#abg hc
kylietellin · 6 months
what do u think the gangs type is, but like woc edition?
this took me a while to think about lol
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Honestly any race, you just gotta be raised to know how to cook n shit
He needs help around with Soda and Pony
It's kinda sad because he'll fall for one, but their parents don't allow it
or the girl was muslim
Idk I HC Soda falls for any girl WAY TOO FAST
He thinks he can change the world or something
Change the rules..
Everytime he ends up alone and sad
Asian girls
Probably more leaning on the Wasian side because he seems like the type to like colored eyes
Remind him of the sky, the sunsets.
Native Americans and Indians
I'm pretty sure he's (Johnny Cade, not Ralph) is supposed to be indigenous??
I think he'd stick with girls who look like him
Girls who knew and could relate to his experiences.
Probably goes for any race
Most commonly black and latinx women
Carribean girls
Literally any island/country
From Jamaican girls to Dominicans, any country
Likes the accents and motherly traits
Gives some structure to his life (African and Carribean parents are STRICT ASF)
(Asian Baby Girls or Asian baddies)
Their parents would never like him, but he likes a challenge and its fun to him.
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pi-official · 5 months
[]} Log-date: 16//10//XXXX {[]
-- --..-- / .-- …. -.-- / .. … / - …. . / - .-. .- -.-. -.- . .-. / .. -.. .-.. . ..--..
Vg unf orra frireny zbaguf fvapr Gheaba'f qvfnccrnenapr naq gurer unf orra ab fvtaf bs uvz fvapr gur frpgbe dhnenagvar. Fvapr gung qnl V unir sbhaq n gerngzrag cngu sbe gur gnvag, vg nccrnef gb unir jbexrq nqrdhngryl ba pyvpxba ohg jr jvyy frr vs ur erpbiref gubebhtuyl. Pheeragyl ur vf ba uvf friragu jrrx bs zbgbe nrebovpf juvpu fubhyq pbapyhqr fbba. V unq gb rkcry gur ragvergl bs gur syhvq sebz uvf flfgrzf ol vawrpgvat na nagv-shatny fbyhgvba vagb uvf ulqenhyvpf juvpu genccrq vg va uvf guebng naq guebhtu n grafr frffvba bs anhfrn zrqvpngvba ur jnf noyr gb ibzvg vg hc, v qvq unir gb fpna uvf obql ragveryl naq znxr fher uvf betnaf jrer abg gbb qnzntrq ohg guvatf frrz gb or ehaavat ng na bcrenoyr fgnaqneq.
…. .. --. …. . … - / .--. .-. --- -… .- -… .. .-.. .. - -.-- / .. … / - …. .- - / .. - / …. .- … / -… . . -. / -.. . - .- -.-. …. . -.. .-.-.-
Rirelguvat vf fgnoyr. Rirelguvat vf frpher. Jul zhfg zl yvsr or cynthrq jvgu fhpu zvfsbeghar, gubfr jub ner vaibyirq va zl yvsr unir snyyra ba ebhtu greenva fb jul. Jul zhfg jr fybt guebhtu gur fnzr beqrnyf gvzr naq ntnva. Yhpxvyl sbe zl pbyyrnthrf, gurl ner oyvaq gb gur ghezbvy gung guerngraf hf. Nyy V unir gb qb vf svk vg rvgure orsber vg unccraf be orsber vg cynthrf gurz gbb. Arireguryrff, gur gvzr sbe vagebfcrpgvba vf bire.
…. -- -- --..-- / .. .----. .-.. .-.. / --. --- / .. -. ..-. --- .-. -- / -.-. ..- .--. .. -.. / .- … / - …. .- - / .. … / .-- …. . .-. . / - …. . / - .-. .- -.-. -.- . .-. / .. … / -.-. ..- .-. .-. . -. - .-.. -.-- .-.-.- / - …. . -.-- / -.-. --- ..- .-.. -.. -. .----. - / …. .- …- . / --. --- -. . / ..-. .- .-. .-.-.-
Gur bgure gbc-ungf unir abgvprq fbzr hafpehchybhf punenpgref fgnyxvat gur fgerrgf sbe cerl, gurer unir orra ab fhpu fvtugvatf nebhaq zl yvggyr unira ohg V unir znqr gur arprffnel qrnyf gb dhryy gur nakvrgl bs zl jbexref naq crezvggrq fnsr uneobhe sbe gurve eryngvirf naq pbzcnavbaf whfg va pnfr fbzrguvat unccraf gb tb njel. Yrg hf ubcr gung gur punenpgref ner rnfl gb qvfcbfr bs nf guvf vf abg gur evtug gvzr sbe snyfr nynezf naq nzovgvbhf gevpxfgref.
-- --..-- / .--. --- .-- . .-. / --- ..-. ..-. .-.-.-
Vg'f orra n gbhtu srj zbaguf. Nqqba, fvtavat bss.
.- … / -.-- --- ..- / .-- .. … …. --..-- / .- -.. -.. --- -. .-.-.-
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ponett · 1 year
One thing about the ending of FF16 which I absolutely cannot get over is the solution they have for slavery. (ROT13)
Vgf fb haoryvrinoyl anvir gung vgf fgenvtug hc bssrafvir. Gurer jnf ab ovt phygheny eribyhgvba. Vgf yvgrenyyl whfg rhtravpf. Pyvir sbhaq gur Zntvp Trar naq ryvzvangrq vg. Ab bar vf tbvat gb yrnea fuvg sebz gung. Vgf abg ubj bccerffvba jbexf. Nabgure Bgure jvyy whfg or fhowhtngrq vafgrnq.
(ff16 spoilers)
yeah, believe me, i could've written more about how bad and stupid the resolution of all that is. it's awful. clive's rebels are completely uninterested in broad social change and that remains true to the very end. it's a big part of why i think the slavery plot should have been removed entirely. but i think by the time we hit the final boss i was just so frazzled that i had little energy left to really make sense of the themes. it didn't feel like the story had earned that investment from me
on a related note: i've seen a couple people apply a "born this way" queer reading to the stuff with the bearers, since anyone from any family tree can just be randomly born into this oppressed minority group. i didn't bother commenting on this in the piece because it already felt long enough and because it really didn't feel like a reading that held any water to me. but if you DO try to apply this lens, then the ending where clive erases magic from existence basically becomes an ending where he erases the gay gene from existence. his solution to oppression is to remove the trait that allows the oppressed minority to be othered in the first place
it's just a mess all around. i'm not sure there's any reading of the stuff with the bearers that puts it in a particularly favorable light
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rozecrest · 6 months
palisade 41 spoilers - just rambling about my feelings in rot13
v fgvyy srry nyy zvkrq hc naq fnq nobhg svther… v yvgrenyyl znqr n cbfg evtug orsber guvf nep nobhg ubj v jnf jbeevrq nobhg svther qlvat v rkcrpgrq gur cbffvovyvgl ohg vg sryg fb fhqqra? naq v qba’g qvfyvxr gung, vg’f ubarfgyl bar bs zl snibevgr cnegf nobhg aneengvir va npghny cynl vf ubj qenfgvpnyyl guvatf pna punatr jvgu n ebyy be gjb, ubj vg pna srry wneevat naq hacbrgvp naq cneg bs gur sha vf jrnivat gur aneengvir gb rzoenpr rnpu arj harkcrpgrq guvat. naq v guvax qer naq nhfgva qvq n tbbq wbo ng gung jrnivat naq zbzrag uvg ernyyl uneq naq jnf n terng yvfgravat rkcrevrapr. gur pehrygl bs gur shgher… fhpu n cbvtanag ovg bs rzcunfvf sbe svther fcrpvsvpnyyl nf n sbezre pbafreingvir uvfgbel cebsrffbe naq gur svefg punzcvba creraavny jnf urycyrff gb fnir. shpx!
v’z whfg fnq nobhg svther yvxr, nf n crefba. ur’f unq fhpu zbzragf bs gevhzcu naq pynevgl nobhg uvzfrys guvf frnfba, ur jnf cbvfrq ng gur rqtr bs terng ubcr naq serrqbz naq vg jnf qnfurq njnl ol gur n fcrpgbe bs punapr naq yhpx gung’f orra unatvat bire uvz sbe nepf jvgubhg gurz rira xabjvat— juvpu vf irel ggect. ohg vg qvqa’g jbex bhg! yvsr pna or hayhpxl! v nterr jvgu nhfgva nobhg ubj gur gbar nebhaq inyrapr naq svther’f qrngu nyzbfg srry yvxr gur frnfbaf gurl unccrarq va fubhyq or fjvgpurq. irel irel vagrerfgrq gb frr ubj cnyvfnqr ynaqf rzbgvbanyyl.
v nz tynq ng yrnfg, gung svther vf gehyl tbar. gurve obql unf orra chg gb jbex, znqr n gbby ntnva, ohg ng yrnfg gurve zvaq vf abg pntrq. naq sbe n ovg, gurl jrer zber serr guna gurl rire unq orra. gung’f abg abguvat.
birenyy: vg znqr zr srry naq guvax n ybg, juvpu vf zl snibevgr cneg nobhg rkcrevrapvat sevraqf ng gur gnoyr. rkpvgrq va n fnq jnl gb frr gur arjf uvg gur cnegl, rfcrpvnyyl pbev naq oeavar. v’z tynq rpyrpgvp jnf yvxr shpx ab gung’f na vzcbffvoyr cubar pnyy gur znxr, fb gehr. zber yvggyr urnegoernxf gb pbzr sbe gur oyhr punaary. erfg rnfl svther ;-;
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maplecaster · 1 year
hello outer wilds mutual. i return your questions with my own. theyre not as interesting, though, i just havent thought about them very hard/found the explanations in game. theyre very spoilery though, so ive put them in rot13. decode at rot13.com.
jul ner nyy gur fgnef oybjvat hc? jul qbrf gur vagreybcre neevir evtug nf bhe fha oybjf hc? jul qb gur abznv qvr? v guvax vg unf gb qb jvgu tubfg znggre, ohg ubj qvq vg fpnggre fb uneq bire gur fbyne flfgrz? (v thrff vg pbhyqir whfg snyyra bhg ohg znlor vgf fbzrguvat ryfr.) julq gur abznvf cyna abg jbex gur svefg gvzr (guvaxvat nobhg vg, znlor vg qvq naq gurl whfg qvqag unir n fuvc gb trg gurer)?
gurl ner vagrerfgvat! gunaxf sbe nfxvat!!
jul ner nyy gur fgnef oybjvat hc? gur fgnef ner oybjvat hc orpnhfr vg'f whfg gur angheny raq bs gur havirefr. gur tnzr sberfunqbjf guvf va gur unatvat pvgl: "FBYNAHZ: Nf [gur] rneyl havirefr rkcnaqrq, vg nyfb pbbyrq qbja…Fvapr gura, fcnpr unf pbagvahrq gb rkcnaq ng n snfgre naq snfgre engr…Guvf havirefr jvyy xrrc trggvat pbyqre naq ynetre, hagvy bar qnl, gur fgnef naq gur yvsr gurl fhccbeg jvyy nyy qvr." fbynahz vf qrfpevovat gur urng qrngu bs gur havirefr, juvpu vf jung'f vzcyvrq vf unccravat va pheerag gvzrf. vg'f n yvggyr pbashfvat, orpnhfr va ernyvgl vg jbhyq or n irel fybj cebprff naq abg unccra ng gur fnzr gvzr, fb vg znl ybbx yvxr fbzrguvat vf pnhfvat vg va-tnzr.
grkg va gur irffry qverpgyl fgngrf vg: "Vg’f pyrne gur havirefr vf qlvat." guvf grkg vf sebz zbqrea-qnl abznv, nf fgngrq va gur fuvc ybt. (gur irffry vf fgvyy noyr gb erprvir genafzvffvbaf)
jul qbrf gur vagreybcre neevir evtug nf bhe fha oybjf hc? vg qbrfa'g, gur vagreybcre unf orra va gur fbyne flfgrz fvapr orsber gur urneguvnaf ribyirq sebz gur cbbyf bs gvzore urnegu. ner lbh guvaxvat bs ubj gur vagreybcre snyyf vagb gur fha n srj zbzragf orsber gur fha rkcybqrf creuncf? gur vagreybcre beovgf fb pybfr gb gur fha gung vg whfg trgf pbafhzrq jura gur fha rkcnaqf! vg qbrfa'g pnhfr gur rkcybfvba gubhtu, nf gur fha unq orra rkcnaqvat fvapr orsber gung, juvpu zrnaf vg'f nyernql ba gur cngu gb fhcreabin. znlor lbh'er nfxvat jul gur vagreybcre ragref gur fbyne flfgrz evtug nsgre gur abznv *gel* gb oybj hc gur fha. jr qba'g xabj, onq yhpx v thrff yby. whfg n erzvaqre, gur abznv qvrq 300,000 lrnef orsber gur tnzr gnxrf cynpr!
jul qb gur abznv qvr? fcrnxvat bs gur abznv qlvat, lrf vg jnf tubfg znggre sebz gur vagreybcre. jr qba'g xabj jul vg neevirq jura vg qvq, be jurer vg'f sebz. gur pber bs gur vagreybcre jnf cerivbhfyl n fcurevpny fgbar pnfvat gung uryq gur tubfg znggre vafvqr. v'yy yrg gur tnzr rkcynva vg: "Jungrire gur znggre vafvqr guvf fgbar pnfvat vf, vg’f zber guna whfg cebsbhaqyl hafgnoyr; vg’f haqre gbaarf bs cerffher. Ybbx ng guvf qrafvgl fpna. V’ir arire frra nalguvat guvf gvtugyl pbzcnpgrq orsber!" "Vs guvf fgbar jrer gb ehcgher, gur yrguny znggre jvguva jbhyq encvqyl rkcnaq, pbzcyrgryl oynaxrgvat guvf fgne flfgrz nyzbfg vafgnagnarbhfyl."
vs lbh'er fgvyy pbashfrq ba ubj gur tubfg znggre fcernq, guvf fubeg ivqrb unf n tbbq ivfhny gung jvyy uryc rkcynva. vg'f nyfb whfg n ernyyl, ernyyl tbbq ivqrb: uggcf://lbhgh.or/U2-zfjiOymR
julq gur abznvf cyna abg jbex gur svefg gvzr? gur abznv'f cyna qvqa'g jbex, naq jr qba'g xabj gur rknpg qrgnvyf nf gb jul. nyy jr xabj vf gung gur fha fgngvba pbhyqa'g cebzcg gur fha gb rkcybqr. rirelguvat ryfr gurl unq jbexrq, vg whfg arrqrq n cbjre fbhepr, ohg v thrff gurl whfg ernyyl haqrerfgvzngrq jung vg jbhyq gnxr gb pnhfr n fhcreabin. fbzr crbcyr oryvrir Vqnrn fnobgntrq gur fgngvba orpnhfr gurl jrer fb ntnvafg vgf perngvba, ohg v qba'g fhofpevor gb gung gurbel.
gunax lbh ntnva :)
translation under the cut for mobile users
they are interesting! thanks for asking!!
why are all the stars blowing up? the stars are blowing up because it's just the natural end of the universe. the game foreshadows this in the hanging city: "SOLANUM: As [the] early universe expanded, it also cooled down…Since then, space has continued to expand at a faster and faster rate…This universe will keep getting colder and larger, until one day, the stars and the life they support will all die." solanum is describing the heat death of the universe, which is what's implied is happening in current times. it's a little confusing, because in reality it would be a very slow process and not happen at the same time, so it may look like something is causing it in-game.
text in the vessel directly states it: "It’s clear the universe is dying." this text is from modern-day nomai, as stated in the ship log. (the vessel is still able to receive transmissions)
why does the interloper arrive right as our sun blows up? it doesn't, the interloper has been in the solar system since before the hearthians evolved from the pools of timber hearth. are you thinking of how the interloper falls into the sun a few moments before the sun explodes perhaps? the interloper orbits so close to the sun that it just gets consumed when the sun expands! it doesn't cause the explosion though, as the sun had been expanding since before that, which means it's already on the path to supernova. maybe you're asking why the interloper enters the solar system right after the nomai *try* to blow up the sun. we don't know, bad luck i guess lol. just a reminder, the nomai died 300,000 years before the game takes place!
why do the nomai die? speaking of the nomai dying, yes it was ghost matter from the interloper. we don't know why it arrived when it did, or where it's from. the core of the interloper was previously a spherical stone casing that held the ghost matter inside. i'll let the game explain it: "Whatever the matter inside this stone casing is, it’s more than just profoundly unstable; it’s under tonnes of pressure. Look at this density scan. I’ve never seen anything this tightly compacted before!" "If this stone were to rupture, the lethal matter within would rapidly expand, completely blanketing this star system almost instantaneously."
if you're still confused on how the ghost matter spread, this short video has a good visual that will help explain. it's also just a really, really good video: https://youtu.be/H2-mswvBlzE
whyd the nomais plan not work the first time? the nomai's plan didn't work, and we don't know the exact details as to why. all we know is that the sun station couldn't prompt the sun to explode. everything else they had worked, it just needed a power source, but i guess they just really underestimated what it would take to cause a supernova. some people believe Idaea sabotaged the station because they were so against its creation, but i don't subscribe to that theory.
thank you again :)
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theothin · 7 months
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Nppbeqvat gb nyy xabja ynjf bs nivngvba, gurer vf ab jnl n orr fubhyq or noyr gb syl. Vgf jvatf ner gbb fznyy gb trg vgf sng yvggyr obql bss gur tebhaq. Gur orr, bs pbhefr, syvrf naljnl orpnhfr orrf qba’g pner jung uhznaf guvax vf vzcbffvoyr. Lryybj, oynpx. Lryybj, oynpx. Lryybj, oynpx. Lryybj, oynpx. Bbu, oynpx naq lryybj! Yrg’f funxr vg hc n yvggyr. Oneel! Oernxsnfg vf ernql! Pbzvat! Unat ba n frpbaq. Uryyb? Oneel? Nqnz? Pna lbh oryvrir guvf vf unccravat? V pna’g. V’yy cvpx lbh hc. Ybbxvat funec. Hfr gur fgnvef, Lbhe sngure cnvq tbbq zbarl sbe gubfr. Fbeel. V’z rkpvgrq. Urer’f gur tenqhngr. Jr’er irel cebhq bs lbh, fba. N cresrpg ercbeg pneq, nyy O’f. Irel cebhq. Zn! V tbg n guvat tbvat urer. Lbh tbg yvag ba lbhe shmm. Bj! Gung’f zr! Jnir gb hf! Jr’yy or va ebj 118,000. Olr! Oneel, V gbyq lbh, fgbc sylvat va gur ubhfr! Url, Nqnz. Url, Oneel. Vf gung shmm try? N yvggyr. Fcrpvny qnl, tenqhngvba. Arire gubhtug V’q znxr vg. Guerr qnlf tenqr fpubby, guerr qnlf uvtu fpubby. Gubfr jrer njxjneq. Guerr qnlf pbyyrtr. V’z tynq V gbbx n qnl naq uvgpuuvxrq nebhaq Gur Uvir. Lbh qvq pbzr onpx qvssrerag. Uv, Oneel. Negvr, tebjvat n zhfgnpur? Ybbxf tbbq. Urne nobhg Senaxvr? Lrnu. Lbh tbvat gb gur shareny? Ab, V’z abg tbvat. Rirelobql xabjf, fgvat fbzrbar, lbh qvr. Qba’g jnfgr vg ba n fdhveery. Fhpu n ubgurnq. V thrff ur pbhyq unir whfg tbggra bhg bs gur jnl. V ybir guvf vapbecbengvat na nzhfrzrag cnex vagb bhe qnl. Gung’f jul jr qba’g arrq inpngvbaf. Obl, dhvgr n ovg bs cbzc haqre gur pvephzfgnaprf. Jryy, Nqnz, gbqnl jr ner zra. Jr ner! Orr-zra. Nzra! Unyyryhwnu! Fghqragf, snphygl, qvfgvathvfurq orrf, cyrnfr jrypbzr Qrna Ohmmjryy. Jrypbzr, Arj Uvir Pvgl tenqhngvat pynff bs 9:15. Gung pbapyhqrf bhe prerzbavrf Naq ortvaf lbhe pnerre ng Ubark Vaqhfgevrf! Jvyy jr cvpx bhe wbo gbqnl? V urneq vg’f whfg bevragngvba. Urnqf hc! Urer jr tb. Xrrc lbhe unaqf naq nagraanf vafvqr gur genz ng nyy gvzrf. Jbaqre jung vg’yy or yvxr? N yvggyr fpnel. Jrypbzr gb Ubark, n qvivfvba bs Ubarfpb naq n cneg bs gur Urkntba Tebhc. Guvf vf vg! Jbj. Jbj. Jr xabj gung lbh, nf n orr, unir jbexrq lbhe jubyr yvsr gb trg gb gur cbvag jurer lbh pna jbex sbe lbhe jubyr yvsr. Ubarl ortvaf jura bhe inyvnag Cbyyra Wbpxf oevat gur arpgne gb Gur Uvir. Bhe gbc-frperg sbezhyn vf nhgbzngvpnyyl pbybe-pbeerpgrq, fprag-nqwhfgrq naq ohooyr-pbagbherq vagb guvf fbbguvat fjrrg flehc jvgu vgf qvfgvapgvir tbyqra tybj lbh xabj nf… Ubarl!
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coredrill · 1 month
griduni spoilers rot13
rirelgvzr v erzrzore gung zbivr naq ubj shpxvat cresrpg bs n frdhry vg jnf yvxr. ZNA. v pna’g trg bire vg……….v’ir fnvq guvf orsber ohg v’yy yvgrenyyl nyjnlf or va njr bs gur jnl gung nxnar jnf oebhtug onpx (nf n ivpgbel ync, gb ernssvez ure tebjgu sebz fffft) naq ure tbbqolr gb nagv tevqxavtug abj gung ur unf svanyyl noyr gb jenatyr pbageby bs uvf bja ibvpr naq fcrnx gb ure ba rdhny tebhaqf. BHJNTU v pna’g rira guvax bs vg jvgubhg grnevat hc 😩 naq evxxn’f nep bs yvxr. pbzvat gb grezf j nxnar orvat tbar naq gurz fgvyy univat n zhghny haqrefgnaqvat gur jubyr gvzr………… NAQ TNHZN BS PBHEFR J LBZBTV NAQ GUR ERFG yvxr gur jnl lbzbtv ng svefg vafgvapg jnagf gb pensg gur cresrpg guvat gb fnl gb tnhzn ohg va gur raq erzrzoref gung rkcvengvba qngrf eyl vf vg!!!!!!! h bayl unir n yvzvgrq gvzr naq lbh’er ABG tbaanor cresrpg jvgu vg fb whfg qb jung lbh pna jvgu gur gvzr lbh unir. gurer’f ab cresrpg tbbqolr gurer’f bayl sbejneq. NAQ TNHZN GNHTUG UVZ LUNG!!!!!!!!!! tbq. gur ergheavat punenf naq gurve tbbqolrf ntnva ner whfg fb ybivatyl unaqyrq vg znxrf zr shpxvat vafnar
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guccigarantine · 1 year
palisade 18: Gur pbagrag jneavat sbe guvf rcvfbqr qvq abg nppbhag sbe gurz guerngravat gb raq gur frnfba ol oybjvat hc gur fha naq V guvax vg fubhyq
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kieuecaprie · 4 months
Finished Nightmare Kart, again, now that it's out on Steam. After having playing the 1.0 version on Itch (because the game was stuck in hell on Steam for a while), I wanted to play it again on Steam since it's using the most up-to-date build (and, let's be honest, I'm a little tired of having to manually grab updates to shove onto my Steam Deck lmao).
I can say that it's a fairly solid racing game, it's not terribly difficult (Maybe it's because I just finished Master Mode on Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers and this feels tame in comparison, lol. I dunno.) and while there are quite a few rough edges (particularly on Pocket Dream Course where I lose speeds by bumping into hills sometimes), I'd say it's definitely worth a look.
However, I will say, there is ONE part in particular that really, really sucks and kind of stands out from the rest of the game. I'm just gonna ROT13 this next paragraph:
Gur svany obff vgfrys jnf svar, ubjrire, gur eha hc gb gur svany obff jnf abg terng. Vg jnf rira yrff terng va rneyvre irefvbaf fvapr lbh unq gb fvg guebhtu gur yratgul "LBH QVRQ" frdhrapr rirelgvzr lbh sryy bss naq, oryvrir zr, lbh JVYY snyy bss. Vs vg'f abg orpnhfr bs gur fcrrq, vg'f orpnhfr bs n ahzore bs guvatf:
Lbh uvg gur fvqr bs gur cyngsbez
Lbh qvqa'g ernpg dhvpxyl rabhtu gb obbfg naq fynfu bss gur cyngsbez naq abj lbh pna'g ernpu gur arkg bar.
Lbh ybfr nyy ubevmbagny zbzraghz nf fbba nf lbh uvg na rarzl naq fb ba.
Ntnva, nsgre pynjvat cnfg gung cneg (gunax lbh Evat Enpref sbe genvavat zr va qrnyvat jvgu jrveq (nppvqragny be bgurejvfr yznb) yriry qrfvta), gur erfg bs gur obff jnf zhpu zber cyngnoyr. Vg'f whfg gur eha-hc gung sryg gur jbefg naq nofbyhgryl fgbbq bhg gb zr.
V qhaab ubj bar pbhyq znxr vg srry orggre, zvaq lbh. Znlor oybbq? Vg ernyyl qvq srry yvxr gur "QBA'G FYBJ QBJA" zrpunavp jnf n aba-vffhr pbzcnerq gb nyy gur snyyvat bss. Znlor znxr gur nggnpxf zber pbafvfgrag? Tvir gur fjbeq n ybatre yrnc? Nygubhtu gung jbhyq znlor xvaqn oernx gur svany svtug gbb… uzz, sbbq sbe gubhtug.
Anyway, long story short, Nightmare Kart good. Go get it on Steam. Go get it on Itch. Go get it on Itch and Steam.
Oh, right, I forgot. The game runs perfectly fine on Deck. Gamescope reports a Solid Sixty but the game looks like it slows down in places but gamescope isn't picking it up. Use that information as you will.
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v whfg bsgra jvfu fbzrbar jbhyq pbzr hc gb zr naq gryy zr nyy gur jnlf vz ubeevoyr ohg va gur jnl bayl n sevraq pna. v qba'g xabj jul v jnag gung ohg v srry yvxr ab bar vf pybfr rabhtu gb zr gb ybbx zr va gur rlrf naq or yvxr qhqr shpx bss lbh'er orvat fuvggl evtug abj. juvpu znxrf zr guvax gung v qba'g unir n fvatyr erny sevraq yby. ohg vg pbhyq yvgrenyyl or gung vz whfg abg nf onq nf V guvax. htu. fbeel
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rukbat3 · 6 months
Babylon 5 Rewatch - Deathwalker
This is a post I originally wrote several years ago for Mark Oshiro’s Mark Watches blog. I don’t really plan to edit them before posting, so there may be some references that don’t make sense. If you see words that look like gibberish, they are actually rot13, which was our way of discussing spoilers. There are plugins you can install to decode the text (Cryptext is the one I use), or you can copy/paste to rot13.com, or just ignore it.
For me, this is one of the more memorable episodes of the series, and it’s mostly down to Sarah Douglas’s performance as Jha’dur. I think she does an amazing job of being cruel and creepy and totally confident that no one can touch her. She has a presence which just commands attention every time she is on screen.
We get another example of Sinclair’s command style in this episode, as he tries to suggest a compromise solution to the problem of how to deal with Jha’dur, and is shot down at first. But then later, when he manages to get the League representatives to listen, they find that his suggestion does, in fact, work for them. This is something that Sinclair does constantly—he thinks about problems and talks to people and manages to find ways for all parties to get what they want. He doesn’t just rush in and try to use force to impose his will on a situation. [season 1] Gur orfg rknzcyr bs guvf, vzb, vf pbzvat hc fubegyl va bar bs zl snibevgr rcvfbqrf, jura ur svaqf n pbzcebzvfr fbyhgvba gb gur qbpxref’ fgevxr.
And then there’s what is going on between Kosh and Talia. Weird, right? [whole series] Nyfb gur zbfg veevgngvat qebccrq cybg guernq va gur jubyr frevrf. Gurer jnf fb zhpu cbgragvny urer, naq rira nsgre “Qvivqrq Yblnygvrf” V ernyyl gubhtug jr jbhyq trg fbzr xvaq bs pnyyonpx gb guvf, cersrenoyl nf n jnl gb trg ure onpx, ohg abcr. Abguvat. V haqrefgnaq gur intnevrf bs gryrivfvba cebqhpgvba, ohg vg’f fgvyy qvfnccbvagvat gung abguvat rire pnzr bs guvf.
A couple of little moments I wanted to highlight: First in the council chamber before the big meeting, Londo is telling off Sinclair for lying to him. “We thought it best to handle this quietly,” Sinclair explains. Londo pauses briefly to look at the chaos around him. “Great job,” he says. Ooh, burn! I just love the sarcastic way he says it.
Second is later in that same scene, after the vote has been taken and everyone has left, furious. Sinclair and Lennier are alone, and Lennier tries to apologize and explain his part in what just happened. He admits that the Minbari government did know where Jha’dur was hiding and they kept it a secret—at the time because they were at war and she was useful to them. “We couldn’t reveal it then,” he says. “And like all secrets long kept, we cannot bear the shame of admitting it now.” Bill Mumy delivers this line with such quiet sadness and dignity, and there is so much truth in it. I love it. (Side note: Does this mean that Delenn knew about Jha’dur as well? We know, based on Sinclair’s memory, that she was in the Grey Council during the war.)
Lastly, let’s talk about Kosh. The Babylon File (an unauthorized guide to the show which is very informative) calls the resolution to this storyline “a true deus ex machina,” and it’s kind of right. There was no way to see that ending coming. Kosh has spent the entire episode off on a side quest, and before he shows up in the observation dome, we don’t really have any indication that he’s even aware of what has been going on. But somehow, at least to me, it still comes across as a great ending, and the very unexpectedness of it makes it even better. After the bombshell that Jha’dur has just dropped, having the decision taken out of our hands comes as a relief. And maybe that’s why Kosh is right when he says, “You are not ready for immortality.” Plus, this ending just adds even more to the Vorlon mythos.
[season 4] Xbfu npghnyyl qbrf gjb guvatf va guvf rcvfbqr gung ner pyhrf gung znlor gur Ibeybaf ner abg gur oraribyrag tbbq thlf gurl’q yvxr hf gb oryvrir—zrffvat jvgu Gnyvn’f zvaq naq znxvat n havyngreny qrpvfvba nobhg Wun’qhe. Ur znl abg, naq zl thrff vf ur cebonoyl qbrfa’g, rira xabj nobhg gur “fvqr rssrpgf” bs gur nagv-ntncvp. Ur whfg xabjf jung vg qbrf, naq qrpvqrf gung gur “lbhatre enprf” pna’g unaqyr vg. Naq lrg, fbzrubj, ba svefg ivrjvat, obgu bs gurfr uvagf, nf jryy nf yngre barf, jrag sylvat bire zl urnq. V obhtug vagb gur Ibeyba zlgubf gbgnyyl—naq V’z orggvat V’z abg nybar.
[same] V sbhaq n WZF dhbgr ba gur Yhexre’f Thvqr ragel sbe “Fvtaf naq Cbegragf” gung rynobengrf ba guvf n yvggyr zber: “Bar ybiryl guvat nobhg ‘Fvtaf naq Cbegragf,’ juvpu lbh cvpxrq hc ba, vf fbzrguvat V yvxr gb cynl jvgu; vzcylvat bar guvat juvyr fnlvat gur bccbfvgr. Ybbx ng nyy gur Funqbjf’ znva ercerfragngvir, Zbeqra, qbrf: ur nfxf crbcyr jung gurl jnag; ur trgf gbffrq bhg bs Qryraa'f dhnegref; ur vf cyrnfnag va uvf qrzrnabe ng nyy gvzrf, arire lryyf, nyjnlf fzvyrf, naq vf pbhegrbhf; ur gnxrf na npgvba juvpu fnirf bar bs bhe znva punenpgref, Ybaqb, sebz qvftenpr naq erfvtangvba, naq urycf va gur cebprff bs fpenttvat gur onq thlf va gur rcvfbqr. Naq lrg rirelbar jnyxf njnl guvaxvat gung gur Funqbjf ner onq. Juvpu jnf bs pbhefr gur vagrag … ol gur jnl va juvpu gurl qvq ‘tbbq.’ Xbfu ceriragf uhznavgl sebz npuvrivat vzzbegnyvgl, fpnerf gur uryy bhg bs Gnyvn, arire tvirf nalbar n fgenvtug nafjre, qbrfa'g frrz gb zvaq vg vs crbcyr srne uvz … naq jr jnyx njnl jvgu gur cerfhzcgvba gung ur vf tbbq, ol iveghr bs gur jnl va juvpu ur qvq guvatf gung jrer ‘onq.’” Gung’f fbzr terng jevgvat!
One little issue I had that I wanted to mention: Why doesn’t Franklin recognize Jha’dur’s species? We know that Earth was at war with the Dilgar—a war which they won!—and that the Dilgar are notorious even now for the atrocities they committed. You’d think Franklin would at least know what they looked like, especially considering that xenobiology is one of his specialties. This was a pretty clunky way to prompt the exposition.
Favorite scene: The scene where Jha’dur explains her true purpose in giving the serum away. I’ll quote it: “Your kind takes blind comfort in the belief that we are monsters. That you could never do what we did. The key ingredient in the anti-agapic cannot be synthesized. It must be taken from living beings. For one to live forever, another one must die. You will fall upon one another like wolves. It will make what we did pale by comparison. The billions who live will be a testimony to my work, and the billions murdered to buy that immortality will be the continuance of my work. Not like us? You will become us. That's my monument, commander.” As in the rest of the episode, Sarah Douglas does a fantastic job of delivering this monologue. There’s so much poison in her voice, and she’s taking a perverse pleasure in revealing this to Sinclair, when she knows he can’t or won’t be able to do a thing about it. And the most chilling aspect to it is the fact that we know she’s right.
Thank goodness for Kosh, right?
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pi-official · 5 months
[]],. , .}- Security log: 22/06/XX -..{ ,. ,[],, . .,.
]}- … ….. …. .. … …. . .. … . . ….. … .. . …. . ….. …. …. . ….. . … …. …. . ….. . ….
[p]: Nf cre gur erdhrfg bs gur obff jr unir orra tvira beqref gb nibvq frpgbe p ng nyy pbfgf qhr gb fbzr sbez bs vasrpgvba orvat dhnenagvarq. Jr unir n ebfgre bs jub vf ba ng jung ubhe naq jr unir znexrq bhg gur nernf qrfvtangrq sbe lbh gb fgnaq thneq.
]}- . . … … . . … . ….. …. …. … .. …. … … .. .. … ….. …. .. … …. . .. … . . ….. … ..
[j1]: Jung vf tbvat ba hc gurer? Fher, n dhnenagvar ohg sbe jung? Gurer unfa'g orra n pvgl jvqr rcvqrzvp va gjb qrpnqrf. Jul abj?
]}- . . … … . . … . ….. …. …. … .. …. … … .. ..
[Y]: ur pbhyq or gelvat gb cerirag bar? Gur gjb jr qenttrq va jrer va cerggl onq funcr fb gurl pbhyq or pneelvat fbzrguvat.
]}- …. …. . . …. … . … . … … …. … .. … ….. … . . ….. …. …. . …..
[j2]: Url nf ybat nf vg'f abg yvxr ‘VYL’ gura V guvax jr jvyy or bxnl… V'z tbvat gb jnfu zl unaqf abj..
]}- …. …. …. .. … …. …. ….. . .. … . . ….. …. … .. … … …. … …. …. …. … . … …. . . . …. . ….. …. ..
[Y]: lrnu gung fbhaqf yvxr n tbbq vqrn. Lbh jrer hc gurer ynfg.
]}- …. .. …. ….. … … … … .. …. … … .. .. …. …. …. .. … …. …. ….. . .. … . . ….. …. … .. … … …. … …. …. …. . ….. …. ..
[j1]: jung vs guvf trgf bhg? Gur arjf pbhyq sbepr nabgure fpnaqny. Senzvat frencuvz nf na hafnsr jbex raivebazrag.
]}- …. …. …. .. … …. …. ….. . .. … . . ….. …. … .. … … …. … …. …. …. .. …. … … .. ..
[J2]: gur ynfg barf jrer xvaqn onq.
]}- …. …. . . …. … . … . … … …. … .. … ….. … . . ….. …. …. . …..
[Y]: naq sbeprq. Abar bs gurz pneevrq nal jrvtug  naq znqr gur npphfref vagb ynhtuvat fgbpxf.
]}- ….. . . . …. .. .. …. … …. …. ….. …. … …. … …. ….. . .. …. … …. …. …. .. . . .. …. …. …. …. … … . … …. . … . . …. …. . ….. . ….
[j1]: va gur fgbpxf zber yvxr. YBY
]}- …. .. …. ….. … … . . … … …. …. .. …. ….. . .. …. …. .. …. ….. …. …
[P]: Jryy V qba'g oryvrir ur'q qb nalguvat gung jnfa'g va gur orfg vagrerfgf bs frencuvz naq jr ner ure thneqf, jr tbggn xrrc rirelguvat fvyxl fzbbgu naq fnsre guna Jvxxr’f frnepu uvfgbel. Obbz! 
]}- .. …. … … .. ….. . ….. . … …. …. .. …. … … .. .. . . … … …. …. .. …. ….. . .. …. …. .. …. ….. …. …
[Y]: YBY gehr.
]}- .. …. … … .. ….. . ….. . … …. …. .. …. … … .. ..
[J2]: YBY
]}- .. …. … … .. ….. . ….. . … …. …. .. …. … …. … … . … … …. … .. … ….. … . . ….. …. …. . …..
[J1]: url!
]}- . …. . ….. … . . ….. …. …. . ….. .. . .. …. … . . ….. …. …
[P]: Bu p'zba Xvxv, vg'f nyy va tbbq sha. Fnl, ubj nobhg lbh qebc ol gur one jvgu hf yngre. Zl gerng?
]}- . …. . ….. … . . ….. …. …. .. …. … … .. .. .. . .. …. … . . ….. …. …
[J1]: Fher, Pelcg-xrrcre. 
]}- . …. . ….. … . . ….. …. …. .. …. … …. … … .. . . . .. …. … . . ….. . ….
[Y]: YBY
]}- …. …. …. .. … …. …. ….. . .. … . . ….. …. … .. … … …. … …. …. …. … ….. …. .. … …. . .. … . . ….. … ..
[J2]: YBY bzy.
]}- …. …. …. .. … …. …. ….. . .. … . . ….. …. … .. … … …. … …. …. …. .. …. … … .. ..
[P]: BU! Sevraqyl sver!
]}- …. …. …. .. … …. …. ….. . .. … . . ….. …. … .. … … …. … …. …. …. .. …. … … .. .. . … … …. … .. … ….. … . . ….. …. …. . …..
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wildstar25 · 8 months
[rot13 for 6.55 spoilers]
jurer jnf zl shpxvat JVSR lbfuv c ??? ????? ??? V xabj jr unq ure sbe nyy gubfr cngpurf ohg jurer jnf ure "ernfba fur pbhyq tb gb gheny" fprar ?? vz tbaan tb vafnar. tvey ernyyl fnvq "v'yy or fghpx gb zl ebbz gvyy vz qbar zl cncre" yvxr furf n tenq fghqrag naq zrnag rirel ynfg jbeq bs vg uhu zl bayl frafr bs ubcr vf gung ure naq tenun fubj hc unys jnl guebhtu gur rkcnafvba gbtrgure naq ABG gung fur jnf nyfb erpehvgrq ol gur fnzr thl gung erpehvgrq gunaperq naq hevnatre. cyrnfr v qbag jnag gb svtug ure… bem
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itsbenedict · 1 year
so i've been shirking a lot of my duties lately because Pikmin 4 is out and man Pikmin 4 is good. it's got it all- its core game loop is so meticulously polished and optimized to not waste your time, the new sort of minigame modes it introduces are all challenging and enjoyable, it looks fantastic...
...and i said in a post recently that nothing annoyed me about it, but that i might find something later. so here's a comprehensive list of things that annoy me about Pikmin 4, to demonstrate the level of nitpicking i have to go to to find flaws in this game.
As previously mentioned, the tutorial is a bit too long- it's ages before you get your hands on even a single pikmin. They really want to teach you how to use that dog (which, in fairness, the dog is super useful.)
The load times are kind of unforgivably bad for a first-party title in an actual cartridge. It's rough stuff, especially when there's several back-to-back during phase transitions.
The departure cutscene- though skippable, thankfully- I usually don't skip because the music is nice and it's cool to see a bird's-eye view of the area when you're done for the day. Except in this game, the camera stays in a bit too tight and all you ever get to see is the ground. Lame.
The story's kind of trite, I guess. Pikmin's never had a super strong narrative element and doesn't really need one, but these rescue squad losers are pretty one-dimensional and kinda ruin the sense of solitude and discovery. (Also it it-was-all-a-dream retcons all the previous Pikmin games' stories out of existence for some reason??? Like, no big loss, but weird decision considering there was absolutely no need to do that.)
oh yeah no one was gonna be fooled by that fakeout midgame ending, lol. don't waste my time with that crap
The character creator is pretty bad- it's kind of impossible to make anything that looks good with the limited palette of options, and the choice to use the same character creator to design all the castaway NPCs (and main cast!) was a decent idea in theory but in practice all the NPCs look randomly-generated and just awful. Zero points for character design there.
Endless menu notifications for things you've already seen. Like, yeah, I know there's a log entry for this new pikmin I just found, you just showed it to me, I don't need a flashing "New!" indicator until I go into the menu and re-read the thing I just read. And kind of weird that B is "go from the map to the log menu" and not "dismiss the map".
There's a special mode that unlocks after a certain point in the game which is just like an entire Pikmin 1 inside Pikmin 4, which is fun but if you want to back out of it and put it on hold it's not super clear how to do that while keeping your progress. (You have to just exit from the pause menu during gameplay.)
rot13 for spoilers: Gurl oebhtug gung fgrnzebyyre zbgureshpxre sebz Cvxzva 2 onpx!!! Shpx gung guvat!!! Ohg zber vzcbegnagyl, shpx Pbyyva jub jba'g fuhg hc nobhg ubj V fubhyq whfg eha njnl naq cebprrq guebhtu gur yriry jvgubhg trggvat nyy gur gernfher naq pbzr onpx bapr vg'f qrnq! V'z abg tbaan qb gung orpnhfr V'z abg n ONOL, Pbyyva! Lrf, V XABJ vg'f qnatrebhf! Shpxvat rirelguvat ba guvf cynarg vf qnatrebhf, Pbyyva! Guvf vf abg n arj qrirybczrag!
The progression design is a little out of whack, I think- rather than each new area having an onion and being designed around the pikmin from that onion, there's multiple redundant onions and you frequently get new types from candypop buds in dungeons, so you learn to use them while they're extremely limited and precious before getting the ability to make more of them later on. I'm not sure it works as a design choice- it just kind of means I don't use onionless pikmin unless I'm forced to.
Note that none of these are gripes with the primary gameplay loop. The primary gameplay loop is fine! Playing the game still feels perfect, polished to a mirror shine... with thus far only one exception. That exception being:
Okay so you've got your onion, right? You bring stuff to it and seeds come out and plant themselves around it. You go to the onion to take pikmin in and out, too. What's the button to do that? You stand under it and press A. What's the button to start auto-picking all the planted pikmin whether they've bloomed yet or not? You stand a millimeter to the left of that and press A. Hrm.
Now this wouldn't be a problem because there's a contextual button popup that says which thing will happen when you press A. So you only pluck when it says pluck, right?
If you press A to go into the add/remove pikmin screen- sometimes that screen is unresponsive, and it won't say why, but it's because you're in the middle of plucking pikmin, actually. Your stupid dog was a millimeter to the left and decided that it was going to do its own, different thing when you pressed A, which was start auto-plucking.
They had to program that in!! They had to program in a behavior for the menu to not respond when your dog is in the middle of plucking pikmin!! So they knew this could happen! And instead of fixing it so that the game does what the button prompt says instead of a different thing that's invisible, they said "okay, tell them no, you have to back out and tell your dog to stop first."
"Also your dog won't listen to you until it's already auto-plucked at least one pikmin, so now your squad of flower guys is going to have one premature leafy straggler."
Like, come on! This happens constantly! There's no way it didn't come up in QA! Why in the world wouldn't you fix this? It's so obviously a problem and so easy to solve! Auuuuugh.
Anyway that is literally everything I can think of that's bad about Pikmin 4. The rest of it is tremendously satisfying and I like it a lot. 9/10 game for sure.
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wovenstarlight · 2 years
c/w suicidal ideation. v nyjnlf unir Na Njnerarff gung npnqrzvn vf abg tbbq sbe zr ohg v nyfb nnnnnyjnlf sbetrg Whfg Ubj abg tbbq vg vf evtug hc hagvy rirel ~znepu/ncevy jura v orpbzr jvyqyl fhvpvqny onfvpnyyl 24/7 naq snagnfvmr nyzbfg pbafgnagyl nobhg qebccvat bhg. guvf unf orra unccravat pbafgnagyl fvapr yvxr zvqqyr fpubby fb lbh'q guvax v'q erzrzore ol abj ohg ab v arrq bhg naq gb qb gung v'z rvgure tbvat gb xzf be tenqhngr be qebc bhg. ohg v nz fbbbb pybfr gb tenqhngvat v jbhyq chg zl urnq guebhtu n jnyy vs v yrg zlfrys qebc bhg abj. ohg nyfb Gur Rirelguvat Erdhverq Gb Trg Gurer bu zl tbq whfg gur gubhtug bs vg vf znxvat zr penml fhvpvqny ntnva v'z tbvat gb tb jngpu n yrpgher orsber v qb fbzrguvat fghcvq
zna npghnyyl jnvg orsber v cbfg guvf. qvfpynvzre gung v'z abg tbvat gb qb nalguvat fghcvq v unir arire qbar nalguvat orsber naq qb abg jnag gb. v qba'g npghnyyl jnag gb qvr v whfg jnag gb abg or va gur fcrpvsvp fvghngvba gung v'z va ea ohg vg fhpxf znwbe nff fb zl oenva qrpvqrq vg'f nyy gur fnzr. guvf vf yvxr rkgen ybat czf sbe zr bxnl qba'g jbeel v whfg jnvg bhg gur arkg zbagu be fb naq v'yy or abezny ntnva. v whfg arrqrq gb jevgr gurfr gubhtugf bhg naq onavfu gurz bhgfvqr bs zl urnq. ab bar sernx bhg. onpx gb lbhe erthyneyl fpurqhyrq cbfgvat
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outer wilds hot take (spoilers for Noun Exists And Isn't Adjective and Here Are Some Of The Themes)
vg'f fgenatr gb zr gung abar bs gur ahzrebhf bhgre jvyqf ivqrb rffnlf gbhpu ba gur pbbeqvangrf abg orvat enaqbzvmrq jura lbh fgneg n arj fnir nf n qryvorengr negvfgvp pubvpr. orpnhfr rirel pbairagvbany jvfqbz nobhg gung fbeg bs nqiragher tnzr fnlf lbh fubhyq enaqbzvmr pbzovangvba ybpxf naq guvatf yvxr gung. naq vg qbrfa'g. gur havirefr vf n fcrpvsvp jnl naq abg nabgure jnl, naq lbh pnaabg hayrnea xabjyrqtr (bs lbhe zbegnyvgl be bgurejvfr) ab znggre ubj zhpu lbh jnag gb. vg'f n qrfvta qrpvfvba gung fgvpxf bhg yvxr n fber guhzo ng svefg naq jura lbh guvax ba vg whfg n yvggyr ovg vg svgf cresrpgyl vagb gur tnzr'f gurzrf va n ernyyl pyrire jnl. v xabj rkcrpgvat qrrc vafvtug sebz ivqrb rffnlvfgf vf frggvat barfrys hc sbe qvfnccbvagzrag ohg guvf srryf yvxr vg fubhyq or ybjre unatvat sehvg guna vg vf?
0 notes