#abby johnson
mysharona1987 · 2 years
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eternal-echoes · 8 months
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pro-birth · 6 months
PLEA Justice has made an official statement on Let Them Live partnering with Abby Johnson’s ProLove Ministries, even after her consistent bullying and harassment of vulnerable people within her community.
I’m not saying that you should stop donating to either organization, but be honest about their problems with women you work with. Let them know that there are people involved higher up who tolerate Abby Johnson’s toxicity and abuse, so that they can make the informed choice of working with them or not.
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Dumbest Thing I've Ever Heard: 8/3/2023
Fifth place: Twitter user @eyeskewer
This is a little older than the stuff I normally cover on this blog, but I feel like this is worth highlighting as it perfectly shows my issue when many who make conspiratorial claims about transgender medical care:
my "informed consent" was my doctor I had just met handing me papers telling me my voice would drop soon, I could freeze my eggs, I might get acne, and whatever else. I probably didn't even hear everything she said, I just told her I wanted the shot. so I got it. I just turned 18
So you were told you wanted something medical done to you, were told about the risks and consequences, and then got it. I really don't see what the big deal is here.
Fourth Place: Marco Rubio
Elon Musk's time as CEO of Twitter has been far from perfect, but easily the best addition he has made is the community notes feature. For just one example, here is a Tweet from Marco Rubio:
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Also, those claims about the 2016 Presidential Election were never proven to be fake--just wanted to add that real quick.
Third Place: Scott Lively
The deranged homophobe who wrote an entire book blaming the Nazis on homosexuality wrote a column a couple of days back with the headline "Leftist lawfare and the abuse of power." A decent chunk of it is spent defending Russian President Vladimir Putin, but here are some highlights:
In all my years of watching corporate U.S. news about Russia and Putin, I have never seen a single counter-argument ever being offered in defense of President Putin (coverage of him is even worse than that of Trump). It's been more than a decade since Obama restarted the Cold War to punish the Russians for banning "gay" propaganda to children, when every story began to paint him as a "brutal monster" – to the point that even many conservatives (who have zero reason to trust that same media on anything) seem to agree.
The hatred of Putin on an international scale has nothing to do with the anti-homosexuality laws he has put in place while President of Russia--although, don't get me wrong, that didn't help matters, but several countries with anti-homosexuality laws are still seen in a positive light by the international community (wrongfully so, in my opinion). It was more his imperial ambitions--starting with his invasion of Georgia in 2008--that caused the international community to move away from him.
Second Place: Abby Johnson
I've mostly been ignoring the story about a handful of far-right Christians refusing to support the fringe Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy because of his Hinduism, however given Abby Johnson was sold to us a few years back as a a reasonable anti-abortion activist--an oxymoron if I've ever heard one. And she has decided to take a stance against a Hindu President, saying:
Do not be a victim of Satan’s confusion right now. This is an important time for us to have clarity of mind as we are going into an election cycle. So please discern. Please use discernment right now because God hates those who are willing to put up idols over him, and he will not be mocked.
All I wish to say is that if you really want a President that's a dedicated Christian--can I recommend you a guy named Joe Biden? Oh who am I kidding, if Ramaswamy does get the nomination it's going to be just like when Billy Graham took Mormonism off his list of cults so he and his followers could vote for Mitt Romney in 2012.
Winner: Ben Shapiro
This man, considered by many to be serious political commentator, does not know the difference between eating and drinking:
[Trump] would face a whopping 641 years in prison. Which I assume means he would not survive prison. Although he is 70% preservatives at this point because he eats so much McDonalds and Diet Coke.
He eats Diet Coke? Ben, do you know how Diet Coke works?
Ben Shapiro you've said the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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Let’s Play An Ask Game: The Last Of Us version
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⚠️Potential spoilers ahead for both the game and show⚠️
Send an ask, give an answer, get an ask: 
1. Do you just watch the games or do you watch the show as well? 
2. What changes has the show made from the game you liked? 
3. What changes has the show made from the game you disliked?
4. What are you looking forward to seeing in the next episode/next season? 
5. What infected was hardest for you to beat and how did you do it? 
6. Do you do all the collectibles? What was your favorite thing to collect? 
7. Favorite Ellie joke? 
8. Favorite song from the soundtrack? 
9. What emotional scene hit you the hardest? 
10. Was there any easter eggs from the game in the show you noticed? 
11. Do you have any fan casting ideas for season 2? 
12. Who is your favorite character?
13. Who is your least favorite character? 
14. Favorite issue of the American Dreams comic?
15. If you were in the Last of Us apocalypse, which of the gangs/militias/groups would you be a part of? 
16. Do you have any skills you think would help you survive? 
17. Favorite Ellie entry? 
18. Opinions on the Seraphite prophet? 
19. Favorite place in the games to explore. 
20. Got any Savage Starlight headcanons? 
21. Was there any character you would have liked to have seen more of in the games? 
22. Favorite animal companion. 
23. Do you have any TLOU memes or funny moments from the game? 
24. Do you play TLOU Factions? Were you a hunter or a firefly? 
25. Free space. Ask the tumblr user anything! 
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parziivale · 2 years
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Honestly the fact I'm still posting christmas gifts in august should say smth about how much I drew for Christmas this year. Anyway Abby for Octo-Nova
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joe-england · 8 months
The Most Atrocious Anti-Abortion Propaganda Movie
There’s a lot of fact checking in this video that contributes to the discussion around abortion.  Recommended!
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hotcupofdragons · 1 year
*casually watching The Last of Us finale*
The show:
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bkenber · 2 years
'Unplanned' - It's Not Pro-Life, it is Anti-Woman
‘Unplanned’ – It’s Not Pro-Life, it is Anti-Woman
It is only with morbid curiosity and the fact it was available to view for free on Tubi that I found myself watching the 2019 anti-abortion drama “Unplanned.” Now those who know me know I am forever pro-choice, am very angry at the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, and I am a staunch supporter of Planned Parenthood, so clearly this film was not made for someone like me. Still, I dared myself to sit…
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makeyouminemp3 · 7 months
siblings in horror, you are so dear to me <3
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year
ashley and laura both being in that episode is fantastic for iconic bestie reasons but also god the fucking. poetry of. both of them having embodied and voiced central characters in the games and now playing people who are witnesses to what causes the characters’ most central motivations? like ashley as anna watching marlene carry away her daughter who she knows was still part of her when she was bitten and ellie carries the weight of that for the rest of her life because of everything it means for the possibility of a cure. and laura as a nurse who watches the murder of this (for now) nameless doctor whose needless death will be something that haunts abby for the rest of her life. god . cross media storytelling is so ripe with phenomenal possibility for exactly this reason i’m Losing It
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abby taking care of her gf's hair 4 her <3333333 .
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author's note - just took my fuckin' braids out after almost a month and i am daydreaming about abby anderson. (what's new i know...)
content warnings - just fluff, explicit black reader.
- on days you're going to get your hair braided, abby sends you off with a lil basket full of your favorite snacks and some essentials that you'll need for the day cause you both know that you're not coming home soon.
- sends u messages throughout the day asking for updates: "Can I see now???" , "babe we're still parting😭" . you don't let her see until you get home and she gets so happy. "you look so pretty, sweet girl." she won't stop telling you that until you fall asleep.
- if you have a sensitive scalp (like me...) , this white girl got that scalp oil STACKED, SHE'S NOT PLAYING. she gave that hair store worker hell, probably was in there for about an hour overanalyzing the ingredients and trying to remember if you were allergic to any of the substances that were in the jar. if you're tapping at your braids, she's so quick to get that shit out, massaging it carefully into your scalp, making sure not to mess anything up that didn't need to be touched. she knows how much effort is put in to having nice hair, and she treats yours with ten times the love she puts into her own.
- definitely learned how to take them out for you so you didn't have to do them all by yourself. by the time they're all out, you both are so tired but she's already getting up to start your shower and laying out your hair products you'll need afterwards. (ABBY BABY I LOVE YOU, MY PRECIOUS GIRL.) if you don't want to do it yourself, she's more than happy to comb out your hair, handling your texture with care as she gets knot after knot out with her skilled fingers.
- scalp massages are a must, she never feels like she's done enough until she's able to bring her hands into your hair and rub the lightest of circles onto your scalp.
- when you're braiding your own hair for maintenance, she'll just sit there and admire you with hearts in her eyes. if you let her, she'll lay in your lap and hand you whatever you need, always happy to be of help.
- abby anderson worships you and the sacredness that comes with your hair. she'll always be honored to be trusted with it, and with you<3 .
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pro-birth · 1 year
PLEA Justice has made an update about Abby Johnson’s refusal to apologize for lying and abusing others in the movement, and has asked others to contact Students For Life to reconsider their decision to platform a known and proven abuser.
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(Read more in the link)
This is not about how much Abby Johnson’s ministries/groups have helped others; they will continue their work with or without her. This IS about AJ’s lack of consequence surrounding her abuse.
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"Unplanned", vescovi spettatori dell'aborto nel "tempio" dell'Ariston
“Unplanned”, vescovi spettatori dell’aborto nel “tempio” dell’Ariston
Venerdì 29 luglio, al Teatro Ariston, sarà proiettata la pellicola basata sulla storia vera di Abby Johnson, l’ex direttrice di una clinica di Planned Parenthood convertitasi alla causa pro vita dopo aver assistito a un aborto. Attesi cinque vescovi, tra cui mons. Suetta, che parla alla Bussola elogiando il valore culturale dell’iniziativa. Tanti i giovani coinvolti. (more…)
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lempickathemusical · 2 months
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We do not control the world  We control one flat rectangle of canvas at a time LEMPICKA (2024)
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ellstronaut · 2 months
how can you not love this woman
you either get
but especially
and there’s NO in between
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