#abyssal’s nsft writing
Liber Sociorum
Lupus Somnia (Darkiplier)
Werewolf!Darkiplier x Fem!Reader
Word count - 4472
Warnings - slight Pred/prey
Please mind the warnings, and if I missed one tell me, I’m not an asshole I’m just stupid /lh
The downpour caught you at a bad time. No umbrella, no coat, not even a collar on your shirt to flip up to protect your neck. You duck into a store overhang for some shelter but it seems like someone’s against you, because the wind shifted and now the rain is attacking you from the side. 
At this rate you might as well just go in the store. You sigh and push the door open. The first thing that greets you is the smell, and the bell that rings to signal someone entering the store but mostly the smell. It’s not bad, it just, smells like an attic. Musty and old. And it looks like an attic too. At least due to the stuff inside it. The shelves reach to the ceiling, towering over you.
Everywhere you look this place is crammed to the gills. Jars full of small things, buttons, pins, shells. McDonalds toys? Boxes of junk, things people didn’t want anymore and it ended up here. Things people probably loved at one point but had to get rid of. 
Wandering deeper, you aren’t even sure if anyone else is in this maze of a place. No one said anything when the doorbell rang. Maybe you’re alone. You pick up a random magazine, TIME blares at you from the cover. Is that JFK? How old is this? You put it back on a random shelf and turn a corner. 
As you round the corner you find an open area, a guy behind a counter looks up from a magazine before looking back down, a bored expression on his face. Ok, so you aren’t alone. You pull out your phone, checking the weather. Rain for the next 20 minutes. Great. You aren’t walking in that. Well, time to waste, well, time.
You spin in a circle. Looking for something interesting. There, those shelves have books. Maybe you'll pass the time buried in one. And if not, well maybe you’ll find some ones that you can sell on Ebay. 
Actually, maybe not. Most of these books look pretty worn and used. The first one you attempt to pick up, the cover falls off in your hands. Whoops, let's just, put it back and pretend nothing happened. That one’s pages are stuck together with wax. You don’t even attempt to pick up the one that's stained a suspicious dark reddish brown on the cover. Oh, hey, that The Fellowship of the Ring book looks rather old. 
You wonder if, oh shit. As you pull it out another book comes with it, thudding to the floor. You wince and look over where the counter is. The guy doesn’t appear to see what the noise was so you’re probably in the clear. You bend down, the book had landed open, the pages to the floor. You gingerly lift it up, flipping it over to see where it opened to. 
Huh? It’s a diagram of a, demon? At least it looks like a demon. Dude with furry legs and horns. Probably a demon. You flip to the next page and are greeted with another diagram. Of a dick. Oh joy. Just what you wanted to see. It’s got a knot? At least if you can read the handwriting next to the arrow pointing to it, that's what it says it is. 
You flip to pages further in the book. Another diagram, this time of a person with wings. Well, if the last one was a demon this one’s gotta be an angel. Is the next page gonna be… yep. You flipped to the next page, another dick drawing on the pages. 
You keep flipping through the book, becoming more intrigued as you read. There's so much stuff in here. Demons, Angels, Gods? And how to summon them? Maybe it’s like a story building book, it sure seems that way. Someone probably wrote it for fun. It’s in a journal type book, you close it and look at the cover. Fake leather bound, Obligatory red string bookmark, a clasp to hold it close. 
You open to the first page, wondering if it’s signed with who wrote it. There’s no name but there is a message. 
If you use this book, Use it only once. You Can Not have more than one. (Unless explicitly stated) [But that is rare] Rip out the pages you used, keep them, burn them, do whatever you want with them. Lose the book. It will find its way to the next user. 
Use the book? What does that mean? And there’s writing next to the note. The “Unless explicitly stated”, and then under that “But that is rare” in different handwriting. What does that all mean? More than one what? More than one book? You’re so confused. You just close the book and tuck it under your arm. You’ll buy it. Why not. 
You check your phone again for the weather. It’s drizzling now. You spy an umbrella, and with that voice in your head yelling at you that it's bad luck, you open it indoors to see if it works. It does. You could probably walk home with this. Unless it gets bad again but that would be, bad luck.
You waste a bit more time as you walk up to the counter. Picking up a few more things that intrigued you. A comic book, from a stack that seemed ready to fall off the chair it was perched on. A small jar of crystals, and a couple of pins grabbed from the bowl on the check out counter. 
The guy behind the counter sighs, looks over your stuff and rattles out the price of everything. $17.35. None of it had a price tag on it. He probably just made up a price, or he’s memorized the prices for everything. 
He’s probably making it up. But you aren’t going to complain. You just pay the price and leave. You open your new umbrella, well, new to you. Stepping out into the rain you begin your walk home.
The book has been sitting on your desk for almost a week now. You haven’t touched it since you put it there. Why not try and read it more, you have some free time. You sit at your desk and grab the book. Opening it to the beginning you’re greeted with the message again. 
You ignore it and flip to the next page. Oh? A chapter list. That’s interesting. Demons, Angels, Gods, Creatures. Hm. Gods seem interesting. You flip it to a random page and the first god you see is the God of Night. Some scribbled notes alongside a picture of what he looks like.
You read about the different Gods for a while before flipping back to the chapter list. You just close your eyes and point at a random name. 
Lupus Somnia (Darkiplier) 
That’s interesting. You flip to the page. 
Lupus Somnia (Darkiplier)
Wolf of Nightmares
Wolf of nightmares, ok. You keep reading. He is one of the more powerful demons in this book. A shapeshifter. Takes on the form of a great black wolf. Well you probably could've figured that one out. I mean his name has the word wolf in it. 
Actually, does it? You use google translate to translate the latin. Wolf dreams. Ok then, well it is google translate. It can’t be completely accurate. You go back to reading.
Can create wolf extensions of himself. Shadow wolves. They look like pieces of a void, molded into shape. To summon him, you must do it on a full moon. Blah blah blah, bones? This is getting weird. You spy a scribbled note at the bottom of the page. Can be summoned with Lupus Corruptionis (Antisepticeye). 
So Darkiplier is one of the ones you can have more than one of. Whatever that means. You’re getting tired. You open your phone, squinting at the bright light. It’s 3 in the morning? What the hell happened. 
You close the book, standing up from your desk and stretching. You should go to bed. You have things to do tomorrow. Sparing one last glance at the book, humoring the random thought of wondering if summoning them would work. Shaking the silly thought from your head you finally go to bed.
The thoughts have been rotating in your head for a few days now. Like food in a microwave. Could you summon someone? The next question you have is who would you summon, but that's easily answered, Darkiplier. He intrigued you. And with some research you find the next full moon is in a few days. So you have time to prepare. 
You collect the materials. The crystals, the herbs, the bones. Thankfully it can be any type of bone so chicken should work. You set it all up, checking it against the book as you do. And just in case you set up some protection on you as well, almost smoking yourself out of your room. You may have overdone it on the smudge sticks and incense. 
You open a window to help clear it out. It’s a strong scent, you don’t wanna pass out from it. When you can breathe again you finish setting up the summoning. Lighting the candles and reading the words from the book. As you read the last word, nothing happens. 
Well, that’s probably what was going to happen no matter what. What were you expecting to happen. The candles to go out?
The candles go out… Oh shit, shit, shit. 
You’re left in the darkened room. The only light being the full moon shining through your open window. The hair on the back of your neck stands on end. You’re being watched by someone. No, something. You take a shaky breath in and slowly begin to look around your room, afraid of what you'll find. 
You freeze as you finally turn to your closet. There. In the shadows, a figure. You scramble backwards slightly as they reach out for you. Your hand hits the flashlight you left next you and you fumble to turn it on and point at the figure. 
As you do the figure reveals itself to be, a coat. A coat hanging up in your closet. A breeze flits through your window and moves the coat. Making it look like it was reaching for you. You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. That’s enough of that. 
You stand, turning on your light and beginning to clean up. The candles getting blown out was probably a gust of wind. And it could also be the source of your sudden chill you got, where the hair on the back of your neck stood up. 
It's been days, and you can't seem to shake the feeling of being watched. No, not just watched. This feels different. Predatory. You feel like you're being Hunted. 
No matter where you go you can’t escape it. It seems to get stronger in your house. Which should be concerning. Maybe you did summon something? No, you couldn’t have. But, just in case. You research more, trying to find out how to banish it, get it to leave you alone. 
Many trials with different plants and crystals and burning candles later you think whatever is here is here to stay. You sit on your couch, laying your head back and staring at the ceiling. You’re tired, and falling asleep like this will definitely hurt your neck when you wake up, but you’re too exhausted to currently care. You drift off easily.
You wake, your neck not hurting like you expected it to. Sitting up you realize that you're in your bed? How the hell did you get here? Sleep walked? You rub the back of your neck and look on your bedside table for your phone. 
It's not there, which means it's probably still in the living room. You debate on going to get it or just going back to sleep, it’s probably like 1 am right? Finally you decide to go get it so you can plug it in. You swing your feet off the bed and make your way down the hallway. The kitchen light is on. 
You ignore it and go to grab your phone, you’ll turn it off when you go back to bed. You check the time on your phone. Yeah, 1:16 am. You turn to the kitchen and freeze. 
There’s someone in your kitchen. There’s someone in your kitchen.
They’re tall, taller than you. They’re not facing you, so they might not know you're there. You have your phone, you can call the police. But you can’t move. Frozen in place you can only watch as they turn, seeing you. They, no, he, smiles at you. “Hello,” There’s a distortion to his voice, barely noticeable but there. 
He moves closer to you and you start to panic. Your heart is beating so loudly he must hear it. “Oh, you poor thing, so scared of me. Scared of your mate.” He reaches out and you finally move, not flinching away, no, your body betrays you and leans into his touch.
“It’s alright, this can be fixed. You’re Mine now.” And with that your brain finally shuts down from the panic and you pass out. 
You jolt up off the couch, heart hammering, gasping for breath like you’ve just run for your life. It was a dream. It was just a dream. You calm down, fumbling the power button on your phone to check the time. 1:47 am. The kitchen light is off, no sign of anyone being in your house but you.
“You’re awake” You startle at the voice, falling off the couch. Except, you don’t hit the floor. “Careful now, I don’t want you to injure yourself.” You were caught by, something. A black mass shifts under you, cushioning your fall. It lowers you to the ground and retreats, your eyes follow it to the man who controls it, the man that was in your kitchen.
He’s sitting in your arm chair, watching you. “You have some strange courting rituals Dearheart. Lots of candles and crystals and incense. Do all humans court this way?”
“Court, courting rituals? What are you talking about?” You shakily get to your feet, not taking your eyes of the man across from you. “You summoned me, after someone is summoned from the book the next few weeks are used to court them.”
“Why would, why would I court you? Wait, summoned you?” You sit down on the couch, your legs shaking too much to hold you up properly. He leans forward, tilting his head as he considers you. “Whomever summons me is my mate for life. Did you really not know that?”
“N-no, i didn’t. I didn’t think, didn’t think anyone could be summoned. I thought it was fake.” “Fake, you thought the Liber Sociorum, the book of summoning a mate, is fake?” He sighs, “No matter, I can fix this.” He stands, flicking his hand away and sending a black blur across the floor and down the hallway. As he walks closer to you, you try to sink deeper into the couch. 
He stops, and sits next to you on the couch. Oh, he's even bigger up close. His eyes are mismatched colors, one red, the other blue. The shadow from earlier is back, it's shaped like a dog, carrying the book in its mouth. Wait, not a dog, a wolf. You remember that from the book. 
He takes the book from the wolf and it dissolves into thin air. He opens the book, easily finding the page he was looking for. “Here,” He points to a place on a page, and you lean closer to read.
This book, the Liber Sociorum, is a mating book. Used to find mates for the people in these pages. If you summon someone, they will be your mate for life. If you find this book and don’t want a mate? Lose it. The next person needs it more than you. 
You take the book from him. How could you have missed this? 
“So, now do you understand? You’re mine, and I am yours.” You nod, still reading and rereading the passage. He’s been the presence you've been feeling. You feel a hand cupping your jaw, and he turns you to look at him. Slowly, giving you time to move away if you want, he leans closer. 
Pressing your lips together, he gently kisses you. You’re frozen in place, and as he pulls away from you he must see something in your expression because he smiles. “You’re gone for me, aren’t you. Almost completely mine.” Your body moves on instinct, lifting your head and bearing the column of your throat to him. Submitting. 
A rumbly growl fills the room and it takes you a second before you realize it's coming from him. His hand is tilting your head to the side more and he’s leaning into your neck. Fangs sink into the junction of your shoulder and neck, breaking skin. Venom pumps into your bloodstream, marking you as his. 
Before you know it, it's over. The wound healed and you felt no pain. He’s pulling back, licking his lips and gently running his thumb over the mark. “There we go, mine forever.” You whine and he shushes you. “Give it a moment, you’ll feel it soon.”
You open your mouth to ask, Feel what soon, but it hits you and you know. A burning feeling starts inside you. You lean forwards in your seat, trying to ignore the pain. But it only gets worse. “It’s alright, the first heat hits the hardest. Luckily starlight, I’m here to help.” 
He moves, gently picking you up in a bridal carry. You don’t know where you're going, where he's taking you. He walks across the room, going for the hallway and hopefully your room. You sneak a glance at the hallway, it ripples, the walls distorting and shifting. It makes you nauseous to look at so you just bury your face in Dark’s shirt. 
There’s a faint sound, not one you could place. A coolness washes over you, your pain dispersing. You lift your face from Dark’s chest. Where in the nine circles of hell are you? Dark chuckles. Did you say that outloud. “You aren’t in Hell little mate. I would never take you there.” 
It’s nothing, just a black void. You glance down, and regret it. There's no floor, just an endless abyss below you. You hold tighter to Dark, afraid of falling even though it's probably not possible. 
Your surroundings warp, the previous black void shaping around you into a forest. Shades of greys and blacks are the only color, besides you and Dark. You get let down, your feet sinking slightly into the peat of the ground. His hand gently caresses your cheek and you shudder as a chill runs through you. 
“I’ve delayed your heat for the time being, it will return but I want some Fun first.” 
You step back away from him, unsure of what's happening but you can’t look away. The darkness and shadows of your surroundings seem to pull towards him. Tendrils make their way across the ground, congregating at his feet. They wind their way up his body, and wrap around him. Dark starts to change, or perhaps he was changing the whole time and you just noticed. He’s taller, his teeth sharper, nails elongating into claws. 
His shirt rips and tears, falling off of him. His pants end up the same way. A snout pushes its way out of his face and your eyes meet burnished gold ones. 
If you thought Dark was big before, he’s huge now. Towering over you as a werewolf, he tilts his head watching you. “Oh, little mate, it would do you good to Run” You stumble backwards away from him and turn slightly, still keeping him in eyesight. His tail swishes behind him as he sits back on his haunches. “I’ll even give you a head start, 30, 29, 28,”
You start to run, not looking behind you as you duck and weave around the trees in the forest. “23, 22,” You can’t outrun him. Maybe you should start to look for hiding places. But where, there's nothing but trees and an occasional fallen log. You skid to a stop, fallen log. Maybe you could, “10, 9, 8” There’s no time, you have to. 
You climb over the next log you see, hiding on the opposite side of it. You dig out dirt from under it, making a small hollow that might shield you more than just laying next to the log. “4, 3, 2” You close your eyes, trying not to make a sound as Dark goes silent. 
A howl rings throughout the forest, sharply cutting through the silence. You flinch, a quiet whimper escaping you. “Oh? Now what could that have been.” Dark doesn’t speak again, and you don’t hear any footsteps getting closer. The silence is frightening. You open your eyes, he’s not next to you like you expected. “Where ever could you be?” 
That time his voice sounds like it's just meters away, on the opposite side of the log. Dark growls, but this time you don’t make a sound. The pain from earlier returns, your heat returns. You inhale sharply at a stabbing pain. The log above you is ripped away. You don’t know what happened to it, Dark probably threw it. “Found you.”
Dark grabs the front of your shirt in his teeth, lifting you off the ground and setting you on your feet. His grip was gentle, and you appreciate that. You barely keep yourself steady on your feet as the world around you ripples again. The forest you were just hunted in changing around you, being replaced with a bedroom.
You try to look around but Dark nudges you with his snout to the bed. You obey easily, he’s your mate, he can help you. Take away the pain. You clamber into the bed and immediately whine. It’s not right. Not set up correctly. You need to fix it. Pushing and pulling blankets. Rearranging pillows and taking the ones Dark offered you. A nest, a den, a place to be bred.
You place one last pillow, deeming it finished. Dark was still on the outside of the nest and you whine, wanting him to join you. He chuckles, joining you on the bed, in the nest you made. Dark moves quickly, surprising you as you get pinned below him. 
His claws make quick work of your clothes, ripping through them easily. “Mine, my mate.” You moan at his touch, arching up into him. “Yours,” His cock head notches easily at your entrance, your heat causing you to slick up for him. 
Your slick eased his way and made it effortless to slide into you. Then he freezes, just holding still. You feel the stretch, and some part of your brain registers that it should hurt without proper prepping. But it doesn’t, you’re slicked up enough from your heat that all you feel is full. 
You shift under him, trying to get Dark to move. “Please,” You whimper. The burn is starting to return and you need him to move. “Please what?” “Please Dark, move.” He chuckles darkly above you. “Who am I to deny my mate when she begs so nicely hm?”
Dark pulls your legs up, hooking them around him. He starts out slow, the drag of his cock on your walls making you squirm. Either to get more friction or to get it to stop you aren’t sure yourself. His hands move from your hips to trail slowly over your body. His tail slowly wagging behind him as he watches you.
“Please Dark, fuck.” You moan as he pulls almost all the way out. He just hums above you. “You want me to fuck you? Oh, sweet thing, why didn’t you just say so.” He thrusts back into you, shoving you slightly up the bed with the force of it.
His thrusts get faster, and you moan loudly. “Does that feel good starshine?” You nod, not trusting your voice enough to answer him properly.  “Do you want more?” This time you speak up, “M-more?” You question him and Dark just grins at you, all sharp teeth and fangs. “More it is then.” He rumbles.
His thrusts grow rougher and harder making you gasp. The drag of his cock is delicious, stretching you wide, bumping against the spot that has you keening. He hits it perfectly and you all but scream for him. He adjusts his position, getting the perfect angle to keep you making all those pretty noises for him. 
You’re more preoccupied with, other things, so it's understandable that you didn’t notice one of his hands finding its way to play with your clit until it's too late. His fingers play with the bundle of nerves, and your hips jerk. 
The combination of internal and external stimulation is enough for sparks to fly behind your eyelids. Your mouth opens but no sound comes out. A wordless plea for more. You buck up into Dark, trying to get even closer. The heat you feel is subsiding, but you need more of him. 
Part of your brain is worried that if he stops it'll come back. You need him to keep touching you, keep fucking you. He hits that spot in you just right and, combined with his hand on your clit, it sends you over the edge and you cum around him. 
Your cunt clamps down around him and he grunts. Dark keeps thrusting through your orgasm, slowing down slightly to not overstimulate you too much. He adjusts his position above you, sitting up and watching you come down from your orgasm. “Oh fuck sweet thing, where do you want it.” He growls, his thrusts starting to stutter. “In, in please.” You manage to get out.
Dark looms over you before leaning down, his teeth quickly meeting your shoulder again as he cums. Over the mark from before. Not breaking the skin this time, just holding you in place. His thrusts slow down, pumping gently as he releases inside you. A knot blooms at the base of his dick, locking him, and his cum, inside you. His teeth remove from your neck, his tongue licking at the imprints. You whine at him and a rumbling purr starts up in Darks chest. He rolls the two of you over so you’re laying on top of him. His snout nuzzles you. “Mine,” You’re quickly falling asleep, the adrenaline from being hunted and your orgasm making you tired. His warmth beneath you sends you into your slumber. You fall asleep to his purr, with his knot locked inside you.
11 notes · View notes
philistiniphagottini · 6 months
Red Lace
This piece is inspired by some lovely artwork by the even lovelier @jingsyuans. Thank you so, so much for giving me permission to write a little something based on this artwork. You're a gem. Hope you like it~
cw. smut, pegging, lingerie, fem! reader, MDNI
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Jing Yuan looked simply stunning; wrapped in red lace with various, delicate bows like a delectable present begging to be unravelled. The way the silk dipped between the deep crevices of his muscles and his sheer lace stockings intimately hugged his muscular thighs made you swallow the budding saliva on your tongue. The cute, fluffy ears peeking out of his wild mane of hair tempted you to run your fingers through the faux fur, the matching tail lazily curling between his parted thighs and coaxing you ever closer, the tips of your fingers tingling as you itched to lay your hands on him.
A soft chuckle stirred in the depths of Jing Yuan’s throat as you joined him on the bed, his body sprawled before you amidst a plethora of pillows and fluffy blankets that threatened to drown both of you as you tangled amongst the sheets.
"Do you like it?" Jing Yuan drawled, a knowing smile tilting the corners of his lips. "I thought it was rather cute."
A hum tickled the back of your throat as you crawled closer to him on your hands and knees, stalking closer to your tantalising prize. His stiff cock eagerly jumped between his legs, the fat, angry head flushed a deep shade of pink and already drooling with pre-cum that stained his skin with pretty pearls of white. You smoothed your hands along his strong thighs, feeling the muscles tense before relaxing under the curious press of your fingers. You could barely contain your excitement once you got your eager mitts on him, fingers dancing along his firm torso, the weight of centuries etched into his beautiful, supple skin. He purred like a contented cat on a lazy afternoon under the press of your hands, nails scratching along thin scars as you pulled on his lace lingerie and let it snap back against his skin with a satisfying smack.
A spine-tingling shiver wracked his body when he felt the wet slap of your strap against the plush inside of his thigh, the eight-inch, silicone cock dripping with generous amounts of lube and making every hair on the nape of his neck stand up in anticipation. The leather harness dug into your supple skin with every subtle movement of your hips, cutting into the pudge of your thighs and soft belly as the softness of your curves threatened to spill over. He idly hooked his fingers in the loops of your belt as you trailed your bruised lips along his throat, the softness reminding him of the delicate touch of rose petals. He tipped his head back with a soft noise rumbling in his chest, a cat like smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as your tongue followed the trail of your kiss swollen lips.
"You have impeccable tastes, General" you mumbled against his heated skin.
A short puff of air blew past his lips in a soft chortle, a moan tickling the back of his throat as you sucked on the thick bulge of his Adam’s apple. You bared your teeth as you worked a fresh, blooming mark into his flesh, his skin flushing red as you suckled and lapped at his throat.
"You flatter me" Jing Yuan replied, voice barely above a husky purr.
His head was already starting to feel a little dizzy and you weren’t even inside of him yet. Another salacious moan bubbled up his throat as your hands cupped his pillowy chest, squeezing until his fat tits and pebbling nipples spilled between your fingers. You continued to paw at his chest as you trailed your lips lower, feeling his rapidly beating pulse jump beneath the press of your mouth as you followed the prominent pulse. Your blood was simmering in your veins as his breathy sighs graced your ears, warmth coiling in the pit of your stomach at the mere sounds that spilled from his parted lips. Having such a powerful man laying beneath you made your head spin so fast you were feeling giddy; already drunk before you even got to the main course.
Your nails bit into his skin as you squeezed his juicy pectoral muscles, leaving behind crescent shaped marks as you worked another fresh, angry mark into his collar bone. Your teeth were a little rougher this time, skin blooming scarlet beneath your ministrations as you lapped at the perspiration clinging to his skin. You were in no rush, savouring the taste of him dancing on your tongue and lingering in the back of your throat every time you took a deep breath. You leaned closer as you trailed your lips over his chest, feeling his cock jumping between your legs as you sucked a pert nipple into your warm mouth. Jing Yuan’s fingers tightened on the loops of your harness, leather biting your skin as you swirled your tongue around a pink tip. Your teeth tugged at the sensitive nerve as his hips jolted forward, the butt plug shoved tightly up his arse slipping a little deeper as he swore something foul under his breath.
You let go of his chest with a loud pop, hands still fondling his skin as you moved to his other, neglected nipple to bless it with just as much attention. You didn’t pull away again until his chest was covered in a thin sheen of your saliva. Your eyes danced with mirth at your handy work, your hickeys already blooming into a little garden of flowers. You didn’t get many chances to indulge like this and you were already starting to get carried away. Even though you had strayed far from the path, Jing Yuan was a very patient man, not a single crack breaking his flawless expression as he gave you a lazy smirk, long lashes brushing against his warm cheeks as he gazed at you with lidded eyes.
"Having fun, little dove?" he asked with a tilt of his head.
You hummed as you drummed your fingers along his torso, enjoying the way he leaned further into your touch as you slid your hands along his sides.
"I’m thoroughly enjoying myself" you admitted with a coy smile painting your lips. "You’re doing so well for me, baby girl."
The way the nickname slipped from your pretty lips really should not have made his cock jump as hard as it did. He chewed on the insides of his mouth as he stifled the moan that tried to crawl out of his throat. You always had used those words in such a joking manner yet with his body so highly strung he was going to lap up any praise that spilled from your mouth like the hungry beggar that he was. You noticed the way his hips twitched forward as you kneaded your hands along his thigh, your eyebrows wriggling playfully as you chuckled.
"What’s wrong baby?" you cooed. "Do you like being called my good girl?"
His cock shuddered violently again and oozed more pre-cum from the leaking tip. A rush of air blew past his lips, flicking a few stray strands of snowy hair from his eyes. He believed he was starting to realise why you adored getting praised by him so much. It was hard to control how his body reacted when you whispered to him in such a seducing tone.
"Evidently" Jing Yuan murmured in reply.
Elation made your blood boil with bliss. Your grin was still plastered on your face as your hands dropped between his parted thighs, fingers ghosting along the cute butt plug buried snug in him as the faux fur of the cat tail curled around your fingertips. You leaned up and placed a kiss on his lips, tasting the shape of his mouth as your teeth nipped at the plump flesh until it turned cherry red.
"Well, then, just lay back like a good pillow Princess and I’ll take care of the rest."
Jing Yuan couldn’t help but let out a loud snort, followed by a throaty chuckle. "Careful, it sounds like that power is going to that pretty little head of yours" he warned.
There was a witty reply rattling around somewhere in the back of your head but you were a little too preoccupied with grabbing the scruff of his ass to respond properly. All you could offer up with a devious little smile as you started to pull the plug out of him. Jing Yuan’s legs shuffled further apart as his jaw tensed, throat bobbing as you removed the toy from him. Instead of chucking it to some unknown corner of the room you decided to tuck it beneath the lace lingerie hugging his waist, the fur tickling the sensitive skin of his thighs as the tips became damp from the beads of slick smeared across his skin. You grabbed the base of your strap and guided it to the rim of his hole, a delicious sound stirring in his chest as the tip pressed into his sopping entrance. You rub it over his sopping opening as you place a wet kiss to his chin.
"You ready for me baby?" you asked.
Jing Yuan hummed in response, fingers tugging at the loops of your harness as he urged you to press closer and into him.
Without further hesitation, you started pushing into him. His breathing shuddered as your strap pierced him, the globs of lube coating the silicone making the transition much smoother as you slid deep inside of him. His fluttering hole clenched around the silicone dick, his mouth rapidly becoming dry as he tasted the desire heavy on his tongue. You were slow and meticulous with your movements as you eased into him, hips pressing forward until you felt you could push no further. You both shared a small sigh as you grew still, your thumbs rubbing along the beautiful dip in his alluring v-line to soothe the wild beat of his heart. You could hear your own pulse drumming loudly in your ears as you peered up at your lover beneath thick lashes, a curious tilt to your head as you observed every minute twitch of his body. You couldn’t help but shudder at the difference in size between you. He was so much larger in frame than you were, even when he was lazing on his back. He must have thought the sight of a little, darling thing like you burying eight, thick inches of dick in his arse was quite adorable. And the chuckle that fell from his dry lips confirmed it.
"You can move, little sparrow. I’m not made of porcelain."
You huffed loudly as you puffed your cheeks up at him. There was a hint of a challenge lacing his voice and the smug look he gave you was only goading you further. It didn’t perturb you in the slightest. After all, this wasn’t your first rodeo and you were going to make him eat his words.
You started out slow, languidly rolling your hips forward and falling into a comfortable rhythm. A sigh tumbled from Jing Yuan’s lips as his stomach bunched up into a tight knot, heat coiling and twisting inside of him. His rigid cock softly bounced between your bodies as you pulled your strap halfway out only to slide right back in. Jing Yuan knew what you were doing by the way you twisted your hips and the tip of your silicone cock prodded his insides. You were trying to memorise the spot that he liked. And, unfortunately for him, you found it far quicker than he was able to anticipate. The feeling of your strap rubbing against a white hot, sensitive nerve caught him by surprise and you knew you found what you were looking for when it sounded like his heart jumped right up into his throat.
You smiled. "So soon, baby?" you teased.
Jing Yuan grunted as his strong leg hooked around your hip. His foot dug into the back of your thigh as he urged you to go deeper, his greedy hole swallowing around the strap as he shuddered beneath you. Well, since you had already found it, he may as well go with the flow.
"Keep it right there" Jing Yuan said, a commanding tone lacing his voice as he stared at you with a sheen pooling in his smouldering, golden eyes.
You nodded along to his words. "Yes general~"
The smack of your hips started to increase as the mattress softly creaked beneath you. Jing Yuan could already feel his body trembling along with the bedframe, drool clinging to the corners of his mouth as his body was driven higher and higher with ecstasy. His usual silver tongue started to feel like lead in his mouth as you alternated your rhythm, switching between short and fast thrusts to long and smooth strokes. It made his dick twitch wildly as he was kept on his toes, the blunt head of your strap pressing into his soft spot over and over again as stars wavered in his vision. Your hands started kneading at his chest again as you put a little more force behind your thrusts, revelling in the sounds you could wrench from the renowned general’s throat.
"Harder" Jing Yuan breathed, choking on a moan as the pressure inside of him threatened to bubble over.
You adhered to his request, pushing yourself to your limit as you pounded into him as hard as you could. You refused to touch his twitching cock, wanting your general to come untouched. You’d even bat away at his hands even if he tried to grab it himself. You nuzzled your face into his chest as another sinful moan spilled from his mouth, a filthy praise of your name on his lips as he shivered. His face was engulfed with heat as you roughly pumped your hips, strap pushing against his sweet spot with every harsh pound as his head spun around like a broken record.
"You gonna cum, pretty baby?" you drawled, lazily flicking your tongue over his pert nipple.
Jing Yuan swallowed thickly, peering down at you beneath soused lashes as he nodded.
"Good girl."
Jing Yuan squeezed his eyes shut as he threw his head back with a loud and guttural cry to the heavens. The most exquisite sound crawled out of his throat as the pressure inside him snapped and bathed his body with pure and unadulterated bliss, twitching hole squeezing snug around the strap buried so deeply in his ass. The sound made your own arousal burn fiercely, pleasant tingles racing along your back as he was intimately ripped apart at the seams. His weeping cock kicked as he painted his abdomen with thick, sticky ribbons of white, threads even managing to spray on your soft belly as you twisted between the sheets in bliss. Your pace gradually started to taper off as you finally wrapped your hand around the base of his thick cock, fingers struggling to touch as you roughly pumped him. A soft moan stirred in his chest as you squeezed the last drops out of him, your teeth teasing along his throat as you carved out more marks into his searing flesh.
You could barely hear the sound of his laboured breathing over your own, your knees aching something fierce and hips stinging even after your movements came to a halt. You didn’t move for several minutes, focusing on catching your breath and waiting for Jing Yuan to come down from his own high before you found the strength to do anything. You ran your hands along his pliable body, feeling him immediately melt into your touch as your fingertips rubbed soothing circles into his skin. You placed your chin on his chest as he purred beneath you, rubbing his strong hands along the curve of your spine as his legs coiled around your waist. A soft chuckle blew past your lips at the sight of his blissed-out expression and his askew cat ears perched on top of his ruffled hair.
"You know, you should keep it" you said, fingers playing with the band of his stockings. "It really is cute."
Jing Yuan hummed as his eyes finally peeled open to gaze down at you. You smooshed your cheek against his sturdy chest, his thundering heart beat loud in your ear as he gave you a thoughtful look.
"You know, I was hoping you’d like it. I bought you one as well~"
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deepwithintheabyss · 5 months
actually yeah whatever posting this here too
stephcass porn idea
Okay so Steph pinned to the bed by Cass Cass is sitting on her stomach, both are very much naked, Cass is doing little rocking motions that rub her cunt against Stephs stomach as she gives Stephs tits thorough attention
Licking and sucking and biting, fondling them feeling them, licking the sweat off, sucking at those nipples, just marking her so much in a way that will tell everyone cass cass cass when they see those marks (not that anyone will get to see them)
after some time when she deems this good enough she pulls back to admire her work, and then reaches between her legs where she has been rubbing her slick onto Steph, gathers some up and rubs it into her tits before going back to licking them, licking her own slick off of Stephs tits tasting Stephs skin and sweet and herself all over
Then when Steph is really starting to squirm and Cass just knows how wet she is she pulls back again, lets her hand trail behind her to dip into Stephs fold, gathering up some slick and popping it into her mouth to taste going back again to gather more and then lather stephs tits up again, going back to licking it off, tasting herself and tasting steph steph steph after she deems that enough she smoothly slides down, dragging her cunt all over stephs skin before lining up, rubbing against each other, her upper body climbs up so she can go to kiss steph, sharing their taste with each other
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sinaesthetes · 2 years
In an effort to actually force myself to write and share said writing, and to actually use this blog for writing like I meant to, and to contribute to the fucked up dead dove ff content I thrive on, here are some fic ideas that fit the brief. Whichever one gets the most votes, I will write and post at least 100 words for it the night this poll closes.
Thank you! ♡
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kifflepiffles · 11 days
I'm dropping the first three paragraphs of the Sebastian x Reader smutshot I'm writing. Please act excited so i feel a sense of urgency to finish it instead of putting it off for another month -7-;
(The tags say NSFT (not safe for tumblr (work) because the full fic will be NSFT but these first paragraphs are clean. I just don't want anyone who has those tags blocked to get excited because then I'll feel bad :( )
Winters in the valley were always calm and slow. Quiet and beautiful, the villagers embraced the icy scenes while waiting for their home to come back to life. 
Calm, slow, quiet, and beautiful were all things that [y/n] had gotten used to over the past year of living on their grandfather’s old farm. A calm environment, a slower life, and quiet, beautiful surroundings had dissolved all of the ailments they lived with on a daily basis in Pine-Messa city. The hopelessness, the burn-out, the anxiety and insatiable exhaustion had been left in their Joja cubicle. 
But winter was different. This was an all-consuming, eerie kind of quiet. [y/n] had only started getting fully used to the brand new silence and slow living in the fall. She was far from ready to be plunged head-first into the abyss that is Pelican Town’s winters. There was genuinely nothing for her to do, and she couldn’t stand it. The Adventurer’s Guild had been their saving grace. It was something to keep them busy. But lately, they have been a bit too busy for comfort.
The usually cheery and social farmer had seemingly gone missing for a few days. The guild has given them a quest that they thought they were ready for, but proved to be in over her head. 150 slimes needed to be slain by the end of the week. Today was the last day, and she had only dealt with 90. Marlon was annoyed, and had given [y/n] a stern talk about the guild policy.
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pterygoidwalk · 4 months
hey, uhh, do you have any fanfiction accompanying that kim-in-the-shower-asking-harry-and-jean-for-another-round art asking for a friend
ohhh i really should write a fic for it. it's an AU i'm playing with, i can write a little about it here. uhh cw nsft 18+ drugs and sex
In this AU (i've been calling it tequila sunrise lol) Harry stopped just short of his tequila sunset bender at Martinaise, succeeded a crucial volition check, and made it to the crime scene sober-ish and on time with Jean. So this starts on Saturday instead of Monday, they keep their Coupris, the waterlock never gets damaged so they can go to the fishing village immediately and Sylvie is still working at the Whirling.
No-bender Harry is still a hypercompetent detective with encyclopaedic knowledge of Revacholian history, most RCM officers, and entroponetics. His political leanings are more hustler than anything else right now; he's a sleazy superstar cop and Jean is re-embracing his "heterosexual life partner" after seeing Harry come back from the abyss intact.
They both did some preliminary research on Kim and his team. They were already planning on "winning" the pissing contest against P57, but when they see Kim show up *alone* they both agree they're going to specifically gang up on this guy, maybe recruit him to 41.
Jean and Harry's dynamic is in a manic phase right now where they're frighteningly in sync with each other. Like, by the end of day 1 they've gotten the body down (Judit takes the body to P41 Processing), found the bullet, narrowed down possible shooter locations to the island, identified Korty as a merc connected to Krenel and arrested Klaasje. Kim's not useless (he's the one who clocks Korty and knows more details about the strike and the Debardeau union), but he's definitely sprinting physically and mentally to keep up with these two maniacs. Worth noting they are also both on speed lol.
Just like in the game, they all have a gay little debrief at the end of day one. Harry and Jean crank up the charm at Kim, praising him for doing his research into the local union and picking up on the dynamics between various parties like the Hardy boys. Normally Kim would put some walls up, but he's *exhausted* after such a busy day, and frankly he hasn't gotten laid in months, so he lets himself relax and flirts back. They Don't hook up that night specifically to give Kim blue balls <3 Harry and Jean are even kinda handsy with each other in front of Kim to tease him. So the next day Kim is feeling extra ambitious about showing off for these idiots. He finds Ruby's hideout, they arrest Ruby (Jean grabs her before she can pull her gun), Kim rules her out as a suspect and they head to the island after sweeping the fishing village. They find Dros, get his spiel, arrest him and Judit brings him in while the trecomptage hang back to tie up loose ends and discuss their joint report on the case.
and by discuss the report i mean they fuck nasty. it def started out with Harry and Jean trying to bully Kim in a fun dom way, but Kim was pretty game for whatever they suggested lmao. They had already paid for their rooms for another night so they figure they might as well hang here in Martinaise and party together; not too hard-- Harry sticks to speed and pyrholidon. Jean scored some weed from Rosemary and they get Kim a little stoned. A very dark part of Kim laughs about how he's turned this murder investigation into a sexy holiday for himself. Harry and Jean fail to recruit Kim because he's intimidated 💔 but he'll be sure to visit Jamrock often to collaborate some more.
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civilight-eterna · 1 year
fic request guidelines masterpost and tag library
fic requests are currently [OPEN/CLOSED]
fulfilled requests quick link [here].
ko-fi page [here].
see below the read-more for guidelines!
things I prefer to do:
f/f ships
nsft(w) depending on prompt
my otp chenmiya (typically I age up amiya for these)
sweet and wholesome, sane and consensual
toxic and messy, insane and dubious
ticklekink trash
other ships I love; ch'en/blaze/amiya, ch'en/blaze, horn/mandragora, texland, abyssal hunters/each other/irene in any combination, ursus girls in any combination, scavenger/closure, leizi/blaze. I'll update this as I remember more but those are the top ones
characters I love, all the above plus; dorothy, scavenger, warfarin, closure, earthspirit, cantabile
things I'll do:
almost any f/f ship
star ocean 2 femslash <- and if you're a star ocean 2 fan i wanna be fwiends (つ≧▽≦)つ
ex astris girls
fandoms you know i know
polycules (abyssal hunters, ursus girls, nearl and the girls and most any others you can think of)
het on a case by case basis-there's a few I'm down with like whisperain/phantom (based purely on the op rec interaction being really cute) and...I can't remember any others rn. i'm not inherently opposed to a decent het.
I can and will write fucked-up shit. Don't be shy. You will not surprise me and I will not judge you.
examples: sexy cannibalism, sister incest, dub-con in the right circumstances.
gen-fic is okay too though i promise
au's are fine too
things I won't do:
self-insert or cis male!doctor/anyone. if I'm writing the doctor they are either female, nb or genderqueer in some way and they will be their own unique character
anything that goes so far against a character's personality that it's too difficult to write. if you want something specific you can get detailed in your prompt request though and I'll do my best to rise to the challenge!
lesbian-coded characters in het ships. I know this can be a little subjective so it doesn't hurt to ask if you're not sure.
blaze/greythroat. sorry. it's just an ick for me.
characters that are fairly obviously not even pre-teens yet. suzuran is too young.
some considerations:
amiya is kind of a special case. there's a lot the game suggests about her mental maturity vs. her age and i think in any setting aside from arknights i usually call bs because it's usually a lay-up to some kind of 'ship yourself with this underage character, look it's okay' kind of vibe, but arknights puts pretty exclusive emphasis on the familial relationships with amiya and the 'self-insert' character. i feel that as a pharmaceutical CEO with a lot of stress and centuries of grief and empathy stored in her body...girl can do what she's gotta do with the other characters. I do like to age her up a little bit to avoid the gymnastics of trying to explain everything every time though. I ship her with pretty much any woman in the game in the right contexts. update: please please PLEASE consider this carefully before you offer to let me come be in a server/come discuss story ideas anywhere. i write what i write because it matters to me and even if it didn't matter to me as much i really strongly feel that art is the safest medium in which we explore things that might be harder for people to understand otherwise. i am very clear and front-facing with chenmiya being very important to me and it's a pretty solitary existence at times because of it, so please don't invite me somewhere and then ask or expect me to amputate that part of myself because i will be very very hurt.
I do reserve the right to refuse a request for any reason. I do this for fun in my free time, for free, to work on my writing a little, and while I don't refuse things outright most times, please understand if I just lose a little steam.
length of the work will depend entirely upon my inspiration-I'll try to make sure you at least get a drabble size of a few sentences, but I'll do my best to make the most out of the prompts you take the time to send me.
i know most triggers to tag for but if you need something else tagged drop me a line. I gotchu.
okay, that's about it! I'll update when I'm taking requests at the top of the post, so check for availability before you send in a prompt.
thank you for reading! can't wait to write for you.
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tagging system
note: this will be updated as we think of other things to add, posts before this one in chronological order will not be tagged according to this system
#diagnosis; [name] - used both for when one of us is reblogging/posting something and for when someone else is reblogging something for another alter. use of this tag does not indicate switching or even co-fronting, we just know each other’s aesthetics. we will use ‘#diagnosis; adonis’ when we are blurry, dissociated and/or co-con... and remember to actually tag the post.
#pack, #prey, #hunting, #hunting grounds, #moon, #the hunger - weird religious stuff, dw about it.
#brat prince, #dreams of home, #pestboy, #hunterboy #thekis, #qnpboy - various tags for alters' partners/family/etc in source
#for [name] - we use this rather than @’ing people
#music is good for the soul - for when we post music or playlists
#queue are everything, #ask game and #ask game responses, #thesickenedspeak for original posts and #thesickenedanswer for ask responses.
#our [art/photo/project/etc] - any posts with this tag and the content therein was drawn/made/taken by us
#made for us - post’s content was made for us, either by a friend or as a commission (or both!)
#tagged for us - for any post that was sent to us, tagged for us or @’d at us
#reference - for posts with stuff we wanna find again
#intrusions - for any posts that largely consist of/make reference to our intrusive thoughts
content tags can be found below the cut;
writing tags - due to the nature of how tags work these days and wanting our writing to actually be seen, content warnings for our stories will be inside of the post itself and only populated tags (ones that show up in search) will be added for visibility
#lohengrin writes, #original writing, #fanfic, #nsft writing, #oneshot, #OC lore, #setting lore
oc tags - any of these tags with ‘Vile’ at the end are characters that belong to our body’s partner. and yes, some of these ‘characters’ are self-inserts of alters in the system
#Maynard Roque; OC, #Shavain Novi; OC, #Morgan; OC, #Zathrian; OC, #Bishop; OC, #Cyneric; OC, #Dr. Roman Hart; OC, #Dr. Owen Palmer; OC, #Faust; OC, #Theo; OC, #Carter; OC, #Tyrian Lockwood; OC, #Medea siblings, #Arcadius Medea; OC, #Euclid Medea; OC, #Herodion Medea; OC, #Alice Locke; OC, #Deimos Medea; Vile, #Kaiser Hart; Vile, #Alejandro; Vile #Lacri Lamode; Vile, #Forgive-Me-Not; Vile, #Acheron; Vile, #Gladstone; Vile
series tags
#God of Wounded Things; series, #Theo; series, #His Stories, #His Swansong; series, #His Recovery; series, #His Reunions; Series, #The Slutty Slutty Adventures of Tyrian Lockwood; series, #Loveless Heartless Cold; Series,
content warnings - we cannot reliably understand, remember or put the mental effort into understanding when these things need to be tagged. feel free to give us a (polite) message if we have failed to do so
#flashing cw, #inviting abyss (light unreality/weirdcore/liminal stuff), #unreality #bugs, #unsanitary, #religion, #blasphemy, #body horror, #substance use, #smoking, #eyestrain, #subtle gif warning
adult content - please block the tag #realistic and #irl if realistic depictions of blood/gore are an issue, we will never post anything that includes real severe injury or death of humans, but may post irl animal and medical gore, along with light human injury, erotic content will have the tag #nsft
#blood, #guro, #guro text, #medical, #animal death, #needles, #nudity, #scopophobia, #guns, #weapons, #knives, #organs, #decapitation, #bones, #flesh, #impalement, #trypophobia, #cannibalism, #mouth trauma, #bruises, #cuts, #limb damage, #evisceration, #eye trauma, #guts, #crying, #choking, #chirophobia, #explosives
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flokali · 2 years
What does nsft mean? I know nsfw (which means not safe for work)
Is nsft, like, not safe for trabajo lmao
The scream I scrumpt at “Not safe for trabajo”, probably the best thing I’ve heard in a while like that had me giggling all day.
However! NSFT stands for “Not safe for Tumblr” (me thinks?), it’s a stand in for N/SFW since posts with “not safe for work” are often sent to the shadow realm by Mr Tumblr. Personally, I use it because I use way too many of my few remaining brain cells to write for my posts to be punched into the abyss because I decided to use the word “NSFW”.
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daily-jaspvid · 4 years
Your Ex-Lover Is Dead - Jaspvid fluff
This is the first chapter of my prequel series. This takes place the winter before the show takes place, in which Jasper happens upon David at a party. 
This was supposed to be a one-shot, but it is quickly turning into at least 3 chapters. I can’t post the second chapter here, but chapters 1 and 3 will be here! No plot happens in chapter 2, just NSFT content heh.
also the title song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5Or6-HOveg
Here's part 1! Merry Christmas!
Gem insisted this party would be good; that she had seen this band perform before and how great they were live. With nothing better to do, I decided to tag along. After all, finals were over and we were due to celebrate before we headed home for winter break. 
When we arrived Gem was immediately distracted by the punch bowl conversation. From how many people stopped to greet her, I was reminded of how gregarious my friend was compared to me. Not wanting to harsh her style too much, I took my cup of punch towards the dance floor.  From the looks of it, the band was starting to set up, so the waiting stereo pumped out indie tunes. 
I idly bopped along to a familiar song when a firm force bumps me from behind. I stagger, holding out my drink to steady it. In the next beat, I feel hands brace my waist to steady me. The hands are warm, firm, but didn’t feel of ill intent. 
“Oh, sorry about that!” Chirped an equally as warm voice. I turn and the hands pop off me like old stickers peeling away. I see an auburn-haired man who offered a genuinely sorry smile. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I replied abruptly as anxiety swelled in me. Sure, I was expecting to meet a few new people today, but a cute ginger boy right off the bat? I guess Christmas was coming early. 
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He wore a red button down and a pair of blue jeans. He appeared to be wearing a band tee, but I can’t figure out who in particular. His face shown with simply the brightest smile I have seen in years. It felt familiar. 
“So, uh… you ever see this band before?” I ask after a few awkward seconds of standing together. 
“I haven’t. Honestly, this is the first party I’ve been to this semester. I’ve been pretty busy between classes and student teaching. You?”
“Pretty much the same. I’m studying to be a writer. Not as exciting, I’m sure, but it’s an excuse to spend all my free time reading at home.” I admit with a quick and strained smile. Before he could respond, Gem came upon us with one of her friends. 
“Hey, you two! See, Cathy? I told you they would get along! We didn’t even have to enact the master plan!” Gem exclaimed, causing Cathy to stifle a laugh. 
“David, you’ve met Gem from my psych class,” she motioned to the mutual friend. “So you must be her friend from therapy, was it?”
I shoot Gem a look, which she just shrugged to. Damn psych majors and their gossip. “Yes, Jasper,” I confirm, offering my hand to her. She gives it a firm and professional shake. 
“Isn’t he just the cutest, Cathy? Hes such a little crab! It took me weeks to convince him to come!” Gem lamented. She moved in front of me to adjust my clothing, tugging at my popped collar to lay it down. I grimace, hand twitching with a desire to hide my exposed neck. I see David’s eyes flicker down to my neck before looking away, tension filling into his eyes. That was most people’s reaction when they see the scars there. The polite ones, anyway.
The conversation was cut short by the music lowering and a mic switching on. The band introduced themselves as Florist and began playing their easy, folky tunes to the milling crowd. Gem scurried off through the crowd to get closer while Gem hung back to tap away at her phone. Just as quickly as they came, I was once again left alone with the lithe ginger. I spent most of the set watching him from my peripherals. He swayed gently to the music, expression fixated intently on the band. He seemed to pour all of his focus into them and I could feel the aura force field around him, seeming to block everything else out. 
Before I could fully process his energy the set was already over. The band thanked us for listening and the previous playlist switched back on. By this point, people were beginning to collect their friends and head out. David seemed to be remembering his place among the crowd and looked around. Our eyes catch each other’s and I find my voice springing out before really even considering my words. 
“Hey. You wanna get some coffee?” The words tumble out, and by the time I get to the end of the statement, I can feel myself quivering with unease. If David picked up on this he didn’t show it. 
“Yeah, sure! I’d love to!” He chimed. David caught Cathy’s attention to let her know the plan. I felt a little bad about ditching Gem, but it wasn’t like she seemed very keen on hanging around me. It’s what she would want.
When we stepped outside it was, unfortunately, pouring rain. Freezing rain. I unrolled my sleeves to save myself from the cold a little bit.
“Damn, so much for getting anywhere in this. I’ll call us a Lyft.” We hung out on the porch while I set up the ride. 
Despite the weather, it arrived within minutes. We ducked in, only made mildly damn. Though the café was only a few blocks away, it felt longer in the silence. Once again I found myself watching him from the corner of my eye. As we turned the block the side of the road through his window showed the dark abyss of dense forest. His reflection in the window became water-warped, and the familiarity finally clicked. I let out a quick huff of my breath, catching his attention.
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“Davey?” I asked tentatively. His head snapped up from his phone, eyes wide. He looked like he had seen a ghost. 
“Nobody calls me that. Not since I was a kid - except for Mr. Campbell, but-” He paused, his confused expression shifting to concern as I recoil at the name “Campbell”. Memories of my 11th summer come crashing back to me and I suddenly feel ill. As if on cue, our driver stops to drop us off. I have never been more thankful to stand in the pouring rain.
“Come on, you’ll get soaked to the bone!” David exclaimed, grabbing my hand to pull me into the café. 
Thankfully this place had good heating. The cozy café had few patrons. Most people were either at parties or already homeward bound to family. We stepped up to order and it wasn’t until the barista gave us a knowing smile that we realized we were still holding hands. Flustered, we take turns ordering our drinks. 
“So… You’re the Jasper I knew all those years ago? From summer camp? It’s been, what, 13 years? Man, it must really be a small world, huh?” He sighed nostalgically. 
“Honestly, I’m surprised I recognized you,” I admit with a shrug. “I guess I remember more about that last summer than I thought. For a long time it was such a blur, to be honest.”
We collected our drinks and headed to a space heater in the back of the café. It had a couple of chairs surrounding it that we settled in to. David flopped into his with a heavy, content sigh. I sat more forwardly in mine, resting my elbows on my knees and leaning towards the warmth. I felt numb, like neither the aching cold nor the radiating heat could break through to me. 
“You seem sad.” David’s voice broke through the silence once again. It was low and tender as he leaned over to me.
“I’m fine, really, just… a lot is coming back to me, is all,” I chew on my lip and spoke through grit. “A lot of not great thing happened that last summer we knew each other. Not great things that lead to worse things. It isn’t your fault, of course, It's just… forget it.”
David reached out a hand and placed it on my leg, giving it a squeeze. his eyes scanned as if searching for the right words to say but ultimately decided to remain quiet. We sat like this for a few minutes before I pulled out my phone.
“Hey, can I have your number? I’d like to keep in touch again if that's ok?”
“Of course! I would love to catch up!” Davey perked up as he received my phone and punched in his number. “So, what do you like to write?”
Hours soon had drifted by as we conversed. I soaked in every smile and laugh. Craved every new emotion I could draw out of his expressive being. Anything he had to give, really. Davey radiated with life. It poured out of his being, passion radiating like a star.
Oh, God.
I can’t be falling in love.
I feel my breath hitch as I suck in air. Davey notices and pauses his story to ask if I was alright, only for the clock to ding for 4 am. Shit. 
“You can crash at my place if you’d like.” he offers as we stand. I feel like I am going to faint back into the chair. Clearing my voice and adjusting my flannel, I nod.
“I’d like that more than anything right now.” I reply, taking up his offer and hoping I don’t sound too desperate. Just like that, we set back off into the rain and caught a ride across town to his apartment.
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blutritter · 3 years
just to clarify some things ;     mobile friendly rules,     etc .
hi, i am corvo & i am definitely not new to the tumblr scene.  been here since 2013 & earlier, under different names & all; haven’t been in any specific fandom for a long time but you know ... sometimes you just gotta take the dive.   anyways ; i’m selective, non private and, actually very nervous to even interact with people so ... yeah.             there’s that, i guess.
general rp etiquette applies , triggering content will be present but tagged & not explicitly talked about in certain cases. all nsft content will be put under read more of possible ; please cut yours , too .
PLEASE DO NOT like EVERY SINGLE POST i make & REFRAIN FROM MASS LIKING MY CONTENT . i hate sounding ungrateful , i do , but on other blogs i have it keeps messing up my activity and while i appreciate the support deeply it’s exhausting to scroll through activity 90% of the time i’m online .
if you fetishize or glorify certain topics or write them as more than mentioned things / actively write them during threads you will be hardblocked .  look , i get it , some things can’t be avoided being talked about but if i notice you write something like it’s a good thing or write about it in a creepily fetishizing way i will not hesitate to block .
callout culture is not welcomed on this blog because frankly , it’s childish & petty . if someone’s actually a danger to the community it’s a PSA and NOT a callout .  keep your petty fights to yourself and stop dragging me into it . i steer clear of shitty people & i can make my own decisions , thanks.
also to add onto this :     i have not previously been part of the genshin community and therefore i am not aware of other bloodstained knight rpers ;     if you exist and find me ... hi i love you and i’m sorry for ruining the character probably or smth idk.
while the bloodstained knight is technically “summonable” by obtaining all of his artifacts his soul and remaining energy are still bound to his pledge of loyalty to the abyss;   meaning he is and will remain SIDED WITH THE ABYSS ORDER.
the bloodstained knight has, as far as i am concerned, the human name of “johan”, he did go by “ronald” at some point but since his descent into madness johan is the only name he is receptive to anymore.
despite being sided with the abyss he is hesitant to fulfill orders that may go against mondstadt; there is some part of him that vaguely recalls everything about mondstadt and therefore he is ... not too strict on missions regarding the region.
there are multiple verses where he is not bound to his artifact set and is a simple human; one’s a reincarnation au where he remembers everything but is no longer entirely mad, one is a verse BEFORE his descent into madness and one is just one where he never fully became the bloodstained knight / where he managed to retain some control over his mind.
more to be added when i have a functioning brain and less schoolwork .
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Another nae nae for @weirdlyhornyforegos Ɛ:<
Dark x Dom!Amab!Reader
Warnings - Anal, Use of "Good Boy" and "Darling", Bondage
He’s late. 
Dark’s almost never late. Emphasis on never. You pace back and forth in the vacuum the two of you created snarling under your breath. He better have a good reason for this, you need to let off some steam.
You aren’t sure who’s idea it was at first. Creating the void. Both of you have, voids, abysses, vacuums, whatever you want to call it, where you have meetings and such. This one is, different. It’s different. 
The last time the two of you met was a whole fiasco.
You didn’t think he’d meet you again, but you requested it anyway. And he agreed. Maybe he’s messing with you. Agreeing to show up but then turning around and being a no show. It's starting to seem that way.
That two faced bitch. 
There's a crack behind you, accompanied by the familiar ringing of Dark. You compose yourself before spinning around to face him. 
He looks different. The stress of keeping all those egos out of trouble must be getting to him. 
“So, I’m here,” Dark says, his voice an arrogant drawl. He crosses his arms, regarding you. “What did you need?” You shake yourself out of your thoughts. “I was going to call on the arrangement, but you look like you need it more than I do.” 
Dark smirks, taking a few steps forward, closing the gap between you. “And what makes you say that?” You laugh. “You look run ragged baby, you need someone to take the reins for a little while.”
“And that someone is you?” He challenges, the void crackling around him. “That's a big threat for a little boy.” You tease, unfazed, starting to walk around him. He falters, turning to watch you.
You run the tip of a finger along his jaw and he leans into your touch. “Relax darling, be a Good Boy.” His eyes close with your words and you see the tension leave his shoulders. “Alright,” He replies, opening his eyes. The pupils are wider than before and he looks more relaxed.
“But it won’t be that easy.” He adds, straightening back up. “You have to work for it.” His hands slide onto your waist, pulling you closer. Your breath catches as he leans in, his lips grazing yours. 
You can feel the smirk on his lips and you jerk away from him. “Hey now, I’m in charge here.” He smiles, hands leaving your hips to spread outwards in a wide gesture. “If you say so. Feel free to take it darling.” 
“Oh I plan to, don’t worry about that.” You step away from him. “Kneel,” He blinks at you in surprise, a slow smile spreading across his face. “Oh? You got right into it didn’t you?” He replies lazily, not moving.
You grin back at him. “I need to repeat myself? Are you really that deaf darling? Kneel.” Your power comes out with that word, forcing him to his knees like he had done to you many times before. He chuckles from where he sat. “Now what?” He asked, faking an innocent expression. 
He doesn’t notice your tendrils of magic creeping along the ground, winding their way around his legs, until it's too late to escape. The tight grip startles him, and he looks down to see he's been tied up.
They start to make their way under his clothes, undressing him while you watch. One wraps around his neck and he’s forced to lift his head. You watch as your magic shrugs off his suit jacket. Undoing each of the buttons on his shirt.
It gets to the edge of his pants and stops. Your own hand has drifted down to play with your own waistband. He stares at you intently as your hand dips down below your underwear. Taking yourself in your hand you start to stroke. 
Your tendrils start to move again. Two start to tweak Dark’s nipples and he jerks, biting his lip to silence a moan. You stop what you’re doing to grab Dark’s jaw. “None of that now, I want to hear you.” You swipe your thumb over his lip, wiping away the spot of blood his teeth drew.
His pants and underwear have been removed now and a tendril is working its way into his ass. He gasps as it sinks in, turning into a moan as it starts to thrust. “It feels good to let go, doesn’t it.” 
He nods in your grip and you let his face go, going back to stroking. Another tendril starts to work over his cock, getting another moan from him. He’s had so much pent up energy you start to see the signs of him being close to cumming from it.
He’s basically cockblocked himself with work. Your tendrils start to move faster, another one joining the one in his ass. They twist around each other, forming one big tendril. It thrusts hard, hitting his prostate and getting the loudest moan from him yet.
His head falls back and he jerks in your magics grip as he cums. He comes down from his high panting, his usually neat hair slightly falling in his face. You brush it away. “That good?” He hums in response, not there enough to do anything else. 
You smile. “Good, because it’s going to happen again.”
There’s a crack and your magic swirled around the two of you for a second before depositing both of you on a bed.
Dark was lying on his front, his hands and feet bound to the posts. You were straddling his thighs and getting a good view of the tendrils in his ass working.
Making a gesture with your hand you dissolve the tendrils magic and they disappear. Dark whines in disappointment. You settle above him, dick just barely touching his entrance.
Kissing the back of his shoulder you start to press in and he groans. Your tendrils are still playing with Dark’s dick and nipples. Gently thrusting gets more sounds from him and the longer you go the louder they get.
He tightens around you and almost screams as he cums again. Dark is limp underneath you and you slow your thrusts to not overstimulate him. You’re close but you can wait.
Dark comes to with a whimper as you thrust against his prostate. You kiss across his back as you start to thrust faster.
“Where?” You ask, hips starting to stutter. “In,” Was the reply and you slam your hips forward, head tipping back as you cum.
You pull out and watch for a second as you leak out of him. Going to lay beside him your arm pillowed under your head. The rest of the tendrils holding him disappeared and Dark shifted to look at you.
His hand comes up to rest on your hip and he gives you a tired smile. You lean forward to kiss him and he mumbles against your lips.
“Thank you darling, I needed that.” You smile and pull away. “We should do this again.” “Oh believe me, we are.”
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Once More Into Eternity with You
Night x Fem!Reader
Chapter 1: Part 3 [Part One] [Part Two]
Warnings - Major Character Death, Nice Guy tm, Blowjob, Blood, Dagger, a stabbing, talk of reincarnation,
Please tell me if i missed a tag, i'm not an asshole i'm just stupid
The two of you confessed your feelings a few months ago. Night started to get lax with hiding the pda halfway into month two. It’s a miracle he got that far. 
Now that everyone knows you're in a relationship with a god, people have treated you differently. Thankfully none of it is negative, that you know of.
Just, people give offerings to you. Which you decline and put on Night’s alters instead. You don’t need these things. You never want for anything with Night around.
There's a festival tonight. People started setting up for it a little after midday. Erecting canopies, setting up tables, preparing food.
You’re trying to get ready but Night somehow convinced you to meet him in the temple. It’ll be quick, he said.
You dart behind the curtain and jerk back startled when you get an eyeful of Night, naked. Not that you haven't seen him naked before, it’s just, you weren’t expecting it.
He’s leaning on his altar, arms crossed over his chest. “Come on Starling. I want you to give me the first offering.”
And that's how you found yourself on your knees. Night’s head tipped back, a hand buried in your hair. 
You whine around his cock in your mouth when his hips jerk forwards. You hollow your cheeks and he moans. Looking down at you he removes his hand from your hair, cupping your cheek.
“You’re going to have to swallow for me, make sure you don't miss a drop.” You glance up at him and he just grins. “I can't get dirty Darling, I have an image to uphold of course.”
“But,” He starts, slowly fucking into your mouth. “I suppose I could just cum on you instead.” He groans. “Have you go to the festival covered in me, marked as mine.” 
Night’s hips are stuttering now, a hand coming up to rest on your head. He moans and cums down your throat. You do your best to swallow it all but some drips from the corners of your mouth.
Night pulls you up, wiping the corner of your mouth with his thumb, pressing it against your lips. You lick it clean and he grins.
As he presses a quick kiss to your lips, you feel Night’s magic around you and you're in a side courtyard. 
“Go on, enjoy yourself.”” He leaned down and to an onlooker it would look like he’s kissing your cheek. “I’ll be sure to give you some more enjoyment later too.” He murmured.
He pulls back, gives you a quick smile and then he’s gone.
You spend most of the time wandering around. Seeing other Gods and Goddesses. When the festival is winding down you start to make your way back to the temple.
Cutting through an alley you’re halfway through before the way out of the alley shimmers. Fading out of existence and becoming a solid wall. It was a mirage. 
Turning around you see Avion stalking towards you. You start to back up, trying to put distance in between the two of you.
Your back hits the wall and he still advances. You’re trapped.
He stops directly in front of you, boxing you in. He looks you over as you try to scoot around him to leave.
He slams a hand against the wall, blocking your escape. “So, was I just a plaything?” He snarls. You flinch, desperately looking for a way out, someone to notice, something.
“Someone to mess with until you go back to your lover?” He barks a laugh. “I could have been that! I’m way better than him.”
He pauses, “You don’t believe me, do you. Well,” He starts. “Avion,” a familiar voice says behind him, cutting him off. Night.
Avion whirls around, a golden dagger in his hand. Was he holding that the whole time? “You,” He snarls, pointing at him with the dagger. 
“We were just having a conversation about you.” Avion’s voice turned sweet as he twirls the dagger in his hand. The runes on the handle started to gently glow, you could see the light through the gaps in his fingers.
“Leave,” Night commanded. “And you’ll escape alive.” Avion laughed. “Oh I’ll escape alive alright, but, will they?” He jerked around, shoving the dagger into your stomach.
He yanks the dagger out of your wound and then he’s gone in a flash. 
Someone’s screaming. Who’s screaming? 
Oh, it's you. 
Why is everything moving so slow? 
It hurts. 
It hurts and Night’s there and the world speeds up again. You gasp from the pain, a slow spread of burning, emanating from where you got hurt.
Night is panicking, unsure of what to do. He bundles you in his arms and you feel the familiar whoosh of his magic before you’re being laid down on his altar.
One of his hands presses on your wound, blood seeping through the gaps in his fingers. The other is holding the back of your head. He’s crying, your Night is crying. You reach up, cupping his face, wiping away his tears with your thumb. 
“He’s cursed you. And I, I can’t save you. Only, only the god that caused the wound can heal it.” 
“What, what do you mean cursed?” you ask. “The dagger, it's, it’s a dagger of reincarnation. You’re going to be a different person next time we meet.” 
You laugh and then wince. “I’ll still love you, I know that. I will love you in every life.” Night smiles as a tear falls down his cheek. 
“And, and as I, My Star.” Night’s voice broke on a sob.  “I’ll find you again, I promise.” He leaned down, pressing a kiss to your right temple.
You felt the spot grow warm and your brain started to feel foggy. Your eyes drooped, fluttering as Night held you close. He started humming, his voice catching every few seconds.
You drifted off into a dreamless sleep, listening to the sound of your godly lover gently humming.
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Bing's Property
"Evil"!Bingiplier x Reader
Warnings - Tied up, religion kink "God", Brands, slightly Nsfw
You hear the door open and you lift your head up a few centimeters before having to drop back down. You know who it is without looking. Who else would it be?
You whine through the gag as the vibrator pressed against your arousal is turned off. From relief or regret you aren’t sure.
A hand is brushed over your thigh, your muscles twitching under its touch. You can’t move. Spread eagle, chained to the bed. Put on display.
But only one person is allowed to see the show.
Him. Your master. Your creator. He pulled you apart and put you back together again. You needed it. You were broken. And he fixed you.
A weight sits on the edge of the bed, by your knee. His hands trace nonsensical patterns across your skin. His fingers dance close to where you need him.
Close, but never there.
You don’t deserve it yet. A whimper escapes you. Bing leans up, taking the gag away. He strokes your cheek, brushing away a tear.
“What’s the matter little Mechanic? Tell me.” You flex your jaw, the muscles sore. “Please Bing,” He cut you off. “What are you supposed to call me?”
“There’s a good pet.” He smiles and you feel warm. You’ve pleased him. He presses a thumb to your lips and you open.
Sucking it into your mouth you swirl your tongue around it until he pulls away. A string of spit clings to his thumb, making a connection between the two of you, before breaking.
He rubs his thumb across your lips one more time before moving upwards to unbind your hands. He moves down to your ankles as you sit up, watching him.
His fingers move with practiced ease of undoing the knots he tied hours earlier. The silk ribbons a beautiful sunset of reds and oranges.
He looks up at you from where he sat and makes a turn around gesture with one finger. You do so and a hand is pressing on your upper back to get you to lie down.
His hands skim down your body, stopping above your lower back. He lifts his hand, placing it above your brand.
His finger tips touch down gently, and he presses.
Your mouth opens in a silent scream, arching down into the bed. It hurts. It feels good. You want it to stop. You want More.
It feels like it's being branded anew, a white hot pain that flashes into pleasure. Your eyes roll back into your head and you’re cumming.
You come to, panting slightly, still laying on the bed. A puddle of drool is under your cheek but you don’t care enough to move. Even if you could.
He’s humming.
A familiar tune that even in your inebriated state you recognize to be from your music box. He kisses your shoulder, murmuring praise about how good you are for him. How he’ll be back soon and then he’ll fuck you properly.
But he has to take care of something first.
His thumb traces over the letters on your brand one last time and he’s gone. You take a deep breath, shakily sitting up on your knees. Looking over your shoulder, you see the brand he gave you in the floor length mirror.
A tramp stamp style brand to mark you as his.
Bing’s Property
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Knockin' Boots
Tumblr media
Yancy x Gn!Reader
Warnings - Exhibitionism, semi-public
if i missed a warning tell me, I’m not an asshole I’m just stupid.
Almost all the lights are off. The only light being from the emergency lights, and even then it only lights up about two feet into the cells. Maybe less. Under the cover of the darkness Yancy ended up in your bunk, hovering over you.
“Yanc, the guards” you whisper to him as he starts to kiss up your neck. He just chuckles and nips your pulse point, getting a gasp out of you. “If youse worried ‘bout the guards, maybe try being quieter Doll.”
“You,” You cut yourself off with a choked off moan as Yancy’s hand cups your arousal. “Youse gotta be quiet, else the guards ‘ll hear.” He teases. You subconsciously grind up into his hand and whine when he takes it away.
His hands move to your hips, one playing with the waistband of your pants. “May I?” He asks and you nod. Yancy removes your clothes, his hand starts playing with your arousal. Another whine escapes you as Yancy slips a finger inside you.
“So tight, youse sure you can take me?” He jokes as he slips another finger in, stretching you out. “You’ve, you’ve done it before, don’t know why you, why you wouldn’ now.” You stammer over your words as Yancy’s fingers move inside you.
Yancy removes his fingers, his hands pulling down his own pants, freeing his cock. You start to get impatient and reach for him but he just pulls farther away. “Hold on, I wanna try something new, if youse wants to.” You hesitate before nodding in agreement.
“Good, now, uh sit over there for a second.” After some shuffling, Yancy is sitting at the head of the bed, his back against the wall. He gestures for you to come closer and grabs your hips when you’re in reach.
He flips you around so that your back is against his chest. His cock tip brushing against your entrance, all you have to do is sit down on his lap and he’ll be inside you. But you’re frozen.
You’ve never done this before, you’re in the open, exposed. You’ve always been hidden. Well, as hidden as you can be in a prison cell. But this, how Yancy has positioned the two of you. You’re facing the cell door, the bars being the only thing between you and the walkways.
Anyone could see, If there was enough light. But no one can. The night is dark enough to hide the both of you in the shadows of the cell. And you can see everything outside of the cell. Which, isn't a lot to be frank.
“Youse alright?” You hear worry in Yancy’s tone as he whispers to you. “If youse don't wanna we could,” He gasps, cutting himself off as you lower down onto his cock. His arm comes around to hold you back against his chest. You feel it rumble beneath you from his repressed moan.
He gently thrusts up into you and your head falls back against his shoulder. “Haven’t even started an youse melting for me.” You just hum in response, relaxing in his hold. Yancy chuckles quietly before stiffening. You sit up slightly. “Wh-” His hand covers your mouth and you freeze as well, hearing what Yancy heard. Boot steps.
A guard comes into view, pausing at the bars of your cell. He doesn't even glance over, stifling a yawn behind his hand and then continuing his rounds of the cells. Yancy removes his hand from your mouth after a few seconds and you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding.
His voice is by your ear as he whispers to you. “Youse liked that, didn’t youse. Almost getting caught.”
You freeze again, unsure how to proceed. What to say to him. Deny it? Agree? You open your mouth and Yancy must sense you’re going to deny it.
“Don’t lie, I felt youse clench around me”
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Split Blood Pools in the Cracks
This was written before the Iron Lung movie came out so it could be extremely out of character, perfectly in character or somewhere in between for Convict.
Yancy x Afab!Reader
Convict x Afab!Reader
Warnings - mentions of blood, "reality switching"
If i missed a warning tell me, I’m not an asshole I’m just stupid.
The submarine shudders around you as it is lowered. No, it’s not a sub, it's a coffin.
A voice crackles out of a speaker. “Beginning your descent.” They pause and a bit of feedback from the mic has you cringing. “Cruising depth in roughly 40 seconds. Standby,”
The sub jolts suddenly and you’re caught before you can fall over, the hand steadying you and then letting go. You turn to him, the person who got you in this mess.
The speaker crackles to life again. “Uh, I'm seeing some voltage irregularities in the instrument so keep an eye out for sparks or flames or anything like that.”
You and him share a look of surprise at that. Sparks and flames? He opens his mouth to say something but is interrupted by that godforsaken speaker. It screeches with feedback this time and you flinch awake.
Awake? But you weren’t, a body shifts next to you, a groan accompanied by a hand pulling you closer to them. “Youse ok?” A rumbley voice askes, you can hear sleep clinging to it. “Yeah, yeah Yanc, I just had the weirdest dream.”
Yancy props himself up, more awake looking. “Yeah? What’z it about? If youse wanna talk about it.” You open your mouth to answer before pausing. The more you try and think about it the more it evades you. “I,” You start before closing your mouth and frowning. “Youse don’t remember? Was it bad?”
“No? It didn’t feel bad per say, just, I don’t know. Let’s just, just forget it.” You sit up all the way, Yancy sitting up with you. “Well, I know a way youse could forget it,” You know what he’s implying, and you consider it for a moment before agreeing. If it won’t help you forget, at least you can enjoy it.
Yancy grins and in a second he’s between your legs easing off your underwear. His hand comes up and pushes you to lay back. You do, but prop yourself up slightly on your elbows instead of laying down all the way.
Yancy raises an eyebrow at you but says nothing more. His teeth nip along your thigh, up and down both legs, leaving marks in his wake. You shudder at a particularly sensitive spot.
He moves again, tongue lazily swiping along the sensitive crease of your thigh, soothing the marks. You tilt your head back and your eyes flutter shut. You feel him getting closer to where you need him, one of your hands moves to bury itself in Yancy’s hair.
His hair is longer than you remember and you start to frown slightly before he sucks a hickey into your thigh and you drop that train of thought. It’s shoulder length hair. Yancy doesn’t have, you shudder and a calloused hand grips your hip to hold you still.
His mouth comes off of you and you whine, opening your eyes to see unfamiliar surroundings. Where are? Those confusing thoughts dissipate like sugar in water. Why were you confused about where you were? You’re in your room on the spaceship. Him between your legs.
You look at him, his lips turned up in a smirk. Your hand is still in his hair and your card your fingers through it. “You fucking suck.” His smirk just widens. “Hell yeah I do.” And with that he’s back between your legs, sucking your clit. His fingers dive into you, and you arch up into him. Your eyes close as you moan.
You put your hands back into his hair and find it shorter. Way shorter. Your confusion is immediately forgotten for the pleasure between your legs as Yancy hoists them up over his shoulders, managing to get his fingers deeper into you with the new angle. They curl up, brushing that spot inside you and you scream for him. Combined with his mouth on you and you are gone.
Your vision swims and you just about pass out, swirls of red creeping around the edges. You hear whispers, faint and hissing. You can’t understand them. “Hey, hey!” There’s two voices. One louder than the other, with an accent. You latch onto that one, letting it drag you back, and the other voice gets fainter until you can’t hear it at all.
It seemed like an hours, but also only seconds at the same time. “Hey, youse alright? Was it that good?” Yancy jokes, a bit of concern still tingeing his voice. “Y-yeah” You stumble over your words and wince at the slight pain in your throat.
You sit up, taking the offered bottle of water from Yancy. “It was amazing, thank you babe.” “Of course, I'm the only one who can make you feel like that after all.” Yancy boasts playfully. As you take a sip of your water you can’t help but think that’s not true. There was someone else.
During, that, someone was in Yancy’s place.
It was Yancy but not Yancy. Which makes no sense. Who was it, and why can you barely remember? You hand Yancy the water bottle. It all seems connected to that dream. But you don’t remember what that was about either. It’s all so frustrating.
You cuddle up to Yancy, ready to fall back asleep. If your thoughts will let you. As you drift off the shadows of the wall seem to change, turning into blood running down the wall, pooling in the wallpaper cracks.
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