#adc lameth
murillo-enthusiast · 5 months
Lameth, Saint-C how many likes for y’all to make out ?
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Lameth: Let us give the people what they want!
Saint-Chamans: I wanna be on top!
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josefavomjaaga · 2 years
Soult’s aides, again
Another scene with Soult’s unruly aides. Featuring this time: Petiet (who tells the story in his memoirs), Lameth and Brun. Special guest: general Compans, at the time (January 1807) chief of staff of Soult’s corps in Poland. Also in the mix a chamberlain of Napoleon’s whose name Petiet does not give, we only learn that he is a count: comte de ...
A few days before our departure from Prasnitz, this chamberlain had brought to Marshal Soult a despatch from the Emperor. He awaited the answer in a salon where General Compans and the aide-de-camp Brun de Villeret were playing chess. Lameth and I were chatting with the count of ... who asked me many questions about the new court of Naples and seemed to listen to my answers with a lively curiosity. He asked me how many chamberlains King Joseph had. Thirty, I told him. At these words, Brun de Villeret, checking the king, exclaimed: "Peste! Thirty chamberlains, his room must be well provided for". - Monsieur de ..., irritated to see his functions assimilated to those of a valet de chambre, expressed himself thus in a tone which he sought to make pleasant: "One used to say advantageous like an aide de camp to the prince of Neuchatel, one will now say insolent like an aide de camp to Marshal Soult!" - Lameth, with his frank cheerfulness and his ready wit, then spoke up: "You are getting angry, my dear, you are wrong. Think that if you set the aides-de-camp against you, you will have to deal with a strong party; they will also make their comparisons and they will say: military like a chamberlain!" - This was the coup de grace for the poor Count, who answered nothing and was ready to choke.
As to the identity of Napoleon’s chamberlain, I do not know. If he was already a count by 1807, before Napoleon installed his own, new nobility, he must have come from one of the ancien régime families who had rallied to Napoleon. Which would explain why Lameth, coming from a similar background, calls him “tu”.
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This is from the “Almanach impérial” of 1807. Take your pick. (Also, I’m pretty sure that’s not all of Napoleon’s chamberlains. Had he really less than Joseph?)
I’m just happy to see that by this time, the newcomer Brun seems to have been well-accepted already by his colleagues. And that he had already picked up the usual tone in Soult’s staff. (A tone that sometimes may have given Soult migraines, considering that people of course would be talking about such disrespectful behaviour.)
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your-dandy-king · 6 months
SPLIT THE PARTY #2: Soult, Caroline, and Lameth
((Reference the Master List of Previous Posts here.))
Duroc takes off running, and his little helper follows. The hall of mirrors, with its chandeliers and candelabrum, is gloomy without their combined glow, but still not as dark as to where they are running to. You watch them ascend the flight of stairs at the end of the corridor. Rude.
This leaves behind Soult, (presumably) Caroline, and ADC Lameth. Whom Caroline's husband once fired from his job for making a questionable observation about her.
Just when Duroc's glow disappears upstairs on the grand staircase, there is a noise on the main entrance level where Soult and Co. have been left. It's unlike the earlier growling. More like ... the sound of breaking glass and someone cursing. It may be coming from the main auditorium. Maybe.
(Tagging all peeps: @murillo-enthusiast, @armagnac-army, @carolinemurat, @askgeraudduroc, and @the-symphony-of-lydia-brown)
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armagnac-army · 3 months
The Marriage of Jean-Baptiste Bessières (@bayard-de-la-garde) and Jean Lannes (@armagnac-army)
Post 1, Post 2
Lannes is getting real drunk and real chatty, presumably along with other partygoers such as @trauma-and-truffles's Hopster, @le-bayard-polonaise, @your-dandy-king, maybe @alexanderfanboy, but probably not people who were hard at work like @askjackiedavid and @the-adventures-of-lydia-brown, or @le-brave-des-braves hovering around the outside of the festivities just like he did in 1815. The small 8-year-old Jean-de-Dieu is currently being minded by ADCs Brun and Lameth. When advised not to eat the sweets on the floor dropped by @simple-giant-ed, Jean-de-Dieu simply gave them a baffled look, and then decided to try and sneak one into his pocket anyway. One Bessières, wielding a small child and an egg in a prah, is currently approaching another Bessières. The Bessières who is being approached nods and says, with a genuine and soft smile-
Bessières: Salut and congratulations, Monsieur Bessières.
Again, you are welcome to reply or be here at the festivities! The bar is open!
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cadmusfly · 7 months
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Presenting the Banana Boys the Aides-de-Camp of Marshal Jean-de-Dieu Soult, the excitable drunk collective blob military family of the grumpy asshole!
I’ve been enjoying reading about their shenanigans in @josefavomjaaga’s posts and wanted to draw them, especially as I’ve started having them appear in some writing snippets and RPs
From left to right we have
Alfred de Saint-Chamans, who once wondered why Napoleon was so interested in Soult’s ass and who thinks he deserves a medal too!
Auguste Petiet, who despite Soult being mean to him and not giving him a promotion because of a disagreement with Petiet's dad, is really proud of military daddy Soult
Alfred de Lameth, the jester who can't stop joking even when it offends Murat's wife and who got murked in Spain and made his fellow soldiers so sad they burned and slaughtered a village in revenge
Brun de Villeret, the sensible guy who got into a car crash because of Soult's distracted driving and who spent months trying to convince Napoleon that the rumours about Soult trying to make himself king in Portugal are mean rumours
I found references for all of them except Lameth, who died young and also his uncle is too famous so the image search is full of him and his stupid wig, so I pretty much just made up Lameth's appearance based on vibes.
There's more ADCs like Pierre Soult, the baby brother of Soult, Franceschi the Art Guy, Coco Lefebvre Who Physically Can't Stop Partying and others, but these four are probably the Main Characters in the writing I've done!
And also yeah Soult did decide that his assistants should be dressed in bright yellow shirts and sky blue pants.
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le-brave-des-braves · 7 months
Levavasseur is such an idiot.
First he disappeared without a single trace. Then he suddenly reappears accompanied by SOULT’S ADCs and sings something. I enjoy fine music but this was not music by any accounts.
I believe it was Lameth, making the ungodly sounds that were somewhat rhythmical while the remaining two have been randomly repeating the words or just going “oh yeah” in falsetto.
Levavasseur himself is worrying me. I am no poet myself but this was just awful and I will not quote him as I am mindful of the reader’s health.
Thank fuck god he brought me this crate of Riesling because otherwise I would have been considering a court martial for misconduct.
It’s a good wine.
I think I will need a new ADC.
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jbonapartes · 5 months
A bunch of soldiers in bright yellow uniforms suddenly appear! These are the ADCs of @murillo-enthusiast , here to have a good time!
Saint-Chamans: Someone told us there was cake in here?!
Petiet: I want cake..!
Bory: Ah, a fine young man with the appreciation for… finer things in life! Let me tell you, debtor’s prison is actually quite a nice place to live - they let you climb the roofs to see your friend’s giraffes!
Lameth: False alarm, gentlemen and gentleladies~ There does not appear to be cake in here. But we can still have a good time~
Brun: Don’t trash the place.
Coco Lefebvre: PARTYYYYYY
He just so happened to be moving his stuff so he could get to his boat. He wasn't going to be able to get there on time with these clowns slowing him down.
You know who I am? Who's house you just broke into? I'm a Bonaparte! You have no right being in here. There's no damn party! I SWEAR WHAT HAPPENED TO BONJOUR??
He still had his servants move his luggage to the carriage, trying to push past them
Excuse me gentlemen.
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trauma-and-truffles · 6 months
Lameth, ADC of @murillo-enthusiast rides up to Larrey's place and runs up to the door to knock frantically.
Lameth: Salut, Doctor! This is an emergency! Duroc is in dire straits - appears to be severely burned and without his arms and wings, something has happened in Marshal Bessieres' realm, which is haunted, by the way! No time to explain- are you able to grab your medical equipment and jump on my horse?
*Hopster is the one who opens the door. Without skipping a beat, she steps out of the way and yells*
*she hurries off and Larrey comes to the door, quickly getting his shoes on.*
Someone’s wounded?
*within moments, Hopster shoves his medical bag into his hands and pushed him out the door.*
Take me there.
( @murillo-enthusiast)
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murillo-enthusiast · 6 months
It's a normal day! Looks like the banana boys ADCs Saint-Chamans, Lameth and Bory are chatting about something or other.
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Lameth: It was quite unnerving, especially when the most frightening sight of them all appeared - Caroline Murat, looking like a valkyrie ready to kill! Saint-Chamans: Just because she didn't like your jokes! Bory: I would be quite interested in venturing in and seeing if I can study those shadow monsters!
But if you turn away, out of the corner of your eye, it might be that the three ADCs don't seem so solid anymore. Perhaps they are fluttering in the wind, thin and ephemeral, one describing himself with what he thinks is dry wit, one detailed with intricate lines tracing leaves and diagrams, and the other… burned and torn and full of holes.
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And then you blink, and they’re normal again. For what counts as normal in this place.
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murillo-enthusiast · 3 months
pssst. Petiet. do you want... a cronut?
Petiet: Oh, yes please! I would love a cronut, whatever that is..!
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Bory: Ah, did you bring enough for the class?
Lameth: You are lucky, dear Petiet, that our marshal is rather occupied at the moment, or else he would be quite cross-ant with your croissant Cronenberg~
Petiet: But this cronut is mine...
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murillo-enthusiast · 5 months
A bespectacled cloaked figure loomed over the marshal's door, their breath visible despite the warm spring air.
Landing four sturdy knocks on the door, the figure stood and waited patiently for a response.
[[ @perdicinae-observer ]]
It's Lameth, again! And he beams at the marshal he does not recognise.
Lameth: Bonsoir, Your Excellency! ADC Major Lameth at your service~! May I have your name, so I may inform our Marshal of your arrival?
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murillo-enthusiast · 4 months
Brun: Bory. This is too far.
Bory: This is for science!
Lameth: You are playing with fire, my friend~
Saint-Chamans: I'm clearly the most popular! My memoirs are actually available on the internet!
Petiet: Mine is more exclusive..!
Pierre Soult: Not sure how I feel about being included here. And what about Anthoine and Franceschi?
Bory: They don't appear on this Web Log so much, so they are not options! And neither is our good friend C͞i̗̱̻̳̟̲͢ͅt̮͢o̳͓̣͉̥̘ye̱n O͞m̢̖̯̪̙̬b̛r̰͓͙̬̭̖è, for he is not as, ahem, historical as us~
Lameth: Anthoine is too innocent to be exposed to the internet! We keep him away from such things~
Brun: And Franceschi has better things to do with his time. This is stupid, however. Obviously I'm the best. I'm the one who actually went to Napoleon and convinced him of Soult's good intentions during that awful Roi Nicolas stuff.
Lameth: But I died tragically and young, and that gives me a certain charm, non?
Bory: My plan is working! Unfortunately, Coco has passed out drunk again and cannot defend himself, but ah well. Anyway, as the completely impartial poll host, I simply must point out that I am a very famous naturalist renowned for my scientific discoveries, and a certain Monsieur Darwin carried my book with him on his voyages. So, ah, do keep that in mind!
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murillo-enthusiast · 5 months
Lameth, Saint-Chamans how many likes for y’all to kiss?
Lameth: None~
Saint-Chamans: Aw, come on, make them work for it! We deserve more likes!
Lameth: How about one like?
Saint-Chamans: At least three!
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murillo-enthusiast · 5 months
Here's a box of champagne to keep the party going. Also a box of balloons and party garlands. This place needs more decoration!!!
Petiet: Thank you so so much, Citoyen Anonyme..! Your gifts are really appreciated!!!
Bory: Why, what a wonderful celebration I have returned to! Such decorations and drinks! And who are these two beauties who have joined us, hmmm?
Saint-Chamans: Bory, don't you recognise us?!
Lameth: Of course he doesn't recognise us, my friend! If he did, he would know that he was about to flirt with his dear colleagues Saint-Chamans and Lameth~!
Bory: Excuse me? You mean to tell me you two underwent protandrous metamorphosis?!! I must examine you two for the advancement of natural philosophy!
Saint-Chamans: Uhh... I'm not sure this is better.
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murillo-enthusiast · 5 months
Any juicy gossip? 👀
Lameth: You did not hear it from me, but ah, some people break promises as easily as they break hearts~
Saint-Chamans: I said I'm sorry for dropping you!
Lameth: Some among us do claim to possess upper body strength!
Saint-Chamans: You wriggled!!
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murillo-enthusiast · 6 months
In Which A █t████, A ███████g, A Part Fairy, A █o██ and A Few Torn █████ Enter A Completely Normal Theatre
Lameth: I would like to buy a vowel! Petiet: Uh, what are you talking about..? Lameth: Just the title of this post.
Soult: Ignore them. Welcome, @askgeraudduroc.
Lannes: Salut buddy!!! glad to have you wiht us well not glad because this is a kinda fucked situatoin also dont worry if any ghosties come i am ready to punch them with my feet
Soult: I am bringing a decorative court sword, a pistol concealed in my coat and a cane. Petiet and Lameth are coming in with us; they have daggers concealed inside message rolls. Saint-Chamans will be waiting outside with instructions on what to do if we do not return as well as if others wish to volunteer to come in after us.
Lannes, despite my best arguments, is bringing his sabre. But it will be concealed under his cloak. I am relying on his… hardheadedness in case of any trouble.
Lannes: Cant even bring a musket what the fuck kind of operation is this
Soult: Duroc, is there anything you would like to do before we set off?
Saint-Chamans: Why can't I come in with you guys??? Petiet: Uh... the last time you dealt with an evil spirit you got bitten..? Saint-Chamans: It's not fair! Petiet: I'm so happy I get to come along though..!
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