#abarat absolute midnight
gh0stlycryptic · 6 months
i need Abarat by Clive Barker like i need life. i know he had some health issues recently, but i really hope he will be able to finish book 4 soon. he recently said that he won't be making that many physical appearances so he can focus on his writing, but he said he has like 30+ things he is working on, so i hope Kry Rising is one of them. i am going to be rereading the 3 that are out now, pining for the 4th.
i am also happy that Disney no longer has the rights to Abarat, and they are back in Clive's hands, because they would have ruined it for sure
also, please, please, PLEASE tell me if you are a part of this fandom. i have felt alone for most of my life.
basically, this is a Petition to revive the Abarat fandom and even rope more people in. force your friends to read it, read it to them if you have to. info dump about it, idc, just please, i can't stand feeling like the only one constantly thinking about these books
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petnews2day · 2 years
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Good Male Or Unisex Cat Names?
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/cat-news/hey-pandas-what-are-some-good-male-or-unisex-cat-names/
Hey Pandas, What Are Some Good Male Or Unisex Cat Names?
I’m looking for ideas on what to name a new cat. He’s male, 2 years old. He’s a ginger, white with a few large orange patches. I’m still not sure about his true personality, was thinking of a name that matches his personality. His previous owners, my neighbors from across the street were neglectful, throwing him out all night in the cold crying, and they were always screaming, so this cat is skittish, but definitely not aggressive. He’s gentle, and I have a feeling he’s a sweet boy. Anyway, I’d love some ideas! I don’t know what the previous owners called him, usually just “pain in the a**!”
If i had a ginger cat i’d call them Ginger Ninja 😄🐈
I have always loved the name Jiggles or Noodles for a cat
Samson, Dragon, Sir Richard the Lion-Hearted, Bean, Toast, Mango, Willie, Noodle, Boris, Bumpus, Franklin, Milo, Hugo. Tell us which one you pick, or if you did something that’s not on this post!!
if its a black cat with green eyes the call it Loki if blonde with blur eyes then call it Odinson it will be cool if you have two cats of the above description cand call them Loki and Odinson(thor)
if its grey call it mjolnir or mew-noir for black
if its chocolate brown or mud colour then call it belgie(belgian chocolate)
if its whitish pinkish or creamish the call it onion
as you said, “He’s a ginger, white with a few large orange patches.”… I’ll say : Winnie the Pooh or (Pooh for short) or TWEETY for a girl anyone wondering; Tweety is a yellow canary in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes i had a soft toy of her when i was a child and absolutely love it
Based on his colors call him Julius for the orange Julius drink. Lots of good nicknames from that too Jules, Julie, OJ, JJ, JuJu, etc.
Mittens Alex Fluffy Cheeto
Since you said, “He’s a ginger, white with a few large orange patches.”… I’ll say the obvious: Ginger 😸
I always name my pets after characters I like. Based on your description I would name him Malingo. It comes from Clive Barker’s Abarat series. But Malingo is a character introduced as a victim, escapes with the main character from this situation, and is really kind/loyal despite lacking some confidence. (He’s also conveniently orange!)
Our first male cat was Vergil, but he died very soon. Long story short, eventually we got two new kittens, girl Rikku and boy Dante. Yep, all names are from video games, my husband is a nerd (FF10 and DMC4).
Ginger bread or cookie. I think they are good names.
Potato! Works best if he’s a bit on the chubby side. I’ve also always thought that Miso would be a lovely name on a ginger cat.
I named my cat Fatso Franko. My old cat was a ginger called Meat, short for Meat-Head. My mom had two tuxedo males I called Dingle and Mr. Burt. Mr. Burt had a brother who was all white, I called him Ding-Dong. Cat names really depend on their personality.
Coco is amazing. Or Shadow. Or Ninja and Midnight
Jasper. It’s the name of a dragon in a book I just read and the stone matches the cat
I always thought Linus would be a good name for a ginger cat! My dear departed fluffy ginge was W***y Fabian, aka Pooh Bear or Puddin
Sammy, Twitch (named after a character in the movie Hoodwinked).
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samanthaselvaggio · 3 years
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I freaking LOVE Abarat!!! 😍😍😍😍 Clive Barker is a magic man with his books and I haven’t found one I haven’t loved to read yet! Though first place in my heart is Abarat.
Malingo and John Mischief are best boys, Candy is my girl for life!
Im still working at the IPad thing, but I’m pretty proud of this one! 😊😊😊 I will definitely try my hand again with them the better I get on this device. Which is taking a while… 😗
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phyllidaluna · 3 years
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Never remembered to post this sketch of *checks hand* Gizza from A rat: Total Nighttime We sure did have a small amount of physical description for the ‘love interest’ in a heavily illustrated series.
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ligbi · 4 years
A3N 75 76
Start Previous
Chapter 75- The End of the World
John Brothers
Eight Dynasties
Candy Gazza and Malingo go over the edge
Chapter 76- And Beyond
-Other Side*
Candy Malingo and Gazza reach for the other side of Nothing 
-Other Side: The reverse of the Abarat, on the other side of Nothingness, reaches for Candy
Words- Turn to colorful ribbons in the void
~Zephario Carrion
So Ends The Third Book of Abarat
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barkerverse · 3 years
If Clive’s setting up that Candy & her gradeschool chum Deborah are going to become friends again by the series end and he’s got that scene where it talks abt how one summer Deborah got a boyfriend she neglected Candy and got obsessed w a boy who she thought was the one (presented just before Candy and Gazza are paired off) then…. is that going to be a parallel w Candy & Gazza’s getting obsessed w each other and later when Deborah apologizes for being too consumed by a boy is Candy gonna be like “yeah I understand” cuz she got obsessed w Gazza
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teal-deer · 4 years
Abarat -- Absolute Midnight (spoilers)
ok hello fellow uh... 5? fans? of abarat? on tumblr, I got the interlibrary loan of Absolute Midnight WITH ILLUSTRATIONS and I finished it and here’s some thoughts These will sound like whining or like I hated it, but I actually did enjoy it, I just also have Some Problems and I wanna rant.
1) who the fuck is Gazza? Gazz? Whatever his name is? I hate him. What the fuck is the point of this character? He feels randomly shoehorned in just to give Candy ANOTHER goddamn love interest and I’m like MALINGO IS RIGHT THERE? WHY ARE YOU DOING THE YA LOVE TRIANGLE THING? And unlike Malingo (or arguably Letheo who I felt was going that way in book 2, or Chris Carrion or Finnegan Hob who I felt Barker was going with until he remembered that they’re each a minimum of 16 years older than Candy and then went WHOOPS), I literally have NO IDEA what Gazza looks like, I don’t think he gets a single illustration. He comes out of nowhere, he oscillates wildly between “huge asshole” and “infatuated with Candy,” the ONLY thing I can remember about him is that he was  fisherman, I guess. He has no development, and Candy just... instantly falls in love with him despite having one (1) conversation with him which began with him trying to stab her. And I confess -- I’m an asexual grey-romantic 34 year old, so yeah, romance is always confusing to me, but this one realllly strains credibility. And I’m kind of feeling justified because I haven’t seen a single fanart of this guy, ever, and I’ve seen fanart of *all kinds* of minor characters.
And like I’m not normally a shipper. But holy jeez. Malingo: a truly wonderful person who clearly loves candy and is also very attractive, who had instant chemistry with Candy when they met and a very well developed backstory who has been around for 3 books, who smells like pumpkin spice and looks like a friendly joyful jack-o-lantern... and then HELLO SUDDENLY A RANDOM ASSHOLE who we don’t even know what he looks like.
I’m just. I’m upset about this! What the hell, Barker, why did you feel the need to shoehorn in a Typical YA Love Interest? (Possibly, I missed something? Some part where he got character development or a backstory beyond “random fisherman”? Is he secretly the Commexo Kid or something? the small child that gets killed to show how evil Mater Motley is had more character development than this dude). I kept kind of hoping that she’d have her love at first sight crush and he’d then get killed just to prove Carrion’s point about loving and losing because he was *so* annoying but no, he’s just still there at the end, whining about everything, negging Candy, and generally just being arbitrary.
2) As usual for Abarat Barker suffers from Too Much Stuff Happening Gotta Get It All Out ASAP so nobody gets to rest and we just careen as fast as possible from Thing to Thing AAAAAAAAAAAAAAa but that’s okay because it’s mostly pretty cool & interesting
3) Boa Is Evil. I’ve seen some people complain that this wasn’t foreshadowed well and it came out of left field, but... having just re-read the other two... I do think Barker didn’t foreshadow it very well and he could have done a lot more, annnd I think he hadn’t quite started down that line of thinking until Days of Magic: Nights of War, B U T, I will say that there were weird mysteries about Boa we didn’t know of from the first time we learned of her, and I’d always gotten the feeling that a) Christopher wasn’t just a spurned entitled man, that something else was going on there and b) there had to be more to Boa than just Pretty Sparkle Perfectly Good Princess Embodiment of All Goodness (TM). I do think she gets wayyy too far into Cartoonishly Evil though, like, she went from Perfect Princess to Saturday Morning Cartoon Villain, and I can’t tell if this is just Clive kinda writing badly, or if there was a “real” Boa who was somewhere between and that removing her more just removed the “bad” parts and everything else was absorbed into Candy. Or something. You know it’s bad when Mater Motley is the more nuanced villain here... Also, the Fantamoya have some SPLAININ to do as to why they saved this bitch in the first place, with the power they have they HAD to have known she was Like That, but also had to have had some other reason for doing so. I feel like they did more to Candy than just put Boa there...
4) The illustrations in this one are a lot more foreboding and a lot more abstract. And I get it, this is the darkest of the three books, but at the same time it’s at the expense of things like... well, what the hell does Gazza even look like (is that even his name, I can’t remember, I had to return the book to the library). At this point, I wish Clive would do a Dramatis Personae thing, sort of like the Almanac he did in Book 1, because there’s A LOT of characters now and I’m starting to lose track.
5) If you’re gonna give Chris Carrion a redemption arc -- and I am HERE for it -- he’s gotta start doing good acts. Starting with going up against his grandma and against Boa. But I *am* here for the possibility -- I actually thought he was a nuanced character in Book 1 even, and I normally hate dudes who go “she broke up with me so I’m now gonna be eeeevil” but hey! turns out it was way more complicated than that and he was actually justified in trying to assassinate her.
6) Did Letheo die in book 2? I actually can’t remember o_O
7) That’s a HELL of a cliffhanger to end on, wow! I wonder, also, if the Abarat is a kind of inverted torus of a sort, like... a multi-dimensional shape, so at the edges the water still appears to fall down, but there’s really two sides to the “plate” (the other side being wherever Candy, Malingo, and That Guy just ended up), with the Twenty-Fifth being a column in the middle that connects both; possibly where the Izabella “comes back” from falling off the edge.
8) That Glyph at the end was super dope
9) How many world-ending cosmic horror factions can one universe hold anyway!? Jeeeeez
10) I’m really glad I got spoilered for Malingo surviving because I might have just given up there what with What’s His Name coming on the scene and then Malingo apparently getting fridged. Also, his head flapping around is really funny. I wonder how long it’ll take him to grow a new body? Also I am amused by Geshrat giving birth to flappy severed heads, apparently, but also like “that’s probably less trouble than giving birth to a whole baby actually if the head is baby sized”
ok rambling rant over
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Here’s a dumb opinion about a book I dearly love: I really 100% hope Candy, Malingo and Gazza will end up in a poly relationship and not in a love triangle that will make me a bit sad
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abaratabridged · 4 years
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Ya @teal-deer the sequence where Boa and Candy are removed from one another is my honest to god favorite part of book 3. Candy was already a well-written character, but after this moment you can see she is beginning to excel at being herself! At finding who she is!
One thing I liked the most about this turning point is that once they are separated, Candy becomes more decisive than ever. Before she was a little wishy washy, which makes sense! I dunno - seeing her character evolve in book 3 was (and is) one of my favorite parts!
Have fun!!!!
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wolfhatkid · 4 years
Guess who finally got the 3rd abarat book in the mail today! Been a fan of the series so far, so glad I got this
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burn-the-druid · 4 years
"nothing else wounds so deeply and irreparably. nothing else robs us of hope so much as being unloved by one we love." clive barker
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itsjustlyle · 4 years
One life, one death? If only things were that equitable. We each of us die countless little deaths on our way to the last. We die out of shame and humiliation. We perish from despair. And of course we die for love.
Clive Barker, Abarat: Absolute Midnight
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coalandember · 5 years
Hello friends,
I made an amino for the Abarat series as I am currently rereading DoMNoW on a whim and upon searching for a community on the app did not find one. If y’all are interested in joining here is the code. ✨😊
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nyxbearkitty · 5 years
Zephario: *hols u*
Carrion: *is hold*
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katsandb00ks · 6 years
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ligbi · 4 years
A3N 72 73 74
First Previous
Chapter 72- Truth
Carrion Clan
-Mount Galigali
The truth of Motley’s dolls comes out 
Chapter 73- Souls
Motley’s Dolls**
Carrion Clan
-Mount Galigali
Zephario releases his family
Spiked black energy- One of Carrion’s spells
Door in Candy- What the Fantomaya placed in her and how Zephario enters her
Dirt Flower- Motley summons a seven-petaled flower of ash and dirt to transport her away
Chapter 74- The Hammer of the Nephauree
John Brothers
Nephauree priests
-Mount Galigali
-Twenty-Fifth Hour
The Nephauree makes an attack
-New: notes
Dark Constellation- The way the Nephauree summons and collects its powers to vaporize others
Dark Horns- More power wielded by the Nephauree, used like hammers to split the earth
Abaratian Seagull- Psych it’s Malingo’s head flying with his ear flaps
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