#accidentally becoming an entire new guy via magic amnesia
outeremissary · 1 year
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mushroom-cartel · 6 years
I’ve come up with a list of disjointed headcanons because I’m having an existential crisis over Roxas and Ventus being different people/the same person and KH3′s looming presence is scaring me.
The headcanons are written for an AU based on the initial premise of the “Cranky Old We’ve-seen-some-serious-shit-you-would-never-understand People” trio, but blown way out of proportion.
This post can be considered Part 2 to the one linked above.
Expect some wild dumb thoughts also being thrown in…
KHX, KHUX and Pre-BbS:
The era of small, angsty children going through mid-life crises and not appreciating Disney because Lux collecting is insane.
Strelitzia. Dead.
The Keyblade War.
Mass memory wipe commences.
Amnesia galore and Union X is formed.
Problem with that though is that the new leader all have to bear the burden of retaining everyone’s memories of life before and what happened during the War.
They’re just kids.
Bless them.
Aren’t Ephemer, Skuld, Ventus, Brain and Lauriam Keyblade Masters by default because of this?
I mean, there’s no one around to tell them if they’re still ordinary Keyblade wielders or not, but now that they’re Union leaders, it would make sense for the five of them to perform a mock Mark of Mastery exams in the Keyblade Graveyard.
Just to feel like its all official and the end of the worlds wasn’t upon them or something.
Ventus should be allowed to laugh at Terra and Aqua in BbS.
AKA, the reason why Ventus doesn’t have Starlight in BbS but probably does like every other NPC in KHUX.
Because the Mark of Mastery back in the old days granted you a new Keyblade.
You remember the Masters of Masters having the Gazing Eye in each of his apprentices’ Keyblades?
Apparently, he also forged their Keyblades from their hearts.
Well there you go. 
While five kids doing the same to each other is a chaotic mess, it’s still in the realm of possibility.
Just stick your hand in a heart and viola!
An entirely new Keyblade.
For reference, go look up Gatchaman Crowds’s NOTE.
The Keyblade version of Graceful Dahlia is formed via this method?
All those weird plot points Nomura makes.
Out of the five new leaders, Ventus is undoubtedly the youngest and has the least experience when it comes to leadership. He doesn’t understand why he was chosen in the first place anyways when he can’t even stand for himself.
He has issues.
But he wants to be helpful.
Shift Pride is introduced to Union X and Lauriam starts to go looking for his sister, asking for Elrena’s aid in his endeavours. Every possible lead they follow winds up a dead end and they have to start their searches all over again. In this AU, Lauriam doesn’t confide in the others about his sister’s disappearance because he believes too much in the power of friendship. It’s during this time that Lauriam starts neglecting his duties as a Union leader, and Ventus, being the nice kid he is and all, covers for him and does the workload of two grown-ups. 
This arrangement goes on for quite a while, so much so that Ventus loses it.
He goes ham on Lauriam’s ass because it’s not fair; they all lost important people and things before and during the War, what matters now is what they can do to preserve the memories.
“Why are you so intent on chasing a ghost of the past?”
“She’s my sister, you wouldn’t understand!”
Laurium and Ventus get into a fight, which ended up with Laurium losing his heart and Elrena following him shortly after because she stepped in the way of his Keyblade to stop him from doing the same to Ventus.
Guys, Elrena just wants everybody to be happy.
She used to be sunshine and rainbows.
AKA, the story of how child soldiers became Nobodies.
AKA, a method of leaving the Realm of Sleep, or in this case, the dream within a dream, the alternate reality which Union X formed.
In his guilt, Ventus exiled himself from Daybreak Town.
Like, he just up and left the second layer and went back to the dream world where the Keyblade War took place.
And then he destroyed his Chirithy, basically an intimate part of his soul since he started sleeping. Soon he jumped off a cliff and BAM.
AKA, a method of leaving this particular part of the Realm of Sleep, which was fabricated by the Masters of Masters.
Ventus enters Reality, where times are different and years have passed.
Surprise, surprise, though, the first layer of dreams was very real (despite everything they’ve been told) and lots of children died.
The people of Daybreak Town were the SURVIVORS of the War, the Foretellers were more senior Keyblade wielders, and MoM being the guy to put them all to sleep.
So the War in KHX was technically the second of its kind.
The War (the player has flashbacks of) in KHUX is the first.
Memory alteration magic for the win here.
He’s alone for a period of time, in which he starts to adopt a backhanded grip in the hopes of utilising Wayward Wind’s blunt edge because he’s scared of doing the same to anyone else like he did to Lauriam.
Stabbing and hitting becomes guarding and slashing.
And then Xehanort showed up
To screw things up.
Heart-splitting action occurred some time later.
As did Vanitas. 
Sora’s healing time also happens and Ventus forgets about Daybreak Town for like a second.
Actually, more than a decade.
Daybreak what now?
Post-KH(ish) and Early-358/2:
Roxas doesn’t remember his first six days because he was having flashbacks of the War through his connection with Sora and Ventus.
Xemnas is scared that he’s remembering Sora.
Marluxia nearly cried foul when the boy was inducted.
Larxene wanted nothing to do with him.
Since the two lost their hearts in a fake realm of sleep, their memories are a bit scrambled. So what they remember of their Sombodies is in correlation to strong emotions.
You know.
Like that time they died.
Still, Marluxia needs power and Roxas seems familiar.
And Larxene?
She just wants to have a good time.
See what makes him tick, what makes him different, what makes him Roxas and not Ventus.
She’s bitter and jaded. A few years of being nothing can do that to some people.
Don’t expect her to pat Roxas on the head mockingly.
Okay, she does but that was only a one time thing.
It’s accidental, but she ends up forming some sort of amicable acquaintanceship with the boy.
She hasn’t had proper friends since…
.… Since what?
Ah, it doesn’t matter.
On the other hand, Roxas is weirded out by the fact that Marluxia and Larxene seem so familiar despite not having any memories of his Somebody’s life.
When he looks at them, he feels nothing but regret and the urge to profusely apologise for something he doesn’t know about.
He’s paranoid, guys.
Wait, what?
Day 11.
“You’re going on a reconnaissance mission with Number XII.”
“But, Saïx, she’s going to kill me!”
“Not a concern of mine unless it hinders your ability to collect hearts.”
AKA, the beginnings of a proper adventure with “Accidental Murder” and “Friends Should Not Fight (Even If I Die)”.
Note to self: Marluxia’s crack code name is “Death by Sister Complex”.
It’s a grand adventure.
One that includes flying saucers, a grand amount of explosions and lighting raining down from the sky and roasted acorns.
Just like old times, in Larxene’s mind.
Seriously, what were the Foretellers thinking when they sent children to go collect Lux?
Oh, just casually go defeat huge Heartless, no biggie.
What was that about a war?
Roxas learns survival skills like a madman.
A friendship is formed?
Day 22 and sea-salt ice cream like normal before RTC.
Pre-CoM(ish) and During:
Roxas is still being paranoid, even with less people occupying the Castle That Never Was.
At least Larxene and Marluxia isn’t around to give him the heebie-jeebies.
He thinks.
Paranoid to the point that he doesn’t even interact with Xion as much as he did in canon and Xion doesn’t get a face (from him or Axel) because he’s scared that someone might try to use him as scapegoat.
Plans go awry because initiating social interaction isn’t in her programming. Xemnas almost throws himself off his throne.
Meanwhile, Marluxia’s just doing his own things in Castle Oblivion and unintentionally makes Naminé give Sora memories of Strelitzia.
Also, thanks to his tenure as Union leader, he does in fact have power over memories to a certain degree, how else would the War be wiped out from the Dandelions’ minds?
He teaches Naminé things.
But memories of Strelitzia only means one thing. Lauriam.
And Lauriam’s… nice. Very different to Marluxia in some ways.
“Who the hell is this?”
Confrontations within Castle Oblivion are disorderly.
In this AU, the goal is not to cause a coup, but rather, it’s to make others (coughxemnascough) think twice about forming Kingdom Hearts. 
Stop trying.
It’s not gonna work, old man.
Not knowing that he’s in the process of leading a group to stop another war from breaking out is Marluxia’s mood.
Larxene low-key just wants to burn Castle Oblivion to the ground because she can feel Ventus’s ghostly presence withing in the walls, even after how many years its been since she lost her heart and forgot some things. A few millenniums? She knows it’s familiar but she can’t put her finger on the feeling. Maybe it’s just her excitement acting up, high voltage running through her body making her think there’s something not quite there here.
If they did actually succeed in finding the Chamber of Waking, Larxene’s reaction to Ventus’s body living without a heart would be, “Oh, great! I was right, there’s a damn ghost in this place!!” 
A lighting show inside a half-dead world is great.
Larxene finds it ironic that she’s dying to a Keyblade for the second time and just laughs, instead having a “I’m fading” moment like all the other Nobodies.
Sora is confused.
Larxene. Gone.
“It was great while it lasted.”
Yes, Ventus is asleep here still, but he’s currently wrangling with Roxas’s acute trauma in sleep land.
Roxas’s coma is key.
Because he remembers being Sora AND Ventus and he’s so confused because he:
a). Saved a whole bunch of kids like himself from serve trauma.
b). Saved a whole bunch of worlds from being taken over by the darkness.
c). He’s lost himself at least twice in wherever he is.
He’s walking through a version of Daybreak Town before everything in KHX and KHUX. 
“When the worlds were bathed in light” sort of Daybreak Town.
Half-awake and half-asleep.
The real incarnation, present day where the legacies of Ephemer, Skuld and Brain are lived and breathed by Daybreak Town.
Also, Ephemer, Skuld and Brain is another friendship trio that forms in this AU. 
This is important.
They lost Lauriam and Ventus in one fell swoop and what do you do when you lose your friends?
You became stronger by strengthening the bond that remain and forge new ones.
In Union X’s case, they soon abolished the old Union system and formed a meager with what was left.
Competing amongst themselves to collect the most Lux becomes a thing of the past.
The people who didn’t agree with this change were free to leave Daybreak Town (the dream within the dream) and establish connections with the outside and Reality, moving from the Realm of Sleep and into the Realm of Light or Darknes, but they still regarded Daybreak Town as home, so now and then they’d send themselves to sleep.
AKA, how Luxu got to the outside world by blending in. 
AKA, the ability to put something in the universe to sleep forever is exclusive to the old people for once.
Those that remained slowly regained their memories, and despite all the aftereffects of the War(s) on the population of Keyblade wielders, these people and the ones who left still interacted with one another.
Which basically means, if the leavers found any potential across the worlds, they’d send those who could possibly wield a Keyblade into a deep sleep to be trained in Daybreak Town; while they might age mentally, they’ll stay physically the same.
AKA, a better option for immortality. 
Luxu’s around for a bit.
He passes on No Name at some point after this.
Their comatose bodies are sent to Scala Ad Caelum for safekeeping, where they are to remain for all eternity unless they chose to leave Daybreak Town themselves.
And because of this, Scala Ad Caelum is abundant with darkness and light, ensuring that it stays between the two Realms.
I guess Scala Ad Caelum is a world formed from the hearts of the participants of the Keyblade War.
Their hearts didn’t become part of Kingdom Hearts?
Scala Ad Caelum is the original base of most, if not all, Keyblade-related activities.
Scala Ad Caelum is home to many; light and darkness guide those whose dwell on this world.
Daybreak Town 2.0?
Somewhere in the realms between it exists.
Many years later, Xehanort and Eraqus became the apprentices of a Keyblade Master descended from a person who left Daybreak Town all those years, who acted as one of the guardians to all the sleeping hearts.
Yen Sid is trained by a wandering Dandelion descendant.
Back in the old days, being a Keyblade wielder meant you went to sleep, guarded Scala Ad Caelum or you got found by a stranger who took a particular shine to you.
After Lauriam “died” and Ventus left, Ephemer, Skuld and Brain realise for once that they’re just children.
Two of their friends are gone for eternity.
Back to Roxas, he’s just… tripping out. Majorly. 
What’s with all these grey cats surrounding him and bawling their eyes out right next to his ear?
They’re going off the rails, saying things about calling the Grand Masters over to the plaza he awoke in, calling him a name unfamiliar to his memory.
Then there’s a corridor of darkness and light opening right before the poor boy and the trio that steps out are who he assumes to be the Grand Masters.
They look barely older than him, maybe by a year or two but no more than that.
“Ventus?” the girl whispers, taking a knee to meet him at eye level. “It’s been years, how…?”
“Please, Skuld. We could’ve never known if he left in the first place. He might’ve actually run off to another dream and accidentally opened up a corridor here. Don’t overwhelm him with questions,” says one of the boys, tilting back his head slightly to stare at Roxas from under the brim of his hat.
“I wasn’t about to, Brain! Eh, Ephemer, back me up here… Ephemer? Something wrong?”
“It’s Ventus for sure, but… His heart… I can’t sense it.”
During Days 23 to 50, Sora goes through Castle Oblivion and Axel does the dirty.
When Larxene and Marluxia cease to exist, it begins the process of reforming as their Somebodies.
They’re how old by now?
Their Heartless are long gone.
Which means that while their bodies end up in Scala Ad Caelum, their hearts awaken in Daybreak Town, just as Sora is put to sleep by Naminé—meaning they just missed Roxas returning to Reality.
Did I forget to mention Xion is still a puppet?
“All my friends are dead to me.”
After awakening, Roxas immediately begins to distrust the Organization. He’s beyond paranoid by this point.
He’s suspicious of Axel especially, considering that the members who perished at Castle Oblivion weren’t exactly pushovers.
He thinks he’s done this before; maybe Ventus did too?
The Grand Masters weren’t exactly transparent on what Ventus did, but Roxas knew better than to question it when he saw the way they acted guarded around him.
He has a “contemplating on running away from home to find answers” phase. Like all good Nobodies do at some point in their meaningless existences.
Seeing as Xion doesn’t have any problems following the orders of anybody, he enlists her help to investigate. 
She gets a face.
Jokes on Roxas because Sora’s memory is questionable.
[ I just realised Marluxia and Larxene aren’t around by this point. ]
[ That’s a shame. ]
The change affects everyone’s sight. Yes, even Saïx and Xigbar aren’t safe.
She retains the colour of her hair, but it is noticeably longer than what it appeared to be initially.
No one knows whose face Xion has and no amount of programming can change it.
Xemnas is tired of kids not following the plan.
A wild Riku Ansem appears.
And he’s just as confused by Xion as the rest of the Organization.
“DiZ, it looks like no one Sora’s ever met.”
“Perhaps it took its face from another source.”
“What—those other drawing of Naminé’s? How can that be?”
“Not everything needs a sound explaination. No matter, regardless of the puppet’s state, you need to capture it as it will be necessary for our plans to move ahead.”
Despite Riku’s Ansem’s skepticism, Xion having Strelitzia’s face is on Naminé’s part.
Because Marluxia was half the asshole he was in canon and memory magic is very potent in the hands of a capable student.
Going through Marluxia’s head and finding a girl of unknown origins was very good blackmail material.
She drew creepy renditions of his old life.
And then she shoved a copy of Lauriam’s memories into Sora’s heart when she put him to sleep to reconnect his chain of memories.
Because she could.
And she wanted to flip the bird on Marluxia in the case that he didn’t die and would have to fight Sora again.
[ Oh, jeez, this AU’s version of Sora will be so weird in KH3′s setting because of that one trailer showing us Marluxia’s return. ]
Naminé the Witch of Memories for the win.
The wonder duo of Roxas and Xion eventually allow Axel into their circle of conspiracies. However, there are cutthroat rules about how and what he can do to help.
The days go.
Kill Heartless, collect hearts, lie to Xemnas, eat sea-salt ice cream.
Just the usual shebang.
Traitor!Xion is a thing now: desperate to discover her origins, instead of being forcefully taken and convinced, Xion willingly walks right up to DiZ and Ansem’s doorstep.
Yes, even though she and Roxas are friends, it should also serve as a remainder that their relationship isn’t as close in canon, here they both halfly trust one another because they know the Organization has more sinister plans for them. 
They need another pair of eyes to look out for their backs.
Their partnership is just them using each other for personal gains.
Axel is completely on a different loop.
He has no idea what’s going on in his friends’ heads.
They were planning on offing Axel but resisted the urge.
Xion learns exactly who and what she is.
DiZ finding the opportunity to do so, puts her to sleep and forces Naminé to rewire her memories; making it seem like to Xion that the Organization stole her (Sora’s) memories and DiZ is trying to help her get them back from Roxas.
“Destroy the boy.”
“Okay, DiZ.”
Naminé takes the time to stick a copy of Lauriam’s memories of Strelitzia in Xion too. For good measure, she reasons to herself. 
Roxas’s final battle is technically against “Mystery Girl”.
An unholy amalgamation between Xion’s last form and Marluxia’s own.
Her memory went out of wack.
There’s flower petals everywhere when she lands a blow on Roxas while they fight above Twilight Town.
Making munny is exhausting.
The normal stuff happens, except:
a). Naminé to anybody she can get her hands on, “You get a copy of someone’s memories and you get a copy of someone’s memories! Everyone gets a copy of someone’s memories!!”
b). Axel buys a crate of sea-salt and throws it down from atop the clock tower, wanting to test the limitations of digital data and human injury on Day 2.
“Accidental Murder” evolves into “Natural Disaster of a Murderer”.
When Roxas thinks Axel died, he shrugged it off.
People come back from the dead all the time.
Stop starting fires, DiZ.
Ansem Riku questions his morals.
Everything should be back to normal when Sora wakes up, right?
Unknown Point(s):
“Ah, my old friends. How long has it been since we last talked like civilised people?”
The three Grand Masters laugh. “Far too long.”
“Hey, Marluxia, where—”
“Who’s this?”
“Why, might I introduce to you my dear friend Elrena?”
“You may.”   
In other news, Ventus is a time traveller, Lauriam served his time, Elrena didn’t ask for this and Kingdom Hearts is bad news.
I might add some more headcanons after KH3 blasts a hole somewhere in my ship and becomes safe to talk about.
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