#ada throne headcannon
You're Adas Roommate and She Falls in Love with You Part 2 (Modern Au)
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part one is here!
this woman makes me want to wet myself I'm no even kidding 
you guys have never argued like this before
or really ever
just like that Ada is back to eating alone
she's not coming back to the smell of baking 
its hard to explain to how much it hurts to hear you around the flat and know you're that but that you're both trying your hardest to avoid each other;
 you don't know what you've done wrong and you're upset that Ada doesn't seem to want to be mates with you anymore 
Ada just feels so guilty about the whole situation that she can't even bring herself to speak to you 
its a week and a but before Ada realises she has to do something 
she buys your favourite flowers and plans on getting home and cooking you a big meal as an apology, hoping that somewhere in this baking fiasco she will be able to think of some way of explaining why she said what she said
but when she gets back the flat its just a bit too quiet
she waits around for you to get back in and when it starts getting dark she starts to worry
when she goes to the bathroom she notices your toothbrush is gone
its just little things, but all the bits you'd have in the flat that you used every day 
it kinda dawns on her that you've gone and she just chucks all the food out and goes to cry on Polly shoulder
who wouldn't 
i bet she gives great hugs
“what should i do Pol? do i call her?”
Polly sits and listens to all her scenarios of how to win you back, knowing that she will tell Ada just to give you your space  
and obviously thats not the solution she wants to hear but for once in Polly’s  life a Shelby is actually gonna take her advice and not just do the complete opposite
with every passing day Ada gets less and less hopeful you'll come back
she was waiting on the text to tell her to just pack the rest of your stuff and leave it in the street for you 
and tbh as much as it would hurt she’d do it for you if thats what you wanted because she would do anything for you 
on day four though you were back 
she's having breakfast and you just kinda pop through the door like 
“hi, how y'all doin”
she's got no clue what to say to you at all
she hadn't rehearsed this scenario in her head 
you shuffle over and give her a hug and she's like 
wtf is happening 
but then obviously she hugs back 
“I'm sorry for whatever i did Ada i really am”
“you didn't do anything wrong it was all me”
girly happy tears hug 
Ada is so happy to see you again 
like she literally can't breath she's so happy 
its been only like 5 days but still
and she never wants this hug to end
she's just soaking in the feeling of your warm arms around her and the smell of your hair
the feeling of your face pressed into the side of her neck 
having a movie night together to make up for all the time you guys missed eachother
5 days in lesbian time is like 2 years 
you watch all the twilights. all of them. 
bringing you quilts into the living room and cuddling on the sofa together
ada still feels a bit guilty about just how much her heart races when you guys cuddle but she's too happy you're back to think about that
playing with Adas hair like friends do until she falls asleep 
its the best nights sleep Ada has had since you left 
you start to notice Ada is acting a bit different? not bad just different 
a lil weird 
pulling polly aside and asking her if she had noticed anything
Polly putting on the best acting experience of her life and pretending she hadn't because the woman knows how to keep a secret 
everything goes back to how it was before for a while but Ada doesn't really know how much longer she can keep this facade up for 
she doesn't have to worry for long though 
all the ladies are out for Esmes hen do
this hen do is just a massive piss up to be honest, the whole family love going a little too far 
you all end up on the dance floor and Ada bumps into Freddie
who she hasn't seen in years 
you're at the table and can see them dancing together so you ask the girls who he is 
lizzie filling you in on their history together 
distant history but still history 
seeing how close he is to Ada makes you feel sick
is that his HaND On hEr AsS
meanwhile Ada is just enjoying a dance with an old mate, when all of a sudden you come out of nowhere with a grumpy face and grab her hand, pulling her out the club
polly watching this unfold like 
everyone else is confused, especially Linda
woman doesn't believe god made lesbians 
Lizzie, who has been theorising this outcome for months with her husband, is texting Tommy as we speak 
“what was that all abo-”
Ada is pushed against the back door and KISSED 
all that anger and jealousy makes for a horny reader (and writer I'm just saying)
Ada has literally no clue whats going on she just knows she's being kissed by her BABYGIRL OH HONEY 
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌
ada kissing back 
its passionate my dudes
lots of tongue and hands in hair
its all getting a bit too steamy when Ada pulls back, suddenly realising that this isn't some fantasy but actual reality 
“I've wanted to do that for so long”
“you've wanted to do that for so long? Ive wanted to do that for so long!”
going back to your flat
not to have sex of course although
but to talk 
falling asleep in each others arms again, but this time Ada doesn't have to feel guilty about being the only one who feels more from this than just friendship 
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to be honest i could keep writing this forever, I'm planning on a smutty part 3 so if thats something you want let me know 
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fandompeepsgoburrrr · 2 years
The Adrestian Empire Headcannons (mostly of Black Eagle Family Headcannons)
- lots of Europe influances
- the buildings and arcitecture is more Roman or Gothic inspired
- the most noble obsessed country
- only legitimate children can inheirate, which is why Ferdinand is so vocal about it
- the saints crests are vastly more important than the "10 elites" crests
- 10 elites crests are normally kept hushed.
- the most promient ones are, Gautier, Charon, Dominic, Gloucster, and Maruice's
- being gay is not ok in the empire!
- they are very bing on inheiritance and traditions, so having blood children is better than loving who you do
- even if this means you have children from multiple different spouses
- many of the minor nobles have crests in thier bloodlines somewhere from a lot of intermixing
- all crests of the saints run in the Hresvelg family, the crest of Serios is just most prominent and the only crest allowed to take the throne
- 4 is a lucky number in the Empire, a reason some believe Edelgard survived so much of her family's torments
- Edelgard was the eighth child born to Ionius, and the 4th one to have the crest of Serios
- Edelgard was the 4th daughter as well
- her siblings went:
Salomo/brother (12 years older) - no crest (1st Consort/Marcy)
Franz/brother (9 years older) - minor crest of serios (2nd Consort/Ada)
Gwen/sister (8 years older) - minor crest of serios (2nd Consort/Ada)
Twin brothers Tristian and Victor (5 years older) - no crests (2nd Consort/Ada)
Fiora/sister (3 years older) - minor crest of Indech (3rd Consort/Lucia)
Johanna/sister (1 year older)- Minor crest of Serios (3rd Consort/Lucia)
Edelgard (4th Consort/Anselma)
Twin brothers Gerhard and Andreas (4 years younger) - eldest had minor crest of Dominic (5th Consort/Isabella)
- Ionius had 5 consorts, Anselma being the 4th
- 1st -Marcy - died shortly after birth of her son
2nd - Ada - eventually put to death for treason
3rd - Lucia - put aside for Anselma
4th - Anselma - the revolt stopepd her from having more children
5th - Isabella - forced upon Ionius until there was a child then ignored
- Hubert was an only child, as that was traditional in the Vestra household
- Ferdinand's mother was a Gautier. Which is why he takes to the Paladin route so well.
- Ferdinand and Sylvain are 2nd cousins
- Ferdinand has 5 other siblings, 2 older and 3 younger
- Emma - 5 years older than Ferdie (different mother/ Ludwig's first wife)
Otto - 2 years older than Ferdie (different mother / Mistress)
Heidi - 3 years younger than Ferdie (Same mother / No crest and sickly)
Alice - 5 years younger than Ferdie
(Different mother / Mistress)
Werner - 7 years younger than Ferdie (Same mother/ Minor crest of Gautier)
- Caspar's older brother is named Jakob and is 7 years older
- the crests of Cichol, Macuil, Indech all run in the Von Bergliz blood
- Caspar's mother was a Varley making him and Bernadetta distant cousins
- Caspar would have had a younger sibling, but when his mother was 8 months pregnant she got extremly ill , and not only lost the child, but the ability to have more
- Linhardt doesn't have any siblings, becuase he was too sickly when born and his parents were worried to try again
- Bernadetta is the oldest of 3 sisters
- Dahlia- 2 years younger than Bernie
(Same mother)
Claire- 3 years younger than Bernie (from a mistress)(minor crest of Gloucster)
- Bernadetta's mother was a Von Vestra, distantly related by marriage to Hubert's Father
- Dorothea was the bastard child of a minor noble
- Her mother was a prostitute that couldn't prove Dorothea's legitmacy
- Dorothea fell in love with singing due to the lullabies her mother would sing
- Petra only has a younger brother named Marek
- Constance family was Lord Nuvelle
- the Crest of Noa came from her mother's side, as did her magical talent
- most in the Empire consider the Four Apostoles as Treachery against the Goddess
- the order of titles in the Empire goes:
- you can take thier prime beach realistate from thier comd dead hands
- they accept people from the kingdom and leicester but normally with a upturned nose or close eye
- marrige though? Bring it. Bring all of it
- the kingdom has Sreng and Leicester has Almyra, so occasionally the empire boasts about Brigid or Dagda, despite fighting them once
- the reason the empire excells in Mages is becuase veins of magic run under the soil.
- thats also why they have very few plauges and great harvests
- empire boasts its been blessed by the goddess and the fact that the kindom (and in turn the alliance) broke away, they have been cursed
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A Taste for Something Younger  - Polly Grey Headcannon
Omg I love the Ada roommate headcanon! Could you do the same for Polly? Maybe with a woman a little older/same age as Ada (because we accept age gaps in this household) and her and Polly actually get together in the end? I'd die for that ( @vikingsxf​ )
this idea gave me a big gay hard on and honestly I'm so glad you had it; Polly doesn't get enough love. Ive gone for a younger (Ada age) reader because we definitely support a healthy age gap relationship and i just want to pretend its me who's with polly so. ALSO THIS IS A BIT SMUTTY JUST A LITTLE BIT BUT JUST A WARNING OKAY BABES 
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you and Ada had been friends since she started at the library
you both had a lot in common and she would tell you about her crazy relatives which always kept you entertained
obviously you had no clue that the Ada Throne you knew was actually thee Ada Shelby 
when you finally do meet her brother in one of his unannounced visits to her flat its a massive shock that your besties family are the notorious Shelby's 
she brings you out to meet the other brothers and John and Arthur both take a liking to you
when Finn tells Polly about Adas new friend from the city who is breaking hearts all over Birmingham she doesn't really have much to think 
i mean it wouldn't be the first time the shelby boys lost their heads over a girl (especially dumb and dumber) and it probably won't be the last
but when she gets the pleasure of meeting you she can't help but understand why the lads lost their heads
you're stunning, not just physically 
you're mind is almost too wise for your years
“you've got an old soul” 
“thank you, Mrs Gray”
“its Miss, and call me Pol”
you're around a lot
you help in the office with the other women and come for drinks when Tommys in a good mood and feels like having the gang out
Polly’s sass making an impression
you're really intimidated by her because she's just this all knowing mature lady who is also really stunning 
she invites you and ada over to have a girly evening 
you literally don't want to go
anxious as hell
i feel like Polly is one of those people that gives off this no bullshit vibe, so you're scared to even chat to her just incase you say the wrong thing
dressing to impress by buying a new outfit and feeling like a fool for it
its the first thing Polly notices when she sees you 
“you look ravishing don't you”
literally blushing all over
stumbling on your words
Ada has no clue whats going on and is so confused
maybe even a little jealous? why are you swooning over her auntie so much 
Ada gets a surprise phone call and has to leave and you are wanting to leave with her but Polly all nah stay 
this is the (best) WORST CASE SCENARIO PEOPLE 
in her HoUSE
getting drunk to hide the fear but then also getting loose lipped
chatting absolute beans with her and she can't stop laughing at you 
Because she loves that you're a bit scared of her but seeing a more bold side of you kinda turns her on
the drinking night becomes a weekly thing
you start to relax into Polly presence 
seeking comfort in your time in her home 
Ada doesn't even get an invite anymore
getting drunk together and her listening while you babble on about literally the most random topics ever
you get two whiskies in and start telling her all the facts you know about giraffes or the fall of the Berlin wall
and she just loves to sit and watch you 
insane tension 
a lot of staring 
touching but nothing that would cross the friendship line, flirting with it though 
her doing you makeup and telling you about the wild things she's done 
that almost so close you could kiss but without the kiss tension when she's in your face putting your lipstick on
she says you look good in red, which you don't believe but at this point she could tell you you looked good in a teletubbie costume and a bitch would be dressed head to toe as Lala
she sees you start to push your comfort zones and she loves it 
the new found confidence makes her horny as hell
Jealous Ada is more jealous when she sees you walking round in Polly’s shade of lipstick 
“she must really like you to let you borrow that” - but its LACED IN GAY ANGST BECAUSE WTF HOW DID HER AUNT STEAL YOU 
i feel like you make the first move 
which isn't something you or Polly expected
like you've both been drinking all night and for some reason you start doing vodka shots
and this is the good shit vodka were stalking russian standard pissed off your tits shit love
and you watch her neck those shots like she's getting paid by the hour
and you just 
walk stumble right on over there and fall into her lap 
grab that sexy face in both hands and give her the softest kiss she's ever had in her life
it feels like her first kiss ever
which is saying something because you betcha that womans had a lot of kisses
polly doesnt know how to respond she's SHOOK 
she doesn't even close her eyes she's like 
literally frozen in shock 
pulling straight back
suddenly all that drunk confidence is gone and you're hit with that crippling anxiety you get when you've done something wrong and been caught for it 
Polly grabbing a fist full of your hair and pulling you back down 
she's not even clumsy when she's drunk like you are this woman is EXPERIENCED
lip biting oh my christ 
not that pussyass nibbling but actual biting 
and tongue 
and i mean after that loves theres no going back really is there
finding your confidence again or maybe just horniness and drifting your hand under her skirt
your newfound confidence surprises her but she refuses to let you know that because hello she's Polly fucking Gray 
“dont start something you can't finish, little dove”
“do you want me to stop?”
“i didn't say that”
leaving her panting and sweating, lipstick smudged and clinging to the arms of the chair
i mean once it happens once its a common occurrence loves
not that either of you are complaining 
not just sex but dates in her living room by the fire
walks together arm and arm 
nobody really thinks to much of seeing her and you together, either assuming you're just one of the boys girlfriends or that you're her niece or something 
and they couldn't be more wrong but their ignorance is bliss
she loves how young you make her feel
and you love how much she takes care of you
i feel like maybe she's a little nervous of baring all to you; physically and mentally
her body is slightly more mature than yours, things aren't as new and shiny as yours may be; i feel like she’d take some reassurance maybe before she knew that you wouldn't just leave her for someone your own age
not that Polly is one to doubt her self worth but she feels like maybe she's just a phase for you 
you wouldn't want her any other way though; you love her body and lets be real we all do too 
she takes even longer to be open about her memories and past
i feel like she slowly but surely reveals more and more about her private life until she can finally trust you with the complete story 
the rest of the shelbys know better than to question Polly on her personal choices; but they are happy to see the carefree woman they remember from when they were young 
even salty Ada can see the happiness you bring out in her, although she doesn't want to admit it to herself
Polly buys lingerie for you all the time 
being bratty and flashing your bra strap to her in public places 
or grabbing her hand and running it under your dress until she can feel the lace of your underwear when you're both out in the Garrison 
she has this “wait until i get you home” look that you'll do anything to provoke 
she teases you until you beg for her to let you finish as punishment 
“you see what you get for being naughty, y/n?”
she likes it when you ride her face, because although Polly is still in control she likes to put you in a position of power
and she likes to be able to see all of you when you're close to the edge
angry sex, because lets be real Polly can be a snappy little bitch and when you both get angry what better way is there to solve the issue than rough lesbian sex 
she loves your smile 
and your giggle
it makes her feel like a teenager all over again 
nobody really understands how you put up with such a intimidating, dominating woman everyday but they don't see cuddly Polly who likes to be little spoon 
she does her very best to keep you out of the family business and always will because you're one of the only people on earth Polly couldn't live without 
you often joke about how Polly would just move in after you but she knows that after you there would be nobody else for her
“without you my little doll, i couldn't be me” 
lots of lap sitting 
hair stroking  
the sweetest kisses; she tastes of cherry and whisky
she says you're like pink gin, sweet tasting and extremely intoxicating 
Polly had given up on love until she found you, and now she's got you best believe she will spend the rest of time she has on earth making sure she keeps you 
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