#abigail & sammy ( canon )
applesaucesims · 29 days
I wanna rewatch dance academy so bad now
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miaowitch · 6 months
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What Makes a Date? (18+)
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Read on Ao3 or below !!
Sam (SDV) / Fem! Farmer OC
cw ⋆。‧˚♡ swearing, smut, porn with plot, grinding over clothes, blowjobs, cumming without warning, sam pov, sams a loser?, canon/oc
summary ⋆。‧˚♡
Sam has two tickets to his favorite band, but none of his friends want to come with him. What does he do instead? Ask the farmer on a totally platonic outing, just as friends with no underlying feelings! Everything should go according to plan, especially the part where he ends up in her house! Right?
5k words
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Sam found himself in an odd situation. Two tickets to a concert in Zuzu City, two busy friends, and one available farmer. He’d been talking with Bella for a few months. Every time she came around he couldn’t help feeling like his heart would burst from his chest alien-style, but all in all he tried his hardest to be normal around her. Even if he’d written hundreds of scrapped melodies about her, even if he dreamt of her constantly, even if he wanted her laugh as his alarm clock. Samuel Neilson was a normal 20-year-old who could have hot friends. 
He’d been a fan of the band JamPot since middle school, and he figured Sebastian and Abigail would’ve died hearing about the tickets. They were all massive fans in fact, they’d discovered them together on YouTube in fact. Sure, he could only take one, but Sebastian rarely left his house anyway. Abigail was his backup plan for concerts most times, he just liked extending the offer to Seb. Abigail would never turn down the option to go to a concert without paying. 
He decided to ask them both on their weekly pool night, Sebastian was riding on his first win of the night and Abigail was lounging on the couch closest to the table. Sam thumbed the tickets in his pocket before working up the courage to ask, “Hey uh-” He started, pulling out the envelope. “Either of you wanna go with me to see JamPot on Saturday?” Sam’s hopeful tone was instantly crushed by their simultaneous rejection. “Sorry, Sammy. I’ve got plans on Saturday.” Abigail finally looked up from her phone to look at his defeated expression. “Yeah, I’ve gotta catch up on work. It wouldn’t be smart to..” Sebastian had just finished setting up the next game, but Sam couldn’t care less. “Whaat?” Sam whined out, leaning on the pool stick now. “I spent 50 on the other ticket, just hoping one of you’d tag along!” 
Sebastian, as if he was unbothered by his friend's distress, just rolled his eyes in response. “Just ask Bella.” Beginning the match by hitting the cue ball, managing to hit a solid color into a corner pocket. Sam stood dumbfounded. He didn’t want to go alone, but he also didn’t know if Bella would even agree to the…date? Would it be a date? He pondered for a minute before Sebastian cleared his throat in frustration. “You’re stripes, now play the fucking game, dude.”
The rest of the night, Sam was in a sort of daze, wondering if he was even close enough to the farmer to ask her to a concert. What if she rejected him, thinking it was a date? What if he wanted it to be a date? After his…circumstances with Penny, he wasn’t sure if he should even try to make a move. Walking out of the pub at 11, he was still thinking about Sebastian’s suggestion. Abigail waved goodbye, the one sober member of the group. Sam was slumped on Sebastian’s shoulder, the two held each other up with drunk motivation. “Can I..” Sam sighed, tossing his head back. “Just take me to your basement, Sebby.” He didn’t plan on drinking so much, but he knew his mom would kill him if he walked in wasted. “Whatev’r…” Sebastian slurred back, as he lead Sam around the corner to the mountain path. 
Sam didn’t quite remember how he’d gotten to Sebastian’s house. He woke up with a twinging headache, sprawled on the rug next to Sebastian’s bed. An old throw blanket was tossed over top of his body, but no pillow. His mouth was dry, lips cracked slightly as he pried them apart. “Seb…” He groaned, his voice was dangerously hoarse. Clearing it, he called once more as he sat up. “Seb. Get up.” Sam reached up to push at Sebastian’s sleeping back, but only received an angry groan in return. Being friends with Sebastian for so long, he understood that groan as a rejection to waking up.
Sam decided to just leave on his own, his mother was probably concerned about the fact that he hadn’t even come home. The alarm clock on Sebastian’s bedside read off [11:00 am]. He sighed, searching for his shirt that had been thrown off in the night. Picking himself up from the floor, he grabbed his phone, found his shirt, and slipped on his laceless shoes. Hobbling up the stairs was the hardest part, with stiff joints it was hard to even walk a straight line.
“Hello, Sam!” Robin announced to the house as Sam emerged from the basement. He winced at her volume, but still put on a smile. “Hey, Robin, sorry I crashed last night.” Sam adjusted the faded band shirt, hoping she couldn’t tell he’d been half naked two seconds prior. “Seb’s still asleep downstairs, I don’t know if he’s getting up any time soon.” He rubbed the back of his neck, anxious that Robin could still smell the alcohol. She didn’t seem to catch on, laughing softly. “Oh, Sam, you don’t have to apologize for staying over.” She sat back in the chair behind the front counter. “You two always stay up so late at night, at least you’re having fun.” 
Sam said his goodbyes, walking out the front door and closing it silently for the sake of his aching head. He took a deep breath, feeling around in his pocket for his phone to text his mom that he was headed home. Instead, Sam found the tickets that cursed him. “Fuck.” He muttered to himself, but apparently not quiet enough. Bella was rounding the corner at that very moment. 
“Fuck what?” She appeared with a sly, teasing smile. Sam felt his throat tighten up. “Me?” He replied with a violent voice crack. Sam couldn't help feeling like an ass when Bella was around. Something about her jet black hair, piercing blue eyes, and….assets? He didn't want to disrespect her, she was a nice friend. Why would he talk about her like that? He respected her too much. 
Bella laughed, harmoniously (to Sam). While covering her smile, which killed Sam, she dropped it after her giggles. A happy sigh escaped her, straightening up to really get a good look at him. “You look rough.” Bella spoke with almost a hinge of concern, looking him up and down. Sam had been so caught up in overthinking, he forgot completely about why he had been overthinking. “Rough? Yeah, I guess I feel the same too.” His hand nervously rubbed at his neck, Sam had a habit of doing it. “A-Actually I had a question for you!” Bella cocked her head, Sam felt his stomach toss. 
Bella was a girl who loved music. It was her and Sam’s first conversation. Wearing an old TilledSoil shirt, a band Sam had seen upwards of 10 times. After their hour of conversation on their favorite bands, Sam deemed Bella to be cool. He knew she would agree to going to a free concert with him, but was he even confident enough to ask her out? “What’s up?” Bella asked, now actually concerned for Sam. He’d been clutching the tickets for the entire time. The ticket envelope crumpled in his grip. “Do you wanna go to a concert with me- If you’re not busy or- or anything.” He felt like a total ass. 
There was no reason for her to actually reject him, but every bone in his body was cringing out. Standing in front of his best friend’s house, asking someone to go on a maybe-date. If Sebastian had been awake, he’d be instantly cooked. “What band?” Bella spoke up to break the internal panic that fogged his brain. That and the hangover headache. “JamPot!” Sam blurted out, making his headache come back with a vengeance. “They’re just…some dumb pop punk band from overseas.. I just have another ticket!” Yet she was already smiling, “JamPot? I don’t think I’ve listened to them since middle school!” Pulling out her phone, she looked back up at him. “When’s the show?”
Sam seemingly forgot every single detail about the show in that very minute. After frantically opening the envelope to look at the tickets, he looked back up. “Tomorrow, doors at 7?” Bella then started looking through her phone for a moment. “I’ll drive too! All you gotta do is tag along!” Sam wasn’t trying to beg, but god, he just didn’t want to waste the money. She looked back up with a smile, “Deal, I’m free to go tomorrow.” Stammering to himself for a moment, Sam finally got out a sentence. “Cool! I’ll pick you up at 6?” Bella agreed, and Sam floated back into town on a high.
Sure, his mom was pissed, and he was slightly late to work. Sam just couldn’t care. He was just really excited to hang out with his friend Bella. There wasn’t anything else lingering there, no matter how many times Sebastian and Abigail brought it up. This was just two really good friends going to hang out at a concert. Getting close, and sweaty…and doing normal friend things. Sam wasn’t going to ruin anything. Surely. 
Sebastian and Abigail heard the ‘news’ from him over a text, both were convinced it was going to end in Sam’s demise. Abigail bet on Bella thinking it was a date, but Sam shut her down immediately. There’s no way Bella would think it was a date. Even as he put a little bit of extra time into getting ready the next day, he was positive that Bella was on the same page as him. After assuring himself that his hair was perfectly quaffed, he headed out to pick up Bella. 
His car was just a hand-me-down from Jodie, her old car from before they’d gotten a family van. Sam wasted a few minutes throwing trash from the passenger to the backseat. Scrambling just to make it to the farm at six. Pelican Town wasn’t the most drivable, but it was still nice to have a car for longer trips. He just hoped it was comfortable enough for Bella. Not that it was a big deal, of course, she was just like every other friend. He just wanted her to enjoy her first ride in his car.
Sam arrived at the farm at 5:52, pulling into the gravel driveway just after he was done freaking out about being late. He fixed his hair in the rearview mirror, fussing over nothing at all. Waiting for just another minute, he was too impatient and honked at the horn once. He didn’t have her number, but he also wasn’t sure if he could just walk up to the front door. What if she thought he was rushing her? At the moment Sam honked– Bella opened her front door. A black cat ran from the house, and Bella locked up the front door. Sam was leaning on the steering wheel, watching her. When she looked at him with a smile, he instantly straightened up. His palms were grossly sweaty, and suddenly he felt underdressed. 
Bella walked to the passenger side of the car. Sam for a moment felt compelled to brush off the seat before she sat down, but still held himself back. Sharing greetings, Sam took a moment to really look at her. Trying to get his breath back, he smiled. “Ready for the show?” Sam managed to get out, gripping the wheel with white knuckles. Bella could probably wear a burlap sack and look good, but her black skinny jeans and cropped tee suited her perfectly. Bella smiled back, buckling in. “You know it.” 
It was hard to pay attention to the road with her in the passenger seat. Bella wasn’t distracting in a bad way, but Sam couldn’t help wondering what the feeling in his gut was. He just didn’t want to mess anything up. The drive wasn’t boring by any means, Bella and Sam talked the whole way there. Bella mentioned listening to JamPot’s new album, and Sam had to hold himself back from gushing about each detail in the chord progressions. But– It wasn’t long until he did start gushing about it. It was really difficult for Sam to not spill every thought around her. Normally, people would just grin and bare it while Sam rambled about music, but Bella listened to him. She seemed like she really was interested, a rare find. The drive and the time spent waiting in line was mostly just the pair talking about shared interests. Finding out she also preferred Hawaiian Pizza was a game changer for him. 
The venue was old. It’d been there since the early 70s, but was still kept up with. High ceilings, low concrete floors and bars located on both sides. It was already halfway packed in, the merch tables weren’t busy either. Small fairy lights decorated the trim of the brick walls, highlighting the merch tables easily. 
When they were actually in the venue, Bella split off to find the merch table while Sam grabbed a spot on the floor. “I’ll see you in a few.” She smiled, softly placing a hand on his upper arm before walking off. Before Sam melted to the sticky concrete, he had to text his friends. Sending a frantic text to Sebastian, Sam felt his head swimming. [ “Is this a date?” ] He typed the words with nervous, shaking thumbs. Sam was wrong, kicking himself in the ass. What if he was in the process of destroying any chance with Bella? What if he did like her more than he was allowing himself? 
[ “Yes.”  ] Sebastian responded, Sam mentally crumbled.
This was the issue with Sam. He didn’t read the room properly, didn’t understand most situations. It’s what ruined a lot of past relationships for him. Bella didn’t seem like she was hating their conversations, but girls were just so confusing to him. During his overthinking, Bella returned. A new beanie on her head, and a CD in her hand. The new JamPot album. “I got this for you, I wasn’t sure if you had it already.” Holding it out to him, Bella had no clue what had been occurring in Sam’s head. “What?! I’ll pay you back, Bella, I swear.” All fear dropped from his mind, her presence was enough for him to stop overthinking. She shook her head, “It’s for the ticket, don’t worry about it.” Bella’s hand touched his arm again. Soothing his anxiety, but slightly raising his blood pressure. 
After each of the two openers, Bella and Sam kept getting closer and closer. The crowd crushed together in excitement, filling the air with the heat of upwards of 200 people. “Are you okay?” Sam spoke up, bending to Bella’s ear just so she could hear him. She responded with a thumbs up, but still moved closer to Sam. Somehow they’d pressed forward to the barricade, in the middle-left. The headliner hadn’t come on yet, but Sam was preparing. His hands were holding the barricade, with Bella standing between them. He knew she’d be fine on her own in the crowd, but he wanted to keep her safe. The crowd had been rough all night, the openers being much heavier than JamPot, but Sam didn’t want her getting crushed against anyone else. 
Music played across the loudspeakers to fill the silence for the crowd during the stage set. The energy throughout the show had made him less high-strung, less worried on the topic of their night. “You’re having fun, right?” Sam asked, again at a higher volume, just so she could hear him. Bella nodded, leaning against the barricade and looking up at him. “Thanks for bringing me, Sam!” She hadn’t been able to stop smiling that night. 
It was honestly rare that Sam had seen her leave the farm. She and Abigail hung out by the mines occasionally, and he’d see her on walks by the water. Sam just rarely saw her doing anything out of Pelican Town in the few months they’d known each other. He liked taking her out, taking her places with him. “N-No problem.” Feeling that same tossing in his stomach, for some reason his face felt hotter. Maybe it was just the room? 
If Sam thought the first half of the show was close quarters, he wasn’t ready for the second half. Pressing up tightly to Bella’s back as she jumped around was the hardest thing Sam had to endure. On one hand, Bella was safe and comfortable at the barricade, while Sam had to get knocked into continuously. On the other, every single movement against Sam’s dick was like the purest form of torture. It’s not like she was grinding into him, but every once in a while they’d make contact when Bella would start jumping around. Gritting his teeth through it, Sam stood strong. Even if he ached, feeling the slightest brush of her hair against him. Her perfume with hints of clove, brushing by him, was his own heaven. The only thing Sam could circle back to at that moment was the original question.
Was it a date? Sam really tried to focus on the band, but how could he? He’d tune in for a song, then get lost in thought, staring at the back of Bella’s head. The end of the show came quicker than he’d been paying attention. The encore was really just one song, then the whole night was over. Sam felt like an ass, once again, for letting his mind wander all night. Walking out of the venue, Sam stayed close behind Bella. He felt like he’d been a weird freak all night, he just watched her. Bella didn’t notice anything, she’d been talking about how great the show was all the way to the car. Sam bantered back, acting as if he had really watched the concert.
After finally making it to the car, everything sort of shifted. Bella felt a little shyer now that they were fully alone. “Um– Sam?” She asked, as Sam put his keys in to start the car. “Yeah, Bella?” He looked over to her, the radio in the car started playing some obnoxious radio song. The CD hadn’t been automatically reading, so he reached up to press the button. “Well, I just wanted to thank you for taking me on this date. I really had a lot of fun with you tonight.” 
Sam froze in place.
Date? It was a Date?
The annoying pop track played its repetitive tune. Sam was staring at Bella with a dumb look on his face. “It was a–?” He managed to catch himself before saying his first thought, “Right– Well, I just thought..” His extended hand toward the stereo retracted, holding the back of his neck to feel at any beads of sweat. “I just thought it was about time, y’know?” A goofy grin cracked on his face, feeling suddenly free of his worries. “Me too..” Bella had been messing with a strand of hair framing her face. “I really appreciate it, Sam. We should really do this again, okay?” She smiled again, softly. The fluorescent lights in the garage gave her an outer glow, a soft halo on her black hair. Sam had to look away before he forgot the route home. 
Still, a sort of tension lingered in the car. They talked like normal, joking about the show. They talked about typical things from the daily special at the saloon, to weather during the week. Sam considered for a moment that he was just being dense, not understanding the palpable pauses between each topic. Bella adjusted in her seat every few minutes, Sam could’ve sworn he caught her looking his way every few minutes. His energy was high from the concert’s atmosphere, so maybe his mind was just working overtime. 
Eventually, though, they made it to Bella’s home. Pulling in the same gravel driveway as a few hours prior. Sitting in silence for a moment, neither truly wanted the night to be over with. Bella finally offered though, “Sam, I think I might have a pizza in the house. If you’re hungry or something..” Bella played with the fabric of her beanie, now clutched in her lap. Her hair was slightly messed up from hat hair, but to Sam, she hardly looked imperfect. 
“Yeah, uh.. I don’t see why not.” Sam turned off the car a little too enthusiastically. Mentally high-fiving himself for making it this far. Considering how the situation started, he didn’t even think he’d be in a car with Bella. Let alone be on a date with Bella. It was only midnight, his mom knew he’d be back late, so Sam didn’t have any reason to say no. 
“Sorry if it’s a little messy, I don’t normally have people over..” She apologized, unlocking the door with a set of keys attached to a decorated keychain. Sam figured it would probably be cleaner than his room, and he was right in assumption. Bella was exaggerating. Only a couple of cups laid on the coffee table, a few sweatshirts and jackets were draped on one of the dining room tables, and burnt out candles littered the main living room. “It’s not messy, don’t worry.” Sam made sure to close the door behind him, only slightly jumping when a black cat ran through the house and towards the bedroom. 
Sam quickly followed Bella into the kitchen, where she was staring at the box of frozen pizza branded with JojaMart logos. “Have you had this before?” She asked with a pensive tone, looking over her shoulder and back at Sam standing in the doorway. He felt a knot in his throat. “Please, I think I’ve had every frozen pizza in the Joja aisles.” Sam tried to push past it, leaning on the dining table to keep himself from collapsing. 
“It says it’ll take 30 minutes, can you wait that long?” Bella set the box on the counter and turned to him. It was one of those fancier brands with a rising crust. “I could make us some sandwiches if you’re too tired, I know I’m already keeping you out pretty late..” Her lips pursed in thought, but Sam scrambled. “I-I can wait!” Bella began opening the box, and setting the frozen disk pizza onto the tin tray. Watching her preheat the oven, Sam felt his heart race. Two peers, in a house…alone. Sam hadn’t thought this far ahead. 
Sure, he’d kept a condom in his wallet, but that didn’t mean he just expected to get laid. He wasn’t that cocky. He understood that they were just two friends, fresh off an unexpected date. Two very available people that liked each other a considerable amount. Sam just knew the kind of guy that he was. He wasn’t the type to hold off if he wanted something. And god, did he want Bella. 
She turned around now, unaware of the horrible thoughts in Sam’s brain. He wondered if he should just go home. “Well, we’ve got a 30-minute wait… anything you wanna do while we wait?” Bella took a few steps closer, setting the flannel she was wearing on the kitchen table behind Sam. “You.” He felt tempted to say his desires out loud, but held himself firm. “Oh, I could just watch TV if you want.” He was lying, but it was late. Sam doubted that she was that into him. 
Following Bella into her living room, he took a spot on one end of her blue, velvet couch. Bella placed herself on the other side after getting the remote to her tiny television set. She sat forward, stiff as she tapped through channels, just trying to find something to fill their silence. The tension between the two was thick, Sam just tried to relax. Leaning back in his seat and getting comfortable. It was almost 11 at night, there was nothing to be worried about. As if the notorious early bird farmer Bella would stay up much later than 12. 
A couple of minutes passed, but Bella didn’t seem to relax. Sam kept stealing glances, but each time she would lock eyes with him. Her panic hidden as she looked back to the boring music documentary they landed on. “Are you comfortable?” Sam finally offered, figuring that it was an innocent question. Bella finally looked at him, “Um… Well…” She shifted in her seat, “I guess not, I just can’t rest after concerts..” Bella seemed almost embarrassed, “I just have such a hard time laying down..” 
Sam opened an arm at the instant. “C’mere then, I’ll show you how to relax, Bella.” He didn’t have bad intentions at all. Sebastian was the same way, you had to force him down to get any sleep after going through concert adrenaline. Sam had no problem getting cozy, he just wanted to help her out. 
He was more than surprised when she actually agreed to it, Bella gladly crawled over to lay on his chest. Sam positioned himself to lay along the couch, one hand behind his head to pad the hard arm of the couch. Bella just draped herself on the inside of the couch, pressed onto him, but hardly comfortable. She still felt like she wasn't quite comfortable, so Sam let a hand creep down and rub the space between her shoulders. A sigh released, and Bella let her guard down.
Sam’s hand continued to rub circles around her back, and Bella’s sighs became more frequent. Every shift she’d make against his thigh, every shudder as his hand shifted to her mid-back. He wasn’t sure what he was doing to make her react that way, but he’d always been told he had magic hands when it came to massages. “Are you still comfortable?” He asked again, not sure why he was whispering. Bella could hardly be heard as she softly moaned at his touch. Sam felt himself going insane as their eyes met. Her lashes fluttered, his heart could’ve given out at any time. 
It only took a second for Sam to realize what was actually going on. Bella moved up, now straddling him to the couch. A mere centimeter away from his lips as she felt her own hesitation. “Bella? C-Can we…” Sam started, but Bella cut him off. Their lips met with sparks under Sam’s skin. His hands drifted to her waist, rubbing slow circles with his thumb as their tongues mingled. One of Bella’s hands moved to his hair, lacing together with gelled, blonde strands. Even lightly brushed against his hair almost made him burst, but whatever Bella was doing to him made him weaker to the touch. 
Their kiss broke with Sam panting, holding on tighter with one hand on Bella’s waist. Basically guiding her to grind against the center of his crotch. “Ohhh… Oh god, Bella…” Sam couldn’t help begging for her, what else was he supposed to do with a beautiful woman on his dick? Her hips gyrated, moving forwards and back to tease at his quickly hardening cock. 
It’d been too long for Sam. He didn’t fool around as much as he had before Bella came to town, but she was enough to dedicate his life to a monogamous relationship. “Y-You’re so fucking good, holy shit…” He gasped as her hands trailed up his chest. Holding herself firm as she now stopped and held herself up. Moving down, she positioned herself between his legs. Sam propped himself up, sweaty and confused. Watching Bella lay on her stomach with a determined look in her eyes, she understood her intentions as she unbuckled his checkered belt. Her soft hands pulled down blue checkered boxers, taking in everything slowly. 
Sam’s ears were burning hot, he threw his head back to avoid her seeing his embarrassment. Bella, on the other hand, slid her hand around his cock with love. Licking her lips with anticipation as she took it all in. Gently kissing the blushing head of his cock, leaking precum and begging for more. Sam writhed under her, missing her lips after every sweet peck down the shaft. He begged, desperate for something that wasn’t a teasing kiss. Bella listened, smiling devilishly as she swept her long black hair behind her. 
Bella’s hands firmly stayed on Sam’s hips, making sure he wasn’t bucking too hard. Her mouth wrapped around him warmly, lowering slowly to halfway, then bobbing back up. “S-Shit..” Sam cursed, biting his lip to stop from exclusively swearing. His right hand gripped at the back of the couch, while his left hand trailed to Bella’s head. Softly petting as she moved with intention. Her big eyes looking up as if she wasn’t melting him with each move she made. 
“B-Bella slow down, Please-” She bobbed faster, and stopped teasing him. His hand now gripped in her hair, inky black strands lacing between his fingers. “Fuck- Fuck, you’re so good to me, Wh-” Sam’s rambling was cut short by his body near folding from her mouth hitting the base of his cock. Sam wasn’t monstrously lengthy, but he was still slightly longer than average. Aside from the fact that he wasn’t getting very many blowjobs, he’d just assumed deepthroating didn’t exist. Tortuously, she moved her mouth up, with her tongue pressed to the bottom of his shaft. Sam couldn’t keep his mouth closed. A mixture of her name, whimpering, and swears poured out as she worked her head up and down. His head pounded, a whooshing in his ears grew louder.
Without warning her, Sam crumpled under her. Cumming into her mouth, now holding onto her head gently to keep her still. Bella moaned, the vibrations only making him moan out louder as he bottomed out. She pulled herself off as his hands fell, a quiet ‘pop’ broke the humming in his head. As she got up and left towards the kitchen. He’d realized the timer started going off when Sam heard the creaking of her oven door. “Bella?” Sam called out, almost missing her after she left the room. A second later, Bella’s head peeked around the wall of the kitchen. “Do you still want pizza?” She acted like she hadn’t just been on his cock, like she still couldn’t taste him in her throat. 
“No, I think I want something else.” He propped himself up, smiling back at her. 
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chaosdeprived · 4 months
the bleeding heart on your sleeve
Fandom: Abigail (2024)
Pairing: Joey x Sammy (JoeySammy)
Word Count: 3.3k
Content / Warnings: Abigail (2024) spoilers. (Please don't read if you haven't watched the movie yet!) Canon divergence. Post-canon. Blood and injury. Vampire feeding.
Summary: Joey didn’t sign up to deal with a fledgling vampire with soft blue eyes and a warm smile. (And her newfound appetite.)
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leavethemtorot · 3 months
VK Masterpost
This will be updated with new characters as needed, but holds all current characters
Harriet Hook
Sammy Smee
Big Murph
Jade of Agrabah
Diego de Vil
Harry Badun
Jace Badun
Squeaky Smee
Squirmy Smee
Uma Triskelion
Harry Hook
Gil LeGume
Bonny Callahan
Claudine Frollo
Desiree Marinos
Jonas Marinos
Clay Clayton
Jay of Agrabah
Carlos de Vil
Evie Metternich
Freddie Facilier
Celia Facilier
Junior LeGume
Gast LeGume
CJ Hook
Eddie Balthazar
Maddy Mim
Reza of Agrabah
Anthony Tremaine
Dizzy Tremaine
Ginny Gothel
Rick Ratcliffe
Hermie Bing
Lefou Deux
Red Hearts
Widely Accepted Fanon
Marya Rasputin
Ivy de Vil
Hunter de Vil
Heimir Westergaard
Hawise Angevin
Gale LeGume
Sage Snoops
Maddox Dobbs
Abigail Callaghan
Hart Bing
Clancy Muntz
Maitland Mim
Maggie Mim
Elias Westergaard
Silver Tóth
Cedar Muntz
Mila Tóth
Arthur Mim
Gwen Mim
Shan Huang
Agatha Frollo
Rosa Hearts (credit to @panthera-tigris-venenata )
Hou Jia
Zhu Rong
Vladivoj Hearts (credit to @panthera-tigris-venenata )
Jared Hearts (credit to @panthera-tigris-venenata )
Kazimíra Hearts (credit to @panthera-tigris-venenata )
Mečislav(a) Hearts (credit to @panthera-tigris-venenata )
Emmerich Metternich
Miloš Rasputin
Dior Traviss
Su Tsui
Yan Chiu
Laura Rourke
Lizzy Balthazar
Bernadette Sykes
Ripley Callaghan
Myf Mim
Macaulay Mim
Mickey Mim
Maeve Mim
Leighton Rourke
Malvina Mim
Malcolm Mim
Desi Tremaine
Bella Tremaine
Davinia Tremaine
Dixie Tremaine
Dodie Tremaine
Mars Mim
Haze Bing
Siv Stabbington
Blakely Sykes
Henry Plantagenet
Emmit Blakeslee
Meade Mim
Michelle Mim
Gene LeGume
Tiitus Westergaard
Esteban de la Cruz
Whitney Sykes
Levi Beck
Hadley Bing
Gustave LeGume
Alex Plantagenet
Collin Muntz
Iolanthe Mim
Blodwen Mim
Myrddin Mim
Magnus Mim
Monet Mim
Mallory de Vil
Kennedy de Vil
Lucia Clark
Rosie Angevin
Gloria Gothel
Gabriella Gothel
Gaia Gothel
Gisela Gothel
Harvey Snoops
Åse Stabbington
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Super important ask for science! What are your headcanons for the age ranges of the bachelors/bachelorettes?
Your most recent post with Magnus got me thinking and I wanted to know your thoughts if you had any?
Oh, you mean how old someone is? Sure, why not (for science! 😃).
To be honest, I think me and my moots discussed this topic somewhere earlier (like year ago maybe???), but it seemed to be with the Expanded mod, because I remember Lance exactly. Not sure, dear anon, if you mean the characters from the SVE mod too (because Magnus is Rasmodius' name in SVE, in vanilla SDV his name is not revealed. He's just Wizard or Rasmodius), so I'll do only vanilla ones.
Shane is one of the "old" bachelors, according to one of the secret notes. I always figured he was somewhere in his early 30s. Somewhere closer to 32.
Harvey is another one of the old bachelors, but a little older than Shane. Either early 30's or mid 30's, I'd give him somewhere around 33-35 years (considering he graduated from medical school).
Sam is early 20's for sure. In my mind, he's still a pretty young guy who's just about to go to university. Somewhere between 20 and 22 years old.
Sebastian I consider Sammy's age, but about a two - three year older. If Sam is going to be, say, 21, then Sebastian will be 23-24. Also pretty young.
Elliott is the last of the three "old bachelors" along with Shane and Harvey, but his age borders between late 20's and early 30's. I always thought he was between 29 and 32 years.
Alex... it's a little hard to tell here. My opinion is split on whether he's also the same age as Sam and Sebastian (20-21) or somewhere in his mid 20s (25, 26). So instead of the two options, I'll go with the alternative and give him 23-24 years old.
In general I always thought Maru was 3-4 years younger than her half-brother Sebastian. Somewhere starting at 20, at least (Sebby would be 23-24 at the time). I thought Robin and Demetrius got together and Maru was born when Sebastian was three or four years old.
Penny is the same age as Sammy, which is 21. I always liked to think that if Pelican Town had any class where children were taught, Sam and Penny were in the same group and were the same age.
Leah in my mind is definitely somewhere in her mid 20's, I'd give her 26 to be exact.
25-27 years old for Emily too! She's kind of one of the older (not old) bachelorettes.
I don't remember if it was mentioned in canon somewhere, but Haley is Emily's younger sister to me, so I'd give her somewhere around 23-24 years old here.
In Abigail's situation, then she's Sebastian's age, it's like Penny and Sam situation here. So my verdict is either early 20's or even mid 20's (something between 22 to 25 years old)
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5thelement · 3 months
Far as 'm concerned there's an alternate ending where peter/Terry and Sammy/Jess become accidental badass vampire hunters who live in a really swanky penthouse apartment.
Also Abigail still lives and becomes Frank's nemesis and its hilariously one sided. 12 year old immortal menace hates hates that guy.
Joey gets therapy.
i’ll take that over actual movie canon any day! i just know there’s an alternate ending out there where abigail spares all of the rat pack and gives them new jobs to work directly under her! 🙂‍↕️
but honestly i can’t wait for the bonus content of Abigail, ive watched that movie so many times that anything new at this point would be so worth it 💖
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halloweend · 5 months
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#HALLOWEEND an independent multimuse featuring a number of muses from halloween-esque films & shows. as beloved & established by pluto.
affiliated with: @inspotlight (all blogs), @heartfe1t (all blogs), @percentstardust/@loomiskiller/@loomisheir, & @sixbillicnsouls credits: icon banner pumpkin patch by faegfx, psd rusted flame by jessource, pinned post graphic by sweetmelodygraphics
all muses are played at 18+ in their main ages. with the exception of max mayfield who is played at 14-18+ to reflect canon
shock - the nightmare before christmas. fc: india eisley (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
wednesday addams - wednesday/addams family media. fc: jenna ortega (she/her, demisexual/demiromantic)
camryn barnes - twitches. fc: zendaya (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
daphne blake - scooby doo. fc: abigail cowen (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
robin buckley - stranger things. fc: maya hawke (she/they, homosexual/homoromantic)
sam carpenter - scream. fc: melissa barrera (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
tara carpenter - scream. fc: jenna ortega (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
joey (ana lucia) cruz - abigail. fc: melissa barrera (she/her, visuals/biromantic)
dani dennison - hocus pocus. fc: katherine mcnamara (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
mavis dracula - hotel transylvania. fc: olivia rodrigo (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
alex fielding - twitches. fc: zendaya (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
sally finkelstein - the nightmare before christmas. fc: karen gillan (bisexual/biromantic)
pj halliwell - charmed. fc: katie douglas (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
melinda halliwell - charmed. fc: danielle rose russell (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
colette hughes - totally killer. fc: kiernan shipka (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
sammy (jessica) hurney - abigail. fc: kathryn newton (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
coraline jones - coraline. fc: isabela merced (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
needy lesnicki - jennifer's body. fc: kiernan shipka (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
johnny loughran - hotel transylvania. fc: joshua bassett (he/him, pansexual/panromantic)
wybie lovat - coraline. fc: jonathan daviss (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
wyatt lykensen - zombies. fc: pearce joza (he/him, homosexual/homoromantic)
max mayfield - stranger things. fc: sadie sink (bisexual/biromantic)
randy meeks - scream. fc: charlie gillespie (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
pam miller - totally killer. fc: olivia holt (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
zed necrodopolis - zombies. fc: milo manheim (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
marnie piper - halloweentown. fc: emilia jones (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
sidney prescott - scream. fc: danielle campbell (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
tatum riley - scream. fc: madison iseman (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
alex russo - wizards of waverly place. fc: fiona palomo (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
justin russo - wizards of waverly place. fc: froy gutierrez (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
enid sinclair - wednesday. fc: emma myers (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
sabrina spellman - sabrina the teenage witch. fc: sabrina carpenter (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
hannah stine - goosebumps (2015). fc: odeya rush (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
xavier thorpe - wednesday. fc: felix mallard (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
cassie traske - hocus pocus 2. fc: maude apatow (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
addison wells - zombies. fc: meg donnelly (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
nancy wheeler - strangers things. fc: natalia dyer (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
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asteroidxblves · 4 months
-- headcanons ; isla .
( i ) -- goes by iz , izzy , or hermes . completely based on a fine mix of sammy ( abigail ) and dean ( abigail ) , with a finer but still generous dash of jesse ( the first fast and furious movie ) . she's a rich girl that likes to go fast , to cause mayhem , and cars . bad girls by m.i.a is her anthem .
( ii ) -- keeps changing her major trying to avoid graduating . has all but told her parents she's not interested in school but given her family background working on cars all day isn't a career they want to or are willing to accept . she likes her job at the bookstore on campus though .
( iii ) -- her family background is exactly why she joined anarchy as well as other canon events that happened in her life . it's been her way of feeling something other than just bored with her life and comfort that comes with money . she's a failed debutant girlie .
( iv ) -- high key adrenaline junkie . loves coasters , fast cars , jumping off the side of things , just anything for a cheap quick thrill .
( v ) -- usually a mellow fly on the wall type person in day to day she has some pretty intense road rage and just general flares of temper if prompted just right . considers herself closest to collette joking that she has a degree in how to read the other and not take offense to things she may say or do , is always down for whatever collette has planned . very much a follow the leader person .
( vi ) -- her car is her child , slick and black with the opt in for led lights literally everywhere inside and underneath . always has water and chargers in a bag in the middle console and a baseball bat in her truck . cooler version of an uber for anarchy members . always blasting music .
( vii ) -- has little tattoos scattered all over ( three little paw prints behind her right ear , don't written on her left index finger and panic written on her left middle finger , birds for anarchy on her right thigh , carpe diem right above her left elbow , and a little four leaf clover on the back of her right ankle ) . her ears are pierced three times each and she tries to stay on top with fashion and how she dresses .
( viii ) -- not a massive sweets fan she does adore cherry slushies and nerds ( more often than not together ) . can often be found at the arcade when she has time for herself .
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hardfcclings · 4 years
anyway abigail would do anything for sammy. confirmed.
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mercurie-and-me · 2 years
ok a definitive rating of all dance academy couples i'm 100% right on this don't even try me
tara x christian - always have been and always will be the no 1 christara slut on this planet like i'm sorry but for me they are truly a romeo and juliet, rose and jack, once in a lifetime relationship, they will always belong together and always find their way back to each other, even if they fuck up and hurt each other sometimes
abigail x ethan - i never truly appreciated their relationship until i got a little older but they are so good for each other, just completely on the same level regarding their wants and needs and i'm so mad that they weren't endgame
sammy x abigail - especially in s1 they just hit different like they are so cute together and i'm obsessed with their dynamic and i truly think if sammy hadn't died they could have become a really great couple in s2 as well because they had both matured so much
tara x ben - although imo benstara wouldn't really have worked out in the long run, they're still really good for each other and i like that tara gets to live out her sillier, more carefree side with him. ultimately though, i don't think that 100% fits her so they're definitely better off as friends
sammy x ollie - i absolutely adore ollie in s3 but i think in s2 he definitely still had a lot of work to do on himself. again, if sammy hadn't died their relationship would have been good to revisit in s3 after he's grown a bit and i think they could have become really awesome together
kat x christian - they were cute while it lasted (and i do think they make a very attractive couple, not that that's important), but you could tell christian's heart was never truly in it and kat just deserved better than that
abigail x wes - i mean i guess they're fine but tbh i just don't like abi ending s3 with someone who's not a part of the main squad, it just doesn't feel right. i love that they have some history in barcelona though, and the scene where he was dancing shirtless under the bridge and abi breaks down does get me
grace x ben - i think if grace has to be with anybody in the group, ben is the best fit and i do like their dynamic in s3, but tbh i think grace has a lot more work to do on herself before she can actually enter a serious relationship. on another note, my aroace grace (arograce?) headcanon just doesn't allow for this
ollie x rhys - terrible. rhys is a fine enough character (even though he's such a non-character like i couldn't name a single thing about him) but imo it was just so obvious that they were scrambling to have everyone end up with someone by the finale and also they didn't want to make anyone of the main cast gay so they did this. their chemistry was fine i guess but it just felt so rushed and underdeveloped
tara x ethan - i think tara x ethan were never meant to last more than a couple episodes, this was more for narrative purposes, so all of what i'm saying is very much canon but they just never fit together. when they were together they were at completely different points in their lives and they could never have given each other what they needed and deserved
kat x ben - also out of nowhere, i don't think their storyline should have gone any further than ben having a crush on kat in s2 and her rejecting him. this is one decision they made in the movie that is truly baffling to me, like what 👏🏻 was 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 reason 👏🏻 ? imo ben should have realised during the pas de deux with ollie that he is actually bisexual and then gotten together with ollie (still mad we didn't get to see a single second of them dancing together), and kat is the biggest lesbian anyways which is why all of her relationships on the show were so shit
kat x jamie - suffering from the ollie x rhys problem, jamie is just very transparently a character they brought on so kat could end the show in a relationship. i actually love that he's so goofy and i love his and kat's dynamic as weirdo besties but he doesn't fit with her romantically at ALL
kat x myles - stupidly terrible, i mean not only was myles like in his mid-twenties at the youngest and kat was like 16??? hellO how did no one think that was weird?? their relationship was also so fanfic-y and myles was just really not likeable to me. i kinda love that the show broke with that in order to not have him in s2 and were like 'actuallyy he's still annoying and everything he said about himself and his goals in s1 is not true, he's actually just a whiny bitch' gotta respect that
kat x the dude from the movie, i can't be bothered to look up his name - that tells you all you need to know
kat x lukas - do i even need to say anything, like this was obviously only a thing to show that kat was not doing well and holy shit it worked, babygirl i KNOW you're a repressed lesbian and can't choose good comphet relationships for shit but really?? that piece of toenail? jesus
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carpsurprise · 4 years
could you perhaps share some fluffy sam headcanons on this fine evening...?
fluffy sam headcanons!
anon... you know i can on any evening!! always down to write some sam content B)
-sammy obviously has a bunch of energy but i like to think he’s a very dance-y person. like constantly moving and kinda breaking out into little fits of dance every so often! gotta get that energy out somehow
-loves picnics!! get ready for some picnic dates. one-on-one and with seb and abigail!! friend picnics, dates, even with his family! sam loves being outdoors and any type of meal 
-most people kinda go for the ‘sam teaches you the guitar’ but i think his first instinct would be wanting to see the farmer play the drums!! he likes to bob his head and put a full body groove into himself when he plays the drums and will slowly teach the farmer how to hit the cymbals and gain some sort of rhythm
-sam loves to touch the top of the farmer’s head!! i think he’d love to give those side hugs where his elbow rests on the farmer’s shoulder and he holds their head and brings it close to his
-he’s very in tune with his emotions and very good at communicating!! i think he ranks high on bachelors with good communication because he’s had so much experience with his distressed mother and trying to raise vincent as the only “male figure” in vince’s life!!
-if the farmer has a very instrument they love ... he’s gonna try!! save up some money to buy one (if it’s plausible) and watch some tutorials online to try to play it
-canonically sucks at cooking but i think he’d like baking a lot!! boy sucks at measurements but!! the decorating!! and even just stuff like brownies and cookies, the reward is much too great to not know how to do it!!
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
What sorta role would Abigail play in the game's plot?
It really depends. I have two paths I’d like to take with Abby, both depending on specific circumstances that really make the differences seem organic (as opposed to just inserting her into the plot of the game). I can give you a rundown of how they’d work!
--Scenario 1: The Henry Canon--
Abby doesn’t ever go to the studio herself. Instead, the cycle is broken by those immediately involved in the happenings of Joey Drew Studios, and Henry contacts her as Sammy’s only living relative. 
Depending on if it’s a Henry Saves Everyone AU or not, Abby either gets confirmation that Joey’s actions got her older brother killed (like she’d suspected from the start), or has her broken shell of a brother surrendered into her care (which opens up a new can of worms concerning Sammy’s state, either lack of visible aging or even his inky self not being reversed). She’d end up as a primary caregiver to someone who barely remembers her anymore and, while it is a harrowing task, it’s also one she uses as penance after years of not knowing what happened, and feeling terrible for her last words to him being condemning ones in an argument.
Whether or not Sammy slowly heals and properly regains his memories is up for debate, but Abby takes the good days with excitement and doesn’t hold the bad ones against him. She’d very much like to kick Joey Drew in the balls tho.
--Scenario 2: Loose Ends--
After Henry goes missing questions start cropping up like a plague of weeds. Abigail’s interest in the missing person’s files relating to Joey Drew Studios is sparked anew, and she leaves behind the comfort and safety of both Polk siblings Lydia’s and Nelson’s home to investigate a new lead: Linda Stein.
Linda mentions briefly that her husband received a letter from Joey Drew himself before he went missing and Abby takes the chance to finally confront him on whatever happened to her brother and her best friends’ uncle. It doesn’t go well...
Abigail awakens in the Heavenly Toys department with no memory of how she got there. She’s alone in a creepy dark ink covered studio, gets chased by monsters, and is used as an errand girl by a deranged and deformed angel with a grudge. Her only friend is a lone Piper she befriended through sheer selfless kindness, and she only has at her disposal whatever she had in her handbag when she went to Joey’s. Worse yet, someone or something is stalking her. It wears a mask and wields an axe, and very much wants her dead for some sort of ritual. It wouldn’t be so bad if she didn’t recognize the voice...
Abby still very much wants to kick Joey Drew in his miserable old man balls.
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notalwaysthevillian · 5 years
Lost and Found (A Sanders Sides Tangled AU)
Warnings: Police brutality (that’s the closest to what it is), mention of hanging, anxiety, mental/emotional abuse
Word Count: ~1.4k
Pairings: Romantic Prinxiety, Romantic Logicality
Chapter 9
I couldn’t wait, so you guys get this chapter now! Only one more canon chapter and then an epilogue of my own design :D
Chapter 10
Rope burned into Roman’s skin as he came to, twisting in his binds. “Virgil? Virgil!”
As he heard footsteps, he glanced up. About half of the royal guard had him surrounded. The captain easily cut him out of his binds and hoisted him up to the dock. “I didn’t think I’d find you this easily.”
“Wait, wait, you don’t understand!”
“C’mon.” The captain shoved him, heading for the castle. “Your room is already prepared.”
“Virgil!” He shouted, hoping that his voice would carry over the water.
The grip on his arms tightened. “Shut up.”
“Please, you have to -” He was cut off as the breath left his lungs.
Removing his fist from Roman’s stomach, the guard started to drag him along. “We don’t have to do anything, thief.”
Glancing back, all Roman could see was fog. Another guard tugged on his arm, making him face forward.
Resigning himself to his fate, Roman let himself be tugged along and thrown in the dungeon.
After all, Virgil probably thought he’d been abandoned. Roman had stupidly left him on the beach, promising to come back. He should’ve known that something would happen. The Stabbington brothers never played fair.
He paced in his cell all night, wondering what had happened to Virgil. Was he okay? Had he gotten away from the brothers? Maybe Max had found him.
Jingling interrupted his thoughts. He turned to find the Captain opening his cell, a solemn look on his face. “Let’s get this over with, King.”
Roman put a hand to his neck, knowing which punishment fit the crime.
He’d never see Virgil again.
Virgil trembled as he felt the last flower leave his hair.
“There. Now we can pretend that never happened.” Dorian grabbed the basket full of flowers, refusing to look at Virgil as he walked towards the kitchen area. “Wash up. I’m making hazelnut soup.”
He stopped at the edge of Virgil’s curtains, looking back. Virgil sat on his bed, eyes filled with tears, staring down at his hands.
“I warned you what was out there.” He snapped, voice growing cold. “The world is a cruel, dark, and selfish place. It always has been and it always will be.”
He closed the curtains, leaving Virgil to himself.
As soon as the footsteps had faded, Virgil opened his hands, staring at the crumpled flag he’d managed to hide. Ever so carefully, he spread it out across his lap.
Emile let out a squeak, hugging Virgil’s leg the best he could.
With a sigh, Virgil laid back, clutching the flag to his chest. He stared up at the paintings on the ceiling, knowing nothing would ever bring him joy again.
Emile let out a squeak, tapping his hand on the sun before looking up.
Virgil followed the chameleon’s gaze, eyes widening as he realized he’d somehow painted the royal symbol in the negative space. His eyes flicked around to each painting, finding the star in nearly everything he’d painted.
A gasp fell from his lips as he remembered. 
The star above him.
His parents smiling down at him.
His parents.
The kings.
“It’s for the lost prince.”
A flash of himself wearing the tiara filled his mind.
Virgil gasped, falling back into his dresser.
“It’s me.”
Roman walked through the dungeon, accepting his defeat and death.
At least, that had been the plan.
All bets were off when he saw the Stabbington brothers sitting in a cell.
He threw himself into the guards, knocking them to the ground before jumping over his chains and grabbing one of them by the neck.
He slammed the brother’s face into the bars, growling. “How did you know about him? Tell me, now!”
“It wasn’t us!” He tried to pull away, groaning when he was slammed against the bars once more. “It was the old man!”
“Old man?” Snippets of Virgil talking about his Father all came back at once. Roman’s eyes widened and he struggled as the guards grabbed him again. “Wait! No! You don’t understand, he’s in trouble!”
Virgil heard Dorian yelling, asking if he was alright. He walked through the curtains, still reeling from his discovery.
“I’m the lost prince.” He whispered, holding tightly to the fabric.
Dorian rolled his eyes. “What have I told you about mumbling?”
“I am the lost prince. Aren’t I?” Virgil glared at Dorian. The slight widening of his eyes was enough of an answer. “Did I mumble, Father? Actually, I shouldn’t even call you that.”
Recovering quickly, Dorian waved a hand in the air. “Please, Virgil, do you hear yourself? How could someone like you be a prince.”
“Stop it! Stop...belittling me!”
Knowing he’d been caught, Dorian’s face grew cold. “I protected you. Gave you a home.”
“You locked me in a tower!” Virgil screamed, shoving past Dorian and heading down the stairs. “You told me that people would want to steal my power. It was just you who wanted it.”
“It’s not like you have anywhere else to go.” Dorian smirked, waving a hand in the air. Scales raced up his jaw as a visual of Roman pinned by the guards floated in the air. “He can’t be there for you.”
“What did you do?!”
“He’s a thief, Virgil.” Dorian waved his hand again, stalking toward the trembling boy. “By royal decree, a thief is hanged for his crimes.”
Tears blurred Virgil’s vision. “No!”
“Shh, it’s all right. If you just forget about all this, I’ll let you stay here.” Dorian reached out to pat Virgil’s hair.
Shooting his hand out, Virgil grabbed Dorian’s wrist. “NO! You were wrong. About the world, about Roman, about me. I will never let you use my hair again!”
With a shove, Dorian stumbled back into the wall. He stared as Virgil straightened up and started to walk away.
“You want me to be the bad guy?” He let his magic flow up his arms, ignoring the stinging itch of the scales. “Fine. Now I’m the bad guy.”
Lead down the corridor, this time bound and chained, Roman continued to struggle. Each time, the guards tightened his bindings until he was practically being carried.
A pink unicorn set in an alcove caught Roman’s eye as they walked. He grinned, stopping dead in his tracks.
All the doors around them slammed shut, making the guards around him jump.
The captain banged on a door. “Hey! Open up!”
“What’s the password?” An all too familiar voice asked.
“Open this door!” The guard slammed his fist against the wood.
“Not even close.”
“You have three seconds!”
As the captain counted, the guards holding Roman were taken and knocked out. He grinned and waved as the captain turned around, only to be knocked out by one of the thugs wielding a frying pan.
“Who knew, right?” Roman asked, gesturing toward the cookware. “Now can you -”
The door behind him splintered as the rest of the royal guard came pouring through. Roman shrieked as the thug tugged him through the doorway. They sprinted down the corridor, the guards right on their tail.
They ran past Ulf, who began to mime, before continuing their way out into the courtyard. More of the guards poured in, blocking all exits.
Gunnar grabbed Roman, setting him down. “Head down.”
“Head down.” Roman repeated, doing as he was told.
“Arms in.”
“Arms in.”
“Knees apart.”
“Knees apa- wait, what?” Roman gave him a confused look. “Why do I need to keep my knees apAAAAAAAA!”
A scream fell from his mouth as he flew through the air, turning into a wheeze as he landed. He opened his eyes finding himself in Max’s saddle.
“You brought them here?”
The horse let out an agreeing sound.
“Oh, thank you!” Roman threw his arms around Max’s neck. “I’m so sorry about everything. Maybe we -”
The horse stared at him.
“Let’s just go.”
Roman grabbed the reins, merely holding on as Max leapt. They landed on a nearby house, scattering their shingles - which Roman fully intended to remember and replace - before landing in the middle of town.
“Okay, Max. How fast can you run?”
The horse took off at a blazing speed, jumping over branches and avoiding holes as Roman lead him to the hidden tower.
As soon as it was in view, Roman jumped off Max’s back and darted to the base. “Virgil? Virgil, let down your hair!”
When nothing happened, Roman ran forward, digging his fingers into the stones, desperately trying to climb the tower.
He sighed with relief when the silver strands were tossed out the window. 
Heart pounding, Roman made his way to the top of the tower, wanting nothing more than to see Virgil again.
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jctko · 5 years
kat was PEAK closet lesbian, abigail was full on bi doe. Sammy was CANON bi, christian can dream, mmmph
only hets are ben and tara bc they *intellectual voice* annoy me
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hiddenwashington · 5 years
poisednbeautyx said: Was that [Dania Gurira]? Oh no no, that was just [Michonne], a/an [CANON CHARACTER] from [The Walking Dead]. They are [Forty One] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {sammi, 25, est, she/her}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. michonne [danai gurira]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you’ve arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
Was that [Domhnall Gleeson]? Oh no no, that was just [Bill Weasley], a/an [CANON CHARACTER] from [Harry Potter]. They are [Twenty Seven] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {sammi, 25, est, she/her}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. bill weasley [domhall gleeson]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you’ve arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
Was that [Abigail Cowen]? Oh no no, that was just [Jessica Hamby], a/an [CANON CHARACTER] from [True Blood]. They are [Eighteen] years old and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long. {sammi, 25, est, she/her}
accepted! welcome to washington d.c. jessica hamby [abigail cowen]! please send in your account within 24 hours! please be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you’ve arrived! we look forward to seeing you around the city!
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willexxmercer · 6 years
Gracigail, Captain Swan, Spoby, Emison
when of if I started shipping it. Pretty much the moment they first interacted.  Wild Grace with disciplined Abigail?  Sign me up.
my thoughts: They balance each other out so well, honestly.  Grace gives Abi a reason to enjoy life and Abi is there to remind Grace to take a step back when needed and ugh they would have been so cute.  Also that kiss on the tour (VIVA LA TOUR) gave me life.
What makes me happy about them: I guess the aforementioned balancing act and the fact that they are both so unabashedly obsessed with dance
What makes me sad about them: The fact that they never ended up being fully canon
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven’t actually read Gracigail fanfiction… does Dance Academy fanfiction even exist?
things I look for in fanfic: Just Grace and Abi being all pure together
My kinks: Nah
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Grace: Ben, Abi: Sammy -sobs-
My happily ever after for them: Co-starring in a major production for the company and going home together after the show for a nice warm bath and cuddles on the couch while they reminiscence on the good old days
Captain Swan:
when of if I started shipping it. Tallahassee
my thoughts: These two idiots gave me so much hope.  The fact that the little lost girl finally found love with the broken man and they were able to find their own happiness just changed me and my opinions about love and romance and I’m very happy they ended up happy
What makes me happy about them: Just how unapologetically in love they are all the time
What makes me sad about them: Their similar backstories :c
things done in fanfic that annoys me: Really any kind of bashing of other characters to make CS happen
things I look for in fanfic: Modern AU, hurt/comfort
My kinks: Nah
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Hook with Tink, Emma with August
My happily ever after for them: Basically exactly what they got in the series, but with them on a pirate ship sailing off with baby Hope
when of if I started shipping it. Probably from their first or second interaction tbh
my thoughts:
What makes me happy about them: Scrabble.  Books.  All the little things about them.
What makes me sad about them: When they broke up over the time skip, how Yvonne was handled
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don’t really read fanfics of them oops
things I look for in fanfic: Canon compliant, comforting each other, etc
My kinks: Nah
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Toby: Yvonne, Spencer: Caleb
My happily ever after for them: Moving far far away where they can’t be bothered by anyone else taking up the A mantle.  While Spencer becomes a skilled politician, Toby supports his wife from home where he works as a contractor and they play Scrabble every Friday night together.
when of if I started shipping it. From that flashback with the kiss
my thoughts: Listen these two are the definition of soulmates.  They were destined to be together and despite everything they ended up together.
What makes me happy about them: All the nice soft happy moments
What makes me sad about them: Knowing how many barriers stood in their way
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don’t read much PLL fanfic if at all, but I imagine any bashing of other characters just to get Emison together would get my blood boiling
things I look for in fanfic: Not really sure.  Probably fluff, no hurt/comfort though.  I can’t handle these girls getting hurt any more than they already were
My kinks: Nah
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Emily: Maya, Alison: idk the rest of the world kind of had it out for the poor girl
My happily ever after for them: Similar to Spoby, moving far away from Rosewood and starting over their lives with no fear of A or AD
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