#abl loan
t4t4t · 8 months
Idk new post bc the last lost traction, no donations in a week. We need 450 for the rest of February, 450 for a deposit, and 950 for March, 50 for the rest of the utilities. We were homeless since Aug 2020 excepting 4 different months whose places fell through for various reasons, have to get rid of the van we were living in because it's falling apart, Collie got FFS December 28th, she's recovering well and maybe could do something with a car if we had a better car, given her ability to drive. I still haven't found much work but I'm still looking. Anything helps.
venmo: nora-esther-rose
venmo: Leah-Esther-Rose
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kaxtwenty · 4 months
Y’know, considering all the mass-adoption and assimilation Mandalore has done, Mando’a probably has some of the craziest differences between regional dialects.
You will NEVER be able to convince me that clan Wren and clan Vizsla speak the same Mando’a. They probably have an easier time communicating with each other in Basic than their native language.
Just an absolute clusterfuck of a language, the Romans would pity them.
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inkskinned · 2 years
one of the things about having an unstable parent is that it can so easily ruin your future. you want to get out, but getting out takes having agency. it takes the resume and the grades and the stellar community service history.
but you have to choose your battles. you know if you sign up for an after-school activity, it'll be okay for a while, so long as the activity is parent-approved and god-fearing. over time, like all things, it will become an argument (i can't keep carting your ass to these things) or a weapon (talk to me like that again, see if you get to go to practice). sometimes, if you love the thing, it's worth it. but you also know better than to love something: that's how they get you. if you ever actually want something, it will always be the center of their attention. they will never stop threatening you with it. telling you of course i'm a good parent, i came to all of those stupid events.
you learn to balance yourself perfectly. you can either have a social life or you can have hobbies. both of these things will be under constant scrutiny. you spend too much time with her, you should be at home with family is equally paired with you're acting like this because you're addicted to what's on that goddamn screen. you cannot ever actually win, so everything falls within a barter system that you calculate before entering: do you want to learn how to drive? if so, you'll need to give up asking for a new laptop, even though yours died. maybe you can work on a computer at the library. of course, that would mean you'd be allowed to go to the library, which would mean something else has to bleed. nothing ever actually comes free.
and that bitter, horrible irony: you could be literally following their orders and it still isn't pretty. they tell you to get a job; they hate that your job keeps you late and gives you access to actual money. they tell you to do better in school; they say no child of mine needs a tutor. they want you to stop being so morose, don't you know there are people who are really suffering - but they revile the idea you might actually need therapy.
you didn't survive that fall the way other people would. you've seen other people scramble and get their way out, however they could. maybe you were made too-soft: the answer didn't come to you easily. it wasn't quick. it was brutal and nasty. some people even asked you why didn't you just work hard and escape during school? and you felt your head spinning. why didn't you? (they control your financial aid. they control your loan status. they love having that kind of thing). maybe in another life you got diagnosed sooner and got the meds you needed to actually focus and got attention from the right teachers who helped you clear hurdles to get up out of here - but for now? here?
the effort of trying. the effort of not-dying. that kind of effort was absolutely agonizing.
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handweavers · 8 months
i've been so fucked up for months i haven't been able to go downtown to pick up my work from last spring from my school's textile studio and they always have a cutoff date like if you don't pick up your old work by x date they toss it and they're pretty strict about that unless you arrange with the studio tech beforehand, and the studio tech doesn't like most people she's pretty curt with most students. not rude but just keeps things professional and a bit distant, a very serious person. but i know she grew to like me over the past few years/warmed up to me a lot and we'd chat a lot about different textile things and she would say really kind things to me a lot which felt rare and special, and she let me have special treatment with some of the equipment because she trusted me to use it properly. and i haven't seen her in nearly a year and i expected her to have tossed my work out when i didn't come to pick it up last fall and emailed her to explain why and dropped off the face of the earth, i made my peace with losing that work and accepted it, it is what it is, i will survive, etc.
but she emailed me earlier this week and said she didn't have the heart to toss my work and has kept it safe in her office for me if i'm ever able to come pick it up and if not she's going to keep it as an example piece to show other students when teaching weaving because it's too lovely to get rid of and my heart swelled like 10 times its size bc she didn't have to do that and it meant so much to me that even a year from seeing her last she was still thinking about me and being kind to me. and i emailed her back and picked it up today and saw her and we chatted for a bit and it was so nice. I love her I miss my school's textile studio and weaving in there and talking craft with her... sigh
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angeltannis · 1 year
Nothing to say this morning except FUCK this country lmao
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gregorygerwitz · 4 months
I have had to make so many of these posts this year...
Yeah, I desperately need help with money again. It's not as insane as last month, but it's still... not great. The bullet points:
I haven't worked at my regular job since February
my current employer approved my medical leave but the state keeps giving me the runaround with paperwork regarding getting any money while I'm out of work I have sent in my paperwork to the state, and now they will take “several weeks” to decide if they’re going to pay me for short term disability
I get $25 a week from my current employer - I don't see a single penny because it all goes to taxes before it hits my account
I DoorDash as much as I can, but it barely pays for its own gas let alone bills, and I'm so burnt out every single day
I am actively applying for (less physical) jobs but because of my lack of office experience I'm either not getting a response at all or I'm getting rejected after one or two interviews
I have an appointment with my cardiologist tomorrow, hopefully I will have a clearer timeline than what I've had so far
currently I am not returning to work until the last week of June, but that will most likely change and I'm terrified it's going to be later than that
according to my cardiologist, I will be out of work until at least August 2024, she is encouraging me to apply for permanent disability benefits as it is becoming too hard on my body to do any kind of work
the first ~$400 will go toward paying rent this month, everything else will go toward getting my other account out of the red again and gas
How you can help:
etsy shop
venmo: amwallace95
reblog this to help spread the word! (please)
so far: 88/1000
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meso-mijali · 2 months
USAmericans and Cheap University
Hello fellow Americans, I'm here to talk about college. In 2024 I graduated at the age of 33 years old with my BS in Business Admin from Western Governors University. I had not heard about this school until my boss (who has a masters from there) told me about it.
In total (thanks to Pell Grants, which the majority of you are probably eligible for) I paid 2400 dollars for my degree, spread out during my time there.
WGU is a fully online, at-your-own-pace, accredited university with four schools:
Health and Nursing
Each of these has degrees under it, like accounting, education administration, data analytics and more.
I transferred in with an associates degree, of which they took 30 credits, and completed my BS in 1 year and 2 months while working full time. If you were unemployed or part time, you could finish much sooner than me. And since it's a flat rate per 6 month term, you can take as many courses as you can finish in that period of time. Some people who are unemployed finish in 6 months, with no transfer credits at all.
I mention this as an option because if I had known about this when I was still trapped in retail, I would have done it in a heart beat and gotten out WAY sooner.
If you think you want to go to school, or go back to school, to get a certificate, bachelors or masters, please consider them. There are alternatives to crippling education debt!
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leviiackrman · 2 months
I am fighting for my life to be mentally stable and it’s not working
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 5 months
🎺🎺It's donnnnne!!! 🎺🎺 For the first time since ~February 2020, all of my credit cards are finally paid off again. Between getting hit hard with covid right at the beginning of the pandemic, then being unemployed for 8 months but not actually qualifying for unemployment, then going through a series of shitty jobs that didn't actually pay a living wage, for a long time it felt like I was going to be stuck in a debt loop forever. The light at the end of the tunnel only really appeared last year after I got a promotion and raise at my current spot, and even then it still took me another year of buckling down and putting most of my additional income directly into card payments. But it's fucking done. I know that this doesn't affect anyone else but it's such a fucking relief I'm sitting here crying while I try to get ready for work and I don't really have anyone to share it with so as usual I'm just yelling it into the blog void.
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nordfjording · 1 day
Doing the biannual round of checking in on and managing my retirement and high interest savings accounts ($147 dollars)
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cw for discussing salary and budgeting
i'm supposed to be getting a job offer later this month to transfer into the company I've been working for this past year. and i know i'm getting the offer and it'll probably be decent since i'm in tech at a big corporate bank, but this will set the baseline for my salary and growth potential for the next couple years and I'm nervous. i got debts to pay off, you know? plus i have a male friend who got in last year with fewer credentials than i do and he's told me how much he makes, and i have another male friend whose level of expertise is similar to mine who should get his offer this week, and seeing how my offer compares to theirs is going to set the standard for my opinion on this company going forward.
idk I'm just yelling my anxieties into the void thanks for listening <3
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gophergal · 1 month
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g0thsoojin · 2 months
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cappurrccino · 2 months
i was gonna say "i shouldn't have to go to work when my brain feels like a depression slushie" and then i was like "wait but then i'd basically never ever go to work" and i'm actually doubling down on the first part now bc my god how am i supposed to heal my brain from burning out 5 years ago if i can never get an actual break
#//juri speaks#i also at this moment: do not know if i have health insurance anymore / if i will be able to get insurance#if i can't get insurance i will not be able to take classes this fall#if i can't take classes my loan repayments will kick in immediately#i already don't have enough money for anything and i certainly don't have a spare $150 a month for the government#at any rate i need to submit my tuition waiver Soon but i can't until i know if i can get into the second class#so i have to wait for the prof or my advisor to get back to me#all the while a funeral day draws nearer#and then AT work i still feel like my position doesn't need to exist#but i desperately need it to exist because i need the money#and this big mchuge data migration project we were SUPPOSED to have had done in JUNE is being pushed to the absolute last minute#not by us but by the folks in control of the software we're moving to#so we're not going to have any safety margins with the old software#it's going to be GONE and dead and unlicensed while we're trying to learn the new shit#and i'm going to have to deal with the other branch cataloger trying to do everything for us which Won't Help#and i need!!!!!! a break!!!!!!!!!! from everything!!!!!#i need the world to stop and i need to go sit in the desert for like 6 months#instead best i can do is go buy the new taz gn for a little crumb of escape. maybe a little coffee drink while i'm there#even though i've been hitting sugar hard lately and really do not have the funds to buy more clothes if i gain a few more lbs#and can't afford a walking pad/treadmill and don't want to go outside bc it is a billion degrees all day every day rn#uuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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naomiknight-17 · 2 months
Tumblr media
Pirate bunny for @siadea
This drawing is part of the donation doodle drive I held to help pay for emergency fence repairs. It's on pause for now while I catch up on doodle requests. Thank you so much to everyone who pitched in!
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70slesbian · 3 months
can’t stop thinking about that post i saw that said “then i remembered i am the village” bc the community can’t survive if everyone only takes and takes when they’re in need. sometimes we have to give back even if it’s scary or mildly inconvenient
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