roguescorner · 2 years
since twitter might be on the way out hello I'm back
Acrylicpastels is now Roguescorner
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princepronk · 7 years
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Tessa — & — Eremiel
The waxwing can be seen as a symbol of freedom, harmony, friendliness, and revelry.
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divinesoupsorcerer · 5 years
rules — name ten favourite characters from ten different things & tag ten people.
        ↳ tagged by @iiliad :)
1. Peter Parker/Spider-Man -Marvel comics
2. Draco Malloy -Harry Potter
3. Aelin Galanthynius - Throne of Glass series
4. Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
5. Connor - Detroit Become Human
6. Princess Tiabeanie - Disenchantment
7. Hormone Monstrous - Big Mouth
8. Zuko- A:TLA
9. Maeve - Sex Education
10. Feyre - Court of Thorns and Roses
Tags: @acrylicpastels @ambratwhurst @nocnightsky @advarisary @level-1-rpg-character @alex-dell and anyone else who would like to participate :)
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landofiolan · 7 years
Holding this blog for now till I decide to use it
Main is @acrylicpastels
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quaxorascal · 6 years
Not sure how many you wanted but, 1, 8 and 15 for Yvette Shepard!
No worries about the numbers!! Also Wow this is late lmao (from here)
1. An overheard conversation about your OC
“Well, what about Shepard? She grew up in the colonies; she knows exactly how tough life can be out there.”
“Everyone knows the Shepard story, Anderson. The only one to make it out of Mindoir free and alive. She was all the Citadel talked about for two years.”
“The presses kept following her in the years after that. Especially after she made N7.”
“Not to mention Torfan. She got most of her unit killed out there. Death seems to follow her, doesn’t it?”
“Shepard gets the job done. No matter the cost.”
“Is that the kind of person we want protecting the galaxy?”
“She’s the only kind of person who can protect the galaxy.”
8. Your OC’s doctor/ healer talking about their injuries
Medical Report: Comm. Y. Shepard
Dr. K. Chakwas
Head: moderate concussion; mild abrasions on cheeks
Right shoulder: dislocated
Left hand: mild stenosing tenosynovitis
Right hand: moderate stenosing tenosynovitis
Ankles: both sprained
Heavy bruising in many locations on torso, including muscle bruising in upper left back
Therapy and Care:
Closed reduction has been used to reset Shepard’s shoulder, and the arm is currently in a sling that she is not to remove until further notice. Her sprained ankles have been put in splints, as have the index and pointer fingers on her left hand and the pointer finger on her right. As she cannot use a crutch with her right arm, Shepard is strongly encouraged to stay in bed as much as possible for the next two weeks; she requires rest, both physical and mental, in order for her concussion and bruises to heal.
Shepard has been given anti-inflammatory medications for her hands and ankles, as well as pain medications to take should her ankles start hurting more, and sleeping medications should they be required. Myself or Dr. Solus is to be informed should either pain or sleep medication be taken.
Mr. Krios, though he also has his right arm in a sling, will be allowed to help Shepard perform exercises to aid her fingers. He is also to keep an eye on her and make sure she rests as much as possible.
Additional Notes:
Well done, Shepard, and thank you for the rescue. Now, please make my job easier and stay in bed.
(This doesn’t include #15 but I feel this has been in my drafts long enough to post it anyway whoops, but thank you!!)
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styleofdress · 9 years
acrylicpastels replied to your post: im going to go crazybut you remember t...
I’m pretty sure I have it tagged some where. I can get it for you if you’d like!
i found it in your tag (i am not even half as organized as you thank you for existing)
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princepronk · 7 years
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The Ryder Quartet — Romance (@acrylicpastels )
Gwen + Vetra // Wes + Gil Mae + Jaal // Duke + Reyes
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princepronk · 7 years
I'm going slightly DM here cause I'm very curious, but for Pax and/or Namira: 2, 4, 5, 9, 12, 15, 20, 23, 24 !
@acrylicpastels, thanks man! Question 4 has already been answered here. The rest of the questions under the read-more! 
5 - Are there any story arcs you would like this character to explore?
Pax: Hmm. I’d say “Pax comes up against someone who kicks her ass in the ring”, but that’s both a low-hanging fruit and something that probably wouldn’t bother Pax much! She’s surprisingly humble. Instead, I think maybe something to do with her relationship to her family and her heritage would be neat. I’m not as certain what her reactions would be if the gang suddenly had to head out to Copperhue Keep and handle dwarf business, considering how she’s… sort of in exile for punching too much.
Namira: It’s so early on for Namira, oh boy. I don’t think I can say at the moment? I’m pulling blanks for this one, I’m sorry.
9 - Who has, for better or worse, had the most impact on your character’s life?
Pax: I’d say the ruffian who gave her her blind eye. Ever since that dude played dirty, she’s had a sore spot for deceit and dishonesty. It’s a fight that hasn’t left her.
Namira: At this point, it’s her neglectful parents. 
 12 - What meme would you use to describe the character?
Pax: Cracking open a cold one with the boys. Hands down.
Namira: Oh my god, they were roommates.
15 - Would this character ever make a deal with a devil or dark spirit?
Pax: I was really feeling Pax’s voice here, so have a monologue. “Hell fuckin’ no! I mean, all due respect, Mr. Demon, sir, but are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me?! No, I ain’t gonna make a deal with you. I’m already 100% pure dwarven might – I don’t need no dark magic mumbo-jumbo makin’ everything all fucked up. So yeah, you can kiss my fuckin’ ass.”
Namira: This girl is gullible as all hell. That demon could ask her to sign a contract as an autograph, and she’d do it.
20 - Is your character currently in love? Is there anyone in love with your character?
Pax: I mean, she always thought Ovenka was pretty damn great, but unless overtly reciprocated, Pax is fine with just appreciating the view. And I’m sure she’s left her fair share of broken hearts along her travels as a pit-fighter. Sorry, ladies.
Namira: Nami probably has like, a crush of the week. I actually have one of her items from the Entertainer background as a token from an admirer, so there are probably also tons of people at Fantasy Uni who’ve had crushes on her, too. Her emotions are as strong as they are fleeting, though, so her affections never last long – until she finds the next potential soulmate, that is.
23 - If your character could play any part in a drama, stage production, or musical, what part would they play?
Pax: Townsperson #5, where she has one line, but she spends hours practicing it and makes sure to nail that line. Fuck yeah.
Namira: Oh, she’s definitely one of the main female roles, either the lead or a secondary (but still important) character. 
24 - What is your character’s favorite album?
Pax: World on Fire, Slash feat. Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators.
Namira: Talking Is Hard, Walk The Moon.
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princepronk · 7 years
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The Ryder Quartet (@acrylicpastels )
Mae & Duke Gwen & Wes
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princepronk · 3 years
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My friend @acrylicpastels is running a Mass Effect one-shot for us this June, and I’m really excited about it! Here’s a look at my PC, Zem.
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princepronk · 3 years
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@acrylicpastels has once again pulled me into interactive fiction hell, which means I have read all of Shepherds of Haven in uhhh two days. Woops.
Meet my Ket MC, Hector! 50% jock, 50% nerd, 100% will kick your ass after asking so many questions.
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princepronk · 7 years
@princepestilence tagged me to share ten songs I've been listening to lately, and then tag some mutuals! Luckily, I've been listening to new music all week. We've got: 1. A Yawn Worth Yelling - Start Somewhere 2. Vienna Teng - The Hymn of Acxiom 3. Bear Hands - Agora 4. Geographer - I'm Ready 5. Vinyl Thief - Middle of the Night 6. Under the Influence of Giants - Meaningless Love 7. Dodie - Absolutely Smitten 8. Lawrence - Oranges 9. Flannel Graph - Five Foot Three 10. Bryan Scary & the Shredding Tears - Venus Ambassador I tag @acrylicpastels @snaps-wexley @glitterpisces @alistairsboyfriend @greensplatter @roseonapiano @cinemagic and anyone else who'd like to do this! :>
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princepronk · 7 years
Star Wars OCs? On my blog? It’s more likely than you think. 
@editoress (because I know you’re interested); @acrylicpastels and @daughterofthieves (because you’re both in this pit with me)
Anyways, here are my newest kids because the Star Wars fever is real and I might as well. (I’m honestly a little surprised it took me this long to make some lmao).
In order of timeline:
Episode 1-3:
Name: Elek Zidanni
Jedi Master, The Most Temperate of Teachers
Species: Zabrak
Age: mid-40s?
Gender: Cis female
Humble, patient, and wise. Elek is a beacon of rationality and calm. She will readily give advice to those who seek it. However, she may seem too serious or stuck-up to others, and her need to weigh all options before making a decision can lead her to forgetting that sometimes, the best action is a bold (if risky) one.
Name: Fen Undo
Jedi Padawan, Mischeif-Maker
Species: Nautolan
Age: 13-ish? 
Gender: Cis male
Immature, fun loving, and eager. Fen is always ready to lend a hand or try new things... even if he can get easily distracted by other, more exciting things. He’s got a lot to learn, and a whole lot more growing to do, but his heart is in the right place. Elek helps to keep him grounded, and he helps to lighten her up.
Rogue One/Episode 3-6:
Name: Haly Amersu (Halya’mersu) 
Rebel Hacker, Professional Ray of Sunshine
Species: Twi’lek
Age: Around 20/21 when he first joins the Rebellion. 
Gender: Trans male
Kind, just, and intelligent. Haly found purpose in the young Rebellion, and has always been known for his devotion to the cause. While he can be naive (and his stark sense of good vs. evil a little difficult), his idealism and optimism is anything if not admirable. Haly hates the concept of an unfair fight, and he believes in victory through tactics and wit, not cruelty and cheating. 
Post-ROTJ/Episode 7-9:
Name: Silara Mora
Galaxy’s Greatest Flareboy
Species: Human
Age: Mid to late 20′s? 
Gender: Cis female
Deceitful, flashy, and greedy. Silara is well known in the criminal underworld as one of the best flareboys in the business. Her schemes are worked out to the most minute of details, and her performances are convincing. She hires herself out to anyone in need of good dramatics — for a handsome cut of whatever price is on the table, of course. Silara is just here to put on a good show and get paid doing it. And when her lies come back to bite her? Well. There’s not much money can’t wipe away.
Name: Nooma Wehz
Hermit, Acolyte, #1 Jedi Fan
Species: Mirialan
Age: 18/19
Gender: Genderfluid, female/non-binary
Quiet, dedicated, and curious. Nooma has looked up to the Jedi for as long as she can remember. Found to be force sensitive at a young age, she has put countless hours into studying what she can about the Jedi’s lifestyle and teachings. Nooma keeps to herself and learns best through observation or reading, and loves to ask questions. She travels the stars seeking insight. 
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quaxorascal · 8 years
I'm curious to know about your OC's now! For the rank my OC's, what about, youngest to oldest?
I’m more than happy to sate your curiosity!
Youngest to oldest:
Naomi (16, December)
Alex (17, April)
Kerryn (17, January)
Brian (18, November)
Camille (19, October)
Callie (19, August)
Sydney (19, July)
Io and Oe (19, May)
Idina (19, March)
Fyf (20, June)
Lucian (21, November)
Nisaleigh Hawke (28 at the end of DA2)
Fyfa Mahariel (34 at the end of DA2)
Yvette Shepard (34 at the end of ME3)
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princepronk · 8 years
Sole Survivor meme! - 2,3,4,10,19,24,25 & 37.
Hell yeah, questions for my girl Nancy! Lets rock and roll!
2 - Whatwas their relationship like with their spouse?
Nancy and her husband George got along very well. Nancy was more wry and cynical, while George was more soft and serious. They balanced each other out. I’m not sure where they first met - I almost want to say the army, since I have that Nancy ended up disguising herself as a man to join the war effort as a soldier. Either way their marriage was calm and quiet. They both loved their son Jonesy to bits and pieces. (Fuck the name Shaun alright. No offense to any Shauns reading this.)
3 - Whatare other people likely to notice about them first?
Nancy is pretty tall! She’s about 6′3″. I mean, she’s also beefed, but still. The height is not something most people expect.
4 - Are theyintroverted or extroverted?
Nancy is a definite extrovert. I think one of the things she finds so jarring and frustrating about the Wasteland is the lack of people. She’s in her element when she’s in a bustling city, filled with sights and sounds and people moving about. For Nancy, being isolated and alone is frightening.
10 - Whatis their weapon of choice?
She can handle a gun just fine (pistols and machine guns? hello) but what Nancy really loves to use is melee weapons. Being in the middle of a fight is nothing new for her, but she’s come to recognize that she actually enjoys being able to let loose and get violent. Using melee weapons only heightens that feeling. Right now Nancy is quite fond of using the Super Sledge ;)
19 - What do theylove the most about their romantic partner(s)?
Nancy appreciates how Hancock has a good heart and strong morals considering their circumstances, but what she truly loves is how he’s still able to relax with her and not be so wound up about things. Hancock knows she’s had a hard life, but being with him allows her to forget about her problems and just have fun with him. She doesn’t get on his case about using chems all the time, he doesn’t get on her case about her wanting to bash brains in for fun. They make it work.
She probably thinks he’s got a nice ass, too, for ghoul standards.
24 - What are their insecurities?
She’s afraid that she’s becoming too violent for her own good. Sure, she’ll fight people and enjoy doing it, but that’s only because she has to in order to survive, or because she’s hurting people who deserve to be hurt - she lets her enemies start fights and then allows herself to finish them. But it’s too easy for Nancy to imagine herself winding up killing people for no good reason other than that she didn’t want to stop.
25 - Whatboosts their confidence?
Being successful in a fight is probably the best confidence booster for her. (Killing a deathclaw for the first time left her on an adrenaline rush that was almost impossible to bring her down from.) Getting little pick-me-up comments from her friends like “Nice shot!” or “Good eye!” helps to brighten her mood. Also, being genuinely thanked for doing something.
37 - They’rein a bar fight. Did they start the fight, are they getting beaten on,or are they trying to break it up?
The perfect Nan question.
On a good day: She’s told the drunk Raider to step off once already. The second time he shoves her, she gives him a warning that if he doesn’t go back to nursing his beer she’ll be wiping the floor with him. The third time he tries to punch her, except he’s woozy from the alcohol and Nancy easily overtakes him. His buddies attempt to fight on his behalf but it’s not much of a challenge for her. They all get kicked out of the bar, Nancy included, but at least she downed her drink before the fight.
On a bad day: She’s restless, pissed off, and itching for someone to make her fuckin’ day. The moment the drunk Raider slurs out the words “Y’wanna go?!” she’s already picking up her beer bottle and smashing it across the top of his head. He falls to the ground - she’s either hit him too hard or he’s more of a glass jaw than she thought - and his friends all charge towards her in a furious mass of sweaty clothes and vodka breath. She wrecks them all. She also wrecks multiple pieces of nice furniture. They all get kicked out of the bar, Nancy very much included, and she even gets put on their “No Entry” list. So much for that.
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princepronk · 8 years
My friend @makom0ri​ tagged me in a question post! Let’s get to answerin’, my dudes.
What was the last movie you saw?
Star Wars: The Force Awakens, for the second time!  I love that movie so much, good gravy.
What was the last song you listened to?
"Shallows” by Daughter. I was listening to one of my 8tracks mixes, actually.
What was the last show you watched?
I actually can’t remember!
What was the last book you read?
“Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon. I’m almost at the end of the book, which is very exciting for me. I’ve really enjoyed it so far!
What was the last thing you ate?
I had bbq chicken pizza for lunch today, which was good. I don’t actually like pizza unless it is a Very Specific Pizza. I was surprised at how I managed to eat almost all of it. If you could be anywhere else right now where would you be?
I’d be back in time at the start of winter holidays so that I could have another two weeks to myself instead of goING BACK TO SCHOOL... If you could pick a decade to travel back to which one and why?
Honestly I’ll just take the 90s/early 2000s because with my interests, I’d have a decent time. You fuckin’ know I’m watchin Gargoyles marathons and decking children for mint copies of Animorphs books. Get out of my way Johnathan, I don’t have #41 yet and I have to make sure my collection is complete. If you get an elbow to the face that’s on you. If you won the lottery what would you do?
Use the money to buy tickets and fly out to my long distance friends.
What fictional character would you want to hang out with?
Usually I’d say my OCs because I love them too dearly to not want to chill with them but like... can I squad up with Tali and Kaidan Alenko. Can I do that.
Alright, I’m going to tag @acrylicpastels, @demisexualalistairtheirin, @greensplatter, @roseonapiano, @cinemagic, and @princepestilence! (If you don’t want to do these questions, that’s fine by me - please don’t feel pressured!)
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