#this is one of my favorite tropes
themoon-andits-stars · 9 months
Who would have thought the first time Draco told Harry he loved him would be super dramatic
“No one knows me, not really”
“I know you.” Harry gives a noncommittal hum in response. “You don’t think so?” Harry just looks at him. Draco begins “You take two and half sugars in your tea because two is too bitter and three is too sweet. You rub your scar when you’re stressed and tug on you hair when you’re overwhelmed. You ball up your hands when you’re anxious. Sometimes so tightly your nails break the skin on your palms.”
Harry looks down at his hands, little crescent moon scars litter his palms, “So you’re observant.” Draco shakes his head “You’re selfless to a fault. You’ll never put yourself first because you don’t think you deserve to be. You believe you’re damaged goods. You don’t think anyone knows you because you don’t want them to. You’re scared that once they do, they’ll no longer love you.”
Harry blinks, releasing tears that run quickly down his face. He wipes them roughly with the heels of his hands. Draco comes closer and holds Harry’s face in his hands, wiping the new tears with his thumbs and ensuring Harry is looking at him. “But that’s not true because I love you.” Harry’s eyes widen, “You’re not damaged goods and you do deserve to be put first. I know you, Harry. I know you and I love every part of you.”
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jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
modern au where virgil is janus's roommate and co-parent a cat that was abandoned and randomly showed up on their doorstep, they take care of it because the cat just likes them the most 
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wanderingoracle · 24 days
wingfics <333
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13ag21k · 11 months
What if I was a lonely brooding man but my features softened as I stared at you adoringly?
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almondpiglet · 3 months
Serizawa carrying Reigen!
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thirty year old salaryman carries twenty nine year old boss cuz they arent gay!!!
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dynamic-power · 4 months
The four of them are sitting in Robin's living room watching a movie when Robin's mom pops her head in and says that the pizza had arrived. Steve and Robin stand from the couch immediately, pushing and shoving at each other to get to the kitchen first. Nancy and Eddie stay behind, heads tilted together as they talk and giggle in hushed tones.
By the time Nance and Ed have made it to the kitchen, Robin and Steve have made it back to the couch. Robin's mom joins them after a moment, sitting in one of the chairs they've pulled in from the dining table to seat all five of them.
As Robin reaches over to try and pluck a piece of pepperoni from Steve's pizza, Steve catches Robin's mom watching them with a fond smile and twinkling eyes.
Steve knows that look. That's the look of a mother who thinks Steve is the perfect boyfriend to their daughter.
He spots a flash of curls before the couch sinks down beside him. He can divert Robin's mom's attention and show her that he and Robin really are just friends. Nancy won't mind. She'll understand and play along, so he lets his hand drift out to grip her thigh. "Hey, baby, do you think -"
Only his palm doesn't land on the cotton of Nancy's skirt. It touches rough denim instead.
He should snatch his hand back, should apologize and explain, but as his eyes meet the wide, startled gaze of Eddie, he freezes.
Eddie's eyes flash up to Robin, then to her mom, and Steve realizes that Eddie has understood. A warm palm slides onto his and dexterous fingers flip his hand over and twine with his own. "Think what, sweetheart?"
Gooseflesh rushes up his arm as Eddie's rough thumb begins to stroke his hand, and he swallows down a potentially embarrassing noise. "Um. Do you think your uncle would mind if you stayed with me tonight?"
Eddie smiles at him, wide and bright and disarming. "No, I don't think he'd mind. Parents out of town again?"
Robin's mom has diverted her gaze back to the TV, but Robin and Nancy are now staring at them with wide eyes. He ignores them. "Yeah."
"Big, spooky house too much for you?" Before Steve can reply, Eddie shifts closer to him and settles against Steve's side. "I'll protect you, sweetheart."
They watch the rest of the movie that way. Steve finds it a little odd to finish eating using his wrong hand, but for some reason, he can't bring himself to let go of Eddie.
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jaymang0 · 14 days
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finemealprompt · 1 month
DP x DC Prompt #42
Billy's pretty pleased with his ability to keep his secret identity a secret from the League. The only ones who might know are Batman and his crew, but that was to be expected.
So, he's a little surprised when he spots a new hero who has joined Justice League: Dark who looks a lot like his cousin. Like, a lot a lot. Give him black hair and blue eyes, and that's Danny ... Oh holy shit Phantom's Danny! When did Danny become a ghost?
Billy hopes Danny won't tattletale to his mom. That'd be a nightmare.
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alovember · 2 months
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Bill and Ted lookin ass mfs <3 they’d definitely dress up as them for Halloween one year
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mushrooms-and-blooms · 6 months
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but the Devil sees all and She thinks you're a beauty
this girl and this devil scene live in my brain live in my brain live in my brain
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enden-agolor · 3 months
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ok so like
what if i told you my bf and i made another admin au about jesse being an admin and being cast out of society and he becomes this sad, lonely, brutish, and mute forest deity and also what if i told you lukas shows up in the forest one day and they meet each other and lukas basically changes jesse’s life
what i’m saying is they catch feelings for each other
better explanation:
im just gonna use my discord screenshots from me explaining to others the beginning
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jam-campasta · 8 months
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heartscrypt · 1 year
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"this isn't the proper meme format" yeah well i cant control them they're freaks sorry they defy the logic of the original meme okay
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guardianhyren · 6 months
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Eldritch Nika!!! I’ve always been fascinated with this idea ever since reading those fics where Nika is a separate entity (that may or may not have a an agenda of his own) and slowly influences Luffy to being a facsimile of himself. The You are my Sunshine and At the Gallows… are my favorites of Luffy being… slightly off and uncanny due to Gear 5/Devil Fruit. And all those “Gear 5 at Marineford” fics where everyone is horrified at the reality bending he does (Time Moves Through You being my favorite) are fantastic and big inspiration.
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kagooleo · 7 months
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my main reasoning for timeskip!silv having long hair is for the sole purpose of dragon baby storage
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the modern pokeworld’s medusa if you will
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megsamforever · 7 months
I'm reading through the Jinlan City tag for SVSSS on AO3 again (because canon divergences for that are one of my favorite things) and I love that so many authors agree that the best way to fix things is for Shen Qingqiu and/or Luo Binghe to simply burst into tears.
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