#cadmus rambles
cadmusfly · 8 months
in the historical Royal Navy the rank of “Post Captain” was reserved for those who surpassed the previous rank of “Master and Reblogger” in the battlefields of tumblr
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dootznbootz · 11 months
Agave, when Cadmus finally gets through to her:
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clambuoyance · 2 years
As someone who isn’t much of a DC fan, I can say with confidence that your Kon art does give off brainworm vibes. In a good way! You draw him like he’s the brainwormiest boy ever and it shows and that’s a good thing
It’s like how when an author’s passion for their story is conveyed in the execution. You can really feel the joy behind it
AW THATS SO SWEET!!! its probably…ridiculous how obvious it is i like kon >_>
i dont know why that boy gave me brainworms it just happened 😢😢😢 he has a really cool design and origin and lots of potential and i just want to make that potential real to me you know 😓
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king-nyx · 1 month
When your favourite channel drops a video on the topic you're writing a fic about
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spacedace · 2 years
So I have an idea for a dp x dc fic and I'm going to throw it here since i need to get it out of my head and i'm not sure i'll ever actually write it (and as always if anyone finds my rambles interesting any/all of it us up for grabs to run with):
Elle ends up crashing into the DC universe while exploring, but despite all the dimension/multivariate nonsense that always goes down (or maybe because of it) she can't actually get back, and the levels of ectoplasm are a lot lower than most dimensions which weakens her quite a bit.
There's enough for her to survive, and use her powers a little bit, but using them too much makes her get really weak/maybe even causes serious harm depending on how much she uses.
She finds this out when she tries to open a portal home and both fails to open the portal & passes out as a result of trying. Cut to Elle waking up in Cadmus and realizing "ah, fucked up unethical science, I am familiar with this fuckery" and escapes.
In the process of escaping she comes across Kon, who isn't "finished" yet. He's alive and aged up to a teenager, but isn't quite done with his programming/whatever (this idea came to me based entirely off what I've gleaned through fandom so I don't know the canon of Kon's whole time with Cadmus). Elle immediately realizes "Oh clone baby, that's not good" and breaks him out and takes him with her.
Kon in this doesn't know he's a clone of Superman, he doesn't know a lot of things considering how early into the clone info-dumling process he was in when Elle broke him out. He barely knows language and how to read. What he does know for sure though is that Cadmus is Bad and Getting the Fuck Out is Good so he's down to go with Elle
Queue them becoming friends and being on the run together, learning about this world/dimension together and coming to see each other as family. Eventually they end up in Gotham because it's one of the places that naturally has a higher ectopalsm level and because if you're in the right area no one cares if you have no legal ID (in some circles it's a plus).
Kon gets a lot of odd jobs before eventually ending up working at a strip club or burlesque bar or something (my idea is that it's years after escaping so he's in his early 20s at this point and not just a fresh baby clone anymore and he gets into it because he likes it and it's good money) while Elle uses her ghostly knowledge/what powers she can to work as like a psychic or something like that.
Meanwhile Justice League (with alive again Superman) have found out about the escaped Superman clone and, along with Cadmus, are desperately trying to track him down. The info they have is a bit murky, so they think it's actually *two* clones, one that had Martian dnd also thrown in to the mix based off a short clip they managed to find of Elle phasing through walls.
My idea is that it'd all finally come to a head when Constantine pulls Tim (and maybe also Damian) in on a JL Dark case that involves the Lazerus Pit and for reasons ends up having to hire Elle to help. I'm thinking it's a thing that Elle is a pretty respected name in certain magic circles due to her expert knowledge on the Infinite Realms, though she refuses to work for most people who seek her out - even though the money would be good - because usually it's only evil assholes that want to hire her.
She makes a deal with Jon to help (in exchange for something that would let her get a message to Danny letting him know what happened or something like that) and Kon joins in because there's no way he's trusting a dude Elle calls the "drunk soul slut" with his baby sister unattended, he doesn't *care* if she could handle herself it's not happening.
Anyway, Tim/Kon (and maybe some Damian/Elle) shenanigans during a Lazerus Pit/demon hunting road trip where eventually everyone figures out who Kon & Elle are, Elle manages to get a stable portal setup so she can go home and come back whenever she wants (Kon getting adopted by Danny? Kon getting adopted by Danny) and Kon joining Young Justice and having a good relationship with Clark (who had a lot more time to deal with things before meeting Kon and learned about him as a person before learning he was Clark's clone).
Anyway there would be a scene at the end where Kon would be in his superhero suit for the first time and just:
Clark: Did you choose a hero name yet?
Kon: Yeah, I figured I'd go with Supernova.
Clark, feeling touched: Yeah? Any particular reason?
Kon: It's cool, it has 'Super' in the name, and really it just seemed the easiest option, I'm used to responding to Nova, so *shrugs*
Clark: Yeah? Why's that? Nickname?
Kon: I guess kinda? It's my stage name at the strip club I work at
Clark: what
Tim, brain shut down by this revelation: ...do you do private shows?
Clark: w h a t
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soleminisanction · 18 days
Hi! This may seem like a stupid question, but, what lantern do you think each Batfamily member (direct or adjacent) would be based on their personalities and your thoughts on the characters? And the beautiful, chaotic babies, aka Young Just Us? I know some think Tim would be a Green Lantern and even though I love it (mainly because Tim could develop a friendship with John and Kyle), I'm not entirely convinced that it's the right color for him. I can't see Stephanie as a Blue Lantern either… About that, and even though I know that they are different fandoms, I've to ask you the last question: do you think that Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson could be Blue Lanterns?
You don't have to answer any of this if you don't want to, I just wanted to get your honest opinion 'cause I love your meta, posts and fics.
PS: Sorry if I made any spelling mistakes. English is not my native language.
Not a stupid question at all. In fact, I actually answered it before, a couple of years ago.
The TL;DR on that post is that I think Green Lantern is a good default fit for any of the Bats, because you can't do what they do as superheroes without an insane amount of willpower. Personally, I pegged Tim as being a good fit for Indigo, compassion... if the Indigo Tribe didn't play by bizarre rules because men who write comic books are weird about emotions. I could also see an argument for Tim landing among the Star Sapphires, given how many of them are motivated by lost love.
When it comes to Blue Lanterns -- ugh. The Steph as a Blue Lantern thing is so frustrating and dumb. It comes from a single image in her Batgirl run, where people completely ignore the context: it's part of her Black Mercy montage, which means it's an illusion that only exists in Steph's mind and the only thing it proves in-universe is that Stephanie wants Steph to be a Blue Lantern. Which is in turn mostly just indicative of a massive ego, because Blue Lanterns are presented as literal messianic archetypes.
('Oh but it's a story Bryan Q. Miller wanted to do!!' Yes, and DC told him no, that's stupid, and made him use Barbara instead. BQM was a Smallville writer who confused Steph with a 1960s Broadway character, he is the last person you should listen to about canon)
Of the Bats, I think the one most eligible for Blue Lantern status is undeniably Dick, just due to the role he plays in DC's larger superhero society. I could definitely see Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson being applicable too.
The rest of the Core Four is trickier to pin down for me, personally. My gut instinct says Blue for Bart as well, partially because I think he's the one of the Flash family that best 'inherits' that aspect that made Barry the Blue Corps deputy in Blackest Night, and partially because of how he's been presented in the Infinite Frontier era specifically, as this bright bolt of color that rushed back into the world and brought the past with him.
But like. A part of me also wants to say that about Kon? Though I could also see him falling into the compassion-if-Indigo-wasn't-so-weird category, because that boy just cares so much for the people around him (in Hawaii, in Cadmus, in Smallville, in YJ and the TT, in the Superfam) and defines himself so much by his ability to be helpful and useful to them.
And Cassie, I'm inclined to put her in Green, with the temptations of Red, because she basically became a superhero through sheer gumption and repeatedly demonstrates her willingness to stand up to literal gods to do what she thinks is right; but there's also that anger and ability to do serious harm that Ares tried to cultivate within her that never completely goes away.
...so yeah, that's my (kinda rambling) two cents on the whole thing. 😅
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bookwormlover10 · 8 months
look i love people talking about Terry, it's nice to have some more people in the fandom. But what REALLY rubs me wrong is how people are treating the Epilogue Clone Son Twist like it's Everything about Terry's character. You would Not introduce Harley Quinn as an anti-hero with her gf Poison Ivy. You would go into her PHD and history with the Joker first. I don't like how the "Batfam" fans just gloss over and "blorbo-fy" Terry into "poor widdle baby clone" and "sassy Future bat #7". His FAMILY and his attempts to keep his relationships stable despite being Batman ARE the things that make him stand out in the Batfamily. His past as a gang member and his acknowledgement of his mistakes with his repayment IS important to him - stop making him Damian but Better! or Jason but Better! He's Terry! he's a 90s child with all the cringe that goes with it!
Yea I agreed with you on somethings. Even though I personally don't really like the half clone twist, in the Grand scheme of things. The whole clone thing was only in one episode of justice league unlimited and they never brought it up again. It was never batman beyond itself. I don't read much comics but from I know the clone thing was Recon in comics. But that what people remembered and when people hear about they forget everything else that is interesting about his character! Which makes me not really liking the existence of epilogue. Even Thought I think the the episode fine on it own ending the cadmus ark
For the blorbo thing. It something that I noticed in a lot of fandoms. I just learned to ignore most of it.
For the Damian but better! Is something I don't really see. Because Damien was raised by literal assassins and Terry had a normal childhood. Don't really see how Terry could be Damien but better..... There origins or nothing alike.... There anger issues maybe. But that a common trait with bat boys. Like dick has it and Jason has it. So that not special. The only thing that I could think of that they have in common is there sperm donor and that their both future batman. Thought I personally think that there dynamic has potential
Jason but better is something I understand with giving how similar they are in a lot of things. Even fashioned tastes. But Terry was rocking the brown leather jackets and red bat symbols longer than Jason did... But seriously though with the simulator organs in some places. Terry was still a kid with a normal childhood was both his parents. He only started acting out is cause he couldn't handle his parents divorce and was a really bad kid. ( And from from what I know Terry is in the middle class) For what I know ( don't at me I haven't read a lot of comics) in his post crisis ( his second one) organs Jason only act up to survive. But overall was a good kid. ( For the most part. I think from my research...) I'm not going to continue this part before I butcher something. Their morals quiet different to. sent I got interested in Terry first I compared Jason to Terry. This that they would have an interesting dynamic.
For the sassy future batman is something I could see. Thought me personally I see Terry like a spider man like Batman.( Maybe because I'm bias and I like Spider-Man) Terry organs has things similar to a spider man story. ( But people have talk to death about that.) Terry also has that spider man humor. Thought he is seared when need to be. ( This is just me rambling at this point)
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suzukiblu · 11 months
For the Never Have I Ever: have you ever written anything about Conner never having met any of the Super/Vigilante community? like he escaped Cadmus or whoever had him before, before was discovered and rescued ? Maybe he's off living a civilian life or maybe he's off doing his own vigilantism somewhere and no one's caught on yet, so he hasn't run into any of the Superhero community?? Sorry rambling is the only settings I have lol.
to summarize: have you ever written anything about Conner never having met or been apart of the Superhero community, or escaping Cadmus on his own I guess?
Actually, yes, though it's not fully published and is scattered across MANY asks right now, haha. But here's the start of it, at least. It's an omegaverse AU where [ SPOILER NO SPOILING ] and therefore no one in the hero community knows him, and vice versa.
There's a couple other concepts I've been poking at where he's a solo act or just not really integrated yet for whatever reason, and one I'm playing with where he actually ran away from the superhero lifestyle after the Engine City fuckery got dealt with, but I think that's the only one I've got where he just hasn't met ANYone.
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hailsatanacab · 8 months
WIP Tag Game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
a lot can change in a month
all the most self-indulgent tropes i can fit in this here thing (uncle constantine, ghost king danny, reveal gone wrong, etc)
cadmus calling
it's a normal day for alfred pennyworth
jason is mistaken as jack (cont.)
lmao literal torture fic feat. duke the sunshine boi
you're joking, right? gala pranking turned twin reveal
you're batman? that's not a good thing - panic attack reveal
Send me an ask with a WIP number and I will ramble on, at length, about it!!!! Personally, I am currently losing my mind for numbers 1, 2, 4, and 7, they're all my daydream fuel atm 🤣
Thanks to @wolfjackle-creates for the tag!! In return, I'll tag @die-erlkonigin6083, @disillusioneddanny, @faeriekit, and @astatia-ghast if any of you would like to play!!! Happy WIP-ening!!!!
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taintedsoul-if · 11 months
So today I felt a bit tired.... I overworked my brain these past few days with adding new things to what I've currently written down. I made the mistake of opening my gosub file and y'all know what i bumped into? Everything I wrote for the first scene was just off. The MC had no sympathy whatsoever towards Ada who just walked in on her cheating boyfriend. So I decided to make a few changes. Majority of what I had at first was deleted by me because it made absolutely no sense, in my eyes. I completely left out the description of Ada in the opening, when our MC got introduced.
So look at this. It's unedited. (Yea so majority of what I'm writing now is unedited.)
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Now I know why writers wait until they've reached somewhere before they start rereading and such.
I also have good news. I am a lazy couch potato on my days off. Because of my laziness I can't seem to write anything at all. But you know what? Everything has finally pieced itself together. The reason why the MC was trapped in all those timelines. The reason why Cadmus is stalking them. The reason why the MC keeps on dying. Hey! This revelation has caused me to stumble a bit, because i don't know if such a tag is accepting. In all the ifs I've read since joining this community, I've never seen such a tag. *clears throat* but I believe that we should not always stick with the cliches, some times we need to think out of the box and that is what I did. Also.... well that is all I wanted to say for now.
I'll try to see if I can get these revamped scenes posted to the public by the middle of next month, so that I'll be able to focus on more important stuff. Also I've decided that instead of the MC moving into the house their mother left behind, why not let them move back home to their ancestral home. (I feel like my thoughts towards this story has truly matured over these past months. 🤷‍♀️)
Anyways enough rambling. I'll be going now. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
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cadmusfly · 8 months
I’m losing it at the guy who posted on r/napoleon asking if it was worth it to make a side trip to Paris from a trip to Poland to see Napoleon’s tomb
mentioned that losing his virginity was on his bucket list
Receiving comments being baffled and a few comments going “lose your virginity on/at the tomb!”
And then clarifying that he meant his napoleonic virginity, never visited Austerlitz or Waterloo or held a genuine sword
why would you fucking phrase it that way
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mamawasatesttube · 7 months
For the fic prompts: 52) “I Wouldn’t Change A Thing About You” with the Souperfam? Thinking about them again (<- Guy who’s always thinking about them)
“—in the originals, there were actually five different guys playing Darth Vader! They had the main guy who played him in the full suit, David Prowse, and then his stunt double for a lotta the fight scenes, Bob Anderson, but then his voice was James Earl Jones, obvie. But James didn’t do the breathing! That was another dude named Ben Burtt.”
Across the table, Kon pauses to suck at his milkshake. Kara swings her legs back and forth before hooking her heels back onto the bar on her barstool, humming. He was right; this place has really good fries. And the burgers are solid, too.
“That’s only four guys, though,” she says, counting them off on her salty fingers. “David, Bob, James, and Ben.”
“Yeah! I’m getting there.” Kon grins. He dips one of his fries into the pink swirl of his milkshake (strawberry, because he says he likes everything fruity). Kara wrinkles her nose. That still seems weird to her. But Kon pops it into his mouth, chews, swallows, and continues: “The last guy is Sebastian Shaw. Who was only Vader in two scenes! Although technically you could argue he was never Vader and was only Anakin, if the semantics of that mean anything to you.”
Kara has seen these movies a grand total of once. Very recently. As in, Kon got her to agree to watch all of them this weekend. As in, they finished watching Return of the Jedi about ten minutes before they came here for a late lunch.
“They do not,” she assures.
To her surprise, though, Kon deflates a little. “Oh.” He drops his gaze to the fries left in his basket, then looks up again with a grin that doesn’t seem quite as genuine. “Right, yeah, I’ve been rambling for a while, haven’t I? It’s probably gotta get boring to anyone who doesn’t have these movies literally uploaded into their brain.”
He laughs, but Kara doesn’t join in. She frowns. “I wasn’t telling you to stop,” she objects, and lightly kicks him under the table to accent it. “I was just saying the semantics don’t mean anything to me!” Another kick.
“Stop kicking me,” he pouts, so naturally, she kicks him again. “Linda!”
This time, when her foot connects with his jeans, it freezes in place. Kara gasps, then glares at him. She could probably pull free of his telekinetic grip, but that’d definitely take superstrength, and this diner might not look too kindly on a potential hole in the ceiling. “Let go!”
“Only if you stop kicking me!”
“Then stop pouting and keep telling me movie trivia!”
“You don’t have to say that if you’re getting bored!” Kon huffs. His glasses do nothing to hide the flush on his cheeks. “I know I get rambly sometimes. Blame Cadmus, they’re the ones who made me so good at being annoying.”
He grins again, but Kara’s not buying it. He’s not very slick about hiding that this is an insecurity, is he? He probably thinks he’s being slick. He’s not. It’s endearing.
“I don’t think you’re annoying,” she says honestly. “I like that you get enthusiastic about stuff. I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
And then, because that’s embarrassingly earnest to say to her cousin while they’re in public, she has to follow it up properly, before she starts blushing too. Lightning-quick, she swipes a finger through his milkshake and dabs a dollop onto the tip of his nose. Ha!
Kon squawks. “Linda!” he protests, face even redder. He scrubs his hand over his nose, then licks the melting milkshake from his palm. “Jeez!”
Kara grins at him. “Your move, Conner.” As a concession, she dips one of her fries into her milkshake (simple and plain vanilla), then pops it into her mouth.
Kon huffs at her and makes a big show of rolling his eyes and scrubbing his face with a napkin. “Uncivilized,” he sniffs. But the telltale soft look in his eyes tells her she’s won, even before he opens his mouth. “Anywhoozies. So after the release of the prequel trilogy, George Lucas decided they needed to do some continuity edits on the originals, and there was a rerelease, and…”
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buriedalienfma · 1 year
In this week, Episode 6 of 'My Adventures with Superman' was released, and.....this was a weird one. Out of all the episodes we have of this show so far, this episode has got to have the weirdest premise, and whether that's a good kind of weird or a bad kind of weird, I'll leave up to you, because I can't decide for myself.
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So here's my thoughts on Episode 6 (Spoilers incoming) :
So first off, I guess I'll have to address the ''controversy" from the previous episode. Apparently a bunch of people got mad about Lois's actions in the previous episode, saying that she was unreasonable for getting mad at Clark for hiding his identity from her, and also calling her "toxic" or whatever for jumping of the building to prove that Clark is Superman. If it sounds like I'm being flippant about this, it's because I am. Normally, I try to accept that different people have different opinions, but this is the exception - those people are wrong, and their opinion is wrong. I might have seriously over-estimated just how much people know about Superman through pop-cultural osmosis, because Lois discovering Superman's secret identity and getting mad about Clark keeping secrets from her is such a well-established Superman plot. It's been done in several Superman stories, and it's part of what makes the dynamic of Lois and Clark so interesting.
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And as for Lois jumping off a building to prove that Clark was Superman, well that's just another thing that has its roots in other Superman stories. Lois pulling insane stunts to get an interview from Superman or to try and find out his secret identity is practically one of her defining character traits at this point. Hell, even the comics lampshaded it at one point. Here's Clark Kent pulling that exact same stunt in a story where he was powerless and had to get an interview from a new superhero that was running around in Metropolis :
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Within the context of the show on it's own, Lois being angry at Clark makes perfect sense. She obviously has issues with people keeping secrets from her, and previous episodes established that her father lied to her about how severe her mother's illness was. Clark trying to brush off his injuries at the end of that episode must have reminded her of that incident, which explains her strong emotional reactions. Also people seemed to have taken Clark's side in this conflict, but consider Lois's perspective here. She's been trying to get ahead in the Daily Planet for months. She tried to get an interview from Superman, who bailed out on said interview despite initiating it in the first place. That's kind of a jerk move, especially since Clark knows how important that interview was for her. It also feels hypocritical of him to lie to Lois when he made such a big deal about lying being a bad thing in the pilot. On the one hand, he keeps telling her to trust him and open up to him, on the other hand he keeps evading her both as Superman and as Clark. No wonder she's angry at him. I saw some people saying it was 'forced drama', when it obviously isn't. 'My Adventures with Superman' is pretty simple compared to other cartoons and superhero TV shows, I'm actually surprised that everything I discussed above is flying over people's heads. In any case, I should stop rambling about the previous episode and just move on to the next episode.
The episode follows through on the cliffhanger from the previous episode, as Clark and Lois quickly catch on to the fact that Jimmy is missing and they try to retrace his steps to find him. I like that Clark and Lois still care about Jimmy even though they're caught up in their own drama. I also like that Clark is unable to find Jimmy with his own powers, which means that they have to use good old-fashioned detective work to find Jimmy.
It turns out that Jimmy was captured by a talking Gorilla named Mallah and a sentient Robot named Brain who worked for an organization called Project Cadmus before they had to flea for their lives when Cadmus turned against them. The pair now live in an area of the woods that is shielded from the public. Despite my familiarity with the DC Comics, I've don't know much about these guys. Apparently they have connections to Gorilla Grodd, a Flash supervillain, and have served as enemies to the Teen Titans and the Doom Patrol ? I guess it's nice that this show is adapting such obscure characters. So far, this show has had some very grounded antagonists and characters with Superman himself being the fantastical exception, so it feels bizarre to have characters like Mallah and Brain in this episode.
On the other hand, it's nice that Jimmy gets to be validated when it comes to some of his conspiracies. Him managing to talk his way out of a bad situation with Mallah and Brain is also a great moment.
There's a lot going on in this episode between Clark and Lois being menaced by a bunch of scary robots, Clark losing his powers inside the hidden area in the woods, and the trio working out their conflict through all the chaos going on around them, it's a good thing that the writing is solid enough to balance all of these elements.
Boy, this show really wants to capitalize on how attractive Clark is. He spends half of this episode completely shirtless and those moments are all drawn in ways that emphasizes his muscular build. It's not a complaint, just an observation.
So it turns out that Jimmy already knew that Clark was Superman this whole time. On the one hand, I really like this moment. I was worried that Jimmy might just fall into the comedic airhead role, so it's nice to see that he is smart enough to figure out Superman's secret identity. He also shows a great deal of emotional maturity when he confesses that he kept that secret from Clark because he was waiting for Clark to tell him on his own terms. On the other hand, I kinda wish that the previous episodes at least hinted that Jimmy was in on the secret, because it almost seems to come out of nowhere.
The reason that Clark kept his identity a secret from his friends was because he just wanted to be normal, and didn't want his friends to treat him like he was an alien. I really like this. For one, it shows that the writers have a good understanding of Superman's character. There's a deeper layer to the character beyond simply being a decent man. In the comics and other stories, Superman has often struggled with feelings of alienation and loneliness - it's what makes him a fascinating character for me. Fundamentally, Superman stories are about Superman finding acceptance despite being "different", and this show adapts that aspect very well, with Lois and Jimmy letting Clark know that they accept Clark for who he is. This moment also reinforces Clark's optimism and faith in humanity as the episode ends with Clark asserting that he will continue to try to make the world a better place.
We're given a few more hints as to the identities of the antagonists from the previous episodes, though it's not much. For now it seems that the antagonists will challenge Clark's faith in humanity since they seem to have a "needs of the many" mindset that drives their actions.
So that's episode 6. It's a strange episode as the premise is more than a little outlandish, but there's still a lot to like about it, and the character work continues to be solid.
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1) I love this blog, I love seeing your ideas and takes and rambling about shit is my favorite way to indulge the brainrot
2) I’d love to hear more about your thoughts on Cadmus and Florence. I haven’t thought about them that much but now that I am, I definitely see the vision
3) I might spam your ask box, sorry not sorry
YES! DO NOT APOLOGIZE!!! it is literally my favorite thing in the whole wide world to ramble about my Visions (TM) and giving me prompts just enables that brainrot
Cadmus and Florence friendship propaganda
In episode one, it's stated that while the rest of the group doesn't typically work closely together, Cadmus and Florence have worked together in the past.
Carol: Do things usually go sideways for you? Florence: Well usually I'm not working with this particular group of individuals altogether at once, so... Cadmus: NORMALLY there's just two of us. And not those two. (gestures to Ian and Isabelle)
There are a hundred small moments that imply how familiar they are with each other's quirks and patterns.
Florence: How many times I gotta tell you you'll catch a cold like that, honey? Cadmus: If you find anything that fits me, I'm willing to listen.
Cadmus: You're not doing that Noir thing again, are you? Florence: Don't just call it 'that Noir thing,' it's part of how I think!
"Cadmus is scrunched up really tight in the front seat to make sure that Florence has enough leg room." "She notes how considerate you are! And—doesn't say it out loud, but..."
(During the wrestling arc) "You ready?" (Florence and Cadmus IN UNISON:) "As we'll ever be."
Fun fact! 100% of the time Florence has used Unguarded Moment (her "inner monologue about a teammate to give them a buff" ability), she's used it on Cadmus. Literally every single time.
Both of them are so protective and have tried to push other party members behind themselves (including each other) at least one time. The mental image of them wrestling to take a hit is like that one comic of the guys diving in front of the gun.
Big dog and small dog energy. Please never forget that Cadmus tried to hide behind Florence from Zelda in E2 but it didn't work because she's HALF HIS SIZE and he's a GIANT.
After Vice outs Cadmus's epithet just before their fight, Florence is the one who figures out Vice's epithet to get a bit of revenge.
During the murder dungeon, Florence and Cadmus flank Isabelle with torches to keep her safe. Everyone knows by now that Cadmus is Isabelle's work-dad but Florence is just as much her work-mom-older-sister-cousin who wipes her face off with a napkin and steps on Ian's foot when he's mean to her.
Aroace 🤝 Bi solidarity (the aroace is canon, the bi is headcanon unless Roob ever stated Florence's orientation and I didn't notice)
TL;DR they are both so fucking good and have both gone through hell and back (we see it with Cadmus, but it's heavily implied Florence has had her own share of misadventures) and they NEED to TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS or I'm going to blow up a house
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echovale052 · 7 months
your ocs' ways of expressing love, to listener or others??
Aww this is fun, I tried to keep it simple but I love this question too much. :))💛 I left out some characters that aren’t the like main ones. The Highbrook crew has reasons they aren’t super physically affectionate and that will be revealed later but if they could they would.
Amanda loves listening to all of the rambles and rants, hearing darling or Athena be passionate about something, remembering it and bringing it up to watch their faces light up is her favorite. When she gets comfortable she might sit shoulder to shoulder with Darling and Athena
Athena is observant, so making mental notes about things darling and Amanda like their favorite flowers or something like that. She may or may not have made darling a mechanical pet just like Cadmus.
Bonus: Drew - will almost always bring Amanda and Athena gifts from his travels and once darling sticks around too they definitely get gifts too.
Rowan, oh my gods bringing food and her hand on the shoulder 100%, mothering Sunshine is instinctive at this point. She will bring them some water while they’re practicing, offer them advice if they want it but she likes knowing the people she cares about are fed.
Avyanna, her and majesty have an interesting dynamic at the beginning but her love is telling majesty about their surroundings, and how their actions actually affect their citizens and not just how things benefit their pack and fixing their clothes.
Emile is almost always flirting with Ace if not just for shits and giggles, but compliments and (if they could do it as much as they wanted) kisses on the hand. During meetings emile will almost always have their foot resting next to or near Ace’s foot under the table.
Beatrix picks lost up all the time, nerding out about stuff is just so awesome. She and lost shake each other by the shoulders in excitement and Beatrix loves sitting at Lost’s height (bc she’s a lamia this is possible) it’s not uncomfortable for her plus she gets to look at their eyes fill with determination or joy or whatever it is.
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passimtemere · 10 months
The Macarena a vile curse.
"Why am I here at all?" Karnus groaned, his frustration palpable as he forcefully dropped his head onto the polished surface of the long mahogany table. The impact caused at least three ancient tomes to leap up in shock, their pages fluttering like startled birds. Syliph, ever the peacemaker, quickly rushed to their aid, soothing the distressed books with gentle shushing sounds and tender pats, as if calming skittish animals. "Karnus, please, don't startle the books. You're well aware of how jittery they can become," Syliph chided softly.
Karnus, however, was in no mood to listen. "I honestly don't care. I'd much prefer they kick me out again rather than be subjected me to this tedious magical study nonsense. You and Benni are the ones blessed with innate magical abilities, not I. I'm the very antithesis of magic. Why should I care one bit about it?" he grumbled, his voice dripping with disdain.
Meanwhile, Benni, engrossed in the intricate pages of 'Magical Foci: An In-Depth Analysis' by the renowned Foil Ward, chimed in without looking up. "The reason, Karnus, is that you must be equally prepared to defend against magical assaults...Hmm you know, I know that Dad has a fondness for staves and wands, but there's an undeniable allure to wielding gauntlets. Although, adopting such a style would make me feel akin to Thanos, and that's decidedly out of fashion," Benni mused, a shiver running down their spine as they realized they were echoing Alphonse's sentiments to an uncanny degree.
Dismissing the conversation with a wave of his hand, Karnus stood up abruptly, adopting the dramatic stance of a seasoned wizard. In a voice affected to mimic the timbre of an elderly sage, he proclaimed, "'I summon the forces of Fuckshits and the essence of my taint, to vanquish my adversary!' Magic users always reveal their intentions prematurely, caught up in the theatrics of their spellcasting. Before they can even complete their incantations, I could easily deploy my tendrils to turn them upside down, shake out their pockets, and then drop them through a portal. Problem solved," he declared, his performance ending as he slumped back into his chair.
"Karnus, what on earth are you rambling about? Relying solely on the darkness for every fight is quite stupid. You must attempt to know at least some basic ways to neutralize your magical adversaries. Don't forget, Cadmus has the ability to penetrate your thoughts and anticipate your actions. You possess no defense against such intrusions. Do you not recall the time he bewitched you into performing the Macarena every time you uttered a 'Deez Nuts' joke?" Benni reminded him, concern lacing their words.
At the memory, Karnus visibly shuddered. "Yes, that was indeed a horrendous week," he admitted begrudgingly.
Syliph nodded in agreement. "It was a blessing in disguise, to be honest. You really needed to abandon that tiresome habit."
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