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Just a what if Acylius
(a character I'll just put into any universe now because reasons and he does have a humanoid form)
Had been lounging in the Lake of the dead
And rescued Raziel, Acylius is also a Legion demon but not in the sense of biblical terms, extremely powerful but also not invincible, after all, immortal does not equate invincible.
Anyway back to the work at hand, this took two weeks and no the water marks will not be removed , I've had work stolen and reposted before, so no just no.
Raziel is absolutely one of my favourites, if he wasn't you think I'd spend two weeks on a comic like this ha ha.....no I'm too tired to even usually draw like this, it's taken me a few weeks to finally decide to post this.
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Cruentus the hellhound and his adopted Legion demon son Acylius.
Acylius is mine.
Cruentus belong to @shadow-drygan
Design by me.
Did this last year , just didn't feel up to posting it until now ❤️
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Acylius helping his daughter Feral use her powers
Feral belongs to @villainousqueenofhel
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emilyrosebug · 2 years
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This drawing is based off the aftermath of the episode Klose EnKounters. Alex, Flynn and Max return to the flowered city to watch the rest of Elmo's performance. For the best view, Alex and Max sat on a flower stem with the latter watching the fireflies flying in awe.
Today's Prompt is Festival, even if the event doesn't feel like a festival, I still think this one feels like a festival.
Insektors (C) Fantome
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This is what I meant when I said Cruentus would be Mrs Hudson, @undergrounddweller89 , she's a bad bitch.. 🤣
Tbh I think a fic about this AU would be great, if only I knew how to write and express myself with words..
Related to this post, by @undergrounddweller89, please check out their art, it's really good!
I had to add this, I swear!
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almightyhamslice · 11 months
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Insektober day 21: Reimagine (sorry its late lol)
It's the middle of winter. Staurolite stirs from his hibernation and looks around in the dark, sheet-covered room. No one else is awake. He pushes aside one of the sheets draped over the wall, silently exiting the room to take a walk. It's night time outside, and the ground is blanketed in snow. So this is what it looks like, Staurolite thinks. He glances through the arches separating the inside of the school from the cold outside world, shadows passing over him as he walks down the hallway in hopes to tire himself out. He sees another gem standing in the hall, just as surprised to see him as he is to see her! It's Lepidolite.
"What are you doing out here? Could you not sleep either?" He asks.
Lepidolite seems puzzled for a moment, but answers, "Ah? No."
"Um. Are you okay?" Staurolite asks, glancing down at Lepidolite's worn hands, the powder gradually fading off them.
"Fine! I just... wanted to see the snow. It's beautiful in this moonlight, isn't it?"
"Yeah... how's your outfit doing that?"
"Doing what?"
"It's so shiny it looks like light! Mine's just plain fabric."
"Don't be so harsh. Your gown's prettier than mine, and mine only shines sometimes!"
"Oh. Um. Thank you," Staurolite stammers, flattered.
"You should head back to sleep, I think."
"... When will I see you again?"
Lepidolite seems taken aback by the question. "Hey, don't worry about that okay? I have my job and you have yours. For now our meeting is a secret; the other gems can't know we were awake during hibernation! That's why I think you should go back now."
"What about you?"
"I'll be fine, I just want to watch the stars a moment longer."
Lepidolite is Aelia and Staurolite is Max! Lepidolite resides on the Moon with Fire Opal and his Lunarian friends, while Staurolite is an Earth gem that doesn't quite know where he belongs.
Today's drawing is surprisingly not a screenshot redraw, just a fake screenshot! I experimented with some texture brushes and glowy effects for this one, and also primarily drew it on streams. It's fun! I think I draw faster when ppl are watching me ngl. Though, it did take me a stupidly long amount of time to figure out the star brush I was supposed to use was literally "Spray" on CSP. Aka one of the default brushes that r RIGHT THERE in the airbrush category lmao.
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stylia-au · 4 years
Acylius picks up Pastel Hat and walks off with him Plops him into his nest and starts to preen him for relaxation purposes as he knows Pastel works very hard on his beautiful clothes.
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Pastel: you know what... it's pretty nice view up here.🌙💎
(@undergrounddweller89 )
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that-guy-called-vin · 4 years
Acylius to white Hat What is your greatest achievement?
White Hat's greatest achievement in his mind is becoming the man he is and being able to work toward his redemption, making amends with family and others he knows he hurt when he was Black Hat
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lovestruck-au · 6 years
Acylius pulls Ross and Love in close I love wrapping you beautiful people in my arms ❤️
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poppycub · 6 years
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❤Acylius and Black Hat❤
The one with the ribbon is supposed to be Amadeus Black Hat ^^ @the-physician-will-see-you-now @undergrounddweller89
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distant-glory · 7 years
Update: Blue Roses
Title: Warning Prompt: lover100 Table B, #088 Fandom: Insektors Pairing: Acylius/Aelia Rating: T Word Count: 5,117 Summary: Aelia’s mother finally returns to Flower City after seven years of absence. She’s not happy to learn that her daughter is dating a Yuk. Warnings: Fantastic racism, OC POV, unhealthy coping mechanisms (Nereida has Issues). Notes: Post-canon work; contains spoilers for everything. This fic introduces Nereida, my OC for Aelia’s mother, and some backstory to explain why she isn’t present during the series. While I haven’t sketched out her design yet, she’s based on a luna moth (though with a sea green colouring rather than the lime green typical of the species). Her nicknames for Fulgor and Aelia come from the translation of their names--fulgor is Latin for lightning, brightness, or flash; while Aelia’s name may derive from the Greek aella, meaning storm or whirlwind. (Nereida’s own name is taken from the Greek nereid, or sea nymph.)
FF.net / Ao3
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Acylius: Take one step closer to him and I'll kill you!
Based on that one scene from beauty and the beast where beast saves belle from the wolves.
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July, August, September, October, November, December 2022
January, February, March, April, May, June
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You chose
Flug asks to study him to help can aid others of Hats kind
“You’re the first one in all these years to figure that out you know...so let me make you a different offer for allowing you to stay...instead of having you as my lover for room and board how about you let me study you so I can aid others of your kind...."
He said gently, letting himself sink back into the water so only his head and shoulders were peeking out the waters surface .
Moving to rest next to Amadeus , his voice was somber
"The sad fact is anytime I've come across your species it's usually after some despicable being has almost mutilated you beyond recognition...."
Hat stared at him like the man had grown two heads and splashed him with water, water droplets now dripped from Acylius's glistening white beak
"I am not something to be used for a science experiment, I am not a toy for you too play doctor with!"
Amadeus screeched, slapping Acylius across the face, the slap , Acylius had expected to feel like that of a child throwing a tantrum instead he curled in on himself and was thrown to the bottom of the enormous bath they were in.
Amadeus looked at his own hand and then where Acylius had been a few small feathers floating to the top....
The surface bubbled and suddenly he was staring up at the shadow, nothing left about him was white apart from four now glowing eyes , his voice raspy, sounding pained.
"Without......my mask.....I live in this form.... suffering....you have.... destroyed....it, I was asking, offering....I would never have done so without your permission...."
Hat also noticed the air felt thick and heavy as he watched what looked like thick fluid continuously oozing and trailing down Acylius's barely formed body, the world around them distorting and twisting, he saw four wings spreading out further than the expanse of this room.
It wasn't until there was a tiny mew that came from the door way, of Mew mew loaf staring up at him wanting to be made a fuss of that Acylius managed to contain himself and pull himself back together to his human form.
He collapsed on the floor not too far from her and she came over nuzzling his wet hair and giving him a small lick to his cheek.
Hat's heart was racing , he was in awe and yet terrified, the books about this man had never mentioned that...he saw the mask finally coming to the surface in two pieces , webbed cracking from the impact of where his hand had come in contact.
The room still seemed to have an errie throbbing motion as if it was alive....so Acylius purposely stunted his own powers for others? ...And for the sake of himself...
He focused on the man and his laboured breathing, he didn't know what to do, he should have heard him out first, so far Acylius hadn't kicked him out or let him starve, he'd taken him to this bathroom that clearly was otherworldly to actually get a decent one... besides being tossed in.... Acylius hadn't really been so bad....
Acylius slowly moved to his hands and knees, he could see he was trembling, his eyes widening as the man removed his clothing, he couldn't tear his gaze away from the scars and tattoos he had on his body, another thing the books had never mentioned and he found himself wanting to trace them all with the tips of his claws....to be under him and listen to the power of his voice, the loss of humanity as he....no, no he mustn't think of that....after what just happened, no doubt being his lover for the winter has just been wiped off the table...Hat felt his own body whimper in disappointment and that.
Acylius picked up Mew Mew loaf after stripping himself of his soaked clothing and cuddled her, gently squeezing her tiny pink toe beans and making a fuss of the black cat and nuzzling her, she was purring happily.
"You're my little ray of sunshine, your sweetness and warmth always help ground me, thank you for coming to my aid."
He cooed scratching behind her ears only for her purring to get louder.
"I'm going to get the the biggest salmon you could imagine and it'll be all yours, yes it will, you'd love that wouldn't you baby."
He placed little kisses all over her face until a paw was put on his lips and he chuckled
"Heh heh okay I get it you've had enough, I'll let you go, go on rest by the fire place dear."
Mew Mew Loaf gave him another small lick and stared at Hat , her pupils slits, she was far from impressed with him at the moment.
Nuzzling her master again she then padded off up stairs.
Hat had taken the two pieces of mask and was surprised by how light they were, especially for how big the mask was, bringing them to the baths edge he stared down at them and cleared his throat just a little to get Acylius's attention.
He saw him turn his head naturally far over his shoulder to look at him and a glimpse of the secondary eyes Acylius had opened and disappeared.
Standing up and turning to face him Hat tried not to look but it was....well kind of hard not to because there was nothing there between the man's thighs....it was like a blank canvas.
"Yes stare all you want, I only form what I want for self pleasure, but for my bed fellows I form what pleases them, shape size, type, human , in human, after all even today people are using devices shaped after non human entities, it's nothing new to me."
He stepped forward and took the mask pieces, his face expressing anything but a smile despite the scars that made it look like his face had a permanent one carved into it.
"Damn it, I'll have to go home to get this repaired, if I stay like this all winter....I won't be able to contain this form...."
Amadeus let curiosity get the better of him
"What , what do you mean?"
"The mask you just broke, it's what keeps me stable in this world, even now the earths metallic core is pulling at me, pulling me apart, if it was the height of summer I'd have to leave immediately....are you happy now that you know more than the other deluded morons who thought me a god I did not want to be."
Hat's breath hitched as he saw those scars parting and the snarl forming made of sharp teeth, his heart thumping, but not from fear.
"No, I didn't mean to.... I'm sorry..."
He whispered as he saw Acylius continuing to look over the mask.
"This is not an easy thing to break, you are not like the others of your breed, maybe I should put you on a discecting table after all , cut you open and see what makes you tick...."
He saw the fear in Hat's eyes and sighed
"It was a jest small one, I can just use my powers to examine you painlessly, all I would need is a little blood here and there to see what would be poisonous or not."
Acylius sighed and placed them carefully to one side.
"Please stop making everything so difficult, I simply intend to treat you as a doctor, the items I intend to use are herbal and medicinal, it'll help your body ache less and reduce swelling if you have any while also revitalising you, I will not touch anywhere that makes you uncomfortable, I'm a doctor first unless said patient is coherent and asks otherwise...by patient I mean you."
Part one
You are on part ten
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emilyrosebug · 2 years
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(Drawn on colors live) This prompt drawing is based off a scene from, The BlaKk Planet episode.
In which Max's reaction after touching the prism and activated the memories of its origins.
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“Till death do us part”💔
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     Based on characters from InseKtors. The one in the left is Queen Bakrakra, the right one is Drako, an oc of @almightyhamslice ​ and the kid is Max, the Queen’s son and one of the protagonists. I know it’s kind of sad for V-Day but aren’t many love stories like that?
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