#accepted: janus
tentacle-therapissed · 2 months
IMO the fanon interpretation of the Dark Sides’ dynamic ignores the fascinating canon implications that they’re more like forced family than anything resembling found family. These are three characters who genuinely do not seem to get along— at the very least, Virgil has made it clear that his function as a Side does not mesh well with either Janus or Remus’s functions, and the moment he saw an opportunity to be accepted by the others he ditched them with absolutely no remorse or lingering attachment. Meanwhile the dubiously canon interactions Janus has with Remus come off as him putting up with Remus’s antics simply because what else is he going to do? The most friendly the two of them ever get is when they’re collaborating to screw with c!Thomas— it’s like they’re coworkers who have nothing else in common besides their overlapping goals. The three currently introduced ‘Dark Side’ characters are united only in the fact that they were all outcasts. ‘The Dark Sides’ isn’t even a meaningful phrase, it’s something Roman came up with on the spot to lump together all the Sides that were too complicated and ambiguous to be part of the OG triad. Virgil doesn’t even use the phrase ‘Dark Sides’, he specifically made the point to call Remus and Janus ‘the others’ instead. He knows he used to be part of That group but it wasn’t because he actually identified with them, it’s because everyone else grouped him with them and until AA—maybe even until Fitting In— he thought his only option was to double down on being an antagonist and collaborate with the other ‘antagonist’ Sides no matter how uneasy they made him.
The Dark Sides are those roommates with no prior history who weren’t able to change their contract in time. They’re the students who got put in a group project together and have wildly different ideas on how to approach the material. They’re the only remaining members of a dying club trying desperately to find some reason to keep hanging out together so the club doesn’t die. They’re the kids who all got detention on the same day and figured talking to each other was better than complete solitude. They’re the inhabitants of that one abandoned lunch table in the back of the cafeteria because no other table will take them.
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I think the funniest part of this video is people taking everything the embodiment of deceit says at face value
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loganslowdown4 · 7 months
Patton: *to Remus* Could I… possibly…say borrow your best friend? For like… forever? Just, you know, if he’s available or… uh something? Um… please?
Remus: *sighs* Subtle Padre. Wait here— *goes to the dark side*
Remus: *comes back dragging Janus by the hand* Take him Pops, he won’t shut up about you either.
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halfhissandwich · 2 months
anyone who ships moceit, can y’all just reblog with your moceit headcanons please, it’s for a science experiment and by that I mean I just really wanna read some moceit headcanons
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sleepyvirgilprompts · 4 months
From somewhere upstairs came the sound of a muffled thump, followed by another, and then three more in quick succession. Logic's brow furrowed. "What was that?"
"Probably Anxiety," said Janus dismissively.
"Is... he okay?" said Logic.
"Oh, he's fine. It's the Duke you need to worry about. It sounds like he tried to interrupt Anxiety's nap."
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specs-and-capelets · 1 year
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inspired by revy's tags sdnsnsbdb janus cant get any peace (hes lying he loves them)
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hobnob-moth · 1 month
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Of note breaking into the Clot's car park isn't the best idea. Although she has busted every camera in her domain to keep the micromanaging eye of security off her branch, Carmen does take her job title seriously. Her Lady of Flesh (Lilin) wouldn't approve of anything less. In all honesty, this was only supposed to be something to show off her wonky, goose tongue. I didn't plan on having to draw a car.... or at least mentally prepare myself.
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Some process images - concept, rough sketch, and then line+shadow
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greenninjagal-blog · 2 years
Hey! Just wanted to tell you that your writing is insanely good, and that your stories have been some of my favorite for two years. Your writing is so great - your characters are fleshed out and flawed and charming. And the relationships? Roman and Janus are so so fun in the Leverage AU, Anxceit feels sweet and kind of sad in a teenage friendship/ love kinda way in your Space story... and pretty much every time you write them.
And Deja Vu... it must be one of my favorite fanfiction of all time. Remus is absolutely heartbreaking and the way you write his power is so great.
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Here’s some one year old?fanart I did inspired by some of your doodles. Anyway just wanted to tell you that even though I’m not interested by Sander Sides anymore, seeing one of your fic updated puts a big smile on my face.
Okay full disclaimer here: I saw this after two of the worst days that I have ever had, and it was just so kind and nice that I burst into tears immediately. I can’t even really describe to you how much this made me feel better, seeing that not only did you take the time to drop by (despite not being in the fandom anymore) but that you also dropped me some fan art?? Of the boys??? of Deja Vu??? Like brooooo. I hoarded this ask because I couldn’t bare to part with it so soon.
So in honor of that, I decided to drop off some more of my own Deja Vu art-- mainly because I love the idea of Janus’s top having that scale design and the realization that I do absolutely no Virgil art ever lol, time to change that.
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Janus and Remus and Virgil, Sanders Sides, Poly
💙 - 💙 - 💙
💖 - 💖 - 💖
💜 - 💜 - 💜
Requested by @thebestworstidea
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jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
modern au where virgil is janus's roommate and co-parent a cat that was abandoned and randomly showed up on their doorstep, they take care of it because the cat just likes them the most 
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loganslowdown4 · 3 months
Officiant: And now the vows. Repeat after me—
Patton: After me!
Officiant: … are you sure you want this one?
Janus: *starring at his groom lovingly* Yesssss
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halfhissandwich · 4 months
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Janus has a frog plushie and Patton has a snake plushie. I’d say it’s for a moceit reason but it’s actually because the Creativitwins mixed up Janus’ and Patton’s Christmas gifts one year and they just never questioned it.
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In the old days, frustrated and exhausted, Virgil would go to Janus. Janus always knew the right lies to push away everything that was wrong for long enough for Virgil to get some sleep.
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muppetable · 1 year
someone’s probably brought this up already but what if the orange side is just thomas himself?
why would the orange eyes show up with logan at the same time thomas was angry? why would they show up with janus at the same time thomas was nervous? anxiety and anger are both preexisting traits of virgil and patton. why would there be a side that only shows up almost explicitly for emotions when we already have two?
because it’s thomas?
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transfemlogan · 1 year
im thinking So Hard abt how roman & logan were treated in the earlier years of the fandom.
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naminethewriter · 2 years
Why He Lied
Day 5 and it’s related to my last years day 5! Rare Lies Hurt The Most is here on Ao3 and Tumblr. Both are really short but super hurtful, so I hope you enjoy 💛💚
Here on Ao3
Masterpost | Dukeceit Week 2022 Masterpost
Summary: Remus wanted to be happy for him. But he just can't.
Remus was lying on the floor of the Dark Side Commons, waiting. He’d been waiting for a long time. Janus had left to go help Thomas with the wedding aftermath and hadn’t come back since. Remus knew that he’d been hopeful that he might finally be accepted. He didn’t know how to feel about that.
 He wanted Janus to be happy, of course. They were friends, he was his only friend. Of course he wanted him to be happy. But not if that meant he had to be alone.
 Eventually he got up and went to his room. The door that was usually opposite his own was gone. So he’d done it after all.
 Janus had managed to lie and manipulate his way into the Light Sides. Remus had never been anyone but himself and he was stuck down here. How was that fair?
 He wanted to be happy for his friend, but he just couldn’t. Not that he would ever tell him that.
 So when he crossed paths with Janus again, he congratulated him, told him he deserved it. He didn’t believe his own words one bit and hated himself for it.
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