#aaughhhh love her
burning low was such an important episode for 13 yr old mac
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Hmmm ofc right when I was finally going to get up and make my salads for the week my cousin comes over (: yay...
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kafka-ohdear · 6 months
Thanks for putting my feelings into words cuz I'm so devastated after seeing the kicked puppy face of bucky.how much he wants affection and a gentle shoulder to rest his head upon.it literally ached my heart when he said he had no one back home to write letters..he indirectly knew that gale was all that he had nd will be even after the war.gale is like the center point of his life,a permanent fixture.
Aaughhhh I don't want to think much about it cuz it makes me so fucking emotionals.i keep myself happy by chugging aus where they r happy and together.
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!!!! 😭😭😭 i literally jumped when i saw your ask,,,,
first of all thank you so so much for this ask 😭 i have never thought i'd receive an ask from someone who like my random characters analyzing posts but!!!!!
and yes, to be honest he's such a kicked puppy. like bucky only has gale, or rather buck. from the very start. he has no one to write back home, and no one that would write to him. all the time he spent in that pow camp. not a single letter he received.
he didn't really mind it though. idk. his mind is fixated on the fact tgat his gale was still there with him and that's all he asked for.
and callum turner did a great, great job in expressing bucky's fatigue, loneliness and desperation. for someone whom he could love and love him back, someone he could keep as his and his only.
at one point in my life i've convinced myself that before the war started, bucky has belived that person would be gale. he was almost certain until he knew about marge.
and what? there's nothing he could do. he has given away too much of himself and put it inside gale. he's not taking anything back, nothing at all. but he knew gale couldn't be trapped in the cover of "his buck" forever. so he did take something out of gale, just to preserve it for himself only. something he could think about, cling onto and long for.
his love for gale is still there, but he's not giving it to him. it exists between the two of them, who are certainly aware of its presence, but none made a move to push it further. they simply couldn't.
maybe gale did wanted to keep that part of bucky with him, even before, during after the war, but he has marge, and a future with her to carry on. so he watches bucky suffers, knowing a part of his heart is shattered too.
sad! but well we all can be delulu about another universe where they are happily married and lived with each other ever after. just not this one-
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gracebethartacc · 18 days
HI it’s the person spamming ur comments recently the one called “shiftthemound” for some reason I can’t change it to that blog for the questions (I’m gonna make a new account soon anyway) ANYWAY I literally SCREAMED when I saw ur art under the radiant hope tag like. She is my favourite character ever I literally love her SO MUCH and all the villains too and seeing ur post with all of them made me go. Insane. Like. Wow. and I can’t believe I’m saying this because I feel like SUCH A DORK RIGHT NEOOWWW BUUUTTTT I was wondering if. You would. Like to be friends. Maybe. I DONT KNOW you seem so freaking cool and I’ve never seen anyone who likes all the villains + hope as much as me (except for my two very cool friends shoutout kat and lammy go follow them on tumblr) so I was just.. wondering… YOU HAVE A VERY CUTESY ARTSTYLE VERY DEMURE I LOVE IT THANK YEW OK BYE
ur timing is perfect bc u send this like right as I had drawn some Mlp stuff today LOL which should be posted soon ish?? maybe ??? BUT YES ID LOVE TO BE MUTUALS TEEHEE :333 SMILES SO WIDE
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gh0stcav3 · 2 months
You are so right she is so cool aaughhhh small rat from queens….
I love her full stop no ifs ands or buts shes just awesome and really cool
The day i learn to mimic her voice itll be over for me…. /sill
so true leafy!!!! small rat from queens <3 shes truly the coolest ever. also real oh my god its so over for me when i learn how to mimic her voice too like i keep thinking abt trying but ik the minute i get it down i wont be able to stop /silly
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chthonicgodling · 8 months
10 for chal and 18 for pho and icy ?
Ty!!! again questions from here w ocs from here - aaaand again behind a cut cause LONG Lmfao aaughhhh
10- If they have a love interest how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person? (Re: Chal)
FENIXE AND I DIDNT PLAN CHAL AND BEL GETTING TOGETHER AT AAAAALLLL just like everything we’ve ever done it just sort of happened! So Chal was pretty solidly the way she was since before Bel, BUT certain traits of hers did definitely end up becoming emphasized just by nature of putting the two of them next to each other especially one specific thing like
The thing about Bel is that, as a mindreader and also as a split god linked to his own twin sibling, Bel’s not…. good at…….. communicating his own thoughts and feelings? Like Bel’s always been used to Ty just knowing everything about him all the time cause the two of them are ALWAYS in each others heads they can’t turn it off. That’s not to say Bel isn’t extremely well spoken and emotionally intelligent he just uh. Forgets to Do That On The Outside.
‘Cause then you put him next to someone like Chal who is not only incredibly imperceptive of how other people are feeling (she has gotten so much better with this but lmao still!!) but also NOT in tune with her OWN thoughts and emotions, and so all of that “Chal-ness” about Chal just jumped way more intensely to the forefront. Bel’s always poker faced and never reveals what he’s feeling - Chal, his partner, is frantically babbling every single thing she’s thinking and experiencing the second anything pops into her head. Bel himself summed up pretty concisely a while ago (yes I went back to 2017 to find tbis exact quote lol) - “I think the way we love each other is different.  You're more intense, I'm more subtle.”
so was that on PURPOSE okay no like I said Chal was never designed with Bel specifically in mind but. Is this something about Chal that’s become more pronounced as she developed alongside Bel! yyeeessss. So to foil alongside Bel Chal has gotten LOUDER and BABBLIER
fun fact re all of this though that idk if I’ve ever shared - they have had MANY conversations about their extreme communication differences cause it has caused problems due to Chal not!! being able to read minds and Bel!! forgetting that not everyone can read minds!!!!! They have a rule set up between them that Chal can ask at any time “what are you thinking” and Bel will always answer honestly no exceptions 💞 Chal asks this 40 times a day and it’s become so second nature to them that she’s even occasionally slipped up and done it to like, Tory, Gany, lol
18- What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? (Re: Icy & Pho)
the way these are both Chal related cause the last time they were really around in canon doing anything was around her lmfao—
For Icy: I’ve yet to formally do anything about this in canon but Icy’s still on and off crushing on Chal solely because I think it’s really funny so i’m stalling as long as possible since Neo and Icy are forever endgame anyway. HOWEVER I have discovered in my daydream planning that the way Icy will finally and definitively stop fawning over her is gonna be the moment he finally has an actual in depth conversation with Chal in order to discover that Chal, just like Icy, is an anxious wreck disaster - maybe even more so - and the shock of looking in a metaphorical mirror will be enough to knock some sense back into him. No way can Icy be the put together confident one in a relationship they can’t BOTH be falling apart aahhhh. Icy’s gonna realise that he can only date an opposite! HMM WHO’S ICY’S POLAR OPPOSITE AND CONVENIENTLY HIS BEST FRIEND AT HIS SIDE —
For Pho: this came to light for me the moment Pho and Chal actually met each other in canon cause I hadn’t realized how Pho was going to behave until he was behaving as such (I said, as the person responsible for writing and controlling all of these characters — shhhhhhhh) — is the discovery that Pho REALLY can’t stand Chal and it’s NOT for any of the reasons anyone else has hated her lmfao?! Literally nothing to do with Thanatos?!?!!
Pho and his dayglo glitter projection self has always existed outside of “time” in the sense that since like, physical age 4 onwards Pho has never actually ACTED his age, babbling in competent paragraphs due to his powers as a brain-mental(dream) god advancing him well beyond typical development. Kid-not-really-a-kid. Who else in the palace was merely kid-shaped but actually mentally existing well beyond their physical age???
Why, mindreading mindgods Ty and Bel of course, who froze themselves deliberately in the shape of children at age 7ish to be 7 forever with their big sister Meli, despite their powers advancing them outside the confines of age and space and time. they’re mind gods - they’re every mind!
and that’s a lonely life to live forever but not when you have a glittery buddy who’s also masquerading the same way to hang out with :-) besties! Except of course then Bel and Ty moved to Chal’s house— and dropped the facade, for Chal’s sake, to actually appear as the adults they were. For Chal’s sake! happily ever after for Chal!
…well. then. Pho was quite dismayed to discover that his besties weren’t kids to hang out with anymore. they didn’t even tell him fffdkfkff whoops??? like they just showed up at the palace again all different and Pho hanging out there with Icy was like what the FUCK??? so when Pho finally met Chal the discovery - suddenly became very clear to me that he harbors QUITE a bit of jealous resentment against her for “taking Bel and Ty away” and uhhh. will this be a grudge Pho holds forever?! maybe lmao! everyone’s oblivious no one can read Pho’s mind cause it’s all glitter sooooo……….. hm…….. keeping that one in the back of my mind……
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agalnamedlunasea · 2 years
Toko 👁👁
HI JAMES BESTIE MY FRIEND I'm so sorry this took me forever but let's go
Fave thing about her: tooooo many things I think. I think if I had to pick one thing probably her personality. She's really funny and flawed and she grows in such a cool way, and I just enjoy her character
Least fave: hmmmmm probably the fantasy sequence she has in dr3... the chibikomaru thing is fun, but idk that sequence showing up at that point in the story feels like a slight regression of her character. Though thats really more a problem w dr3s writing i think...
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Just that really emotional moment after pulling komaru out of the depths... aaughhhh...
Brotp: so toko friendships are really interesting to me, bc in canon all of her relationships besides komaru are. Strained to say the least. Which I find all SUPER interesting, but I really can't see her being close friends with any thh survivors besides makoto. So I'd probably say makoto, but I also really like thinking that toko and komaru become friends with hiroko. Thatd be nice. Im also torn on whether or not she and sonia would be besties or if toko would find her annoying lol
Otp: yall already know, tokomaru the world the beloved the lesbians of all time
Notp: togafuka. Obv...
Random hc: once the world starts recovering more and they're actually able to get their hands on some, toko starts painting her nails to curb her nail biting habit. She grows to enjoy it just for its own sake. I think she'd usually go for a dark maroon usually, but occasionally black or white... maybe she'd let komaru paint them, and she’d put a little heart design on her ring finger... aaaa...
Unpaid opinion: I think toko is great in thh on her own. She's so weird and funny. I love mean women ❤
Song I associate with her: When You Were Young by The Killers... idk I think a lot of her past and how she was raised really affects her and how she views romantic relationships... comphet etc etc... idk if it totally fits bc ya boi has a hard time interpreting lyrics but thats what I think about...
Fave picture of her
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Manga toko so prettyyyyyyyyy❤❤❤❤
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thebigqueer · 3 years
every scene w jinx is so intense i’m so obsessed w this animation because they could have just left it at her having her appearance and her figure of speech and her characteristic movements but NO !!! they also personified her entire vision like they truly gave her an ESSENCE in everywhere she looked
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