#adding context so im not hanged drawn and quartered for a silly idea
bulkhummus · 1 year
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ok then here is the whole comic — context under the cut
i love drama and using my favorite characters to talk about gender and sexuality so i have this idea where Lubelle and Carlos had a weird interpersonal relationship during their time together at the uowii that was unhealthy ie. possessive, lacking boundaries, confusing, no proper communication etc. while both of them were using each other to basically figure out their identities — both professionally and personally. like they definitely werent together, but she didnt want him seeing other people and there was a blur between personal and professional dynamics — i wanted to show her disregard for his personal space, and her habit of assuming shes right — and i also wanted to draw an angry cecil haha
so when lubelle finally runs into carlos in night vale she’s shocked to find that he’s fully out, married with a kid, and that he doesnt seem to need her in any capacity and has moved on and grown, because for her, it’s only been about a year and did not think he’d ever squeeze out from beneath her thumb. she also thinks carlos has been manipulated into staying / has gone off the deep end — maybe even thinks cecil is a bad influence
and cecil is being SO BRAVE (a brat) about it
anyways i love and adore evil lubelle
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