#abrael speaks
ask-the-riders · 1 year
Abrael: We all have our demons
Abrael, vaguely gesturing to Cosette, who's wedged into the space under their bed: This one's mine
Abrael: Sometimes she even speaks to me in French
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skelesinners-r-us · 3 years
71 for War, Abrael, and Connie!
71: If you had a penis, what would you name it?
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[War's cheekbones immediately flush midnight blue and she looks away from you, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing]
Bold of you to think I'd name it anything at all
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[Humming in thought, Abrael's cheekbones gain a soft yellow blush and they tilt their head. They're quiet for a moment before perking up, offering you a dorky grin]
How about I call it my cutlass? Since swords and pirates, and all that good stuff!
- - -
[Conquest's cheekbones gradually gain a noticeable orange blush and she hums, lifting a hand to absentmindedly tap on her chin as she thinks. A moment passes before her blush darkens and she draws in a deep breath, very clearly attempting not to giggle]
..............I-I think I'd call it my "pocket rocket"
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lover-of-skellies · 3 years
So uhhh
I realize I have a whole 'nother blog for stuff to do with my group of riders, but I'm posting this here because I feel like responses will be quicker and I'm mega curious, soooo
Abrael (Mishap) is the newest member of the group, who was human before she was given her current position. In fact, she used to be a pirate, even
I figured a lot of her pirate dialect is gone by now, but maybe it still slips out on accident every so often. Part of what I was wondering was what you think could make her slip into pirate dialect again without even realizing it
The other thing pertaining to her: how weird/annoying/off-putting is pirate dialect to you? I was thinking of having her speak in pirate dialect more often because it's a way to make her stand out from the others, but I also really don't wanna make her really annoying, either ^^"
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adrielthefallen · 7 years
hey, I dont know if you remember me but you seem familiar. I was called Abrael and was a dominion associated with light and justice. I had either gold or brown wings + light blond hair. I fell during the War with Lucifer and ended up on earth.
You seem very familiar! I think you’re in one of my memories. And considering that we both fell here Below, I might have run into you at one point or another.
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
Sounds like a plan. *I stand closer to him before waving at the Riders* We'll be back later guys!
[Abrael waves, offering you a slight grin]
Seeya later, Keiko. You be safe now, ok?
[Ret furrows his brow bones, trying to look as encouraging as possible as he offers you a tiny smile too]
Yeah... Be safe down there, alright? If anything happens, I'll have to show up and kick someone's ass for you
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
*He shrugs, smirking.*
Not really, but would be fun to hear it! Heheheheh!
[Abrael stares at you for a few seconds before dropping their shovel, map, and extra sword. They fish through their pockets for a moment before digging out a phone. It's clear that they're still not quite sure how to even use it, as they begin trying to unlock the device]
Nope. I'm afraid I won't be humoring you today
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Oh, and why’s that?
[They deadpan, appearing completely unimpressed]
Must I really explain it to you?... I figured you would've already known my reasons
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
*He grabs, hops off his perch.*
Let’s go huntin’!
[Abrael arches a brow bone, grinning ever so slightly to themselves in amusement]
That sounds like a plan to me. Which one of us is leading the way?
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Can I see that shovel? Just real quick?
[Abrael very hesitantly begins to move back toward the beach, making a face at you]
I'll give you the shovel if you give me my phone
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
That paper that guy on the beach gave you?
[The former pirate is quiet for another moment in thought, before they give a slow nod]
Ok?.... I think I know what you're talking about
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
(Speaking of horses, Abby! Would you feed your horse meat?)
[Abrael slowly looks from you to their kelpie, watching as it quietly grazes on the grass. A bird flutters down and perches on a nearby branch, immediately earning the attention of the kelpie. As it's stare becomes freakishly intense, the former pirate makes a face, visibly concerned and mildly disgusted]
By default, I wanna say no, but... It's a kelpie. And kelpies are predators, so inevitably, I might have to
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
Abby would you rather pull a prank Ret or Pest?
[As soon as Abrael processes the question, their answer is almost immediate]
Pest, because he's not as serious. The only thing I'd have to look out for is him pranking me back
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
*When you make it to the beach, the ghost was looking out over the horizon, if you could call it that. He turns around as he hears footsteps crunching on the sand.*
Ah, you’ve returned!
[The former pirate makes an unenthusiastic sound of confirmation]
That I have
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Well, what’s the harm in having two swords? Just in case you lose the first one!
[Abrael hums in consideration]
Well with that logic.... Aye, I suppose you have a point
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ask-the-riders · 2 years
Dang Abby. You must be pretty tired after running through my mind all day, huh?
[Abrael stares at you, quietly processing your words. When their meaning finally clicks into place, the former pirate lifts a hand, scratching the back of the head and offering you a slight smile as their cheekbones flush a faint lemon yellow]
Aye, 'm positively exhausted
[It's almost as if a switch flips, because with no warning, their slight grin turns into a playful one, and they teasingly wink at you]
Maybe it was that, or maybe it was the fact that I put so much energy into trying to catch a glimpse of you in my dreams last night
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Don’t ask me! I’m just the messenger!
[Abrael deadpans, silent for a few seconds before tilting her head]
Do I even wanna know how or where you learned about it?
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