monmuses · 1 year
it's junky my thing.
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it's junky my thing bro
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soldiersofsmiles · 1 year
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@abundantiiia is such a wonderful person and deserves so much happiness and better treatment than she's been given in these past few months. I'm so happy that I am her friend and I hope to continue to have so many more threads in the future.
-- Anonymous
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needlenxggin · 1 year
He's staring his brother down, "Why is milk suddenly embarrassing to you. Explain."
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There's a loud thud as he plants his face firmly into the table. "No."
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smileduponyou · 1 year
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"... You know that, by responding to him, you're only encouraging him... right?"
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ichoric · 1 year
@abundantiiia said: Alisaie points at Zenos, "You get no bitches."
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heavy .... heavy sigh. ' whoever's child this is has five seconds to pick her up. '
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diffxrentwxrlds · 2 years
@abundantiiia continued from x
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"Nothing special, my ass. There's a huge market out there for soft guys and twinks." Miruko huffs, gentle chopping the other on the head. "Have more faith in your own worth."
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nijimx · 2 years
@abundantiiia liked for a little thing!
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After leaving Mementos the group usually went their own way for the evening, a lot of them too tired to do much else that day, but as the group dispersed she noticed Ren lingering glancing in her direction. Raising a brow she walked over to the group leader and offered a small smile. "Did you need something, Ren?"
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feralverndari · 2 years
@abundantiiia ♥'d for a lyrical starter!
"I think 's obvious. Tha' we'll stay happy, 'Cause 'M th' happiest when you smile at me."
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desertome · 2 years
▽ 「𝘢𝘣𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘪𝘪𝘢 - Yuugi」
This is going to seem insane.
He's going to call the cops.
And Heba can't blame him.
Those were the main thoughts that ran through his head as he approched the Kame Game Store, hands clenched around the messenger bag that carried the demonic evil book. As if books can be evil. Heba is a professor, this is compeletly illogical. He does science, history, education he does not do crazy people in nightgowns wanting to fight him for a book.
And yet, he can't undo the things he saw. The things he watched happen. The cut on his forearm and the bruise darkening his cheek. Those things happened. His hotel room being ransacked? Happened. And Marik? Marik said well go ask Yuugi, Heba. Go ask the brother you never met because he was the Pharaoh's Vessel. What does that even mean?
He feels like he's on the edge of a panic attack, he hasn't had one of them since he was last forced to see a Doctor. Since his last trip to the hosptial. But he can feel it and with whatever strength he has, he forces it down--and steps through the doors of the Kame Game Store.
There's no greeting, he doesn't offer plesantries, he steps up to the counter and yanks the book from his bag. The heavy tome settles on the counter top with a thud and he nearly shoves it at the mirror of himself.
"It doesn't burn."
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vashtxt · 1 year
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@abundantiiia asked: | Unprompted.
"You wanted to talk to me... So talk." Knives crossed his arms and gave the other a cross look. What could Vash possibly want this time? Why did he have to be involved? All he'd ever do is hurt Vash, he was no fool. He wanted to put Vash in his pocket, keep him safe forever, keep him safe from everything forever and ever. Make him see that in a world of butterflies they were the spiders. "Speak up already or I'll leave after all."
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It was going to be difficult but he wanted to try it anyway. Their ideals were always un front of them when it was not everything. He was sure that the connection they had was equal and, even being the opposite, he loved him. He truly loved him.
And his mind did not stop to feel conflicted about that.
After a sigh, Vash looked back at Knives. Just a moment, if they could have just... a moment.
❝ Can... Can we put aside our fight today? Just... I... ❞ He wanted to say 'I need you', but he did not want him to be so smug about that. Because he knew Knives wanted him to say that and let him do all the job. And no, it was not like that. He loved him yes, but he wanted to choose on his own, have his own freedom. If for a moment he could listen to him...
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fatedefyd · 1 year
   @abundantiiia​​  /  cont. !
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   ❝ thaaaaank yooou mister Taaang. ❞  She drawls out as she lightly spins on the barstool, big ‘ol puppy-dog eyes on full display ; he already said that Mei was off the hook, but still...
   ❝ what kind’a noodles ya want for lunch ? shio ? miso ? tonkotsu ?? ❞
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monmuses · 1 year
[totally anon] ew. u like cringe music. u are cringe. gross. go shower, smelly. [/anon]
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UNPROMPTED ASKS - Always Accepting!
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likeadragcn · 1 year
❛ can you please pretend to be my boyfriend / girlfriend for a moment so my ex will leave me alone ? ❜ [from Noctis (obvs an older one)]
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first meeting meme / accepting /
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What a question. The stranger was incredibly bold to even come up to him with such a favor, however, Gohan wasn’t without empathy. The situation wasn’t ideal but this was all for the sake of appearances, so he figured as soon as they could show his ex up, they would go their separate ways. So, quickly Gohan’s initial confused expression softens to a smile, it was small but still welcoming.
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“I’ll do it. My name is Gohan by the way.” The taller male said extending his hand in friendship, or in this case temporary courtship. “If you don’t mind me asking, who’s your ex anyway? Point him or her out.” Considering the young man came to HIM for this charade Gohan didn’t want to assume too much. “But if you’re ex is that talkative why not just try to lose them in the crowd?”
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needlenxggin · 1 year
"Were you planning on telling me you were married and I suddenly have a sister in law or....?" [Knives]
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"Could you really blame me if I said no? You are trying to commit genocide after all." In his defence he had told her about his brothers existence at least.
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heroesburden · 2 years
@abundantiiia​ asked:
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"Neee... neee... nejire... I...." and he shoves the box of candies at her before walking away. Good-bye. He's done and he's going to go hide now. Forever.
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           She hadn’t really been paying attention to the day , but when he spoke up she turned her head , hair spinning about her body as she perks excitedly.
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The candies were shoved into her arms , surprised by it , before grasping it and gasping lightly.
 ‘ Ne , ne ! Tamaki - kun ! What’s this for ? Wait ! You can’t leave ! not without helping me eat these ! Tamakiiiii ‘
She quickly reaches over , and hooks one of her arms into his bouncing a bit on the balls of her feet , eyes shining . Tamaki , you’re not getting away that easy .
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ichoric · 1 year
@abundantiiia from
each note strummed on the harp held hope, purposeful and vivid, fingers moving like a gentle breeze over grass. although asi'mina focused their attention to the instrument, the exarch's steady gaze didn't go unnoticed. they wanted him to listen, to perhaps feel the melody as strongly as they did. as they used to.
for their music changed after losing g'raha. it lacked familiar life, darkened and cold replica, yet none could notice save the composer themself. ' why thank you, exarch. ' spoken as they trailed off with a few waning notes, green eyes rising to look at him. ' many a bard suffered their own weighted tragedies ... and how better to bring forth inspiration than a song one can resonate with ? '
their smile grew rather playfully, yet their words were hardly teasing. ' perhaps. i should feel honored to help, should you have need of me. i do take requests -- though i often play from the heart. '
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