s over. Go read someone else’s post now I guess. Go. Go on. This post is over.
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enkisstories · 7 months
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Poe reaches for Hux' collar and drags him outside. The others only hear the distinct hum of a lightsaber igniting - and then a second one.
Why the lightsaber, that neither of them can handle well, why not a blaster or an outright brawl? Hux fervently tries to remember a Psychology class he had attended in his cadet days. The killer who used melee weapons over blasters - was that the one reluctant to actually kill or had it been the other way around?
Armitage: "What is that for?! Finn started flirting with me, not the other way around! I didn't do anything!"
Poe: "You EXIST! That's what this is for! And don't pretend there wasn't a myriad of reasons other than the flirt that you deserve a laserblade into the belly for! I'll be doing the galaxy a favour!"
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Armitage: "Nice feint, but you aimed high, for the head, not the guts. Aaaand parried!"
Poe: "What are you fighting for, even? Everything that is good in the galaxy, or might have become good, you only every destroyed..."
Absorbed in their duel, Poe and Armitage nevertheless glimpse their friends gather around them. Uncertain what to make of this fight, BB-8, Rey and Rose draw closer... too close! After a hectic maneuver of the duelists, Poe's blade very nearly cuts into Rose's shoulder.
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Poe: "Stop me! Please, I beg of you... Block that swing!"
Armitage blocks with all his strength, but now they are locked. Whoever disengages first will get the other's blade into their face full force. Worse: Rose isn't moving. As tipsy from the Rylothberry wine as everyone else, she may not even be aware of what's going on around her.
The seconds stretch and the extended block isn't doing the blades any favour.
Poe: "Where's your tactical genius now?"
Armitage: "Where's your bold creativity?"
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Their arms hurt, fingers grow sweaty, jittery. Wait - fingers? Simultaneously the combatents tilt the hilts of their sabers and push the off-switches. They still double over, but thankfully there are no more lightsaber blades between their bodies anymore.
Poe: "Ugh... what... Rose, I'm so sorry! I didn't want this! BB-8... Anybody..."
In the kitchen Finn is crying. Poe and Armitage don't need to see or hear it. They know, because they, too, cry.
An officer who displays weakness deserves either getting shouted back into shape or a kick in the face. That tenet Armitage has grown up with, but it sounds shallow all of a sudden.
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Poe is shivering. The hero of the Resistance, rescuer of so many lifes - in this moment he is in need of getting held himself. But the one who would be most welcome to do so is slumped on the kitchen table, tearing himself up over a mistake he didn’t really make.
Armitage crawls closer, reaching for Poe, pulling him close. Slowly the shivering ceases, and the pilot’s gasping becomes normal breathing again. His heartrate is still a bit too fast and Poe’s breath betrays why: the blasted Rylothberry wine their host has served them. Calming someone just by holding them is power of a kind Armitage hasn’t exercised before, but power nonetheless. It feels good... or is that the wine muddying his mind? It certainly isn’t doing the Grand-Marshall’s tongue any favours, because he hears himself say:
"We'll end this war. I promise! After this mission, I’ll do whatever it takes to reinstate the truce between the First Order and the reb... the Resistance. No more fighting."
(Sims routing at its finest, lol. I can count myself lucky that BB-8 didn’t roll over Poe’s hand to make this even worse. The last screenshot is posed.)
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
3 choices. Arc V (Fandom) for 2 and 10. Yuri (Character) for 5, 6 and 7. Yuya (character)for 2 and 15. If you take on all 7 of these questions I will tie you upside down and play whale noises until you chill. Take care!
Put that rope away, yes, thank you- aaaand here we go!
2) my three favorite characters and why I love them so much:
I should preface this by thanking you for my most recent microcrisis, AKA the abrupt realization that somehow, somewhere along the line... the Theatre Kid Agenda™ has discreetly overtaken my top 3 list.
Speaking of the list:
1- You thought this would be Yuuya, but as it turns out... it's Yuuya! lol.
I'd go ahead and wax the usual poetry about the layers and symbols and all that jazz, but you've already seen me gush about that several times over, so I'll just focus on the babyboy factor for once instead. Yuuya may not have wet kitten energy even at his angstiest, but he sure is a sunshine bean of debatable genuity, and that's just as adoptable!
Looking at him alone is enough to make me want to offer comfort ok. I'm stuffing him in a blanket burrito and shipping him off to my place for a long, long break and some overdue therapy. We can cope with life together, cry a little, cry a lot, bake sweets to recuperate, melt into happy little puddles after a good treat, and then nerd out about theatrics and play a few duels to test silly strategies! This kid is my Son and he deserves all the best things in the world, so for every bit of pain he goes through I'm giving him a truckload of comfort.
2- You may have noticed this in ARC-V Month, you may have picked up on it through my sporadic, scattered mentions of the guy, but if not, then here's a fun fact: I have more than one ARC-V blorbo.
Introducing the central piece of a great many of my conflicted thoughts, confused feelings, paradoxical opinions, abrupt perception shifts, and eventual (semi-)begrudging affection that had me questioning my taste in pixels for like a whole year:
I've known this fucker for 5 years, hated him for a solid 3, and then woke up one winter day in 2023 and realized that oh shit, he managed to land himself a spot in blorbo tier. Is this what people mean when they say a character grew on them? Were my feelings playing the most long-winded joke on my mind for 4 years? Trust me, I don't know. What I do know is that maining his deck was definitely an endearing factor, and so was the 3rd ARC-V watch (this is where I started uncovering most of the easter eggs I know about the show, so perhaps the build-up made me a touch biased over time, but I genuinely found the 136-139 marathon more entertaining than annoying for once. We speak not of 140).
TL;DR: I think the lettuce clown is neat. Past me would have a stroke if I told her I'm a Zarc apologist now tho.
3- Super Duper Ultra Hyper Extra Mega- ok I'll stop now.
Sawatari is actually the one surprise in this list to me because, huh, I didn't realize how much I liked him over other nearly as cool characters until I put them side by side and pondered who brings me more joy when on-screen. I thought 3rd place would be someone like Yuugo, maybe Serena, but it seems I've taken a spontaneous shine to the banana peel?
(Help how does this keep happening why am I weak to clowns lmao)
See, Shingo's character may be on the simpler side by virtue of being the... designated comic relief, but that simplicity is part of his charm! The mix of charismatic and pathetic aura is a also rare thing, you know- It's not easy to be so cool and cringe at the same time and make it feel natural. That takes skill.
And speaking of skill, Shingo has my respect for always putting up a good fight, even in the games he loses to all sorts of jobber bullshit. He's a genuinely good duelist and a great entertainer, and I love that for him!
10) how many fics I've read that are set in it (approximately and making exaggerated guesstimates):
Guesstimate: Around a thousand. I've been around the fandom long enough to read all sorts of fics on ff.net and Ao3 (among other sites), and it sure feels like I've seen a lot, looking back.
Actual number: Approximately 600, rounding down. On Ao3 alone. Huh, I was expecting the number to be like, 200, so this is not too far off, actually! Maybe the reason the fic count feels higher than it is because the memorable reads tend to be REALLY long multichapters. Why are these so common in the ARC-V tag, by the way? Is it the allure of crossovers? The canon divergence AUs?
(The answer is both, and a few other factors as well. Good for us, I say! Longfics are a serious test of commitment, and I'm glad to see and follow so many talented and dedicated authors!)
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asknarashikari · 1 year
since I watched Den-O aaaand there is already a Sakurai in Den-O I can imagine this happening.
Sara: Keiwa... there is a weird masked person attacking mom and dad.
Sara: Ehh?
*Zeronos liner suddenly appears and whisked the Sakurais away from the scene and protects the other civilians from evil Rider attack but disappears right away.
Yuuto: Damn the Nogami...
Deneb: Is everyone alright?
Sara: Eh? Eeeeeeeh?!!!
Yuuto: Oi, Deneb! Don't go scaring people!
Yuuto: Sorry about him, I'm Sakurai Yuuto.
Shigeru *the dad*: Yuuto, your name sounds familiar...
Shigeru: I remember there being someone about a Yuuto being talked about one time but I don't remember when.
Yukino: Regardless, thank you for saving us.
Yuuto: That's what suspected families are for.,
Yuuto: We share the same surname, down to the Kanji.
Yuuto: But you'll soon forget about me once this is all over.
Yuuto: Not even this *shows the blank id core but white from the punkjack special* can give your memories of me back.
Sara: *touches the white ID core and remembers everything*
Sara: Oh no! Keiwa!!!
Yukino: What about your brother?
Sara: *gives the ID core to her parents... letting them remember how they died.*
Shigeru and Yukino: *hugs Sara in tears*
Yuuto: i'm afraid I'll have to cut this short...
Sara: What happened to Keiwa?
Yuuto: Here's what I know.
Yuuto: Nogami, I told his older sister.
Yuuto: Do you think it'll pull him away from the current game master?
Ryotaro: If he sees his sister, he'd surely cut ties with them.
Ryotaro: Sento-kun and Takeru-kun can work together in restoring Tsumuri-san to her former self.
Ryotaro: We just need Keiwa-kun away from the game master and that frog of a supporter of his.
Ryotaro: Unlike, the buffalo, he hasn't killed yet... but he will surely do it and will regret it afterwards, we need to pull him away now.
Yuuto: What about Ace and the others.
Ryotaro: We cannot count on them to be impartial. The buffalo struck down Sara-chan, Ace-kun and Neon-chan failed to check on him on the day they knew of Sara-chan's fate.
Yuuto: Nogami... thank you.
Ryotaro: They're my family too... even if we don't know your actual relations to them.
Yuuto: probably cousins to a certain degree with the father. maybe fourth degree.
Ryotaro: Regardless...
Oh, gods, I wish this was what happened. Keiwa deserves a fucking break goddamnit. It's just disappointing that it wasn't his fucking friends helping him get it. If a distant relative (and one by marriage) he didn't even know from Adam cared more about Keiwa than they did, it would really be disheartening.
And honestly, I started questioning Ace's judgement the minute he made Buffabutt a Rider again. He absolutely had the choice not to- and the guy was his and his friend's fucking murderer for crying out loud. He could've used the energy from restoring Azuma's ID core to restoring others who deserved it more, like Neon or Win.
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manofmanymons · 2 years
So a followup to that other anon's question: how do you think the Survive crew would handle the events of either Tri or Adventure 2020? Either facing the enemies or being in the same situation. Your pick.
Really glad you said Tri and not LEK <3
I think they'd handle the early stuff well. Taking down monsters as they come, being welcoming towards The New Person. They don't have an 02 equivalent group to suddenly have go missing but if they did I like to think they would notice. But also that's me just being mad at the writers in Tri bc I don't even think it was in character for the 01 kids not to notice jsjskdn
This has nothing to do with the important part of the plot or the enemies I just want you all to imagine a world where more of these kids are going to the same school together and they're all having fun at a cultural festival.
Characters I think MIGHT say something if their partner got infected:
-Shuuji bc he'd feel like his responsibility is to the group as a whole
-Kaito bc if Miu got hurt bc he didn't say anything he'd feel awful and tbh Dracmon would probably say something if he didn't anyways
-Aoi for similar reasons of "I can't let everyone else get hurt bc I was selfish" if even she can't stop crying while telling the others
-Maybe Miyuki? She's definitely someone who would take the L for the team but at the same time...actually yeah I just realized Renamon would tell everyone HERSELF bc she's not risking Miyuki getting hurt jsjdjd
Aaaand yeah that's about it.
Minoru I feel would try SO hard to fix it himself without anyone finding out, even to Falcomon's protests. Takuma is kind of a toss up on account of the whole "player character" thing but considering there is at least one route where he cares more about Agumon than like...the world itself, he might not have it in him to something. Miu would absolutely not risk saying something that might cause anyone to think they had to destroy Syakomon. Same with Ryo and Kunemon. I think Saki would be similar to Minoru in the sense of "I can fix this." After all, Ceresmon can heal herself, right? She would simply not accept that maybe this virus is beyond those powers. No nope nope, her partner is FINE.
I kinda joked about it before but genuinely I do not know how Akiharu would work in the Adventure universe. I'm choosing to imagine him as baby Haru but then also still Takuma's jogress partner bc we need that Omegamon. How did that happen, I don't know, I'm not paid enough (at all) to think of these things. Also I do not think that version of him would be able to tell on his partner.
I think they would handle their partners losing their memories...about as well as the Adventure group. A lot of a panicking, a lot of crying, a lot of trying to do anything at all in the world to stop it. And they would 100% go to the digital world to find them again.
It would be kinda funny if all their partners were in their in training forms though and all the kids except Takuma were like "what the fuck is that thing" isiiskdnd
I guess we kind of already know how the Survive group would react to thinking Takuma was dead for an extended period of time, huh?
Who would be the holder of the goggles in his absence? Minoru? Probably Minoru.
Oh man, it would be so crazy if one of these kids partners ever fused with an evil digimon to make a bigger eviler digimon as a direct result of their grief. Ain't seen nothing like that in Survive ever hahahaha...hah.
I guess the ending would probably also happen about the same way? Lure Big Evil Digimon away from the city, hold out until Takuma gets back and they can just Omegamon their way through it.
Too bad it wouldn't be nearly as gay though :(
I'll be honest I only ever actually got about twenty or so episodes into Adventure 2020? I didn't not like it I just accidentally got behind and never had the will to catch back up. I would kill to see the Survive crew having to zoom call into a battle tho ksjsndn
The real question is are any of the Survive kids as fearless and badass as 2020 Takeru bc that little guy was NOT fucking around.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Hellllooooo Baek (barely). I actually woke up to this yesterday then went back to sleep even though it was after 6pm in Korea 💀
Good luck to Kane, until he gets to Arsenal he needs to destroy both Manchesters 😂but this not the London teams going down together 💀
French people keeping the racist stereotype alive. They even shit on their French POC players, unless they score, so I'm not shocked. Similarly to Germans 💀
Baek, when you visit London and say London is blue while in North London, just ran for your life akshjahahahahah I won't even defend you tbh </3 gonna get jumped by both Arsenal and Tottenham fans. The only time we can unite is to hate on Chelsea 💞
Zidane at PSG? Nooooooooooo 😭 they can get Guardiola
Yes it's Blood SWEET and Tears for me, but actually I had to drink some water on the plane... terrible. I asked for lemon then had to pee 100 times 🤧
I don't know how I survived Hwa back in 2019, I think the fact I wasn't that crazy about him at that time helped. I can't believe it's been almost 4 years :((((
I'll have to get some SM tea soon, gonna ask around, because how the fuck is one of the most prominent kpop companies falling apart???? Exo cursed for real. Unfortunately SM banned its idols from singing live so might as well autotune them, Kwangya AI bullshit here we go!
Heechul being a weirdo wow shocking, but actually I think he called out radical feminists who hated on people like Hara and Sulli, but yeah in general what the fuck he came after everyone and everything?! Someone restrain him!!!
The Other Girl by Sevdaliza is so good, she's very siren-like *cough cough siren Hwa fic cough cough*. Tamino was so good, the concert was small and intimate, he's very captivating! At some point I closed my eyes and just chilled. I'm mostly used to hype gigs, so every time I go to a very chill one idk what to do, but he was great! Unfortunately being a Seonghwaster is a disease so me and my friends were like "omg Hwa would love Tamino, he'd definitely cry!"
Stopppp people say Seonghwa looks like Sasha from Animal Crossing 🤧 I need him to do ACNH live. Cottagecore Hwa fic, I need it as well. And not him shipping his tiger villagers
I didn't even know Super Bowl was happening ajshajashshhssha I never watched it tbh, the performances are usually boring 😅 I may watch Rihanna at some point, but ngl after seeing her live twice let's say I'd rather spent money on her cosmetics and lingerie than concert tickets 🙉 she wasn't bad, girl knows how to move, serve face and has some hits, but she's not a top notch performer for me. And wasn't she just pregnant?!
Mingi in his anime era hair again, I like the pink, but the military cut is my enemy, can't believe he went from the perfect length to chopped 🤨 but as long as he likes it.
Omg Special Day seriously everyone sucks up to them "SPECIAL DAY NIM!!!!" but no one questions while they're everywhere, meanwhile they shit on other fansites, what is this double standard. I accidentally saw a few more Seonghwa fansites or just stans who are serial concert goers and just muted them, because 🔫 all of them get front rows, crazy behaviour. Like?
Old concert video, but 🙃
Pls pls let them join Bubble or something I unsubbed from Universe and Bubble, but I need the messages. Gonna apply for this job
See, the blonde hair gave him that special look. The Sn*w app still present though. That's why we need Universe, he posts bare faced, mostly unedited photos 🤲🏻
But??? He's crazy no no no no, someone hypnotise him!!!! He's supposed to grow it not cut it he got it all wrong. Please no mushroom head ://// no bald
Apparently Ateez is finally getting solo rooms, need a tour of Hwa's collection now
Ok two concert videos cause I'm pissing myself
I won't say a word.........
Aaaand Key repackage I need to get into it! - DV 💖
hello to u and ur jetlag <3
Hellllooooo Baek (barely). I actually woke up to this yesterday then went back to sleep even though it was after 6pm in Korea 💀 //// Good luck to Kane, until he gets to Arsenal he needs to destroy both Manchesters 😂but this not the London teams going down together 💀
HELLOOOO HOW’S KOREA! good luck to kane indeed, he’ll somehow be the top scorer without ever winning a trophy 😭😭😭 JFBWKDHWK NO BC SPURS SOMEHOW WON OVER MAN CITY FHWKDH 😭😭😭 arsenal v man city tmr 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 anyway bayern humiliated psg a little <3 but psg had 2 goals that were disallowed bc off side CONVINCED IT WAS THE REF, ramos played like bro was back at real madrid <3
French people keeping the racist stereotype alive. They even shit on their French POC players, unless they score, so I'm not shocked. Similarly to Germans 💀 /// And IDC ABOUT LA LIGA 🔫
no seriously like that one thing benz said that if i score im french and if i don’t im muslim,, french fans and england fans are nasti <//3 I THINK U SHOULD! SOME 11 POINTS AHEAD??? ☺️☺️
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Baek, when you visit London and say London is blue while in North London, just ran for your life akshjahahahahah I won't even defend you tbh </3 gonna get jumped by both Arsenal and Tottenham fans. The only time we can unite is to hate on Chelsea 💞 /// Zidane at PSG? Nooooooooooo 😭 they can get Guardiola
half the london is a liverpool chelsea or man utd fan 🔫🔫 BUT DID THEY WIN SHIT?? NO? ARE THEY ON TOP? NOOO????? AT LEAST CITY HAS SOMETHING! pep is on his way actually! tottenham fans don’t believe in god but believe in that team, what they gonna jump for, show them stats and they’re all hiding 😭😭😭😭 yEAAAH LMFAOO I THINK FOR RM THEY’RE TRYING TO GET ALONSO AFTER ANCELOTTI GOES BRAZIL OR SOMETHING
Yes it's Blood SWEET and Tears for me, but actually I had to drink some water on the plane... terrible. I asked for lemon then had to pee 100 times 🤧 /// I don't know how I survived Hwa back in 2019, I think the fact I wasn't that crazy about him at that time helped. I can't believe it's been almost 4 years :((((
😭😭😭😭 AT LEAST IT CLEARED U OUT AND U WONT HAVE BOWEL PROBLEMS 😭😭😭 no bc tbh ithink about if often, like what would’ve gone thru ur mind the day met him???? 4 YEARS??? it’s okay! hongjoong said they might comeback this year again or something 😭😭
I'll have to get some SM tea soon, gonna ask around, because how the fuck is one of the most prominent kpop companies falling apart???? Exo cursed for real. Unfortunately SM banned its idols from singing live so might as well autotune them, Kwangya AI bullshit here we go!
no seriously!! if no sm there’s no kpop 😭😭 there’s gonna be a huge chunk of good music gone 😭😭 NO THEY LITERALLY ARE SM’S MAKING THEM DO TIKTOKS NOW THEY DROPPED TO A LEVEL AFTER HYBE ACQUIRED 😭😭 LMFAOOO im going to rely on the live albums of the groups they’ve put out if they ever start doing that autotune, lotto was an exception but ANYTHING ELSE ISNT and this 🔫 the “*** karma” fans are camping 😭😭 kai on his way to save sm with his cb, STOP ANON ARE U GONNA BE THERE TILL MARCG END?? U CAN SEE A KAI
Heechul being a weirdo wow shocking, but actually I think he called out radical feminists who hated on people like Hara and Sulli, but yeah in general what the fuck he came after everyone and everything?! Someone restrain him!!!
he did yeah!! some are saying he says stuff in defence of that or all but some things are just so out of pocket it’s 😭😭 heechul donwfalling NOT HIM COMING AFTER EUNWOO TOO PLS FBWMFBMSDBKSJC
The Other Girl by Sevdaliza is so good, she's very siren-like *cough cough siren Hwa fic cough cough*. Tamino was so good, the concert was small and intimate, he's very captivating! At some point I closed my eyes and just chilled. I'm mostly used to hype gigs, so every time I go to a very chill one idk what to do, but he was great! Unfortunately being a Seonghwaster is a disease so me and my friends were like "omg Hwa would love Tamino, he'd definitely cry!"
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I SEE WHAT U DID THERE, SHE IS VERY SIREN, THE EPITOME OF THE DARK FEMININE ENERGY LURES U IN ✨🤌🏻 omg it must’ve been so nice to listen to him w eyes closed live 😭😭 DID U WAVE AT HIM OR GET HIS AUTOGRAPH 🔫 LMFAOOO HEY U KNOW WHAT I THINK HONGJOONG WOULD RLY LIKE HIM TOO, hwa weeping over tamino is something we need to see, will bombard him w tamino comments on any live he goes on!
Stopppp people say Seonghwa looks like Sasha from Animal Crossing 🤧 I need him to do ACNH live. Cottagecore Hwa fic, I need it as well. And not him shipping his tiger villagers
STOPPPPP HE DOES JDVSNDJ OUT OF EVERYONE ITS SASHA the little blind fringe too 😭😭 YES HE NEEDS TO, A FULL 50MIN ANIMAL CROSSING LIVE but him making those sounds of the animals 😭😭
I didn't even know Super Bowl was happening ajshajashshhssha I never watched it tbh, the performances are usually boring 😅 I may watch Rihanna at some point, but ngl after seeing her live twice let's say I'd rather spent money on her cosmetics and lingerie than concert tickets 🙉 she wasn't bad, girl knows how to move, serve face and has some hits, but she's not a top notch performer for me. And wasn't she just pregnant?!
i only watch it for the halftime, can’t believe rihanna had a football game at her concert! she performed her entire catalogue and DIAMONDS?? WHERE HAVE U BEEN AND STARTED WITH BBHMM ??? asap’s fucking ass getting her pregnant again, we’re never getting the new album 😭😭😭 AAAAAA IS THE LIVE NOT THAT GOOD?? SHE WAS PREGNANT ASAP NEEDS TO STAY AWAY FROM HER u ever just think how she’s such a cool mom, imagine having a billionaire as ur mom, rihanna if ur looking for more kids <3 j’ai availablé
Mingi in his anime era hair again, I like the pink, but the military cut is my enemy, can't believe he went from the perfect length to chopped 🤨 but as long as he likes it.
him getting a military cut at his age is shiver me timbers,, he’s already preparing us for the baldness that’s coming in a few years 😭😭
Omg Special Day seriously everyone sucks up to them "SPECIAL DAY NIM!!!!" but no one questions while they're everywhere, meanwhile they shit on other fansites, what is this double standard. I accidentally saw a few more Seonghwa fansites or just stans who are serial concert goers and just muted them, because 🔫 all of them get front rows, crazy behaviour. Like?
YEAAAH! i see them everywhere, always handing out posters bUT HOW 😭😭 no one really questions them yeah,, i think someone did a while back bc they got accused of being a sasaeng and it was a little heated and everyone came to defend them! no bc id be throwing hands if they keep getting front rows every concert,, like u see them at EVERY stop LET THIS ONE BE MINE PLS 😭😭😭 and that jongho thing!
Old concert video, but 🙃 /// Pls pls let them join Bubble or something I unsubbed from Universe and Bubble, but I need the messages. Gonna apply for this job
NO. see anon u sent that now i have to avenge u, atp ateez can sign up for that youtube community thing for the messages and id give them the money 😭😭
See, the blonde hair gave him that special look. The Sn*w app still present though. That's why we need Universe, he posts bare faced, mostly unedited photos 🤲🏻 /// But??? He's crazy no no no no, someone hypnotise him!!!! He's supposed to grow it not cut it he got it all wrong. Please no mushroom head ://// no bald
I NEED THAT WRETCHED APP GONE 😭😭 HE LEFT IT BEHIND FOR 5 PHOTOS AND CAME BACK W IT,,, anon,, since it’s tour time,,, u don’t think they’d drop that one pool picture replica-
Apparently Ateez is finally getting solo rooms, need a tour of Hwa's collection now /// Ok two concert videos cause I'm pissing myself
need hwa to become that youtuber where he does what’s in my bag, room tours and day’s in my life <33 would easily rob him off the signed albums he has tho <3 ur in sk, anon go for a HUNT! THE SECURITY THIS TOUR IS SO WHOLESOME 😭😭😭
I won't say a word......... /// Aaaand Key repackage I need to get into it! - DV 💖 /// My jet lag insomnia is baaaaad I'll probably pass out soon but FUCK THIS why must I suffer at 5am :///// /// BODYGUARD???? /// I'm gonna unalive myself now, goodbye! - DV 💖
i will not look thank u.
?????? HES GLOWING????
anon u would’ve embraced ur furry ness
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omg ok do ur mr that one old guy singing anti fragile? i found his band mates
0 notes
I am always on some level thinking about Lan Sizhui’s trauma, and this was only compounded for me on this rewatch, because I’d forgotten just how absolutely abysmal Wei Wuxian’s mental health is during the burial mounds farming commune stretch of the show. Just extraordinary emotionally volatile, prone to angry outbursts, and with the capacity to drop from soaring enthusiasm to plunging despair at the drop of a hat. And they’re all living in such close quarters that his erratic moods and unacknowledged trauma that he’s stewing in just kind of spills over into the overall environment.
And certainly Wei Wuxian is great with a-Yuan, and is a positive influence for him in many ways! But none of them are living in an optimal environment - they’re struggling to get by, and frequently short on food - and Wei Wuxian in particular has an entire festering host of Issues that the current situation is only exacerbating. He’s living in a place that traumatized him, and to some extent he feels trapped there - he chose to help the Wens, but now that he’s made that decision, there’s no going back, and he explicitly knows he has no other options at this point. He misses his family and Lan Zhan. He’s practicing a brand of magic that is wreaking havoc on his temperament and eating him from the inside, and he’s gone through a voluntary but nonetheless pretty traumatizing kind of body modification. He can’t be expected to function at his best, or do as right by the people in his life as he could if he were in a healthier place.
So of course a-Yuan is affected by this! He can tell that one of his favourite people is frequently stressed, that his moods are easily ruined by little interferences, and that he’s sad for reasons that are hard for a little kid to comprehend. a-Yuan gets yelled at for uprooting a lotus plant by accident - and sees Wei Wuxian, rather than try to replant it, declare the venture hopeless (you have to be careful what you do, all the time, because he’s always hovering over a pit of despair and any little thing could flip the switch!). a-Yuan witnesses Wei Wuxian become physically violent towards Wen Ning after the JZX stabbing fiasco. For most of that outburst, a-Yuan is crying in the background after getting a truly terrifying glare from Wei Wuxian. 
Sharing an environment with someone who does not have access to the kind of coping mechanisms they need - and compounded with the fact that a-Yuan has already gone through a considerable amount of trauma due to being a war crime survivor at an incredibly young age - is it really any wonder that teen Sizhui has so many people pleasing impulses? Is so accommodating and acquiescent and pacifying, so inclined to mediate and de-escalate? I see people saying that it’s a wonder that Sizhui turned out so well compared to everyone else, but imo the way he turned out makes complete sense, and I don’t think that his interpersonal behaviour is entirely healthy either.
For me, what exemplifies it the most is this little exchange when they’re at the restaurant with Lan Wangji:
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Wei Wuxian gets upset when the topic of Jin Zixuan comes up and slams his jug on the table in a sudden burst of anger; a-Yuan reaches out and gently puts his hand on his arm. It’s a very sweet gesture, but in in the context of everything else, there’s also something unnerving about it to me, in the sense that this toddler really seems to have internalized that it’s his responsibility to manage the emotions of his caregiver.
Aaaand what do we seem him do, in episode 2, as a teenager? Once again feeling responsible for managing the emotions of people older than he is; jumping in to bail Lan Wangji out of his extremely petty vow of silence by engaging in diplomacy for him and defusing a conflict based on a grudge that he doesn’t have the context for. 
And I think that his relationship with Lan Wangji also compounded these same issues for him. When Lan Wangji comes out of seclusion and starts being a major figure in Sizhui’s life, he’s still pretty freshly grieving. Sizhui is likely one of the few bright spots in his life, and I’m betting Sizhui picked up on that, if perhaps only subconsciously, and developed a deeply protective impulse towards Hanguang-jun. Once again, feeling responsible for managing an adult caregiver’s mood. And again, of course Lan Wangji had plenty of positive impacts on Sizhui, and was overall a force for good in his life. But both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have their own baggage that they’re not super great at coping with, and that has an unavoidable impact on Sizhui’s development as well. 
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saintlike78 · 3 years
i loved your bill fic! maybe a bill x pregnant reader over the course of the readers pregnancy: things like, telling bill, telling his family, cravings, gender reveal, an ultrasound, the baby kicking, the labor, and after the babies born?
Babies on the way [B.W.]
A/N: Thank you so much, it really means a lot that you like my writing! And thank you so much for the request, it was really fun to write, even though I’m not the biggest pregnancy/children fanfic reader, it was still fun to try something out of my comfort zone. I really hope you enjoy the fic, it turned out way longer than I planned.
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: Fluff, reader being pregnant, mentions of food, labor pain, crying (happiness), mention of blood (if you blink you miss it), if I missed anything please let me know.  
Closing the front door behind him, Bill was met with the sweet smell of your baking coming from the kitchen. Without having to see the cake, he already knew what it was because it was his favorite. His mind was racing, trying to figure out why you had baked that of all things because you only baked it for special occasions.
Removing his shoes and coat, he moved towards the kitchen, excited and confused. All he could hope for was that he hadn’t forgotten an anniversary, which he never normally would, but maybe that would be the day.
Standing in the doorway, he watched as you stood with your back towards him, decorating the cake. Happy upbeat music filled the background as you swayed your hips to the sound, clearly happy about something. Bill couldn’t help the smile that broke out on his face as he watched you.
“Hi darling,” he said and made his way over to you, giving you a short loving kiss.
You smiled into the kiss and put your hands on his face, making the kiss last longer.
“Hi,” you breathed out when you broke away from each other.
It was impossible for him not to notice how you were beaming with glee, your eyes shining, little crinkles forming because of how big your smile was.
“What’s the cake for?” He asked cautiously, not wanting to give away anything if he really had forgotten an anniversary or something important.
Letting out a small chuckle, you caressed his cheek, the light stubble coarse against your hand. “Don’t worry, you haven’t forgotten anything.”
He let out a breathy laugh, very relieved, but now very curious as to what you were celebrating.
“Look at the cake,” you said plainly, but eyes holding a playful glimmer.
Raising his eyebrow, he turned and looked at the cake. On the top, in green icing, it said, ‘for Daddy’, which made him chuckle lightly and smirk as he turned to face you again. But when he turned, he was met with you holding up a little baby onesie, tears starting to well up in your eyes.
The sly smirk dropped from his face as soon as he saw you. The things starting to add up in his mind, making tears start to form in his eyes as well.
“Does this mean?” he asked hopefully.
You just nodded, scared that if you spoke you would start crying.
You never in a million years thought you would hear the grown man you called your husband squeal, but that was exactly what he did at that moment. He let out a squeal, startling you, and wrapped you in his arms while he spun around, laughing like a mad man.
“I’M GOING TO BE A FATHER!” he yelled excitedly, still spinning.
“Bill, please stop spinning or I’m gonna be sick,” you said in-between laughs.
Putting you down, he gave you a lingering kiss, happy tears spilling out of both your eyes mixing together.
“I love you so much,” he whispered.
You were laying on the hospital bed, with weird cold goop on your stomach, Bill’s hand squeezing your own, as you both looked at the screen.
“So, as you can see there,” the doctor said whilst pointing at a point on the screen, “you are carrying twins.”
You and Bill looked at each other with a huge smile and then back at the doctor.
“The babies are healthy and doing good, there seem to be no problems at all,” she said with a smile.
Bill gave your hand another squeeze and leaned over to kiss your head. When the doctor looked back at the screen, Bill whispered, “I bet George and Fred will be ecstatic that their twin pack will continue.”
You giggled quietly at his comment and nodded.
“Would you like to know the sexes of your babies?” the doctor asked, turning her head to look at you.
You looked at Bill, asking him a silent question. You both nodded at each other and another grin spread across both your faces as you turned back towards the awaiting doctor and nodded.
“Okay, I have something I want to say,” you said as you stood up from your place around the table.
The chatter died down, all eyes on you. The entirety of the Weasleys (plus partners) present at the Burrow, looking between each other wondering what you were going to say.
You put your hand on Bill’s shoulder as you started to speak, his own hand falling on top of yours, giving it a small squeeze.
“You’re pregnant!” Molly yelled, slamming her hands on the table before you even had the chance to say it.
“yes,” you laughed out.
“Oh, Godric! That’s fantastic,” Molly said excitedly clapping her hands.
The rest of the family talking excitedly and congratulating you and Bill.
“Actually, there’s more,” you said with a slight smirk. The room quieted down again, and all eyes on you again.
“Not only is there going to be one baby, there are going to be two.”
“NO WAY!” Fred and George yell at the same time, making you laugh.
“You hear that Georgie; we get to pass on the legacy!” Fred says excitedly to George.
“oh no you won’t, you will not be allowed near those babies,” Molly scolds.
“We’re going to be the cool uncles who give great gifts and teach them great pranks!” George says, completely ignoring Molly’s statement.
Molly just shakes her head and lets out a sigh of defeat.
“Aaaand, one more thing,” Bill starts, also standing up, “we also know the genders.”
“Unfortunately, we won’t be able to name them Fred and George Jr. unless one of them is named Georgianna or something like that,” Bill says with a laugh.
“How lucky! A girl and a boy,” Molly exclaims.
“We will pay good money…”
“…for them to be named after us,” Fred starts and George finishes.
“Not in a million years,” you and Bill say at the same time.
“BILL! GET IN HERE! QUICK,” you yell from your place on the couch.
You hear the clinking of a spoon being dropped and the sound of rushed footsteps coming from the kitchen.
Bill bursts through the doorway, almost falling over.
“What’s wrong, are you okay, what happened!?” He rushed out, making his way over to you with a milkshake in one hand and a bowl of chips in the other, your main pregnancy craving. The trick was to dip the chips in the milkshake, chocolate milkshake to be specific. Bill thought it was absolutely disgusting, but you told him that you liked it even before your pregnancy, but now it was almost the only thing you wanted to eat.
Setting the food on the coffee table, he quickly starts inspecting you.
“I’m fine, nothing happened, but feel,” you say and take his hand guiding it to your stomach.
He releases a breath of relief and lets his hand rest upon your stomach, feeling after what you were talking about. Suddenly he feels a little kick and he jumps excitedly, giggling like a child and then getting on his knees to be face to face with your belly.
“Who’s kicking your mother right now?” he asks.
Your heart was bursting with happiness, watching Bill talk to your babies and looking so happy. You were so excited to see him excel at being a father, you already knew he would be great. You really didn’t know how you got to be this lucky.
Bill was looking up at you with the biggest smile, still holding your stomach with his large hands, gently feeling around hoping to feel another kick.
“Almost there, my darling, you’re doing amazing,” Bill said as he tried to help and soothe you through the worst pain you’ve ever felt.
Sweat covered your face and tears leaked from your eyes, face red as you tried to shove not one, but two babies out of you.
“I can’t Bill,” you cried as you turned your face towards him.
He stroked your sweat-covered face and kissed your cheeks and then your forehead.
“I know you can do it, my strong girl, you’re so close, I love you so much,” he said, and you nodded focusing on the task at hand once again.
After a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (literally) you were sat with your baby girl in your arms, your baby boy in Bill’s arms, his eyes leaking with tears of joy.
You were exhausted, but yet you didn’t want to rest, too afraid of missing the first moments with your precious ones. You didn’t know that you could feel this kind of happiness, it felt like you were going to burst. You couldn’t explain this feeling to someone who hadn’t felt it for themselves because no words would do it justice.
Looking at your babies and Bill, you felt complete, whole. Your life was a huge puzzle, but you finally had all the missing pieces, and it created the most beautiful picture.  
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kroerms · 3 years
Oneshot || pairing: kenma x reader (gender neutral, but I tried to stay clear of any pronouns)|| genre: angstisch, hurt/comfort ||
warnings: depiction of depression/ symptoms of a depression || if I forgot to mention something, please feel free to tell me...
a/n: sooo, this is my very first fanfic since like 2013, please be gentle with me haha
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y/n: “I’m sorry, but I can’t make it to our date today…”
Kenma: “What do you mean you can’t make it? We planned this for over a week and are supposed to meet up in an hour...I’m already out of my house…”
y/n: “I’m really sorry, I just can’t.”
You sighed, tossed your phone next to you on the bed and pressed the pillow closer to your chest.
You couldn’t really pinpoint what triggered all these negative feelings. But your whole life there have always been these days where you felt completely drained of energy and the negativity of your own mind played tricks on you. You had always called it your “social battery” being empty. But in reality, it was more than just that. It was more than just not wanting to see your friends or family. It was a consuming tiredness paired with negative thoughts and sadness rooted deep within your very heart. Days like these would come and go, you learned that over the years, which is why you preferred to be alone on those days because you didn’t want to burden anyone with your pointless feelings. Sure, sometimes those feelings would almost consume you completely and would persist for weeks, but you always managed to handle them one way or another. You knew this all too well, you had had to deal with this part of yourself since your early teens after all and now that you were 28 it just didn’t seem like you were ever to grow out of it like your parents used to say you would. It wasn’t their fault though, since you never really talked about what it felt like to anyone after your so called friends seemed to dismiss it as just you being lazy and so your parents thought your tendency to hang in your room and lay in bed all day was just due to hormones. And you always felt like no one would believe you anyways and you weren’t prepared for all the follow up questions that would drain the last bit of energy you had, and so you stopped explaining yourself altogether.
You’ve known Kenma for a while now. The two of you started to form a friendship after you accidentally took his coffee order from the barista because he had ordered your usual. And with your head always being in the clouds you had just heard “vanilla latte” and without waiting for your name to follow the order you’d taken the beverage.
“Uhm, excuse me but I think this is supposed to be mine - well unless your name is Kenma as well, but I highly doubt that”, a monotone voice next to you spoke. Your gaze shifted from the to-go-cup in your hand to the man beside you. The faux blonde with the dark roots and the almost bored facial expression stood next to the take-out section of the coffeeshop, switch in one hand and the other in the pocket of his red tracksuit.
“Oh, I’m very sorry, I must have zoned out again. I sometimes get stressed in overly crowded places and tend to lose myself in my thoughts to calm down aaaand I just overshared, didn’t I?” You bowed slightly and handed the man in front of you his drink just as the barista called out your name with a “vanilla latte” attached to it. You quickly turned around to take the coffee so that Kenma wouldn’t notice the slight blush that spread over your cheeks from the embarrassment.
“y/n’s a pretty name, suits you.”, Kenma said, flashing a slight blush of his own as the words left his lips. “Well thank you...Kenma was it?”. The faux blonde nodded slightly. An awkward silence infolded the two of you. Just as you wanted to excuse yourself so that you could finally leave this utterly embarrassing situation, Kenma spoke up again: “well if you want to make it up to me for almost stealing my drink, I’d really appreciate a piece of apple pie from the bakery down the road. If that’s not too crowded for you.”
After that encounter, the two of you quickly grew closer and developed a bond to one another. Just like you, Kenma enjoyed lazy days at home gaming or watching movies together more than going out on adventures. So the two of you would often hang out at his house playing Mario Kart together or you’d watch movies on your projektor at yours. Sure, occasionally the two of you would go out to get something to eat or to watch his friends at a volleyball game, but these outings were rare. And it was because of those cozy little hangouts that you never once had to cancel plans with him, thus not once did you have to explain to him why you didn’t have the energy to go out and do stuff….well at least until today.
The familiar wave of guilt washed over you for not telling him why you had to cancel on such short notice. But you really didn’t have the energy to explain that your inner demons had taken control over your body and mind today. You were already feeling exhausted because work had been hell the last couple of weeks and it didn’t help that seemingly everyone in your family needed something from you which resulted in you spending your off-time after work either at your fathers house or your mothers. This left little to no you-time to relax and recharge yourself.
It was now near lunchtime on your well deserved day off and Kenma and you had plans to check out the new cat café that opened up just a few blocks from your home. But you hadn’t even made it out of bed, let alone under the shower yet. The comfort of the warm blankets was just too good. The mere thought of leaving this safe haven stressed you out and you had to hold yourself back from crying. You felt so overwhelmed with the world today that you couldn’t entertain the thought of participating in anything right now. All you wanted - no - needed to do was sleep until that heavy feeling on your chest would lift off and let you breathe again.
Just as you were dozing off, you heard your doorbell ring. You didn’t expect a package or anything today, so you didn’t exactly know who would want something from you right now.
Wrapped in your pink aristocats pijama and your very wild bedhead you padded to your door. What you didn’t expect while looking through your peephole was Kenma, standing in front of your apartment, arms full of paper bags.
“Open up, these are heavy you know! I know you’re standing behind the door.”
You took a deep breath before opening the door to let Kenma in. He immediately made his way to the kitchen, where he placed all the bags on the countertop before looking at you.
His gaze was intense. With what seemed like worry in his eyes, he scanned over your tired form.
“What’s wrong y/n?”, he asked.
“Nothing, I’m just tired, didn’t sleep enough last night I guess, but it’ll be better by tomorrow, so you really don’t have to worry about little old me”, you meekly said in an attempt to lighten the mood. You tried giving him the most reassuring smile you could manage, but it didn’t reach your eyes. You knew he noticed by the way his gaze softened. In one swift motion Kenma pulled you into his chest and cradled your head with one hand, while the other found its way around your waist, pulling you closer into him in the process. This took you by surprise, since Kenma and you didn’t really hug a lot.
“Tell me what’s really wrong y/n. I can clearly tell that you are not okay. You are a measly liar”, he whispered into your hair. Damn him and his observation skills, you thought. Well, this is it, you couldn’t hide that part of yourself from him any longer. You were scared to open up to him about that part of yourself, the fear of losing him because he didn’t want to deal with someone as broken as you are was immense.
“y/n?” Kenma spoke up again. You must’ve lost yourself in thought again, you didn’t even notice the tears that slipped past your eyelids and were making their way down your cheeks, before coming to a halt at your chin.
“I’m s-sorry, I - I don’t want to w-worry you… I just, I feel so tired and I f-feel like my battery is completely e-empty. I don’t feel like I c-can handle anyone, including m-myself right now. I j-just want everything to s-stop. I am exhausted, I feel like I a-am drowning within m-myself and t-there seems to b-be no lifeline”, you sniffled into Kenma’s chest. His hold on you tightened at that. He knew you got overwhelmed in crowds sometimes and that you preferred quiet, lazy meet-ups at home over going out. It was one of the reasons why he liked you so much, you didn’t expect him to be outgoing and you always accepted him for the person he was. He knew you were someone who liked their personal time and that the world, especially the people living in it would overwhelm you sometimes, but he had never seen you like this. Small, so fragile, almost as if you crumbled within yourself. As if the slightest blow of wind could knock you over and break you.
“Do you want me to leave? I brought food from that new café. I can just leave it here and go, if you need time to yourself…” Kenma said.
You were torn. On one hand, you really didn’t have the energy to entertain someone right now. But Kenma felt so warm and his embrace made you feel secure. As if the world couldn’t get to you as long as he held you like this. So you tightened your hold on him and shook your head lightly.
A small smile appeared on Kenma’s face.
“Alright, how about you go lay down on the couch then, while I unpack the food and we watch some cheesy movie together?”
The thought of leaving Kenma’s arms didn’t please you at all but you obliged and went to your couch in the open living room. You watched as Kenma started unpacking of cake slices, sandwiches and chocolates out of the bags. He even brought avocado-onigiri. Your favorite. After he displayed everything on plates he came over to put the food and two lemonades on the coffee table. He sat down next to you and turned on your TV. He started your favorite rom-com before he pulled you close to him again so that your head was resting on his chest. As the movie went on, he started to stroke your hair with his hand, while the other was on top of your arm that was draped over his torso. This was still very unfamiliar to you, but it felt nice.
“You know, you never have to hide your feelings from me. Not even the negative ones. I know I sometimes seem a little distant and I am not very open about my own feelings either but you mean a great deal to me and I’m always gonna be here for you. Even when you feel like drowning, I’ll always be a lifeline for you to hold on to. And I know I can’t fix everything, but I’ll try my best to help you with fixing what needs to be fixed.” he whispered softly. You closed your eyes, new tears forming in them making your eyelids heavy. Even if all those inner demons were loud within you, Kenma’s voice and reassuring words slowly drowned them out and you finally felt a bit of the weight on your chest getting lighter. You knew you had to work on these things and you would need more than just Kenma, you’d need professional help to cope with all of this, but with Kenma by your side like this, you felt like anything was possible. Before you dozed off in Kenma’s embrace you whispered back: “thank you so much for being here”.
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wildsunscorpion · 3 years
How Bum Geon Woo communicates through his body language (Plus how he's actually giving the special treatment Eui Joon's been yearning for)
I reread DCS for, like, the tenth time now. Yes, I'm obsessed ohmygod! I'm liking how these two characters are written so far. I originally wanted to break down just Chapters 20-24 of DCS because the first time I read it I got just a little annoyed with how Geon Woo (a.k.a. Ahjussi) was, let's say, just kind of pushing Euijoon's limits. But I ended up doing more than just Chapters 20-24. Dios mio.
I was just a little tired of seeing the same trend with guys in manhwa. They always seem to be domineering, especially if their partner is the "sweet and naive" archetype. (Eui Joon, I think, does not really fit into this mold.) Of course, that's usually because they're dealing with their own issues, and I don't really blame them.
But I like DCS because it justified that kind of behavior in Geon Woo when he was having sex with Eui Joon (in Chapters 20-24, particularly). Lol I'm probably the only one who realized this later than I should have ehehe. I'm still posting this tho.
His antics speak volumes. It's amazing how I missed all those details just because the sex scenes were. Steamy. As. Fuck. Good lordy! Geon Woo is definitely a man of few words (He once said Eui Joon makes him talk like he would for a whole year, haha!), so it would make sense to communicate whatever's going through his mind in a situation through body language.
I also want to add the times that he makes the effort to hold a conversation with Eui Joon. Geon Woo doesn't really talk when he doesn't need to, so it's important to pay attention to his actions.
☙ ☙ ☙ ☙ ☙
Chapters 0-12
The first time we get a glimpse of Geon Woo's side of the story was when Eui Joon finally confesses to the person who's been his crush for 3 effing years, Hyeon Woo. Eui Joon is inexplicably happy when Hyeon Woo says he'll consider and comes to the convenience store in good spirits. Geon Woo, keen as always, notices, and when Eui Joon tells him what happened this is what we get:
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It's the way it was framed. How we see his reaction from behind rather than from the front. He turns away, seeming to go inward and brood once again.
Afterwards, another gangster comes. The guy challenges Geon Woo for taking too long at the front of the line. Geon Woo asks Eui Joon if he smokes, and when he replies that he doesn't, Geon Woo "borrows" the lighter on the countertop and uses that to throw a stronger punch to the man behind him, who temporarily falls unconscious. Geon Woo turns back to Eui Joon, seeming to have something else to say. But he sees the frightened look on Eui Joon's face and decides to keep it to himself before leaving through the door.
"And..." He pauses, turning to Eui Joon. "... Never mind. Good work."
In the succeeding panel, Eui Joon is nonplussed. He wonders out loud, "What is happening?" Couldn't have said it better, girl. Geon Woo was just taking out his frustration and he had the perfect opportunity at the moment.
The second time was when Geon Woo invites Eui Joon to drink after the incident with Hyeon Woo (who basically asks Eui Joon to cheat with him and inebriates him—probably with the intention to take advantage of him). From the side stories, we learn that Geon Woo has taken an interest in Eui Joon after seeing him for the second time, and when he comes by through the hallway—finally discovering they were neighbors—and witnesses the two, he sees it as a chance with Eui Joon.
He invites Eui Joon out to drink, after Eui Joon's suggestion for a dinner at 2 in the morning fails to entice him. Eui Joon rambles his questions away, wanting to get to know him better, but Geon Woo doesn't immediately answer and catches him off guard when he "casually" inquires after his sexuality. Not the smoothest move there, lol, but in the side stories we see that wasn't really his intention.
"Damn it, why did I ask that question? It just slipped out..."
He answers Eui Joon's questions afterwards, surprising Eui Joon with the fact that he's actually been listening to what he's been saying for the past minute. We're starting to see just what kind of a person he is (Listening skills are always a plus in my book).
A little later, we see them on their way back to the apartment. Eui Joon asks Geon Woo to tell him anything interesting because he's been the one talking all night. Geon Woo acquiesces, asking a question that may have been part in consideration of Eui Joon's vulnerable state, and perhaps also part due to the possibility that he worried about him.
"Come to think of it... School has already started. Isn't it tiring to work 'til dawn? Aren't you working too much?"
Geon Woo's face is a little hard to read. So every subtle change in his expression says something. If you read the manhwa, you'll see the slightest bit of concern in his eyes. It's hard to catch until you've read the side stories (at least for me, haha).
One more thing I like about Geon Woo is that he doesn't meddle when it's not his business. He knows the state of Eui Joon's family—their inability to afford his college tuition, his hospitalized brother—and he knows he can help. I mean, I don't know how wealthy and powerful he is as a gangster but he probably has the means to. But he rarely opens the topic to Eui Joon.
Aaaand onto Chapter 8! Just before the first sex scene in the entire series. Eui Joon is crying because he had a shitty day both at school and at work, poor thing—all because of Hyeon Woo. He cries even more when he notices that Geon Woo, who came to the store every day, didn't come to the store that day. When he encounters him outside, he breaks down, catching Geon Woo off guard.
Geon Woo tells his lackey to leave and asks Eui Joon to stay. Eui Joon tells him he was fine and proceeds to go back to his room, but Geon Woo frightens him when he says he was already being nice. And then we get this:
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"Ah, I don't mean it that way... Just a while."
That gentle tug is honestly so uncharacteristic of the usual ruffian behavior we often see from Geon Woo. It's a nice sweet detail that proves what he says in Chapter 26 (when he finally confesses) that he treats Eui Joon differently from others.
Eui Joon cries his heart out to Geon Woo, and Geon Woo just lets him. Afterwards, Eui Joon resolves to forget about Hyeon Woo. By finding someone, hmm, more physically endowed.
"I must find someone more good-looking than him. With a nicer body... And a bigger dick!"
Clueless guy basically described the man beside him.
To that, Geon Woo says:
"How long have you known me? You really dare to say anything like that in front of me?"
Which comes off as slightly hostile at first. The next panel shows a dark aura surrounding Geon Woo, which Eui Joon interprets as distress from his implications of doing it with him—whose sexual preference so far remains ambiguous (In the side stories, we learn that Geon Woo himself struggles with figuring this out.). But then, he surprises Eui Joon when he slowly leans in to kiss him.
CUE SEX SCENE! I pitied Eui Joon a little because he wasn't really in the best state when Geon Woo offered this. In Geon Woo's defense, though, from the moment he found out that Eui Joon was gay he saw doors opening. When Eui Joon said something like that, I think his attraction to Eui Joon finally caught up to him and he couldn't resist the opportunity. He definitely wasn’t distressed by the implication of Eui Joon’s words; he was distressed by the decision he had to make—to go through that door or not. Because he knew he wanted it, even though he was constantly denying it from the start.
“This dirty thought wasn’t something that I have planned from the beginning.”
The day after, Eui Joon is a little rattled. He doesn’t know how to treat Geon Woo after that—not when he realized that sex could be that hot and satisfying (uwu). Geon Woo appears to be unaffected while Eui Jon’s brain is in knots about everything. But the questions Geon Woo asks tell us that he’s beginning to show Eui Joon a little emotion. He asks to see Eui Joon’s face to inspect the healing bruise he got yesterday (the one that Geon Woo covered with a bandaid—which was so sweet, huhu). And then, he asks if he was tired after school.
“Let me see your face.”
“School classes. Are you tired after taking them?”
From my perspective, he wasn’t just asking for the sake of being nice to the person he slept with. The story still hasn’t covered much of Geon Woo’s history to know whether he had been like this with his previous partners. Although there was a moment in Chapter 27 during one of their conversations when he gave us a little glimpse:
Geon Woo: It's normal to cry over pathetic things at your age. Eui Joon: Have you cried like that before too? Geon Woo: No. Eui Joon: Then how do you know that? Geon Woo: I just... know. Because there was a guy like that around.
From the time Geon Woo invited him out to drink, I think Geon Woo was genuinely concerned when he asked how Eui Joon was doing.
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Chapters 13-26
Geon Woo's love language, I think, is his actions. He fights off the gangsters that bully Eui Joon into giving them discounts or even paying for them from his own pockets so they won't have to. He gives Eui Joon food and medicine when he finds out he was sick (the morning after having sex with him in the car for hours, lol). He likes taking care of the person he likes. So in Chapter 26, when he "confesses" to Eui Joon, that was Geon Woo pointing out that he's been doing the same thing all along.
"I mean, look at me just once... What kind of person I am. How I treat you. Take a good look at it. If you think that I'm good, then pick me. If not, you can throw me aside." "But. Before you do, you should understand this. Until then, I don't intend to let you get away."
This "non-confession" (he actually tells Eui Joon it wasn't a confession) actually says a lot about Geon Woo. His attitude towards their relationship is very blunt and straightforward. Once he's made a decision, he stops listening to his doubts and stands by it. I don't really know when Geon Woo decided that he liked Eui Joon. It was more slow-growing. In the side stories though, we see him considering this big-time when this thought crosses his mind:
"There's the common phrase of having the opportunity to meet your fateful love. If there's a sign for it, would it be possible to stay vigilant?"
AHJUSSI YOU SOFT-HEARTED ROMANTIC I CAN'T T^T He becomes more bold with Eui Joon afterwards, but he's still a little prickly. He's constantly weighing his options, trying to figure out in what way will doing the things he does for Eui Joon benefit him, if at all. In Chapter 13, when a customer comes inside the store and forces Eui Joon to pay for what he bought, he's on the scales. But then the memory of that morning flashes through his mind, and he remembers how the simple act of Eui Joon giving him his number had made him smile like an idiot. He beats the customer for him, taking the money he owed, and gives it back to Eui Joon. He even manages to casually ask him out on a date. The guy can be smooth as fuck.
Eui Joon: Are you saying... we should eat together? Geon Woo: Sure. I guess I've done something worth compensating. Will you give me my reward?
Take notes, people! At this point, Eui Joon has gotten him wrapped around his finger, and he didn't even know it! Of course, Eui Joon still thinks their relationship is only purely sexual, but then Geon Woo begins doing these uncharacteristically tender gestures that Eui Joon initially interprets as Geon Woo giving him special treatment.
"Let me see your face." "School classes. Are you tired after them" "I'm thinking that... You'll look good in short hair, too."
And Geon Woo even tries to initiate a conversation with Eui Joon when he feels like Eui Joon couldn't take the awkwardness. A good example was when Geon Woo treats him dinner at the restaurant.
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"...." "Is this your first time coming to this kind of place?"
Somehow, these things he does still feel kind of forced, like he was genuinely annoyed at Eui Joon and everything he did. Even when he asks to do it with him again and Eui Joon refuses because he was still sore, there was a moment of frustration that shone through.
It was a sign that Geon Woo was still confused about the things he was feeling towards Eui Joon. He knew he wanted him physically, but then he doesn't take up the woman's offer that evening after Eui Joon refuses him. It wasn't actually written on paper, but knowing Geon Woo's character he might have felt uneasy about going through with it. Not particularly on Eui Joon's behalf, but it may have been unconscious because of his budding feelings.
His feelings were something that rattled him, and he was usually undeterred in any kind of situation. What rattled him more was that Eui Joon didn't know anything about what he was going through.
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"Being naturally attracted to you, and going through unfamiliar emotions. This feeling should only be felt at an adolescent age."
We're seeing him from behind again. The use of this perspective in manhwas / mangas / comics usually makes you feel like can't tell what the character's thinking about, but most importantly that they're most likely about to go do or SAY SOMETHING DAMN IMPORTANT. Like, maybe, telling their feelings to the person they like!?!?!
"Eui Joon-Ah. I like you."
That actually surprised me hella lot. I'd originally thought Geon Woo was the tsundere type, but he was more honest with his feelings than I believed. However, he hadn't been completely convinced by these feelings until Eui Joon had offered to break it off. Suddenly there was an exit to his situation, but he didn't really feel happy about it. He was frustrated at not being able to properly understand what his words made him feel. Because the truth was he didn't want to break things off. He just wouldn't admit to himself at the time that the reason was he actually wanted Eui Joon.
We could see him debating it himself, poor thing:
"I didn't expect myself to be in a situation where I couldn't even understand my own feelings. I should've figured it out the moment I couldn't understand my sexual preference. I'm not that young anymore... What is this?" "No... It could also be a spur of the moment... It doesn't seem to be like that. It might also be due to pride, but I feel it's not necessary for these kinds of feelings to affect my pride... But even when it's like this, I still want to..."
Geon Woo decides to "have a little fun" before conceding to Eui Joon's request to "end their entanglement". But I've noticed that whenever something bothers Geon Woo too much, he takes a smoke. When Eui Joon makes the suggestion, Geon Woo does just that.
The slightly rough way in which Geon Woo treats him afterwards shows his frustration. He grabs his arm roughly and pulls him towards the car, but he doesn't realize he was hurting Eui Joon's wrist with his own watch until Eui Joon whines in pain—at which point Geon Woo just laces his hand through his instead. Which I thought was so sweet T^T
When Eui Joon freaks out about doing it at the school where he studies and asks Geon Woo to consider it for him, Geon Woo says, "Do I have to consider that for you too?" And when Eui Joon asks for him to do that, Geon Woo replies, "I guess I've been too nice to you." THE MAN WAS FREAKING FRUSTRATED!!! Geon Woo even challenges him to stay quiet, telling him no one will hear them if he does. Throughout the whole thing, Geon Woo wanted to dominate him, daring him to take what pleasure he could give him, but with an aggression that bespeaks the storm in his heart and mind. Reading it back, I realized just how damn hot that scene was. I mean, goddamn. After Geon Woo admits his feelings, there's a serenity about him afterwards. He no longer has to second-guess taking care of Eui Joon or expressing what he felt towards him. He gives him food and medicine the next day since he caught a fever. He "invites himself" to watch a movie with him since they both had nothing to do for the rest of the day. The guy was basically courting Eui Joon, haha. Not a confession, my ass XD
And then, when Eui Joon opens up about how he rejected Hyeon Woo, Geon Woo tells him he'll also wait for him for around three years T^T
MY HEART I CAN'T T ^ T ☙ ☙ ☙ ☙ ☙ So that's kiiind of a long breakdown. I included as little pictures as possible. Copyright and all that. I just really like this series so far. I want to be able to read the original someday. Hopefully I'd be able to learn Korean T^T. If you like this as much as I do, chat me up =D would love to hear other thoughts.
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