wingedarrows · 2 years
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The aces and their son
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dazzlerazz · 9 months
While I like her with Dorothea I’m also a HUGE FAN of aroace Edie!!! In her paired endings she only has kids with one person (Ferdie) and even her “romance” endings are more like “she and this person enjoyed each other’s company :)” so I’m absolutely here for aro (and aroace) Edie aaaaaaaaa
Arodelgard Acedie,,,,,,,,,, omg,,,,,,,,,, we're all so real for this I love us all so so so much
Do you think Edelgard would be worried about having children because she's worried that they might inherit her crests? That they might suffer in the way she suffered? I imagine it eats her up inside considering what happened to her and her siblings. She'll have a child or children out of obligation to her empire and her Fodlan but if she didn't have that obligation I think she'd just adopt so she can have kids without the worry of them suffering like she did :)
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projectcaramel · 2 years
Fridge Monster (2) - Obey Me! Beelzebub
"Uh, Candice...?" 
"Yes?" I didn't look up from my project, only adjusting my magitech glasses as I worked with a halfstone plate. Slowly, the enchantment was coming together. 
"Do you know where the ketchup is?" I finally turned my eyes away from my work and glanced at Beel who shifted nervously in the doorway of my makeshift workshop. For some reason, I was reminded of a large dog being afraid to move for fear of knocking something over. 
"No," I lied.
"What about the fridge?" 
"No," I lied again. 
"C-Come on, Candice," he pleaded. "I know there's food here somewhere. I can smell it." 
"Beelzebub, restrain yourself," I admonished, and I think I managed to sound quite harsh. 
"You're hiding it from me, aren't you?" he asked plaintively. "I'm hungry dammit!" I jumped as his fist swung into the wall. I decided the house would have to be fortified. "Why would you hide food from me?" 
"Because I want to preserve our living expenses," I replied, standing from my spot and removing my gloves. "Particularly right now. Since you can't resist temptation for longer than two or three hours, I have to force you into exercising restraint. Think of your brother.” For a moment, Beel almost froze himself solid, his mouth falling open in the moment of shock before the orange-haired male became subdued. The letter ��B” came off his lips before he shook himself and smiled. 
“Fine. For Lucifer, I’ll try.” 
“Good. In the meantime, I’m working with someone else to develop an appetite suppressant for you. And before you get worried, no it’s not Solomon, and no the goal isn’t to make you feel sick to your stomach.” Beel stared at me for a long moment. 
“Is... that what you’re working on now?” He pointed at the plate, and I glanced down at it, as if I’d forgotten it was there. Which, I had, temporarily. 
“Well, it’s part of a larger project, but yes, it can be used in application with your problem. It’s just a simple magic conversion circuit.” At Beel’s blank look, I hastened to show him and explain. “See, this ars glyph branches into super and avari, which get channeled into these glyphs—ira, gula, luxur, invidi, acedi...” I kept pointing to each glyph and the accompanying strands, but Beel only seemed to get even more confused the more I tried to explain. “Okay, so, if I were to send a magic pulse through this circuit, depending on the attributes running through it, the circuit will send out an output pulse that could be electrical, chemical, kinetic, potential... I’m still working on more complicated translations like nuclear and radiant energy, but it’s a circuit similar to this one that helps your D.D.D. operate without a battery.” 
“Eh? Really?” Beel questioned, startled, and I nodded. 
“It all starts from little things,” I replied, and his eyes lingered on the circuit. 
“Little?” he mumbled. “But that thing is so complicated...” 
“Please; this is nothing compared to programming,” I replied. Now there was something I disliked doing, particularly here. Adding a magic variable into the already difficult mess that was coding was just asking for a mental breakdown. Nothing quite like having a problem and not knowing where it starts or how to fix it. 
“...Candice, has anyone ever told you that you’re incredible?” The comment gave me pause. 
“Well, no,” I replied after a moment. “At least not in that vocalization.” The most I usually got from people was “cool” or “good job”. Maybe I have an unrealistic idea of what people are capable of doing? “Thank you. I appreciate it.” Beel smiled happily, and for a moment, I think my heart fluttered again...
“It’s funny,” he said. “When I listen to you talk so happily about what you’re doing, I don’t feel so hungry anymore.” 
...I really must be ill. 
“God, I can finally see,” I cried as I opened my eyes for the first time since I’d gotten IOS. It had been a quick procedure, probably quicker than laser eye surgery, and the best part was that they reconstructed the eye as they worked, so I didn’t have to worry about the little side effects that would have resulted from much more involved, less successful surgery. That, and it was mostly painless. “Is this what people with normal vision feel like?”
“Welcome to the world of 20/20 vision,” the doctor said with a chuckle. “Check back with me in a week so that we can make certain there are no abnormalities being caused by flawed magic, but other than that, you’re free to explore the world without worries.” 
“Thank you,” I practically gasped, and I had to resist the sudden, nearly uncontrollable urge to hug her. It was an odd feeling, particularly considering I wasn’t the type of person to engage in that kind of affectionate physical contact. Or any physical contact, come to think of it. 
When I walked outside the office, I was surprised to find Beelzebub waiting for me, in his typical workout clothes. “What, does Lucifer not trust me to get home by myself?” I asked with a little mocking tone. 
“Er... no, I just... I went for a jog, and I thought it’d be lonely if you just went back by yourself.” Beel rubbed the back of his head, looking a little uncomfortable. “Should I not have?” 
“You shouldn’t have,” I confirmed, though I wasn’t trying to be unkind. “But I appreciate it anyway. Thank you.” Beelzebub smiled again before he started walking with me, back in the direction of the House of Lamentation. 
"You really do look different without your glasses," Beel said with a little smile, and I glanced up at him. 
"Do I?" He nodded. "Are you complaining?" He shook his head. 
"It's not bad or anything... Candice is always Candice. You'll always be pretty." 
"Are you trying to flatter me so I'll lift your food restrictions?" I asked with a snort as his stomach growled. 
“Ah... no...” he replied, even as I handed him a cereal bar I’d brought with me. He stared as it as if he didn’t know what it was. 
“I’m not going to eat it,” I explained. “So you can have it.” 
“Thank you,” Beel replied, and it almost sounded like he’d gotten choked up as he gratefully ripped open the wrapper and chomped down on the puffed grains. I think it was effectively a rice cake stuck together with sugar, so I didn’t particularly care for it. That, and I’d already had three cups of coffee. “So,” Beel said after a moment as he stuffed the wrapper in his pocket, “How much have we saved since you started forcing me to starve?” 
“You’ll have to ask Lucifer,” I replied, even as I looked around the town again. “I haven’t asked to see the bills, so he’s the only one who knows how much the House of Lamentation is spending right now. That said, working towards really reducing costs will require everyone’s contribution—the only one who doesn’t habitually spend a small fortune is myself.” I sighed. “To be honest, I tackled your expenses first because you seemed like the easiest one to handle.”
“Oh.” Beel thought for a moment. “So you’re planning on limiting the others too?” 
“Yes.” I inclined my head. “Satan will probably be next; broaching the subject aside, once I actually get him into the conversation, he should be reasonable as long as no one butts their head in. And then... probably Asmodeus, but the jump in difficulty makes me wonder if it's manageable." I sighed. "Well, I suppose I should at least thank you for being easier to deal with than I thought. For someone so obsessed with food, I'd never imagined my plans would go this well."
"Well, you're welcome," he replied unsurely. "But... Why are you doing this much? I don't think Lucifer would ask you to do it..." I glanced at Beel before I looked forward. 
"To be honest," I said after a moment, "I guess you could say it's just me trying to pay back the House of Lamentation in my own way. I realize my social skills are lacking, and I can be incredibly touchy. I'd rather be a useful annoyance than just a plain annoyance." 
"Is that really how you think we see you?" Beel asked, and I was surprised at the hurt in his voice. I found myself stopping next to the demon. 
"Well, I'm sure you've figured out by now that I'm not the sporty type," I replied with a wry smile. "You wouldn't believe the number of times I've almost snapped at you just because you were talking about the things you like." 
"So what?" Beel stepped in front of me so that we were face to face rather than side by side. I say face to face, but I still had to look up at him. "Candice, I don't think of you like that. I never have. And I don't think any of the others have either. I think you can be really mean sometimes, but I always thought that was a part of you just like how smart you are or how nice you can be." 
"Beel," I said, a bit too stunned to say anything else. Well, I suppose that just like me, Beel had a habit of saying exactly what he meant. He was easy to understand that way. "Thank you," I concluded eventually. 
And this time, I listened to the part of me that wanted to give Beel a hug. He returned it easily, and I almost yelped as he lifted me off the ground with ease, instinctively clutching at his muscular back. I think it was only at that point that I fully realized why all of the athletes at RAD respected him. That... and it was nice to be hugged so tightly.  
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idontevenknow7878 · 3 months
you know what’s funny it’s like five am i am bearly conscious and all i can think of is the fact my mom is going to beat my ass tommkrow because i acediently steeped on smt and woke her up
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meowdle · 3 months
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Acedi Chibi
The last month, I've been making lots of chibis! I'm trying to make one for each of my characters, whichhhh will take a while considering that I have over 300 of them ^^; I'll only be posting my favs of the chibis :3 Without further ado, this is my OC Acedi!
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como usar opera vpn
🔒🌍✨ Ganhe 3 Meses de VPN GRÁTIS - Acesso à Internet Seguro e Privado em Todo o Mundo! Clique Aqui ✨🌍🔒
como usar opera vpn
Configurações do Opera VPN
O Opera VPN é uma ferramenta útil que permite aos utilizadores proteger a sua privacidade online e aceder a conteúdos geograficamente restritos. Para aproveitar ao máximo este serviço, é importante conhecer e configurar corretamente as suas definições.
Uma das configurações mais importantes no Opera VPN é a escolha do servidor virtual. Ao selecionar um servidor localizado num país específico, os utilizadores podem contornar restrições geográficas e aceder a conteúdos bloqueados nessa região. Além disso, a conexão a servidores distantes pode afetar a velocidade da ligação, por isso é essencial escolher um servidor próximo para obter um melhor desempenho.
Outra configuração importante é a ativação da funcionalidade de bloqueio de rastreamento. Esta opção impede que terceiros coletem informações sobre as atividades online dos utilizadores, reforçando a sua privacidade e segurança na internet. Além disso, é aconselhável verificar regularmente as atualizações do Opera VPN para garantir a proteção contra possíveis vulnerabilidades e manter a sua eficácia.
Em suma, configurar corretamente as definições do Opera VPN é essencial para garantir uma experiência online segura e protegida. Ao escolher os servidores adequados, ativar o bloqueio de rastreamento e manter a aplicação atualizada, os utilizadores podem desfrutar de todos os benefícios deste serviço, mantendo a sua privacidade e segurança online.
Instalação e ativação
A instalação e ativação de um produto ou serviço são passos fundamentais para garantir seu funcionamento adequado. Quando se trata de softwares ou aplicativos, seguir corretamente esses processos é essencial para usufruir de todas as funcionalidades oferecidas.
Para iniciar a instalação, é importante seguir as instruções fornecidas pelo fabricante ou provedor do serviço. Geralmente, o processo envolve o download do arquivo de instalação e a execução do mesmo no dispositivo desejado. Durante a instalação, pode ser necessário aceitar termos de uso, escolher o local de instalação e configurar algumas preferências.
Após a conclusão da instalação, é chegada a hora de ativar o produto. A ativação geralmente envolve a inserção de uma chave de licença ou a realização de um cadastro no site do provedor. Esse processo é crucial para comprovar a legitimidade da cópia do software e garantir acesso a possíveis atualizações e suporte técnico.
É importante ressaltar a importância de realizar a instalação e ativação de forma legítima, evitando o uso de versões piratas ou não autorizadas. Além disso, seguir corretamente esses passos contribui para a segurança do dispositivo e dos dados armazenados.
Portanto, ao instalar e ativar um produto ou serviço, certifique-se de seguir todas as instruções fornecidas e manter a legitimidade da sua cópia. Desta forma, você poderá usufruir de todas as funcionalidades oferecidas com tranquilidade e segurança.
Navegação anônima
A navegação anônima, também conhecida como navegação privada, é uma funcionalidade oferecida pelos navegadores de internet que permite aos utilizadores navegarem na web sem que os seus dados de navegação sejam armazenados no histórico do navegador. É uma maneira eficaz de garantir a privacidade online, uma vez que os cookies, o histórico de pesquisa e outras informações não são registados durante a sessão de navegação anônima.
Existem várias razões pelas quais as pessoas optam por utilizar a navegação anônima. Uma delas é a privacidade, uma vez que não querem que as suas atividades online fiquem registadas. Outra razão é a segurança, já que a navegação anônima pode ser útil para evitar ataques de hackers ou phishing.
No entanto, é importante salientar que a navegação anônima não garante total anonimato na internet. Os fornecedores de serviços de internet ainda podem ver quais os sites que estão a ser acedidos, e as empresas de tecnologia podem utilizar outras formas de rastreamento para recolher informações sobre os utilizadores.
Em resumo, a navegação anônima é uma ferramenta útil para proteger a privacidade e a segurança online, mas não é uma solução infalível para garantir o anonimato na web. Os utilizadores devem estar conscientes das suas limitações e utilizar outras medidas de segurança, como a utilização de redes privadas virtuais (VPNs) e extensões de bloqueio de rastreamento, para uma proteção adicional.
Escolha de localização virtual
A escolha de localização virtual é um aspecto crucial para o sucesso de qualquer empresa online. Ao selecionar a localização virtual adequada, as empresas podem alcançar seu público-alvo de forma mais eficaz, melhorar a experiência do usuário e impulsionar suas vendas.
Existem vários fatores a serem considerados ao escolher a localização virtual ideal para um negócio online. Primeiramente, é importante avaliar onde está o público-alvo da empresa. Conhecer a região geográfica em que a maioria dos clientes em potencial está localizada pode ajudar a direcionar estratégias de marketing e promoção de forma mais eficiente.
Além disso, a escolha da localização virtual também pode impactar a velocidade de carregamento do site. Hospedar um site em servidores próximos ao público-alvo pode resultar em um carregamento mais rápido das páginas, o que melhora a experiência do usuário e contribui para um melhor posicionamento nos motores de busca.
Outro aspecto a considerar é a legislação e as políticas comerciais do país onde o site está hospedado. É importante garantir que a localização virtual escolhida esteja em conformidade com as leis locais e que ofereça um ambiente seguro e confiável para transações online.
Em resumo, a escolha de uma localização virtual adequada pode impactar significativamente o sucesso e a eficácia de um negócio online. Ao considerar cuidadosamente todos os fatores relevantes, as empresas podem posicionar-se de forma estratégica no ambiente digital e alcançar melhores resultados.
Uso seguro de redes públicas
Ao utilizar redes públicas, como Wi-Fi em locais como cafés, aeroportos e hotéis, é importante ter em mente algumas medidas para garantir a segurança de seus dados e informações pessoais. O uso seguro de redes públicas é essencial para proteger sua privacidade e evitar ataques cibernéticos.
Uma das melhores práticas ao utilizar redes públicas é evitar o compartilhamento de informações sensíveis, como senhas, dados bancários e informações de identificação pessoal. Caso seja necessário acessar tais informações, é recomendado utilizar uma conexão VPN, que criptografa os dados transmitidos, tornando mais difícil para possíveis invasores interceptá-los.
Além disso, é importante manter seu dispositivo e programas atualizados, incluindo antivírus e firewalls, para evitar vulnerabilidades de segurança. Evite também fazer transações financeiras ou acessar sites sensíveis enquanto estiver em uma rede pública, pois essas informações podem ser potencialmente comprometidas.
Por fim, esteja atento a possíveis redes fraudulentas que se parecem com redes legítimas, mas que na verdade são criadas por hackers para roubar suas informações. Sempre verifique a autenticidade da rede antes de se conectar e evite redes sem senha ou com nomes suspeitos.
Seguindo essas medidas básicas, você poderá utilizar redes públicas com mais segurança e tranquilidade, protegendo sua privacidade e dados pessoais de possíveis ameaças online. Lembre-se sempre de priorizar a segurança cibernética em suas atividades online, especialmente em ambientes públicos.
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templevirgin · 9 months
Why do we hate greatness?
We are a slothful people…
And sloth (acedia) hates greatness.
It hates it both in itself and in others.
Let’s see why ⬇️⬇️⬇️
The acedious soul hates magnanimity.
The spirited part of the soul loves nobility, honor, and glory. Perfected by fortitude, it provides the necessary grit to conquer what is arduous and delight in the beauty attained.
Acedia is a “rejection of one’s own greatness.” There is no ladder of love, the acedious souls says, or if there is it is not worth ascending. Like despair, “faint-heartedness” is a daughter of acedia.
The acedious soul breeds pusillanimity and indifference. It is unaware of any beauty worth sacrifice.
The acedious soul would rather wallow at the bottom of the ladder than climb toward glory. It becomes unspirited, weak, and ugly, suffering a spiritual obesity that tires the impulse of ascent.
Soft and fat-souled, man not only disbelieves in his own greatness but begins to hate greatness in others. It is his fate to wallow, pallid and corpulent, deadened to eros and untouched by courage.
Acedia may even push the soul—and even whole cultures—to hate greatness to such a degree that it becomes an “enemy of life” and believes it better to “not exist.”
— Dcn. Garlick Harrison, Chancellor
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boobachu · 1 year
Why put in effort if you're going to call me retarded and acedious anyway?
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clarabosswald · 5 years
here’s the thing “light” aphobes pile cishet aces together with straights (heteroromantic+heterosexual+cisgender people in the context of this post) because they think cishet aces are practically indistinguishable from straights, and that their experience is indistinguishable from that of straights, and more importantly, that straights accept them as if they’re straights. and it’s fucking wrong. without community support, straights will always view cishet aces as broken, sick, freaks, weirdos, wrong. they’ll be hearing what every ace hears - that sex is a basic human need, that if you don’t feel sexual attraction then there must be something wrong with you, that you need to get hormonal or psychological/psychiatric treatment at best or correctional r*pe at worst.
and cishet aces will be powerless against it because the one community that protects and accepts and fights against sexual/gender identity-based discrimination, had said “lol you’re basically straight” and thrown cishet aces to fend for themselves in a society that’s conditioned to view them as others. as sick.
cishet aces don’t experience the world as straights. they don’t identify as straights. they don’t feel comfortable or accepted or safe around straights.
asexuality inherently does not belong with heterosexuality. 
all aces, including het aces, desperately need - and deserve - to be allowed in the lgbt+ community and lgbt+ spaces, where they can be accepted and protected. 
i’m saying this both based on my personal experience from back when i identified as het ace, and based on what i’ve seen online and in real life, and based on, you know, based on basic logic and compassion, which aphobes seem to lack.
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lordnightmares · 6 years
It’s actually funny when you realize Klaus, Luther, Allison and Number 5 all had on their bowling shoes when they were fighting Vanya.
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devisza · 7 years
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ac syndicate edits 3/?
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asktheskylarfamily · 4 years
That's so cool! Though if you want to know why I asked about memories, Its because I wanted to know if visiting could change the timeline. *cough*Sabobeingalive*cough* *cough*Acedying*cough sorry something in my throat right them. Lol ;) you right about keeping Luffy from the beach but that is likely going to be easier said than done.
Mina: This sounds like a continued conversation I don’t know about. 
Rita: *giggles* Yeah, it’s always nice if we can help change something for the better... 
Nova: If Luffy ever gets here, we never tell him where the beach is, okay? 
Mina: Monkey D. Luffy? One version of him has indeed been here... I think he was the Pirate King of his world. 
Ayo: How did you manage? 
Mina: Gave him some Light Energy and told him to come find me when he ran out or was ready to go home. 
Rita: That’s... irresponsible. 
Mina: And leaving two kids alone in a mansion isn’t? I’ve had some tough choices to make, kid. 
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ebbarps · 4 years
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MORANA GATSI // 47 , assassin , the unaligned .
“it’s nothing personal, just business.”
Has your character ever left their home planet? When? If not, do they want to? What (if anything) do they like about their current planet? What (if anything) do they hate?
born on acedi, morana left her home planet at the age of fourteen first traveling to sannt with her parents (aridam and sauda). the events that unfolded on sannt were not only quick but tragic as well (ultimately leaving morana an orphan) and were ones that prevented the youngster from returning home, something that she quite would have liked to do. she led a simple life on acedia, one that she quite liked. it was good and while there was always the chance that as she grew older morana would have come to realize she wanted more in her younger years it was all still more than enough.
still, it wasn’t what she had been left with -- that was sannt. and after sannt, ponos became her destination. a place that she doesn’t exactly call home (her line of work often keeps her on the move), though it is where morana finds herself settling in when she has time for that. ponos is well enough and she doesn’t mind it there. it’s the place where she found her purpose and remade herself, so all-in-all ponos is fine in her books.
What does your character think about the state of politics in the galaxy right now?
quite frankly morana doesn’t care. as long as there are those with enough wealth to pay her and the ones with the wealth have enough hate in their hearts (or motivation) to want others dead... well, what more does she need to care about? her business isn’t politics, it’s murder. she’s a tool to be used, a weapon to be wielded, nothing more.
What is the easiest way to make your character angry?
honestly, morana doesn’t get angry. she has a tight grip on her emotions (she needs to) and it would be a cold day in hell before another person saw her lose control and do something as childish as get angry. staying in control is vital and morana does all that she can to ensure that she is -- all the time. she may not be the strongest or the fastest but something that she does know that she can do, that may just give her an edge over another, is that she’ll never slip when it comes to her emotions.
however the last time that, that did happen was a few months after she had given birth to her daughter. one night while morana was holding her, right before she was setting off to leave to see out a contract, someone went to take her baby from her before she was ready to hand her over, and morana nearly sliced off the poor girl’s hand (lucky her, after all morana was aiming for her throat).
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hayleyrsstuff · 4 years
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Initial brainstorm on prompts:
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mukhannath · 7 years
country music
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kaz3313 · 4 years
-Spends most of his time sleeping
-His job is to help "run the pharmacy" with his husband. But really he just sits in a chair and watches people. Some are unnerved by this
-Rarely talks
-Rarely walks (usually Glu(other OC) just carries him around)
-Enjoys snuggles, prefers to be the little spoon but doesn't mind being the big spoon
-Doesn't really help/give advice Derek or Blyth (other ocs) but is always dragged to thier weekly meetings.
-Has a sister
- If music is playing he prefers to hear classical, music box, or any "soft" music
-He'll stay up and watch Soap Operas with Glu~
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