angevinyaoiz · 7 months
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Alys (or Alice, Aelis, Alix, or Adéle) of France, Countess of Vexin Fourth daughter of King Louis VII, whose continually delayed and eventually cancelled betrothal to Richard the Lionheart served as a consistent and bitter source of conflict between the Angevins and Capetians
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justsimplythebest · 4 months
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bunnymermaidwrites · 12 days
Here's the promised rant!
Okay, this is a... not actually that long of a rant, but I don't really have smart words rn (oc thoughts, yes, smart words, no🙈 so I might give a second rant when I'm less tired)
I have just been thinking about Ákos trying to process his trauma through play and stories that he loves (and it's adorable!)
I just love his way of thinking, the way he processes, sees things through the lens of stories while still being smart enough to somewhat know that irl is more complicated than that.
Here's a fun fact: Ákos has always been interested in the Black swamp! He has a book of spooky stories about it (that's how he kinda knew what he should do when encountering certain monsters)
And can we talk about this:
In the aftermath (for the first few months) Ákos usually sleeps with someone else (their parents or Adél), but before they figured out that they should be doing that, Ákos woke up at night, but he was too scared to get out of bed and go look for someone, so he just laid awake for hours, not getting enough sleep, and basically spent the days stumbling around from tiredness until Adél was like: okay, no, we're solving this! Dragged him into her room and stayed with him for hours until he got enough sleep (which was hard because he kept waking up from his nightmares)
AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW SMART MY SON IS?! There's an interesting connection between Odette and Ákos: they are the two smartest people in the group.
One time, when he was really little Ákos told Odette that he wants to be as smart as her one day. She tells him that he'll be even smarter. And she's right, actually. The only reason it's not obvious yet is because he's still young.
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writerfae · 3 months
Just imagine the day Callan and Henry officially started dating, Henry comes home smiling like a fool, with a skip in his step, red in the face, and Aiden's like: Are ok? Do you have a fever? Get to bed right now!
Henry: Aiden, I do not have a fever
Aiden: Then why are you red like a rose?
Henry: Ammm... allergies?
Aiden: Bed! Now!
(I love Henry and Callan so much (both as individuals and as a couple)😭❤️)
Petition to give Aiden a notebook to keep track of all the crazy things that get revealed about his family:
Cameron opens his mouth
Aiden: Hold it! Who's he?
Henry: ...My birth dad.
Aiden, scribbling: ...birth dad. Got it! Do we like him?
Henry: No
Aiden, scribbling: ...we don't like him. Ok! I'm done! WHAT THE ACTUAL-
When Aiden and Henry reunite
Aiden: Henry?
Henry: Yes, Aiden, it's me- WAIT! Sorry, wrong person! There's no way he grew taller than me!
Aiden: I'm even angrier now!
You know how baby Aiden used to pull on Henry's ears?
What if when they reunite Aiden sees his ears for (to his knowledge) the first time, and he tries to pull on them to see if they're real or something?XD
Also, guess who's noticed another writing problem with their mc again? :D
It's fine, I'm working on fixing it, I'm just not sure how to yet (good thing I found the problem, though! I'm happy about that)
It's that I was writing some pre story fluff thing and I realized that when she's not thinking about taking care of Ákos, or freaking out about something, Adél's pretty "no thoughts, head empty", which isn't good!
The reason I'm worried is because for the others these things came maybe a bit more naturally, and I'm afraid of how it'll turn out if i try to "force it" with Adél, but I'll figure it out! (Tell me, I got this, please, I'm scared) (sometimes I'm sitting here, like: should I just erase Adél and start from scratch, and that makes me really sad! Please tell me not to do that! Who will give Ákos magical hugs then?)
Sorry for the complaining, i hope you don't mind
Yes to all of these!
After the story is done, Aiden could probably write a whole family chronicle and it would most likely be titled like What the Fuck Fae - a story of wild shit I learned about my family in the past few weeks
Your problem with Adél is really valid, though if I’m being honest, it sounds to me like it is pretty much the same problem we talked about before: you haven’t figured out enough of Adél’s personality yet.
Which is completely fine and normal and not meant as criticism. I just think that this is the core issue that leads to the “no thoughts head empty-mc” problem.
When her main traits are worrying about everything and caring for Ákos and these main traits are as dominant as they are, then of course that’s what she will do all the time when you write her. That’s why she needs more traits.
I mean I don’t know if she has developed more since you asked me about writing her the first time, so I don’t want to make assumptions. But maybe you really should equip her personality a bit. I think that’s the first step to improve writing her and “giving her thoughts” (for the lack of better words).
Of course there’s characters that come more naturally. And then there’s ones that are a bit harder to figure out. Those need time and care and yes, sometimes a little bit of force. Otherwise you’ll get stuck. Remember, developing an mc is a progress! There’s no progress if you don’t try!
So just keep writing her! If it turns out sounding too forced or you won’t like what you came up with, you can always cross it out. And even that will take you a step further to figuring Adél out, because then you’ll know what you don’t want her to be like/to think about.
Don’t give up! I know you can figure it out! And please, don’t erase Adél. We love Adél! And she’s already a solid framework for a good character!
You just need some more practice and time with her! Sometimes you have to lock yourself in a room with your oc and try to get them to talk to you.
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hanzajesthanza · 11 months
growing up with sapkowski’s works timeline (teen to early adult)
13 — ciri age (BoE)
14 — ciri age (ToC)
15 — ciri age (LoTL), pavetta age (QoP)
17 — shani age
18 — essi daven age, nicolette age (ToF)
19 — angoulême age
23 — reynevan age (ToF)
24 — condwiramurs age
25 — cahir age, reynevan age (WoG)
27 — reynevan age (LP)
late 20s — milva age
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bdpst24 · 5 months
Csobot Adél: A fiaim a legnagyobb tanítóim
Csobot Adél: A fiaim a legnagyobb tanítóim
A műsorvezető úgy érzi, hogy párja és gyermekeik is a tenyerükön hordozzák Családjáról, karrierjéről, az idő múlásáról és belső motivációiról is beszélt Csobot Adél a InStyle Magazinnak adott nagyinterjújában. A műsorvezető jövőre tölti be a 30. évét, de már több, mint egy évtizede az ország egyik legismertebb embere és két fiú boldog anyukája.  Csobot Adél és Istenes Bence több mint egy…
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talyayet474 · 2 years
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Adéle Exarchopoulos
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loliquiu · 1 year
El Internado: Las Cumbres teaser trailer
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runawaywhorses · 7 months
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Adéle Exarchopoulos
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tartsdmegazaprot · 1 year
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vestae-vocivus · 2 years
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J'ai des stocks d'avatars minimal a foison (sans écriture / sans compo) donc je vais les archiver ici, ça sera moins travailler que d'hab
ps: avec outil bêta mon extension pour les tags bugs ( vous avez une solution ?) en tag il y aura que le nom de la célébrité
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bunnymermaidwrites · 3 months
🎀🌸One of my favorite things about my story is actually that with Adél I have my own tailor-made princess! This doesn't mean anything to anyone else, but it makes the little me so happy!
She's a princess. She has long hair and blue eyes. Her favorite color is pink. And I actually love her!(even though I have difficulties writing her sometimes)
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writerfae · 7 months
Hi! So, just a heads up: this ask is gonna be very different fom my usual.
I wanted to tell you a little about my story, because I wanted to know how you think Aiden would interact with my mc, Adél (because when I'm having a bad writing day, I like to imagine my charecters interacting with yours, but I put Adél and Aiden in a room and they just look everywhere, but at echother HELP IT'S SO AWKWARD)
A small summary:
The majestic country of Galla floats in the sky, put there by the doves themselves. Underneath it is the monster-filled Black swamp, the most terrifying place on earth.
When Adél's(15) little brother, Ákos(10) falls into the Black swamp she and her best friend Bendegúz(15) decide to go and rescue him. Or try anyways.
Meanwhile back home Adél's older brother, Endre(19) slowly figures out that their little brother never fell... he was pushed.
I should also mention that Adél's family is one of three royal families, who rule together. Bendegúz is the son of the capitan of the guards.
Adél is very kind and caring towards those she loves.
But the most important thing about her is that she's terrified of everything!
She is always nervous and scared, always thinking about how a situation could go wrong (it's not all she talks about, but the fear is always there under the surfece somewhere). She isn't afraid to show her emotions.
I also want to tell you a bit about her relationship with her little brother.
Their parents and her older brother had to go to meetings all the time, leaving them with a governor of some kind.
She adores Ákos. She usually loves taking care of him, aside frome the times that she's overwhelmed.
The sweetest thing is that one of the reasons she's so caring, is that she's scared that someone's having a bad day and she doesn't know, so she's extra careful to ask her friends if they're okay, if doing xyz is okay, and she always let's them know what she appreciates about them. Little Ákos saw her doing this, and started doing it too, and now he just does it for no reason!
And to Adél this is soo sweet, because she doesn't realize that he learned this from her, all she knows that she's being insecure about for example a painting of hers and Ákos points out what he likes about it.
Adél likes to paint, knit and sculpt.
I think that's all.
So how do you think she and Aiden would interact?
I hope this ask didn't make you feel uncomfortable. If so, feel free to ignore it!
Hello! You’re not making me uncomfortable with this at all! Quite contrary, it’s nice to hear something about your story! Feel free to tell me about it whenever you want ^^
First, let me say that I love the set up of the story, it sounds really interesting! And you know how much I love sibling relationships.
I like how you described her relationship to her younger brother, it’s really cute (though what happened to him is pretty sad, I hope she’ll succeed in rescuing him)
Adél sounds really sweet, I like characters like her. She reminds me a bit of my girl Maya. And I’m very sure Aiden would like her.
I can see why there’s only awkwardness when you sit them in a room together xD From what you told me Adél is a kinda anxious person (I can highly relate) and I gotta admit, Aiden is a bit awkward around strangers.
I think they’d need time to warm up to each other. At first it might be awkward silence and a few very short lived attempts of conversation, but I think they’d get along nicely once they had some time.
Admittedly, Aiden does not have the best social skills, but I could see him noticing Adél being a bit cautious, so he’d try his best not to scare her.
Maybe the two should have to do a task together to warm up to each other. I could see that working. I don’t know if you know, but Aiden actually likes to sketch and since you said Adél likes to paint, it might be a good start.
She could also try teaching Aiden how to knit, which I think wouldn’t be all too successful but surely very funny. It would give Adél something to laugh over for sure, cause though he’s usually pretty deft, he tends to be a bit clumsy sometimes.
But yeah I think once they got to know each other they could be very sibling like in their interaction. Since they’re both pretty meek they’d be the quiet type of friends, those that enjoy a good silence together.
They might also end up talking about their respective siblings a lot xD
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watchingalotofmovies · 6 months
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Open    [trailer]
Relationship dramedy about an everyday couple adventuring through the confusing thrills of non-monogamy.
Movies about this subject can easily turn into shallow comedies, so I appreciated the mostly serious approach and that this was a about "normal" couple.
Though it also becomes clear that they are a bit naive and ill-prepared for a truly open relationship. They are more like "open-curious" and in part want a permission to be allowed to cheat. But even that can be seen as being closer to reality than being able to live in a functioning open relationship.
Overall, the movie isn't very memorable, but it's an entertaining watch. And it's noteworthy that it's from increasingly "illiberal" Hungary.
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bdpst24 · 5 months
Tehetségkutatóban borult ki Csobot Adél
Tehetségkutatóban borult ki Csobot Adél
A műsorvezető a Valami Amerika sorozat tehetségkutatójában magát alakítja és egy legendás dalt is elénekel a Galaxis egyik versenyzőjével, akinek hamis hangja kiveri nála a biztosítékot.  Először láthatják a nézők sorozatban Csobot Adélt, aki a Galaxis tehetségkutatójának egyik versenyzőjével énekel duettet. Vagyis énekelne, ám Angi hamis hangjai és sajátos stílusa kiborítják. „Adélnak most az a…
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vagarezas · 6 months
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