#adam quark
astralbondpro · 1 year
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine // S05E03: Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
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filmjunky-99 · 7 days
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller Grilka [the house of quark, s3ep3] 'You've given me back my House and my family name.' - grilka [to quark]
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
The Longshot mini series premiered with a cover date of September, 1985. The issue introduced Longshot, Eliot, Hester and her baby, Pup (MaGog), Gog, Quark, and Spiral created by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams. ("A Man Without a Past", Longshot, Marvel Comic Event)
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lostyesterday · 8 months
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I was curious about which Star Trek shows had the most human vs non-human characters, so I made this graph. I counted all major characters plus characters who were in at least 10 episodes of each respective show (with a few exceptions for incredibly minor characters who are technically in more than ten episodes but have barely any/no lines). A full list of characters included is below the cut.
Part/Non-Human: Spock
Human: Kirk, Mccoy, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Chekov, Chapel
Part/Non-Human: Data, Troi, Worf, Guinan
Human: Picard, Riker, La Forge, Crusher, Wesley, Yar, Pulaski, O’Brien, Ogawa
Part/Non-Human: Kira, Odo, Quark, Jadzia, Rom, Nog, Garak, Dukat, Worf, Weyoun, Martok, Leeta, Ezri, Damar, Female Changeling, Winn
Human: Sisko, Bashir, Jake, O’Brien, Keiko, Kasidy, Ross
Part/Non-Human: Torres, Neelix, EMH, Tuvok, Kes, Seven (part Borg counts as not entirely human to me), Seska, Naomi, Icheb
Human: Janeway, Chakotay, Paris, Kim
Part/Non-Human: T’Pol, Phlox, Soval, Shran
Human: Archer, Reed, Tucker, Sato, Mayweather, Forrest
Part/Non-Human: Saru, Tyler (debatable but I’m counting him as partly non-human), L’Rell, Book, T’Rina, Nhan, Rillak, Linus, Zora, Adira (again, debatable, but they’ve got a symbiont so they’re not entirely human to me), Gray
Human: Burnham, Stamets (complicated case but I counted him as still human), Tilly, Culber, Lorca (mirror universe characters are still human, I think), Georgiou, Detmer, Owosekun, Rhys, Bryce, Cornwell, Airiam (she’s still human), Pike, Jett, Nilsson, Pollard, Vance
Part/Non-Human: Picard (for part of the show at least), Elnor, Soji, Narek, Seven, Laris/Talinn (I am just pretending they’re the same character for simplicity), Jack (I guess???)
Human: Musiker, Jurati, Rios, Adam, Riker, Crusher, Shaw, Sidney
Part/Non-Human: Tendi, Shaxs, T’Ana, Barnes, Kayshon
Human: Mariner, Boimler, Rutherford, Freeman, Ransom, Billups
Part/Non-Human: Dal, Gwyn, Zero, Rok-Tahk, Jankom, Murf, Hologram Janeway, Diviner, Drednok
Part/Non-Human: Spock, Una, Hemmer
Human: Pike, La’an, Uhura, Chapel, M’Benga, Ortegas
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the-last-dillpickle · 2 years
DS9 trivia from IMDB - Part 1
- Colm Meaney was initially reluctant about signing onto the series. Meaney was comfortable playing O'Brien on an episode by episode basis for Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987), and at the time, was unsure if he wanted to play a full time television role.  
- Although we only rarely see it, there is an ATM in Quark's bar. It dispenses the various types of currency used by major races visiting the station: Federation credits, Bajoran litas, Cardassian leks, and Ferengi latinum.  
- Constable Odo was originally envisioned as a young Clint Eastwood type. When Rene Auberjonois was called in for his audition, the casting director told him that none of the previous actors had been "grouchy enough". So Auberjonois improvised his lines using his most gravelly voice, and secured the role. Odo's scoff eventually became such a character trademark that the screenwriters would often script it into his lines (as "harrumph!"), much to Auberjonois' annoyance.  
- Michael Dorn did not want to reprise his role as Worf, since the daily make-up application was exhausting, and he was relieved to be able to move on. Dorn said that the salary he was offered made him reconsider.  
- The Dominion storyline was originally only meant to span two episodes. Ronald D. Moore and Ira Steven Behr lobbied to make the storyline on-going, but met with resistance from Executive Producer Rick Berman, who wanted to maintain an episodic format to the series. After Berman left production to oversee the launch of Star Trek: Voyager (1995), Moore and Behr were given more creative control over this series, making the Dominion War the main plot of the show, and adopting a serialized format.   
- Wolf 359, mentioned as the battle site between the Borg and the Federation where Sisko lost his wife, is a real star that is seven and a half light-years from Earth.  
- In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Trials and Tribble-ations (1996) when Sisko and Dax see Kirk and Spock, Dax has the hots for Spock. In August 2017, Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax) got engaged to Adam Nimoy, son of Leonard Nimoy (Spock).  
- The jars of "pills" in Dr. Bashir's office were filled with M&Ms. In many instances during the early episodes, the level of the pills would change between shots because crew members kept stealing them. The problem was solved by epoxying the lids in place.   
- When Colm Meaney was fitted for his Deep Space Nine uniform, he made two requests of the costume designers. He explained that unlike the officers, the non-commissioned Chief O'Brien was a working man. So he needed to be able to roll up his sleeves, and he needed pockets for his tools. The costume department altered his uniform accordingly.  
- The character of Morn (Mark Allen Shepherd), the Lurian bar patron who is always seen sitting at Quark's bar, was written as a nod to the character of Norm Peterson, played by George Wendt on Cheers (1982). Morn is an anagram of Norm. The mask worn by Shepherd originally had no opening for the mouth, so make-up artist Michael Westmore gave him lips over the course of the series, in case the character needed to speak. Several lines for Morn were scripted over the years, but unfortunately for Shepherd, these were always written out at the last moment. So Morn never said one word during the entire run of the show, leading to a running gag where bar patrons, station crew members and civilian residents often mention that Morn is excessively talkative off-screen, and "never shuts up."  
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pupsmailbox · 7 months
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NAMES ⌇ adam. adrian. aldebaran. algol. altair. andromeda. apollo. aquila. archer. aries. aster. astra. astro. astronomie. atlas. auriga. aurora. buzz. carina. castor. celeste. celestia. celestine. charon. cielo. comet. cosmania. cosmo. cyra. darby. dione. draco. echo. eclipse. ello. eric. esther. gal. galaxeye. galaxie. galaxy. gamma. hale. hercules. horizon. hubble. ian. ion. juliet. juno. jupiter. kepler. kuiper. laxy. leo. light. lumen. luna. mars. mercury. milay. mira. miranda. moon. moony. nebula. neptune. nereid. nova. nyx. orbit. orion. phoebe. planette. pleiades. pluto. pollux. quark. rigel. rocket. rocky. ruban. rupert. saturn. singularity. sirius. sky. sol. solar. solaris. spacena. star. stark. starlet. starling. stella. stellan. stellar. stelle. sun. sunny. theo. umbriel. univera. vega. venus. voidear. warp. zenith.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ alien/alien. as/astrum. astro/aster. astro/astronomical. astronaut/astronaut. bri/bright. cel/celestial. co/comet. comet/comet. constellation/constellation. cos/cosmic. cosmi/cosmic. cosmos/cosmo. cro/crown. gal/galaxy. galax/galaxy. galaxy/galaxy. glo/glow. gravity/gravity. h☆/h☆m. infinite/infinite. leo/leonid. li/light. lune/lunar. mo/moon. moon/moon. neu/neutron. par/parsec. pla/planet. plan/planet. planet/planet. pri/prince. pul/pulsar. pul/pulse. qua/quasar. quark/quark. ray/ray. ri/ring. ro/rock. ro/royal. rocket/rocket. satellite/satellite. shi/shine. shine/shine. ship/ship. sh☆/h☆r. spa/space. space/space. spae/space. spi/spin. sta/star. star/star. stardust/stardust. ste/stellar. stell/stellar. stelle/stellar. su/sun. sun/sun. tele/telescope. thr/throne. th☆y/th☆m. tu/turn. universe/universe. vast/vast. vis/vision. voi/void. void/void. ☀ . ☄ . ☄️ . ✨ . ⭐ . ⭐️ . 🌀 . 🌌 . 🌍 . 🌙 . 🌟 . 🌠 . 🎇 . 👑 . 👽 . 👾 . 💎 . 💫 . 🔭 . 🚀 . 🛰 . 🛰️ . 🛸 . 🪐 .
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betabites · 3 months
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(Descriptions in alt-texts)
Generally, painting terrain isn't interesting, just tedious. Case in point, I didn't even bother taking pictures of the wattle fencing I just painted because no one cares. It looks fine from 3 feet, and that's all that matters. So this was an attempt to making this terrain interesting: I printed out a punch of tiny posters and glued them on, and added pop colors to a few of them.
And then I kind of painted the RWBY mural from RWBY Beyond. Special thanks to @sedlex for their work in getting a reasonably straight-angle of the mural.
Extremely long list of poster sources after the cut.
Round hut:
The Cube is a Lie! by Raven Cruz (vanished off the internet)
Perfect Food Egg from Ryoko Kui's Delicious In Dungeon.
Brouha on Mustafar & Hooha on the Death Star from NRobinson77.
Obama-style Luke and Dalek are most likely the result of one of poster-creators back in the day, because I can't find any trace of them.
Concern Necron from RuoYuArt.
Do Not Feed Metroids from Shinaz (who was not the original creator either, but we're already back in '05).
Square hut:
Dalek 'To Victory': Doctor Who official art, apparently.
Soldiers of the Imperium, Kill Team, and Makari's Wanted: Dead posters are all Warhammer 40K official artwork from the Regimental Standard.
Primaris Akira from Sgt-lonely
Hey, have you tried cheese? is so popular I literally had it as a tea towel.
Enlist Today (with Darth Vader, not that you can see that) by Cliff Chiang.
Actually yeah, maybe today Satan is a Nancy comic. Mercy only knows if it's a real comic or fanart, because I can't find it.
Commissar 'Do It For Him' is AdeptusRidiculous.
'Strawberry' B1-battle droid is cnv99.
Death Star Gunner pin-up is Adam Warren.
Asami eyeing Korra's rack is IAHFY (who is amazing).
Annoyingly placed 'Game Over' Cinder Fall is MrOrbs.
'I apologize for nothing' Hedonism-Bot was from etsy Woodcut Emporium (now gone).
France-Destroyer 9000 is from Borghest.
Quark's Root Beer is from Maggie Muldoon (it's insidious!).
The tiny dwarf is from the Dwarf Fortress community.
'We Do Bones Motherfucker' is from lunglessart.
Korra Vs Tahno is from Janet Sung.
Korra 'Change' and Sororitas 'Hate' are likely more poster-creator products.
The Mechanicus poster underneath the Korra poster and 'Join the Astrum Militarum Today!' are from WarCom's Regimental Standard.
Mordred's 'Welcome Back... Assface!' is from Tamamita.
Kuat Drive Yards is official art from Star Wars Insider 86.
No Shields, All Guts from gattadonna.
'We are short-staffed... this place is not a place of honor' was a photo from (presumably) a store window.
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transgenderer · 10 months
when i was in elemetnary school i was in the special nerd classes and at lunch we would argue about our garbled understanding of quantum mechanics, i explained the double slit experiment to another kid (a i understood it, who knows what my explanation was) and he was adamant that they must have messed up the experiment and it made me so mad. also he insisted the strange and charm quark didnt exist and he asked me where i learned about it and i was like a "youtube video" and he was like "thats not a good source" which is admittedly fair. anyway hes at stanford now
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sercezgazety · 3 months
You have thought about doing a crossover fic with Re-animator and DS9 but haven't gotten to plotting it out yet, it's still in the vibes stage
well, NOW I'm thinking about it
frankly, I find crossovers incredibly difficult to read, even though over the years I've learned to accept and at times enjoy canon divergent AUs. still, my initial response is irrational anger: too many things out of place, not as they should be.
but, having said that. uhhh. despite what the Vulcan academy of science has to say on the matter, time travel is canon in Star Trek. re-animated corpses running amok on ds9 do have some incredible comedic potential. Quark would try to sell his chairs as weapons, and the prices would certainly not be fair. Odo would be very adamant about arresting the corpses, and he'd do that in the same exact manner he'd arrest non-corpse entities. a wild Gul Dukat would appear. Dan would be desperately trying to help out while Herbert would not give a single fuck about anything, too focused on the existence of symbionts. these creatures could solve all of our problems, don't you see, Dan? they could store the memories, intelligence and personality, and they can clearly survive the death of a host for a brief period of time.
Sisko would commit a war crime.
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sapphicthunderhead · 3 months
List of fictional spacefaring women with whom I’ve fallen hopelessly and irrevocably in love and would marry given the chance:
1. Captain Lovelace of “Wolf 359” (podcast)
2. Gunnery Sgt. Adams of the Expeditionary Force novels by Craig Alanson (wonderful, mostly hard sci fi series ft. the magnificence of the human will to live… and a remarkably assholish AI; I highly recommend the audiobooks read by RC Bray on audible)
3. Kira Nerys from “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”
To quote Quark (ST:DS9) of all people, “I love a woman in uniform.” Apparently.
P.S. The above list does not include all those spacefaring women who inhabit my favorite podcasts, books, and so on, whom I platonically adore, personally admire, or relate to on a visceral level. If I did, we’d be here all day.
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basingstokemercury · 4 months
My current list of Bonanza fanfic ideas (no idea if I'll ever be able to finish one)
Bonanza Childhood Scenes (prequel, this one's finished and up on AO3)
As Adam grows, his relationship with his brothers changes - especially the younger and more difficult one. A series of short vignettes explores those changes.
Thy Father And Thy Brothers (crossover, The Yeomen Of The Guard. Joe Cartwright/Elsie Maynard, but not for long.)
Adam's childhood friend, Leonard Meryll, is home from the army after years of distinguished service. Unfortunately, his timing couldn't be worse, as an old comrade turned outlaw is taken on the Ponderosa, and Leonard's father, the deputy sheriff, is torn between duty and saving a friend he believes to be wrongly accused. Meanwhile, Joe's taken a fancy to travelling showgirl Elsie Maynard. But when a charming escaped prisoner begs her for shelter, Elsie realises she'd never truly known love before - and the Cartwrights are caught in the midst of it all.
Frontier Medicine (crossover, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
Another medical conference goes wrong for Dr. Julian Bashir, as he finds himself transported to Virginia City, Nevada, 1861. Saving a wealthy rancher's son gets him friends and a place to stay, but embroils him in the mystery behind the attempt on the boy's life - and it's not easy hiding the truth about his own origins from Adam's watchful mind. Back on DS9, trying to learn what happened to his doctor leads Sisko to explore his ancient family history...
Deep Space Nevada (Crossover, Star Trek Deep Space Nine)
A freak temporal event brings the Cartwrights to a space station hundreds of years in the future - where Ben finds a kindred spirit in its commander, Adam is enchanted by Major Kira and very suspicious of a certain tailor, Hoss tames an alien pet, and Joe gets into all-new forms of trouble at Quark's.
I Seek My Brother (prequel)
A seventeen-year-old Joe has just about had enough of his domineering oldest brother. But when Adam doesn't come home after yet another fight, he's the one Ben sends to find out what happened. The answer throws both of them into danger, and Adam must protect both himself and an out-of-his-depth brother...
The House That Adam Built (dark timeline)
And Adam's gone. But a house isn't as easy to kill, and the memories associated with it still harder.
Belated Lullabies (prequel, might have to scrap depending on what later canon reveals)
How and why Adam learned to play the guitar. Featuring teenage antics, connecting to the mother he never knew, and becoming closer with the mother he now has.
Structural Weaknesses (episode divergence, using it to work through my own struggling brain)
When Adam rides off in A House Divided, full of regret and self-blame, he means to go a lot farther than New England. Joe catches up before he can go through with it, but Adam's strained mental state leads to difficult emotional ground for both of them.
Though It Meant My Life
Witnesses to a murder mistakenly identify Adam as the culprit. But why does he refuse to offer an alibi?
Broken Telegram
Adam and Joe leave on a business trip, and things go very wrong. Ben and Hoss, acting on distorted reports, risk making the situation even worse - and perhaps those inaccuracies were put there on purpose?
And then there are some ideas for filling in scenes we were robbed of in canon, including The Magnificent Adah and A House Divided.
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astralbondpro · 6 months
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine // S03E03: The House of Quark
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filmjunky-99 · 2 years
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [the house of quark, s3ep3]
'You've given me back my House and my family name. How can I repay you?' - grilka
'I would like a divorce, please. No offense.' - quark
'None taken. I can give it to you right now.' - grilka
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nerds-yearbook · 2 years
The iconic X-Men antagonist Mojo made his first appearance in issue 3# of the 6 part Longshot limited series (cover date November, 1985). He was created by Ann Nocenti and Arthur Adams. The two actually appear in this issue. ("Just Let Me Die", Longshot 3#, Comic, Event)
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quarktrinity · 6 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 20
Mysterious Happenings
"we are hundreds of lightyears past where any earth ship has ever explored" somehow i doubt that
woah, a planet similar to earth that experienced some sort of cataclysm? craaazyyyyy thats never happened befooooore
Psychic Man wants to be friends
their sensors are wrong all the time why do they even bother with them
Psychic Man specifically wants to be friends with kirk and spock. dude theyve already got a third but hey im sure theyre open for a fourth
thank you background music for telling me this blonde woman is hot
we are extremely lucky that Psychic Man appears to be at least not chaotic evil
Psychic Man is an orb. ok
woah, there was a war and it was bad? we dont like war???
kirk. you cant just bring up the cold war every episode. youre making the hand of the author too blatant
kirk gets possessed
yet another alien wants kirks body
this is the most erotic description of basic human anatomy ive ever heard
"your captain has an excellent body, doctor mccoy" does he now
...i think this is the episode 0 plot again. i think theyre trying to set up an adam and eve thing with kirk and sexy doctor lady. they literally already did this one
orb shelves
oh ok they need their bodies to build robots. got it
"is it you, jim?" oddly tender there, mccoy. i know what you are.
k we got kirk back
i think he might be slightly in love with this orb
extremely sudden jumpcut back to the ship. little clumsy there
"are they alright in the head, doctor?" "no comment" mccoy i love u
"a simple transference, their minds and ours" "quite simple. happens every day."
kirk is oddly excited to have an alien man inside him
kirk wants your consent before letting aliens enter you
oh this is what a kirk speech is, got it
possessed spock shut up i dont like you
why are there so many episodes where kirk gets horny because of psychic aliens
why are there so many episodes where kirk makes out with somebody because of psychic aliens
alien possessing spock is evil. pretty sure hes jealous of the first guy
noooooo spock dont commit medical malpractice
"android robots"
stupid alien love triangle motivating murder
ominous music as we see doctor lady with her hair down
possessed spock is the straightest weve ever seen him
possessed kirk makes out with possessed doctor lady and then dies
Lets Save Kirks Displaced Mind
why is that robot so slimy
not sure asking mccoy to trade one life for another is gonna work. pretty sure the hippocratic oath prevents that
i kinda love this evil psychic alien lady. shes interesting
oh ok shes not evil anymore. yay!
Psychic Man is once again in the ship, hes actually fine
kirks fine now
"spocks consciousness is gone" no its not
nurse chapel coming in clutch
rip loser
"my friend, spock" mhmm.
woahhhhh spock is actually fine???? wooooooaaaahhhhh.
they played keep away with spocks mind
"oblivion together does not frighten me, beloved" that line kinda goes hard ngl
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Cool Starfield fact!
Keeper Aquilus, the Sanctum Universum priest from New Atlantis? this guy:
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He's voiced by Keir Dullea. Who is, more famously, also known as:
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David "Dave" Bowman from 2001: A Space Odyssey!!!
Between him, Armin Shimerman (Quark from DS9) as Walter Stroud...
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... Nana Visitor and Tim Russ (DS9's Kira Nerys and Voyager's Tuvok)...
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... Elias Toufexis (Adam Jensen from the newer Deus Ex games) as Sam...
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... and Brian David Gilbert as Phil Hill...
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... it makes me wonder if there are any other cool celebrity VAs I've completely missed in the game!
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