#jiro lovers unite!!
t-u-i-t-c · 2 years
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Jiro → One Gif Per Episode (41-50)
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noscomnias · 1 year
hypmic fans confuse me sometimes wdym jyushi x jiro is more popular than jyushi x KUKO? THE TWO WHO SHARE A UNIT? they have the perfect dynamic. characters can be found family and not be Actual Related Family like Siblings and still be lovers with the found family label i hope you guys just know that. <- is salty because i want more jyuku content so bad
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writingwhimsey · 1 year
All's Fair In Love & War- Nobunaga Ch. 27
Chapter 27
The day finally came that my forces and I were beginning our march. Sasuke had come to visit a few more times in the previous days, discussing more with me about our original history versus the many changes in what was happening now.
It seemed there had been quite a lot of changes…enough that perhaps the coup might not even be an issue. In the original history, there were territories that Nobunaga hadn’t united yet, that he had now…and the land that I had united which was now technically part of the Oda lands since I had allied with him. The exact battles that led up to the coup…they were likely to not even be fought. That did help me breathe easier…but I still wanted to find out who sent those mercenaries…and I wanted to do everything in my power to keep Nobunaga from Hono-ji on June twenty-first…which was now three weeks away.
Once I had finished getting ready, my armor on and my hair pulled back, I was heading out to the front gates of my castle. An attendant had my horse ready for me at the head of my men. I mounted my horse. Jiro and Sato were on their horses beside me. I turned to my gathered forces.
“Those of you joining me on this march and those staying behind to defend our land, I thank you all. I thank you for your loyalty and service to me and to this clan.” I began as I addressed my men. “We have fought many battles together. I have asked you to fight for many causes. Protecting our people and our lands. For our lives. For your own lives. Honor. And revenge. But today I ask you to fight for something even greater. I ask you to fight for all the people of our lands. I ask you to join the fight to end the fighting. To bring the peace and prosperity we have felt to the rest of this nation. Are you with me?!”
Cries in the affirmative resounded from my men. They were all pumped up and ready to go.
“Then we march to begin the campaign and join Lord Nobunaga in battle!”
More cries resounded and then we began our march. It would take us a day and a half to get to our destination, but we would make it…and then I’d be seeing Nobunaga again soon. And I would do everything in my power to change his fate.
“You look extra determined, my lord.” Sato observed.
“Yeah, there definitely seems to be an intensity to you that isn’t normally there.” JIro agreed.
“What? I have to be confident.” I replied.
“Or perhaps you are just anxious to see your lover.” Sato said, her tone teasing.
Well…that was definitely true. “What? It’s not like I will be seeing him right away. We will have a battle to fight beforehand.” I tried to brush it off.
“Uh-huh, sure.” Sato teased.
“I still think there might be more than that.” Jiro said, giving me a scrutinizing look. “Even more than just that you want to see him.”
“There’s nothing more going on.” I replied. “You’re all reading way too much into everything.” Why was it these two could always see when something was wrong? But then again…they were my closest vassals and two of the people I trusted the most.
Sato eyed me. “I think our lord will be fine once she’s back in some strong arms.”
I rolled my eyes…though yes I did very much like being in Nobunaga’s arms. What woman doesn’t enjoy being in the arms of the man she loves?
“I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to seeing you like this, my lord.” Jiro said, though he wore a smile.
“Like what?” I asked.
“I think he means in love.” Sato replied, grinning. “But don’t worry, everyone is happy for you. We all support you and lord Nobunaga all the way!”
There was plenty more talking and teasing on the ride. We camped for the night before continuing our march the next day, arriving at our destination midday. We stayed camped out not far from the field where the battle would be taking place…though we remained hidden since we were supposed to be the surprise. Once we were in position, we were building a fire and using it to create our smoke signal to let Nobunaga and his men know we were there. The battle would begin soon.
I just had to focus on this battle and then the next…and the next. I just had to make sure we stayed away from Hono-ji.
Nobunaga sat on a stool, his eyes watching the horizon. His eyes soon spotted the white smoke and a smirk slowly spread across his lips. “They’re here.” He declared.
“Are we ready to begin then, my lord?” One of his subordinates asked.
“Yes.” Nobunaga declared. He was then giving out the orders to his men and soon the battle was beginning.
As the battle began, Nobunaga remained in the base camp for some time, giving out orders as reports came in. He was waiting for the right moment.  Lord Toji was sending out his best man. Nobunaga grinned. “Time for me to join the fight.” He said, mounting his horse.
Nobunaga rode into the battle, leading his men and cutting the enemy down. Lord Toji commanded a decent sized army and held a critically located territory. Claiming this land was going to bring a significant step in his unification.
As Nobunaga battled, he analyzed the situation and waited for the right moment. Lord Toji’s lead general, Taizo, was calling out to Nobunaga. “You really came to us on our land?” He asked, grinning at Nobunaga, lifting his sword. “We’re clearly at an advantage.”
“Is that what you truly think?” Nobunaga asked, grinning lifting his own sword. The two were then engaging in battle, swords clashing with each other. Nobunaga had to admit the general he was facing was a rather strong opponent…but Nobunaga was stronger.
More enemy soldiers began to enter the field. “Looks like you weren’t prepared for that.” General Taizo said to Nobunaga as he was pushed back.
Nobunaga grinned. He was then lifting up his hand in a signal and one of his men was setting off a signal firework. Moments later, there was a battle cry from the hills overlooking the battlefield. Ava was on her horse at the head of her forces, her calvary and foot soldiers behind her as they descended upon the battlefield.
Nobunaga couldn’t help but to admire how beautiful and fierce Ava looked as she led the charge. Her long hair was in a ponytail, flowing behind her as she rode, standing in the stirrups one hand on the reins and the other wielding her sword. He had seen her in battle before…and he had been thoroughly impressed. They had fought alongside each other…and yet it was different now. Seeing her leading her men…it was truly a sight to behold.
“Y-you’ve…allied with the Yamada? They’ve never allied with anyone!” General Taizo said in disbelief.
“I am persuasive.” Nobunaga replied, grinning.
General Taizo let out a growl as he lifted his sword to swing at Nobunaga again. Nobunaga blocked the blow easily. The tide of the battle was quickly turning in Nobunaga and Ava’s favor. Nobunaga had landed a blow on Taizo and a group of his men was coming up to allow the general to retreat to camp to recover.
Ava was soon making her way over to join Nobunaga. “I was starting to think you were going to have all the fun.” She declared, smiling at him as they fought off the enemy together.
Nobunaga chuckled. “I just wanted to make sure you had a good enough fight.” He told her. “I didn’t want you to be bored.”
Ava smiled at him. “I don’t think that’s possible around you.”
Even as they talked, they fought, slicing through and striking down enemy soldier after enemy soldier. Neither of them seemed to tire or receive any injury. The enemy soldiers were thrown off by how the pair of commanders talked with each other as they fought.
“It’s as if we don’t even matter!” One of the enemy soldiers shouted.
The battle continued on this way for some time until both sides were withdrawing as night was falling upon them. Nobunaga and Ava both returned to their respective camps, giving their men their orders for the night. Though once Nobunaga had finished giving out his orders, he was making his way over to Ava’s camp under the cover of night.
Jiro was one of the night watchman and was drawing his sword at Nobunaga’s approach. “Who goes there?”
“It is I.” Nobunaga replied, stepping out of the trees and lifting up one hand.
Jiro lowered his sword. “Forgive me, my lord.” He said. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
“Pretty sure Lord Ava is though.” Sato said, appearing out of nowhere. “Her tent is down that row, three tents in and on your left.” She was wearing a big smile as she gave Nobunaga the directions.
Nobunaga gave her a smile in turn. “Thank you.” He was then making his way in the direction Sato had pointed and was soon opening the flap to Ava’s tent.
Ava was in the middle of slipping into her night robes, as he walked in. She smiled at him as she began to close her robe. “I was wondering when you were going to show up.”
Nobunaga grinned as he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “How did you know I would come to you?” He asked. “And no need to worry about tying this.”
Ava giggled. “Hmm…well you are a man who comes for what you want.” She replied, as she wrapped her own arms around him, looking up into his eyes.
Nobunaga smiled at Ava as he hugged her closer, leaning his head down until his forehead was resting against hers. “Have you not missed me then?” He asked, surprising himself with his own question. 
Ava’s smile turned tender. “Terribly.” She replied. “I’ve missed you terribly…and I’ve found it hard to think about anything other than you.”
Nobunaga wasn’t quite sure…but there almost seemed to be a tinge of sadness in her eyes as she said those words. “Is there something that troubles you about that?” He asked, lifting a hand to cup her cheek.
“The only thing that troubles me is how much I love you.” She replied. “How much the thought of losing you terrifies me.”
Nobunaga held Ava tighter in his arms. “It is good to know you feel the same way about me as I do you.” He told her. “The thought of a world without you…that terrifies me more than that thought.”
Ava’s only response was to press her lips to his. Her hands going to fist in his hair even as his own moved to hold her tighter. They were soon falling into the bedroll together, using their bodies to express the feelings where words seemed to fail.Nobunaga had been without her for too long, but his hands were already tracing over her curves and every sensitive place he had already mapped on her body. Her hands were doing the same to him.
“I love you, Ava…” He breathed into her ear as he held her close, moving his body with hers.
“Mmmm…I love you, Nobunaga…” She replied, clinging tighter to him.
Afterwards they lay together in the bedroll, holding each other close. “This is a much better way to spend the evening.” Nobunaga said, kissing her forehead. “I think I’ll sleep better tonight.”
Ava smiled up at him. “Yes, I agree.” She told him. “I sleep much better with you… you’re the most comfortable pillow and the warmest blanket.”
Nobunaga chuckled. “As are you.” He was then pulling her close for a kiss. 
Ava smiled at him as they broke the kiss. “We should get some rest for the battle tomorrow.”
“We should.” Nobunaga agreed.
Ava was resting her head on his chest and soon she was drifting off to sleep. Nobunaga was still awake, gazing at her sleeping face. “Nobu…naga…” She murmured in her sleep. “Don’t… don’t go…I need…you…I can’t…lose you…”
Nobunaga could tell she was sound asleep. He gently stroked her cheek and kissed her forehead. “I will always be by your side…and I will keep you by mine.” He murmured to her sleeping form before closing his own eyes to join her in sleep. Though there was something about her words…coupled with the look in her eyes earlier that troubled him. Perhaps once this battle was over he would be able to find out as they traveled to their next conquest.
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐎𝐂(𝐬)!
Greetings, fellers! It is I, Author Spife, and today I would like to present to you something new and interesting. That interesting something being my OCs! Fun fact: Author Spife barely has any OCs. I just don't dig them as much as others, but as my silly little post has stated, KNY is the first and only anime that has gotten me to create an OC and that's thanks to one character! Can you guess it? That's right! It's that goofy little demon, Hantengu! Anyways, this post here is the biography post of my two main OCs.
Will I ever post anything related to them again? I don't know! Am I proud to show you this? Yes! But, before we continue, I need to set up a few little warnings that will be present in their backstories.
Warnings: Murder, mentions of organised crime, mentions of abortion, brief mentioning of child murder, Pedophilia, Cannibalism, I do not proofread.
May be subjective to change depending on how many times I reread this and realise.
Thank you @georgette-mademoiselle for encouraging me to do this otherwise I likely would have forgotten and shied away from this idea.
Now, without further ado, let us begin...
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𝐁𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐢
Last name: Solace
First name: Satomi Kazuyo Nagiho
Alias(es): The Queen Pin, 'Tomi (affectionately)
Birthday & place: Wednesday 17 October 1984, 2:14 AM, Sumitomo Hospital, Osaka, Japan
Gender: Female
Age: 36
Height: 1.77 m/5'8ft
Personality: Sharp-tongued, Ill-tempered, Assertive, Selfish, Greedy, Vain, Observant, Intuitive, Versatile, Analytical, Ambitious, Determined, Headstrong, Overprotective, Cold, Stoic, Strict, Merciless, Demanding, Formal, Respectful, Caring.
Physical description: Tall, Bulky (very slightly), Curvaceous, Young/Baby-faced, Back length straight silky black hair (no curls), Deep brown slanted eyes, Soft upward arched brows, plump lips, pale skin.
Attributes: A slight British twang in her accent due to having been raised in the United Kingdom for the first few years of her life.
Ethnicity: Japanese-Italian
Skills: Swordsmanship, Martial Arts (Taekwondo, Jūjutsu), Gunmanship, advanced perceptions, advanced strength, stealth, agility
Profession: Assassin, Fasionista
Father: Fujin Jiro Kenji Solace
Age: 66
Mother: Antonella Iwa Suki Francesca Solace-Takahashi
Age: 70
Siblings: 8 (I have yet to name all of them)
4 brothers
4 sisters
Children: 1
Daughter: Akumu Ibuki Kirara Solace
Age: 12
Relationship status: ???
Ex-lover: Roman Boris Mikhail Makarov
Friendships: ???
Friendship status: ???
Enemies: 1
Former partner in crime & ex-best friend: Jeslyn Gareth Jackson
Rivals: 1
Born into rather privileged family and raised in a religious, traditional and strict household, Satomi is what one would deem as 'bratty', 'spoiled' and 'demanding'. The terms are, however, somewhat true. Satomi knew no pain or suffering in her childhood and was quite spoiled by both sides of her family, though more from her mother's side. Her father especially spoiled her rotten but was quick to teach her manners before she'd ever show informal and disrespectful behaviour. She alongside her eight siblings were all spoiled an equal amount but were also heavily disciplined. At home, they were not allowed to wear any clothes that were of western fashion, – with the exception of undergarments – only the traditional and 'normal' clothes that were of Japan. Those rules were set by their father and he was quite strict about it too. If any of them wore western clothes at home, they would immediately be sent to remove the garments.
Her father is also a firm believers of physical discipline and he made it especially clear to his sons when they got in trouble for getting into a street fight with girls. He had taught her and her siblings that they are to show respect to those older than her and speak only when spoken to. He had also taught her brothers that they must never lay finger of ill intent on a woman's head and threatened to beat them senseless if they ever did. He always reminded her and her siblings – especially her brothers – that their mother had worked nine long and hard months to bring them into this world and that he would be damned if they showed her even an ounce of disrespect. Compared to other children, Satomi was always quite different and that's due to her strict upbringing. She was never filthy, loathed the idea of a romantic partner before being an adult and was always focused on her studies while the children she knew only wanted to have 'fun' as they dubbed it.
Her siblings had a pretty good reputation at school when it came to quite literally anything which left her mother and father quite proud... except for her. Satomi was a nightmare when it came to school. She had perfect grades but her behaviour was enough to get her expelled more than four times and this is all thanks to the fights she got into. When she was fourteen, she got into a fight with three boys in the cafeteria and ended up shattering one of the boys' his jaw, gave one a concussion, and broke the last one's hand beyond repair all because they were the well-known bullies around the school and she hated that. She hated people who would bother others for their sick amusement and would always stand up for the victim if they themselves could not, thus the many fights she got into. She had a reputation for her sharp-tongue and witty remarks to both students and teachers also. She never really changed during those years and was constantly (severely) disciplined by her father. He forced her to practice with her katana until it felt like her arms would fall off and forced her to practice her martial arts.
At fifteen, she almost died because of a stab wound. She had been approached at after school hours by a boy who confessed his feelings for her and asked her out on a date. Usually, she would turn any show of affection down and very disrespectfully too. However, that day, she felt nice and saw no need to turn him down so harshly and politely declined his feelings. Unfortunately, the boy had not taken rejection as well as she thought he would. About three days later, when she was walking to the playground where she and her brothers would meet, she was approached by the same boy and two of his friends. He had threatened her to accept his feelings or he would hurt her. She of course declined and in an exceptionally rude manner before a fight broke out. The friends of his were far taller than her and easily pinned her down, however, thanks to her agility, she broke out and managed to stun him. As she about to knock him out, she was speared onto the ground by the boy she had rejected as she was then punched in her face four time in a row, busting her lips and eyebrow in the process.
She had managed to grab hold on both of his wrists but he managed to free one punched her once more, leaving her dazed for just a few moments but enough for him to grab a shattered bottle before stabbing her three times in the abdomen and once on the side of her right thigh. It was then when she realised that the boy was trying to kill her for having rejected him. She struggled hard but the pain had greatly fatigued her and left only one option and that was to scream and hope someone heard. The boy, laughed at her feeble attempts to try and escape and mocked her before calling in one of his friends to hold her down. She fought back as best as she could and screamed as loudly as she could before she was punched and silenced by the boy, who then raised the hand holding the shattered bottle, preparing to stab it into her throat before being interrupted by her four brothers. They had been waiting around the corner of the street across the playground and were headed there until one of them heard the desperate screams of their beloved baby sister. Needless to say, they beat all three boys senseless and almost ended up killing one of them while one of the brothers helped Satomi. This fight continued on for a good while before it was interrupted by their panicked father whose eyes widened at the sight.
Her brothers immediately went up to him, demanding him to call his best friend and send the boys off the be killed by the yakuza but were all quickly shut up with a cold glare from him. He said nothing and took Satomi into his arms to rush her to the hospital where she would lay for a day before getting discharged. During that entire day she was at the hospital with her worried mother, her father had brought her four brothers to his former 'workplace'. He had called up his best friend, the oyabun of the yakuza he was once associated with and had only explained that he needed to meet in person for the events that had occurred, which he was aware of by the time he called. Their meeting was about three hours long and in those hours, his friend had offered his sons a place to work if they ever needed it and that he, as his best friend, was always welcome if he ever wanted to return. The meeting was about how the boys who had ambushed her would pay dearly for having attacked her. He had requested of him to clear their tracks as they would murder the boys and their families once Satomi was out of the hospital. They ended up only killing two of the boys and their families, along with the third one. However, he ended up escaping and was never seen again.
Until, Satomi met him once at the age of twenty-one. She was walking past a café until someone had bumped hard into her and ended up spilling his entire coffee. She turned around to apologise only to be met with the same face whom she had rejected. His eyes immediately widened in fear as he quickly tried to excuse himself. Unfortunately for him, Satomi would not let him go that easily. "I have not forgotten." Were the words she whispered into his ear as she gripped his wrist tightly, preventing him from leaving. "Sleep with one eye open..." She then let go and went her way. Days later, there would be news of a man found dead in his home with no tracks leading to the murderer and leaving his case unsolved. At that point in her life, Satomi had been working as an assassin and had been making a name for herself in the fashion industry. She was an aspiring designer by day, and a ruthless killer by night.
Her job as an assassin would do her well and garner her large amounts of money as she would become increasingly popular with those looking to hire a killer. The "Queen Pin" would gain popularity on the Dark Web and would many would try to track her down and find out the who the real Queen Pin is. Fortunately for her, she had many friends around the world covering for her 24/7/365. Not to mention her family in Italy, who also partake in organised crime. Needless to say, she had everything going well for her, until her rather... unlucky day. At age twenty-four, Satomi would find herself in a nightclub at a bar, tipsy and stressed out by a mission that had gone wrong. She had failed to kill her target and now, she was on the run which is now more work for her since her client demanded her target to be taken care of. As she sat at the bar, sulking and stressing about how she was going to fix her mistake, she was approached by a particularly bodacious gentleman.
"That's odd. Usually, women as beautiful as yourself are on the dance floor showing off their dancing skills." He looked foreign yet at the same time, there were some small details about him that signified that he wasn't. Tan skin, silky shoulder length hair with side bangs, arched eyes that looked slightly slanted, not to mention that he had no accent. Foreign as he looked, nothing about him even gave away that he was except his skintone. He seemed far too educated about Japan and the way he acted was the furthest from a foreigner. That or she's just too tipsy to even notice that he was. It took Satomi a considerable amount of time to process the words he had uttered over the already blaring music until she slowly looked over to her shoulder and took in details about him before replying, slurring slightly though it was barely noticeable. "I don't dance..." The man had laughed at her response before taking a sip of his alcoholic beverage. Nothing too eventful happened except for the man bothering her and trying to make conversation. It wasn't until thirty minutes after he had made himself known that she noticed his attempts at seducing her which greatly irritated her.
Satomi tried to retreat and shrunk back, trying to get him to leave her alone. He had done nothing too inappropriate so far except his flirtatious advances. He hadn't touched or even looked anywhere he shouldn't have, he simply kept his distance. Unfortunately, Satomi made the fatal mistake of having a few drinks too many and eventually gave into his seduction. The man brought her to a love hotel and rented a room for a night before going on with her about their business. The last few things she remembered about him were his deep, emerald green eyes, the way he stripped her of her clothes, laid her down on that bed, pushed in and took her for almost the entirety of the night. The worst part is, up until that point, she was as pure as Virgin Mother Mary. After that night, she never heard from him again, as expected from a one-night stand. While she felt disgusted with herself for having given into her lust, she moved on and continued to do her job as an assassin. It wasn't until around roughly three weeks later, after having celebrated her mother's brand and having arrived home, she began to feel nauseous as she was preparing for bed. Just as she finished brushing her teeth and drunk a cup of water, she gained the strong urge to vomit.
That night, Satomi found out that she had gotten pregnant. Days after having revealed the news to her family and being accompanied by her mother to the abortion clinic, she stressed and panicked. How was she going to do her job? How would she hide this child from the public? Her siblings had suggested an abortion and at first, the sound of being rid of this fetus that was currently ruining her life was amazing. She never wanted children. They were a nuisance. All she wanted was to get famous, get rich and do her job. However, as the days passed by and Satomi thought more of the idea about abortion, she began to dislike the idea. Ruthless as she may be, she couldn't find it in her to get rid of the thing growing in her and thus ended up keeping it. Needless to say, her decision to keep the baby would end up being one of the best and worst decisions of her life.
Satomi ended up giving birth in her own home without anyone to help her as she was being shot at. The target she had been unable to eliminate seemed to have held a grudge, and unfortunately, she had to take lives as she was giving a life. Despite all that happened, Satomi ended up with a healthy baby girl and a multitude of corpses in her home that she had massacred in pure, unadulterated rage. Unfortunately, after the events that had occurred, Satomi would be diagnosed with Mild PTSD and had to spend a few weeks after having given birth living with her parents as they helped her with taking care of her newborn while she recovered from her PTSD.
Five years later, she and her now five year old daughter would be approached by a familiar face...
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𝐁𝐢𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐮𝐦𝐮
Last name: Solace
First name: Akumu Ibuki Kirara
Alias(es): 'Kumu (affectionately), Kiki (affectionately), Baby (nickname), The Queen Pin's Junior
Birthday & place: Tuesday 1 April 2008, 10:23 AM, The Solace Residence, Nagoya, Japan
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Height: 1.53 m/5'0ft
Personality: Sharp-tongued, Ill-tempered, Impatient, Assertive, Selfish, Vain, Respectful, Formal, Strict, Observant, Cold, Stoic, Demanding, Sassy, Vigilant, Witty, Ambitious, Versatile, Headstrong, Creative, Artistic, Humorous, Sadistic.
Physical description: Short, Plump, Tan-skinned, Young, Black (slightly) spikey, shoulder length hair with curly side bangs, styled into a low bun and held together with a bow, arched eyes, soft arched brows, straight nose, plump lips.
Attributes: She is always seen wearing gloves (mostly light coloured), slight British twang in her accent inherited from her mother, large tattoo(?) for the kanji "Death [死]" etching itself onto her lower back (current status of mark: incomplete).
Ethnicity: Japanese-Italian
Skills: (Psychological) Manipulation, Necromancy, Flesh Manipulation, Biological Absorption, Unlimited Stamina & Endurance, Aura Manipulation, Paralysing Gaze, Piano skills, Dancing, Gymnastics, Writing, Gunmanship, Swordsmanship, Martial Arts (Taekwondo, Jūjutsu), Presence Cloaking.
Profession: None.
Mother: Satomi Kazuyo Nagiho Solace
Age: 36
Father: ???
Age: ???
Siblings: None.
Relationship status: None.
Friendships: 4
Clémentine Izuki Nobuna Bachelot (Cousin)
Friendship status: Best friends.
Enemies: 1
Rivals: 1
From a very young age, Akumu had been told by her mother that she is not entirely human. She herself became aware of this when she accidentally killed a squirrel by merely touching it when she was three and could see the dead (though, that had been an attribute of hers ever since she was a baby). Ever since that day on, her mother had sown her silk gloves in order to keep whatever it was that she did under control. Unlike her mother's childhood, Akumu's wasn't as happy as her mother would have preferred it to be. She had been told by her mother that ever since the day she was born, (most) people have had nothing but ill intent aimed towards her. This showed when one day, she and her mother were walking to the car after a shopping trip when her hand was suddenly severed from her wrist. Her mother had immediately sprung into a action and tried to defend the young Akumu from the perpetrator while she cried in pain. The perpetrator had claimed that "she was not meant to live" and that "she is a cursed child" before continuing to attack and harass the pair until her mother ended up killing the perpetrator in self-defence.
That example of ill intent would be when she went grocery shopping with her uncle, who was babysitting her, when she wandered off not too far away from him, attention having been caught by the many snacks on the rack. Unaware of her surroundings, she was then suddenly approached by an adult man older than fifty, who had been watching her ever since she caught his eye. He had rubbed his leg up to her and tried to converse with her until he was quickly interrupted by her uncle who had passive aggressively told him off. After she and her uncle finished their grocery shopping, her uncle picked her up and began stalking the man. "See that man, princess?" Her uncle had whispered to her softly so that only she could hear as they stalked him. "He's a bad person. A very bad person. And bad people like him deserve to die. They're your food, 'Kumu." He had explained to her as he then made eye contact with her. Her mother was unaware of the fact that her brother knew Akumu needed to feed off of humans. He had coaxed the non-human part of her out and stalked the man into an alleyway near a desolate part of the city, where he killed him and allowed Akumu to feed off of him.
Another instance was when she was three and abducted from her school to a heavily guarded warehouse, where she was trapped into a thick walled tungsten safe until her mother had saved her from her abductors and returned her home. Her mother had given the oblivious Akumu human meat to eat when she found out that blood – human blood specifically – was nutritional for her. For the next two years, Akumu would remain timid and afraid due to the early trauma she suffered until her fifth birthday. Her mother had began to teach her how to defend herself, stand up and talk back for herself, and in general trying to revert her to the Akumu she once was. Fortunately, it worked very quickly as Akumu had quickly began adapting to her new personality. The process quickened even more when her mother would bring her to work after school where Akumu would observe her ruthless and strict behaviour.
Akumu had always wondered who her father was and asked her mother from time to time when or if she will ever get to see him and what he is or was like. Unfortunately, her mother was never able to provide much for her little girl due to her drunken mistake, except for some minor detail, – that being the colour green – and only told her that her meeting her father was an accident and that she had not planned to make her. She reassured Akumu that she was the best thing to ever happen to her ever since that accidental night. After that, Akumu wouldn't ask about her father for a while, until, one day, when she and her mother were going shopping for new school supplies, shoes, and fabrics for her mother to sew new clothes and likely gloves. Akumu had felt a strange presence, a signal-like feeling that had a strange pull on her and left her body tingling slightly. She looked around the enviroment and tried to spot who or what was giving off such strong signals until she made eye contact with a blue-eyed man standing in the shade that looked suspiciously similar to her. As she was about to observe the man more, her attention was quickly grabbed by her mother who led her elsewhere and walked with a sudden haste.
Akumu tried to get her mother to slow down and tell her who she saw but she did not listen and continued her hasty pace until they both reached the car. It was when she entered the car, she realised that the man had been following them. Suddenly, she was relieved her mother hadn't listened to her and continued on until they reached the car. For an entire three weeks, Akumu doesn't feel the same signal that man had sent off, until one day or night, at 2:32 A.M in the morning, when Akumu feels the exact same signal once more...
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I really hope you enjoyed scrolling to that absolute dictionary page worthy biography of my two silly little OCs. I might make more content of them, I might not, who knows? But until then, that's all folks!
Taglist: @hawnkoi @fallstreakfeathers @dreamcorechild @lumitylovepill @hantengus-fuckass-clones @sunbrokenswords @georgette-mademoiselle @hearts4mitsuri @star-dust-wanderer @shytastemakerthing
Note: Sorry for second tag. I noticed that not everyone's tags had worked so I decided to redo.
Divider credits:
Death Kanji
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artsy-alice · 2 years
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🌈 TEAM! 🌈
i redrew my team of sentai-inspired OCs from ye olde days, and also tried recalling their basic profile from my olde person memory 🥲 i imagined them in like,, an anime 🙈 and u can clearly see that influence here 🙈
vague stuff i can remember abt each character:
❤️ HARU is leader ofc bc he's the Main Character - congrats to him, his dream to be a magical girl came tru he is now a magical boi - had a crush on Sanae, was turned down by our aro-ace queen, took it like a champ - power: fire
💙 SANAE is a professional childhood friend as in she goes to Haru's house to eat his food, keeps him on his feet, is his ex-crush-but-now-we're-closer-friends and is the one who says "excuse me he asked for no pickles" - she's v chill, only got into sentai shit bc of Haru lmao - power: ice/fire
💛 KEIKO literally always arrives late to the scene bc they have to call her & she's like "i still got like 15 minutes until my shift ends, can u hold?" lmao - but she's their tank so when she gets there, whooo BOY - the one time she's on time is bc monster attacked her workplace - power: earth
🖤 RYU is kinda a martial arts champ so he's like,, PISSED bc he is literally their best combat fighter yet he got the healing powers - it makes him the most terrifying medic - gets bentos & lil presents & cute messages, they are trying to figure out who his secret boyfriend is - power: healing
🍑 MOMO bc he was a lil fat pink-cheeked bebe, A PEACH - still looks like a peach when he poofs his cheeks & blushes - gets mistaken for a girl a lot, usually rolls w it like the gremlin he is - rly looks up to big brother ryu & #1 in trying to figure out who the secret bf is - power: nyooooom (and also he's chibiusa he throws sugar flowers & glitter beams)
💜💚 KAZU & JIRO are a unit, they are the badass ones who arrive during the back half of the season 😅 - transfer students but not in a villain way, just in a "i want a normal life in between album releases" kinda way - established relationship, childhood friends to lovers - they both have natural black hair ahskflasf they dyed them pink/blue bc of a bet and kept the colors bc it's cool for their celebrity looks - both try to be cool but as RICH RICH kids they are easily trolled (by Momo, it's the innocent kid energy, they always believe him) - powers: kazu - lightning | jiro - wind/sound
thats it! what is plot, they transform & fight monster weekly? probably??? lmao who is the secret bf, IDK EITHER! :D
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letters-from-eros · 4 years
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Pairing: Kirishima Eijiro x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst To Fluff
Form: Oneshot. Songfic
AU: Hanahaki disease.
A/N: I had to edit this so hard for me to like it at all 😭 I hope you all enjoy.
Thank you.
You laid down, sprawled out on your bed with flower petals surrounding you. You think they're petals from a rose but they could just be stained in blood. You honestly didn't really understand how your condition worked, even though the extensive research you did and the consults with doctors. What you did know is that you're grateful that you haven't started coughing up blood, which is a side effect of progressed Hanahaki; AKA you're conditon/disease. It was obvious you had bigger and better things to worry about than Kirishima (the cause of the suffocating disease) but the petals were a constant reminder of him. You wonder if he thinks about you at least a tenth of how much you think about him.
The only people who know about your... Condition, is Jiro and Mina, your two best friends. Jiro is there to comfort you, though she can't quite understand why you would go through so much pain just to hold feelings for someone, Mina's there to try to make Jiro understand the importance of love and to make you happier about the situation. You couldn't ask for better friends, honestly.
The lump in your throat starts to form and come up and you take a deep breath and let the cough come, sitting upright, expelling the flowers. After the coughing fit is done you're left panting but there was something that didn't have the petals just fall out of your hand. You look at your hand that you coughed into.
Blood. It was laced on the flower making it oddly stick to you're hand.
You quickly went to the bathroom to flush the petals you just coughed up and wash the remainder of blood off your hands before rushing back to your room to call your two support units. You fumble with your phone before you manage to start a group call.
One ring, Mina is in.
"Hey, what's up?!" She asked in a cheery tone
"One second..." You hoarsely respond, waiting for Jiro.
3 rings, Jiro picks up.
"Sorry, couldn't hear my phone over my music, what's up you guys?" Jiro says in her usually monotone voice.
"I... I coughed up blood, guys," You confess to them.
"Y/N..." Jiro sighed, you could practically hear the head shaking and facepalming.
"It's time to confess, hun. And if he doesn't reciprocate it you can go get the procedure," Mina said in a fairly sassy tone, referencing the procedure I could take to make sure I would never cough up flowers again but that would iradicate my feelings for Kirishima.
"Yeah, I know. I'm not a blinded by love idiot," You respond, matter of factly.
"Thank god.." Jiro scoffed and you and Mina chuckled.
"So how am gonna ask him out?" You ask your polar opposite best friends.
You see Kirishima and Bakugo argue over... Something, at Bakugo's desk that was on the other side of the classroom than yours. You watch the clock tick for a few seconds before you start writing your note.
'Meet me at the auditorium,
That was his nickname for you, vines. It referenced your quirk called the same thing. Oh the irony that you can sprout vines from your palms and control plants then you get a disease to cough up flowers.. The doctor who you went to to consult when you first starting coughing up the petals actually said that your quirk had the possibility to make the condition worst.
The bell rang and Bakugo and Eijiro continued arguing. You quickly left class and slipped the note into his prior to hurrying to the Auditorium.
Once you got there you found Mina adjusting her stool for the drums (Bakugo taught her how to play them) and Jiro tuning her bass. They both faked illness at some point of class to go set up the stage.
"Hey there, lover girl," Jiro said into the mic as you threw your backpack into some random chairs on the back row.
"Aren't you supposed to say check one two?" You snarkily replied. Once you got on stage you adjusted the height of your mic stand so that the mic was at your mouth.
The plan was great. You're gonna sing a cool love song that was playing in your earbuds when you first met Kirishima. You hope to god he doesn't have the memory of a goldfish and remembers the fact, especially after already telling him multiple times prior to conceiving the idea to sing to him. It was your favorite song because of that reason..
Two plants were on both sides of the door, you focus your quirk to move the plant vases to the middle of the main aisle, curling the branches into an intricate design that ultimately formed a heart.
"Pretty~" Mina spoke up in awe, staring at it. It was somewhat rare for you to use your quirk for something other than combat and it can be forgotten you can do cool, small things like this.
The door starts to creek open as Jiro and Mina start playing the beginning instrumentals. You start to sing the beginning verse as Eijiro fully comes into the auditorium, already awe struck.
Eijiro Kirishima's POV
"All I wanted was you," Y/N strong yet smooth voice sings, bouncing off the auditorium walls. I've get to hear her sing on rare occassions and I don't think I love anything more, well except for Y/N herself but unlike her singing I have to keep that love to myself...
I take a few steps further down the isle as an instrumental sounds off. Her quirk is so cool to add this beautiful and manly arbor, I doubt anything like this could be bought at a store.
I try to focus solely on her voice, but the thought keeps ringing in the back of my head onto why am I the only one watching? I know this song held significance us, but this seems so sudden. I am a man for spontaneity yet something like this seems random nonetheless. I should just focus on her singing.
Your POV
The ball starts to form in your throat towards the end of the song, you try to surpress it but your voice cracks just slightly, which is so embarrassing.. Which makes you focus on how stupid you're probably looking out of embarrassment which leads to you not focusing on the flowers which make them launch out in coughs. You pull the microphone away as weakening coughs expell the roses.  After your coughing fit theres a bed of rose petals, each one dotted with at least a little blood.
A pair of strong arms make you stand up straight before entrapping you.
"You have Hanahaki?" Kirishima questioms softly, barely above a whisper. Apparently he's heard of the disease. Didn't he do a very botched project on it once..?
"Mhm..." You confirm. He nuzzles his forhead into the crook of your neck as you hug him tighter.
"Because of me?" He questions again, sounding guilty, it took a second to process that if it was him, it meant that you reciprocated his feelings. The question was fueled by his instant assumption to blame himself.
"Mhm..." You respond, a bit to anxious to respond in full words, let alone full sentences.
"I'm so sorry.. I had no idea.. Y/N," He says, drawing away and looking into your eyes, hands moving to either side of your face. "Y/N.. I love you so much, I'm so sorry I didn't show you sooner.. I never meant to hurt you!"
How unmanly was the only word that Kirishima could think of to describe his cowardice to tell you how he feels, only to see that it left you with a painful disease. The supporting grip on your waist tightened, and the man in front of you looked like he was about to shatter into a thousand pieces.
"Its okay! There was no way you could've known!"
"It isn't you're fault, please don't blame yourself.." You empathetically started to mirror Kirishima's feeling of guilt and sadness and your smile slowly turned into a dejected one.
Strong arms wrapped completely around you in a tight hug, causing you both to wobble a bit.
"I'm so sorry.. Uh, d-don't I need to kiss you? To get rid of the.. The flowers, I mean," A warm tint that complemented his hair flushed across his cheeks as he thought back to his botched project on Hanahaki. Requited feelings was enough to keep the disease at bay.
"Not if you don't want to, Kiri," You smiled warming at the flustered teen in front of until a rough collision of lips against yours. It was filled with anxiety and awkwardness from the redheads behalf with this being the first time kissing anyone, let alone someone who he loved as much as you.
"Woo!!" Jirou catcalled, exiting the auditorium with a playful smile
"Yaaaasssss!!!" Mina cheered.
They were already gone by the time you both had pulled away from the kiss, leaving you both at a complete and utter loss for words.
You relished in the feeling of breaths unclogged with suffocating flowers, the feeling on Kirishima's soft, lingering hold across your waist that he didn't even know was there. There are no words in the english dialect to describe this moment of blissful clarity. It was hard for you to even come up with words to say.
So many feelings to express, but all that came out was a soft, grateful, "Thank you."
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oishirecipe · 4 years
Smiles placidly I would like to hear about the songs u think Hypmic and Bandori should make. LL too if you wanna talk about that I don’t rlly listen to the music much but I do enjoy it <3
WEH thank you .
For Hypmic these will all be in theory because as you said it will end as a flop if it's Hypmic doing it . But anyways I want them to plagarize in this unstable world (Yohane Tsushima CV Aika Kobayashi solo) for Saburo's next solo idk why but it makes sense . Dark or white dark or white da da da . I want them to do like AZALEA LL esc type songs (This is mainly because . Primary Color Unit teehee) for Buster Bros like . Torikoriko PLEASE is a Hanamaru center so like Saburo center it makes sense I swear . And I kind of want them to plagiarize Ii ne or Headbangeeerrr for Jiro centers . Lols
BANDORI again just Popipa.you know how it is . They need to steal and or cover Trust Me by Yuya Matsushita and Uragiri no Yuuyake . They also need to do Uso by SID and Gomen ne Iiko ja irarenai (Ignore the fact that it's KLK's ed it's good ) . AnD GOLDEN TIME LOVER . BTW
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thepoetcarpenter · 2 years
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Cyborg She, Emotional and Entertaining
In my twenties, I was in a phase where I delighted in East Asian films and dramas. People that I know keep recommending films like Battle Royale, and dramas like Boys Before Flowers. Having grew up in Canada where the culture was to enjoy Hollywood movies, it was a nice change of pacing. To experience films and shows from different cultures was a good change.
After the release of the massively successful film, My Sassy Girl, director Kwak Jae-yong was a hot commodity in Corean cinema, and had the opportunity in the world to direct any Corean films he wanted. Instead, after he directed the prequel to said film, Windstruck, he decided to direct a romantic comedy for the Japanese film market. The film was Cyborg She, available on Apple TV+, a romantic comedy about a cyborg sent from the future and a loner. The silly premise of the film, invites an interesting story.
The film itself is heartwarming and fun. Like My Sassy Girl, the movie centers around an underdog of a character and the encounter to a strong female lead changes his world and now he has something to hope for. So if you like the type of story My Sassy Girl is, you will like this film.
The direction of the film by Kwak is charming and emotional. The plot tucks at the heart of the everyman that sees himself as this underdog. It is silly to think that you will find yourself falling in love with a cyborg, but, though not cyborg maybe a kindred spirit half way across the world. Kwak employs that distance we have with our lovers, not in the distance around the world, but a physical distance of being. Though the ground of the romance takes as is ridiculous, when you have nobody else in the world, maybe a cyborg companion may not seem that foolish to consider. As the plot progresses, you come to understand, that the female lead is actually the only one in the world that cares about him, having lost his only family, his mother, and even his hometown, destroyed in an earthquake. You come to think and empathise with the protagonist. 
Keisuke Koide plays the main character as Jiro Kitamura, while Haruka Ayase plays the cyborg. The two actors play a dynamic duo and there are chemistry and real emotion between the two. After developing feelings for one another, and an encounter with a wall that separates them, the cyborg unites with Jiro as she tries to save him. After the climax, we as the audience come to understand Jiro and the cyborg’s relationship; though there is a distance between them, there is also real love.
The film, overall, is charming and endearing. Some scenes I thought dig at what it means to have someone that loves you. And though you may not fall in love with a cyborg, we come to understand that though we may not agree with some relationships, love is not frivolous, especially when that love is all the person has. Cyborg She is emotional and entertaining, and worth your two hours.
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eng-hypnosismic · 7 years
[Interview] Kimura Subaru with Numan
You can check the original interview here
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Kimura Subaru
Born on June 29th in Germany. Trilingual, speaks Japanese, English, German.
After acting in the musical “Annie”, he worked extensively as a voice actor, narrator, entertainer, model, and a singer. President of “Theatre Company Bakabakka” since 2009. Famous cola lover.
Appeared in the anime “Doraemon” (as Jaiyan / Gouda Takeshi), the anime “Haikyuu!!” (as Tendou Satori), the movie “Kingsman” (as Gary “Eggsy” Unwin), NHK “Tanken Bakumon”, and others.
- What was your opinion when you heard of “Hypnosis Mic”?
Kimura: I remember thinking that it was an opportunity just for me in the voice acting world (laughs). I felt extremely happy and thought “The time has finally come!!” I had no idea of how many voice actors felt the desire to rap, so at first I kind of thought it was a lie. As a joke, the idea would have been great… But, I never thought the time of voice actors rapping would ever come. So it was “a dream within a dream” had come true kind of feeling.
- Rap is a style that tells about yourself, so it goes well with characters songs, however, it’s not a genre often explored.
Kimura: I think that, in that sense, when I’m singing the character song, I’m also singing as that character. I wondered why everyone [voice actors] didn’t rap until now. I think it’s a good opportunity, since you get to hear all the voice actors tap into the rap genre and many people don’t listen to hip-hop, especially a lot of females. Looking through Twitter, some talks about hip-hop are like “Writing HIP HOP* makes it seem like we’re trying to look cool so let’s put it in katakana” and things like that. Hearing everyone hesitate like that shows progress and makes me happy. It may look like I’m trying to seem superior to everyone and being arrogant, but I’m actually very happy that everyone is getting into hip-hop.
T/N: Originally in English.
- First, can you tell us the charm of Ikebukuro Division’s “Buster Bros!!!”?
Kimura: Well, unlike the other teams, we are the “three brothers”, so this alone makes the team special. Being a crew of brothers is cool in a unique way and you can see in the drama that the interactions between the three are very intimate. Since they have the bond from being together since birth, “Buster Bros!!!” has the character of loyalty which gives a sense of security.
- What were your impressions on Yamada Ichiro’s younger brothers: the second brother, Jiro, and the third brother, Saburo?
Kimura: Jiro is passionate. Since he is the second son, he struggles between being like an older or younger brother. He looks up to his older brother and at the same time acts like a good role model to the youngest; you can easily see these two sides in his character. On the other hand, the third brother, Saburo, tends to be cynical. It’s quite amusing how the brothers are so different.
- The connection between the brothers can be also noticed in their songs, the standard in Ichiro’s song, following into Jiro’s song, and putting a little classical twist into Saburo’s song.
Kimura: That’s exactly the case. Ichiro breaks through the barrier, then Jiro strikes, and Saburo cleans it up stylishly. It’s beautiful to listen to them in this order.
- Do you feel any similarities between Yamada Ichiro and yourself?
Kimura: We are both the eldest sibling. And I also want to be a loyal and respectable brother. I am a bit envious that Ichiro is naturally like that. I have a younger sister, but it’s a “you’re my older brother but it doesn’t mean you’re better than me” type of relationship (laughs), so I admire his older brother vibes.
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- I would like to ask about the other divisions. What can you tell about the relationship between Ichiro and Aohitsugi Samatoki, who leads Yokohama Division’s “Mad Trigger Crew”?
Kimura: Even though in this story we are rivals, privately I get along well with Asanuma-san. There’s a gap in our roles, but because of that, we have fun acting together. Like, “Even though your character says you hate me, you like me, don’t you?” (laughs). Because of that sense of reassurance, we can battle to our heart’s desire. I was being self-conscious, but when we’re standing on stage together during the first live, there’re some lines that I was hesitant to say... So I appreciate that Asanuma-san is here. “Don’t think too much, smash!! Bring it on!!” type of feeling (laughs).
Their album is wonderful. The cast of rappers who participated was deluxe, the characters’ appearance were well done and the rappers who wrote the lyrics were able to show a lot of their own style. People who don’t know much [about hip-hop] will easily get to know the characters through the songs. On the other hand if they’re into hip-hop, they’d think things like “This is very like Uzi-San” or “these are Kuro-san’s lyrics”. This feeling will be even stronger when it comes to Samatoki’s song that Cypress Ueno-san wrote, they will probably think “Woah, these are Cypress’ lyrics, for sure!”, and things like this. I think anyone can listen to the album and understand it. I want people to try listening to the songs composed/written by UZI-san, Cypress-san and “HOME MADE family”.
If the person already knows about those things, the face of the rapper who wrote the lyrics comes up. If they don’t, the face of the character or the voice actors comes up. This is the highlight of “Hypnosis Mic” too. Everyone putting their power together to create hip-hop is what makes this world so united. I think it’s a good idea to create a song by everyone.
- On December 6th, Shinjuku Division’s “Matenrou” got very popular because of their CD releasement. It was selling everywhere.
Kimura: It’s super cool. So cool and scary! (Jinguji) Jakurai-san is the last boss kind of scary. Hayami Show-san is a good actor when acting as the character, but his rap is also extremely powerful within that group. Hayami-san’s voice and such were already great to begin with, but when he’s rapping it stands out so much. I think even a rapper would be surprised if they heard it, it’s so gangsta.
If you had to describe it by a genre, it’s like a “poetry rap” type of song. It’s poetic and its slight displacement with the music still matches the rhythm. A rap that goes off beat with the music would be difficult for beginners, however Hayami-san pulled it off wonderfully. He should become a rapper right away!
(Kannonzaka) Doppo’s (CV: Ito Kento) rap is also poetic. And then there’s, (Izanami) Hifumi’s (CV: Kijima Ryuchi) EDM-like, party-like rap… It’s like the kind of rap that you would want to listen to when you’re at the beach in summer, and bob your head to (laughs). It’s different but in a good way.
Doppo’s edgy poetry rap goes well with the background track. The part with the live drums in the back is a dry snare… just kidding (laughs)(1). The snare drum in the background sounds super cool.
- Shibuya Division’s Fling Posse is still unknown, isn’t it?
Kimura: I haven’t listen to their songs yet, so I’m looking forward to it. I’m interested in Saito Soma-kun’s rap in particular. He is a voice actor I’m familiar with, and in private we listen to hip-hop together. He, himself, has never done rap before, but I’m looking forward to how it’s going to be after listening to me rap several times. I think it’s going to be good in rhythm and high quality in general.
Also, Shibuya’s characters are interesting; an idol-like designer, a gambler, and a writer. I’m looking forward to it.
- If you got to choose, what division would you want to be in yourself, Kimura-san?
Kimura: Ah, that’s a hard choice. They’re all good!! It’s hard to choose one, I’d like to be in all of them. Or, to make a new team. I’d like to make an overseas group (laughs), a division of three people from New York called “Beastie Boys”, “Run-D.M.C.” or “The Super Cool Crew of 3 MCs have Arrived!!” (laughs).
- Would the new division be a threat to the others (laughs)?
Kimura: I mean, I want to be in all of them! Shibuya Division’s dangerous feeling is also cool.
- Since the team colors are different and they’re all attractive in their own way, the fan’s are probably like,  “I think I like this division!” and can’t make a decision.
Kimura: We also do mean things. Like, which team is the best? Should we support all teams, or should we just show extra support to one team, you see.
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- How about looking back at the first live at  “Animate Girls Festival 2017 (AGF 2017)”?
Kimura: It was so cool! I was nervous on how many female audiences during that time would come to watch since it was hip-hop. I couldn’t imagine so many people would travel to come see us just because they were interested.
I thought that, little by little, the wall would break. But I didn’t think that it would be this big. It’s been like that for hip-hop so far. Currently, “Freestyle Dungeon”‘s hip-hop and such are popular, but it isn’t something new, hip-hop has existed for long time now. People probably didn’t listen to it because of the lack of interest or the fact that it seemed scary. Rappers have been on this path for about 30 years now.
Therefore, if we keep working on Hypnosis mic steadily like this, when it blows up, everyone will look back at how hip hop has became, and think “we have been working hard on it since 5, 6 years ago!” That’s how I imagined it’d be like, out of the blue. It’s wonderful.
I think what made the live revolutionary was the fact that the fans that gathered worked so hard and even brought pen-lights that were on until the end. I’ve never seen people bring pen-lights to a hip-hop live, so it was nice seeing everyone raising their hands with a pen-light. It should be a holiday, “The day the girls used pen-lights”. It’s good to talk about it. It’s revolutionary, really!
- It was an event that greatly moved both sides, but do you have any expectations for fans in the future?
Kimura: Hip-hop was originally people saying “I want to change something” or even bigger, “I want to change the world”. So I hope people have received that message. Hip-hop originated in the US when black people weren’t recognized properly and lived in poor conditions. They would have no money and had to handle weapons and drugs to survive. I believe the important message was “I want to change the world, I want world peace”.
So first of all, I want people to understand that message, and, to make a change as a result of it. It’s this idea that instead of screaming at the wall alone, you’re asking everyone “What do you think?”. Another characteristic of Hip-Hop on the other hand, are negative responses/comebacks like “What did you just say?”; if there could be positive reactions too like “I think so too, so let’s do it together!”, it would be nice in my opinion.
I think this reaction towards “Hypnosis Mic” is also important. A clear call and response is important, but I wish for people to voice if it’s cool or not and if it’s boring or not. It is wonderful that everyone is enjoying it. But it’s also fine if there’s something wrong. If it’s cool, I would like people to say that it’s cool, but I would also like to hear everyone’s own reactions too.
For example, if there’s a live where Matenrou is overpowering Buster Bros!!, it’s ok to call “Back off-!!” in hip-hop culture (laughs). It’s over exaggerating the way of saying it, but it’s good for guests to engage in the hip-hop culture.
- The NicoNico regular live stream called “Hypnosis Mic - Nico Rap Battle” is also a great success. What challenges would you like to see in the future?
Kimura: I hope that everyone gets into hip-hop, so it’s wonderful that this time there are quite a lot of people that have knowledge on it. Even if it’s just a little bit, it’s good to know a bit about the genre. It would be nice if people got into the “lyrics”, not as karaoke, but as “tracks”. With that kind of feeling, I hope people get to know more about hip-hop. They also introduce various rappers so it would be nice if people say, “So there are these kinds of rappers” and got into them. Also, this is the only place where you get to hear voice actors rap, so it’s interesting in that sense.
Something I would like to do… I would like to do a live on the Nico Broadcast. There are music programs that are like, “So with that said, preparations are ready, let’s sing…,” like, “Oops, I made a mistake” types (laughs). It’s also a good idea to show live images. I would like to do that type of thing too.
- On January 21st, they are doing a Nico Live to celebrate the CD releases. What are your thoughts?
Kimura: Hip-hop, as a source, is important, but, as I mentioned earlier, we want people to hear it, that’s why having the opportunity for lives in front of guests are important. The AGF event in November was very good, and there will be different members in January, that’s why I’m looking forward to it. Someday I want to do a live with everyone. And in a place where popular rappers have performed… like the Budoukan!
I hope that something like this will happen in the future. For example, UZI-san announcing the featuring of voice actors in the future or something along those lines. Such as Asanuma-san featuring on an album of Cypress-san or Kamio-san being included by UZI-san in his works. It would be nice. In that sense, I have a desire for there to be a bridge between voice actors and hip-hop.
- Kimura-san, you worked on the lyrics of Ichiro’s song “Ore ga Ichiro”. What part stuck out to you?
Kimura: There’s the similarity to the character, but there’s also the fact that it’s easy to understand and listen to it. I talked about singing poetry rap, but my favorite type is when the sound is beautiful, and when the beat is as if made for the lyrics. There’s the part where it’s easy to listen, but I also enjoy the parts with word plays.
Also, songs that you can’t just listen to once, you need to listen to it a second time to enjoy the lyrics…[but] you’d still have the same mental image as you had first time you listened to it. Plus, it’s not just the sound from the word plays, but how the meaning of the words change. When you listen to the music you don’t really notice anything, but when you pay attention to the lyrics, the “woah, really” reaction comes and there’s a clear vision of the character. Like “there’s a different meaning behind them”, or “that’s what it’s saying but that’s not the actual message” type of thing. I quite like songs like that, I’m obsessed with them.
I especially like the second verse that goes, “There are still some things you haven’t seen”, “Our motive power ends the darkness”, “Even if it rains tomorrow I believe in my friends” and “No matter what happens on the battlefield, you can’t run away”. At first you listen only to the song, but after looking at the words, you go “Ah!!” (laughs).
- Please recommend the readers of “Kodowari Girls” any artists or albums.
Kimura: There’s a popular Japanese hip-hop album by Zeebra-san called “The Anthology” and it’s probably his best album. It’s a collection of his best works from the past to the present. Zeebra-san is the founder of Japanese hip-hop, so if you listen to his work, you’ll understand Japanese hip-hop better. A variety of rappers from different genres participate so please listen to it.
Recently, I’ve been listening to the album by Gaki Ranger, “Kinky Kids”, that came out in August 2017, and also “Saiji”, that was released two years ago. Those are particularly good. There are party tunes to mellow and even some edgy songs in there. A characteristic of Gaki Ranger is their deep lyrics. Their meanings have a type of attraction, so I want you to try listening to it.
There’s also Ketsumeishi’s album “Ketsu no Polis 2”. Ketsumeishi used to rap a lot before, unlike now that he mostly sings. Specifically in the songs “Tegami~Kako”, “Tegami~Genzai” and “Tegami~Mirai”. It is a wonderful trilogy and I encourage you to listen to it!
- And finally, please show us the famous human beatbox!
1. Kimura makes pun here by calling the drum dry and says snare at the end of his sentence, but he is actually talking about the snare drum. 
© Jp-Eng: Eng hypnosismic
© Kodowari Girls
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garrettsthings · 8 years
Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger Eisode 5 Review
So we finally come to episode five of this series, and according to sources on rangerboard this is the end of the “prologue” chapter. What can be said about this episode except… WOW! I could probably just end the review there, but tradition dictates I talk for far too long about it. Spoiler alert: this was a good one. And on the subject of spoilers. I try to keep my reviews spoiler free, but I find it impossible to discuss the specifics of what I liked and didn’t like without explicitly revealing what happened in this episode, so keep in mind that if you keep reading, you will be spoiled.
So as is my custom, let’s start with what I didn’t like. And while this episode was the pinnacle of awesomeness for Kyuranger so far… there are a few things I have to mention.
First of all, the Kyulette is used once again. I don’t mind the Kyulette (in fact, I actually like the idea of a randomized team every episode), but it was ultimately useless in this episode as all eight Kyurangers wound up going down to the planet anyway. I get that new circumstances arose that made the entire team necessary, but the part that bugs me was that the episode never took full advantage of the team of Lucky, Spada, Hammy, Champ, and Naga. They could have used literally any team combination and aside from one or two lines, nothing would have changed in the first half.
And then there’s Yumepakkun, the MOTW from last week who lived to fight another day. Last week I expressed excitement at the idea of a monster lasting over two episodes, but said I would be more excited if said monster was more memorable. Unfortunately, it looked like those initial impressions were right. Aside from some legitimately funny moments (I help edit the Funny page for Kyuranger on TV Tropes, so feel free to check that out for a list of those moments), Yumepakkun didn’t contribute that much to the episode. There was one scene where he grew into a giant, and the inevitable fight between him and Kyuren-Oh (while showing off a really cool Rider Kick finisher from the latter) just felt like padding. Kyuren-Oh defeated the Malistrate almost immediately and took off for a more important battle in space. You know when you die while playing Overwatch and in the kill-cam the player who killed you barely seemed to notice you and won’t even watch you die? That’s what Yumepakkun’s last hurrah felt like.
Kyuren-Oh is a jerk.
And finally we get to what is probably the biggest spoiler of the episode: Eridron dies. While it was an awesome fight and his death scene was among one of the cooler looking visual effects in Super Sentai history, I still felt like I barely knew the guy. He was cool, strong, ruthless, intelligent (though not enough to know that his new recruit was the brother of Jark Matter’s top assassin), and voiced by one of the greatest video game protagonists in history, but at the end of the day he was just a disc one final boss. To be honest, I’m worried that this show will pull a Ninninger give us a revolving door of enemy Menasters for the Kyurangers to plow through on their way to the final boss. One of my favorite parts of Super Sentai (and tokusatsu in general) is seeing the enemy organization interact and scheme with and against each other (which is why Go-Onger and ToQger are among my favorites) and I would hate to see just one Menaster be important at a time until he or she is inevitably killed.
Okay, bad stuff is over, now let’s get to the fun part. First let’s start with the big one. You know that mental image you got the second you heard this was going to be a nine-man sentai team? Yeah. That happens. We get all nine Kyurangers assembled for an overlong and amazing roll call, and see them charge against an army of mooks. And wreck them. Oh yeah, the Kyurangers don’t mess around. We see weapons, teamwork, and all the chaotic mayhem I desperately wanted from this show. Oh yes, and it’s all set to the show’s first insert song by Psychic Lover. GOD I LOVED THIS EPISODE.
And yes, you did read that right. We get all nine rangers united against the forces of evil this week. After my initial hatred of Stinger for being… pretty much every secondary Kamen Rider ever, we learn more about him. We learn that he had a close relationship with his brother Scorpio (played by everyone’s Oniisan, Yuki Kubota). I was actually surprised that the normally stiff and formal Scorpio uses the term “Aniki” to refer to his brother. Perhaps he has a hidden fun side we’ve yet to see. We also learn that the pendant Stinger keeps was from Scorpio. While we don’t get told much, the dialogue suggests that Scorpio gave it to Stinger because Stinger was sad that Scorpio had to go away. My guess is that he had left to join Jark Matter and only returned to wipe out his former family.
So not only do we get a tragic backstory (Is Lucky the only member of the team who was just chilling before deciding to join the team?) but we also get what my screenwriting textbook calls a “piece of sugar” for Stinger. It turns out that Stinger has a soft spot for kids, and actually drops his Batman growl when speaking to them. He especially gets gentle when it comes to siblings, and is very supportive of older siblings who look out for their younger brothers or sisters. And if you even think about harming them he will knock your arrow staff from your hands and punch you in the face mid-monologue. As an eldest child myself, I certainly sympathized, and Stinger very quickly rose from the bottom of my list of favorite Kyurangers to… I dunno, somewhere below Raptor, Naga, and Spada. One of these days I’ll actually organize a list.
And finally, we learned that Lucky never had to convince Stinger to join their side, as he had been on their side from the beginning, working as a spy for the rebellion. Something Xiao happened to forget to mention to the other Kyurangers. Honestly, this just cements Xiao as probably my favorite mentor of all time.
And now, before we finish off, I want to talk about some new characters we were introduced to this episode. Kotaro and Jiro, or as I like to call them, the only humans with any backbone in this show. I absolutely loved these characters, Kotaro in particular. Not only is he a really good older brother to Jiro, but he seems to be the only human on Earth who is willing to stand up to Jark Matter. And not because he thinks the grownups on Earth are useless or cowardly (like I do), but because he wants to protect them. His very first line of the episode is “Stop picking on grownups!” And this guy? He’s not much older than twelve, and he’s cooler than every single adult human we’ve seen in this show. I love this kid! If he doesn’t become Koguma Sky Blue, I’m going to riot! As it stands, he runs the risk of actually tying with Raptor for my favorite character in this show. Finally, seeing the grownups take after Kotaro and Jiro’s example and quietly begin to cheer for their saviors was an incredibly satisfying but subtle moment.
I talked for waaaay too long about this episode, but there was a lot to like. From Stinger’s immediate redemption in my eyes, to the addition of an awesome new character (and hopefully new team mate), to the jaw dropping final battle, Kyuranger has cemented itself as a show to watch. I normally give a show ten episodes to impress me (episode ten was when I realized I was completely and totally invested in Kamen Rider Drive despite it having a bit of a rough start), but after this phenomenal episode I can safely say that I am in for the long haul. I can’t promise a review every week (though I probably will next week because we get a new upgrade), but I am certainly in this show to finish.
And what did you think of this episode? Feel free to tell me in comments or reblogs.
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