#above snakes rp
panacevm · 1 year
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themostwantedphighter · 3 months
“Welcome, darlin’! What brings ya here?”
(OOC: Heya, @prismaticstarshch here! I'm the person running this RP blog, and I'm gonna lay out a few things:
General notes:
My preferred nickname is Prism
Scythe's pronouns in this blog are strictly she/her
I also strictly go by she/her pronouns
I'm heteroromantic & a-spec and project that onto Scythe with this blog (though here Scythe is aceflux rather than aegosexual like I am)
here's something for artists
a backstory headcanon + general headcanons list
a link for you to do your daily clicks for Palestine
Blog content notes/warnings - There will be:
Alcohol/drug references
Mentions of cultism (the COTTE is a cult)
Violence & death (due to Scythe being a serial killer)
Dark humor (particularly concerning hurting/killing people and death in general)
Medical stuff (I project me having Grave’s disease onto Scythe)
Blog rules:
Please respect my DNIs - you can find the list of them on my main blog!
All content posted on this blog will only go as far as being mildly suggestive in nature. I'm fine with slightly raunchy stuff, crude humor, etc., but asks involving full-blown/hardcore NSFW will instantly be ignored. That aside, lore-related asks, things based off of headcanons, magic anons, meme prompts, in-character asks, and more are welcome!
Please don't send asks or start reblog/comment chains related to actually trying to kill Scythe, those will be ignored too (this only applies to anything affecting her in-character)
Also please put warnings on stuff with flashing lights/imagery if you include it in asks/reblogs, I'm photosensitive and flashing stuff makes me feel physically uncomfortable
Feel free to send in-character asks, whether they're from a RP blog or not! I'm open to doing interactions between Scythe and other Phighting characters (OCs included, but please provide a little bit of info!) on top of having a bit of fun with crack interactions between Scythe and characters who aren't from Phighting too, haha
In-character asks pertaining to shipping (namely ones where Scythe is involved) are discouraged out of my personal preference to avoid them within the context of this blog, and any asks about my OOC opinions on ships may or may not be answered, since I'm personally only really interested in exploring OC x canon and OC x OC when it comes to what I either already do or might ship in Phighting. Feel free to send things about other types of relationships though!
An addendum to the above: I'm fine with receiving flirting/"can I marry you"/"can I date you"/etc. asks, they're fun to answer lol
Because I don't draw and don't have anyone to commission for drawings for this, everything will be described through script-style writing. Please don't demand pictures to be added to any posts!
Note: there will be some things that are based off of headcanons!
Feel free to flood the ask box!
I'm also willing to interact via reblogs and comments as well!
All in all, have fun!
Achievements List:
Snake Charmer: Get wrangled by Freezer Anon
Trial By Fire (and Ice): Survive Freezer Anon's antics (and other chaos) for a week
It's still you!: Experience full-body shapeshifting
The Forbidden Sauce: Drink a questionably-sourced potion (and suffer the horrendous consequences)
An End to a Living Hell [self-given achievement]: Survive being cursed until the curse is somehow lifted
Kittie Crazies!: Make it through the high of catnip whilst being in cat form
All That Is Fear: Learn about fear entities
oh, I also run a Phighting parody Tumblr Discord server! You can message me to get a private invite link!
Other RP blogs: @askroguered, @askblueredpinktrio, @thelosttemplerockhound)
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malicedragoness · 3 months
Reiko x F! Reader NSFW RP
The lovely @brittlecakes92 and myself were talking about Reiko in our group chat, and one thing led to another and a spontaneous NSFW RP happened.
This is not proofread or edited. This is all spur of the moment, down and dirty Reiko smut. I wrote Reiko and @brittlecakes92 wrote the female reader.
I’ll post how the conversation started, and then when the smut happens will be under the cut.
Warnings: light choking (female choke male, not as bad as it sounds), some name calling (slut)
Words: 3898
MK Story tag list: @bihanspookies
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How the conversation started:
Imagine trying to do something on your own because he is so "bothered" by it, and as soon as he sees you doing something he is mad you didn't ask him for help and he just sits you down and does it while giving you a glare the whole time and the silent treatment.
And then you give him a smug smirk before running down the hall to the bedroom, because you *think* you can't get to the room before he catches you.
Oh gawwwd. He would fucking scoop you up and throw you on the bed
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How the impromptu RP began ;) :I
“You cheeky wench.”
Reiko quickly crawls on top of you, pinning your body down with his, your hands interlocked above your head as he nips at your throat.
“You really thought you could get away from me, pretty thing?” He breathes in your ear.
You let out a shaky moan; "For a minuet there, yes." You would bite your lip in anticipation as you tell him this, trying to loosen your hands from his grip.
He breathes a short laugh. “And yet, you still think you can.”
He readjusts your hands, fitting both of your wrists in his larger, calloused one. His other snaking under your shirt.
You buck up against his, as much as the space allows you too. Your nose bumping into his before your lips cling around his a breathy moan falling against his lips.
"And yet, you won't let me go." You speak against his lips.
Reiko captures your lips in a brutal kiss. His lips were rough, and his tongue explored and conquered every inch in the warm cavern of your mouth. All you think of was *him!* His lips, his taste, his hot breath, the delicious weight of him laying on you.
You were so focused and drunk on him you didn’t realized it until it was too late what he was up to. When the hard leather of his belt was being wrapped around your wrists.
Reiko moved back an inch from you, saliva connecting your lips and a smug smirk on his face. “What makes you think I want to let you go, pretty?”
You pull against the restraints, the air hitting the saliva that hit your lips chilled in the air of the room. Your lips craved his, your body wanting his closer to you. You wanted his warm skin to caress yours. You wanted to push his button, to rile him up.
You turned your gaze to his belt, your fingers tracing the worn leather.
"I could list several reasons." You turn your gaze back to him. You knew Reiko was a man of action, if he didn't want you, you wouldn't be there, but that didn't mean you didn't love hearing him say why he wanted you.
Your chest heaved in anticipation, the tip of your tongue darting out to lick your lips.
“Is that so?” Reiko raised up and *loomed* over you, his wide shoulders casting a shadow over you.
“You can try and negotiate.” His hands trailed down your sides, grabbing your hips and pulling your heat up against his clothed cock. “But I’ve already got you, right where I want you.”
You raise your brows at him, a sly smile covering your lips, "Is that so? Or do I have you right where I want you?" You bit your lower lip to keep your grin from growing, his hardening cock had you grinding your aching heat against him.
"You played right into *my* hand" Your words are teasing as they pass your lips.
Reiko stares into your eyes, his grin growing bigger. “Only my girl would be smart enough to ensnare me in a trap. But if this is what you had planned,” He leans down and whispers in your ear, “let’s see if you guess what I would do next.”
Reiko picks up your bound hands and lowers them over a knob sticking out on the top of the head board, not allowing you to move from your spot. His grabs your jaw to make you look at him.
“Knock on the wall of it gets too much.” He grabs your hand makes you knock your knuckles against the wall. “Show me you can do it.”
"I can handle anything you throw at me, *daddy* do your worst."
Leaning your head up your lips graze against his throat. Your knuckles brushing against the wall, you knew you wouldn't need to knock.
"This pussy was made for you and can take anything you give it." You watched with anticipation, charting out his next move in your mind.
“We’ll see about that.” His gruff voice dropped an octave lower, only building up the heat deep in your core.
His hand traveled up your stomach, feeling every curve and dip. The heat of his palm making every nerve ending come alive. Until he fists the collar of your shirt. Reiko reaches under his pillow and pulls out his knife.
You watch how the the light from the sun glistens off of the blade, you hold your breath in anticipation, eyes watching him with eagle precision.
You rub your thighs together, you knew Reiko wouldn't hurt you, but the sight before you was too delicious and had your mind wandering to the what ifs. He wants to test your resolve, you want to test his precision.
"Don't mess up soldier." You lift your knee up, brushing against his clothed cock, and taking pleasure in the small groan that comes from his throat.
Reiko closes his eyes for a moment, enjoying your touch. Everything you do tests his patience. But he craves it.
He takes in a breath and opens his eyes. With grace and precision , he quickly cuts your top, from collar to bottom with one fluid motion.
He makes short work of your sleeves with his knife, ripping the garment from your body. It was in one piece but still tattered.
Reiko stabs the knife into head board, giving a gruff laugh at your surprise.
You let out the breath you were holding, your body visibly relaxing. His cock sure attitude made you huff out a laugh yourself.
Everything about his movements made you think of water, fluid, quick and clean. A precision unmatched. You always admired him in more ways then one.
“What if that was my favorite shirt?” You teased. You try to gauge the position of the knife, a new plan formulating as you tested the resistance of the leather holding you to the head board.
Hoping to distract him enough to not take notice of your actions.
“I’ll get you another, insolent wench.” He pinches your ass.
Reiko lifts your legs over one of his shoulders, sliding your shorts and panties off together. He grabs your discarded shirt and begins to tie your ankles together with it.
You couldn’t stop the wimped that leaves your lips, rubbing your ankles together in their new restraints.
“I need to see you Reiko, please.” You knew your “plea” wasn’t what Reiko wanted to hear from your lips. He wanted you to beg, but you hoped he was in a forgiving enough mood to let it slide.
You watched him with half lidded eyes, ready to see his glorious cock that strained against his pants. His composure never ceased to amaze you.
How you wanted to break his mask and watch him unravel, knowing you were the one who could do it made your heart flutter with pride at the mere thought.
Your calves rested against his back as you tried to pull him closer to you.
He gave your ass an unforgiving slap.
“You think you can run away from me, talk all your shit, and try and distract me. And now you demand my cock when it pleases you? As if you’re in charge?”
Another sharp slap landed on your other ass cheek.
“You say I’m in *your* trap? And yet, you haven’t the slightest clue what’s about to happen.”
Reiko shoved one leg over his head, trapping him in between your knees. He held your legs and slid back on the bed, pulling you back with him, until your body was suspended over the bed. The only things keeping you up, were your bound wrists and your mountain of a soldier.
Reiko leaned until your clit was brushing his nose. His hot breath hit your pussy, his voice dangerously dark. “Show me you can still knock, or I’m putting you back down.”
You winced at the sharp slaps, the slightly uncomfortable sting melting into a comfortable pleasure on your reddened skin.
“I won’t break Reiko, it… isn’t necessary for me to do that.” Your eyes slip shut as his nose brushing against your clit, your hearts pace picking up at the slightest contact.
The position he had you in already had it racing with the possibility of what he was about to do with your body.
You waited for him to continue, ready to test your resolve against his.
“You think you can command me at every turn? We both know your cock is mine, don’t deny it, when I want pleasure that only you can bring I will *demand* them ” You challenge, you *knew* you could get him to break before you, to give you what you needed.
Goddamnit he loved it when she challenged him. Make him pissed off and frustrated. And yet, his cock gets rock hard at her defiance. His pretty thing had a mouth on her and he fucking loved it!
What did he do to deserve this perfect creature?
The smell of her sex and the wetness already there made him want to give in. Dig in like a man starved. His military discipline kept him still as a statue.
“You’ll get this cock, you little slut.”
Reiko tapped the tip of his tongue against your lips. Why were you so sweet?
“You’ll get it when you start crying for it.”
With that, he spread you open and delved his warm tongue in between your walls.
A wanton moan leaves you as you pull against your restraints, your toes curling at the feeling of Reikos tongue writhing inside of you.
“Fuck…. Reiko.” You wanted to touch you, to feel his dark strands between your fingers. The heels and your feet pressed into his back as you tried to focus on breathing.
“I’m your good little slut..” you tell him between pants. You wanted more then what he was giving you. Every fiber in your being urged you yo listen, to give him what he wanted so you could get what you wanted.
But the bratty side had other plans, and you finding it harder and harder to stray away.
Reiko growled against your sopping pussy. Every moan and whimper urging him on. His nose rubbing against her clit as he shoved his mouth impossibly closer to her, licking and sucking her silken walls.
Every inch of her was perfect. There couldn’t have been a more beautifully sculpted human being than her.
Reiko licks a trail from her clit to her ass, leaving heated kisses before focusing on her clit once again. His finger plunged her burning depths, setting a steady rhythm, obscene squelching sounds filling the air with her moans.
You pull against the restraints, reminding yourself to breath.
The pleasure Reiko was bringing you had your whole body buzzing, you had to fight the urge to clamp your thighs around his head.
You pull on your restraints tighter, you *needed* to touch him. You whine his name, your eyes slipping closed when his finger brushed against your G-spot.
Reiko could feel your legs tremble around his head as he continued his sweet onslaught. He could spend hours between your legs and never get bored. Your taste, your soft skin, the noises you make. He wants it all and more.
He added another finger and curled against that soft spongy spot inside of you. He groaned as you tried your best to jerk your hips against his face.
Reiko knew you were close. He doubled his efforts on your clit and with his fingers.
“Don’t you dare hold back on me now, girl. Squeeze me with everything you have.”
You lock your knees behind his head pulling him closer. His rough fingers being you pleasure the likes that no other ever could.
You could feel the knot in your stomach growing, you were dancing further on the tethered line of pleasure as his fingers and mouth brought you closer to your orgasam.
“Please don’t stop, please..” your tone was whiner then needed, your eyes filled with pleasure and desperation. You needed more of him, *from* him. You wanted to get your hands on him, to hear him groan and beg from the pleasure of your tight heat wrapped around his thick cock.
It never ceased to amaze you how much your body craves him, how he conquered not only your mind and thoughts, but your body as well.
Your fingers clench around the belt as you fell the familiar sensation coming faster with each thrum of his fingers.
“Reiko..” his name a delicious moan, you wanted to warn him, your whole body began to tremble and you were finding words escaped you easily as your mind was clouded with pleasure.
Reiko growled and moaned around your clit. His lips around your hood and flicked his tongue relentlessly against the pearl inside. He managed to sneak another finger inside you just before the bough broke.
Your hips thrashed wildly against his face. Your slick and squirt drenching his lips and face, running down his neck. Those soft thighs squeezed his head, muffling your pleading of his name. The only sound he could clearly hear was the blood rushing through his head.
A fleeting thought of possibly being suffocated by your legs and taste made his cock throb harder.
He continued his ministrations, fucking you through your orgasm as he lapped up all your juices.
When he finally unlatched himself from your spent pussy, he raised up to look down at your fucked out face. Your legs slid down until your bound ankles met the back of his neck, holding you up an inch from the mattress. Reiko’s hair was disheveled from his knot, war paint smeared across his face and your thighs, his tongue licking his lips.
You felt his hands brush against your ass as he undid his pants. His enormous cock springing out from the opening and slapping your soft skin.
“Is this what you’ve been wanting, slut?”
Your eye lids fluttered from the intense orgasam, you could see your juices sliding down his lower face, you wanted to kiss him, to have your taste entangled on your tongue from his. You chest heaved as you worked to catch your breath.
Any thought of catching your breath quickly flew out of your mind when you felt his heavy cock slap against your spent pussy.
You moved the leather closer to the serrated blade working on slow movements to wear it enough to break.
“Yes daddy, please… I need your cock.” You tried to lift your body closer to his. Your legs burned from the excretion out on them.
You welcomed the pain. You needed to feel more of it.
“Kiss me?” You asked breathlessly your eyes pleading with his, your slight movements working further on the leather.
“You’ll get your kiss when I’m ready.”
Reiko’s eyes glazed over. He grabbed his stiff cock and ran the head along your velvety folds, catching your glistening slick. A breathy groan came out as he pushed just the tip in, and pulled it right back out. He did it again and continued at a slow pace, pinching your clit against his thick tip each time he entered you.
“You want more of this cock, sweet thing?” His grin was back, as he looked down at you. “You’re gonna have to take it by force. See how long it takes you to get through your binds.”
Heat was quick to flush over your body. You knew you would have to work for your ultimate prize. And once you were free, he better hope you were in a forgiving mood.
Your breath hitched each time his fat tip slipped into your entrance. You couldn’t help the whine that left your lips. You needed more, you needed to take your place on top of him.
Your arms burned at how hard you were pulling against your restraints. Your pace stopping each time Reiko pushed into you.
“Reiko..” you let out a frustrated moan. It only motivates you to pull against your restraints harder. Tears of frustration started to prick at your eyes.
“You just wait until I get out.. of these.. restraints.” You’re voice was shaky and wavered after each thrust.
You were starting to think the belt was never going to snap and that when you felt the jolt. Your body tensed up before you worked your legs down to Reikos waist pulling him closer to you before pulling as hard as you could against your restraints.
The snap was quick and your upper half soon landed into the mattress. You watched Reiko narrow his eyes before your thighs were squeezing around his waist, your calf’s behind his knees before you rolled you both.
You looked down at Reiko, his hair falling over his shoulders, you pressed your bound hands against his throat, lowering down on his tip before moving your hips in a circle.
You leaned forward, your lips brushing against his.
“Now who’s at who’s mercy?” The tip of your tongue traced a line up his lips as you slowly slink further onto his thick shaft, your breath hitching at the delicious stretch. You had to contain your self from taking him fully.
Sliding back up to his tip a stuttering breath leaves through your nose before your sliding a little further down. Your eyes closed but your face showing nothing but pure bliss.
Reiko watched the myriad of emotions on your face. From frustration to cocky to pleasure. And now, you, his girl, managed to flip his large frame onto his back, made him proud!
One massive hand closed around both of yours, forcing you to squeeze his neck. “Take what’s yours, pretty thing.”
His other hand went to your hip as he planted his feet on the bed and lifted his hips in the air. Reiko let out shaky breath, feeling your velvety walls sink further into his cock. His eyes never left your beautiful face, watching your sweet reactions.
You swallowed hard as you met his thrusts, your body zinging with pleasure. The loving look in Reiko's eyes caused your heart to flutter inside of your chest as you rode him harder, your hands squeezing his thick neck. leaning forwards your lips found his in a deep kiss before your forehead rested against his.
"Come inside of me Reiko.. please. I need you to fill me." You pulled back, your eyes pleading with him, you wanted to take everything he gave you.
Reiko held you to him and snapped his hips into yours, setting a brutal pace. Your sweet heat sucking him in. Sweat beading along his hair line as the two of you fucked like feral animals molding together.
He could feel himself getting more lightheaded the longer you held on. But he’d rather run a hundred laps on burning charcoal than to pull you off his neck.
Your breath came out in pants as your worked on catching it. Your moans and fucked bounced off the stone walls of your room. You rid Reiko like the wild Stallion he was.
"Reiko.." He knew how to make you feel alive, to take your pleasure to new hights. Letting out a shuddering breath you loosen your grip on him, afraid he would pass out from the lack of air, your hands finding their way into his dark tresses, gripping the dark strands.
Reiko could feel your walls clenching him so tight. “Fuck you feel so perfect. Like it was made for me!”
So tight. So wet and warm. He needed to feel you cum on his fat dick. To hear those screams and pleads from you.
One hand slipped between your writhing bodies and rubbed your clit. If his sweet thing wanted release, he wanted to grant it to you.
“Fuck… Reiko, don’t stop” you were so close, you knew you weren’t going to last long. Sitting up you worked one of your hands from its restraints before leaning back.
Your hand found his heavy balls, quickly massaging them. You could feel the sweat rolling down your body.
“I’m so close Reiko, please don’t stop.” You pleaded with him.
Reiko growled through his teeth, rubbing your clit faster in tighter circles. Your hips began to sputter and your walls spasm around him.
He focused his attention on your release as he continued to fuck you through yours. Allowing you to take whatever you wanted from his body.
He felt the bough break and spurted rope after rope of hot cum all over your walls as you milked his cock for everything he had.
Your pussy spasmed around his thick cock. You could feel the sweat trickle down the crease of your thighs, Reikos warm cum soon mixing in with it.
Your hands rested on his taunt abs, your worked on catching your breath before leaning forward. Reikos hand found your cheek as your lips pressed against his, a deep kiss, filled with the some hunger and passion, but holding less heat then it normally would.
Your drug your lips over his skin, peppering his neck with open mouthed kisses until you made it to his ear. A teasing grin found your lips.
“Ko.. I have to tell you a secret I’ve been keeping.” You waited patiently, your hands rested against his chest pressed between your bodies.
He pressed gentle kisses to your reddened wrists. “Are you all right, pretty?”
His gaze was intent on yours as you have a short laugh. “I’m fine Ko.. I have to tell you a secret I’ve been keeping.”
Reiko let you hold his hands against his chest. “What is it, sweet thing?”
Bitting your bottom lip you pulled one of his strong hands with you holding it against your stomach.
“You’re going to be a father.” Leaning forward your lips met his in a chaste kiss. He widened eyes staring up at you taking the moment of surprise you quickly slip off of the bed, as you walk backwards your fingers untangling from his when you reached a far enough distance.
Reiko shot up from the bed and slowly kneeled to the ground, adoring eyes still holding yours. His heart hammering in his chest.
“I’m..I’m going to be a father?” His voice cracked.
You let out a giggle, moving his hair from face. He look you over from head to feet, taking in all of your naked glory. Hair disheveled, red marks around your wrists and ankles, sweat and war paint smeared in places. You looked like a goddess coming to bless your soldier for his dedication.
You tipped his chin up and framed his face. “Yes, my handsome soldier. You are going to be a father.”
You placed the side of his face against your stomach, tears of happiness rolling down your face.
“Do you think you are ready for that?” Your fingers massaged his scalp as you held him close to you.
You knew he could have concerns, but you were ready to quell them as soon as they would arise. You were ready to watch him grow in fatherhood.
Reiko’s warm palms traveled up your legs to your stomach, spreading goose flesh in their wake. “With you by my side, I can take on the world. And so will our child.”
You knew Reiko meant every word of it.
“I never doubt you my handsome soldier.”
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Drew the Doomslayer vs my Lucifer based on an rp idea
From behind the slayer
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To in "front" of the demon
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...he'll be fine, right?
The draft I based this drawing on under cut
Lucifer's eyes nearly become black from how tight the slits of his eyes become. All six of his nostrils flar as they are filled with blood, staring at the green monster he heard so much about. His breathing becomes heavy, a heavy and cold mist from his lungs. He can practically hear the child begging for mercy from this monster. The blood of the innocent has a distinct smell, that he knows far too well...
"So... the slayer has gone for easy prey, has he...?"
He growls, his voice so dangerous, the burning stones beneath his feet frost with fear. He begins to walk, to cross that line he has only crossed a few times before. The glassy sound of ice breaking is heard, as he pulls his hoof from the ground with a mighty tug, as he goes from a just being of honor, to a cruel and cold beast.
As he steps forward, he watches the slayer, his mind absent. He does not read him, he does not see him, he only sees something he must rip apart. A sinner that needs to be torn limb from limb to pay for what he has done.
Then... lucifer disappears.
He seeps into the ground, a oozing and wicked fog, slithering out of sight, like snakes into the cracks.
The silence only lasts for a moment, as a wall of darkness is suddenly seen overhead. Crashing down, a tsunami of wrathful shadows plunges everything into the black cold. The darkness consumes everything and everyone with dread and morbid anticipation for execution. Every now and again, there is a sudden gust of warmth every few minutes, like the breathing of a beast, and it doesn’t take too long for everyone to realize that's EXACTLY what it is. The hot and wet breath of this... he cannot considered a demon at this point... whatever he is, he is somehow everywhere. This darkness itself breathes, and with every breath, snow begins to form. Swirling as a blizzard begins to form in this mass of pure hatred.
But the darkness feels different to the demons than the slayer...
Though they are in the same, endless and all consuming darkness, the demons feel an odd mix of terror and safety, like they are merely sitting in the maw of this beast, in the safety behind the teeth, while the slayer stands in the belly, completely surrounded with no light to guide him. The ground beneath their feet seems to begin breathing with lucifer, icey teeth forms around the slayer, wishing to consume but not yet. Lucifer will savor every delicious and painful breath that comes from this poor excuse of a man, like how he assumes the slayer savors every drop of demon blood that falls on his hands.
Then in the endless darkness, everyone sees white. Not light, white. Eyes begin to form, in constellations in this hateful mist, glaring at the armored man, his armor bleached by this beings power. All things that are not lucifer, besides his eyes, are white. There are some spots of red here and there, in a million different places, where gaping eye sockets float, bobbing up and down like leaves threatening to sink in the murky depths of the murderous waters that is this monster.
Gallons of blood starts pouring from above filling the black and white with red, the tiny red dots above deceive their true size, being miles across.
Eyes and hands occasionally slither around the slayer, trying to hold back from slaughtering him now. No, no he must wait to kill him.
Something wet presses against the slayer's back, making his armor warm, as white fangs start forming around the teeth, occasionally swallowing or being swallowed by eyes. Others can see what presses again the doomslayer's back. An endless shine in the black, as one final pupil slits. The white of this eye shines all all except for him, as he is bathed in darkness. The black is endless behind him, the eye literally touching his back unblinking. A wall of warmth and wetness, the only warmth he will get, till he feels his own blood going cold on his own skin.
It would be a cold day in hell if the slayer were to die by a demon's hand. And with how the snow swirls so cruelly around only him, it may be fate.
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bortbytingen · 3 months
Time & Measurements for Xianxia/Wuxia Writers/RPers
I rp within some xianxia verses (mainly mxtx stuff) and I've noticed (and been told) that some people struggle with some things regarding time, measures and money. So, I made this quick, handy info post. This is not all there is and some of this has changed with time. If you want more in detailed information, I recommend you do some own research (I'm adding sources, so you can always start there).
During Daylight: shí-kè (��–刻) Also known as Chinese double/dual hours. The day was divided in 12 shíchén (时辰), which is roughly a 2 hour slot. This is sometimes further divided into chū (first/initial hour, 初) and zhèng (central hour, 正). Each shíchén is also assigned a zodiac animal.
There was also a shorter measurement of time called kè (刻). The exact length of a kè was 1/100 of a day, which is either 24 min, 14.4 min or 14 min 24 seconds.
zǐ (子) (rat) - 23:00 chǒu (丑) (ox) - 01:00 yín (寅) (tiger) - 03:00 mǎo (卯) (rabbit) - 05:00 chén (辰) (dragon) - 07:00 sì (巳) (snake) - 09:00 wǔ (午) (horse) - 11:00 wèi (未) (sheep) - 13:00 shēn (申) (monkey) - 15:00 yǒu (酉) (chicken) - 17:00 xū (戌) (dog) - 19:00 hài (亥) (pig) - 21:00
(An incense stick time is usually somewhere between 15-30 min)
Distance, Length & Weight
Since the metric and imperial equivalent of these measurements have changed with time, I've decided to use the 1915 conversions of them, which roughly corresponds to some of the ancient and imperial conversions.
chĭ (尺) - 32 cm or 12.6 in bù (步) - 1.6 m or 5.2 ft lĭ (里) - 576 m or 630yd
jiāliàng (嘉量) - ancient volume measuring device • yuè (龠) - ~52 ml or 1.822 fl oz • gě (合) - ~103.5 ml or 3.644 fl oz • shēng (升) - ~1.035 litre or 1.822 pt • dŏu (斗) - ~10.35 litre or 2.278 gal • hú (斛) (10 dou) - ~51.8 litre or 11.39 gal
qián (錢) - ~3.7 g or 0.1316 oz liǎng (兩) - ~37 g or 1.316 oz jīn (斤) - ~ 597 g or 1.316 lb
Wén (文) was the main currency denomination and based on the tael system (liǎng, see weights above) where the value of the currency was based on its weight in liǎng. This was due to there not being a central mint for making of a currency. The currencies commonly came as round copper coins with a hole in the middle or silver or gold ingots, often shaped as 'boats' (but could come in any shape).
Copper coins were often put on a string and a string of 1000 wén, yīguàn qián (贯钱) (usually divided into ten sections of 100 coins), which would then be the equal of one liǎng of pure silver (or one silver ingot).
(Currency changed depending on region, so this is all general)
Chinese Ancient Currency
Chinese Cash - Wiki
Chinese Units of Measurement Explained
Chinese Weights and Measures
Chinese Zodiac Time
How Was Time Measured In Ancient China?
Traditional Chinese Timekeeping
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Like Fire & Powder // Closed RP
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Harry woke up with a start, his chest heaving for air and sweat clinging to his skin from the intense, dark dream that he’d torn out of because of a hand shaking his shoulder. He had one hand up to his face, fingers pressing on his scar instinctively, even though it never helped ease it when it hurt like this. This was deeper, magical pain--cursed pain--and medicine and ice packs and temple massages did nothing.
Fumbling for his glasses, he found the source of the shaking hand. “Hermione?”
His friend was staring at him, her brown eyes huge and worried, thick curls pulled back in a thick ponytail compared to their usual free flow. “Yes--sorry--Mrs. Weasley sent me to make sure you three were up, but you were twitching and muttering, was it a nightmare?”
Looking around, Harry nodded as he took in the faint, misty orange light that was filtering through the curtains from the dawn outside the window, illuminating his roommates--Ron, in his own bed by the window, and Joe, in a second camp cot that had been brought up for his and Harry’s stay. Sirius was in Bill and Charlie’s abandoned room down the hall.
Harry tried to recall what he had been dreaming about---it had seemed so real. Two people he knew, and one he didn’t.... The dim picture of a darkened room came to him. There had been a snake on a hearth rug...Wormtail...and a cold, high voice. The voice of Lord Voldemort. Harry shuddered. “Yeah. Just a bad dream, don’t worry. Are we running late?”
“No more than Ron ever is,” she grinned, going over to shake the redhead next. “She sent me up sooner than necessary. Oh, hush,” she laughed, when Ron woke, and gasped as if scandalized to find a girl above him. “Joe, you too! Mrs. Weasley said breakfast is nearly ready, and then Mr. Weasley’s taking us to meet another family at the Portkey.”
She left them to change, and Harry yawned as he hunted down his jeans, and a comfortable sweater and his jacket. “Do we know who we’re meeting?” he asked curiously. “I’ve never taken a Portkey before.”
“I think Dad said Amos at one point, so I reckon that’s the Diggorys,” Ron replied, taking his sweet time to actually leave his warm bed. “You know the son, he’s Hufflepuff’s Seeker. Joe, can you throw me that jumper on the chair?”
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rphelperblog · 2 years
Daughter of the Pirate King Book Quote Rp Meme
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book by Tricia Levenseller - feel free to change pronouns or edit quotes for rp purposes
“Everyone has something dark in their past. I suppose it's our job to overcome it. And if we can’t overcome it, then all we can do is make the most of it.” 
“The sea watches over me. She protects her own.”
“You are here because I want information.” 
“That’s nice. I want a clean cell.” 
I owe him my life and my allegiance. He is the best thing I have, and I would never do anything to hurt or betray him.” 
“A challenge and an insult all wrapped into one. My specialty.” 
“Oh, the ridiculous things one has to do when one is a pirate.” 
“Lass, you've the face of an angel but the tongue of a snake.” 
“I live on the cusp of two worlds, trying desperately to fit into one.” 
“I am me because I choose to be me. I am what I want. Some people say you have to find yourself. Not I. I believe we create ourselves to be what we want.”
“I am me because I choose to be me. I am what I want. Some people say you have to find yourself. Not I. I believe we create ourselves to be what we want” 
“then remembers he’s not wearing a shirt. A fact I haven’t been able to forget.” 
“I’ve no choice but to seduce the captain.” 
“I want to kiss you again.” 
“No I can only tell what you're feeling."
“He’s an ugly drunk because it takes away the pain. He has no desire to live, yet no desire to die, either. It’s a tough spot to be in.” 
“It’s a bold and stupid move. I like it.” 
“Anyone ever tell you, you can't be hurt by something you don't believe in?"
“Your gun would have a hard time working once it’s wet.” 
“I didn’t say I had to be the one to shoot.” 
“But let’s face it, you’d like that pleasure for yourself.” 
“You’re welcome to ask one of the crew to share. I’m sure any of them would volunteer.” 
“Just as there is a destination far beyond this one, there will be a time far beyond this one when there won't be any pain, just the memory of it.” 
“My father controls the ocean.” 
“I know all the horrible things he’s put you through. And I am here to liberate you.” 
Do you think a single member of the crew would be able to focus on their duties if you wore that?” 
“If we’re to survive this, you need to stay put.” 
“There you are. You’re a bit younger than I expected.”
“What the—I misread where that was going. I wanted to irritate him. To get under his skin. To mess with him because he’s working for the enemy. I hadn’t exactly expected him to get all mushy as a result.”
“She’s got a fiery temperament that matches the red hair atop her head.” 
"Please. I want this. Don't you want this?" 
“Being underestimated always works to my advantage. But sometimes I find it offensive. That often makes me violent” 
“There are different kinds of fathers. Those who love unconditionally, those who love on condition, and those who never love at all.” 
“I think you’re acting like a jealous husband.” 
You know, men that women shackle themselves onto.” 
"Yes. I just can't figure out if you're a good pirate or a really good pirate.” 
“I value other traits above an affinity for torture and power over those weaker than oneself. I value brilliant minds, honest souls, and those with long endurance. I forge relationships based on trust and mutual respect, not fear and control.” 
“Pain goes away eventually.Death is permanent.” 
“My own crew back at the keep is nearly entirely composed of women. A fact I am proud of.” 
“I am always the one in control.” 
“You saved me.” “
Yes, and then you took credit for it. What kind of thanks is that? That was damned insulting.” 
“How can I be betrayed by someone who was never on my side to begin with?”
“When fancy strikes, a man gets this notion in his mind that everything a woman does is for him.” 
“Which means if I’m to keep up appearances, I’ll have to escape the ship. Then get caught on purpose. Oh, the ridiculous things one has to do when one is a pirate.” 
“I’ll say whatever I please. I’m not a lady, I’m a pirate!” 
he only said I ‘probably’ shouldn’t speak to her, on account of beautiful women have a way of playing tricks on a man’s mind. But it wasn’t a direct order.” 
“Yes, we should all worship the stars. They are as useful as they are beautiful. Some never change position. They are constants in the sky. Without them, we would be lost.” 
“If you ever try to make me lose face in front of my men like that again, I may just leave your cell unlocked at night so anyone can wander in, and I will fall asleep, listening to your screams.”
 “You’re daft if you think you will ever hear me scream. And you’d better pray you never fall asleep while my cell is unlocked.”
“You`re a woman. Act like it. You shouldn`t be saying such foul-'
“He wears his confidence as if it is merely another article of clothing upon his person.” 
'Because pirates aren`t supposed to look like you and talk like you talk and do what you do. You`re confusing, and it`s messing with my head.”
“He said I was beautiful?”
“I think you’re acting like a jealous husband.” 
“You know, men that women shackle themselves onto.” 
“Even a man who’s spent his whole life at sea has reason to fear her when she’s angry. But not I. I sleep soundly. Listening to her music. The sea watches over me. She protects her own.” 
“Imagine that you traveled all over the world, looking for happiness, looking for thrills to pass the time. Imagine seeing everything there is to see and still not finding happiness.” 
“Well, I made you something. Look here. I gave this squid your face.” 
“If you’re sorry, that means you want forgiveness. Is that what you’re asking for? If you want forgiveness, that means you want to make things right. And if you want to make things right, that means that you don’t intend to put me in harm’s way again. So, if you are saying you’re sorry, I don’t think you understand what that entails.” 
“Many can’t even grow hair on their chins.” 
"You stole my blanket, “
“Just as there is a destination far beyond this one, there will be a time far beyond this one when there won’t be any pain, just the memory of it.” 
“Has he been conscious at all?” 
“Yes. He woke up once and looked at me funny.” 
“Did he say anything?” 
“He said, ‘You don’t have red hair.’ Then he fell back asleep.” 
“But if I’m being honest … it’s because he said please.” 
“Everyone has something dark in their past. I suppose it's our job to overcome it.” 
“Imagine that you traveled all over the world, looking for happiness, looking for thrills to pass the time. Imagine seeing everything there is to see and still not finding happiness. Well, that would give you a very bleak outlook on life, would it not?” 
"I was born to the pirate king.” 
“I am me because I choose to be me. I am what I want. Some people say you have to find yourself. Not I. I believe we create ourselves to be what we want. Any aspect of ourselves that we do not like can be altered if we make an effort.” 
“Easy? Do you think it was easy for me to watch you? Seeing you up there, knowing the pain you must be in, it … it made me feel—it would have hurt less if I had been the one hanging. I hated myself for what happened. And the only way I could punish myself was to force myself to watch you in pain. That was my punishment.” 
“he turns me to the right, where we face a set of stairs leading belowdecks. It’s an uncomfortable trip downward. Twice I miss a step and nearly tumble all the way down. he catches me each time, but his grip is always firmer than necessary. My skin will likely be bruised by tomorrow. Knowing this makes me angry.Which is why when we are three steps from the bottom, I trip him.He’s clearly not expecting it. He falls, but I didn’t take into account that tight grip of his. So, naturally, he takes me with him.The impact is painful.” 
“Easy? Do you think it was easy for me to watch you? Seeing you up there, knowing the pain you must be in, it … it made me feel—it would have hurt less if I had been the one hanging. I hated myself for what happened. And the only way I could punish myself was to force myself to watch you in pain. That was my punishment.” 
“mostly human. But when I allow myself to use the gifts my mother gave me, I become something else. And it kills me a little inside each time I have to fight it back off.” 
“I stay because he’s my brother. Because he is the only family member who loves me unconditionally. Something you could never understand.” 
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serpent-hashiraa · 1 year
(Rp starter)
Obanai sat in his favourite tree, his snake slithering his tongue out. He lay his head against the trunk, his different colored eyes looking up above at the other branches, covering the light blue sky, he noticed some clouds in the sky, moving like a snail.
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(Rp starter)
A small netherling wonders through the forest during the twilight, the sun slowly settling down for the moon to take over the sky. His hooved like paws made slight markings on the grass as the enderling walked. Soon though he'd say down on a log and sighed, putting one of his hands underneath his jaw and resting his elbow onto his thigh. Wondering to himself for a moment, his ears drooping. The enderling looked like something was bothering him.
*as the enderling was pounting and resting a shadow flys above the nigthsky, a shadow of a flying bat like figure with a slick snake like tail comes by and perches on a tree stareing at the enderling with its deep red eyes... analyzeing him...*.
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pencil-urchin · 8 months
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Doodle of my Mirialan OC, Iria. She's a scholar--Peofessor of Cultural Anthropology/Archaeology, with a minor in Art History: all centered on what she calls "The Culture of Warfare" and how it defines and shapes those cultures which engage in war.
She also put herself through school as an exotic dancer in a not-very-nice place, like you do.
(Hold on because I'm about to word vomit)
She has a list of other skills and knowledges, but I don't want anyone crying "Mary Sue!" so a quick note:
All but a handful of her knowledge and abilities are skills I currently have or had at one point, and I promise I am not anyone's idea of a "Mary Sue."
These skills and achievements include:
-Multiple Advanced Degrees (I have an Associate's, a Bachelor's, and 3 Master's degrees)
-Art (I am a professional artist, and although I have a long way to go and a lot of room to improve, I have worked hard to get where I am, and obtained both an MA in Visual Development and an MFA in Concept Art in the process)
-Martial Arts (I stopped one test shy of a black belt when I was 17 because I started college)
-Fencing (I started fencing when I was 21, which is how I met my husband; we were both competitive until and somewhat during grad school, but now we mostly just coach)
-Music (clarinet and vocal primarily, then violin and piano for a short time)
-Writing (creative and academic, my second degree was in Literary Studies)
-Multilingual (I have studied Spanish, French, Latin, and Russian)
-Organization schemes/data analysis and curation (my first Masters was in Library Science, and I was a librarian for over ten years)
-Handling of rare/historic artifacts (I studied special collections, collection management, and rare books in my MLS)
-Cooking (my husband and I love cooking together)
-Fashion (as part of my MLS I worked in a designer and historic fashion archive)
-Metalwork (I have taken metalsmithing classes, worked as a jeweler's apprentice, and even got to try blacksmithing once upon a time)
-First Aid (through my first two years of grad school I was Healthcare Provider certified to offer assistance with CPR, use of a defibrillator, assisting with someone choking, etc)
-Emergency Response (for a while in my late teens, I participated in a program meant to prepare young adults for Firefighter I training, which included a rigorous exercise routine, specialized training in the use of emergency equipment, and learning the most basic foundations of Fire Science)
-Acting (listen I don't think I'm good, but I was in Improv as a kid, love to RP at the game table , and was even a mime once)
-Field Ecology (loved this class, caught so many snakes, frogs, turtles, and lizards: I do not do spiders or insects, and therefore neither do my characters)
Skills I ABSOLUTELY do not have that my OC has:
-social grace (I'm an awkward weirdo)
-physical grace (despite all I have done, I am so clumsy)
-beauty (I am a swamp witch without the swamp)
-confidence (see above)
-dancing (I did dance and drill team when I was in junior high, did swing choir in high school, did the "shimmy" belly dance workout, and took a pole-dance workout class once which was an absolute blast, but JFC I am NOT a dancer, I promise)
I'm sure there's more, but you get the idea. A multifaceted character with a collection of experiences that seem disparate isn't different from what we are IRL when we break ourselves down into a list like this. In addition to all the positives, I'm also old (35), neurodivergent and mentally-Ill.
So yeah, not a "Mary Sue."
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pokenimagines · 2 years
SFW Prompt - Sada - “Don’t be stupid, this snake isn’t poisonous.” Person A goes to pick up said snake; “It’s venomous, there’s a difference.” Can I get a headcanon/imagine format?
Event Information | Prompts List 
SFW Professor Sada: Venomous, not Poisonous.
You watched as the Ekans slithered by you in the wilds, chilling as you ate your sandwich. Sada looked over the table, noticing the peculiar colors of this particular Ekans. Sure it was green, which was cool and all, but you had food in your hand and no time to really think about anything other than getting something in you.
You then looked on in horror as Sada went over to it, starting to reach down, "Sada, that thing's poisonous! You can't just pick it up!" You whisper hissed at the woman. Sada looked over at you with a smile and chuckled.
"Don't be stupid, this Ekans isn't poisonous." She said as she picked up said Ekans gently by the neck. The snake pokemon wrapped its body around her wrist, but otherwise couldn't bite down, "It's venomous, there's a difference." She concluded.
"That doesn't make it any better!" You cried out. Nothing you could do about it now as she smiled at the pokemon who was calming down in her grasp. What were you going to do with this woman?
Thank you for reading! Please click on the links above if you want more information on the event or the prompts. Fun fact? Did you know we have a discord server? We have a brand new RP starting today as well! We have an announcement post about it, but you could also just go to the server and see for yourself!
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partywithponies · 2 years
Sorting Sooty characters by whether or not they're northerners:
- Sooty: Objectively yes. He's from Blackpool, his adopted human family is from Yorkshire, he lived in Yorkshire in the 50s and 60s, in the 90s he lived above and part owned a shop in Manchester, whichever way you slice it, Sooty's a Northerner.
- Sweep: Also lived with Sooty in Yorkshire and then Manchester, plus his dad wears a flat cap and occasionally smokes a pipe. I'm going to say yes.
- Soo: Hard to say. She speaks in a posh RP accent but she could just be a posh Northerner. The two main voice actors she's had were both from London though, but that doesn't definitively prove anything. Put Soo down as a maybe.
- Scampi: He's Sooty's cousin and is implied to come from the same place Sooty's from, which as we know is Blackpool. Scampi's a northerner.
- Butch: Butch is basically a cockney stereotype. Not a northerner.
- Ramsbottom: Even if you know nothing about Sooty lore, my guy's name is literally "Ramsbottom". But the fact is the entire joke of Ramsbottom's character is that he doesn't talk how you'd expect a snake to talk, he has a thick northern accent and his catchphrases are literally "aye lad" and "clart’ead". Plus he's one of the funniest characters in the entire franchise and everyone knows Northerners are just better at comedy. 100% northern.
- Miki: Miki is canonically Brazilian. Could not be less northern if she tried.
- Kipper: Hard to say since Kipper doesn't speak and doesn't have much personality outside of permanently tired (big mood, finally some relatable TV characters), but Kipper was introduced as a friend and neighbour of Sooty and Sweep in the late 50s, at which point we can be fairly certain they lived in Yorkshire, so I'm going to say yes, Kipper is a Northerner.
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Jessica: A Poem
Discovering the Jessica Rabbit RP blogs of @aparticularbandit last year has inspired me to start writing again. I did work on a few fanfics as a teenager, but then I fell away from writing, and I'd like to pick it back up. It's my New Year's Resolution for 2024.
So here's a poem about Jessica Rabbit. It's inspired by a brief line from the official Roger Rabbit comics, where Roger casually mentions that he used a butterfly net on Jessica the first time he met her. (And nope, there's no other context given.)
This poem is a first draft, so I welcome constructive criticism.
I’m told I must be seen to be believed,
But I have no control over my image. 
Were I to print a portrait for you here,
That would be called a breach of copyright,
And those who own me now are rich in funds
To buy the finest lawyers in the land. 
So picture, in your mind, a female form,
With legs so long they stretch from Saturday
To Monday like a three-day weekend, and
A body snaking out and in and out,
And topped with orange locks like dampened fire,
And emerald eyes, and plump and pouting lips. 
That’s me.  And that is what I’ve always been,
Since someone dared to stain his fingers red
With paint to drape me in a sequined gown
And panted, breathing on me, giving me
The life and animation he required
To make his films.  Yes, acting is my trade. 
I’ve had another.  It would make you blush. 
Now, I must stress, I had no choice in that. 
I had no interest in the act itself;
It was a job, I did it rather well,
But was it something I looked forward to
With girlish glee?  No, not at all.  Listen,
I did not hate, but neither did I love. 
Those owners told me, “Jump;” I asked, “How high?” 
Those owners told me, “Down;” I asked, “How low?” 
What power did I have to utter, “No”? 
I truly did believe this was my role,
My purpose, yes, the reason I was made:
To be the one that husbands hurried to
Whenever they had need of rough relief. 
I did not ask if I deserved to live
A life where I could choose my own desires,
Could choose where I would go, what I would do –
A life of joy and peace and liberty. 
It was self-evident that I did not. 
I had been drawn, not born, and that made me
A servant to the gracious human beings
Who gave the greatest gift, of life, to us,
The inkblots.  We were servants.  And that was
A fact as clear as day, just like the fact
That one man known colloquially as “Pope”
Was Catholic.  So I sank into my pit,
The lowest of already lowly folk. 
What pulled me out and finally set me free? 
A butterfly net.  No, I’m serious. 
One day I took a walk into the woods,
And it was spring, and flowers carpeted
The forest floor, and I was passing time
Until the night came, when I would be needed. 
I thought I heard the slaps of massive feet –
Then something like a stick wacked into me. 
The impact knocked me backwards into mesh. 
I sat there, tangled, reeling from the blow,
And then I heard a voice above my head:
“Jeepers!  So sorry, miss!  I’ll let you out! 
See, I was aiming for this butterfly –
I didn’t see you there!”  I had to laugh. 
That was the first time I had ever laughed. 
How could I not have laughed?  How could he not
Have seen me?  How?  I never could escape
The leering eyes and lolling tongues of men. 
Surely this fellow was a fellow too? 
Then why would he be any different?  Well,
I dug a high heel in and cut the net,
And then I stood and shook the ropes away,
And turned, and I beheld my captor – and
I realised I towered over him. 
He was a creature made of ink and paint,
As I was, only he was hairier
And shorter, and his clothes were like a clown’s. 
His eyes and ears and nose were larger, too. 
He trembled in my shadow, looking up,
Expecting me to fly into a rage
And beat him till his snow-white hair turned red. 
Instead, I simply asked, “Are you all right?” 
That must have been a welcome change for him. 
We painted ones see little kindness from
The humans who created us, the ones
Who ought to love us dearly, but do not,
So we must give each other kindness.  Well,
That’s how I’ve tried to live my life, although
Few people tend to want my company
(Unless they’re paying for my services),
Not even other painted slaves.  After
I asked this fellow if he was all right,
The man exhaled, apologised again,
And asked me who I was, and where I worked,
And how I found myself within the woods. 
I answered, and I asked him questions too. 
We almost could have stayed a thousand years,
Among the daisies, asking, answering,
But all too soon, the Sun was lowering;
I had to go; he promised he would meet
With me again.  He kept his word.  He came
To find me just outside the studio
And asked me what I’d like to do that day –
The first time anyone gave me a choice. 
We spent two years in pleasant company,
And then, one summer’s day, we tied the knot. 
I strode into the chapel, dressed in white,
And my eyes found his, and they never left. 
We’re still a wife and husband.  No-one thought
That we would last this long.  How could a dame
With beauty such as mine dote on a fool? 
What do I see in him?  He treats me well;
He buys me candy in a heart-shaped box
And takes me to the finest restaurants
He can afford – and I buy gifts for him,
Usually clothes, because he always rips
The ones he has.  I love the way his face
Lights up when he unwraps them, tries them on. 
What do I see in him?  He writes to me –
He sends me letters when he’s called away,
Composes poems of love when he is near. 
We call each other many silly names. 
And when the weekend comes, the kitchen is
The place we spend most time, as we attempt
New recipes for different kinds of cake. 
(My favourite kind is still the carrot cake. 
He’s told me carrot is his favourite, too.) 
What does he see in me?  I dare not ask,
For fear that I will break the magic spell
That’s binding us together.  So instead,
I sit, and run my fingers through his hair. 
What do I see in him?  Quite simply, he
Was, and still is, the only man who tried
To find out who I was, and love that dame,
Instead of thinking he knew all of me
Based only on my looks, and judging me. 
What do I see in him? 
He makes me laugh. 
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eragonartnmore · 9 months
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Cyborg May Cry is a massive RP plot that I had recently finished (for now) with my partner in crime @vinny-scout
here we have 17 versions of Raiden in one piece. Each Raiden you see makes in appearance within the RP.
This takes place in a futuristic/cyberpunk world. Where there are currently two realms. The realm where Raiden and the others reside and the floating realm above dubbed Aeromire.
1: Child - Raiden is abandoned by his parents. They left him so they could reside in Aeromire, but he is taken in by Solid Snake.
2: Young - Raiden proceeds to sign up into training for Vergil’s army. He is given his Codename of Raiden, do to his speed and reflexes.
3: Entranced - Raiden is found in this state at a club after a drug bust has gone wrong. In this state he is forced to do sexual acts and dances for the guests at the club.
4: Cyborg body 1 - Raiden is offered a higher position by Vergil but soon learns what Vergil’s true intentions were. Before he could escape to tell the truth, he is trapped, ripped apart, and brainwashed. A year after obtaining this body he is ordered to kill Snake and succeeds.
5: Cyborg body 2 - A year after assassinating Snake, Raiden is upgraded and given the role as one of Vergil’s top cybernetic assassins. He is given the task of taking out Dante but fails upon his memories slowly resurfacing, making him join Dante while getting inside work done on Vergil.
6: Downgraded - Vergil finds out about what Raiden is doing and downgrades him. This makes his body weaker and places him in a more vulnerable position.
7: Obedience body 1 - Vergil sends a unit to kidnap Raiden. It does so successfully and Raiden in torn apart and placed into a body based on a creature known as a Wicker Beast.
8: Upgraded - This body is made by Dante. Dante has it infused with Angelic aura making it practically indestructible.
9: Obedience body 2 - Raiden is captured again and brainwashed slightly. He is placed in another Wicker body but Dante once again comes to the cyborg’s rescue and helps restore his memories and gets him out of the body.
10: Demonic - Raiden upon each time being dismantled and rebuilt by Vergil, Vergil had fused Demonic energy into Raiden. He is incredibly dangerous and powerful in this state.
11: Mr. Lightning Bolt - A body made for him by Dante. This body has him look more human when he wants to go out for daily or basic errands.
12: Neko - Raiden is subjected to a drug that turns humans into anthropomorphic creatures upon prolonged exposure. Luckily he went through minimal changes and was later on cured.
13: Hellbound - Raiden is murdered by a demon, dubbed Slaykonis, who was inhabiting Dante’s body. He returns to Earth pulsing with demonic powers and a deadly drive, seeking to kill Slaykonis.
14: Cybernetic exo suit - Raiden returns to Earth as human after the death of Slaykonis. The cybernetic suit is one of his cyborg bodies but completely gutted.
15: Rex disguise - A magic based disguise that is used to get around and blend into Aeromire: Alpha.
16: Snake disguise - Raiden gets trapped in their old residence as the Aeromire council is seeking to destroy Dante and the others. This is another magic based disguise that was made blending the DNA of him and the saved DNA of Solid Snake.
17: Reaper - After the fall of the Reaper, Raiden is chosen by their hand to become the next soul guide. He even uses this form to help take down the Aeromire councils leader.
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cfmanymuses · 3 months
get to know me meme !
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1. favorite colors: I don't really have a favourite colour? Like, yeah, I lean towards purples, blues and greens, but clothing wise, I end up living in monochromes. Makes my life easier.
2. favorite flavors: I love salty foods (except liquorice, ew), sweet with a sour tang, and I'm starting to appreciate spicy food again. I went off it for a while, which is weird.
3. favorite genres: Mostly fantasy, with a little bit of sci-fi and the faintest tinge of horror? I'm not great with it, I still get nightmares 😅 I'll also indulge in a bit of slice of life every now and then.
4. favorite music: Spotify describes my main playlist as angry, various kinds of rock, metal and instrumentals 😂 I mean, it's not wrong, but does it have to call me out like that?
5. favorite movies: Recently, it's been the John Wick movies, Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (it was funny), Venom, Men In Black (it was a childhood favourite), Bo Burnham's Inside (couldn't stop laughing!), and probably a lot more, but it's late and I'm blanking.
6. favorite series: At the moment, it's The Legend of Vox Machina. I'm not really binging anything else.
7. last song: Waste My Time - Scandroid
8. last series: See above, I've been wasting my own time with Stardew Valley.
9. last movie: In theaters, it was The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. I totally forgot about that!
10. currently reading: Vox Machina Origins: Volume 1 and Noragami volume 26. Eagerly awaiting 27!
11. currently watching: Nothing right now, I'm winding down for the night.
12. currently working on: This meme? Nah, I'm reviewing notes from Saturday's D&D session, fixing spelling errors and such. I'm also somewhat planning out RP stuff, and I have some rewrites to do when I can snag some time to myself, yeesh.
Tagged by Stolen from: @ofoccultism Tagging: You, I guess? Steal it and have fun!
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positivelybeastly · 4 months
🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse? 💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out? 🍕 - What’s your favorite food?
🌟 - Who was your very first RP muse?
Oh, that's tricky. That's really tricky. Umm. Shit. I feel like it might well have been an OC I wrote for a Resident Evil RP on Gaia Online? He was an original S.T.A.R.S member during an AU of the Spencer Mansion Incident, and he had a brother who I also played that was a researcher at the Mansion.
I remember the brother more vividly, actually, because I did something really funny that, looking back, is VERY me - he was an idiot who knew nothing about guns, so he bought the biggest, meanest revolver hand cannon possible as protection, and the only time he fired it was when they were fighting Yawn in the library. He made the mistake of firing it one handed while trying to pull his brother up and out of the way of the giant snake, and promptly broke his hand from the recoil.
I always like playing characters who have blind spots and who will do dumb things because they don't know better - it's part of the reason I like Hank so much; for as smart and as strong and wonderful he is, he can be very, VERY stupid and ruins his own life on occasion, plus he's only strong compared to normal people, really. Playing him forces me to think scenarios through smartly and really consider what my options are, because more often than not, especially in a fight scene, he's underpowered. That's a tendency through my muses.
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
Well, on the Marvel Discord RP server I'm a part of, I've recently picked up Alex Summers/Havok, Ben Grimm/the Thing, Count Nefaria, and I'm considering picking up Isaac Christians/the Gargoyle, so I suppose they'd count!
Ben's a fun one, especially, because I have my brain so tuned to Hank style quips and replies that I go to type them, only to remember oh yeah, Ben wouldn't say that in a trillion years. It's a fun challenge, though!
🍕 - What’s your favorite food?
I am a basic male image and I love pizza above all other things. Parmesan shavings, garlic, oregano, plenty of different cheeses, some pepperoni, stuffed crust, give me that right now. I will eat it in front of you whole and I will feel no shame.
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