#actually my first beatle crush was ringo
harrisonsbabygirl · 6 months
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m1ssunderstanding · 9 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Two
Paul and Ringo cabaret duo au NOW!
Their collective bitter humor about the fan mag. I think George probably appreciates Paul getting into this sort of shit with him. Even if it is only on a surface-level. A reminder that the Beatles fame journey (something that's been hellish at times for George, enough to give him PTSD and other issues for the rest of his life) has not left Paul unscathed. That Paul actually does have feelings, however buried they may be.
Could even be that the appreciation comes out in the form of "I think your beard suits you. Man." Does the tacked-on 'man' mean a sort of "no homo" type qualifier? Or is it just an added endearment. I know we don't think of George as particularly inhibited, but it was the sixties. And of course Paul loves the compliment and has no idea what to do with it.
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Can you all please thank Mal as he hands you your tea next time? Not that hard, guys.
Ringo's voice is so sexy. And I love how supportive Paul and George are of this very stupid song. If either of them had written it, they'd tear it to shreds, but it's Ringo, so we laugh along and enthuse about the sentiments behind the lyrics.
The communal bitching about EMI's treatment of them. As they should.
Oh goodness, it's the "Paul has an embarrassing crush" moment from that iconic post of @jeremy-hillary-boob He totally does and you should say it. "I never used to know what it meant". It's giving "girl pretends not to know how to hold her golf club so the hot guy will touch her".
I have a theory that some of their covers ~matter~ and "What do you want to make those eyes at me for?" Is the first one for me.
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Okay this look right here that John is giving Paul? Not to, like, out myself as never having experienced pure love except from my own child or anything, but the only other place I've ever seen that look is on my one-year-old's face when I come get him from his nap. So ... "A lovely little baby, John was"
"If this boy dies, you're gonna cop it." Peak older brother behavior. He's joking, but he's also deadly serious.
In love with John trying to sing out of his range. He's trying so hard, you guys.
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"Everybody had a hard year. 'well, I'm not sure, actually. Put [good year]." Same, John. Isn't it always that way? Hard. And good. He's such a genius lyricist. He just captures the human condition with such specificity.
Lol at Paul correcting John on the key of his own song (yeah, yeah, gimme some truth is secretly a colab but it's still a John song)
When they put a piano in front of Paul and John's instantly like "uh-oh, red-alert my beautiful boyfriend might not get captured perfectly from every angle" vs a year and a half later when he's bitching about Paul having too much screen-time in Let it Be. Well, you were part of the problem, babe.
I love George's way of teaching his songs. Whereas Paul was shouting key changes and counts between phrases, and John doesn't even bother to give any of that information, George is just softly singing "E, to F sharp minor. E to A." Beautiful. John and Paul, take notes.
Wonder if I'll get through a day without calling Paul a whore. Probably not.
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John being instantly self-effacing after suggesting that genius little let's enhancement. "My mind can blow those clouds away" is actually much more original and thought-provoking, but John just makes fun of himself. Like. Just own it. You're John fucking Lennon!
The George/Paul convo (George talking, Paul hardly flinching) is so painful actually. Because from the outside, Paul's avoidance looks so condescending and unfeeling, but avoidance feels much more like 'Shit fuck shit dodge the fight, go around, don't react, don't engage, don't start something' and i really feel for both of them.
Let John do Help for gosh sakes!
"Not bad though. Good try, that. Johnny."
The part where Paul is looking just so exhausted, and he's actually letting it show, and then he sees the camera on him and hurries and tries to do a cheeky little Beatles head-shake and smile. But then he's really just too tired (and high) and he looks away and rubs his eyes. It was like watching an old circus bear. Those poor things.
And of course John's head snapping up like a little gopher when Paul says his name
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wingsoverlagos · 4 months
Beatles Radio Shows
My recent ~endeavors~ have led me to dig up a bunch of old radio shows by and about the Beatles, and I wanted to share them in one place.
These are unofficial uploads. If you've ever searched out old Beatles-related content - particularly audio or video content - you have likely experienced the crushing devestation of locating a download link to some obscure interview George Harrison gave in 1977, only to click it and find the link dead! If you're interested in listening to any of the shows listed here, or think you may be interested one day, I recommend downloading them now rather than suffering the bitter sting of a dead link in days to come.
By the Beatles
Paul McCartney's Routes of Rock (Host: Paul McCartney; Approx. Runtime: 2.5hrs)
A five-part series that aired on BBC radio in October and November 1999. It was part of the promo for Paul's mostly-covers album, Run Devil Run. In this series, Paul plays old rock 'n' roll tracks along with his recent covers, interspersed with discussion of his formative musical influences and some cute early-Beatles anecdotes.
Ringo's Yellow Submarine (Host: Ringo Starr; Approx. Runtime: 26hrs)
A twenty-six-part series that ran on the ABC Radio Network from June 4 to November 26, 1983. Unfortunately, I only have links to the first three episodes atm. Episode 1 // Episode 2 // Episode 3
About the Beatles
The Lost Lennon Tapes (Host: Elliot Mintz; Approx. Runtime: 221hrs)
Perhaps the most famous Beatles radio show of them all? The Lost Lennon Tapes ran from Januar 24, 1988 to March 29, 1992. The huge draw here is the inclusion of audio from the Lennon/Ono archives. I believe this is the only publicly available source for audio from many John Lennon interviews. Unfortunately, you only get to hear a few minutes of any interview at a time!
The show also features interviews with people from John's life (e.g. Julia Baird and Sean) as well as Beatles experts (including a young Mark Lewisohn!) There's huge depth here, and it's very much worth the listen.
The above link includes episode names, but this site has a more detailed list of what's included in each episode.
The Beatles - The Days In Their Life (Host: Ira Lipson; Approx. Runtime: 30hrs)
A 21-part series that aired in 1981 and followed the Beatles career from their genesis to the modern day. Includes archival interviews as well as (I think) new interview material with many people in the Beatles' stories.
The Beatles Story (Host: Brian Matthew; Approx. Runtime: 14hrs)
A BBC Radio 1 series that came out ~1972, with an extra episode that came out ~1974. Many original interivews were conducted for this series, but I believe we only see a subset of the existing material on this show. From the quotes in Tune In, it appears there are full tapes out there, perhaps in the BBC Archives - if anyone has any idea where the full interviews (conducted by Johnny Beerling) may be accessible, I'd love to know!
Collections of Misc. Radio Interviews
Series aside, here are a few accounts that have uploaded a number of one-off interviews with the Beatles:
The Beatles Interviews on YouTube. Lots of great, lengthy interviews, along with a few shorter clips. Disclaimer: the video titles don't always correctly identify the year/interviewer. Fortunately, Beatles fans live to correct things, so there is always lively discussion in the comments to sort out who the interviewer actually is, and when the interview was conducted.
Beatle Stories on YouTube. While the above channel's video titles are at times incorrect, this channel's titles are mostly straight-up unhelpful lol. Still, there's some good content here.
The Beatle Tapes 2 on the Internet Archive. This is the same user who uploaded The Beatles Story (see above). They have over five hundred uploads including many radio interviews, some video interviews, and several live performances as well. A treasure trove!
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johns-prince · 2 years
I just went through your whole genderbent tag haha (it’s incredible btw!!!!!) and I was wondering if you think the Beatles would’ve broken up in the au?? How would the dynamics change in the band if it was Paula?? Your au is really interesting and you’re a great writer!!!!!!
Ah I know I’m answering this late-late, but I always appreciate anyone taking an interest and liking to my genderbent/fem!Paul AU.
Yes, The Beatles do end up breaking up in the AU. 
I don’t believe it was all that commonplace to have a band that consisted of a woman and two or three men at the time. It would’ve been expected of her to join a girl group than a ‘proper’ band, or go solo (which would be a point of contention between John and Paula/Pauline, especially with the song Yesterday) Of course this means I’ll have to do more of a due diligence to the history of musical groups/rock bands, but my baseline understanding is that, I know Linda Ronstadt started off in her own band with three other men in 1964, and so maybe it wouldn’t be all that strange around the mid sixties for a woman to be in a band like that... Especially as a lead singer. 
There would be a bit more of an obvious power struggle between John and her, which credits to songs and the such would be a point of that. It would only make sense that Pauline would face a lot of discriminatory roadblocks based on the fact she’s a woman with immense talent and a successful one at that just on her own. 
Cor, that tension and chemistry between John and Pauline would be the same, if not that feelings and desires can be acted upon more readily and openly. 
That being said, their relationship would still be rather complicated, sometimes tumultuous as feelings would (as they are now) be involved. Now that I’m back on the McLennoniac bandwagon, I came to the unfortunate conclusion that Paul, even as a woman, would still be a total and unabashed whore. Maybe that sounds worse to say being it’s a woman but it’s true. Paul had a twitchy dick, almost everyone close to him seemed to know this. 
A point of utmost jealousy and what would lead to fights between these two would consist of John’s own fluctuating fidelity and double standard expectations of it, and Pauline’s nature as a grade-A flirt and rampage high sex drive. ‘’If a man can fuck around than why can’t she?’’ mentality would also play a part in it. 
I can’t say much would change between George and Pauline, other than it being more of a ‘’older sister/long suffering young brother’’ or Pauline taking on more of a mothering sort of attitude towards George sometimes. I could maybe see young George at one point having a harmless little crush on Pauline when they were kids together, but it came and passed, especially with John showing up. Though it would always be something Pauline (and even John on occasion) would enjoy bringing up just to tease George over. 
I hadn’t really thought about it until now, but the situating of the rooms which the boys would sleep in would probably be up for debate. If rooms were shared, even in a somewhat innocent way of two beds to share between two people, it would probably have to be glossed over or lied about it. Pauline always getting her own quarters (which all things considered, a lie most of the time) Though the thought of Pauline being the one to willingly sleep in the same room as Ringo when he first joins is actually pretty sweet still- out of the two other men, she wasn’t as bothered about him. or trusted him enough too. 
Anyway... not to go on and on, but there would definitely be some shift in dynamics or outright restructure of them, amongst the group. It’s just something fun to think about. 
Thank you so much, you’re so very very kind ;u;
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murdermost-foul · 2 years
hiii uh first of all unsure why you know 5 ppl it should be me and only ME so jot that down <3 also okay we’re on sleeping bags nose to nose giggling lying on our stomachs my feet are kicking in the air .. tell me about your last fun crush :)) tell me every embarrassing thing you thought and did and how was it !!! alsoooo fmk the beatles but you have to fuck TWO of them <3 mwah xo
hi mads my love my darling i am handing you a cup of warm chocolate made w much love and i'm tucking you in well xx
okay um my last crush a) was actually my first proper one so i was even a bigger mess than i guess the average human is and b) worked out??!?! hashtag gay rights, which means i can own up to my frankly embarrassing behaviours !! it was torturing and fun and i would always try to sit next to them in outings and exercise great restraint in not holding their hand at any point and we'd send each other stupid little hearts and queer poetry. still in the process of trying to be normal ab this so yea !!!
also: fuck paul & john (teddy boy look) marry george kill john (literally any other time). ringo i'd hold his hand and invite him to our sleepover <33
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lil-melody-moon · 1 year
Hi darling 😘 now it's my turn so for the musk ask game: 2,4,13,15,20,24,37,41
Hello- Oh boi, that's a lot of questions! Luv ya for that <3
2. Weirdest song I love?
Gotta be one that McCartney did. Which one made me laugh the most tho...? Not like I know his whole discography, I'm too new for that, but there was one- *suddenly remembers Led Zeppelin* No, going with "The Crunge" - confounded bridge wins everything!
4. Least favorite song by my favorite band?
I have a few favorite bands, but I'm going with The Beatles and this specific "song", because it brings "wtf" on my face every time I think about it.
Listened to it once, never again, moving on!
13. In my opinion: a. most underrated classic rock band or b. most overrated classic rock band? No or, I'm going to answer both!
a - Well, I didn't actually listened to a lot of The Animals as of now, because I still plan on doing it and I don't know if they count exactly as a classic rock band, but I don't see a lot of people talking about them and the songs I know by them are fucking amazing. "House of The Rising Sun" my beloved <3
b - Don't hate me, but I'll say what I think. Queen are the most overrated classic rock band for me. They are not bad, far from that, but I was never a huge fan and they are freaking everywhere. I am getting kind of fed up with that.
15. Lennon or McCartney?
Are you fucking serious with this question?! ...It's difficult as shit to answer as both are good at music. I have songs by John which I can kill for and same with Paul's songs. *mumbles* It's like choosing between listening to "Imagine" and "Monkberry Moon Delight", where I will listen to both.
Alright, let's think about it, focusing only on music. I adore John's songs up to "White Album" I believe, because there I started having problems with his songs, but then again, I do like his solo stuff a lot. Then there's Paul, with who I have like zero problems. Now that I think about it, I really have little to none songs by him that I don't like/can't listen to, looking at both The Beatles and his solo stuff. Plus I like him a lot more than John...
So I guess I will say that McCartney is my answer for that.
20. A song I love that everyone hates?
I've seen a lot of hate for "The Crunge" and I'm always like, how can you not like a stupid song? It's so funny!
24. Musician I’m attracted to but wish I wasn’t?
Paul McCartney. He is the last guy I thought I will be attracted to, literally. Like, I never really paid much attention to him, but one day I just looked at him, after starting to love his songs and something just fucking clicked. And you know what's worst? I had a crush on him before, first time being when I heard him in "This Girl is Mine" which he sang with Michael Jackson and then after I heard "Say Say Say" and saw him in the music video I was a goner. I still fangirl when this song plays. The last time they played it on tv I just screamed out of joy XD
God, why, why does it have to be you of all people?!
37. Musician I want to marry?
I have...two musicians in mind and those are Serj Tankian and Ringo Starr. Both my top favorites, the ones who I feel a strong connection with, but when I think about it, I would go with Ringo Starr.
Serj Tankian means a lot to me. I'm thankful to him for a lot of things, the most important one is making me grow up in the last year and find myself again, but I think there's not a strong connection between us. Sure, we share similar opinions and certain world view, but that's about it.
Now with Ringo it's another thing entirely. Like I said before, I'm new to The Beatles, but from what I managed to gather about him I sometimes see myself in him. I'm making allusions to when he was younger of course and not to Richard Starkey, but the persona he had created. Intelligent, chill guy who is up to talking things out instead of straight up arguing. Lonely, sad and sometimes sulking for whatever reason he sees worthy of sulking, also a miserable guy who can get in a great mood and is funny and very charming. Also, a sentimental guy, which makes him cute <3 Not to mention his low self-esteem which I freaking share with him on personal level. This is how I see him and sometimes when I listen to his songs or see him act on the videos I stumble upon I can't help but feel like I found a soulmate. I know it can sound cheesy, but I feel like that, especially during the days I feel fucking lonely, almost desperate for affection and sad because despite the age I still didn't find anyone. Ringo is helping me a lot during those days and sometimes it feels like he is next to me, which makes my days better.
So yeah, I would want to marry Ringo Starr <3
41. Ultimate rock n’ roll fantasy?
I have two, which I will describe.
First being a chance to meet either Serj Tankian or Ringo Starr and having the chance to hug them and talk with them. I would like to thank them for what they did and how they've changed me, but I think a honest hug would express those feelings much much better. Plus, they both deserve it, they are sweethearts <3
Second being able to meet John Bonham and Jim Morrison in the afterlife. This is a really wishful thinking and probably something impossible, buuuuut since it's a question about fantasy, I would like to meet them and just talk, I guess. Know them a bit more, because they died long before I was born and I adore them. John for his drumming, Jim for the voice and poetry. So I guess this is the only way to see them XD
Thanks for asking, hun <3
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weaversweek · 2 years
Uncool 50 - Video killed the lazy Buggles headline
Part of my Uncool50 series, an autobiography through songs.
Three excellent videos this time.
“Take on me” by A-ha, takes our representative out of the café and right into the pages of the comic she’s reading. The hand-drawn rotoscoped animation was a work of love; the seamless meld with actual footage remains a joy to watch.
This was the first single I bought with my own money, £1.55 to hear Morten Pål and Mags over and over again.
“Cloudbusting” by Kate Bush, a miniature movie starring Donald Sutherland.
If “Wuthering heights” had introduced the concept of pop music, this single helped coalesce pop as high art. As much an ear-worm as A-ha or Red Box (qv), but somehow the sort of culture my parents and grandparents clearly approved of.
Yes, Kate Bush gets two singles into the top 50. No other act does.
"Press" by Paul McCartney. Right there, that's it, yes. (Are you perfectly sure about this? - Ed)
My parents had a microscopic record collection. Lots of light classical, some ABBA albums, Simon and Garfunkel, and The Beatles' Red and Blue albums. Of the Fab Four, John Lennon's songs were new before I got into pop, George Harrison made one LP, and Ringo Starr is the voice for Thomas the Tank Engine.
Paul McCartney has always been a welcome guest, and much of his 80s work made my longlist here. "We all stand together" is completely awesome, “Once upon a long ago” plays for nostalgia. "My brave face" and "This one" are tremendous songs, “No more lonely nights” is a touching tearjerker.
For pure cheek, sass, and general Fab Macca Whacky Thumbs Aloft!!-ness, you can't beat "Press". Paul makes the music he loves, gets an audience because he’s the most familiar face in town, and it's all completely carefree and relaxed. Same for the video, filmed without permission on the Tube, it's relaxed!Macca surprising and delighting his fans.
Next time: crushes arrive.
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sounwise · 2 years
As George [Martin], Brian, and Judy looked on in horror, one of the diplomats’ wives sneaked up behind Ringo and, with her nail scissors at the ready, snipped a sizable lock of his hair as an impromptu souvenir. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the usually amiable drummer shrieked. “It almost created a diplomatic incident,” George wrote. Not surprisingly, the bandmates and their entourage beat a hasty retreat, with John later saying, “Some bloody animal cut Ringo’s hair. I walked out, swearing at all of them, I just left in the middle of it.” But of course, it was worse than that. In an instant, George and the Beatles had been reminded, in a deeply personal way, about the role of class in British social politics. Already keenly aware of their social station, the bandmates couldn’t help but feel that the event had put them in their place. […] The incident made for yet another reminder, as [Ringo] would later put it, that to the kinds of folks who frequent high-society embassy soirees, the Beatles would always be “shitkickers from Liverpool.” Perhaps even worse yet, it was how, in their darkest moments, the Beatles (and possibly even George, their elder statesman) still saw themselves. Photographer Harry Benson was especially struck by the group’s reaction as they left the embassy that night. “They were very sad,” he later remarked. “They looked as if they wanted to cry, John, in particular. They weren’t pugnacious. They were humiliated.”
[—from Maximum Volume: The Life of Beatles Producer George Martin, Kenneth Womack]
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icarianarts · 3 years
Holly is born in 1945. The Beatles got popular in the 60s. ~Fifteen year old Holly likes the Beatles. Has a crush on Ringo. Joseph is introduced to their music by Holly. Mocked their hairstyles and didn’t really care much for them until idk he read something about how Ringo hogged the blunt by accident and they were from liverpool and went ahhh my man. Fast forward several years. Jotaro brought up with Holly singing him Beatles songs before he went to bed like in Boss Baby. He’s indifferent but grows to dislike them when Joseph only plays their songs along with Alvin and the chipmunks. At first he only hated the chipmunks but in a Pavlovian way the chipmunks following after the Beatles made him grow to dread them. Joseph meets Polnareff. They become best friends immediately over liking the Beatles. Polnareff is a Paul stan. They watch the yellow submarine movie. Kakyoin makes it clear he hates the Beatles while unintentionally actually liking some of their songs. Specifically Hey Bulldog. He is devastated when Jotaro tells him that it is in fact a beatle original song (he only listened to other interpretations of it before) Kakyoin then feeds into the conspiracy that Paul is dead. He doesn’t believe it and doesn’t care but he knows Polnareff likes Paul. Kakyoin manages to get Polnareff into believing the conspiracy. Afterwards, over dinner Kakyoin leans in to Polnareff and whispers “I buried Paul” under his breath. This causes Polnareff to start tearing up. Avdol is indifferent to the Beatles. But it doesn’t matter because Joseph’s infection has spread to them all and they are forced to listen to his CDs the rest of the road trip to Cairo after they all somehow let him know of at least one Beatle song they like. It is hell on earth. Iggy is a Kiss fan
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The Aspel & co interview with George and Ringo is one of my comfort videos when I’m feeling down, I love how much they act like a married couple. Could you write something based on that?
One of my favourites too ❤️❤️❤️
George doesn’t normally enjoy giving interviews, but he doesn’t think he’s had so much fun in an interview in such a long time.
The press conferences from their early days in the band would always fill him with dread; they would inevitably be filled with stupid questions and George would always feel himself being overshadowed by John and Paul. Maybe that’s why people called him the Quiet Beatle.
Interviews with just Ringo were always better. George has always felt more comfortable when it’s just been the two of them, and Ringo has a way of knowing when George wants to be in the limelight more and when he doesn’t.
Tonight is probably the best interview they’ve ever done together.
George had expected decent questions from Michael Aspel, and he hasn’t been disappointed. But he hadn’t expected to feel so relaxed and at ease, and he knows that’s purely down to Ringo.
Ringo is in good form tonight, and that means that George is too. The gentle banter seems almost effortless, and it doesn’t like the chore George had been dreading.
“I must ask you,” Michael says, still chuckling in response to one of Ringo’s jokes, “about your marriage. Am I right in thinking you’re nearly at twenty-five years?”
“Twenty-three,” Ringo replies, taking another drag of his cigarette. “We’re hoping to make it to twenty-five though.”
A little laugh from the audience.
“And obviously both your marriage and John and Paul’s marriage were under a lot of scrutiny in the press for many years. How did you find that?”
Ringo looks to George, and even though George can’t see his eyes behind his sunglasses, he knows Ringo is inviting him to take the lead on this one.
“Very difficult,” George says. “And I think if we’d been married to anyone else it would have made things even harder. But having each other was probably what got us through the really difficult times in the band. And the press were always speculating about us in the papers but we just used to ignore it.”
Michael nods. “Was there not a bit of a debate about whether you should even make your marriage or your relationship public at all?”
“Yes that’s right. Ringo and I got together in 1962, which was just when things were really taking off, and our record label wanted us to keep our relationship secret. The same with John and Paul. They wanted us all to appear as though we were single and available to the men or women who wanted us. Luckily our manager, Brian, fought our corner so we didn’t have to hide and it turned out all right in the end.”
“Yeah, people actually really loved it,” Ringo adds. “People loved that there was this love story they could follow with us. Although we did try and keep a lot of it private.”
Michael smiles. “I don’t mean to pry-“
“You’ve already started, Michael, so you might as well keep going.” Ringo grins and the audience laughs.
“Well you were obviously friends and bandmates before you got together. What made you like each other as more than just friends and bandmates?”
Ringo and George glance at each other, and George has to stop himself from giggling like a schoolboy.
“For me it was the eyes,” George chuckles. “He has the most gorgeous blue eyes. But seriously, I actually had a bit of a crush on Ringo almost as soon as we met. He was a few years older and he just seemed very cool, and we just got on really well.”
“And Ringo?”
“I found him very annoying when we first met,” Ringo quips, earning another laugh in the room. “No...I think like George, I just really loved that we got on really well. He never had a steady boyfriend or anything like that in the early days, but he did see a few lads and I started realising that I was getting a bit jealous, so I thought I’d better move in and stake my claim.”
“And you must be very glad you did,” Michael laughs. “Things must have got more complicated for you when your children came along though?”
“It was hard,” George agrees. “I remember doing several recording sessions while heavily pregnant because we had deadlines to meet, and it was just awful. By the time our kids were born, we’d sort of stopped touring so that wasn’t a problem, but John and Paul had their first child while we were still touring, and they used to bring him along with us.”
The rest of the interview seems to flow so naturally that at times George forgets they’re in front of an audience. It feels just like he’s having a conversation with a friend and his husband.
Afterwards, when the cameras have stopped rolling and their microphones have been removed, Ringo wraps an arm around George’s waist just like he’s done so many times before and pulls him close.
“Still got it,” Ringo chuckles. “You’ll get tired of me one day.”
“Never,” George says confidently, leaning in for a kiss.
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tocrackerboxpalace · 3 years
January, 1972
Summary: In Paul's first interview since the breakup of the Beatles, things go slightly awry when a nosy reporter gets more out of him than she bargained for.
Part 1/3 (2, 3)
Paul flashed a blinding grin at the camera, hoping none of the looming anxiety beneath the surface would read. He quickly seated himself in the plushy chair, running his fingers up and down the smooth red velvet of the arms a few times to soothe his nerves. A tad self-consciously, he scratched his jaw, fingers twitching with unfamiliarity against the now smooth skin. This was his first interview in nearly two years.
He had been in a bad way since the breakup. It did no good to mull over it now, but it was hard to stop the same intrusive thoughts from popping into frame—the fuck-all, nothing-matters-anyway attitudes; the gnawing sensation of his own incompetency at the bitterness of feeling utterly lost; the desire to waste his fucking life away drunk out of his mind so he didn’t have to wake up in the morning and remember. What now?
Paul sighed inadvertently, ignoring the curious way the interviewer’s eyes danced over his form. What now? Now, this interview. One day at a time. A nice, simple discussion about the past year—about the success of RAM topping the charts in the U.K. and the slow but steady promise of Wild Life. Family and new beginnings. Peace.
Getting better all the time, right? His stomach did a violent flip at the thought.
Paul jumped a bit as the interviewer leaned forward, brushing a tentative hand across his knee. “Paul? Are you all right?”
Paul blinked. “What?”
She lowered her voice a bit, eyes flicking in the direction of the cameraman. Paul felt dizzy as the red light blinked back at him. “Should we—should we cut?”
Shit. Already off to a poor start.
Slowly, Paul came to his senses, breathing returning to normal (though he hadn’t realized it had been erratic). His chest felt tight as he gave a curt, polite nod, forcing a smile that, to him, felt borderline grotesque.
“No, love. Everything’s fine. Just a bit distracted, is all.” He shot her a wink, hoping to assuage her. Maybe a bit of flirting would do the trick.
He sighed in relief as the reporter flushed, a pleased grin sneaking onto her otherwise hard features. “Right. Well, if you’re ready, we can begin.”
“In earnest,” he beckoned, waving an inviting hand in her direction.
Half an hour later, Paul’s face felt utterly plastic from faking so much interest and expression. The poor girl was trying, for Christ’s sake, but Paul had to actually hold back groans at some of the painfully bland questions. Every goddamn thing reminded him of the Beatles, anyway, even if it had nothing to do with them. He felt surrounded by ghosts: the echo of George’s laugh, a flash of fangs; the dissipating vision of the way Ringo bit his lip real hard and furrowed his brow when asked any remotely difficult question; the trace of John’s fingertips on his arms or lightly thumping the back of his head. Things hadn’t been the same for a while, now, as far as those things went; but it was almost like they’d never changed. Everything was rushing back to him as if he’d just woken up from a long nightmare. Only to find that the nightmare was more pleasant than reality, of course.
Paul swallowed hard, fighting the urge to be sick. He wasn’t ready for this.
He wished Linda was there. Paul nearly kicked himself for agreeing to do this alone—he wasn’t sure why they had requested that, anyway, if they were just going to make him repeat the conception of “Yesterday” all over again. He needed her there, needed to distract himself by caressing her and leaning on her and whispering subtle inside jokes in her ear at inappropriate times. He needed to have her, just like—just like he needed—
“On your newest record with Wings, you have a particularly interesting track I’d like to touch on,” the reporter was saying, bearing down on him with a sudden insatiable gaze that should have been frightening, if Paul had literally cared one bit.
“Hmm?” He replied, noncommittedly.
“’Dear Friend’. It’s about John, no?”
Paul tensed.
The interviewer stared back at him, daring him to speak, the lust for truth plainly evident in her eyes, and Paul swiftly understood. Everything had been mere formalities or trust-building exercises up to this point. Everything to get him here: trapped, with nowhere to go, no one to turn to. His mind worked quickly, frantically, pushing the blossoming anger aside to make room for the desperate bid to save himself. He could only think of one solution, and one he was king at.
Paul began to laugh. Not loudly, not absurdly; just casual enough to where the audience would soon be able to read the feigned perplexity in his tone. “John?” He practically scoffed, cocking an eyebrow at the woman with a look that bordered on condescending. “No, love, it’s not about John.”
“Who’s it about, then?” Came the follow-up.
Paul answered too quickly. “Linda.”
“Ah,” the interviewer affirmed, leaning back in her chair slightly. “I see. So the bit about throwing the wine—”
“Celebration!” Paul interjected, his voice much too shaky for it to ring true. “Throw back the wine. Congratulations, and all that.” He mimicked a drinking glass. “Young and newlywed.”
Paul’s heart was hammering in his chest, so violently he was sure the cameras could see it. He never should have put out the song. He had knownit was too transparent, but had convinced himself it was his own paranoia. The public was desperately searching for anything to drive the wedge between him and John deeper—even if the song really wasn’t about him, they would have found a way to make it so.
So, that’s what the story was. He felt a sudden angered hopelessness, offended by the audacity of the reporter. To coax him out of practical hiding, persuade him to do this huge press event for the “good of his album”, to pull him from Linda and thrust him into the spotlight he tried so desperately to escape, all so they could catch a hope of getting Paul to contradict and expose himself? Like she was some kind of Pharisee?
He could see her eyes working coldly, calculatedly, and he felt the sudden urge to run. His mouth felt sour, tongue acidic against his teeth that were clenched far too hard to be healthy. He had to get out of here.
“You say friend,” the interviewer started, almost cautiously.
“She’s my best friend,” Paul argued.
“What about the fear? What is Linda afraid of?”
“It’s a general fear,” Paul retorted, almost pouting, feeling more than fed up with the increasingly dangerous questions.
“Is what ‘true’, then?”
“All the things he said, of course,” he snapped.
It wasn’t until she responded that he realized his mistake. “He?”
Shit! Paul’s eyes shot wide as he stumbled for an answer. “I-what?”
The reporter narrowed her eyes. “You said ‘he’. All the things he said.”
Paul’s heart was in his throat. He struggled to breathe, mimicking the feeling of having your head barely above water as the ocean closes around your neck. “I most certainly did not.”
“But you did. You said, ‘all the things “he” said’. I presume you’re referring to Lennon’s more public digs, especially in response to RAM. He's far less subtle than you, you know. ‘Too Many People,’ though, that one’s about him to anyone who has ears to hear it and a brain to really listen. So he comes back with ‘How Do You Sleep’, and though you’ve been sitting on this one for quite some time, it feels right to put it out, a spitball to his face, an olive branch in the face of his fire. It doesn’t matter that it sounds like it’s to a lover. Because, in a way, it is—"
“No!” Paul all but cried out, wanting to press his palms so far into his ears that it would crush his skull. The beginnings of desperate tears well up inside of him. “No, that’s not—I’m not—”
“What happened in India?”
Paul froze.
The reporter simply stared back at him, almost expressionless. Paul’s brain had short-circuited at the question, leaving behind nothing but a dull buzz, his thoughts as comprehensive as television static. The buzzing of the studio lights was the only sound for a long time, save the soft pants escaping Paul’s lips as his chest constricted with the effort of not hyperventilating. When he finally spoke, his voice was dripping with a malice that shocked even himself.
“What the fuck do you know?”
Even the interviewer looked momentarily taken aback. She licked her lips almost hungrily. “Is there something to know?”
“No. It’s—nothing happened, all right?”
“That’s the trouble, isn’t it?”
“What? No!” Paul was astounded, flabbergasted, so far past the point of shock he no longer had control over his ramblings. “Or—no. I don’t know. Nothing happened, it couldn’t—”
“Did you want it to?”
“He wanted—”
“What did Lennon want, Paul?” There was an edge to the reporter’s voice, a twinge of excitement at what may be perhaps the biggest story since their breakup.
Paul said nothing. He couldn’t trust himself to speak. A cloud came over him, blurring all thoughts of past and future. All implications and consequences. He was blissfully, numbly empty.
“Paul McCartney, were you in a… a physical relationship with John Lennon?”
The question went unanswered. He simply stared at the woman opposite him, cool and stony. He could tell by the slight waver in her expression that his intent was evident. It was a dare—turn the fucking interview off, or sit here in silence for the remaining half-hour. Give the viewers quite a special.
Her choice.
Eventually, the woman cleared her throat and shuffled the stack of notecards in her lap that Paul hadn’t noticed until now. He let his gaze trail over her lazily as she made to signal the camera cut. As soon as the little red light went dead, she shot Paul an aggravated glare and shuffled off the set.
He only winked, feeling much more hollow inside than before.
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Abbey Road
Some of the Wikipedia page for Abbey Road is annoying, although I suppose that’s only because the takes it’s based on are annoying:
“Musicologist Walter Everett interprets that most of the lyrics on side two's medley deal with "selfishness and self-gratification - the financial complaints in 'You Never Give Me Your Money,' the miserliness of Mr. Mustard, the holding back of the pillow in 'Carry That Weight,' the desire that some second person will visit the singer's dreams – perhaps the 'one sweet dream' of 'You Never Give Me Your Money'? – in 'The End.'"
Do they mostly deal with selfishness and self-gratification? The reason I went on the page was because I was thinking about how meaningful all of Paul’s songs are in the medley. I mean, just to run through Paul’s bits:
Golden Slumbers - the theme of this is that you can never go home, yes? Never return to how things used to be.
Carry That Weight - I’ll assume Everett understands that Paul wasn’t literally talking about a pillow, but I’m not sure it really relates to selfishness. Isn’t ‘holding back the pillow’ about the whole reluctant virgin, Paul not being willing to metaphorically get into bed with Klein thing? And the song in general is about how difficult everything was at that time and trying to hold things together. Unless Everett is thinking Paul was being selfish in not going with Klein (Everett’s book was in 1999 so I assume most of the relevant info about that was out there at this time).
The End - bit of a stretch that he chose to focus on “Are you going to be in my dreams tonight” and relate that to the selfish/self-gratification theme (somehow?). I haven’t quoted this bit but on the page Everett also takes the final phrase “and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make” and splits it into the selfish (love you take) and generous (love you make). I don’t like this take but can’t really articulate why, other than the fact that that I love this line and I love that in a sense it’s the phrase they ended their career with and I don’t think the idea that you get what you give = selfish.
[He’s talking lyrics so I won’t bang on about how The End (i.e. THE END) included one of Ringo’s only ever drum solos, and Paul, George and John all doing guitar solos, harking back to their Japage 3 days, and a final classic Beatles harmony *don’t cry don't cry don’t cry*].
Her Majesty - this is just one small moment in Paul’s lifelong crush on the queen
She came in through the bathroom window - to be fair this song is kind of incomprehensible to me. I had actually thought it was something to do with the fact he and Mike used to have to climb up the drainpipe and through the bathroom window at Forthlin Road when his dad locked them out for getting home too late. The silver spoon thing I thought was about Jane or Linda (posh). Apparently it’s about a fan who broke into his house though, which makes sense for the first few lines. Still don’t see how it fits Everett’s theme though.
You never give me your money - this one is a medley in itself and yes, some of it’s about money and Klein. I suppose whether Paul's decisions about Klein were selfish depends on your view of that period (I don’t), but I also don’t think self-interest is the focus of the song. Plus it’s not the only bit of the song - the middle part is surely about Paul and Linda and freedom. And the last part (1-2-3-4-5-6-7, all good children go to heaven) is, I think, about trying to do the right thing and the perhaps futile, childish hope that this should lead to things being ok in the end *don’t cry don't cry don’t cry*.
As a slight aside, also on the wikipedia page for the album it states for this song:
“McCartney has claimed that the band's dispute over Allen Klein and what McCartney viewed as Klein's empty promises were the inspiration for the song's lyrics.[59] However, MacDonald doubts this, given that the backing track, recorded on 6 May at Olympic Studios, predated the worst altercations between Klein and McCartney.”
I guess it could - maybe, possibly, at a stretch - be about Dick James / Northern Songs, but Klein came on the scene at the end of January and The Beatles signed with him on 8th May. This date fits almost exactly with the recording so surely strengthens the idea that the song is about Klein. That quote from Glyn Jones about Klein turning up to Olympia and trying to bully Paul into signing with him [here, from here] sounds like it would have taken place at around this time, and I don’t see why the fact that their relationship got even worse as they year went on means that it’s not about him. [Confession: I may be talking rubbish about all of this, 1969 is confusing].
I won’t go too into John’s songs, but Polythene Pam and Sun King have ?nothing? to do with the ‘selfishness’ theme. 
It’s like Everett heard Mean Mr Mustard and the phrase (but not the meaning) of You Never Give Me Your Money and built a whole thesis off it because he wanted it to fit his A-chord, C-chord thoughts. He’d fit right in on the internet tbh.
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paulsmashedpotato · 4 years
Do you make The beatles fanfics? If yes, can you make one with Paul for me, where y/n has a huge crush on him and all the other beatles know except him because he's always been oblivious? I would like to read it hiihi. You can decide how it ends. Thank you so much!
Thank you for this idea! It's really cute! I'll try my best to write it as good as I can :-))
Pairing: Paul McCartney x reader
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: None that I could think of :-))
Summary: The request is the summary :-)) But to elaborate, y/n has been working as the secretary for the band and she became really close friends with the boys over the course — she had a huge crush on Paul which he was very oblivious about.
Year: Mid-60s
You’ve been friends with The Beatles since you started working in their team two years ago as a secretary and you’re usually the one that talks to the press during cancellations when the manager and the band cannot. It wasn’t entirely hard working with the boys, they’re well behaved — well sometimes. Okay fine, not that behaved but they were still a bunch of nice-sometimes-immature-but-funny boys.
You were in a small two-storey cottage where the band hangs out when they feel like taking a break — also to write songs for a new album. You didn’t really need to be around since it was just a casual hang out and didn’t need a professional aura but since they’re really good friends with you, they always tag you along in their plans which you are forever grateful for. You really enjoyed spending time with them and just watching them fool around the place. 
“Come on, just admit it already," John pushily says, puffing his smoke to the other direction — he knew how much you hated the smell so he’d blow it as far from you as possible. “Admit what?” You asked innocently, like as if you didn’t know what he was talking about. He started picking up on your huge crush for Paul, saying he’s known since the first year and he just didn’t want to pressure you into admitting — but now he says it’s been long enough and he was assuming you’ve already gathered enough confidence. “Your big fat crush over —” 
“Did you really call me up here just to talk to me about this?” You butt in before he could even mention the name. You were both seated on the lounge chair out the cottage’s terrace, relaxing under the almost setting sun. The sky was painted with colours of golden orange and splashes of pink were also vivid. The wind wasn’t too harsh, it was just perfect and relaxing.
“Yeah, today’s the only time I can help you out on your crush problem. Tomorrow, we might start writing all day again," he said, finally putting the cigar out on the ash tray. “I have no idea what you’re talking about John," you said, sighing as you got up. “I’m going back in.”
“Maybe you’ll know what I’m talking about if I went into details,” he said, almost in a jokingly-threatening manner, you squinted at him; you weren’t going to give in to his dirty tricks, he’s just saying that, you thought, turning around again, what details is he even talking about? Pfft. You mentally scoffed.
“Like that one time you were taking pictures of him while he was writing, took a bunch, by the way. God, if I just get my hands on that camera I’d be RICH in proofs!” You turned around, sending him a glare. ”You are nosy!” 
“A little, yeah,” he laughed, standing up and putting his heavy arm over your shoulders. “Just tell him already! I’m helping you out here, y/n.”
You were about to say something when both George and Ringo walked in. “Tell whom what?” George asked curiously. You immediately looked at John, who seemed really excited to tell. “Don’t you dare —”
“Let us in on the secret,” George frowned. “Come on, not fair.”
“There are no secrets, George, John’s just playing around —”
“She likes Paul,” John said nonchalantly and a little too loud. You kicked his shin causing him to yelp and curl trying to rub it to stop hurting. “Stop spreading fake news, you a —” 
“I knew it!” George beamed, causing John to laugh. “See, you’re obvious.”
You just sighed, giving up and plopping back down on the lounger, there’s no point denying it to them — you guess you were pretty obvious sometimes. You would always stay up late whenever Paul does just so he won’t be alone, you’d hug him more than you did the other guys, and you loved taking photographs of him — not as creepy as it sounds. “If it were that obvious, how come he’s never said anything about it?”
“You know Paul’s a bit... dumb sometimes," George says, making you chortle. “No, he’s not.”
He nodded his head defensively, putting both hands up in mock surrender. “Oblivious, I mean.”
“Very," John added. “I mean, I think he had every reason to, you also hug the three of us all the time, you bring us same amount of foods and drinks, you complimented all of us often — he’s probably thinking you’re just doing your job.”
“I hug him twice as much,” you muttered sulkingly, your eyes closed and your arms crossed against your chest. “Doesn’t matter, it’s just a small crush. Not really expecting anything,” you lied. You knew you wanted to at least have something more with Paul. Even for a while, see if it works out. “Just try telling him.”
“Can’t, George. I can’t just throw all my cards on the table like that,” 
“You’ve been throwing one card a day since the first time, bird. You’ve long ran out,” John said matter-of-factly. You just groaned. “Whatever. I just want to keep it professional. My contract with you guys is ending in a few weeks anyway.”
“Aren’t you renewing?” Ringo asked, you opened your eyes to look at him, he looked sad. Ringo was the calmest out of the four (Although he can be a bit talkative too unlike George who's really quiet) and he’s treated you like a little sister since the beginning, he’d say ‘your brother is lucky to have you' with a matching ruffling of the hair.
“I don’t know," you mumbled, closing your eyes again. “If it’s about Paul —” 
“It’s not, it’s not. I just... really have a long list of other things I want to do.”
“Like what?”
“Like Paul," you cockily joked and they all turned away with a stifled laugh. “Kidding, I’m kid —”
“What about me?” You froze when you heard Paul’s voice, he was walking towards the rest of you, a glass of whatever alcohol is in his hand. The other three fell silent and they were sharing awkward glances with each other. You mentally groaned, can’t they be any more fucking obvious?
“What were you guys talking about?” Paul asked again after a few minutes of silence and just awkward glances while you were seated, frozen. “Y/n’s contract is ending and she said she’s not getting it renewed," Ringo said, carefully lifting himself up to sit on the barricade.
Oh? That’s all the reaction I’m gonna get from Paul while I got sad looks from the other three?
“Yeah, oh.” you sarcastically repeated, you were a bit disappointed with the reaction. John immediately noticed, getting up, walking towards the door back inside the cottage. “Help me with something, y/n?” He called, you looked at him, nodding and getting off the lounger, you walked past Paul, your shoulder hitting him. You lazily apologized, not looking at him. 
John walked you to your room, he was seating on the edge of your bed while you were lied down, your pillow over your face. “Y’alright?” He finally asked after debating about it in his head, he didn’t want to trigger your tears but he also wanted to make sure. “Yeah, yeah," you spoke sotto voce, the pillow still on your face. “I mean, it’s not a big deal. He doesn’t really need to care, it’s not like I do. I could care less about Paul —”
“Don’t lie, it just makes it harder, y/n," he murmured, you stopped rambling, sitting up and putting the pillow on your back. “You’re right, who am I kidding? God, I care about him so much, his opinions and all that — getting an oh is just... disappointing.”
“Come on, you know Paul better, he’s not very open about his feelings. Who knows, he may be disappointed as well, just not showing it. He tends to avoid attachments," John explained, you just weakly smiled, bringing up your legs to your chest and resting your chin on your knees. “Thanks for trying to make me feel better.”
The night still went on pretty smoothly, you were keeping distance from Paul, hoping it’d make you like him less if you just stay away for a bit. You thought you were just liking him because you’re spending a lot of time with him.
“S’fine,” you smiled, not looking at him, “What are you doing still up?” 
It was already midnight and you couldn’t sleep so you decided to go out the terrace, seating on the barricade with your feet dangling down. You were just looking at the bright, silver moon. “I didn’t know it was a full moon tonight,” you mumbled to yourself.
“Me neither.”
The very familiar and your favourite voice startled you and luckily, he was able to grab on to you immediately. “Careful, you’re gonna fall,” he says, finally letting go of you so he could jump up the barricade as well to seat beside you. “Sorry, I startled you.” 
“I should also be asking you that,” he said, you see him looking at you through your peripheral vision. You were trying so hard not to look at him, you’re scared it will just give away all that you’re thinking about at the moment.
You looked back up to the moon, silence engulfing the two of you. The only thing you could hear was the cold wind that was brushing against your skins and each other’s quiet breathing. 
“Can’t sleep,” you replied, putting your hands down against the cement to prop your shoulders higher. “I can’t too."
You finally turned your head to him, he was looking at his hands. “Do you want me to make you tea?” You asked and he just shook his head.
“I was actually thinking about something,” he finally said. You relaxed your shoulders, putting your hands on your lap. “What about?” 
“Just... are you really not going to renew your contract?” He asked, looking at you, his voice sounded miserable than it did when he reacted with an oh a while ago. “I don’t know, Paul,” you sighed. “I really don’t know, there’s really no reason to renew —”
“Are we not enough reason for you to stay and want to renew? John? Ringo? George?” He asked. He sounded a bit hurt. “No —” 
“No. No, I mean — no, that’s not what I meant —”
“Then what do you mean?”
“God, let me finish, hush,” you said, making him break into a fit of laughter. You groaned, covering your face with your hands. “It’s just really hard to explain, Paul. I don’t think I’m always going to have that emotional capacity to take care of you, guys —” And watch you flirt with fans all the time or random chicks at the bar. It’s... not making my life any better.
“Are we giving you a hard time?” He asked, you shook your head with a silent snort. “Sometimes, yeah, I mean, John’s always playing around, George would need food every second to function, you’re always all over the place. Ringo was the only break I ever really had — sometimes George too when he's not in the mood to talk,” you laughed. “But I enjoyed it. So, so much. I enjoyed being with you... guys. With you guys." You cleared your throat.
“Then stay.” 
You were going to say something but it escaped your mind, looking at him sadly, you smiled. “I’ll think about it, Paul.”
He didn’t say anything. You fell into another deafening silence, it was getting even colder, he must’ve noticed you shiver a bit so he moved a bit closer, taking your hands and wrapping it with his and pinning it between his thighs. You just looked at him do what he was doing. You didn’t want to give anything meanings as you didn’t want to keep your hopes up. He’s just being nice. You thought, your eyes glued on both your hands. 
“You didn’t talk to me much tonight, are you okay?”
You nodded hesitantly, he didn’t say anything back.
Another long silence.
“I’m just gonna throw it out there, I like you, Paul," you finally said after rehearsing it over and over again in your head. You had nothing to lose anymore, the contract’s ending anyway so if it turned out awkward, you’d only have a few weeks to endure until you never see him again. You were too afraid to look at his reaction, so you kept your eyes on your hands. 
You looked at him when you heard him let out a quiet laugh, you nudged him with your shoulder. “Don’t laugh at me, I’m being serious.”
“I know, but — why did you just tell me that now?” He asked. “It was risky. Too risky. But since my contract’s ending soon, I couldn’t care less anymore. Just thought you should at least know before I leave,” you sadly said, it was sincere and vehement. “You’re a really, really, really great person and I admire you a lot.”
“You could’ve told me that sooner, been waiting to hear it since last year." He shrugged.
“What?” Was all that came out your mouth — is he saying he knew? Does that mean he likes me back? What is happening? What is he talking about? Multiple questions came rumbling into your mind. “I always thought you were just being nice because you are, not just to me. But I had this little hope that you liked me more because... well, you hugged me a bit longer than you did with the rest. It’s just one small thing but that extra three seconds really meant a lot to me and I gave meaning to it.”
You just looked at him, not really knowing what to say, you were overwhelming with joy, fear that it’s a dream, confusion, questions, but mostly with joy. He leaned in a little closer and you started to feel heat rush up to your face, the warmth of his breath was all you could feel. He freed his other hand to cup your face, pulling you closer, your noses were basically touching. You were just waiting for him to do it but part of you is thinking he’s gonna pull back and say it was a joke and then laugh at you — you’d be ready to jump off by then.
“Is it okay?” He asked, his voice was barely above a whisper. You took your hand up to his nape, initiating the kiss. It wasn’t aggressive, hungry, or the like, it was sweet and longing. Like something you both have been waiting to do for so long — neither just had the confidence to admit. 
You wondered what stars aligned tonight for you to have the confidence to admit and him saying he liked you back — and getting a kiss — all at the same night. You couldn’t think of any other explanations — all possible constellations must’ve been made.
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Random pic bc he looks cute here. :-))
This was requested three weeks ago, I think? Forgive me, yes? :-))
Let's be mutuals please!
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kreekey · 4 years
examples of people being racist toward yoko unintentionally: 1- calling her a weird stalker when they glorify/don't mind the many white fangirls who used to stalk the Beatles. 2- spreading misinformation that she lost custody of her daughter when in fact she'd won against her white crazy ex despite everything NOT in favour of her 3- bashing her for using John's glasses on the album cover she worked with John on, when they would've praised the artistry and bold statement if she was a white woman
Hey sorry I got around to answering your ask so late! You make a lot of really interesting points and I rarely hear people consider that. 
1 - reminds me of a Tumblr post I saw about an obsessive Beatlemaniac stalker and people were like “me” or “bless her” haha. Definitely different when they can interpret Yoko’s actions as “stalking”. And your point also reminds me of this quote, which isn’t about fangirls but still somewhat kinda related.
“Like Yoko when she met John, Linda was a divorced woman with a daughter when she met Paul mere months later.  There are stories similar to those about Yoko of her “scheming” to meet and marry Paul.  In the same way that Yoko is said to have joked prior to meeting him that she was “going to marry John Lennon,” Linda joked like any woman with a celebrity crush about how she was “going to marry Paul McCartney.”  (Bob Spitz notes both in his book The Beatles.  Guess which one he thought was conniving, and which one he thought was adorable.)... Was it the lucky fact that Linda got the scene a few months later than Yoko, or was it her whiteness?“ 
And I don’t have the answer if it was Yoko’s race that made her such a target, but it’s something interesting to consider and note. [And I’ll clarify this, I'm pretty sure Yoko didn't know about the Beatles until she became face to face with one, like she wasn't a fan who got lucky enough to meet her idol. In the David Frost interview and the 1971 Rolling Stone interview, John noted that Yoko didn't know him when they met, and Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies by Neil Beram says this on their meeting: "She was about as familiar with John's work as he was with hers. "I was an underground person, and such an artistic snob," she said later. "I knew about The Beatles, of course... but I wasn't interested in them." Just about the only thing she could recall about them was the drummer Ringo Starr's first name, because ringo means "apple" in Japanese.”] Also, and this definitely wasn’t stalking, but I posted a quote from Bob Spitz’ biography where he writes along the lines of
“[Linda] always insisted that she was going to marry Paul McCartney,” [Nat Weiss] recalls, “even before she met him”... It was no accident that Linda Eastman veered into his aura. She’d taken a few polite shots of Ringo and George before “zeroing in on Paul,”... Linda had come dressed to kill. Most days she played the typical rock chick, decked out in rumpled jeans and a T-shirt, with little or no makeup and unwashed hair. But today her hair had been carefully blow-dried so that it fell perfectly forward in wing points at her chin. And she was dressed in an expensive double-breasted striped barbershop jacket arranged just so over a sheer black sweater, with a miniskirt that flattered her gorgeous legs. When she squatted down – not so subtly, in what must have been a rehearsed gesture – in front of Paul for an intimate chat, he had trouble keeping his eyes from wandering below-decks...
, and some people commented that it appeared kinda predatory/pre-planned (reminds me of some criticism of Francie Schwartz’s meeting with Paul), but overall cute and everything. At the time I wondered how people would react if Yoko did that to John lol. No way of knowing, just a thought. And also, I know Yoko sent him Grapefruit and little instructions often, I think that’s usually what people cite as the stalking, that she tried to ensnare him with it. Again quoting Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies, 
For a time Yoko kept in touch with John by mailing him daily instructions-she called this Dance Event-that said things like "Dance" and "Watch all the lights until dawn" and "I'm a cloud. Watch for me in the sky." John found the instructions as perplexing as he found them intriguing.
And quoting this interview (in which she also asserts that “each and every occasion she visited John at Kenwood, it was at his invitation.”),
Despite the popular theory that Yoko was frantically inventing schemes to snare the wealthy Beatle, she was struggling with problems in her marriage [with Tony Cox] and also working hard to establish her career in the UK. Arriving in London in September 1966 to perform at the ‘Destruction In Art Symposium’, Yoko was already respected as an avant-garde artist and performer in New York, where she was allied to the Fluxus movement. She had a trained musical background, and had recently been involved in the improvisational music favoured by her peer group. She had also compiled a book of conceptual and instructional pieces called Grapefruit, and printed up a limited edition.
Yoko distributed copies to a number of influential people during 1966-’67. And John Lennon was one of the recipients. This has since been interpreted as one of various ruses on Yoko’s part to enchant Lennon.
She retorts: “There was a myth that I sent Grapefruit to him… how I wanted to trap him. It was a printed, published book. I had an orange carton of them, a lot of it. I would be giving it to critics. It was that sort of thing. He wasn’t the only one who got it.”
And by then, John had already eagerly offered to sponsor one of her shows, I think he was genuinely interested in her work. I don’t think John was actually threatened by these notes or felt he was harassed, especially since he made the jump to invite her over while his wife was away (and Yoko just thought it was a party!). He once referred to Yoko “someone that could turn me on to a million things” in the Lennon Remembers interview, he admired her art. And I know he said to Cyn that the letters were just junk from another one of those weird artists, but c’mon, what do you think John would say to his wife regarding the woman he’s romantically interested in? I don’t think it would’ve been fully truthful IMO, especially considering when John said that he nearly invited Yoko to India around that time because he liked her so.
2 is very true. Tony himself tried to make it seem like Yoko and John were crazy heroin druggies, and that's the case he tried to make (and that’s what he tried to tell Kyoko, that he was “saving” her from drug obsessed occultists). But, Yoko had gone “cold turkey” (ala the song) off heroin in 1969. This was 2 years before she won full custody in 1971. 
Although neither parent had been awarded sole custody of the child, Mr. Cox became increasingly reluctant to let Yoko and her new husband spend time with Kyoko, and finally refused to permit it at all. For a year before the Lennons came to America, they had been chasing Mr. Cox and Kyoko around Europe. In Majorca, Spain, the Lennons caught up with them and spirited Kyoko off to their hotel; but Mr. Cox called the police, and a Spanish court gave the child back to him. The incident added to his fear that the Lennons wanted to take her away from him for good.
Soon after the Lennons arrived in New York, they went to the United States Virgin Islands, to the same court where Yoko had been divorced, and that court awarded her permanent custody of her daughter.
But, Tony then took Kyoko to Texas (hiding/kidnapping her) which was in violation of that court order. Then more custody battle due to Tony’s stubbornness and evasiveness, but yes, Yoko did win custody then despite everything (even though John was very threatened by Tony lol, to the point he disallowed Yoko to visit him alone in order to discuss co-parenting when that was an option and suggested kidnapping Kyoko. But then again Tony was also kinda crazy. Seriously though IMO Yoko really tried gallantly to have Kyoko in her life, and the loss hurt her. To hear people try to spin it as Yoko being the monster in the situation through misinformation is unfortunate.)
3 is hypothetical, but I do speculate that if Yoko was white, the attitude toward her would’ve been different. Sean said, “It’s intense how racist the world is. If my mother had looked like Debbie Harry, I really think the reaction would have been different.” (X) Yoko’s former partner, Sam Havadtoy, also touched on this in an interview from 1990:
Q: ...No matter what Yoko does, she’s frequently the victim of a bad press. Any idea why?
Havadtoy: After John’s death, newspapers wrote that Yoko was this selfish person hoarding John’s memory, controlling it, not willing to share it with his fans. So after two years, she puts out 200 hours of film footage and a record and they say she’s exploiting John’s memory. She can’t win.
Q: Why not?
Havadtoy: Racism. If she were blond-haired and blue-eyed, nobody would have blamed her for breaking up the Beatles. They were the darlings of the universe; she was an outsider, an Oriental, an avant-garde artist--easy to pick on. When John married Yoko, the British press wrote: “At least he will have clean laundry.” And it’s still happening. America is infatuated with Japan-bashing. 
And I do think Season Of Glass was a memory thing, I posted about it here: X. 
And yes, I think that much of Yoko’s criticism/legacy was rooted in that initial reaction, which was pretty sexist and racist. But I think that influence can still be felt today, in ways that aren’t obvious. And like you said, unintentional. (Before anyone gets mad, if you dislike or hate Yoko that doesn't automatically make you racist lol. But the narrative built around her might’ve influenced your opinion of her, and the narrative was kinda rooted in a racist mentality. So that’s why and re-interpreting her in a fresh light is necessary).
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sohardlovingyou · 4 years
ultimate beatlemaniac tag game
Thank you for tagging me on this, gorgeous @femininehygieneproducts !! It was really fun to answer💕✌🏾
How long have you been a fan?:
Actually for a long time now. I started listening to them when I was 13 but became a real fan at 14. I have told this story before but basically I wanted to have more “musical background” and I tried to listen to classic rock, but I just ended up loving The Beatles and not listen to anything else, lol. 
Favorite Beatle:
Idk if this is obvious since I spend a lot of my time defending Paul (as he deserves), but John is actually my favorite❤️ He has been since forever. I love that blind bisexual so much I could cry. 
Favorite era for music:
Rubber Soul and Revolver. I think it captures the commercial and fun side of the first years with the maturity and evolution of the late ones. The best of both worlds, babe
Favorite era for lewks:
1965 because HAIR (!!!!) 😍🤤
Favorite song:
In My Life🥺😍😭🌈
Favorite album:
Rubber Soul forever and always ✌🏾 Although I can cheat on her with Help! 
Unpopular/Controversial Beatles opinion:
I don’t like Yoko. Plus, I really don’t care about disc 2 of The White Album. I would DIE for disc 1 but as soon it ends I skip it right away, (sorry please don’t kill me) 
A song everyone loves but you dislike:
Idk if everyone loves it, but I have seen a lot of people praising Tomorrow Never Knows and I just… don’t get it (? Maybe I’m 2 dumb and musically ignorant but i just don’t understand the love, sorry 
A song everyone dislikes but you love:
I know Maxwell’s Silver Hammer doesn’t count since we now know it’s a bop but let’s say that one cause I can’t think of any another and because Paul deserves the love. 
Your fantasy involving The Beatles:
I just wanna see them interact 🥺 I would give everything I have just to see them recording, during lunch break or just hanging out in John’s pool, lol. I don’t even wanna be in the conversation, just listen to them talk and to see how they really were in a safe and private space. My dream. 
Tell us about the moment you knew you were a fan:
When I could FINALLY tell each one of them apart, lol 
Did you ever have a genuine ‘The Beatles suck!’ phase before becoming a fan?:
Not really, but I have a “Paul McCartney is not as cool as John Lennon” phase which honestly (?? WTF, so gross of me🤢🤮
Favorite Beatles book:
This is the moment when you all realize I’m an ignorant bitch that doesn’t read beatles books, hehe😁
Thoughts on the old generation of fans:
I think grandmas and grandpas are cool since most of them are here just for the music, and also have the most endearing takes on the boys (who doesn’t love a granny talking about how Paul was the love of her life? lol) but those 50-40 year old men that act entitled and are just boomers… Gross. 
If Hollywood were to make a high budget Beatles biopic, what is one thing you desperately hope they include?:
The fun parts!!!! Please, I’m tired of dramatic biopics only talking about John’s awful childhood or their breakup. I want a fake documentary comedy where I can see them just being stupid, witty and funny. 
And if you MUST make a dramatic movie then I want the writers behind Netflix’s The Crown ‘cause 👌🏾👌🏾💯💯
Also, just give George and Ringo a personality, please. 
Do you read/write fanfic?:
I used to do it a lot when I was a teenager, like A LOT. Now I don’t really have time to read anything): I once wrote a very long fic about John and a random girl that was just a projection of myself lol, it was so bad please don’t talk to me about it.
Right now I’m writing a novel inspired by The Beatles so I guess you can count that as a fic. 
Are you the only one in your family/friend group to enjoy them?:
Are you a shipper?:
Not really, since I’m 1000% something went on between John and Paul, and I don’t ship anyone else. (ok I might lowkey ship John and Linda in a platonic bffs way but don’t make me start on THAT) 
Favorite movie starring/made by them?:
Help! It’s my comfort movie, I love everything about it. 
Do you believe in McLennon?:
Do you believe in gravity? 
General opinions on McLennon?:
I’m 100% sure something went on there, like I’ve said before. I don’t think it necessarily was sexual or romantic, but I truly believe they were more than friends in a way that maybe not even they could understand. Also, there’s a HUGE part of The Beatles break up we don’t know about and I have no doubt it has to do with the two of them. 
If you got to change ONE thing about their history, what would it be and why?:
Just how things ended, really. It’s so sad and tragic that such a real and beautiful friendship ended up like that, and just because of male ego and lack of communication skill. It sucks. 
What song has the best vocals?:
Oh Darling! Honestly, Paul wtf?? 
What song do you feel had no effort put into it?:
It’s Only Love. Don’t get me wrong, It’s on my top 10 but It’s just so short and it ends up so fast that I have this feeling that John wrote it in ten minutes, went to the studio and finished it in one take. 
What is a well talked about moment in Beatles history you genuinely believe to be false?:
It’s not false, but I do think the whole Brian and John affair is often blown out of proportion. Like, yeah obviously Brian had a crush on him but people make it seem like he was a lost puppy that walked behind John just drooling. And idk but that doesn’t sit well with me. As I’ve said before, everybody had a crush on John but people make him and Brian a thing just because Eppy was gay. 
What is something you KNOW to be true, but often gets erased in their history?:
That John loved that stupid band and was very engaged with it until 1968. 
Least favorite look from a Beatle(s):
Favorite look from a Beatle(s):
How they look during 1965 because, again, HAIR!!! 😍🤤
This was SO much fun!! Thank you for creating it, girl @femininehygieneproducts ❤️❤️❤️ Also, I tag everyone who wants to do it, lol 
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wincestisasincest · 5 years
2000 Man (A beatle!reader story) - Part 3: Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better
“Okay, I said fluff, so here it is. I mean, there’s like hints of sex, but really it’s mostly fluff. I also said more John. Here he is, in all his glory.
I was absolutely fascinated with the concept of our reader being bisexual, so here’s a fic that plays around with it, and since the beatle!reader fandom has been very accepting of that idea, a lot of this will be more taking from head canons, and I will list the ones below that I use, as usual. 
Also, as is the drill, credit to @casafrass for everything, though I doubt that you would find my blog if you didn’t already know hers, if that happens to be the case, please check her out. All the head canons are from her blog and its lovely anons. 
One more thing, my dumbass finally realized that italics don’t actually appear on the Tumblr mobile app, so in the near future I will re-edit the two previous entries in this series to help out our mobile readers. 
Description: It’s the year 2000, and y/n, the fifth member of the Beatles, is advertising her new book, Madam Beatle, in her first interview of the year. We see snapshots of her life, from when she joined the band, to the trials and tribulations, to the death of the band, and everything in between. Loosely inspired by Slumdog Millionaire. 
Part: 1, 2, 3
Head canons: Beatle!reader being bi as fuuuuuuck, beatle!reader’s got game, female fans having a fat crush on our bi reader(also this one), beatle!reader stealing all the lad’s girls
Words: 2,747
Pairings: Okay, lowkey there is some John x reader here, though you super duper have to squint and, like always, you can look at it as friendship if you want to, and of course, there’s also groupie x reader
Warnings: S E X, like it’s implied, but they totally did it
“Alright, now, I’d like to move on to a slightly more... promiscuous topic. Y/n, and the audience, I’m sure you’ve heard about what’s become something of a phenomenon in recent years, more and more ‘groupies’, as they were referred to in the day, have been coming out and telling their stories of what their life was like back when rock and roll fan culture was born. Some of them share their thoughts and experiences on certain rock stars of their day, and you have not been excluded from it. We’ll come back to specifics later, but in general, what do you have to say on that?”
“Well, Harold, I think it’s a wonderful thing. Groupies were and still are an important part of the business that we reside in, and honestly, they made as much of a splash in the 60s as some celebrities did. I haven’t really heard any groupies mention me yet, but I suppose all I can hope for is that they were... positive reviews?” 
“Indeed. Though, you do seem to have the most, let’s say, gender-equality in yours.”
“Well, it was the 60s. The skirts were getting shorter and shorter, women and men were becoming more expressive, and people just really stopped caring about the bullshit taboos that surround sex and gender. Though I may have been more well-known for it, it really affected all of the musicians that I knew on some level.” 
“And how does it reflect in your own life story?” 
“Well, I think especially in the early days, it had something of an effect on the fans. I was one of the main reasons why we drew a lot of male fans, but sometime later I discovered that I was also responsible for drawing in a lot of female fans. As time went on, and both our group and our fans got more daring with each other, one thing lead to another, and the next thing you know conservative Christian mothers are telling their daughters to stay away from girls like me, lest they succumb to their own feelings and not their parents need to be accepted.” 
“...in fact, some people are even comparing the Rolling Stones’ popularity to your own. Can you perhaps, tell us how you feel about that?” Like rats to cheese, the nosy reporters held their microphones and tape recorders up to the table where you and the lads were sitting, trying to comprehend the sea of petty attention that your career had garnered you.
“Well, there’s not really much to say,” John began, “They’re doing well for themselves and we’re doing well for ourselves. That’s really all there is to it, now. It’s not like we’re competing or anything, we’re on rather good terms.”
“Yeah,” Paul interjected, “And, I mean, I can’t speak for them, but all we’re here to do is make music that people will enjoy. If they enjoy us or the Stones, that’s not for us to decide.” That goddamned liar. Even the press had to know that they weren’t being completely genuine at this point, though the point that John and Paul had really been trying to make was clear: we’re not gonna give you what you want so stop asking. 
Something chaotic woke up inside you.
“That Mick Jagger is pretty cute, though.” You commented into your own microphone. The crowd laughed, and you smiled, proud of yourself, and getting grunts and mock-angry looks from the lads. 
You and the lads knew the truth of course. You and the Stones had a deep respect for each other, and were even close to becoming friends, but that wasn’t how this game was played. You couldn’t give the press anything too positive, or anything too negative. Just answer vaguely, and misdirect. And Paul did totally want people to like their music. 
Brian muttered something to John on the side.
“Well, I’m being told that that’s all we can answer for now. Thank you all, and we’ll see you ‘round.” 
You five cleared out of the chairs single-file and hustled out one of the side-doors. A small cloud of fans had already gathered, looking for either autographs, or touching or grabbing, or pictures, or just to tell the group that you were going to marry them one day. Brian had already told you that you would have just a few minutes for fans. 
“Two girls coming directly for you.” George whispered in your ear, and you spun around to find a redhead and a blonde looking at you eagerly. 
“Well, hi, girls! What can I do for you?” 
“Oh my goodness, erm, hi y/n! We just wanted too, uh...” the redhead trailed off. 
“We just wanted to say that we think you’re really cool, and you’re really pretty, and you’re a really good guitar-player, and um, we wanted to ask you to sign something for us.” They both stuck out a pair of white sneakers, which was admittedly something that you hadn’t been asked to sign before, though you weren’t complaining. 
“Aww, well thanks, ladies, and it’s no problem,” You began to pull a sharpie that you always kept with you out of your jacket pocket, “Do you want me to sign both shoes, or just the right one, or...?”
“Um, both, if it’s no problem!” The redhead’s voice squeaked a little. 
“Of course, why would it be a problem? Here.” You scrawled your signature on all four sneakers in the efficient manner that you were so used to be now, before looking back up at the girls and giving them a smile. The blonde one was beaming. 
“Thanks, y/n, um-” it seemed as though she instantly stopped considering her actions, and in that moment, the blonde leaned in and kissed you right on the cheek. 
You had to fight to hold back your blush.
“Aww, thanks girls, enjoy the sneakers, that’s a very stylish look if I do say so myself.” 
“Y/n, get a move on!” John called at you as he was retreating from his horde. You could sense the disappointment in the mob that was following the girls, as they were all clearly waiting their turn to see if they could speak to you, but alas, time was too short. 
“Wait, y/n, I-” someone behind the girls called. 
“But I-” You had to evacuate. 
“See you round, girls.” You flashed your million dollar smile before darting off to join John and the rest in your typical, sleek, black car. 
Slowly, the mob began to speed up behind you as you were the last, sprinting towards that open door like it would be the last one you’d see in a while. As you reached the open car door, a pair of hands quickly pulled you in and another shut the door. You piled yourself next to George and Ringo, and directly across from John and Paul. 
“I see y/n got some action, then.” Ringo poked your cheek. You noticed your reflection in the car window. That blonde had left you with a bright, red lipstick mark where your cheekbones looked their cutest.
“It seems I did.” Your cheeks flared up a little. 
“Y/n, haven’t you heard, a marriage is between a man and a woman.” John snickered. 
“Come off it, John. It’s not like that.” 
“I’m not sure if I believe that, y/n.” Paul was joining in on the teasing, following John’s lead. 
“Well, Paul, I don’t believe that I’m the only one of us who finds Mick Jagger attractive.” You shot back. George, Ringo, and yourself were the only ones who found it amusing. 
“Very nice move you pulled there, by the way. Distracting them from the Beatles vs Stones debacle to have them writing about the Romeo and Juliet thing that you and Mick have going on. Quite the strategy.” John had put his glasses back on.
“Why should I care? The only newspapers that’ll be writing that are the same ones that say the Queen is actually a man.” You peered out the window, the mob of fans looking much like a collection of dolls now. 
“And people read ‘em anyway.” George put his hands behind his head and leaned back in the seat, oddly relaxed. 
- time skip because this is a thing that I do now - 
The five of you had settled in a gentleman’s club for the evening. The club had a name, you were sure, but you hadn’t really bothered to check, as you were just here for the booze.
Even the lads weren’t really sure why we were here, but apparently, success had made us a part of the upper class, and this is what upper class people do. You’d think they would get a hobby or something.
You took a long sip of your Proseco, and through the liquid you could see a blurred scene of all of the lads’ attention suddenly grabbed by something to the left. You set the glass down. 
John wolf-whistled. 
A tall, slender brunette stalked up to the table. She was wearing a long, green velvet dress with a slit that allowed her right leg to creep out, while at the same time perfectly hugging her curves. Her lips were pursed, but still full, and her eyes had the longest lashes that you had ever seen. 
“I thought I smelled a rat.” Her voice was like chocolate, both sweet and luscious. 
“Awwww, c’mon love, don’t be like that, have a seat.” John slid a little to the side and patted the vacancy next to him. 
You took a drag out of your cigarette and made eye contact with her. Green, just like her dress. 
“Johnny here forgot that you introduce yourself before sexually harassing someone.” She half-smirked, half-smiled, and you felt pride, of all things, so much that you didn’t notice John’s side-eye.
“Well, if he’s John, then that must make you Paul,” her manicured nails were parallel with Paul’s chin, “George”, parallel with his mouth, “Ringo”, parallel with his nose, “and (y/n)”, directly down the center of your eyes, as if she was aiming to kill. 
“Well, now that we’re all familiar, I don’t think you’ll mind joining us for a drink.” John called the waiter over as she took a seat. 
“I wouldn’t say entirely familiar, for I haven’t the pleasure of knowing your name.” You swished your drink around in your glass. Paul, George, and Ringo pretended to be caught in a different conversation while you two chatted, though you knew full well that John wasn’t the only one with side-eye. 
“I don’t know, I’m not supposed to give that out to strangers.” 
“But you know ours. It’s only fair.” 
“All’s fair in love and war, dear. I’ll take a sweet Vermouth on the rocks with a twist.” The waiter must’ve always been there, because you did not see him show up. 
“Well, now that that’s settled, tell me about yourself.” John put an arm around her shoulder, which just didn’t seem to match with her perfect, clear, skin. 
This would be a long night. 
- time skiiiiiiiiiiiip for the hot brunette, also if you don’t find the type of person i described hot, imagine her as anything you like, you’re the reader after all- 
The tango that you and John were dancing for this brunette’s attention was certainly not the most graceful. You only felt satisfied when her gaze was back on you, and preferably when she was smiling. Something about her, if you will, made you want more and more of her. Know everything about her. John wanted the same thing, and for once, he wasn’t going to get it. 
“Well, I must go powder my nose, but I’ll be back shortly.” 
“Better keep to that, or I might have to go looking for you.” John and you watched her leave, the clacking of her heels on the hardwood floor slowly faded out as she disappeared into the hallway. 
Oh, yes, you’d forgotten about the rest of the world. George, Paul, and Ringo had already disappeared with intentions of partying at some of the more lively places. 
“Alright, (y/n), what are we going to do about this?” John’s eyes weren’t like hers. 
“About what?”
“Oh, don’t act all innocent. You’re the only thing getting in between me and the best bird in town.” 
“What if I enjoy her conversation? I have just as much of a right to that as you. There are thousands of girls who would sleep with you, and none of them are as engaging conversationalists.” 
“What the hell are you on about? I don’t bloody care about conversation, I want her.”
“If you think that making me angry is going to convince me, then you don’t know me half as well as you think you do. Not all of us are here to fuck, John.”
“Concerning that, I suggest that you go find someone to sleep with to take your mind off of things. You’re not winning this.” 
“Let’s just see who the lady picks, John. Waiter, excuse me, some whiskey please.” 
The lady picked someone else, you guessed. After 20 minutes of waiting, she hadn’t returned, and though John would never admit it, his mood and confidence was not nearly as high as he would’ve liked. Your whiskey bottle was completely empty.
“If it makes you feel any better,” you offered as John stared into his drink, “I lost too. There are other birdies in the sky, y’know.” Normally, John would’ve been angry, but after he’d passed a certain drink threshold, he became sad drunk rather than angry drunk.
“Yeah, you’re right, (y/n).” 
“But you should know I’m not going to-” 
“Don’t waste your breath. I’m not apologizing either.” 
“I guess Paul is right. We are both assholes.” 
John chuckled, before ruffling your hair. 
“Wanna head back to the hotel, birdie?” 
“I think I will, but the night is still young, John, I’m sure you can find someone else. That girl over there in the black has been starting at you all evening.”
“Yes. I’ve noticed. Well, I’ll see you, (y/n).” John sauntered over to the bar counter, and you gathered your purse before exiting down the hallway. 
You felt morose, though you really couldn’t tell why. It was just a conversation, and surely not the most interesting ones that you would ever have. Hell, you hadn’t even known her name. 
“Took you long enough, (n/n).” 
There she was, leaning against the wall voyeuristically, her fingers laced around a cigarette holder. You could’ve sworn the smoke was in your eyes. 
“What are you waiting for?” 
“I think you know.” 
“Would you like to, um, continue our conversation back at my hotel?” You never said ‘um’, what was going on?
“That would be agreeable.” Her heels clacked closer to you, and she put her hand on your shoulder.
Oh. That’s what that feeling was. 
- Last time skip maybe - 
You made your way downstairs, wearing clothes that were way more comfortable that whatever fancy thing you had put on last night. Your feet were still sore from the heels. 
You pushed open the door to the conference room, breakfast already laid out, with the rest of the band and Brian already munching. 
“(Y/n), at last, you’ve decided to join us.” Brian really did not feel like not being sarcastic this morning. 
“Sorry, I slept in.” 
“What’s new?” The lads snickered.
“Busy last night, hm?” Paul’s eyebrows flickered. 
“Well, weren’t we all?” You sipped your orange juice. 
“Not Johnny ‘ere.” Ringo’s head was resting on his hand, amusedly staring at John.
“Look, I would’ve, if she didn’t get offended so damn easily.” John really wasn’t in the mood, which was, of course, reason to tease him more. 
“She slapped ‘im. Across the face. While wearing a ring.” George was on his fifth piece of toast. 
“That first bird wasn’t married. ‘Other birdies in the sky’ my arse’.” He gave you a look.
“Oh yea, whatever happened to her?” Paul was all here for this drama.
“Left, without even telling us ‘er name. Bi-” 
“Her name was Carla, John.” You cut him off. You loved John, but man had you had enough of his bullshit. 
Paul had already put the whole thing together, a look of half-shock, half-waiting for John’s reaction, which at the moment was just puzzled. George nudged Ringo and whispered something. You smiled, and got up from the table to refill your plate. 
John’s sharp voice cut through the room: “Wait a minute!”
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