#about olivine
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They both slay in these outfits. The hair, the colors, the accessories, the attitude the poses give off. If this event is to avoid temptation then that will be difficult. I can't wait to see Eidens outfit for this event.
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Send a 🌂🐍 for a starter with Yakumo in the fairy tale au.
Send a 🏰📖 for a starter with Olivine in the fairy tale au.
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Send a 🐇⏰️ or 🍑♨️ for a starter with Eiden in the fairy tale au.
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Send a 🐈‍⬛️👠 for a themed starter with Rei in the fairy tale au
Send a 📖🦊 for a themed starter with Kuya in the fairy tale au
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charismaofobedience · 3 months
Nu carnival is a great game because you have so many things being represented such as
Garu and Karu - System rep with a pretty good writing and a trauma behind their system forming. dumb puppyboy rep
Rei - Hypersexuality and the dehumanization of self to the point you view sex as nothing more than a coin for a certain time. brat power bottom who can't shut up
Olivine - Religious guilt and finding your own place in society without others expectations. huge tits (bottom version)
Yakumo - The struggles of controlling oneself to not hurt those who you love while also learning to accept others love. constant struggler disorder
Edmond - Repressed sexual desires and learning to embrace those and be yourself among those you trust. anime tsundere disorder
Aster - Being 'born' out of necessity and need to someone to eventually have them leave you with no reasonings or explanations with you having to solve things on your own, without someone you depended on. capitalist transmasc twink
Morvay - Same as Aster but also being constantly equated to just your sexual self and having others treating you as simply that or how dumb you are when you're so much more than that. slutty bimbo (male) (not a himbo) rep
Blade - Being deemed as defective due to the way you simply behaved when still young while noticing the nature of others during that time and being made to fit the others ideals of you so you weren't left aside. being just a silly goofy guy :3
Dante - Having to assume heavy responsibilities at a young age and how this affects one in their future while also having those who don't know you judge you for your harshness when you are simply trying your best. bad dick game
Quincy - Having others taking your help while at the same time being afraid of you and keeping you at distance due to this fear. huge tits (top version), sleepy disorder
Kuya - Feeling ostracized by those you know by your simple nature and who you are as a person, being left all alone by simply feeling like no one could understand you. knotting and mpreg kink
Eiden - Growing up in an orphanage. Being in a low-key shitty workplace. Suddenly being dragged to a new place you don't know anyone in and having to adapt yourself to it. Being put responsibilities and titles upon you that you simply weren't prepared for. having others hopes put upon you while at the same time others doubt your own aptitude to the job. Being compared to someone who came before you and how you are nothing when compared to them. and perhaps the most important thing the struggles of sluts in modern gay society and having to deal with your polycule where all the members are lowkey freaks
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fisheito · 5 months
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This is what i mean
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idololivine · 5 months
I've seen people talk about how the game has top/bottom counterparts for personality archetypes - Garu and Blade for moe with a darker side, Edmond and Dante for tsuns, Rei and Kuya for snarky bitches. and generally where these discussions get a little confused are when people start going "I guess Olivine and Quincy are counterparts? are boobs a personality trait...?"
I am here to propose that Olivine's counterpart isn't Quincy, but Yakumo. they're housewives in the streets and freaky in the sheets. sweetheart caretakers who prioritize other people's happiness over their needs. will absolutely fucking lose it during sex. their development also shares a lot of similar themes - "I'm secretly fucked up and I hate myself for it; please see me as I am and accept all my flaws; please support me in my desire to be better." I'm sure someone else can put this more eloquently but it's past midnight for me
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autism-corner · 5 months
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comments on em under the cut <3
-Jagged scars bc he did it himself with. a big knife.
-no sixpack. just bc.
-many pubes. other bodyhair is a bit less bc he isnt on T (<- excuse bc i couldnt make it look good /hj)
-pretty neat scars. got them done fairly early in his life.
-left his abs bc he really tries to keep em. dont particularly like it but :/ i feel like its part of him idk
-was on T a few years before getting isekai'd, aster helped him find a replacement.
-NEAT surgery scars. got them done, after his parents died, by top-level surgeons (+ didnt have big boobs to begin with)
-nips+snakebites+eyebrows pierced. hes a royal man he deserves it.
-left his pack bc i think he uses it as a coping mechanism....
-has been on proxy-T since a few months before his parents died.
-tiny boobs tiny scars. did them himself aswell.
-navel pierced bc hes a slut so ofc.
-no abs. this man does nothing to keep himself in shape.
-not on T but has found some remedy that has permanently lowerd his voice
-main reason for transition was so he could be in hiding better, he really doesnt care for much else.
-no nips.
-main control panel is in his abdomen bc its easily defendable. distinct connection of panels at the lines where they open bc i didnt want him to have abs and this works <3 + i couldnt figure out a reason behind topsurgery scars other than that <3
-no pubes bc hes a ken doll down there (i forgor)
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kuroimarzipan · 5 months
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i have a debuff that deals damage over time to me every time i think about them
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cinclidaefang · 4 months
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I will put many a shitpost on my artblog but this is not one of them. I-I am not strong enough...
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oddcrypt1d · 1 year
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Chibi Practice
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zeynatura · 1 year
Best scene so far in the event 😂
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You really wanna listen to Olivine, or else he won't hesitate to use violence in the name of the God of Klein
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ask-the-monster-nest · 4 months
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Look who came home right away. And he brought a Rei as well.
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I just need Yakumo now.
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There is no limit to how much I love Olivine. I fell for him when I started playing the game. He's just so beautiful. I also have a weakness for men with green hair. Not only that. He's so kind and considerate. He's the perfect big brother figure. Lately I wonder. How is this very lewd man still a priest? He must be very good at hiding how sinful he truly is. I mean that much is obvious. The man constantly hides stuff under his clothes as a surprise. The linked vibrators, the harness under the teachers outfit, a but plug under the princess outfit? What new thing will we learn about our loveable priest with this new outfit.
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Sorry for my rant. I just needed to express my thoughts.
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This is what Eiden's phone looks like
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edenfire · 10 months
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🌸💗 take me to your paradise 💗🌸
//whew! managed to finish my nu carnival charms in time for my con deadline🥳🎉🎉
I love all of my precious boys so much🥺💗💞
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fisheito · 4 days
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everyone gets a turn in the ridiculous skintight edmondsuit. or at least, .everyone SHOULD
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idololivine · 5 months
sequel to this post ft what I mentioned in its tags
On the surface, Yakumo and Olivine are incredibly different. Yakumo is fearful and sensitive; Olivine is soothing and composed. Dig a little deeper, and they're not so different - they're both deeply traumatized and desperate for acceptance. The difference is how exactly they were traumatized and therefore the behaviors they adopted to protect themselves.
Yakumo was shunned by other serpents because of his gemstone and attacked by humans because he was a yokai - in other words, he was harmed because others feared his power. In response to this, he developed a deep anxiety about his power and his control over it, and his behavior revolves around projecting how nonthreatening he is. "I'm not a danger, I promise. I can make myself small and timid and I won't fight back. I'm more afraid of you than you are of me. Please don't hurt me anymore." He can escape further harm, if he puts his fear on display. He's tolerable as long as he stays quiet and afraid. He might even earn something that looks a little bit like love.
Olivine, on the other hand, is pressured to be perfect, and perfection has no room for uncertainty. His parents will love him, as long as he always obeys. His parish will love him, as long as he never disappoints. His siblings will love him no matter what, but they're so little; he has to be the one to take care of them, not the other way around. He learns to take all his fears and bury them deep down, because doing anything else with them will only earn him punishment. It's a softer form of violence, but violence nonetheless. He learns to project an image of being calm and untroubled, because people love the image, and love by proxy is better than no love at all.
Fearfulness and fearlessness; it's all about how their pain has shaped their behavior. Not so different once you dig past the surface.
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