#aahhh these drawings are amazing
u-x-o · 4 months
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Yup, I'm officially a Lifeweaver main JUST cuz of this skin.(and it's not even out yet lol😭) I'm obsessed. It's so cool and amazing and aahhh!
Also I absolutely cooked with this drawing, I think most detailed and polished piece on this account LMAO
PLEASE blizz more skins like that 🙏🙏
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afraidparade · 5 months
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I’m pazu’s self proclaimed #1 fan
I als did this fanart of them <3
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capturecharlesau · 7 months
Hey I know we don’t talk much but aaa the urge ti send a ask is just killing me
sorry if it’s nonsense, it’s 3:30am at the start of writing this lol
your art is fucking amazing, I wish I could draw like you. It expresses the emotions wonderfully without feeling out of place in the darker moments. Art style wise, you’re like my idol. I just want to fucking nom on it and shake it
your story is beautiful, honestly one of my favorite THSC AUs. It conveys darker themes without feeling too disconnected from the original series. I mean, even I struggle to make my AU actually seem like a AU. I really like Terrence as well, even though he’s still a bad guy he stands out much more then the other evil Terrys I typically see
the character designs are super original, and they work nicely. Honestly I have a problem finding the differences between everyone’s designs for Charles and Reginald, but I can always easily spot you. Personally design wise, Terrence and Charles are my favorites
I thought I wouldn’t like Danny, but I really do. I feel bad for what I originally thought. I want to hug him goddamnit! He’s such a pretty guy, and he gets bonus points for being bigender since I basically never see rep for them sadly
your comic made me realize 1. how abusive I really was to my ex, and 2. how abusive others were to me. I don’t wanna go into details (since I don’t want to make you uncomfortable), but your comic really did help me
I can’t wait to see what you do next with the story! (and I’m sorry if I ever creeped you out)
Thank you for loving my story SO MUCH!! I try to relate THSC stuff to it as well so it doesn’t feel out of place! MSNENDJDJDMDN THIS IS YOUR FAVORITE AU!? IM SHAKING THANK YOU I POUR MY SOUL AND DARK FEELINGS INTO IT! THANK YOU! I’m so happy many people like my AU aaah!!
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Ahhh yes Terrence Suave! When I saw that frame of him in ITA and after a few fanfics I saw him as pure evil! >:D The thing that makes my Terrence stand out is that my Terry is honestly a DEMON! He is literally pure evil and loves blood, pain, and seeing men, women, and children suffer a slow and painful death! Basically I portray him as satan himself from hell with his snake like behavior!
Terrence Suave a literal traumatic man who suffered abuse who then realized he has no purpose on the world other then to abuse Reginald and KILL AND TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND KILL THE HUMAN RACE as an all mighty snake demon!
The point is ….my Terrence is PURE evil! My Terrence is a pure black heart 🖤 filled with anger, sadness, and trauma!
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AH THANK YOU! Coming up with the designs for the characters were easy after using my imagination a bit with some music! Aaaaah GLAD YA LIKE EM!!
AWWEEE MY REGINALD AND CHARLES STAND OUT!!!??? AAW THANK YOU! I think people can notice my character since my versions tend to look more anxious! Like this:
(Plus Reginald has his giant scar Terrence gave him!)
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For Terry since he has his golden gun I always assumed his suit would be bright yellow and yellow glow-y eyes and a yellow dollar sign pin and a orange-yellowish tie! And of course…..blonde hair lol
Charles I always liked the white military outfit with a black tie hehe and I added some red eyes and some cute stickers on his headphones!
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Aahhh yes! He is bi-gender and I’m so happy I can help represent some people and help them feel more comfortable :3
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No worries pal it’s all good! I know my comic is VERY dark with abuse and how it affects others in a bit of a dramatic way but you see what I mean!
I’m so happy your safe and you made that step to change! That immediately makes you WAY better then Terrence who decided to not listen!
Thank you so much for this ask OH MY GOSH IT MADE MY DAY THANK YOU! HUGS AND KISSES!
Give credit at @bluetorchsky and @jaytoons7 and @smoresthehalloweenqueen for helping me with making character development as weelllll 💕
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mickmundy · 10 months
i am now hooked on bushmedicine bc of your fics, would u happen to have fic/blog recs? 👀
OH MY GOSH EEE THANK YOU SO MUCH MY FRIEND ;__; I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE ENJOYING MY SERIES!!!! ;u; as for recs.. ohoho... yes... i do.., fortunately i have amazing talented friends whose work i admire and adore!!! just going to say that this list is by no means exhaustive or complete and is being done completely off of the top of my head, so PLEASE don't feel bad if i leave anyone out!! ;__; <333
also i'm really not super active on here so i mostly know twt accounts but i'll do my best! i'll firstly advise you to just look through my bushmed tag on my blog. lots of great folks in there!! ^v^ so much talent!! aoguaougaaa!!! and to my friends who have supported me with my own fics thank you so much ;;; i owe u all everythign!! <333 going to stick this under a cut since it's kind of lengthy!!
for fic recs, i actually don't have a lot of time to read many, sadly!! ;_; BUT i'll gladly point you in the direction of some of my besties' fics that i have read and absolutely adore!!:
see that my grave is kept clean by @fairyouth.... my favorite. john is a freaking MASTER of writing them and i love his big huge creative mind!!
heatstroke by @eurovamp... kat is so talented!! i LOVE her interpretation and they have so many fun au's!! i haven't gotten a chance to read it but she also wrote a bushmed naga fic that they've been talking to me about and AAHHH IM SO EXCITED TO READ!!
as for fanart, i'll also use this as a chance to promote my lovely talented friends!! i don't speak for them of course but i believe some of them (myself included) might be more active on twitter, i'm not sure! :( but i'll rec them here regardless hehehe!! some accts are ns/fw too so just a heads up!
@lovey2dovey2 YESSS FELLOW MEDSNIP LESBIAN!!! HEHEHE!! she's SO talented and kind, and all of her interpretations are SO fun and creative!! absolutely adore her art style!!
@5piecechickendinner / @5piececockdinner DEEEEEE absolutely stunning pieces, great moody art and a joy to talk to!! a blast to talk headcanons with too!!
@rabidratbaby -> twitter acct! amazing pieces, conveys such tenderness and sweetness in their art, both nsfw and sfw!! super chill and immaculate vibes in general!!
@radioactive-gremlin -> support her on patreon! char's got it all... lighthearted silliness and super sexy comics!! a total delight to follow and befriend!
@lubby-beez LUB!! so sweet to know, and the queen of saucy medic art!! amazing coloring and body type representation and super fun ocs!!
@poisonedflame if you follow me on here you've probably seen me reblog ren's amazing sfms quite a few times hehe... so kind and talented, huge-brained and a wonderful friend!!
@skymacaroon fantastic art and super fun to talk to, absolutely love how he draws medic and sniper!!
@oldkamelle one of the accounts that warmly welcomed me to tumblr.. ;u; very kind and so great to talk to, totally wonderful artistic talent!!!
as for folks who i am not very close to but whose works i still adore and cherish and scream so normally and lovingly any time i see them on my tl and who i want to still give some spotlight to! i hope it's okay that i'm tagging you in this! ;-;
@goo-p absolutely no notes... ellís's style yields so much range for whimsy And more somber/serious pieces... absolutely stunning!! a joy to work with creatively and to speak with!!
@hootsimedes such cute style and so many amazing creative ideas!! and so kind!! ^u^
@halfhihat SUUCH a cute style!! absolutely love the cute little comics he draws!!
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pookapufferfish · 8 months
HI!! I am heading to bed semi soon and I must spread the positivity back, so,, hello awesome amazing friend of mine!
reminder that you are so cool and great and amazing and and and cool and awesome! your art is wonderful to see and you are super fun to talk to!! wish our timezones were closer :'o
ANYWHO! you are cool and soso amazing!! love ya friend and I hope you have a great day!
Waugh!!! AAhhh grahghgsahd
thank you cool and awesome and amazing friend
I love you fren!! you are the best!
Timezones are taking away friend time >:(
Hope you have a good night and wake up well rested
I should be evil and draw something for you maybe
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also if anyone else from the discord sees this I love ya too
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n0phis · 1 year
your art is so cool!! would download ur art into my brain with microchip,
but know this is absolutely amazing- you captured two of my favorite creators perfectly?? I am hoarding your art like a dragon hoards gold
fr though!! if you learned some of your art style anywhere (like even if it was to draw ears. I don’t know how my goodness) I will gobble up that video in seconds
I am stunned speechless
have a amazing day!!!
AAHHH i have some tutorial vods on my youtube but i want to eventually do something more concise KEKW
i dont think im like. Quite adept at anatomy enough to be an actual resource so take everything i say with a grain of salt--
its mostly just personal shit rather than like. Actual Knowledge but im happy to try to help at least!
these are all timestamped too :D i think theres a few i havent uploaded tho oops...
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anxiouschoco · 3 months
Your art is so pretty, I just wanted to say that.
Both your online and digital art look amazing, and I love the style, I love how you draw hair too— aahhh I love your art style
I forgor to follow you a while back so I followed you recently, and that’s why now I’m deciding to tell you what I think of your art
Which is
Don’t mind me, I’m just a random stranger on the internet
Sorry for late response but thank you so much :3
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ryuichirou · 3 months
A bunch of shorter replies today! Starting with a question about commissions and a then slowly diving into shippy territory…
Anonymous asked:
question for the chibi commission
if we’re adding more characters and want them in color would that add to the price? like would it add to the $25 for more characters in color?
Yes, in general $40 is the base price and +$25 is for each additional character. So, a drawing of three chibi characters in full colour would be $90.
But if you have a large group of characters or a big set of chibis, the price will be calculated in a different way (depending on the specifics of the commission itself).
Thank you for your interest and sorry for the late reply!
Anonymous asked:
Hi, I sent a fanfic draft to my server concerning teenage romance (M-level stuff) and a member (abt 16) positively replied I'm "a responsible artist not exploiting the subject matter". Am I being unreasonable finding this response extremely backhanded? That I'm classy and restrained enough to get a pass from antis who'd otherwise harass me? I wanna ask you given your experience dealing with those kinds of folk.
Hi, Anon!
Honestly, this would’ve rubbed me the wrong way too, so I see what you mean. It really feels like it’s “you’re better than the rest of these freaks, but you’re still on thin ice”, as if your art only exists to get their approval. Still, I don’t want to put words into that person’s mouth though, who knows what they actually meant.
Our experience is that we just don’t deal with those kinds of folk. We avoid minors as much as we can because they tend to stick to this attitude of “well if you do it like this it’s okay, but don’t make it weird”. But it’s not exclusive to minors; we avoid adults who talk like that too. We just feel like it’s always the same thing: even if you try to be as unproblematic as possible, you’ll end up being their punching bag sooner or later, so is censoring yourself even worth it in the first place?
But this is how we feel about it as someone who doesn’t get this type of comments, Anon. We are on the other side of this situation, where they would tell us “Why does it have to be sexual?” “Why do you have to draw siblings like that, what about other characters?” “Why don’t you just ship him with someone his age?”
So yeah, even though that person technically complimented you, it does sound super condescending to us personally, as if they’re just patting you on your head for not breaking their arbitrary rules. Then again, if they’re a minor, the server is clearly a safe space for them, so maybe it’s not a good place to have this type of discussion… I wouldn’t really know.
We, based on our specific content and circumstances, decided not to waste our time trying to reason with them, but once again: I can’t know for sure what that person meant when they commented on your fic. I can only guess that if you were to write something spicier than M, they would act betrayed and disappointed, and that sucks. We just stick 18+ on literally anything we do also to get rid of the majority of toxic people, especially children.
For us, it’s easier to be a terrible person overall than to try and follow their constantly changing rules of what is acceptable and “a responsible way to portray something” – they’ll claim your passable content has been yucky all this time as soon as they want to be done with you.
I hope this makes sense…
Anonymous asked:
HELP HELP RYU YOUR TWEEL/IDIA ART IS SO GOOD!!!! I LOVE THE BLOOD ON THE TILE AAHHH!!!! i love how it goes in the grout, very real. very amazing. i've always liked seeing the flow of blood, it adds a good amount of realism (but not too much!!!) i stand with your katsu because those fish CANNOT go unfucked.
AHh thank you so so much, Anon!! I am so happy to hear that hehe! I’ve been trying to work on how I draw blood, so it’s amazing to hear that it looks good.
Katsu and you are people of culture and lovers of fish, and honestly this is beautiful. I am so proud and happy for you…
Anonymous asked:
Idia….why the freak are you falling like Mikan? I suppose next you’ll fall and end up with no pants and all tied up….
YES, EXACTLY LIKE MIKAN. Oh my god. This is because he’s been playing too many videogames, now moe fall physics affects him in real life. Whenever he falls, his pants magically disappear, and the rest of his body is… well.
Anonymous asked:
… I want to touch the butt….✋👁👄👁🤚
I want to hold the butt…👐
I’m assuming you mean Idia’s moe butt, and I that’s the case, go ahead and do it! Be careful though, the guard dog might bite you…
Anonymous asked:
Digging your Catherine AU. Any more art or headcanons?
Thank you so much, Anon! We had no idea anyone would like this AU when we first posted it hehe, I’m still very excited when people comment on it.
But unfortunately, I can’t give you anything new. As I stated before, it’s been quite a while since we’ve played the game, so we don’t have much thoughts or any new art for now :( We just wanted to convey a vague concept because we liked the idea of Azul being Katherine too much lol and then the rest of it just made sense.
Anonymous asked:
How do you think tsums have sex?
Passionately. Animalistically. Roundly….
We haven’t seen the tsum event yet, but I’m sure we’ll have more opinions about their reproductive system when we do lol For now I just think they jump on people (…I mean, other tsums, other tsums!) and rub against them violently until something happens. Do they even have genitalia?
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mandiemegatron · 9 months
saw your post and… do you have your original character? is it similar to you or completely different?
AAHHH OMG YOU SWEETIE 😭😭😭😭😭😭 YES I DOOOOO I have two, one thats more like a self insert and one that's straight up an OC 🤭🤭🤭🤭
OKAY so first my self insert, literally just me but like.... more physically strong, ya know ? Like I can kick ass easy af, ya feel? My SI is a heart pirate, and my mans is Shachi 🤭🤭 huge muhfuckin' THANK YOUUU to @buggyandthebartoclub for this GORGEOUS work bc it shows off just how disgustingly in love we are 🤭🤭💖💖
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GOD UGH I just love him so much ! 💖💖💖😭😭😭
AND THEN WE HAAAVE my lovely OC Lara, who was actually originally my Gravity Falls oc who I've now rebooted into a One Piece OC 🤭🤭
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WHOM I LOVE WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 (these were done by me, I am not artist by any means but I love drawing my girl regardless lmfao 🙈🙈😭😭) you can find her blog at @suckxrpunched 🤭🤭🤭🤭 she's amazing, sexy, crazy, we love Lara in this household 🤭🤭🤭💖💖💖💖💖
WOW omg thank you so much for this ask bby I am literally vibrating bc im so excited, I love talking abt my SI and my OC SO MUCH !!!!
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oakshade · 1 year
Okay hello!!! Another person who was abused as a kid here (and as an adult oop—), and I love your content! It brings me such happiness in many ways, from love for the art style and colour choices, to admiration for the character designs, to interest in the relationship dynamics, to thrilled by the occasional angst, all of it is amazing! You might not realize it, but a ‘like’ on your posts likely has someone behind it who’s wholeheartedly adoring your work.
AAHHH thanks so much!! It means a lot, it rlly rlly does!! Thank you so much for taking the time to type this out, I super appreciate it!! It's nice to know that a lot of people who follow me find comfort in the things I draw, I'm so happy to know people who view my content can use it to feel better!!
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bellehalla · 1 year
Question, if I happen to draw what Illya looks like in my head should I just tag you in it or send it through your ask box here because I’ve been plotting and thinkin about him
(Mentally I am blowing him up rn [joking] )
Aahhh it’s you! It’s always so nice to see you in my asks <3
Anyway it’s lovely of you to ask me this. I’m getting zoomies from excitement that I’ll be able to see how Ilya looks to you in your head (even if he must be in pieces right now lmaooo understandable). I would love to be tagged! ❤️ and the artworks in your blog look amazing, your style is just *chef’s kiss* it scratches an itch in my brain
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callsign-relic · 8 months
Into the Depths. - Anonymous - The Transformers (IDW Generation One) [Archive of Our Own]
(hopefully, this link works, or idk if that links, using a computer is weird on tumblr. It's posted to the collection though!)
I brought you a gift,
it's a fic,
nothing more.
(ps, ily if you get the reference.)
I REOPEN MY ASK BOX TO FIND AN AMAZING GIFT THANK YOU 🪦 YOU NEVER DISAPPOINT 😭 putting my thoughts under the cut w/ spoilers cause holy shit this was amazing I basically did a live blog of it HAHAH
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God the fact reader’s just doing this for the money BAHDGDHE they’re just like me fr I need a new job too how did you target this specifically towards me
AND AAAAAHH Y’ALL. The description to the core itself was just phenomenal you have to see it for yourself.
Thank you so much for this again 🪦!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so honored to have gotten another fic from you!!!!
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corpsoir · 2 years
I very much enjoy your scrunglo!!! He's so cool!!! Epic fish man!! Do you have any tips for designing Jojo ocs?
this is the only jojo oc i've ever made actually, i don't know if i have that many tips specifically to jojo ocs, but here's my process kinda i guess??
but the first thing i did was pick a colour and a song, i knew i wanted to make something green since i'm very bad at using greens in my art, so that was my start. and i've had that song his stand is named after on my mind for a while now so it just felt right! the song is about sailing, rowing and getting separated from your friends without being able to control your tears, and i felt like the lyrics of the song very much impacted how the character took shape in my mind. and since the theme of the song was sailing, i just went nuts from there, dressing him partially in fishing net and a life jacket looking shirt and what not. i'd say just have fun and do the most out there thing you can think of with the character!! don't think too much about it just do it and the rest will come to you!
oh and also he's named skagen literally only because i was hungry and thought about skagenröra (weird swedish dish i'm sorry if you google it and find it disgusting, i only eat the plant based version of it which is amazing hehehe) and gipp (jibe in swedish) comes from the fact that i used to sail, and i HATE jibing because its scary when the boom goes from one side of the boat to the other, because it can happen really violently if you have a good strong wind lol
when it comes to sketching and actually visualising the character i just sit down and doodle with everything i've thought of in mind. often i draw something and it just happens to be perfect for the characters, other times i deliberately incorporate things into the design. like the little triangle things on skagens zipper? thats a nautical navigation marker that means west, you have those out in the water to mark like, big rocks to the west of the marker!
but yeah just doodle, play around, have fun! a lot of my character design is really deep and meaningful to me personally, so maybe take some things from yourself and apply it to them? maybe you have a necklace you really like! exaggerate it and give it to the character!
hope this helps a little, sorry if it's messy, this is just stream of consciousness stuff and i can talk all day lol
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Hello again. I just read the new one shot and I have thoughts.
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He’s so perfect. I love that he had to leave and I love that he’s so stubborn about protecting her. It’s endearing and heart wrenching and just aahhh I want a Jason Todd in my life please.
The whole vision was super intense, like Bruce has gone through some shit but I do believe seeing that would just be super intense and would change something in his relationship with her. It must also be super intense to have a vision where you kid dies and your other kids kills you because of it. Like damn poor guy is for sure gonna have a rough couple of weeks.
Also, as per usual, Wayne’s are emotionally constipated and that gene did not skip her, not even in alternate universe. I get that the whole mute thing is obviously a reaction to trauma but like if you know why not just I don’t know just do something? It’s so funny to me that he draws the line at drug dealing, I don’t know why that’s funny to me but it just is. It’s also interesting seeing her reasoning about the money. I feel like she might have felt that his money was sort of blood money or something.
I do think Bruce was sort of right in sending her away. I do see her wanting to seek revenge on her own if she had stayed and that would be just as tragic. She is his daughter after all. I also think she might have gotten involved with other shitty people, way shittier people, if it wasn’t the drugs it would have been something else.
I LOVED that Gordon knew. In my head he kinda always knows it’s Bruce but he just chooses not to say anything. It makes the whole situation even worse because then he knows that by then he’s lost one kid and now this. That moment when Bruce sees the body, Gordon for sure sees the whole dejection and sadness and just the whole world crashing for Bruce. Makes it even worse because he had to call Batman, like damn.
Im just sitting in my kitchen processing this, it’s so wow and just amazing. As always your writing is amazing and I love it. Now imma go and reread everything. Thank you for this. 🥰
oooooo. i just need to say i missed your messages so much. they warm my ice cold heart. thank you so much for reading and being such a reactive reader ❤️❤️❤️
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
just here to say u’ve gotten so good at anatomy !!!!!!! im rlly proud seeing ur progress in art and i wish i could make progress like that but iMm kinda stuck in an artists block atsuko looks amazing btw literally breathtaking i love him and i love you <3!
aaHHH thank you so much :< !!! achgdgs mY HEART PLS this is so freaking nice ugh ily (。 >艸<)/ i've been practicing a lot on my anatomy so tHAT MEANS LIKE the mOST TO ME. i hope very much that you get some gentle inspiration to get you back into drawing bby i rEALLY HOPE SO bc art block sucks
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nakunakunomi · 8 months
Hi Hazel! I want to first say happy early birthday in case I miss your actual birthday!
I've recently finished reading "Love & Luck" by Jenna Evans Welch and "In Five Years" by Rebecca Serle. They're both pretty good, but disclaimer "In Five Years" does have some intimate scenes. However my favorite books would have to be "The No-Show" by Beth O'Leary and "Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine" by Gail Honeyman. Do you have any favourite books? I'm always looking for new books to read.
That's the perfect setting to read the twst manga. The moment is calling to you! I honestly didn't even know twst released a manga, but I hope you enjoy them! Each one that gets delivered will be like a gift for future you. Twst always did have the best art so it's great to hear that translated well into physical copies.
How'd pulling for masquerade Idia go? Hoping for good news.
Of course I will read every single one. And don't apologize for the length, I will enjoy every detail!
All your OCs are so cute! I adore every single one of them. And your drawing is so good! You should give yourself more credit, they're not just "mediocre".
I love how you came up with different personalities, partners, and unique magics for all of them. Every time I read them I kept thinking "this is absolutely genius!" The designs are also so pretty, the colours and details all fit so well with each of their concepts. I loved reading their background stories too, especially the details in Melanie's background! It's very interesting to read more about them and also their encounters and dynamics with their respective partners.
Thank you for sharing your OCs with us!! It was truly a treat to learn more about all of them and to admire the details you put into each one. I love all of them so much!! If they were in the twst game, I would definitely save up to pull for all of them.
I hope you take care Hazel and stay warm! -berry anon
Hiya Berry!
First of all, thank you!
aahhh I had to look up all of those books, because I didn't recognize all of the titles. Strangely enough, even though it's 90% of what I write here and read in fanfics, I read extremely little romance in regular literature? The premises of these seem really nice though, especially "in five years"! And I saw that Eleanor Elephant is completely fine may be picked up for a movie, although that might have been slowed down and/or cancelled cause of covid since the last news was 2018 :( cause it seems like a feel-good movie i would watch haha
My favorite books at the moment are a little bit all over the place. Not to be a tiktokbook girlie, but I REALLY loved A good girls guide to murder? Most of the books I read are Thriller/Horror, and I picked up some YA thrillers to be able to have some fast reads. And that one was amazing, I flew through it, and even though it was YA, it didn't really feel juvenile, it was super engaging.
For cozy vibes I absolutely loved Convenience Store Woman and The Cat who saved books. Both are Japanese novels and the translations gave me such a cozy feeling? Really loved them. I am also in a feminist bookclub and the books I really loved of our past reading year were Against the Loveless World and Girl, Woman, Other. Not books I would read unprompted, but really loved for the bookclub!
I really need to dive back into reading (both manga and books) proper. I have been writing and gaming a lot more, but have been leaving all my books neglected as my to-be-read pile is looking at me judgingly.
As for Masquerade Idia... he actually came home on the VERY FIRST single key i used. I nearly cried I am so happy. I was in time to pull for the 1 of a kind Grim SSR too, and that one came before 40, So I pulled on masquerade Malleus and got him too TwT all the luck vibes have been working. With the triple showcase rerun, I will pull till the pity (I don't really care if I get the Azul card or a dupe). And then I have still a first pity saved up for the next event. With book 7 coming, either the Sunset Savannah hometown event or a Lilia card will be the next ones I am aiming for UwU
And thank you for all the love on my OC's. I re-read parts of my answers and it was loads of rambling, but I am glad you enjoyed them, I really love my girls and I want to write some silly little blurbs for them soon!
Happy late halloween, and I look forward to seeing you appear again in the cold winter months! <3
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