#aaand the text for reading comprehension was really easy
tardis--dreams · 2 years
May I present you a rough translation of the abomination of a text i wrote in my korean exam:
[Self introduction]
Last month i bought a water purifier* at the water purifier shop and it's already broken.
[Me not knowing how exactly a water purifier works]: There’s no water coming out.
[Me not knowing what exactly a water purifier is good for]: We have a party next weekend, so we need water. Therefore the water purifier needs to be fixed by Friday.
My phone number is 000111000. If i don't answer my phone please sent me an email to [email protected].
*truth be told I'm only like 55% certain the words meant water purifier. It would be very funny if it was something completely different lmao
#im too afraid to look up the word#tHe WaTer pUrIFieR sHoP#unmatched creativity#선생님 im so sorry#you don't deserve this ahahah#also the Other text was just translation#but the sentence 'i want to tell my colleagues that I love them' made my brain bluescreen#also i realized afterwards that i had most of the grammar correct originally before i changed everything (:#aaand the text for reading comprehension was really easy#but i couldn't understand the questions for shit#i simply had no idea what it said even though there were only two words i didn't recognize#i just wrote some random stuff just in case there might be something to give me points for in there lmao#ok#anyway#now I'll have to prepare something for my thesis to show my professor tomorrow#otherwise i can't register my thesis and then i won't get to finish by march 15 which then would lead to me losing my master program spot#and therefore also my chance to go to korea and also my entire future essentially ahaha (no pressure)#then tomorrow i will stay awake again all night to study for my korean oral exam and on Wednesday to Thursday night I'll#stay awake to prepare a proposal for my term paper (that i won't write until mid march which i can't tell her#because the deadline is march 31 and she wants us to start working asap. and i can't tell her about the ba situation#it's too humiliating#okay anyway. that meeting with my professor tomorrow scares me to death but it's gonna be f i n e#shut up amy#university ramblings
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narahairline · 3 years
how to u stucture ur comics? and would it be okay if i studied it?
hiya!! <33 that would be absolutely fine with me, yeah!!
to be fair tho there's is no actual technique or anything involved 😭 i'm too lazy to actively study professional works or read guides lol orz
i'll type up a little bit about my (fairly unstructured) process below tho!! <3
if it's a longer comic i'll first write up a short script! nothing fancy, just dialogue with a few pointers on characters' actions the img below is my script for this comic :-)
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next i sketch out specific moments and try to structure them in a way they'd fit pages of equal size. if it's a shorter comic/i dont write a script i just start with this step lol.
i know there's things to watch out for with panel layout, amount of panels per page, etc but i just go by gut feeling 😭 and even if you're someone who likes to follow tips and guides, always remember to play around, bend rules and just have fun with it!!
there are three things about structuring tho that i do think are helpful and easy to keep in mind!
the same character should stay on the same side of the panel (e.g. during conversations), just makes it easier to follow imo
plan your speech bubbles as a part of the panel!! theyre just as important as characters, action lines, sound effects, backgrounds, etc.! if you neglect them until you've finalized the panel you'll most likely end up with a cluttered panel that's hard to read something i find helpful here is (if you're working digitally) to actually type and position your text before you get started on the linework cant count the times i've positioned my text and noticed that i've left way too little space for the coresponding speech bubble LOL
try to keep panels evenly spaced, the reader's eye can easily be led by how far apart individual panels are! i don't think the below comic is an ideal example LOL but by leaving bigger/smaller spaces between panels you can divide the page into sections. its not always necessary imo but does help with pacing, especially with single page comics
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aaand.. that’s pretty much all the layout work/structuring i do LOL
as for my entire process from script to finished page(s), i actually recorded a timelapse of the first comic i mentioned! a rough breakdown of my steps would be:
write script
sketch out important panels/panels i just really wanna include lol
organize panel sketches in pages
ink panel borders
type/position text
(send to friend for beta reading and hope my english is somewhat comprehensible, edit text)
ink speech bubbles
ink characters
ink backgrounds
hand letter sound effects
block out colors (i usually divide into background, characters and speech bubbles at this point)
figure out color scheme/technique on one page (just a lot of trial and error in my case LOL, trying to see how much/little color i wanna use, which color scheme, if i wanna shade, use screentones, etc.)
color rest of pages
professionals do not perceive me pls thx
i hope this helped somewhat!! if you have any other questions feel free to shoot me a message! 🌼
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