#adapted to his change but i'm just glad that he was able to become whole and develop a more realistic view on power/leadership
t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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Jiro → One Gif Per Episode (41-50)
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nukaberries · 5 months
Heyo! If it's not too much trouble, could I get the FO4 companions reacting to a Sole who's super good with wild animals? Like the animal friend and wasteland whisperer perks but they're out here cuddling wild molerats and are able to pet Deathclaws. If that's not too much to ask, thank you muchly. Love your stuff!
I don't play around with Animal Friend and Wasteland Whisperer as much as I'd like to. I did once befriend a Deathclaw in Fallout 3, who died about five seconds later. He was great while he lasted though. Anyways, I'm glad you're enjoying the requests, thank you so much! I hope this one lives up to your expectations!
Companions React to an Animal Loving Sole (Includes: Cait, Codsworth, Curie, Danse, Deacon, Hancock, MacCready, Nick, Piper, Preston and X6-88)
Cait She'll immediately assume that Sole has some kind of death wish the first time she sees them carelessly approaching a wild Molerat with their hand held out. It's only when Sole doesn't lose a limb to the creature that Cait finds herself somewhat impressed, although, she makes a comment about how they'll probably catch all sorts of diseases from 'that rodent'. She doesn't think too much of it afterwards, that is until she finds Sole coming back into Sanctuary with a Deathclaw in tow, it's at that point that Cait will start to question Sole's sanity. Eventually, she gets used to finding Sole hanging out with Radscorpions, as though they aren't known for killing people without hesitation. She still finds it weird and she still isn't happy about that one time she woke up to a Radroach casually jumping around her head, but it becomes one of those things about Sole that she just accepts.
Codsworth Having known Sole for as long as he has, Codsworth is no stranger to his old friend's affinity for all different kinds of animals. He can still recall the amount of stray dogs and cats that Sole had brought into their home before the war, despite their spouse worrying that one might jump up at Shaun one day. If anything, Codsworth actually likes that this is something that hasn't changed about Sole - there's a lot of bad in the Wasteland and Codsworth knows better than any of the other companions how much this new world has changed Sole, so he finds it comforting to see some aspects of him are still the same. Of course, Codsworth is still sure to keep his distance from the creatures that Sole befriends; sure, they may like Sole, but who's to say they'll feel the same way about his robot companion?
Curie She loves having the opportunity to see the creatures of the Commonwealth up close and if Sole's happy to befriend every Mirelurk in sight, then Curie is more than happy to join him. Once Sole gets an animal to settle down, they usually tend to warm up to Curie immediately after - there was an incident with a Radstag kicking her over once, Curie doesn't like to talk about it. She also finds it interesting to see how the different animals in the wasteland have adapted and mutated to their environment and is more than happy to discuss it with Sole, if they're willing to listen.
Paladin Danse Initially, he thinks that stopping to pet every abomination that they come across is a waste of both their time and he makes this very clear to Sole. He tries to shut down Sole's attempts to befriend these animals as often as he can, although sometimes he can't help but find it quite mesmerising to watch a Deathclaw peacefully wander about right before his eyes. Still, it's only when Sole manages to tame a whole pack of rabid molerats that Danse wonders if their odd love for animals isn't so bad after all, not that he'd ever swallow his pride for long enough to admit that to Sole.
Deacon He does try to get used to the idea that Sole is going to pet every dangerous, man-eating creature that they come across, but it just freaks him out way too much. The stray mongrels following them around and wanting to play fetch are cute, even he can't deny that, although he'd prefer Dogmeat over them any day, but there's no way he'll ever get used to turning around and seeing a Deathclaw following after them like a big puppy. All Deacon asks is that Sole doesn't take it personal if he leaves them to fend for themselves when it comes to dealing with animals, he'd just prefer not to give a Molerat head scratches if he can help it.
Hancock Considering Sole chose to take him on their travels, he doesn't find it all that surprising that they'd want to pick up every other ugly stray they come across too. Admittedly, it's probably one of his favourite things about travelling with Sole, he'll never warm up to any of the bugs - Mirelurks are a firm no for him - that somehow become docile in Sole's presence, but he's got a soft spot for the Molerats. He'd love to bring one back home with him, for the sake of having some company and a mascot for Goodneighbor, but he gets the feeling nobody else in town would approve of that, so for now, it stays a simple daydream for him.
MacCready Once he gets over the shock of a pack of friendly Yaoi Guais swarming him and Sole, he's immediately jealous of this strange talent his friend has and wants to know how they do it. He refuses to take Sole not knowing for an answer and makes it his life goal to befriend at least one animal out in the Wasteland, of course, this ends with a dog bite on his arm and a bruised ego, especially when Sole manages to calm down the dog that had just attacked him. After that, he figures it's best for his own safety if he leaves the animal befriending to Sole, but he does ask for his own pet Deathclaw more times than he can count - not that it'd be very practical to have around Duncan, but a man can dream.
Nick Valentine There's not a lot left in the Commonwealth that can shock Nick Valentine, he's near enough seen it all and so, although Sole is expecting a much bigger reaction from the synth detective, he just accepts it. Besides, he once came across a girl roaming Boston Commons with a Sentry Bot for a best friend, a Mirelurk Queen isn't exactly that big of a surprise in comparison. That doesn't mean he won't go out of his way to pet any animals that Sole manages to tam on their travels, his favourite was probably the Radroach that Sole taught to roll over.
Piper Wright She genuinely thinks that she's having some kind of fever dream that first time she sees it, there's no way Sole would actually be sat at their campfire with a Mutant Hound sat on their lap peacefully. After pinching herself a few times and accepting the reality in front of her, Piper doesn't hesitate to dub Sole "The Wasteland Whisperer." If anything, she likes the bonus of not having to worry about fighting off any creatures whilst they're out on their travels, she just wishes that at least someone back in Diamond City would believe her when she told them about her Vault Dweller friend who can tame even the most vicious of creatures; even Nat thinks she's full of it.
Preston Garvey The first time that Preston saw Sole tame an animal was the Deathclaw back in Concord and for a moment, he was convinced that he was already dead and he just hadn't realised yet. At first, he wasn't sure how to bring it up to Sole to question it and so he decided not to question their odd talent at all, that was until he started travelling with them and they came across a Radroach nest. Preston still can't quite believe that there's someone out there that can befriend any animal they come across no matter what, but he finds it remarkable and he really doesn't mind when Sole brings animals back to Sanctuary. He's actually rather fond of the Yaoi Guai Sole brought back after going to clear out a settlement, he just hopes that they stay friendly, for everyone's sake.
X6-88 He doesn't see the point in befriending any of the creatures out in the Wasteland, it's far better to simply put them out of their misery after the generations of mutation they've had to endure. He makes this known to Sole immediately, which seems to offend his travelling companion, after that, he decides not to comment on it at all, aside from a few eye rolls and scoffs here and there. Of course, he doesn't complain too much when it comes to having the extra back up of a Deathclaw during a fight with raiders or Super Mutants.
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iwanttobeliv · 2 months
Yo soy Betty, la fea (Now and then)
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Man, I’ve been meaning to write something ever since I finished watching the very first episode of Betty la fea, la historia continua but there were too many thoughts and feelings and too little coherence to make it happen, and yet, here I am trying it anyway.
Even in Brazil, a country that culturally embraces telenovelas, every now and then when I said Betty, a feia was my favorite, people would look at me funny. And it’s kind of difficult to explain or make people understand that there is just so much more behind Betty’s fringe, braces, and very peculiar laughter. Yes, Armando did yell a lot. And there were perhaps too many episodes focused on Sofia and Efrain's drama or those final ones with Inesita’s ex-husband, and when I managed to rewatch the whole thing, boy was I glad to be able to fast-forward these parts. Some of the sets, like Betty’s room were very clearly low-budget and full of strange choices that I could never quite figure out, and yet, none of this really mattered because the writing was phenomenal. The characters were engaging. The actors were brilliant. And the love story, that was just the best.
So I watched and rewatched. I managed to come across friends who were happy to talk about it and dissect all the things that made it work so well, and so subtle is the distinction that despite the many many adaptations worldwide, to me, none have ever been better than the original Betty.
When Betty was first aired in Brazil, I was about 15 and I can’t begin to explain how seeing a young woman who never belonged anywhere due to her looks resonated with me. Someone who was made fun of for being different and used a sense of humor to keep going. Someone who had hopes and dreams and felt none of them were within reach. And someone who managed to survive all the terrible things life would throw her way in pursuit of her happy ending.
And I guess this feels like something that needs to be said first.
As far as I'm concerned, what makes Betty so fundamentally brilliant is the fact that in YSBLF, when it comes to the love story, the guy falls in love with her being exactly who she is. No more or less. There are so many stories about the ugly duckling who manages to be seen after becoming a swan, and yet there it was, a story that showed that the duckling didn’t have to be anything else to be deserving of love and happiness.
Watching her we went through all ranges of emotion. I remember closing my eyes as I tried to watch her going through her first ‘transformation’ and the disaster it was. I remember feeling joy for her, for having such a good friend in Nicolas and such loving parents. I remember watching Armando as he was, having his feelings change little by little, all while she became an essential part of his life and work. And then, watching expectantly as we had to go through the awful plan he and Mario came up with and all the repercussions that would come of it. I remember thinking that JEA had to be a pretty great actor and that Armando had to be very well-written otherwise it would be impossible to feel anything but disgust for him and what he did. And then watching him fall for Betty utterly and completely. I remember sharing her fury and thirst for revenge when she found the letter. And then drinking up on every interaction between the two of them, knowing what she knew and waiting for the bomb to go off. And then to watch Armando go through hell and lose everything that meant something to him, and Betty trying to pick up the pieces of herself and survive the worst of times. And finally her triumphal return and what would soon enough lead her to a happy ending.
Last year, when we got the news of the remake and the OG was made available on streaming, I watched it once again and felt all those things all over again. But now, almost two decades later, with a very different understanding. I still loved every minute of it, but there were things I would have liked to be different.
Like many soaps, as soon as the main couple manages to patch things up it’s a quick jump to the expected happy ending, and while I fully expected Betty to get one, I couldn’t help but wonder, how a relationship could ever work after such a thing. Sure we knew Armando’s feelings were real and there, and all of that way before Betty, the ugly was made beautiful. But she didn’t. How could she truly forgive and trust someone who managed to betray her trust and make her go through hell as a result of deliberate actions? I would have liked to see more of it. It’s the one thing I don’t particularly enjoy in so many love stories and most soaps. How they are always in such a hurry to end the story as if by being together there was nothing else to be told about these characters and their relationship. Oh the potential wasted by their need of getting to the wedding and a baby on the finish line.
And then, much to my surprise, they decide that there’s more to tell. That the story didn’t have to finish there. [Yes, I’m aware of ‘Ecomoda’ just as I’m aware of the universal consent that it never managed to do justice to the characters we loved and cared for. Which is why, I think, the sequel now also made the choice of ignoring it.]
So now I’ve watched the first four episodes. And I have thoughts I would very much like to share and discuss. Things that I don’t particularly like, but understand. Things I wish had been done differently. Things I absolutely love. But this post feels already much too long. For now, I just want to say, I never expected the sequel to be perfect or to perfectly preserve what the OG managed to perform. But I’m genuinely happy we get to see Betty again. And to be able to laugh and cry with her, with all of them. 
It takes me back and it fills me with expectation for what’s yet to come.
Is it Friday yet?
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childofsardior · 1 month
Sorry if u feel like I'm a harassment I just love koopas just like u but what is the most unusual thing about each koopalings body? (Just curious 😅)
Hello again!
Do not worry, you are not an harassment ^w^ I appreciate your asks, and I am glad you are curious abt my HC/AU to the point of asking me all these interesting questions about my Koopas x3
So, let's start!
In my AU, all the Koopalings + Jr have some quirks due to their mother's peculiar bloodline. In fact, all of them have some charateristic not present in most Tarrasquins (Bowser included).
Quirks they all share:
Ludwig, Lemmy, Roy, Wendy, Larry and Junior all have some colorful and shiny small scales around the body. These crystal-like scales match the Koopa's shell color, exception made for Junior who's special scales are bright red, like his hair. Morton and Iggy are the only exception, the first having a natural armor made by hard scaled-plaques and the latter having an outgrowth of green scales on his shoulders, arms, knees and tail, that give him a spiky appearance.
All of them, except for Jr, breath colorful fire. Again, the color of each Koopaling fire is the same of their shell, and when they fight with their wands, of their magic.
And talking about colors, almost the whole bunch have natural hair colors that do not match with the common Dragon-Turtles natural hair (basically red, brunette, blonde, black and a few other); their peculiar hair color looks like is connected with "magic", somehow...
Most unusual body quirk about each one:
Ludwig: He has got a tail fluff made of feathers and one of the rarest Royal Fang patterns (single central fang, along with two future lateral Royal Fangs), but the most curious think about his body is probably related to his weight and his innate agility in the air.
He is in fact way lighter than you could expect looking at him and more agile than most Tarrasquins of his size; he takes advantage of this swifting in the air and being able - thanks to his battle and magic training - to even float for a short while if needed. They say it has something to do with his shell, being way less heavy than the average Royal Koopa's one. Weirdest thing of all, he can naturally walk on clouds like only winged or air-related-creatures can do (in my HC). This is why he's the one that usually lead attacks to the various fractions of the Cloud & Sky Kingdoms. All these detail seem to naturally connect his nature to some kind of sky being or flying creature of some sort...
Lemmy: Some peculiar traits about him are the three big feathers at the end of his tail (that he dye, exactly like his hair), and the total lack of Royal Fangs - he only got "normal" fangs, usually hidden under his lips. But the real quirk here is his height.
Compared to other Tarrasquins of his age (17 in my HC), Lemmy is tiny. Very tiny. And him having a quite androgynous and soft appearance doesn't help: he's often mistaken as a "kid" by people around him. It is currently unknown in the family why Lemmy is so short. The palace doctors hypotized at first that Lemmy could be just affected by some kind of dwarfism or something similar, but this idea was later discarded. In recent years his brother Iggy came up with a couple of new hypothesis, one being Lemmy's unknown father some sort of Koopa Troopa/Common Koopa or a similar, small creature like that (since none of them know their father and they do not even know if they all share one) - and this would explain his unusual shortness. Just recently Iggy thought about another possibility: he claimed that Lemmy's body looks like it is refusing to grow. It tries to, but for some unknown reason something gets in the way and slowes down the whole process. Since Tarrasquins are related to dragons, and dragons bodies can adapt or even change in some situations (in my HC), Iggy's basically theorizing that Lemmy's inconscious but blatant fear of growing up and "becoming adult", his fear of responsabilities (and maybe some other important realization that he's currently hiding from his family) are currently preventing him to... "grow". Or at least, grow bigger. Lemmy has mixed feelings about the whole situation, but he surely is the nimblest, most agile and fastest sibling among the whole squad.
Another relevant quirk about Lemmy's body is his unexpected cold resistance. Tarrasquins are half dragons but also half reptiles, and usually they don't enjoy temperatures that are too low. But Lemmy is a living exception: he could literally play all day in the snow without a jacket and would be perfectly fine. Cold places are actually his favorites!
Roy: Talking about bodies and heights and wheights, Roy is probably the one that fits perfectly the description for an average Tarrasquin of his age, health and gender. But he got some curious traits, too. His big shoulders show a double set of big scales, and some tiny spikes have recently sprouted on the top of his head - but no sign of horns yet. He also happens to have heterochromia (one eye is blue, the other is partially pinkish-red), but he hides this trait most of the times with his shades.
The most unusual thing about him is his pink head/shoulders scales. Spontaneous color mutations are a common thing in my HC Mario World, and this happens to Tarrasquins as well. His pink scales could be hinherited from an older relative witht the same mutation or have been just appeared for the first time in his bloodline. He also has some pink details around his shell, in a similar way his almost-twin-sister Wendy has some purple ones.
Iggy: Iggy may seem bizarre in various ways, his weird hairstlye first of all - but it's just his hair being naturally green and his sense of style being quite peculiar. Palm/pineapple hairstyle aside, our green Tarrasquin has some harder and pointier scales on his shoulders, arms and legs, along with some tiny spikes on his tail. Despite this apparent natural armor, he's quite weak and the one that always gets sick. His body can't also process meat very well for unknown reasons, leading him to a mostly vegetarian diet - lukily he's also probably the only one along with Morton that actually enjoys greens. His siblings joke about it claming that it's due his unusual diet for a Tarrasquin (that are mostly carnivourous) that Iggy is so long yet so slim and muscle-less. It's probably unrelated, and Iggy is just naturally tall. Roy also claims his passion for vegetables led him to "become one" - a carrot, specifically. His fire is also the weakest of the family, but it tends to create a lot of green smoke that's hard to navigate during fights.
The most curious thing about him is definitely his eyes. Aside of being almost blind without his custom glasses, Iggy's irises are separated from the pupils, giving him a crazy look. Nobody seems to have an explanation for it yet...
Wendy: Wendy hasn't many unusual traits for a Tarrasquin around her body, except made for the crystal-like scales she shares with the others, pink-colored in her case (some of them are curiously heart-shaped, too) and some purple-pinkish scales on her harms and legs, resembling in a way her almost-twin-brother Roy's pink head/shoulders scales. But, unlike most of her siblings, her natural hair color do not match her shell color - she got very light brown/blonde hair.
Even more noticeably, she doesn't have green head/shoulder scales, but yellow-golden ones, very similar to the ones that cover the rest of her body. This trait is often seen in Plain Tarrasquins more than in Vulcanic Tarrasquins, a detail that, along with their lack of horns in young age, could maybe point to the Koopalings origins...
Morton: First of all, Morton's peculiar color. His darker appearance seems to be a result of a partial melanism, a trait that is not very uncommon in Tarrasquins - especially in the Vulcanic subspecies. It is said that Bowser's father himself, the "Empereor of all the Koopas", suffers a similar color mutation. He also got a star-shaped birthmark on the left side of his face, once again a rare-but-not-too-rare type of birthmark that happen in my HC SM world.
Coloration aside, Morton's natural resilience is the real mystery. His whole body is covered with big scales the color of gray-brow, with even harder and bigger scale-plaques protecting his arms, legs and tail. This whole protection can take almost any type of non-magical damage, and this is why Morton is always put on the melee formation of fights. Curiously enough, Morton's resiliance can also be found in his impeccable health and his stomach - not only he could eat a buffalo on his own if hungry enough, along with Larry probably, but he is also resistant to poisonous food and toxins - the lethal ones will only kaing him sick for a while, and the non-lethal ones will take quite a long time and a big dose to work, as it happened during the Malatone Formula:X crisis. Least but not last, he's the second more cold-resistant Koopaling after Lemmy and the one that in general can resist the most extreme weathers without blinking.
Larry: Larry is young enough to do not have shown particoular quirks yet, except for a few. Most of all, his light-blue crystal-like little scales form the shape of a star on the left side of his head, making him one of the two "Star Kids" of the family - along with Morton and his birthmark. The idea of showing his shiny blue star was one of the main reasons that led him to try out and then adopt his current hairstyle. Another thing to mention, that could be connected with his age, is his eternal hunger. He could eat dozens of cookie and chips boxes in a single evening, all by himself, and he will likely do if left unsupervised.
There is not much more to say about Larry, yet. Except for... maybe... that time he was swimming alone and tried to dive to get a shiny-something at the bottom of the sea but then he found himself too deep-down and ran out of breath and... he was... was he suddenly breathing underwater? None of his siblings believe him, and he is too afraid to try it again. Will we ever know...?
Bowser Jr.: This one is easy. Junior looks very much like how Bowser used to when he was a kid; he's basically a mini-Bowser in appearance, nothing more and nothing less... or so they all thought until the recent years. Junior eyes, for example, are slowing turning blue (Royal Koopa's eyes change color from deep brown/black to their final color starting from 9/10 years old), like his siblings. Plus, he also got the shining small scales scattered around his body, of a bright red. His shell is green like the King's, but some red details can be seen getting more and more visible as he grows up.
The most curious thing about him is probably his fire. He developed a strong fire way faster than any of his siblings, and it's getting stronger and stronger year after year. Kamek claims that, at this peace, Junior's fire will probably become the hottest of the whole bunch, and could even surpass Bowser's destructive fire when Jr. will be old enough.
Aaaand here you go! I had to think about it for a while, but now you should be aware of the most interesting facts about the Royal Koopa siblings' bodies that came to my mind - as always, refering to my personal HC/AU!
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lightns881 · 3 years
AL question: is george gonna get any more powerful? i found it a bit odd that so many people could block out his telepathy despite him being a level IV psychic, and ig with dream i understand bc of ~dnf~ reasons. but so many other characters can too??? it could also just be because he's had like zero training but idk. also i just think it'd be pretty badass if george was like mega-powerful, but that'd kinda ruin the whole plot lmao. OOH ALSO [cue rant] i had always wondered: why are psychics so feared in this world???? can't most only just levitate shit and maybe slightly be able to read people's minds???? but then you mentioned something about george flying and i got confused, so i did a ton of research (bc im a nerd), specifically about telekinesis/telepathy, and i found out that THEY ARE SO FUCKING COOL????? HELLO?????? i found this like whole wiki page about telekinesis (i totally recommend you check it out it's awesome) and let me tell you, i was FLABBERGASTED. LIKE HOLY SHIT???? GEORGE COULD POTENTIALLY WARP REALITY OR BECOME FUCKING IMMORTAL IF HE WANTED TO, IS THAT NOT THE COOLEST?????? now ofc, i have no idea how powerful you're gonna make george, and this not me trying to convince you to change your story. obviously you're the author here, i'm merely just an excited reader. BUT HOLY SHIT TELEKINESIS IS NOT TO BE FUCKED WITH (and neither is george for that matter). anyways yea, i hope you enjoyed my massive rant. i usually only get this excited abt stuff when i'm blown away by its quality, so keep up that amazing work! <3
The answer is a resounding: YES! It's not so much that he's going to get more powerful but that he's going to gain more control of his abilities. The whole thing about superpowers is often that even if someone might have a lot of power, it doesn't necessarily mean they can channel it. The more power you have, the harder it is to use in a stable manner. Think of it in terms of skill. More skill means you apply it to more things and in different ways—ballet at a beginners level isn't an intensive as professional ballet, etc. Type I Psychics only levitate things, and that's basically it for more Psychics. And if you think about it, you're right. They're not as dangerous as they're made out to be, but ultimately, discrimination doesn't necessarily revolve around logic. Throughout history, humans have outcasted groups of people for reasons that make no sense all solely to have a power dynamic that makes them most powerful. Essentially, it boils down to human psychology, but before I go off, I'll just let the story speak for itself because there will be a lot more of that in Elysium :] I'm a huge psychology nerd aha!
And in terms of the superhero wikia (and the many variants) which I know what you're talking about since it is where I go to for all my superpower info needs, I've been using it since I started this universe back when I was like 15 lmaooo! I LOVE IT!!! I can't say that all the powers are the same because a lot of times it boils down to adaptation. The EM universe doesn't portray as crazy as some of the powers in the wiki, but it's a great source to use when looking for inspiration on how to come up with what kind of powers you want to incorporate into the world, etc. It makes me so happy to you took the time to look into it! I am a HUGE superhero nerd! X-men, Teen Titans, MCU, Arrowverse, DCU shows—I've had hyperfixations everywhere so I just kind of bundled up all my knowledge into a Thanos-level glove to use when I can for the EM universe because it's my baby. Though if I were to compare it, I'd fall most closely related to the X-men because they dealt with a lot of discrimination-based things that to young me was FASCINATING. It's why this universe basically revolves around it since human nature has always been the most fascinating thing to me. Man, I love psychology. Anyway, sorry for the rant, you got me very excited.
Super pumped to share the first chapter of Elysium on December 24th!!! Thank you for the ask and for making me smile and giggle so hard so early in the morning haha! <3
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papers4me · 3 years
You got to the most problematic ship in Furuba, Katsuya and Kyoko. The fandom is always fighting about them.
She was 14 when they met and 16 when they got together. I have no problem with age differences between adults but Kyoko was too young and he was in a position of power as her teacher. In real life this would be so gross. Since it's fiction I don't care as much and since I love Kyoko and we already knew her marriage was happy and I want her to be happy the story made me not hate them as much as I would in other circumstances (but Katsuya still creepy).
A lot of people hopes they will make changes in the adaptation but I'm pretty sure they won't for the same reasons you mentioned.
Now I will be waiting for your review of the last part of Kyoko's story, chapters 92 and 93 are one of my favourite parts of the manga.
Could you imagine the discussions once the spinoff airs?
It will be heated! & it would be hard to argue cuz they're right in feeling grossed of katsuya & hating the couple, while the others would be right in just enjoying a fleeting fictional story~ but off course there would be others who would feel the need to defend their pov.
I say dont defend anything nor get worked up. if you wanna say ur opinion say it & accept that others don't agree & move on~
I just hope ppl dont go around other ppl's accounts /blogs & lecture them or attack them for stating their opinion. Real life has enough fights, lol. let imaginary world exists in peace~
Katsuya & kyoko's age gap is one of the grossest I've ever read & yeah he is so in control of the whole situation ever since his first appearance. Never lost control for once. creeeepy. eww! still, I guess he did " save" her tho. From being lost once again, becoming even more violent or restoring to selling herself for food or.... or~~~
He provided whatever she needed, they become happy & he did treat her with kindness, so~~~ not the best love story but I cant deny it kinda worked for her.
I haven't read the chapters of his death yet, but I do know that the next chapters (92-93) are what traumatized tohru for good! Perhaps, katsuya's plays a role somehow? I duno. I'll read it & review it.
Thank you lovely anon for looking forward to my posts & reading them<3. Thank you more for talking to me & discussing ur opinion<3. Glad you you were able to enjoy kyoko's story regardless of what you felt was creepy<3. Ppl's ability to overlook annoying aspects differ. some might get over it quickly, others might loose interest altogether cuz of it. both are fine~
I'm guilty of being more interested in tohru than kyoko! lol. I just wanna know what made tohru who she is! To me, the journey of her parents are exposition for tohru's character structure & why she is who she is~ so, I'll bet everything they did mattered in her character!
I bet next chapters will be way better!
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aslibekroglu · 3 years
Okay, what another AMAZING episode!! I'm seriously impressed with the writers for keeping me hook week after week. So, there was so many things I loved, I'm just gonna list them.
1.CanSel were seriously cute!! After weeks of angst I'm glad they got cute and teasing moments
2.Canan and Akgün!! That scene in the kitchen! When she told him he'd always have a plate at their table. Oh man, I almost burst into tears along with Akgün
3.Soner and Akgün's fight. That scene seriously made me tear up. It sucks because Soner does have a point. People will always judge them and be wary of them. Alperen is seriously such a GOOD actor. The way he was visibly flinching from Sober 's words. And his utter devastation clear on his face. That's the first time he's let his emotions completely take over. Usually he's able to control himself. Even Yağmur was sort of shocked to see him like that
4.Selim telling Akgün about his childhood. And Akgün listening to him attentively like a child. You could tell the story resonated with him because it's so similar to him. And then at the end slyly asking about the university lol. I really want Akgün to go back to college
5.The dinner scene LMAO. Akgün looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him whole, Yağmur with her sarcasm, and Canan sitting back and enjoying the show
6.Finally Akmur. What can I say about them?? They were absolute PERFECTION!! Alperen and Hafsanur are soo good together!!!Their cute secret meeting, Akgün dropping her off to school, jealous Akgün striking again lol. Him introducing her to his dad. Yağmur being shy, she's adorable. I feel like we were robbed of the full kiss. Idk how I feel about the proposal. Like I'm happy but they're still too young
Oh and last thing Akgün running after Selim is calling for him. LMAOOO, the way I rewinded that several times. Meme worthy!
Sorry if this got too long. I'll try to control myself next time
Lolll do not even worry about controlling yourself, you are 1000% free to go wild in my askbox 😂😂😂
Cansel was adorable in this ep. I am voluntarily choosing to forget that part where he insulted her ability as a lawyer, but everything else was cute! That part near the end, before their meeting with that mafia guy, when Selim was staring at her and she pushed his head away, absolutely adorableeeee.
That Canan and Akgün scene had me tearing up!!! I love their scenes so much! I know y’all like to say that Alperen does not look 20 years old, but in those scenes with Canan, he becomes so childlike and polite and innocent. Idk I feel like it’s believable in those moments.
Oooof, that fight with Soner and Akgün was sooo sad. Soner really verbalized all of Akgün’s worst fears in that moment. And poor Soner, like he’s scared to follow Akgün down this path because he feels like he doesn’t deserve to change, that he’s trash and he’ll always be trash. Not only that, but comments on youtube convinced me that part of the reason why he reacted in that way was because he’s scared Akgün’s going to leave him behind. Like he said, they’re all each other has. He feels like if Akgün actually changes and is actually accepted by Selim and his family, then he would have no one and would really be all alone. So-nerrrrr bby! Also, on a lighter note, how adorable was Akgün about the club in this episode??? He was just so excited and he was taking it so seriously and was so hopeful!! I loved seeing him like that!!
Oh my god that dinner scene had me dead!!!! It was so awkward and uncomfortable and HILARIOUS!!!
Akmur’s flirty-ness was at an all-time high during this episode, I could not believe!!! And Akgün at Yağmur’s school, showin up and showin out in front of everyone, trying to let them know that she’s taken. UNBELIEVABLEEEE! HE’S SO ANNOYINGGGG 😂😂😂😂 And Akgün introducing her to his dad had me crying. When his dad said that Akgün was right and that she’s as beautiful as his mother, oh my god. I couldn’t handle it.
Now the proposal. At first, when I watched it live and without translations, all I could really get from Akgün and Selim’s conversation was that Selim’s past was similar to Akgün’s and then he met Canan, changed his life and went to law school for her, and then proposed early on in their relationship. So, when Akgün proposed I understood that he was kinda following in Selim’s footsteps, but I still couldn’t help but feel like it was all a little out of nowhere and too fast. After, watching with the subtitles, it really made so much sense why he proposed. Like he is literally in the same position that Selim described. He’s scared of the kind of person he is/his past, he’s having a hard time adapting to this new version of himself, and what did Selim say helped him overcome it? Canan. So, of course Akgün’s going to think, well if Canan was Selim’s savior, then Yağmur is mine, of course he’s going to propose. So on one hand, I do still think that it’s way too fast (like damn can they go on a normal date first before we get to the kız isteme???!), but on the other, I am incredibly emotional over the fact that Yağmur is Akgün’s miracle and that Akgün genuinely wants to spend the rest of his life with her. And since he has every intention on telling Selim, I am so interested in seeing how that’s going to go in this next episode. Although, I am wondering if Yağmur even says yes to Akgün’s proposal. I mean she’s got plans for her life and wants to have a career and become a lawyer and everything (not to say that marriage and a career are mutually exclusive or anything), plus her parents got married young and she knows how that turned out for them, specifically for her mother. I just wonder if all of that will be a factor in her decision.
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2! 6! 10! 13-14; 24; 44-45; and 49!! Please do whatever amount you are comfortable with - but I'm glad you've decided to receive questions from this numbered post too!
Man you just went absolutely nuts with this one, huh  Nice.
THIS GOT LONG; I’m gonna try to put it under a cut but you know how Tumblr.Hell has been to me, lately.  Maybe it’s in protest about all the horny content I’ve been writing.
Things that motivate you.
I’m always super stoked when I read something really good, or see an interesting scene in a film or show!  Whenever I see or hear an idea that goes “wow, that’s such a fresh and intense element of horror”, I get a really strong urge to work.  Sometimes it’s enough to make me throw all priority out the window as I struggle to capture an idea before it gets away from me, which is why y’all still haven’t seen that god damn Narancia fic.  I’m working on it, I swear.
It goes without saying, but knowing that people enjoyed something I wrote--especially if I’m insecure about it--also makes me really happy, and I get another burst of energy to write something for people.  Comment on fics, guys!  Tell authors you like their stuff!  You’ll get more!
How did writing change you?
I consider things more analytically and find myself trying to work out how I’d describe a particular emotion, or sensation or experience.  It’s also given me a better appreciation for the work of others!  I tend to pick up on things I like or dislike about a work and better articulate why I feel that way, and then dissect the author’s approach and their strengths in conveying things.  It’s like an English class, but far more fun!
How do you do your researches?
I get the idea for a fic, sit down and write it, and then as I start describing how a character’s thrown through a wall go “...wait a moment.  Would drywall realistically be used in the construction of a house at this place and time?”, which turns into an hour-long rabbit hole where I learn all about Midwestern architecture instead of writing.  Other times I’m dissatisfied with my own understanding of things and have to spend some time running several iterations of a medical (sometimes suspicious) question to get accounts from people who experienced the injury, or a doctor’s opinion on what’s likely to happen.  FBI Agent-chan, I promise I’m not actually going to feed someone lye!  I just want to know some things about what would happen,  if I theoretically did.  Theoretically.
Hardest character to write?
*Narancia materializes behind my shoulder like the ghost of a murdered Victorian child*
...good characters.  I should say, it’s incredibly difficult for me to write heart-of-gold ultra goodboys like Okuyasu as the antagonist of a horror fic!  There are characters who are generally good-aligned but are more than willing to get their hands dirty to get a job done, and there are characters I just really have a hard time seeing hurt people, so I avoid them if I can’t think of a good angle.  I can’t--maybe won’t, it’s all the same thing with my Hell Fuck Brain--write something if it doesn’t feel in character, and I avoid doing pure/straight fluff on this blog.
Easiest character to write?
KIRA.  I used to be pretty interested in true crime and serial killers (a fact that should surprise absolutely nobody), and of all JJBA’s villains he’s very...human, in the way that we have plenty of real-life people with his motivations and deeds, if not his exploding housecat.  I really enjoy dissecting his psychology, because he exposes a lot about his worldview in only a few interactions with women.  Anyway, writing him comes very easily to me, because I understand him.
Favorite scene you’ve ever written?
Why, Anon, I don’t know what you mean!  I love all my scenes equally!
*later* ...I don’t care much for [you’ll never know]
I actually had to think about this one for a moment, because I actually don’t think about my scenes too much once I’m done with them.  Always looking to the next thing to write, I guess lmao.  If I had to pick a favorite, though, I’d definitely say it’s the Doppio scene.  I’ve got a soft spot for that one because of the research that went into it (that ultimately ended up meaning VERY little lmao) and the muted horror and agony that I think really defined what I wanted to do with this blog.  I think I tended to veer more towards psychological horror than body horror since then....until this month, anyway.  Lmao.
Do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it?
It’s very difficult for me to start a fic ‘in the middle’.  If I’ve got a good middle bit, I’ll sit on it and sit on it until I think of a good way to get there, and it’s not until I have the beginning that I actually start.  Not because I want to, that’s just how my brain works lmao.  I tend to keep most of my writing in my head (drafts WHO?  Outlines WHAT?  Don’t know her, bitch!), so the future scenes I have just stay there and keep developing until I’ve got the scope of the fic all set.
Share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet.
"Company Man”
Haha, what if I wrote a Modern/Office AU...just kidding...
unless...?  Trouble-prone Reader-Chan is a new hire at Brando and Associates, where they discover a whole new definition of ‘cutthroat’ as they immediately get enmired in brutal office politics of unbelievable scope.  The salary’s great, but the workload is...shall we say, murder.
Writing advice?
Play Dnd.  Specifically, run DnD...or any tabletop storytelling game, really, there are plenty of systems that focus on storytelling and don’t really care about dice.  I understand that this might require you to be a little more social than the advice you were expecting, but doing so is going to really help you with:
Flexibility.  You must adapt to what your players unexpectedly do--there’s no way to prepare for every outcome--and still make a story that’s coherent and interesting.  You have to learn that your characters--not your plot--is the king of your story, and sometimes they’re going to take things in a direction you didn’t plan on.  ‘Yes, and’ or ‘Yes, but’ is going to become your best friends, and this strategy will be a big help when you feel like you’re in a writing roadblock because your characters won’t do this or that!  
Feedback.  A story has to be engaging first, deep and profound or whatever second.  Players will be able to immediately tell you ‘hey, this is fun’ or ‘hey, this isn’t cool’, and by playing with different people you’ll be able to catch weaknesses in your storytelling style sooner, and also get a better feel for what you just enjoy doing.
Also, write.  Even if it’s bad.  There’s a post on tumblr with this example, but it’s better to make a hundred shitty pots and improve each time than it is to wait and make a really good pot that could have been way better with the time you spent waiting to perfect it.
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lunebinnie · 6 years
(1/11)Oh my gosh yesss I'm glad that you like long messages too because I talk way too much 😂 (And yeah about my friend and just hanging out w/ her more that's exactly what I was thinking 😂) It's actually kind of funny bc just yesterday I was hanging out at her house and her younger brother needed to go to Walmart and I was like 'I've been meaning to go to Walmart, I'll take you' and ofc since I have a bluetooth radio adapter the whole drive I had my Spotify going with some quality k-bops, lol
2)And as we were driving I noticed him kind of jamming and I was like 'Oh my god Mickey do you actually like this???' And he was Like 'yeah, these are some good bops 👍' I was shooketh. I had to go home before I had the chance to show him any music videos but he says he's open to watching some with me next time I see him. One way or another I'm going to turn someone in my social circle into a kpop fan you mark my words ☝ and then maybe we can team up and try to work on his sister some more 😂
3)I only started first getting into kpop last June so I'm still very new, but it's definitely super frustrating how so many ppl act like it's an inherently bad or cringey genre of music just bc it's kpop! The stigma is ridiculous! I also started out with BTS (lol) and since they're pretty popular in the US at least I was able to be like 'See, this isn't just a niche thing, lots of people know abt and like this group' but of course my dad still says 'Just cause it's popular doesn't make it good'
4)And I'm like? You're a band teacher, you of all people should understand that music doesn't have to be in your native language (or even have lyrics) in order for you to enjoy it, but go off I guess... It's the same with one of my college friends. They make fun of me for liking kpop but this is coming from some who still treats March 22nd (the day My Chemical Romance broke up) as a day of mourning. Like, no tea no shade no pink lemonade, MCR was a good band nothing wrong with liking them.
5)But like if you're 22 and you still haven't grown out of your emo phase do you really have room to pick on other people for their music taste?  🤷 Anyway that's the person who follows my main that I didn't want to know I had a kpop sb. I think I made it around July. Tbh it was pretty dead for most of 2018. But like I said I've started using it way more since I recently revealed that it exists, lol. Especially since that good good Astro cb 👏💗😩 But honestly Astro is such a blessing
6)Idk how I lived so long w/o them. When I first got into kpop I was planning on just sticking to BTS since the reaction to me being into kpop was so volatile. I was like 'I'm only into one group, ppl already are negative about me liking kpop so I'm just gonna stick to this and not become a full on multifandom fan' and then in Nov I accidentally let myself fall in love with Monsta X and that plan was foiled. And realizing I wasn't gonna be able to stick to just one anymore opened the floodgates
7)And I was like okay in that case, let's just start getting into *all groups* Lol. My story of getting into Astro was actually bc of my best friend's roommate (can you tell I have like one friend and my whole social circle kinda revolves around her? Lol) so this roommate when she heard me being sad about having no kpop friends was like 'oh hey, I'm kinda into kpop' and it turns out she didn't like very many groups and was one of the ppl who blah blah BTS is overrated, which ya know isn't ideal8)But I was just really desperate to have someone to talk about kpop with. And Astro was her favorite so I was like, okay I'll get into them so that I have something to talk about with her! So I started watching some videos and I fell in love with them pretty much instantly! And I was real excited bc #1 now I can talk about kpop with someone! And #2 this group is actually amazing? Bonus! ... And then they got in a big fight about their living conditions and the roommate ended up moving out RIP
9)So that didn't work out, lol (Your story about finding them during that internship sounds amazing though! Haha) But yeah, so this is my first cb too! And although I love them w/ my whole heart and would have loved to have them in my life even sooner what an amazing cb to be your first! The concept was wonderful, the album was excellent, the visuals were to *die* for. They worked so hard and I'm so proud of them and I'm so happy we got to see their work come to fruition and get them a win 🤧🤧
10)The dance practices though? You're so right omg 💗 Me and my Rocky bias *fully* understand 😂 All of them are such good dancers?? I never fail to be impressed. Of course you know who I always end up watching tho 👀 lol (̶i̶f̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶l̶f̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶R̶o̶c̶k̶y̶'̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶o̶t̶w̶o̶r̶k̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶a̶l̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶e̶y̶e̶s̶.̶.̶.̶)̶ ̶ I also love how at the end they always pause all dramatic for a minute and then start screaming 😂
11)It's like? Amazing talent *and* dorky personalities? What more could you ask for? Lol. In regard to your last question though Unfortunately I also won't be able to see them 😔 I live in the smack middle of the US and since they're only going to coasts all of the venues are way too far away to get to. Esp since it's the school year and I can't skip class to drive cross country for a concert much as I'd like to (Holy lord I talked over twice as much?? Why am I like this?) Talk again soon! -ASA
Okay SO I’m very sorry I haven’t had the time to answer everything until now bc I’ve been busy studying for midterms and also I was a lil trashy today since my uni closed bc of freezing rain so I slept in but I’m glad that FINALLY everything got sent like damn tumblr you really don’t want us making friends huh. 
Yessssss I love the feeling of seeing someone else also get into the same interests! I’ve been pretty lucky in the sense that I grew up around mostly other asian americans, so kpop was never something that was considered super “weird,” like some people were into it and some weren’t but even if you weren’t you still would’ve been familiar with the more popular groups from when you were younger. Even now, I have a bunch of friends also into kpop (one of them is even my roommate) so tbh I was definitely the one in my friend group late to the party aha. Even my university hosts kpop nights at our bar and I’m pretty sure we have a kpop dance team as well? So tbh if I met someone new there’s probably like a 50% chance they’re into kpop or at least listen casually. 
Tbh I used to be a little bit judgy too but moreso because of the obscene amount of money I’ve seen some of my friends spend (no joke one of my friends has spent probably like $500+ on Loona stuff in the past month and a half and another friend bought like 5 copies of the same album for herself like damn idk how do you have that much money).
I also really don’t like it when people bash other people’s music tastes, since I feel like it’s something so personal? Idk but for a long time I used to be really self conscious about sharing my music with other people and even now I feel like that sometimes. For me after getting into BTS I kind of expected to get really into other groups since I was in Korea anyway and I was already listening to a lot of other artists casually. For me it started with NU’EST (fell for them immediately at the same concert that I saw Astro at) and then after was Astro, and then I just started slowly getting into other groups after that (even though I haven’t totally been able to get into Got7′s music they’re SO funny and I just kinda fell for their personalities  you know). 
I honestly think that they did such a wonderful job with this comeback too! I like seeing their concept evolve and mature but they’re not straying too far from their original cute concept so I feel like it’s a nice middle ground that’s very unique to them, you feel? Also I feel like the visuals especially and the execution of the whole plant concept was just done so well?? Even my friend who’s not in kpop was like “k idk who they are but that was the prettiest music video I’ve ever seen”. What are your favourite eras and songs? For me I’d have to say either the Spring Up or Baby era BUT right now my favourite song is probably Again/Should’ve Held On though tbh my mood and my tastes change like every few weeks loool. 
I have no idea why I tend to be most attracted to the dances rather than vocals or rap (maybe has to do with the fact that it’s something I’ve always wished I could do but have always been bad at lmao). But Astro’s stood out to me for the exact same reason! I just thought it was so funny seeing them all break character at the end because you really get to see how hard their choreos are and you get a glimpse of their personalities like damn, how can you not stan these dummies?
That’s really unfortunate that you won’t get to see them either :/ They’re also coming to the closest city to me but it’s on a Tuesday, but I *hypothetically* looked up flight prices and tried to see if I could get away with just missing a day of classes if I flew back in the middle of the night since I have some friends who did the same thing and drove down to Buffalo but I seem to have underestimated the size of New York State LMAO. But apparently my university’s too far from the airport so it’s “not realistic” (and also I’m hella broke from travelling to Taiwan and Japan while I was in Korea but that’s a minor issue ig). I hope we do both get a chance to see them live though! Who knows, after the success of this comeback I’m expecting a lot more cbs and world tours out of them ;)
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anarchistbitch · 3 years
hiiii, I'm back, sorry I took so long, i was gonna reply earlier but i had hw and so that I wouldnt procrastinate I told myself I wouldnt reply until I got it done and then when I did it I was tired af and fell asleep and then it slipped my mind, sorry sorry sorry
first off, a song rec Quizás, Quizás, Quizás by Andrea Bocelli and Jennifer López
I'm glad you had a great republic day♡ love me those independence celebration holidays
thank you for the link <3 and yeah, you're right, she worked on it so it should be good, i just have trust issues lmao
ah mbj, mbj, it's the same with moshang bc you see the fandom constantly talking about them but then you read the book and ???? where are they???? goes to show our love for them ig
YES definitely, it was SO easy to forget how powerful he really was bc he was just kind of going around being ~annoying and quirky~ that also happens with the whole book itself I think, cause it has a lot more humor than the others but the things happening are just as fucked up and painful
new hc: there was another person involved when binghe was conceived
they should just exaggerate sqq's inner monologue about how binghe is gonna kill him and all that, if shen yuan could convince himself of heterosexuality I'm sure they can convince the censors
I become a puddle of tears whenever I think of gongyi xiao, he was just a good boy and yeah, your sibling had a galaxy brain moment, they're so right
they're literally the "bro get your dog" "it dont bite" "yes it do" vine, he's sqq's (and our) little meow meow
I adore cbaw toooooo, it's so beautiful and nice, def a comfort read, and SJSJSJS ikkkkk, I understand they were trying to show that they looked so much alike but damnbro sjsnznsnsn
noooooooo, I actually love the watermark??? idk I just think it's charming, I made sure it was still visible sjdjsjsj my editing was basically adding more sky so I didnt have to crop anything out
I did see and I couldn't agree more ksdjdjsjsjsj this week was so tiring???? I dont even know why but everyone I talked to seemed so exhausted already, on thursday we got the day off bc we changed president and the ceremony was taking place that day (we just got our first ever woman president btw, she had so many good campaign promises, here's to hoping she sticks to them) but we'd just been back for three days and everyone was celebrating the day off as if we were three months in, seriously
thanks to having our day off I didnt have my second class with ms devil, first day was just introductions and going over syllabus so thursday was gonna be our real first class but monday I wont be able to escape my fate any longer
dont apologize for rambling, I do love reading what you have to say 😌💖
about your ps, 😳💍 might be a bit soon but will you marry me??
good luck on your classes and make sure to rest and eat properly!!
between the both of us i have a worse reply timing so pls dont apologize😭😭 also good for you for completing your hw!!
ive only listened to a few of jlo's songs and the song does give that vibe of wanting to be with each other but being able to due to whatever reason .the guitar in the song is really well played too!!
Song rec for ya: Never tear us apart by INXS (yea the song from euphoria s2 ep3😔 i dont know if youve watched it but this song is really so so good)
and yea i dont you blame you for the trust issues lol so many good books/comics have gone through.. tremendous changes when being adapted. but hey nellie is there!!
moshang is THE ship cause he really married his blorbo 😭😭 and isnt it enough? to create the perfect man? and marry him ?? speaking of sqh. whats ur thought on cumplane👀👀 i have a few hc's that they were together before transmigration but never told each other about PIDW. like a mr & mrs smith au but the being-agents is them hating each other on socmed.
ykw? su xiyan deserves two partners😤
gongyi xiao🥺🥺 when i tell you i cried when i saw him in the donghua. in another au where lbh is a disciple of huan hua i feel like they would been besties or at least have certain respect for e/o.
binghe is also sqh's meow meow <3
cbaw was such a great manhua and im so sad its ending but the drama is airing in a few weeks!!! also the next chapter is of their honeymoon 😳😳
heres hoping to a political term with no bad happenings and many progressive actions 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
everyone is so tired and idk if its cause of the weather or its that the vibes™ . but so many things are gonna happen in a few weeks and then months including my graduation to the next year(my teacher is a little shit and im stubborn i will literally graduate just to spite her)
celebrate ur days off!!! its literally so cold and i havent been out at all(covid restrictions back on and also my family member is high risk)
school is depressing as fuck but one thing i kinda realized that they also set a precedent of "this is how school is supposed to be :(:(" and i think have a slightly optimistic look on ur situation definitely helps a lot
skds i love reading what you have to say
damn take me out to dinner first🙄🙄 but yes i accept💗💗💗💗💗
the same for you as well!! stay safe and healthy!!
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