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Finally finished this one, it was fun to mess around with.
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arcthebreeder · 6 months
12/29/2023, 22:32 (GMT-5)
Yesterday, I went to the planetarium, to celebrate one of my friend's birthdays, and, naturally, Siriusmon, Canoweissmon and Regulusmon were excited, so they were fighting to be the first one to see almost every exhibition.
Sooner than later, we got to some constellation related exhibition, and Regulusmon got extra excited, because they were talking about the star that gives name to his species and composes a good part of its base data, Regulus, the brightest star on the Leo constellation. After the exhibition, both him and his brother, along with Siriusmon were asking me to let them explore, I connected to the planetarium's database and let them run around under mine and Siriusmon's supervision, since he has been here since the beginning and is basically the dad for the whole group, and the mentor of Canoweissmon, oh yeah, in the end Regulusmon doesn't train almost at all with Siriusmon since Regulusmon already trains Helloogarmon and gets trained by Kuzuhamon, but getting back on track. With the hours passing we got to the dome show that we paid to attend to, and my three digimon were nowhere to be found, tho I didn't have time to look for them, but I trusted they wouldn't be involved in anything sketchy (greatest mistake ever) so I just sent a message to Siriusmon telling them to get back to the dome and that's all, but... Obviously things weren't so simple.
Once the dome show started, I got a ton of notifications coming from Siriusmon, Canoweissmon and Regulusmon, saying that they got in trouble and were being chased by none other than Abbadomon Core, an unknown attribute, Ultimate level, unknown type digimon, the information from this horrible beast is limited, since its considered one of the most vicious digimon ever created, this thanks to the objective he was programed with. It's theorized that Negamon (Abbadomon's pre evo) and Abbadomon itself, were created by a fatalistic nihilism sect, that wanted to bring everything to nothing starting with the internet, the greatest achievement of this sect, was Abbadomon Core, the pure, raw essence of wanting the world to go back to zero turned into code.
I personally find this inhumanly cringe, since, even tho I can be considered a nihilist, I believe in that indomitable human spirit bullshit, and I take it pretty seriously, so I was more than ready to kick some edgy nihilist ass, even tho I was a little bit too much concentrated in the dome show.
Abbadomon Core was chasing my Digimon with its Bingerard, the spear it can turn its arm into, so I told them to bring it to the dome, once they arrived, Canoweissmon began charging for a Grand Nova, while Siriusmon fought against Abbadomon Core using the blades on its Sylvia, and Regulusmon was keeping it still with the Kalyp Bite, however, Abbadomon Core shoot it's Gaze Eraser, a myriad of lasers that it fores from the eyes all around its cape, this attack kept my Digimon at distance, but also kept Abbadomon Core busy enough for Canoweissmon to shoot it's Gran Nova however, I underestimated Abbadomon Core, since it quickly shape shifted his arms back to normal and used them to perform the Eclipse None, a mass of energy that corrodes everything it touches, to stop the Gran Nova, this is where I got worried, the Eclipse None is a dangerous attack, if it reaches any of my Digimon, the chances of it surviving were basically none, so we had to make this quick and attack from the distance.
Siriusmon attacked with the Breaquasar, however, It also got stopped by the Eclipse None, so we quickly realized that the only option was a direct attack, even tho it was the most dangerous one, so I quickly made a plan.
Abbadomon Core apparently can only use the Eclipse None when its arms aren't wielding its weapons, so we only had to keep him occupied while Siriusmon prepared the Breaquasar from the back. And thus, the plan began, Canoweissmon attacked constantly with the Meteor Lux and Regulusmon kept its spear still using the Kalyp Bite, Abbadomon Core is a digimon that only thinks about bringing it's surroundings to the nothingness, so it fired the Gaze Eraser once again to hit both Canoweissmon and Regulusmon, but this left an opening for the Breaquasar, that hit it's back directly, however, it quickly got back to action, and shoot the Eclipse None to Siriusmon, but Regulusmon got in the middle of the attack and used the Kalyp Bite to absorb the corroding matter, but the shield on Regulusmon's arm wasn't able to swallow the attack, and it started to rust and soon, decay. Due to the stress Regulusmon released a ton of GRB Factor, to stop the virus from spreading to the general database of the Planetarium, Regulusmon tried to absorb it, and, in the middle of the dome show, a light, bright as the sun, got eaten by a darkness thar exceeded that of the nothingness itself.
A darkness that was so deep, it could never exist in the real world, one that could only be simulated, took the shape of a caped crusader with drills for hands, a digimon thought to be possible only for highly experimental simulations, Arcturusmon, made act of presence.
Abbadomon Core, once again, with its infinite hunger for nothingness, attacked with the Eclipse None, and Arcturusmon took the attack with one of its spinning drills, and shot it to the sky along with GRB particles, it was like a meteor shower. Siriusmon used Abbadomon Core's confusion to his advantage and broke one of its Sylvia, so he could unleash the Planet Knuckle, to send him flying to Canoweissmon that was waiting with open arms and its claws, overflowing with the energy needed to use the Gallia Fissure, shredding Abbadomon Core to little pieces that will be quickly ended with a blast of dark energy that came from the tip of one of Arcturusmon's drills, the Black Confession, and thus, Abbadomon Core was no more.
The whole battle passed well as part of the dome's light show and after the whole thing ended, Arcturusmon fell asleep by himself...
I know we've already passed the time the GRB Factor taking over his mind was a problem but... I can't really not get worried after seeing this. The evolution increased the GRB Factor inside Arcturusmon's body, which, is evident since it can shoot it as part of its attacks now, and now I can only hope that he can control it... Because if he can't, we may need another collar and some more of Kuzuhamon's spells
Oh! And as for why Abbadomon Core was there, one can only assume, but my theory is that since the dome show was about how wonderful our world is, some members of the cult that programmed Negamon may have come with their own Abbadomon to fuck the while thing up, but it's only a theory, we're reaching the end of the year and I hope I can spend it with my boys, my friends and my family with no more inconveniences happening around me, I don't wish you a happy new years now since I want to make a post on that day, but just I case I have nothing to say or I forget, happy new years! And don't forget that even if 2023 is coming to its closure, i'll keep you updated.
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Idea for a digimon fanseason (copied from discord)
homeostasis realized "oh god, the digital world is in danger and there aren't any partner digimon available"
and decided to revive "evil digimon" from digital worlds past as partner digimon
the reincarnated digimon wouldn't have any memories of their time as huge, world-ending threats until they digivolve into the stage they kept from their old line
the digimon that I'd use are
lucemon from frontier
myotismon from adventure
arukenimon,mummymon and blackwargreymon from 02
bagramom from xros wars
and negamon from the adventure reboot
Here are the lines I came up with
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coreink002 · 2 years
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Recently got Digimon cyber sleuth, so be prepared for a lot of Digimon related art 😊
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aquillis-main · 2 years
TFW you were expecting Abbadomon as an The End design, instead of a purple moon that we got:
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digimonloving · 2 years
Could I get a tamer with a Abbadomon and Omnimon as Digimon partner hcs? Maybe about how well or how not well those two get along
A Tamer with Omnimon and Abbadomon as Digimon partners
When with a Tamer, Abbadomon is fairly... calm. But still a Digimon that can get a bit much when something agitates him. It can be a good thing Omnimon is there to keep him in check when he seems like he might go to start destroying their surroundings, as sometimes even the words of his Tamer won't bring him out of the want for nothingness around him.
Omnimon tries to get along with Abbadomon, for their Tamer's sake. Abbadomon isn't as bad with a Tamer around, so it's a bit easier for the two to get along in a sense of the word. Omnimon is simply always keeping an eye on the other.
There are many times, though, where the two Digimon tend to butt heads, and don't seem to get along at all. Even when Abbadomon is in the moment and active in talking with his Tamer. Omnimon doesn't tend to agree with thoughts the other has, so it's a bit of an issue at times to have them beside each other.
Their Tamer tries to keep the peace between them when it happens, as Omnimon near tosses his usually calm self out the window it feels with how often he near squares up with Abbadomon when the other REALLY feels like picking at the Royal Knight.
It's a bit of a hassle, but it can be dealt with if their Tamer does know what to say to the two to get them to calm down and talk rationally with one another. They're sure they can figure something out for the both of them so it's not an issue!
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lobitadluna · 9 months
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Digimon Abbadomon Made with Brutfuner Colored Pencils. Strathmore Toned Paper. Fanart.
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multihc · 1 year
Algunos headcanon de Abbadomon Core en una relación con su tamer (fem)? Me gustaría saber qué piensas acerca de él, dejando a un lado su aparición en el anime y tal
Abbadomon x Fem!Reader
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☆ Si ya de por sí vuestro encuentro fue extraño y el cómo se unió a tu equipo era igual de raro, su compartamiento, forma de pensar y de vivir lo eran aún más, a niveles que a ti a veces te confundía. Es más, hasta llegaste a plantear que tal vez requería un psicólogo o similar. Si tan solo fuera humano lo habrías llevado con uno inmediatamente...
☆ A ver, me explico: Abbadomon tiene dos tipos de pensamientos y formas de ver todo... Por un lado se adoraba lo suficiente como para verse superior a otros, viendo al resto de digimon y seres vivos como inferiores a él, pura mierda comparada a su majestuosidad y poder... Y sin embargo por otro lado se sentía miserable, asemejandose con la nada y que solo buscaba la nada. O al menos así fue hasta que tú llegaste.
☆ Aunque al comienzo no quiso unirse a ti, fue tu calidez, tu sonrisa, tu amabilidad y suavidad la que captó su atención... Fue un soplo de aire fresco que le ayudó de algún modo a olvidarse temporalmente de lo miserable que se sentía. Incluso llegó a dejar de ver algo o alguien como inferior a él. Eras especial. Muy especial.
☆ Claro que eso no quita que Abbadomon Core siga sintiéndose mal y aunque eres un gran alivio y consuelo para él sigue teniendo pensamientos intrusivos cuando te despistas un momento, asi que una relación con él va muy de la mano con recordarle que es especial, que le quieres y que no vas a reemplazarlo... Y que merece algo más que la nada. Aunque generalmente ayuda, otras veces no es suficiente, asi que solo te queda permanecer a su lado intentando animarle contradiciendo y negándote a todo lo que él piensa y cree de sí mismo y vuestra relación.
☆ Abbadomon, además, es bastante... Posesivo y celoso. Tal vez llegando al punto que es un poco preocupante, ese en el que roza la desconfianza y que probablemente haría cualquier cosa por vigilarte. Pero no me malentienda, no es por que tú seas la fuente de esa desconfianza, simplemente cree y confía en que hay otros mejores que él, asi que siempre está teorizando que lo dejarás, que otro te robará... Y habéis llegado a discutir alguna vez por eso. No una discusión fuerte, pero sí que has llegado a enfadarte por sentirse tan... "Nada" como para creer que era tan fácil de ser reemplazado.
☆ Cuando no estás en el mundo digital es cuando peor se siente. Se vuelve ultra irritable y por ello estará en constante contacto contigo, llenando a veces tu teléfono de mensajes que hasta han llegado a dejar tu teléfono congelado, sin reacción alguna, por la sobrecarga de información... Inclusive tú has tenido que mandarle mil mensajes diciéndole cuánto lo extrañas y le quieres para que no se sienta tan mal. Aun así no sirvió de mucho, pero se valora el intento.
☆ Cuando pasan mucho tiempo separados, Abbadomon al principio es reacio al contacto físico. Cree que es probablemente que hayas encontrado a otro y para que no se te dificulte ser sincera con él se mantiene alejado para que te sinceres y le digas la verdad. Pero después de seguir recibiendo tu atención y mimos, finalmente entiende que sigue siendo el único en tu corazón, asi que vuelve a recibirte abiertamente.
☆ Él nunca es quien comienza las muestras de amor. Pero sí las recibe sin rechistar cuando tú se las das... Y después de unos cuantos mimos, él procede a mostrarte amor a ti también, queriendo dejar en claro que, aunque no lo dice mucho (nunca realmente) te ama, te ama más que a nada en este podrido mundo y eso te hace inmensamente feliz, al igual que a él.
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seventeenlovesthree · 1 month
Since most Digimon asks you get are about relationships (romantic or otherwise), I was thinking about asking something different: according to you, what's Top 5 (or Top 10 if you feel like it) creepiest Digimon? I was just randomly thinking about this a while back and I'm curious if we can agree on some ^^
To be completely honest with you, I have a very hard time to remember the "Digidex" so to speak. If you ask me about any Pokémon, I'll give you an answer immediately, but once it comes to Digimon, everything that wasn't part of the first 4-5 seasons of the anime, plus the movies, plus Tri, the reboot and Ghost Game is usually giving me a very hard time memorizing. Soooo my selection will be very limited and also relies on me checking up several websites, so, here we go...
5th place: Wendigomon. It managed to scare the heck out of me back when I watched The Digimon Movie for the first time - and it did around 20 years later again when I played Digimon Survive. Big, big shout-out.
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4th place: Sephirotmon. I was very, very uncomfortable when it appeared in Frontier and that hasn't changed to this day.
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3rd place: VenomVamdemon (Undead). The original version that was in Adventure was already creepy on so many levels (I still remember the scene where its... Brain-tentacles were coming through???), but the stageplay version had a whole different level of creepiness about itself. For everyone who hasn't watched it yet, I don't want to spoil, but all I want to say is... Poor Taichi.
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2nd place: Ordinemon. I still cannot believe Tri went there, with all the sexualization and the EVA and Madoka references there, I was thoroughly creeped out by it. The picture below doesn't even do it justice...
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1st place: Abbadomon. That thing REALLY gave me these "Oh my God, and this is why Digimon is NOT (just) for kids" vibes all over again when it appeared in the reboot. Shivers. I also feel very similarly about the entire Algomon line - and aesthetic-wise, they also remind me of the Parasimon from the second Tamers movie as well as Armageddomon from Diablomon Strikes Back, so they receive honourable mentions right here.
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ask-digimon-hunters · 23 days
(Blog admins are @cobalt-axolotl and @codyton )
The tamers:
Lopmon (nicks partner)
Paildramon (dae’s partner)
Kamemon (clover’s partner)
Impmon (Lizz’s partner)
Herissmon (Adrian’s partner)
Renamon (Andrea’s partner)
Kokabuterimon (Sam’s partner)
Victory Agumon (Christopher’s partner)
Zeed Gabumon (Evelyn’s partner)
Terriermon (rose’s partner)
Gammamon (Riley’s partner)
Dorumon (Kasey’s partner)
Ryudamon (Ava’s partner)
Veemon (Jun’s partner)
Guilmon and meikoomon (Nikki’s partners)
Link forms
Erlangmon (Nick’s link form)
Link magnamon (dae’s link from)
Minervamon (clover’s linkfrom)
Beelstarmon (lizz’s link form)
Dianamon (Adrian’s link form)
Aincent Kazemon (Andrea’s link form)
Grademon (Sam’s link form)
Plutomon (rose’s link form)
Arcturusmon (Riley’s link form)
Valkeriemon (Kasey’s link form)
Mastemon (Nikki’s link form)
Research Digimon
The royal knights
Tamers in the future:
RIZE squad:
Neo knights:
Team treasure rock:
The crew of the NO seadragon
Captain Phineas
Alpha team V2
Zwart army (the villain’s)
Zwart crowmon
Dan devimon
Digimon Partner’s in the future
Pulsemon (Regan’s partner)
Dracmon (Simon’s partner)
Pteromon (max’s partner)
Monodramon (Cyprus’ partner)
Jazamon (Aron’s partner)
Hackmon (Kai’s partner)
Loogamon (Chloe’s partner)
Kokuwamon (Ann’s partner)
Blucomon (argent’s Partner)
Vorvomon (Scott’s partner)
Impmon X (Jordan’s partner)
Tempomon (harvey’s partner)
Etemon (Leon’s partner)
Shoutmon (zeke’s partner)
Leomon (Mikes Partner)
Kotemon (Phineas’s partner)
Mermaimon (Mai’s partner)
Seadramon (Harry’s partner)
Monmon (jack’s partner)
Gomamon (ruby’s partner)
Demi devimon (Neo’s partner)
Luxmon (Ben’s partner)
Agumon x (robins partner)
Gabumon x (Jens Partner)
Ranger Veemon (Morgan’s partner)
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achehex · 1 year
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デジモンゴストゲーム62話ご視聴ありがとうございました! Thank you for watching Digimon Ghost Game episode 62! (And also episode 56 too, but I didn’t have time to write a post when that one aired, the bottom 3 drawings are the practice I did to learn how to draw CannoWeissmon). In episode 56 I helped out with most of the fight between CanoWeissmon and the fox spirit that Kuzuhamon summoned. For episode 62 I worked on the final bit of the episode, starting with Hiro yelling “BREAQUASAR” until the credits. (Links lead to both scenes in sakugabooru). I don’t particularly have anything interesting to say but I will still try, so see you after the cut! 
For episode 56 I got to work with Shishido-san, probably one of the best action directors at Toei. He was the director on the Rebellimon episode of Adventure 2020 as well as the final fight between Abbadomon and Omegamon in the finale. You can really see this episode had a star strut cast in terms of animators (Takeru Shinozuka, Yuu Yoshiyama, Ryo Onishi, Nobuhiro Nogata), and it’s incredibly honoring and humbling to be alongside them.
When the episode air I was very aware of the chasm that exists between the top animators and me, and I feel like I’m super annoying to my friends when after an episode airs all I can do is complain about my work, but I’m impatient, I would like to be at their level now, haha. But that’s not how this works, so all I can do is keep trying my best.
For episode 62 the director was a duo of the two Hatano. Morio Hatano as storyboarder and Kohei Hatano as episode director, I really like their style for action, it feels very tactical. Layouts for this episode were drawn during the holiday season, and I really thought I could pull it off comfortably but I’ve been having horrible sleep issues since december so it’s been hard for me to keep a schedule. 
The anime industry is hard, but Toei has been very nice and understanding, if they weren’t I don’t think I would still be trying to find my footing. I want my next scene to be the best I did for Ghost Game, so see you then!
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Digimon, because why not.
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skridz · 7 days
My favorite characters from medias I haven't even indulged in! (Send more if you want in asks or you can comment!)
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Black Butler - Alois Trancy
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Wordgirl - Professor Two-Brains (I like Tobey as well!)
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Mlp - Octavia Melody (Mane six - Rarity)
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My Hero Acedamia - Denki Kaminari
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Digimon - Abbadomon
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shihalyfie · 1 year
Which do you think is the most powerful Big Bad between Apocalymon, Cherubimon (Vice), Belial Vamdemon, Armagemon, Ordinemon, Eosmon (Ultimate), Zeed Millenniumon and Abbadomon?
Hm...Kind of depends. I think it all depends on context. For instance, Eosmon isn't actually very powerful in terms of sheer power, but she does have very good defenses. She's nowhere near powerful enough to be some world-ending threat on the level of most final boss Digimon, but she was threatening enough for the immediate situation presented in the movie.
Their power levels also seem to depend on which work they're actually in, so it feels like an apples and oranges issue.
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coreink002 · 2 years
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Another Digimon! This time Abbadomon Core!
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aquillis-main · 2 years
Share the Sonic/digimon partner list!
Of course, of course! I got characters that I haven't mentioned as well with their own Digimon ideas, so if it's more expansive than the one on Discord i apologize for not sharing them.
Sonic: Veemon/V-mon
Tails: Jazamon
Amy: Shortmon
Knuckles: Vorvomon
Sonia: Hawkmon
Manic: Armadillomon
Big: Frogmon
Cream: Terriermon and Lopmon Version X
Shadow: Arcadimon (Perfect/Ultimate)
Rouge: Witchmon
Vector: Deckerdramon
Espio: Igamon
Charmy: Fanbeemon
E-123 Omega: Guardomon
Blaze: Leomon (No, this Leomon will not be dying, thank you)
Marine: Captain Hookmon
Silver: Exermon
Infinite: Negamon -> Abbadomon
Eggman: ??? (May possibly be his own creation)
And to add to this, my OCs:
Ovi: Falcomon (Original version)
Nebula: Gulus Gammamon
Erco/Edge: Grademon
Yuki: Shoutmon
Ginger: Vulturemon
Wesser: Kamemon
Hope: Cupimon -> Lucemon
Arura: Wizardmon X
Trevor: Tyutyumon
Cyrus: Loader Leomon
If you guys think that I gave my OCs too strong a Digimon, consider: Most of the Digimon names I listed are usually the forms that the Digimon automatically prefer, or have met in that form. Marine and Captain Hookmon don't meet until Marine has basically completed most of her arc in the AU. Ginger doesn't meet Vulturemon until she confesses her feelings to Ophelia, and Erco/Edge doesn't meet Grademon until Erco/Edge learns to be more open to others. The only one that starts out as Perfect/Ultimate is Shadow, and that's because Arcadimon is another experiment on the ARK. The two bond over being experiments.
Also, I gave Infinite the most edgiest Digimon to ever existed, because I thought it'd be neat if edge met edge.
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