#adelaide lanshasaa
adelaide-lanshasaa · 2 years
Scenario 1 : Arachnids
Quick note : you will notice a mistake, as the Schaffenfest takes place outside of Bögenhafen. I did not know that when the characters played the scenario, thus, I apologize. This scenario takes place after the adventures of Chef, but the reading order does not matter much so far. Both are included in the first scenario as an introduction to the players. Some might recognise two scenario hooks from the 4e bood "Adventures afoot the Reikland".
Maria and Selgrim are walking in the Reikwald toward the wood exploitation of Willibert Klemm. Giant spiders made their nest in the trees, and the merchant has been loosing profit since, but decided to make money out of the situation, and asked for someone to get him some of the creature's silk for him to sell.
The young woman and the dwarf met on this occasion. They quikly found out that they both wished to travel to Übersreik, and that they needed a guide and some money. Maria traveled from her village in Tabalecland in hopes of becoming a knight for the Empire's army, and believes that the now politically unstable city will offer her opportunities to get noticed as a hero. As for Selgrim, he grew up in Bögenhafen until now, and wishes to travel as well, hopeful to find something interesting in Übersreik.
As they make their way on the path, voices catch their attention.
"Are you sure that's a good collet ?"
"I don't know, I'm a blacksmith, not a hunter !"
As they come closer to the voices, they discover a ginger haired dwarf and a young man trying to prepare a hunting trap, before noticing the two curious person.
After a short conversation, it turned out that this duo, Günther and Ökri, met today as they accepted a job offer for Doctor Malthusius. The man runs the Malthusius Zoopopée but his creatures have fought and killed each other, and other problems caused him worry for his business. With the Schaffenfest starting in a few days, he needs new creatures to present the public, and thus, Günther and Ökri are now trying to hunt for monsters.
"Well, we are going to collect silk from giant spiders for a merchant. If you joign us, we can help you capture one of them, and you can help us gather the silk, perhaps we'll make more profit this way."
Everyone agrees on collaborating, and soon, they arrive in the wood explotation. The trees are covered in silver threads, and the group starts gathering the silk, trying not to break the delicate strings. Unfortunately, spiders soon begin to carwl their way.
"Giant spiders ? These are merely larger then big rats !" complains one of the dwarfs. But soon, their number is overwhelming, and the fight becomes a real struggle until Maria kills many of them in a precise blow. Suddenly, they notice a man eating Drakwald in the tree crown above them, much bigger then the small critters that they struggled with a moment ago. Very much larger.
"We have to catch that one..." mutters Günther.
They begin to plan a way to trap it, using a rope and one of them as a bait, but when they finally look back up, the monster is gone.
The drakwald spider jumps on one of them, who barely rolls away from it, before running to his newly found comrades that hurried to settle the trap.
The quartet returns to Bögenhafen, victorious. Their hunt was fruitful, and the Drakwald they captured should satisfy Dr. Malthusius. As for the silk, the quantity is consequent. However, as they arrive by the city's entrace, another problem arises : guards are there, and walking in a city with a giant man-eating insect is not acceptable. Günther walks ahead, ensuring his companion that he can distract them. The uninterrupted flow of his words as he speaks to the two men drowns them into incomprehension. Meanwhile, Maria and the two dwarfs walk behind the two men, with their illegal catch.
However, as they make their way toward Mathusius' caravan, a guard notices them. A fight in town would draw too much unwanted attention on them, but a few Silver Shilings often makes a man willing to remain silent. With their purses a bit lighter, the four adventurers arrive at the caravan, and receive their pay. They also find Herr Klemm to trade the silk for silver shilings, and all return to a tavern, planning their leave for Übersreik.
All they need is a guide, but the next day, the bad news arrive : Selgrim, who lives in Bögenhafen, has to remain for a few more days, as he has been called to joign the jury for a lawsuit.
Scenario 2 : Death to the witches !
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the-after-eight · 2 years
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Happy new year everyone ! May the critical rolls be success !
Here are all the characters I played in 2022, I am very grateful for all the fun I had with them !
@ptit-louis finished his campaign successfully !
@adelaide-lanshasaa has been introduced to my players for the beginning of the campaign "Old World Dissonances"
@salaad-dronnoc made it out alive of the Naheulbeuk dungeon
@captain-glucose & @captain-glucose-sidekick had their new costumes
@morrigan-sahar @noria-helveticus @lorelei-versengold are the characters I created in 2022
@tony-redrum defeated Keric le Zemmur and La Rumeur
I am eager to continue my Warhammer campaigns in 2023, as well as playing @hellwen-ward again. I believe that I will also play @e-calix pretty soon, and I will start working on an old game so that @noria-martinus-bittus party can get back on game !
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greta-wiljhem · 2 years
Hero Forge
Si vous suivez les autres blogs du compte @the-after-eight, vous saurez que j'apprécie beaucoup le site Hero Forge pour créer un petit visuel des personnages. Greta me posait justement soucis pour le design, contrairement à d'autres comme @adelaide-lanshasaa ou @morrigan-sahar pour qui les designs sont venus très naturellement. Je n'arrives pas bien à saisir l'image que j'ai en tête pour Greta, et je galère à en faire un dessin, mais j'ai pu obtenir une bonne piste avec ce site.
Voilà donc une idée de la tête de la fameuse Greta, premier personnage de jeu de rôle que j'ai joué !
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Eh oui, Greta a un chat, Souris, qu'elle avait adopté dans un scénario.
Venue de Norfendie, elle est d'apparence très scandinave : cheveux, yeux et peau très clairs, constitution solide et musculature prononcée, avec de longs cheveux en tresses complexes et des peintures sur le visage.
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adelaide-lanshasaa · 2 years
Magic in the Empire
"Magical abilities mark you as a figure of terror and awe in the Empire. Prior to the establishment of the Colleges of Magic in Altdorf, those able to wield magic were reviled outlaws. Nowadays being a witch is not illegal, but casting magic without a licence is. Spellcasters within the Empire must either study at the Colleges of Magic, refrain from casting spells, or hope no-one notices their illicit activity. Even licenced wizards are generally feared and avoided — legal status has done nothing to reduce the superstitious dread of the common folk. Magic is seen as unnatural and is notorious for its darker elements: the crippling hexes of witchcraft, the raising of the dead, and the summoning of Daemonic entities. Even when practiced according to the teaching of the Colleges, magic can be the cause of trouble. The very source of magic is unstable, and even the most experienced spellcaster can lose focus, resulting in dangerous accidents and unexpected side-effects." Extract from WFRP 4e Rulebook
The use of magic was legalised in 2302 IC by Magnous the Pious when a high elf mage, Teclis, taught rudimentary spells to fugitive wizards to fight Chaos during the Great War. Following Magnus' crowning, the elf founded the colleges of magic where humans could be trained to control their talent.
Magic itself remains a mystery, although it is derived from Chaos, and divided into eight winds. As humans are vulnerable to corruption, they cannot control all eight of them; however, Teclis deemed them capable of mastering a single Lore at the time. This lead to the creation of eight colleges, one to study each Lore associated to a wind. These are the Lore of Light, Metal, Life, Heavens, Shadows, Death, Fire and Beasts.
This is just a quick note, of course things are much more complex in the books ! Feel free to reach out if you'd like to know more on Magic in Warhamme !
Sources : Warhammer Fantasy RP 4e Rulebook and Winds of Magic 4e
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adelaide-lanshasaa · 2 years
Scenario 1 : Chef
Part of this scenario is from "Adventures afoot the Reikland".
Part 1 : Adélaïde
Part 2 : Is the water really the problem ?
The Halfeling light-heartedly followed the philosopher and his friend Bambi. Waliyya el-Shah, a Faylasuf, was delighted to meet them, relieved that a Wizard was willing to help her. Indeed, she has been investigating the Bögen river for years, and recently noticed that the water became warmer after a narrowing in the Vobergland. She needed an escort to protect her as she investigates the fog surrounding the place.
As they arrive, they all notice that the mist seems to appear following an invisible limit.
"I have been to afraid to go further alone. Now, we shall take more measures of the water temperature to locate the exact point of shift."
As they approach the river, Chef notices that the shape of a face briefly appears in the fog, but Adélaïde seems calm, so he proceeds to take the odd apparel that Waliyya hands over to him, asking him to submerge it in the water in specific spots.
But as his hand touches the water, the screaming spectre of a man appears and attacks him. Semi-transparent, he is in his thirties, with short blond and curly hair, a pale face and his eyes a pale blue with impressive dark circles. His face is thin, his cheeks sunken, and he wears a white shirt with puffy sleeves underneath a finely woven doublet.
Terrifyed, Chef runs away, and finds a bush in which he can hide. It takes him a moment to calm down, but the thought of his friend gives him courage. He start looking for her, and is relieved to find her unharmed.
"Chef, you must found Waliyya, I think that she has been injured."
Indeed she is, but nothing concerning. However, she is shocked, and it takes Chef a moment to calm her down. The specter vanished, and Chef takes measures with the woman, as Adélaïde prepares her spells. Soon enought, the ghost returns, but Bambi distracts him, while the Halfeling and the Faylasuf takes the measures. Finally, the data are sufficient. All run off, escaping the mist, and discover that the ghost cannot follow them. But Adélaïde is greatly injured, and they take a moment of rest while Waliyya explains her thoughts.
"See, the water warms up suddenly, at a precise point of the narrowing. I think we must investigate the bottom of the water."
In brief sentences, Adélaïde claims that the spirit has been cursed, and that his body might still be there.
After discussing for a moment, they finally decide of a strategy. Chef will be tied to a rope, and search underwater for anything interesting, eventually a corpse, as Waliyya remains by the riverbank, ready to pull the light-weighted man back. The wizard, still injured, will step in the mist, where she can easily back off and be out of reach of the spirit, and will attack him with her spells to defend the group.
It takes Chef a long while to finally find something. He was forced to swim back up a few times for air, but finally, at the narrowing, he sees a corpse stuck against rocks. He struggles to free it but can finally swim back up with it, only to discover the spirit harrassing Waliyya. The Halfeling quickly pulls the body out and was about to run help the faylasuf when the ghost abruptly stopped his attacks, turning toward the body as laments echoed in the mist.
Chef takes adventage of it's distraction to check on Waliyya. She is injured, but alive, and both carry the body toward the wizard, followed by the moaning soul.
Adélaïde is unconscious, badly injured. Chef and Waliyya mend her wounds, and quickly tell her what happened while she was out. Finally, the little man takes a moment to examine the body. Only bones remain, attached by some ligaments, but the fabric of is clothes is similar to the one of the ghost. He searches his pockets, hoping to find anything that could let them identify him, but in vain. Yet, Chef notices a golden ring on one og the bones of the hand, and quickly grabs it. The signet ring is marked by a finely carved letter, an "F" according to his companions. He quickly slides it in his pocket, and proceeds to dig a hole, to at least give some sort of decent burial to the unknown man.
Finally, as the body is beneath them, the spirit dissapears, and the mists dissipates. Waliyya returns to measure the water's temperature, but the change is gone as well.
"But what happened ?"
"It's Dhar." mutters Adélaïde, before giving further explanations as she sees the confused gaze of the two others.
"Dark magic. There were traces on the body, it was cursed. It probably caused that temperature shift in the water, where to bay was."
All three return to the city, and Waliyya rewards them before going back to her guild. Adélaïde is hurt, and she rests for a week at the tavern. Chef is left on his own, and spends his days trying to tame the stray dog he found. Nine days later, it's a success and Japchae is a joyful little comapnion. Even better, Adélaïde is finally healed.
But on their 10th day in Bögenhafen, a lean man with black hair and a large hat walks in the tavern of the three barrels, followed by three guards.
"Adélaïde Lanshasaä ?"
The wizard looks at them, emotionless.
"You're under arrest."
Scenario 2 : Death to the Witches!
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adelaide-lanshasaa · 2 years
Identity Record
First name : Adélaïde
Last name : Lanshasäa
Race : Human
Genre : woman
Age : 27
Birthdate : ?
Origins : Reikland (Altdorf)
Height : 1m75
Weight : 55kg
Profession : Shadowmancer, ex War Magister
Religion : Sigmar
Alignement : True Neutral
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adelaide-lanshasaa · 2 years
Adélaïde's design
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I was struggling a lot to find her clothes design... That sketch, gives a hint on her appearance. Adélaïde always have skulls with her, and isn't very expressive. She also has a wolf skin to keep her warm. I sketched thins in 2021
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adelaide-lanshasaa · 2 years
Hero Forge
Adelaïde's design is very unusual, and I struggled with hero forge to get this result. But it's not that bad, although it's more complex then that. Basically, colors seem absent from her, her hair an odd gradiant from black to white, her skin pale, her eyes a piercing gray... Like colors, she seems to be lacking emotions. Her stare is expressionless and made more then one player uneasy.
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the-after-eight · 2 years
Happy New Year !
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I didn't show the watercolored verison yet, it took me a few more hours. I'm hapy about how it turned out ! All these characters that I played this year did a few things that are worth detailing, although I did mention it quickly on the uncolored version.
I added their names for those who aren't familiar with them yet ! They all have a dedicated blog with info about them, other artworks and their story !
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P'tit Louis' shirt is a reference to the last scenario of his campaign, and the writting in the green pin is a phrase that Paul (one of his companions) said at a very important moment and it was hilarious. The pink pin is a joke from the last scenario we played in Nephilim this year (a French pun). I will also explain why he has a gold ring. I added his fangs, a new metamorphosis he gained at the end of the campaign. @ptit-louis
Tony is very happy, he's holding a lemur's tail, a reference to Keric le Zemmur, an ennemy he killed (and probably traumatized, Keric is certainly in hell, haunted forever by the Sram's grim smile, the last vision he had in his life, and the phrase "I told you that your soul would never have peace"). He is proud ! Also, the villain's name is a pun regarding a French politician. @tony-redrum
Noria is just chilling with her pet frog, Sergent Uc!, she started Hogwards school this year and is delighted to discover that magicx is real, she has so many things to discover ! @noria-helveticus
Lorelei looks chill here, I actually created her design for this drawing, so I'm happy. She started her campaign, the Ennemi Within, and due to her cult, she must keep herself serious. But open your eyes, the short priestress of Morr holds her flail, a weapon that has already proven her skill as a warrior. @lorelei-versengold
Morrigan is just happy, she's just naturally optimistic ! He played 3 scenarios this year already, although he suffered a lot already. She has a good heart, and fighting demon isn't always easy. @morrigan-sahar
Sal'aäd is on vacation. He finally got out of a dungeon, and honestly, it didn't go well for him. Just look in his eyes... He's dead inside. He did get a souvenir from the dungeon though. @salaad-dronnoc
Adélaïde finally began her campaign with my main group... As an NPC, since I'm the DM. SHe put her deer skull down, it's a bit heavy after all ! Although she still wears other smaller skulls in her hair, weird fetish. She's summonning small bbutterfly illusions, they are quite pretty after all. @adelaide-lanshasaa
As for Captain Glucose and his sidekick... They played two one-shots, one where they acquired their new costumes for Scarlet Scarf (Oh, spoiler... Sorry), and the second one where they finally took care of a very sus dude from scenario 3, MLP (Mother Lifting Po*n... Yes, that was his nickname. You see the sus part now ?). They did well on both, although they were quite easy... Our GM is preparing a capaign for them called "No More Heores" and I'm terrifyed. @captain-glucose @captain-glucose-sidekick
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the-after-eight · 2 years
There is this song I am a bit obsessed with : Stabbing in the Dark by Ice Nine Kills, and it kind of reminded me of these two, mostly @captain-glucose-sidekick Rubisco Boy, but that line is completely @adelaide-lanshasaa : " There's life in the shadows". I had a very cool image in mind (well, more like a full video but I can't do that), and I need this out. So I quickly doodled this, it's messy but at least it was out of my brain XD Although it could be a very cool artwork if I could take the time to work it out properly !
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Of course, this is also a song for @tony-redrum and @hellwen-ward, the stabbing masters !
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the-after-eight · 2 years
I am a tabletop rpg player since September 2014. This account is for all my tabletop role-playing games, some of you might have already seen things from @the-after-eight, but I figured out that creating a dedicated account made more sense. I want to keep a trace of everything and gather them in one place, and since I like sharing, I'm publishing it here. Feel free to come and chat !
You will very soon be presented with After Eight. She will be the starting point leading to all the stories I have. I will create many blogs to present important characters, and use her name for the rest. I believe you will eventually find out why she is the most appropriate character for the main blog of this ttrpg project.
Enjoy your visit in this chaotic place !
Table of contents
After Eight
Games, rules and lore
The GM side
Crossovers, Quick infos, etc...
Associated blogs
Every character from the After Eight are my creations or the ttrpg characters that I played, and their adventures are the scenarios we played during our gaming sessions.
The different universes belong to their original creators and do not belong to me, apart from the core of the After Eight concept.
Every art pieces are my own work unless I say otherwise, please do not use without permission. I signed them with @labinnac.champi because that's my instagram art account. Images, photos, are either from me or free of rights unless I say otherwise.
Post Schedule
Monday : Greta, Cyano, Noria MB
Tuesday : Nagh, Adélaïde, P'tit Louis
Wednesday : Hellwen, Captain Glucose, Rubisco Boy
Thursday : Miranda, Tony, Sal'aäd
Friday : Régis, Propaganda, Nikita
Saturday : Morri, Noria H, E'Calix
Sunday : Sister Lorelei, P4nd0r3
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the-after-eight · 2 years
Game status
I talked about the games I played, but I'd like to clarify them a little more, so here we go! I added colors depending on the GM, and the crossed one is a former GM that definitively left the group, and the black one is not someone from our regular one. We're still playing together with all the colored ones!
Greta's group : this game doesn't really have a name. Status : stopped ; Character : Greta (@greta-wiljhem)
Thullia : in this one, our characters started building an alliance. It's settled in the same reality then the other group, but many years before. Status : stopped ; Character : Noria (@noria-martinus-bittus)
Warhammer FRP
Peasants group : I struggled to remember the setting but it turns out it was Warhammer with the Hazegela rules. Basically, we were a group of peasants going for adventure. Status : stopped ; Character : Cyano (@cyano-bacterie)
Chaotic party : this group is composed of chaotic characters. Status : stopped ; Character : Nagh (@naghharath)
Loyal party : there wasn't really a party to this one, I just had a character and we played twice. Nothing crazy here. The DM back then never mentioned if it was the same reality or time period then for the chaotic party. Basically, the game was stopped. However, I decided to try GMing WFRP, so I took a few decisions. Hence, I chose to put both games in the same time and place, they are just two different groups of people. Also, there are going to be two realities, because I had many people to play, so I made two teams (Geheimnisnacht Discordia and Old World Dissonances). I decided to relaunch this because I wanted to play my character again. Status : stopped, ongoing/to come ; Character : Adélaïde (@adelaide-lanshasaa)
The Ennemi Within : An official campaign of the Warhammer Fantasy RP, in 5 books. Sounds really interesting, I'm glad I had the opportunity to try it as a player, with a different group then the usual one (I already used all the colors available on tumblr but our DM here is yet another one) ! Status : Ongoing; Character : Sister Lorelei (@lorelei-versengold)
Here, we only played two one-shots, I don't remember much, not even the name of my characters. Status : finished ; Characters : The first one was a man and the second one a woman
It's generally the same campaign; we finished our campaign but will still play with our characters. Status : ongoing ; Character : Lil' Louis (@ptit-louis)
Agents of Shield
To be honest... There has been only two scenarios right now. But the second one began between Infinity War and Endgame and I'm super excited! Status : paused ; Character : Miranda (@miranda-sts)
Chroniques Oubliées
Anatazérïn : this is the actual name of the campaign we are playing. Status : ongoing ; Character : Hellwen (@hellwen-ward)
The guild : this is a game where we all have different characters that are all part of an important guild. We get to pick which character we want to play at the beginning of the scenario! We didn't really settle if this is the same reality then Anatazérïn or not. Status : ongoing, occasional playing ; Characters : Sal'aäd and Nikita (@salaad-dronnoc, @nikita-deimos)
Clairval prequel : That's a game we played a few times, it's a prequel from Anatazérïn! Status : paused ; Character : Lalwen (she doesn't have a page since we played only two scenarios with them, and so far the GM has no plans with them)
Champions main : we didn't really named this one, we just call it "Champions". This game is still ongoing, and we are about to start a big campaign for it, with two parallel teams (A and B probably). The GM decided to split the players because there are too many of us now, but since I'm drawing the comics and have two characters, I'll get to be in both! Status : ongoing ; Characters : Captain Glucose and Rubisco Boy, After Eight (@captain-glucose, @captain-glucose-sidekick, @the-after-eight)
Young Justice : here, we play young students learning heroism, a bit like in "My Hero Academia" (well that's what they told me). Compared to the regular game, it's a different reality in the future, where Captain Glucose became the principal of the school (for exemple). Status : ongoing ; Character : Propaganda (@propaganda-hero)
Borderline : one of our player wanted to try GMing a darker version of Champions, where the heroes are more borderline and break laws, even kill ennemies, unlike the regular version. We consider it like a third reality of Champions. Status : paused ; Character : Crimson Columbine (she doesn't have a blog because the GM stopped and stopped most TTRPGs so I doubt that I'll play her again, and we only had two scenarios)
Alea : this is actually the version of Champions GMed by a different guy, I created After Eight for this game to be honest. This is not "Z-Heroes canon" at all, but it's worth mentionning, I had a lot of fun ! We played with an association, and always had different players trying the game ! Status : stopped ; Character : After Eight (@the-after-eight)
We were playing a bunch of kids here, we play occasionally, but recently started a campaign. Status : ongoing ; Character : Tony (@tony-redrum)
We were playing a group of prehistoric people, online. Status : stopped ; Character : Beihd-Aig (no blog)
Harry Potter
A group of new students arrive in Hogwarts, five years after the books' setting... Status : to come ; Character : Noria M. Helveticus (@noria-helveticus)
Demon Slayer
Before the events of the manga, we are playing young slayers that just did their exam in the mountain (that was the first scenario). Status : ongoing ; character : Morri (@morrigan-sahar)
Final Fantasy XIV
Can't wait to start this game ! We don't know much about it yet, but with @lapatatecosmique-ttrpg we planned something cool for our characters that are going to be pirates ! Status : upcoming ; character : E'Calix Nunh (@e-calix)
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the-after-eight · 2 years
Warhammer Fantasy RP Lore
Here are some lore informations that I gathered for the sake of my characters. From this game, you can find @cyano-bacterie, @naghharath, @adelaide-lanshasaa and @lorelei-versengold. The following informations will tell you more about these characters and the world they live in : Warhammer Fantasy.
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the-after-eight · 2 years
Some artworks are related to characters that are not from the same world (crossover) or to characters that do not have a blog (you can fing a list of all my characters here). Here, you can find these drawings or anything artistic related to ttrpg.
Watercolor portraits
Happy new year : Characters played in 2022 (uncolored)
Happy new year : Characters played in 2022 (watercolored)
Stabbing in the Dark (@adelaide-lanshasaa&@captain-glucose-sidekick)
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