#about: elise x cass
WIP tag game
saw this going around dash and wanted to try it too! i tag all my mutuals that feel like doing it, specially @superkitten-poison @league-of-starlight and @emluckyowl (no pressure tho)
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
The Boys And Unfortunate Sexual Misadventures
tfgraves / attempt at humor / post the boys and bombolini / middle aged man yaoi
Here Comes A Thought
serakali / kda / panic attacks / hurt/comfort / existential crisis
Beats and Tunes and Lovers / This must be waht thrill feels like, darling
songdiva (sera x scratch) / useless lesbians / literal sleeping together / acid rain starts after the concert and scratch invites sera over
Du Couteau Siblings
character study / talon & cass & kat / i dont have much for this one / young talon
Katarina & Cassiopeia — Character Study
pre talon / non linear narrative / house not as a place but as a character (cali classic) / sister-sister relationship
Lightcannon — Isn’t that worth holding on?
star guardian / childhood friends / is it even a break up if youve never even dated / hurt/some comfort
knight/noblewoman / first meetings / country girl goes to fancy house / sign language
Name one hero who was happy
leodia / nightmares / prophetic dreams / young leodia
Remus & Arachne — Elise & Talon
writing prompt / black rose / greek mythology motifs / black sheep
After the Sun Collides
caitvi / zombie apocalypse au / young jinx / jinx goes by powder / cait and vi are pre apocalypse exes
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yinyangswings · 3 years
Hanging off the Ledge
Fandom: Assassin's Creed Unity
Characters: Arno Dorian, Reader, Elise de la Serre (mentioned)
Pairing: Arno x femReader
Notes/Warnings: Implied thoughts of suicide, drinking, mention of vomit, used Google translate for my French so forgive me on that
Word count: 3088
Summary: You knew that there would always be trials when you fell in love with Assassin Arno Dorian. Knew that he had demons within him. What you didn't know was that your own demons would rear their heads at a vulnerable moment after an argument with him. Nor did you know that it would be Arno who finds you standing on the ledge of the South Tower of Notre-Dame, staring down at the streets of Paris.
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She wandered around the streets of Paris. The moon mingled with the lamp light, the sound of men singing from the bars, dogs barking, a cat hissing from an alleyway.
She didn’t really notice.
“You’re going to get yourself killed if you keep being reckless like this, Arno!”
“For fuck’s sake Elise, I’m not a child!!”
She frowned, wrapping her arms around herself. The argument itself wasn’t a new one. She thought he was being reckless and he, as usual, didn’t appreciate being coddled. And if she was being truthful with herself, this hadn’t been the first time he had called her Elise by mistake. Right after she had died, he would call her that on a nearly daily basis. She had red hair. Elise had red hair. For a man who had been drinking away his sorrows, it hadn’t been a surprise to get the both of them confused. But as a few years had gone by and he had grieved correctly he had stopped. She had thought, naively apparently, that maybe he was beginning to move on. When they had gotten together she had thought that maybe he actually loved her. That, while Elise would always have some part of his heart, which she had expected, she could share with the ghost of his former lover.
But that seemed like it was a lost cause.
He doesn’t love you. He loves Elise. He’ll always love Elise over you. If he could save her by sacrificing you, he’d do it without hesitation.
She felt her eyes begin to burn and she roughly rubbed under them, pointedly ignoring the voice whispering in the back of her mind, but was pushing into her mind like a nail. She slowed when she found herself in front of Notre-Dame, the large building looming in the square. It wasn’t a church anymore. Some cult now ran it. The Cult of Supreme Being, if she remembered correctly. It was dark, signifying no one was likely in there.
She worked the door open and slid into the shadowed building. She remembered being a child and coming here once with her father and brother. It had been a beautiful cathedral, the stained glass glistening down upon the pews, the statues, the soft hymns of the choir.
She had gotten in trouble for staring too long, but she couldn’t help it. It had been a comfort for her.
It was now a shadow of what it once was. A daily reminder of the mistakes of this country. Of the change that had happened.
Just like you. You’re a mistake.
She found herself walking up the stairs in the back, her footsteps echoing despite being as quiet as she could. Several staircases, unlocking some doors, and climbing more stairs later she found herself in one of the towers, staring at the bells.
It was so quiet, only the wind passing through the room seemed to sing its song. She slid her hand across the one bell near her, feeling the chill of bronze soak into her hand. She jumped when her foot kicked something and she looked down to see a small crate of...wine bottles?
“Oh for God’s sake. Really?” She muttered, bending down to look at it more closely. It looked like someone had had the idea that no one would look for wine in an abandoned church.
Well...at least no one who wasn’t an assassin and knew how to pick locks.
She hesitated for a moment before she flipped the bottle over and looked at the label. It wasn’t even a good year. But it would do. She worked the cork out and took a swig, grimacing at the taste. She took another swig.
You’re useless. It’s no wonder your father died hating your existence. Why your brother died hating you.
And another.
You’re a disgrace to the Creed and the Brotherhood.
And another. The wine tasted bitter and she knew that she should stop, but it was helping with the pain, numbing it.
Arno will never love you. He will never see you as anything more than a replacement.
She coughed violently as she choked on the wine, not able to tell if the burn in her eyes was because of that or something else. She sank back, sniffling slightly and coughing at the burn. The voice was relentless.
Usually she could ignore it, plaster on a smile and carry on her day. But now…
Wouldn’t it be better if you just ended it?
As though to bolster the suggestion a sharp breeze rushed past her, creating a mournful sound through the tower she was in and she looked towards the opening.
And she took a step forward.
Arno Dorian was not in the greatest of moods as he jumped from roof to roof. The argument was still fresh in his mind. He understood Y/N’s point of view on the whole thing, but he felt that he wasn’t a child that needed to be coddled. He was an assassin, just like her. He hadn’t appreciated her scolding him, but looking back it hadn’t been a critique but more of a worry of hers. And he yelled at her, making her leave their room and the Café. Which was why he was running around Paris like a lunatic in the middle of the night looking for her to apologize. He had considered waiting at the Café but after three hours, he began to grow worried. Even at her angriest, she hadn’t been gone that long.
His desperation was growing in stature when she wasn’t in any of her normal spots that she would go to. He was about to head back and see if she had made it back to the Café when the moon peeked out of the clouds and illuminated Notre-Dame. He spotted a flash of red on the top of the South Tower. He stumbled to a stop, looking up, squinting to get a good look, before hurrying over to the church, making short work of getting to the top.
Sure enough it was Y/N, sitting on the railing of the tower. She glanced over her shoulder, before looking back out towards the city.
“Bonjour Arno.”
“There you are.” He huffed, landing on the roof of the tower, a frown on his face. He took a step and blinked as he kicked a wine bottle, watching it roll away from him.
“...Fancy a drink tonight?”
“Casse-toi. Like you’re any better.” Y/N slurred, taking another swig from another wine bottle, swaying slightly in the wind.
“Y/N, get off the ledge.” Arno said evenly, despite his heart threatening to pound its way out of his chest. “You’ll fall, Cherié.”
She cackled, though there didn’t seem to be any humor in her voice.
“Wouldn’t that be…” She hiccuped. “Wouldn’t that be une tragédie? I’m sure my funeral would have a grand total of...one attendee; moi! They might even bury me, or they’ll just dump my body into the Seine.”
She laughed again though he frowned.
She glared at him, before rolling her eyes, and pointedly ignoring him, taking a swig from the bottle in her hand. She was silent, staring at the few people of Paris wandering around, unaware of the two assassins sitting above them.
“Suppose I’d need to avoid some random passerby though, oui? Can’t...can’t hurt an innocent because of the Creed.”
It was as if cold water had been dumped on him.
She couldn’t mean...she wasn’t seriously considering...
“Y/N, get off the ledge.”
It wasn’t a gentle request anymore. She scoffed, standing like a child who was being called home during a riveting game of tag and didn’t want to. She swayed and stumbled on it, drawing closer to the edge.
“And if I do that by jumping off? No stacks of hay down there that I can see.” She asked good naturedly, her voice amazingly calm.
“Y/N, don’t joke like that.”
“Who’s saying I’m joking?” She hummed, twirling in an unsteady circle, swaying backwards. Arno dashed forward, grabbing her arm and yanking her back onto the roof, the bottle falling out of her hand and disappearing over the edge. He could only hope it didn’t hit anyone below as his arms folded around her, holding her close as she began to fight against him.
“Avez-vous perdu la raison?” He snapped. “Why would you even consider killing yourself?!”
“Because the place would be better without me!”
Arno staggered backwards as she kicked at his legs, his mind reeling, trying to catch up with the situation, but unable to comprehend it.
“What are you talking about?! Do you know how devastated we’d be if you died?!”
“Who, Arno? Who would fucking miss me!?” She cried, fighting against him. “My family is gone, Arno! My brother died hating me because of the reason I was even brought into this world! Father hated me because I killed Mother! Name on fucking person who would care if my brains splattered on the steps of Notre-Dame below!”
To that she let out a laugh that could have been a sob.
“You? YOU!?” Her voice went into hysterics. “You don’t give a damn about me! You never did!”
“Y/N, what’s gotten into you!? Of course I-”
He went still and he released her in shock. She stumbled away, but didn’t attempt to jump off the ledge again. She seemed to curl into herself, tears sliding down her face as she looked at him.
“You think...you think I’m stupid? Or blind? You don’t think I don’t know that you see Elise every fucking time I fucking turn and you see my hair, or when we spar, or...or argue? You think I’m that blind to not see that ache in your eyes every damn time you even look at me?? For fuck’s sake Arno, you’ve called me her damn name tonight!” She inhaled sharply, trying to stop crying, but failing. His eyes darted from side to side, replaying the argument earlier in his mind, before his eyes widened.
“Y/N, I didn’t-”
“Do you know how much it hurts trying to pretend I’m happy, when I’m reminded daily just how unnecessary and unwanted I am in this world? How much better you and this world would be without me? You want Elise back so much but I’m not Elise. I can’t be her. I can’t even begin to compare to her.” She whimpered. “I’m an assassin, but I was literally only born to be that because my brother was too sickly to be one. And despite that, despite working day in and day out to prove to him I could be a good assassin, I know that my father didn’t even want me! So...so why even bother being here? No one wants me, Arno. I’m just...just this big mistake...I...I…”
“Ma Cherié…” He said, his voice suddenly rough and he hurried over to her, pulling her to him again. She struggled for a moment, beating at his chest to get him to let go. He did not, digging his hand into her hair to keep her still. “Ma Cherié, no.”
“Let go, Arno!”
“No. Not until you listen to me.” He said. “I know I make mistakes. Too many to count. I hurt you so much without even realizing it. And you are the most patient woman to not murder me in my sleep for that.” He trailed off, swallowing noisily, “Oui, there are times I think about Elise, and wonder what life would be if she was still alive, and oui sometimes there are moments where I see her in you.”
She struggled against him again and he thanked the wine running through her right now. At least he could get her to listen to him.
“But that doesn’t mean I’d be better off without you. That I don’t want you here.”
She went still.
“I love you Cherié. I love you so much. You don’t deserve all this pain and weight I’ve put on your shoulders. Especially with Elise. There are similarities between the two of you, but the differences outweigh them. Christ...I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve anything you give me.”
He moved her head away, cupping her face in his hands, brushing away the tears that were sliding down her cheeks.
“I don’t deserve waking up with you curled up to me and if I try to leave the bed, you hold onto me because it’s not yet time to wake up in your mind. I don’t deserve listening to you hum as you’re fixing a stitch in our robes while leaning against me, or your laughter when you’re sparring and you’ve pinned me. I don’t deserve having you scold me for being an idiot on a mission, yet having my back on said mission. I don’t deserve any of that.”
She stared at him and he gave a desperate laugh, his eyes glittering in tears.
“But even though I don’t deserve it, every day you bless me with those tiny memories. How could I be better off without you?”
She inhaled sharply, tears sliding down her cheeks. She let out a soft keening sound, closing her eyes tightly as a sob tore out of her throat, silencing the voice that was begging her to just pivot and jump.
“I can’t Arno...I just...I…I...I don’t know what to do.”
She heard him inhale shakily and felt him kiss her brow. He seemed to be shaking as well. He pulled her back into a hug, and she didn’t resist this time, just sobbing, face pressed into his shoulder.
“...Let’s go home.” His voice whispered into her ear after several minutes, rough as though he was holding back emotions. She nodded weakly, and he lifted her and carried her away. Before she could even object, he was walking down the stairs and past the bells of Notre-Dame.
She didn’t remember how exactly they got back to the Café Theatrë. She did remember having to stop several times in alleyways to puke her guts out from all that damn wine she drank. She remembered that Arno’s touch never seemed to vanish. Whether it was holding her hair away from the vomit, rubbing her back as she heaved, or holding her close to make sure she didn’t fall flat on her face when she stumbled away, he was always touching her.
The last thing she really remembered was going up the stairs to their room, being laid down on the bed and feeling a kiss against her temple. The next thing she knew, the sun was beaming into the room and her head felt like it had been used as a drum.
She let out a groan and curled up under the blanket, trying to rid herself of the headache. Distantly she heard a soft chuckle and then the clink of a cup on the nightstand.
“Can’t say I envy you. I know from experience it isn’t fun. Though this is a change in roles from what I usually remember.” Arno’s voice said softly. She muttered an expletive and peeked her head out from the covers. Arno sat down on the edge of the bed, offering a smile.
“It’s close to noon. I figured with the amount of drinking you did last night, you earned your sleep.”
Y/N groaned, covering her face with the blanket again.
“Come on. Let’s get some food into you. I promise you’ll feel much better.”
“If I ever go towards a wine bottle again, you are free to spank me.” She muttered, finally leaving the cocoon of blankets and Arno smiled.
“Oui m'dame. Granted, while it is a tempting offer, I have a feeling that’s not going to happen anytime soon.” He said and she snorted, instantly regretting it and cursed under her breath. He chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead before handing her a pastry.
She wasn’t really hungry, but nibbled on it anyways, glancing over at him as he watched her. He was just staring at her as though making sure this wasn’t a dream and she was actually sitting in their bed alive and well, despite the hangover. He had dark bags under his eyes, which were curiously bloodshot. He was wearing the same clothes he had been wearing the night before. Almost as if he hadn’t...
“Did you stay up the entire night?” She muttered in surprise, realization dawning slowly in her hungover brain.
“...I wanted to make sure you didn’t try and leave to go back to Notre-Dame.” He finally said and she grimaced, looking away.
"Je suis désolé, Arno. I didn’t-”
“No! No, don’t apologize...just...is that the first time you’ve...that you’ve considered that?”
She shrugged.
“I’ve never gone as far as I did last night...but there’s always that voice in the back of my head saying that everyone would be better off if I wasn’t around...I don’t usually listen to it. But it was just...so loud last night. It drowned everything else out.”
She shifted away, embarrassed. He swallowed roughly before cupping her face, brushing a thumb against her cheek bone. She leaned into his touch, finally looking up at him.
“If it does happen again, if that voice becomes too loud?” He asked softly. “Find me. I meant what I said last night. I love you. I don’t deserve you, but I love you. And I’ll spend every day I have remaining telling you that. So find me, and I’ll put to rest any worry you have.”
She nodded, closing her eyes as he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, the tip of her nose, and then very delicately her lips, before resting his forehead against hers.
It wasn’t a clean fix. There were still problems that needed to be discussed. Issues that needed to be talked about. In the future he would have nightmares of wondering what if he hadn’t gone looking for her, if the next day they had found her body at the steps of Notre-Dame, and waking up in a cold sweat to check and see if she was still there next to him, still breathing. For a while after, she couldn’t go near Notre-Dame, couldn’t even take a sip of wine before her stomach revolted at the contents because it reminded her of that night.
But right then and there, it didn’t matter.
She was sitting there breathing, and in his arms.
And that was all Arno Dorian cared about.
Bonjour : Hello
Casse-toi: Fuck off
Cherié: Sweetheart
Une tragédie: A tragedy
Moi: Me
Oui: Yes
Avez-vous perdu la raison: Have you lost your mind?
Ma Cherié: My Sweetheart
Oui m'dame: Yes Ma'am
Je suis désolé: I am sorry
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i hate you but ii: i need to talk to sam (bucky barnes x reader)
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i hate you but masterlist
summary: bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids (enemies to lovers au)
word count: 2181
warnings: swearing, arguing, death, and this is not proofread
taglist is CLOSED
A/N: so uh this chapter kind of focuses more on y/n’s relationship with her sister and the kids. there’ll be more Bucky in the next chapter, dw
       “I’m on my way,” y/n sighed before dropping the call.
       y/n had never rushed out of the compound as quickly as she did that day. Hell, even on missions—much to everyone’s distaste—she took her precious time to make sure she had everything she needed with her. She slipped on a sweatshirt and a pair of sandals before bolting out her bedroom.
      The next thing she knew, she was in the elevator, asking FRIDAY to bring her to the basement level of the compound, anxiously gripping her phone on her side.
       With a ding, the elevator doors slid open and y/n, once again, ran as fast as her legs could take her, and got into her car (which thankfully, was voice activated) and drove away from the compound and towards the precinct.
       y/n, her thoughts spiraling, gripped tightly onto the steering wheel as tears obstructed her vision. She was having difficulty coming to terms with her sister’s death. Yes, she hasn’t seen her sister—or any of her kids for that matter—but it was difficult to deal with. How the hell was she supposed to deal with the fact that her baby sister, the one she didn’t visit for the purpose of keeping her safe, was gone.
       Was it all because of HYDRA? Was it because of some illness y/n was never made aware of? Her thoughts were starting to get the better of her until she was snapped out of her trance by FRIDAY’s voice telling her to “turn right.”
       The compound was a fifteen-minute ride away from the precinct. She arrived at the slightly run-down police precinct. Parking the car and slamming the door behind her, she speed walked into the precinct only to be stopped by a man sitting at the front desk.
       “Name and purpose?” he questioned her, staring up at her expectantly, his dark brown eyes boring into her e/c ones.
       “I’m looking for Elise Jones and Mike Jonas? I’m Cassy Langdon’s sister, Y/N L/N” she spoke to the man stationed at the front desk. He looked up, handed her the logbook and a pen, and spoke.
       “I’m going to need your I.D, ma’am,” the man questioned, holding his hand out. y/n huffed, with the rush she was in, she forgot to bring along anything other than her phone. “I don’t think I have my I.D on me right now, officer,” y/n shook her head.
       “Well, that’s too bad. I’m afraid I can’t let you in without your I.D, ma’am,” the officer shook his head.
       “Officer, I just received a phone call telling me that my sister’s dead and I have custody of her children. I don’t think you want to test me,” y/n chuckled, her voice raspy and tired.
       “That’s sad and all, but I still need your I.D,” the officer narrowed his eyes at y/n. She took a deep breath before speaking words she’d heard Tony Stark say a handful of times while trying to enter bars.
       “You need an I.D? y/n l/n, look me up because this face is my I.D,” y/n smirked, signing her name onto the log book. Once again, the officer narrowed his eyes at her before directing his attention to his computer screen and typing something into it before his eyes widened.
       “You’re an Avenger?” the officer’s eyes widened, scrambling up to his feet to salute.
       “I wasn’t in the military like the other Avengers,” y/n stuttered, shaking her head repeatedly, “a simple ‘oh hey, you weren’t lying about your identification, you can totally enter the precinct’ would do.”
       “Of course, ma’am,” the officer nodded, returning to his seat.
       y/n made her way further into the precinct and she saw what she assumed to be the waiting area since there were quite a few people seated in the room.
       “Miss L/N, over here,” a familiar voice came from one of the corners of the room. She looked over to the source of the voice and saw a woman, based off how she looked, she must have been in her late forties or early fifties, clad in a blue pantsuit with a matching blazer. y/n made her way to the woman, ignoring all the stares she was getting from everyone, and taking a seat parallel to her.
       “I’m going to make this quick, why am I the one taking custody of my sister’s three kids? What happened to their dad? You know, what’s his face?” y/n’s brows furrowed, unable to recall her brother-in-law’s name. After all, she never liked him for her little sister.
       “Mr. Langdon is currently in a holding cell,” Elise explained, smoothing out her pants as she readjusted her position on the seat.
       “That son of a bitch killed my sister, didn’t he?” y/n chuckled sadly upon hearing Elise’s words.
       “Well, your sister died in a drunk driving accident. Mr. Langdon was driving and the investigators are currently taking Ethan and Olivia’s statements on what happened and from the looks of it, Mr. Langdon could be charged with homicide,” a man interrupted her, also making his presence known.
        “You’re taking the kid’s statements? Wait, they weren’t in the car when it crashed, were they?” y/n panicked, her eyes widening in concern.
       “Ethan and Olivia weren’t included in the half of the population that went out with the blip. I don’t think they’re as young as you remember them,” the man explained before a look of realization found its way to his face, “I almost forgot, I’m Mike Jonas, your sister’s lawyer.”
       “y/n l/n, but you already knew that,” y/n shook his hand before continuing, “what about the other one; Jackson, my sister’s youngest?”
       “There’s a room in the precinct for the younger kids. Cassy’s kids who were affected by the blip are there. Jackson’s in there with his younger sister, Allie,” Elise smiled reassuringly.
       “So, there’s four of them, now? Damn it, I can’t believe my sister had another kid with that prick,” y/n rolled her bloodshot eyes in disappointment. Her mind flashed back to when they were teenagers and would talk about their futures.
       “I want a big house, a good husband, and a big family so the house would never feel lonely. I want you there too, y/n. Oh my god, the kids are going to love you!” Cassy smiled up at y/n, her e/c eyes beaming with excitement.
       “Cass, don’t you think your husband would hate it if I lived with you guys? Plus, I don’t think I’d be good with children anyways,” y/n chuckled, shaking her head.
        “Can you at least promise you’ll visit us often?” Cassy’s e/c eyes pierces into y/n’s e/c ones.
      “I promise,” y/n smiled, locking pinkies with Cassy.
       Her eyes glossed over with tears as her mind wandered to that memory. She knew damn well broke that promise. There was a point in time when y/n kept that promise and she visited Cassy’s house every week, always bringing along gifts for her niece and nephews.
       “You spoil them,” Cassy chuckled as Ethan, Olivia, and Jackson tore off the wrapping paper from the boxes she handed them.
       “It’s not my fault I’m the cool aunt,” y/n winked in response, pulling an eyeroll from Cassy.
       Those visits only ever stopped when y/n’s position as an Avenger began to pose as a threat to the family’s safety. What if HYDRA caught her during one of her visits to the house? What if she couldn’t protect them when HYDRA decided to use them against her?
       She couldn’t have that on her conscience, so she abruptly cut off all communications with her sister and her family. She didn’t want to put their lives in danger.
      To her, it’d been two years since her last visit. To Ethan and Olivia? It must’ve been seven years. Damn Thanos and his mission to “help” the universe. y/n began to feel uncomfortable in her seat. Would the kids recognize her? Would they accept the fact that they had to live with her now?
       “Your sister, she once discussed you getting custody of her children if she and Mr. Langdon were to pass. She wrote about this in her will,” Mike explained, handing y/n a manila envelope.
       She opened the envelope and she pulled out one crisp piece of printed paper—y/n assumed this was the will itself—and six envelopes. She was surprised to find one with her name written in her sister’s handwriting too; even after she’d abandoned her, Cassy still left y/n something.
       “What’s this?” y/n questioned, holding up the envelope.
       “Cassy wrote you a letter. She made sure to put emphasis on the fact that you don’t have to open it immediately. She said you would’ve taken a while before you decided to open it,” Mike explained, earning a nod from y/n as she tucked the envelope back into the bigger one as she read through the will.
       There, in the section concerning the wellbeing of Cassy’s children, y/n saw her name and the conditions of which y/n would take custody of her children.
       “If, however, my husband, Eric Langdon, is somehow unfit (an example of it being under the influence of alcohol for 2-4 days a week) or unavailable (an example of this having him jailed or god forbid dead), I entrust the custody of my four children, Ethan Langdon, Olivia Langdon, Jackson Langdon, and Allison Langdon, with my older sister, y/n l/n.”
       “Well, when can I meet the kids?” y/n smiled sadly, tucking the piece of paper back in the envelope.
       “They should be done questioning Olivia and Ethan in a few minutes. For now, I need to talk to you about how living conditions are going to be with the kids,” Elise requested, earning a nod from y/n.
       “I’d like to think I have more than enough to support them without needing to dig into the funds my sister left for them. The only issue I have is that my apartment’s a two-bedroom apartment and I think the kids are going to want more space than that, so I swear I’ll try finding a better place. One with more than enough room for the kids,” y/n explained, earning a nod from Elise. y/n remembered how big Cassy’s dreams were. Sure, she liked being with family, but she also wanted her kids to have space to move around, to play. y/n owed it to Cassy to give the kids the life she wanted for them.
       “It sounds like you have the living conditions under control. I like how you didn’t mention letting them move into the Avengers Compound, though I am aware it’s where you’re currently living?” Elise raised a brow expectantly.
      “My apartment, it’s for when I need to get away from all the hero stuff. I don’t think it’d be great for the kids to be exposed to everything going on in the tower,” y/n chuckled, the events of earlier flashing through her brain.
       “I see. But I want to discuss your involvement in their lives. Their mom just passed and their dad’s getting incarcerated. I know being an Avenger can be demanding, but I’m telling you now that you might need some time off for them to get used to having you as their guardian,” Elise explained, earning another nod from y/n.
       “I’ll let my teammates know I’m taking a break now, if you’ll excuse me,” y/n nodded out, getting up from her seat and finding a more secluded area in the precinct to ring up her colleagues.
       “Hello?” a gruff voice responded and y/n groaned internally. Of all people who could pick up the phone in the tower, why did Bucky Barnes have to pick up?
       “Barnes, I need to talk to Sam,” y/n was quick to cut the chase.
       “Why? Did you burn down another kitchen?” Bucky quipped, pulling an eye roll from y/n.
       “No, but this is really important so can I please talk to Sam?” y/n strained, her jaw clenching.
       “Whatever you’re going to tell Sam, you can tell me. I’ll let him know,” Bucky spoke in a suspiciously innocent tone.
       “I don’t trust you with relaying information, so not a chance,” y/n, for the second time in two minutes, rolled her eyes at Bucky’s antics.
       “Alright, fine. Sam! y/n burned down another kitchen!” Bucky called out.
       “I didn’t burn down ano—” y/n started only to get cut off by Sam’s voice.
      “Chill out, I know you didn’t burn down the kitchen, but why are you calling? Can’t you just leave your room and talk to us like a normal person?” Sam chuckled.
       “Because I’m not in the tower. I’m at the 87th precinct which is about 15 minutes away from the tower and I might need like 2-4 weeks off,” y/n explained, hearing a gasp from the other side of the line.
       “You got arrested?”
       “No, but I have this family emergency and it might take a while to deal with. I’ll explain it when I get back, but for now, I’m letting you know I’m taking a break,” y/n explained before ending the call and tucking her phone away in her pocket.
a/n: this has nothing to do with this but ughhhh theres this steve oneshot im having a hard time writing
i hate you but taglist: @sarcastic-britt / @kmuir1​ / @shower-me-with-roses​ / @justab-eautifulmess​ / @thomasthetankson​ / @x-abi-sharp-x​ / @intovert-gone-wild​ / @brittanymcsharry​ / @leaving-the-past-behind​ / @xoxabs88xox​ / @valeriiaaass​ / @mylifeiscrazy0423​
Forever tags: @spatium-viatorem​ / @sxphiiwrld​ / @strangersstranger​ / @nerdy-bookworm-1998​ / @cutie1365​ /
MARVEL TAGLIST: @captainamerica-is-bae​
BUCKY TAGLIST: @missmidnightxo​
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chaosfaery · 4 years
continued from x. | @beautiful-mischief
“These little monsters? They never behave,” Lilé teased, returning the kiss tenderly. It was becoming more and more difficult to lean and stretch now that her belly was growing with child again, but Loki’s height helped.
She stroked her girls’ hair affectionately as they babbled in a mix of English, Norwegian, and French, telling Loki about the most important things in toddler world.
“There’s fresh gingerbread for all of us,” Lilé continued, turning and walking into the main living room of their apartments. “The baby’s been very active today, so the kitchens sent up dinner for you and I once these rascals are in bed. I wanted to cook, but this little one kept kicking my organs.” Ruefully, she rubbed her stomach, sighing. “They’re very excitable today.”
Cass lifted his head sleepily upon seeing Loki appear; the cat merely blinked slowly in greeting before dozing off again, content on the armchair he’d claimed as his own. (Elise and Gabrielle were mercifully distracted enough by their father to bother Cass.)
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stuckontheisland · 5 years
Bootleg Masterpost
Hi party people! I’m a new trader and have a small collection of stuffs that I want you all to know about in case you’re interested in anything or would like to trade! Feel free to msg me! <3 <3 
Anastasia | Sep 17, 2017
Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dimitry), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad), Caroline O’Connor (Countess Lily), Mray Beth Peil(Empress Maria),
Bonnie and Clyde| Sep 28, 2013
Laura Osnes (Bonnie Parker), Jeremy Jordan(Clyde Barrow), Melissa Van Der Schyff (Blanche Barrow), Claybourne Elder (Buck Barrow), Louis Hobson (Ted Hilton)
Bridges of Madison County| March 9, 2014
Kelli O’Hara (Francesca), Steven Pasquale (Robert), Whitney Bashor (Marian/Chiara), Hunter Foster (Bud), Caitlin Kinnunen(Carolyn), Derek Klena (Michael), Michael X Martin(Charlie), Cass Morgan(Marge)
Carousel | April 26, 2013 | Lincoln Centre Production
Kelli O’Hara(Julie Jordan), Nathan Gunn (Billy Bigelow) Stephanie Blythe (Nettie Fowler), John Cullum (The Starkeeper/Dr. Selden), Jessie Mueller (Carrie)
Dear Evan Hansen| Oct 19, 2018 | LA Opening Night
Tracked Audio
Ben Levi Ross(Evan Hansen),  Jessica Philips(Heidi Hansen), Maggie McKenna(Zoe Murphy), Marrick Smith(Connor Murphy), Christiane Noll(Cynthia Murphy), Aaron Lazar(Larry Murphy), Jared Goldsmith(Jared Kleinman), Phoebe Koyabe(Alana Beck)
Dear Evan Hansen| Unknown
Ben Platt (Evan Hansen), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi Hansen), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck)
Falsettos| Lincoln Centre/PBSProfessionally Recorded
Stephanie J. Block (Trina), Christian Borle (Marvin), Andrew Rannells(Whizzer), Anthony Rosenthal (Jason), Tracie Thoms(Dr. Charlotte), Brandon Uranowitz (Mendel), Betsy Wolfe (Cordelia)
Gypsy| Unknown 2008 | Broadway Revival
Laura Benanti (Louise), Patti LuPone(Rose), Leigh Ann Larkin(Rose), Boyd Gaines (Herbie), Tony Yazbek(Tulsa), Alison Fraser (Tessie Tura), Leonora Nemetz (Mazeppa), Marilyn Caskey (Electra)
Hamilton| Unknown
Lin-Manuel Miranda, Phillipa Soo, Leslie Odom Jr, Renee Elise Goldsberry, Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs, Okieriete Onaodowan, Anthony Ramos, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Jonathan Groff, Sydney James Harcourt, Daniel J Watts, Neil Haskell, Ephraim Sykes.
Into the Woods| Unknown 2002 | Broadway revival
Vanessa Williams, Stephen DeRosa, Kerry O’Malley, John McMartin, Gregg Edelman, Laura Benanti, Molly Ephriam, Adam Wylie, Marylouise Burke
Leap of Faith| April 4, 2012 | Broadway
Raul Esparza, Jessica Phillips, Kendra Kassebaum, Kecia Lewis-Evans, Leslie Odom Jr., Krystal Joy Brown, Talon Ackerman
Legally Blonde| Unknown |Professionally Recorded MTV
Laura Bell Bundy(Elle Woods), Christian Borle(Emmett Forrest), Orfeh(Paulette), Richard H Blake(Warner Huntington III), Kate Shindle(Vivienne Kensington), Nikki Snelson(Brooke Wyndham), Michael Rupert(Professor Callahan), Annaleigh Ashford(Margot), Asmeret Ghebremichael(Pilar), Tracy Jai Edwards(Serena)
Next to Normal| March 18, 2010 Cast: Jessica Phillips (Diana s/b), J. Robert Spencer (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jenn Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine)
Next to Normal| June 6, 2009 | First post-Tony performance
Tracked Audio Cast: Jessica Phillips (Diana s/b), J. Robert Spencer (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jenn Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine)
Next to Normal| Nov 29, 2009
Tracked Audio Cast: Jessica Phillips (Diana s/b), J. Robert Spencer (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jenn Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine)
Next to Normal| March 18, 2010
Tracked Audio Cast: Jessica Phillips (Diana s/b), J. Robert Spencer (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jenn Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine)
Next to Normal| March 20, 2010
Tracked Audio
Cast: Jessica Phillips (Diana s/b), J. Robert Spencer (Dan), Kyle Dean Massey (Gabe), Jenn Damiano (Natalie), Adam Chanler-Berat (Henry), Louis Hobson (Dr. Madden/Dr. Fine)
Priscilla Queen of the Desert| March 6, 2011
Will Swenson (Tick/Mitzi), Tony Sheldon (Bernadette), Nick Adams (Adam/Felicia), C. David Johnson (Bob), Jacqueline B. Arnold (Diva #3), Anastacia McCleskey (Diva #2), Ashley Spencer (Diva #1), Jessica Phillips (Marion), J. Elaine Marcos (Cynthia)
Songs for a New World ​| June 2018 | NYCC Shoshana Bean, Colin Donnell, Mykal Kilgore, Solea Pfeiffer
Spring Awakening| August 15, 2008 | First performance, San Diego
Kyle Riabko (Melchior), Christy Altomare (Wendla), Blake Bashoff (Moritz), Steffi D (Ilse), Sarah Hunt (Martha), Kimiko Glenn (Thea), Gabrielle Garza (Anna), Anthony Lee Medina (Otto), Matt Shingledecker (Georg), Andy Mientus (Hanschen), Ben Moss (Ernst), Angela Reed (Adult Women), Henry Stram (Adult Men)
Waitress | March 30, 2016
Jessie Mueller (Jenna), Keala Settle (Becky), Kimiko Glenn (Dawn), Drew Gehling (Dr. Pomatter), Nick Cordero (Earl), Dakin Matthews (Joe), Eric Anderson (Cal), Christopher Fitzgerald (Ogie)
Wicked| August 17, 2005
Shoshana Bean(Elphaba), Meghan Hilty(Glinda)
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leighmuold · 6 years
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CASSIOPEIA COHEN-CHANG (arden cho, played by betty)
Soul sisters, spirit twins, other halves, even though these two aren’t related by blood, they’re each other’s lifeline in every sense of the word. There is no one on the earth that Elise loves more than Cass.
LEON COHEN-CHANG (charles melton, played by roni)
She calls Leon a dumb boy but she loves him. Probably.
FRANNIE FABRAY (blake lively, played by roni)
Frannie is Elise’s favorite kind of person: gorgeous, successful, smart, and no strings attached. IT only makes sense that the two are bed buddies.
ISADORA LYNN (ana de armas, played by jeanne)
Izzy and Elise had a good relationship until Elise cheated on her with Hannah Crawford, which caused their breakup.
JOCELYN MA (tyuzu chou, played by jeanne)
She calls Leon a dumb boy but she loves him. Probably. Elise has no love lost for Jocelyn, who is her cousin on her mother’s side. When Elise’s mother was committed into a psych hospita, the social worker turned to Jocelyn’s parents, Elise’s only surviving family. When they decided that they didn’t want her, Elise was adopted by the Cohen-Changs. She holds a lot of resentment for the Ma family since.
MIRIAM PUCKERMAN (zendaya coleman, played by jeanne)
If there’s someone who Elise can open a bottle with, fall asleep by 10pm and complain about the youths of society, it’s with Miram. The two are best friends and self-proclaimed grandmas.
NICO SOLANO (tyler posey, played by kt)
Elise’s fave boy and the only one she’ll ever love. They make awesome guac together and she comes up with epic nicknames for him.
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topbeautifulwomens · 5 years
#Sarah #Nean #Bruce #Biography #Photos #Wallpapers #celebrity #fashionable #instalike #lip #lol #makeup #makeuponpoint #makeupparty #pled #sunshine
Filmmaker Sarah Nean Bruce runs Bel Age Pix in Hollywood, California.
Born near the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius, Sarah Nean fuses together the artistic and realistic aspects of Show~Business with finesse and experience from years of operateing in both spheres of influence.
Twenty year veteran in the entertainment biz, Ms. Bruce’s recent projects: Additional Unit Producer of “The Delphi Effect” {aka Kiss Me Deadly (2008) (TV) } for Stephen P. Jarchow Regent Entertainment [us]; Co-Executive Producer of film festival award-winning noir sci-fi feature Yesterday Was a Lie (2008) for Helicon Arts Cooperative; Co-Executive Producer of the Hallmark film Where There’s a Will (2006) (TV) (Love, Clyde) directed by John Putch, written by Rex McGee, starring Marion Ross, Frank Whaley, and Christine Elise for Larry Levinson Productions; Co-Executive Producer of the Hallmark Romantic Comedy Family Plan (2005) (TV) directed by Dave S. Cass Sr., written by Richard Gitelson, starring Tori Spelling, Greg Germann, {Little Miss Sunshine (2006) herself} Abigail Breslin and Jordan Bridges for Larry Levinson Productions released domestically and worldwide; Director of the financially successful thriller / horror feature film “Bram Stoker’s Way of The Vampire” released domestically through Blockbuster Entertainment and worldwide; Director / Producer of the dramatic ensemble piece The Marriage Undone (2002); Producer of the hybridized Live-Action / CGI television pilot presentation “Labrats” for pal Bob Saget and Executive Producer Troy Miller; Co-Writer of the horror-thriller feature script “Witches of Beverly Hills” for Stephen P. Jarchow Regent Entertainment; Producer of the feature film “Flash!” for Director Annabel Schofield and Starline Films West Releasing; Co-Producer of the Spanish-language taboo drama “Regreso A Casa”; Producer of “The Process of Creative Deception” for Velocity Pictures; and a Co-Producer for renowned docu-filmmaker Dr. Michael Tobias on the edgy and on-likely documentary feature “Stone’s Edge” about and authorized by Oliver Stone.
Ms. Bruce’s past experience involves work: as Executive VP of Development / Creative Affairs at White Rose Entertainment owned by producer John D. Schofield. She helped as Film Commissioner / Assistant Director in North Texas for the DFW Regional Film Commission where she invited and attracted many projects to shoot on-location and then acted as their liaison and production advisor, including: “The X Files” (1993) TVS Episode #four.7 Musings of A Cigarette Smoking Man; Dr T and the Women (2000); Any Given Sunday (1999); Boys Don’t Cry (1999); Universal Soldier: The Return (1999); The X Files (1998): “Fight The Future” feature; and Armageddon (1998/I).
She way too served as Supervising and Consulting Producer for the 1997, 1998, and 1999 “Lone Star Film and Television Awards.”
As a consultant for New Regency Films, she worked on Pretty Woman (1990); The Power of One (1992); That Night (1992); and Under Siege (1992).
Under her production shingle: she served as the producer/writer/showrunner for the syndicated TV series “Classic Cars and Racing Stars” and created/wrote a Documentary on the Inaugural Palm Springs International Film Festival for then Mayor Sonny Bono.
At the company Spherical Sound (prototype 5.1 Entertainment Group): she worked on surround sound projects with Grammy-Award Winner Producer Ken Caillat, Mick Fleetwood’s ZOO, Pop-Star Michael Jackson & Producer Quincy Jones, Michael Mann Miami Vice television series, Director Brett Leonard, Grammy-Award Winning Producer Bob Ezrin and personally received an RIAA® Multi-Platinum Record Award for her work with Pink Floyd.
Film Fests & Awards: Sarah’s works incorporate been official selections of: Beverly Hills Hi-Def Film Festival, Fargo Fantastic Film Festival (Winner), LA Femme Film Festival (Winner), Secret City Film Festival (Winner), ShockerFest Intl. Film Festival (Winner), Berks Movie Madness Film Festival (Winner), Visionfest (Winner), Route 66 Film Festival (Winner), Central Florida Film Festival, Heart of England Intl. Film Festival (Winner), Park City Film Music Festival (Winner), Wrath of Con Film Festival (Winner), Brilliant Light International Film Festival (Winner), Backlot Film Festival (Winner), Telly Award (2nd Place Winner), OmegaCon Film Festival (Winner), Indie Spirit Film Festival, Philadelphia Independent Film Festival, Panavision New Filmmaker Grant (Winner), Los Angeles International Short Film Festival; HDFest; Dallas Video Festival; Deep Ellum Film Festival; New York International & Independent Film / Video Festival (Winner); Fort Worth Film Festival and the Slamdance Film Festival.
Name Sarah Nean Bruce Height Naionality Amarican Day of Birth Place of Birth Seattle, Washington, USA Famous for
The post Sarah Nean Bruce Biography Photos Wallpapers appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/sarah-nean-bruce-biography-photos-wallpapers/
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leighmuold · 6 years
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Elise and Cass are two peas in a pod. While they are not sisters by blood, they’re sisters in heart and soul. Elise would do absolutely anything for Cass, and she idolizes her big sister beyond anyone else.
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