#adi things
elegant-etienne · 10 months
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I know that I'm toxic I know that I'm caustic And if I don't stop it Then nobody will
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frostbitebakery · 1 year
a The Unlucky Ones snippet
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“I’ve seen them all together,” Crop stated confidently. “The batch,” he emphasized with a knowing look.
Recoil looked up and snorted. “Right.” She turned back to the stubborn as fuck stain on her bucket. “Talk kark about something else. Everybody knows eerie shit happens when CCs are close together.” She had seen what went down when Marshal Commander Cody and Commander Doom had accidentally bumped into each other. Goosebumps broke out at the mere wisp of the memory and it hadn’t even been bad, or battle conditions. Or anything like what happened after Commander Faye—
“No, I swear,” Crop insisted and Recoil smothered the urge to rub her temples.
“You ain’t seen shit,” Forest chipped in, flopping down next to her and graciously helping himself to her blaster oil.
“You’re welcome,” she hissed and grinned nastily when he slowly put the oil down again.
“Anyway,” Forest continued, turning back to Crop, “as I was saying, you ain’t seen shit. Stop spreading this banthashit or you’ll catch crap.”
Crop tried hard to hide his embarrassment, Recoil would give him that.
“What are they teaching on Kamino these days,” Forest sighed. “We can’t have two CCs within five feet of each other or you’ll literally piss your blacks when the Curse goes batshit. So there’s no way you’ve seen the batch all together.”
Crop’s shoulders drooped. “Okay, maybe it was just a holocall with General Kenobi. But I swear Marshal Commanders Cody, Bly, Ponds, Wolffe, and Fox were there. The whole batch.”
Now that was interesting and disconcerting. Recoil grabbed the blaster oil Forest tried to inconspicuously snag. “What the hells’ brawl needs three systems armies and the homefront?” Campaign planning with two and more battalions already was a headache and a half because despite more soldiers in the dirt, life expectancy dropped ridiculously low.
Crop held up his hands. “No, dude—“
Recoil raised a brow.
“Sergeant,” he stuttered out, flushing red under her unimpressed stare. “It was about the Curse.”
“Did the commanders update containment protocols again when one of them goes berserk?”
“Something’s wrong with it.”
“Fucking hell,” Forest breathed.
“Something is wrong with it,” Recoil echoed. “Something is wrong with the Curse.”
Crop shrugged. “Seems like it. Marshal Commander Cody cleared the war room immediately.”
“Eyes only,” Recoil muttered to herself. “Shit is going to go down if they up the top secret.”
for @adiduck
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spacefinch · 3 months
My sister guesses Star Wars characters
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Cad Bane (correct!)
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Satine Kryse
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Plo Koon Davy Jones
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Plo Koon (for real this time)
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Captain George
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Slurgr Slurge
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Bail Organa and I don't know
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sippin-n-watchin · 2 months
this goddamn adidas commercial where no one in spain nt can speak german properly so they have to hit up xabi 😭😭😭
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this-acuteneurosis · 2 months
Leia has an interview at the Temple that goes...about as well as can be expected.
Meanwhile, Palpatine has been left unsupervised in the Senate.
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ad1thi · 2 years
The 2022 Cooldown Room Video should really be titled "Max and his lil debriefs" bc look at how excited this stupid man is to be discussing the race its truly just a revolving door of different drivers and Max. It's like Max is hosting a post-race talk-show and there's just a continuously changing guest list
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vertiska · 3 months
I see a lot of people are angry about Ki-Adi Mundi in ep 4 of the Acolyte. They say that he shouldn't be born yet even though his birth year wasn't canon and any information about his species is considered legends
But the thing the most people are talking about is his line in TPM where he states that there are no sith anymore. But why? From what I understand the jedi didn't even make it public information (by the time of ep 4 at least) and there is only a small amount of jedi who actually went to investigate. So for me it's pretty reasonable that Ki-Adi Mundi doesn't know that the sith are very much still active. The small council didn't even consider it being a sith but maybe a rogue jedi or other faction of force users.
Anyway so far I'm really enjoying the Acolyte but I really can't stand the toxic crybabies whining about "woke agenda" and "breaking the canon" which I personally don't see.
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swan2swan · 3 months
People: "But--but he can't be that old, his age was revealed to only be sixty-five in Donald Starr's 2008 novel Crash Point, and reaffirmed in the 2012 Guide to the Jedi Order and Chronology of the Clone Wars guidebooks!"
Me: *pointing to medal on my SW Fan uniform* "Do you see this? This was awarded to me for surviving the Spaarti Clone Cylinder Retcon of 2002. Rushed clone production without yslamari was canonized, Kamino became the planet, and Boba Fett is now a clone. Note the Jaster Mereel pip. They awarded these back when retcons were truly upsetting. To children."
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redibinch · 10 months
"Rayhawk canon" not in a shippy way but its a warning like that deranged ma yelling on the street corner holding a Bible and 'an end is nigh' sign
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lovmura · 6 months
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heres adi dead on the ground after getting beat up by my twitter followers btw
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elegant-etienne · 2 years
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Misery loves company And company loves more More loves everybody else But hell is others
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milfygerard · 10 months
i did indeed come on tumblr today entirely to discuss the new hbomb video and if snyone wants to discuss it w me i encourage it because oh my GOD
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kidfur · 29 days
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nobie · 3 months
wheezing, was filoni really the exec who gave the green light on ki adi being in the acolyte? why am I not surprised.
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chumpovodir · 10 months
sometimes i have to remind myself about the fact that netflixvania and warren ellis, specifically, deliberately ruined hector's character over a stupid behind the scenes writers feud
like nevermind about my enjoyment as a member of the audience for a minute, how is that not considered unprofessional as hell, letting a personal dispute taint the quality of the product you're working on? and then they just left it in the show??
how did no one else that had the executive power to veto these kind of bad decisions not step in and say "hey, no. we know why you're doing this, we're not going to tolerate you writing in an attack on the other writer - go back to the drafting board and sort your shit out"
like sometimes i get worried an email i sent out is a bit too terse, and there's just asshats like this running around with ego trips without so much as a word against their bad behavior. boggles the mind really.
i hope one day someone spills all the ugly tea about what exactly happened back there. or even better, although this is more of a pipe dream, konami finally recognizes how much the shows are doing to revive interest in castlevania, but after seeing how much of a shitshow the showrunners can be (between the aforementioned feud and ellis later coming out a sex pest), decide they'll still do shows at the very least but give the license to a different studio to pull off
the way nocturne is going, with a much more lukewarm reception this time around, i feel like there's a chance the latter could still happen.
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mono-red-menace · 2 months
why Was 70's design so fucking good btw? like no other era was That good with its design.
like specifically the design you think of when you think "70's," like the mustards and oranges and browns in fun geometric or complex patterns, the unique ways form was used in so many designs, even the fashion had really interesting silhouettes.
like it already used my favourite colours a Lot, but on top of that, it also just had a lot of interesting, novel ideas and it's just, idk man.
also like 70's was the disco era and disco fucking rules. and like funk was still huge too and gd i fucking love funk.
like idk man it was just an impeccable era aesthetic. literally my absolute fav.
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