#abo negan
littlegodzilla · 1 year
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Alpha & Omega.
Alpha!Daryl Dixon x Omega!Reader.
One shot.
Santuary. Negan Era. Non-canon (at least not all of it.)
Warnings: Violence. Fighting. Blood. Death. Protective!Alpha. Fighter!Omega. Werewolves. Fantasy.
Words: 5000.
N/A: I know no one asked for it, but I had to write it. Sorry.
Night has fallen on all of you, unfortunately, it's not the only thing, the Saviors have been closing your escapes forcing us to make drastic and hasty decisions until you find yourselves in the situation you are in right now, surrounded by enemies, kneeling on the ground, Maggie suffering terrible pain from her pregnancy, but no one knows what is wrong with her, everyone is pointing a gun at the group and a lunatic appears from inside the caravan and you feel your whole body tremble, lowering your gaze.
He is a huge Alpha, in his hybrid form, with jet black fur and white torso, his eyes glow with a reddish light, one of his gigantic claws hold a baseball bat, his paws dig into the ground with every step he takes, his strong scent envelops you all, bending even Rick who is your leader and an Alpha with a dominant instinct, but that man's, in his wolf form, was suffocating.
"Has anyone pissed their pants yet?" He says with a tone full of sarcasm. "Well, well... I actually come here very disappointed, you know? I'm a very reasonable guy, if you had come all the way to my house, we could have had a chat, come to an agreement." He paces back and forth. "But you guys decided to go after my men, you killed them in cold blood. That's not right." He walks up to Rick and his smile turns dangerous. "You came into my house and killed my people, that's not right, Rick." He tells him. "In return, I should do the same to yours, don't you think?" he tries to be reasonable.
"You were threatening..."
"What, are you really going to talk back to me?" He snorted through his teeth and grabbed him by the hair, but released him instantly.
Daryl has lunged at him like a guard dog, slamming into the jaw of the Alpha hybrid who recoils several steps back, Negan's men quickly knock Daryl to the ground, Dwight aims at him in the head with his own crossbow, you jump out of your seat.
"No, Daryl!" you whimper in total panic.
"Stop everyone!" Negan howls getting everyone to stop.
Dwight doesn't lower the crossbow but steps back a few paces, they lift Daryl up with a sharp gesture, Negan walks up to him and rests the head of the bat on his chin. Your breath hitches dramatically, horrified thinking of what could happen, but Daryl doesn't hesitate, his blue eyes are locked on the Alpha's, defiant, letting his Alpha instinct rise, but Negan's is stronger.
"I was going to kill you, I was going to make you give in and tear you apart bit by bit, but..." His smile grows wider and his eyes bore into you. "I'm going to be benevolent to you, just this once." He continues and you all feel some relief. "In return, I'll take something with me. Her."
The bat swings away from Daryl's chin to point at you. You gasp several times, your eyes fill with panic, you want to refuse, but he keeps talking.
"She's an unclaimed Omega, and I need a new wife." He looks at you with intensity. "You're young, you'll give me some beautiful puppies, and I'll get my army back."
"No..." Daryl growls wanting to move, but they keep holding him back.
"If you don't... I'll kill your friends, one by one." He looks at you with intensity and you know he's not lying. "What do you say, beautiful?"
"If... if I go with you..." You whisper.
"No!" Daryl refuses again and takes a direct punch to the jaw.
"If I go with you!" You say again. "Then you won't hurt my friends... and you'll leave Hilltop alone..."
"Hilltop uh..."
"Promise me and I'll go with you..." You insist, he seems annoyed by your demands, but your Omega scent appeals to him.
"Okay, beautiful, I won't touch anyone and I'll leave Hilltop alone." He agrees and gestures to you. "Come, Omega, let me see you." You find it hard to obey, his voice bothers your ears and gives you a strange feeling in your stomach, still you have to do it for your people. Trembling you stand up and walk towards him. "No. Show yourself to me, your true form."
You hesitate, standing before him, head bowed, but eyes wide open. You have never used that form. No one has ever seen you like that. You don't like it, your true form, as Negan calls it, makes you vulnerable to Alphas, being an unclaimed Omega, your essence, your instinct, your scent as an Omega is triggered in that form, attracting all Alphas around you, not being in heat there is never a risk of being harmed, but you doubt with Negan that matters. Nevertheless you know you must obey, you swallow nervously and slowly let your body transform. Daryl holds his breath as he clenches his fists tightly, controlling his impulses. His heart is racing and his head is dizzy. An intense smell of forest, river and burning wood floods his nose making him gasp. He has never smelled anything like it, his wolf inside his writhes, howls in despair and Daryl feel his skin burn as Negan touches your tan fur.
"Precious... I never want to see your human form ever again." He warns you. "You will be my wife now, and this will be your form."
"Y-yes, Alpha..." You whisper lowering your head.
"Okay, now to go home, boys." You tell your men and nod your head. Two other Betas hold Daryl tightly and push him into the van.
"No! No! You said you wouldn't hurt them!" you protest looking at Negan.
"I'm not going to hurt him, we're taking him with us, he's going to be our little dog, a gift to you." He smiles and grabs you by the waist, guiding you towards another one of the vans.
You can't help but shiver when you arrive at that huge abandoned factory and Negan introduces you to his other wives. You aren't the only Omega there, there are five more women there, but they are clearly not there of their own free will, possibly threatened like you. Negan lets you settle in with them and when he disappears, they all return to their human form. That surprises you, but you don't move from where you are.
"You can change form if you want to. We all do it when we're not in front of him." One of his "wives" explains to you.
But you don't trust them, maybe it's a trick to find out how far you obey their orders and you don't want anyone to get hurt because of you, you don't want Daryl to get hurt.
Your eyes fill with tears at the thought of the Alpha. Your story... there really isn't a "your" story you've been traveling companions and friends since he found you locked in the shed at your parents' house after escaping a burning farmhouse, as the group told you, they were running around looking for food and shelter and they found you. An Omega alone, no mate, no Alpha, unmarked and unclaimed, locked in a musty old basement where her parents intended to keep anyone from touching her until it was time. At first you found it hard to trust them all, their scents were very different from each other, Alphas, Omegas, Betas, the group was a very peculiar mix and you had only known your family, your father kept you safe, your mother hated you for what you were. Slowly you changed, finding your true personality, becoming stronger, the time you all spent in prison, in your home, made things easier, but not much changed with the Alpha. Daryl always kept his distance from you, you were friends, you could trust each other, but the Alpha was never around you when you were alone. He, a lone wolf, without a mate, without an Omega by his side, was vulnerable to your scent, to your heat and always tried not to be around you for too long.
However, that didn't change what you felt for him, what you still feel. It's not just you, your insides know it too. He is your Alpha, your partner, your soul mate. You didn't know it at first as you had never heard about them, always hidden, your parents didn't tell you about Alphas and Omegas relationship until they found an Alpha for you, but then the world went to shit and you were locked in your basement. But when you saw him, when you smelled him, you knew that was your Alpha, not the one your parents tried to find for you. Now you can't do anything about it, you've been captured by this Negan guy who's a psychopath and to stop him from hurting your people you're going to have to let him brand you as another one of his wives. You shudder just thinking about it, the imposition of Alphas is something that has been going on forever, destined or not, when an Alpha meets an Omega, he goes on instinct and marks him, Negan is one of those Alphas and he disgusts you.
"You, the new one." You turn to find a blond man with a burnt face.
Dwight, Daryl told you about him and his partner, how they stole his bike and his crossbow after he helped them escape from the guys chasing them. He gestures for you to follow him and you leave the room walking behind him, your eyes observing everything discreetly, but noting in your mind every turn, every nook and cranny, mapping it out in your head.
You are taken to a doctor to be examined, to find out if you are okay, if there has been another man in your life, Daryl is there too, possibly they are healing the shot in his shoulder, or maybe not, but embarrassed you watch as the Alpha listens to the doctor's words. No one has ever touched you, at your age you are a complete virgin Omega, it's humiliating for you, but apparently it will be a very good thing for Negan.
"She will be an awkward mother at first, but after a couple of litters, there will be no problems." Says the doctor.
A shiver runs down your spine as you look at him in fright, A couple of litters? How many children did Negan intend to have?
"Well, I'll let Negan know about it." Dwight says gesturing for you to go with him again.
"Wait." Daryl speaks in a whisper. His hand closing over your fur causes a whimper to escape you.
"Let her go, Dixon, don't complicate things any further." Dwight warns you. "You don't want Negan to do anything to her as punishment, do you?"
"It's okay, Daryl, don't worry." You smile slowly at him, pat his hand and walk away with Dwight.
It's humiliating and cruel, Daryl has lost the time, the times Dwight has shown up at his cell and insulted him, fed him dog food and reminded him that his Omega will never be his again. It's been days since Daryl has felt the cold and dampness that pervades the cabin they use for him as a cell, naked, dirty, hungry, rage and the desire for revenge is what is starting to grow bigger and bigger in him. Not only having him there is bending his instinct, seeing you near Negan makes him sick, to his nose still comes that smell of forest and freedom that he likes so much, which relieves him, Negan still hasn't marked you and if he has tried, you haven't let him. That makes that his strength doesn't decay completely, he remains weak and submissive, but he is sure he will be able to fight if necessary.
After several days of captivity enduring Dwight's continuous abuses, the door opens once again, the smell of forest reaches his nose and with a trembling body he looks towards the door of his cell, you are next to his captor, Negan is also there with a crooked and cruel smile.
"What have you done to him?" you gasp in fright at the sight of his whole bruised body, you don't even care about his nakedness.
"D has been taming our dog, a bit unruly in my opinion, but I think he's ready to go out and play with the others now." Negan scoffs and you shiver.
"He'll obey, boss, he knows what's at stake."
"Of course he does. Let him get dressed, we have to go." Negan says, walking away.
You're tempted to stay, to help Daryl, but the huge Alpha pulls you, leading you away from the cell.
The journey passes in silence, Negan's voice reaches a point where you no longer hear it, ignoring him. You are taken to Alexandria, meeting the gates of the community gives you goosebumps, but you are not prepared for what happens next.
Negan has no compassion, the humiliation he publishes towards Daryl tears you apart inside, not only does he show you around like a trophy, Daryl is his dog, he goes after him obeying everything the jet fur wolf asks him to do. You want to ask him several times to leave him alone, but you knew that would be much worse. Negan walks around with you all over the community as if it were his own, although in reality it is, he has taken over everyone's will based on fear and threats. You've lost people because of him, and you're not willing to let him kill anyone else. Rick walks submissively by your side, showing you around, talking about the supplies they've tried to gather, without much success, he asks for Daryl back, he knows you're a more complicated deal, but Negan refuses.
"Sorry, Rick, but I like having pets and Daryl is starting to buckle." His huge claw comes to rest on the archer's head, the archer doesn't flinch, but he doesn't raise his head either. He just tries to ignore that it's there.
Each new visit to the community implies a new stab to your heart, seeing them like this, unarmed, weak before this group that doesn't even know how to live among them breaks your soul. You've never been a very brave Omega, you learned to defend yourself like everyone else when the world fell, but now you feel Daryl's rage and helplessness reflected towards you, and that gives you a strange power.
Daryl is back in his cell, now with that horrible brown suit they have given him, at least he doesn't feel so cold anymore, but Dwight's music keeps playing, his verbal threats don't stop either and he feels that every day he finds it harder to stand his ground. He curls up in a corner and rests his forehead on his knees, trying to calm down, to think of something.
About you.
Remember that day in the basement of your house. They had entered the farmhouse looking for shelter and supplies, it was almost all destroyed, your father's body turned into a Walker, they took him out of the house and when he heard noise under the house he didn't hesitate to go and see what was going on. That's how he found you; huddled to the side, hugging your body, scared, dirty, as hungry as they were or more. Daryl at once noticed your condition and how his inner wolf stretched curiously towards you, he tried not to show himself dominant towards you, even though his instinct was screaming for it, he knew there was something special about you.
"Daryl..." He hears your voice on the other side of the door and tenses. "Daryl, please tell me you're still there..."
"You shouldn't be here..." He whispers in a breathy whisper.
"No, I shouldn't and neither should you." You say in a firmer voice and then open the door. Daryl looks at you confused, but relieved, you're back in your human form. "That's why we're getting out of here."
Your words put him on alert, he looks at you with a confused and frightened expression. Carefully, he gets up from the ground and holds onto the wall, he feels weak, but when he smells you, your scent transports him new energy, something to fight for, he has to protect you, go home, help his people. He advances several steps towards you and kisses you. You sigh against his mouth as his hands cradle your cheeks and you feel him steal your breath with his kiss. Your whole body melts, longing to melt into your true Alpha, but now is not the time. Much to your regret, you break the kiss, but you look up at him with a smile.
"Let's go home..." You ask. "But I need you to help me."
"Sure, Omega, I'll do whatever it takes." He assures you feeling the tiredness has worn off.
"Good." You smile again and hand him an automatic and his crossbow. "I know you missed it."
"Thanks..." He whispers and then realizes that you are wearing his vest, something wild explodes inside him and he has to calm down.
Like you said; the important thing is to escape from there. When you are sure that Daryl is ready, the two of you run down the factory corridor. It's not going to be easy to escape, there are still many of Negan's men there, even if some have gone scouting or are threatening other communities, but you don't care, you open fire on anyone you feel a threat and crosses your path. The gunshots soon draw the attention of the whole building, more and more coming at you, some transform, others don't have time, but everyone gets a bullet between the eyebrows. You manage to get out of the building, the door leads you to the courtyard where they are holding those Walkers who are strategically placed by the prisoners. Daryl drops his gun to pick up his crossbow and shoot several guards that are approaching you. As he reloads, you cover him by firing as well.
"I'm out of ammo!" You yell at him.
"Me too!"
You both look at each other intensely, there are still so many people left in there, you may not even make it out alive. Daryl nods and you feel goosebumps rise on your skin, but you do the same. You get up from your hiding place again. Daryl grabs you by the waist to fire his last remaining round and you jump down the stairs, next to the fences of the infected. Your back collides with his and you feel a howl rip through your throat as you and Daryl transform at the same time. You had never seen the hunter transform before, his hybrid form, a towering wolf on two legs, tri-colored fur, brown, gray and white, with blue eyes that glowed unnaturally bright. You feel it hard to breathe, his Alpha scent shooting up, enveloping the whole place, a smell that makes you feel at home, protected and safe, a mixture of White Maple, cigarettes and leather, even some of Negan's men, Betas, recoil and lower their heads in total submission, but it's too late. The anger and rancor that has been brewing inside Daryl these days is boiling over and the wolf isn't going to stop it.
That becomes the scene of a real war, Negan's men jump to fight, you do not stay behind, the Walkers corner you but you also get rid of them, around you there are only decomposing corpses, defeated wolves, men split in two, the earth has a red color of spilled blood. You are exhausted and wounded, you feel it hard to stand, Daryl has serious wounds, but you are both alive. For now. With clumsy steps you approach towards him, your muzzle brushes the fur on his neck, Daryl groans low and rests his forehead against yours. The two of you stay like that, being each other's support, catching your breath, your strength. This isn't over yet, you still have to get out of there, back to Alexandria.
"What happened here!" you hear Negan barking behind you.
Suddenly, to your nose, his aura is no longer as powerful nor does he seem as big an Alpha as those days ago and you understand that his power and bravado was fueled by the strength and insanity of the men following him, he was just another Alpha. Daryl beside you keeps shaking, he grits his teeth hard and growls menacingly, the blood of his victims dripping down his gums to the floor.
"It's over, Negan." You tell him. "You have nothing left, only death... this is what you brought upon yourself."
"You've killed my men..."
"All of them." You assure him. "We have freed your wives, the people who lived under threat from you and your men, you have nothing left." You shake your head. "You are no one anymore."
"No... Damn you..." He roars full of anger.
"Let's go, Daryl, he's no longer a threat." You tell your Alpha, but he doesn't move.
"No... he's killed our people... he's mocked us... he's humiliated us..." The hair on his back bristles with every word.
"Alpha..." You try to call out to him, but his eyes are locked on his target. "Okay..." You sigh and step aside.
Daryl doesn't hesitate, his hindquarters flex to give him momentum and he runs straight at the other Alpha. Negan scrambles and for a second seems to get huge again. The collision of the two bodies is brutal.
"Saviors!" shouts Sasha as she sees the van approaching toward Alexandria's gate. "Negan's coming back!" She warns.
"Get down from there, we'll wait for him like we planned!" She is answered by Rick running towards the door.
Sasha obeys by placing her gun on her back, stepping down from the gate guarding area. All of Alexandria is in position, not only them, Hilltop and The Kingdom have come to help, all hiding and waiting for the right moment. Rick tries to compose himself, takes a deep breath and when he hears the van stop, he opens the doors.
His words get stuck in his throat, his eyes fill with tears and he feels his knees wobble for a second as his eyes show him what's on the other side.
"No..." He gasps in a breathy gasp.
"Dad?" Carl asks fearfully.
"Help me!" he shouts as he opens the doors all the way. "Warn Denise! Tell her to get the infirmary ready!" He breaks into a run and everyone is confused until they see it.
You walk slowly, limping, your tan fur now bright red due to all the blood decorating it, over your shoulder you carry the unconscious body of Daryl, as wounded or more than you, in your other hand, you carry the ultimate proof that Negan has been defeated; his head. Rick transforms, a gray and white furred wolf, his scent for a moment brings out a whimper from you, it's not the first time you've seen him transformed, but now his strong authority as an Alpha displeases you. Nevertheless, you agree to let him charge Daryl's body against his, you can't take it anymore, you drop to your knees and Rick touches your head.
"Alright Omega, you're home, you've brought your Alpha all the way here, he's safe..." He rewards you and you moan softly letting the tears finally spill over.
"He's very weak, Rick..."
"Denise will take care of him, don't worry, you must rest too and then you will tell us what happened." He asks you, you nod and let him take Daryl inside the community, quickly, as he needs urgent attention, you let your people wrap you up and introduce you to the new arrivals.
You've all been through an adventure and hell in your own flesh, for no one has been a valley of roses having Negan's presence on your necks, The Kingdom, with Ezekiel as King, tell you about the tyranny they were going through, you're surprised to see Carol next to the man, but you don't say anything, you like the couple they make, Hilltop and Jesus seem relieved, perhaps feeling guilty for asking for help against Negan and that all that happened, but you can't blame them either, the idea of going after them had been yours, so all that was going to happen anyway. You tell them about the battle to escape from there, Sherry, Dwight's wife helped you escape, you are not indebted to her, they betrayed Daryl first, but the woman felt guilty and wanted her partner back, so between the two of you you looked for a way to find the weapons, distract the guards and get Daryl out of his cell, after that, she took Dwight from there, leaving Daryl's things behind, because they knew that if they stayed there, the Alpha would come after them too. You told them how Daryl fought Negan, how small and vulnerable he seemed after losing his army, you are not proud of the violence and cruelty Daryl used to defeat him, but now you can live in peace without his looming shadow over you.
Everyone wants to know more about what happened at the Sanctuary, but you are too tired, physically and mentally to continue, you need to make sure Daryl is okay. You apologize to your people, who understand the situation, and let you go to the infirmary to check on your Alpha, even Denise leaves the infirmary for you when she sees you arrive. You have to admit that his condition is not as bad as you expected, now without all that fur covering his body, the wounds are not as deep or severe, equally Daryl is still unconscious, resting on the stretcher in Denise's infirmary, you are sitting next to him, watching him silently, relieved to see him sleeping, you feel happy because you are safe, you are home. With trembling hands you caress his arm, you feel his quality skin under your touch, Daryl grunts in his sleep, but he doesn't wake up. You watch his wounds continue to heal and smile, you lean in slightly and brush his ear with your lips.
His eyes flutter open, his heart is pounding and his breathing is wild. His whole body is still alert, for a second he is tempted to transform again, to keep fighting, but then a smell comes to his nose. Forest, wet ground... you.
He grunts low sitting up on the gurney, his gaze searching for you in the empty infirmary, Denise appears and smiles warmly at him, she nods and Daryl jumps up. He's glad to be in Alexandria, he doesn't hesitate to hug his companion longingly, but he quickly gets out of there, he knows what he's looking for.
His nose guides him, without missing a millimeter, he finds you next to the pond that is in the community, you are turning your back to him, but Daryl knows that you have already felt his presence, you are wearing his vest and in your hand you hold his crossbow. Daryl feels his wolf squirm inside him and sighs.
"Omega..." He calls to you, slowly, you turn to look at him, your eyes glow in the darkness of the night and he knows he is lost.
Neither of you need to say anything else, your bodies transform, back to that wolf form that is held on two strong hind legs and you take off running. Daryl waits, a few seconds, not too long, he counts mentally before following your trail, running after you. The gates of Alexandria are open, letting you both out, closing behind you again. You don't care. Your surroundings have disappeared.
Giving way to an ancient tradition between Alpha and Omega, Daryl pursues you, tracking you, hunting you down, Hunter and Prey, Dominant and Submissive. Alpha and Omega. It's always been that way, but Daryl knows you're a warrior Omega, a fighter, that you won't let him catch you easily. It's that part of you that drives him crazy, that makes him want to catch you and have you all to himself, when you saved him against Negan, when you went after him and went out fighting together, so that ritual becomes more exciting for him. He pauses among the trees, sharpening his hearing, sniffing the air, scratching the ground, trying to detect any movement, he howls and you, unable to contain yourself, respond to his howl. Daryl lowers his ears looking for your position, growls and runs off in your direction.
When he finds you, you have returned to your human form, completely naked, with your back to him, but your head is tilted slightly to one side, listening for the man to reach your position. Daryl stops, takes a step back, he can't attack you while in your human form, he could tear you apart and he's not going to lose you for a desperate move. He rests his claws on the ground, he growls calling out to you, waiting, you slowly turn to look at him.
"Alpha..." You call out to him and he Daryl lets out a whimper.
Then you run towards him, transforming on the way, catching Daryl by surprise, you jump and hit him. Surprise and excitement shake Daryl's body as he takes the impact. You are a wild, fierce Omega. No one taught you how to respect an Alpha, how to act with them. Daryl holds your body and pins you to the ground.
He's going to teach you how to be a good Omega.
"Did we let them leave?" Carl asks as he sees the doors close.
"Yes..." Rick replies.
"But out there..."
"Trust me, nothing and no one would be stupid enough to get in their way now." He smiles again.
"Don't you think we should go after them?"
"No. This is none of our business."
"Will we ever see them again?" He asks more distressed.
"Of course."
"That's up to them, they may be back tomorrow, or in a couple of days, maybe a week."
"A week?"
"When I met your mother we were gone almost a week." He laughs at the look on the young man's face. "They've been putting this off for a long time, so it's possible they'll be quite a while."
"And Michonne? With her you don't..."
"She's an Alpha woman, she's different, these rituals are between Alpha and Omega..." He smiles and touches Carl's back. "You will understand when the time comes. Now let's go rest, for today I don't think we need to stand guard."
Carl hesitates, watching his father come down from the watchtower, he's still young and there are things he doesn't understand, but his father seems pretty calm about it all, so he doesn't insist.
On their way home, father and son hear two long howls echoing in the night.
The End.
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ficsforfundota · 2 years
Chapters: 77/? Fandom: The Walking Dead, The Walking Dead & Related Fandoms, The Walking Dead (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Daryl Dixon/Rick Grimes, Lori Grimes/Shane Walsh, Maggie Greene/Glenn Rhee, Daryl Dixon/Negan, Andrea/Michonne (Walking Dead), Philip Blake | The Governor/Milton Mamet/Andrea, Daryl Dixon/Joe (Walking Dead: Claimers), Tara Chambler/Michonne Characters: Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Negan, Maggie Greene, Hershel Greene, Shane Walsh, Philip Blake | The Governor, Andrea (Walking Dead), Beth Greene (Walking Dead), Theodore "T-Dog" Douglas, Aaron (Walking Dead), Axel (Walking Dead), Milton Mamet, Merle Dixon, Michonne (Walking Dead), Sasha Williams (Walking Dead), Tyreese Williams, Tara Chambler, Abraham Ford, Eugene Porter, Rosita Espinosa, Gabriel Stokes, Jesus (Walking Dead), Simon (Walking Dead: Saviors) Additional Tags: The walking dead rewrite, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Daryl Dixon, Alpha Rick Grimes, Pregnant Daryl Dixon, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Sexual Content, kidnapped Daryl Dixon, Mpreg, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Prison (Walking Dead), The Greene Farm (Walking Dead), Omegas are rare, Soft Rick Grimes, Alexandria Safe-Zone (Walking Dead), Terminus (The Walking Dead), Child Death, Scenting, Claiming Bites, Public Sex, Mate Mark, Knotting, Accidental Knotting, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Alpha Merle Dixon, Daryl Dixon Smut, Motherhood, Male Lactation, Oral Fixation, Blood and Violence, Kidnapping, Forced Relationship, Gang Rape, Marking, Rutting, talk of miscarriage, Hurt Daryl Dixon, Forced Bonding Series: Part 4 of Alpha/Omega/Beta Summary:
A rewrite of The Walking Dead, in the A/B/O world. However I am mostly focusing on Daryl, and his life as an Omega. I still wanted to clearly have the world itself be A/B/O. There is canon divergence, a few pairings that change and of course just some fun times. I don’t own any of the characters, the world in which A/B/O is set is clearly not my own but there will be some of my own A/B/O canon. I hope you enjoy it!
Just so you know - I am going to be attempting all the season, timelines will be changed (who knows the true TWD timeline anyway), relationships will be swapped, ages maybe fudged, and some things may be fudged or swapped, characters may be in a place they weren’t or removed from a place they were. Characters will live/die earlier later
A note - Omegas are extremely rare Betas have been able to sometimes successfully carry an Alphas pup to full term but it was rare in the world of hospitals and sterilization, so it is harder now in the apocalypse.
Some A/B/O worlds have an age in which pups show their alignment, in mine they are aligned with their second gender at birth, however Omegas present as beta until their first heat which usually takes place at ages 8-10
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cherrysoulth · 4 months
Pissin' Our Pants Yet?- Chapter 3: The road
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💕Pairing: Negan x Female Reader 
✏️Genre/au: Canon, Action, Smut, Sci-fi, The Walking Dead Fic
✏️Rating: PG 18+, explicit
⚠️chapter warnings: Shitloads of cursing, Gore details (zombies), Mentions of cults, mentions of cult practices, dictatorship status
<<< 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2 | 𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖓 𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 4 >>>
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Hii! Did you stumble across this work? Glad you're here 😊 Please, let me know your thoughts once you are finished. Feedback keeps me motivated to write 😁
Note that English is not my first language, so please if you find grammar mistakes, let me know. :)
My gratitude goes to @alldevilsarehere90 for her hard work on beta reading this huge chapters🧡
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Scavenging with any group that leaves Sanctuary, occupies most of your days. What's outside is your world, where you know how to move, how to play. It's almost like you are trying to avoid reality, the view of what's going on in the lower floors of the building. Turning a blind eye to the Saviours' abuse towards people is the only way you could do so. Not being there. Still, it’s like it haunts you, seeing from the corner of an eye, how it gets perpetrated.
Negan has to agree with it when it's so common. There's no way he doesn't see or know, the Saviours' use of physical punishment to afront any sort of confrontation and the constant abuse of power when it comes to belongings. Your thoughts and actions twist to centre on winning him; the big bad wolf's trust. Without that, there's nothing you can do for these people or his wives. 
Most of your productive working time is around him as if he wants to be glued to you. He will ask your opinion on random things, sometimes important decisions that require some knowledge. It reminds you of when you were your mum's right hand and she would let you make decisions to evaluate your qualities as a possible successor. In his own words: he values your opinion as much as Simon's or any of the other high ranks, admitting it comes from your stay outside by yourself. He says it blows his mind that you've managed to survive on your own, remarking it has nothing to do with you being a woman.
It surprises him so much he asks more than once if it was, in fact,  six months because that's a lot of time to be on your own. The first time, you talked about the scars on your body, where they came from, and who or what caused them. Although you told him there were a few you couldn’t recall. You knew there was one he hadn't seen and that's the only one you avoid talking about.
The second time, it was more like asking for a reminder and when he asked about your group, you just didn't feel good talking about it. Surprisingly, he didn't push it further.
In the beginning, you thought his appreciation excluding your pretty face was touching, since he had been flirting with you from the moment he set eyes on you. At some point, you even expected him to be trying to push you into marrying him like he's done with his golden-caged birds. But on second thought, you figured out he's interested in understanding how your mind functions, for easier control since you have nothing to lose. It wasn’t a surprise but the idea still bothers you.
Inside the Sanctuary you feel the breath in the air coming from that many people living together. Different mindsets cluttered in the same space like a bee's nest, just less alike because the ones protecting the working bees are also their bullies. 
Being with people after such a long time alone doesn't seem to be your forté but being alone again is too fucked up to consider it an option. The world has become a deadly dangerous place with all those non-dead walking around and trying to take a chunk out of you. Although the survivors can be even worse. 
Here the rules matter, which seems to be engraved with fire in these people's minds. Negan keeps people alive in a system that's tough but works. Kind of. It reminds you of those documentaries you used to watch on TV about modern slavery in various countries, that made it sound too far to even suggest it could happen in yours. But here you are, observant of those images in the very place you live, just a few feet from you. 
Leaving that aside, you can admit freely that it has been partly luck that's kept you alive. Like it is with anyone else because anything can kill you these days. That, along with your ability to avoid people, if you're honest, is probably a big part of the equation. 
You'd say your aiming is your best quality and it's probably the best skill one needs to protect itself and hunt with or without guns. You are also very fast but when it comes to the rest of your skills, you'd say you are just about average. Incomparable to your mum who was awesome in everything she did. 
You tried to learn everything you could from her but she was exceptional. Losing her and your brother at the same time, destabilized your whole world and vision of it. That was partially why you left your group and wandered around aimlessly. You couldn't see things so clearly anymore, the mourning blinding your best judgement and decision-making. The memories of the days after their death are still confusing to this day.  
When you found yourself lonely and realized that was going to be the rest of your life, some sort of mad need for socialization took over you but boy, the things you saw on the road. Soon you understood it wasn't safe anymore to "apply" for another group's membership. But then you had to make peace somehow with your new reality. Going back to your group just wasn't an option because you didn't find them where they were supposed to be. They had probably waited long enough and thought you weren't going to come back or that you were the one dead already. 
That was until the mall happened. 
It did not seem a bad option after taking your security measures. You even unblocked the back doors as a safe passage if another group crossed you. But you trusted too much in your luck going to the first floor. In big places, the rules were to enter, pick up the goods as fast as you could and leave. At least, while being alone. 
Now, even with a short group of four, you feel kind of safe. Well, it's almost completely safe. Becoming a Saviour does affect one's ego, how could it not, when it makes people feel like they are on top of the world. Invincible. As if the walkers were just a minor problem, a day after day thing but even with that sensation building up in one's chest, nobody puts their guard down. That would be really stupid.
"Do Saviours get bit often?" You ask John, one of the guys in your group. Even if his name is also your brother's, they are nothing alike.
"Nah... It doesn't happen a lot. You worried?" he asks you, without stopping what he is doing. You mutter a simple, "Not really," and he smirks.
Your group is out of the safe zone, looking for supplies or anything interesting that could be of use. Maybe a well-positioned building for another outpost or another group to discipline for Negan. He did not want you on the search parties for the "problematic community" that had been running for the last week and a half. "New arrivals don't get those privileges, pretty face," he said to you in front of your group of newcomers, when you asked. 
You think that at least you are not the only fresh blood in the nest. Having all eyes set on you, people expecting things, good or bad, maybe both, sucks. 
In fact, even if the other Saviours found them and there was a plan going on, your group was not on the first line or in it at all that matters. You were told that almost every Saviour was going to be at the "final show" but Negan still didn't trust you enough to put you in certain positions outside. 
'Dude, get over it, get that stick out your ass. The flamethrower thing was a mistake!' you thought when Negan said: "You will stick to the basics until I know for sure you won't do the shot to send people running for the hills".
It all becomes routine, or sort of, as new days go by. You wake up before the clock in the mornings and take a shower in the commons, chit-chatting with Arat and Norma as you brush your teeth. There are other women around but these two are kind of the ones with whom you get along better. 
One morning, Arat praised your work and said you'll go up quickly if you keep working hard and giving useful input. One of the girls in the showers jokes about it being easier when you bend on your knees privately for Negan, a few laughs follow the statement, to which you spit out the toothpaste and calmly leave your toothbrush on the counter. Walking towards the shower, you hear Arat mutter an "oh-uh" although she doesn't stop you. Opening the curtain of who you know has said it, you grab her by the hair and bang her head against the wall, breaking her nose, then watching as she slides down the wall, moaning in pain. 
"For people like you, men treat women like shit," you say before spitting on her, then Arat makes her presence known beside you by putting a hand on your shoulder to turn you around. 
"She's learned her lesson," she mutters. "You won't say a word about this. Keep your mouth shut next time you feel like offending another woman for being better than you," she tells the one bleeding.
"I wasn't going to hit her again." You don't even feel right about it. You've just lost your temper too easily for your liking. Leaving aside the fact her type of attitude is the kind you despise. 'Sometimes people need to learn the hard way' you tell yourself unconvincingly. 
The incident did not leave that bathroom, although there were a lot of witnesses.
At lunchtime, you sit with Arat to eat some sort of spaghetti bolognese with meatballs in her apartment with Norma and Donna, another Saviour who is seemingly in some kind of relationship with Arat, when a knock on the door calls your attention. A low-ranking Saviour, just like you, opens it when given permission and informs them they have the Alexandrians under their radar. Negan is claiming Arat for planning and the three of you are left to eat alone. 
That same afternoon, while you are looking at the maps in your room memorizing the future attack, Negan's plan over the Alexandrians starts to roll because a bunch of them are leaving the community in an RV. It's an ambush, prepared like any other but it has coincided with someone running off from Sanctuary and a search party already there. The outposts near were fast to move and play their part, following the previous preparations. 
The plan is divided into phases. First step: you all had to wait until one of the lookouts that are surrounding Alexandria gave the intel on a number leaving the fortress. Second step: block the roads and get them to surrender. This part is already done.
There are two options after that: One; they will come out, in which case someone will have to bring their leader or you will go find him or her and put them all in their place. Someone has to die, "unavoidably" according to Negan, to prove the point that no one messes with him and his Saviours. He also added that he's being magnanimous as people didn't really know who they were messing with, so he isn't going to just take an eye for an eye. But once the rules are settled, there will be no place for mistakes. 
At this point, you are sure that isn't a subject of discussion and nobody has played the devil's advocate. You won't because you can easily understand why he's going to do that. Protecting his people first, saving people later, as it has to be. 
And option Two; they won't surrender, which would lead them to the same end but with Negan going harder on them. 
The plan is set and turns out you are indeed a part of it. Not all the Saviours are going to have the "privilege", as he pointed out, but you are, even though he originally said you wouldn't. And you are one hundred per cent sure it's to prove to you that no one can go against Negan's will. You hear a knock on your door and he enters after your "Come in".
"So, you've really been diving into your work here, huh?" he says, closing the door with a grin. "I have no problem with that, but I gotta say… Not being able to find you after your shifts…After what happened between us...Man, I would say, you are avoiding me. Not cool." he says practically into your ear, with his breath raising goosebumps on your neck.
"Guilty as charged," you admit. You have been, indeed, trying to avoid being left alone with him. You thank all the gods of the world for his discretion on the subject as you would probably slap him.
He had shown you the skilled lover he was, over and over, until you were spent under him, with both your bodies covered in sweat. Needless to say, you were impressed. 
As pleasure subsided, you were able to find your brain again and once he groaned on top of you and let his body fall to the side, something else surprised you. When he lay next to you in the tiny bed and pulled you to him, cuddling you against his chest. 
You fell asleep for a few minutes while twirling softly on the hairs of his chest, as he drew circles on the leg resting across his hips. When you woke up he was still there, his caress, tickling you awake. After kissing you softly, almost sweetly, he finally stood to get dressed and left with a courtesy, stating that management wasn't going to sort itself out.
After he left, you stood regardless of your naked form, to open the windows and refresh the air in the room, it came in fast and cold and although you welcomed it, you felt the iciness in your soul too. 
Did you let your attraction for him cross lines for what Sherry said, maybe out of fear? You weren't sure how you felt about him. Somewhere between attracted and concerned, and that wasn't exactly a good thing. The way he treated people was absolutely not your cup of tea. He is the kind of guy you would usually hate to be around.
Were you just having fun? Or were you expecting something to come out of it? This was something that was leading you to a dead end and you felt the need to run away like you always did when it came to men, sex, love and its relatives. Giving him what he wanted could keep away the idea of making you a caged bird from entering his head but it would take off the importance of whatever you did in the Saviours. Everybody would just see that you were giving it a try with the big bad wolf. 
It's all put in a delicate balance and you know it will fall apart. 
"This is not a good idea, Negan." you voice out.
"What in the holy hell are you talking about?" you've almost forgotten that you are facing the maps displayed on the wall.
"Everything," he raises a brow not believing what he is hearing. "This plan. You and me. Everything is fucked up, Negan. I'm not gonna be your lover and that's what I would be as I'm clearly not your wife." you say in a soft tone, just talking calmly. He opens his mouth but you cut him off before he says a word. "I have no interest in becoming one. I'm a woman of action. I have a clue why everybody follows your ass but I'm not falling in line in all ways. No. My life stays mine and I'm not even sorry for that." you had the intention to say it all calmly but at the end, you hear the heated tone in your words. It seems to happen too often lately, you are tense and restless. As if you were the one doing something wrong. "I do my fucking job, follow the rules and I'm a fucking damn loyal bastard to you because that's how I am. But I'm not going to let your--our." you can't put all the blame on him, "attraction, reduce my qualities as your new bed-warmer. I'm a fucking valid person for a bunch of reasons. I hope you can understand that." you say as you turn around slowly, having felt him cut the distance and his warmth behind you, expecting that sour feared face you've seen more than a couple of times, since being at the sanctuary. Surprisingly, there's a toothy grin with a furrowed brow, something you read as amusement.
"Wow. Yeah, I do! Don't cha worry darlin' we can keep this fuckin' hot thing going on between us as our little secret. That's no fuckin' problem for me." he speaks in a low whispery tone above your nose, meeting your eyes. "But no, you, like everybody else here, are mine," he says, brushing off the importance of the subject and yet putting emphasis on the possessive statement. You can't believe he said it just like that as if people were play-things and nothing more but decide that you will touch that subject at another point. "But what the fuck do you mean that you don't agree with the plan…" he says, having a mood swing like he usually does. That is a good quality for making people fear your reaction but you are way too built up to shut your mouth. Maybe because of his reference to you being his. 
"I think the way you're doing some things will backfire at us, the Saviours, right in the ass, Negan."  his demeanour turns dominant and stern, stormy eyes subject to objectification. "When you push people too hard, especially the ones that do what they've done to our people, they tend to unite and fight back till their last breath. You act as if people are belongings that don't know right from wrong-"
"I beg your pardon," he interrupts. At this precise moment, you know, you've fucked up. "Are you actually questioning me?" he gives you the look, the one that makes the toughest man look at their feet. You included. "Who are you?"
"Negan," you say, raising your head to meet his eyes again, obedient like a puppy. Experience has shown you that keeping your mouth shut, especially when you have not, is the best way to survive. You will do whatever you want because your life is yours, no matter what he says, you won't let others decide for you but sometimes, the best way to get away with what you want, or just simply get away from a difficult situation, is to make others believe that you agree with what they want. When people think that you're submissive they don't expect you to take opposite decisions from what they would want you to do.
"Then you will want what's best for you. Isn’t that right?" he says, still serious and raw. There is no possible objection to that statement. 
 "Yes, Negan," you give him the puppy eyes, so he smiles at you.
"I think we should take a ride. Just for the pleasure of it," You get scared for a second, he starts to take leave without waiting for your answer but stops. "That was a suggestion, by the way. Unless you're scared of being alone with me, darlin'." 
"Is this a date?" you ask him with an edge of sarcasm inside your words, relaxing as he does seem to have genuine intentions.
"Yeah." he gives you in a low breathy tone, like a whisper, while wrinkling his nose and showing his teeth, then bites his lower lip seductively. You chuckle.
"I think I might pass," you reply, putting on a poker face and he raises his eyebrows surprised. "Just kidding, let's get out of here, salt and pepper," he chuckles at the pet name. "I drive…" you say while you take the leave in front of him.
"No way I'm letting you drive my car!" he chuckles but you stop to look at him, brows arched.
"I swear to God, Negan, if you pull up that shit that a girl can't drive-" you are not even joking, it pisses you off. Men and women can work out the same things, it all depends on each individual's qualities, not the gender.
"Hey! Calm your tits down. Nobody swings Lucille, nobody drives my car, it’s as simple as that. Now, if you want to drive, you will have to find yourself a machine that works. My car, it's just mine," he says arching a brow in a way to say 'I don't want to have to repeat myself'.
"Got it," you say and start your walk to get to the garage. You jumping inside Negan's car raises some eyebrows but suddenly you don't care. 
You haven't noticed how much time you've spent in your room looking at those maps until a Saviour opens the garage door to let Negan's car out of the building, the sun already heading west, its light less intense, the temperature less hot. Perfect timing.
Out of the safe area, as it's circled on the maps, your head rests over your arm on the window breathing the fresh air as you close your eyes. The trip was definitely needed, for a second it's like this isn't the end of the world at all. Just two people on a date. Like when your worst problems, from a first world person where to pay your bills and maybe what to do on Saturday night. Now, all that seems so stupid, such nonsense. 
The car runs as smooth as new and you guess there's a mechanic at home. 'So cool. I should probably investigate the building more, I've been too busy working and hiding to know all that's offered.'
"So. Where do you want us to go, sweetheart?" you hear in the background, too taken by the moment. "Earth to Alice. Where are you, dollface?" he asks, almost with a genuine look.
"I'm right here, babe," you say, doing an impression of him.
"Are you trying to be cool?" he asks with a chuckle.
"I am already, pops" You turn on the music on his player. "I think that we should ride to a place that we don't know, to a place where no one has seen us before" sounds filling the vehicle, surprisingly, being that this is his car. "I'm thinking you and I better just go with the flow. The last thing that we should do is go slow..." you sing along, forgetting for a second he's asked you a question. He looks at you, raising an eyebrow, and then, looking at the front he accelerates. "A really adequate song, right? I didn't expect you to hear this kind of music."
"Arat said you might like it," he says with a smirk. 
"Wait. This was planned," you say matter-of-fact, changing your position on the seat to look at him directly. He smiles, looking at you. 'Of course, it is, he could not just leave like that for the sake of it. He's the leader, for Christ's sake.' you conclude. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see." That's the last thing he says on the road.
He stops the car in the middle of a set of crops that has gone wild, the golden plants tickling in your fingers as you walk around enjoying the view. There is a forest a few yards away at the left, close enough for you to see a squirrel jumping up a tree. 'That would have been dinner… this is her lucky day.' 
"What is this place, planning on building a farm for retirement?" you ask, struggling to understand why he chose this place to travel to. It's beautiful, you have to admit it, the view extends for miles, so much that you can't see the details at the end of it.
"Don't be impatient. You'll see it pretty soon." He leans on the car and takes a packet of cigarettes from the side pocket of his leather jacket. He takes one and turns it. "A smoke?" he leaves the filter of a cigarette showing for you to take it, as an offer.
"No, thanks. Never did, I have no intention to start now that I need my lungs to run," The smile coming to that statement confirms he already knew it. You lean on the car close to him, you know he does not smoke that often for the smell of his skin and his breath. "What are we looking at?"
"Damn, woman! Patience…" he says, his pretty smile holding the cigarette with the side of his lips. You fake a pucker followed by a naughty smile that makes him snort and roll his eyes in amusement.
Closing your eyes when the soft breeze warmed up by a sunny day hits your face. You keep them closed enjoying the moment trying to engrave this memory in your mind to hold onto when things go wrong. For the future, if there is any. The warmth against your face, the smell of the trees, the plants that are tickling your legs over the trousers... and Negan, like a second sun to this earth, giving life, taking it, volcanic, warm, symbolic… 
In other circumstances you two would probably never have crossed. He was from somewhere else, he sure had a wife or at least a girlfriend, there is no way he was alone. None of his actual wives were with him before Sanctuary so maybe he lost her on his way through surviving. The world had always been like this: one day you had someone but you could lose it the next; an accident, a murder, a disease… people were always fragile, even if they felt invincible. What went down, only accentuated that fact. It showed the truth within, what was held in the shadows, the taboos. At least in most people. In others, it surfaced the feel of the community, the need to survive together, and the strength of grouping up. 
You think you are somewhere in the middle, far from perfection. You are inclined to protect the weak. Good, noble while others are good to you.  Savage, wild, fearless… cruel if there's someone evil, despicable. Negan stirs your darkness with some acts as much as he stirs the light inside you. It's a balance that can easily be consumed by the darkness. Everything points to it. Your mentality with the time has grown patient and yet, you live in the moment. 
This is a beautiful moment to live in, so you live it. 
You hear the sound of his breath exhaling the smoke of his slowly consumed cigarette, enjoying it. With that mundane action and your previous knowledge of him, you notice that, despite his attitude of walking on air, he still makes the most of everything he does. You've seen him do that with the wrong stuff that has you on edge but you realize, it's not that he's a bad person, it's just him doing what you are; living the moment and owning his shit with no regrets. 'Maybe we are not so different after all.'
A new breeze brings his scent to you, now mixed with the nicotine but still his. You memorize it; the touch of his body on your side is warm and makes you feel less lonely, even if it’s unreal. 'We are born alone and we die alone,' has been your mantra. You notice that you have been starting to feel the excitement you normally do when you're around someone you have a crush on. Knowing if you let it continue like that, even if it’s just for a second, it will surely become a car crash for you. As much as he is the sun and you can need him, you might get burned if you have too much. 
You were never emotionally attached to the boys you slept with or if you ever did you killed it as soon as it appeared, leaving some heartaches in your past, or maybe not, you always ignored it. What you don't know won't hurt you. 'This can't be different' you tell yourself.
You open your eyes when he clears his throat, without knowing how much time you have had them closed. His gaze is on you but your eyes are focused solely on the horizon where the sunset, one of the most beautiful ones you've ever seen, starts to turn the sky into a spectacle of colors. As if the sun itself has set the clouds on fire above you. You feel as if the tears confined inside you are going to spill rivers on your cheeks, moved by the most beautiful thing you have seen in a long, long time. 
Watching the sunset was a thing you used to do with someone very special -before ice covered your heart-, it was in those moments that you stayed silent and the world seemed to be only for the two of you. The rest of the world disappears, making all the noises muffled as if you were deaf and the only thing that mattered was the sky burning. 
Life has become so painful since then and no one you've ever cared about can enjoy this anymore, they can't see any of this anymore. You feel the knot in your throat and you start to freak out. No crying in front of others. Never.
"You know how to get a lady into your bed…" you say cheekily trying to avoid him thinking you are into sentimental stuff, not that you are these days. He smiles almost sadly, he has his eyes lost in the sky, melancholic. 'You two are not that different. He's lost someone too. Who is he thinking about?' 
"What can I say? I'm a gentleman," he says, in a flirty tone, taking another whiff of smoke to his lungs. That’s when you notice he's taken the chance to put his arm around your waist, while you are lost in the view and he uses it to get you near him. The hand starts moving lower and with it, a naughty smile appears on his face.
"That hand has dishonest intentions, gentleman," you say rolling your eyes and in a quick move he puts you up on the bonnet of the car. You give him room to slide his body between your thighs. "Oh! Your body acts like a hooker." He laughs at that. He's so warm, so sexy. You escape the kiss he wants to give you, to go to his neck, smelling him while you give him soft bites on his hot skin. It drives you crazy. You let your back fall against the metal and you cover your eyes with the back of your hand.
"Jesus, if you ain't a vision.." he mutters in a little husky tone. You exhale, hearing a chuckle and one of his thumbs caressing your lower lip. Your arms slide above your head as he leans forward on top of you with eyes that show the desire burning inside of him just like the sunset that you have just seen. You want him to show you. Closing your ankles behind him and your arms on his neck, you pull him against your body. When his mouth finds yours,  his lips capturing yours, it's as if time stops. The way his lips press and move against yours, his tongue moving slowly just at the entrance of your mouth, makes you light-headed. Your body itches for more, absorbed by the feeling of him. His lips move down to your chin, then neck, an expert hand pulling your hips against his with a single move. Pressing his erection against your core, your breath catches, and your lungs almost fail to work.
In a fast move, he unties your belt and takes off your trousers, faster than you've ever seen a man capable of. 'He must have had a lot of practice,’ you guess. He puts a hand on your waist pulling you towards him again as his parted lips meet yours. Then with just one hand he unties his belt and zips down his trousers. The hand over your waist trails down to your pelvis sneaking inside your panties, fingers testing the waters to make sure you are ready for what comes next. You are. 
He pulls his trousers down slightly to make room for his member to make an appearance and simply slides your panties to the side. A word crosses your head 'Condom' and as if he can read your mind, he takes something from his wallet, and puts it within his lips, his teeth helping to break the package. With a fast movement of both hands, he has it on.
"So you were ready, huh?" you suggest, under his complete control. He's making you dance his waltz. 'But damn if it ain't the hottest one.' At this very moment, it doesn't matter who holds the power. He nods with raised brows and a smirk.
He smiles as his tip finds your slit, moving slowly up and down to coat up your entrance for him. His slide-in fills you comfortably in three swift motions, the craving for him growing as he stills inside you, observing your expression. He clearly finds something he likes, because he starts to move increasingly at each moan his hard rock elicits from you and you love the little growls and grunts that your constricting walls rip out of him. 
You raise your upper body to let your lips meet, your initial tenderness is soon followed by a soft bite and pull of his lower lip, increasing the sounds of flesh meeting flesh as that little touch of sin motivates him. Your lips run over his neck and a bite finds his jaw, making him grunt as both his hands press his hips against yours. Your walls tense as you edge closer to your orgasm. Suddenly the static of the radio on the dashboard distracts you from reaching the sky, although Negan does not cease until he hears the words. 
"Negan, we have them." Negan's face turns towards the car, his passionate expression now gone and something different in his eyes, something dark, something that sends shivers through your spine as he pulls away. The shadow of a premonition that something bad is about to happen. 
A quiet moment extends as Negan climbs off of you, his brown orbs lighting a little when his eyes meet yours again, making you relax slightly. He tidies himself before zipping up his pants to go and pick up the radio. The mood he displays as he answers contrasts completely with what you've seen and felt exuding from him only seconds before. With the radio in his right hand, the other one finds your waist and he kisses your forehead. 
"I'm sorry, babe," Negan says in a low apologetic tone. "We will pick this up where we leave it after this shit's sorted." Right after his words, he kisses your neck, giving closure to the moment with a deep kiss, pressing his body against yours. His own needs unsatisfied, he sighs after the kiss in annoyance. You just nod and give him an understanding smile. 'He is a charming bastard. He had you under him the day after picking you up. God damn you if you fall in love with him… This is just fun for him. He already has the rest: housewife, paramour. Six times.'
Telling yourself you'll manage the feelings as you've always done, you decide he is convenient for survival, sex is just that; sex. He's the hottest man you've seen in years, counting before all of this, the chemistry unavoidably obvious and you need to feel it, you need to live it. As well as being a dangerous man to go playing around with feelings that can tear your life apart if something goes wrong. 'Mistakes with men like him are paid with blood and tears.'
Negan speeds up on the empty road, you feel the smooth roar of the car as it settles at seventy miles per hour. There is no other authority than him now, so, who will tell him not to? You would, if you didn't find it amusing.
As much as you don't agree with the kidnapping, killing, humiliating and basically robbing of other communities' supplies, you understand the plan that will go on tonight. Besides your late protest about how Negan pushes people to their limits, you get why this is happening, and why he says he is being magnanimous with this group. Indeed, if someone killed that many numbers, even just killing one of the people you cared about, you would want hell to fall upon those offenders. 
Looking at the plan from an objective and subjective point of view, it is epic. The number of members participating, cutting roads, redirecting them to the hot spot… it's by far intimidating. Negan has power and many subjects to follow his orders, whatever he wants to do, gets done, and that's quite bone-chilling. His domains extend day by day and those who say one day everything might belong to him are not far from the truth. He is a warlord bending over every community on his path but the little thing that seems to escape his comprehension is the limits between showing power and humiliation. That will backfire on him some day no matter how many people stand at his back. He's not a God, he's just a human, bone and flesh that can bleed and die. 
For some reason, that worries you. It's not just that the myth that holds together the Sanctuary, would die, leaving the civilians to some merciless Saviours, it's unsure if Negan's not there his lieutenants will keep his rules and guidelines. There's something else. You've been around him enough hours a day, received enough praise for your mind or good choices, seen enough sneers and chuckles, enough reward and punishment for the guy to grow on you. Thankfully not romantically but in an appreciative manner. Maybe some weird admiration.
He's built something from scratch, kept people alive, and created a system and rules to keep people safe. Everything that so many other communities have struggled with, even when things were easier, he's kept it tight and together. That, at least earns him some respect from you. The primal instincts he awakes in you are just a that’s a whole new ballgame.
When you arrive, the sun has fully disappeared leaving its place to the stars and the moon. His men are following the plan down to the last inch, you can only see the cars parked and the mentioned RV in the middle of the clearing. A mulled-haired guy, beaten up, stays on his knees with a Saviour at his back pointing a rifle at him, to the touch of the artificial light. Simon's been radioing in with every detail he could get his paws on, so you know this one's the driver and the others are moving on foot inside the forest. You are just too many for them to stand a chance and you wouldn't like to be in their place. 
Simon notices you getting out of the car along with Negan, and smiles, although you are sure he did not see Negan kissing your temple before that. You guess he’s just figured it out,  Negan hasn’t gone mouthy on the subject before you talked with him previously. Simon is his right-hand man and you guess he's confident too, to occupy such position. Even with that, it pisses you off that he knows what you've been doing as if it was his business, wanting to erase that mustache-smile off his face. 
Negan, being the leader, walks in front of you, looking at the stuff the Saviours have found on the trailer, displayed on the trunk of a car for Negan to see. As he goes to inspect the goods you stay behind, leaning on the same car as Simon. "I dare you to smile like that again and see what happens…" flows through your lips, giving him a side-eye, without giving a chance for his response you move closer to Negan. The smile on your lips is hidden by the dim illumination from Simon's sudden wide eyes, although at this very second you can feel him burning holes on your back.     
"They are like little mice running directly to the cat's mouth. And. I. Am! The big-sized cat!" says Negan with his characteristic toothy smile, getting your attention and Simons' too. "I almost feel pity for them!" he adds with a burst of laughter that ends in a high-pitched squeak of his breathing, like he always does when he finds something very funny. Simon and the Saviours present, laugh back. You can tell that there is something off in him, you just cannot tell what it is. 'Surely you are not that obedient, right, Simon? Maybe you are hiding something,' you think for yourself. Not even a smile appears on your face, knowing someone is going to die tonight. You might understand why it's going to be done, you might even agree with it, but enjoyment is far from what you feel about it. Negan looks at you with an arched brow, his smile fades just a little before he adds. "Let's get down to business, shall we? Alice, come 'ere." And you obey. "Time to prove yourself," he says, lowering his tone a little. "You wait here and be a good Saviour. Simon! You know what to do," he says, as he gets inside the RV.  
"Right! Let's get this set up," Simon makes you put a van full of bullet holes near the RV, some other cars are parked facing the center, then Negan turns off the lightning and they move the Alexandrian further. Just after, Simon organizes your positions, patting your shoulder to pity you for what you might see. There's an echoed sound of whistles through the forest and you join them as you have been commanded, walking to the back of the semicircle of Saviours, to watch for any walker attracted by the sound. 
There is nowhere to run for the poor souls that are about to be punished. No one can cross the Saviors and get away with it, that, you have clear. There is punishment. There is and will always be punishment. 
Finally, seconds later, the rest of the group arrive at the meeting point carrying a stretcher, just to find themselves surrounded by the Saviors coming from everywhere around the forest and the incessant whistle. Negan's trademark whistle. There is nowhere to hide, their RV parked in front of them, now the lights of the cars turning on, blinding them for a second while the Saviours that followed them make the closing wall of the circle. Looking like deers surrounded by wolves, fear of the unknown is written all over their faces. The general whistles start to fade, yours too. Then a thick silence is made.
"Good. You made it. Welcome to where you were going." says Simon, walking forward. You observe one more time behind you, other Saviours keeping their ears up for walkers or other guests but it has to look like you all are just watching a show. "We will take your weapons," he adds, extending his arms vaguely to the rest of the team, then points a gun to one of them, a kid with a wounded eye. "Now." 
'Very brave, Simon…' you think.
"We can talk about-" speaks up a man with a peppery beard and really strong southern accent, who seems to finally understand the situation they had put themselves into.
"We're done talking. Time to listen," throws Simon in a meaningful tone. Some men approach the group to take the weapons and he walks to the kid. "That's yours, right?" he closes in on the child, adopting a menacing stance. "Yeah, it's yours," adds before clipping on the kid sheriff hat. Regaining his posture he commands. "Okay! Let's get her down and get you all on your knees. Lots to cover."
"Hold up," says a redhead that looks like he could definitely put up some resistance. Big muscles and a fierce look that also exudes from his very being. 'A soldier,' you can guess. You've seen enough of them to be able to tell them apart. "We got it."
"Sure, sure," replies Simon, making a signal for them to proceed. They help a short-haired woman that looks very sick to get to her knees in the center. For the others, it takes a little longer to obey. "Gonna need you on your knees," replies Simon starting to get impatient. "Dwight!"
"Yeah," answers the blonde fellow, dutifully.
"Chop-chop," Simon commands, to the expectant man. 
"Come on. You got people to meet," Dwight moves from behind the crowd and advances to the bullet-holed van. The first person you see shocks you to the bone. 'Daryl!' you freeze. 'He's alive!? What is he doing here!? Oh god, I moved that van!' So many questions are building in your head that you start to spiral. The last time you saw Daryl the world was guided by less hard rules than survival, or at least that was the image portrayed by everything surrounding you. Times when you were way younger and with fewer experiences in life over your shoulders. Those were by far, sweeter times.
You met Daryl when you were twenty and he was twenty-seven, by chance, getting into the worst-looking bar in your area with your "friends". They were in one of those reckless moods and they called you for a girls' night, although they were nearer to Daryls' age than yours. 'Why am I with them again? Oh, yeah! My mum wants me to be nice to them because they are her new friends' daughters.' you told yourself each time. You ended up sticking with them, though you were a lone wolf and by far very different from them. 
"If you want to feel like you are wild, or whatever, we could go for a bungee jump. You are just going to find a bunch of regular people chilling, I'm telling you," you told them that afternoon. You knew that to be a fact but they did not listen. 
When you opened the door because somehow you were the head of the group, although you weren't even allowed inside by age, your eyes found Daryl instantly. You knew right in that second, the guy was just a bit odd in his group. A quiet guy, in a group that looked like the kind of pricks you would like to kick their asses. Troublemakers, busting up fights. The kind with 'I'm a prick because my parents neglected me and I don't know what the fuck I'm doing with my life,’ as a life excuse. 
Merle, Daryl's brother, called you and your friends over to sit with them, as they spotted you at the door and the impulsive girl of the group was walking there before you could stop her. The rest had to run after her, looking at each other with longing of going home.
'There are only two ends to this night,' you thought. You walked behind them with your sassy face and took your seat at Daryl's side. He looked at you sideways, not sure of what to do or not sure what you had in mind with him.
"Come on Daryl! Say something to the girl. You might finally get your ugly ass laid today, boy!" Merle laughed at his brother. Daryl, annoyed, flicked his tongue. He seemed bothered about something. You thought he was cute but did not say anything to him and instead glared at Merle. "Come on darling, you know why four girls have come here alone, dressed like that. And if you don't, well, you are too innocent to be here." 
Your clothes were quite normal, according to the fashion trends, not that you should have apologized if they weren't. Your sweetheart neckline sleeveless skater black dress was over your knees. Your friends wore similar things, showing more or less thigh, but that was not his business anyway.
"Dressed like what? We are not on display for your entertainment. Asshole." your voice slid through in his direction, venom staining your tongue, ready to bite at the wrong move. Your friends looked at you as if you just poked a bear with a stick.
"Be careful how you speak to me, girl. We are having fun! Don't be such a party pooper!" growled Merle, as if his sexist comment was not a serious thing that was meant to offend.
"How I-But you just-" you almost said, taking it way personal.
"Let's go for a drink," interrupted Daryl, with a calm tone, standing up. You didn't know he did it for your sake that night because Merle would, no doubt, have slapped you. You liked the fact he finally said something to you and gladly followed him. "You guys should leave, this is not your place," he said when you took a seat on a stool, looking behind to see his brother getting touchy with one of your "friends", she gave you an ok signal and a wink. You turned around rolling your eyes.
"Well, thanks for the advice but I'm not the one that chose the worst bar in town," he looked at you sideways again, kind of offended. "I meant no offense." He just nodded and handed you the beer that he just purchased. 'Cool! He has no idea I'm not old enough to drink! If I tell him they might kick me out… what would these airhead girls do next…  Damn. Why do I even bother?'
"I-Doesn't matter!" you interrupted yourself and made a toasting gesture with it. You told him your age later that night and although Merle made a joke about that he should keep away from jailbait, Daryl did not seem too bothered to see you again the next weekend, as you met them with the friend that was now hooking up with Merle.
He was difficult at first, whether it was for your age or him being uncomfortable around new people, you weren’t sure. You hung around and tried to be easygoing with him, although you would jump down the other guys' throats if they tried to talk to you. You kind of knew how to earn a biker's respect, it wasn't you trying to be someone you were not, just you being who you didn't trust to be around other men. 
He seemed to be good at reading people because he seemed to do it with ease, almost as well as you, only far more silent. Your persistence paid off and within a few months, his sweet and kind side became more obvious for you. It was easy to understand where that volatile character came from, he was raised by Merle and his parents indeed neglected them, which made him have to work for everything himself. There was never really anyone there for him to trust or rely upon, besides his brother. And Merle wasn't exactly a solid rock.
The more you talked, the more you were able to wheedle from him. The more you were able to see beyond the surly attitude he had towards everyone, it was a defence mechanism but that was it, he didn't do a single thing to go rogue or do bad things per se if he followed his brother it was his brother who did wrong, not him. For some people, it was difficult to separate them from behavior and action, so Daryl was harshly misjudged, which only fed his aversion towards people. But it was truly not that difficult to get along with him if you dismissed disruptive judgments. 
Your mother did not like him at first and asked you to stay away from him, that pissed him off when he found out about it. He asked you to leave him alone and said 'What is a nice college girl doing with a savage town boy, anyway? Your mum is right, we don't match.' But when you made your way to see him again because you knew he was pushing you away. To avoid bad blood between you and your family, he did not send you away or say anything to make you feel bad about your argument. The two of you just sat next to each other until you reached for the hand resting over his thigh while getting closer to him, then you tangled your fingers with his and he did the same.
The physical contact was just a world apart, at first it was difficult because you weren't sure how to interact. You liked the guy, so you wanted to let him know he was different from the other man you talked to. You had always seemed like a cold bitch in that aspect of your life, not sure if it was for the way your mum was around her people, even if she was an affectionate mother, or if it was for the thought that guys had to earn any sort of closeness from you.
It was probably the latter because that mentality has not changed that much. You have to like someone very much to be physical in any way. On the other hand, he flinched at your approaches at first, so you respected his personal space for months until he got used to having you around for a little bit more than talking.
It was you who took the initiative in sex, even being a virgin because he was always very reserved when it came to the subject. You were kind of worried about what kept him from advancing, so you made sure to be clear enough on how far you wanted him to go. 
That day, you placed a condom box over his nightstand making sure he saw you do it, the rest was history. He was delicate and gentle, it stung at first but it wasn't painful at all and he even made you feel the fireworks. For what you knew, the first time this wasn't always the case. Besides that, Daryl didn’t seem to be a very sexual person.
You were in love with him, nothing stopped you from being with him, and no one was able to come between the two of you. You even managed to tolerate Merle in his ways and inopportune jokes. That was until his dealing with drugs fucked up everything.
Your eyes grow wet from the memories and you force yourself to blink them away. It is not the moment for a breakdown. You always knew you were not over what happened with you two but had pushed your feelings so far away in the back of your mind when you moved. You didn't know how bad that wound was still stinging, until now.
All you can do in the situation you are in is to put on your 'cold as ice' face back on and keep your shit together. At least until you get your thoughts and feelings in place and order. 
"We've got a full boat! Let's meet the man," Simon approaches the RV and knocks at the door, then walks back to where the future Negan's victims are, to stand behind them. Negan opens the door and steps out with all his weight, bouncing on his knees with Lucille’s placed intimidatingly at his shoulder. Displaying his pearly whites in a wicked grin and in that exact moment, you know that something you won't forget is about to happen. Something really, really bad.
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Taglist @stxrg4zer
I hope you enjoyed this. Let me know your thoughts and reblog to let it spread 😊 See you soon! ~
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honeyedboneset · 7 months
NOTICE: This post is under construction as of aug 17, 2024. it is not up to date. hello! i'm boneset (or bone). thanks for stopping by my super-specific search thread! if interested, please leave a reply or dm me!
a bit about myself: she/her. I'm currently in my late 20's and have been writing/roleplaying in some shape or form for 12+ years. i'm in grad school (and will be for awhile) and work full time in mental healthcare. occasionally, days are wild. 
when it comes to writing, i generally write somewhere between 500-1k words a post. the shorter the post, the faster i can write. i definitely value someone who's writing fits with mine over length or anything like that. i'm also super flexible when it comes to post rate. if it takes a little bit, that's totally fine! especially if we do build a rapport. i want this to stay as something that's fun for both of us. it's a hobby, so it comes after everything else.
doubling. i play a canon for you, you play one for me, and i love every character as my own. OR we both play two ocs who fall in love against their will. Idc.
m!canon x f!oc preferred (or m!oc x f!oc). I know who I am. I have no shame. I’m so super cautious about m// and f// after years of running into folks treating it as a fetish.
ooc chatting. for the rps that have survived my hiatuses, it's been because we made friends, or at least friendly. i like talking, sharing head canons, all that stupid crap. tldr: i need someone to send memes to.
ooc over discord, please, after we’ve graduated to that. DMs first if you don’t mind.
email, discord, gdocs, and tumblr in order of preference for the roleplay but I'm open to any.
i am a sap for romance. less so for super slow burns. sue me. I can barely read slow burn much less write it.
500-1000 words is my sweet spot for responses, but i'm not that fast of a writer, depending on what's going on. see: why i like ooc.
hard limits: be 18+ (21+ preferred) | will not write with people who identify as male (he/him) | incest | fetish stuff | abo | pwp | pedophilia | furries/beastiality | explicitly written sexual assault | abusive relationship dynamics between main characters | heavy substance abuse | main settings being medical | most highschool settings/underage characters | genuine love triangles or infidelity between main characters
pairings and all below the break!
for fandoms, I’m going to list what I’m looking to play the oc in. I am super duper happy to play nearly any canon character for you.
the walking dead:  *i haven't seen the spin-off series. super comfortable going as AU as we want. *looking for: glenn (pls pls pls), daryl *will play: rick, daryl, shane, negan, others probably *some vibes: people who knew each other prior to the zombies meeting each other again after, dead rising vibes, traveling through the wilderness, overgrown and rundown towns and cities, towns that have gone mad, human enemies, natural threats, fluff, megamalls, amusement parks, adventure, horror, fluff, uneasiness in the calm, found family, hesitant allies
resident evil: *i like it all, okay? welcome to racoon city, all the games, the animated films...even the live action netflix put out! it's just FUN. *looking for: leon, piers, carlos *will play: chris, albert, luis, piers, etc. *some vibes: hurt/comfort extreme, international adventures, partners in life and in work, idk absolute insanity. vacation? what's a vacation, there's always zombies, basically the evil of capitalism, embrace the weird of the game universes (i mean really. there's werewolves)
the last of us: *i've played both games and watched the show *looking for: tommy miller, m!oc *will play: joel, ellie, others, m!oc *some vibes: FIX IT JESUS, protecting family, human enemies, natural threats, antagonistic towns, lost in the wild, weird periods of domestic easiness followed by hurt/comfort hell red dead redemption: *i've played rdr and rdr2. kind of familiar with revolver. *looking for: charles smith *will play: arthur, john, dutch, others (but not micah) *some vibes: railroad turmoil, dutch has lots of plans (very little outcomes), high society meets the old west, running from the law, causing problems, adventures in the big city, trying to leave old lives behind, forbidden love, enemies to lovers
fallout: *i've played 1, 2, 3, 4, 76 & NV. mainly looking for nv. *looking for: m!oc *will play: ask for canons, m!oc *some vibes: causing chaos in the wastes, embracing the local cryptid status of the player character, toxic people everywhere, attempting to survive, mercenaries, prostitutes, salt of the earth managing to do some good against their will, traveling to other locations avatar the last airbender *i've seen the show several times, live action, and korra, but haven't read comics. *looking for: adult!sokka *will play: adult!zuko, ask for other canons! *some vibes: post series feeling out their new roles in society, rebuilding following war, uprisings from unhappy sections, earth kingdom is just as big of a mess as firenation please help, 'forbidden' relationships, political drama, festival romance
original(ish) story vibes:
zombies! please zombies. love it. media inspo: l4d, deadrising, resident evil, twd, george romero
fantasy. royalty, pirates, mermaids, adventures, curses, and extra doses of romance. some assassins? hiding from responsibility? childhood friends to lovers and enemies finding common ground. media inspo: ACOTAR, lord of the rings, ever king, damsel, fire emblem, (for modern of these vibes) new protectorate by abigail kelly
urban fantasy vibes. witches and monsters, and romance and weirdness. maybe some monsters. eldritch beings. small town, rural america? media inspo: x-files, teen wolf, supernatural, stay a spell by juliette cross, scooby doo, being human, folk haven by lauren connolly, old gods of appalachia
cowboys! Modern? Traditional? I do not care i love cowboys and the south, just minus all of those….you know, issues. media inspo: red dead redemption, man from snowy river, yellow stone, lyla sage books
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duchessonfire · 3 months
Whatever AU you create I live for it, honestly I'm your biggest fan at this point. Feel free to expand! The abo, supernatural twist, the motherfucking reverse sugar that i did not expect 😂 what kinda dynamic do you envision? Are they overall similar to savior except for some key point or is the energy between cegan completely altered? What are the vibes 🤩
Also! What are you thought on Negan's evolution and can you add your twist as to where do you think Carl can fit in it
(ive never watched dead city and stopped twd years ago coincidentaly right after carl died i keep up a bit with spoilers so i got the gist of it. But from what i can see he's become a fundamentaly different person. Swagger still there but dialed down enough to make me sad 😔 wbu do you keep up? id be impressed if you did cause that's some damn comitmment.
Listen i've been trying to recreate your magic by combining ao3 tags lately but nothing seems to fit! Its the age difference, its the slow burn with what started as someone playing meanly and exerting their power on someone else only to be hit with the feelings 🫢, it's the top tier d/s subtext, its the jealousy and the two step forward one step back, its the smut tbh mostly the smut, simply put it's giving.
And absolutely no rush and dont feel obliged to answer but what kinda irl timeline are you predicting for part 3 and 4 and the neganpov? You've been churning out updates lately (22k high quality chapter within a month; we are spoiled god bless🫂).
I'm frothing at the mouth waiting for your next update. You sincerely bring me joy.
Hi again Cegan lovely! ✨
Thank you so much for this sweet message.
The dynamics of the other Cegan project I have planned will be very much similar to the Savior!Carl universe with Carl and Negan going from enemies to lovers. The only one that is truly different is the reverse sugar daddy AU where I'm going for a Carl that is super shy and vulnerable, really a gifted kid who has trouble connecting with people and who clings to his crush for his former PE teacher for dear life. I'm really excited about those projects even though I have no idea when I'll have time to write them 😅
I am still heavily involved in TWD universe and I have watched the main show until the end, as well as the Daryl Dixon, The Ones Who Live and the Dead City spinoffs. I was very unhappy with Negan's characterization in the last season of TWD but Dead City really brought a breath of fresh air and I'm excited to see what lies in store for Negan in season 2.
So funny thing, part 4 of the Savior!Carl universe will cover Rick's arrival and the war between the Saviors and the other communities, but because I want to stick closely to canon, part 5 will deal with the time Negan spends in the cell and the Whisperer War. So I have in fact plans for Carl and Negan's relationship even after Negan loses his empire. (I'm actually very excited about their new dynamics after that happens ❤️‍🔥 While Negan will go softer, Carl will become a lot harder and more ruthless so that will be pretty amazing to explore...).
I'm so happy that you enjoy the Savior!Carl AU 😍 If you're looking for more Cegan content, I recommend looking at my bookmarks. If you enter Carl Grimes or Negan Smith in the "other work tags to include" section, you will be able to see all my Cegan bookmarks. I especially recommend the fics by Gemjam: Wildflowers and Genesis, which are really the main inspiration behind the Savior!Carl universe, but in my bookmarks you will find loads more of amazing works by amazing writers! Happy reading 📖
So for the time-line, part 3 will finish this summer for sure, hopefully by beginning of July. I will post chapter 10 this week (hopefully today or tomorrow), and then it's only two more chapters to go. The time-line for 4 is a lot blurrier because I still have a lot of brainstorming to do. Same for part 5 and for the Negan's pov. Ideally, I would like the Negan's pov to post at the same time as part 5 because Carl will spend a lot of time away from Negan while he's in the cell, so posting Negan's pov at the same time would still giving readers a healthy amount of Cegan next to the plot of part 5.
Thank you again for such a lovely ask and I hope you have an amazing day 💐😘
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cultofdixon · 2 years
Come With Me
Daryl Dixon • They/Them Pronouns • Jealousy never looks good on anybody. And it was odd at first to everybody when you extended a branch to Negan, but as the odd feeling fades for others…Daryl is still left stuck in his head • ANGST/SFW • TW: Injuries / Nightmares
Requested by: Anon
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“I made her a bed, she’ll be comfortable and safe here” Y/N crosses their arms leaning against the bedroom door frame watching Daryl unpack his bag back into his dresser. “I don’t have a dog bed”
“He can be with me, no?”
“As long as he doesn’t bark when I come home from the night shift” Y/N smiles a bit moving from the door the second Daryl brought himself close instantly bringing them into his embrace. “I’ve missed you”
Daryl squeezing them in the hug confirmed the same feeling back. He wasn’t great with his words, everybody knew that. He was just relief that they let him back in after the bridge explosion years ago.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
“Daryl…why? Because of what happened to Rick? What is leaving going to do?”
“He ain’t dead. Must’ve got caught up in the water. He could be there and I’m gonna find him” Daryl practically pulled the drawer out of the dresser as the loud thud startled Y/N slightly as they continue to watch him pack struggling to find the words to make him stay so all that came out.
“S-Stay, Daryl please”
Daryl felt himself slow a bit the second he heard the crack in their voice. He wanted to just drop everything and hold them for hours on end. But another part owed a whole lot of people to go find Rick.
“Come with me”
“Daryl I can’t just drop everything. We lost something—-“
“And I’ll find it. Now you understand why I’m leaving?”
“Daryl he—-“
“SHUT IT” Daryl snaps watching them flinch realizing he shouldn’t have done that. But he wasn’t going to listen to them be like some of the others.
He’s not dead and he’ll make sure of that.
Even if that meant they weren’t sleeping in the same bed anymore.
Daryl hasn’t slept in a bed in forever and Lydia never had a bed since the start of it. So both of them were wide awake not knowing what to do.
Why did they take me in was all they thought for two different reasons.
Then the sudden shuffling startled Daryl up and out of bed to investigate, seeing Lydia struggling to open a door which was the room Y/N was staying in. The panic started to fill in as Daryl joins Lydia, inevitably gently pushing her aside and kicking down the door finding Y/N on the floor trying to not make it look like they struggled.
“S-Sorry I heard mumbling and then a thud…I-I couldn’t just—-“
“It’s fine…Nothing bad happened” Y/N held their head for a moment sitting on the floor as Daryl tells Lydia to go back to bed while he stayed with them. “I’m fine. You can go back to bed”
“Ain’t leavin’ til I know you’re okay” Daryl extended his hand and when they didn’t instantly took it, he felt worse for leaving. “Y/N I…”
“I-I have the night shift on watching Negan. I was getting up to get dressed and just. Fell out of bed.” Y/N frowns rubbing their arm knowing there are going to be random bruises in places just from falling onto the hard wood floor.
“We still have shifts for that?”
“Yeah…I don’t know why alright?” They sigh bringing themselves to their feet stumbling a bit, making Daryl hold their arms to help them steady before hesitantly letting go. “Go back to sleep. I’m sorry this happened” they finally collected themselves moving the blanket onto the bed and getting their boots on.
“Layer up, and take Dog”
“If it helps yea sleep at night. Im taking your poncho and Dog” Couldn’t tell if they were serious, but hearing Dog’s footsteps confirmed half of that.
The familiar footsteps made the resident prisoner adjust the light on his lantern to be brighter for the entire room instead of just beside the cot enough for him to read. Y/N made their presence known while also Dog came barreling toward Negan to start sniffing him.
“I don’t got any drugs! How would I even get drugs?”
“What about the pain killers for that laceration?”
“Okay smartass. Why do you have Dog the dog? Judith loves that damn thing…” Negan watches Y/N move his legs so that they could sit on the cot instead of the uncomfortable wooden chair outside the bars. They started to let the door open for Negan, the cell door at least. The main door to the basement gets locked when he’s down there. “Daryl moved back in?”
“Yeah, and he saw me post-nightmare. I didn’t want to tell him what really happened or what it was about so I just lied saying I’m doing the night shift”
“Make sure he doesn’t ask Michonne if that’s real or not. Not like we do much of anything but talk and get my fucking cuffs in order” Negan closes his book turning to stare at Dog who was trying to get comfortable on the cold concrete, making the man toss one of his two blankets on the floor for the damn thing to lay on it. “Why didn’t yea just tell him?”
“Because it was the same one. That I have been having since Rick died.” Y/N frowns watching their hands shake as they adjust the poncho to cover them up. “Since Daryl left…”
Daryl couldn’t help himself and followed Y/N, but stayed by the rain drain that lead to Negan’s cell. The one Judith would talk to him through. Keeping himself out of sight but noticed Y/N sitting with Negan which stirred a bit of the rage back inside him.
“You should just tell’em. I don’t see no point in not sleeping at night” Negan crosses his arms. “Or pretending to be mellow about him coming back when all yea wanna do is jump his—-“
“I’ll hurt you if you finish that sentence Negan”
“Feisty as always. But I make great points”
“Oh should we talk about your great points that lead you here?”
“Hey I fucking saved your ass, his ass” He quickly points to the Dog. “And Judith’s. I only get glared at two times a day now”
Y/N rolls their eyes snorting to such keeping to their side of his cot as Negan took the silence as going back to what he was previously doing. They’ll vent more if they have to Negan thought glancing at them every now and then.
Meanwhile Daryl started to make his way back to their place. Their place. His and Y/N’s! His Y/N’s!…shit Daryl sighs taking a seat at the steps to the place thinking about what he heard. Nothing too weird just that he’d wish Y/N would talk to him more. Like old times. Now Negan is that person. Fucking Negan He grumbles rising and heading inside.
“How long?”
“How long what?” Michonne looks at Daryl confused by that question as the conversation of how RJ and Judith are doing with no clear path to lead to his question, didn’t make any sense. “Elaborate Daryl”
“Y/N and Negan” just saying that made Michonne choke on her water, making Daryl start off with there’s something going on in his mind but when she started to laugh he groaned. “Alright, what am I missin?”
“Nothing. They talk but they’re only colleagues. Y/N does have to watch the idiot. You think they would just stand there in silence?” Michonne went for another sip of her water noticing the serious look on Daryl’s face. “You’re an idiot if you think Y/N would do anything more”
“I am an idiot, but for leavin’ for so long”
“You were doing what you thought was right, Daryl…not saying we all came to terms with yknow still. But Y/N understands why you did it”
Daryl sighs leaning against the kitchen counter looking at his feet to avoid Michonne’s pressing expression knowing there’s more. There’s always more that he doesn’t always say so Michonne took what she already knew and drew from it.
“Y/N keeps Negan from getting in more trouble than he already is in. When you left, they blamed him for Rick’s death and threatened to kill him. This lasted about a month. Until Y/N’s accident that left them within the walls for a few months just so we wouldn’t have to worry about them getting hurt again. During that time Negan opened up a lot. To Y/N. Because they were real to him about how they felt with not just you leaving. But everything he’s done. So he trusts them. And they talk and Negan just helps around the community.” Michonne finishes her water and gets her katana in its scabbard.
“Michonne…Yea think—-“
“They never stopped loving you Daryl” Michonne finally admits for Y/N in that moment. “So seriously. Don’t be jealous over Negan. Or I’ll let Y/N knock some sense into yea” she smiles leaving on that note as Daryl sighs being left alone with such.
As the rest of the day continues with ease, Daryl knew Y/N would either be by the cell or helping Lydia in any way or stuck babysitting Negan when he’s outside the cell. He’s been given responsibilities around Alexandria after he saved Judith in the snow storm. Besides, he can work to pass the time instead of staring at a concrete wall contemplating the end.
“Shouldn’t pull your punches with Y/N, Lydia”
“She’s working with a staff and you want her to land a good hit? I’m the one using just my hands here” Y/N laughs dodging Lydia’s lunges with the staff in her hands watching their hands the best she could to avoid the sudden grab of her staff after a lunge. They pulled her right off her feet but were careful not to be too rough about it. “Or cuz I’m winning these sparring matches?”
“I got close that one time!”
“Yeah cuz Negan thought it’d be helpful to toss a tomato at me” Y/N rolls their eyes helping Lydia back to her feet.
Daryl rounds the corner keeping out of all three’s line of sight so that he could observe. It was pretty…boring. He was just watching Negan get stuck hanging up laundry while Y/N and Lydia were sparring. But seeing the joy on their face when around the two, pulled an uncomfortable thought from his mind. The picture perfect…family, that’s supposed to be him. And boy is he an idiot for that thought.
“Y/N!” The scream to escape Lydia startled Daryl out of his thoughts as he stopped caring about his presence being known.
“Damn Lydia. Way to catch a person off guard” Negan drops to his knees rolling Y/N over carefully when Daryl drops down beside them. “Man of the hour, Lydia struck a bit too high. Nailed them right at the back of the head”
“Lydia. Get Siddiq” Daryl frowns watching her nod before quickly running off to the infirmary. “Hey Y/N wake up. Come on” he gently held their face as their eyes slowly opened but boy did the pounding sensation made them want to close them again. “Hey hey—-You can’t sleep. Might have a concussion”
“With that force, yeah it has to be” Negan scoffs receiving a glare from Daryl instantly as he held his hands up in defense.
“Mmm…my guardian angel is here with a mean lookin’ face” They groan out feeling Daryl bring his arm under their back to start helping them sit up. “Slow…slower…”
“You should do what they say Da—-“
“Fuck off Negan” Y/N mumbles letting Daryl sit them up even though all they wanted to do was go back down as they slowly started to do so but he stopped them from doing so. “Meanie…”
After Y/N got situated back in their room back in their place, Daryl sat on the edge of the bed watching them doze off every now and then.
It’s the pain killer Siddiq gave them but holy fuck did they have to go there Daryl frowns moving his gaze away until they tossed one of their pillows at him. “Hey—You need that”
“Look. At. Me.” Y/N snaps wincing a bit rubbing the side of their head a second. “You’ve been actin’…weird. Is it me?”
“No! No…”
“…You really gonna pry it out of me?” He questions seeing their infamous annoyed look as they gesture to the situation they’re in. “Fine fine…You’re startin’ to like Negan more than me”
Y/N really wanted to laugh in that moment because he’s got to be crazy. Maybe Lydia hit his head on the way to getting Siddiq for their injury. There is someone crazy enough to like Negan that way, but Y/N is not that person. Especially when they haven’t stopped.
“You think I stopped loving you—let alone like you because you left?” They frown crossing their arms seeing him avoid eye contact once again. “Daryl Dixon. I do not like Negan more than you.”
Daryl still avoided eye contact for a moment before Y/N started to nudge him with their feet.
“Stop pouting and come up here” Y/N pats the empty space beside them for Daryl watching him being hesitant at first as he makes his way. They instantly rest their head against his shoulder feeling him shift to make them both more comfortable. “You’re dumb for being jealous if that’s what’s happening…cuz I just. Never stopped when you left. That the one I time I went looking for you, I crashed my car and Aaron found me bringing me back. Michonne knew Carol knew how to find you, so she wanted to get that out there to you. But I didn’t want you to know…so I got stuck here and told to stay here which drove me nuts even when I was fully okay to go beyond the walls. Part of me wanted to go find you again, another wanted to stay in case you came through those walls any minute.”
Daryl hasn’t let go of that feeling when he first left in search for Rick. The painful feeling of leaving Y/N behind. Hearing all that they said made him feel better but also worse for the whole jealousy thing towards Negan. He just hated change and thought their feelings did.
“I’m sorry”
“You don’t have to be, the jealous thing yeah. Cuz you think you’re stealthy Dixon?” Y/N elbows him playfully giving away that they knew whenever he was hovering.
The cell.
The gardens.
The hallway outside their room.
The man may get around without being noticed by others, but they will always know where he’s at.
“Just. Don’t get too close to Negan”
“Yeah yeah. My mean lookin’ guardian angel will hurt the guy if he looks at me one way. He’s not the one I’m in bed with now is he?”
“May I remind you why you’re in bed?”
“Shut it Dixon”
Once the summer weather came around, Daryl stood outside Y/N’s door watching them get their pack ready. He quickly stood up straight when they brought their attention onto him.
“Hey yourself.”
“I ain’t good at this…” Daryl clears his throat approaching Y/N. “But some of us are goin’ to Oceanside. To train in case of a Whispers attack…come with me?” He extended his hand expecting them to say no but with the quick throw over the shoulder of their bag and their hand instantly accepting his.
“Someone has to watch Dog”
“Oh so it’s for Dog now?”
“Don’t get jealous over Dog now, love”
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ranebowstitches · 3 months
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Read on Ao3 [xxx]
A Carl/Negan fic by @ranebowstitches and @kinglycrowley
Negan makes a deal with Rick: His son for an easier burden on Alexandria. It would have been that easy if Carl wasn’t also an omega hiding his designation with suppressants.
An entry for the @ceganbingo ! Spaces: biting, sanctuary era, and the freespace is ABO in my head
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chenetic · 1 month
Judge me for only now watching the walking dead series, but I just finished Season 8 and now I'm starving for the regan ship guyssss. Where are youuuuu?
It was a dangerous idea, without getting spoilers onwards, but Ive read fics all the way up to the date season 9 started sooo
THERE ISNT ENOUGH ABO FICS? IM SURPRISED. I need someone to write where Alpha!Negan says "you're telling me your leader is an omega?? Well that's just badass as shit!"
BUT ALSO IN GENERAL, I'm gonna need you guys to write more Regan in general please and thank you (I could not write the amount of Negan-sayings that aren't just dick talk every 5 mins), I KNOW ITS BEEN YEARS BUT LIKE.... That'd be swell.
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thereadersmuse · 1 year
5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for? 6. What’s the last line you wrote? 7. Post a snippet from a wip. 12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them? 20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics? 44. What is your favorite genre to write?
5. How many wips do you have?
Probably around 15, half of which are unposted.
What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Oh god, like probably 15 different fandoms tbh.
6. What’s the last line you wrote?
"The shadow play of her auburn curls being released one by one from their elegant coif captured his attention firmly." (Bridgerton, polin)
7. Post a snippet from a wip.
"Negan's leg kicked out weakly, skidding the box out from between them like even that was too much of a separation. Like what was in that box was too much of a taint for him to stand as his free hand darted to his mouth like he was good to be sick along with her. "I am not here for you," she hissed, fists clenched. "This isn't about you." Negan's chin dipped into his chest weakly before leveling with her again. "I know," he said simply, eyes drifting down to her belly. "Believe me, I know."" (negan x maggie, twd)
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
I don't outline anything. it is pure chaos here tbh. I usually have an idea or a scene I want to write and then the fic develops from there.
20. Do you prefer writing AUs or canon fics?
Mostly canon, but I love specific au tropes and often write them in my active fandoms. The soulmate au, vampire au, abo, the list goes on.
44. What is your favorite genre to write?
I have a very specific genre I like to write, actually. It is called: "I WANT TO READ THIS BUT IT DOESN'T EXIST AND I NEED IT TO CATER TO MY VERY SPECIFIC WHIMS AND FUCK- I GUESS I HAVE TO WRITE IT."
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lovearne · 2 years
Hi, hello. Welcome to my blog. My name is Arne, and I will be your host. The first thing is first
You need to be 18 and over in order to follow, interact or view my stuff. It's a safety for everyone, myself and everyone else. Please respect this rule, or you will be blocked.
Next, I'm always open to requests. I'm working on prompt lists right now. I'm also always open to asks in my inbox. Or dm me!! I like to think myself as friendly jsjsksn.
Masterlist link
What I write for:
- fluff
- angst
- smut (if requested, please be specific in what you wanna see)
- abo
- soulmate au
- platonic fics
Who I write for:
Helmut zemo
Logan Howlett
Tony Stark
Frank Castle
Chris Smith
Adrian Chase
Emilia Harcourt
Rick Flag (also any other Joel Kinnaman character)
Bruce Wayne (I can try jdjdjs)
Dick Grayson (I can also try)
Call of duty:
Simon "ghost" Riley
Johnny "soap" Mactavish
John Price
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Alejandro Vargas
Ladies in lavender:
Rodolfo Parra
Robert Zussman
Red Daniels
Star wars:
Andrea Marowski
Din Djaren
Boba Fett
The Cloverfield Paradox:
Ernest Schimdt
Javier Peña
The crew (netflix):
- Jake Martin
Escape/Cargo (2006) :
- Chris
Basically any Pedro Pascal, or Daniel bruhl, or Freddie Stroma chatacter. Run wild.
Red dead redemtpion:
John Marsten (both first and second game)
Arthur Morgan
Charles Smith
Jack marsten (exclusively the adult version we see in the epilouge of the first game)
Hosea Matthews
Lenny summers
Sean Macgurie
Walking dead:
Daryl dixon
Rick Grimes
Shane walsh
Dean Winchester
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thewalkingdeadband · 2 years
Ok, here we go twd series finale review, very long i'm afraid
Things i liked:
- The fact that basically everyone survived (except Rosita but im gonna talk abt her) and had a happy ending (except Caryl but im gonna talk abt them in a separate post). I was expecting more deaths, which in retrospective was naive of me cause Twd has always done that, one big death in a finale or even in half a season, thats all. And considering Caryl's ending, having everyone else, or almost, happy is a balm for my heart. Some people are probably thinking that there wasnt enough death, but im more than ok with that. I was sooo freaking worried for Aaron, Gabriel and Eugene particularly that the relief was immense.
-  Rosita's emotional scenes with Eugene. Not once in season 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8, could have i imagine things ending like that between them. Not once have i imagined  back then the possibility of seing these two saying to each other how much they loved each other.
Contrary to a then popular belief, i always knew she cared abt him deeply: please go see her reaction when he's taken by Negan instead of her in 7.08, she's litteraly losing it. And her anger at him and "determination" with Daryl to "kill him" (pff, yeah, right) in s8 only shows how much she was hurt by his actions. They grew closer after the time jump in s9 and were basically bff by then even if he still was in love with her and had to be reminded later that no, it would not happen. So while im not surprised abt the love they had for each other, im actually amazed they said it outloud, like whaoh, because if there is one relationship in this show that hasn't been ruined but on the contrary has totally improved over the course of the last seasons, it's them. Their scenes in those last episodes were magnificent,  and the finale was no exception. They have come such a long way. I bawled like a baby.
The highlight of this moment: "im glad it was you in the end". Excuse me? 🤧😭😭😭
-  Rosita and Gabriel: at first it felt underwhelming, like he didnt show many emotions. Not when he learnt the news, that i could understand, he was in shock and it was actually such a fucking beautiful scene... but then, he prayed for her, and at first i thought could u pleaaaase drop the priest act and be the former boyfriend/the father of her child that she needs before dying (i dont care that Coco's not his biological child, and that they were broken up by now, he IS her father. And i loved Siddiq, but u get my point). But then i understood. He was on the verge of crying while praying, and tried to be strong and keep it together for her and Coco. He had to take care of Coco, having Rosita saying goodbye to her and then taking her away before the turn... Acting like a priest and a father, and not the man who loved her probably helped him stay grounded in this. I have no doubt that he lost it and ugly cried for hours in private alone in his room, off screen.
The highlight of this moment: "we will see you again someday". I'm not okay. I'M NOT OKAY😭😭
- Daryl being there for Rosita in a subtle, discreet and moving way. They did share a significant amount of scenes together over the course of the show ( ex: both kidnapping Eugene in s8, both trying to save him in s11c, kind of "funny" in a way) so it made sense that he was there.
- Rosita's goodbye with Carol and Maggie. The OG being there for one of the OG (Rosita is to me by now, in a sense). I wish we have had more scenes between them three..
- The fact that we didnt see who got to take her down before turning. It was not Gabriel who was with Coco. We can assume it was Eugene, and it is fitting, but who knows: Daryl was still behind them. Maybe Eugene could not do it, since he was so emotional, and maybe Daryl did it (a la Dale and Rick, remember? He would be the kind of guys to do this). I loved that we could interpret it the way we wanted.
- The music. It was awfully beautiful the whole episode, and i might go back on this for my specific post about Caryl for example, but the whole music post time jump especially was heart breaking.  And then can we talk about..   Landslide?? LANDSLIDE GUYS? Really?? 😭😭😭  This song makes me cry no matter what so you can imagine... in a scene who reminds us of the s7 dinner scene?? And also the one in s1... Please😭🤧 (oh, Yumiko's toast to Luke also reminded me about Abe's speech "to the survivors! " in the church in s5...💔)
- The "we're the ones who live" montage. I loved the first montage too especially since we got to see almost all the people we lost, but the dialogue/monologues of Richonne were too cheesy for me. I would not have minded "cheesy" for a reunion between them or between Rickyl or between him and the kids, him and Carol, etc... but for something that sets the spin off and isnt final, it didnt work out for me (also, since we're paying tribute to the dead in this montage: Sophia and Merle were missing. Hell, they could even have added Jim and Jacquie, Amy.....
But i did like that Sasha was put beside Maggie and Tyreese beside Carol, it was fitting in a way that i cant describe).
A simple line like "we're the ones who live" repeated by everyone made a bigger impact on me than their inner monologue in the first montage. Just my opinion, obviously. And we got to hear Morgan too: the "Morganite" in me kept saying please show him, please show him, please show him... So i obviously screamed when it happened. And hey, we even got a glimpse/nano second of Dwight too!
On a side note, i was soo happy we got more of Richonne than what i thought we would get, aka 2 sec as a post credit. I loved that it was in the actual episode and that it was quite long!
- Seeing Rick again. I loved seeing Michonne too, but i was simply a wreck to be able to get to see him, simply see him, and hear him again. Not because i love him more, but because he left earlier i guess. The wait was longer. Also, not my dumbass realising on a second rewatch only that their timelines were different🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️ (he had the phone, she had the phone... He threw the bag that she found later in the boat just before beeing taken back..)
Plus the line "Consignee Grimes..." with the look on his face, desesperate but determined, and the music behind... gave me so many chills omfg
- Luke's death. Didnt like that he died obviously, but the acting...the acting... it was so good and so poignant, it broke me
- Yumiko and Magna, while i didnt really actually care about them, i have to admit that seing them back together was nice amongst the chaos, and yumiko has been a bad ass with the whole Eugene situation these last episodes
- Princess living her best life at the end with Mercer just like i wanted, her being the bad ass that she is saving her man
- Eugene getting the freaking happiness he deserves, with baby Rosie (💔) and Max
- Zeke and Daryl's hug at the end. After everything, that was nice
- the callbacks: Daryl protecting Judith in her hospital room the same way Shane did with Rick... Giving her his blood just like Rick with Carl... Gabriel opening the gates after refusing to do so to his parishioners when we were untroduced to him... oh my💔 (i was sooo sure he was gonna die here and then by the way... as in coming full circle sacrifice u know... i stopped breathing)
- "At least we dont have to worry about who will get your house" "we already had to make an ugly decision: we kept u alive" KABOOOOOOOOOM CAROL MY HERO
Things that bothered me:
- well, caryl, though not surprising, but its for a separate post because there are still things that i liked, and things that i obviously didnt in this whole mess
- Negan and Maggie talk: I wish this particular talk had been saved for the spin off, so that we could have focused on having last moments with the other two people who were supposed to have a spin off together but ended up separated, u know, couch couch. That said, it was still a beautiful scene: of course she doesnt forgive him, of course she remembers how he laughed while killing Glenn, how Glenn called for her ("i'll find you"💔), and the fact that she still acknowledges he's trying and how she is grateful he saved Herschel Jr's life is more than enough and it would not have been realistic to have her forgive him. Now, we'll see i guess what happens in their spin off...
- i LOVE Glenn, but i would also have loved for Negan to remember that he killed Abraham too (not even talking abt all the things he did because thats not the point i want to make). He didnt have any scenes with Rosita, or Eugene, to be able to do that, but it really didnt seat well with me. And i wanted so bad for Eugene to mention Abe while Rosita was dying, saying something like "say hello to the big bad red- haired bad ass we all miss over here" well maybe not like that because cringe and clumpsy, but i dont know, something, anything, a simple mention for fook's sake. But he still was in the first montage, thankfully.
- Merle beeing, again, mentioned only for the bad things he did. I know he was NO angel, but if we can move forward when it comes to Negan we certainly can when it comes to Merle, who had no real time to be fully developped a la negan but still redeemed himself releasing Michonne and trying to take down the governor by himself, all because, believe it or not, he loved Daryl. So each time he's mentioned, and its rare, its actually to say things like "he would have been Negan" (back in s7 i think or 8, Daryl said that to Tara) which in my opinion is not true (s1 Merle? Probably. But the Merle who tried to kill the governor? Absolutely no. By then, he would have stood up to Negan a la Abraham i think. Especially if Daryl's safety was involved.). Or to say " he made me sell my blood for drugs". Great. We soo needed to know that. I get that Daryl probably have very actual few good memories of Merle (hopefully when they were very little at last), but lets not act like he didnt love him, didnt lose it when he learnt that Rick abandonned him on the roof, didnt cry his heart out when he died (the first time we actually saw Daryl cry i believe), didnt want Merle to try be part of the group... ("I just want my brother back.. " Remember?) No, instead, lets just bring again how shitty he could be and not acknowledge his sacrifice, despite how we keep saying in this show that we're remembered for the last thing we did, hence why its important etc. And believe me, i hated him at first like everyone else. But it seems unfair to me. I would have prefered no mention at all.
- also, how it was just an excuse to explain conveniently that Daryl is an universal donor, when it comes to blood... who knows if learning this in earlier seasons could have been helpful 🤣🙄🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️
- "To Luke", yeah... and to Jules too i guess? Although her grave/stone was shown later along his, and i get that she wasnt as developped as him (and he wasnt even greatly developped himself..) but still?
- Daryl's reaction to THE Rick news: i waited one full season for this? I get that at first he thinks Judith's kind of dizzy and not thinking clear (and he did have a "shocked" look for 2 sec) but when she then confirms it, what do we have? "Is this true ? Yeah? Well im not going anywhere" (!!?). Then he stays for a full more year indeed (!!?) and then he leaves, but while eveyone seems to assume in the comments/reactions i've seen that he goes looking for Rick/Michonne, i took it as "im following Maggie's advice to go explore and oh Jude by the way if i come across them i'll bring them back". IF, he says, not "im gonna look for them". All this coming from a man who looked for Rick's body for years, so much that Carol had to check on him worried as fuck on a very regular basis to make sure he was ok. Yep. I dont know, maybe i missed something?
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ficsforfundota · 2 years
Chapters: 34/? Fandom: The Walking Dead, The Walking Dead (TV), The Walking Dead & Related Fandoms Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Major Character Death Relationships: Rick Grimes/Negan, Daryl Dixon/Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon/Negan, Daryl Dixon/Rick Grimes/Negan, Beth Greene/Carl Grimes, Maggie Greene/Glenn Rhee Characters: Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes, Negan (Walking Dead), Sherry | Honey (Walking Dead), Carl Grimes, Beth Greene (Walking Dead), Merle Dixon, Rosita Espinosa, Abraham Ford Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Some Pre-Tags, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Daryl Dixon, Omega Beth Green, Aged-Up Character(s), Alpha Rick Grimes, Alpha Negan (Walking Dead), Master/Slave, Sexual Slavery, Knotting, Birthday Sex, Birthday Presents, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Double Penetration, Sold, Scared Daryl Dixon, Mpreg, Forced Pregnancy, Forced Bonding, Forced Marriage, Explicit Sexual Content, Rape/Non-con Elements, age-gap, Sexual Tension, Daryl Dixon is Bad at Feelings, Training, Bondage and Discipline, Angst, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Threesome - M/M/M, Anal Sex, Loss of Virginity, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Control, Shock, Double Penetration in One Hole, Public Sex, Mating Bond, Protective Rick, Sex Toys, Character Death, Alternate Universe - Shapeshifters, Omegas, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Arranged Marriage Series: Part 3 of Slave Daryl and Beth, Part 11 of Alpha/Omega/Beta Summary:
Negan Grimes-Smith runs Georgia states omega trade, when a particular omega is brought in he decides it's time for him and his alpha husband to have their very own omega. Their son Carl is also about to come to age, and they have picked out the perfect omega as a birthday gift.
A suggestion from a guest that I took elements from so thanks for the idea!
**Beth, Henry, Lydia, Duane, Noah, Enid and Carl have been aged up. Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics
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milarca · 2 years
in case anyone is interested in where else to find me and my dozens of sideblogs...
→ @ milarca - main blog. here you'll find general fandom, marvel, star wars, aesthetic posts, shitposting, meta, news, photography, quotes, memes, anything I find generally interesting or funny or inspiring. You can also find me @ milarca on archive of our own where i post my fanfic, a partial list of which is at the bottom of this post.
→ @ wren-by-the-sea - art instagram - you can also find me by the same name on Etsy for my calligraphy and art~
→ @ buckysbaron - exclusively marvel but mostly winterbaron and some winterbones
→ @ crossed-desires (NEW) - sideblog for the vampire chronicles and also AMC's interview with the vampire~
→ @ levamentum - sideblog for interior design, architecture, etc.
→ @ hurt-me-help-me - sideblog for mostly whump
→ @ sweet-andy - sideblog for the walking dead, rick/negan, cast and filming stuff.
→ @ leashesandlavender - soft kink, explit, textual and visual.
My recent Fanfic
→ Riptide (Part 1 of the Winterbaron Push verse) with @flannelsaurus ~ Marvel, Bucky/Zemo, explicit. "Eighteen months on the Raft has alarmingly diminished Helmut Zemo's health. Once the most feared submissive on the Joint Task Force's watch list, the former commander of EKO Scorpion is now dangerously depressed. Bucky Barnes, a dominant with a long and rocky history with the criminal mastermind, is called in to help. His mission: return Zemo to normal so he can finish a thirty year sentence. Easy, except it becomes clear almost immediately that Bucky has never wanted to fail a mission more." [Previously titled “More than a Push”]
→ Tide Rising (Part 2 of the Winterbaron Push verse) with @flannelsaurus ~ Marvel, Bucky/Zemo, explicit. "Even newly collared and now attached to the former Winter Soldier, Helmut Zemo isn't high and dry yet. Hurdles abound, and pleasure is plentiful too, as they seek to secure his permanent freedom…" [Sequel to Riptide, previously titled “More than a Push”]
→ Office Hours with @flannelsaurus ~ Marvel, Bucky/Zemo, explicit. University, student/professor AU. "When a handsome student in Professor Barnes' class comes onto him, Bucky has a difficult time keeping it professional…"
→ Strawberry Wine (Part 1 of Among the Willows) with @ranebowstitches ~ The Walking Dead, Rick/vampire!Negan, explicit. "When animals are found mysteriously drained of blood around the sleepy town of Desert Springs, Sheriff Rick Grimes ventures out to the homesteader Negan’s remote cabin looking for answers. Unfortunately for him, he exhumes a dark secret that he wishes would have stayed buried, deep, deep in the hills of California."
→ Carnival Lights (Part 2 of Among the Willows) with @ranebowstitches ~ "It’s the summer of 1881, and Rick and his vampire lover Negan are going on a trip—a carnival pitched near the bustling town of Modesto, California. The carnival promises to be the time of their lives, and the perfect place for romance. But all is not as it seems, and danger lurks just around every brightly-painted corner…"
→ Stress Relief ~ Marvel, The Winter Soldier/Brock Rumlow, explicit. Hydra Trash Party typical warnings apply. "Rumlow wants to get his mouth f*cked by the Soldier, and Rollins makes it happen."
→ Christmas in New York (Part 1 of Hold My Heart and I’ll Hold Yours) with @ranebowstitches ~ Star Wars, Kylo/Hux, modern AU, ABO, explicit. "When Kylo and Hux are stuck inside because of a snowstorm, they take full advantage of their predicament - until adventure comes calling for them anyway~"
→ Accidental Arrest (Part 2 of Hold My Heart and I’ll Hold Yours) with @ranebowstitches ~ "When Kylo gets picked up by the police for being in the right place at the wrong time, he has to survive in a cold cell until Hux arrives to take him home."
→ Jailbait with @ranebowstitches ~ The Walking Dead, Rick/Negan, modern AU, explicit. "Rick ends up in the state penitentiary and befriends prison boss Negan. Time will tell how much they get along, and how far they're willing to go to help each other…"
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thran-duils · 5 years
In Your Arms (Chap 4)
Summary: Alone and pregnant, in the post apocalyptic world after your Alpha died, you’re found by the Saviors and brought to Negan’s doorstep. Negan may be the answer to your loneliness. Pairing: Omega!Fem Reader x Alpha!Negan Rating: Explicit Words: 1,292 Warnings (for the whole fic): Smut, fluff, ABO dynamics, some angst sprinkled in
Part 3 || Masterpost  || Fanfic masterpost
“Are you afraid?” a voice sounded behind you.
Turning, you faced the voice. You came face to face with a young man, who was peering closely at you.
He gestured at your stomach. “The baby.”
Shrugging, you admitted, “Maybe a little. It would be my first one.”
The man looked amused. “Only a little? That is brave. Although, I have typically found women can be far braver in some instances than men – even Omega – contrary to belief.”
You did not know what to say and he sensed it. Stepping further towards you, he held out his hand.
“Ariz,” he introduced himself.
Taking his hand gingerly, you returned timidly, “Y/N.”
Ariz’s eyes crinkled, his smile wide and friendly. His artfully messy hair brushed his shoulders, coal in color. The skin was chaffed at his hands and you wondered if it had been like that before or an adaption due to hard work since the world fell apart.
“Well, what good are we guards if you’re not all that afraid?”
“Uh,” you started thinking. “I mean, I can’t run as fast as I used to, so I’ll need someone covering my back.”
Chortling, Ariz stated, “Good point. Although I’m sure Negan doesn’t want you running anywhere.”
You could not hold back a smile at this admittance. “Nor do I.”
“Or the baby, I’m sure. Be a bit of a bumpy ride for it, I imagine.” Reaching into his bag, he retrieved a small serving of bread. “One of the kitchen folk were instructed to tell me that I was in charge of bringing this to you. Took a bit to track you down, so it’s cooled a bit.”
“I’m sorry.”
Shaking his head, “Gets me outta patrol and having to listen to those creepy assholes growling outside for a bit. Don’t be sorry.”
Nodding in agreement, you told him, “Yeah, I don’t care much for them either. But Negan said it’s safe…”
Ariz looked amused, closing his bag. “Doesn’t sound like you’re that convinced.”
“Are you?”
“Course not. It is not good to ever feel completely safe in this world. But, I can tell you that I feel a hell of a lot safer inside these gates and walls than outside.” He swallowed, contemplating his next words. Leaning in, he told you quietly, “There’s some… questionable people that live here. But overall, this place is really what we call it. A Sanctuary. You just gotta stay on your toes and fall in line with the right people.”
Picking at the bread, you asked, “You mind telling me who those people are?”
“Well, me, for starters.” He grinned broadly, leaning away again.
You cocked an eyebrow, “You know, that seems like something exactly someone who was not the right type of person would say to throw me off.”
Aziz let out a hearty laugh. His eyes twinkled with amusement as he said, “No wonder you survived as long as you did outside on your own. You’re not an idiot. That’s good. Well, yes, that could be a tactic someone would use. But, could you just take my word for it that I’m just looking out for you? Not just for your sake, but for Negan’s. Gotta keep the boss happy and he’s lost enough as it is.”
His statement arose questions but you refrained from asking them. Instead, you conceded and nodded. “I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.”
“Lovely,” Aziz said cheerfully. “You enjoy that bread now. Make sure you eat the whole thing. You are eating for two now.”
With that, he turned on his heel, leaving you. You watched his retreating back, digesting what he meant about not wanting Negan to lose anymore. Were you already being seen as his?
<> <> <>
Aziz’s arm was tight around you as he struggled to help you down the hallway. Grunting, he asked for the umpteenth time it felt like, “You sure you don’t want me to carry you?”
You gasped out, “No. I told you! It’ll just make it worse!”
He had come to you to check in and bring you your lunch as he had for the last month. It had become a routine, he never seemed to be bothered about taking time out of his day to cater to your meal. The two of you had begun chatting over the time, learning bits and pieces about each other. You learned about how he had lost his husband, just like you. How he had traveled halfway across the country to get to where you were at now before settling with the Saviors. The two of you had become close.
And now here he was escorting you to Dr. Carson. You had been uncomfortable this morning and the pain had gotten worse quickly. He noticed the moment he approached you and when you said you thought you were in labor, he had taken to action quickly.
“Where the hell is – Gerard!”
One of the other Saviors had turned the corner and stalled, looking at the pair of you in shock. You were sure you looked a sight, breathing heavily and sweating up a storm.
“Hey! Help me! We need to get her to Dr. Carson ASAP. Baby is coming!” Aziz ordered Gerard.
Everything became a blur as the pain increased. It lasted for hours – that felt like an eternity. But in the end you awoke groggily, finding Dr. Carson handing you a small bundle.
“How many drugs am I on?” you murmured, not feeling quite right.
“You telling me you shouldn’t be holding the baby?” Carson tried to joke. You held the bundle closer and he chuckled warmly. “You’ll start to feel better soon. I gave you a pretty high dose of pain medication.”
“Is that safe for the baby?”
“Shouldn’t bother her too much,” Carson said reassuringly. “But, you can wait a bit before you try to breastfeed. You should rest a little more.”
Looking down at your arms, you smiled seeing your baby yawn, her little fingers flexing.
“Well, would you look at that.”
Your gaze moved to the door where Negan had walked in. His smile was bright, taking in the scene. Instantly, you felt safer having him near. He came to the side of the bed, peering down at you.
“You mind?” he asked, gesturing at the little girl.
Shaking your head, you loosened your grip on her. Despite trusting him, your heart beat quicker when he reached down and wrapped his hands around her tiny frame. You felt colder when she was taken from you, your eyes trained on Negan bringing her close to his chest.
You watched his eyes crinkle, adoration in his expression. He was gentle as he cradled her.
His eyes flicked back to you and he asked, “You thought of a name yet?”
“I didn’t know what the sex was going to be,” you reminded him. “But… I had a few names in mind.” He looked at you expectantly. “But… I think I like Naomi.”
Negan teased, “Choosing an ‘N’ name after me?” Your cheeks reddened and he chuckled, “I’m only teasing, Y/N. I think it’s a pretty name. Good choice. Right, Naomi? Mommy is smart, giving a beautiful name to a beautiful little girl.”
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips as he carefully leaned down to hand her back.
“I’m gonna stay in here with you for a bit if you don’t mind.”
“Of course I don’t.”
Negan took a seat and said, “Good. Just gonna watch over you the first few nights.” To Carson he said, “Not that I don’t trust you. But, I think I’ll feel safer being right here making sure Y/N is being well cared for.” To you, he said, “And of course Naomi.”
Tags: @daniissuchadani @mblaqgi @astrobabezblog @sleepyartistsworld 
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thefightingbull · 3 years
Send me prompts if you like my style. I’m so damned bored and trying to find something to spark my interest. I need to distract myself from posting the entirety of a chaptered story that’s sitting in my word docs. 
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irrelevantwriter · 6 years
Devil’s Play
Pairing: Negan x Female Reader/You 
Rating: Explicit, NSFW
Warnings/Tags: Language, A/B/O universe, smut, unprotected sex, choking (soft warning), slight dub-con, knotting, mention of bodily fluids
Word Count: 3.3K
Summary: You were an Omega on the verge of death, but your heat decided to present itself and offer another option to your Alpha captor and soon-to-be executioner.
 A/N: This is for sherrybaby’s follower challenge. I chose the prompt “Clever as the devil and twice as pretty”. It’s a long one, but hopefully so worth it. I chose to use Negan from The Walking Dead and I also decided to make this A/B/O universe. This went darker and rougher than I anticipated, but I’m pleased with the outcome. So, have all this delicious smut! Enjoy and congrats to sherrybaby!
*Masterlist in bio. 
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 You knew this was a bad idea from the beginning. And you knew you were about to die for said bad idea because your group had been full of incompetent, shithead Betas. It had all happened so fast. The gun shots and screams still echoed in your head. You hadn’t wanted to go forth with the attack, but that hasty decision was made by your group…the group that no longer remained. You’d been the only one to surrender, and because of that you were the only one taken alive.
With your hands tied tightly behind your back and your shoulders aching from being shoved around, you were quickly formulating a plan to hopefully stop your sudden demise. You knew no amount of begging or pleading was going to save you. No, this situation called for a strategy…a strategy much more thought out than the previous one you’d been involved in.
 “Alright…let’s meet the man of the hour, shall we?” The guy with the funky moustache smiled wildly as he gestured to a large black door that led into what appeared to be a factory. Or it had been at one point. They called this place The Sanctuary, but you had a feeling they were not planning on sharing that sentiment with you.
The gravel dug into your knees as you waited for the leader to make his appearance. You fidgeted, your thoughts racing as you struggled with the choice you were going to make for yourself before you’d even been offered an option. You were sure death waited for you. You’d heard of this leader before. You’d heard his name said with fear. The kind of mystical fear people used before the world ended when telling folk tales or scary stories. His name was like a whispered curse, but his reputation far preceded him. He took what he wanted and did so unapologetically. But this time, you weren’t even going to give him a chance to take.
“Well, what the actual fuck do we have here?”
His voice pulled you out of your thoughts and back to the situation at hand. Your eyes trailed up from the ground below and to the man standing above you on a set of concrete steps. He was unlike anything you could’ve imagined. He was tall, your neck craning at an uncomfortable angle just to take him in. He was lean, but sturdy. You could tell from the way he held the bat covered in barbed wire that there was a powerful force behind his movements. His upper half was wrapped in leather, the jacket unzipped to show a black t-shirt stretched over a solid chest. He would’ve been a dark cloud hanging above you except for those pearly white teeth he showcased. Teeth that were currently biting deliciously at his bottom lip. His dark eyes were staring down at you with a mix of curiosity and controlled anger.
The entirety of him made you weak. If you hadn’t been on your knees already, you were sure you would’ve ended up there. His scent hit your nostrils and you struggled not to moan. You were an Omega. An Omega without an Alpha. You hid that fact well by taking suppressants, but they were becoming harder and harder to find. You’d started to feel the small cramps two days ago. You hadn’t had a heat in years, but with a shortage of suppressants and no Alpha, you were about to spiral head first into a dilemma of epic proportions.
The sight and scent of him made you wet …really wet, and you knew you’d have to be quick. Even with all the guts of biters still clinging to your clothing and skin, you knew your scent would penetrate the air and alert every Alpha within the gates. And by the smell of it, there were many Alphas here. But none of them smelled or looked half as appealing as the one before you did.
“You really fucked up, doll.” He moved with ease down the steps, his eyes feeling as if they were penetrating your soul. You looked away in response, the true nature of your Omega self coming through.
“Uh-uh…look at me.”
His voice was so much closer and it warmed your entire body from the inside out. His boots were now in front of you, his scent nearly overwhelming to your deprived needs. Your head felt foggy and your dark jeans were quickly becoming damp with your arousal. You peered up at him, shrinking in on yourself as his eyes roamed your face and body.
“That’s better.” He soothed, though his eyes held the intensity simmering just under the surface. “You killed my men. Your group tried to steal my shit. That is a very bad fucking thing to do in these parts.” His words were concise, but you could hear the fury behind them. Your body shivered, both in lust and panic.
“Nothing to say?” He prodded, a gloved hand reaching towards you but never making contact. You shook your head in response, knowing an explanation of how inept your group had been would do no good.
“It’s a fucking shame, doll. Under all that shit you look like a fucking dime. You could’ve been something special for dear old Negan.” This time his gloved hand did make contact with your cheek and you reacted instantly. You pushed yourself into is hand, eager for the warmth and friction. A moan escaped your lips and a new wave of arousal washed over you. You knew he felt it too because he instantly pulled his hand away, his eyes wide and watching you closely.
The time had come to put your impulsively thought out plan in to action.
“Alpha…” You begged, your voice small but carrying the weight of pain you were experiencing. You were overdoing it a bit, but he was none the wiser. The moment called for theatrics.
His eyes darted over your form, as if looking for a stamp to say Omega on your body. He looked confused and you realized he couldn’t scent you. You pushed forward on your knees as he knelt in front of you. You could hear shuffling behind you, but Negan put up a hand to stop the movement. You realized his men must not have heard your plea and assumed you were still a threat.
“I’ll fucking handle this. You all step the fuck back.” Negan ordered, his eyes never leaving yours. The possessiveness nature of the Alpha was already taking hold. He grasped your chin lightly, tilting your face up and towards him. “Omega?” He questioned lowly.
You nodded, near delirious with his close proximity. His scent was affecting you more than you expected. He smelled of leather, molasses, and coffee…the combination immediately making you want to submit and submerge yourself in him.
“I can’t smell you.” He stated suspiciously. His hand not occupied with the weapon he carried shifted a tangled lock of hair off your face.
“Take me. Let me show you.”
A cramp seized your lower stomach suddenly and you winced in pain, doubling over. That had taken you by surprise. You realized his scent and your lack of normal heats over the years must’ve kicked things into overdrive. Your body was showing no mercy on you and you could only hope you’d played this right so that the tables turned in your favor. You were an Omega by nature, but you were in no way ready to lay down and die.
You could hear Negan shouting orders about cutting your ties off and releasing you into his care. The pressure on your wrists and shoulders was relieved immediately and you were helped to your feet by two arms sheathed in leather. He led you inside with a soft, but firm grip on your arm. He kept you close to him and you knew the implication was clear…to you and onlookers. You, for the time being, belonged to him.
His quarters were the nicest thing you’d seen since the end of the world. His bed looked even better. But his shower was where you currently resided. Negan had ushered you up the flights of stairs, eager to get you alone. You could tell he was still apprehensive and he seemed somewhat annoyed that he still couldn’t scent you. As soon as you stepped a foot over the threshold he’d shoved you towards the bathroom with a warning glance to not try anything. The door was only half-way shut, a calculated move on his part.
You savored the moment and the hot water. The warmth of it eased your cramps somewhat, but you could still feel the slick gathering between your thighs. You wanted so badly to bury your own fingers inside yourself, to lessen the throbbing that had started to intensify by the minute. Being surrounded by an Alpha’s things…by his scent, was fueling your frenzied state. You moaned as you grazed your swollen lips, your body pushing forward for more. You declined the request.
You shut off the water and began to dry yourself off. You stepped out of the shower and had just wrapped the towel around your body when the door burst open. Negan stood there. His breathing was labored, his eyes wild and a shade darker. He’d shed the leather armor and you could clearly see a splash of black ink across his skin. You rubbed your thighs together at the sight. He invaded your space in less than three steps, his nose buried in your neck and freshly washed hair.
“Goddamn doll…I can smell you clear as fucking day now. My mouth is fucking watering.” His baritone voice sent shivers up your spine, his words making you moan. Your mind entered that hazy state again and you knew it was him. He pushed his hips against you roughly, pinning you to the bathroom counter. His tongue lapped at your neck and you obediently gave him more access.
“You smell like the juiciest fucking peach…” He growled lowly in your ear, his hands pulling at the towel at your hips.
Another cramp washed over you. It was more painful than the rest and you knew your heat had arrived. You could feel beads of sweat forming on your skin already, your heart starting to thunder rapidly in your chest. You moaned, from pain or pleasure you weren’t entirely sure.
“I haven’t been this goddamn close to a rut in years.” His hips pushed into yours again, the counter bruising your back. You didn’t want him to stop though. You could feel the prominent bulge in his jeans, the appendage straining against the zipper. His hands were rough as they slipped under your towel and gripped your thighs. Suddenly, you were lifted off the ground and your legs wrapped around his middle as he carried you into his bedroom.
You landed with a soft thud as he threw you on the bed, the towel long gone. You were bared to him and he didn’t disappoint in drinking you all in. This time you allowed yourself to push through your soaked sex and pleasure yourself. You looked up at Negan from you spot on the bed and watched as he shed his clothes, his whole body vibrating with need. You’d never had an Alpha before, but you were more than ready to let him take you in any manner he saw fit.
“I’m gonna knot you, Omega. I’m gonna fill you up.”
You could feel yourself tighten around your fingers at his words and you arched off the bed, a soft gasp leaving your lips. A large hand grabbed at your ankle and you felt yourself being pulled to the edge of the mattress. You settled your gaze on the Alpha before you. His cock was long and thick, a stream of white already making itself known from the tip. The sight made your inner muscles clench. You could practically see him throbbing, the urge to bury himself inside you becoming too much. You wanted…no, needed it just as badly as he did.
“Alpha, please…it hurts.” You begged shamelessly. A dark chuckle sounded from between your thighs and a nip to the flesh there had you yelping.
“I can’t be gentle. Not now.”
It was a warning, but you weren’t going to heed it. You needed him and his knot and you would take it any way you could get it. You opened your legs wider, the invitation and response to his statement clear. He stepped closer to you and held your legs open as he started to rut against you, coating his length in your arousal. His lips met yours in a fierce kiss, tongues and teeth clashing harshly. You dug your nails into his back, ready for him to finally sheath himself inside you.
With a growl from above he thrust himself inside of you abruptly and you cried out at the intrusion. You’d never felt so full in your entire life. He was breathing hard above you, his skin damp with sweat and heated like yours. He was still for only a moment before he pulled back and thrust again. It was deep and hard, the small bursts of pain worth the overwhelming floods of pleasure you were experiencing.
“Oh…yes, yes, yes.” You chanted as Negan continued to pound into you without caution or care. You could feel his hands trying to split you open wider and you pushed back against him, wanting to please him. Wanting to be his good Omega.
“Fucking Christ…you are fucking tight. Made for my knot.” He grunted.
His hips were pushing you into the mattress while his dick dragged against your sensitive walls, his balls slapping against your ass with his movements. A hand grasped your breast, squeezing with a strength that made you whine and pull away. He ignored you and squeezed again, pinching your nipple in the process. You could feel him swelling inside you and you clenched around him in response. A hand shot to your throat and added pressure. It wasn’t enough to cut off your air supply, but the gesture made you dizzy with desire. Negan squeezed and you felt yourself start to flutter around his cock, sucking him further into your depths.
“You like that? You like your Alpha squeezing the life outta you?”
His words should’ve scared you, but he was entirely correct in his observations. You loved that he was so powerful. And you loved that that power could take your life through his own hands. It was the biggest shot of adrenaline you’d ever gotten and you didn’t want it to end.
“More…I need more.”
This time, he squeezed your throat and rubbed your clit vigorously. The dual sensations had you clawing at his wrist as your body tensed and spiraled into oblivion. You could feel Negan’s thrusts falter as you clamped down and didn’t let go of him. Moans and whimpers left your lips, but the noises you were making sounded foreign to your own ears. Your body shook with tremors, the stars behind your eyelids making you feel like you were floating in space. It was the most powerful high you’d ever been on.
You barely had a chance to recover before Negan pulled out of you with an obscene “pop” and you were turned on your stomach with your face in the bedding. You looked over your shoulder and could see him running a hand over his length, the juices coating him practically dripping off like a melting popsicle.
“Present yourself to your Alpha.”
The demand was gruff and said with an edge that let you know he was barely hanging on. Your limbs felt boneless and your pussy felt abused, but you did as he said. Your biology and heightened state of arousal left no room for you to refuse. You raised yourself onto your knees and stuck your ass out to him, letting him see the evidence of his frenzy. You propped yourself on your hands and readied for his knot.
“Such a pretty pussy. And it belongs to me now, Omega.” A single digit ran the length of your slit and you pushed back in return, eager for more.
“You ready for my knot?” He moved to line himself up with your opening, his hand spreading your ass cheeks.
“I’ve never…” You trailed off into a moan as the thick head of his knot rubbed sensuously at your lips and clit.
“You’ve never had a knot?”
You shook your head, but answered verbally when he slapped his cock against your pussy.
“No, Alpha.”
“I’m gonna have all of you…” And with that he plunged back in. Your fingers gripped the sheets beneath you as he thrust mercilessly into you. His length felt as if it was in your throat from this angle and you didn’t know if you wanted to run away or slide back further on it. His knot was swelling inside you again and you did what you knew would please him. You clenched your inner walls around him, suffocating his length.
“Fuck!” His fingers dug into your hips and you did it again, welcoming the bruises that would lay there days after. “Take my load, Omega.” It was another command and you didn’t disappoint. His knot locked inside of you, triggering another orgasm for yourself as he shot streams of cum into your womb. The action made you feel fuller than you already did.
Negan collapsed on top of you with a grunt, his chest heaving against your naked back. His body still shook with aftershocks and wayward shots of cum. You caught your breath, feeling completely and utterly sated. A rough hand traced a spot on your neck and you shivered at the contact.
“I’m going to mark you soon. Can’t have an unclaimed Omega walking around. Especially one that belongs to me.”
You said nothing in response, but you smiled below him. The plan you’d so hastily thrown together had succeeded and you’d avoided death. It wasn’t the most practical method, but you now had a mate and a place to make a life. You were so tired of running and hiding your existence. You were ready to surrender to the Omega in you and let an Alpha…your Alpha provide. Seeing Negan only cemented that feeling inside of you. You made the right decision. You were his to keep.
A hot blast of air near your ear startled you and as he spoke you tried not to stiffen.
“You are clever as the devil and twice as pretty.” He laughed, but you knew it was not an invite to join. “I haven’t gotten to where I am by being a dumb fucking shit. You may have escaped the Grim Reaper, but you are fucking mine. And that can bring just as much pain as it can pleasure, doll.”
His fingers danced along your spine, his knot still locked tight inside of you. His weight suddenly felt too heavy, but you didn’t dare move. You tried hard to stay relaxed underneath him as he continued to taunt you.
“So now I’m gonna mark you,” He traced a small circle on the flesh of your neck as he spoke.“Then I’m gonna fill you with pups. I’ll have you barefoot and pregnant in fucking no time.” His hand ventured down to your stomach, his fingers tracing another circle on the skin there.“And in the meantime, I will punish you.” 
The hand moved further south this time and landed on your clit. You could feel his warm seed still leaking from your joined bodies and dripping down onto the bed. The sensation was highly erotic and a clear display of ownership. He paid no mind to the mess and rubbed cruelly at your sensitive bud. He laughed wickedly and placed a kiss to the back of your neck as you shuddered, trying and failing to pull away.
“I’m gonna do all of that and you’re gonna thank me for it, Omega.”
You could feel the new flames of another fire starting low in your belly. The fear and doubt you felt at his words soon dissipated and were replaced with euphoria. You may have been as clever as the devil, but you were pretty sure you just fucked him and sold your soul for it.
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