#Alpha!Daryl Dixon
littlegodzilla · 1 year
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Alpha & Omega.
Alpha!Daryl Dixon x Omega!Reader.
One shot.
Santuary. Negan Era. Non-canon (at least not all of it.)
Warnings: Violence. Fighting. Blood. Death. Protective!Alpha. Fighter!Omega. Werewolves. Fantasy.
Words: 5000.
N/A: I know no one asked for it, but I had to write it. Sorry.
Night has fallen on all of you, unfortunately, it's not the only thing, the Saviors have been closing your escapes forcing us to make drastic and hasty decisions until you find yourselves in the situation you are in right now, surrounded by enemies, kneeling on the ground, Maggie suffering terrible pain from her pregnancy, but no one knows what is wrong with her, everyone is pointing a gun at the group and a lunatic appears from inside the caravan and you feel your whole body tremble, lowering your gaze.
He is a huge Alpha, in his hybrid form, with jet black fur and white torso, his eyes glow with a reddish light, one of his gigantic claws hold a baseball bat, his paws dig into the ground with every step he takes, his strong scent envelops you all, bending even Rick who is your leader and an Alpha with a dominant instinct, but that man's, in his wolf form, was suffocating.
"Has anyone pissed their pants yet?" He says with a tone full of sarcasm. "Well, well... I actually come here very disappointed, you know? I'm a very reasonable guy, if you had come all the way to my house, we could have had a chat, come to an agreement." He paces back and forth. "But you guys decided to go after my men, you killed them in cold blood. That's not right." He walks up to Rick and his smile turns dangerous. "You came into my house and killed my people, that's not right, Rick." He tells him. "In return, I should do the same to yours, don't you think?" he tries to be reasonable.
"You were threatening..."
"What, are you really going to talk back to me?" He snorted through his teeth and grabbed him by the hair, but released him instantly.
Daryl has lunged at him like a guard dog, slamming into the jaw of the Alpha hybrid who recoils several steps back, Negan's men quickly knock Daryl to the ground, Dwight aims at him in the head with his own crossbow, you jump out of your seat.
"No, Daryl!" you whimper in total panic.
"Stop everyone!" Negan howls getting everyone to stop.
Dwight doesn't lower the crossbow but steps back a few paces, they lift Daryl up with a sharp gesture, Negan walks up to him and rests the head of the bat on his chin. Your breath hitches dramatically, horrified thinking of what could happen, but Daryl doesn't hesitate, his blue eyes are locked on the Alpha's, defiant, letting his Alpha instinct rise, but Negan's is stronger.
"I was going to kill you, I was going to make you give in and tear you apart bit by bit, but..." His smile grows wider and his eyes bore into you. "I'm going to be benevolent to you, just this once." He continues and you all feel some relief. "In return, I'll take something with me. Her."
The bat swings away from Daryl's chin to point at you. You gasp several times, your eyes fill with panic, you want to refuse, but he keeps talking.
"She's an unclaimed Omega, and I need a new wife." He looks at you with intensity. "You're young, you'll give me some beautiful puppies, and I'll get my army back."
"No..." Daryl growls wanting to move, but they keep holding him back.
"If you don't... I'll kill your friends, one by one." He looks at you with intensity and you know he's not lying. "What do you say, beautiful?"
"If... if I go with you..." You whisper.
"No!" Daryl refuses again and takes a direct punch to the jaw.
"If I go with you!" You say again. "Then you won't hurt my friends... and you'll leave Hilltop alone..."
"Hilltop uh..."
"Promise me and I'll go with you..." You insist, he seems annoyed by your demands, but your Omega scent appeals to him.
"Okay, beautiful, I won't touch anyone and I'll leave Hilltop alone." He agrees and gestures to you. "Come, Omega, let me see you." You find it hard to obey, his voice bothers your ears and gives you a strange feeling in your stomach, still you have to do it for your people. Trembling you stand up and walk towards him. "No. Show yourself to me, your true form."
You hesitate, standing before him, head bowed, but eyes wide open. You have never used that form. No one has ever seen you like that. You don't like it, your true form, as Negan calls it, makes you vulnerable to Alphas, being an unclaimed Omega, your essence, your instinct, your scent as an Omega is triggered in that form, attracting all Alphas around you, not being in heat there is never a risk of being harmed, but you doubt with Negan that matters. Nevertheless you know you must obey, you swallow nervously and slowly let your body transform. Daryl holds his breath as he clenches his fists tightly, controlling his impulses. His heart is racing and his head is dizzy. An intense smell of forest, river and burning wood floods his nose making him gasp. He has never smelled anything like it, his wolf inside his writhes, howls in despair and Daryl feel his skin burn as Negan touches your tan fur.
"Precious... I never want to see your human form ever again." He warns you. "You will be my wife now, and this will be your form."
"Y-yes, Alpha..." You whisper lowering your head.
"Okay, now to go home, boys." You tell your men and nod your head. Two other Betas hold Daryl tightly and push him into the van.
"No! No! You said you wouldn't hurt them!" you protest looking at Negan.
"I'm not going to hurt him, we're taking him with us, he's going to be our little dog, a gift to you." He smiles and grabs you by the waist, guiding you towards another one of the vans.
You can't help but shiver when you arrive at that huge abandoned factory and Negan introduces you to his other wives. You aren't the only Omega there, there are five more women there, but they are clearly not there of their own free will, possibly threatened like you. Negan lets you settle in with them and when he disappears, they all return to their human form. That surprises you, but you don't move from where you are.
"You can change form if you want to. We all do it when we're not in front of him." One of his "wives" explains to you.
But you don't trust them, maybe it's a trick to find out how far you obey their orders and you don't want anyone to get hurt because of you, you don't want Daryl to get hurt.
Your eyes fill with tears at the thought of the Alpha. Your story... there really isn't a "your" story you've been traveling companions and friends since he found you locked in the shed at your parents' house after escaping a burning farmhouse, as the group told you, they were running around looking for food and shelter and they found you. An Omega alone, no mate, no Alpha, unmarked and unclaimed, locked in a musty old basement where her parents intended to keep anyone from touching her until it was time. At first you found it hard to trust them all, their scents were very different from each other, Alphas, Omegas, Betas, the group was a very peculiar mix and you had only known your family, your father kept you safe, your mother hated you for what you were. Slowly you changed, finding your true personality, becoming stronger, the time you all spent in prison, in your home, made things easier, but not much changed with the Alpha. Daryl always kept his distance from you, you were friends, you could trust each other, but the Alpha was never around you when you were alone. He, a lone wolf, without a mate, without an Omega by his side, was vulnerable to your scent, to your heat and always tried not to be around you for too long.
However, that didn't change what you felt for him, what you still feel. It's not just you, your insides know it too. He is your Alpha, your partner, your soul mate. You didn't know it at first as you had never heard about them, always hidden, your parents didn't tell you about Alphas and Omegas relationship until they found an Alpha for you, but then the world went to shit and you were locked in your basement. But when you saw him, when you smelled him, you knew that was your Alpha, not the one your parents tried to find for you. Now you can't do anything about it, you've been captured by this Negan guy who's a psychopath and to stop him from hurting your people you're going to have to let him brand you as another one of his wives. You shudder just thinking about it, the imposition of Alphas is something that has been going on forever, destined or not, when an Alpha meets an Omega, he goes on instinct and marks him, Negan is one of those Alphas and he disgusts you.
"You, the new one." You turn to find a blond man with a burnt face.
Dwight, Daryl told you about him and his partner, how they stole his bike and his crossbow after he helped them escape from the guys chasing them. He gestures for you to follow him and you leave the room walking behind him, your eyes observing everything discreetly, but noting in your mind every turn, every nook and cranny, mapping it out in your head.
You are taken to a doctor to be examined, to find out if you are okay, if there has been another man in your life, Daryl is there too, possibly they are healing the shot in his shoulder, or maybe not, but embarrassed you watch as the Alpha listens to the doctor's words. No one has ever touched you, at your age you are a complete virgin Omega, it's humiliating for you, but apparently it will be a very good thing for Negan.
"She will be an awkward mother at first, but after a couple of litters, there will be no problems." Says the doctor.
A shiver runs down your spine as you look at him in fright, A couple of litters? How many children did Negan intend to have?
"Well, I'll let Negan know about it." Dwight says gesturing for you to go with him again.
"Wait." Daryl speaks in a whisper. His hand closing over your fur causes a whimper to escape you.
"Let her go, Dixon, don't complicate things any further." Dwight warns you. "You don't want Negan to do anything to her as punishment, do you?"
"It's okay, Daryl, don't worry." You smile slowly at him, pat his hand and walk away with Dwight.
It's humiliating and cruel, Daryl has lost the time, the times Dwight has shown up at his cell and insulted him, fed him dog food and reminded him that his Omega will never be his again. It's been days since Daryl has felt the cold and dampness that pervades the cabin they use for him as a cell, naked, dirty, hungry, rage and the desire for revenge is what is starting to grow bigger and bigger in him. Not only having him there is bending his instinct, seeing you near Negan makes him sick, to his nose still comes that smell of forest and freedom that he likes so much, which relieves him, Negan still hasn't marked you and if he has tried, you haven't let him. That makes that his strength doesn't decay completely, he remains weak and submissive, but he is sure he will be able to fight if necessary.
After several days of captivity enduring Dwight's continuous abuses, the door opens once again, the smell of forest reaches his nose and with a trembling body he looks towards the door of his cell, you are next to his captor, Negan is also there with a crooked and cruel smile.
"What have you done to him?" you gasp in fright at the sight of his whole bruised body, you don't even care about his nakedness.
"D has been taming our dog, a bit unruly in my opinion, but I think he's ready to go out and play with the others now." Negan scoffs and you shiver.
"He'll obey, boss, he knows what's at stake."
"Of course he does. Let him get dressed, we have to go." Negan says, walking away.
You're tempted to stay, to help Daryl, but the huge Alpha pulls you, leading you away from the cell.
The journey passes in silence, Negan's voice reaches a point where you no longer hear it, ignoring him. You are taken to Alexandria, meeting the gates of the community gives you goosebumps, but you are not prepared for what happens next.
Negan has no compassion, the humiliation he publishes towards Daryl tears you apart inside, not only does he show you around like a trophy, Daryl is his dog, he goes after him obeying everything the jet fur wolf asks him to do. You want to ask him several times to leave him alone, but you knew that would be much worse. Negan walks around with you all over the community as if it were his own, although in reality it is, he has taken over everyone's will based on fear and threats. You've lost people because of him, and you're not willing to let him kill anyone else. Rick walks submissively by your side, showing you around, talking about the supplies they've tried to gather, without much success, he asks for Daryl back, he knows you're a more complicated deal, but Negan refuses.
"Sorry, Rick, but I like having pets and Daryl is starting to buckle." His huge claw comes to rest on the archer's head, the archer doesn't flinch, but he doesn't raise his head either. He just tries to ignore that it's there.
Each new visit to the community implies a new stab to your heart, seeing them like this, unarmed, weak before this group that doesn't even know how to live among them breaks your soul. You've never been a very brave Omega, you learned to defend yourself like everyone else when the world fell, but now you feel Daryl's rage and helplessness reflected towards you, and that gives you a strange power.
Daryl is back in his cell, now with that horrible brown suit they have given him, at least he doesn't feel so cold anymore, but Dwight's music keeps playing, his verbal threats don't stop either and he feels that every day he finds it harder to stand his ground. He curls up in a corner and rests his forehead on his knees, trying to calm down, to think of something.
About you.
Remember that day in the basement of your house. They had entered the farmhouse looking for shelter and supplies, it was almost all destroyed, your father's body turned into a Walker, they took him out of the house and when he heard noise under the house he didn't hesitate to go and see what was going on. That's how he found you; huddled to the side, hugging your body, scared, dirty, as hungry as they were or more. Daryl at once noticed your condition and how his inner wolf stretched curiously towards you, he tried not to show himself dominant towards you, even though his instinct was screaming for it, he knew there was something special about you.
"Daryl..." He hears your voice on the other side of the door and tenses. "Daryl, please tell me you're still there..."
"You shouldn't be here..." He whispers in a breathy whisper.
"No, I shouldn't and neither should you." You say in a firmer voice and then open the door. Daryl looks at you confused, but relieved, you're back in your human form. "That's why we're getting out of here."
Your words put him on alert, he looks at you with a confused and frightened expression. Carefully, he gets up from the ground and holds onto the wall, he feels weak, but when he smells you, your scent transports him new energy, something to fight for, he has to protect you, go home, help his people. He advances several steps towards you and kisses you. You sigh against his mouth as his hands cradle your cheeks and you feel him steal your breath with his kiss. Your whole body melts, longing to melt into your true Alpha, but now is not the time. Much to your regret, you break the kiss, but you look up at him with a smile.
"Let's go home..." You ask. "But I need you to help me."
"Sure, Omega, I'll do whatever it takes." He assures you feeling the tiredness has worn off.
"Good." You smile again and hand him an automatic and his crossbow. "I know you missed it."
"Thanks..." He whispers and then realizes that you are wearing his vest, something wild explodes inside him and he has to calm down.
Like you said; the important thing is to escape from there. When you are sure that Daryl is ready, the two of you run down the factory corridor. It's not going to be easy to escape, there are still many of Negan's men there, even if some have gone scouting or are threatening other communities, but you don't care, you open fire on anyone you feel a threat and crosses your path. The gunshots soon draw the attention of the whole building, more and more coming at you, some transform, others don't have time, but everyone gets a bullet between the eyebrows. You manage to get out of the building, the door leads you to the courtyard where they are holding those Walkers who are strategically placed by the prisoners. Daryl drops his gun to pick up his crossbow and shoot several guards that are approaching you. As he reloads, you cover him by firing as well.
"I'm out of ammo!" You yell at him.
"Me too!"
You both look at each other intensely, there are still so many people left in there, you may not even make it out alive. Daryl nods and you feel goosebumps rise on your skin, but you do the same. You get up from your hiding place again. Daryl grabs you by the waist to fire his last remaining round and you jump down the stairs, next to the fences of the infected. Your back collides with his and you feel a howl rip through your throat as you and Daryl transform at the same time. You had never seen the hunter transform before, his hybrid form, a towering wolf on two legs, tri-colored fur, brown, gray and white, with blue eyes that glowed unnaturally bright. You feel it hard to breathe, his Alpha scent shooting up, enveloping the whole place, a smell that makes you feel at home, protected and safe, a mixture of White Maple, cigarettes and leather, even some of Negan's men, Betas, recoil and lower their heads in total submission, but it's too late. The anger and rancor that has been brewing inside Daryl these days is boiling over and the wolf isn't going to stop it.
That becomes the scene of a real war, Negan's men jump to fight, you do not stay behind, the Walkers corner you but you also get rid of them, around you there are only decomposing corpses, defeated wolves, men split in two, the earth has a red color of spilled blood. You are exhausted and wounded, you feel it hard to stand, Daryl has serious wounds, but you are both alive. For now. With clumsy steps you approach towards him, your muzzle brushes the fur on his neck, Daryl groans low and rests his forehead against yours. The two of you stay like that, being each other's support, catching your breath, your strength. This isn't over yet, you still have to get out of there, back to Alexandria.
"What happened here!" you hear Negan barking behind you.
Suddenly, to your nose, his aura is no longer as powerful nor does he seem as big an Alpha as those days ago and you understand that his power and bravado was fueled by the strength and insanity of the men following him, he was just another Alpha. Daryl beside you keeps shaking, he grits his teeth hard and growls menacingly, the blood of his victims dripping down his gums to the floor.
"It's over, Negan." You tell him. "You have nothing left, only death... this is what you brought upon yourself."
"You've killed my men..."
"All of them." You assure him. "We have freed your wives, the people who lived under threat from you and your men, you have nothing left." You shake your head. "You are no one anymore."
"No... Damn you..." He roars full of anger.
"Let's go, Daryl, he's no longer a threat." You tell your Alpha, but he doesn't move.
"No... he's killed our people... he's mocked us... he's humiliated us..." The hair on his back bristles with every word.
"Alpha..." You try to call out to him, but his eyes are locked on his target. "Okay..." You sigh and step aside.
Daryl doesn't hesitate, his hindquarters flex to give him momentum and he runs straight at the other Alpha. Negan scrambles and for a second seems to get huge again. The collision of the two bodies is brutal.
"Saviors!" shouts Sasha as she sees the van approaching toward Alexandria's gate. "Negan's coming back!" She warns.
"Get down from there, we'll wait for him like we planned!" She is answered by Rick running towards the door.
Sasha obeys by placing her gun on her back, stepping down from the gate guarding area. All of Alexandria is in position, not only them, Hilltop and The Kingdom have come to help, all hiding and waiting for the right moment. Rick tries to compose himself, takes a deep breath and when he hears the van stop, he opens the doors.
His words get stuck in his throat, his eyes fill with tears and he feels his knees wobble for a second as his eyes show him what's on the other side.
"No..." He gasps in a breathy gasp.
"Dad?" Carl asks fearfully.
"Help me!" he shouts as he opens the doors all the way. "Warn Denise! Tell her to get the infirmary ready!" He breaks into a run and everyone is confused until they see it.
You walk slowly, limping, your tan fur now bright red due to all the blood decorating it, over your shoulder you carry the unconscious body of Daryl, as wounded or more than you, in your other hand, you carry the ultimate proof that Negan has been defeated; his head. Rick transforms, a gray and white furred wolf, his scent for a moment brings out a whimper from you, it's not the first time you've seen him transformed, but now his strong authority as an Alpha displeases you. Nevertheless, you agree to let him charge Daryl's body against his, you can't take it anymore, you drop to your knees and Rick touches your head.
"Alright Omega, you're home, you've brought your Alpha all the way here, he's safe..." He rewards you and you moan softly letting the tears finally spill over.
"He's very weak, Rick..."
"Denise will take care of him, don't worry, you must rest too and then you will tell us what happened." He asks you, you nod and let him take Daryl inside the community, quickly, as he needs urgent attention, you let your people wrap you up and introduce you to the new arrivals.
You've all been through an adventure and hell in your own flesh, for no one has been a valley of roses having Negan's presence on your necks, The Kingdom, with Ezekiel as King, tell you about the tyranny they were going through, you're surprised to see Carol next to the man, but you don't say anything, you like the couple they make, Hilltop and Jesus seem relieved, perhaps feeling guilty for asking for help against Negan and that all that happened, but you can't blame them either, the idea of going after them had been yours, so all that was going to happen anyway. You tell them about the battle to escape from there, Sherry, Dwight's wife helped you escape, you are not indebted to her, they betrayed Daryl first, but the woman felt guilty and wanted her partner back, so between the two of you you looked for a way to find the weapons, distract the guards and get Daryl out of his cell, after that, she took Dwight from there, leaving Daryl's things behind, because they knew that if they stayed there, the Alpha would come after them too. You told them how Daryl fought Negan, how small and vulnerable he seemed after losing his army, you are not proud of the violence and cruelty Daryl used to defeat him, but now you can live in peace without his looming shadow over you.
Everyone wants to know more about what happened at the Sanctuary, but you are too tired, physically and mentally to continue, you need to make sure Daryl is okay. You apologize to your people, who understand the situation, and let you go to the infirmary to check on your Alpha, even Denise leaves the infirmary for you when she sees you arrive. You have to admit that his condition is not as bad as you expected, now without all that fur covering his body, the wounds are not as deep or severe, equally Daryl is still unconscious, resting on the stretcher in Denise's infirmary, you are sitting next to him, watching him silently, relieved to see him sleeping, you feel happy because you are safe, you are home. With trembling hands you caress his arm, you feel his quality skin under your touch, Daryl grunts in his sleep, but he doesn't wake up. You watch his wounds continue to heal and smile, you lean in slightly and brush his ear with your lips.
His eyes flutter open, his heart is pounding and his breathing is wild. His whole body is still alert, for a second he is tempted to transform again, to keep fighting, but then a smell comes to his nose. Forest, wet ground... you.
He grunts low sitting up on the gurney, his gaze searching for you in the empty infirmary, Denise appears and smiles warmly at him, she nods and Daryl jumps up. He's glad to be in Alexandria, he doesn't hesitate to hug his companion longingly, but he quickly gets out of there, he knows what he's looking for.
His nose guides him, without missing a millimeter, he finds you next to the pond that is in the community, you are turning your back to him, but Daryl knows that you have already felt his presence, you are wearing his vest and in your hand you hold his crossbow. Daryl feels his wolf squirm inside him and sighs.
"Omega..." He calls to you, slowly, you turn to look at him, your eyes glow in the darkness of the night and he knows he is lost.
Neither of you need to say anything else, your bodies transform, back to that wolf form that is held on two strong hind legs and you take off running. Daryl waits, a few seconds, not too long, he counts mentally before following your trail, running after you. The gates of Alexandria are open, letting you both out, closing behind you again. You don't care. Your surroundings have disappeared.
Giving way to an ancient tradition between Alpha and Omega, Daryl pursues you, tracking you, hunting you down, Hunter and Prey, Dominant and Submissive. Alpha and Omega. It's always been that way, but Daryl knows you're a warrior Omega, a fighter, that you won't let him catch you easily. It's that part of you that drives him crazy, that makes him want to catch you and have you all to himself, when you saved him against Negan, when you went after him and went out fighting together, so that ritual becomes more exciting for him. He pauses among the trees, sharpening his hearing, sniffing the air, scratching the ground, trying to detect any movement, he howls and you, unable to contain yourself, respond to his howl. Daryl lowers his ears looking for your position, growls and runs off in your direction.
When he finds you, you have returned to your human form, completely naked, with your back to him, but your head is tilted slightly to one side, listening for the man to reach your position. Daryl stops, takes a step back, he can't attack you while in your human form, he could tear you apart and he's not going to lose you for a desperate move. He rests his claws on the ground, he growls calling out to you, waiting, you slowly turn to look at him.
"Alpha..." You call out to him and he Daryl lets out a whimper.
Then you run towards him, transforming on the way, catching Daryl by surprise, you jump and hit him. Surprise and excitement shake Daryl's body as he takes the impact. You are a wild, fierce Omega. No one taught you how to respect an Alpha, how to act with them. Daryl holds your body and pins you to the ground.
He's going to teach you how to be a good Omega.
"Did we let them leave?" Carl asks as he sees the doors close.
"Yes..." Rick replies.
"But out there..."
"Trust me, nothing and no one would be stupid enough to get in their way now." He smiles again.
"Don't you think we should go after them?"
"No. This is none of our business."
"Will we ever see them again?" He asks more distressed.
"Of course."
"That's up to them, they may be back tomorrow, or in a couple of days, maybe a week."
"A week?"
"When I met your mother we were gone almost a week." He laughs at the look on the young man's face. "They've been putting this off for a long time, so it's possible they'll be quite a while."
"And Michonne? With her you don't..."
"She's an Alpha woman, she's different, these rituals are between Alpha and Omega..." He smiles and touches Carl's back. "You will understand when the time comes. Now let's go rest, for today I don't think we need to stand guard."
Carl hesitates, watching his father come down from the watchtower, he's still young and there are things he doesn't understand, but his father seems pretty calm about it all, so he doesn't insist.
On their way home, father and son hear two long howls echoing in the night.
The End.
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.⋆。Impeachment Part 2。⋆.
Alpha!Rick Grimes x omega!reader x Alpha!Daryl Dixon
Everything was gone and destroyed but she was still theirs
Warnings: angst, death, presumed death of reader and unborn baby, walkers, violence, captivity, malnutrition/starvation, injury, guilt, sort of amnesia
WC: 4.8k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness
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“I just wanted to come see how you were settling in, I know that being in a new place can be jarring to those who have been on the outside.” As Deanna spoke, Carol slipped from Daryl’s hold and fell in line behind him, as if he was protecting her. 
In an unconscious move, Rick stepped forward, using his body as a shield to block the Alexandrian’s view of the group. “We’re just getting used to bein’ behind walls again. Tends to make us jumpy.” The alpha understood, nodding in sympathy. 
“You're safe now, both from roamers and other people. These walls are strong, nothing can get in.” Rick's hair stood on end. That's what they said about the prison. The air in the small house was tense as an awkwardness fell over the group.
Carol shifted then, the floorboards creaked loudly.
Deanna's brown eyes flashed, catching sight of Carol’s excited state, but said nothing. She walked back out of the house, glancing back only once with a silent warning to stay in the house. “Have a good rest of your night.”
As soon as the door shut behind her, Carol exploded. “Please, we have to go.” 
Rick sighed heavily through his nose. “First, you tell us what happened.” The other's attention flicked back to the omega who was now trembling with nerves.
She glanced around, searching for some sort of approval to take off again, this time with the pack alphas in tow but when she only received looks of confusion and general concern, her excitement died down to a simmer. “I was going to the armoury but something about that woman they had in the infirmary bothered me.”
The house was easy to break into given that there seemed to be no locks in the entire city. Darkness clung to every corner, creating an eerie air that set her on edge as she moved to the basement of the home.
The snarls coming from the back room were downright savage as Carol snuck closer, her shoes not making any sound against the cold concrete. The scent emanating from the room was sour but the undertones were incredibly familiar, like something nostalgic, reminding her of a better time. With a trembling hand, the omega twisted the doorknob, pushing the door open slowly.
Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of the woman curled up in the corner of the room. A tattered shirt hung from her frame, the ripped cloth doing nothing to keep her warm or hide her distended stomach. It looked wrong, the way the huge bump was hanging off her frame, how skinny she now was. The natural softness she carried was now gone, the thick curves she was known for, had disappeared. Her eyes were a bright amber, a tell-tale sign of the omega having gone feral.
But beneath the dirt and grime, Carol could see that young omega they thought they lost, she could see the two claiming marks on opposite sides of her neck, each one with a bite radius matching the two men who had been desperately searching for her.
She gasped involuntarily and the omega's yellow eyes snapped to Carol and a growl echoed through her chest. It was so deep and so unnatural it legitimately frightened the unshakeable woman. A warning. 'Stay away, I will kill you to protect my pup'. 
She took a step back but didn’t leave the room. Her head was lowered, her eyes locked on the woman’s. “I'll be back ok. Stay here.” The answer came in the form of another growl as Carol turned and ran out, gunning straight back to her pack.
“Are you sure?” It was Carl that broke the silence when she finished speaking. His eyes sparkled with tears and stepped closer to her. “Is it really her?” 
“It ain’t her.” Daryl snapped. “She's dead.” Carl swallowed thickly, leaning into his father's side for some sort of comfort. He had lost two mothers less than 6 months apart from each other and he could hardly bear it.
Rick placed a hand on his boy's shoulder. “We don't know that for sure but Daryl's right, the probability that it is,” he tried to say her name but it caught in his throat, choking him, “it's incredibly unlikely.”
Carol snapped back. “I know what I saw and I was around her enough to have her scent permanently etched into my mind. It's her.” 
“No it ain't!” Daryl was red with rage but the tear that rolled down his dusty cheek told an entirely different story, one that everyone in that room knew all-too-well. If she was alive, they had left her behind to die, turning her savage in the process. 
Even before the world fell, there were cases of omega and alphas going feral, even some betas in rare instances. It was a survival tactic. With the brain reverting back to its primal self, anyone could survive the most dire of circumstances. It only usually happened with soldiers or people trapped in an abusive relationship.
But now, Rick supposed, it would be extremely common. “But if Carol's right, there's no telling if we would be able to bring Y/N back. Who knows how long she's been feral for.” Glenn pointed out, somehow managing to make everyone feel worse.
“I'll go back and check it out with Carol. If she's right, we can try to help her. We have both of her alphas and both of her pups, that should do something. And if it isn't her, we can move on.” Taking charge, Maggie spoke up but looked to Rick for approval given the severity of the consequences should two members of their group be found wandering well after dark.
His first instinct was to say no, there was no way he could risk all of their safeties for one person (even if it was his omega and unborn pup) but as he looked over his pack and watching how their eyes lit up with both despair and hope, he knew that he couldn't refuse. “If you're not back in 20 minutes-”
Carol had taken Maggie's hand and was out the door before he could finish his sentence. He huffed. “Y'all go get some more sleep, we don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow.” That appeased the others, especially since they had almost no clue who Y/N was save for some vague mentions of her.
Carl and Daryl stayed in the foyer. “It ain't her.” But Daryl's voice was broken and weak. Conflict swirled in the blue of his eyes. He wanted so badly for her to be alive but to be alive and in that condition because of his inability to protect her- it was killing him. 
“It's not your fault. Or my dad's. This could be our chance to get her back.” Carl almost begged the other man. “Just have hope.” Daryl scoffed and turned his back on them, storming off to a quiet part of the house.
“Go check on your sister, I'll deal with him.” Rick followed after, his own heart heavy with guilt.
Maggie kept her head on a swivel, watching for any movement from the empty streets and dark houses. Carol however, had her eyes locked forwards, speeding back to the infirmary. 
A light drizzle had started, cooling down the warm night air considerably but that wasn't the cause of Carol's goosebumps. They had lost too many already, whether it was from walkers or even other humans, so the prospect of getting someone back was overwhelming. She thundered up the few steps and threw open the front door, Maggie close behind.
Carol was so deep in her excitement that she didn't notice that the yowling had stopped, but the other woman did. “Carol-” She started but her warning went ignored.
The basement door was open just wide enough for the dull yellow light of a lone lantern to illuminate the hallway. The wood slammed into the wall as the door was thrown open by the older omega, making both women freeze.
The room was barren save for a ratty blanket on the concrete ground. “She was here! I swear!” Maggie cautiously inched into the room. She scooped up the torn fabric and brought it up to her nose. 
“I believe you, her scent is fresh.” The silent question was left hanging in the air, 'where did she go?'.
It had taken less than 2 weeks for the relative safety of Alexandria to collapse. The first cracks had appeared on that first night. When Maggie and Carol returned alone but with a blanket that reeked of their lost packmate, Daryl had almost gone mad searching the town for her. He had caught her scent only once and it was outside the wall. It led them all to question the strength of the huge steel plates if a starved and heavily pregnant omega could scale it.
Then Noah was gone and the rift between the Alexandrians and them got even larger. It seemed like nothing could unite the two groups, especially after Rick became de-facto leader after Reg’s death. 
Everything felt so wrong and out of place. With the discovery of the herd in the quarry and the realisation that Y/N was still alive somewhere, those feelings only got worse for Carl. 
Chaos rippled through Alexandria, leaving deep panic and blood in its wake. People had somehow scaled the great walls of the city and had already killed so many of their own. A bulk of the fighters were gone, effectively leaving the women and children undefended and woefully underprepared for any attack. 
Adrenaline coursed through Carl's veins, sharpening his senses but his reactions were still a milli-second too slow. There was already a cut along his forearm that burned and his hands trembled. Enid was silent beside him, Judith pinned to her chest as the three of them darted into another house on the outskirts of town.
The image of that man with the 'W' carved into his forehead flashed behind Carl's eyelids, just the same as every other person he had killed. Enid began to speak but he turned his back on her, instead silently looking through the house for any unwanted guests.
This whole thing was so painfully reminiscent of the Governor’s attack and the only thing he could do was keep him and Judith safe. They would survive just like before.
He breathed a sigh of relief as the rooms turned up empty and quiet. “What do we do now?” Enid spoke up, her voice strained with panic.
“I guess we wait.” Dust floated up from the couch as the teens sat down, finally able to catch their breaths.
Judith cooed at her older brother before looking up at the ceiling and repeating the sound, this time even louder. “Is she seeing ghosts or something?” Edith attempted to joke but instead just got silence back and the baby taken from her arms. 
“She just likes making noises.” As if to confirm his theory, Judith chose that moment to squeal excitedly, wiggling in his arms without taking her eyes off of the ceiling. 
The wood above them creaked, sending a light dusting of plaster down onto the three children. Carl and Enid seized with fear while Judith continued to make noise. 
“Stay here.” With the baby quickly thrust back into her arms, Enid had no choice but to remain on the couch, watching with wide eyes as Carl drew his gun and cautiously climbed the stairs to the second floor. 
He was sure he had checked every room carefully. He knew he did. But as he got closer to the master bedroom and the noises got louder, he began to doubt himself. His steps were light, desperately trying to avoid any creaky floorboards that would alert whatever was hiding about his position. 
His knuckles were deathly pale as he tightened his grip around his gun, the barrel trembled only slightly with his nerves. Carl pushed the bedroom door open with the end of the weapon and once again was met with a completely empty room but the soft groaning was still present and he could now tell that it was leaking from the closet on the opposite end. 
A sudden shout from Judith made him jump but his attention snapped back to the closet when something slammed into the wood heavily. 
“Just a walker, it’s just a walker.” He murmured to himself. His left hand dropped from the butt of the pistol and he gingerly grabbed the doorknob, ready to turn it and then immediately back off to give himself some room for a clean shot. 
Taking in a single deep breath, he steadied his gun and refocused his senses. Then he turned the knob. 
Silence overtook the room but only for a few seconds when the sound of chains shifting emanated from the small dark space. Then a foot stepped over the threshold, and a hand curled into the doorframe as whatever was trapped inside finally pulled itself out. 
The first thing Carl saw was her eyes- bright yellow with the pupils near the size of pin drops as they locked onto him. They weren’t the eyes of a walker. Even fresh, the ghouls supported milky white irises. 
She did not snarl at him nor lunge, instead her head tilted and she sniffed the air. She took another step forward and finally Carl could see her two claiming marks, and more importantly, her pregnant belly. 
“Mom.” The word slipped from his mouth before he could stop it. She froze and a purr rumbled through the room. “Yeah! You know me, it’s Carl. And Judith is downstairs. You remember Judith don’t you?” She blinked at him, there was no comprehension behind her eyes. 
Carl sighed. “We’ll work on it.”
It was only then that he noticed the heavy chain around her neck. There were spots of blood along her collarbone from where the metal had pulled at her skin. “Shit.” He muttered. 
The gun slid easily into the waistband at his back and with his hands now free, he carefully approached her. She watched him but didn’t move which he took as a good sign. 
From what he could tell, the chain had been looped around her neck a couple times and then locked to a hook haphazardly drilled into the side of the closet. He was confident that he could pull it straight out of the wall if he got enough leverage. 
As he moved closer, Y/N shifted to the side, allowing him to slip into the closet behind her. 
The small space was absolutely rancid but he continued forward, albeit holding his breath. She blocked out the light some but he was still able to see where she was bound to the wall. Already one of the screws on the anchor was gone so gathering up some of the slack from her chain, he wound it around his hands and with an almighty tug, it came loose from the drywall. 
“See, that was easy enough.” She stood stock still as he delicately lifted her bounds from around her neck, letting the metal drop to the hardwood with a clatter. 
Her eyes looked down at it then back to him. “E-e-e-zzz-ee.” She repeated, her voice broken and raspy from disuse. 
Immediately Carl lit up. “That’s right! Easy!” The corner of her lip turned up into what he thought was supposed to be a smile but looked more like a grimace to him. 
“Carl? You’ve been up here for a while, is everything ok?” Enid called out and just like that, Y/N was once again hunched over and snarling aggressively. 
“Stay there!” He called out but he was too late. The teen stepped into the bedroom, Judith still in her arms. She froze, her eyes going wide. 
“Who- who is that?” She asked, almost in disgust. She tried to turn away, to somehow shield the toddler in her arms from the sight of the feral omega but as soon as Judith disappeared from Y/N’s eye-line, she let out a deep warning growl. 
“Give me Judith,” Carl urged, “right now.” 
“Are you crazy?” She hissed, clinging even tighter to the unbothered toddler. 
“Trust me.” As soon as Judith was in her brother’s arms, the growling stopped. And when he walked closer, the scent of milk and flowers filled the room. Y/N reached for the pair of them with shaky hands, her fingers just skimming the soft chubby cheek of her daughter. 
“That’s why Judy was making so much noise, she could smell her.” Said girl giggled and tried to launch herself at the omega but Carl held tight. As much as he would love to have them properly reunited, he doubted she could support Judith’s weight in her arms after not eating properly for god knows how long. 
Y/N looked at Carl while grabbing his wrist. He let her pull his hand away from his sister and closer to her belly. She laid his palm flat against the top of her bump.
The baby moved under his hand, softly kicking at his fingers. Relief washed over the boy and he felt a massive weight lift from his chest. “Dad's not gonna believe this.” 
It took some coaxing (ie Carl using Judith like a carrot on a stick) but he was able to lead Y/N out of the master bedroom and down the stairs. He let her cradle Judith's head between her hands as he looked outside, watching for any of those freaks that had attacked them.
Only when he was sure that the streets were properly empty did he carefully open the front door. “Come on. Enid! Let's go!” He called back but the house was silent save for Y/N's purrs and Judith's coos. 
“Goddamnit.” He knew he should go look for her but he also wanted to get his mother to safety and she would not be safe in the house where someone had kept her trapped. So, he walked away, heading back towards the centre of town, hopeful that his father and Daryl had returned.
Her bare feet scraped against the concrete as she trailed behind him. While her eyes were fixed on him and the baby, Carl could see the way her nose scrunched and her head tilted, alert for any sign of danger. 
“Carl!” Rick's voice echoes through the street, panicked and strained.
He looked back at Y/N who had perked up slightly, the yellow of her eyes now holding flecks of its natural colour. He chanced it. “Dad!” Rick rounded the corner, gun at the ready and with a fire in his eyes but as soon as he saw the trio, he stumbled.
Even from a distance, Carl could see the way the breath was knocked from his lungs. Like Daryl, Rick blamed himself for their omega's disappearance. He felt the weight more heavily because he was not only responsible for her but also for the whole pack, his guilt ran deep, infecting every choice he made and slowly driving him mad.
When Daryl would leave Alexandria to search for her, Rick would stay behind, forcing himself to focus on the rest of his pack. He thought that if he could protect everyone else, the guilt would wane, but it never did.
“Omega!” His voice thundered down the street making Y/N freeze. There was some sort of recognition in her posture: her head bowed, shoulders slack but her lips still curled into a snarl and she attempted to snatch Judith from Carl's arms. She only succeeded in tugging both of her pups closer to her body.
“Omega.” He repeated, this time softer and offering her his empty hands. “It’s ok, I won’t hurt you or the pups.” He bowed his head and dropped his eyes to the ground in submission. 
She growled again but it was softer and more confused. “I’m your alpha.” As slowly as he could, Rick extended his left arm and presented her with his wrist. While not as prominent as his neck, his scent still bled from his skin. Her nose twitched and as she leaned forward to sniff at his offered limb while keeping her eyes locked onto him. 
Her brows furrowed and she took a step closer, her hand darting out to grip his wrist. Her cold nose rubbed against his cold skin as she inhaled even more of that intoxicating scent that tugged at part of her mind. 
Carl beamed when she dropped his father’s hand in favour of burying her nose into the crook of his neck. Judith gave a chirp as she was squished between the two grown-ups, still partially in her brother’s arms and her mother’s. 
Rick’s eyes fluttered shut as her own scent washed over him for the first time in almost 2 months, thick with fear and apprehension but it was hers all the same. Her bump pushed into his stomach and he felt like he could cry. She was safe, she was alive and she was back in his arms. 
Warmth flooded their bond, bringing a smile to his face. She licked at the mark she had left on his scent gland months ago so Rick placed his hand on her hip, gently pulling her even closer. He winced as he realised just how malnourished she was. “Let’s go get you and the baby checked out and maybe some food.”
Her eyes remained uncomprehending but she followed after him anyway, his hand held tightly in hers. 
Bodies lay in the streets, both enemies and friends alike as the moans of the undead just outside the walls form a macabre symphony. Y/N snarled under her breath and cupped her stomach while Carl glanced at his father, panic colouring his features.
“Is that the herd?” 
“The plan went sideways but we'll think of a new one.” Rick promised, laying his free hand on the teen's shoulder.
“Enid's gone.” 
His face hardened as he replied sternly. “As soon as we have a clear path out, we'll search for her. Daryl's still out there too.” His eyes flicked back to the omega who currently had her teeth bared at the solid walls. “We'll get them all back.” And he didn't just mean those trapped outside the city.
There was a haze wrapped around Y/N's mind. It was like walking through a dense fog right as dawn broke- the light just barely strong enough to let her see a few inches in front of her but every step she took forward, the world that she knew was swallowed up and forgotten. She had no idea where she was going or where she had been but the tugging in her chest pulled her ever forward.
She had brief moments of clarity, snapshots in time that only materialised for a second before the fog descended once more.
The pop of gunfire and the smell of smoke as she ran barefoot into the woods.
Blood pouring from cuts on her hands as she scrambles up a crumbling lattice, the dead reaching for her, their rotting fingers only inches away from her feet.
Feeling the babe inside her belly kick for the first time. She cries.
Two men corner her in an abandoned warehouse. Their tone is comforting but their words are garbled. She tries to speak but all that comes out is a growl.
Another man, this one bigger and meaner looking, wrapping something cold around her neck. He spits on her face before sealing her into darkness.
But none of those snapshots compared to this moment. 
Reality slammed into her chest like a freight train. Y/N gasped for air as she desperately looked around. She was in a house, a nice house by the looks of it and surrounded by people she didn't recognise.
The smell of copper and death fill the cramped room as people scream at each other, their voices like nails on chalkboard to her sensitive ears. She winced and attempted to curl into herself but was stopped by her huge belly. 
Something about it isn't right but before she can recall why, her attention shifts to the form on the bed next to her. He's no older than 14 but he's tall and his brown hair is long. A white bandage covers half of his face. She knew that face. 
Her hands trembled as she cupped his cheek, her thumb brushing against his skin. He did not react at all, just remained deathly still before her, the only movements of his body was the steady and too slow rising and lowering of his chest.
“Carl.” The name came to her and a second later, so did everything else. “Carl?” He was so big now, already growing into his features. He looked so much like his father. 
His father.
Her head shot up, eyes scanning the now mostly empty room for her alphas. The front door was wide open, letting in the grotesque sounds of flesh being sliced open and bone shattering. The darkness from outside seemed to grow with each passing second as the moans grew louder.
Y/N leaned over Carl's body as if to afford him some protection if the walkers made their way inside but deep down she doubted that she could do much besides buy him a couple extra seconds. She felt weak, she was tired and her entire being ached.
“It's ok baby, I'll keep you safe.” 
Suddenly, bright light streamed through the doorway and an explosion rocked the house. Y/N whimpered and cradled her boy as the sounds of celebration overpowered all else. 
“They actually did it.” A plump woman wearing glasses murmured in shock. “I can't believe it.” 
As an optimistic mood filled the room, the fog began to descend once more and Y/N could feel herself slipping away. “You!” She barked at the woman who quickly turned around, her eyes wide. “T-tell my alphas that I love them.” Her words slurred and jumbled together but the woman nodded anyway.
Y/N smiled in relief. “Tell 'em to be safe.” She looked down at her boy one more time and then everything disappeared once more.
The smell of gasoline and burning bodies only seemed to add to Daryl's frustration. The past few days had been absolute hell- he was tired, hurt and so strung out he felt like anything could set him off. And that's not to mention the weird feelings that constantly flowed into him through his bond.
Fear, relief, anger, love. 
All of it was just too much.
As he watched the horde of walkers burn in the lake, he was consumed by his thoughts. Nowhere was safe, death constantly followed right behind them and some part of him knew that it would always be like that, no matter how hard they tried to change things.
His thick fingers pulled at the fraying threads of the bracelet around his wrist as he thought of his omega. He pictured that she was safe somewhere, holed up in some isolated cabin that had a garden full of food or in an abandoned apartment building that she could scavenge. Carol kept reassuring him that she was alive and ok but each day that passed without him finding Y/N, he believed his friend less and less. Even the blanket they had discovered was quickly losing her scent.
He wanted to get back out there, to keep searching but he was just so tired.
“Daryl!” Rick called over the din. His voice while strained from exhaustion still carried the power of a true alpha. The younger man ignored him though as he continued to watch the slowly dying fire from atop the truck, his hands supporting his weight as he leaned back against them.
Vaguely, he could feel frustration leaking through the bond. “Y/N's here!” That snapped him out of it.
“Wha?” But before Rick could repeat himself, Daryl had jumped down, landing heavily on his already sore legs. “She's?”
His brother nodded. “With Carl but she's feral so we have to take it slow.”
“But she's-” Suddenly he felt like he couldn't speak, his guilt and relief wrapping around his throat in a tight grip.
“She's safe, the pup's safe.” Rick gestured to the infirmary and before he could think, Daryl took off running.
50 days. It had been 50 agonising, tortuous days of unknowing, of guilt and fear. Of imagining the hell which she experienced since the moment that the chain fences of the prison fell.
50 days of self-hate, of knowing he wasn't enough- not strong enough, not fast enough, not brave enough- to save her and the pup. 
50 days of her haunting his every thought.
50 days.
And as he ran into the infirmary, all that time, all that fear disappeared the second he saw her again. The clock reset the moment he stepped over the threshold and her golden eyes locked with his blue ones.
He didn't care that she didn't recognise him, he didn't care that she snarled and planted her hands down around Carl's body as if he was a danger to the boy who was almost like his own. 
She was alive, she was here. And that's all that mattered.
For the first time in 50 days, Daryl smiled.
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ar-grimes · 2 years
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make the connections bc my sleep-deprived brain says this is funny
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couldyoujustshutup · 3 months
There’s not many Beta (TWD) fan fics out there. At least, fan fiction that goes more into depth about who he used to be and the love I know he’s capable of feeling. So I’m writing it. Please give it a read and let me know what you think. I’ll post the first full chapter in a couple days, but here’s the prologue 😊
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They hurt you I hurt them.
Request: hey! I don’t know whether you’re still taking requests but I was wondering whether you could do something where y/n gets hurt somehow like someone purposely hurts her and stuff and how Daryl would react/ what Daryl would do? You can make it as violent/ nonviolent as you’d like! Thank you!
Daryl Dixon x fem! Reader
Please read below! Important‼️
Massive trigger warnings: graphic, gore, swearing, SA (not detailed), torture of reader- the enemies in this will be alpha and the whisperers so I’ll be adding some pretty fucked up things so if you are sensitive to anything relating to blood and gore then please read at your own discretion. Thank you.
It all happened so quickly. You didn’t expect it… no one did. Lydia was with you all safe and sound but in return Alpha had decided to take you. She called it payback but you called it pure terror,
“If they give my daughter back then I’ll give you back. Unharmed. But by the looks of things they won’t be giving her back to me… she’s chosen the wrong path… they clearly don’t care about you.” Alphas words struck a chord within your heart but you remained deathly silent, your wrists were tied behind your back, your back against a tree where you stood ropes hugging your waist tightly not allowing you to move in the slightest way. Ropes were all tied around your legs to keep you from kicking or attacking in anyway. You were truly vulnerable to her… to the whisperers. If they wanted to leave you they would and you wouldn’t be able to do anything but one terrifying factor of it all was the fact that if they wanted to kill you then they could. You knew Daryl would say they were just bluffing to scare you but no if alpha wanted to kill you then she would. She had no mercy. She was a merciless, cruel monster. After a while she got closer to you your eyes locking with her sky blue eyes full of nothing but raging anger no other emotion in her eyes. Maybe she was the first human being who truly didn’t have a heart. “I want to make a deal with you… if you take the place of Lydia I won’t hurt you…” she said with a small smile. She couldn’t be serious? You licked over your lips shaking your head “no.” You said and she tilted her head to the side as if asking why “I don’t betray my family.” You continued before you spat in her face her face soon contorting with anger but she held herself back from hurting you.
As she wiped the spit off of her face she stared at you angrily, “I tried to make a deal with you. I did. But I have to take this another way so you understand… I don’t want to hurt you. But I’ll have to if your people don’t give my daughter back to me… I want to get that through your head. None of what’s going to happen to you is personal… just unlucky that you got chosen.” She said cruelly your eyes flicking around desperately trying to find some sympathy in the eyes of the whisperers around you but all of them held the same cold bloodthirsty look. “If we just go back now we can sort this out. Please.” You spoke, you after spending so long with both Daryl and Rick had developed both of their traits.. you wanted to fight alpha there and then but you also wanted to desperately try to calm her down and find another alternative to whatever she had planned for you. “Oh… cute. I would. But how do I know you’re not lying to me? Because you and your people lied to me quite a bit.” She said and you stared in silence. It was true. “I’m going to make sure your people know that if they mess with us any longer I will kill you next time. Or maybe I’ll just leave your head as a nice present for them, hm.” She said it so casually, it sent a shiver down your spine. You tried to not react but it was terrifying. You watched as she turned to look at two of the whisperers off to the side their masks bloody and torn making you believe they were the ones who always did her dirty work. She then gave them a curt nod holding a knife out to one of them and you quickly squeezed your eyes shut taking in a deep breath as you held your breath. You tried to not be scared but you were terrified. How were you supposed to survive this?
“No no no… please… you don’t-“ your words were cut off as one of the cold blooded monsters put their hand over your mouth silencing you before the one with the knife pressed the tip of it onto your knee cap “please please please” you begged, your begging muffled and desperate as you shook your head to the side eyes wide in pure horror. Alpha stood in front of you watching you a smirk on her face as the hand over your mouth only tightened “no, don’t,” alpha soon spoke- you could already feel the agony that you were about to endure “take your hand off her mouth. Let her scream. Her screams will attract the dead.” She said your heart dropping into your stomach. She was right. If you screamed the dead would hear and wouldn’t even care about the whisperers… they’d only care about you… because your flesh was the only thing that smelt like food to them. But before you could even say anything the whisperer drove the knife straight into your knee your eyes widening your jaw dropping as agony ripped throughout you. “Make sure she can’t walk.” Alpha soon demanded ordering them around and those words terrified you. What did she mean? And if you couldn’t think it could get any worse the knife that had been pushed further into your knee was harshly twisted, the screams you tried to contain being unbearable as agony swayed throughout you a gut wrenching scream leaving your lips your body writhing. Maybe you should’ve accepted the deal but no way would you betray your family like that. No fucking way. The knife was soon ripped out of your knee your eyes squeezing shut as you tried to stay quiet whimpers of pain leaving your lips “surprising…” alpha hummed out seemingly amused “she’s stronger than she looks.”
“Might be strong but won’t be strong after I’m done with her,” a man spoke- he was tall, someone you didn’t quite recognise. He wore no mask, his face was all cut up… as if he had gone through hell. As if because of him going through hell gave him a reason to put you through hell. “Untie the bitch.” He continued the whisperers unsure before nodding, the one with the knife cutting through the ropes that held you before you nearly collapsed onto the ground, the man’s rough hands grasping onto you as he dragged you away from where the whisperers were, forcefully dragging you so you had to walk some as if trying to make you feel even more pain before he shoved you forward as you fell down, your knee bending that slight bit making you cry out in pain “shut up. The quieter you are the easier it’ll be on you…” he said his cold eyes terrifying you. Was he going to use you? For his own needs? Your breathing soon became ragged as you shook your head side to side over and over again. You were vulnerable. You tried to scoot yourself backwards trying to get to safety trying to find something to attack him with but you couldn’t you were weak. You watched as he took his belt off “no please… don’t do this. Don’t.” You said, begging him but he didn’t respond his hand soon wrapping around your ankles as he yanked you closer to him your eyes over spilling with tears “please I’ll do anything.” You cried out but he was too strong for you and then and there was the moment you realised he was going to hurt you… he was taking every part of dignity you had left away and you couldn’t stop him and so you laid there as he gripped your wrists holding them tightly, sobs leaving your lips as you simply had to accept the fact that you couldn’t defend yourself. Not anymore.
They left you. He left you. Cold and hurt, jeans torn into pieces beside you as you remained curled in a ball vision blurred with tears, tiredness, pain and loss of blood. At this point you were just accepting death. You would happily oblige to go with the grim reaper then and there if he appeared in front of you. Your body trembled your lips red with blood, both eyes bruised and face cut up. You put up a fight, you tried to- and so he cut everywhere he could. Saying you deserved it. Afterwards Alpha and her handymen attacked you, if you hadn’t been put through enough already they beat you to a pulp until you were left practically convulsing in agony. You shivered as your cries had died down to little sniffles and occasional sobs. You were scared. You just wanted death to grant you with your final wish of dying peacefully but death too was mercilessly and unkind.
As you began to sway in and out of consciousness groans and voices were heard, the voices were far away the groans close… incredibly close… and you peeled your eyes open tiredly your blurred vision picking up on a stumbling figure coming straight towards you and so in a meek last attempt you cried out, the voices you heard growing closer the voices blending together to create a muffled sound your head pounding and aching as you closed your eyes tight, a sound of an arrow whistling through the air being your last thing to grip onto… maybe it was Daryl. Had he come to save you?
Daryl stood rigid as he looked around, he was greatly concerned for your well-being. He knew the whisperers were unhinged monsters. His eyes caught onto a walker that was stumbling closer and closer to a body resting in the ground, the persons bare legs on display… no dead person would even think of taking their jeans off if they were dying and so in a split second Daryl was firing a arrow straight at the Walker watching as it fell dead onto the floor “keep searching… we need clues.” He ordered his friends as they all moved in different directions in search of you, dog was by his side sniffing the ground as daryl continued moving forward slowly but surely. He didn’t want the person on the ground to be a dead one waiting for it’s final meal. And as he continued taking slow steps forward dog suddenly began barking, loudly, “what is it? What is it?” He asked as he got closer and closer dog soon running up to the person on the ground “dog don’t-“ but that’s when he fell deathly silent his heart dropping into his stomach as he dropped his crossbow down onto the floor his knees weakening as he dropped down just beside your tired body “y/n? Y/n?” He watched as your eyes peeled open “keep your eyes open… hey… hey… eyes on me. Look at me.” He spoke softly comfortingly but also in a stern demanding tone- the tone he used when he was worried and concerned. He couldn’t have you passing out and dying now could he? “Guys!! Everyone! Get over here right now!” He yelled out to his friends hearing their footsteps grow closer and closer the sound of individual shocked gasps leaving their mouths “you all watch my back, keep walkers off my back… I’m going to carry her… and make sure the freaks aren’t around here. If they are don’t fucking hesitate to kill every one of them.” He said to them.
He shrugged his jacket off quickly wrapping it around you “Jerry… I need something to wrap around her waist.” He said, the larger man quickly removing his own jacket. It wasn’t much but it was something. Daryl then took the jacket quickly wrapping it around your bottom half to make you feel more safe even though you had clearly been put through something no one should have to go through. He then lifted you up into his arms a whimper leaving your lips “I know… I know… I’m sorry.” He grunted out quietly to you, he knew your knee was still bleeding but right now you needed to be somewhere warm before you not only bled out but also died of hypothermia and so you all set off, you falling in and out of consciousness Daryl’s voice keeping you wide awake every time he said something loudly to you. It scared you enough to wake you up but that was a good thing. If you didn’t stay awake you would die. No doubt about it.
“Right in front of me.” Daryl said nodding forward at a group of walkers stumbling, and usually they would test to see whether any of them were living but because Daryl had already said he didn’t want any of them to live every single one of the walkers were killed. Whether they were breathing or not. The walk back home was quick but he tried to be slow for you, to make it as painless as possible and so once he arrived home at the safety of hilltop he was quick to rush you into the infirmary, shock and horror on everyone’s faces as they saw you in such a way. He quickly laid you down onto the bed wrapping a blanket over your top half, lots of blankets in fact- you needed warmth and your top half seemed to be unharmed but your bottom half needed a looking to. Especially your knee and so he remained silent allowing the doctors to examine you his breath held in anticipation. He was terrified for you. He didn’t want to lose you. You had both gone through so much already. “She’s gonna need stitches… and a cast… her knee is…” Harlan spoke visibly horrified and Daryl stared at him “what do you mean?” He asked worriedly making the doctor gulp, he had never seen the doctor so uncomfortable and worried and so he knew the condition you were in was severe “her knee as experienced severe trauma… I won’t be able to solve the issues without an x-ray… it could be a fracture… bones could be out of place… if anything id have to operate.” He said anxiously and Daryl stared silently… he knew what this meant. They were low on all medical pain meds to even knock you out unconscious. “I would say amputate but that would take a lot longer to heal.” He said your ears picking up on that as your eyes widen “no no please no” you struggle out weakly Daryl’s hand quickly grasping onto yours his other hand stroking over your head “we won’t amputate… it’s okay… you’re okay I promise.” He spoke worriedly. “There’s no other way?” He soon whispered out to Harlan and as he shook his head Daryl closed his eyes. “Okay.” He knew this would be painful for both you and him but they needed to stop the blood as quick as possible otherwise you’d be on your death bed. Literally.
“No no please… don’t please… don’t.” You sobbed out begging Daryl your frightened eyes remaining on his eyes wide as you began hyperventilating “she’s gonna pass out Daryl. It’s okay. Just trust me on this. Hold her down.” Harlan spoke pleading with him and Daryl took a deep breath looking at you before he nodded his large hand quickly grabbing a hold of your wrists holding them down, his other arm wrapping around you as if to hold you still but also comfort you at the same time. “Got her.” Daryl confirmed watching as Harlan began the procedure to stop the blood and try to fix your knee and within seconds your screams began piercing around the room Daryl’s eyes prickling with tears as he held you tightly “Im sorry… I’m so sorry…” he looked down into your eyes the fear in yours making his heart break as he kept a hold of you “it’s okay. You’re safe. You’re gonna be okay.” And what seemed like years later, when in reality it was only 5 agonisingly long minutes your screams came to a stop your eyes fluttering shut as your body fell limp daryl keeping a hold of you as he simply watched you. He felt helpless. He wanted to do so much more to help you but he couldn’t… gods was this awful.
The surgery was long and painful. But you got through it somehow. You heard conversations here and there but soon enough you were in silence your body on something comfortable as you slept peacefully, a hand holding onto yours tightly and soon enough your eyes fluttered open. Your eyes were sore and tired but you tried to push through it as you looked to the side. Daryl was sat beside you a make shift IV in his arm seemingly transferring his own blood into your blood stream and once he saw you were awake a small concerned smile tugged at his lips “hey… how are you feeling?” But you instead of responding simply glanced at the blood coming from his arm and going into yours “oh… you needed a blood transfusion… I offered straight away.” He murmured with a light smile and you gave his hand a slight squeeze as in a way to thank him. You soon noticed the way you had a stuffed teddy right beside you a few homemade cards near the wall and you couldn’t help but smile “Judith wanted to make some… everyone else was just as worried… they still are.” He murmured softly before he raised your hand up to his lips as he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand a soft sigh leaving his lips “I’m okay.” You soon said and he nodded his head “I know you are. You always are… you’re strong as hell.” He murmured with a soft chuckle but he meant it, your smile growing wider. You were weak and tired so didn’t really know what to say besides you were traumatised from everything. “Hurt hurt me… really hurt me.” You soon spoke and Daryl’s eyes softened yet anger still consumed them. He was going to kill whoever hurt you. “Alpha let it happen…” you said again and Daryl was quick to shush you “don’t… don’t tell me… not now… tell me when you’re in a better headspace.. you need your rest. But I promise you right now they won’t hurt you ever again.” He assured softly. He wanted you to talk about it but not right now… you were already in a vulnerable state. “How do you know that?” You asked quietly and he looked at you seriously, “because I’m going to kill every single one of them.” He said and you frowned shaking your head but he nodded “yes y/n. They deserve it. They hurt you so I hurt them… goin’ to make sure I put them through the worst pain ever. Make them suffer.” He said honestly. He would’ve said so much more, how he wanted to cut their tongues out and their eyes too, cut their fingernails off to make them all scream but he didn’t want to make you feel worse… he’d leave you thinking he was just going to kill them but really he was going to torture them like they had tortured you. Simple. It had always been that way from the very beginning… if anyone hurt you.. Daryl would hurt them back. Daryl didn’t care who it was… if they hurt you then he would hurt them… but that man who hurt you… well… he sure as hell was gonna pay…
He had it comin’
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dipperscavern · 1 month
OH WE'RE TALKING TWD. daryl dixon more like daryl dixON ME
ummm that’s really gross idk why you would say that
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woman-of-balnain · 2 years
In Progress/Future/Potential Fics
This is more for my own reference than anything. Just to keep track of the fics I’m planning to write. I don't include posting dates anymore, as my schedule is more unreliable now, but this list is in the order I plan to write things.
😈 - Smutty Thoughts
🔥 - Strictly Foreplay or Not Really Full-Blown Smut
💦  - Smut
💥 - Arguing Between the Pairing
💔 - Angst
💕 - Fluff
❤️‍🩹 - Hurt/Comfort
🐺 - A/B/O Dynamics
⚔️ - Historical AU
In Progress:
1. Corruption (Request): part 2 & 3 🐺💦
The Walking Dead - NOT related to 'the Claim' - a sheltered omega reader with no real knowledge about presentations, heat/rut cycles etc.
Alpha Rick Grimes/Omega Fem!Reader.
Future Fics:
1. Arthur Request 💦
Red Dead Redemption - Arthur fingering the Reader with his leather gloves on.
2. Arthur Request 💦
Red Dead Redemption - High Honor Arthur with a shy, virgin Reader
3. Coveted (Multi-Part Series) 🐺💔💦
The Walking Dead - You and Rick have an agreement to help each other through your respective heats and ruts. It’s never been anything more than that, despite how much you wished for the opposite. After arriving in Alexandria, Rick decides that it's time your arrangement comes to an end and you reluctantly try to move on from the feelings you've developed for him. Nevertheless, jealousy ends up getting the better of you.
Sequel to Corruption.
Alpha Rick Grimes/Omega Fem!Reader.
4. Heat 🐺💦
The Walking Dead - Daryl has always had his own subtle way of helping you in the buildup to your heats. Turning a blind eye when one of his shirts goes missing, letting you scent him in private moments away from the others… but after the loss of the prison, your heat hits again while you’re on the road and Daryl has to take a more hands-on approach to help you this time.
Alpha Daryl Dixon/Omega Fem!Reader - *you essentially replace Beth in the period after the group loses the prison.
5. Nattstemning 💦
The Walking Dead - When the group arrives in Alexandria, it's revealed that there aren't enough beds for you all to get your own, so some of you have to share. You get paired with Rick and his hands tend to wander in his sleep. My first attempt at the ‘there’s only one bed’ trope.
Rick Grimes/Fem!Reader.
6. The Devil in Me (Multi-Part Series) 🐺💦💔
Supernatural - Dean gave up on finding his true mate a long time ago. Considering the life he leads, he always thought it was better that way. It must be another one of life’s sick jokes that when he finally found you, it was while he bore the mark of Cain and right before he dies and comes back as a demon.
Demon!Dean/Deanmon, Mark of Cain Dean, Alpha Dean, Omega Reader, Female Reader.
7. The Claim (Rewrite) 🐺💦
The Walking Dead - A rewrite of the original that I intend to also make longer, with better pacing.
Alpha Rick Grimes/Omega Fem!Reader.
8. Undone in Sorrow (Rewrite) 🐺💔
The Walking Dead - A rewrite of the original that I intend to have better pacing and an improved plot.
Alpha Rick Grimes/Omega Fem!Reader.
9. Endzeitfragmente Part 3 (Untitled; Multi-Part Series) 🐺💦💔
The Walking Dead - Sequel to the Claim and Undone in Sorrow, that I intend to be much more of an AU following the events of All Out War and to conclude Rick and the Reader's story. Still in very early stages of plotting it out, but I plan for it to be a big deviation from the show after s8's events.
Alpha Rick Grimes/Omega Fem! Reader.
10. Untitled Moon Knight Fic (Multi-Part Series) ⚔️💕❤️‍🩹💦💔
Moon Knight - Historical AU where you are the daughter of the King, who decides to marry you off to the mysterious Marc Spector who is keeping more secrets than you ever could have imagined. Arranged marriage; no MCU powers; takes inspiration from Henry VIII's reign and court; includes all three moon boys.
Marc Spector/Fem!Reader, Steven Grant/Fem!Reader, Jake Lockley/Fem!Reader.
Potential Fics:
These are fic ideas I've had that aren't high on my list in terms of priority and that I haven't seriously committed to writing. If any stick out to you, feel free to let me know that you're interested as it may make me more inspired to write them.
1. Shelter for My Soul 💕💔
Red Dead Redemption - In his final days, Arthur finds the time to slip away from camp and visit his family. As he takes it all in for the last time, he remembers the times you’ve all spent together.
Arthur/Fem!Reader - *You and Arthur are married and have children (but you have your own home and don’t live with the gang).
2. A Fine Night of Concealed Debauchery 💦
Red Dead Redemption - While the gang throws a party, a slightly drunk Arthur is playing poker and pulls you onto his lap. It isn't long before his hands start wandering under the table, making him quickly lose focus on the game.
Arthur Morgan/Fem!Reader.
3. Dominance, Submission 🐺💦
The Walking Dead - You act recklessly (yet again), causing Rick to force you into submission and teach you a lesson. Light bdsm, set in the early prison era. A light sequel to ‘the Claim’ that can be read independently of it.
Alpha Rick Grimes/Omega Fem!Reader.
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eggcompany · 7 months
Alex Genya (I love him so much)
Alex Genya, an omega, working on a yacht had fallen into a heat off the coast of georgia. Eleven days in heat forced him to a heat center. Well Doctor Grimes and a wonderful Alpha named Daryl are there to take care of him. Heat sex and cute Alex Genya ensues.
“H-hey” The boy said as he weakly walked into the empty building. “ Southern Host Omegan Facility ” the only 24/7 heating center within fifteen miles of the shitty motel Alex had been crashing at.
A woman stepped out from the back with a surprised look on her face. She was short, shorter than Alex but looked strong. 
“Hi honey, I didn’t hear you come in. What can I do you for?” She asked and sat down at her desk and typed into her computer. 
“I’ve been heating for uh um like eleven days now.” Alex said as his legs shook. He grabbed onto the counter for support. His legs felt like jelly and his stomach felt like there were knots just being pulled tighter and tighter. The woman looked calm as she typed away at her computer. Clicking a few things with her mouse. 
“Oh goodness, are you in distress or did a mate leave?” The woman asked and looked the boy over. Younger, very handsome, strong looking in his tank top, good color, slightly sweaty so probably fevering, and very dilated pupils. Probably a case of suppressant over use or fever heat. Neither are very hard to treat, luckily. 
“No, no, nothin changed. I work on a uh a boat and I started my heat and they had to dock to let me off. They payin’ for my motel.” Alex explained and grabbed the counter as a wave hit him in the stomach. He just panted and tried to keep his breaths even. 
“Okay, alright. We see this in tourists sometimes. It’s the time change and the environment. Where are you from baby?” The woman said and typed away at her computer. Alex felt a little better knowing he wasn’t, ya know, dying. 
“New York” Alex mumbled and let his forehead rest against the cool counter. He was so tired. So tired and in pain and sweaty and hot and freezing cold and ugh shitty. He felt like such shit. 
“Yep that’s far enough to do it.” The woman said and nodded as she typed at her computer. Alex groaned and rolled his face over so his nose was sort of smushed against the cool white countertop. 
“Okay, name” The woman said and looked at the boy. She almost laughed at the way his nose was so crooked against the counter and his hair was such a disaster. 
“Alex Genya” 
The woman went through the questions with ease and swiftness. Alex just tried to listen and actually speak without just groaning and passing out. He had started to shake and he could feel the pad in his pants start to get over soaked. He felt gross, he’d gone more than two hours without a shower. 
The woman stood up and he didn’t even notice. He was just trying to keep his legs under him. 
“Alright that’s it honey. I’m gonna bring a wheelchair around and call in our doctor. We’re gonna get you in an exam room while I set up an overnighter. Alright, Alex?” The woman said and touched the boys back as she made her way to a small closet to pull a chair out. 
“Yes, ough, yes ma’am” Alex grunted out and felt sweat roll down his stomach. Everything was getting too fuzzy. Too far away. And way, way, way, way, way, too warm . 
As soon as the nurse got him near the cot in the exam room Akex was curling up on it on his side. He cradled his stomach and squeezed his thighs together. It was on the worse side of too much now and tears picked at his eyes and his throat felt thick. He just wanted to push his fingers back into himself and try to soothe the ache but the nurse was still there flittering around doing whatever the fuck she was doing. 
The boy settled for rubbing his hips and stomach until the nurse left with a swift “ I’ll be right back, dear.” . He just groaned and closed his eyes. Maybe he could just fucking explode if he focused hard enough. 
Unfortunately he couldn’t make himself implode. The nurse returned with some things she set on the counter by his head. 
“Alright. Doctor Grime is on call so he’ll be coming in. He’s one of our best. He’s a beta, he used to be an officer but was injured and he became an advocate for natural heating and an omegan specialist. He’s really nice and will help you either find someone to help you heat or give you a heat suppressant until you decide what to do. Do you need anything? How about you drink some water for me?” The nurse explained and the boy nodded enthusiastically. He’d been living off of vending machine sodas and a case of shit beers. 
The nurse came back with a few ice cold waters, one of which Alex took and immediately started chugging. 
“Alright. There’s that, here’s a blanket if you want it, and here’s the gown you need to put on.” The nurse said and put the water on the tray by the cot, and set the gown and blanket on the foot of the cot. 
Alex just groaned and squeezed his thighs together. His slick was thick and slowed down over the last two days. Now it just felt sticky and gross. He felt so gross and didn’t want to sit in his gross slick underwear anymore. He also didn’t wanna just free slick either because then he’d be making a mess… Who cares he didn’t have to clean it. 
As soon as the nurse left he shucked his clothes and put on the gown but laid back down, this time on his back with his knees up and his feet flat. It was the most comfortable way he could lay. His stomach clenched and he felt himself slick a little. He quickly drank the other three bottles of water but they only made him feel more thirsty.
“Hey buddy are you doin’ alright? Oh, how about some more waters yeah? Doctor Grimes is on his way.” The nurse asked when she returned some time later. 
“Yes please.” Alex mumbled and pressed his hands low on his stomach. He knew the gown was getting wet by then and the cot was going to be a mess when he got up but he was too hot, too cold, and too fuzzy brained to even fathom worrying about that. He was too far woozy to care. 
“Hey, Mister Genya..?” Said a southern sweet voice from the door nearly half an hour later. Alex felt his stomach clench in a completely different way and his internal muscles relaxed a bit. He bit it bottom lip and hummed. The man chuckled and started moving around, washing his hands and getting gloves and such. 
“I’m Doctor Grimes. Carrie said you’ve been having a hard time. Wanna tell me about it while I get ready?” He said and Alex had to think for a long moment. He had to stick all the words together and the words kept swimming away…
“Um… I was workin’ and I started feelin’ like shit and we were gonna stop in the gulf but I- it fuckin hit me like uh a fuckin semi truck and um we stopped and I been at a motel and fuck it’s fucked me up. I been layin in bed and I feel bad and it ain’t even my time yet. ‘S heavy. ‘S heavy and achy and fuckin bad.” Alex tried to explain and turned his head to the doctor when he was done. 
Pretty doctor. Pretty blue eyes and pink lips and not too tall but not short and trim and and very pretty. Alex stared at him for a moment, mouth slightly open but he didn’t realize. 
The doctor nodded and looked at the younger man as he read through his chart. Carrie had made a note at the top that just read “ Very cute and very polite!” . Rick read through it and looked back at the boy. 
“Alright Alex, can you just tell me how it feels? Does it feel heavy or does it feel stabby? Do you have any burning or unusual pains?” The doctor asked, trying to get an idea of what’s up with the kid. Carrie thought it was probably travelers fever but that usually happened to older more seasoned omegas. 
“It’s heavy, real fuckin heavy but I’m so empty.” Alex whined morosely and frowned. Just being around someone so… He just felt more and more fuzzy around the edges. He felt manic inside but his body was too tired. 
“Alright. That sounds like AHD which is atmospheric heating disruption which is easy to fix, just some medications and a knotting should help.” The older man said and sat down on a tall rolling stool and rolled over to by beside Alex while the boy laid on his back. Alex was huffing and swaying a bit back and forth. He stared at the doctor’s pretty face and felt slick just pooling around his ass. 
“I don’t gotta mate or nothin. Just hurtin’” The boy explained and moved his hands to his side. He really wanted to just grab onto the doctor, hold on, beg him to make it better. Let the tiny part of his brain begging to cry and be coddled like a baby take over. 
The doctor clasped his hands between his knees. 
“That’s totally understandable. Are you open to having someone come in or would you rather use an automatic knotting seat? It’s totally up to you.” Doctor Grimes explained and took in the boy. 23 years old, strong muscular build, cute face, long bouncy curly hair, a bit of short baby scruff, and shaky hands. He was a handsome strong looking young man, healthy weight, healthy build, good color. A deeper flush covered his face for a moment as he looked to a picture on the wall. 
“I wouldn’t- it would be- yeah please someone can come here please. Don’t like it rough.” Alex struggled through. Doctor Grimes nodded and rolled his chair back to the phone on the wall. Alex just stayed still and tried not to think about someone touching him. Someone strong and confident and kind and with a thick hot- He tried not to think about that because it would only make it worse. He heard the doctor talking on the phone for a moment
“Yeah Carrie can you go ahead and call Daryl in, I think he’s the best fit and he’ll be up at this hour. Yes. Thank you.” The doctor said and turned back to Alex who was panting a bit. He found that yeah, yeah Carrie was right. He is a cutie. 
The doctor approached the cot slowly, just careful. It was always best to be cautious and careful with someone who’s been in heat this long. 
“Alright Alex, can I get you up on this table? Once we’re done here I’ll wheel you over to the inpatient room and you can get comfy there before our alpha gets here. He’s a sweetheart, his name is Daryl. I’ve known him for a long time, he’s really gentle.” Doctor Grimes said and helped the boy stand once he nodded and sat up. They walked a few steps and Alex got up on the table. Alex was panting and his legs were shaking. The doctor stood there stayed there for a moment with his hands out incase Alex fell from the table or 
“Alright. Take a minute to breathe. I wanna take a look at your stomach, and then I’ll have you put your feet up. If everything checks out as AHD I’ll have to give you a small injection in your hip and a suppository. The shot doesn’t hurt, I'll use numbing spray.” The doctor said and pulled over the stool and a rolling tray with a few sterile tools on it. 
Alex laid there and slowed down his breathing. He was really trying to ignore the fact he was dripping onto the padded table. His mind was dizzy, he was farther away from the floor and that really didn’t help. He had a flicker of worry and he looked at the doctor with wide eyes. He had to figure out what he was worrying about first and then figuring out how to say it so he stared at the doctor for a long moment. 
“Um, did the receptionist lady tell you I’m on Vertophill?” Alex finally got out and Dr. Grimes nodded and rubbed the boy’s shoulder. 
“Yes she did, so if it’s AHD you’ll have to get a lesser dose of the injection.” The doctor said and the boy relaxed. Alex nodded and relaxed to lay on the exam table. He breathed and his head got a bit fuzzier. It’s okay.
The doctor raised his stool up so he could sit and still be able to see what he needed. Alex was relaxed which made it easy for doctor Grimes to lift and place both of the boy’s ankles in the cushioned stirrups. 
“I’m sorry ‘bout the mess” Alex said as he felt his slick running down his bum and could hear as a few dripped onto the floor. The doctor had of course placed down a pad before even moving the boy. 
“ No, need. Don’t even think about it. Now can I lift your gown?” The doctor asked and that was really all Alex could hear before his mind short circuited in some weird way. He didn’t need to be there anymore, strong confident alpha got him. 
“Hey, Alex? Can I come in my name’s Daryl.” Alex heard after a few knocks at his door. He was laying in a nice comfy bed. He couldn’t really recall much of anything; he just felt warm. Cozy warm and like he could just curl up in a lap and sleep and cuddle. He didn’t feel manic anymore, he felt more empty but lighter. He just had his own hands on himself, rubbed the skin of his own chest, his own thighs, his own stomach. He really liked when people touched his stomach. It felt nice.
“Yuh yeah” Alex croaked out and pulled his hands away and listened to the person entering the room behind him. The door opened, shut, and some light footsteps. 
“Hey there, Rick told me he had a special patient tonight. How’re you feelin?” Said the voice. It was gruff, rough, with a sweet southern twang that most of the people around had had. Alex groaned and put his hands abc on his own belly where it felt like a hole was dug. 
“Like beat shit.” Alex said. He did feel beat. Tired and empty and like he could lay there forever. 
“Yeah I understand. Can you look over here for me, lemme see your face.” Daryl asked and Alex hummed and rolled onto his other side. A man was leaning against the counter in the room. Alex took him in for a moment. He was older with shoulder long wavy perfect brown hair, broad shoulders and thick arms, thin squinty eyes, and a scruffy face. Alex looked at him, he wasn’t dressed very tidily. He was wearing dark jeans, worn work boots, and a dark almost black green thermal looking long sleeve. Handsome, strong, warm looki- Alex caught sight of his hands gripping the edge of the counter lightly. Big hands, warm looking work worn hands. That’s the ticket. 
“How old are you?” Alex asked as he eyed the way his hands squeezed the counter. Watching the way his arms flexed under the shirt. Strong big arms…
“43. I'm twenty years older than you. Do you wanna wait-” Daryl started. He wouldn’t get near the omega if Alex thought he wasn’t suitable. Hell he wouldn’t want to get shoved near an omega if he was unsuitable. Alex sat up and his breath got shorter. 
“Are you gonna take your clothes off or um do we both have to keep our clothes on?” Alex asked and really hoped clothes could come off because he was getting sick again and this time it wasn’t thick. It was perfect to take a knot. 
“You can take the gown off and I’ll take as much off as you feel comfortable with.” Daryl said with a smile. Seeing such a cute young man be so willing. Daryl loved this part. Loved seeing omegas get what they needed. Loved being told he’s suitable. Loved the love, the attention, the intimacy. 
Alex was already pulling the flimsy gown off of his body and Daryl moved to slowly walk over to the bed. He kicked off his shoes by the time Alex had wrestled the fabric off of him. 
“All of it. I wanna feel skin. I wanna… please knot me.” Alex whined and looked up at Daryl. He had such deep chocolate eyes the older man could really just dive into them. But the boy was pushing at his clothes and Daryl hated to make him wait. 
“Alright. That’s alright baby, just lay back.” Daryl said in the most comforting voice. Alex melted, his eyes fogging up and his bottom becoming a mess of slick. 
“Look at all this hair” Daryl mouthed at his best friend and doctor as he wrote on a chart. Alex was dead asleep snuggled into Daryl’s side. His mop of hair covering Daryl’s chin and bottom lip. It had been a wonderful few hours taking care of the omega and Daryl was glad that Alex was fairly simple and had fairly simple needs. 
Daryl was having an easy time with Alex and could barely get over how cute the young man was. 
The noises he made when Daryl mouthed at his ears were something Daryl couldn’t even start to describe. How he’d clenched up and whined when Daryl fondled at his chest made Daryl only want to spend more time with the younger man. Daryl could pass out thinking about the noise Alex had made when he had finally presented, ass up with his hands grabbing at the plain white sheets and his face in the mattress, and Daryl had used one hand to try and support the boy’s stomach and hips. Alex had released his own spend at the pressure on his lower stomach, just above his cock. 
Alex was really something else. 
“I know! Too cute, took his meds like a champ too.” Rick whispered back with a smile. Alex had been such a good patient. He was receptive and well behaved and asked questions and said what he wanted. The young man was just dealing with a normal case of AHS, he was quite healthy and quite a sweet young man. 
“He’s really something else. Gotta send him off with a special care package. I’ll do a check back once he gets settled back up north. Maybe we can see him again, he’s really something else.” Daryl said and rubbed Alex’s back. He thought about how he had such soft skin all over and even on his sun tanned shoulders and arms. 
Alex was feeling so much better. He was full, he was rested, and he was in the care of such a perfect alpha. He was in the middle of his third knotting when he was getting a bad feeling again. His stomach was feeling pinchy and his arms were feeling pulled and his throat was dry and his nose was stingy. 
He was laying on his stomach, legs spread and knees bent so his feet were up. Daryl was over him, fucking him in nice long tempo thrusts, kissing his neck and mouthing at his ears. 
He was almost there, almost able to take the knot he could feel pulling on his hole every time Daryl pulled out. 
But he just couldn’t get there . 
“I’m too cold, I can’t, I’m gonna cramp, please, please , I’m too cold” Alex cried out and thumped his fists against the mattress. Daryl shushed him and pulled back so he was fully seated into the boy’s body. 
“Alright, alright puppy, do you want your hoodie or a blanket?” Daryl asked and spotted where Alex had a brown jacket shoved near his pillow and where the blanket was shoved to the foot of bed behind him. Alex was letting out a whine each breath out. 
“Socks, I want socks want- want socks please” Alex whined and turned his head to look at Daryl. His eyes were so pretty. Tears of pleasure almost ready to fall, beautiful brown eyes blown nearly black, Daryl couldn’t help but nod and rub at the boy’s meaty sides. That was something Daryl loved about Alex, he had some meat on his bones. 
“Alright lay flat I’m gonna reach your phone and call Doctor Grimes, he’ll pull some out of the warmer for you.” Daryl explained and looked at the large call phone that was beside the headboard, he’d have to stretch over Alex to reach it since they were near the middle of the bed, if Alex put his feet down they’d be hanging off. 
“Ah~ daddy” Alex moaned loudly as Daryl leaned over him, pushing his cock impossibly deeper. The younger man shook and tears coated the bottoms of his eyes. It was what made him feel fullest. He was filled with a flush of warmth, his brain flicked off and he couldn’t hear, couldn’t move, and he didn’t care whatsoever. 
He definitely didn’t hear Daryl talking. 
“Hey Rick, we need a pair of toasty socks. I’d say green, yeah. He’ll be alright.” Daryl said into the white phone and put it back and kissed down Alex’s neck. The boy was jelly under him, not moving, not making any noise. Sated. 
Daryl pulled back a small but and suddenly the younger was a live wire. 
“Daddy, so deep, I’m cold, I’m cold.” Alex cried out and panted, moving his hands so he could push himself up but Daryl pressed his forehead into the back of his neck lightly, pinning. 
“I know baby it’s just hormones. The socks are gonna help. You’re alright. Gotta get you forward though okay?” Daryl explained and got his hands under Alex light yet sturdy body. His hands splayed all under Alex’s tender pecs. Alex had no idea what Daryl was saying but really didn’t care. 
“Mmhmmm…” Alex moaned and panted. He’d do anything. Anything those big warm hands guided him to do. 
He was pulled up onto his hands and knees, Daryl kneeling behind him. He immediately started to slump his front down but Daryl pushed his chest up. Thumbs so close to his nipples he felt on fire, he twitched and his knees tried to draw up to his chest but he couldn’t quite manage. 
“On your knees honey, yeah sweetheart up on your knees, you’re just gonna sit in my lap. Sit in daddy’s lap baby” Daryl instructed and gently leaned back until he was sitting and Alex was sitting on his lap. Daryl’s legs were straight and flat on the bed and Alex’s were spread over them, cocked outwards so his toes pointed inward but his legs were still far apart. 
Alex was slumped forward a little bit looking down at where they were connected, almost connected. Daryl just rubbed Alex’s thighs with one hand and another messaging at his pecs and making sure the omega wouldn’t fall forward or fall off the bed. He was just looking down as if he could stare hard enough he might be able to see where the alpha’s cock was buried inside. 
A knock at the door. 
“Hey fella, somebody needs some warm socks? Toes need a toastin’?” Rick said in his quiet bedside manner voice. Alex didn’t look up until Rick was sitting on the very edge of the head of the bed. 
“Alex, can I put these on you?” Rick asked more sternly, really wanting the boy to look up. He’d had a few moments of unresponsiveness and that could be a symptom of something different. 
Alex did look up but only to put his arms out and lean forward, only being held back by Daryl’s hand on the center of his chest. His eyes were foggy but his expression was open, needy. 
“Daddy?” Alex said and made grabby hands but Rick just smiled and leaned back. The doctor put a small bit of distance between himself and the boy’s hands. Alex was only able to reach so far because Daryl was holding his chest back so his back was pressed against the older man’s front.  
Daryl kissed the boy’s neck and rubbed his belly. Alex gasped and looked at the hands on him and then followed them to look behind him at the alpha. 
“Daddy” Alex said and smiled, a bit wolffish but more like a puppy, and Daryl kissed him. 
“Yeah baby, I’m right here. Can doctor Grimes put those socks on you? He can get your temp and make sure your comin up good. Is that alright?” Daryl explained but Alex was made of jelly again, laying lax against his chest. Alex was nearly purring at the feeling of Daryl’s big hands pressing and rubbing at his stomach. It pushed the almost knot against the best little spot inside the young man, he felt like he had no bones at all. 
“Okay daddy” Alex said and crunched and stretched his toes in front of Rick who smiled and slipped the soft cotton green socks over his feet. They were a bit big but that was okay. Rick had just grabbed them out of the warmer and they held warmth rather well. Alex sighed when he began to warm again, his stomach unclenching and his whole body relaxing and opening. 
“There’s a good ‘mega. Now can I please get you to open your mouth?” Rick said and patted Alex gently on the ankle. He grabbed the electric thermometer from where it was sitting on the counter and put a clean cover over it and waited. 
Alex was busy feeling Daryl’s hands cupping his chest and petting his stomach. Daryl stopped and took his hands away but that only unleashed a loud whine and a sob. Daryl chuckled and looked at his friend who was holding the small long thermometer tip. 
“Honey, open your mouth.” Daryl whispered into Alex’s ear who’s lips dropped open immediately. Rick smiled and placed the thermometer under his tongue. 
“Close it.” Daryl said lowly and Alex shut his mouth obediently. 
“What a good omega. Are you being good for Daryl? Huh Alex, are you a good boy?” Rick asked as the thermometer screen loaded. Alex looked at him and looked down where he was sitting on the alpha, knot deflated in his loose hole. He looked back up at Rick with big confused puppy eyes. Lord, thought Rick, that boy could take down a king with those damn eyes. 
“Yeah you’re being such a good boy. Good omega.” Rick reassured and took the thermometer out of the boy's mouth. Daryl just petted the boy’s sides, up and down. 
Rick looked at it, stood up, and  wrote something down on his clipboard. He came back to sit on the corner of the bed and touch Alex's ankle. 
“Alex, you need another injection of medicine. I need to give you an internal injection which means it won’t hurt but you can’t take another knot after for three hours. Do you understand?” Rick explained but Alex wasn’t looking or listening. Daryl nodded and lifted the boy off his dick to sit him between his legs. 
Alex blew out a heavy breath, he hadn’t gotten a good knot though. He wanted another and another and he wanted to be full and knotted and- 
“You’re gonna roll onto your side baby. Let Doctor Grimes give you some medicine and then we can sleep some more.” Daryl said to the boy who was on the verge of crying. The older man just kissed his ear and Alex didn’t move. 
Daryl and Rick spoke for a moment. They had decided that if Alex sat still for a moment Daryl could get up, stretch, and lay down the right way so they could have their heads on the pillows. 
Daryl was careful when he moved to stand up. Rick moved to sit beside Alex and rub his back. Daryl fixed her pillows and laid back down but Alex was already gripping tightly on the sleeve of Rick’s crisp blue shirt. 
“Alex, why don’t you get comfy and lay back down with Daddy? Look, you can lay down and relax until I come back with your medicine.” Rick explained and moed his arm so Alex would be looking at Daryl’s open arms. 
“Alex, come lay down. You’re not cold anymore right? Once we get your medicine we can pull the blanket up.” Daryl explained and Alex flopped forward and wiggled around to get comfortable. 
“Mhm.” Alex said and snuggled into Daryl’s chest. The older man wrapped his arms around Alex’s back. Rick smiled and said he’d be back in a moment. 
Rick guided Alex’s leg to be sling over Daryl’s hip. It made it easier for him to insert the tip of the long syringe into Alex’s rectum. A lot of omegas in Alex’s state would have had to be sedated for this part. It wasn’t that it hurt, it was that it was cold and that it wasn’t a knot. Alex just hugged onto Daryl’s shoulders and panted. 
Alex let out a sigh and easily took in the three inch flexible tube. Rick pushed the light dose of heat closer into the boy who hummed and his toes curled. The closer would get the heat to end since the first injection wasn’t working at a speed it should. It wasn’t a big deal though given Alex was on a suppressant. 
“Alright hold that in. I’m gonna push a plug in and come back for it in three hours or you can take it out yourself if you feel ready.” Rick instructed to deaf ears. Well one set of deaf ears, Daryl listened but he already knew what to do with an internal injection of closer. 
“Daryl, Daryl!” Alex said and shoved the older man until he woke up and looked over at the panicked face of the omega. The boy had pulled on his tight black bikini underwear and his tank top. Both had been washed and given back while Alex was in Daryl’s care. 
“What’s happening Alex? What do you need?” Daryl asked in a calm voice, no need to get the boy riled up and worried for no reason. 
“I have to go to the bathroom but I can't.” Alex explained in a panicky tone. Daryl thought that was a bit strange. Many omegas didn’t have a problem with constipation after heats. Especially not when they had closer doses. 
“Alright, did you strain yourself? Did you take the plug out?” Daryl asked, trying to go through the checklist in his mind. Sometimes omegas coming out of heat had some forgetfulness or confusion. 
“No I just hadda pee so I didn’t think I needed to.” Alex said and felt stupid. His head hurt and he didn’t feel good and he wanted to piss and eat some food and get back into bed and cuddle with the alpha for just a few more hours. 
Oh… Daryl thought in relief and grunted as he got up, pulling on his boxers. 
“Alright, let’s try something before we go running to Doctor grimes. Stand here.” Daryl said calmly and guided Alex to stand in front of the toilet. Daryl grasped Alex’s soft dick and pointed it, he moved his other hand to press on his stomach over his bladder. It worked most of the time when omegas needed to pee for the first time since heating. It was just something that happened. Alex was so healthy that he’d probably never had issues like it before. It was really nothing to worry about. 
Alex tensed and shook his head. 
“No, no no that hurts” The boy said and grabbed each of Daryl’s wrists. 
“It’s alright, don’t tense up. Relax. Relax pumpkin. Just relax.” Daryl said and breathed rhythmically behind Alex. Soon the young boy was copying. He was still in a softer mindset to be guided and follow along. 
Soon there was a stream going and Alex groaned. 
“Thank you” Alex said quietly as Daryl kept the pressure on his belly till he was done. 
Daryl moved away and washed his hands. 
“It’s alright. It's a problem a lot of alphas and omegas go through coming out of a rough season. Totally normal” Daryl reassured and pulled his jeans on when Alex pulled on a pair of sweatpants. He looked a little nervous, like he wanted to say something. 
“Is there something else you want? I can call the nurse or Rick, the nurses are here now they can get you something.” Daryl explained. It was seven in the morning so the few nurses were getting started for the day. Alex chewed on his bottom lip and looked up at Daryl under his eyelashes. 
Crushing. Absolutely crushing. Alex could have asked for the moon and Daryl would have had to get it. Those eyes weren’t fair. 
“Can I have something to eat? Will you- Could you stay for a little while longer?” Alex asked and Daryl immediately nodded. 
Soon enough Alex had eaten a sandwich and was sleeping cuddled up to Daryl. 
Two of the three nurses had come by to see the special patient. Carrie had spread all around that there was just the cutest little omega with the fluffies head of hair you’d ever seen in the inpatient one room with Daryl. They were younger, just out of the highschool health occupations classes and were more than happy to see that someone who had come in after an eleven day heat looked so fresh and healthy. One had nearly squealed because Alex had whined lightly in his sleep and rolled over and nuzzled against Daryl’s chest. 
Daryl couldn’t blame them. Alex was a real cutie. Especially with his nose smooshed against Daryl’s chest. 
“I- did I come in with a jacket? I don’t have… uh I need my jacket. It’s brown.” Alex asked when he was pulling on his shoes. 
“Sorry buddy you didn’t have it when you got to me. Lemme ask Rick. I’ll be right back Alex” Daryl said as he supervised the boy get ready and get dressed. Once Alex was sat back down Daryl went to find the jacket… maybe he’d seen the jacket before…
Soon Alex was packed up and standing by the outside door. 
“Hey Alex, we found your jacket! You squirreled it away in the side of the bed.” Said doctor Grimes with the brown jacket in hand. 
“And we have this little care package so you can care for your AHD if you relapse when you return to New York.” The doctor said and handed Alex a discreet paper bag. 
“Thanks Doctor Grimes. Um if I’m ever in Georgia ‘gain and need some help I’ll come by.” Alex said and saw the car his boss had gotten for him to get to the airport. 
“If I ever move to New York I’ll make sure to let you know.” Doctor Grimes said with a wave. He really hoped he might see Alex again or hear from him. He would really think about him sometimes.
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years
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“We are the walking dead”
Thank you, The Walking Dead. There were ups and downs, but it sure was a hell of a show…
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Impeachment Part 1
Rick Grimes x plus size reader x Daryl Dixon
Alpha!Rick Grimes x omega!reader x Alpha!Daryl Dixon
Everything was gone and destroyed but she was still theirs
Warnings: this one’s angsty, death, presumed death of reader and unborn baby, walkers, past violence, pregnancy
WC: 3.3k
Minors DNI
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The Trial
Michonne had gotten Carl to smile again and for that, Rick would be eternally grateful. It had been hard seeing the boy so heartbroken, he had already been through so much, lost so many people that the beautiful smile that looked so much like Rick’s only appeared on the rarest of occasions. 
Daryl walked silently beside him, the joy radiating from the boy barely breaking through the huge wall of ice he had built between himself and everyone else and Rick knew why, it was the same reason he constantly had a pit in his stomach, an overwhelming sadness invading his soul. They hadn’t found her. 
The change in her scent became prominent about one month after her heat had finished. It became more milky and flowery instead of the usual vanilla and with a quick exam done by Hershel, it was confirmed. She had been pupped. Daryl had hugged her tight and hadn’t let go for a solid four hours after she told him. Both alphas had stepped up and agreed to be the father of the baby, no matter who had sired them, though each had a secret hope that it was their own pup in her belly. 
That night, Rick asked her to mark him. It was rare for an omega to claim their alpha but not entirely unheard of. “We are equal omega. We’re partners and I want to prove that.” The alphas let her take the lead. For the first time, they allowed her to ride them, to control the pace as she sank her teeth into their mating glands. It was perfect.
Everyone doted on her constantly, the anxiety from Lori’s unfortunate pregnancy rearing its ugly head once more. But with almost daily checkups and the best prenatal Daryl could scavenge, people settled down and the excitement of another pup became palpable. Y/N often had to escape back to her nest to get away from people who wouldn’t leave her alone. Carl or Judith went with her if her alphas were busy, the former being greatly excited at the prospect of being a big brother again, even if he didn’t outwardly show it.
Things were amazing until the sickness came. In a single night, an entire cell-block was dead and even more infected. She and Judith were immediately rushed into isolation, Carl begrudgingly staying by their side, even if he was chomping at the bit to help his father. Then, just as hope rekindled with Daryl finding the life-saving medicine, the Governor returned.
Through the madness of the firefight and waves upon waves of the undead, the pack was separated and presumed the others dead. Rick and Carl had found Michonne, then Daryl, then Terminus happened. 
Terminus burned behind them as they walked through the woods, the sounds of the explosions still ringing in their ears. “It’s right here.” Daryl pointed out the place where they had hidden their guns before being captured, and quickly dug them up. 
Rick wanted to go back, exterminate the rest of them, but looking at his pack, his resolve wavered. They all looked so tired, covered in walker guts and sweat, and they were completely unarmed and unprepared if that hoard decided to make its way back towards them. Part of him knew he was just angry he had let someone take advantage of him and they all nearly died as a result. He knew that he just wanted to go back and see if you had been there, if she was one of the unfortunate souls being lured into the trap of perceived safety. 
Daryl could sense his distress, and knew they were both feeling the same thing. “We gotta stick together.”  His shoulders slumped and he ran a hand over his face. “Fine, we just need to find shelter for the night, then we move on.” The creaking of branches behind them had Daryl whipping his head around, only to be met with the sight of the matriarchal omega awkwardly standing between the trees, his crossbow in her hand. 
He ran at Carol, embracing the older omega as Rick walked up cautiously behind him. “Did you do that?” His southern twang is more prominent with the emotion of finding another pack member. She tearfully nodded and embraced the other alpha, he quietly spoke into her neck. “Thank you.” As they separated, she looked up at him, a small spark of joy lighting in her gray eyes. “You have to come with me.”
As the pack came over the hill, they were met with the sight of Tyresse walking out of a dilapidated cabin, baby Judith tucked safely in his arms. Rick immediately dropped his weapon, almost stumbling in his hurry to get to his daughter, Carl and Sasha following closely. The alpha pulled the pup from the beta’s grasp, almost collapsing to the ground with sheer relief. 
He held both of his children close, vowing never to let them from his sight ever again. The pack watched on, small smiles coming over their faces at the reunion. However, a sour taste built up in the back of Daryl’s mouth. His omega would’ve never left Judith alone, she was her baby just as much as the one in her belly. “Where’s my omega?” He growled.
Carol’s smile dropped as her trembling fingers reached into her pocket. “I’m sorry, this was all I could find. It was outside the prison.” In the palm of her hand was the small friendship bracelet he had given to the younger woman when they were courting. The blue threads, picked out specifically because they matched his eyes, were dirty and covered in brown blood. The little sunflower charm which Rick had given her to put on it, was scratched up and also stained red. 
Daryl felt his heart shatter in his chest. He fell to his knees, the bracelet clutched tightly to him as he howled in pain. She was gone, his omega dead, his pup dead. Rick’s head shot up, eyes widening as he felt the heartache through their bond. His brother was near hysterics, crumpled on the ground, the trail of tears creating clean tracks down his face.
It was jarring to see the normally stoic hunter display so much raw emotion. Carol tried to wrap an arm around his shoulders but he shook her off, snarling, his inner alpha telling him that she was going to take the last thing remaining of his omega. Everyone backed away from him while Carol lowered her head in submission, not wanting to upset him further. 
A little chirp broke him from his grief. Rick knelt in front of him, hand on his shoulder as Judith reached out and touched Daryl’s face. Her big eyes seemed to stare into his soul as her chubby hand, still miraculously covered in baby fat, stroked his cheek. Rick tilted her forward so she could crawl into the archer’s strong arms, resting her head on his collarbone. The scent of milk and flowers comforted him, it was the same smell she had.
He could vividly remember being curled up with her in her nest, the late afternoon sunlight making everything warm and calm, her scent permeating his senses, making him forget the horrors of the world for just a moment. He held Judith tight to his chest, her breathing settling him. “She’s-“ His voice was broken, weak.
Rick sighed. “I know but we need to keep going. When we find somewhere safe, then we grieve but we have to keep going. It’s what she would’ve wanted.” He was just as heartbroken as his brother but as the head of the pack, he wasn’t allowed to be weak, not anymore. The shock of Y/N’s death would hit him in full later, but for now, he shoved those feelings down as far as he could, taking the other man in his arms for a brief moment. “We’ll be ok.”
Daryl fiddled with her bracelet which he had tied around his own wrist. The building horde of walkers that had been behind them was setting him on edge. He knew that all of them were too tired, too dehydrated to deal with them, so they just kept walking, hoping for some sort of reprieve. 
They had been on the road for weeks, slowly making their way to D.C. The losses of Tyresse and Beth weighed heavily on all of them. Sasha seemed to be teetering on the edge, with Bob and Tyresse gone, it seemed there wasn’t much for her anymore. Daryl knew without Rick and the pups, he would be in the same position. He probably would snap soon, his alpha was constantly tearing at the barrier he built in his mind. He was grieving and in pain but Rick was right, that didn’t matter at the moment.
Michonne had been trying to keep the kids distracted through all of it. Her bond with Carl let Judith warm up to her as well, and through some bad jokes and silly faces, she got them to smile. Those smiles lifted a weight from Rick’s chest even as the stress of passing through the high walls was creating a dark feeling in the pit of his gut.
Alexandria felt like a joke. How could one community survive all of this practically unscathed when everyone else had lost so much. Christ, even the people in here didn’t know how to deal with walkers. It was too much like the old world, too safe. The people were too nice, too comfortable. 
It was almost voyeuristic, the way Deanna filmed all of them, asking invasive questions while relaxing on her couch like it was normal. “I’ve noticed you and Rick both have a mating bite.” Daryl subconsciously pulled his vest tighter over the juncture where his neck and shoulder met, shooting her the dirtiest look he could muster. “Are you two a pair?” 
“Don see how that’s any o yer business.” She shrugged and crossed her legs, relaxing further into the couch she was sitting on. 
“The two of you are close. It was only a natural question to ask.” 
“Yeah well ya don need ta know.” Deanna raised her hands in surrender. 
“Fine. I think we’re done here anyway. You can go.” He practically vaulted over the desk in his attempt to leave and rejoin the group. He felt trapped in this stupid house, in this community. 
By the way Rick was standing, shoulders slightly hunched, vein in his forehead popping, and avoiding his brother’s eyes, Daryl knew he was asked a similar question about his mark. With a silent nod, the alpha told his lesser they would discuss it later when there were no prying eyes or ears. They were naked without their weapons, even within the obviously strong walls, all of the survivors were unsettled.
Daryl’s blue eyes constantly scanned the surroundings, unconsciously pulling his shoulders back so his chest was fully inflated, making him look bigger. Aaron walked out of the house last, Deanna standing in the doorway, observing the pack dynamics of the group.
She could see the pairs, Glenn and Maggie, Abraham and Rosita, but with the two lead alphas, there was a piece missing. She knew their bites couldn’t have been from each other, it was too small but they were identical, obviously having been done by the same person. Her chest ached at the thought, she was fiercely protective of her own omega and couldn’t imagine what she would do if she lost him.
Maybe they could restart here. Get some kind of comfort from the safety of the walls, keep the pups safe. They would be an asset once they settled. Aaron led them away, towards the empty houses in the back of Alexandria, she’d drop by later to check in on them.
The yowling coming from below the building Aaron had identified as the infirmary, was off-putting. It sounded almost pained. “I’m sorry about that.” Aaron seemed almost bashful as he walked the group by the house. “Who’s in there?” Rick was on edge in this new environment, and the strained screams set him off even more.
“We’re not sure. Eric and I found her about a month back. She’s pretty much feral but no one wants to give up on her.” Yet, Aaron didn’t stop, he led them on like a museum tour guide. No stopping for questions, don’t touch the exhibits. They were led to the outskirts of the town, far enough away from the others that they couldn’t pose a threat, but close enough that they could be watched. “Here’s where you can stay tonight, Deanna will find jobs for you all so you can spread out a bit more.” Carol took the lead as they filed in. 
“Thank you so much for this, it’s nice to finally feel safe.” Her head was bent demurely, fingers twisting around each other, a shy smile on her face. Aaron seemed to relax a bit with her admission, laughing awkwardly and rubbing the back of his neck. 
“It’s really no problem. You folks have a good night.” Daryl recoiled at his friend’s crocodile tears, he wouldn’t admit it, but her suburban housewife act was thoroughly disturbing. Rick gave the recruiter a nod of thanks. Aaron positively beamed at her sentiment. “I’m glad I could be of help.” With a polite nod, he left the pack to their own devices. As soon as the door was shut, all eyes snapped to Rick.
“We need our weapons back.” Maggie leaned against the kitchen counter, Glenn sliding his arm around her, kissing the small claiming mark on her shoulder. “We need a plan.” He added.
They all gathered around the brand new kitchen, still wary, and slightly offset by the cleanliness of the house. Eugene unconsciously stood near Abraham and Rosita, as Michonne took her place beside Carl and Noah. Rick and Daryl were at the front of the group, the latter's eyes still darting around, trying to assess possible threats.
“It’s a smart idea for us to be in the same house, at least for tonight.” Stick together, no one goes anywhere without a buddy. The rules were the same as the outside, that’s how they would stay safe and more importantly, not lose anyone else. 
They spoke in quiet whispers, too worried about listening ears and watchful eyes. And yet, Rick looked around his pack and noticed the exhaustion that seemed to settle over them like a raincloud. He sighed as he watched Carl’s head nod forward for what must’ve been the tenth time, his sheriff hat almost slipping off. 
“We need ta get some rest. Daryl and I will take first watch.” Surprisingly, there is no fight. Michonne slipped Judith from his hold and led the others to the living room, they followed obediently, too tired to argue. But Carol stayed behind, still at her place by the kitchen entryway. 
She looked so much older now, her eyes darker with a pain neither man could understand. “Just these walls won’t protect us and you know that. These people are too ignorant of the world out there.” Daryl crossed his arms over his chest, his omega’s bracelet catching the fading light of the sunset. 
To think yourself safe and protected after all this time with only a 15 foot steel wall and a gate keeping out the world was foolish. It had been almost 2 years since the world fell, there was no telling how many walkers were out there now, how many Terminuses, how many Governors. The people of Alexandria were delusional and that made them dangerous. 
Rick crossed his arms over his chest, chancing a brief glance at his partner before turning back to the omega. “We need proper weapons. Guns. But Daryl and I can’t go out, it’ll be too suspicious to have two alphas roaming around after dark.”
Carol smirked, her lips turning up in a small smile that Rick knew well. “But a meek omega looking around, needing some air, wouldn't call any attention.” Immediately Daryl answered.
“No.” His answer was final, no room for debate. But she ignored him, instead, she did up the buttons on her shirt and smoothed down her hair. It was almost magical the way she shrunk in on herself, the fierce lioness they knew so well disappearing behind hunched shoulders and downturned eyes. But to Rick, she looked like a predator waiting to pounce.
“I’ll be back in an hour with whatever weapons I can get. Don’t wait up pookie.” And she slipped out the door, quiet as a mouse. 
Rick could hear the others settling down in the large family room, Judith making little squawks in response to her older brother’s muttering. It was a comforting white noise, the pack was alive, they were protected. “I don like when she does tha.” 
The lead alpha clapped Daryl on the back as he walked past, smiling to himself. “C’mon we all need some rest.” With one last glance at the door, the archer followed.
None of the pack could sleep. It was surreal to be safe for the first time in forever, to have access to (hot) running water, ready food, and actual beds instead of the flimsy mattresses in the prison, or even just the ground. But now, after being freshly showered with a roof over their heads and food in their bellies, sleep wasn’t coming.
Daryl was leaning against the entryway to the living room with Rick, watching over their pack as they settled. Rick couldn’t help but smile as he watched Carl play with Judith on the floor. The pup was smiling and giggling at her older brother who was leaning over her cot, fist clenched tight around his index finger, laughing every time he moved which caused her pudgy little arm to shake up and down, shaking her whole body.
“We’re safe here right?” The alpha wondered aloud, rubbing his freshly shaven jaw. Daryl only grunted in response. “We need somewhere to stay. If we can get back those weapons, we have a chance here. A real chance to live.” 
“But can we do it without her?” Their hearts ached. It was finally settling in, that they were alone again, that they lost something they would never find.
“She woulda liked it here.” Daryl picked at his nails, still caked in dirt. 
“Yeah she would.” The hope that the city had given him earlier was quickly dying as he got lost in his thoughts. Rick finally allowed himself to breathe. He couldn’t hold it in any longer, the tears quietly slipped down his cheeks as he thought of her, of her last moments alive. Were you trying to run? Trying to find him and Daryl? Did she fight through the hordes? He couldn’t stop the flashes of images behind his eyes if he tried.
Her smiling face. Walkers devouring a body. Her body arching in pleasure below him, sweat dripping down her skin. Dead hands clawing, pulling her apart as she screamed for him. The way she practically glowed in the moonlight as she danced with him on the farm. He knew Daryl could feel everything he could through their shared bond, he focused on the good, how she would run to him every time she saw him, how she coddled her pups.
The hunter’s fists clenched tightly into fists and his jaw locked. Rick opened his mouth to apologise but then, the front door swung open, revealing a greatly disheveled Carol.
“Rick, Daryl. You need to come with me now.” She was trembling with excitement and fear, a little smile breaking through her usually schooled expression, her white hair mussed up from running her fingers through it. 
“What’s goin’ on?” Rosita’s voice was thick with sleep, rubbing her eyes as she leaned against the fireplace where she had set up. Glenn and Carl also looked up, one of the last few still on guard. 
“Please, just, I need you to trust me. This is important.”
She turned to leave once more but Daryl grabbed her arm. “Tell us.” None of them heard the creaking of the floorboards until another voice spoke from behind the matriarch. 
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” Deanna stood in the doorway, her expression guarded, locked onto Carol. “I just wanted to see how you were settling in.”
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loganlostitall · 1 year
“Who’s your most disliked character?”
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aboheadcanons · 2 years
Daryl Dixon [The Walking Dead]
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Male / Omega
TLDR, he's been through hell and back.
When he presented, he was immediately used as a way for his family to make a quick buck. Blood, drugs, sex -- he went learned to look out only for himself.
When the apocalypse hit, he stockpiled suppressants and hid his dynamic for as long as he could. He did not much sympathize with other omegas in the same situation, and his raw exterior only strengthened the beta facade he put up.
They finally run out at Hershall's farm, shortly after he's wounded searching for Sophia. It's a weak heat, but he isolates himself from the group with Beth's help.
He outright refuses to share a heat with an alpha. "I'm no one's bitch."
He feared others would find it strange that he was second-in-command. It was Carol that knocked sense into him, pointing out he was the most resourceful and reliable of the group.
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sasusc · 2 years
I might have spent the last 24 hrs or less writing an Omega-verse Bethyl fic... I'm blaming @whovianlili
Summary: Omega-verse, please read the tags! Takes place during season two, farm era before the group finds the farm.
Beth's heat suppressants are expired and there's no more available during the apocalypse. Beth leaves the farm to wait her heat out alone in a cabin. Daryl and Rick are out hunting in the woods when he catches the scent of an omega in heat.
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He had it comin’
They hurt you I hurt them part 2
Trigger warnings: rape word, mention of SA, gore, revenge, dark themes, usual twd stuff. If you’re sensitive to any of these then please read at your own discretion. Thank you.
“Did you kill him?”
That was the first thing you could even say, it had been a month or so since what had happened… you weren’t fully healed but you were much better. It was more the mental and emotional trauma more than anything but you were strong. Daryl was covered in blood his knuckles painted in the crimson liquid his breathing heavy, the hair that always hovered just over his eyes was drenched in a mixture of sweat and blood his eyes a fierce angry blue. “Nah,” his words were rough as he shook his head visibly affected by it all. He since the incident had been protective over you, incredibly protective but you couldn’t blame him. You remained quiet waiting for him to say something else, “I sent him to hell” you struggled to find your own words as he spoke a slight gulp coming from you. He had murdered a man because of you? “He deserved it. He had it comin’ y/n. He hurt you” he spat out anger evident in his tone but you shook your head “no-“ “yes y/n! The man raped you! He deserved every fucking thing that I put him through.” He exclaimed throwing his arms up in the air “and don’t you dare say he didn’t deserve it because he did, he fucked you up emotionally, mentally and physically! He ruined you! He hurt you once… that meant he would do it again… that’s why I killed him. Because he hurt you… but also because I know if he was able to have time with you again he would do much worse than what he did before.” He spoke firmly, his chest rising and falling rather quickly eyes full of troubled thoughts and feelings as he began to pace back and forth, usually you and Daryl were good at communicating but ever since you had been hurt he had been really difficult to talk to, he had been difficult all together. He kept things from you so you wouldn’t get hurt on a mission with him… even if he meant good by it to try and protect you it still hurt, as if he thought you were weak or something.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered his pacing soon stopping as he ran a hand over his face shaking his head “you’ve got nothing to be sorry for… I’m sorry for getting so angry about this.” He murmured his blood still boiling. His next target were the whisperers and alpha. Maybe he would have to get Negan’s help for that bitch. Daryl lost slept over you being hurt, he couldn’t sleep… imagining everything you went through… the pain… the fear… gods did it keep him up at night. It practically tortured him. It held him in a merciless chokehold until it was the only and last thing he could think about. It was traumatising. Even his own trauma wasn’t as bad as this… with his own trauma he could keep it down where he forgot about it but knowing you got hurt really messed with his head. “How did you kill him?” Your words struck something within him and he paused looking at you “that don’t matter,” he grunted out and you raised your brows “of course it matters!” You said wanting to know but he shook you off “I need a shower… just rest alright?” He mumbled “but you never take a shower…. You…” you soon fall silent as you sigh knowing you wouldn’t get it out of him. He was one stubborn man and as annoying as it was you knew he had a good reason to keep it from you…
~the revenge~
It didn’t take long for him to find the man who hurt you… he was tall. Much bigger than Daryl. Almost like Beta but slightly shorter. Probably about 6’10 so not much taller than Daryl but still tall enough to overpower someone. Daryl wasn’t going to have any mercy. Not now not ever. What this prick had coming for him was well deserved. He soon pursed his lips as he whistled loudly the tall man turning in the direction where Daryl was, hidden just behind a tree- the dark woods aided him by hiding him well… he aligned his crossbow before firing watching as the arrow whistled through the air before piercing straight through the man’s knee, rendering him to his knees as an agonised cry left his lips. How funny… he went down just like that. As Daryl came out of the shadows the man became more and more angry or well maybe scared he wasn’t quite sure. “Who the hell are you man?” He asked but Daryl didn’t respond grabbing a hold of the man’s hair yanking him backwards as he felt onto the floor “your worst nightmare” he found himself saying angrily as he pointed the crossbow directly at his face “you fuckin’ move and I will make this longer.” he warned his blue eyes shining with pure rage his finger teasing the trigger of his crossbow awaiting to fire if the man tried anything but when he didn’t Daryl shook his head taking a step back loosely swinging his crossbow over his shoulder before he crouched down so he could be at eye level with the man, not saying a word his eyes saying enough. It was pure silence. The only sound being the slight comfort of the howling wind but the archer saw that as mother natures way of telling him to murder this man and so without another word Daryl reached out wrapping his hand around the arrow in the man’s knee, it was piercing out through the back of his knee proving it had gone through and through- through the socket and everything…
“Why the hell did you do it.” He spat out and the man stared silently “do what.” He had the audacity to say, not even ask, the amusement in his eyes only adding insult to injury. “Why did you rape her” he asked his jaw clenched, the man chuckling “I didn’t touch her. I’m not that type of man.” Not that type of man huh what a fucking prick. Daryl’s anger only became fuelled more and more as he tightened his grip on the arrow “I’m gonna give you one last fuckin’ chance. You tell me why the hell you hurt her and I will spare your dumbass” he seethed out, the man only finding amusement out of it “and I’m gonna give you one more chance to hear that I didn’t touch her how many-“ he spoke but Daryl didn’t let him finish his sentence off as he was quick to rip the arrow out of his knee the sound of bone and cartilage snapping rang through his ears the man’s screams piercing through his ears as well, he remained deathly silent watching as blood spurted out of his knee “you fucking crazy bastard! I didn’t fucking touch her!” He yelled out, daryl quickly standing up his foot coming in contact with the man’s face kicking him back down twisted groans of agony filling the air as the man writhed in pain “yes you did. Don’t lie.” He muttered already having enough of his bullshit but he knew he would need a little more persuading seemingly and so Daryl dug the arrow into the ground for later use before wrapping his hand around the man’s throat yanking him up his free hand beginning to land constant punches… over and over and over… watching as his face went from a pale colour to an almost terrifyingly red colour, his face now the colour of a tomato practically… his nose was pouring with blood, his teeth covered in the crimson liquid too… “gonna admit it now?” He asked but when the man remained silent Daryl chuckled “fine.”
He knew it was inhumane but what the man did to y/n was even more inhumane. But this was justifiable. The man’s actions prior to Daryl’s revenge most definitely wasn’t justified. It was simply pure evil. He knelt down beside him again unsheathing his knife as he forcefully lifted the man’s already wounded knee up as his screams rang throughout the forest “yeah keep screaming, the dead will finish you faster than I will.” He said coldly before he without even warning stabbed the knife in and out… over and over… of the man’s knee. Constantly. Until his entire leg was covered in blood, the man’s screaming turning into weak begs
“Okay okay I’m sorry… i- I did… I just… i just hadn’t seen a woman in a while.”
His words fucked with Daryl the wrong way, rubbing him off the wrong way completely and his rage had began to get uncontrollable “I know that ain’t the truth, but you ain’t worth my time or breath.” He said before hovering just over the man as he pulled the arrow out of the mud, the tip of the arrow covered in mud before Daryl grasped a hold of the man’s chin keeping him still “I hope you stay alive for hours… you better hope god does exist.” He whispered to the man before bringing the arrow down the arrow piercing through his eye and penetrating straight into his brain, his heavy breathing stilling, his body going limp and Daryl stood up wiping off his knife on his trousers before he without even much of a reaction walked away, acting as if he had done nothing but he didn’t care. The man had gotten exactly what he deserved… no love… no mercy… no care… simply cold hearted painful death.
The days passed by, one by one- but each and every one of those days Daryl was scavenging the woods looking for the whisperers or mainly alpha and so once he found them all he was quick to kill each and every one of them, not on his own of course- he had the help of everyone else, making sure you stayed home safe and sound but seeing alpha laying there dead, head decapitated from her body, it felt good. So fucking good knowing the big bad wolf so to speak was finally defeated… finally. And Daryl didn’t just want them dead because he wanted to get justice for you, no- he wanted them all dead because then you would be more likely to not be hurt again by bastards like them.
“So they’re all dead?” Your voice was quiet your head resting upon Daryl’s chest as he held you in his embrace, dog laying on the foot of the bed. Daryl nodded his head “yeah.” He murmured and you let out a soft sigh as you looked up to him “thank you.” Your voice was soft and gentle before you pressed a kiss to his cheek in a way to thank him further, a pink flush forming on his cheeks and you smiled lightly. “You ever gonna tell me how you killed him?” You asked and Daryl glanced down at you “shoved an arrow through his eye” he said and you winced your stomach churning “want to hear more?” He asked amusement in his tone but you quickly shook your head “no… I’m pretty aware of the fact an arrow through the eye cannot cause that much blood so I’ll stay curious for this one..” you murmured making a light chuckle leave his lips “mhm… details ain’t necessary… just gotta be glad he never gonna touch you again.” He murmured and you nodded very relieved about it. All you had to know was the fact that he had it comin’ he deserved everything that he endured.
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dreamingonmyown · 1 year
the way they edited that transition made it seem like negan and alpha doin it were about to fall through the ground bc daryl and co made the floor collapse and boy. what an entertaining scene that would have been.
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