#about as awkward looking as our Sadie’s ones lol
astral-catastrophe · 1 year
Goodness, we slow danced
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I have to say, I really enjoying Laws of Attraction. I really do. This book makes it up for PB to give up on heavy potential books like Distant Shores and Foreign Affairs. (The tragedy they did to those books even tho I still like them. Side Note: Slow Burn is a great book too) It feels like whoever the team is behind this book actually took their time to stay on course with the plot, characters have well placed personalities...it's just outstanding so far. This is a prime example of how Open Heart should had been. (Not to talk about that messy book.)
I even love all the characters.
The MC: There have been some incompetent MC's that makes me want to choke them, but this one I like.
Gabe Ricci: Sorry but not actually sorry Ethan and Sam stans but Gabe to me is a perfect written boss. He is much more chill. He recognizes MC's work ethnics unlike Ethan who belittles the MC, keep their relationship a secret, and doesn't appreciate the MC until the third book when the MC had to save his ass from a huge lawsuit. And Sam who would risk everything and destroy his/her home for the nanny. Like, I love the slow burn with him and MC. Like he knows he want MC but he want to focus on the case and I can respect that. Especially, if he's your route, It looks like MC is the one who perusing Gabe and when Gabe is fighting to not cross that taboo line, MC goes to have these random hookups. The angst and drama is keeping me interested. And I know it is working because I see people in the fandom PISSED that Gabe isn't dicking them down yet. Lol. I love it.
Ashlinn: What a sweet angel. She is perfect wifey material. I love how she started as a quiet nervous person and by each chapter, she grows into a much more confident woman. That chapter with the actors and she placed Beau in his lane, I lived. If she was my type, I would romanced her with my MC. Maybe in my next run of the book.
Beau: Ok I knew Beau would be that fuckboy character just because he has family ties to the firm. Typical frat boy. I knew we would hate him, especially after he took credit from MC's hard work, but again the character development of him to be more serious just make me like him. He earned extra points for taking the heat for MC and the rest of the team in today's chapter. I would loved if he was an LI option.
Martin: I know he supposed to be the villain and be this "I'm better than you" jackass but I can't be mad at him. Again the character development. He's trying to stay snarky but he's slowly warming up to the team. It's cute that he thinks he's MC's rival, but we all know. But real tip, the man needs to be laid. MC would help.
Gigi: Sis! Queen! Ride or die! I. LOVE. THIS. WOMAN! Just her everything is just god tier. I know she mentioned a girlfriend in the beginning of the book, but what would it been if our wlw sisters get to romance her? The dynamic between them would be powerful. (I wish my MC could romance her. I'll put a ring on that finger fast.)
Sadie: Boss ass bitch. I like her. I seen people upset that she yelled at the team in the chapter, even tho it is the team's fault to give Marcus information before them. Honestly, they could had waited to tell Marcus after they notify Gabe and Sadie. I've even seen folks on here saying "She does nothing for the case but judge" that's the point. She literally put trust in the case in Gabe and the team's hands and Gabe keep her up to date about it. So she has all the right. Plus, she the type to like it when people go for what they want. I saw comments about when Mac requested a room by the lake at her home. Sadie expressed the expression "Closed mouths don't get feed" and I kinda respect her for that.
Marcus: Yeah I dig this character because I can relate to him. As a black man myself, I get why he don't be too comfortable with lawyers. In RL, it is so hard for black people to trust the justice system. There would be so much evidence that proves that you're innocent but the police would do the bare minimum or none at all policing because they made up their minds that you did it. Then there would be slimy lawyers that tells you to plea guilty because you can't win. So I can understand why Marcus acting this way. Yes, he should believe in this team more, but I understand where he is coming from. (Sorry that I put real issues in this lol) Now to the juicy topic. I knew Marcus wanted MC since that walk they did in a couple of chapters before. And yes it is so unprofessional and unethical for a lawyer to sleep with their clients. But, did I spend the night with him regardless? Yes. Yes I did. To be fair, Marcus asked MC for comfort and relief. MC never showed any interest in Marcus or perused him. He ASKED out of trust. So to me this part got me actually thinking. Should my MC give in to him so he can keep the trust in MC or MC turn him down and he would change his perspective of MC later down the road. Either or I feel like consequences is going to happen and as I am an angst trash, I went and gave Marcus the night of his life. If it's not your cup of tea (Again shout out to the wonderful wlw ladies out there) totally understandable. But I like Marcus. If he becomes a potential LI which it looks like then Gabe has some serious competition because I might switch up.
The Hookups: I enjoy them. I like Lisa (The Robin sprite I think is her name in this book. I can't remember. How awkward it is to be playing The Nanny Affair while playing this book because of Robin/Lisa) And Tyler. Yes my MC did do that mlm threesome with Tyler and the PI (who name I also forgot). Yes MC gave the PI that good dick while Tyler watched. I feel robbed slightly that my MC didn't dick down Teddy after we made out with him in the club but the threesome made up for it. These hookups wouldn't happen if Gabe and Ashlinn isn't giving us this wonderful slow burn romance. But I enjoyed it.
Overall, I really like this book. I say this book is A tier. It has it moments like the group trust trip..that was weird but still. A tier. Close but not S tier like Blades. (That book is *chef kiss* Closer we are to the what will be insanity that is Blades 2 and I can not wait!) I hope this is the same team that is doing Crimes of Passion. (The acronym of Crimes of Passion is CoP...I see what they did there.) That book screams LoA's spin off. But still I'm really enjoying LOA. I just hope this not going to be a standalone book. It said it is a series at the beginning of the book, but PB been shady about that lately. Let it stay as a series. Hopefully it is a series.
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Hello there everyone, non-mutuals and mutuals alike. This...isn’t an announcement I thought I’d ever see myself making, but I think it’s absolutely overdue. It will no doubt come off as extremely sudden, probably sad to give or take a few people, but it cannot and will not go unsaid here.
I... am quitting Tumblr. And before you ask, no; I am not doing so out of any feelings of inadequacy or not having as many followers or partners as other people on here. No, it’s for a more...personal-life reason, one that I don’t think would be quite appropriate to disclose on here.
I almost hate to be doing this, believe me. Heck, I’ve had some of the most fun years of my life on this website, and have gotten to talk to so many more people about stuff I like or am interested in than I usually can in real life, not to mention learning a lot about writing and character-making (I feel like I’ve come a long way from making gary-stu OC’s lol); I’ve even improved on my drawing and graphic-designing skills in the time I’ve been on here.
I’ve discovered and gotten into multiple fandoms and series, Fate among them, that I’ve come to love. This place has just been such a great medium to express my love for so many things and in so many forms. However...I think the time has come where I’ve reached the end of my ‘Roleplaying Career’, as one might put it.
Again, I know this is very sudden. I’m sorry that I have to drop so many threads. But I’ve come to the decision that doing this is for the best. And hey, there’s always a possibility that I could return, just maybe more as a personal-blog runner as opposed to a RPer. Also, keep in mind that I’m not going to delete any of my blogs, so they’re going to be archived. Anyhow, before I end this, I want to shout out to a few people.
@idoldragos - Sadie, while you may not quite recognize me, I’ve been following your blogs for years at this point, even since your Neptunia OC multimuse blog, when it was called cpumilfs (lol). In other words, you’re probably one of the most familiar figures to me on here, and I’m grateful to have followed you, because not only are you a fellow fan of tokusatsu, but you’re also very chill and mellow, which I appreciate. Remember, never give up! Hehe.
@musexcarnival, @ultimatepharaoh, @sanzenxsekai - Suku, you are also one of the closest partners I’ve had on here for the longest time. To this day, I still appreciate just how much you don’t take roleplaying super seriously, and how fun your writing is. You have been nothing but kind to me in the time we’ve been mutuals (Even when I was negative at times) and for that, I thank you. Best of wishes to you, and thanks for the fun times.
@beautivile, @xxyumeno, @acrossworlds , @serpentinewxman, @mcmcntomorii, @okixxts (Forgive me if I forgot anyone)- Man, I feel so darn awkward that I’m just dropping our threads, I dunno where to even begin. Well, I suppose I’ll start by saying thank you. I am very thankful that you all were interested enough in Marlon to have him interact with all of your guys’ amazing characters. Fran is wonderful, Medea is best assistant, Osakabehime is precious, Mukuro is nice, and Okita deserves all the love she can get. Again, It’s disappointing that I couldn’t stick around long enough to at least complete my remaining threads, but alas, I have pressing matters.
@dekirukoto, @solisnumen, @eiriini - Alex, Renata, Carrie, I want you guys to know that I have always looked up to you all. You are extremely skilled when it comes to developing and writing your guys’ characters, and I admire that more than you will all know. You guys honestly make me want to become better at writing headcanons. Also, the chemistry between Makoto and Tamamo/Kamui is so great, I loved seeing them all interact.
With those out of way, I just want you all to know that I am glad to have gotten to interact with each and every one of you. I treasure all the memories I’ve made on here, along with all that I’ve learned.
I hate to say goodbye to you all, which admittedly seems weird to say, considering none of us know each other in real life, but I can’t deny that I enjoyed my time with everyone on here while it lasted. You’re all wonderful people, and I wish the best for you guys in your lives, strangers or not.
I never thought I’d find myself saying this, but...
Mun M, out!
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The Awkward Introduction
You know that part where you go to a new school, or a new school year, or your first job and it's orientation and whoever is in charge says "Stand up and tell us your name and a fact about yourself!" and you're just trying not to die from embarrassment? That's this post.
It never helps that the person asking for all of this is standing there expectantly, usually smiling, usually not seeing anything wrong with this. And they are technically right-there's nothing wrong with it unless you're socially awkward and you call it 'human interaction',
So as far as I'm concerned, this is after the official humiliation, and now you and I are chatting in a corner, or maybe at a table in the cafeteria under the florescent lights that make everything seven shades whiter and doesn't give a real sense of how anyone looks.  But we were both awkward, so we decided to hang together. And you're asking me questions, because for you it's easier to ask then to share your business, and I like that you're giving me a lead as to what it's okay to talk about.
You ask if I have pets, and then I get to tell you about my dogs. The big one is Emily, she's a Black Lab/blue heeler that we got at seven weeks because her owner couldn't deal with her, and Fraiser is my little boy, a Beagle/Chihuahua mix. I have two goats in the back yard, twin sisters, Sadie and Sookie. They are our lawn mowers lol. My sibling has a cat, and our mom has finches.
I'm trying to be an English teacher at VIPKID, even though I already failed the test once, and I'm going to take it again later this week. They let you take it multiple times, like a driving test. I was getting my TPR-Total Physical Response-mixed up. You tap your mouth to say 'listen' and cup your ear for 'repeat', and I didn't use enough props. If I write about that it will be under #VIPKID
The reason for that is that I've worked retail for 14+ years and when our governor issued a stay-at-home order for the Plague, I went on leave. I'm not going back there. I'll figure it out. Everyone thinks I'm balmy. I've been a manager for 4 years, so I make 16.05 an hour. I could move up, easily. Those people though, they don't care if I lie or die or kill my family as long as they get their blood money. I have a feeling working for a crime syndicate would not only be more profitable, but more humane. It also means I am intimately aware of how to steal from retail stores, since I was at the frontline of theft prevention (I ran the electronics departments). I will, at some point, make a master list of how to relieve retail establishments of their inventory without getting caught, a good skill in these times (under the tag #how2stealamillion), as well explaining how it works there for an employee. It's nuts. I may file it under the tag #horror. Not sure yet.
Lord of the Rings and the other works of Tolkien are a special interest of mine, and I reblog a lot of #lotr and #silm, but I will be sharing my opinions and eventually, some fic. I used to be a fanfic author for Criminal Minds on ff.net but I had a really bad depressive episode and never went back. The Silmarillion especially is a mess, and I have a special place in my heart for Rohan.
I'm also, like everyone else, working on original fiction projects, which I cycle between whenever I get bored with one. I may post excerpts. I will be putting it-whichever it I finish first-up on Betabooks for critique. Anything pertaining to them will be under #project followed by a number, such as 1 or 3,
I'm a writer, but like everyone else I'm a reader first and foremost, and I have sadly a lack of access to books. The Most recent thing I've been able to read is Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan, which I did enjoy because it was based more on Slavic fantasy than standard European fantasy. I bought it when it first came out because it jumped off the shelf and yelled "BUY ME" and I have no regrets. If I blog about books, it will be under #books, followed by #titleofwork and #nameofauthor.
Another not-so-fun-fact-I suffer from chronic pain and endometriosis. Exercising is hard. Work is hard. Everything is hard. When I blog about that, it will be under #spoonie and possibly #endo if that applies.
I am not 'out' to my mother, a very strict Christian woman of the Protestant persuasion, as bisexual. That is the label with which I have the most comfort, although I have been informed that pansexual is more accurate. I prefer bisexual. If I do talk about it, it will be tagged #bi, whereas issues of gender and sexuality will be #LGBTQA+.
For another fun fact, I've recently become involved in Catholicism, another thing our Protestant mother doesn't approve of and therefore has no idea that I'm involved with. Those posts will be tagged #catholic.
In pursuit of never ever going back to my retail job, I'm also trying to get my chronically pained behind into homesteading. We live on 1.5 acres in north Florida, and I want to grow food. And have chicken. And ducks. I'll tag those disasters as #homesteading.
I cannot cook without causing a problem, which is all fun and games until your sibling the cook comes in and goes "What the actual fuck" and "why did you move all my stuff" and "Please stop." On the rare occasions when I do cook, I will be sharing it under #cooking.
I've taken Norwegian as my language of choice during these times of being cooped up, and will tag those adventures and resources as #langblr
There will be other things, I'm sure, and I've been on Tumblr straight reblogging for years, but I'm going to try to share more of 'me' on here.
Also, I will not tolerate pedophiles, rapists, rape apologists, or other predators of the human race, TERFS, Nazis, or whatever else exclusionary to minorities happens on here. If any of my topics squick you out, just block them! I've had to do the same, many times, and unfollow people for their opinions on, for example, the exclusion of asexuals from LGBTQA+ spaces.
Nice to meet you!
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livingwithlosingyou · 2 years
Living with Losing You - 9/11/2022
But I caught the bouquet.
In addition to it being 9/11 remembrance, Court and Cailee got married one year ago today. I was a bridesmaid in their wedding, and ended up catching the bouquet. I was very excited about it. So many people came up to me and asked me where you were, and said that “I was next”. I really wanted to be next. I wanted to be next so bad. You had recently just left for CARON, your first rehab. Picture at the end for proof I caught it (of course).
I woke up pretty tired since I got home late last night, but quickly got ready, took Sadie to camp, and then headed to church. I had a few plans today, so I didn’t want her to be sitting at home all day. That is what is so nice about having doggy day care. 11/10 recommend!
Anyway, so I was meeting a new friend that I met a grief share at church today. She had never been to this church before, but she really enjoyed it! The message today was about God’s vision. They talked about Isaiah, and how the bible references God as being “High and Exalted”. How moved are we by the things that God does in our lives? This was a great question. It is like we expect to be blessed by God, versus us honoring him and serving him. God does not involve us in ministry because he NEEDS our help, He does it because she loves us, and invites us as his children to help him with the mission. It should not be the prayer of “should I go?”, but it should be “please let me go”.
After service, we walked over to a local coffee shop where we talked for hours. On the way though, it was really cool how many people recognized me and said hi to em today. I really feel great community here, it is so special. Anyway, time definitely got away from us, in the best way. We talked about so much, and realistically probably still only scrapped the surface. She was super sweet, and I felt sad that she had to endure similar struggles and abandonment issues that I had growing up.
When we were done, I walked her back to her car and then walked to mine. I have my routine now, where I go and grab stuff from that new GF bakery I found #takemymoney. I got a few things, then texted Shane to see when he wanted to meet up. Of course on my drive home, my dad texts me that Logan ahd a soccer game in 15 minutes (lol). But, I already agreed on my plans and wasn’t going to back out.
We meet at an old coffee shop where I used to gig a lot actually. I should look into that again. Anyway, it was really wonderful catching up with him. We talked about you for the majority of it, and he ultimately just wanted to make sure that I was okay. It was really sweet because when James and I were dating, Shane was still in the midst of his probate (his father died while we were dating, so I was quite involved in all of it) and James was SO supportive of me being a support to Shane. It meant a lot. So, Shane wanted to return the favor during my time of need. See, that’s how it should be. Putting differences or awkwardness aside to help one another. Life is hard. It was also great to hear how well he was doing, and how happy he seems with his GF. Truly, makes me so happy. I am glad that we got to reconnect.
After that I rushed over to grab Sadie, then came home. I called in Farmers Table for a salad, then met up with Bri as we walked to try to find outfits for our event on Thursday. we are going to the Dinner en Blanc. I will explain more on the day of, but it should be interesting! Funny thing is at the Goodwill, I was moving clothes on the rack and the entire thing fell down (LOL). It reminded me of that one time I grabbed an apple from the top of the pile, and how the entire pile still came tumbling down to the floor. Luckily a nice gentleman came and helped us, but I did end up buying a few things. While checking out i saw two glass Poke-balls with hologram Pokemon in then. I bought them. #selfcontrol How could I not!?
Bri got picked up from Goodwill, and I continued my trek to get my salad. When I got home, I was excited because I realized I still had an episode of HSMTMTS left (if you know, you know). Also, don’t judge me. It’s great.
So, I ate my dinner, watched the episode, and now I am typing this blog. Thinking about having to work tomorrow, and how I am so behind still on my coaches training. REALLY need to get that done, REALLY don’t want to.  
I should try to get to bed early tonight since I have gotten trash sleep recently. I mean, I guess I kind of always get trash sleep. It is what it is.
It’s crazy how time flies. Life is such a journey. Grateful to have been a part of yours when you needed a travel buddy the most <3.
I love you, James.
Rest in Peace, James Burton Nichols.
10/1/1993 - 7/16/2022
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Those last three episodes of Steven Universe: a mini-essay
kevin party, donner party, what's the differenfe
hey guys, remember when lion disappeared? i legitimatedly don't. he ran off with connie or something and even though lars is probably in mortal peril and lion's the only way to get to him... naw don't need him. even though now steven's all worried bout lion he didn't give a shit enough earlier to search for him just for lion's own sake. nothing matters.
the party sadie and co fucked off to in the last episode and the tit-ular kevin party are not one and the same. why not? because none of this matters. nothing fucking matters. just... some stuff happens and none of it ever fucking lines up or amounts to fucking anything. why is this show still airing?
Kevin thinking Steven's name is Clarence is the best if not only joke this show has produced in the last like twenty episodes. Or thirty. How long has this season been going for? How many episodes does this show have?...
kevin is allergic to dog but lion is still here ok. the joke is he think lion it dog but the fact he hasn't like broke out in hives should maybe tell him something?.......
So the crux of this episode is, Kevin gives Steven this patriarchal man male romantic advice which basically amounts to "have a good time and don't be a sniveling soyball" and is entirely reasonable. But since this is Steven fucking Universe, it's clearly absolutely fucking terrible. I mean, maybe it's not the perfect solution for *this* particular situation, but why the fuck would he know that? Is he supposed to read Steven and Connie's fucking minds? Why does the feminist solution to problems so commonly require the male reading peoples' fucking minds? It's a perfectly fucking reasonable piece of general advice, and Kevin even seems to be at least the littlest bit actually concerned about Steven's love life issues beyond getting the cool quantum-tranny Stevonnie at his party... but no, he's gotta be wrong, because he's the designated small-time patriarchal oppressor and 84opposition to the gender revolution.
connie assumes that steven doesn't want to talk to her not because she's been bitching at him and been doing shit like accusing him of being friends with kevin leaving him to wonder what he's done wrong... but because he's friends with kevin, obviously. female accountability and logic at 0%
kevin doesn't know how to friends. are we supposed to hate him or feel sorry for him? ... never mind, both of those options are equally depressing with the way the show treats him.
connie likes steven's maximum soy pink polo shirt, because the way to get grils is to treat yourself like a defective woman who needs re-estrogenizing and soy yourself up. just fucking go cry at her and wear the soy clothes she bought you and drip snot upon her. bitches love snot and then even though steven said kevin had his heart broken and it looks like they have some sympathy for him connie goes "lol ofc he did" and he falls in the pool and they shit on him. fuck this gay earth the rebellion was a mistake homeworld did nothing wrong
So... what the fuck was the conflict here again? Seems like the only thing keeping Steven and Connie from making up was bad timing and mutual awkwardness. Did anyone learn anything from this, aside from Steven discovering he needs to get even more soyful if he wants to inject his gem cummies into a strong big-nosed short-haired minority female someday? Did any of this fucking matter?
Also, I've no idea if this is just fan conjecture or what, but apparently the "Sabina" (because yeah that's a name normal people hsve) who fucked Kevin up is actually the le mysterious pink-haired person mute lesbo who hit it off with Pearl forever ago and probably showed up again at some point in the last X episodes but I don't fucking remember it. You... you... how did you manage to make this even worse? So not only is Kevin terrible and wrong and evil for existing, and for hitting on hot five-gendered quasi-minority manchicks at parties, and for giving reasonable advice... he hit on a thicc pink turbo-lesbo and we're supposed to hate him for that, too. Just... how the fuck do I put this? It's like... stupid fucking cis straight normal fucking a white male, thinking this world is full of other normal people like yourself- the real Earth's population is 99% minority queer demigender faggosexuals, how dare you think you can get into a normal heterosexual relationship with a female of the species? He tried some normal human courtship instead of feminist-approved all-gendered-yet-female-oriented interactions fit only for mentally-deficient degenerate aliens, so he deserved to have his heart trampled on. She's a stryng fymyle fat womyn person, you fucking piece of shit, not some thing for you to treat like (an object/your property/an animal/whatever) by treating her like a normal human being. You're shit, normies are shit, and treating a transcendant gender-goddyss as equal to yourself is oppressive. Or... some fucking shit like that. fuck i don't know whatever
c'mon plot it's time to go the fuck back into space already!!! It occurs to me that Connie (probably, I don't fucking know) knew all this time Lars was trapped in spacedanger and Lion was the only thing Steven or anyone else on Earth could use to rescue him, but she decided to fuck off with him anyway. Because why? Because her selfish little emotional snit over Steven valuing her life is more important than Lars' own fucking life? Remind me, why are we supposed to like Connie again? Also why did Lion stay with her this entire time anyway? Usually he just fucks off and does whatever he wants. He never wandered back to Steven?
Connie immediately shows her ignorance and downplays the situation as a fun and funny adventure, steven and connie in space o ho ho! an attitude which hey you know might be conducive to PEOPLE THINKING YOU'RE NOT FUCKING FIT TO HANDLE YOURSELF IN SPACE AND THEY SHOULD LEAVE WITHOUT YOU TO PROTECT YOU... Pretty fucking retarded thing to say after all that bitching about... no, wait a minute, Connie never said anything about being treated like Steven's equal or being coddled, did she? I mean, she barely said anything about anything because this was an underdeveloped aborted fetus of an arc, but the entire crux of this disagreement really was just... #
god fluorite still creeps me the fuck out. She's basically some magna-tranny that's gone through eight different transitions of like three genders each and gained a new fat roll for each one. Is this supposed to make me like "diverse" people? Because it's not working. Every single second of her vocal drone grating across my eardrums makes me want ever more to perpetuate a holocaust against the legbutt people. Eugh. two children are all we need to save lars, don't bother bringing garnet or any of those other fucking main characters we have lying around or anything naw fuckit
On some level I almost enjoy how few fucks Lars has come to give, even doing shit like spouting the aesop he was just given as a kewl one-liner as he (kind of) trounces the bad guy... but still, it's all off-screen development that raises a lot of questions. Maybe it's just the change in environment and the lack of anyone to try and impress (the shitgems sure as hell aren't the cool kids) that's brought this out of him- that almost makes sense, but there's nothing indicating that's the case... or anything's the case, really. Maybe it's just some kind of tangential stockholm syndrome where I'm happy to see something actually fucking happening, I don't fucking know.
also how did they steal the ship? they """explain""" but... they really don't. They're just that good because take our word for it lars is really happy for those clean pants. how much did he shit himself over the past couple weeks
And then shit gets terrible again. Lars is more triggered over sadie than his own parents... because of fucking course he is. No, she wasn't worried sick, she was faffing around whining about having to do your work for you or having to work at all and then fucking quitting her job to go become a marxist rock guitarist. Hey, remember the purple cake incident? Lars was legitimately fucked up over his social anxiety and his inability to hang with the cool kids despite wanting so badly to do so, so Sadie just fucking around with them like it's nothing because she really is barely worried about his wellbeing... yeah, I think that shit's gonna fuck him up a little bit.
But no, Steven basically just... tells him to get the fuck over it. Because, like, he's not there so she can do whatever the fuck she wants, immediately. Fuck is this shit? Like all of five minutes into the episode Steven just starts fucking explaining this shitty twisted aesop to both Lars and the audience. Yeah man, you go die in space, your gf can immediately go do everything you ever angsted over with ease and I'll come rub it in your face and you should just fucking get over it because u totes love her that much, lol. *You* aren't entitled to your own emotions.
Oh and then Steven compares Sadie's faffing to Lars's fucking comandeering a space ship in order to keep himself alive. Because the woman's feelsies are equivalent to the man's fucking life. Guys, what the fuck am I watching?...
I think this is one of those... things... this show does, where it at first vaguely approaches something that would pass for a normal human cognitive outputting, but then turns, farts in your face like that sexy alien from Star Wars and flits off like Tinkerbell leaving you confused and asmellied. Where in an attempt to create an unthought new aesop never before cognizized by mankind it ends up with a bizarre twisted mess.
At the very least Steven maybe shoulda thought twice before bringing some of those photos. "Oh, look how well your abusive not-gf has been doing without you! Befriending everyone you ever wanted to befriend but couldn't because you need a fucking therapist! Yeah that'll make him feel better". Hey, remember when Steven was empathic, you guise? I mean that being thrown the fuck out was part of what defines this arc, but come on...
It also severely hurts the thing that it's played out so fast. Lars is #triggered by the photos, okay, but then Steven immediately gets on his case and REEEEEs at him for... trying to destroy Sadie's something or other, because I don;t fucking know feminism is the radical idea that a man's emotional freedom is so disgusting it'll destroy a pure beautiful deserving woman from a distance of a thousand light-years in a fucking instant- Calm your fucking tits, Steven Sugar, we're in the middle of fucking space, Lars has no way of destroying Sadie's whatever the fuck it was he was supposed to be destroying. Let him have his knee-jerk reaction. Also, all of a week or a month away from your best friend slash romantic interest is enough you should expect she's moved on from you completely. Okay.
... Hey, wait a minute, I thought Kevin Praty taught us that sniveling was the way to get all the pretty wymyn? What might have changed between then and now, a difference of one entire episode? ... No, really, I have no fucking clue. This time, the contradiction is so fucking incoherent I can't even turn it into "because Sugar and feminists like her place female emotions above all else". The only way I can see it is if shitting on certain types of males is equal to or higher than muh womans, as the Kevin Party incident was twisted specifically to work at Kevin's expense. ... It's funny how this runs completely opposite what I'd think most people would find healthy. If the person you're hurt over is nowhere fucking near you then get it out of your system, but don't go dumping all your emotional baggage on them at a fucking party. This show wants us to bottle up our emotions when there's no fucking reason to at all but mainline emotional diarrhea in the most inappropriate of situations. what is this shit?
lol the crew are made so fucking useless just by a single fucking photo phone just take it from him One of the shitgems calls Stevvie "friends"... plural. they aren't a singular "they". SOC JUS FAUX PAS
man i can;t believe stevonnie;s fucking dead to bad the show ended here guys i guess homeworld can just go take over the world now. it's better this way
This was apparently some sort of special event called "Stranded", but the stranding only lasts one episode. Oooooookay.
This one is entirely just a nitpick, but I find it so strangely interesting from a writing perspective that I just can't leave it out... The "everything is broken" joke is like three lines long and two lines two long. Stevonnie is like, man what's broken and we're shown the readout from the ship showing everything flashing red, okay... and then she's like, ohhh man wow look almost everything it broken?? who expect that ha ha. And then she says, at least the screen works... and that immediately gets broken. Ha haaaaa. I dunno bout you, but I woulda laughed more if they'd just cut it short- have Stevonnie see the screen and go "oh, everything" or even just "oh", in that high-pitched, slightly breathy tone of voice that says "well, shit". Then crash. Boom, short sweet and to the point and gives you like ten more seconds this episode to spend on the plot of the epi- oh wait
Stevonnie is stranded on spaceplanet because no communications, but... xei have magic. Just... shoot some magic fireworks or start a magic fire for smoke signals. Or a normal fire, even. If the problem is that random new green gem will also find you if you do this... actually mention that. Steven and Connie don't even seem to consider sending a physical signal of any kind, even though it should be an obvious idea.
And then Stevenconnie just... finds a random alien species? And casually eats it? This... this just raises so many questions... Throughout the entire run of this show up until this date, the only alien species we've seen has been the gems. The center of the entire show, something that's been continually developed (if not consistently, coherently or well)- there's a decent amount of thought put into how these lifeforms that're completely unlike anything on Earth function, both in biology and society, with some degree of interplay between the two. The show was kept focused on the effects of Rose's rebellion and events related to it, and we avoided all the extra thought, logic and possible scientific plot holes that would be brought into existence by trying to create and balance multiple forms if alien life from multiple different origins. But now they just... dumped this stuff on in there? Because why
This is at once the first new alien species we've seen since the very beginning of the show, the first organic species, the first animalistic/non-sentient species, and the first found in it's alien habitat... and not only are a fucking bunch of them all introduced at once, they're thrown in casually and Stevonnie fucking eats most of them. What the fuck? There's no thought put into these things either, they're just a bunch of wacky squacky animals mainly comprised of random Earth animal parts. There's no logic to how they work, why they exist, how they evolved like this, they're just... wacky funny animals for no reason. Fuck you. After the series up until this point has focused on developing one species with an entirely different biology, history and culture from humans, with all of those things to at least some degree influencing or connected to each other, seeing these critters introduced just at random with no logic or context is incredibly jarring. This was such a fucking bad idea...
Also Stevonne eats the fucking fruits and animals and drinks the water because all planets just have human-compatible food species and good old motherfucking H2O I guess
stevonnie has more stubble than steven ever did because i hate life and i hate everything. this is disgusting. It's even distributed weirdly; instead of being on ziouir's chin it spreads up either side of zoidrgh's face and actually on to the cheeks. And we just have to see it's fugly little cheekstubble for the entire fucking rest of the episode. gagh
And then we get to this... really weird dream sequence where some really weird writing decisions are made. It starts off in Connie's house with Connie's mom... uh, rising up out of the carpeting, but Stevonnie identifies them as "my house" and "my mom". Stevonnie is both Steven and Connie, but given we're used to Steven being the main character and usual viewpoint throughout the entire series this comes off as though it's Steven saying this is "his house/mom". But, you know, they're not. And for any fan who's not devoted enough to commit to memory which character's household interior this is, it's misleading until Connie's mom shows up and then confusing after that. Why the fuck did the writers decide to write the scene like this? Why not have Stevonnie go "my, uh, your, uh, Connie's house" or some shit? Or just remove this part entirely because it gets really weird when the mom starts talking about EXTERMINATING ORGANIC LIFE and setvonnie notices nothing. Then the mom turns into this... weird brownwashed minority fusion version of YD with a big ol' jellyglob of Conmom's hair slapped onto the back of her head. What is this shit? if you're going to make it a meaningful dream you can't just do random shit like that. stop mixing messages. Just... stop. why did they choose to do this, and with Conmom specifically? If it's supposed to imply PD and YD's relationship is like Connie and her mom's... well first of all, that doesn;t fucking work because PD is nothing like Connie at all. But ignoring that, if it's supposed to imply YD is some sort of a parental figure to PD... why Connie's mom? She's not particularly important, and we don;t know her all that well. If it's not a comparison to her specifically and it's just that she parent... why Connie;s mom? Of all the parental figures in the show, because... I don't know, this is dumb fuck this
Though once that shit stops I actually almost like this dream sequence. Having our main character taking the place of PD in the dream, reliving her memories, it not being clear we "are" PD and that Stevonnie is acting out this memory rather than acting under xfer own will until we get to the mirror scene, where Stevonnie punches the reflection of PD while their own appearance remains the same... that's pretty fucking nice. This might also be a manifestation of that Stockholm syndrome I mentioned earlier, though. PD wants things and is frustrated with her current situation. She tries to get what she wants by bitching at someone else to give it to her, sure, but the way she storms off on her own and punches the mirror implies she wants to change things, there's just something holding her back. She has a trajectory. Apparently the fnadom hates her for being a brat, but I almost like her. ..... bets are open on how long it takes for the writers to completely fuck this up.
and then steven and connie just go home and who fucking cares nothing mattersfuck this show
... It seems the fandom has latched on to PD being an off-color because she's small (because height is a color what the fuck is that term why is it that). Like the rich family that hides their embarrassing retarded offspring in the basement, I guess. (i still crackship lars with kevin by the way)
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c-highschool · 6 years
FLASHBACK: November 16. 2012; Movie Night
After basketball practice, my sister drove me to a redbox at the Fred Meyers. She dropped me off in the parking lot & took the car to the movies. I waited in the cold breeze for a few minutes til the hood of my sweatshirt lifted up and was placed on my head.. kind of.
He was heree!
The plan was to rent a movie & go back to my place to watch. Lemme remind you, it was hella hard to convince the parents to let it happen. Damn asian parents :( Don’t get me started on them. Anyways..
Walking to the grocery store, he had his arm around my neck. I felt self conscious since I had just finished practice & was all sweaty. He’s a very friendly guy O.o Not that I didn’t know that but there was this guy who’s ringing a bell for donations, usually I smile & walk away.. but Yoshi made small talk with him. *___* Whatta guy, I’m so lucky.
When we got to the redbox inside, we did our thing <3. After ten minutes or so, we decided on The Campaign. Nothing to describe our movie picking moment soo..
Going back outside, he was friendly to the guy who was still there, saying bye & all that. Did our thing as we walked. I kind of kept whacking him with my big basketball bag when we were messing around. He slipped his arm in between my waist & the backpack.
Getting to his car, opening the back seat door, oh my goodness his car smells like him. Oh.. I opened the door because.. uh.. oh yeah I had to put my bulky bag there. Shutting the door & sliding into shotgun, oh my goodness he has the heat on full blast. & here I am, already sweaty & wearing one of my warmest sweatshirts. O__O typical. Maybe it was a hint to take it off but I was distracted.
He says, “I don’t wanna leave.” I don’t want to either. My parents & my grandma will be there.. not a typical date at home.
He wrapped his arm around my back, his hint that somebody is wanting a kiss. Turning my head, leaning closer, our lips touched. Mmmm. My head was resting on his shoulder afterwards. Listening to music & cuddling has got to be the best thing ever. He finally turns off the heat oh yess.
He touched a spot on my waist, squirming, I told him that tickled… Smart move.. He starts looking for other spots & he finds them. While I, the victim is in a compromised position, in his car, arching my back awkwardly.. more like grinding on him.. kind of.
We exchanged conversation & kisses for another 20 minutes.
In between the 20 minutes.. I think I swear I heard him say the words O.O THE WORDS. It was after him tickling me causing me to kiss him, laughing against his lips.. pulling back he says, “I love you..” But it wasn’t the romantic ones I guess.. it was more of a playful “I love you..” If that makes sense at all. Right after that, putting my head against him & he kissed on top of it. <3
Did I mention we are still in the parking lot? I don’t know what’s up bout us kissing in parking lots (school parking lot during Sadies, twice in the movie theatre parking lot during Sadies & after watching Taken 2, now this).. & in his car every time might I add hehe. I guess it’s the only place we can be intimate.
It’s now past 9:00PM so we decided to head home, in case the parents get suspicious. His parents are so easy on him, whereas mine -________-“ We talked on our way there, more or less giving him directions in the dark.
Getting to the house, he actually made an attempteto park on the driveway this time & he’s getting better at it. There was no screeching noise from under of his car. Getting out, his car automatically locks by itself.. I needed my bag.. *unlocks* Grabbed the bag. *locks* O.o I ask him if he brought the disk with him. *unlocks* … *locks*
Now waiting for my mom to open the storm door & main door. She’s on the phone, trying to unlock the storm door (the door made out of multiple layers of glass.. the hardest one to unlock). We are waiting there. He stands behind me to my left. Finally, she unlocks it. I grab the handle & his hand placed on the edge of the door above my head, (he’s too sweet, I’m secretly wishing he will never get tired of doing that). I squeezed past him, carrying my bag in tow, him following after.
My dad is on the computer in the dining room on the laptop, & Yoshi greets him with a "Hello, Sir.” :D CAN THIS BOY GET ANY BETTER?? While, I try not to make things awkward, taking off my shoes, I think that I’m leading him to the family room. He’s a few seconds back, still taking off his shoes. Waiting for a bit, he & I head to the family room.
NOTE: I thought my parents would go away. Be upstairs or something, but no THEY WERE THERE FOR HIS WHOLE STAYING. it really upset me because I think they don’t trust me being with him. Uh helllllooo what would Yoshi & I do when YOU GUYS  ARE AROUND ANYWAY?? NOTHING. Exactly. I was p-i-s-s-e-d. But I tried not to let it get to me & enjoy spending time with him..
After setting my bag down, popping in the movie, I turned off the lights & sat next to him. We had ice cream sandwiches & water for the first part. Sat on the floor for some reason.. Boyy he drinks a lot of water without having to go haha The family room is a couple steps down from the main floor, so there’s a barrier… kinda. You could look over someone when you’re close, but from afar, you can only see the TV & the back of the couch.
We got comfortable a while into the movie, now sitting on the couch. I took a risk & lay my left cheek on his chest. He was leaning back & feet propped up on the table.. after I told him it was okay to do so. My legs curled up under the blanket, his biceps over my shoulder, lower arm and hand rested on my chest.. darn you small boobs. -.-“ My hands under his arm & holding the two remote controls.
I asked him if I smelled. He said no.. I kept smelling myself just to check. He put his nose on my shoulder & sniffed. He said I wasn’t that bad. What does that mean? I decided he should get used to it since he’ll be coming to the games anyway..
MY PARENTS COULD SEE & HEAR THE MOVIE. So we had to turn it down a bit. I couldn’t do anything about the graphics sooo we watched through it. OMG I hope my parents didn’t see a thing, cause it was dirtyyyy. I was fine with Yoshi watching with me. Except when they said p*ssy & we both froze LOL
Well, my grandma slowly walked around, eyeing us too. So you see, there is no such thing as privacy in my house :( Well maybe she wasn’t expecting I was bringing a male  to hang with. After all my mom only warned her I was bringing a friend over to watch a movie. My mother only checked up on us once so far, she was back in the dining room with my dad too. After grandma went to sleep, I felt much more comfortable.
I could hear his heartbeat <3 We were breathing at the same rate too.. until he breathed faster.. I wonder why. Maybe it’s because he playfully poked my side–a ticklish spot– & I unintentionally ground my face into his lower torso, a couple of inches away from his crotch LOL
Like during our last date, he would kiss my head at random moments. It feels so nice. I just love it when he does that. Here & there I would look up to him while he was watching the movie. He’d stare back & lean down while I propped my head up.. our lips would touch for a brief moment.
I’m good with these kisses. I like these kisses. It’s just me & him in our own little world. I forgot about my parents when I'm mesmerized by his presence.
After we finished watching The Campaign, I was looking for another movie in my family’s collection. He laid on the floor stretching. Oh. My. Goodness. I’m dating this guy who looks goddamn sexy when he stretches. Oh & his happy trail… only for me to know & the rest of you to wonder >__< Hehe.
Bewildered that he hasn’t seen my favorite Harry Potter movie, we decided on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Returned to the couch & our original position. Moments later he jerked up & my head plopped onto the warm seat. He pointed. … THERE WAS A SPIDER LOOKING THING JUST CHILLING WHERE HIS BODY WAS SUPPOSED TO BE. UGH. I got a tissue, killed it & flushed it down the toilet.
He sat back down & I sat back down to his right. Leaned back & wrapped his arm around me again, & I covered the blanket over us.. me..
But I had the need to kiss him so I got up & leaned toward him, he backed away. -___- I was like "WHAT THE EFF?” Then I saw my mom walk by, to the garage. Smooooth :( I kissed his cheek quickly before she came back. Sliding back to my position on the couch, he kissed my head again. That makes my heart melt & the butterflies fly.
It was getting late, about 11:30PM. He mentioned he had to go soon (half an hr before), I guess soon was now.
We packed up everything so it looked nice as before.
He said goodbye to my parents.
We put on our shoes & walked together to the driveway.
He pulled me aside & hugged me. We kissed that certain kiss, hugged, held the long kiss again & pulled apart.
He got into his car. Backed out onto the street, the high curb scratching against the underside of the car.
He waved. I waved. He drove off.
I went back inside, mad at my parents. Went upstairs, where he was banned from. Texted him & fell asleep, with my sweatshirt that smelled like him.
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itscentral08-blog · 6 years
Caroline Thompson
Twitter: @coralinexmaria
Instagram: @coralinemaria
How would you describe yourself in high school? Outgoing, conceited, petty, fun, a little awkward and completely irresponsible but somehow also pretty fuckin' responsible. Who were your best friends? The Tribe/Zoot Crew/G-Had – wow we had a bunch of very problematic clique names. Who was your biggest Central crush? The Sairio twins and Andy O'Neill when he wasn't being a dick. Caleb Olson. What was your favorite after school activity? Going to Chipotle with Max and letting him eat half of my burrito when he was done with his own. Describe the dumbest thing you did in high school. I did so many dumb things in high school. By far dumbest thing I did was consistently get into cars with drunk drivers. What was the most trouble you ever got in at school? I got into a milk fight with my boyfriend in the lunchroom once and got sent to MacBee. Another time I got caught faking get out of school slips, and another time I got sent to the office for wearing a crop top. Pretty vanilla honestly. How often did you bribe Maria with food so she'd look the other way when you ditched? At least once a week senior year. Who was your favorite teacher and why? Ms. Jordhal! She helped encourage my love of writing and literature. 
It's 2008, and you're in your room getting ready for school. Describe the outfit you pick out to wear in as much detail as possible. Ripped up low rise Hollister jeans with rhinestones, colorful graphic crop top, Juicy Couture zip up hoodie and UGG boots. What was your most embarrassing hallway moment? One time sophomore year a senior girl checked me into the lockers because she thought I made out with her boyfriend. I might have actually made out with her boyfriend but everyone laughed and pointed at me it was V. rude What was the most memorable thing that happened during a school dance? Technically this took place in Peter Schumann's garage but there was a giant riot/fight during the Sadies dance in '06 and lots of people got punched in the face. Did you agree with the twerk ban? Why or why not? TYRANY! ABSOLUTELY NOT. FUCK THE POLICE. Did you go to prom? Who was your date? I did go to prom both junior and senior year with Caleb Olson. I don't think he was too happy to go to my senior prom when he was a big shot college kid but he was a good sport and we had fun both years.   What were the top 3 songs on your iPod nano? Hard to Explain - The Strokes Mr. Brightside - The Killers Smart Went Crazy - Atmosphere
What was your favorite TV show? LOST Did you win any yearbook superlatives? Which ones? Were they accurate Biggest Party Animal (accurate), Biggest Gossip (accurate) and Most Likely to Marry for Money. My dating track record says that last one is completely inaccurate but I'm still taking applications for a millionaire husband. If you could go back and relive one day of senior year, what would it be and why? Maybe the day B12 came that was a wild day. How did you imagine your life in 10 years would look? I honestly had no idea. I vaguely knew I wanted to do something related to writing and that I wanted to live in a big city. But I had no real picture of what that looked like. I probably thought I was going to be Carrie Bradshaw (kill me) or something, but in general I think I was terrified by the future and had no clue what it would look like.
What do you do for a living? I'm a freelance journalist and full-time financial content strategist at a PR firm based out of NYC.
Where do you live? Chicago, IL Describe your house/apartment/room in your mom's basement: I actually just bought a two-bedroom condo in an old brick brownstone in Pilsen (southwest Chicago). It's got very high ceilings and a cute back garden. Tell us about your family (married? kids? pets? unwanted alien babies?): I live with my boyfriend, two cats and our beautiful dog, Nella Jane. Do you still hang out with any of your friends from high school? Yes! Some of my closest friends are Central peeps. How have you changed since high school? I'm much less conflict-averse, less awkward and I care a lot less about what other people think of me. I also don't drink very much anymore. How are you the same? I'm still sarcastic, outgoing and still love to talk shit. What do you miss the most about your Central days? How carefree and happy I was. I got stressed out about things sometimes but in general I was very happy and content with my life in high school. I also miss having so many friends around me all the time. What do you think your 18-year-old self would think about your life today She would probably be stoked that I figured out a way to make money writing, excited that I'd moved out of St. Paul, and happy that I'm still tight with most of my closest high school friends. I think she'd also be really proud of me for making it on my own, I remember feeling like the things I wanted were so impossible to get. I'm glad that wasn't true.
What are the top 3 songs on your phone? I realize how pretentious this sounds but I mostly listen to podcasts. That said the latest Lorde album is amazing.
What is your favorite binge-worthy show? The Good Place, Westworld, The Expanse and every cooking show on Netflix. What Central teacher do you wish you were currently friends with? Hmm, maybe Mr. Costello that dude seemed like a huge stoner. Who from high school do you stalk the most on social media? Everyone honestly. I love seeing what your lives have turned out like. Who are you most excited to see at the reunion? Again, everyone. Except a couple people. You know who you are. Just kidding!! Everyone! If you knew then what you know now, would you change anything you did in high school? I think I'd try to do everything almost the same, I loved high school. That said I'd probably try and be less concerned with what people thought of me, and expand my friendships outside of my very tight social circle. Maybe I'd relax a little more knowing things would work out, or maybe I'd get a little more active in politics if I knew what was coming in 2016, lol.
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lindyhunt · 6 years
30 of the Funniest Tweets About Social Media We've Ever Seen
There are a lot of things to be negative about on the internet today.
And between cyberbullying on Twitter, fake news on Facebook, and too many weight loss tea ads on Instagram, it's easy to feel jaded about social media in particular.
In fact, we surveyed more than 3,000 people around the world, and one-third responded that they feel "awful" after browsing social media -- with Facebook taking the crown for most awful feelings induced.
So, in an effort to combat these feelings of awfulness, we've compiled 30 of the funniest tweets about social media we could find. And with a healthy mix of snark, mockery, and memes, we think they sum up what it's like to be a social media user -- the good, the bad, and the ugly.
30 of the Funniest Tweets About Social Media We've Ever Seen
1) On Optimism
Instagram: My life is a party. Snapchat: My life is a quirky tv show Facebook: My life turned out great! Twitter: We're all going to die.
— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) January 8, 2017
2) Life Imitates Twitter
"describe your Twitter feed" pic.twitter.com/ifp6izdVCz
— Casey Newton (@CaseyNewton) September 28, 2016
3) Just Keep Mowing ...
how it feels to log off twitter in 2017 pic.twitter.com/PsGAAPI7GN
— Ziwe (@ziwe) June 5, 2017
4) Hot Dog Bae
A photographer took pictures of people before and after she called them beautiful pic.twitter.com/Ef5tLvFcd5
— Memes 😈 (@memesl0rd) July 8, 2017
5) Take the Good with the Bad
Twitter: your jokes suck Instagram: your face sucks Snapchat: your life sucks Facebook: your family misses you and is also racist
— Adrienne Airhart (@craydrienne) October 29, 2015
6) Social Media Gods Don't Give with Both Hands
it's super annoying to me when people are very good at twitter and also really good at instagram come on you can't have both
— Marissa Emanuele (@HiThisIsMarissa) April 25, 2017
7) You Had One Job
twitter users: let us edit tweets twitter: the stars are now hearts twitter users: an edit button please twitter: we made everything round
— Haley Byrd (@byrdinator) June 15, 2017
8) On Twitter Expanding its Character Limit
This account has been asked to test Twitter's new 280 character limit, but as a 100-year-old brand, we believe our fans most enjoy traditional tweets with brevity, so we declined. We hope to continue to provide a fun, positive place to discuss MoonPies moving forward. Thank you.
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) September 27, 2017
9) Seriously, Though
I would love to start an interview series with random people from Instagram called “How Do You Afford Your Life?”
— Sam Lansky (@samlansky) September 25, 2017
10) Time to Check-In on Facebook
When you notice someone using your app and you watch closely to make sure everything works well pic.twitter.com/MWLWsvE4je
— Or Arbel (@orarbel) September 5, 2017
11) Please, Don't Auto-Play Videos with Sound
I want an app for each website I visit. And I want all of them to have loud videos that play automatically. This is my ideal user experience
— Shuja Haider (@shujaxhaider) August 28, 2017
12) Change Your Passwords, People
how i'll feel if my DMs ever leak pic.twitter.com/Re6UH60EtV
— corey kindberg (@coreykindberg) August 28, 2017
13) Personal Branding Is Everything
This is my Twitter brand. pic.twitter.com/I0D19IJ6EJ
— liz (@eedollmeyer) August 27, 2017
14) At Least They're Honest
I'm a: ⚪️ man ⚪️ woman 🔘 brand Seeking: ⚪️ men ⚪️ women 🔘 retweets and attention
— MoonPie (@MoonPie) August 23, 2017
15) Total Eclipse of the Tweet
it's a big day for circular foods pic.twitter.com/qMWfLs0dsS
— [halloween name] (@arb) August 21, 2017
16) We All Have One
my aunts running to the comment section every time I post a picture on Facebook pic.twitter.com/kdZLNG0SdM
— Makeup (@MakeupSuppIier) September 12, 2017
17) It's Important to Keep Things in Perspective
Facebook: Essential oils. Snapchat: I'm a bunny! Instagram: I ate a hamburger. Twitter: THIS COUNTRY IS BURNING TO THE GROUND.
— Jeanne Hulme (@jeannes_jargon) July 28, 2017
18) Short, Sweet, and To the Point (1/47)
The 280-character limit is a terrible idea. The whole beauty of Twitter is that it forces you to express your ideas concisely (1/47)
— James Poniewozik (@poniewozik) September 26, 2017
19) Seriously, Twitter Users Are Salty About This One
139 characters pic.twitter.com/WkfdXL8oLh
— Caitlin Kelly (@caitlin__kelly) September 26, 2017
20) Caution: Parents on Facebook
Thanks for the clarification, Dad. pic.twitter.com/Y2ulMh7sJV
— Ray (@rayy_baybay) July 21, 2017
21) Hindsight Is 20/20
What was I smoking... pic.twitter.com/xZareCENLM
— Eric Peters (@EricPeters0) July 12, 2017
22) When You Gotta Tweet, You Gotta Tweet
[detective inspecting my body at the bottom of the grand canyon] looks like the victim was tweeting "more like the bland canyon" and fell in
— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) July 7, 2017
23) Life Comes At You Fast
Me every morning v. me after five minutes on Twitter pic.twitter.com/KBEzzVZ9i6
— Sady Doyle (@sadydoyle) June 21, 2017
24) In a World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind
Being on Twitter pic.twitter.com/sQbDWShv4i
— clicky but scary (@djclickbait) June 11, 2017
25) You're Amazing. Yes, You.
Me looking at my own snapchat stories, selfies and tweets after a long day, just reflecting on how great I am. pic.twitter.com/x6002kyihv
— MaKayla MaShelle (@MakaylaMashelle) June 8, 2017
26) I Wish I Knew How to Quit You
Me: I should do a three day social media detox Also me: I should ask Twitter what they think of that idea
— M. Keaney Anderson (@meghkeaney) June 3, 2017
27) We All Have Guilty Pleasures
me: twitter is a cesspool also me: twitter has provided 98% of my entertainment for the day
— keithlaw (@keithlaw) June 2, 2017
28) On Technical Difficulties
It's reassuring that even Mark Zuckerberg's crew can't overcome the awkward moments that linger while ending a Facebook Live pic.twitter.com/VVqRHKS9iv
— Brian Ries (@moneyries) September 21, 2017
29) Because I Miss Vine and These Are Hysterical
ok im gonna do a thread of vines tht made me actually lol here we go
— alex ;-) (@firedupbby) June 7, 2017
30) See? I Told You
— alex ;-) (@firedupbby) June 7, 2017
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