trektown · 8 months
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I’ve had this image in my camera roll forever
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otaku553 · 2 months
I am making an AU that is Sooooo self indulgent
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ASL x Nine Sols crossover :)
Don’t ask me for context because I have none!! Usually I enjoy crossovers but I think Nine Sols is an amazing standalone piece of media that is very difficult to fit other characters into reasonably given the setting and circumstances. I feel like trying to add characters from other media to it would take away from the narrative strengths of the game— the way everything is centric on the Tao and fighting by deflecting and inaction and how death is such a key part of Yi’s journey and character development and the path for all solarians in general.
In short, I just wanted to see ASL as little cat people and that is why this exists :) I like when they’re just Here and There with no reason and people are like “what. How did you even get here”
I am at present also working on hanfu designs for the three of them so this is a little teaser :))) I’m especially proud of some of the little details— on Sabo’s sleeves are the characters 革命 for 革命軍, the revolutionary army, and the dragon on his robe also has three horns to match the revolutionary flag. Then on Ace’s glasses on his hat, the characters are 笑 and 哭 in place of his usual smiley and sad face. I had some ideas for Luffy but in the interest of keeping his design simple his design is a lot more plain.
I imagine it as a side quest for Yi to go around New Kunlun and help the brothers find each other. I have no clue how they would have gotten into New Kunlun in the first place, or how they would survive for so long without Vital Sanctums and soulscapes. Maybe they just have their own spaceship and happened upon New Kunlun and managed to get on before all Dusk Guardians disappeared, and then got separated while on the ship and individually hid around different places to avoid both the Tianhuo and the mutants?
I feel like Ace would chill around the factory area since he’s most at home with fire. Maybe he would venture out to the agricultural area once in a while to grab food. Sabo would camp out near the Empyrean District passages. He’s not suicidal enough to go around the Empyrean District itself, especially after finding out that the weird monsters there don’t die. I think he would have some grudge against the Tiandao Council for being composed mostly of the rich and powerful. The Fengs are especially high up on his shit list, which is why he hangs out in the empyrean district in the first place. And Luffy,,, somehow would just be in the four seasons pavilion, I think. He finds a way to sneak in, probably pretty easily while Yi is in hiding because the security is down without Abacus activated.
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unhelpfultarot · 4 months
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Nine of Swords reversed and Ace of Cups
You're awake and things aren't quite as bad as you thought. Have some water.
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aa-power-of-nine · 4 months
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Welcome to the sequel, where the rules of spirit channeling and the like have gotten way more complicated... (among other things)
Cover Art by @rlgstuff
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lucereadp · 6 months
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Ace day with the boys!!!!
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laughing-moonlight · 7 months
Apollo: Uh, Klavier? Aren't you supposed to be babysitting Mr Gavin?
Klavier: Oh, mein bruder doesn't need my help. He's over there dazzling some psychologists
Apollo: Oh god
Kristoph: All men are at least 30% attracted to me
Kristoph: My Mother cried the day I was born because she knew she would never be better than me
Kristoph: At any given moment, I'm thinking about one thing. Phoenix Wright hunkered over eating dog food
Kristoph: I feel like I'm the Paris of people
Athena: Complete overlap of ego and id. It's been theorized, but I never thought I'd see it
Kristoph: I'm exquisite
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mlmshipbracket · 9 months
ROUND 4: POLL #2 - Semifinals
Edit: Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth vs. Elim Garak/Julian Bashir
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Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth:
One of the best examples of friends to strangers to “enemies” to lovers. Despite being technically enemies they still help each other through the game. The way they talk to each other is extremely telling of their relationship. You can really just feel the tension between these two. The fact Phoenix becomes a lawyer just to have a chance at seeing Edgeworth again(after knowing him for like a few months when they were kids).The whole “unnecessary feelings” line Edgeworth gives. The unwavering trust Phoenix puts in Edgeworth through the last case of the game.
Elim Garak/Julian Bashir:
The actors both consider the ship to be canon and have actually preformed fanfiction with the characters as a couple before. It called "Little Achievements" and it's posted on Sid City's YouTube page.
Andrew Robinson (who played Garak) has straight up said that multiple of his lines were delivered with romantic intent.
Propganda by @cardassiangoodreads (post & tags) [HERE]
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kurashikimisaki · 22 days
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HAPPY 999 WEEK!!! planning on doing album cover redraws for all 10 days :-)
(I have days 3, 4, and 10 drawn atm, and I am like 90% sure I'll finish everything else on time!! which would make this the first extended art challenge I've ever completed lmao 😭 really excited for day 10 especially, it's a song-character correlation I've had in my head for YEARS!!)
for notes on this: it really pained me to draw Ace in this album cover tbh bc I ADORE The Normal Album/The New Normal and Ace is 👎👎👎 but the third track on this album, Laplace's Angel, fits him pretty well so I felt like I had to use it for him!! (it could also make for a decent Akane song tbh... definitely fits Ace more though, with how angry it is)
I've been trying to experiment with brushes + artstyles with these redraws, and I think this turned out okay. there's a grain brush I used for a lot of the lighting that I really liked, and I think I'll try using it more in the future. also I think I did a pretty okay job replicating the text in the album, especially comparing it to day 3's text which I lowkey butchered 💀 (conceptually that redraw looked so much better in my head...but it turned out decent so I'm not too eager to redo the whole thing lol)
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sholmeser · 1 year
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something a little hard to put into words
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butchthirteen · 2 months
my least favorite thing some people in doctor who fandom do is try and argue that, because of spin-off non-tv media released years after a character's last appearance, a particular trait is immutable canon and you're a bad person if you say otherwise. eu writers are doing just as much after-the-fact interpretation as the rest of us and the only difference is they're getting paid for it.
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toaster-boi · 8 months
just realized why the Basho arms are asymmetrical. the left arm has two gigantic fuckoff pistons running from the back of the shoulder to the elbow, which fits with them having the highest melee damage modifier out of all arms since melee only goes on the left arm.
i never noticed because it's usually covered by a shoulder weapon, but that's such a neat detail kinda like the chainsaw having exhaust backfire when used, or the Shade Eye head's antennae folding down when its visor deploys.
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numinously-yours · 1 month
Free Tarot Reading: Why did X happen?
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Today's free reading is going to look deeper at why something in your life happened. I am answering the following questions:
What is X?
Why did X happen?
How can/did you grow from X?
Choose an X above and find your group below the cut:
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What is X? Knight of Swords
You may have started a project and, in the middle of it, it abruptly ended. You thought you had all of the resources you needed – money, people to back the project, a solid plan – so when it ended it was really disappointing. You’re not quite sure what went wrong or why the project couldn’t get off the ground. The main point of concern keeps coming back to the people. Why did people decide to stop investing?
Why did X happen? Seven of Cups rev.
At some point during this project, there were too many cooks in the kitchen. Since it was your idea originally, you took the reigns back and decided to make executive decisions. While this isn’t always a bad thing, it feels like people may have stepped back from working with the project because they didn’t feel their voices being heard. Additionally, there were a lot of short term goals as the project was getting starting rather than looking at the bigger picture, so the small things didn’t necessarily add up to reaching the ultimate goal.
How did/can you grown from X? Ace of Swords rev.
This situation is helpful for you as you move forward with other big ideas (or even if you try this one again!). You are excited about ideas so you want to get them off the ground, but this can be a reminder that taking time to plan is just as important as the execution of the plan. Create SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound), allow others to provide feedback, and find a balance between leading and collaborating. Something else that you may have/can learn from this is to wait on announcing ideas until you have a rough draft. It may have been too early in the planning stages of the original project and that made it asier for a lot of opinions to be thrown around. Come in with an outline/structure which allows for some movement, ideas, and opinions, but isn’t a complete blank slate.
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What is X? Six of Swords & Page of Cups rev.
There is/was someone in your life who was holding you back. You are inspired, full of ideas and plans for the future, and have always been someone who’s been able to move forward. Someone came into your life and once they did, you felt dragged down. This person has an immature nature about them. They are a bit narcissistic and childish, but think they are mature and know what they are talking about. It has become incredibly frustrating for you. You feel like you have to put your needs on the back burner in order to avoid chaos. For some of you, you may have distanced yourself from this person for a while, but now they are coming back into your life and you don’t know what you are doing to do. You’ve finally gotten back into your groove – will they mess it up again?
Why did X happen? Knight of Wands rev.
Although frustrating, this person came into your life because the delays in your progress were necessary. Whatever you were trying to achieve at the time where they swooped in and paused your work was not going to be successful if you were to have finished it then and there. I feel like my mom when I say that this also happened to “build character”. In a less annoying sense (for me lol), this person was there to teach you patience – not necessarily patience in people, but in not achieving your goals as quickly as you want. Without this person, there would have been risk of impulsiveness and built up energy.
How can/have you grown from X? Three of Pentacles
On a personal level, having this person in your life will ultimately help you appreciate other people who come into your life. Knowing that the person came into your life to help delay progress may help you see people on another level. “There is a reason this person came into my life. Let’s find out why.” It doesn’t mean you have to enjoy spending time with them, lol, but it will help it be less frustrating when the people around you are frustrating.
Regarding the goal(s), it has been aided in growth by the delay. Now that more time as passed, you will be more objective, have a more solid plan, and know where you can get resources to help it flourish.
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What is X? Two of Cups
This has “the one who got away” energy for me. Whether it was a romantic partner or a platonic friendship, someone who you loved and had a great partnership with isn’t in your life anymore. You’re wondering what the point was for this person to bring beauty to your life just for it to be ripped away.
Why did X happen? The Lovers & Nine of Swords
They came into your life because you deserved to know that this type of love exists. You deserve to know that, even in your darkest moments, you are loveable and worth the effort. This person was likely the first person in a long time that you were able to be vulnerable with. You learned how to trust again. You learned how to communicate. In terms of why they had to leave, I think it’s as simple as they weren’t meant to be. It’s not an easy answer to accept and it still probably doesn’t make sense. But the time that you had together really shaped you to be successful in new relationship(s) to come.
How can/have you grown from X? Eight of Wands rev. & Ace of Wands
This relationship is bringing you back to the root of YOU. It has probably started already. There are days you doubt your worth because the person did leave, but each day it gets easier to remind yourself that you are worthy. This person has lit a fire under you to live your life for yourself because you finally know that you deserve good things. They showed you the potential that relationships can have and that you have within them. You can move forward from this relationship with optimism for the future.  
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What is X? The Tower & King of Wands
Your X was a huge tower moment for you. There was sudden change followed by chaos. Everything that you knew was turned upside down. You had a plan for your future. You could visualize opportunities ahead and see the steps to get there. It feels like you’re expected to build the tower back up but there aren’t any directions to tell you how.
Why did X happen? Justice
I’m not being told exactly what happened that caused the tower moment, but it seems like the actions that were being taken were not in your highest good or the highest good of others involved. Unfortunately, the collapse of the tower was the consequences to those actions. Someone did not stand by decisions that they made and left everyone to their own devices. There was a missing level of ethicality and fairness.  
How can/did you grown from X? Knight of Pentacles
This knight is the hardest working knight in the deck. They are methodical and driven. They may not be the most creative, but they get the job done. You are being called to be this knight as you rebuild that tower. You don’t have to be the most creative person in the room. You don’t have to be the most inspiring person and come into a planning session with a full list of new ideas. If you focus on getting the job done effectively and consistently, you will be successful. Sit down and write goals. Just like group 1 (which you may have been interested in checking out), create goals that are tangible and attainable. You can also grow by accepting responsibility for anything that might go wrong. The original tower moment may or may not have been consequences of your own actions, but moving forward you need to be aware of your actions so another tower doesn’t fall. Stick to what you know, stick to a routine, and soon you’ll see the tower is standing higher than ever.
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unhelpfultarot · 5 days
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Nine of Pentacles and Ace of Wands
You're not sure if that's a threat or an invitation, but you're prepared to make the most of it either way.
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aa-power-of-nine · 3 months
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"Who's that kid over there...?"
Art by @sushiisiu!!!
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citrussushii · 3 months
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erm whipped up some kind of nine tales vale idea i had in mind where apollo plays a role as the nine tales vale guardian/god/diety/spirit and can transform into a fox at will very similar to Nimoma (I NEVER WATCHED IT BEAR WITH ME) anyway i havent been able to design simon as tenma taro yet but ill be sure to with time lmao
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people don't appeal to my pussy but you know what does? filthy filthy breakdowns
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