#about the slugcat making and such
The urge to write a drabble and check how I want to interpret MHOS but indecisive whether I should mess with canon characters of just make more OCs
One thing I learned from HK experience is that I can make my own canons and have as much freedom as the world gives me if I just make my own characters
But there is always that tiny fun idea of seeing OCs interact with canon that's always snuffed out of worry or fear I'll make it too much out of character (even tho I know that shouldn't stop me lol)
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thetrueressii · 2 months
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ive been cooking up an rw anthro(?) au and i decided to work on arti first since she is a favorite of mine and i have her general storyline and stuff below the cut if you wanna read it lol
i have plans for the others soon
the general gist of this au is that slugcats and scavengers have small settlements, typically just called colonies or villages, that have loose connections
both slugcats and scavengers typically live in multigenerational homes, containing many different families in one shelter
major colonies or cities are usually settled on top of or around iterators, with those colonies taking up the ancients' housing
the timelines also are a lot more compressed with all the base game and downpour slugcats co-existing within close time frame, but still follows spearmaster > arti > hunter > gourmand > etc...
basically arti's story is that after the deaths of her pups, she goes mad from grief and vows to kill anyone who she deems responsible for taking away her pups (and those who get in her way)
she makes her way to five pebbles and eventually metropolis where she has her long-awaited confrontation with the scavenger king, expecting closure that never came
once it was done, she was left with nothing but misery and uncontrollable rage, and unwilling to leave, she became the next chieftain, of whatever was left of the scavengers in metropolis, making them do her bidding
tho over time her anger became mere embers, leaving her tired and miserable and five pebbles increasingly impatient with her
she is forced out of metropolis and leaves five pebbles facility grounds after hunter fights her on behalf of five pebbles along his journey to help moon, where shes going and for what reason is left up for debate (like literally i don't know where shes going and/or for what reason)
dont mind my horrid writing lol i barely write anything, still ironing out what i want and what i don't want so a lot of this is still up for change, but i think honestly this is a good writing and drawing exercise for me
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anemonet · 1 year
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local iterator seven red suns growing attached at record speed to life sucking abomination, more at seven (hah)
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paradoxbeta · 3 months
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i was experimenting with face markings, and i realized putting a slice/line over the mouth makes it look unnervingly like a third eye in the right positions. its kind of cursed and i love it, so expect this to be a new oc if i dont use the idea for another slugcat of mine
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amerricanartwork · 3 months
Every time I see your art I want to crunch it like hard candy/pos
Thank you! I put lots of effort into making appealing art! In fact I often don't accept anything less!
Also I interpreted "hard candy" as rock candy initially (I guess my brain forgot that suckers and peppermints and jawbreakers and whatnot exist) so, uh... I made this little sketch based on it!
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Here's some more art to crunch on!
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softcryz · 3 months
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nnomsu · 2 months
Every time i drew Spearmaster i wondered how in the world do they function. It annoys me when things don't make sense so here is my take on Spearmaster's speculative biology [inspired by this post]
Disclaimer: most of this is just my imagination, i barely know anatomy. Feel free to correct me and add something! :)
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The needles suck fluids from a prey. Every needle is connected to a pouch inside the tail, pouch is connected to stomach. Fluids instantly break down into nutrients with contact of stomach void fluid. Some of the nutrients get instantly absorbed with the needle pouch for fast growth and excess goes to process in intestines. Spearmaster has a slow metabolism so their body doesn't need much calories. They can have a lot of calories stored for later in tail which explains why they can go a cycle without eating.
When Spearmaster makes their stomach ramble it leads to void fluid release energy which makes instant growth of needles
Iterators have void fluid in them so my theory is that Suns used some of it to create Spearmaster.
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colfy-wolfy · 3 months
murder scugs the epic rain world x murder drones crossover (real)
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more info yapping under cut
instead of wings, they get the ability to climb walls, ceilings, and background tiles. also uzi gets rot and probably telekinesis. idk I'm still figuring that out.
N and V (and J) also probably have rot too but it's actively being fought back by their unnaturally enhanced immune systems.
don't question where they got the hats, they just found them ok ! it makes sense, trust.
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mizzyislost · 2 years
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just some observations about the different kinds of slugcat designs/drawings ive seen
where do you fall on the scale of scug??
(ID under cut, if you cant read my handwriting-)
[ ID: A chart depicting different variations of slugcat designs. the title reads “the scale of slugs” with the subtitle “where do you fall on it???”. furthest left on the scale is a very simple slugcat, most similar to the in-game sprites, above the words “more slug than cat”. underneath it is a bullet point with the words “very shaped”. in the center is a slightly more detailed slugcat, reminiscent of a squirrel?? kind of??, above the words “true neutral”, with the bullet point “yeah that sure is a slugcat” on the far right, there is a even more detailed slugcat, much closer to an actual cat, aptly captioned “more slug than cat”, with the bullet point “very creature” along the bottom, there is a disclaimer that reads: “there are, of course, a million different styles and design choices that could not possibly be contained in this silly little chart. unfortunately, i cannot convey the complex intricacies of art with 3 simple blanket design types. sorry if your design isn't like ay of these :)”. End ID ]
first time writing an image descriptions whoops-
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north-winds1 · 1 year
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Sleepy slugs
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sleep-deprived-corvid · 5 months
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shimmeringembers · 6 months
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Star Stringed Web
My iterator OC! I finally made a design I like.
Star Stringed Web is an old gen 1 iterator. She’s not the first one ever, but she’s definitely not new— I’d say she was built a bit before Moon. Web served two purposes, finding the Triple Affirmative and also mass producing parts for other iterators. Her can takes up most of the space within her retaining wall, leaving little room for ground structures. There’s a larger than average amount of railways leading in/out of her superstructure to deliver parts to far off projects.
Web’s local group consists of two other iterators (not currently named or designed) that were built loooong after her. She appreciates their company, but also wishes the two of them would stop flooding her inbox with game invites and photos of every creature they see through their overseers.
Web is aware of the growing slugcat colony making their home on her grounds. She’s fine with them being there, as they don’t cause structural damage like the scavengers do, but would rather the colony keep out of her main systems.
Web somewhat tolerates the little beast crawling through her can. No matter what she does, Lightbulb won’t leave. She could zap them to death, but she considers that needlessly cruel. She counts herself lucky that she’d been build with the machinery necessary to craft more neuron flies, as the Little Prion seems to favor eating those.
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chrometheraptor · 2 months
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Whirl design for an au!! Next shall be either Tailgate or Rodimus :D
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luhman16 · 1 year
The stuff of dreams
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birdhand-art · 10 months
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Going unhinged about Five Pebbles perhaps. Massive credit to @verminsh for brain blasting me with the concept of Cabinet Man as a 5P song, I apologize for the insanity to come but also no I do not.
Working on compiling this into a digital format so I can use it as base sketches for an animatic, hopefully coming soon! (we shall see if finals derail this but oh well)
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cubicpeebles · 1 year
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