#abileen & minnie & skeeter
semena--mertvykh · 2 years
Gros Big Up - suite
@ Lolotte, qui me suggère "d'investir d'autres valeurs que le travail, comme la famille ou le couple ?" = >
Chère Lolotte, tu vois la mère et la sœur d'Hillary Swank, dans "Million Dollar Baby" ? Bon : si tu avais grandi avec ce genre là, l'idée "d'investir la famille"... voilà, voilà.
j'ai voulu mettre un gif pour te répondre, mais je ne veux pas transformer cette histoire en plaisanterie parce qu'il m'a fallu des années pour réparer les dégâts. Des années durant lesquelles j'aurais bien voulu faire autre chose : aller à l'Université, par exemple, devenir la scientifique que je rêvais d'être à 15 ans, fonder une famille, me marier, tout çà...
Quant à investir "le couple", je ne demande pas mieux. Un jour, peut-être, un miracle va se produire. Un jour, peut-être, les dieux me prendront en pitié et lèveront la malédiction ; car Céline avait raison, il est plus facile de renoncer à la vie que de renoncer à l'amour. En attendant, je fais comme tout le monde, je joue avec les cartes qu'on me donne.
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J'investis la "valeur travail", comme tu l'appelles, parce que je pense qu'à la fin, c'est çà qui reste : la fierté d'avoir fait un bon travail. Et çà doit tenir tout seul, comme raison.
Et je suis sûre que Tyler, the Creator a vécu la même chose, avec "IGOR" : d'abord il tombe amoureux, l'élu de son cœur ne le lui rend pas - ou pas bien, pas comme il faudrait - alors il pleure des larmes de sang, et puis un jour il rentre en studio parce qu'il en a marre de soûler son entourage ; et un soir, sur le chemin du retour, il s'aperçoit qu'il est en train de faire quelque chose qui tient la route. Que le disque ait du succès ou pas, à ce stade, reste accessoire. C'est un bon travail parce que Tyler s'est donné du mal pour que ce le soit, il a été honnête avec les autres et exigeant avec lui-même. Et si j'ai plongé dans son album avec un tel enthousiasme, si je me suis sentie aussi proche d'un Afro-Américain bisexuel de 30 ans, c'est bien parce que le sentiment amoureux finalement est un peu le même partout sur la planète, et l'art sert à nous le dire.
@ leroiestnu, qui m'interpelle : "'Pourquoi tu m'as dit l'autre jour que ton blog n'était pas un journal intime ? Pourquoi tu ne veux pas admettre la réalité ?" =>
Bonne question, mon ami : pourquoi je prétendrais être la mieux placée pour caractériser ma forme, puisque c'est moi qui l'ai créée ?
Quand tu écoutes une chanson de hip-hop, les gars racontent leur vie, c'est souvent très salace, c'est saturé de samples de chansons, d'extraits de film, de discours, de sons non musicaux... Tu n'appellerais pas çà un journal intime, tu appellerais çà le summum de la virilité. Parce que, dans le jugement collectif, journal intime = truc féminin = idiot, narcissique et superficiel.
Pourtant, ces deux formes sont très proches l'une de l'autre.
Pour ne rien dire du désir, de la douleur, du grand amour, de la frustration, de la honte, du chagrin... dont j'ai repeint ce blog ; les journaux intimes des femmes en sont remplis, et - oh ! surprise - ces expériences humaines majeures sont constitutives de l'ethos de toutes les musiques qui ont fait avancer le schmilblick depuis un siècle : blues, jazz, rock, soul, disco...
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harmonyverendez · 9 months
Dating Skeeter Phelan would include ( Gender Neutral Reader )
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• Growing up together, despite the racism in town. You and her we're the ' it ' couple.
• People always assume and expect you two to be together, but nothing happened, at least until years later.
• You were the talk of town, but despite all the attention you did not want anyone in small town.
• You have Hilly, Leefolt, and her other minions on you. But neither time did you back down.
• You were after all a tough heart.
• When Skeeter came to you about writing for colored people. You were shocked, write about people of color?.
• You instantly told her no, it wasn't the fact that you hated people of color or anything, you viewed them as people. It was the fact that she would either be in jail or get herself killed.
• But she beg you to let her write the story about people of color. She want them their story to be told.
• So you smiled, nodded your head and stood by her side.
• When she first started writing, you felt very uncomfortable ( regardless if you were poc or white person ) you felt she was out of place.
• But after explaining everything Skeeter knew you would be there for her.
• but as she began to ask around for help and answers, things went downhill. Abileen and Minny didn't like you much, but Abileen? She warmed up to you fast, the same could not be said with Minny.
• When Skeeter mother demanded her to go on a date, suddenly she had eyes you.
• but you approach her first, you simply asked her out. Regardless what anyone thought.
“ Skeeter would you like to go on a date with me?” You asked.
• Skeeter was lost with words, but she agreed. She been waiting for a long time to hear those words.
“ Y-yes, of course. Y/ N. I would love to ”.
• you waited a lifetime for those words. She stammered the words out, but you loved those words.
• fast forward to the date night, the date was fantastic. You two had a good time. Eating burgers, and drinking milkshakes, it was all fun until -.
• Hilly and her little group show up. They narrowed their eyes at the sight of you.
• But you didn't care, at all.
• You reached under the table to grab Skeeter's hand and gave it a squeeze.
• Hilly made a snark comment about you two, and you turned your head so hard you could have had a whiplash.
“ Excuse me? ” you snapped. Staring at her with wide eyes.
• her little minions looked at her lost with words, she was the ring leader. They would only listen to her.
• But Skeeter simply grab your hand and told you that it was pointless to do that.
• Afterwords you two went on home, you walked her home and told her good night.
• But stop at the last minute, you pulled her close and kissed her lips softly.
• Surprisingly she kissed you back.
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• The kiss only last for a few seconds. But to both of you, it felt eternity. And you both didn't want it to stop.
• But her mother was peaking from the doorway, so you had no choice but to pull away.
• Kissing her one last time, and a forehead kiss you went on your merry little way.
• After a few weeks, things got worse. After finally publishing the book, Hilly begin to cause problems for the people around.
• She stormed up to you one day and demanded to know why both you and Skeeter did what you two did.
• With a smile, you simply said.
“ I have no idea what the hell you are talking about crazy bitch. Now get your raggedy ass off my porch!” you snarled.
• She gasped and stormed off, not before saying how she would kill you or get her lawyer on you and Skeeter.
• You simply laughed. Her words did not scare you one bit.
• When Skeeter found out, she was all over you. Checking you for injuries and demanding to know details.
• You provided her with every details, no word left out.
• She simply walked over to you, and you embraced her. You could tell she was worried for you.
• But soothing words and a kiss made her calm.
• then it got worser.
• Aibleen got fired, Hilly and her little minions split up because a lot of drama was happening and you were powerless to stop it.
• After getting money for the books, Skeeter split the money up 12 ways and gave them to the maids who help.
• You smiled at your girlfriend's kindness.
• You met her parents just before you both were planning on leaving for New York.
• Her father was skeptical of you but warmed up, her mother? Was overjoyed and simply couldn't wait until you both give her grandchildren.
• That comment made Skeeted blush hard.
• You both got in the car and drove off, leaving behind the drama and ready to start a new life.
• All while Mississippi was still standing and drama was still unfold.
• But with Skeeter by your side, you both knew you could overcome everything.
The End
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mantscharizona · 3 years
Tumblr Blog Post - 05/02/2021
For the film selection of this piece of the project, I had chosen the movie, The Help, a 2011 movie based within the 1960s. The subject of the film relates to the lessons and readings we have done within this past semester by highlighting and acknowledging the struggles that people of color endure and experience. While I personally feel that the movie The Help, isn’t a good, authentic look into the perspective of the racist experiences black people have faced in the past, the movie still makes an effort to do so, which I feel could have been improved by turning the perspective of the movie more onto the voices of the African American domestic workers, rather than letting the white voices tell, and carry the story. The movie The Help is based off how a woman, Skeeter, played by Emma Stone, wants to become a big writer, she decided to write about the black voices who have spent their lives taking care and catering to white families. While the plot had the main character focused on black voices, the movie itself is more focused on the plot of the writer. However, the movie does highlight how terrible and discriminant white people were towards people of color. The domestic workers were scared to even voice their concerns in the first place, in fear of being imprisoned or jobless, unable to make ends meet for their families. This was all at the expense for their voices to be heard, but their incomes and lively hoods are still reliant on those of wealthy white people.
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The Help also displays that there are socioeconomic struggles, but only between those who aren't white versus those who are. The vast lifestyles between the characters such as Minny and Skeeter are incredibly different-- Large, clean spacious homes, and small, cozy homes that have an entire family in them. I noticed that all of the white couples had no children also had their large homes to themselves.
There are no major memorable quotes that I could pick out within the movie that I felt were incredibly important to the conversation at hand, other than how the movie portrays an offensive stereotype of a "Mammy" that was often created for black women, similar to how Aunt Jemima pancakes, showing a 'Mammy' type minstrel character is also an issue. This role is portrayed through Abileen telling Mae Mobley "You is Kind. You is Smart." multiple times throughout the movie and so on, showing that Abileen is more of a mother than Mae Mobley's actual mother.
In the time of Jim Crow where races were kept apart, the movie does a good job at highlighting the socioeconomic statuses and lifestyle differences between the two groups, there is far more to touch upon between the real issues that were within the time of the 1960s.
I personally feel as of this movie has a lot of improvement, especially for displaying the experiences and struggles people of color have endured. I feel as if the movie The Color Purple, written by Alice Walker a much better example of the struggles and a cinematic masterpiece, as well as a written one- although it displays content that may be uncomfortable or triggering to some viewers. The Color Purple does not rely on a white voice telling the stories of black lives, unlike The Help, but the book and movie is popular, which is jumping-off point for a display of informative history but needs better representation.
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ayanamaray · 3 years
The Help post 2
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I feel as though skeeters character is similar to the young kids in the last two movies we watched Gook and Moonlight because searching for own identity as and trying to be ok with not being the regular middle class white lady. She struggled between being friends with the white women and wanting to be there for Abileen and Minny. The pressure of fitting in or being your true self which wasn’t hatred like the other white women. She cared for maids, she wanted to the risk, she wanted their voice to be heard of. Even though she struggled in the end she knew what side she wanted to be on, she took the risk of living in her truth as a writer and a believer, skeeter brung hope!
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tiffsposts · 3 years
The Help
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This film focuses on racism that goes on in these white neighborhoods with African American as their maids. It’s unfortunate the way Abileen, and Minny were treated through out this film. If these white women were caught being nice to them they were basically isolated or looked at differently. Skeeter came with the idea to write a book on stories behind these ladies and what they’ve gone through. It was amazing that it got published and it came to light what was going on, maybe it would change their minds on how they acted. The relationship between Minny and Celia was amazing, Minny was accused of being a thief and Celia needed a maid badly. They both basically helped on another in this situation and it was for the better. Minny helped Celia cook and try to persuade her that she didn't need to be friends with the regular girls cause they didn't like her. 
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happyblueriver-blog · 7 years
Life Changing Books You Should Add To Your Bucket List
Books are well… They are pretty much a way of expression, a type of art. The characters, the plot, doesn’t matter if its young adult, sci-fi, horror, classic or romance the majority are complex and different.
Personally I’m a book worm and love to read. Since I have memory I’ve always had a book in my hands. While I’ve been growing up, many books have changed me as a person and influenced the one I am today. Whenever it was the plot, the writing style, the characters, the location, something from the following books have a very special place in my heart.
(This list does not have a specific order, meaning 1-4 highest to lowest. I love all of the following books so I’m not putting one book on top of the other, they are all unique and incredible in their own way).
 Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe – Benjamin Alire Sáenz
The book is about Ari, a boy who keeps to himself, often self-doubts and has a brother in jail he knows nothing about and then there’s Dante, smart, poem loving and artistic boy. When they both meet and become friends, Dante slowly starts to break Ari’s shell which he has built for so long and starts to discover himself and the ways of the world.
 From the beginning I knew this book was going to become one of my favorites. The way the plot unfolds around the characters and their decisions is just…. Incredible. I have no words to explain how amazing it was to read this book, and finish it seeing the world in a different way. It’s beautifully, poetically written, telling Ari and Dante’s story as they pass from being teenagers to becoming young adults and living through real life situations young people experience these days. The friendship between Ari and Dante is very deep and caring, not cliché or forced and simply out of the box. It’s those rare and special friendships that don’t involve words but actions.
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(Image taken from Tumblr.)
 Favorite Quote: “I got to thinking that poems were like people. Some people you got right off the bat. Some people you just didn't get--and never would get.”
 Looking for Alaska – John Green
 Miles Halter (whose nicknamed Pudge) is new to Culver Creek Boarding School and is thrown into a world of mystery, friendship, discoveries, mischief, love and lies everything that his life before wasn’t. Then there’s Alaska Young, smart, cunning and book loving Alaska is a human hurricane. Inexistent family, smoker and a drinker she intends to follow a self-destructive path. And somehow Pudge falls right into her orbit, leaving his heart open and changing him forever.
  Philosophical and honest, this book brought out the tears in me. The way the author created and showed Alaska’s personality was very real. The way life and death is brought to light in this book is brutally honest and open, so if you’re seeking a book that is not the popular - nerd School cliché I definitely recommend this one.
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Drawing by Folkloor
 Favorite Quote: “Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia. (...) You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth, thinking about how you'll escape it one day, and how awesome it will be, and imagining that future keeps you going, but you never do it. You just use the future to escape the present.”
 The Help – Kristen Stockett
A story set in the 60s in Jackson, Mississippi, this story is one to behold. Abileen Clark, a black maid who is raising a white child, can no longer hold back her bitterness against the way black people are treated. Minny Jackson, who seemingly never holds her bitterness back even though she tries to, starts working for a new person in town. Skeeter Phelan a white graduated woman who comes back home to find that her maid, Constantine, the person who really raised her has disappeared. Under strange circumstances, Abileen, Minnie and Skeeter start to work on a secret book that tells the crude story on how it really is to work as a maid in white homes.
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The simple fact that this book exists is a blessing. I shed tears, laughed until my cheeks hurt and raged to the point of having to close the book to take a deep breath. It was a literal roller-coaster, and one that I would be willing to ride again. The situations treated in this book are all too real and it seems like nothing escaped the author’s hands. Loss and racism are just some of the many important issues touched in this book. So yeah, I consider this book very raw and honest, stunning yet heart breaking but most of all immersive and full of hope for a better society.
 Favorite Quote: “Every morning, until you dead in the ground, you gone have to make this decision. You gone have to ask yourself, "Am I gone believe what them fools say about me today?” 
 The BFG – Roald Dahl
 The book starts with the BFG (Big Friendly Giant) capturing a young girl named Sophie from her orphanage in England. He takes her to his homeland because if he returns her to England he fears that she will tell everyone giants exist and encourage others to hunt him down. On the other hand if he leaves her in his cave the other giants will most probably eat her because unlike the BFG these giants eat humans. When Sophie finds out about these giants and their “hobbies” she makes it her goal to stop them and with the help of the BFG and another unlikely ally they might just be able to.
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I grew up with this book, no kidding. It’s technically a children’s book but that does not mean it is bad. The bond that grows between the BFG and Sophie is absolutely precious, it’s similar to a father-daughter relationship, something that neither one of them had experienced before, yet they unknowingly have. It also keeps your imagination alive with weird yet fantastic sceneries, a giant ridding an elephant, dreams that can be mixed together to become your perfect one… All these details make the book alive with creativity and imaginativity suited for all ages.
 Favorite Quote: “Dreams is full of mystery and magic . . . . Do not try to understand them.”
 Something all these books have in common is that I picked them up (and I am grateful I did) and finished reading them as a different person, with a different perspective, with new eyes and that is not something every book can do. So maybe you have read these, maybe you haven’t. Maybe you feel that books have the power to change you, open your eyes to situations, to the world or maybe you don’t feel that way. 
Hope you have an amazing day and thanks for reading my post! :)
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