#about;nova torres
smallvict0riesx · 1 month
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✧.* { LANA PARRILLA & SHE/HER & CISFEMALE & 42 } Is that ( NOVA TORRES )? I’ve seen them hanging around town here and there, I’ve heard they can be pretty STUBBORN. How typical for a WITCH. I guess they must rely on their INTELLIGANT side shining through.
full name: Nova Lee Torres
nicknames: Novi, Lee-Lee, Miss Nove.
age: 42
dob: July 15
current location: Mystic Falls, VA.
occupation: Retired Doctor | Restaurant & Coffee Shop Owner.
gender: Female
sexuality: Bisexual
relationship status: Single
theme song:
face claim: Lana Parrilla
hair color: Black
eye color: Dark Brown
height:  5′5
weight: 130lbs
build: Slender
tattoos: Feather Tattoo; Right Wrist
piercings: Ears
Mother: Bianca Lee Torres
Father: Ezequiel Felix Torres
Siblings: One Brother & One Sister; both believed to be deceased
Children: One Daughter; Gabriella Torres.
Significant Relationship(s): Her ex Husband Alejandro González
Nova belonged to one of the great witch covens, the eldest and most powerful child of the High Priestess. Taught from a young age how to control, use, and create with her light magic.
Her marriage ; HAD to be arranged, because the coven's powers weren't strong enough with a lot of them dying out/being killed, and they needed to combine them to make them stronger so they took the two more powerful children of the elders of each coven and arranged for them to be married at like 17 years old.
So at the age of 17, Nova was married off to the eldest son of the coven opposite her own. Alejandro González.
Though she didn't really love him at first, she grew to love him as time went on, Nova had their daughter; Gabriella, at the age of only 21 years old.
Alejandro dabbled too much in and out of t he darker magic he possessed, and was teaching it to their daughter once he started again, as he had quit for a while to protect his wife and daughter from harm, but when he started again he was teaching Gabby. Though he went too far with it at one point and nearly injured his wife and daughter to a point that Nova decided to pack up Gabby and herself, when Gabby was just 10 years old. Moving them from El Paso, Texas, to Mystic Falls, Virginia. Taking back her maiden name and flying as far under the radar as possible to keep him from finding them.
Nova couldn't risk him hurting either of them again. He was getting out of control with his dark magic and she couldn't handle anything happening to their daughter.
The divorce papers were delivered to him, signed and sent away to finalize their divorce, and to this day, as her daughter is now 21, herself; they have not heard from him. Thankfully, Nova wishes to keep it that way as well.
She would do anything to protect her daughter and keep her safe.
Meanwhile, since leaving him; Nova has went and become a respected and well looked up to, Doctor. Has since retired from her career as a doctor and bought a Restaurant -- naming it Sweet Treats. Because there is always a dessert for someone to love and they say her place is the best in town to get dessert from. Her restaurant is half just a restaurant, and half a cafe type hangout with coffee and treats and more of the sweets she provides the town to enjoy.
Nova is sometimes overbearing, controlling and likes to know exactly what is going on as she likes to be very involved in all projects and is very protective of her staff and their rights as well.
Nova doesn't like things to be out of her control if she can help it, because she feels like it was her fault that she couldn't stop her ex-husband from dabbling in the dark arts, and that she feels is her fault that he hurt her and their daughter so many years ago.
Nova is loving, passionate, caring and stubborn. But always wants the very best for those she loves and or cares about deeply.
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gypsybelladonna · 7 months
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tag drop for nova torres
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lottiecents · 1 month
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Brazilian!Rhaenicent - Headcanons
- Alicent Hightower and Rhaenyra Targaryen would actually be named: Alice Torres and Rafaella Trindade.
- Them both would be from different states! in my head if we fit westeros in certain brazilian states i think oldtown/the reach would be Minas Gerais and Kings Landing/Dragonstone would be São Paulo and Rio. So Alicent would be from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais and Rhaenyra would be from Rio!
- Alicent would study in a federal university (which are Brazil’s ivy leagues), and i can see her studying letras (english/lit) or journalism. As for Rhaenyra she would go to a private university to study economics and business, but i also can see Rhaenyra trying her best to get into Brazils aerospace engineering (ITA).
- Alicent loves to read and her favorite authors are Guimarães Rosa, Clarice Lispector and Hilda Hilst (she also loves with the bottom of her heart Machado de Assis and Lygia Fagundes Telles), and also loves books about Brazil’s (and the worlds) history and books that has that journalistic vein. Rhaenyra wouldn’t be that much into books, she would like one or another, but Alicent would make her a reader because of her recommendations (poetry is one of the genres that grows a lot inside Rhaenyra especially Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Hilda Hilst).
- they curse. a lot. it’s always a “puta que pariu”, “caralho” and “vai tomar no cu”.
- Alicent loves to use her film camera, especially when they do road trips. Rhaenyra is always buying her lots of films and a new camera to support her hobbies (she also books little trips and vacations and outdoors dates just to see alicent taking pictures).
- Both of them would LOVE mpb and bossa nova, it would be their go to songs for everything. Alicent would be a big fan of Milton Nascimento, Gal Costa, Djavan, Marisa Monte and Ana Carolina, and Rhaenyra would be a big fan of Secos e Molhados, Rita Lee, Jorge Ben and Belchior.
- Still talking about music, their biggest guilty pleasure would be funk, Rhaenyra would love the explicit lyrics and the beat but she wouldn’t know how to dance… even though alicent doesn’t like it very much she knows how to dance and knows her way when the song starts to play
- beach dates! beach dates! beach dates! (and also camping and going to visit the natural beauties that exist like waterfalls, caves and many others)
- As two good brazilians they would love football and they would be serious about it, especially in the world cup! (they saw Brazils and Germanys game in 2014 and still haunts them). Alicent would support Cruzeiro Esporte Clube from Minas Gerais, and Rhaenyra would support Vasco da Gama from Rio de Janeiro.
- Rhaenyra would be very into football. like super into it. in an annoying level. she would even play back in high school and at college, later she would play for fun or at the beach.
- Alicent wouldn’t do sports until she was in high school, she did ballet but in her first year of hs she rebelled and tried out to the volleyball team (she is actually very good and very competitive).
- Alicent is a big fan of soap operas, and rhaenyra teases her because of it (she watches with her and is even more interested than alicent sometimes).
- them both would love the bohemian, bossa nova pubs and enjoy a good caipirinha, cold beer and delicious food (and also xeque mate!).
- they would smoke normal cigarettes but also wouldn’t pass the opportunity to smoke a paiol/palheiro (a cigarette made out of straw with tobacco).
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kilfeur · 8 months
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Voilà enfin fini mon nouveau comic Rayllum avec cette fois ci, un cauchemar de Rayla mais Callum est là pour veiller sur elle. A la base il y avait deux scènes que j'ai pas mit au final, la première est pendant la crise de panique de Rayla, Callum fait toujours le truc avec le pouls mais descend sa main vers sa coeur. Pour qu'elle puisse sentir ses battements puis l'allonger en lui demandant de se concentrer sur lui et sur sa voix. Au final j'ai opté pour autre chose qui on va dire plus réaliste même si je pourrais toujours placer ça ailleurs. La deuxième scène c'est qu'après la discussion du duo, Callum était censé jeter un coup d'oeil à l'arc de Rayla. Pensant aux dernières paroles de Claudia jusqu'à ce qu'il sente la main de Rayla et lui dise qu'il aime quand elle le touche s'en suit Rayla qui l'entoure dans ses bras pour se réchauffer. Je trouvais déjà que ça traînait en longueur et même si j'ai pu mettre le câlin, j'espère que je pourrais mettre la scène de l'arc sur un autre dessin ou bien un one shot par exemple.
At last I've finished my new Rayllum comic, this time featuring Rayla's nightmare, but Callum is there to watch over her. The first is during Rayla's panic attack. Callum still does the pulse thing, but lowers his hand to his heart. So she can feel his heartbeat, then lay her down and ask her to concentrate on him and his voice. In the end, I opted for something more realistic, even if I could always place it elsewhere. The second scene is that, after the duo's discussion, Callum was supposed to take a look at Rayla's bow. Thinking about Claudia's last words until he felt Rayla's hand and told her he liked it when she touched him, followed by Rayla wrapping her arms around him for warmth. I already felt it was dragging on and even though I was able to put in the hug, I hope I could put the bow scene in another drawing or a one-shot for example.
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Rayla : Where I am ?
Claudia : You're selfish, tell me why I don't have the right! All I want is to keep my father alive?! Everything I've done is for my family! To keep him with me! So why am I being robbed of what is rightfully mine?! So tell me you elf… Why should you be allowed to have yours back?
Rayla : Your father wanted to invade Xadia. He allowed a kingdom to be corrupted for his downfall. And you helped him, turning your back on your brother
Claudia : You know nothing! He did it for the good of mankind! Don't try to blame me for anything! When you've abandoned and hurt your loved ones. You came back like a flower, thinking you'd be welcomed. Nothing was going your way. You're no saint! So don't accuse me and see your own mistakes
Page 3
Viren : Tell me, elf, was my hunt really worth it?
Rayla : Ca... Callum. No... I beg you... Don't look at me. Outside, we'll be attacked! I've got to go! Otherwise we'll never reach the tower! Getting Nova's blade is the priority, we can't take a detour! I must protect you!
Page 4 and 5
Callum : Rayla, it's okay, you're not alone. You're here with me and Stella, remember. Can you feel my pulse and my touch? Rayla, relax. There you go, breathe just like me. Good again. We've eliminated the creatures that attacked us. And we've surveyed the area, haven't we?
Rayla : Yes, I remember.
Callum : That's good, Rayla, keep going.
Rayla : And the air dome you created at Umber Torr. You remade it for this cave.
Callum : See? Then breathe again. We're safe, you have nothing to fear. Do you want to talk about it ?
Claudia : You're selfish.
Rayla : Before that, I'd like to know… Why are you so intent on saving my family?
Callum : Eh… Well, why not? Recovering Nova's blade and saving them is like killing two birds with one stone!
Rayla : But...
Page 6
Callum : Rayla, in those two years, we created our own path. We've moved forward and sometimes lost our way, but we keep going. Because we want to achieve our goals. And we've done things for ourselves. Because we thought it was the right thing to do. But also for others, so that they can live in a better day. And finally, so that we can grieve properly. But you have the choice of reuniting with them. You shouldn't waste it when the opportunity is there. You could have continued your hunt. And yet you've come back to us.
Rayla : There are so many things I could have done better. So many things I haven't told you about my two years without you all. Even with Stella, I felt so alone. I was so cold and had nothing. I wish I could have stayed with all of you for those two years. I regret it but I'm here now and I want to stay by your side.
Callum : Rayla, you've always had a place with us. Even when you're reunited with them, that won't change. I promise!
Rayla : You always find the words to soothe me. They are magic! They make me feel able to face anything. You bewitched me and I've always been under your spell. So I can only love you more.
Rayla : I had a nightmare I thought I was going to die.
Callum : Really? And now you're thinking about it?
Rayla : Not so much now that you're here. Of course you do, Stella
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edelstahlviratiberica · 3 months
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What is hms1 and hms2 scrap metal? What is the Scope of Scrap Metal Recycling in #Portugal and #Europe?
Scrap metal recycling is the process of collecting, sorting, processing, and selling scrap metal for reuse in various industries. #HMS1 and #HMS2 are types of heavy melting steel scrap that are widely traded and used for steel production.
HMS1 does not contain galvanized and blackened steel, whereas HMS2 does. They are usually sold as a blend of 80% HMS1 and 20% HMS2, or lower grade mixes.
The latest information about scrap metal recycling HMS1, HMS2 scope in Portugal and Europe are:
The scrap metal recycling market in Europe is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period of 2020-2026, due to the increasing demand for steel products, the environmental benefits of recycling, and the government policies and regulations.
Portugal is one of the major scrap metal exporters in Europe: Mainly to Spain, Turkey, and India. In 2020, Portugal exported 1.2 million tonnes of scrap metal, worth 372 million euros3. One of the leading scrap metal recycling companies in Portugal is RVO, Lda (unidade 2), which is located in Olaia, Torres Novas.
The scrap metal recycling industry in Europe faces some challenges: Such as the fluctuation of the international scrap metal prices, the competition from other regions, the quality and quantity of the scrap metal supply, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The scrap metal recycling industry in Europe needs to adopt more advanced technologies, improve the efficiency and safety of the recycling processes, and diversify the sources and markets of the scrap metal.
EDELSTAHL VIRAT IBERICA is an emerging importer - exporter, supplier of tool steel, mold steel from various countries. We are also involved in trading ferrous, alloy steel, etc., with a network of partners across the world, we are able to quickly respond to customer needs.
We are also looking for all manufacturers and wholesale suppliers of scrap metal such as #HMS1, #HMS2, ferrous scrap, electronic motor scrap and shredded scrap in #Portugal..
Learn more: https://www.moldsteel.eu/
Chat WhatsApp: +351-920016150 E-mail: [email protected]
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haejeans · 1 year
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ㅤ—ㅤㅤ"You deserve the best, the very best, because you are one of the few people in this lousy world who are honest to themselves, and that is the only thing that really counts."
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a primeira moradora do apartamento F1 da torre TWILIGHT foi YOUN YUHJUNG, que tinha VINTE E DOIS anos lá em 1984, quando se mudou para o haneul complex. vi uma foto dela e juro que se parece muito com YOO JIMIN. um vizinho disse que trabalhava como GARÇONETE e que morava COM O IRMÃO MAIS VELHO.
– aesthetics : impecável coleção de esmaltes com glitter, livros de cálculo com rabiscos nos cantinhos das páginas, brechós e bolsinhas com material de costura, balas azedinhas e passeios espontâneos, uma busca contínua por liberdade de expressão e revistas de moda.
– about and personality : sincerona e cheia de opiniões, yuh é o tipo de pessoa que sabe tudo sobre tudo e detesta estar errada. (detesta, mas não surta, ok?) ela também tem um senso de humor zerado e não gosta muito de piadas, mas se considera uma divertida sazonal. algumas vezes, se desliga do mundo para pensar sobre seus looks, mas sempre que isso acontece, seus amigos já sabem que é só soltar um ‘vamo ali’ que ela desperta, afinal de contas, yuh é rolezeira. uns podem dizer que ela é só uma mimadinha superficial, mas estão longe da verdade. ela até é superficial, mas não ganha nada de ninguém e trabalha muito para poder gastar dinheiro e ficar ainda mais linda sem ter que pedir nada ou dar satisfação aos outros. (e se ela é mimada pelo seu irmão mais velho, é só um detalhe).
yuhjung é boa com números - de um jeito bem extraordinário, até - mas ela só usa seus neurônios matemáticos para calcular o total das mesas da cafeteria que trabalha e quantos metros precisa para fazer um vestido de princesa. chegou até a dispensar faculdade para seguir seu sonho de ser uma grande estilista e é no que se dedica sempre que tem um tempo livre.
sua fama de encrenqueira é baseada em migalhas de mil anos atrás, de quando tinha uns dez anos e empurrou o vizinho do balanço. ela jura que foi legítima defesa já que o meliante tinha pisado no pé de sua (primeira e única!) melhor amiga (elas haviam acabado de se conhecer e não se separaram desde então) e merecia aprender uma lição. ainda assim... pasmem! ninguém tá nem aí para a verdade, só querem falar mal da metade mais nova do duo youn e por causa disso ela pode ser bastante tímida ao redor de desconhecidos. inclusive, tem poucos amigos. mas eles são bons amigos!; e até conseguiu arranjar um namoradinho (escondido do seu irmão) por quem é absolutamente apaixonada.
antes de dormir ela toma leite quente, desenha, e como se recusa a arrumar a bagunça que seu irmão faz, junta tudo que ficou espalhado pela casa e joga em cima da cama dele. aí vai se deitar com a consciência tranquila, pois acredita veementemente na igualdade das obrigações. ela dispensa honoríficos quando bebe e só bebe quando está com o irmão. ele é, obviamente, a pessoa que mais ama no mundo – depois dela mesma, e da máquina de costura da sua mãe. e das plantas de casa. e do seu ursinho pooh surrado. (não, sério. seu irmão é show).
– cnns? : melhor amiga, irmão mais velho, namoradinho, patrão, vizinho/arquinimigo.
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nvastars · 1 year
What is this site … this is like Twitter but scarier for some reason … why is that …
but hiii tumblr. first post woo hoo !! Or well first post I’ve written myself , this more of an account where like. I’ll just spew random thoughts about my ocs and stuff ( is severely autistic about them ) maybe art but not rlly ??
*ೃ༄ about me
╰┈➤ Nova / Helen !
╰┈➤ literally alt!Cesar Torres and Helen Distortion irl
╰┈➤ Bilingual ! Spanish ( 🇬🇹 ) and English ( 1st lang. )
╰┈➤ cis fem she / they :3
╰┈➤ probably autistic idk
╰┈➤ I’m rlly into TMA, TMC, Project Sekai, Spiderverse and my ocs currently !!! If you share my interests pls pls pls be my friend I need more of those 🙏🏽🙏🏽 ( I also really like history and cowboys )
╰┈➤ I like to write !! And draw !! I’ll post some writing stuff occasionally methinks
╰┈➤ nerd
╰┈➤ again pls interact if you share my interests
╰┈➤ lonely and flesh aligned !! Definitely not a secret slaughter and spiral avatar !!
╰┈➤ a lot more active on discord !! my user is the same as my handle on here ! :3
ೃ༄ about me
uhhrmm basic dni criteria ?? dni with me if you dislike my interests I guess lol ?
Uhhjmg is that all ?? is that all I need to do to introduce myself here ?? why is this so scary what tje freak …. don’t expect too much ill probably use this app when jm brain rotting too much over stuff … okay goodbye tumblr I’ll see you on the next blue moon or whatever
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10 Interesting Brazilian Fiction Books
"Dom Casmurro" by Machado de Assis
Bento Santiago, the wildly unreliable narrator of Dom Casmurro, believes that he has been cuckolded – he suspects that his wife has cheated on him with his best friend and that her child is not his. Has Capitú, his love since childhood, really been unfaithful to him? Or is the evidence of her betrayal merely the product of a paranoid mind? First published in 1900, Dom Casmurro, widely considered Machado de Assis’s greatest novel and a classic of Brazilian literature, is a brilliant retelling of the classic adultery tale – a sad and darkly comic novel about love and the corrosive power of jealousy.
(Book Riot, Giovanna Centeno)
2. "Complete Stories" by Clarice Lispector.
The recent publication by New Directions of five Lispector novels revealed to legions of new readers her darkness and dazzle. Now available for the first time in English are all the stories that made her a Brazilian legend: from teenagers coming into awareness of their sexual and artistic powers to humdrum housewives whose lives are shattered by unexpected epiphanies to old people who don’t know what to do with themselves. Lispector’s stories take us through their lives – and ours. From one of the greatest modern writers, these stories, gathered from the nine collections published during her lifetime, follow an unbroken timeline of success as a writer, from her adolescence to her death bed.
(Book Riot, Giovanna Centeno)
3. "The House in Smyrna" by Tatiana Salem Levy.
In Rio de Janeiro, a woman suffering from a mysterious illness which is eroding her body and mind, decides to accept a challenge from her grandfather: to take the key to the house where he grew up – in the Turkish city of Smyrna – and open the door. As she embarks on this pilgrimage, she begins to write of her progress. The writing soon becomes an exploration of her family’s legacy of displacement in Europe, told in several narrative strands. Sifting through family stories – her grandfather’s migration from Turkey to Brazil, her parents’ exile in Portugal under the Brazilian military dictatorship, her mother’s death, and her own love affair with a violent man – she traces her family’s history in a journey to make sense of the past and to understand her place in it. With an epic sweep of time and place – traversing Brazil, Turkey, and Portugal – this is a profoundly moving portrait of a young woman finding her way back into life. Spare, heartfelt, and evocative, The House in Smyrna is an unforgettable story from one of the most accomplished and original new voices in Brazil.
(Book Riot, Giovanna Centeno)
4. "Ways to Disappear" by Idea Novey.
Deep in gambling debt, the celebrated Brazilian writer Beatriz Yagoda is last seen holding a suitcase and a cigar and climbing into an almond tree. She abruptly vanishes. In snowy Pittsburgh, her American translator Emma hears the news and, against the wishes of her boyfriend and Beatriz’s two grown children, flies immediately to Brazil. There, in the sticky, sugary heat of Rio, Emma and her author’s children conspire to solve the mystery of Yagoda’s curious disappearance and staunch the colorful demands of her various outstanding affairs: the rapacious loan shark with a zeal for severing body parts, and the washed-up and disillusioned editor who launched Yagoda’s career years earlier.
(Book Riot, Giovanna Centeno)
5. "The End" by Fernanda Torres.
With uncanny insight into the less virtuous corners of the male psyche, Fernanda Torres brings us five friends who once milked the high life of Rio’s Bossa Nova age and are now left with memories – parties, marriages, divorces, fixations, inhibitions, bad decisions – and the grim realities of getting old. Álvaro lives alone and bemoans the evils of his ex-wife. Sílvio can’t give up the excesses of sex and drugs. Ribeiro is a vain, Viagra-abusing beach bum. Neto is the square, a faithful husband until the end. Ciro is the Don Juan envied by all – but the first to die. Cutting in on these swan songs are the testimonies of those the men seduced, cheated, loved, and abandoned: their wives and children. Edgy, funny, and wise, The End is a candid tropical tragicomedy and an epitaph for a lost generation of machos.
(Book Riot, Giovanna Centeno)
6. "Two Brothers" by Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá.
Twin brothers Omar and Yaqub may share the same features, but they could not be more different from one another. And the possessive love of their mother, Zana, stirs the troubled waters between them even more. After a brutally violent exchange between the young boys, Yaqub, “the good son,” is sent from his home in Brazil to live with relatives in Lebanon, only to return five years later as a virtual stranger to the parents who bore him, his tensions with Omar unchanged. Family secrets engage the reader in this profoundly resonant story about identity, love, loss, deception, and the dissolution of blood ties. Set in the port city of Manaus on the riverbanks of the Amazon, Two Brothers celebrates the vibrant life and diversity of Brazil. Based on a work by acclaimed novelist Milton Hatoum, Two Brothers is stunningly reimagined by the award-winning graphic novelists Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá.
(Book Riot, Giovanna Centeno)
7. "Symphony in White" by Adriana Lisboa
Clarice and Maria Inês are growing up in an oppressively silent country house in rural Brazil. They break out, each in their own way, from the world of their parents, surviving the recklessness and pain that blossoms from the trauma of their youth. Now, decades later, Maria Inês is coming back to the farm, her daughter alongside her, to see Clarice. The two, in coming together, will have to face all of their demons, old loves, and bittersweet nostalgia. It’s a story of survival: two women experience a future that is nothing like what they expected, but they made it there nevertheless.
(Book Riot, Leah Rachel)
8. "The Alienist" by Machado de Assis.
In this 1881 book — which is part of Melville House’s Art of the Novella series, with its brilliant minimalist covers — physician Simão Bacamarte decides to give up his career to go home and dedicate himself to the still very, very new field of psychology, opening the first asylum in Brazil. But then, bored, hoping to fill his new hospital, Bacamarte starts to identify signs of madness in the people of the town. And in the 98 satiric pages, the reader is forced to ask themselves who should have control, and who is actually “insane.”
(Book Riot, Leah Rachel)
9. "The Body Snatcher" by Patricia Melo.
It all begins when the narrator is fishing and witnesses a plane crash on the banks of the Paraguay River. The pilot is dead, but has a kilo of cocaine in his backpack — and the narrator decides to pocket it to make some quick money. But given that his girlfriend is a detective and that his new partner is not very discreet, it’s not long at all before the narrator is in way, way over his head, owing thousands to a Bolivian drug gang and being blackmailed by his cousin’s wife. This book is not for a reader who will be turned off by an unlikable narrator: the protagonist’s string of awful decisions quickly mire him into a swamp of steadily multiplying lies and wounds. But it’s an intriguing crime novel that will have you shaking your head. 
(Book Riot, Leah Rachel)
10. "Captains of Sand" by Jorge Amado
They call themselves “Captains of the Sands,” a gang of orphans and runaways who live by their wits and daring in the torrid slums and sleazy back alleys of Bahia. Led by 15-year-old “Bullet,” the band – including a crafty liar named “Legless,” the intellectual “Professor,” and the sexually precocious “Cat” – pulls off heists and escapades against the right and privileged of Brazil. But when a public outcry demands the capture of the “little criminals,” the fate of these children becomes a poignant, intensely moving drama of love and freedom in a shackled land.
Captains of the Sands captures the rich culture, vivid emotions, and wild landscape of Bahia with penetrating authenticity and brilliantly displays the genius of Brazil’s most acclaimed author.
(Book Riot, Giovanna Centeno)
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rachelchinouriris · 3 months
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logan ★ 25 ★ queer ★ nonbinary ★ he/they ★ brown latine
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music: louis tomlinson. zayn malik. rachel chinouriri. darumas. the last dinner party. samia. olivia rodrigo. the aces. soyoon. towa bird. pacifica. manumi. leigh anne pinnock. chappell roan. the academic. selena quintanilla. lauren jauregui. snarls. pale waves. rina sawayama. muna. raveena. natalia lafourcade. infinity song. the snuts. ryan ross. arctic monkeys. black belt eagle scout. nova twins. gracie abrams. harry styles. hozier. muna. blur. the smiths.
media: 23.5 degrees. gap the series. bad buddy. the eclipse. the loyal pin. the last case. doctor who. yellowjackets. star trek. it 2017/2019. skamverse. first kill. julie and the phantoms. do revenge. drive away dolls. house of the dragon. the walking dead game.
characters: kieu my vu. aylin keuaahree. clementine (twdg). aster flores. ellie chu. sana bakkoush. anaïs davis. kali prasad. nancy wheeler. donna noble. martha jones. francesca bridgerton. michaela stirling. pat jindapat. richie tozier. ray pakorn. simon haynes. calliope burns. elena alvarez. deena johnson. drea torres. lottie matthews. tony stark.
ships: kieutou. ayluna. anobbie. spirk. violetine. yousana. ronance. kalancy. ongsasun. calliette. ellister. reddie. stozier. samdeena. dreleanor. lottienat. mistynat. sydlena. patpran. rhaenicent. zimon.
people: view benyapa. freen sarocha. ayo edebiri. laura harrier. rachel zegler. milk pansa. esther oruche. jude bellingham. pattie boyd. may pang.
pairs: zouis. viewjune. milklove. freenbecky. namtanfilm. firstkhao. jimmysea.
misc: women. astronomy. education. astrology. purple. platypuses. beluga whales. cats. purple. football (soccer). plushies. indie/pop/punk/alternative rock. queer history. vampires. thai gls. wlw media.
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@tomlinsonsource (owner)
@purpledit (member)
@musicgifs (member)
@kieumy (pale/b&w blog)
@faithinthefuturedeluxe (post limit blog)
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kieumy. waoyf. faithinthefuturedeluxe. judevictorbellingham. naomismcpherson. usertomlinson. lt3. louwilliam. malikson. itslouistomlinson. zainmalik.
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equestrianempire · 4 months
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A List of All Key Events This Year, with Links to More Details About Them.
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The principal draw this week is the French Masters – Indoor Brabant Horse Show CSI 5*, which is held in Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, on March 06, 2024. The Wellington International hosts CSI 5* & CSI 2* classes it, and the temperature is on across the Atlantic Ocean. The beautiful World Equestrian Center, which features CSI 4* and CSI 2* contests, is only a short ride away. The Andaluca Sunshine Tour CSI 4*’s second year, which returns to Europe, offers fierce competition.
There are many more happening all over the world, so please refer to the list of activities below with hyperlinks to more details. Enjoy and never skip a beat!
1 ) The CSI 5 The Dutch Masters – Indoor Brabant Horse Show https://www.thedutchmasters.com/en/
2 ) Wellington CSI Winter Equestrian Festival 5* & 2* https://wellingtoninternational.com/
3 ) World Equestrian Center- Ocala CSI 4* & CSI 2* https://worldequestriancenter.com/
Vejer de La Frontera CSI 4 Andaluca Sunshine Tour https://www.sunshinetour.net/
CSI 4* &amp, CSI 2* Coapexpan https://www.facebook.com/ClubHipicoCoapexpan
6 ) Thermal CSI 3 at Desert International Horse Park* https://deserthorsepark.com/
3 ) Valencia CSI 3* Moura Tour https://www.mouratours.com/
8 ) Torres Nova CSI 2: Mediterranean Equestrian Tour http://metoliva.com/
9 ) Arezzo CSI 2: Toscana Tour https://arezzoequestriancentre.com/
10 ) Gorla Minore CSI 2- Equieffe Equestrian Centre https://equieffe.it/
Herning CSI 2: Danish Warmblood Stallion Show https://dvevent.dk/english-frontpage
12 ) CSI 2 Borgo La Caccia – Bedizzole https://www.borgolacaccia.it/
13 ) CSI 2: Aix-Meyreuil International https://csi.aix-meyreuil.fr/en/home/
Origin: FEI – Fédération Equestre Internationale
Text: No duplication without authority. Jumper News.
Photo: Ashley Neuhof / Rolex
Categories: English, Jumper News Nederland, Week Preview
Posted under: CSI 5*, Dutch Masters, Equestrian, Occasions, Horses, Jumper News, Jumper News Nederland, Showjumping, Steve Guerdat, The Dutch Masters, The Dutch Masters– Indoor Brabant Horse Show, Week Preview
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smallvict0riesx · 2 months
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Tag drop for Nova Torres.
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suvistta · 6 months
Exploring the Territory of Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park: A Hidden Gem for Nature Enthusiasts
The rugged beauty of the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park is a beacon for nature enthusiasts and occasional tourists alike, offering a unique and immersive experience in Portugal's central region. In this article, we'll delve into the park's natural and cultural values, and discuss how the SUVisTTa Eco-XP tours can help you make the most of your time in this stunning territory.
The park's 38,900 hectares are characterized by their striking grey and barren landscape, devoid of vegetation and punctuated by imposing cliffs and rocky outcroppings[1]. The lack of surface water courses adds a sense of vigor and drama to the landscape, making it a truly picturesque destination for those who appreciate the beauty of nature.
Uncovering the Park's Hidden Gems
While many visitors flock to the park's notable attractions, such as the Porto de Mos Castle and the Pegadas de Dinossáurios de Ourém/Torres Novas Nature Monument, there's so much more to discover in this diverse region[1]. The park's riparian communities, for example, offer a glimpse into the area's unique ecosystem, while the Salterns, located near the coast, are the site of Portugal's famous salt production[1].
The Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park is also home to a rich cultural heritage, with architectural influences ranging from Gothic to Renaissance styles. The Porto de Mos Castle, for instance, is adorned with pyramidal domes and green ceramic tiles, making it a must-visit destination for history buffs and architectural enthusiasts alike[1].
The SUVisTTa Eco-XP Difference
While many tour operators offer experiences in the park, the SUVisTTa Eco-XP tours stand out for their commitment to sustainability, personalization, and comfort. By partnering with the Volvo XC90, the SUVisTTa Eco-XP tours provide a luxurious and eco-friendly mode of transportation, allowing you to focus on the beauty of the landscape without worrying about your carbon footprint[3][5].
The personalized nature of the SUVisTTa Eco-XP tours is another key selling point. Each itinerary is tailored to the interests and preferences of the group, ensuring that everyone gets the most out of their time in the park[3][5]. This approach not only enhances the visitor experience but also promotes responsible tourism, as groups are able to explore the park's lesser-known attractions and appreciate its unique charm.
A Final Thought and a Question for You
The Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park is a treasure trove for nature enthusiasts and occasional tourists alike. By choosing the SUVisTTa Eco-XP tours, you can enjoy a luxurious, personalized, and eco-friendly experience that will leave you with unforgettable memories and a deeper appreciation for the park's natural and cultural values.
So, here's a question for you:
What are you waiting for? Don't you think it's time to plan your next adventure in the Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park? Visit the SUVisTTa.pt website and discover how we can help you make the most of your time in this beautiful territory.
[1] Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park
[2] How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy for Travel Industry? 6 Proven Examples from Certified Agency - OLBUZ https://www.olbuz.com/blog/content-marketing-strategy-travel-hotel-industry-examples
[3] 2023 Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park Private Tour - Tripadvisor https://www.tripadvisor.ca/AttractionProductReview-g189164-d21103212-Serras_de_Aire_e_Candeeiros_Nature_Park_Private_Tour-Sintra_Sintra_Municipality_Li.html
[4] 2023 Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park Private Tour - Tripadvisor https://www.tripadvisor.com/AttractionProductReview-g189164-d21103212-Serras_de_Aire_e_Candeeiros_Nature_Park_Private_Tour-Sintra_Sintra_Municipality_Li.html
[5] Serras de Aire e Candeeiros Nature Park Private Tour - Trip.com https://www.trip.com/things-to-do/detail/36846110/
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dustydoop · 6 months
Alright since cringe is dead, I'm info dropping about my OCs, idc if you don't want to know you get to now (I'm using this picrew since I haven't the time to make actual headshots for all of them)
Nova Robertson
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Birthday: May 13th
Favorite Color: Jade green
Symbolism motifs: Sun, big cats (mostly lions)
Personality: Firey, passionate, stubborn, curious
Fun fact: She's very tall! Like 6'
Angela Gartner
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Birthday: May 17th
Favorite Color: Bubblegum pink
Symbolism motifs: Daisies, stars
Personality: Bubbly, sensitive, selfless, sociable
Fun fact: Her house is based on a real abandoned dvd rental place that's across the street from my house
Jessica "Jez" Salucci
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Birthday: November 19th
Favorite Color: Cherry red
Symbolism motifs: Trees, electric guitar
Personality: Independent, abrasive, determined, reserved
Fun Fact: She rollerblades in her free time
Millie Easton
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Birthday: June 4th
Favorite Color: Lavender
Symbolism motifs: Meadows, gears
Personality: Intelligent, clumsy, creative, perfectionistic
Fun Fact: Her first name is Amelia, not Mildred
Kylar Sato
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Birthday: December 2nd
Favorite Color: Charcoal grey
Symbolism motifs: Metal, maps
Personality: Bold, chaotic, direct, defiant
Fun Fact: She is so good at impressions and impersonations that it's scary
Brianna Rosa
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Birthday: September 30th
Favorite Color: Goldenrod yellow
Symbolism motifs: Wheat fields, breeze
Personality: Organized, blunt, stuck-up, dedicated
Fun Fact: She's a distant relative of Catherine of Aragon
Gene Carter
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Birthday: April 26th
Favorite Color: Teal
Symbolism motifs: Moon, ocean
Personality: Caution, supportive, emotionally fragile, willing to help
Fun Fact: He's a very musical guy, he knows a lot of instruments
Quill Torres Martinez
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Birthday: July 6th
Favorite Color: Burnt orange
Symbolism motifs: Fire, beach
Personality: Goofy, easliy bored, charismatic, disordered
Fun Fact: His parents are very rich, he's a bit spoiled
Rae Woodfield
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Birthday: February 10th
Favorite Color: Indigo
Symbolism motifs: Butterflies, rain
Personality: Impulsive, open-minded, dissatisfied, analytical (if she thinks about something first)
Fun Fact: She has port wine stain birthmarks under her eyes
Jesse Mintz
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Birthday: October 29th
Favorite Color: Forest green
Symbolism motifs: Gladiolus, bricks
Personality: Quiet, calm, dependable, insecure
Fun Fact: He's naturally good at skateboarding
Benedict Lewis
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It won't let me add more audio links so pretend its a link to Sparks by Coldplay
Birthday: March 27th
Favorite Color: Navy blue
Symbolism motifs: Dogs, photos
Personality: Prepared, unrealistic, altruistic, overly reminiscent
Fun Fact: He always carries a bag full of absolutely anything you could need
Thea Robertson
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Again, only 10 audio links so pretend it's Gold Dust Woman by Fleetwood Mac
Birthday: May 23rd
Favorite Color: Tangerine
Symbolism motifs: Gold, sunflowers
Personality: Tense, rational, aloof, protective
Fun Fact: She's the oldest of the group, and Nova's older sister
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dear-indies · 7 months
hello! first of all, i'd like to add that i'm extremely appreciative of how you continue to repost awareness about palestine to this day and how you haven't been afraid to toss aside one thing to uphold the blog's main purpose. if that makes sense, haha. as for a request, i'm wondering if you have any face claims that could fit a woman or nonbinary person that looks as though they have the vibes of being in a modern-day band, please? i have no preference for ethnicity, and the fcs should be able to pass as 30 or under i think! and i'd be happy with fcs who are actors or are musicians themselves, though appropriate resources are always perfect. thank you so much!
Mae Whitman (1988) - is pansexual - Jack.
FKA twigs (1988) African-Jamaican / English, Spanish.
BbyMutha (1989) African-American - is non-binary and bisexual (they/she).
Eliot Sumner (1990) - has said that they did not believe in gender labels and did not identify with a particular gender (they/them).
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / British - We Are Lady Parts.
Lucie Shorthouse (1991) Ugandan, Irish / English - We Are Lady Parts.
Sky Ferreira (1992) Ojibwe, Cree, Chippewa Cree, Cheyenne, Brazilian of Portuguese and Possibly Other descent, Galician Jewish, Bukovina Jewish, Irish, Scottish, English, and French - has Chronic Lyme Disease.
Faith Omole (1992) Black British - We are Lady Parts.
Mads Paige (1992) - is non-binary.
Katie Gavin / MUNA (1992) - is queer.
Rhian Teasdale / Wet Leg (1992/3)
Taylor Momsen (1993)
Naomi McPherson (1993) West Indian and Irish - is queer and nonbinary (they/them).
Jup do Bairro (1993) Afro Brazilian.
Naomi McPherson (1993) - is queer.
Park Gyu Young (1993) Korean - Sweet Home.
Nemahsis (1994) Palestinian.
Hester Chambers / Wet Leg (1994)
Ryan Destiny (1995) African-American, 1/4 Irish.
Yseult (1994) Cameroonian.
Dua Saleh (1994) Sudanese - is trans non-binary (they/xe) and gay.
Josette Maskin / MUNA (1994) Jewish - is queer and nonbinary (she/they).
Liniker (1995) Afro-Brazilian - is a genderfluid trans woman (she/her).
Kehlani (1995) African-American, French, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Spanish, Mexican, Filipino, Scottish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, and Welsh, as well as distant Cornish, Irish, and possibly Choctaw - is a non-binary womxn and a lesbian.
Nat Puff / Left at London (1996) - is a non-binary trans woman, has ADHD, PTSD, borderline personality disorder and OSDD-1b, and is also autistic.
Juliette Motamed (1997) Iranian - We Are Lady Parts.
Rico Nasty (1997) African-American / Puerto Rican.
Kaiit (1997) Papuan / Gunditjmara, Torres Strait Islander - non-binary (she/he/they).
MegaGoneFree (2001) African American - is non-binary and pansexual (she/they).
Stella Quaresma / Flo (2001) Black British.
Jorja Douglas / Flo (2002) Black British.
Renée Downer / Flo (2002) Black British.
SuperKnova (?) Korean - is a genderfluid trans woman (she/her).
Amy Love / Nova Twins (?) Iranian and Nigerian.
Georgia South / Nova Twins (?) Jamaican and Australian.
Bobbi Lanea Tyler / Flyana Boss (?) African-American.
Folayan Omi Kunerede / Flyana Boss (?) African-American.
Here you go! And people who don't post about literal genocide need to do better.
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edelstahlviratiberica · 4 months
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What is hms1 and hms2 scrap metal? What is the metal recycling rate in Europe? What is the Scope of Scrap Metal Recycling in Portugal and Europe?
Scrap metal recycling is the process of collecting, sorting, processing, and selling scrap metal for reuse in various industries. #HMS1 and #HMS2 are types of heavy melting steel scrap that are widely traded and used for steel production.
HMS1 does not contain galvanized and blackened steel, whereas HMS2 does. They are usually sold as a blend of 80% HMS1 and 20% HMS2, or lower grade mixes.
The latest information about scrap metal recycling HMS1, HMS2 scope in Portugal and Europe are:
The scrap metal recycling market in Europe is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period of 2020-2026, due to the increasing demand for steel products, the environmental benefits of recycling, and the government policies and regulations.
Portugal is one of the major scrap metal exporters in Europe: Mainly to Spain, Turkey, and India. In 2020, Portugal exported 1.2 million tonnes of scrap metal, worth 372 million euros3. One of the leading scrap metal recycling companies in Portugal is RVO, Lda (unidade 2), which is located in Olaia, Torres Novas.
The scrap metal recycling industry in Europe faces some challenges: Such as the fluctuation of the international scrap metal prices, the competition from other regions, the quality and quantity of the scrap metal supply, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The scrap metal recycling industry in Europe needs to adopt more advanced technologies, improve the efficiency and safety of the recycling processes, and diversify the sources and markets of the scrap metal.
EDELSTAHL VIRAT IBERICA is an emerging importer - exporter, supplier of tool steel, mold steel from various countries. We are also involved in trading ferrous, alloy steel, etc., with a network of partners across the world, we are able to quickly respond to customer needs.
We are also looking for all manufacturers and wholesale suppliers of scrap metal such as #HMS1, #HMS2, ferrous scrap, electronic motor scrap and shredded scrap in #Portugal..
Learn more: https://www.moldsteel.eu/
Chat WhatsApp: +351-920016150 E-mail: [email protected]
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ourtriptoportugal · 9 months
Porto - Day 2
Monday - 10/9
Another sunny day today with highs about 85 degrees. After breakfast MaryEllen and I decided to check out the swimming pool associated with our hotel in case we wanted to come back and relax in the afternoon. We talked to the person at the front desk and found out the pool is below the street level. We checked it out and I don’t think we will be spending any time there.
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Today we did part 2 of Rick Steve’s walking tour of Porto.
Pictures of tiles inside Sao Bento Train Station.
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Street art on the left below and ? on the right.
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Stock Exchange Palace
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Below is a picture of a statue of Henry the Navigator. Henry was famous for his expeditions which found new trade routes and connected various peoples. His voyages also began the process of European colonization and the transatlantic slave trade.
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Most of the streets in Porto are cobblestone, and some are very narrow and have restricted access by cars. Only taxis and delivery vehicles are allowed to use them. On certain streets this is enforced by metal pillars that block access and can be lowered by a remote control device, that it appears taxis have.
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The picture below is of Clérigos Church and its 75 meter bell tower (Igreja e Torre dos Clérigos). Out in front of it is the end of the line for Tram 18.
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Pictures from the Ribeiro district, Porto’s riverfront. It is full of outdoor cafes, restaurants and street performers. On the other side of the Douro River is the town Vila Nova de Gaia, often referred to as just “Gaia”, which is considered the hub of the port wine industry. We walked across the lower bridge to explore Gaia.
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We made a reservation for a Port winery tour at the Calem winery, which is located in Gaia.
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We walked around Gaia. The picture on left below is more street art and on the right is a store that exclusively sells canned fish, primarily sardines.
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For dinner we had two different pasta dishes at Pasta Amore e Fantasia.
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We then headed off to the Calem Port Winery for a 6:30pm tour, port wine tasting and Fado show. On the tour we learned that Port wine comes from the Douro Valley, and not much more.
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After the tour it was time for wine tasting. Since we have been going to so many churches in the last couple of weeks that we are starting to get halos.
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And then the Fado show began.
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I was not impressed by the wine tour or wine tasting Calem. They had a red and a white port wine already poured out and even though they have many varieties of Port they didn’t bother to tell us what we were drinking. And our tour guide was no where to be found.
Although I am no Fado expert, I do think the Fado musicians and singers at Calem were a quality act. It was a great, and relatively inexpensive way to get a taste of Fado music. I think I would have a better appreciation for it if I knew Portuguese and could understand what the singers were singing about.
After the Calem tour/wine tasting/Fado show we got gelatos and walked back to our hotel. It was a beautiful evening down by the river.
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