searching4rinoa · 1 year
Segaugust 2 #21 - Mortal Kombat
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gaspanic · 3 years
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Mortal Kombat II Scorpion VS Sub-Zero. COME HERE! Non sapete da quanto tempo lo volessi fare. #mk2 #mortalkombat #scorpion #subzero #arcade #videogames #edboon #midway #toasty #mk #abacabb #winnersdontusedrugs #insertcoin #fatality https://www.instagram.com/p/CVgGaqrMG21/?utm_medium=tumblr
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woftd · 3 years
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Happy #MothersDay to all the moms out there who do whatever it takes to put a smile on their kids faces. Love is the real blood code…. #RVA #ABACABB #WOFTD https://www.instagram.com/p/COqSdxrjnwO/?igshid=1bip9uj27jw6x
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acehxc · 7 years
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Conducting From The Grave // While not exactly buzzworthy, these dudes provided more metal in their deathcore than any of the bands that were rising at the same time. While many acts were jumping into the chug bandwagon, these dudes dived right into black metal and thrash tendencies which weren’t truly highlighted until their Sophomore release “Revenants” and was essentially separating this band from the foundations of the scene. While they’ve self released their last release, their brief run on Sumerian didn’t do much to catapult the act to After The Burial, Born Of Osiris, or Veil Of Maya acclaim. Some of those early Sumerian acts like ABACABB and Fell Silent were really some of the best this scene had to offer, and it’s unfortunate not all of them made it into this wonderful digital age. Check out “The Tyrant’s Throne” on the playlist @therecentlyadded MUSIC •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #therecentlyadded #newrelease #musicblog #relapserecords #sumerianrecords #nuclearblastrecords #cultureabuse #deathwishinc #comebackkid #riserecords #ironreagan #backtrack #harmsway #architects #knockedloose #parkwaydrive #codeorange #emmure #bruise #trivium #abacabb #animalsasleaders #kublaikhan #gatecreeper #mastodon #theamityaffliction #fitforanautopsy #thyartismurder #nyc #hxc
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livexlucid · 8 years
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chrishinxmcgee2 · 2 years
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cvltclvssic · 2 years
“hit the dancers😏Dorothy Dandridge, Irene Cara💃🏽,”
Exhibit A: Dorothy Dandridge
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Exhibit B: Irene Cara
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xxredwoodxx · 3 years
mortal kombat blood code said abacabb
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Friday Special #5
December 18th, 2020
Welcome back to another Friday Special!
For this week, we’ll be looking into the history of cheat codes and what happened to them.
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So what exactly are cheat codes? What qualifies as a cheat code?
In the most basic definition, cheat codes are usually a set of numbers, words, or phrases that, if a video game allowed them, would allow certain abilities or rewards to happen based on the code entered. For example, rewards could be something like infinite lives or all weapons/costumes/etc. unlocked.
According to history, the first recorded instance of a video game cheat code was in the video game Computer Space alllllll the way back in 1971. It was installed into the software and could only be accessed while holding the two buttons to the left while the machine was booting up to make your score start at 14. This tidbit of information however is difficult to prove as it only worked on a handful of machines.
Cheat codes were not always about given more “freedom” to players.
Did you know that they originally started out as developer tools?
Other early examples of cheat codes were ones like Colossal Cave Adventure, a text-based adventure game where if you inputted XYZZY, it would teleport the player between two places, or for a game like Manic Miner where if the player inputted the number code 6031769 (sources vary between some saying it was creator Matt Smith’s phone number and others say the last few numbers of his driver’s license) into the title card and press enter, it would allow the player to shift between the six levels of the game.
The original purpose of cheat codes were meant for developers to quickly move from one section of the game to another as well as video game reviewers to properly see through the different parts of a game to review and score it properly in gaming magazines.
Cheat codes at the time were pretty simple and not given much thought.
Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked when the Konami Code was first introduced.
Just about everyone and their mother knows about the legendary Konami Code, but just in case you don’t, it was a special code combination first introduced in 1986 for the game Gradius as a way to test the game during the early stages. The code is:
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
It was created by Kazuhisa Hashimoto (he passed away back in February of this year, rest in peace) and although it didn’t gain popularity then, a little game called Contra was where the Konami Code really started to send shockwaves all across the Western gaming world.
In the original Contra, if the Konami Code was used, your three lives were boosted to thirty, making the impossible game more manageable to play. The code became so widespread with immense popularity that Hashimoto insisted that from then on that every single Konami game would input the cheat code in its programming.
This kickstarted what would become a more modern definition of what cheat codes would be.
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The Konami Code would be so famous it even found its way into non-Konami titles such as Bioshock Infinite, Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal, and even Fortnite Battle Royale. Several famous Konami IPs that feature the code include the likes of Castlevania, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, and even DDR (Dance Dance Revolution).
So what are some other famous types of cheat codes?
Sometimes the cheat code in question can provide some content that has been hidden away. Take the debug mode in the first Sonic the Hedgehog game for instance. The way to access the debug mode was to input the following code:
Press ↑ C Button, ↓ C Button  ← C Button → C Button on Title Screen
A ring chime can be heard
Hold then A Button  down and press start button
The game begins with Debug Mode
The debug menu became a rather popular feature for SEGA Genesis players, mainly for the chaos that ensued where you could alter parts of the game without bricking your cartridge and console.
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Now to the more controversial stuff.
When Mortal Kombat was first released in arcades back in 1992, it was immediately hounded by enraged parents and politicians alike for its graphic violence and abundance of blood for the famous “Fatality” scenes, thus paving the way for the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) rating system for video games. When the game started to get ported to various consoles, Nintendo of America, being the same stickler for family-friendly content, censored the blood in the SNES port. SEGA, on the other hand, decided to use the cheat code route, and while the blood is censored upon boot-up, you enact the cheat code to bring back the blood. The code below:
This code famously became known as the Blood Code and this along with other factors made the SEGA Genesis version of Mortal Kombat so popular.
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Wait! What if a game can do cheats but not just by using button combinations?
This is where cheat code devices come in.
The first recorded instance of a cheat device was in the form of the ‘Multiface’, which found its home on the likes of consoles like the ZX Spectrum. There were different variants over the years that added better and better quality to the device itself. Due to its success, similar devices made their way to the market like the ‘Freezer’ for the Commodore systems and the ‘Darth Vader’ unit (yes, it was actually called that) for the Atari 2600.
If you owned an NES/SNES/Game Boy/Mega Drive at the time, you would’ve heard about the Game Genie, which was the next major cheat device to be created. The player would put the game in the Game Genie slot and then insert the device into the console itself. You could then up your game depending on what game you had. Although they are a by-gone relic of gaming history, it still paved the way for similar devices.
When you think of the name Action Replay, those who had an original DS or a DSi probably had one of these devices, however the device is actually much older than that, dating back to its original release back in the late 1980s with its first appearance on the Commodore systems. It has since release on consoles like Nintendo DS, Gamecube, Gameboy Advance, Playstation Portable, and even the Xbox 360 and Playstation 2!
If you were a kid in the late ‘90s and early ‘00s, you would’ve had the Game Shark. This cheat device was primarily known for its appearance on the Nintendo 64, but it was also widely used for the original Playstation and Playstation 2 as well as the original Xbox and Game Boy/Game Boy Color. You could even bypass the region-locked security using it, which can allow you to play any game from any region.
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So what happened to cheat codes, and why don’t we see them anymore?
Well, they didn’t go away completely, as they can sometimes be found in some video games, rather they just fell out of style. See, as we approach to today’s gaming culture, cheat codes are nowadays hidden behind higher-level programming and it is no longer able to be manipulated by average players. This was done as video games became bigger and more complex, going past just some programming and the developer tools were now locked away so that the game doesn’t get altered so much it crashes. This started to become more prevalent in the mid-2000s and onward. As mentioned before, cheat codes originally started as a way for developers to go across different levels in order to fix coding or bugs. They are still being used, they’re just not for open use like they used to be.
Cheat codes have changed the gaming world and are still remembered fondly by players even to this day with the rise in retro gaming in recent years. Here’s to hoping they can come back someday.
Thoughts From The Head
Cheat codes have always been a part of my gaming experience growing up for as long as I can remember. I remember the Book Fairs that my elementary school hosted every year and I remember getting some cheat code books for games. They have unfortunately been lost to time but i do miss them fondly.
I also have memories of cheat devices, the Action Replay for the original DS for example. I used that sucker to use the ‘Complete Pokedex’ cheat for Pokemon Pearl as well as ‘Infinite Health’ cheat in Kirby Super Star Ultra. That was later unfortunately lost as my dad tossed it out, saying “it wasn’t good for anything”. Jokes on him, that device alone is easily $30-40 online, and higher in some cases.
Thanks dad.
I do have a cheat device in my possession for my original Playstation and it’s the original Game Shark. I received it for free at my local video game store since they had no real use for it and it was “Flashed” which meant that it was slightly different and was capable of playing burned and imported games (which I had). I have not had a chance to test it yet because I do not have a game to really test it on yet (plus the text is kinda odd, see photos). I will try to give it a shot this weekend and see if I can come up with anything.
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spidermartini · 4 years
27 years ago today was MORTAL MONDAY
I got the game the day before on a special pre-order and I was the envy of every boy in my class at school
For those who remember:
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a-scorzo · 7 years
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Abacabb = Blood Code! #abacabb #blood #mortalkombat #concept #conceptart #art #drawing #cartoon #evil
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charredasperity · 5 years
Know your Acronyms
AFAB: Assigned Female At Birth
AMAB: Assigned Male At Birth
ACAB: All Cops Are Bastards
ABACAB: Genesis's 11th studio album
ABACABB: The "Blood Kode" for Mortal Kombat on Sega Genesis which enables Fatalities.
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nnjzz · 5 years
Le Non_Jazz & Villette Makerz - VENDREDI 19 JUILLET 2019 -
20:30 portes 21:00 1er concert MARIA BERTEL & NINA GARCIA SNU01 WHERE IS MR. R?!
VILLETTE MAKERZ Parc de la Villette - Folie L5 75019 M° Porte de Pantin P.A.F. 6€
https://www.facebook.com/events/364375094246438/   ================= MARIA BERTEL & NINA GARCIA / dk / fr On a découvert l'une d'abord, en 2014 et courtesy of Sonic Protest, au sein du all girls quintette copenhaguois SELVHENTER, entité organique et énergisante envoyant du bois sévère avec sa concoction puissante à base de punk / free jazz et drone music.
A quelques mois d'intervalle on découvrait l'autre, plus Parisienne, d'abord avec son formidable projet solo MARIACHI (guitare - pédale - ferraille - ampli : "feedbacks, crépitements et débordements"),ensuite intégrant les survoltés MAMIEDARAGON, combo post-punk agit-pop vital.   Le duo a vu le jour en 2016 - sur une proposition de Sonic Protest :
"Maria Bertel explore les possibilités du trombone poussé à l’extrême, avec ou (plus rarement) sans amplification. La radicalité et l’énergie de son approche la place dans la grande famille des expérimentateurs furieux du souffle amplifié, de Borbetomagus à Antoine Chessex.
Mariachi c’est un projet tout neuf de Nina Garcia, en solo. Entre musique improvisée et noise, elle expérimente sur un dispositif réduit au minimum : une guitare, une pédale, un ampli. Point. Dans sa musique, on trouve en vrac : feedbacks, crépitements, courts circuits, impacts, harmoniques, grincements, débordements, et par hasard, notes et accords presque parfaits."
Trombone amplifié + guitare électrique avec un strict minimum d'effets électronique à portée de pied. "Du geste nerveux, des accès tonitruants, de l’improvisation responsive, tout ça d’une primeur incisive et d’attaque… À ne pas rater. Vraiment." (Instants Chavirés)
SNU01 / paris / orléans
Paul LAURENT - discret magicien de la bande magnétique - est la moitié du duo SUICIDE MOTÖRHEAD (l'autre moitié étant Romaric SOBAC, performiste à temps partiel, parrain & éminence grise du Non_Jazz); Alexandre BELLENGER (BOBBY MOO, BOBBY TWO, ABACABB, ... ) est la moitié du duo ROLEX (l'autre moitié étant Romaric SOBAC, performiste ... .. etc. ...).
Ces deux-là joignent - en l'absence de celui-ci - leurs forces et composent ce duo inédit d'électronique analogique : entre synthèse modulaire & manipulations de bande(s). Paul (préposé au Nagra) & Alexandre (penché sur ses modules, patchs etc.) se croiseront ainsi pour la première fois devant un public sans doute ébahi, voire médusé et que l'on souhaite, conquis. https://snu-x.bandcamp.com/releases
WHERE IS MR. R?! / paris Cela s'excite et cela déménage dans tous les coins et recoins, entre lames / tubes / fûts... Composé d'Augustin BETTE (batterie objets ...), de Basile NAUDET (sax alto, objets) & de Luca VENTIMIGLIA (vibraphone, objets ...), ce trio turbulent est une des très nombreuses émanations du très actif collectif / vivier de "jeunes talents", le 2035 se définissant en ces termes-ci  : "Le collectif 2035 est un regroupement d’amis musiciens issus des musiques improvisées et jazz mais intéressés par toutes formes vivantes d’expressions  et de partages. De ce chantier instable qu’est leur pratique artistique  se dégage la volonté commune d’explorer les sons, les différents univers sonores, d’expérimenter, d’aller vers l’inconnu, ne pas rester entre soi, de partager au maximum ! "
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5q0we2rAig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_WJQmZJ6vA https://2035records.bandcamp.com/track/26-settembre-i  
Fly - Jo L’Indien
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acehxc · 7 years
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Insane Clown Posse & Attila “Slamfest 2018” // Surprisingly, when this got announced I didn’t think it was so far off from center for both acts to be going out together. ICP and Attila both have a reckless, careless approach to their business (even though it’s a clear tactic that drives hundreds of thousands in sales). I’m concerned about some of Attilla’s younger fans clashing with the ICP Jugglos when they think their at an HXC show. There’s going to be hundreds of thousands of middle fingers in the air for months, and it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out when they hit the road in March @therecentlyadded MUSIC •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• #therecentlyadded #newrelease #musicblog #relapserecords #sumerianrecords #nuclearblastrecords #cultureabuse #deathwishinc #comebackkid #riserecords #ironreagan #backtrack #harmsway #architects #knockedloose #parkwaydrive #codeorange #emmure #insaneclownposse #trivium #abacabb #attila #kublaikhan #gatecreeper #mastodon #theamityaffliction #fitforanautopsy #thyartismurder #nyc #hxc
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hagaishi-sama · 6 years
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I can remember like it was yeasterday. Standing in line for the Genesis ver of MK! ABACABB! #mk #hagaishitv #nostalgic #retro #retrogaming #mortalmonday #midwaygames #mortalkombat #mkxl #Magazineadvertisement #fgc https://www.instagram.com/p/BnrvCpOFOIw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mmfalfrqozqw
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cvltclvssic · 3 years
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