#ace attorney elements
20elements · 9 months
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A miscellaneous collection featuring two OCs, Saturn Young and Barry Slick, new members of the Wright Anything Agency's talent side.
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pcktknife · 1 year
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infamouslydorky · 1 year
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It's upsetting that I just own these clothes and I didn't go hunting for them for a cosplay or anything, I just happened to own them.
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psqqa · 8 months
okay but if we’re going to go with theatre major phoenix we need to go full fucking theatre major phoenix
like he shows up in germany the first time like “if there’s time for it i’d love to catch a show while i’m here, germany has such a vibrant theatre scene”.
and edgeworth's like “absolutely we can make that happen, i believe there’s a major schiller production running at the moment and it should have english surtitles”.
and phoenix is like “oh yeah no i’m sure it’s really solid but actually there’s a shakespeare production i’m interested in”.
edgeworth is like “okay odd choice for someone supposedly interested in the german theatre scene, but yeah who can say no to shakespeare". but they get there and it turns out it's this like peak weird experimental avant-garde german theatre production of coriolanus that’s set in a bdsm club. for like four hours edgeworth keeps looking over at phoenix like “what in the actual fuck is happening right now right now” but no matter what is happening onstage, phoenix just keeps watching it intently, finger pressed to his lips, the same pensive furrow to his brow that he gets in court when listening to testimony.
but afterwards when they're sipping their after-show aftercare tea in the lobby phoenix is waving his arms all over the place as he's like “SUCH an effective use of consent! the way they just continually wove it into everything. the almost brechtian emersion it created. the way it laid bare the underlying themes around consent of the governed. and then tying that in with the obvious angle of the performative masculinity of militarism and an audience that demands to be played to, and drawing the comparison between that and both bdsm AND theatre itself. an obvious comparison of course, but SO well done! just wow!"
and edgeworth who still hasn't quite managed to process anything beyond that first moment when coriolanus walked onstage in full leather daddy get-up and has a white-knuckled death grip on the after-show aftercare blanket wrapped around his shoulders just nods weakly and croaks out a vague “i'm glad you enjoyed it”
like he's gotta be into weird and experimental theatre. he can't have been a theatre major and NOT be into weird and experimental theatre. sure he'll go see the schiller production and enjoy it, but bdsm coriolanus is what gets his Theatre Kid blood pumping, y'know.
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eleccy · 1 year
phoenix and edgeworth are the only “normal” characters in ace attorney and i use that definition extremely loosely. this isn’t a lawyer game this is a ghost hunter game. this is some scooby doo shit. everybody phoenix meets is a fucking horror game character. maya and pearls can channel the dead, morgan fey is shit-your-pants terrifying, mia, misty, iris, dahlia, all of them have some creepy shit or other going on, i won’t even get started on dahlia’s insane spirit needing to be exorcised, and after surviving all that, phoenix gets a daughter with esp and he has to contend with the gramaryes who have supernatural powers and are mysterious as fuck, and a kid whose eyes glow red when he perceives you. top that off with a visit from the devil himself, kristoph with the fuckin skull on his hand and the mystical levitation powers we don’t know what they are, THERE ARE ABSOLUTELY GHOSTS AND DEMONS AND SHIT IN ACE ATTORNEY AND TBH I LOVE IT. and phoenix’s only defense is a magical green rock he holds it up against them all like a cross and screams “THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU”
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uniworu · 8 months
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apollo from my rock band au "yell it out 'til your heart stops beating" im also working on a klapollo fic for it here!
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aurore-dupin · 7 months
I’m deeply normal about Ema Skye so here’s some thoughts about her design and Phoenix.
When we meet her in her first design she has her bow that is a design reference to Lana’s scarf. And like you’d think that if you would bring the character back you’d put more Edgeworth design influences on her, because of her affection for him. In the Investigations series, however, she is in a red tie like Phoenix (the tie is striped but you see where I’m going). In her AA4 design, now that Phoenix is disbarred, she completely looses almost all blue from her design switching to a green waistcoat instead. I say almost because she still has her hydrogen button and it’s blue.
Because the one thing she keeps is the one that matches something that Phoenix always has, the Oxygen pin that she gave him to record.
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takumishu · 5 months
Is anyone willing to explain where the rumour that Ace Attorney is supposed to be a critique/parody of the actual Japanese legal system even originated from? I spent a few days reading and skimming through Shu Takumi interviews, and he and the other writers/developpers seem pretty adamant on insisting that the court system is based on nothing at all. Takumi himself even mentions that he avoids referencing anything that draws explicitly from real life in his games to make them more "universal" and less likely to feel outdated.
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You think part of the reason why Phoenix didn't contest the whole forged evidence fiasco that got him disbarred was because he still hadn't reconciled his feelings about what he did during BttT? This bit:
Phoenix: (So I guess it's all over... The way everything ended... Was justice really served...? The man who risked his life to save Maya is being sent to prison by my own hand...)
Like, maybe the idea that he was "as good out there as any defense lawyer could ever hope to be", as Mia puts it, but it only left him feeling hollow sprung a sort of disillusionment with the courts that culminated in him being framed and just... accepting it. Because if justice meant letting a good man be jailed (or executed if you want the awful version of events), if he couldn't even trust in his own hand to bring justice to his clients and cases, then what's the point of it?
I don't know. I think it would have been nice to see him figure this one out.
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inspector-montoya-fox · 9 months
this post was initially gonna be like a lazy rant about how the Klaww Gang's team dynamics suck ass but the more i wrote the more i realised there's so much to discuss. so today let's discuss how the Klaww Gang's team dynamics suck ass but not on like surface-level y'know?
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i'm not even sure if the Klaww Gang qualifies as an actual gang because they barely even acknowledge each other? their interactions are very scarce. off the top of my head we get Rajan's party which they all attend apart from Dimitri (Dimitri attending Rajan's party would be so bizarre btw) and Jean Bison's phone call with Arpeggio. these are things friends do so maybe they should be the Klaww Friends ? i mean they have the sinister-looking conference room but we never see them hold a meeting there. moreover, they all act out of pure self-interest. they each got a Clockwerk part and just went on to do their own thing like counterfeit, drug production, etc. i mean what's even the point of forming a gang if their goal was to just split Clockwerk parts and then disband? did they have any other operations in the works? Arpeggio was planning on double-crossing the rest of the members anyway and he needed them to actually have the parts for his plan to come to fruition but still seems a bit pointless.
interesting question: how exactly did the Cairo Museum heist go down? was it like a group activity or pulled off by a single member? or did Arpeggio have Neyla break in and take them? because i can't imagine the Klaww Gang members coming together like an Ocean's movie to steal a bunch of robot owl parts? in fact, i can't imagine any of them stealing in the traditional like robber kinda way. with the exception of Bison and maybe Arpeggio, they're all shown to have some sort of prestige in their own part of the world: Dimitri was an established artist and nightclub owner and as shown in the comics hanged out with elitist socialites; the Contessa was a high-ranking Interpol officer; Rajan threw a lavish ball with hundreds of guests. like i wouldn't be surprised if the Klaww Gang members had institutional power. maybe they just bribed the museum to give them the parts?
and then there's the fact that they were a complete failure. i can't help but compare them to the Fiendish Five, who, let's admit it, won. they "won" in the sense that they achieved their goal. it's not like anyone stopped them. sure, Sly whooped their ass years later but they still killed ConnEr and split the Thievius Raccoonus. they went on with their lives until Sly grew up. like the first game is very much a revenge story. the Klaww Gang? not so much. the game takes place right after the Cairo Museum heist so all their scheming and plans could only take place for like maybe a couple of months max. and let's not forget they were also tricked by Neyla. flops.
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i'm not sure why but i also think the Fiendish Five can evade the criticisms highlighted above even though they were also a bunch of strangers? Clockwerk was a much more menacing boss than Arpeggio (if Arpeggio can even be considered a boss. more like a final member), like i don't think anyone from the Fiendish Five would dare question his plan or motivations. but also, i think there was an underlining sense of camaraderie when each of them warned us about the next one post-bossfight, like at least some respect. i can't say the same for the Klaww Gang, like i can't even imagine the Contessa, Jean Bison and Dimitri interacting with each other (and now i suddenly can't think of anything i need more in my life). Clockwerk feels like the Fiendish Five's employer and he brought them together to pull off something kinda sacred like continuing the cycle of raccoon murders. basically they got together and did a thing and that was it like they just casually went on with their lives after that. Clockwerk was immortal, for all we know and as i have previously theorised there could have been previous iterations of the Fiendish Five throughout history. just baddies recruited by Clockwerk to help him take down the Coopers.
so yea. the Klaww Gang very much sucked ass but !!! i think it was for the better. even if i compared them to the Fiendish Five, i feel like SP wanted to set the expectations by making it seem like we were going to receive something similar just to then have things go down very differently. the Klaww Gang is different because its members (were under the illusion that they) were autonomous. they weren't let in on the big picture (What is this with clocks, bro? Have you no vision?) and they all thought they were the gang's top dog. this made for something very different, especially when you throw Neyla and outlawed Carmelita into the mix. but their team dynamics still sucked ass.
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woolieshubris · 1 year
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realized something incredible..
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20elements · 9 months
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elementalsgaming · 7 months
This! Is a color wheel art challenge done entirely in the style of the upcoming Persona 3 Reload because I like the style!
and also so I can do comms with it when the game comes out
Here's the wheel!
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And here's the full renders cuz I hate myself lol
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ORANGE: Taion, Xenoblade Chronicles 3
YELLOW: Mami Tomoe, Madoka Magica
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GREEN: Merrill, Dragon Age II
TEAL: Johnny Joestar, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Pt.7: Steel Ball Run
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BLUE: Prince Marth, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
PURPLE: Maya Fey, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
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PINK: Princess Mei, Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
RED: Kai, Ninjago, S4: Tournament of Elements
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notmoreflippingelves · 2 months
If any of the krisnix fans following me are already DCU fans, I would be very, very curious to pick some of your brains and mine your existing comics knowledge (as my own is very new and somewhat lacking) about a krisnix-centric, Batman-inspired AU.
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stubbyartist · 1 year
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older pearls redesign!!!
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spaceoperetta · 3 months
saw an ad for the Apollo Justice that described it as "three classics" and my immediate response was "to who?????"
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