#actually the reason is that they're often seen as idiots but they just think differently
beanghostprincess · 7 months
luffy knowing a bit too much information about beetles and zoro being oddly good at math are concepts that make me extremely happy for no reason
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drbased · 6 days
Does it ever make you ever feel depressed that men have more variation in IQ? That means even though there will always be more male idiots, there will also be more male geniuses. So women can excel in any field, but a man will almost always be the "best" in it. It just makes me feel inferior every time I think about it, way more than strength difference does. Not only that, but they also have higher variation in all types of brain structure. That would mean men are naturally more diverse, personality-wise.
Sometimes I get into these negative thought processes about stupid shit and it totally consumes me. This is my latest one... Please help
Well firstly, IQ is a completely fake concept designed specifically for eugenicist purposes. You can train for an IQ test, your score can change depending on the day, and your score doesn’t mean anything apart from how good you are at IQ tests. It’s not a measure of intelligence, and ‘intelligence’ isn’t real anyway - as in, there is no such quality of uniform intelligence. I think it stands to reason that the highest IQ scores will be from men, because the tests are constructed around a fundamentally male world-view and value system as well as a white one. And that is what depresses me more - that ‘intelligence’ is viewed as some innate quality that only oppressors can possess so they can prove that they deserve their place in a meritocracy. It’s like that controversy about men winning more at Jeopardy than women - the world is structured around male interests and values, so men achieve in mainstream contests and use that to retroactively justify the legitimacy of those values and interests in the culture.
I’m less interested in the concept of a man beating a woman at certain activities because of him being smarter than her, than I am about him beating her because he's socialised from a young age into enjoying and valuing those activities - but also often regardless of his actual performance, he's also by default assumed to be better and more competent than her purely because he's a man. Take for example that study where when they did blind auditions for orchestras, men still got in more than women, but when they put carpeting down so women's heels couldn't be heard, there was finally a more equal ratio of women getting in. Or those studies where identical CVs given out and names that are typical of women, black people etc. get seen as less competent than those with male and white names.
We don't live in a world where we can objectively measure men's 'natural' abilities at anything psychological. But we do live in a world where we know that women's skills are massively undervalued - women have all sorts of intelligences that make the world run round; we're excellent negotiators, we're less violent, we're great at remembering, we have greater compassion, we make good leaders, we are more responsible, we have greater tact, we are safer in the workplace, we're more conscious of social issues and the environment, etc. etc. And none of what we have is seen as 'intelligence'; in fact, quite the opposite - many of our intelligences are dismissed outright as sentimentality and pearl-clutching.
Once again, though, I don't believe these traits are uniform across all women, or that they're 'natural' to us, just as men's traits aren't 'natural' to them. In the nature-nurture debate, there are too many factors in nurture that can't be realistically measured - and I have a suspicion that for many, feminists included, simply saying that men and women naturally possess certain traits is an easier narrative to swallow, because for many women the fear exists that if men can be socialised to be better, then dismissing them as evil would be morally wrong. But I don't think people need to be intrinsically, ontologically evil for us to dismiss them as oppressors - I simply judge by behaviour, which is more measurable.
Going back to intelligence, I think it's also worth saying here that women are socialised into not recognised or appreciating our skills, and to partake in behaviours that psychologically hobble us. Take for example in that orchestra study - under a feminist lens, wearing heels is a form of hobbling that's both literal and psychological. The woman is performing a feminine ritual, wearing a physically debilitating item that submissively marks her as a woman. Not to say that she would be respected more if she was gnc, but I find it interesting how women accidentally lost their spot on the orchestra in the study because their performative clothing made them noisier and easier to recognise as women. And on top of that, we have stereotype threat - there was a study done where men and women were performing some sort of test, and in one half they were in normal clothes, and the second they were in swimwear. In the second one, women performed more poorly than they did in the first, and men saw no change. Once again, we have two inexorably interlinked factors at play, here - women's swimwear is not built for utility but rather to be sexy, and women's bodies are considered inherently sexual; that's not to say that if women were wearing men's swimwear they'd do better at the test, but rather women are socialised to be self-conscious of themselves but also expected to show more skin - we're expected to dumb ourselves down in the name of being sexy.
The upside in all of this is that the moment you recognise that these things aren't set in stone, and rather that these are all skills you can develop if you gain confidence in yourself, you develop a robust sense of self that you can be comfortable and happy with regardless of external measure of male-approved success. I, for example, found confidence in myself and my writing, and now I'm finding success and getting praise online by women on tumblr. It seems you're best finding yourself environments surrounded by other women, especially feminist-minded women who are consciously choosing to fight against established biases by valuing the skills of women that are undervalued by society. Devaluing male interests and achievements in your own head is something you can also do, and I once again recommend feminist spaces as an excellent opportunity to de-program (obligatory plug for my side blog @learningwomanhood where I do exactly that).
For me, the biggest wisdom to be gained from feminism is the psychological distancing yourself from male thought - the more things you reject that you once unthinkingly believed to be normal, the more you feel that you can truly be human, vibrant, unconstrained; and the more silly the whole enterprise of patriarchy looks. It's not nice that rejecting patriarchy means rejecting mainstream society, but the older you get the more you realise that you simply can't dwell on these things and instead have to do what benefits you within it; nobody is owed a perfect existence, and once you realise that you have to choose a life for yourself and choose to be happy with that, your life will be much more comfortable. In the end, life is all about the gestures of love you make to yourself and others. When you realise that it's your job to be your own best friend, you can carry that energy with you your whole life; you will be inpenetrable because all that matters to you, no matter what situation you're going through or what hell you're in, is that you made decisions that showed love to yourself. That could be considered a form of intelligence - perhaps wisdom itself is a form of intelligence that is devalued specifically because it's female-coded. But wisdom sounds like nothing until you internalise it - all the language in the world can't seem to really get to its essence until something inside you clicks and you understand it.
One thing I would like to say is that those negative thought processes you have are not stupid: they are a valuable part of your processing of the world and are worth attention. We have this cultural idea that with regards to mental health, the parts of us that are 'real' and 'valid' and 'truly us' are all the good parts, and the negative thought processes and patterns of behaviour are like cancerous tumours that need to be artifically removed. One of the best things I ever did for myself is to take myself seriously - because that's my prerogative, as myself and my own best friend. The only thing 'bad' thing about those thought processes is that they cause you distress; that's it. So, then, it's up to you to decide how much you want to indulge in them. I find the best way to really tackle unpleasant behavioural patterns is to simply do them shamelessly, because clearly a part of you wants to do them anyway; one of the first ways I got out of my depressive spirals was to decide that I was going to do all the depressive actions (stay in bed, eat junk food etc.) but simply embrace that those are things I want to do and not feel guilty or sad about it. That way, the depression hasn't consumed me and instead I have made a choice - I have reformed my relationship with myself as an active agent and a made a choice to show love for myself through the gesture of taking my desires seriously, not dismissing them as 'mentally ill'. I could go on but the point is that all of your head is necessarily you - as in, it doesn't come from anywhere else but you, and therefore all of it should be respected and valued. Mainstream society won't tell you that - there's always supposed to be a limit, there's always something that's 'unhealthy' in some sort of metaphysical sense, there's always a part of you that's supposed to be beholden to some external standard, that keeps you feeling insecure and needing validation. But there is no true objective measure of a healthy mind; the only thing that matters is if you're comfortable with yourself, and you can always make gestures of love to yourself regardless of your situation.
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adragonsfriend · 7 months
"The Jedi are slaves to their doctrine..."
...yeah. Just like how boarding school is the same thing as prison.
**Also with a side of reasoning about why Jedi and Amavikka culture are different.
I haven't seen this opinion expressed in its full form too often, but I see it semi-regularly in diluted forms, and I honestly think it's dangerous as hell. It makes an equivalence between adhering to some admittedly high rules and expectations and literal actual slavery, where one person owns other people and spends their lives and labor without regard for their personhood.
I went to a boarding school for secondry school, and there was a little joke that went something along the lines of, "They give us a bed to sleep in, three meals a day, and you have to be back in your dorm at a specific time... sounds really similar to prison to me." And just between students, it was funny, it's still worth a chuckle occasionally.
Make that same joke to someone whose been to prison or worked in a prison, and they'll probably look at you like you're an idiot, and maybe if you're lucky they'll even tell you all the reasons you're dead wrong.
Comparing a Jedi's duties to slavery follows the same logic as the joke. It takes the superficial elements of two things, and says 'see? these things are the same, therefore everything else must be as well.'
Boarding School & Prison:
Both provide beds, meals, and restricts where you can be at certain times.
Jedi duty & Slavery:
Both involve rules you don't get to decide yourself, are sometimes dangerous, don't allow owning property.
I could write a longer sentence that could hypothetically describe either duty or slavery, but I think this gets the point across well enough:
Superficial similarities do not make two things the the same, and pretending they do is, I think, tied to the deeper issue of making judgements about the expectations and rules of cultures outside our own without first examining their causes and effects. With that idea in mind, let's go through a couple of Jedi rules and expectations and look at some reasons why they have developed the way they did, why they're very reasonable for the Jedi, and a little about what we can take from them. Then, because I think a comparison is helpful here, let's do the same for Amavikka culture.
Jedi Cultural Rules/Expectations
The Jedi are a culture of Force sensitives, people with the power to help or to harm literally in their blood. What rules and expectations does this give rise to?
No romance-- Love and lust are powerful forces. Not necessarily always good or always bad, but definitely powerful. There's a reason people have been writing stories about lovers who screw up their own and others lives over getting to be together since the dawn of time. There's a reason lovers have been screwing up their own and others lives over getting to be together since the dawn of time. There's a reason queer people being punished for be open about who they love is damaging. There's a reason banning interracial marriages is pretty damn evil (i mean that one's more complicated then just love being powerful but i digress). But all this said, when the expectation is followed out of genuine devotion to a way of life, it's very possible to live a fulfilling life without a romantic partner; there are lots of monastic communities where people willingly choose not to marry or do romance because they are entirely committed to other pursuits. Love and lust are powerful things, and Jedi hold a lot of power. They cannot afford to be driven screw over themselves or others, because they really could hurt a lot of people, so they refrain from engaging with romantic pursuits at all.
Don't get attached to material things-- Jedi live communally without a sense of ownership over most things, aside from their lightsabers. They don't need that kind protective instinct because they work together to provide for each others needs. Jedi do collect personal items and have hobbies that require physical things, but they wouldn't be devastated if they lost those things, they would move on rather than go to lengths to reclaim them.
Practice controlling yourself-- You have an ability other people don't have, and it gives you the power to kill/otherwise take advantage of lots of people. Not doing that is important is incredibly important, so you need to practice knowing and controlling yourself so that if you end up in the situation where you want to hurt someone, you can stop.
You carry a weapon, think before you draw it, think harder before you kill with it-- Jedi go out in the world and seek to do good, sometimes that means willingly encountering violence, and sometimes encountering violence means fighting, so Jedi carry weapons. But the weapons they use are not casually mastered ones, like a blaster; the lightsaber is a precise and deadly weapon--you can do a lot of damage being just knowing how to fire a gun, but a sword is a different story. The lightsaber forms require constant practice and consideration as to when they should be used, and so it's natural that Jedi have a lot of philosophy and work that is tied to not just how but when they use their weapons. Interestingly, we often see lightsabers drawn, they are being used as a tool, to cut through doors or light up an area, not just as weapons.
You can leave-- If there's something else you are more committed to--you fell in love with someone, you want a traditional family, there's some other philosophical/cultural/religious path you consider more important than or not compatible with Jedi way, you think you could do more good elsewhere, etc--you're allowed to leave. You won't be a Jedi anymore, but you should absolutely come back and visit the Temple sometimes.
There are plenty of useful lessons to be learned from Jedi culture, because there are power imbalances all over the place in our lives whether they come from privilege, wealth, physicality, or emotional leverage over our loved ones, which we must navigate without being cruel when we are more powerful than others. We don't all live like Jedi though, because we don't all carry weapons, and most of us don't have the means/potential to become mass murderers if we lose control of ourselves for awhile, and most of us aren't trained to be diplomats going on missions with possibly immense consequences for millions of people.
Amavikka Rules/Expectations
Amavikka culture developed directly in response to slavery. What strategies and expectations does that give rise to?
Secret marriages-- Love is powerful and meaningful because no matter what happens Depur cannot take it from you, it lasts beyond just sharing space with the same person, and even beyond death.
Japur snippets-- Small, apparently inconsequential items are more easily held on to, and even if they are lost, they can be recreated and have the same meaning, because what your family means to you is more important than any physical representation. Still, physical reminders of that love are very helpful in dark times.
Absolutely nothing is owed to Depur-- The people in power have never done anything for you, and if they ever appeared to, it was done in the spirit of keeping you imprisoned.
False flattery to lie to Depur-- Works really well to trick a vain, powerful person who has power over you because it can get you what you need while avoiding negative reactions from them (not a super healthy thing to do outside of dangerous, power imbalanced relationships).
You'll always be one of the Mother's children-- No matter how far you go, even if you are sold on, even if you mess up massively or become chain blind, even if you leave Tatooine, you're still one of the Mother's children. Cruel situations provide lots of opportunities for pain to twist its victims into being cruel themselves, but someone can always tell you a story, and if you listen, you can always come back to that family.
There are plenty of useful lessons to be learned from Amavikka culture, because there are power imbalances all over the place in our lives, be they parent-child relationships, employer-employee, wealthy-poor, customer-retail worker, or the very real forms of slavery exist today, that we must navigate without without getting hurt when we are less powerful than others. We don't all live like Amavikka people though, because the power imbalances in many of our lives are not nearly as absolute or without recourse as people who are explicitly property as sanctioned by the government.
Sith Rules/Expectations
Just for kicks, let's look (very briefly) at the Sith as well. Sith recruits tend, with the major exception of Palpatine, to be people who have witnessed or been the victim to a lot of pain. The exception, Palaptine, was someone who enjoyed inflicting pain on others even before he became involved with the Sith. What expectations does recruiting vulnerable people with really intense, untempered relationships to pain create?
If you are weak, hurt people to get them to stop hurting you-- In fact, feel as much pain as possible yourself, so that you don't forget why it's important that you continue hurting other people.
If you are powerful, hurt whoever you want-- In fact, just hurt people, all the time. They would do they same as you if they weren't such pitiful weaklings.
The are plenty of useful lessons to be learned from the Sith about what not to do, because there are power imbalances all over the place in our lives, and whether we are powerful or weak in those relationships, carelessly inflicting pain on ourselves or others typically just adds to the pain in the world.
this has been my TED talk. it's excessively long. it took an excessively long time to write. go away and be nice to people or something, idk.
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hua-mo-jin-is-a-cutie · 3 months
this is the only social media website where I feel like I can talk about this without getting hated by teenagers with no media literacy, but I watched (pirated) Hazbin Hotel. And while I'm still very critical of Viv herself and the decisions she's made about her staff and her public statements and her past actions, some of which are very gross, for what it's worth, I think Hazbin is alright.
There are things I'd do differently sure, but it's like... aggressively average. The music is hit or miss, with mostly catchy tunes accompanied by lyrics that often made me cringe a little by how they already feel like outdated references to current slang. I also really don't enjoy when they have a big musical number come out of nowhere and have other characters acknowledge that they're singing. It really takes away from the musical numbers themselves. it's like musical writing 101 to NOT do that.
I know this is something people tend to criticize, but I'll be honest I like most of the character designs. They have fairly distinct silhouettes and it's kinda what drew me in enough to watch it in the first place. I'm particularly fond of Nifty. I do think some of them are a bit too complex, too busy to be super appealing, and must be hell to animate. I also think there's not really much cohesion in character designs of the world other than color, and even that's a stretch. I wish we'd at least been given some sort of reason in the show that some demons are furries and others aren't.
The animation is pretty nice, though the camera movement tends to make it a bit hard for my eyes to focus when there's a lot going on.
I've seen a lot of people complain about the pacing and while I agree that things are moving too fast, that we need time to get to know these characters and this world and earn these, what are supposed to be, hard hitting moments. I also acknowledge that I like fast pacing. I want it to slow down, but not astronomically, just a smidge.
I'd say the writing is also hit or miss. Sometimes it's got me fairly entertained, but other times it's making me uncomfortable and not on purpose. Again, slang that will quickly become or already is irrelevant is a major issue for me.
Contrary to what I've seen many people saying, I actually thought episode 4 was handled decently enough. Honestly the pacing is really the only thing holding it back for me. It doesn't feel like it's glorifying or romanticizing sexual abuse or domestic violence. It frames Valentino as the abuser he is when it's most important, even when he is a bumbling idiot in other scenes. Scenes of abuse between angel and Val are taken seriously enough. I wasn't a huge fan of the song Poison, but I also don't think it's romanticizing SA. I mean it literally ends with Angel sobbing on the floor so... I dunno how anyone came to that conclusion. There are times when the show jokes about sexual assault which I do think is distasteful and is one of my gripes with the writing overall, however when it comes to the topic of angel and val, it's handled well enough.
I'm interested in seeing where the plot goes with how episode 6 ended even with it's flaws. It's going in an interesting direction so far and I think the music of that episode was pretty good, calling back to the first episode's song with Adam in a clever way.
So overall I'd give Hazbin like a 6/10. It's fine, but it's got flaws. I'd like to see the kinks ironed out in season 2 and have Viv acknowledge some of her mistakes or at least take criticism well for once.
Anyway, stan Nifty, she's best girl.
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risetherivermoon · 5 months
here have a sparrow related rant :D (dndads ep 48 spoilers!!)
btw, my entire perception (or all together understanding) of sparrow oak has shifted after this episode-
i think unconsciously i saw the twins as completely different people, like wildly different from eachother, after season 1 and in season 2
but honestly- after we find out that sparrow is the one who enacted code purple, the conversation with henry and mercedes? i still see them as different characters, but i feel like they are actually way more similar than i initially thought
they're just both two guilt ridden idiots, and at first i was really confused why it seemed like sparrow would always group himself with lark when talking about who "ended the world" or whatever (i thought it was probably him saying it in solidarity or whatever, which i think is still partially the reason) but now he also basically did what lark did
i think thats whats heartbreaking to me, because henry immediately forgives lark after he releases the doodler, but sparrow is immediately told he will never be forgiven, and where lark has the motive of wanting to defeat the doodler and become stronger, sparrow has the motive of just wanting to protect his family-
im not saying this is out of character of henry, i definitely think this is how he'd react since he has the knowledge of exactly what code purple will do, and we also know that sparrow tried to lie to him to enact it as well, but its just- fuck
personally i think because of how lark and henrys relationship is in late s1 (and afterwards) henry probably was unconsciously more attentive to lark afterwards, trying to repair that broken relationship- and so his perspective of sparrow is different, sparrow usually goes along with lark and backs him up but he never actually argues with henry or whatever,
so when sparrow does something that he does himself, it seems so off and random to henry, personally i think if he had to think about it that lark would be the twin that what would be most likely to be the one to do it, a lot of it is sparrow acting on his own principle and we really don't see that often, (blah blah, its lark and sparrow not sparrow and lark, blah blah)
basically i think that it was so unexpected of sparrow that henry immediately freaks out and is more aware of the betrayal than he was back when the doodler was released,
im relistening to the mummy issues arc in s1, and was listening to scene of henry and darryl arguing about the pyramid, and i think that's really the thing yk? because henry's moral compass is more pointed towards being selfless, where sparrow seems to be on the opposite side of that in this situation
for example, henry wants to go and get arrested by neverwinter because they had let the pyramid fall instead of trying to save lark and sparrow from the omegadads, which makes sense that he doesn't approve of code purple because it would put faerun in danger, even though it would mean his family would be safe,
and then sparrow, who enacts code purple because even though it would destroy faerun, he and his family would be safe,
ive seen people compare code purple to the trolley problem- and honestly, i agree so much, its similar, where if the same amount of people are on both tracks but one has your friends and family/people you love on one side as well,
really sparrow was put into such a huge position of either way he will end up hurting someone, his 6-year-old son is attacked by a flesh hoard that he can get rid off by flicking a single switch, and of course he's going to do it, even if that means his parents never want to speak to him again and that he dooms another plain of existence to destruction
im just in love with how much this podcast spins morality around, it can be so incredibly philosophical for being a dungeons and dragons podcast about a bunch of stupid dads, it really makes you realize how complicated humans are
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siriuslysatorusimping · 9 months
ok this has been plaguing my mind so naturally i’m offloading it so someone else shares this burden. i am DYING to know what megumi thinks of the rinko/gojo situation (granted, if anything). like, he is a child who hears gojo call rink babe and sweetheart all while being touchy and i assume megumi also sees gojo with other hookups or atleast flirting/getting numbers. do you see megumi saying anything to gojo (before he knows it’s casual) since we see him warming to rinko?
Hello, dear, sweet Anon! I LOVE this question!!
Because I'm ME, my answer is below the cut because it's gonna be long and wordy and probably make ZERO sense but I'll try 🙃
Read Another Level on AO3 :)
What does Megumi think of Rinko and Gojo?
The shortest answer is that he thinks they're both idiots but that he really, really just wants his adoptive mom cousin to be happy.
I'm gonna answer the easiest part first.
Does Megumi also see Gojo with other hookups or flirting/getting numbers from other women?
Rarely, if ever, does Megumi witness this. Primarily because Megumi only spends time with Gojo for three main reasons: Training, a job, or to visit the Zenin estate.
Funny enough, Megumi spends more casual time with Rinko than he does with Gojo. Though Gojo will obviously tag along whenever he can because he loves to be a little shit and he wants to be around her whenever he can.
So, Megumi has actually seen Rinko get more numbers than Gojo. Though, people will typically avoid her when she's with him because they assume that Megumi is her kid and most men don't want that smoke 😂 and also because Megumi has already mastered that Zenin scowl and stare, which means he glares at anyone who gets too close to her because our lil bean is protective of his adoptive mom cousin.
(Remember in Double-Edged Words when Rinko noted that she felt the anger of two people behind her? Our lil bean of a boy was about to throw hands with an old man for his adoptive mom cousin, guys.)
Megumi has seen Gojo flirt with a few women, but he can tell Gojo acts differently with Rinko, is softer, more genuine than he is with other people in general. And Megumi also knows that Gojo doesn't even realize he does it.
What does he think when he hears Gojo call Rinko baby and sweetheart?
Gojo was actually pretty careful with what he called her around Megumi for the first few years that Rinko knew Megumi. He mainly called her 'Rinko-chan' around Megumi because he knew Rinko would freak out on him for calling her a pet name so casually in public.
Especially on jobs, Rinko will usually give Gojo a very unpleasant look if he calls her anything too familiar. And he respects that it's one of her boundaries. We'll see this a bit later, when they're at work, both of them as teachers, and he will call her Kurisaki-chan exclusively to respect how uncomfortable it makes her when he calls her anything else.
Megumi knew they slept together, especially after Gojo gave Naobito a small piece of his mind, and after in Winter Lullaby when they woke up and Gojo was literally in Rinko's bedroom, there's no beating around the bush with that one.
But for the most part, Gojo tried not to be overly affectionate with her in front of Megumi to respect her boundaries.
Because Maki is living with Rinko now, she's going to end up seeing more of their relationship than Megumi early on because she's going to be around Rinko all the time for a little while. But, in addition, because Maki is living with her, she's going to be bringing Megumi around so that Maki isn't lonely and they will train together often before they start school, meaning Gojo will be there too.
Innate Issues - Part 3 is where we're beginning to see the shift, though, where Gojo is freer with how he talks to her, and it's mainly because of how uneasy the job made both of them. When he first called her 'baby' during that job, it was out of instinct because he was trying to get her out of harm's way. He didn't want the Special Grade to clock her energy and come looking for the source, so he called her baby before he could think otherwise. He was a bit freer with how he called her baby and touched her after it was over because he'd been worried about her 🥺
BUT, remember, Megumi is perceptive and it has been said so many times that he just doesn't seem his age. So he knows what's going on lol. Because you've also got to remember that Toji was his dad. And he straight up, according to Gojo, said that he believed his dad sold him to the clan for gambling money. Kid's been through shit, ya know?
Does he ever say anything to Gojo about Rinko?
Short answer is yes, he does. But it's much later, actually. Because again, he's seen Gojo and Rinko in separate environments and just how different they are with each other.
At some point, he's going to look Gojo in the eye and just ask him what the hell he's doing with Rinko and why he hasn't married her yet.
The relationship and how he sees them together is one of the reasons he's so openly antagonistic toward Gojo when she's around, too. How he teases Gojo and calls him a child. When he and the girls called Gojo annoying and then he met Rinko's eyes through the rearview mirror, because of how he views her, she's one of the few people who get those smiles and smirks where she knows he's enjoying himself and having fun.
BUT, there will also be a part, in a later installment, where he's going to be worried about her, I'll give you a lil taste:
Her face fell for a moment before she could steel her expression, the hurt showing long enough she knew his keen eyes caught it. “No,” she admitted, watching his eyes narrow at her. “I found out today. When you did.” “Why didn’t he tell you-?” “Beats me, kid,” she said, shrugging as she smiled at him. “He’s got his reasons. Doesn’t have to tell me everything.” “But he usually does,” Megumi argued, and that ache in her chest started growing again at the look of concern on his face now. “Rinko-san-” “You’re too young to be that concerned about me,” she teased, ruffling his hair and chuckling when he swatted her hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure he had his reasons for not telling either of us, yeah?”
Rinko knows he's perceptive, so she tries to hide if things aren't going well and it only makes him narrow in quicker. But note when he says "he usually does" when it comes to telling her things. Wherever this is in our timeline, Megumi knows the two don't have secrets, and him realizing that they suddenly do makes him worried for her.
Megumi's relationship with Rinko really will become a bit of a reluctant parent/kid without either of them realizing it, because she's essentially lying so Megumi doesn't view Gojo any worse even though what it actually does is make him more upset because he knows she's doing it. BUT, there will also be very sweet moments, which I'll share a lil bit of:
“Megumi-” “Rinko-san,” he greeted, easily catching the ginger candy she tossed him. “You don’t need to keep bribing me, you know-” “Who said it’s still a bribe?” she asked, watching him smile at her. “Unless you’re telling me you don’t want it? I’ll eat yours too-” His only reply was opening the wrapper and chewing the candy before she could finish her statement.
And, because I have zero self-control, I'll give one last lil peek:
“I couldn’t even help,” he muttered, his jaw clenching. “I was useless-” “Don’t,” she said, pinching his ear harshly. “That doesn’t help you.” “Ow!” he smacked her hand away. “You’re as bad as he is sometimes.” “Only when you need it,” she mused, a small smile on her face as she watched him rub his ear.
OKAY, so there's my hella long rant I hope it makes sense!! 🥹
Thank you again for your question!!!! 💕💕
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all-things-normaler · 8 months
ok now give us YOUR Normaler headcanons
Haha! Now this sounds threatening... Let's see. I'm going to try and mention headcanons I haven't said before.
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1. I definitely believe that after the events of the movie, somehow Norma and The Onceler reunited and gave each other another chance. Even if there's the slimmest chance of not working it out, they have to be around each other a lot, mostly for the well-being of Ted!
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2. Now, back to the "past". I think Normaler is a lot like the main couple of Hairspray. Conventionally attractive skinny guy x adorable chubby girl! Norma has a lot of self-issues around her figure, and sometimes doesn't believe it when The Onceler says that he loves her the way she is, but when the anxiety stops spiking up... Norma finds it so refreshing and even soothing to find a guy like The Onceler to like her more than just her appearance.
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3. Norma constantly makes fun of The Onceler's country mannerisms. His speech, habits, etc. But it's not to mock him! She actually finds it adorable. She would often compare him to the attractive protagonists of country movies and say he's better.
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4. Norma has horrible reflexes, and by horrible I mean, amazing ones. One time The Onceler tried to playfully scare her and all he received in return was a punch in the face. Of course, she apologized after, but The Onceler essentially blamed himself for causing this event.
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5. Height difference comes with its perks and disadvantages. Norma once tried tickling The Onceler and it ended up wrong. His elbow hit her in the face. (I guess they're hand in hand now!) Seeing her tear up out of pain was too horrible. It's like stepping on your puppy's paw! He's never forgave himself for that.
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6. The Onceler is a playful asshole, so he often saw Norma struggling to reach something and instead of helping at first, he instead makes it go higher.
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7. Norma has the pants in the relationship, but this is common knowledge at this point, right? When Norma gets mad, it's like the whole planet is shaking and the ground is breaking. You do NOT want to make this woman mad. Even Onceler in his Greedler era was cautious and did his best to hide the mess he's done.
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8. Onceler loved to spoil Norma so much, and it's usually through food and serenades. When he turned rich, this translated through all sorts of items... clothes, perfumes, etc.
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9. One of Norma's biggest dreams was to travel the world, and The Onceler was once a traveler before arriving to Greenville, so they share that passion. They promised themselves to travel the world, especially after marriage, but that never became a thing after the events of the movie happened and Onceler isolated himself. Even without him, Norma never got to accomplish this, because then the wall around now-called "Thneedville" became a thing. Hopefully once they reunite as cute grandparents they get to fulfill that dream!
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10. Older Normaler are passionate more than ever about nature, and with the help of Audrey and Ted, they start this project about making a greenhouse! All sorts of flowers, fruits and vegetables are in there! Sometimes The Lorax visits.
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11. Norma likes to nickname The Onceler a lot... And it's not Oncie! From the classic "Once" we go to "cowboy" "country-boy" "rockstar", "daddy long-legs" and so on.
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12. Both of these idiots are incredibly strong. We've seen The Onceler in the movie, and a bit of Norma in her old age! Onceler used to underestimate Norma's strength due to her size (reasonable) but she constantly proves him wrong by tackling him to the ground and winning arm wrestlings with him always.
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13. The Onceler absolutely adores Norma's beauty mark.
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14. The Onceler has this habit of humming everything even without music, especially when concentrated and Norma thinks it's the sweetest thing.
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15. Piggybacks. Always. It started as a friendly request of Norma so she could reach for truffula fruit in the valley, but it ended up being more fun than expected.
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16. She's a dancer at heart. He's a musician, what's there more to say? Helen's actual love for disco is tied to them, and Helen used to attend a lot of roller disco events! Ted's skateboard skills and bike skills come from her... (Norma and Helen) And I like to think Ted is a bit of a tech/inventor genius, and that certainly comes from The Onceler.
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17. The Onceler has enough strength on his arm to make Norma casually hold herself with her legs and go down like a possum.
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18. I like to think that their attraction was accidental and that the tension just built up out of the fact they're very sarcastic, witty and awkward individuals.
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19. In any sort of ground that Norma can skate in, that's her main way of transportation around The Onceler to actually share the same speed! Those long legs are too fast! And Onceler, always, is so enamored of the way she gracefully swirls and moves.
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20. The Onceler at first had a really rough time with his money and food. So Norma a lot of times actually snuck out food out of the diner she worked at and had lunch and breakfast with him together. If she had extra money to actually buy something for herself (most money was to pay the bills and help her mother) she'd use it instead to buy cans and food for The Onceler. Seeing his happiness and well-being was the best she could've had at the moment. Momentarily, eventually The Onceler told her to stop doing this out of guilt of what he knew of her situation at home! Plus, the thneed business was going to soon boom in.
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21. The Onceler doesn't hate bell-bottoms for no reason. He had to witness Norma using them because they were all in and she tripped while rollerskating, and the results weren't pretty. Before that, he even considered wearing them, but then it turned into somewhat a very irrational hatred.
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22. And lastly... And this is more to finish this post in a nice number, I love to think THE song for these two is "Lovefool" by The Cardigans and "Wannabe" by Spice Girls.
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chidoroki · 7 months
182 Days of TPN - Day 179
Chapter 179: "Compensation"
It's so tragic how all the children finally reached the promised neverland (c'mon I had to say it at least once) and they can't even properly celebrate and enjoy their freedom they fought so hard to obtain because they soon realize "Emma's not here."
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What I always found interesting is how differently Ray and Norman react to Emma's disappearance. While they're both equally devastated, confused, and anxious beyond belief about the news, what they specifically panic about and who they blame varies. In Ray's case, he directs most of his anger at himself for not seeing through Emma's white lie. He's picked up on her bluffs before (most notably when she tried to convince herself and others into thinking she was okay with Norman's demon extermination plan) because Ray knows Emma better than anyone due to all the time he's spent by her side over the years and the close bond they share as friends. He's also seen how often her heart influences her mind to make countless decisions and it's because of her optimism and strong spirit that the whole family was able to get this far and achieve their goal. What he doubts is the circumstances of the reward itself by constantly thinking how suspicious that there's no compensation for all the trouble they went through during the Seven Walls and based on what knowledge he has on the demon god and how past promises worked. In the last chapter, he eventually dismisses those concerns as Emma speaks of her wish for everyone to cross over into the human world together despite the odd reward and Ray trusts her with his life because in front of him is the leader he's always followed. He had so much faith in her that he gets completely blinded and it's actually kinda impressive how Emma manages to fool her second in command by just being her typical caring and sunshine self. What's great about this whole outcome is how Ray blames only himself, not Emma. If he was annoyed at her, he would've probably called her the idiot instead, as he's never shied away from calling her that in the past whenever Emma does something stupid or unbelievable, but this time the name is directed at him because he realizes his mistakes. He hates how he comfortable he felt about the lack of a reward and how he failed to protect Emma after he promised to do so practically his entire life. All this contributes to his anger and panic and it makes me so sad how those feelings of his have probably doubled from the last time Ray was forcefully separated from her, which was when he got kicked out of the Seven Walls. From how he wasn't able to free his mind enough to join Emma in meeting the demon god which caused her to make the new promise alone, to not being persistent enough with asking about what the reward is when she first returned from the Seven Walls and before everyone crossed over last chapter, as well as breaking his promise to himself, Emma & Isabella about protecting his entire family, those are just a couple reasons as to why Ray could find himself at fault for how things turned out regarding Emma's absence.
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With Norman, I'm not gonna say he exactly blames Emma, but he definitely questions her reasoning. Even though there's no mention in his thoughts about the "lie," the fact that he and Emma switched roles about who's carrying the biggest burden and refusing help from the other does give off some lowkey betrayal vibes and our boy is absolutely crushed upon realizing it. Hell, Norman dropped to his knees instantly when he hears Emma is missing. To contrast Ray, he doesn't necessarily blame anyone or anything, but wonders what he could've done to help more to prevent this outcome.
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How frightening it must be for all the other cattle children who weren't part of Emma's family to be enjoying their normal daily lives as usual one moment, then be completely teleported to a new unknown world the next.
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Look what we get to look forward to. Aren't y'all excited to see our world fall apart?
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Poor Norman is still in a state of complete shock. Although his face doesn't match how "lucky" they should all be feeling right now, he's still right. Could you imagine how difficult their search for Emma would've been had they crossed over while the world was in the middle of such chaos? They should be thankful the world is entering a stage of peace, but none of that matters if Emma is missing from their own lives.
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One of the major downsides of Ray not being there with Emma when she confronted the demon god is that no one can really confirm if the promise was made exactly as they planned. I do love how the kids straight up deny that Emma would ever go against what they all agreed upon, especially since it was her idea in the first place to create a new promise, but just knowing if the promise was made correctly would've definitely taken some of the stress and panic away from these kids.
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Seeing some of them reflect on how important Emma is reminds me of ch96 when Ray's group reveals how fortunate they are that Emma saved their lives back at the hunting ground, despite meeting her for the first time. And I know we won't get it at this point, but I would've love to see more of the GP resistance during each of their individual first days at Goldy Pond and what they do during their off days when no hunts take place.
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While Oliver totally respects Emma as their family's leader, I like that it's him (self-proclaimed leader of the GP gang) who gives that final push to everyone so they become determined and hopeful enough to commit to begin their search for Emma. What's most important is how strongly they all wanna see Emma again and that desire is the feeling they'll need to hold onto in order to succeed no matter how impossible the chances are of finding her.
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Everyone say thank you to the indestructible protagonist plot armor.
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And it's thanks to that plot armor (and Alex) that our poor girl doesn't freeze to death. Who knows how long she's been unconscious here. And I would've never even thought of her ID to be missing in these panels but I vaguely remember some people pointing it out back when this chapter was first released. I didn't believe it, choosing to think that it was just hidden under her jacket, but props to all those who ended up being correct when her number was revealed to be truly gone next chapter.
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Favorite panel/moment:
Seeing the kiddos all excited to start their search for their reckless leader is so darn precious. The tag and hide-and-seek mentions are cute too.
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Do you think its funny that the fandom treats the Monk kinda the same way he treated Wukong, he kinda deserve it but can we at least something different about him (like I don't see anyone make bug jokes or about all the poetry)
AUGH well anon as I've said before I'm well aware that the internet is were nuance goes to die & while yes I know fandom is a place were people often just want to have fun & not think to hard, I do find it funny but also increasingly frustrating how even though fandom often purports itself as a place of massive diversity more and more it seems to be structured around creating an Official Version of characters' personalities & relationships rather than trying out many different things, or even considering the implications of the source material.
Now of course it has to be acknowledged that a lot of this is often due to what's in the canon work itself (like Wu Cheng'en himself seems to have deliberately written Tang Sanzang in large part as a caricature of fussy Confucian scholars), but in addition I feel like the popular understanding of a character as one extreme or another goes double for stories where the only easy access that an audience may have to it is from translated works or from cartoony retellings. Speaking for myself for example it's been pretty wild having gotten into Journey to the West before Monkie Kid came out & now it often seems like the lego show version of the story (well that and the sarcastic youtube retelling) is the only version of Xiyouji that people in the western internet audience primarily know/care about. But I'm coming from a position where I had the time & access to both read through the entirety of the Anthony C. Yu English translation (which as per usual I need to remind people you can access for free in PDF format on multiple posts on this hellsite) as well as was able to access some of the scant few scholarly works in English about the story. And that's just not something that a lot of people know about or have access to.
As such, it's pretty understandable why many people wouldn't know about all the poetry because well that's never even been brought up in the versions of Journey to the West that they've encountered, or wouldn't make bug jokes because there's little mention of Tang Sanzang having been Golden Cicada in any retelling that they've seen, or if it is it's just presented like fun trivia rather than one of the primary reasons why Tang Sanzang was even chosen to be on the journey in the first place (or what the religious significance of the cicada was in China). Add everything that can easily get lost in translation to the further simplification that cartoony retellings demand, and you can see why many people's understanding of the Tang monk would just be "whiny idiot who's constantly getting himself kidnapped, falling off his dragon horse, & torturing the monkey," especially since between Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang the monk is by far the more static character (although a lot of Chinese retellings add scenes of him actually recognizing he was wrong & apologizing to the monkey in a reversal of the simplification trend afeawsdf).
Plus, well, I mean it's not like a cartoon is going to include all those scenes of Tang Sanzang tied up & sobbing his eyes out because he's literally in a gore-bespattered cave surrounded by yaoguai who plan to eat him, and they're especially not going to include the times when he's sexually assaulted. In a different approach than usual these things and the resulting trauma could be presented as explanations (but not excuses) for Tang Sanzang's ongoing hostility towards Sun Wukong (who lest we forget is the first yaoguai to try to kill him), but doing that well takes a level of nuance and care that's vanishingly rare in both big budget & fanon retellings of Xiyouji. Hell, in retrospect it's not even handled that well in Xiyouji itself, as if memory serves correctly the kidnappings & near death/consumption are mainly just framed as things that the monk needs to endure to get to the next stage in the journey, and Sun Wukong even makes fun of Tang Sanzang after he was molested by a female yaoguai for an entire night.
So YEAH I often do wish that Tang Sanzang was treated with more nuance (like I would LOVE to see a retelling of Xiyouji where he's more of an intelligent rule-breaker like the historical Xuanzang), but between how he was written in canon & the tendencies towards tropes & simplification in both big-budget retellings and fanon tendencies you can see how he would end up Journey to the West's Most Hate-able Character.
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the-meat-machine · 1 year
what's your thoughts on most of caliborn's ships (like him with all/any of the alpha kids, his sister, the handmaid, etc) ((feel free to choose any of the ones you rarely talk about, I genuinely wanna hear your thoughts.))
oh heck yes let's see
i don't think i need to elaborate on how much i love this ship seeing as i'm currently writing a fucking novel about them. though i will mention that this is a ship that i ship in two totally different ways - "predictably, they make each other worse" and "against all odds, they make each other better". two delicious flavors with very different moods
this could be a really fun kismesissitude! jane despises him, and for good reason - he's absolutely vile towards her. but honestly, i think it could be cathartic for her to have an acceptable target to take out all of her frustrations on
they'd have to be on an equal footing though, with jane able to get one over on caliborn at least as often as he triumphs over her. which might be kind of a tough sell, since caliborn is genuinely extremely threatening. he's on a whole other level from most characters in this story
(kind of a side note, but this power imbalance is an issue for most caliborn relationships unless you're looking for tragedy or whump where caliborn just straight-up slaughters the other person in the end. caliborn is a total idiot, but he is so damn effective at achieving his goals that it's basically impossible to get the better of him in the long term. he may lose individual battles, but he will never, ever lose the war. pretty much the only way i've found to resolve this in more light-hearted works is to change the rules of the game that caliborn has decided he's playing.)
another fun one. i think that jake is one of the few people who could actually be capable of throwing caliborn off. i want to see caliborn baffled and infuriated by seeing this weenie accomplish the literally impossible with his bullshit hope powers. i want to see jake inspired to step up his game in order to show this cad who's boss! i want jake to either fucking hope caliborn into a better person, or cheerfully steamroll him while acting like it's nothing
jake absolutely has the capability to keep caliborn on the defensive buried somewhere deep inside him. now, can he believe in himself long enough to exercise it? who knows! (but… maybe caliborn wants him to believe in himself enough for that. maybe he wants to see what jake could do if he really let loose. maybe he wants to build him up into a worthy opponent. fuck i love pitch/pale vacillation.)
i... don't think i've ever seen this ship, actually. maybe not that surprising since they never actually talk to each other in canon. i'm not so sure about this one - roxy hates caliborn, but not in a sexy way, and it's all driven by her care for calliope. you could maybe go in some kinda dark direction where she's hunting him down to get revenge for calliope but starts kind of guiltily getting off on it? hm
i'm including this one mostly because i think it could be intriguing, but i haven't given it enough thought to really have a feel for their dynamic. my gut says it could be an interesting kismesissitude, though. give john something to focus on other than moping around all depressed. and his retcon powers pose a genuine threat to caliborn, so that's something
please don't subject dave to caliborn
this one i think is funny because damara worships lord english. she longs to serve him. but imagine her meeting caliborn and realizing that this wretched little shit is her god. holy shit would she be pissed. hilarious.
i also have an au where caliborn, damara, and meenah are "friends", by which i mean they're always hanging out together for some reason even though they all openly despise each other. fun dynamic
this has the potential to be both hilarious and incredibly fucked up. bro meets the guy behind his best puppet bro. does he like cal as much when he's not plush? (no.) does he feel used? is he even capable of realizing that what he's feeling is "used"? didn't he want to be used? (...did he ever really stop to wonder what he was being used for, until now?)
also caliborn would just flat-out think bro is smokin' hot. the ideal man. it don't get better than this.
and then, finally. the big one. the most important caliborn ship. yes, way more important than dirkuu:
yin and yang. two halves of a whole. they define each other. they need each other. they need each other to die. their relationship is foundational for both characters and they were absolutely both horny about it. this is canon i stg
very, very difficult to turn into a long-term relationship, however, because caliborn will always, always, truly and genuinely, want calliope dead, even as he craves her, even as he envies everything that she has and he never will have. the tragedy of their relationship is that they need each other, deeply and utterly, but they cannot both survive.
and in canon, caliborn wins! he achieves his biggest goal! he eliminates calliope for good! ...and then as lord english he spends untold eternities literally chasing her ghost. and he can tell himself it's because she's a threat to him, which of course she is. but... would he really have anything left to live for if she wasn't out there, somewhere, to be his white whale?
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gffa · 2 years
Hello! I love all of your posts about the Jedi, about their code and their way of life. I don't personally ship obikin, but I have occasionally enjoyed some of your posts about it and am usually neutral on it. I do, however, occasionally ship other Jedi, sometimes with each other and sometimes with civilians and on rare occasions with clone officers. But I often run into a problem with that.
I understand and fully support the Jedi position on attachment, and I can understand why romantic relationships would be discouraged (it's difficult to not put your partner above others), marriage wouldn't be viable (making a commitment to another individual over your commitment to the Order), and having children would be almost unthinkable, as parents --especially birthing parents-- often don't really have a choice about what matters most to them once their child is born.
Which brings me to my question: what is your ideal obikin happy ending? Do they leave the order together because they can't fully commit to it? Do you fudge the rules for the purpose of a happy ending even though you don't think they need to be different in canon? If Palps is out of the picture, Anakin doesn't turn, and he and Obi-Wan are in love...what do you want for them?
Hi! This is such a nice ask, thank you for all the kind words and the interesting question! Though, it's a tough one for me because I'm legitimately torn between two paths and I'm not sure which one I would say is the ideal for me on a personal level, because one feels like I have only seen it explored a handful of times, so I'm hungrier for it, and that may affect my desire. If you pressed me, right this moment, I would say that my ideal ending for Obikin is for them to leave the Jedi Order because they understand and care about the reasons for those rules enough to honor them, that if they can't live by them, then they need to walk another path. It's something I crave more of in fandom, to explore Obi-Wan and Anakin deciding to leave the Jedi Order for each other, not because "Jedi can't get married so Jedi bad" but because they understand that the Jedi cannot prioritize someone above an entire planet's worth of people, if that choice comes to it they would have to say, "That's a smart and compassionate way of doing things, unfortunately, this idiot makes my brain crazy and I know I would fail those people if I was put in that position, so I should not be put in that position." That doesn't mean they probably wouldn't still help out or do Jedi things--we see the Jedi are perfectly willing to work with former Jedi, they speak highly of Dooku, they accepted Ahsoka going after Maul--I would love to see the Jedi calling Obi-Wan and Anakin to go on an undercover recon mission where they pose as a married couple or call them up and say, "Hey, we know you're near Florrum and we need to talk to Hondo but it'll take us a day to get there, can you distract him until we do?" or if they're chasing Cad Bane down and could use an extra hand, they call them up and go, "You've dealt with this asshole before, right? Help plz." It doesn't mean that Obi-Wan at the very least wouldn't still live his life by the Jedi's teachings, that the Force still works the same way it does as when he was a Jedi, but that he understands himself well enough to know that he can't be put in the position of saving other people over Anakin, because it would tear him apart to do so. And that he misses being a Jedi, he misses living in the Temple, but it's not like they can't visit. It's not like they couldn't go back if they changed their minds/found that it was the right path for them. But I also do enjoy the idea that they just don't really need to do anything about it, that they continue on as Jedi as they were before, that Obi-Wan is actually happy with a relationship where he understands that he would save others above Anakin's own life or that he has faith in Anakin that they would find a way or that, if the worst happens, he would find a way to make peace with it That they don't need to stop being Jedi because understand that they can't hold onto that person, they can't cling to them, and they find satisfaction in the lives they live as Jedi, helping others and giving to others. I especially really like this path for Anakin, because sometimes I really would like to believe that, had things gone differently in ROTS, that Palpatine's grooming and poison he dripped into Anakin's ear could finally be cleared out of him, that Anakin could finally start to really face the ugly parts of himself and let go of his need to cling to people, and instead find his way to a relationship that was willing to let go when it was time, to find the inner peace enough to not put his own fears and greed above what was best for the other person. I think there's a lot you could do with an Obikin relationship clashing against the Jedi ideas, especially with Anakin's struggle, and maybe they overcome that struggle, maybe they don't, both paths have value, but also I think you could just happily write them in a relationship and it's not a problem re: the Jedi Code, so long as they're not willing to let an entire planet die to save the other. (Or at least write that Anakin says he understands that, even if he doesn't. XD)
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I'm not sure if you write for it but could I please ask for a yandere Senri x kianna head cannons please
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Also my requests are open so feel free to send in a request
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Yandere! Senri × Kianna Komori
Senri's school is actually pretty close to Kianna's so they meet eachother by accident often while they are going to school or when they are going home.
They didn’t thought of much of eachother more than a simple acquaintance, they talk to eachother sometimes but that's about it
Kianna thought that Senri is a pretty helpful guy...sure he's quite cold to her and doesn't seem to talk much but Kianna is cold to strangers too so it doesn't concern her the slightest, besides she does like people that could relate to herself especially if that person is her friend.
Senri however...he's actually hiding that he's having a crush on her very well, in fact even Kianna didn't even realize that he's even having a crush on her because he's so distant and cold towards her when actually he's suppressing his emotions for her from himself ( I have a feeling that she's good at catching liars lol )...he's a tiny bit of a tsundere...but also kind of a kuudere too?
Senri thought that Kianna is a sweet but incredibly brave and strong girl from the first time they met, at that time she was fighting some random thieves that's trying to steal her wallet at the alleyway that Senri always uses as a short cut to his home, she was caught using her powers mid fight right in front of him.. Look I know you've seen this before and this is not very creative of me but...nah I should stop rambling let's go on.
She was slightly injured from the fight and got a several of bruises and scratches on her arm...good thing that the thieves doesn't have any sharp objects on them or else Kianna would have a bunch of cuts and wounds on her body that is hard to treat as well.
Senri is kind enough to carry her to a clinic nearby and patch her up properly, though Kianna could take care of her injuries herself at home...she appreciated his help.
The next day, Kianna gave him some cookies she bakes herself as a thanks for tending her up, that's when she realizes that his school is close to her as well.
Okay, enough flashbacks. Let's just go back to the present!
Even though after all of that, they're still acquaintances...but that changes when Senri is starting to catch feelings for Kianna.
Instead of just confessing his love for her and being ture with his emotions, he was confused about what to do around her...he always like to see Kianna feeling genuinely happy even though it doesn't show up on her face sometimes or when she's flustered...he likes to tease her sometimes even though it ends up with a smack
Soon, Kianna began to notice that he's acting differently when he's next to her, First is that he's more timid and quiet around her...does that mean he's shy by her presence...she does reveal that she is inhuman after all so it's reasonable for him to be nervous but why now? A few weeks ago they're talking just fine (she doesn't know that he's a vampire...yet),
Second is that he seems to avoid her lately, Sure it might be because of the same reason as the first one but...it is kind of suspicious of him to suddenly going out of his way to not talk to her even when they're right next to each other, did he told someone about her powers? Hm...maybe she might be right to not trust him immediately when she first met him...
But even when she asked him if he had told anyone about her abilities...he just silently shook his head, it doesn't seem to be a lie by his body language so...what is he hiding then? Kianna thought.
Third, there's seems to be some random rose with a poorly tied ribbon tied on the stem and a love note on her front door-- wait...is that what she thinks it is?...shit how could she be such an idiot...
The love note is in hand writing too so...it is him.
And then she's like "Welp...he take me for a fucking idiot, I guess he's kinda hot. I wouldn't mind dating him." And from then on, Kianna is the one asking him on a date first.
The end! I was about to write how their relationship is like after that but...I've already written so much already so I'll stop...for now :)
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kharmii · 1 month
talking about "dehumanization" but basically dehumanizing anyone who disagrees with these lunatics.
another reason they flood western countries because of the ridicously high amount of free stuff they get in these countries.
I feel like before playing the good samaritan they should fix up shit in their own countries over sending help to other countries.
being constantly pushed to help others and guilt tripping people will eventually lead to people pushing back because if you keep blaming people they will stop listening.
And to me it often feels like everyone screaming about it on the internet as well as putting flags in their bio is just virtue signalling to show "look at how good I am" to other leftists
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Responses to this post and this post. BTW......why did questioninqthings put their blog on password lock?
Posting these two asks together. Yesterday, I received them hours apart, and I believe they kind of relate to each other due to a certain radical leftwing bullying culture we've been subjected to in fandom since internet began. Leftists are desperate to be seen as good people. They act as if they are the Holy Crusaders of Light, whereas the opposition are for certain demons who deserve to be crushed. Remember when they were all like, "PUNCH NAZIS!!1!!1". Actual Nazis are rare and have no impact on anything compared to the relevant terrorist groups, but the useful idiot cause head statists aren't talking about actual Nazis......
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Today is Good Friday, the day when Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross for the sins of the world, then three days later, rose from the dead. Absent the mercy of God sending His only son to die for our sins, every single human being that has ever existed and will exist is trash and deserves to burn in hell. One sin is as good as another, and without Jesus, there would be no theoretical Noah's Ark that would save a few. Nope. Every last mf-er on earth would rot.
-But in a worldly sense, some sins ARE considered worse than others. The shit-flinging anti harpies could see it like shipping identical twins on Tumblr is actually keeping me out of trouble! I could be doing worse things, like blowing my money at a casino boat, stabbing my grandmother to death for drug money, raping a child, shoving an innocent person onto the subway tracks because of their race, punching a random person in the face because of their ideology, etc....etc.... Instead, I'm just sitting here not hurting anybody by thinking twins are hot because they are identical. If someone is into twins because of the taboo of sibling incest, then that's fine too. They are also not hurting anybody in a irl way.
Leftists like to accuse white people of racism nonstop, but there's a big difference between saying something racist and doing something racist, such as slamming a person's head into the concrete because they are white. The radical left is guilty of putting out nonstop propaganda that encourages non-white people to commit violent actions against white people. Critical Race Theory has taught black people to believe white people are the cause of all their problems, so they're all riled up into gang beating and murdering whites, both in the school and on the street. There are hundreds of hours of documented attacks supporting this, even though our statist leftwing Pravda media covers it up and spews 24/7 propaganda still pushing the fallacious narrative that 'right wing groups are the greatest terror threat' even though there is little or no video evidence supporting this.
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Same could be said about clowns pushing this 'white people are racist and don't humanize Palestinians' crap. Do you think this makes Arabs love us when they flood into Western world countries? Aren't nonwhite countries responsible for importing the fentanyl that is killing us by the tens and hundreds of thousands? (-But somehow it's not being considered terrorism) -Or do you think there might be hundreds of hours of video footage showing Arabs beating and murdering white people, in between receiving unlimited welfare and basically being subsidized to outbreed us, while native white people are being crushed under the burden of high taxes in socialist countries that don't give enough in return.
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Zane: cause y'all really seem to like him!
Okay so as you all can probably guess Zane is pretty much my favorite character and I don't see this man getting enough love so how would you like some of my head cannons and such (reminder I've only watched through season nine + one episode of season ten)
-He's a really smart idiot like he can do extended algebra in his head, recite the entire history of Ninjago and analyze any problem with ease, but at the same time he'll forget not everyone can just do a google translate in their head and he'll casually say things like "Salt sugar same difference "
-He built in the appearance changer thing cause people (especially kids) were afraid of his really robotic look
-To go along with the last hc he only really shows what he really looks like in front of people he's really comfortable with
-He's either a really good or really bad flirt, it differs from day to day like one day he'll be like "Dang and I thought fire was hot" and the next he'll be like "You have very colorful eyes"
-He and Pixel have more of a sibling dynamic than anything else, people thought they were dating but they're both just like "Ew no that's my emotional support borhter/sister" (cause honestly in the show the last relativly romantic thing they did was in season three with the whole "comptable secen" and after that they're just kinda been buddies, like literally all hugs and fits bumps, it's honestly really sweet)
-He and Pixel dare each other on pretty much a daily basis to eat things that they really shouldn't, this ranges from small pieces of paper to literal glass, they do it purely to scare everyone else (I just learned it's Pixal btw, but I'm honestly not changing it I'm in too deep now)
-Zane often has trouble verbally displaying his emotions even when he has strong feelings about things, so most times it results in him doing something to show it whether it be stomping off, giving the silent treatment or just generally trying to display his emotions in other ways (the other ninja and co are pretty good at getting the signs)
-He has to be really cautious when freezing people because surprise surprise if you entrap someone in a full block of ice they WILL suffocate and die
-His power makes it so he can freeze or unfreeze most things so he could potentially freeze the water in someone's body, kinda like a water bender in avatar (cause honestly I feel like it would be more likely he had powers over temperatures since ice isn't really an element, but over time maybe people forgot what the power actually was, idk yo)
-He's probably stronger than your average person due to being a robot , not as strong as someone with super strength like Cole but still impressively strong
-He likes animated movies, and he's irritated by the notion they're only for kids
-He likes rock and metal music, in fact him and Cole share a lot of music taste and no one really understands how Zane likes that kind of music but they're not inclined to question it
-Lloyd has called him mom/dad on multiple occasions, he's honnored
-He never came out to anyone cause for him he just kinda existed and didn't really think much of it (for reference I'm a fan of the pan/trans hc's that I've seen around)
-He's the tallest member of the group and he's no allowed to join when they compare heights cause he towers over everyone with Nya being the closest
Zane's a plant mom, simple as that
-He has the coolest socks ever, like patterns colors you name it
-Ever since season 4 he's been terrified of loosing his memory cause it happened when he forgot his father than again in season 4 and so now he's terrified of loosing his memories again, in fact getting hit in the head or back (where his switch panel is if I'm remembering correctly) is something that stresses him out a whole bunch.
-Zane is literally the worst car driver ever, like seriously there's a reason he's always got a mech or the ship or literally anything other than a car
-He doesn't get hot or cold so it'll be the middle of the winter and he'll be wearing shorts
-Zane couldn't dance but Cole most definitely taught him
-He and Cole go on dates to museums cause Zane's a nerd and Cole's really nostalgic for it
In conclusion I think robot man deserves more love and affection and I have more head cannons for more of the characters cause this silly little ninja show has indeed become my hyper fixation.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Absolutely love the vamp au idea!!!!
Sooo ideas!
What does Tommy borrow to eat when he gets to their house? I assume he atleast has water, but he eventually has to notice that these people got nothing, probs feels bad for them😂
I feel like borrowers won't know about myths and stuff, so how do they rationalize the weird stuff?
Hmmm maybe borrowers sjnce they're also unkown, being a type of myth kinda, have like a unique taste or smell, and thats why Wilbur doesn't immediately kill Tommy, since he's something different?
Hmmmmmm if you wanna include noms maaayybbbbeee🙃 they can 'feed' from borrowers in their stomach/storage/whatever word ya wanna use, since their Teeth would literally impale them😂😬
I don't know how angsty you wanna be or what direction ya wanna go, so these are ideas I've seen in other noms stuff and some I've though about, feel free to use what you want😁
i would've answered this earlier but when i was abt 3/4 of the way through this i accidentally closed the tab and declined the warning and lost it all 😭
anyways :'D
thank youuu i'm also rlly enjoying it so far!
i haven't thought about this much, but you do bring up a good question !! tommy primarily borrows fruit, which is one of the only things in the house because wilbur and phil are both fruit bats and whenever they use their bat forms they get cravings for the stuff their breeds eat,,
and also following onto that, after wilbur starts visiting tommy more often, he often gradually gets more snacky items
yep...water... :)
tommy does not have water.
clean water, at least. i'm trying to follow along some common vampire mythis and according to european folklore it's said that because water can typically be so clean and unlikely or carry disease or anything along the lines of that, it is considered "holy" and therefore vampires cannot cross paths with it. so the water in their house as purposefully been made muggy and even then it's rarely used. but of course, also like the food, once the vamps get more comfortable with tommy they'll buy it for him.
yess tommy has absolutely no idea why these idiot humans have a disturbingly low stock of food, disgusting water and a strangely high tolerance for pain! he doesn't learn what they are until much later, and for one reason i've been bugging to talk about: misinterpretation. tommy saw their fangs early on and gets very antsy around them and he always brings it up when he's riled up and scared, which leads them to believe that tommy is afraid of them turning him, while tommy is actually very much just afraid of them killing and eating him.
(update, picking this up out of my drafts bc i randomly remembered it existed! sorry for the wait :'D)
ohh i haven't thought of it that way before! my initial idea for the dynamic between tommy & wilbur was to have wil want to visit tommy just once to see what his deal is and hopefully find a way to get him out, because although he's the pretty much the nicest of the bunch (from an outside perspective), he's a vampire and has his territories just as the others do.
anyways what turns into a one-time-only thing develops slowly into a friendship type thing, where wilbur will show up and just let tommy talk to him, and he listens. anyways i like the odd scent/being idea so for the hell of it, another thing that drew wil to investigate tommy was the fact that he was far different than anything he'd ever seen before. essentially just a small human, which he'd frankly never heard of.
hmm i think i'm gonna see how long i can go without adding noms. going down my au list, i think at least every one has noms in them at somepoint. so let's have a nom-free au for now :]
but that idea is really cool tho :00
mm i think primarily pretty neutral, not too fluffy and not to angsty. ty for all the questions, the worldbuilding is very helpful! <3
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ilikekidsshows · 2 years
Fashion is very personal and culture dependent. I've seen a video of someone criticizing miraculous fashion while wearing something I wouldn't consider at all. I'm not going to tell them I dislike their fashion sense because what someone wears is up to them. But people criticizing Marinette not wearing different outfits is also ignoring the 3d medium of the show and the cost. people don't know/ignore restrictions of official shows while critiquing. btw I think Gabe's new outfit is a vibe XD
You, Anon, get it!
Like, whenever I criticize this fandom about a common trend, like calling Adrien an idiot or complaining about the outfits, I solely refer to people who unironically (meaning they aren’t just memeing), fully believe that their personal opinions are some kind of universal truth that has to be spouted at everybody no matter what that person's opinion on the topic is. I've seen the "Gabriel's look is so ugly" people spam people who also aren't big on the design (meaning people who agree with them) in addition to creeping into the notes of every person saying anything vaguely positive about the new look. Fan redesigns also almost without fail get comments along the lines of: “this is better than canon!” It’s one thing to have an opinion, it’s a wholly another to keep telling everyone about it.
Every single one of my beefs with the Miraculous fandom always seems to come down to fan entitlement. Entitled fans are people who are convinced that their opinion is the only right one and they'll scream their opinion at everyone until no dissenting opinion can be heard. That's annoying and exhausting. It's why I aim to keep any of my show-specific gripes out of the main tags and why I don't bother with posts that are clearly viewing the show really differently from me. Other people have a right to have opinions just like I do and, since I don't like having certain opinions shoved into my face, I try to give others the same consideration of being able to avoid mine.
The reason I try to stay clear of the Miraculous Youtube vid scene is specifically because those videos so often ooze entitlement and self-importance. Like, they can tell me what their perspective is and what angle they're approaching the show from, but if they try to tell me that their opinion is the most correct one or that the PAID PROFESSIONALS can't do their jobs because they have personal gripes with it, I nope out instantly. And all the "critical" approaches to the show veer into this territory at least halfway through if they don't outright start there.
Like, honesty hour? There's this one person who makes videos about their redesigns for the characters, and they're always so over-designed and they talk over their video how they'd "fix" the canon stories for these characters and I just end up hating the designs both because they aren't to my tastes, but also because of their entitlement. They tell me these designs are better than canon and that they can also write better than the staff? I instantly dislike them as a person, and then they give me designs that wouldn't actually work in the show due to being over-designed and hard to animate in CG (or 2D to be honest) and also that just don't fit the characters thematically and I just end up hating them with such a burning passion that just seeing a thumbnail of a recommended video where I recognize their style makes me make the most UGH face imaginable.
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I always quickly look for something palatable to watch to get rid of the feeling. Usually an actual analysis of a storytelling device will do the trick.
Also, the entire point of a superhero or supervillain costume is to be a vibe, so I consider your comment a winning endorsement. Superhero and supervillain designs should tell you the basic premise of a character with a glance, the point is to have a strong "vibe".
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