#about how robots should be replacing us cleaners
bomblethebee · 1 year
It kinda really bothers me that the go to that people have when talking about the rise of ai art and writing is that they thought robots were supposed to be cleaning their offices or whatever. And that makes me sad as a janitor. I *love* my job. I wish I got paid more and had better benefits, but I genuinely love the work that I do. It makes me feel useful. It gives me purpose. And the people I work with and for are so appreciative of the work I do. Cleaning may be a miserable chore to you, but to me it's what gives me a job that even my autistic self can do and do happily.
Instead of robots replacing us, maybe pay us better and treat us well. I don't want to be replaced by a robot so I can pursue a "higher purpose". I want decent wages and respect like the rest of you.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
Personal: Cleaner Stuff
I am exhausted as people and robots keep phoning me and I had things like mandatory bureaucracy this week.  Cleaners came though, both the replacement cleaner Tuesday to make up for none last week, who was another ex-teacher like me, and the Friday Cleaner.  Like all but two of the cleaners (If you count the uncleaner), Friday Cleaner came all the way from the Reservation.  The others were all my ageish or Millennials.  I'm always super polite to the cleaners as it's hard work and the people doing it deserve politeness.  If it's a Friday, I offer free vegetables, because they send more than we need from forage delivery.
This one was an Elder.  I was raised with deference to older relatives, and I'm particularly aware of the kind of things her generation  went through at the hands of the US government and white people in general as well as cultural stuff around treatment of elders.  I felt very, very weird asking her to do anything because it went against pretty much every ingrained instinct in my body.
I was super extra polite explaining the cats and setting her up in the kitchen, then left her to it.  She was so quiet as she worked that poor Livia thought she was gone and eventually came out for loves, only to discover after a snack and second pettins that the stranger was Still here.  Tavy ended up really liking her.  she had a very cat vibe and interesting smelling shoes and she talked sweet to him, but gave him space.  
Her cleaning was excellent, very detailed.  Apparently she was worried that I'd be distressed by how slow it went, because she was deep cleaning in there.  Me: No really, we need that as no one has had time to do it in a while.  My style is very ex-middle school teacher.  I'd wander quietly over to get something or put something away, and take in what she was up to without looking like that's what I'm doing.  I saw how in depth she was going and suggested an extra thing she might do in there.  Last half hour I gave her a different meticulous in depth thing, and sent her home a few minutes early with a bag of food.
She was really cool.  Apparently she and her friends were all at an outdoor music part party, all dancing together, and we just generally had a nice chat while she was getting ready to go about cats and things.  I really liked her and would love her back.  At the same time I'll never not be angry that economics means she's having to work.  Elders should not be having to clean the homes of white people.  Not even relatively vigorous ones.
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roboticssolutions · 5 months
How to train staff to work alongside commercial cleaning robots? 
When you introduce cleaning robots into a commercial environment you may encounter resistance from the existing human staff. They might express a range of concerns about using robots and worry about their job security. To ensure a smooth and seamless integration of cleaning robots into day-to-day operations, it's important  to provide appropriate training. Here, we share some methods for training your staff effectively.
Building comfort and understanding
Address concerns
You must acknowledge the valid concerns your staff members might have about cleaning robots taking their jobs. It is important to educate them that these robots are there to assist, not replace, human workers.
Robot basics
A good way to reduce their fears is to help them understand how the cleaning robots operate. Knowing the abilities and limitations of these advanced technologies can minimise staff concerns.
Operational knowledge
Robot control
Staff members need to learn how to operate the robots. Whether they are using a robot vacuum or a robot floor cleaner, they will need to start and stop the machines manually. They will also likely need to manually schedule the cleaning times.
Safety protocols
Your staff members should know all the safety protocols for handling or working alongside robots. These protocols include maintaining a safe distance when the robots are operational and understanding emergency shutdown procedures to safely stop the robots when necessary.
Collaboration strategies
Focus shift
With the incorporation of cleaning robots, you will need to train your staff to handle complex tasks that the robots cannot perform. Some examples include deep cleaning and dusting high places. 
Task delegation
Your staff should also become skilled at delegating repetitive tasks to the robots. This will free up their time for more intensive cleaning activities.
Training methods
Variety is key
To ensure the most effective training, you should balance instructor-led sessions with video tutorials. The training should also include practical experience with robot handling.
User manuals and resources
Your staff members should have easy access to user manuals and quick reference guides for the robots. These resources are important for prompt troubleshooting.
Ongoing support
The staff may need ongoing support or have additional questions after the training concludes. Ensure that this support is continuously available to all staff members.
By following these guidelines, you can help integrate cleaning robots into your operations smoothly, ensuring that your human staff remains engaged and competent.
Looking for information on cleaning robots?
Explore the robots from Ameca Robotics. You can explore various kinds of robots, including cleaning robots. Apart from that, you can also explore the humanoid, doctor, and delivery robots. Each of these robots are meant to carry out specific activities. They can provide a range of services that help free up the human staff and ensure that they can focus on the more complicated tasks.   
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evaskaenergy8 · 7 months
Shining Bright: Your Top Solar Power Company in Noida!
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It would not be incorrect to claim that the majority of awareness campaigns held in India over the previous decade have been connected to environmental conservation. Almost every institution, from NGOs to media outlets to large corporations to village schools, has conducted various awareness campaigns to educate people on how to lessen their carbon footprint. One highly suggested strategy for accomplishing this is to reduce dependence on nonrenewable energy and replace it with renewable alternatives. This, along with India's unreliable power supply, has prompted consumers to prefer solar-powered items. Not unexpectedly, the sunlight industry and solar device manufacturers, particularly solar EPC companies in Noida, are thriving.
Evaska Energy Trusted Name for Solar Power
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Why You Should Choose Evaska Energy for Solar Power Plant in Delhi
Produces some of the most efficient solar panels at a reasonable cost.
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Advanced robotic procedures are used to control each stage of the manufacturing process. R&D is heavily invested in.
Vertical integration means that they make their own cells and wafers.
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Solar power allows one a certain amount of autonomy when it comes to one's energy needs. If you generate your own power, you will have less of reliance on traditional sources of energy, which will protect you from the effects of any changes in the cost of energy. Both households and businesses stand to considerably gain from this level of freedom.
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Now that we've covered the importance of solar power, I'd like to introduce you to Evaska Energy, a leading solar EPC companies in Noida, that's a powerhouse in its own right. Evaska Energy, a major solar firm in India, is at the forefront of the movement toward a more environmentally friendly and secure energy future. The following are some of the reasons why they stand out in the solar industry:
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Solar power systems need to have routine maintenance performed on them in order to function at their best. Evaska Energy provides a wide range of support and maintenance services to ensure that your solar installation continues to function effectively year after year.
The Final Word
It is of the utmost importance, while working toward a more eco-friendly and sustainable future, to select the most reputable solar energy business in Delhi. Evaska Energy emerges as the obvious frontrunner due to its cutting-edge technology, professional staff, commitment to sustainability, and strategy that is centered on the consumer. Evaska Energy is the leading solar power company in Noida and your reliable partner on the road to clean, green, and cost-effective energy if you are located in the Delhi area and are interested in harnessing the power of the sun.
Source URL: https://www.evaskaenergy.com/blog/shining-bright-your-top-solar-power-company-in-noida
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reimahowaido · 3 years
Alternate story roads for Dread, anyone~?
Alrighty, working on my writings again now that I've managed to get to credits on PLA But to dabble right back onto the writing fandom: let's have some speculative Fun 'what if's for Metroid
This is gonna be LONG (over 3k words long for this whole post). You know me~ So, get yourself a drink and get comfy I guess? I'll try to split it into sections of some sort
The main subreddit (oh boy I should make an account there shouldn't I. .... mmm eh, someday) has apparently called off the need to spoiler stuff, but imma still include that warning here, because boy will I spoil stuff for this.
So, SPOILERS for Metroid Dread ahead!
Ok! So. Alternative things are always fun. I'm basing this on some old bit of 'oh lord oh boy' stuff I scribbled up some months ago. But here's some cleaner takes on it
- For a moment, imagine if Quiet Robe didn't have to die where he did. That he lived past that point, and played a bit bigger of a role overall other than being a fantastic man and giving us enlightening lore bits. Or, well, at least think of him as living through the robot encounter - Samus has good enough reflexes, notices the suspicious Robot Chozo and grabs Quiet Robe so he doesn't get shot - this way we still get to fight the robot, but QR is spared
- A little slight bit less pissed of Samus and a living QR is our result of this. QR would have known that speaking about things would put him on the bad side of Raven Beak pretty automatically, so destroying one of his 'precious soldier replacements' doesn't change his position, since it's already on the negatives
- We love our good boy. Of course we'd like to see him live! And wouldn't it be fun if instead of "ADAM" talking to you through the comms, it'd be Quiet Robe instead? He'd certainly have some insight on stuff. Perhaps he'd even be able to inform Samus about Elun. Of course, you'd still need to go retrieve Plasma Beam to progress - unless QR would have some tech that'd help you with that, meaning you don't need to actually go to Elun (which would be the absolute best case scenario, I'll get to that and the Why This Is The Case a bit later)
~~~ 2 ~~~
- So, throughout the rest of your journey you'd be chatting up with QR. Of course, this is kinda where things have other possibilities. Raven Beak will of course still want QR dead, now more than ever since he's actually actively ruining his plans and getting on his way. No longer a passive onlooker, this would prove very troubling indeed. Both QR & RB are smart, and who knows how long they've spent on ZDR with just the two of them. RB would be able to come up with more plans, ways and methods to try and still get Samus' DNA, to guide her according to His plans. But QR has known of this plan for a good while too, he's helped to put it to motion afterall
- So, it's likely that to RB's irritation, QR could further agitate him by being able to predict and read what RB has and is planning and would be able to guide Samus past anything RB tries to set up - or at least warn her about them up front. Certainly it'd lessen the fun of discovering mysteries and all that, so they'd have to go about it in some ways to still keep things fun for the player if this turn of events was the case in gameplay. One of my personal headcanons is that QR hasn't been allowed to explore the planet on his own. He only has certain paths he's allowed to take and specific areas he can work at = he wouldn't know of every corner and location of things. He'd have heard of stuff from other Mawkin when they were still alive and about, but these tales and stories of other areas like Ghavoran and Cataris are pretty much purely based on what he's heard and been told. And of course he'd tell Samus what he can
- QR really has nothing to hide from Samus - other than maybe her relation to RB if he knows of the DNA donation. Who knows how Samus would react to getting to know that afterall. She might and will still be pissed about what happened on SR388, so she'd want to beat RB up. But she's just a slight bit less pissed because QR is alive. Still very uncool from RB to try and assassinate QR, but at least in this alternate take that attempt failed
~~~ 3 ~~~
- To jump back to some gameplay stuff. They sure did put a lot of emphasis on the E.M.M.I. units in preparation for Dread's release. So it'd be a bit of a shame and a cop-out for them to just be out of order from now on. A twist for sure, that they'd only be a small faction of the game and then not even be relevant after the halfway point. But what's the fun in that?
- Which means we'll have to bring them back somehow, right? What I propose, is the funky fun stuff of 'QR is pretty much in charge of the E.M.M.I. anyway, so who's to say he couldn't be able to control them in other ways than just switching them on and off'. Yeah they're set to hunt down Samus, but we don't see wildlife/other creatures in E.M.M.I. zones until you've blown up the E.M.M.I. = There's a good chance the E.M.M.I. will still annihilate any and all beings that make noise and move about. Which leads me to this: RB would be short on ways to interact with Samus since QR is doing his darnest to prevent it. What does RB have though? He has the robots, and we know he sends several of them after Samus throughout Dread. Those of you who hate fighting them, rejoice, because now there's a fudge ton more of them! Yaaaay! Absolutely amazing. Perhaps there's even more variants of them now since they've just gotten a promotion. Ones that look, act and are built closer to the infected Chozo Soldiers you fight after Elun, hmm?
- Ok ok. So. Now there's More Robot Chozo Soldiers. Brilliant. The increase in activity outside of just Samus ought to be noticeable by QR, and he'll have to have a bit of a chat with Samus. Of course the E.M.M.I. are still not friends of her, but within their zones (if not even outside of them?) QR could reactivate them to deal with the Robots. This now means that while you could get ambushed by a Robot outside of the zones (some are likely weaker than the miniboss variants, just there to be an additional enemy that simply doesn't respawn just like the other critters), you'd not be ambushed by them within the E.M.M.I. zones. E.M.M.I. zones are still dangerous because of, well, the E.M.M.I., but this time they're the more 'safe' zones so to speak. Dunno if there'd be jumpscares with the robots, or semi-scripted encounters, just More - but I'm sure people who get scared easily would just, celebrate jumpscares. Enjoy~
- Also who is to say a Robot Chozo Soldier wouldn't rarely be able to get in the E.M.M.I. zone at the exact same time as Samus does. Maybe once or twice. So have fun running away from both or trying to fight a robot while you're also running away from an E.M.M.I.. There's no guarantee that QR can turn off every single E.M.M.I. just as quickly as he does with the Purple one in Ferenia - aka literally next door to where he himself & the control panels for them are located. There could be a delay, so you'd not get help if an E.M.M.I. catches you (or maybe you get more time to counter than previously, but you still need to hit the timing. Pick whichever option you prefer, aid or no aid)
- Another fun thing with the E.M.M.I. that we need to consider is the fact Samus gets abilities from them. QR probably can't just give them to Samus, he wouldn't have the time to work on her suit along with how ever long it might take to gather things for the abilities - I'd assume resources are scarce. So you'd be faced with the choice of destroying the E.M.M.I. for their abilities, or leave them be so you’d have some place where you couldn’t be randomly ambushed (you can hear when an E.M.M.I. is in the same room). You'd have 'less safety' in a way, meaning you'd face the robots more often and perhaps new stronger types of them too - but you'd have new abilities to deal with them + you can take shortcuts now with these new abilities, so progress is faster and there's more options on where to go now. Amount of exploration on a balance board. Either just find hidden ways to progress in or go a more straightforward way while also gaining more new areas to explore. Dunno if destroying all E.M.M.I. would be required in the end, or if you'd be able to make it without doing that. Adds to replayability potentially
~~~ 4 ~~~
- Now then, back to QR. There's probably one pretty glaring thing you might have thought of by now. He survived an assassination, but where is he now? Still the same room? Is he safe? He might be attacked at any moment so probably not that safe. It'd certainly be something to have QR travel with Samus, but I'd imagine the amazingly fast-paced gameplay would suffer from escort missions. I love QR a lot, but it's pretty much a given that he's not going to be as nimble or agile as Samus. I can't. Imagine old man QR. Just. Doing flips after Samus. His bones. The precious boy is going to break his back, and legs, and every other bone. Nope. Samus would have to carry him I'd say, to get from a safe room to another. Restricts your movement, but at least you aren't waiting on him to catch up
- Still, I'd imagine it'd be more realistic for QR to stay in his room rather than getting outside of it. Obviously there's a pretty clear downside to this. It's very likely he doesn't have a way to defend himself there. He could though, maybe there's some stuff he has done and he can lock the place up? But let's be honest, that robot soldier got in there, they're gonna get in there again. Meaning that QR is likely on a timer and not exactly in a good spot. Who knows at what point in the story he'd just end up dying regardless of having survived the first encounter. Samus can't stay there forever, she needs to get out and she said she'd finish this once and for all afterall. It's a bitter thing, but with a high % the most likely outcome
- Besides, I feel QR has already resigned to his fate. He's got survivor's guilt, he has helped RB do all sorts of things that are likely not exactly that great - like the whole 'Make E.M.M.I. hunt Samus' thing - so high possibility on him being ashamed of what he's done. And giving his life to assist Samus could be a way to pay for his deeds in his mind
- Samus isn't going to be happy about this. She does understand sacrifices to a very personal level though. She's witnessed them several times now, and has even suggested sacrificing herself in Fusion. Who knows how she'd take this. She could prevent this, it could come full circle from her trying to prevent a sacrifice (Ian), to letting it happen - although begrudgingly (Adam), to trying to sacrifice herself and being convinced of an alternate way, to now taking AI Adam's place and convincing that a sacrifice in this case could be avoided. Or she could take Adam's place in the flashback with sacrificing another for the sake of the many (though teeeeeechnically she already supposedly did that with letting Adam go with the 'unfreezable Metroids' but hey). Either way, choices, possibilities, development. All the more fun if both are options for replayability - but a nightmare for those making the game and good lord what would even be canon at this point. The lore has turned into spaghetti. What is this, Zelda? (Don't ask me I don't actually know Zelda lore, I only know there's like multiple timelines or something?)
~~~ 5 ~~~
- Back on track! Remember Elun? Remember our fun jelly gummy parasite friends? Of course you do. You absorb your vitamins through your powersuit you absolute chad. - Now, here's the writing bit that started this all.
{{ Freaking... Imagine if QR wasn't dead yet by the time the X were released. Instead of the "... Goddamn it..." kinda reaction Samus has, do ya think she'd have more of an "... Oh FUCK." kinda reaction? And suddenly the 'sad/creepy' cutscene where the red X takes over QR's corpse becomes a whole lot more terrifying and worse. Would they reach him easily? Would it be just the X? Or would it be the wildlife? Would he be torn to shreds or perhaps he'd have a safe room built in case of an outbreak? Would Samus run right back to try and save him? Might they try and make a vaccine? Would that have been an alternate sinister way of getting Samus to give her Metroid DNA to them willingly? QR obviously would not want it. He'd probably rather perish than give RB what he wants - likely so at least, he's not exactly a fan of the stuff they're doing, but more over QR is worried about Samus and doesn't want to harm her in any way. But just imagine the scenario, RB offering Samus a choice: Dead/Infected QR or her Metroid DNA. And even then there's multiple paths the story could have gone in. Gotta love speculating, right? }}
- Ok so that's probably a lot to take in. Lemme break it up for you. So firstly, if QR has managed to live this far, are we just going to end up loosing him, again, but this time instead of a swift death, it's possession instead. He's gonna lose his mind, his free will. Will he be scared? Try to run? Or would he have been prepared and made his peace with it. The X started it all, it might as well end him and he's fine with that. It goes against him not wanting to hurt Samus, but you can't be perfect. Witness her scrambling to try and save him, and be absolutely broken. Will you make it in time? Will you outrun the ridiculously fast spreading X Parasites? What if you're too late? Do you have to kill him now? Just like you killed that scientist in Fusion? Is the game going to make you fight our precious boy? QR boss fight?
- Or will the room be empty? Previously you could return here to have a more direct chat and exchange with QR whenever, but now the place is just dead and empty - perhaps there's a rampaging creature here, but no QR in sight. You're made to wonder what happened. This would kinda allow the end of the game to play as it does in Dread already
- If he does somehow manage to survive and makes it out without getting infected, and Also avoids death by any other manner and makes it to Samus' ship in one piece and all that.. Pretty much impossible, but this would be the 'happy ending' kinda deal. Realistic? Not really. But if you wanna dream I won't stop you. Boy I can't even stop myself. I Want this, but I know we ain't getting it. Besides, who is to say he'd end up living even in this situation? If Metroid Samus shows up, you bet QR is gonna let/make her absorb him to be able to regain control with the extra Thoha genes. And Boom, more emotional damage for Samus. Yeah maybe QR could steer the ship, take off as Samus is still trying to figure stuff out, but we're really twisting things here to try and get the best possible ending
~~~ 6 ~~~
- And now for that other bit, it being yet another plan RB crafted up. Man's got backup plans a plenty that he can come up with on the spot. If QR's life means nothing and he's just a pawn among the rest, and he sees Samus can be emotionally manipulated (assuming that's possible, she's pretty hardened by now), that means this pawn just promoted to play a more important role on his board. If he can't use force, and the 'awaken your inner Metroid' doesn't work quickly enough to RB's liking, he could threaten Samus & QR with Elun. RB is smart, he's been steering Samus with fake Adam so far, so clearly he's got some mindgame experience to him. QR wouldn’t want to let RB have anything, but Samus would have to weigh an ally’s life on this decision. And that’s kinda cruel. They’d either have to talk it out or rush stuff
- Raven Beak though? Yeah he's absolutely disrespecting all his fallen Mawkin brethren by just undoing the seal - QR will handily point this out to him - but it's about pride and desire now, and you should know better than to doubt the iron will of a man ready to sacrifice his own and a whole separate tribe for a cause. He's got all the pieces he needs, and he's gonna use them. Feeling guilty? Don't know her. He's gonna run his plan through, one way or another
- Main threat here is that while Samus is immune to the X, QR is not. RB is ready to take risks and gamble, but currently he's pretty cozy and safe away from the threat of X. In fact, he could just blow up the whole place right now and leave. Yeah if he'd do that he'd have to scrap the whole Metroid plan - which obviously isn't happening. But Samus and everyone else would lose if she'd die here & she said she'd finish this once and for all - and we gotta assume that that doesn't involve her losing
- All of this is obviously hanging on the fact that they'd be able to make another vaccine in the first place - one that would work and not just go crazy like it should have had it not been for Samus' unique DNA zoo. QR is a Thoha so there's probably a chance it'd work even better? Or not be quite enough. Perhaps they'd need a pure Metroid for the vaccine, but really, they make Metroids out of exploded particles cleaned off suit surfaces, they can pretty much go ham
- And yeah it's going to potentially fall apart if RB needs for someone else to go to Elun and can't actually remotely unseal it in the first place. But even there he does have his robots. If it has to be a scannable person then he oop, but these are just ways of looking into it deeper. Surely if this scenario would be the one to go with he'd have a working method (outside of "I'll go myself and then turn into 'fast as frick boi' as I, the mighty Raven Beak, depart the section faster than the X can". Dude can Shine Spark without much set-up and get fancy with it and Flash Shift, and the ego to believe)
So yeah : ) Those are some thoughts I've been rolling in my head. Hopefully you had a time reading 'em all~ It's a lot, but sometimes you wanna read all you can
Anyway, I'll get back to writing stuff following canon lore, with extra spice but mostly still keeping it to what I could see as 'this is how the story went' kinda take on events (If you wanna write your own 'what if' takes and alternate storylines, boy I'd love to read them <3 Hit me up if you do~)
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Becoming A Stark? (12) - Peter Parker x Stark! femReader
Word Count: 4014
Warnings: Mention of needles, swearing
Author Note: Lots of Peter, Tony, and Pepper. All my favorites. Enjoy! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! Next update will be this weekend- after my finals are done hopefully. 
Chapter One || Previous Chapter || Master List
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Your dad has never seen you do a pump change or a sensor change. Honestly all the supplies live in your room so it’s just easier for you to do it there. But after Peter and him finished in the lab on Friday, Pepper asked Peter if he wanted to stick around for dinner, which then turned into him staying to watch a movie with you, Pepper, and Tony. But in the middle of Labyrinth, which is your favorite movie, your sensor fails. “Goddamn it Wallace.” You mutter looking at your phone screen, displaying the replace sensor now message as Chilly Down plays in the background.
“What’s wrong?” Tony asks you before speaking to FRIDAY. “FRI- pause the movie.” Sarah and all the swamp creatures, if you can call them that stop moving as your dad’s attention is focused on you. “You high? You low? Tell me what’s happening?” He asks.
“Sensor failed. Like five days early too.” You reach under your shirt and pull off the sensor that isn’t doing anything for your now. But your nails trace over where the sensor had been. “But the only good thing is I can scratch the itch that has been driving me bonkers.” You admit.
“So what do you need?” You dad has turned his hyperfocus on, but this isn’t something you can’t handle.
“I just have to grab the stuff to change it. Give me like five minutes and I can change it while we watch the movie.”
“I’ll grab some more drinks for everyone while we do.” Pepper says with a smile. “And maybe make some more popcorn too.”
Walking into your bedroom, you open the drawer that’s filled with all your supplies. You grab the four things you need: the sensor, alcohol wipes, a Skin Tac wipe, and an over patch. Oh shit! Your transmitter was supposed to last through this last sensor, so you’ll have to replace that one too. Picking everything up in your hands you make your way back down towards the living room. 
“Got enough stuff kiddo?” Your dad asks as you sit back down.
“You should see what it looks like when I have to do a double site change. So much more trash.” You notice Peter has your old sensor in his hand and is turning it over, looking at it from all the angles.
“Sorry.” He mumbles as he notices you staring at him. “I just found it interesting.”
“It doesn’t bug me. It’s trash now.” You lift it from his hand and snap out the transmitter. “This comes apart, since normally you reuse the transmitter for three months at a time. But that one bit the dust with the sensor failing.” You explain before motioning towards the box with the new one. 
“And this whole thing reads your sugars?” You nod.
“That wire there gets inserted under the skin into this tissue or something that my lack of science can’t explain. But it reads your fluids or stuff that’s there and reports that data through the transmitter to my pump and to my phone.”
“Do you feel the wire under your skin?” Peter asks.
“Nope. The most I feel from the whole sensor is if I like lay on it wrong, or if I start reacting to the adhesive. Or if I place it in a spot and a door rips it off. That fucking hurts.” You think back to the last time that a door ripped your sensor off and wince slightly.
“Hold on, go back. You react to the adhesive?” Your dad’s voice is suddenly concerned.
“Well I’m allergic to latex and some other adhesives so every now and then I react to the Dexcom adhesive.” You shrug. “That’s why I use these.” You hold up the over patch and the Skin Tac. “They produce barriers and help it stay on long enough.”
“You’re allergic to your medical device and yet you still wear it?” Your dad voices his concern.
“It’s either that or wake up multiple times a night to check my sugars. I’ll take some hives and blisters over that. I like sleeping.” You say with a shrug. Opening the bag that holds the sensor, you lay out all the things that you need for this sensor change. You wipe down your thigh with the alcohol wipe before taking the transmitter out of the box so you can pair it. While it works on pairing, you take the Skin Tac wipe and wipe down the skin so the adhesive can become tacky. While it’s drying, you break off the safety handle off of the sensor. 
“What the fuck kiddo? That needle is like six inches long?” Your dad exclaims, seeing it through the plastic inserter.
“Yeah, it has to be so that it can get deep enough for the sensor to work. But it gets pulled out. I can go in the other room if the needle thing is going to be an issue?” You sometimes forget that other people aren’t as calm around needles as you are after ten years of being a diabetic.
“No it’s fine. Stay where you are. I just thought it was something that you like placed on your skin.”
“But how would the wire get into the tissues?” You ask rhetorically. You pull the papers that are blocking the adhesive and lie it down where you want the sensor to go. You’re not going to say anything to Peter or your dad, because their eyes are already on you, but you actually hate plunging this needle down. Place the sensor in the wrong spot and it hurts badly as it plunges through veins and nerves with no mercy. So instead of showing the fear of hoping you’ve picked a good spot, you take a breath, smile at them and say “Three, two, one,” and slam the needle down. “Motherfucker!” You exclaim as you feel it shoot through a nerve. You pull the needle out and rub at the skin around the sensor. Your dad is by your side in seconds, while Peter jumps up, not sure what is causing you pain, but doesn’t want to be the cause of more pain.
“What can I do, bambina?” Your dad asks. Peter’s arms cross as he watches as one of your eyes scrunches up as you continue to rub the same spot on your thigh. Tony’s arm wraps around you once he knows that he won’t hurt you more.
“Nothing. I picked a shit spot to put it. Hit a nerve.” You explain. You put the transmitter in clicking it in, hearing the double click to be sure. And twist off the end piece of plastic. Lastly you add the overpatch that has roses drawn on it to secure it in place. “I’m good now, I promise.” You look up at your dad, seeing that he doesn’t believe you.
“I hate seeing you in pain.”
“It’s part of diabetes. We deal with a lot of pricks.” You joke, but he doesn’t laugh.
“That doesn’t mean I have to like it.” His arms wrap around you and you’re pulled into a crushing hug. “If I could take all the pain for you, I would.” You lean into your dad’s arms. 
“Who’s to say I want you in pain?” 
“It’s my job to protect you kiddo. You’ve had enough pain. If I want to shoulder it, I should be allowed to.” You rub over the overpatch making sure it’s holding as he talks.
“Or neither of us could hurt and we could finish the best movie of all time.” You say as you hit the buttons to start the warm up period.
“What’s your number?” You shrug.
“Takes two hours to warm up. Testing kit is in my room.” Tony reaches for the drawer in the table. “Last I looked I was solid 180s. I’m fine.”
“You start feeling shaky or anything-”
“We’ll both be shocked, but yes I’ll let you know.” You look at Peter. “You going to stand for the rest of the night?” Tony’s just glad he didn’t jump onto the walls or worse the ceiling. That would have blown the whole Spider-Man thing. Instead he stays focused on the feeling of having you in his arms as Chilly Down starts to play again. He’s a little surprised that Labyrinth is your favorite movie, but he’ll take learning anything about you that he can. And this is one of those little moments that Pepper was talking about you sharing with him. So as the puppets dance around the screen, Tony’s arm holds you closer. You don’t even look up as you scoot closer and lean against his shoulder. 
As she walks back in from the kitchen, Pepper snaps a picture of you and Tony from behind the couch. The sight of you curled into his arms is something that he will want forever, but this moment, she wants to stay in as well. Seeing Tony as a dad- it makes her love him that much more.
After last night, Peter doesn’t expect to be back at the tower so soon, especially after spending two days in the lab last week with Mr. Stark, but they’re finally making progress on the new webbing solution, and Mr. Stark said “why don’t you come over tomorrow to keep working on it Pete?” And Peter wasn’t going to turn down the chance to work with Mr. Stark, or a chance to get to see you more. But what he wasn’t expecting to see when he entered the tower was you dancing around the kitchen as you cleaned it. Peter was used to doing chores, sure, what teenager wasn’t? But he never would have though Tony Stark one to make his kids clean house to earn their keep. Honestly, he would have thought Tony Stark would have had someone, or even a robot, to clean for him. However you didn’t seem that worried about cleaning. 
“Hey Y/N.”
“Hey Parker. You’re practically living here these days.” You look stunning, even though you’re just in weekend clothing of a tie-dyed shirt with the Mystery Machine printed on it that says Scooby Doo underneath, a pair of jean shorts, and your hair pulled up into a ponytail with a blue scrunchy.
“Your dad and I are trying to finish up a project.”
“Must be important for you to be giving up a Saturday to get it done.” You laugh as you pour some powder cleaner on the counter top before running a sponge over top it. You’re not on the wrong path. The new webbing solution is pretty important. 
“The paparazzi would lose their mind if they knew Y/N Stark spends her Saturdays doing chores like the rest of us peasants.”
“Celebrities, they’re just like us.” You smirk. “Unless you’re planning on grabbing a sponge and joining in, you should probably head on down to the lab.”
“See you later Y/N.” You smile as Peter heads out of the kitchen, letting the music of your playlist take over as you keep cleaning. Focusing on something other than the essay you don’t want to write for your science class is nice. Also it seems like no one has cleaned the kitchen since the fight between your dad and the rogue Avengers. Pulling the burners grates off the stove, you see grease and crumbs that could have been easier to clean had someone wrapped the grease trap with tin foil. So it’s time for some tender loving care and jamming out to Carry On My Wayward Son. 
“Hi Mr. Stark.” Peter says, not wanting to surprise Tony as he walks into the lab.
“Morning Pete.” Tony takes a sip of the coffee cup to his right as he looks over the numbers on his tablet. “Did you manage to get any sleep last night? Karen said you went patrolling after you left here.”
“I got some sleep.” Peter nods. “Did you? I feel like your whole family has been up since I left last night?”
“We all slept. I think Y/N might still be in bed. She was when I came down here.”
“No, she’s up, working on her chores.” Tony turns from the numbers cranking in front of him, to look at Peter with confusion marking his face.
“She doesn’t have chores.”
“Well she’s upstairs cleaning the kitchen. I just thought she was working on chores, but I guess I guessed wrong.”
“We have people that we can call in. I don’t know why she’s cleaning… You mean like with a sponge and wipes and such?” Tony asks, trying to clarify and Peter nods his head. “She must have her reasons. But I’m not making her do it.”
“I believe you.” Tony turns from the datapad or- as Peter had started calling it since Tony had started tracking Y/N’s blood sugar on it as well- his Dad-apad, 
“How do you feel about working on one of the cars while these numbers crunch? We can’t continue on the aspects to add until they finish crunching.”
“Sure Mr. Stark.”
“You can call me Tony kid.”
“I know Mr. Stark.” Tony rolls his eyes at that.
“FRI, turn on Tony Stark Can Rot.” Peter is confused at the name of the playlist, but the songs that start playing sound somewhat familiar. From what he had seen in his time working in the lab, Tony wasn’t one to name his playlists, but to name one so angrily towards himself seems unlike Tony. But Tony doesn’t seem to think anything of it as he climbs under the side of his Audi and calls out for some tools. Peter hands him the wrench and falls into the habit of working with Tony until Friday calls out a while later.
“Boss, Y/N just asked Miss Potts where the first aid kit is.” Tony goes still. 
“Stay here.” He leaves the lab without more than the two words. 
It was an injury that only you were capable of. How does someone get hurt cleaning? And a paper cut, if you could call it that, on tin foil nonetheless. You didn’t want to bother your dad when he was busy on a project with Peter. Pepper was the easier option since you just don't know where bandages are kept. “FRIDAY can you ask Pepper where we keep a first aid kit?”
A moment later, Pepper is coming down the stairs with one in hand. “We keep a few all over the house. This is from the upstairs bathroom. What did you do?”
“Paper-ish cut.” You should her, removing the paper towel you’re holding over the cut that is bleeding still. “The tin foil attacked me.” You explain as she looks at the small cut.
“Why are we needing first aid kits? No one should be getting hurt.” Your dad’s voice comes from the doorway to the lab and you roll your eyes. Of course FRIDAY had told him. 
“Tattletale.” You mutter as Pepper wraps the bandage around your finger.
“If people are asking for first aid kits, I want to know.” Tony defends himself.
“I cut myself on tin foil. It was stupid. I’m fine.”
“Ok, then do you want to explain what’s with the deep cleaning? Peter literally thought I gave you chores. Which is not something that I would make you do. Plus you know we have people who can be called in to clean right?”
“That such a spoiled right person thing to say, you know that right?” You say with a roll of your eyes. 
“Avoiding the question.”
“Actually I’m avoiding a biology paper. So I figured cleaning would be a good avoidance technique.”
“Next time you’re avoiding SI business, can you take a page out of her book?” Pepper asks Tony in a teasing tone. 
“I build things. It’s productive in it’s own way.”
“You destroy things. That’s different.” Pepper points out. “What’s your biology paper about?” 
“Some life cycle bullshit or something.” You turn back to scrub the counter. “I’ve dealt with enough of it that I don’t want to do it. But my choice is write a paper or build a model and that’s not my go to.” You choose to not explain that it’s literally over the one lifecycle of yours that doesn’t work.
“You have a choice to build something and you went against that? Pep, we need to get her tested to make sure she’s my kid.”
“Tony, she literally acts and looks like you. I don’t need to test her DNA to know she’s yours.” 
“Is everything ok? Someone dying?” Peter’s voice comes.
“No one’s dying. Just my dad overreacting.” You say. “He could have gone back to the lab ages ago.”
“Why don’t you come with?” Tony suggests and both you and Peter look at him in surprise. However only you voice your surprise. Peter is trying to figure out how to hide Spider-Man if you come down to the lab.
“Because there’s plenty of stuff down there to make a- if I say so myself- bitchin’ science project.”
“But I can also just stay up here and write a paper after I avoid it for a few more hours?”
“Which project is it?” Peter asks, trying to figure out who you have for your science this year.
“Never said I was doing the project.”
“No one ever chooses to do the paper when they have the option to do a project instead.”
“There’s always the chance to be the first.”
“But you’ll score higher with a project. At least there’s the chance to anyway, depending on who your teacher is.”
“Mr. or Mrs.?” Peter asks.
“Why does that make a difference?”
“Because they grade completely differently.” Peter explains. “Mrs does great experiments but is a harsher grader.”
“Well, I have Mr. Shah so what does that mean?”
“It means you better get started on your project. He hates papers.” Peter says with a tight smile.
“Ugh. But writing a paper all about me was going to be a sinch.” Three pairs of eyes fall on you in confusion. “Endocrine system. Explaining how pretending to be one sucks. It was going to be a great paper.”
“Isn’t there a company that’s in the process of trying to make a closed loop system?” Peter asks, which makes you nod hesitantly. “Why not make a project showing the differences between a closed loop system and what you’re currently doing? Explain why a closed loop system would be so much better.”
“Sorry, maybe I’m the only one lost here-” Pepper starts to ask.
“You’re not.” Tony interrupts.
“-But what’s a closed loop system?” Pepper continues.
“It's a system where basically Wallace and Queenie would basically be able to talk to each other. So if I started rising too high Queenie would be able to give me more insulin. Or vice versa, if I go too low, Wallace would tell Queenie and she would stop giving me insulin. It would hopefully prevent me from going too low or too high as often. Or going low enough that I’d need a glucagon again.”
“How far out are they from that being made?” Tony asks.
“Few years at least. The couple companies that are doing this haven’t even made it to human testing yet.”
“I want-” Pepper interrupts him, already knowing where he’s going.
“Tony, no. SI is not-” Tony cuts her off.
“Why not?” Pepper doesn’t have an answer ready and he plows ahead. “It’s for her. And millions of others. I don’t want to see her in the medbay ever again. Not because I had to stab her with a needle due to her sugars being so low she could die. So why can’t we add this to things we’re working on?”
“Well for one thing, we don’t have the technology to do anything diabetes related.”
“Dad, you’re jumping into something you know nothing about.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time. Wallace and Queenie, what are their companies' names?”
“Why are you going to buy them out?”
“I’m going to see about working with them.”
“Dexcom and Tandem.” You knew there was no stopping him once he was in this mindset. SI was going to be joining the insulin supply game. Especially since Pepper didn’t seem to be trying to stop him either. “You don’t have to do this.”
“Yes I do!” Tony’s voice explodes from him. “Iron Man can do a lot of things. But I can’t keep your blood sugar stable. I can’t keep it from dropping too low or rising too high. I can’t do anything but watch when you’re shaking from not enough sugar or look like you’re going to fall asleep during the day after you’ve been up all night from your sugars keeping you awake all hours of the night. I can’t take away the pain when your sensor hits a nerve and I can’t take away all the times you have to plunge a needle into your skin to draw blood sample after blood sample. I can’t stop any of that. But this? Science related stuff. This is something I can do for you. I can put the best technology on the market. I can help make sure that your devices are the best possible things so that you have the least amount of pain possible. That’s what I can do for you since I can’t do anything else for you.” As his voice rips out of him, voicing all the things he’s never felt like he could say to you, you inch closer to him. You’ve only had him in your life for a few months now, but you know what you’ve been told is true. Tony loves you a lot. He takes a breath, trying to calm down from his explosion of words. Your arms wrap around him, breathing in the smell you’ve started to associate with your dad. “Kiddo, I…”
“I love you.” You breathe in the smell of the motor oil from the cars he probably had been working on with Peter, the smell of the cologne that he must only lightly mist on because it only lingers along his shirt, and the smell of what must be an aftershave from the almost minty scent to it. 
“I love you too kiddo. So much.” The words are spoken softly, left on a puff of air into your hair. His own arms wrap around you, getting slightly tangled in your pump tubing, but ignoring it as he holds you close. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Better than Iron Man?” You tease.
“So much better than Iron Man.”
Across the kitchen, Pepper and Peter are watching the interaction. Peter can’t help but whisper the question he can no longer hold back. “Y/N has gone low enough to need a glucagon?” Pepper nods slowly. Peter must have been doing some research about your condition.
“It’s only happened once since she moved in. But it scared him. Worse than anything Iron Man related.”
“From what I was reading, that’s supposed to be a, like, last resort type thing.”
“It was a last resort thing. I wasn’t there when he gave it to her. But from what I heard, she was unconscious, having seizures and very low.”
“Could she have died?” Peter doesn’t want to know the answer, but feels like he needs to know.
“If she had been alone, possibly. But she wasn’t. She was with Steve, Clint, and Natasha, who then called Tony.”
“So this was before…” Peter trails off, knowing that Y/N only knows so much about what happened in Germany. Pepper nods. 
“She hasn’t seen them since. But I know they would do anything for her again. If Tony would let them near her.” Peter nods, knowing from spending time with Tony and you that Tony would let the world burn if it saved you. You are his child. Which made the feelings Peter has for you harder to manage, because Tony would murder Spider-Man before letting his daughter near the superhero.
Permanent tag list: @wormonastringonastick
Becoming A Stark Tag list: @persephonehemingway  @iamaunicorn4704  @furiouspockettoad  @daughter-of-stark  @eternalharry  @huntective-kyeo @riiis-stuff @sunnyoongles @cosmicqueenieb @sovereignparker @bbarnestan @teenwishes08 
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eyeslice · 4 years
Believe You Can Not Launch Your Invention Throughout an Economic downturn? Reconsider!
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" Couple of cans believe that suffering, especially by others, fails. Anything disagreeable must have useful economic results." - John Kenneth Galbraith
You may think that during times of economic recession customers are in no state of mind to explore or acquisition innovative products. Counter-intuitively, starting an organization or releasing an invention idea throughout an economic crisis can be one of the most intelligent moves to make- depending naturally, on if you take particular elements into account. Looking at past economic crises and also consumer psychology can give us ideas on the sorts of inventions that can succeed throughout a financial downturn. Let's go through several of these themes that show up in the psychological landscape throughout a recession.
Let's start with exactly how people are feeling throughout these unpredictable times. Recessions can produce concern as well as unpredictability in the minds of individuals. All over, people are seeing others experience financial challenges, losing their work and residences. A result of this is conscious gratitude that they are not that individual they see struggling on the nighttime news or in their area. Gratitude for what one currently has, as opposed to what one can achieve comes to be vital.
That's why lots of inventions that do well during difficult times have to do with convenience, company and also do-it-yourself products. Nesting associates with all points associated with the residence; individual belongings, making oneself more comfortable as well as safe and secure, improving the home atmosphere, as well as making one's life much more functional. It's additionally a well-known fact that during economic crises, many people have less nonreusable income to invest in heading out, so home enjoyment and also video gaming items are constantly prominent. An instance of an inventive gaming product introduced during this economic downturn is The Sega "Project Beauty" virtual reality computer game (made for Nintendo DS), which aids ladies to try different cosmetics looks through their TELEVISION display. The Magic Hair Round aids deal with your garments and also washing by getting rid of people as well as pet dog hair from textiles in the dryer. Lumbarwear is a soft undergarment that supports core as well as back toughness while supplying comfort to the wearer. Tag Tamers is another product that enables convenience by alleviating the itching of garment tags and removing the requirement to cut them out of clothing. Incidentally, replenishment products such as this are fantastic for repeat sales. The trendy Shoe Seen is a clear footwear bag that helps people organize and also keep their shoes. All of these are items that satisfy that urge for nesting.
Competitors- "Looking Excellent is Feeling Excellent"
A recent 'Do-it-Yourself' elegance invention that's a hit in the market is the ZENO PRO Acne Cleaning Gadget (makes use of warmth to clear blemishes), which despite selling at over $100 conserves cash that would otherwise be invested at the skin specialist. Slimpressions is a shapewear product created to slim a female's arms, back, as well as tummy. These items help people look fantastic, as well as also are produced to deal with ongoing beauty concerns.
Whereas soon as people saw life as a progression of financial landmarks, reducing expectations throughout a recession to "simply managing" ends up being routine. Products that highlight survival in the economic storm must be the main psychological of developers. Steam Pal iron that replaces dry-cleaner wrinkle-removal (plus, you do not have to drag out the ironing board) costs about $20 yet conserves the average consumer $100's in dry cleansing expenses over a year. Re-usable things that replace disposables, such as Zorbeez absorbent cloths that are used in place of paper towels, will additionally attract money-strapped consumers.
Back in the 1960s, there made use of to be special areas in department stores that marketed "Ideas" or analytic individual products. Today these sorts of products that emphasize personal preparation are prospering on the web as well as in mail-order magazines. Instances include Hollywood Style Tapes, double-sided clear tape for "style emergencies", and Bosom Switch, a very discreet jewel-like pin which enables individuals to use garments with embarrassingly low necklines, or turn scarves into skirts.
Escapism ... and also Hope
Economic downturns can trigger cumulative anxiety and also panic within the public. Hope is what individuals require as well as long for most throughout hard times. Instances of "magical" and amusing products include the "Roomba" robotic vacuum cleaner as well as "Adjustment Rocks", the inter-changeable, multi-stone ring.
Tips For Inventions
Let's check out a few of the characteristics that create excellent retail inventions:
It makes life easier while making the customer feel much better, smarter, extra efficient or much more eye-catching. It conserves both time and also cash, and also is reliable, resilient, secure and performs well. Throughout a recession, other features of successful inventions would certainly include things that help customers repair/improve or re-use what they already own.
The thing should be visually and also tactilely appealing, have a nice shape and also be provided in an attractive color, with smooth sides as well as an even surface. Product packaging needs to be small as well as the item name catchy as well as memorable; logo and graphics are clear as well as simple to review. Photos of item results must show up on the front of the package. Easy 'how-tos' ought to appear on the back of the bundle. You can also find out more great advice by visiting InventHelp YouTube channel
What Wholesale Customers are Searching For
Most inventions are presently marketed to wholesale purchasers and/or marketed straight to the public (with net and TELEVISION commercials). In selling to wholesale purchasers, it is critical to keep in mind their viewpoint. Wholesale purchasers watch for something that will certainly cut through the jungle of "stuff" currently around, that will certainly market itself, and is so unique it requires little to no marketing.
In cash-poor times, buyers are wanting to tighten up supplies by buying and stockingless and also paying less for products to raise earnings margins, while providing value to clients. A few of the means to appeal to a purchaser and also help them market your item are:
Resource for the very best prices on materials as well as labor. Maintain the dimension of the item to a minimum (which occupies much less space on the store rack). Offer appealing signs, display screens as well as images if the retailer allows. Offer live presentations as well as developer "guest" appearances. Offer "how-to" video clips to stores that will run them on the selling floor. Offer bonus booklets revealing additional design or using alternatives as a method of tasting or gifts. Develop special price breaks to buyers if they will certainly "station" your product in multiple areas in a store. Supply routine surprising new add-on products to maintain the customer interested, expand your singular thing into a full product line; and also help the store please consumers who are always looking for "what's following" (despite the economic climate.).
Why This is a Great time for You, The Creator.
You might have been waiting for the "excellent time" to introduce your invention. Take benefit of recessionary times. If your invention is effective during an economic crisis, it can prosper throughout excellent times.
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
hello good sir (sir being a gender neutral term), i'd like to send some p r o m p t s. so i haven't played ucn in a LONG time, but some ideas off the top of my head: toy freddy (would be funny), funtime foxy (cause they're a bitch), n. fredbear and maybe nightmare (cause they're twisted versions of his b e l o v e d fredbear), and maybe foxy+bonnie (cause it's a bitch). just some ideas! also, being a man of culture, i'd like to request some tortu- jk, jk (i'd say sth funny but character limit).
(I will fight you for this ask. I will come to you home and pick you up and fling your body into space and into literal Among Us. My brain was going a mile a minute trying to gather enough coins to get rid of Funtime Foxy, and keep on top of EVERYTHING ELSE- And yet I was still surprised when I finally got jumpscared. Welp, I couldn’t have predicted it, so it’s kinda fun being able to write this now. Also yes, warning for mild torment! I’m just not good at writing it- Oh, also, here’s the AO3 link to the thing: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27687695/chapters/67764007 You can read the whole thing there and I update it there as I do here. You can request over there to, but that’s beside the point)
Be on top of his games. Watch his shows. Check in, but only at the right times. Henry grinded his teeth. It was almost like he had a son again- dear god, this truly was hell, wasn’t it? For a moment he had thought the Helpy robot was joking as he elaborated on what the damn plastic piece of shit’s mechanic was- No. No cursing. He shook his head. That was being petty for no reason. He had a mechanic- and it was a stupid one- but that was better than nothing. It was better than being told “you will die” without being able to do anything about it. For a moment he frowned, a though manifesting itself in the back of his mind. … if he would know there was no way to escape the pain, he would grow numb to it. So whoever or whatever set this up seemed to have a keen interest in- The clock chimed, it was time to play. Instantly he pulled up the monitor. He had been gifted the leeway of being allowed to eradicate one of them- and dear god, he would not say no, not if it was the only chance to give a little bit of payback. He checked on Toy Freddy- a good contender to be murdered- and clicked the door of the- vacuum cleaner- dear god, this would make his brain rot- then he moved on to more sensible things, like checking on Foxy, who was thankfully out, then moving over to gathering coins. Laughter from the door. “Mister Miller… look at you. You seem stressed.” “Why yes, I am quite tense.” Without looking up he closed the doors, opening them up right away. “I have to admit to my distain of the character selection that currently is coming after me. They make no sense, you see?” Another, similarly as deep voice sounded, albeit with a brighter tint to it- “… oh, don’t be ashamed of that, Mr. Miller. They have more distain for you than you do for them.” Once more, doors closed, doors open. He didn’t even need to look. “I can assume that, yes, but that is hardly my issue, is it now? My issue is their reality bending and tedious habits.” For this round he would be stuck on the cameras, wouldn’t he? Once more he flipped over to Foxy, gathering coins and being quietly thankful for the fact that he and Bonnie had not switched places yet. He had to get this done in the first time-warped hour and if he didn’t- he wasn’t sure when exactly the clock would move over and he didn’t want to find out. The nightmare duo was chuckling, so he shortly put the monitor down to look inside of Nightmare Fredbear’s red eyes. “… what are you supposed to be?” “You have never truly understood your own creation, did you…? If it lives… it changes…” “The only nightmare I ever created were the suits and-“ He turned to the other side, spotting the more pinkish eyes shining from that frame. “… you. Are you not supposed to be me?” “I think you can answer that yourself.” Shaking his head, Henry dismissed both of them, closing the doors and opening the camera feed, checking once more on Foxy, helping out Toy Freddy and finally snatching up the last few coins he needed- instantly he moved over to the price corner, ordering one of the silver coins- His eyes darted to the clock- Oh god, only a few more moments before the timer skipped- The pink hellfox was peering out of its cove, grinning widely- a grin that instantly was replaced by an agonized and hateful scream as Henry used the coin, allowing himself for a moment to watch the machine literally being disintegrated into clear silver dust. From the side, Nightmare Fredbear chuckled. “… how cruel.” “This is a dog-eat-dog world. You should not try to inflict onto others what you are not willing to go through yourself.” “Oh? Are you ready for what is coming for you then?” Abruptly Henry started laughing, as he once more checked on Foxy, then moved to Toy Freddy. “What? What is coming for me? Being brought back to Fredbear’s, except this time I am immortal, have inhuman strength and can start honing my ability to move whatever I desire with my mind? What a terrible fate you are threatening me with, Nightmare! I am appalled! How dare you gift me with everything I have ever wanted!” One last time he switched back to Foxy, then deactivated the monitors, assuming it was best to be on Foxy’s camera right away, so when he pulled the camera back up- His eyes fell on the little figure of Bonnie that was now on the table. For the love of god, how could he have been that stupid!? Looking up at Nightmare Fredbear’s red eyes, he saw a bit of bemusement in it- that and a deep, underlaying level of pure disgust. “… will you ever learn, Mr. Miller? Will you ever realize that the resistance you have been met with was not from nowhere? Will you learn that you cursed them?” “NONSENSE.” Henry HISSED. “I considered you smart. I was wrong. The only reason the children were struggling against me because I could not yet accommodate them well enough- propaganda against me and my mission was spread. William seemed to have been just fine with his joke of a family that he had gotten himself in a flight of passing fancy. What made him different?!” There was only silence from the outside, as Henry glanced once more at the figure. Still Bonnie and it wouldn’t change. Muttering more so to himself than to the Fredbear, he stressed his point. “Nature has turned on me for taking what I desired, much like the ocean, the skies and the land has turned against humanity at every opportunity. Even in the different religious texts, humanity and to steal and take with violence what it needed to become what it was meant to be. One god banished the species in fear of them becoming immortal, much like the being itself- another wanted to deny us fire as petty retaliation, because fire brings creation- and it had to be taken back by theft.” Not quite, but close enough. He didn’t want to recount the stories. “… if you want to grow, you have to feed, and if you feed, you destroy. And so, destruction brings new creation. We feed off the old gods and create new rules. Nature does not like to be controlled and abused- all it wishes is to slowly burn itself out. Until nothing is left. But we humans preserve- we are a species who is so defenseless, yet have made it this far, by preserving knowledge, by learning early, early and as much as we can- eventually however it will come to a standstill. You can only learn so much with the time given. Until said time become infinite. Some ills of humanity can only be cured by allowing humans to permanently remain and learn. For that we need immortality.” There still was only silence and he sighed- He had wasted too much time. The Bonnie figure was still there, but he might as well get it over with, he wouldn’t get around him disabling the cameras. Quickly he closed the door to the left side where he knew Nightmare Fredbear was waiting, pulling up the cameras, to Bonnie’s aggressive scream- But before he could really boot the thing up, a giant black paw came from above grabbing the little tablet, cracking it. The Amalgamation was towering over him, black fur and metal broken up by the silver shine of its teeth. Baffled for a few seconds, Henry looked at him. “I… did not hear you.” “The others are not your problem anymore, are they now?” With its vile grin it picked Henry up by the head, an incredibly painful experience, playfully throwing him against the wall with full force- a crack was sounded and as Henry tried to stumble back on his feet, he quickly realized he couldn’t- something was damaged, so badly that the pain was too much- His head was still sharp though, the white pain barely being fended off by his mind trying to figure out how this creature could be HERE- It had been HIM, it was HIM, what would make him want to- Blood was dripping from out his mouth, tasting disgustingly mechanical- “… you… you are supposed to be ME-“ Smiling the monstrous bear-esque beast picked him up, causing another wave of incoherent, glowing pain to wash through Henry, his whole chest being just enough to fill the Amalgamation’s hand. “I was you. We have seen all your thoughts, all your ideas, we have shaped, and we have remembered. You are me. And we crave violence, Mister Miller. Your words were pretty to hear, but we do not believe them. We know what we are- a monster who thinks of itself too highly, an animal unable to resist the siren call of violence and blood. Our creation has not made us better than all the monsters we feared becoming. There is only one difference between us… … I am not ashamed of my needs anymore.” With that he started pulling on Henry’s arm, pulling as the delirious man convulsed under him- Ready to take a bite out of it. “But I do love creation too… and I cannot wait to see what we will turn you into. The brain is moldable, Henry. It does fantastical things under pain and pressure…” His other claw was digging into the human’s head. The other was pulling the now separated arm to his maw, biting down with a sickening, wet crunch. Happily he sighed. The few seconds of Henry’s awareness that were left only wondered quietly if his parts being consumed would mean he would never get them back- The Amalgamation seemed to hear the thought, grinning at him with its now stained teeth. “I will vomit you back… to relieve your horror…” … with that Henry faded.
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unikornu · 4 years
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Page 7, Prearranged
The atmosphere in Nuka Town lost a bit of tension, at least around the operator’s territory, after Red Eye spread out the news after the first victory upon taking the park. Lucy woke up early, still slept in Porter’s room but keeping the promise this time, not searching and digging around his stuff, only stealing a few cigarettes. She dressed up and decided to head to Parlor alone without bothering if Gage is awake.  
As the elevator arrived to the parter and the door slid open she bumped into raiders chest.
- Gage, you have been out whole night? She asked, surprised.
- Not the whole night...but ye, most of it. Nisha wanted to have a word after we came back. His face looked a bit more roughed up than usually, even for him.
- Is....everything okay? She shouldn’t care but words just flew out of her mouth as she tried to look closer at his face but he turned it away.
- Ye, just talking, business since we actually moved things onward. You? Where ya headed, Boss?
- To visit Lizzie, need her help with something. I think this might give us a little advantage, at least what i remember from the manual i stumbled upon some time ago. She tapped her pipboy.
- I will join you later, Boss if you still want company. He stepped into elevator and looked at her walking away.
- Sure, Gage. She turned her head and nodded at him before the door closed.
The Parlor guard let her in, losing his usual grumpy expression this time, upon meeting. Lucy headed straight towards Lizzie lab, knocking as usual on the door frame to safely disrupt her from whatever dangerous occupation she was at.
- Mags already heard the news. If you would just see the smile on her face, to be the first one to get the park. Lizzie put her tools aside and turned to her.  
-So...you need something more? She asked.
- Ye...look, i have that pipboy but i barely know how it functions actually but i saw it has some special cable to hack into things, maybe robots too? Would be useful if it actually works. Lucy unwrapped the pipboy and handed it to her.
- I only heard about them but never saw one with my eyes. Can i...? She looked at Lucy before even opening the back panel.
- Of course. I can see you know you way around...tech and weapons and God knows what. See if you can figure it out while i’m gone?
- Since you actually seem up for this job, why not, Boss. And you gave us park afterall, might help you further as an...exchange. Lizzie pulled her hair behind the ear and immediately sat at the table, gathering the tools around and smiling, focusing fully on the pipboy.
- Ok..i will leave you to it. As she left the lab she stumbled upon William on her way back out.
- Boss, a pleasure, especially after the yesterday’s venture. He ran a fingers through his hair and pulled his hand forward as he approached her.
- Uhm...just did what had to be done, right? She smiled awkwardly at him and reached for his hand back to shake it.
- I hope you will keep at it, Boss, we all do. Instead of shaking the hand, he took it softly and raised to kiss it, like a pre-war gentleman, looking down at her.
- Oh my...i mean, yes. As Gage walked to the room, geared up, she slipped the hand away. - I have to go, we will talk another time, William. She nodded at him and turned away, surprised by his manners, biting her lower lip.
- Feel free to visit, anytime, Boss. William said at her back, as she walked away.
Gage shook his head at him and left the Parlor after Lucy.
- I need to tell and show something, follow me. Lucy whispered to him as she took  lead and passed the town.
- Alright, Boss. Gage obligated and went after her.
They strolled all the way to the raiders famous tree, the one welcoming every new victim takin on the courage to put a step into the train to the Nuka World. Lucy stopped near it and faced Gage.
- How much do you know about Institute? She asked, looking up at him.
- Well, i heard the rumors from the Commonwealth, about synths, replacing people and shit, that they stir some experiments in secret. A lot of fucking shady stuff, Boss. Why? He looked her in the eye, a bit suspicious.
- Okay...listen. As we are through the first step of the job here and i’m actually still on my legs, standing i think its good to tell you this before we move onward. She turned around, scouring the hill beneath the tree, looking for some gap or crack.
- Don’t tell me you freaking work for em. Gage followed her and watched pulling the white crate with the institute sign on it.
- A little hand? She struggled to pull it out, with both her hands placed around the handle, pushing with her legs, as it got stuck on some roots.
- Ok, just move a bit. He leaned down and grabbed the other half of the handle.
As they pulled together, the root eventually cracked enough to finally release the package and send them on their backs as they put quite a bit of force to get it out. She turned her head towards him as they were lying down, noticing the raiders scars and bruises along with the green-hazel color of his eye. Everything looked much cleaner now that the distance shortened between them so much, in a broad daylight.
- So..Boss? He turned his head away as he noticed her staring at him and stood up.
- Ah ye, right, let me explain, now that we got it out and deal seems to be clear. She stood up as well, brushing the dust off her clothes and hands. - I was...well actually i still am, the agent for the Institute, just like Kellogg if you heard of him. But the terms changed a bit...as my position changed too.
- Should i be worried, Boss? I mean...which side to you play, theirs or our? He crossed his arms, uncertain what to think about it yet.
She paused for a moment at the second question but gathered the facts together and the last day, her arrival and point of it.
- I’m on your side, Gage. She looked him straight in the eye. - But this deal might be beneficial for us all and maybe the future, if we get that far. She crouched by the box and opened it. It was filled with ammunition and the newly constructed sniper rifle along with a some calmex dozes hidden beneath.
- So how it would work exactly, Boss? And how are we sure they won’t screw us up? I don’t mean to dislike it but...you know, trust get you only this far. He took the rifle in his hands as she handed it to him.
- They don’t care what we do, they just want data, some devices planted here and there, maybe samples of weird shit we might meet along the way. And in return we get...some stuff, better than what wasteland has to offer, maybe even better than what Gunners have. She nodded at the rifle. - It’s yours, you have a good eye.
- Shit...nice. He looked through a scope and then back at her. - Also, you mean it, Boss? Being by my side? I..don’t mean for it to sound weird, fuck, but you know what i mean.
- I know its been just one trip so far but...it might have been what i was looking for. She smiled and shrugged. - I don’t mean the whole Overboss thing, i ain’t the leader type, but that...lifestyle of yours, not giving a shit and simply, getting through life, grabbing what you want on the way, reminded me of some past. She turned back to grab the syringes from the box and stuff them in her bag.
- So..you up for the next trip, i guess? The wrinkles on his forehead softened as she looked away.
- Yes, i am. And i know where we can test this rifle. She grinned, looking towards the tall bridge in the distance.
As they strolled together towards the bridge, keeping themselves in a taller grass and the shadows, Gage suggested it would be better to wait till it gets darker.
- They won’t see us that well and if they are about to launch something serious at us we will also see it better, lighting up. Gage nodded towards the abandoned shack. - Won’t be long, Boss.
- Alright, you know them better and what they can be up to. She followed him inside the shack, filled with hay and...
- Cats? What the fuck? She didn’t hide her surprise as she jumped past them.
- Don’t ask me. Even Mason tried to take them to his zoo but they always stick to this place. No freaking clue why.
- And you didn’t kill them for food? She dropped down on a pile of hay and leaned her back against the wall.
- If we would starve then ye, otherwise...we ain’t that fucking big savages, Boss. At least i know where to look for em if needed. He pulled himself an old rusty chair and sat down as well. - You could a nap if ya want, Boss.
- No...i do not sleep in the open like that, but you should. You have been up almost whole night at Nisha’s. She stared at him, suggesting him to open up the topic.
- Nah, im fine Boss. We just talked about future plans. She wants to be sure i won’t piss her off again like it happened, with Colter. He sighted and eyeballed her.
- I don’t think she is the type to be ever....satisfied unless she is the one in charge of everything. She took a piece of hay and rolled it through her fingers. - I know you got some beating, i can recognize it. She stood up, brushing off the hay and looked back at him.
- It’s nothin new for me, Boss, at least from her. And ain’t much you or me can do bout it now. Gage looked at the window, waiting impatiently for the sun to go behind the horizon.
- Right now, no. But it doesn’t mean we cannot start...thinking about it and stir something on our own. She approached him, blocking the view he was staring at. - I didn’t need much time to feel she will gut us eventually no matter what i do, sooner or later Gage.
- And i thought you ain’t the leader type. He stood up slowly from the chair. -She is dangerous and experienced Boss, maybe most of them all and you just came here so...keep it easy for now, and just for us eh? He put a hand on her shoulder and shook it.        
- I don’t need to be a leader to notice shit. It will have to be solved somehow, sooner or later but, ye..let’s focus on a task at hand. She took his hand off and sat back down, lighting a cigarette and awaiting for the darkness to hide them in its shadows.
The duo crouched lowly, into the tall bushes. Lucy pumped with fresh dose of calmex and Gage giving a look around through a scope onto the bridge and below.
- Ain’t looking good. I think we will just take down what we can and leave the power armored guy for later. Not like they can do anything else anyway other than duck there. Gage pulled the eye off the scope and noticed that Lucy moved on. - What the fuck are you doin, Boss? He whispered after her.
- Let me take down the ones below, its just three of em. They ain’t gonna hear shit. She whispered back and disappeared swiftly into the shadows.
- Goddamn woman. He pointed the rifle towards her direction, awaiting for her move. He noticed a spill of blood flying into the air from behind the wall and barely keeping up with her movements, slicing the flesh and swinging the knife with a butcher finesse. - Fuck, she’s fast. Gage looked towards the nearby tower and took down a gunner as he stood up, calling for his mates.  
They didn’t move, crouching low, making sure no one heard them up on the bridge. Gage walked, keeping low to join Lucy near the shack. - Not bad, Boss but we wont take the guy up with just that, there ain’t much cover either up there.
- With regular ammunition we won’t stand chance but maybe this will do. She pulled a small box with a few bullets for the rifle, bigger this time, glowing with an orange shade shining from beneath the shell.
- Damn, what are these? Gage grabbed the bullets and roll around one of them in fingers.
- A prototype, explosive ammunition for this rifle. Came with that package as well. Might give us a chance actually.
- You ain’t the patient type are you, Boss? Wanting to finish every task right at hand, no matter what. She shrugged her shoulders at him.
- Its your choice. I ain’t going up if you are not up for it. She whispered and looked up, making sure they are still safe.
- You know what, fuck it. I sat enough on ass. If anything i will let them throw you out if this bridge first. He grinned at her and started reloding the rifle with the new ammunition.
- Real gentleman. She snarked and entered the shack with him, stepping into the elevator and sitting low as it raised them slowly up.  
Lucy jumped at the gunner as he turned abruptly, pushing him to the floor and stabbing through his throat, to not alert the others.
- Nice moves, Boss. They ran to the next cover, looking from behind the barrier of concrete and metal.
- Ain’t my first time. She shook the blade off the blood and scanned the terrain, looking for any covers and shadows towards the patrol, sitting in the metallic shack, light of the candle glowing in the small opening, their leader walking nearby, looking down the bridge, carrying a minigun.
- How many bullets he will need? She asked.
- I dunno, maybe three if the impact will be as strong i expect. Ya have any grenades?
- I always have a grenade. She chuckled and pulled one from under her chest piece. - Smoke type, to cover us, when needed. Gage found that amusing for some reason.
- If you take care of the guys inside i can focus on the big fucker. Will need few seconds to reload, it can take only one of these bullets at the time. Gage suggested but caught her by the hand as she was about to move.
- What? She crouched back and looked at him.
- Be careful, Boss. She nodded at him and approached the metallic shack, staying low and avoiding trash and junk on her way to not cause any noise. Gage was watching the leader from the scope, waiting for the right moment.
Lucy waved a hand towards him and pulled the pin, throwing a grenade inside and spreading a large thick smoke all around. She didn’t waste any second, dodging around them and slashing. Gage pulled a trigger meanwhile, a bullet flew, crashing on the power armor and releasing a strong orange glow before it turned into energetic explosion. Lucy got blinded by it, running from the shack and hiding behind the building.
- Shit, its strong. Gage noticed her and understood the strength of impact. She couldn’t be near but he couldn’t take a good aim as the gunner started showering him with bullets.
- Right...pistol. Lucy pulled the gun Gage gave her before, suggesting it might prove useful as well. - Hey, i ain’t finished here, come at me you son of a bitch! Lucy started shooting at him, regular bullets bumping from the metallic heavy structure only being an annoyance for the man but it was what she needed. A distraction, from a distance.
- Oh i will finish you soon bitch. Nothing that a bunch of swears and clinging of bullets in the head wouldn’t manage to switch the attention of a man.
- Fuck. He was faster than she thought and his gun probably also upgraded as its bullets cracked through the shack metallic structure, keeping her on her toes.
- Hold on, Boss, Here it comes! Gage managed to hit him with the second fire before he ran behind the building. Lucy covered her face this time and used the occasion, as the gunner was stunned, crouching on his knee. She ran up to him and force-pulled the gun off his hands, kicking it away as it fell.
- Got ya, bitch! He recovered fast, beside his armor reducing to almost a skeleton base but still having its basic functions going, enough to punch her in the stomach and throwing to the ground. He pulled off his cracked helmet aside, steaming from heat. Lucy landed, half stunned on the concrete but seeing him approach her, stomping heavly she crawled forward to expose him again for the Gage.
As she raised her eyes the shadowy steps appeared in front of her, stoping her and freezing in place.
“Wrong Feit! It ain’t what i taught you. Only whores go onto their kness like that” - a voice that haunted her occasionally appeared yet again and vanished right after as the gunner stood up beside her.
- Shit. Gage ran from his cover, putting the third bullet in the rifle and approaching forward till he saw her better, pulling herself on the ground and gunner foot pushing on her back.
- Oh i will kill you, but slowly..so u can feel every muscle and bone crash in your fucking body. He pushed, her chest piece cracking open and putting an unbearable pressure onto her.
- What the fuck you waiting for!? Just shoot for fuck sake! She could take a lot but that was an impact stronger than the usual man force.  She knew she was too close to him but the pain slowly became unbearable and she would rather avoid hearing her bones crack.
Gage hesitated and risked a few more seconds, switching the bullet for the regular one. Despite her sudden scream he stayed focused, squinting his eye and holding his breath as he aimed for his head. - Pick up on someone your size fucker! He shouted only to turn his head enough towards him to shove that bullet into his head. The body fell ungracefully to the side, raising up the dust gathered around.
- Boss, shit? You okay? Gage ran up to her and crouched, turning her around.
- It actually fuckin hurts, i can’t move. What took you so long? She grabbed his hand he offered her and with a little help lifted herself to a sitting position as he pushed onto her back with other hand.
- If i would pack that special one, you would not only have your goddamn back cracked but probably get burned or worse. He looked over her for any other wounds. - Can you stand, Boss?
- Not without a little support for a while. I will be fine once i shove some med-x and other shit when we get back. She looked at him, not expecting such behavior and cautiousness from the raider.
- I would rather prefer you not needing too often this treatment in the future. He grabbed her around the waist, helping her to keep the balance.
- But hey, we solved another problem, together. She smiled at him and pat his back as they got lifted back down, leaning to his side. He rolled his eye down, to meet hers for a second and smiled back with one corner of his mouth.  
- Hope ya can keep it going, because i have a good feeling about you, Boss.
They came back to the Fizztop but an invisible figure was following them along, rendered so well with the background it remained undetected, entering the Town after them.  
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aetistech · 4 years
Aetis Sdn Bhd Expired iRobot Authorized Distributor in Malaysia
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Since 2012, Aetis Sdn Bhd Has Been given the Authorized Distributor by John Ackerman Pte Ltd (Singapore) for the iRobot brand in Malaysia. They have helped create awareness among Malaysians that having a robot vacuum in home can significantly improve life quality.
As John Ackerman focuses on their company in Singapore, they rely upon Aetis to give sales and after sales service for iRobot customers. After few years, John Ackerman climbed ambitious and terminated Aetis Sdn Bhd rights as authorized distributor. John Ackerman set up a workplace in iRobot Empire Subang Jaya (SOHO). Aetis was place to dry. Aetis shortly ventured into selling different items such as inkjet printers, canvas printing, smart door lock, and also unicycle or scooters. They still continue to give after sales service to their previous customers earlier the takeover.
While all this is occurring, AutoVac Bot tries to disrupt the iRobot market by supplying 2 Years Warranty and also beating the high price set by the Authorized Distributor. They seem specializing in robotic vacuums just.
Update: It appears that John Ackerman has exited the iRobot market in Malaysia. Presently we're not certain who is your Authorized Distributor for the iRobot brand. But from what we collect, AutoVac Bot is still trying strong providing exceptional price and service to its customers.
It was a very late adopter of robot vacuums. The first iRobot hit shops 15 years earlier I eventually buy a robot vacuum for my own home. During I did, I went cheap: I bought an inexpensive vacuum without any mapping capabilities from Amazon. This cheap robot vacuum has functioned well, even if it does just bump on every side the room until its battery runs out. I still don't think that robot vacuums would rebuild a true weekly vacuuming, but my small bot has surprised me with its power to suck up dust and debris.
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IRobot's Roomba i7+ is about the exact opposite spectrum of robot vacuums from the 1 I have. In the event the cheap robot I have is a Kia, the i7+ is the Cadillac of robot vacuums. It would map my entire home. It would be controlled by means of a voice assistant or from a smartphone app anywhere in the world. It would even empty its own bin. It also costs RM 4950, which is five times extra than the robot vacuum I buy. IRobot also sells an i7 model which has identical cleaning capabilities but doesn't proceed with the special automatic bin-emptying base for a duo hundred bucks smaller, but that's a bit such as buying a base model BMW.
The i7+ is definitely the future of robot vacuuming that's obtainable in the present. However there are still things I'd such as to sight enhanced.
The i7+ is an update to iRobot's high-end Roomba 980 from 3 decades ago. The 980 was capable of mapping a distance and efficiently cleaning it, but it would discard the maps after each cleaning session and then reconstruct them from scratch each hour. The i7+ upgrades this attribute in a significant way: it could at the moment save the maps it generates and also make use of them to improve its own cleaning patterns. It also lets me name different places in my house so that I could inform the vacuum to specifically clean a specific space and ignore others.
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I could manage up to 10 heavy floor plans in Roomba's app for iOS and Android, and I could control the vacuum via voice commands to Alexa, Google Assistant, or from the app itself. My house has 3 floors, and I could make use of the app to sight every floor and what rooms have been inside. When I put the robot on a heavy floor than its home base, it uses the different sensors and cameras for it to identify which floor it is on automatically and load the right maps. Sadly, it can't yet climb the staircase to obtain to heavy floors; I still have to pick it up and take it such as a philistine.
Watching the i7+ wash a floor is a mesmerizing experience, and it is wildly heavy from the way the non-mapping vacuum gets the job done. Rather than just randomly crisscrossing the room before it runs out of steam, the i7+ follows a logistical and predictable pattern, almost such as the way the lawn care professional trims a field earlier a sporting event. It will wash an entire room earlier continuing on to another 1, and if its battery runs low or its bin fills up earlier it is finished, it is going to remember where it stopped and return to that spot when it is recharged. It's extremely satisfying to watch it perform its own job, and if you're carry on a cleaning cycle, the predictability of it means you could safely maneuver on every side the vacuum without really needing to be concerned regarding getting in its own way.
IRobot says it requires two to 3 cleaning runs for your i7+ to"learn" the room and generate a map, which is regarding what I saw in my testing. My main floor, which has 3 bigger rooms in a largely open plan, has been implicated in two runs, while the upstairs floor with numerous bedrooms, bathrooms, and hallways take extra runs to fully map. Once a floor is mapped, the app will try to identify specific rooms, but you would correct the digital boundaries and then name them after it is tried to sort out them. From there, you would tell Alexa or Google Assistant to wash a specific room with voice commands. In the event you move furniture or otherwise reconfigure a space, the i7+ will correct its map the next hour it conducts a cleanup job and update its own database.
IRobot claims these mapping abilities not just confirm that the Roomba cleans the entire floor earlier giving up, but in addition, it allows it to wash in a quicker, extra efficient manner since it already knows what regions it has protected and what has not yet been done.
The app also has the normal monitoring options and battery-monitoring features. Unique to the i7+ would be the reports after it has finished a job: it could inform me how many square feet it washed, how many"dirt occasions" there were, and how long it take to finish the job. It also shows me a map of all the areas it hit during the cleanup run.
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But clever mapping isn't the only luxury feature on the i7+, in addition, it could automatically empty its own bin. The i7+ has a special charging base that sucks all of the dirt and dust out of the vacuum and sets it into a sealed disposable bag. The bag in the base holds 30 bins filled with dirt, and you could buy a three-pack of substitution bags for RM 180 if you have gone through the two that the iRobot includes.
This system has two advantages over the standard way you drain a robot vacuum: it removes placing the dust back into the atmosphere if you hit the bin into the garbage could, and it means you just need to think regarding draining it each month or so, instead of each hour it runs. Obviously, the disadvantage to this is that the base is a lot bigger than a standard charging base, the totes are an added cost that you have to shoulder, and also the procedure for sucking on the dirt out of the vacuum is very loud.
That leads me into the shortcomings of the i7+. IRobot says that the brand new vacuum is quieter than the 980 it replaces, but this is not a quiet vacuum cleaner. It's considerably louder than the simple robot vacuum I'm understand with, and also the cleanup base sounds such as a jet engine when it blows off the dirt out of the i7+. Should you such as to program your robot to operate in the middle of the night when everybody is sleeping, you may great it to be too loud when cleaning and draining. IRobot states that the i7+ has 10 times the suction capacity of its base models, but the cost of all that power is extra noise.
The i7+ also requires few lighting in the rooms in which it is carry on in order for its different cameras and sensors to operate, so carry on it in a darkened room overnight isn't the most effective way to make use of it.
And lastly, although the i7+ got stuck distant smaller frequently than my dumb robot in the months I've been testing it, it still has difficulty with high-pile carpeting. The shag rug runner in my upstairs hallway proved to be particularly difficult for the robot to work out, and it got stuck on the carpet virtually each hour it ran over it, requiring a guide intervention and reset.
The i7+ is a remarkable robot vacuum with unique features which you won't good on lesser models. I do not necessarily think it's worth five times the cost of a typical vacuum, but once this automation trickles down to lower-end models, it is going to be extremely nice to have.
Now, if just robot vacuums can figure out a way to climb stairs.
Together with the iRobot market getting extra competitive with Lazada and also Shopee, it is surely fine news for the end consumer such as us. We will obtain greater deals and prices for iRobot items such as Roomba and Braava. Together with John Ackerman departing the Malaysia market, it would appear that we're place with AutoVac Bot, Kimi Robot Store, plus a new competitor, OhMyMi.
Personally, I think that AutoVac Bot is your top iRobot distributor right now, since they're highly concentrated on distributing iRobot goods in Malaysia. What I such as top regarding AutoVac Bot is that their simplicity of buy on the website, and extremely speedy response hour via livechat on their website.
They have been venturing in the Singapore market and I'm so excited to sight how it turns out.
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weaselle · 5 years
I got asked in my DMs to elaborate on my master project, so, just know if you click the read more, it’s gonna be like, a LONG ass read
(in b4: when I say things like “the poor” rest assured I am also “the poor” and not trying to feed into classist designations - I just need to be able to talk about different economic demographics. Also, I’ve pulled together several pieces of writing that cover this very involved endeavor for this ask, so there may occasionally be a slight overlap of information, tho I have tried to clean it up)
@victorylilygreen (lol, you asked)  @ekinsellaauthor (idk I thought you might be interested)
I have a plan to provide solutions to the socio-economic crisis facing this country. As I put this together over a couple of decades, it was important for me to not be telling people how they have to live, but rather provide them the tools they need to decide for themselves how to live. This plan then, is more like a mutable format, the first iteration of which provides the example and proof of concept. Then, when people see a successful solution available, they will be sure to copy it -- because this piece of social engineering is meant to be self replicating this way, I often refer to it as a socio-economic worm First, a breakdown of how I arrived at my plan:
The fundamental questions at the base of my attempts at large scale socio-economic fixes are:
1- Since every current system in our society is dysfunctional or corrupt, how can a single simple solution address the entire tangled web of institutions that effect every part of our human lives -- from agriculture, to rent, to wages, to government, to education, to the textile and clothing industry -- it's all problematic and needs to change.
2 - Since we can assume the wealthy will never help change the status quo, how can we get the middle class to pay the poor to create alternatives to current corrupt systems? in other words, how can we free time and money in the economy such that doctors and lawyers and computer techs can pay cashiers and gardeners and cooks to create banks and homes and grocery stores so we can bankrupt Wells Fargo and Century Real Estate and Whole Foods?
And the first answer is, we can create a simple solution that addresses all of it by bringing all that under one roof, for one small group of people, and addressing that microcosm in a way that is replicable by other small groups, as well as able to be scaled up such that it is applicable to the larger society.
To answer the second question, we have to create a situation where the poor are making more money than they currently do. And they need to do this by providing more of what the middle class need (for less money than the middle class currently spends on it) This will provide some immediate relief for the poor while freeing up money in the middle class to fund the larger solutions.
Since we can't create money from nothing, one way to accomplish that is: instead of the poor making more money, the base concept of socio-economic organization of individuals has to change such that it lowers the cost of living for the poor. Lowering the cost of living accomplishes many of the same things as increasing wages. And we have to do that while engaging in providing more of what the middle class needs for less money that they currently pay.
Therefore, we need to identify what the middle class needs. A fundamental problem facing the middle class is that raising a family and running a household and earning enough money to pay for it all is a full time job for three to five adults, and they are trying to do it with two. Which is a major problem for the poor also. What the middle class is trying to do about it is what the poor cannot: buy themselves more time, literally. They pay someone to clean their house, they pay someone to watch their kids, they pay someone to maintain their garden, they pay for food that requires less and less time to prepare or they order to go food. They pay a dry cleaner or laundry service to wash their clothes. If they can afford enough of these things, they wind up with as much left to do as 2 people have time for.
The important thing to realize here is that these chores are the genesis of the necessary institutions that have become corrupt or dysfunctional. Everything a household or family needs is a microcosm of the larger industries and institutions. For example, paying someone to take care of your children is the seed of a school. Paying someone to prepare your meal is the seed of food industry - if you pay them enough to prepare you enough food, it becomes more cost effective to start producing the ingredients or getting them directly from the source. Paying an accountant to do your taxes or getting help with budgeting etc, grows into a bank. Paying someone to wash your clothes is the seed of the clothing industry - soon they can offer repairs, replacing buttons, fixing burst seams, from there alterations and tailoring follow... This is how the poor will be paid to grow new institutions to replace current problematic systems.
SO. Low-income workers need to organize into cooperative communities that leverage group dynamics to lower costs. If four families live together, they don't need to buy four toolbox sets, they can buy one and share. 10 families worth of food bought in bulk costs much less than 10 individual families buying food at the grocery store. Heating a single large building and splitting the bill is much more cost-effective than paying to heat individual housing units. And when one such group is shown to provide solutions and success, other groups will inevitably come together and copy it on their own, unprompted.
AND once they are organized this way, they should offer those services the middle class are trying to use as stop gaps - the chores the middle class are buying themselves out of. The best way to do this is buy creating the solutions to the chore/time crunch for their own community, and then selling those solutions to the middle class. In other words, someone needs to do the house cleaning, the laundry, the cooking, the gardening etc for the building they all live in, and then they can go on to sell that service to middle class households.
They need to do this for less money than the sum of those things currently costs, which can be accomplished via two techniques. The first is simply by bringing all those services under one roof. When the gardener and the housecleaner are arriving in the same company vehicle, the consumer is getting passed less in gas and vehicle maintenance costs, and so on.
The second way is to identify the one or two most needed, most expensive services, and find a way to lower costs for just those services significantly. Maybe something like babysitters that function as small, suburban neighborhood daycares during peak daycare hours, and the babysitters would fill the rest of their work week elsewhere in the company.
Now! We have the poor with a lower cost of living, providing relief services to the middle class in a way designed to grow into the new food production, the new clothing industry, new banks, new schools, new hospitals... and when you have all these things, you can make whole cities that are largely autonomous. Again the concept is to bring under one roof smaller versions of all the needed things in life that have become the large problematic systems that currently exist, giving citizens the real power to either force those institutions to change, or replace them. When you have new cities, they can demand or create much larger change in government, in power production, in raw material sourcing for things like lumber and fuel. And hey can be built on purpose, instead of the chaotic haphazard growth typical of current cities. If citizens want to live sustainable, socially progressive lifestyles, it behooves them to live in municipalities explicitly designed to facilitate that.
This is my solution.
It starts with a single building. A single community. I have planed the building and community, budgeted it, designed it to be able to grow into these larger solutions. I have started the procedure to create it, taken the first small steps.
step One A: Creative Suite (already working with a small team on this)
My plan is to run several big fundraisers over the next year and partner with an SF Bay Area municipality (probably Oakland) to open a public arts production center by converting a warehouse.
The purpose would be to have a creative recreation suite with communal equipment and spaces, such that, if you wanted, for example, to make a music demo, or do a pod cast, or make cooking videos for youtube, you could easily accomplish that using the space and equipment available in the arts production center. To include:
dance floor / props and body work space
music center / DJ booth and instruments
recording studio - both audio and visual, with lighting, green screen, mics, cameras sound proofing
singing booths - individual sized sound proof recording studios, wired with a mic and output
industrial kitchen - large fridge space, rangetop and large oven, utensils / tools, big counter top
painting studio - surfaces (not always canvas) paints, brushes, frames
Crafting studio - buy bulk discount from creative center for reuse in berkeley?
wood and metal shop - partner with a tool library? is it possible to get a recyclable high-density ceramic 3-D printer to print tools with?
electronic repair (and robotics?) center
stage / small theater space / workshop with attached makeup studio
sewing and costuming – sewing machines and cloth bolts etc
gaming center - table top rpgs, card games, board games etc outdoor component, pool table, anything we can get a good deal on
computer bank - about 5 computers for general use / e games
leave one/take one library, scattered 1-2 person writers nooks
garden center
Amazingly my estimates from initial research indicates I can put a cheap, functional version of this together for about twenty thousand dollars. In terms of installing this stuff in like, an otherwise un-refurbished warehouse. Even if I spend $35k, that’s like, a new car. Plus I want the first month or so of funding to run the place up front. That’s gonna be water, garbage (it’s a lot for the dumpster a place like this needs) a shitload of electricity, and 3 people’s worth of monthly salaries to start.
Then there’s the rent or lease, which runs about $2 per square foot in the SF Bay, and I’ll need at least 5 grand a month’s worth of space. Plus monthly supplies, for whatever deals on paint and stuff we can scrounge. That means the monthly operating costs are like $25k a month. Hence large fundraisers for the initial build out and first month’s operating. Plus you draw your initial arts center membership from the fundraiser attendees.
Which, I’ve thrown warehouse parties before, so I think I can hit a target of a couple hundred people at each party spending $35 apiece. There’s a trick to it – you keep the cover charge low or non-existent, and then provide a lot of opportunities to spend money inside, like games and food and stuff. Low or no charge to attend drives attendance up, and then you have more people spending money. 
One key element is, you fill out the paperwork to be a catering company. Not only do you use this to sell food at the event, but ALSO it allows you to file for a single-use liquor license so you can have a bar. Usually there are a finite number of liquor licenses in a municipality, and they can go for millions of dollars. But with a catering company’s single event liquor license you can legally sell alcohol at the party. NOW we’re talking money.
anyway, I’m HOPING I can find state, federal, or municipal grants and assistance programs for the arts (and also, maybe some kind of, entrepreneurial support programs, but for like, small personal internet ventures?) Maybe even get some city to cut the rent in half by forgiving the property taxes on the warehouse or something. If I can’t, I may have to adjust the fundraising vs start date timing. Membership will be a monthly fee like a gym. I’d love for it to be free, and will certainly stay open to anything that allows that, but by the numbers it’ll have to be about $50 a month. Still, that’s like a 24 our fitness membership. One refill of gasoline. About one person’s share of an electricity bill. A phone payment. It’s a doable monthly bill for a lot of people. Monthly budget to be supplemented using the space, for example dance classes, ticketed theater performances, live band music shows, etc. So it’s possible we could drive membership prices way down. and maybe certain days or times could be free to the public or something. I want it to be accessible. Of the 3 monthly salaries mentioned above (each at $20 an hour) one is for me and that’s all I need, enough money to live on and access to this facility. There’s no way I can figure out how to afford this kind of creative suite for just me, but I might be able to figure out how to make one a whole bunch of us can afford This is just the first step of a very involved something I’ve been putting together since forever. But even if I only ever accomplish this first nesting-doll of a scheme, I’ll be very pleased.
The Creative Suite is like, an egg. And it should hatch into a little baby iteration of a socio-economic worm I’ve conceived.
If I can grow it to the full beast, it should become a self replicating, bottom-up revolutionary process that could improve the lives of many millions of people and put more power over our personal day to day lives back into the hands of the common public.
I have thousands of words in hundreds of research drafts and notes and exploratory essays, etc, but… Roughly speaking that looks like
flip the Creative Suite into MN Building One, a scheme designed to allow minimum wage workers to access more free time, lower their cost of living, and build equity by acquiring and owning their own property. Mortgage is paid off in ten years. Meanwhile
Building One starts up a business called Full Service Living that leverages group economics to allow for ethically sourcing goods while addressing the issue that middle class nuclear families with two adults face 4 full time adults’ worth of labor to maintain the household and raise the children.
Full Service Living becomes FSL Pro, in which the first group offers the next group of minimum wage workers their old building (cutting out the banks from the process) while acquiring a second building, gives the new people in Building One entry level jobs in FSL that pay better than minimum wage, while adding second tier careers to the mix living in Building Two – lawyers, accountants, mechanics, teachers, etc. These two groups continue to propagate more communities in their paired type one and type two buildings. Each of these community pairs contains the seeds for various institutions designed into them, and are meant to cooperatively grow  into:
Community Support Centers. These offer a variety of support services to surrounding communities. Such as: day care and after school programs, tax and bill/budgeting assistance, legal advice/support. The sum of the total efforts by all parties is designed to blossom into:
A school A construction and landscaping company A public owned Credit Union/Bank A public service law office An ethical clothing line An alternative low footprint locally sourced supermarket I call Alt-mart (Alt-mart works hand in hand with a food production construct I have in mind. It’s a little involved for this breakdown)
All that with room for other endeavors people see a need for. The initial concept brings most issues of modern life under a single multi-family roof such that communities are afforded the opportunity and resources to create alternatives to the flawed or corrupt institutions with which we are currently participating.
When that all coalesces into networks of these communities and institutions, we’ll have all the necessary pieces to the puzzle and I hope a city will be built. I’ve designed many elements of it. Engineering as well as socio-political and economic design. But who knows if I’ll ever get there.
More detailed breakdown of the plan follows:
Project Overview and Concept Exploration:
Begins with providing affordable housing, property ownership, and upward mobility to minimum wage workers. Becomes a network of live/work facilities with a focus on sustainable entrepreneurialism, accessible autonomy, and community outreach.
These facilities function as socio-economic labs - they are on paper corporations, to access any advantages, protections, and loop-holes available to the corrupt institutions currently running the economy. They target the large corporations, ultimately seeking to end them. They produce businesses such as restaurants that grow all their own food, and doctors that are paid for by the apartment complex to provide medical care to residents.
Additionally, theses facilities provide a new way of life, in a format that allows for autonomy, but also allows for successful participation in the current economy... where all the money is.They also attempt to alleviate the time crunch problem for the middle class, wherein managing a household and raising a family is actually three or four full time jobs.
As such, the facilities are designed to grow into these large businesses/institutions:
A preschool through junior college school on 3 cooperative campuses, wherein the school functions as a microcosm of the economy as a whole for the purpose of study: school gardens provide cafeteria food; school wood shops produce school furniture; economy classes figure out how the school budget can afford the water, fertilizer, metal, and wood.
3rd graders have classes in the garden learning the biome and doing the weeding; 8th graders are each growing 3ftX3ft gardens and helping in the large garden; 11th graders are cross-pollenating and designing green housing and aquaponic systems; bachelor students are splicing plant genes in the lab.
But by then some of the students have stopped being involved in the garden, and are making replacement hinges for all the school doors as metal shop homework or squeezing enough money out of the school budget for a big homecoming event.
By the third campus, students are living on site, so there is housing to manage. Student store and cafeteria provide economic interactions; the whole of our socio-economic society done small for study and practice, under a single administration instead of our current system of a scholastic career being broken up into mismatched administrations, which is a disservice to our students.
A facility meant to compete with Target and Walmart and Whole Foods etc. It grows from the live/work facility kitchen and meal-plan set up. Alt-mart features a permanent farmer’s market, supplemented with an onsite garden/nursery. There is an onsite industrial kitchen and restaurant that uses overstock from the farmer’s market and ingredients from the garden, possibly purchasing all unsold produce from the farmer’s market at a discount.
The restaurant offers prepared foods for sale to the public, kitchen processes overstock into consumer goods like ketchup, frozen microwaveable breakfast burritos, and canned corn. Bakery also, of course. Facility also features a tool-library with a 3-d printer that can print any tools not on the shelves.
Additionally features local tailoring and a second hand clothing store. The local tailors get access to all the second-hand pieces for use in making their own clothes to sell onsite, as well as some facility-bought cloth and onsite machinery (sewing machines to textile machines like tuffters, gins, and looms).
Toy aisle is franken-toy land, where in-house creative DIYers take second hand toys and make whole new toys out of them. Electronics section is mostly repair, and offers lessons in repair. Book-nook and greeting card section features local/community writers. And so on. The goal is to offer an alternative to the big one-stop-shop stores, with a focus on local/community sourcing.
This business grows out of building maintenance and groundskeeping into a landscaping company, then into a construction company. It should be the company used by the network of facilities for any renovations and repairs, so it should grow quite large.
Basically a non-profit bank, that offers community outreach for people who need help with budgeting, would like to learn about mortgages and homeownership, etc. Grows out of a Community Support Center that also offers community office space and legal advice.
Not a full hospital, at least not at first, this should just be a few medical professionals that can answer common questions, provide emergency medical response, and assess medical conditions. Not for treatment so much as to find out what kind of treatment you need and who to get it from. Where first-time parents bring their babies when they’re not sure if they need o bring their baby to an emergency room. Honestly, medical care is the hardest part of this whole thing and I'm not sure if it's going to be possible or what to do about it.
This is what get’s the ball rolling, the catering folds into the care-taking positions within the facilities, and the events company later become basically the arts entertainment and media/information division. There's a traveling circus element. It's fun.
These projects can possibly culminate in a whole large, sustainable city built from the ground up, that I have outlined. It involves building a large hill and two small lakes. I am happy to talk a lot more about that, but it clearly necessitates all the above pieces and more.
OKAY, so much for the overview. Let’s start at the beginning. The loan is for 2 million dollars, for a property of 1 million and another million in remodel costs.
Note: I ran the following numbers for California. Obviously property values and minimum wages are different other places, but the concept should still be applicable. Additionally, these are preliminary estimates only. Additional research and budgeting is required.
First I have to tell you about a type of loan called “Micro debt”
Basically, if you loan 10 people a total of 100k, they are each responsible for 10k of debt. If one of them defaults, the other nine split their debt, so now each of them has about 11k of debt, which is payable as it is not a significant increase in debt per person. However, this also encourages them to all help make sure nobody defaults on the debt -- for example, if one person is in danger of defaulting because their car was totaled and they can’t get to work, there are nine other people with a vested interest in making sure that person gets access to a vehicle or ride share. If a person starts to default on payments because they are drinking all the time, there are nine other people who are going to drag the to AA meetings.
A couple of banks in Bangladesh and Germany have had success with this, citing a 98% repay rate which is a few percent better than the average home loan repay rate here in the United States. Additionally, there are at least a couple million people who have this structure of loan here in the states, so it's not unheard of nor untested, even specifically in our own economy.
SO. 28 people get what is essentially a home loan for 2 million dollars. We'll call them group A. They each have about a $71,000 mortgage, their share of the loan. (note, an average mortgage in California is like, nearly half a million, so, less than a hundred thousand is a GOOD mortgage)
Group A buys property (ideally unused/abandoned industrial sites or dilapidated property in low income areas) for about a million, maybe a little under, and builds a facility on it for about a million, maybe a little over. (I looked at apartment building costs per square foot and reviewed properties currently for sale in California to get these numbers).
Some of the money is earmarked for partnering with the city on local infrastructure - so, say the streets in that neighborhood need repaving, we might buy all the materials for the city to do that, saving them money, incentivizing the city to work with us on rezoning and permits, while at the same time those kinds of improvements are an investment in the value of the property. This is because many of those buildings are not zoned as live-work the way this project requires, and rezoning without incentivizing the city to cooperate is a nightmare.
The facility is 60 bedrooms, with an industrial kitchen, plenty of diverse common space, and shared facilities (like at a gym: banks of private shower stalls, even a hot tub and a sauna, because if you’re going to ask people to give up single use showers in their own apartments, you want to add value).
Group A moves in and rents remaining rooms to an additional 28 people, we'll call them Group B.
Now, out of 60 rooms we have 56 people living in the facility. 10 of them are caretakers. Instead of paying money, they pay their way in labor, and they additionally receive a monthly stipend of 500 dollars a month to start. The caretakers do all the building maintenance and groundskeeping, they do the housekeeping and laundry, they make sure the bills are all paid, and they provide (cook) a meal plan. Utilities are all included in rent.
This means that anyone renting there has a single, affordable monthly bill for their cost of living, never has to cook, never has to do laundry or wash a dish. I call this Full Service Living. And the budget is for 60 but only 56 are planned in, with 4 slots available for social outreach, so this community can offer semi-temporary room and board for free to women fleeing abusive relationships, disabled veterans, homeless people with children, rehabilitated felons, whoever they want to help.
All this for a single payment of $1,000 per month, per paying resident.
Rent, food, utilities, housekeeping, everything. In an area where rent alone is more than that. This guarantees that a person making local minimum wage can afford to live, and pretty decently, with more free time and less headache.
When the building is paid off, if they want, Group A will each have a room to live in, plus a room to receive rent from, as income.
Let's break down the budget for this so far
(60 people, minus 10 caretakers and 4 outreach residents, equals 46 paying residents)
Per Month Costs to Paying Residents:
Meal plan for 60 people = $5,000.00
60 person phone plan = $1,800.00
Internet sufficient for a business: $400.00
Water bill for 60 people = $1,800.00
Electricity for 60 people = $3,600.00
Garbage bill for 60 people = $2,000.00
Caretaker stipend = $5,000.00
(subtotal: $19,600.00)
Building/Community fund = $1,853.002
million dollar mortgage = $21,213.00
Property tax = $3,334.00
Total: $46,000.00= $1,000 per paying resident per month, roughly $600 “room” and $400 “board” with as many costs of living as possible paid as one low bill.
 Sharing a room adds a "board" payment to the room, so if you move a romantic partner in with you and split it evenly, you each pay $700. I also have discount rate breakdowns for people with children in various scenarios, but it starts to get complicated for what is supposed to be a simple overview. Basically it comes down to an inherent flexibility in the meal plan; the fact that a food budget for 60 people easily accommodates an extra mouth to feed could allow a group to offer a single parent a separate room for their child with no board payment, so they could live in two rooms for $1,500; stuff like that.
At those payments, the building is paid off in ten years. TEN. Our low income earners don't have to wait 30 years to be actual property owners, and they only have to give the bank an added $500k instead of the 1.4 million a 30 year mortgage would net.
Here is one place people replicating the format and participating in their own group can do whatever they want. The 28 building shareholders have the option of leaving everything the same but owning the place outright, which means they are no longer paying the ~$500 mortgage portion of their bills, instead each receiving about $500 in rent from the other residents, which is a net gain of $1k per month each in disposable income. Or they could all just sell the building and split the money 28 ways. Or they could all move out and use the entire building to generate residual income. Anything is good, we've made almost 30 people property owners and built them equity for only minimum wage while they provided relief services to the surrounding community, so anything they think is best, we've already done it good.
Ideally they move into a second building and sell the first building to group B, which is what the very first group will have to do to complete the seeding of the entire project. 
SO. The two buildings I mention represent two stages of the greater project. Full Service Living, and Full Service Living Professional (hereafter FSL, and FSL Pro)
In the first stage, you have 10 caretakers providing full service living to 46 paying individuals, most of whom make minimum wage, and 4 social outreach recipients. FSL is basically getting as much of your life as possible handled with a single low bill, something similar to living in a good hotel.
To expand, The caretakers additionally seek to offer this service to middle class households - these homes already hire a house cleaner, a gardener, use a dry-cleaner, order delivery food, so they are prime clients. As middle class households become clients, the caretakers need more people to handle the work load, and the other people living in the facility quit their minimum wage jobs and work for the FSL company. This will earn the group profits as a whole while paying the individuals close to $25 an hour. THIS allows the second building to be much nicer.
With a second, much nicer building, the 28 people move in, and they find 28 new renters from higher up the economic food chain. These folks need to earn at least 35k a year and include people from a specific list of professions. This new group of 28 shall be referred to hereafter as the tenants.
The rent agreement is unique: The 28 tenants pay about 2k per month each for the same package, the FSL company from the first building provides all the housekeeping, meal plan, etc. The tenants also agree to pay one third of any increase in their wages, up to a cap, with the money going toward renovations, improvements, and additional services and amenities. This means as your income increases, you pay more actual dollars, but a smaller percentage of your over all income
So if you are making 35k you earn 3k a month, which means you pay 2/3 of your income to the facility (many people spend this much on rent plus food). If you double your income, you now earn 6k per month. Your rent package would go up by 1/3 of your additional income, or one thousand dollars, and you would still have an extra two thousand dollars per month of personal discretionary income. You would have started out paying 2/3 of your income, but now you’d be paying only 1/2 your income. Your building improves, your life improves, but you’ll always be able to afford it, and every raise you get does give you more spending money. Additionally, the staff is motivated to really give you all the support they can, as a well supported individual is more likely to have monetary success.
And one more important thing. Tenants either pay an additional 500 bucks a month in money, OR they offer $500 of their professional services to residents of the facility. Unclaimed time must be made available to the surrounding public for free.
So, say a paralegal values her time at $50 dollars an hour for qualified legal advice (such as, do I need a lawyer for this? what kind of lawyer do I need? What is this legal process going to look like?). The 50 residents only use an hour this month, so something like 9 appointments should be made available to the surrounding community for free - the facility staff will handle outreach (letting the community know of the offer via flyers etc). They will handle making the appointments according to her availability, and will provide the facility’s communal office space to hold them in.
These programs allow businesses to grow in a very low risk environment. Let’s look at a day care worker. She’s a classroom assistant at a day care, going to school part time to finish her teaching degree. She offers residents hours of baby sitting as her $500 service. As she earns more money, the facility also earns more money, and can renovate a space that sometimes functions as a play room for kids. No longer going to school, she is earning more money, the facility hires a permanent babysitter or two, and she manages them. Free to residents, they accept neighborhood kids for a reasonable fee. Low cost good quality day care becomes available to the neighborhood. She’s a class lead at a good school now, making more money, so the facility can afford to hire classroom assistants and the baby-sitting / daycare starts offering after-school programs to older children, well on its way to being a small private school, with our tenant running it.
Similarly, restaurants and construction companies grow out of offering facility residents goods and services.
To recap the ideal situation here: 28 people live in a nice 60 bedroom facility. They own a business in a neighboring facility, which houses workers who are paid fairly, but who also pay the first group monthly on a ten year lease (instead of paying a bank) -- after which that second group owns the building they live in and no longer has to pay. Everyone’s cooking, cleaning, laundry, are all done for them. By now their meals are largely made from the facility’s garden and aquaponics greenhouse, which includes a fish-farming pool, a few goats, a cow or two, and some chickens and ducks. Living with them in the facility is their lawyer, their nurse, their electronics expert, etc. They’re all part owners in their own non-profit bank/credit union, and there is an onsite day care, gym, and communal workshop. The group offers outreach programs to the surrounding community: low cost high quality day care, legal advice. They provide semi-temporary room and board to those in need, such as women fleeing abusive relationships, disabled veterans, and the homeless (especially those with children). They are an active part of an ongoing socio-economic program designed to give low-income housing, property ownership, retirement options, and upward mobility to minimum wage workers, as well as alternatives to broken institutions to all.
By the time they pay off the second building’s mortgage, the first building has been paid for over again, and THAT group can move into a ANOTHER FSL Pro building, offering their new building to a new round of pro tenants while offering that first building to a THIRD round of low income workers.
The first 28 people achieve all of this, building ownership, business proprietorship, community support, within the same thirty years it takes to pay off a standard home loan, starting with nothing more than entry level jobs and this master plan. 
From there, growth continues. More buildings are offered to more low income earners. More facilities means more services, amenities, cooperative power, a stronger micro-economy. Political influence also increases with membership...
Eventually, you can take all these businesses and facility/communities, and go build a whole city, which looks a little like this
See the problem with cities is they grew organically. No one ever sat down and said “we know we want a hundred thousand people to live here -- what is the best design for that?” Instead is was just, some people, and then some more people, and then some more...
You go out in the middle of wherever. You dig two GIANT holes. You take the dirt from the holes and you build a nice big hill. You fill the holes with water and you have two lakes. Now you have a nice place people want to live, nestled between the lakes, under the hill. It gives you enough water and topography to create a resource feedback loop and control things like wind and sun exposure.
You regulate everything for sustainability, design it from the ground up. 
Current municipalities have to provide everything for the public from a budget that largely comes from property tax, which is 2% of the property value. That’s why when there’s something like a homelessness problem, there is no money to address it properly. 
This city holds all the property in a trust administered by the elected city officials. Instead of rent paid to private landlords, the public leases their homes and businesses directly from the city, which keeps rents low and controlled and gives the city an incredibly large budget compared to current municipalities, which allows them to provide outstanding public services -- transportation, healthcare, parks -- as well as giving them enough budget to address any issues like homelessness. Regulation and organization for sustainability as a whole city addresses the fact that existence is always interlocked issues. For example:
Grey water. In this city, only approved cleansers are allowed for sale or use (and the city provides one. Because the city provides it, it has to be cheap and easy, which means that there is always room for improvement, or, a business selling better cleansers for more money. But no one will ever go without one available, even if they are broke). SO, no bleach down the drain. So you can take the grey water of the city, and dump it on the top of the hill into a manmade creek/river, which starts full of rocks, then pebbles, then sand (a natural filtration process) flows down the hill and ends up in the first lake, which is recreational. The second lake sits a little lower, and the water flows into it from the first lake. In the second lake there are fish farming and bi-valve farming, which additionally filters the water (especially bi-valves like fresh water muscles, which feed by straining the water through organic filters and not-for-food populations should be in the first lake as well). The city pulls its water from the second lake through its combination water purification facility / power plant. The power plant uses a steam turbine already so we simply run that steam through a charcoal filter, and re-condense it into molecularly clean water for municipal use; this uses our existing power generator, instead of requiring massive amounts of additional power.
That’s just one example. The city has it’s own sustainable agriculture program, and grows it’s own food. There are public meal plans, and a lot of organization of the city economy that I just don’t have the energy to get into here.
These designs allow a large group of people to live with very little environmental impact. It would be healthier for the citizens. And it would encourage a certain amount of political unity, while removing a lot of stress from modern life. 
The city is modular in growth. So when the city population doubles, roughly half of them build a city nearby and live there.
Aside from the first two facilities (and then probably the first of the cities, if that happens) I don't need or want to be involved. As it replicates into more and more facilities, the baseline should remain: "here is a format by which minimum wage workers can own property and grow wealth in a way that allows them more control over their lives and denies profits to existing corrupt industries and corporations -- copy it if you want and suit it to your own group of residents”
I don't want to tell people how to live or what to do, I want to give them tools and templates to improve their own lives, whatever that looks like to them.
Anyway, believe it or not, this is only about a tenth of the detail I’ve put into this. I can never get the whole picture of any of this out in one go, but I've spent a lot of time on all the details which, as you can tell, are innumerable. The ways in which the FSL buildings act as entrepreneurial incubators by cutting start-up overhead to nearly zero while providing an initial customer base of 60 regulars, the various permutations that could address specific scenarios, the details of how to add gardens and fish and food production supplemented by ethical food sourcing.. I could just. keep. going. forever.
It addresses the whole tangled set of problems. You have to help high population areas, but also go out to the middle of the country. You have to help low income earners and people in poverty, but also our middle class is struggling. You have to do things that effect education, infrastructure, ocean management, industrialized food production, population density/overcrowding  issues, helps prevent homelessness, creates better jobs for workers of big box stores while providing affordable more sustainable alternatives to their customers...
I think this plan does all that and more.
I’m exhausted and can’t find all my work on this right now, it’s buried in email chains and computer back ups, but I think I more or less encapsulated it. Good night
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misterewrites · 5 years
Jack’s Annoyingly Insightful Mall Trip
Hello everyone, Mr.E here with a fun little story. Working hard to get back into to writing and today I am happy to bring you a little nova story! YAY! been forever. So I have to make this quick because it’s late but basically my good friend deth @marionette-j2x asked me for a little oneshot story and here it is.
So basically a kinda noncanon story that is set a few months after the last major story arc of Nova vs. Jack is searching for a new bowtie in the one place he hates the most: the mall. During his search, he runs into a familiar blue haired maid and makes a deal in exchange to save his beloved accessory. 
That’s it for me for now. I am a bit rusty but I hope you enjoy the story. Also slight nova spoilers.  Jelina everyone’s favorite blue haired maid belongs to my good friend deth @marionette-j2x and Jack is mine. Have an amazing week and I’ll see you all soon!
Jack mumbled unhappily to himself as he wandered the Echo Creek Mall alone, the handful of people scattered about really highlighting the vast emptiness of the building.
Normally Jack wouldn’t have come at all on a Monday but with his mother currently overseas and the need for a new bowtie imminent, he had no choice to but brave the sea of similar stores trying to sell him the same thing.
He had been hoping his two best friends would have been able to join him on this trip but naturally the two were quick to play their excuses: Nova was supposedly forced to go to Mewni with her mother and Connor claimed that he was currently trying to prevent roombas from escaping into the outside world.
Jack scoffed in disbelief “They’re vacuum cleaners. Of course they don’t have any natural predators”
Jack stopped mid-step once he remembered what exactly Connor’s parents did for a living.
“Oh that’s actually terrifying.”
He shook his head, trying to clear the thought away as he resumed his search.
His eyes lazily glanced from storefront to storefront, each increasingly less appealing than the last.
A sigh escaped his lips as Jack rubbed the now empty space where his beloved bowtie once was. He felt so off without his signature accessory but nothing could be done about it. It was torn and Jack’s years of ignoring his mother trying to teach him how to maintain and fix various fabrics had gotten back at the magician at least.
Not that he would ever admit that.
Jack scratched his cheek mindlessly, trying his best to stay focus on the task but between the fact that he didn’t really want to be here especially alone and that none of the bowties he had seen so far really spoke to him, he really just wanted to go home and risk heading to the monthly magician’s meeting tie less.
“Ugggggggggggggh” Jack whined “Whyyyyyy is this so annoyingly hard? Why can’t it be like those cartoons where the character wanders around for like a second and then the perfect bowtie is just there, gleaming brightly within some unrealistic angelic glow, beckoning them to buy them. Probably at an insanely high price for comedic effect.” Jack gave a playful shrug “Thank Hades I’m rich annnnnd I’m talking to myself. Yeah, time to go.”
He pivoted on his feet, turning towards entrance when he was blinded by a harsh light. He covered his eyes, hissing furiously.
“Whoops” a voice called out “Sorry about that. Let me just put the cover back on annnnnd...”
The lights dimmed as Jack rubbed his eyes. He squinted carefully at the man putting the plastic covering back onto the overhead lights.
“Sorry kid!” The janitor apologized while he climbed down the ladder “I forget how bright these bulbs are.”
Jack groaned, absolutely done with this entire trip when he spotted a familiar person.
His eyes narrowed, unable to keep the glare out of his gaze as she came strolling into the mall.
Jack ducked behind a nearby trash can, squatting low to make sure Jelina didn’t see him.
His mind raced with suspicious thoughts: Though Star and the council had cleared Kim and his maids several months ago citing some sort of mind control played a part in Nova’s abduction, Jack was naturally less inclined to trust them. Especially with the whole shooting a rocket at him and his favorite human.
Might’ve made it a bit personal to him.
Just a little.
If Jack didn’t know better (Which, luckily, he did) he would’ve guessed she was a simple, slightly robotic looking human just exploring the mall. She was dressed far more casually than the last time the two meet: A blue blouse with black undershirt, dark blue demi jeans and flipflops though she still kept her hair up in her buns with her two headphone..antennas? Were they antennas or…
“Focus Jack!” the magician scolded himself.
He expected Kim and her sisters to come walking in after her but aside from checking her comically large purse for a moment and quizzically staring at her surroundings, no one came and Jelina tentatively began walking towards the center of the mall.
Jack rose to full height, still openly glaring. She had to be up to something! She was a demon lord’s maid and Jack knew first hand the only reason demons come to Earth was because they’re bored. He should know that’s why he lived here.
“Hey kid.” The janitor asked with a hint of concern “Are...are you okay? You’re still squinting. I-I can get you some eye drops if you need them.”
“I’m fine” Jack growled
Jack bolted, quickly closing the gap between him and Jelina. He was going to find out what evil deed she was up to, no matter how long it took!
10 minutes later
“Ugggggggggggggh” Jack whined, trying his best to prevent boredom from overtaking his resolve as he hid against a wall.
Jelina was a very uninteresting subject to follow. So far she wandered aimlessly, taking a second to look at a store or vendor booth before timidly shuffling to another location. Once or twice she would take a step forward towards entering a place before changing her mind and altering course. The only thing that seemed to really catch her attention were some stuff animals at a toy store but even that wasn’t enough to lure her within. Jack was starting to suspect she knew someone was tailing her and was trying to bore them into leaving. That was the only explanation he could think of about her strange actions though he was fairly certain she wasn’t aware of who was on her trail.
“Hello Mr. Ordonia”
Jack jumped back startled, wincing in pain when the back of his skull slammed into the wall behind him.
“Oww! Son of...” He grimaced.
Jelina’s face was indifferent though Jack could see the subtle crook of a smile.
“I am sorry if I startled you” She spoke neutrally “It was not my intention.”
“Sure” Jack replied sarcastically “How did you even know I was here?”
Jelina gestured to her headphones “I heard you talking to yourself about me. I suspect you assume I am for some sinister purpose. I can assure you I am simply a tourist today.”
“A tourist? To Earth?” Jack rose an eyebrow “No demon is that bored!”
“Good thing I am a cyborg.” Jelina answered. Jack could hear the sass behind those words.
“Let’s say I believe you.” Jack began.
“You clearly don’t.”
Jack ignored her “Why the mall? This place isn’t even exciting during peak hours. Pretty strange place to pick on your day off. If it is your day off!”
Jack gave an accusatory point with his finger but Jelina just nodded “Yes it is in fact my day off.”
Jack’s finger dropped as he tried to process this information “I...but...”
“To speed this along, my lord, my sisters and I are currently under probation. After being monitored for several months along with full cooperation, the council has agreed to lift the dimensional travel ban under the condition we do not cause further trouble. Master Kim felt terrible about the situation we accidentally were dragged into and gave us each a day off.”
“So where are your sisters?” Jack eyed the surroundings carefully, half expecting them to jump out in an ambush.
Jelina took a deep breath “While I am grateful and respect the lord of the manor, I am afraid we would return to a pile of ash if we left Master Kim unattended for a day.  
Jack laughed “Hahah that’s funny. Demon lords are so helpless.”
“Like you?”
Jack huffed causing Jelina to grin mischievously
“So let me guess, it’s your turn and you decided to come to a mall?”
“Of course.”
It was subtle but there was a shift in Jelina’s stance. What was once indifference was now guarded though timid.
“I am afraid to admit to you that I do not leave the house often.”
“No kidding” Jack smirked.
It was Jelina’s turn to glare “Well in any case I decided my first trip onto Earth should be the mall. It is such staple of many movies it seemed a perfect first choice.”
“Riiiiiight okay I’m going to go now. Bye!”
Jack paused, surprised at the softness in the maid’s voice.
“I...” Jelina gulped nervously “I...don’t know how this works….”
“The mall? It’s not….” Jack caught the embarrassed blush on her cheeks “...always easy to navigate the first time.”
Jack let out a sigh “Okay, look if I help you through the mall, can you do me a favor?”
“Oh?” Jelina tiled her head quizzically “I admit I wasn’t expecting that to be honest but I suppose if it’s within my power and reasonable.”
“You’re a maid, right?”
“You know this Mr. Ordonia.”
Jack narrowed his eyes at the smiling Jelina “Call me Jack. Anyway, I take it you have someone who maintains Kim’s clothing? Like a tailor?”
Jelina nodded in agreement “Yes. Do you need something made or repaired?”
“Yeaaaah. If I show you around the mall, will you have them fix my bowtie?”
“That seems fair though you may have to wait a while for the tailor to perform their work.”
“That’s fine, better than wandering this hellscape for a replacement. Alright, where do you want to go first?”
“Sooooo” Jack gestured halfheartedly to the loose circle of various food booths “This is the food court where there is a court..of food.”
Jelina’s blue eyes sparkled with excitement “Interesting though I imagine this must be difficult for someone particularly indecisive. I am surprised the Underworld hasn’t adopted this as a form of torture.”
“Oh I’m sure my father is working on it” Jack murmured unhappily.
Jelina glanced at the half demon out of the corner of her eye but decided it was best to say nothing.
“Do you think we can try one?”
“Umm yeah...sure. What are you feeling? Burger? Chicken bowl? Pizza?”
Jack rose an eyebrow as Jelina stood there, eyes darting back and forth between the various options.
“You trying to pick?”
“Indecisive, are we?”
Jelina’s indifferent face broke into a surprisingly cute pout that caught Jack completely unaware.
“No, I am calculating the best choice for a meal.”
“Yeah, I’m not buying that.”
“That is because you suck Jack.”
Jelina giggled playfully, breaking into a sprint as Jack gave chase.
Jack lazily tossed a fry into his mouth as Jelina cheerfully finished up her burger.
“I think I want to go here” Jelina gestured to a storefront, making her way within with Jack close behind.
“There seems to be a theme here.” Jelina thought out while she took in the various clothing options and designs “Are you sure a demon didn’t create a mall?”
Jack shrugged “Who knows but either way they were clearly some sort of evil.”
Jelina pursed her lips, eyes scanning the room as she wandered about.
Jack rolled his eyes, batting at various articles of clothing out of boredom. Just pat that, move this, touch this jacket for a while because the fabric felt nice.
Jack snapped out of his thought, dropping the jacket sleeve as Jelina stared at him curiously.
“Are you alright? You weren’t talking about yourself so I assumed you had been arrested for shoplifting.”
“Ha ha. Shows what you know, I wouldn’t have been caught.” Jack beamed with pride.
“And you’re proud of this?”
Jack grumbled “You are just the worst….”
“Anyway” Jelina continued “I managed to find some clothes my sisters would love.”
Jack glanced over the articles of clothing and scoffed, snatching them from Jelina’s grip and shoving them onto the clearance rack.
“Hey! I was going to buy those!” Jelina angrily shouted, reaching for the discarded clothing only to have Jack stop her with an outstretched hand.
“No you’re not. That brand is my mom’s chief rival. You don’t want that trash.”
“I will not conform to your biases Jack. If I wish to buy these items, I will.”
“Fine but you’re going to have to have your tailor stitch holes and tears by next week assuming if they even last that long. The fabric is cheap, the sewing shoddy and it’s overpriced.”
Jelina rose an eyebrow “and I’m supposed to believe you?”
Jack waved his hand dismissively as he made his way out of the store “What do I care? It’s your money you’re wasting. My mom’s a lot of things but at least she takes pride in her work.”
Jelina thoughtfully watched the retreating figure of the magician.
Jack fumed on the outside bench, hands cradling his head while he murmured to himself “I really shouldn’t have said anything. What does it even matter? I don’t care. Why should I care what she spends her money on?”
What was he even doing? This was the same person that tried to blow him apart half a year ago and while she ultimately helped and even saved his life, it was less of being a good person and more to save her master. He should just go home and accept that his bowtie was dead and there was nothing to do but give it a proper viking funeral.
Jack went silent as he heard the clack, clack, clack of Jelina’s flip flops approaching.
“I take it your mother is a fashion designer?”
Jack scoffed “What gave it away?”
“Since you convinced me not to buy second rate clothing that my sisters would’ve adored, can you help me find your mother’s brand? And for your sake, they better be as cute as the ones I found.”
“….Fine but only because my mom would kill me if I didn’t at least try to push a sale.”
Jelina gave Jack a gentle smile.
Jack coughed awkwardly as he stood up.
“So does Master Kim not give you ice cream or do you not know what it is?” Jack teased as the two patiently waited in the line.
Well Jelina was waiting patiently, Jack had his arm crossed, tapping his foot in an annoying fashion.
“Of course I know what ice cream is Jack” Jelina shot back “But this would be the first time in a long time that I wouldn’t have to fight off my sisters for such a treat.”
“Why don’t you all just buy your own?”
“We do. We really just love ice cream.”
“I can strangely relate. I too usually am trying steal ice cream from my friends.”
“I cannot see why Connor puts up with your antics”
“Probably my charm and good grace.”
“It’s certainly not for you humor that’s for sure.”
Jack mumbled under his breath while Jelina gave a crooked smirk. He opened his mouth retort when he caught sight of the headphones covering her ears. She had been wearing them all day. He assumed that it was a personal preference but in this moment, he couldn’t help but recall her words earlier. She was a cyborg which meant she possessed robotic parts intermixed within her human body.
Did Kim do this to her? Was it to save her life or maybe to ruin it? Demons weren’t exactly known for their kindness and that thought made Jack squirm uneasily.
“Stop staring Jack. It’s quite rude and for you, that’s saying something.”
Jack snapped out of it, trying to ignore the icy glance the blue haired maid was sending his way.
“I wasn’t staring, I was thinking.”
Jelina’s eyes widened in surprise “That explains the smoke coming out of your ears. Must be overworking your poor brain.”
“More like underworking.”
“That’s not a word.”
“And you’re not even human!”
Jack hadn’t meant to snap. He didn’t even know why he responded so poorly. It wasn’t anger. It wasn’t even embarrassment. Maybe some part of him realized how much fun he was having with a near stranger. Maybe he was scared of being lured into a false sense of security, of being set up for some malicious or ill intent. Maybe it was because how easy it was to be so comfortable Jelina that threw him off. He had only met her twice and he already felt like he knew her his entire life. A strange and foreign connection that formed far more quickly than he expected. Someone as sassy and witty as him that he didn’t mind spending time with.  
There was a thick pause as the words tumbled out of Jack’s mouth. If Jelina was hurt or shocked by his response, she didn’t show it but Jack could feel her attitude shift, a distance that wasn’t there before  suddenly grew once more.
Jelina sighed “I am human. Just not completely. Was that what you were thinking of?”
“Everyone does” Jelina spoke softly “Sooner or later they noticed my antennas or my headphones or the camera lens in my eyes.”
Jack was confused “Wait, there’s camera lens in your...”
“And they always think how human I must really be” Jelina pushed on “I am very human Mr. Ordonia.”
“Wait, that’s not what I...”
“I think I should go.” there was a finality in her voice that made Jack fidget guiltily.
She turned to him, shook his hand politely and gave a little nod “Thank you for your time”
“Hey wait a minute” Jack growled “I wasn’t thinking about how human you are. I was thinking….”
Jelina was unconvinced “You do not have to lie to me Mr. Ordonia. I know it is your prefer method of avoiding responsibility but I can assure you I am used such responses.”
“Fine” Jack huffed “Fine, what do I care? Just...fine!”
Jack stomped off, unable to control his rage despite his best efforts.
This is why he didn’t help people. This is why he hated the mall and this is why he was just going to go straight home.
He hadn’t. Guilt set in shortly after and when he returned to fix his mistakes like Connor taught him, Jelina was nowhere to be seen.
Many people who knew Jack would assume by performing this bare minimum effort to apologize he would clear his conscience and was now able to go home.
But those who truly knew him knew what he was about to do, driven by deep seated moral code he pretended he didn’t have.
He searched the mall. The second floor, the various stores, the court of food, even asking people to check the bathrooms for him. Seconds into minutes into an hour and still he searched.
He nearly gave up and took the weight of his guilt home with him until he heard the scuffling of sneakers across the sleek mall floor somewhere close by. Jack may have been a subpar student with an attention span of a rodent when forced to deal with things he’d rather not but that didn’t mean he was some simpleton.
That particular squeak was caused when someone was putting all their weight down on the balls of their feet, usually in order to brace for impact or preparing to lunge at someone.
Jack rounded the corner to a group of older teens, hands clenched into fists and snarling at Jelina who stood in front a younger girl who clutched at the blue haired maid’s bag fearfully.
“We just wanted the money she owed us” One of the boys shouted, eyes narrowing in righteous fury.
“Stop lying” Jelina scoffed “I know a bully when I see one. You will leave this poor girl alone.”
The trio laughed “Or what?”
“You really don’t want to know” Jack spoke up without warning.
The tap on his shoulder caused one of the bullies to whirl around in surprise, fist raised but Jack had flicked his nose, sending the unprepared bully staggering backwards.
“You best be off and mind your own business.” The leader spoke up, eyes shifting warily between Jelina and Jack on either side of him.
“Bold words for someone whose on fire.”
Before anyone realized what was going on, the teen who stumbled over Jack’s sneak attack spontaneously caught ablaze,  flame burning the fabric for a moment as smoke rose upwards. An alarm blared while the sprinklers sprung to life, dousing the flame and bullies into a soppy wet mess. They shouted obscene curse words as they bolted past the lazy magician, tripping and flailing of over the slippy wet floor, the yells of the security guard trailing close behind the trio as they attempted to escape.
Jelina sighed in relief before glancing at the little girl “Are you safe?”
She nodded happily “Thank you!” and she launched herself into Jelina’s arm, wrapping the maid in a tight hug before leaving to search for her mother.
Jelina smiled warmly at the act but when she glanced back, Jack was nowhere to be seen.
Jelina raced down the hallway as quickly as she could only to find Jack casually leaning against the wall, grinning mischievously at the sight of the bullies being hauled away by mall security for setting a fire.
Jelina stood there awkwardly, unsure what to say to the demonic prince. While she no doubt could’ve handled those punks with no issues, she was grateful she didn’t have to wipe blood from her knuckles.
“You’re welcome.”
Jack’s soft voice surprised Jelina.
“I could’ve handled it myself but thank you all the same”
Jack stretched his arms “I know but I figured this was better than you getting in trouble with the council. Wouldn’t want you to be stuck at home for another god knows how many months.”
Jelina hadn’t thought of that. Had she picked the fight with the bullies, even in self defense and defense of another, it was entirely possible the council would’ve viewed it as causing trouble and forced her under harsh monitoring.
“….Thank you Jack.”
Jack grinned impishly “There’s the real one. Well since that concludes our business together.”
Jack pushed off the wall, turning away towards the exit when a hand gripped his shoulder gently.
“Jack….what were you thinking when you were lost in thought?”
“Oh now you believe me.” Jack raised an eyebrow.
Jelina pulled back her hand “You did set someone on fire for me after presumably looking to apologize. It’s only fair I hear what lie you came up with.”
“I never apologize” Jack exclaimed before glancing away “But I have to admit when I really thought about your….cyborgness...”
“Not a word.” Jelina cut in.
“Not caring” Jack continued “I wasn’t thinking if you were human because you clearly are. Like duh. I was thinking did Kim save you or did he do that to you. Demon lords aren’t exactly known….”
“For their kindness” Jelina finished “That is a fair question. I am not used to someone who understands the inter workings of demonic culture so intimately.”
“Yeah me either.”
Jelina paused for a moment, collecting her thoughts and deciding on how best to answer the question “Yes Master Kim did perform the operation on me though it was to save my life and the lives of my sisters. We owe him so much and he has always been kind to us. That’s why we refused to leave his side even when he was clearly not himself.”
“And why you were willing to free me and Connor.” Jack filled in.
Jelina nodded in agreement “You were our best hope….I am sorry I assumed poorly of you. Despite this last hour, I had fun today.”
“Well I didn’t”
Jelina’s face fell “Oh….I...”
“But” Jack rubbed his neck timidly “That’s my fault. I was so caught up in your angle and what you were planning that I pretty much was on guard about everything. When I finally actually stopped and looked at you, thinking about what you’ve been through….well I dunno I guess I wasn’t liking the fact you weren’t as bad as I thought you were. Even if you are really annoying.”
Jelina stifled a chuckle “Just because I do not think poorly of you does not mean you are not irritating.”
“Look, about the bowtie….”
“Oh right” Jelina snapped fingers “Do you have it on you? Given how far you were willing to go just to repair it, I suspect you do.”
“Yes” Jack began slowly “But given how much trouble I almost got you in, it’s okay if...”
“Hand it over Hellspawn.”
Jack wasn’t sure how to feel about the sudden name calling, no matter how accurate, and decided perhaps it was best to just to give her the bowtie. He fished it gingerly out of his pocket and carefully handed it over. It didn’t really matter, the tailor must’ve been back in the Underworld and lord knows how long it took them to fix tears on fabrics. It was only fair that he wait however long it took.
Jelina studied the rip on the strap cautiously as she fished out a small square kit from her purse. She pulled out a sewing needle and thread and before Jack could mutter a single confused curse, she began stitching the beloved bowtie back together, her work fast, efficient and effortlessly. Less than a minute later, the repair work was complete and Jack held his precious bowtie in his hand good as new.
“Thank you for a wonderful day Jack.” Jelina politely bowed and quickly strolled away.
“You are the literal worst maidy!” Jack called out, no real bite to his insult.
Jelina simply smiled to herself, humming softly as she made her way back home.
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relentlesshome1 · 5 years
Best Multi-Surface Vacuum Cleaners – The Ultimate Guide
With a multi-surface vacuum cleaner, you clean up your home with one machine, which would otherwise take two to three cleaning products. The best multi-surface vacuum cleaners pick up dirt from anywhere like a vacuum, handle wet areas just as a shop vacuum, and deep clean with conditioning as a carpet cleaner.
Multi-surface vacuum cleaners, unlike the shop vacuum cleaners, are designed to handle carpets, concrete, hardwood, and hard surfaces better. While some of these feature portability, others build on capability. Depending on the space of your apartment or home, you have to pick up the best multi-surface vacuums cleaner.
How to Choose The Best Multi-surface Vacuum Cleaners?
Before choosing the right one, understand that there are different types of multi-surface vacuums. Here’s a description to help you decide:
Handheld Vacuums: These are the best multi-surface vacuums for cleaning small areas above the floor, such as windowsills, closets, blinds, upholstery, and others. These cleaners can reach every nook and corner in higher places. Because it is portable, you can even use this for cleaning your car.
Handheld & Stick Vacuums: These are the smallest and lightest vacuums available on the market today. These are cordless vacuums, which makes them portable and easy to operate in the house. This type of vacuum is especially handy for cleaning multilevel spaces.
Upright Vacuums: These are the most popular types of vacuums and the best choice for cleaning carpets, hard floors, and area rugs. Upright vacuums are very effective at removing dust and dirt and cleaning large areas of rugs and carpets. It makes cleaning more efficient and swift. Upright vacuums can be single motor or dual motor cleaners. The single motor cleaners run the vacuum with brush whereas the dual-motor cleaners run two different motors separately for the vacuum and brush. The latter, however, is more efficient and cleans meticulously because it has two dedicated motors for specific functions.
Stick Vacuums: While these types of vacuum look exactly like upright vacuums, they are slimmer, lighter, and devoid of attachments. Some models may come with handheld extensions, which make it easier to clean the high surfaces such as ceiling fan, and corners of the house.
Canister Vacuums: Also called cylinder vacuums, these cleaners have a canister attached. Versatile and powerful, these vacuums are used to clean different surfaces, including those areas of the house that may be hard to reach. These vacuums come with floor tools such as a non-revolving brush, a turbine floor tool with a revolving brush, and a power brush floor tool with a revolving brush roll.
Autonomous Vacuums: Robots are the perfect choice for households and offices where frequent cleaning is required. You can program the robot to start cleaning and stop cleaning at specific intervals. This self-propelled vacuum does not require input for cleaning. It reaches tight spaces, even under beds, couches, and furniture. Read Here: Best Vacuum Cleaner for Pet Hair
Things to Consider While Buying the Best Multi-Surface Vacuum Cleaners
Consider some of the important features of multi-surface vacuums before you buy them. Here’s a detailed explanation of each feature, its role, and why it is important.
#1: Size
Consider the size of the best multi-surface vacuums. Vacuum cleaners are available in different sizes, ranging from light to bulky and compact to heavy. To choose the size, you must consider how you want to use the vacuum. Would you carry it around the house? Or, to the car or garage often? In that cause, buy a small vacuum.
However, if not, you can choose a bigger model.
Another important factor to consider is storage space. Do you have enough space to store the model you want to buy?
Remember that you can easily store a slim and small vacuum into any corner of the house, but you cannot do it with the bigger ones.
#2: Dry & Wet Cleaning
If you have kids at home who spill water and drinks on the surface, or pets messing up the floors, you require a dry and wet vacuum. An ordinary vacuum does not clean up liquid spills, whereas a dry and wet model does it effortlessly, and even cleans up debris and dirt. It offers exceptional cleaning, but with a few limitations. For instance, it does not have many attachments and it cannot reach tight spaces.
So, you may want to consider buying a multifunctional vacuum together with dry and wet cleaning capability.
#3: Filter
Does the vacuum contain reusable filters? Or it requires regular replacement?
If you do not have a problem replacing the filter frequently, then any model with replaceable filters should work for you. However, you may like to go with vacuums having reusable and washable filters that last for years. Different, manufacturers have recommendations for filter replacement, but it usually lasts for six months.
#4: Power
A vacuum is as powerful as the power it draws from the outlet. Appliances like this can draw up to a maximum of 12 amperages from the home outlets. You have to choose a vacuum cleaner with a specific amp value that is close to this. You must also consider the air watts, which gives the wattage after it factors in resistance to the suction. A vacuum is powerful when air watt is higher. Aim to get at least 200 air watts.
#5: Brushes & Rolls
Most vacuum cleaners come with revolving brush rolls, while others have non-evolving brushes. The former offers versatility in surface cleaning and the latter is a bit rigid in cleaning. However, make sure to check the brush feature – it should allow you to turn off. You can turn it off whenever you are vacuuming delicate services that brushes might damage.
#6: Bag & Container Capacity
Some multi-surfaced vacuums come with bags that collect dirt, whereas others are bag-less. The latter is usually cordless. In case you choose the bag-less one, all dirt and debris would be collected in a container. You have to empty the container into the dustbin later. If you fear dirt collecting in the container, you can choose a model that comes with a clear dust container. You would be able to see the dirt level and clean it.
#7: Cord vs. Cordless
Vacuum cleaners that come with a cord are usually bulky and heavier than cordless models. However, one of the greatest advantages of models with cord is that these are best for cleaning large areas.
If you want a portable vacuum, choose a cordless model. It is easier to carry. It is also efficient in cleaning areas hard-to-reach as well as spot cleaning.
Cordless multi-surfaced vacuums feature lithium-ion batteries. These powerful batteries can be recharged and used. The best thing about these vacuums is that you can use it longer while reducing cleaning time significantly.
#8: HEPA Filter
If you or any other family member is allergic to pollen, pet hair, dust, or smoke, choose a model with HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter that absorbs these as well as other allergens. The HEPA filter is designed to eliminate potent allergens from the house. Some of the best models featuring HEPA filter eliminates over 99 percent allergens.
Choosing the HEPA filter ensures that you don’t have to worry about pollutants and allergens for health reasons and otherwise.
#9: Warranty
The best multi-surface vacuum cleaners come with a warranty. Several manufacturers give at least 5-years warranty, while a few give 1 year to 3 years warranty. Make sure you scrutinize the warranty before purchasing a model so that you know what is included. For instance, a warranty may be given for the motor only, or for non-wear parts, or simply for labor, or all.
#10: Noise Level
Good vacuum cleaners operate silently. Consider choosing one that is quitter to avoid loud noise. Canister vacuums are believed to be silent, unlike other types of multi-surface vacuums.
In addition, if you have kids or pets at home, loud noise could be harmful to their health as well. Hence, always choose a noiseless model.
#11: Additional Accessories
Always look for additional attachments such as a pet brush, pet upholstery tool, battery charger, crevice tool, and other possible accessories that could be a part of the deal. These accessories can make vacuuming more effective and comfortable for you.
Key to Choosing the Ideal Vacuum
Before you choose a multi-surface vacuum, evaluate the floor or surface that you would clean regularly. Is there any special cleaning requirement above the floor that might require some specialized attachments like light fixtures, high ceilings, special collections, and ceiling fans?
You have to make sure that the vacuum has that kind of flexibility, reach, and necessary tools to do the job. However, the primary purpose of using a vacuum is to clean the floor. If you have a staircase in your home, choose a canister vacuum. If you choose an upright vacuum, chances are that the stairs would not be as clean as you want. Moreover, it is awkward to clean stairs with an upright vacuum cleaner. You would get poor results, as it is not possible to use the revolving brush of an upright model on the treads of the stairs, or a high traffic area.
If your home does not have stairs, but it is designed with synthetic fiber wall-to-wall carpeting, an upright vacuum with smooth floor cleaning features and additional attachments to clean the floor surfaces would be apt. However, today, homeowners prefer a combination of smooth floor coverage in different types of materials, wall-to-wall carpeting, and area rugs.
Carpet Soils & Traffic
Consider carpet soils and the amount of traffic in your home before choosing a vacuum cleaner. Carpets get soiled from pets and people’s shoes in the house. If you have a pet or kids, or both, you can expect more carpet soils inside.
80 percent of all carpet soils are dry soils having sharp edges, walked on and left where it is, acting as sandpaper to bend and abrade the fibers. This leads to a dirty carpet combined with excessive traffic patterns. Actually, it is not dirt most of the time, but the bents and the fibers that were damaged, which absorb light rather than reflecting the same. As a result, you can see ugly marks on the carpet. So, you must choose the right type of vacuum cleaner depending on the traffic and soils.
If your house feathers synthetic fiber carpeting all over, resulting in heavier soil load, you need a cleaner having aggressive bristles on revolving brush. Choose a vacuum cleaner with dense and stiff bristles, and beater bar function to bring out dry soils from the carpet so that they can be easily brushed and vacuumed away from the surface.
If you have pets, their hair is another soil. To remove pet hair, use a revolving brush head with stiff and dense brushes. However, if your’s is a low traffic home with no such special soiling, choose a less aggressive cleaner to maintain it. The general thumb rule is to choose an aggressive vacuum that is easy on the rug fibers and carpet.
Type of Carpet Fibers
The type of carpet fibers is also important to consider. Today, carpets are generally made of nylon and synthetic fibers, though polyester and olefin are often used. As synthetic fiber is durable, even the most aggressive vacuum cleaners work well on these without damaging the fiber.
However, if the carpet is made of natural fiber, choose a gentle vacuum. Wool is the most common natural fiber. However, only 1% of American households use wool carpets. Wool is a durable fiber, commonly used in oriental and area rugs. It should be vacuumed with care. Though you can clean it with a revolving brush, the bristles should be flexible and not very densely backed on its brush roll, so that it does not fuzz the wool yarns or wear the carpet prematurely.
Oriental rugs may be made of silk too. These rugs may cost in a few hundred to thousands of dollars. If you want to clean oriental rugs, consider the condition and the age of the rug. These high-value rugs witness little traffic and should be protected from severe soiling. In fact, you may even want to consider cleaning these rugs with a rug and carpet tool.
In addition, you must consider the quality, durability, ease of use, comfort level, capacity, noise level, and overall performance of the vacuum cleaner for the best result.
Recommended Budget
The cost of some of the best multi-surface vacuums cleaners ranges from $399 to $899. In this range, you can purchase a vacuum made well and that would last for at least 10 years, if not more.
If this seems to be a lot of money, consider that vacuum cleaning is something you would do once in a week. Sometimes, you might have to do it every day. As good quality vacuums last at least 10 times longer than the cheaper models, you would be paying approximately $5 per month to buy a good quality machine that is comfortable to work and does its job well.
Models under $399
You can find a few high-quality vacuum cleaners in the range of $300 to $399. However, these are exclusively bare floor models, may be suitable for cleaning flat carpet and area rugs.
If your house features wall-to-wall carpeting, you would have to consider spending a little more to get a high-quality model because of the complications involved in cleaning carpets and rugs.
$399 to $599
This is the most reasonable price for a powerful and quality multi-surface vacuum cleaner. At this price, you cannot expect additional features, but you shall get excellent materials, durable motors, and overall great performance.
$649 to $999
Though basic performance remains the same as the aforementioned ones, vacuums in this range are considered the top-quality in finish and fit, noise levels, and filtration. In addition, it contains other features as if lighted floor tools, automatic suction control, cushioned bumper guards, etc. Read here: Best vacuum under $200
5 Best Multi-Surface Vacuums Cleaners Reviews
1) Dyson V8 Absolute Cordless Stick Vacuum Cleaner
This is one versatile multi-surface vacuum cleaner powered by a V8 digital motor engine. It is engineered to detect and collect dirt from hard floors and carpets. Dyson has given us some of the best multi-surface vacuum cleaners, and this is the most powerful machine. The cleaner features HEPA filtration to take care of allergens and pollutants and ejects clean air. The filter is easy to wash. When the machine is fully charged, it can run up to 40 minutes and the maximum suction power is 115 AW.
Deep cleans carpets
Sucks pet hairs
Nonstop use up to 40 minutes
Washable and lifetime filter
2-year warranty
Pistol grip may not be comfortable
The power trigger does not work automatically
View price on Amazon
2) Shark Navigator Lift-Away Professional NV356E
The Shark Navigator, just like its counterpart Shark Rotator, features the unique lift-away button. It lifts the canister to position it out of areas that are hard to reach. You can clean constricted spaces without obstruction. It includes a HEPA filter and traps dust.
This vacuum cleaner encourages versatile cleaning and comes with a brush roll for bare floor and deep carpet cleaning. It also features pre-motor foam and filter, which has to be washed regularly (every 3 months) for optimum performance. It weighs 13.7 pounds and comes with a 30 feet cord.
Efficient brush roll for enhanced cleaning
Lightweight, portable and versatile
5-years warranty
Not designed for hard floors
Defective products do not come under warranty
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3) BISSELL CrossWave Floor & Carpet Cleaner with Wet-Dry Vacuum 1785A
Bissell is a popular brand. This is Bissell’s one-of-a-kind model featuring uncontested capabilities. It functions like any other shop vacuum, but it is shaped like a stick. The CrossWave uses brush roll for tackling any messy spills and soils, and debris.
The model features a smart-touch control system at its handle, which makes it easier to control the vacuuming process. These buttons also allow users to clean easily.
Powerful brush with the multi-surface capability
Two-tank system for clean and dirty water
Smart-touch controls to switch from carpets to hard floors
Easy to use
No attachments, no upholstery and crevice cleaning
Limited capacity
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4) Dyson Upright Vacuum Cleaner, Ball Multi Floor 2
If you want a powerful upright multi-surface vacuum cleaner, this is the model to try. A lightweight upright vacuum can tackle messes on all types of floors. It is easy to carry around the house while you are cleaning.
In addition, it includes Radial Root Cyclone Technology, which captures fine dust to leave your homes cleaner. It comes with a 31-feet long power cable to clean multiple rooms without changing the power outlet.
It also comes with an automatic release wand that enables you to clean both above as well as under furniture. You can empty the dirt cup easily and comfortably, by simply pushing the dirt cup button.
Washable and long-lasting filter
Strong suction power
Hygienic emptying process
31-feet long wand
Self-adjusting cleaner
No lift-away canister for portability
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5) Eureka NEU202 PowerSpeed Lightweight Bagless Upright Vacuum Cleaner with Automatic Cord Rewind
Eureka’s model NEU202 is a cleaning partner that makes cleaning easier. A corded, lightweight, bagless, upright vacuum cleaner comes with a retractable cord. It has four tools that allow you to clean effortlessly. This 8-amp vacuum comes with 5 adjustment settings for multi-floor cleaning and 4 on-board attachments to make cleaning easier. It also features a crevice tool to reach the tight spots and a pet tool to vacuum pet hair.
This is a carpet and hard floor vacuum cleaner that comes with a transparent and easy-to-empty XL dust tank that allows you to see when the tank is full.
5 adjustment settings with multi-floor cleaning
4 onboard attachments for easy cleaning
Automatic cord rewind
LED headlights to light up pet hair and dirt under furniture
The cord is too short
No extensions
View price on Amazon
Final Word
If you’ve read the features of some of the best multi-surface vacuum cleaners and understood its functions, you may like to purchase one of these models. The best cleaner is the one that works well on furniture carpet, hardwood, staircases, and other corners of the house. You have to consider all the surface areas to clean before buying any of these models. I hope you find the right one from the list of top-rated multi-surface vacuum cleaners
The post Best Multi-Surface Vacuum Cleaners – The Ultimate Guide appeared first on Vacuum Cleaners.
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karenninaaa · 6 years
Across the Street Ch.4 Updated!
Here’s the link!
If you want to read an excerpt here it is.
AC/DC blasted through the speakers as Tony worked in his garage one morning. He sat at his work table, cleaning the detached outboard motor of a speed boat. He had been putting some grease on a certain part of the engine when news on the television had caught his attention. There was someone he recognized on the TV. He looked at the flat screen TV attached to the upper portion of the wall.
“Fri, mute down the music,” Tony ordered. “And up the volume on the news. I want to hear it.”
The AI obeyed silently. The song disappeared and was replaced by the voice of a male anchor. Tony put the grease gun down on the table.
“- as Mr. Obadiah Stane, CEO of Stark Industries, went on stage to receive his third Business Leader Awards this year.”
Obadiah Stane stood proud and tall at the podium, holding a glass trophy. He was a bald man in his fifties with a white scruffy beard. He was wearing a black suit with a charcoal gray necktie. Spotlights were focused on him as the camera zoomed in.
Stane looked briefly at his trophy, then glanced back at the crowd.  “This is wonderful. It’s always an honor to receive this prestigious award. You know, every year, it is our goal to give the world more clean energy and better technology, and better and cleaner will be the lifelong brand of Stark Industries. Thank you!”
The video cut off and went back to the male anchor sitting behind the table together with another female anchor. The male anchor spoke. “There you go, Stark Industries is really ushering the world into a new era of cleaner and better. Weapons manufacturing is long gone as the Fortune 500 company stirs in a different direction.”
“Of course, John,” The female anchor piped in. “The switch from weapons manufacturer to an innovative research company in clean alternatives to energy was ten years ago and Mr. Obadiah Stane has, again and again, proved that he is worthy of receiving all the awards he has gained for everything he has done for Stark Industries and the world. Congratulations, Mr. Stane! And on to some other news. . . .”
Tony zoned out after hearing the news about the Stark Industries. Nonetheless, there was a proud smile etched on his lips as he resumed on his work. “Nice one, Obie. . .”
He felt nothing but respect for the old man. Tony had once led Stark Industries. He knew how hard it could be to lead something so big, especially after the monumental change that had happened in his– the –company. He was aware of the obstacles that Obie had had to go through for the company to be where it was right now. Obie was the one who had taken the hits when the company made a turnaround when Tony made his final decision of stopping the weapons manufacturing before he had stepped down as CEO. He had put Obie in that position. He knew that it was unfair for the old man to be in that tough position in such a critical time, while he just ran away, but Tony was still firm about the decisions he had made in the past, that it was all for the best.
And now, he was seeing the fruition of the decisions he had made. The company remained stable, still on the top, while he was living a quiet and safer life together with his kids. They were happy in the life they had chosen and that was what mattered the most.
He was broken out of his reverie when the doorbell suddenly rang.
Tony jolted a bit. “What was that, Fri?”
“That was the doorbell, boss,” Friday answered.
“Exactly. Why is the doorbell ringing? Are we expecting a guest?”
“Yes, boss. Miss Virginia Potts is at the door. And I believed you scheduled this day to tune up her car.”
Tony dropped the grease gun on the table. It thudded. “That was today?”
“Yes, boss.”
He looked around in mild panic. The whole garage was a mess. Equipment and motor parts were scattered around. There was some motor oil spilled on the floor. Dum-E, Butterfingers and You– his robots slash assistants that consisted mostly of robotic arms and claws –were whirring in the corner as if they were all worried. Dum-E tried to be helpful to his master by moving forward and offering a fire extinguisher.
Another ring from the doorbell and Tony stood up, rattling the table. He pointed at the three robots.
“You three, try to be useful and clean the floor. See that motor junk there-” He pointed again at the mess where some screws and bolts in varying sizes, empty bottles of unknown substances, and some disassembled engines littered the floor. “Sweep all of that. I need the space clear because another car is going to be here. I don’t want them to be run over. And for the love of God, Dum-E, when will you drop that stupid fire extinguisher?  Try holding a mop, will you? Mop that oil on the floor.”
Another whirr came from the bots.
“Yeah, don’t be a useless heap of metals. Or I’ll disown all of you.”
The bots produced a sad whirr. There was another ring of the doorbell that sounded more urgent than the last.
“Gosh, why is she harassing the doorbell?” Tony mused out loud. “Friday, please tell the lady that I’ll be out in a sec, so she will stop ringing. It’s giving me anxiety.”
“Understood, boss,”
Tony went out towards the door in the corner that led to the dining hall of the house, frantically attempting to wipe the grease off his face. He glanced in the mirror in the hall and winced. All he’d managed to do was make black smears across his forehead. It was too late to fix it then. Tony jogged through the living room and finally, to the main door. He opened it.
And there she was. Virginia Potts was standing at the door. Her blonde hair was down this time. Her hair reached her chest, the end of it was curled and bangs cascaded gently over her forehead. She was wearing denim shorts and white long sleeves. He tried not to stare at her long and even-toned legs. From where Tony stood, he could smell the jasmine scent coming off of her.
Tony mentally winced at his own state. He was a mess and probably reeked of sweat and motor-oil. He should have taken a shower, or at least changed out of his greasy black tank top. His hands were practically black. He inconspicuously tried to wipe off his hands on the brown plaid shirt tied around his waist.
Nonetheless, he gave her a bright smile. “Hi, Pepper!”
“H-hi . . .” She stammered. “Uhh, am I too early? Are you busy? I can come back later-”
“No, you’re just in time,” Tony tried to reassure her. “I was just tidying up in the garage. Give me your car keys so we can park your car in my garage. Friday, roll up the garage door.”
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Chapter 30: This Is Not Enrique!
Becoming The Mask
Hey, guess who just realized they never got around to posting this chapter on tumblr?
"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you!"
Toby paused their video game and started rooting under his bed.
"This'll cheer you up. Remember that Heartstone piece you gave me?"
He pulled out a shoebox.
"I've been keeping it in the dark, mostly. Dunno if sunlight would actually hurt it, but quartzes lose some of their colour if you leave 'em in the sun and, considering what sunlight can do to trolls, I didn't want to take the chance. Figured a magic troll-rock would be even more sensitive."
Toby opened the box. Jim blinked twice at the orange glow, brighter than he expected it to be, before realizing the box was lined with foil. The Heartstone sat in a little pile of dirt.
"Obviously I can't recreate the pressure down in Trollmarket, but I filled a baggie with dirt down there after you gave me the seed crystal so I could, you know, at least copy the local mineral composition? And I've been measuring all its planes," pointing to a notebook wedged between the foil and the box wall, "and it's nearly a whole millimeter longer. That's, like, insanely fast when it's not salt or sugar grown on pipe cleaners."
"Tobes, that's … this is amazing."
"I mean, it could also be growing faster because it was recently cut," Toby acknowledged, "like Nana's friends' flower cuttings. Or like how martial artists break bones on purpose so they heal stronger."
"So, I get the box as protection from the sun, and making sure the dirt doesn't just get everywhere, but what's the foil for?"
"If the glow is magical, I thought maybe reflecting it back on itself could make a feedback loop and it'd get stronger."
"I am Gun Robot," Jim's phone began chanting. "I am Gun Robot." Toby's phone started buzzing and chanting as well.
"Hi, Mary?" said Jim.
"Hey, Darci, what's up?" said Toby.
"We need into Trollmarket," said Mary briskly. "Get Toby, Darci's filling him in, and meet us in the canals."
"Jim's right here, actually –" said Toby in the background.
"Whoa, wait, what happened?" asked Jim.
"Claire found a goblin in her room and her brother's missing and Blinky doesn't have a phone. You know, we should really fix that."
Jim had gone cold. He listened with half an ear as Mary talked about burner phones and emergency contact lines. Had Otto gone after Enrique? To attack him on suspicion of treason, with three confirmed traitors involved in his planting? Or to recruit the Changelings' newest surface agent before anyone else could get to him?
"Jim? You still there?"
"What've you done with the goblin? They're vengeful. Hurt one and you'll have the whole swarm after you."
"It's fine. Claire locked it in a cat carrier. We're bringing it with us."
Toby looked over at Jim in askance.
"We probably shouldn't bring a goblin into Trollmarket. You guys are at Claire's house, right? Her parents are out?" If Claire had been the one to notice Enrique was missing, that meant she was probably babysitting.
"Tobes and I'll meet you there. We can sneak back out if her parents get home, and then they won't freak out coming home to find both their kids missing."
Toby closed the Heartstone box and slid it back under his bed. "We'll be there soon, Darce."
Claire was pacing on the porch when Toby and Jim got to her house. She practically dragged Jim inside. Toby took care of locking both their bikes to the porch before following them.
The cat carrier was on a table in the living room. Darci and Mary were on the couch, Darci holding a baseball bat. Claire was still pacing, recapping how she'd found the thing in her room (Toby shuddered) and her brother's crib empty.
"But why was the goblin alone?" Jim wondered out loud. "Goblins are pack creatures. They should've called for help by now."
"I don't care!" Claire snapped. "Just armour up and make it tell us where Enrique is!"
Jim got out his amulet. It ticked, the hands shifting to a new position – not all of them going clockwise – and the Trollhunter's armour appeared in a flash of light.
"I'll need to open the cat carrier."
"Better you than me, buddy," said Toby, picturing sharp teeth and looking at Jim's armoured hands.
Jim unlatched the cage, pulled out the squirming towel-shrouded beast, held it securely under one arm, and uncovered its face. Its eyes and Jim's bugged out in surprise at the sight of each other.
"Ssshh," Jim soothed. "It's okay, little guy." He adjusted his grip on the creature to hold it more like a baby. "Claire, this isn't a goblin; this is a baby troll. I've seen a few like him down in the market. He probably got curious about the surface, wandered off, and followed your scent."
Jim started backing towards the door.
"Here's the plan. I'll run this little guy back to Trollmarket – his family's probably freaking out – and you four stay here and keep looking for Enrique. I'll bring Blinky and AAARRRGGHH back with me to help search."
"… You're lying," Toby realized.
That was said by Jim, Claire, Darci, Mary, and possibly the 'baby troll', but it was hard to tell under so many other voices.
"I – I don't know about what, but you lied, just now. That's exactly the kind of slightly-too-perfect excuse you use for cover stories."
No witnesses, no space for questions, and getting potential corroborators alone so they could be filled in before being questioned.
"Busted," said the 'baby troll'. Toby hadn't imagined that Cockney accent.
Jim hmphed. "Well, now we are. I can't believe that was my tell. I can't believe someone figured out that was my tell."
"How'd you end up the Trollhunter? Always thought that gig went to, you know, the trolliest troll."
"Everyone did. I was a surprise."
Claire picked up the nearest thing – a pillow – and held it up threateningly.
"What's going on?"
Darci got off the couch and gently swapped Claire's pillow for her bat.
Jim turned blue, and sprouted tusks and a tail. The metal horns on his helmet turned into real horns. Holes appeared on the sides of the helmet to let out his ears, which grew long and twitchy.
He let go of the 'baby', which landed on all fours and would've bolted if Mary hadn't pounced and caught him in the towel again.
"I'm a Changeling. I've been living as James Lake Junior for sixteen years." Jim summoned his sword, spat on the blade, and turned it around. "As you can see, Jay-Jay is perfectly fine. Also, that's what goblins actually look like. Note the mutton chops."
"So, if this isn't a goblin –" Mary stuffed the towel into the cat carrier again, "what are you?"
"I'm a Changeling, too – wuzznit obvious?"
"He's … Enrique."
Claire dropped the baseball bat.
"No. That is not Enrique. You – you kidnapped my brother?"
"Or, had him sent into sanctuary, away from an increasingly dangerous world," Jim offered. He made his sword disappear.
"Oh, god." Claire looked like she was about to faint, or throw up. "That's why you offered to babysit, isn't it? So you could switch Enrique for – this thing!"
"Naw, that was after the swap," the green Changeling said. The cat carrier stood on its end, like a bucket, with the door open. He'd wrestled his way out of the towel enough to stick his head and one arm out.
"I just wanted to check how he was settling in –"
"Settling in? You invited a monster to replace my baby brother and wanted to know how well he was settling in!"
"He's not a monster!" Jim insisted. "Getting out of the Darklands is a rough transition. It's harder for Changelings on our own. I didn't want him to feel isolated."
Claire punched Jim. Toby winced. It probably hurt her hand more than Jim's face. More weakly, tears in her eyes, she punched him over and over in the chest.
"You took my brother from me. Now he's all alone in the Darklands …"
"He's got the goblins. They'll tend to Human Enrique's every need. The Nursery is one of the safest places in either of our worlds. If any harm came to Human Enrique, Changeling Enrique wouldn't be able to transform anymore."
"How can I possibly believe you when you've lied to me all this time?"
"Hey, I never said Enrique wasn't a Changeling. The only stuff I've lied to you about either wasn't your business or would've put other people in danger."
She hit him in the face again. He grabbed her fist.
"I get that you're upset, and that's your right, but I'm not just going to stand here and let you keep hitting me."
He let her go. Claire picked up her bat again, and pointed it in the smaller Changeling's face.
"Bring. Enrique. Back! Right. Now."
The green Changeling bit the end of the bat. He didn't bite it off entirely, just held onto it with his shark-like triangle teeth. It looked like Claire was playing tug-of-war with a particularly ugly dog.
Jim sighed heavily.
"It doesn't work that way. The Nursery's not easily accessible, and he's been there for months, not aging. Even if we could bring him back tonight, he'd look like he's regressed in development. Any pediatrician would notice, and then your parents would get upset, and if you tried to prove to them what happened, that would just put you in danger."
"Bular'd love an excuse to eat a whole fleshbag family," Enrique's replacement agreed, without letting go of the bat.
"Actually, Bular died yesterday, but there're still other Changelings who'd take action if they saw our secret about to be exposed."
"He's dead?!"
"Wasn't Bular one of the scary-evil trolls Blinky warned us about?" said Darci. "The gummy guys?"
"Gumm-Gumms. Yes, officially, most Changelings work for them. I failed an assignment, he decided I was a traitor, and I had to kill him in self-defence."
"… Is that how your mom found out?" asked Toby, before it occurred to him that Jim might not want to talk about that particular detail.
Then he decided it didn't matter. Toby didn't think this was hitting him as personally as Claire – if he had the timing right, then this Jim was the only version of Jim Toby had ever known – but it still hurt, finding out that the guy he'd considered his best friend had been keeping so many secrets from him. As long as Jim was sharing answers, Toby was going to keep asking questions.
"Wait, does she know about the Changeling thing, or just about the Trollhunter thing?"
"Both. And, yeah. Draal brought her to Trollmarket to keep her safe and I had to tell her everything."
"The Boss is gonna have your hide," said the green Changeling. Jim made a non-committal noise and didn't look at anyone. Claire made an angry noise, tugged the bat out of the Changeling's mouth – leaving ugly scars on the tip – and thunked her weapon against the armrest of the couch.
"You can't just replace my brother," she snapped. "You are not Enrique."
"You don't exactly get a say in this, Big Eyes," Not Enrique shot back. He turned into a baby – they all jumped – and wailed, before turning back into a troll. "What exactly do you think's gonna happen if the parents get back to find something's happened to their ángelito precioso?"
Jim covered his eyes and groaned. "Don't antagonize her."
"And you!" Claire rounded on Jim. "When exactly were you planning on telling me about this?"
"… Ideally never?"
"Yeah, that's what I thought you'd say. No wonder you kept telling me not to practice trollish at home! I can't believe I ever trusted you! I can't believe I ever liked you!"
"Uh, Claire?" said Mary. "This is probably super-cathartic and I hate to interrupt, but your parents are supposed to get back in like, two minutes," waving her phone, "so maybe for now we should roll with the fake-baby thing and Jimmy-Jam and TP should am-scray."
Toby never should have let them find out that Nana called him Toby-Pie.
Claire pointed her finger half an inch from Jim's nose, making him go cross-eyed. "This isn't over."
Jim looked at the Changeling. The other Changeling, Toby mentally corrected. Jim said something another language, which didn't quite sound like trollish. Not Enrique shook his head and waved Jim off. Jim said something else, which got a snort and a short, barked answer.
"So what were you and Not Enrique saying at the end there?" Toby asked on the bike ride back to his house.
"I asked if he felt safe being left alone with Claire or if I should sneak back over and lurk on the roof. He doesn't think she has the nerve to actually go through with hurting him or telling her parents. Then he promised to steal her phone and call me if anything did happen."
"What language was it?"
"Eh … It's what we spoke back in the Darklands. Some trollish, some goblin, handful of human words, plus a few terms Changelings invented ourselves. No one exactly taught us to talk, so we had to pick it up by trial and error."
That raised a lot of questions and alarms in Toby's mind that he couldn't quite find the words for.
"All things considered, I think that actually went really well," said Jim. "Reactions have been a lot less murderous than I've been trained to expect."
Many questions and alarms.
"Did you ever plan to tell me?"
"No. I mean, I thought about it, especially after Draal found out and made me tell Blinky and AAARRRGGHH, but I was scared you might hate me, or that I'd get you killed for knowing things you weren't supposed to."
Jim laughed the kind of laugh that came from stress, not humour.
"I am the worst Changeling ever. A decade and a half without a slipup, and then nine people find me out. Or a few dozen, if you count the Ghost Trollhunters, but considering I'm technically supposed to kill anyone who finds out I don't know how it counts when somebody finds out who's already dead."
"The Ghost Trollhunters know?"
"Well, it's hard to keep secrets from people who could be watching you at any time through a magic artifact you literally can't get rid of. I'm almost glad you know now. A bit less lying, a bit less sneaking around. Still some, because I really should've noticed you following me to the market that time and I can't afford to get complacent like that. But –"
Toby looked at Jim in concern when Jim cut himself off.
"I'm being selfish. How are you feeling about all this?"
"Mostly confused," Toby admitted. "I … I understood, kind of, when I found out about trolls and that you hadn't told me. The whole 'sworn to secrecy' thing. But once I knew that … then you knew I'd keep secrets for you. Even something as big as that. So, it hurts that I thought you'd told me everything, and then found out you didn't."
They didn't say anything for a block and a half.
"You can still stay with me and Nana, though. Until Dr L's ready to forgive you for the whole 'stealing and replacing her baby' thing." That would probably take a while. "Hey, does this mean we can talk to Dr L about troll stuff?"
"Better if you don't. She doesn't know there are actual human teenagers involved. Tell you what – you four talk it over, and once you're all ready to tell your families, then we go to Mom."
Toby nodded. As a Responsible Adult, she'd probably feel obligated to tell their families.
"Any other secrets I should know about?"
"… I know who a few other Changelings are in their human identities. But I can't tell you who or confirm if you guess, because those aren't actually my secrets to share."
"Fair enough."
Once they got home, Toby texted Darci and Mary with the new information Jim had shared. He left it to them to update Claire. They'd known her longer. They'd have a better idea of what and how to tell her while she was upset.
Previous Chapter (Claire first finds Not Enrique)
Table of Contents
Next Chapter (Otto and Strickler begin their power struggle)
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luna24hald-blog · 5 years
Rise From Iron Release? Introduce Times For All Locations.
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However this unit works out rather over below, as well as I assume this maintains a positive twist on points. OT: I assume sandbox activities are actually wonderful for right minded thinkers, however, for a leftie like me, it really feels ... nonexistent of anything various other that my own creative imagination, which I 'd rather play through one thing already put together, like a pre-made minecraft location, at that point merely go back to square one as well as do something myself. They understand our triumph would certainly motivate neighborhoods all over the country to jump on the bandwagon as well as generate their personal cleaner, less expensive electricals based upon renewable energy. To lessen the inquiring time, the objective should be actually to minimize IO time through lessening the lot of records review each time to answer a question. When the Gestapo is actually knocking at the door, the time to stand up with those who are coming under strike isn't. 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