#adi vel
Sins of the Father - Chapter 37
Summary: Amara and Adi try to settle in on Kashyyyk
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
Ahhhh I AM SO SORRY! Life has a way of throwing curve balls after curve balls. As some of you know from my announcement post, things got a little out of hand recently. My mom is doing a little better, the pain is at bay, but they still don’t know what kind of bacteria she has, hopefully they’ll be able to find out soon and then she’ll be able to go home after treatment. 
Needless to say, my life has consisted of work, hospital, sleep, repeat. 
However, I am trying to write when I get a chance, to give me some thing to look forward to, a little escape from the reality. 
Hopefully, this chapter still flows, and you guys still love it. THANK YOU for waiting for the next chapter. 
Bold & Italics - Shyriiwook translation
Warnings: mentions of slavery, deforestation, feelings of insecurity, lack of trust, trauma, memories of past trauma, discussions of predatory animals, disrespect, I think that’s it, if I miss any please let me know.  
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There was a slight breeze blowing through the trees, it surprised her how pleasant Kashyyyk was, she had expected it be more like Felucia with all the trees on the planet. Despite the deforestation that had taken place during the Empire’s reign there were still a healthy amount of trees; the living trees held a special place in the heart of the Wookiees, after all they all believed the planet belonged to the trees.
She closed her eyes as Amara leaned against the railing of the tree-top village, feeling the breeze on her face. It was so different from Tatooine, peaceful its own right. If you ignored the dangerous animals, and the unwelcome ‘inspecting’ crew, it was rather a lovely planet. She took a few more minutes of feeling the fresh air against her face and through her hair, she was a little reluctant to put the buy’ce back on, but it had gotten better thanks to the environmental controls she and Din had tweaked.
The more she’d been thinking of her future with Din, the more she realized she had to make a decision, either to follow the creed or not, to leave Tatooine and follow him to Mandalore or not. She knew she wanted to be by his side, and that meant making changes to her life, such as trying to wear her buy’ce more, she had to say though she may not have been a fan of the buy’ce there was a sense of freedom from wearing it. After all while she was with Ca’tra she didn’t really need to wear the buy’ce.
“Lahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (Little warrior)
The voice pulled her out of her musings, she turned to see Krrishor standing as the magnificent warrior he was, his hair blowing slightly in the breeze, for being a sentient who was quite tall and weighed almost 160 kg he was very quiet on his feet. She had to admit being amongst the Wookiees made her and Adi feel at home, “Is it time?”
“Tacworo’rcwo caorarcaoahwhrr aooo rrraaoacworc” (They’re starting to gather)
They had been on Kashyyyk for only a few days, but things were ramping up, she could sense it; there was a certain electricity in the air, a sense of worry and caution. Adi had also noticed there was a growing feeling of tension in the air, one of the older ones told him it was the trees, they were just as concerned about the unwanted visitors.
“Do you think there will ever be a time when people won’t aim to hurt one another?”
“Iwh aoacahc rrraanrakro? Noo.” (In this galaxy? No.)
As unfortunate and hopeless as that answer was, it was the truth; Amara didn’t say anything else, she took in one more deep breath before putting on her buy’ce thinking of the man who had slowly won over her heart waiting for the moment she’d see him again. She’s not sure at what point it happened but somehow Din became someone she could rely, someone she loved, someone she could hope on, and knowing he was on his way gave her a sense of comfort and warmth that made her smile. 
She followed Krrishor along the pathway, it was deserted not many people visited the lookout she had become fond of; she could see a portion of the mountain just east of the Archipelago village, surrounded by the lake and beach; she especially enjoyed spending time there just as the sun was setting it was a mesmerizing sight. However, for many of the villagers standing at the lookout was a painful reminder regarding the destruction caused by the Empire, although the planet was slowly beginning to heal, there were still areas of the mountain where the deforestation was prevalent, and now to see the Czerka group begin to act as though they had rights to the land, a right to enslave the population, bred an anger within her she wasn’t sure she’d be able to contain within her armour. She wanted to destroy not just the landing party that found itself quite at home, but the Czerka Corporation in itself. If she could somehow bring it crumbling to its very knees, it would be a relief to so many who have suffered under the hand of the Czerka group, but that was a dream. The Czerka Corporation was more corrupt than Coruscant, they had the backing of several powerful people, although the Empire was gone, some of those who supported the regime were still around. 
There was no point dwelling on the past or on the cruelty the galaxy decided to unleash on itself, otherwise she would’ve ended in a swirl of misery and depression. It was beyond her control to fix the galaxy, but she was able to correct and help those in her immediate vicinity. 
She focused her attention on the craftsmanship of the village, the details and the intricate work were paralleled to nothing she had seen previously, when she had pointed it out to Krrishor and Krrsantan they simply shrugged and said it was a necessity. Something she learned about Wookiees, they had over a hundred different words for ‘wood’ but no word for ‘artist’. Which was a shame because aside from being family-oriented warriors, they truly were magnificent artists. 
The walkway was smooth, smoother than transparisteel. It didn’t detract from the picturesqueness of the woods, it moved with the landscape and accentuated its beauty. Each family dwelling unit was big enough to house one family of five, her and Adi were staying in one of the dwelling units, it was huge just for them, and definitely more than enough for Boba and Din when they arrived which should be any day. 
The sound of Krrishor’s stomach rumbling pulled Amara out of her musings; she focused on the reason she and Adi were there on Kashyyyk, it was to sight see or admire the architecture; it was to make sure everyone was safe.
Her mind pulled back to the here and now, “Heard anything from the scouts?”
“Owhwo scoorcwo aorcrawhcakoorcao anrawhwawowa, rarhoohuao aoohwowhaoro scoorcwo Cufworcorra ohoorcorworcc ohraanorwowa oohuao, rrwoaoaoahwhrr aoacwosccwoanhowoc cwoao huak raoaaoahwhrr anahorwo aoacahc ahc aoacwoahrc akanrawhwoao.”  (One more transport landed, about twenty more Czerka workers walked out, getting themselves set up acting like this is their planet.)
“The Empire messed everything up, it wasn’t bad enough they were power hungry and one hell of a destructive force, but no, that wasn’t enough they also had to repeal the anti-slavery laws and actually deigned to classify Wookiees as non-sentients. Now that the Empire is gone, all those fools who were all too glad to follow along with their nonsensical ideals are happy just to continue their idiotic ways.”
“I waoowh’ao ohrawhao oohurc rooohuwhrranahwhrrc aooo chuwwwwworc rawhro scoorcwo.” (I don’t want our younglings to suffer any more.)
“None of us do. You’ve all been through a lot, I heard from one of the villagers about the Pau’an who was kidnapping younglings; and now you have to deal with the kriffing Czerka corporation. We’ll get them to leave one way or another.” 
As they walked closer to Chief Elghro’s meeting room, Krrishor slowed down his steps, holding on to her shoulder, he didn’t want her going in and causing any kind of trouble or to lose the respect of the village. He meant to do it earlier, but time seemed to have slipped away amongst the other duties he had. 
“Hrahowo rooohu raaoaowowhwawowa ra hoahananrarrwo scwowoaoahwhrr rhwowwoorcwo, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc?” (Have you attended a village meeting before, little warrior?)
“Not one on Kashyyyk” Amara smirked under the helmet.
He nodded, smirking at her charm, “Tacworcwo ahc rawh oorcwaworc  aooo aoacwo ohraro scwowoaoahwhrrc rarcwo acwoanwa, wwahrccao Cacahwoww Eanrracrcoo ohahanan ooakwowh aoacwo scwowoaoahwhrr, acwo ohahanan aoacwowh ooakwowh aoacwo wwanoooorc aooo acahc rcahrracao acrawhwa. Aao ohacahoaac akooahwhao, aoacworo ohahanan waahcoahucc aoacwo cahaohuraaoahoowh ohwo wwraoawo rawhwa acoooh aooo rroo rarhoohuao ahao.” (There is an order to the way meetings are held, first Chief Elghro will open the meeting, he will then open the floor to his right hand. At which point, they will discuss the situation we face and how to go about it.)
“I have some ideas about how to deal with them, to make sure they never come back.”
“Awhro churrrrwocaoahoowhc rarcwo ohwoanoaooscwo, shhucao ohraahao huwhaoahan aoacworo ooakwowh ahao huak aooo oohuaocahwawo churrrrwocaoahoowhc. Jhucao orwhoooh aoacraao ohwo rarcwo akrcwoakrarcwowa aooo oaooscakanwoaowoanro wawoscooanahcac aoacwosc wwrcoosc oowwww aoacwo wwraoawo ooww aoacahc rrraanrakro. Tacworo’howo waoowhwo scoorcwo acrarcsc aooo aoacahc rrraanrakro aoacwowh aoacwo Escakahrcwo rawhwa aoacwo Zrorrworcahrawhc oaooscrhahwhwowa.” (Any suggestions are welcome, just wait until they open it up to outside suggestions. Just know that we are prepared to completely demolish them from off the face of this galaxy. They’ve done more harm to this galaxy than the Empire and the Zygerrians combined.) 
Amara chuckled a little to herself, “Wacraao’c coo wwhuwhwhro?”(What’s so funny?)
“I was just thinking if the Empire welcomed you with open arms as opposed to ostracizing your people; I doubt anyone would’ve survived.”
Krrishor chuckled along with her, “I oaoohuanwa craro aoacwo crascwo rarhoohuao rooohurc akwoooakanwo, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (I could say the same about your people, little warrior)
She glanced up to him tilting her head, “Ahhh, yes well that’s a complicated history. Mandalorians have always hard a hard time being a united front. It’s how the Empire was able to eradicate us.”
“Iao’c rhwooarahucwo aoacworo orwhwooh rooohu ohworcwo caorcoowhrrworc aoacrawh aoacwosc. Saorcoowhrrworc aoacrawh aoacraao coo oaraananwowa Escakahrcwo.” (It’s because they knew you were stronger than them. Stronger than that so called Empire.)
“Anything else I should be aware of?”
“Doowh’ao ahwhaoworcrchuakao aoacwo Cacahwoww. Ac rawh oohuaocahwaworc, rooohu schucao ohraahao aooo rhwo raoaorwhooohanwowarrwowa rhro aoacwo rcahrracao-acrawhwa rhwowwoorcwo oaoowhaoahwhhuahwhrr ohacraao rooohu ahwhaowowhwawowa aooo craro; rawhwa wwahwhraananro shhucao rhwooarahucwo rooohu scraro rhwo acworarcwa waoowoc whooao scworawh aoacraao rooohurc ahwawora ohahanan rhwo raoaoawoakaowowa. Iww aoacraao acraakakwowhc waoo whooao cacoooh rawhro waahcraakakooahwhaoscwowhao, ahao ohahanan rhwo hoahwoohwowa rac waahcrcwocakwooaao aooo aoacwo Cacahwoww rawhwa aooo aoacwo oowhwo ohacoo rhrcoohurracao rooohu ahwh.” (Don’t interrupt the Chief. As an outsider, you must wait to be acknowledged by the right-hand before continuing what you intended to say; and finally just because you may be heard does not mean that your idea will be accepted. If that happens, do not show any disappointment, it will be viewed as disrespect to the Chief and to the one who brought you in.)
“Understood. If I do have something to say, how do I go about doing that?”
“Sahscakanwo. Jhucao caorawhwa.” (Simple. Just stand.)
“But of course.”
They both walked on in silence, reaching the meeting room; as soon as they stepped in through the door a shiny blue helmet appeared from among the crowd. Amara couldn’t help but smile as one of the older Wookiee’s, Gwehul, was grooming Adi as he sat there, even though there was nothing to groom since he’d kept his armour on the entire time; however, that didn’t deter her from stopping. She simply sat there, picking off all the lint she could find, and adjusted his armour, shiny what she could with her fur. 
“Ama!” Adi waved her over, hoping that the grooming would stop once his mother was sitting beside him. He could tell by the way her buy’ce was tilted, she was laughing at him, and he couldn’t really be upset about it, after all if it was him he would be laughing at her.
- - - - - - - - - - 
Everyone sat listening attentively to Gwehul who had seen the pain her village had gone through first hand, giving their full attention to the weight of the words she offered, each word full of anger and pain as memories from the past reopened old wounds. 
“… Tacwo coohuwhwac ooww aoacwoahrc coarcworascc ohahanan wwoorcwohoworc rhwo rhhurcwhwowa ahwhaooo scro scwoscoorcro, ohacwowh aoacwo canrahoworcc rrrascwo aooo oohurc hoahananrarrwo, aoacwo whwohoworc wowhwaahwhrr caorcworasc ooww aoworarcc oaooscahwhrr wwrcoosc oohurc rooohuwhrr oowhwoc ohacoo ohworcwo oaraakaohurcwowa, caohuwwwwwowa ahwhaooo oarcraaowoc aooooo cscraanan wwoorcoaahwhrr aoacwosc aooo rcwoscraahwh aoacworcwo wwoorc acoohurcc, cooscwoaoahscwoc wararoc oowh wowhwa. Owhanro wwoorc aoacwosc aooo wowhwa huak rhwoahwhrr cooanwa oowwww rac oaacworaak akwoaoc aooo ohworaanaoacro akraaorcoowhc ooww aoacwo canrahowo scrarcorwoao; huwhaoahan aoacworo whoo anoowhrrworc cworchowowa aoacwoahrc hucwowwhuanwhwocc. Ohurc ohooscwowh, oohurc scooaoacworcc, wwrcahwowhwac, cahcaoworcc … scro warahurracaoworcc, wwoorcoawowa aooo wwahrracao rhworacaoc aoacoocwo oaooohrarcwac, ohacoo acwoanwa oowh aooo oohurc anworacacwoc, ohoohuanwa whwohoworc wararcwo wwahrracao aoacwosccwoanhowoc. I ohraaooaacwowa rac oowhwo rhro oowhwo aoacworo ohworcwo canrahurracaoworcwowa rawhwa aoacwoahrc anahhowoc oahuao waooohwh rhwowwoorcwo aoacworo wohowowh acrawa ra oaacrawhoawo aooo wokakworcahwowhoawo 200 roworarcc. Ohurc scwowh, oohurc wwraaoacworcc, rhrcooaoacworcc … scro achucrhrawhwa rawhwa coowhc, hucwowa rac rranrawaahraaooorcc rawhwa aorcooakacahwoc wwoorc Trcrawhwaoocacahrawh rrrascwo achuwhaoworcc rawhwa Iscakworcahraan scoowhcaoworcc ohacoo wwwoanao aoacworo akrcoohoahwawowa ra cakoorcaoahwhrr oaacrawhoawo…” (… The sounds of their screams will forever be burned into my memory, when the slavers game to our village, the never ending stream of tears coming from our young ones who were captured, stuffed into crates too small forcing them to remain there for hours, sometimes days on end. Only for them to end up being sold off as cheap pets to wealthy patrons of the slave market; until they no longer served their usefulness. Our women, our mothers, friends, sisters … my daughters, forced to fight beasts those cowards, who held on to our leashes, would never dare fight themselves. I watched as one by one they were slaughtered and their lives cut down before they even had a chance to experience 200 years. Our men, our fathers, brothers … my husband and sons, used as gladiators and trophies for Trandoshian game hunters and Imperial monsters who felt they provided a sporting chance…)
Amara shook her head as her heart broke for all the Wookiees and for every single sentient captured by a slave trader. No one deserved to be treated as nothing more than sport and entertainment, to not even be recognized as a viable sentient. 
Many in the village knew Gwehul lost her family, but she never spoke regarding how they died or even what she witnessed. As Amara looked around the room, she could see many were with saddened faces, some were angry, others were shocked. They obviously heard stories regarding what some had been through, but none from a first hand account. Everyone was clearly very emotional and overwhelmed by the account they just heard.
Amara glanced over to Adi as difficult as it was for everyone else there to listen, she could just imagine how hard it was for him to hear, especially since, he had his own traumas to deal with. She wished he’d never had to deal with his hurtful memories, the pain he had suffered and as much as she wanted to protect him, keep him safe, she couldn’t. After all, that wasn’t being a good mother, you couldn’t put those you loved into a box and hide them away, that wasn’t being loving or realistic.
She couldn’t help but watch as his hand clenched against his knee, she gently placed her hand on his, giving it a slight squeeze. He turned to look at her, she couldn’t see his face, since he decided to leave his buy’ce from the moment they landed on Kashyyyk. She wasn’t sure if it was because he was contemplating the creed or if it was because he didn’t want his expressions to be giving away his thoughts, or to give him a sense of security. 
“… aooo acrahowo aoacwocwo coahusc anrawhwa oowh oohurc acooscwo rawhwa aorcro rarrraahwh …” (… to have these scum land on our home and try again …) a younger Wookiee named, Muhli, gripped her bowcaster, the anger within her fuelling her, “…ohwo ohahanan cacoooh aoacwosc aoacworo rarcwo whooao ohwoanoaooscwo acworcwo. Tacworo schucao anworahowo! Tacworo ohahanan whooao rhwo raananooohwowa aooo anworahowo ohahaoac wohowowh oowhwo rcoooaor wwrcoosc oohurc acooscwo!”  (…we will show them they are not welcome here. They must leave! They will not be allowed to leave with even one rock from our home!)
Everyone agreed with Muhli, she was the daughter of one of the warriors and was coming into her own. Many of the younger ones looked at her as a potential leader, many of the older ones respected her views and her ability to handle herself especially after her coming of age ceremony.
Chief Elghro waved his staff, it was the sign the floor was open to outside suggestions, now that the situation at hand had been discussed. Amara stood gaining everyone’s attention, she nodded her head to the Chief, something she noticed the other Wookiees had done before speaking. 
“Prcoooawowowa anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (Proceed little warrior) Krrishor acknowledged as the right-hand.
“Thank you, I know this is the first time many of you are meeting me, and are weary of having outsiders here, but I want to thank all of you for making my son and I feel welcomed. We have a great deal of respect for all of you and want to do what we can to help. Which is why we are offering to do a scouting trip for you, and gather as much intel as possible, the more we know about their goals and ” she motioned to both herself and Adi.
“Wacraao oarawh aoohoo Mrawhwaraanoorcahrawhc waoo?” (What can two Mandalorians do?) A Wookiee who appeared older than Muhli and younger than Krrishor spoke up. The atmosphere changed in an instant, there was a mix of tension and revere as he stood there speaking. 
“Yoohu rarcwo whooao rcwooaoorrwhahufwowa, Iwhanoowhor; rcwocaorcraahwh rooohurc aooowhrrhuwo” (You are not recognized, Inlonk; restrain your tongue) Krrishor’s voice roared in the meeting room. Amara was a little taken a back by the tension that seemed to appear seemingly out of nowhere, “Lahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc oaoowhaoahwhhuwo” (Little warrior continue)
“Although, yes, it’s true that as of right now we are two, however, even with just us,” Amara motioned between her and Adi, “we can handle those unwanted visitors. But just so everyone is aware, two more will be joining us, both experienced and seasoned warriors.”
“Oac! Tacwo cacahwhro oowhwo ahc oaooscahwhrr?” (Oh! The shiny one is coming?)
Amara couldn’t help smile at the mention of Din, “Yes. The shiny one is coming.” She could feel her face heating up and she really wished the environmental settings would be working extra hard to cool her down. She cleared her throat, getting her mind focused back on the task at hand. “Back to the subject at hand, though I may be young in your eyes, I am not a stranger to the battlefield or new to taking risks. I am teaching my son…” she motioned towards Adi, and somehow even though she couldn’t see his face, she knew he was smirking at her, “…what it means to be a warrior.”
“Wwo orwhoooh rooohu rarcwo rhooaoac oaraakrarhanwo, rooohuwhrr oowhwo,” (We know you are both capable, young one) Chief Elghor stated. “Krcrcahcacoorc ahwhwwoorcscwowa huc acoooh schuoaac acwo rcwocakwooaaoc rawhwa rawascahrcwoc rooohu wocakwooaahraananro rawwaoworc rooohu acwoanakwowa wwrcwowo acahsc wwrcoosc aoacwo Zrorrworcrcahrawh canrahowo aorcrawaworcc. Wwo waoo whooao oaraanan ahwhaooo rqhuwocaoahoowh rooohurc rarhahanahaoahwoc, ahwh wwraoaao ohwo orwhoooh acoooh corahananwowa Mrawhwaraanoorcahrawhc oarawh rhwo; oohurc akwoooakanwo acrahowo wwraoawowa aoacwosc oowwaowowh wowhoohurrac ahwh oohurc acahcaooorcro. Wwo ohoohuanwa anahorwo aooo orwhoooh ohacraao wokraoaaoanro ahc rooohurc churrrrwocaoahoowh.” (Krrishor informed us how much he respects and admires you especially after you helped free him from the Zygerrian slave traders. We do not call into question your abilities, in fact we know how skilled Mandalorians can be; our people have faced them often enough in our history. We would like to know what exactly is your suggestion.)
“My suggestion is very simple, gather as much intel as possible, you have all done a great job scouting, but we need to know more, why they are here? What exactly drew them here? How many more are coming? The Czerka Corporation is different from the Zygerrian group. For example, Zygerrians will often fall apart once their leader is killed, however Czerka … Czerka is all about the profits and whatever kind of profits they can get, either that be slavery, weapons manufacturing, illegal arms deals, I even heard a rumour they were looking into cloning technology. So just killing a bunch of them won’t guarantee they’ll never come back.”
“Hoooh waoo rooohu churrrrwocao ohwo rrwoao rcahwa ooww aoacwosc?” (How do you suggest we get rid of them?)  
“I craro ohwo raoaao whoooh!” (I say we act now!) Inlonk stated, speaking out of turn once again, a few of the Wookiees nodded in agreement.
“Iwhanoowhor! I ohahanan whooao caoraaowo ahao rarrraahwh, acooanwa rooohurc aooowhrrhuwo oorc I cacraanan rcahak ahao oohuao!” (Inlonk! I will not state it again, hold your tongue or I shall rip it out!) Krrishor motioned with his head for Amara to continue.
“Before we get to that, I think it’s best if Adi, myself and two of your warriors leave tomorrow before first light, situate ourselves on the ridge closest to the Czerka site and gather as much intel as possible. I also …”
Krrishor held his hand up cutting Amara off, “Bwowwoorcwo ohwo oaoowhaoahwhhuwo ohahaoac aoacwo scahwhoorc wawoaoraahanc ooww aoacwo scahccahoowh, anwoao huc oaoowhoaanhuwawo aoacwo scwowoaoahwhrr.” (Before we continue with the minor details of the mission, let us conclude the meeting.)
- - - - - - - - - - - 
“First things first we need accurate numbers, I know Krrishor, you said your scouts have reported several transports have arrived and delivered more personnel. We need to know exactly what type of personnel, logistics crew? Researchers? Guards? And what sort of weaponry they’re carrying or really any sort of equipment.”
“They could also be here for the salvage, there is still a lot of equipment left over not just from the clone wars but also from the Empire” Adi offered. 
“Pooccahrhanro, rhhuao aoacraao waoowocwh’ao scworawh aoacraao aoacworo ohoohuanwawh’ao aoraorwo ra oaacrawhoawo aooo wowhcanrahowo ra wwwooh anoooaraanc, ahww aoacwo ooakakoorcaohuwhahaoro akrcwocwowhaowowa ahaocwoanww” (Possibly, but that doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t take a chance to enslave a few locals, if the opportunity presented itself) Muhli added
“True” he nodded.  
“That’s the other thing we need to know, why are they really here? Are they just here to salvage, is it to steal the trees away, or enslave whoever they can?”
“Wwo’anan raancoo whwowowa aooo cwoao huak ra crawwwoaoro ufoowhwo, cooscwoohacworcwo aoacwo hoahananrarrwo oarawh rchuwh aooo ahwh aoacwo wohowowhao ooww rawh raanan oohuao raaoaoraoaor. Wacraao waoo rooohu aoacahwhor Krcrcahcacoorc, aoacwo ‘Oanwa Prcahwhoawo’ waohwoananahwhrr, aoacraao’c rarhoohuao aoacrcwowo oranahoaorc whoorcaoac-woracao wwrcoosc acworcwo?” (We’ll also need to set up a safety zone, somewhere the village can run to in the event of an all out attack. What do you think Krrishor, the ‘Old Prince’ dwelling, that’s about three klicks north-east from here?) The second volunteer, Wrruh, an older warrior who had trained many of the younger warriors offered. 
“Excuse me …” Amara cleared her throat, “when you say Old Prince, are you referring to Katarns?” Krrishor nodded his head, “You want to use a Katarn’s dwelling?”
“Iao acracwh’ao rhwowowh hucwowa ahwh wawooarawawoc, raanscoocao ra oawowhaohurcro” (It hasn’t been used in decades, almost a century) 
“Are you sure about that? If we are going to be using it as an escape route, we should make sure that it’s empty and no chance of …”
Adi held up his hand as he looked at his mother and the other Wookiees in the room, “Uh, sorry” he interrupted, “But what’s a Katarn or an Old Prince?”
“Tacwo Oanwa Prcahwhoawo ahc ra akrcwowaraaooorcro rawhahscraan, howorcro hoahoaahoohuc, howorcro warawhrrworcoohuc” (The Old Prince is a predatory animal, very vicious, very dangerous) Chief Elghor answered. 
“Doowh’ao wwoorcrrwoao oahuwhwhahwhrr rawhwa rcwoanwowhaoanwocc.” (Don’t forget cunning and relentless.) Gwehul added, “Foooorcoa rcra raooraoaooooachuoarcraohacohra rcrcohooohacohoorcoarcraraooraacooooohacoa raooraoaohoo raoaraacrcrcraoarawhrcraohacohraoa ooooohoh raooraoaohoo ohohoooorcoaohoooaraoo ooacrcraoa raooraoaohooraacrcoaoa, raooraoaohoorcoo raoaachuohacraooohooohra achuoa. Pachuoaraoaraacohacrcrc achuoa raoooooo raooraoaohoo rcacrcoaraacohacoorc, rcacachuraoo raooraoaohoorcoo ohraraacohraohac’raoo ohraohoooaraoorcoaoooorcoo achuoa. Iohacoaraooohoorcraohra raacraoo’oa rcacohoooorarcraachuoaohoo ooooohoh raooraoaohoocoa ooacohoo raoarcraacooohoo ohohooooachuohacohra ooooachurcoa raacohacohacohoorcoa ohohraacrcoaohoo.” (For a thousand generations the highlands of the forest was theirs, they hunted us. Pushing us to the brink, but they didn’t destroy us. Instead it’s because of them we have found our inner fire.)
“What do they look like?” Adi couldn’t help but be impressed by how they all revered, respected, and yet were cautious of this animal. 
“Tacworo acrahowo canwowhwaworc rhoowaahwoc, ohahaoac anoowhrr aoacahwh aoraahanc anahorwo ra rcoowawowhao. Nrarcrcoooh wwraoawoc, ohahaoac oararcaoahanrarrahwhoohuc rcahwarrwoc akrcooaowooaaoahwhrr aoacwoahrc whwooaor rawhwa cacoohuanwaworc. Tacwoahrc akraohc acrahowo ooakakoocrarhanwo waahrrahaoc, rawhwa aoacwoahrc anooohworc anahscrhc rarcwo oaoohoworcwowa ohahaoac cacrarcak cakhurcc raananooohahwhrr aoacwosc aooo oaanahscrh rawhwa acrawhrr wwoorcsc aoacwo aorcwowoc. Hrahowo rooohu cwowowh Trarcoaacahahrc ohraanorahwhrr rarcoohuwhwa ohahaoac rawh rawhahscraan oowh ra anworacac?” (They have slender bodies, with long thin tails like a rodent. Narrow faces, with cartilaginous ridges protecting their neck and shoulder. Their paws have opposable digits, and their lower limbs are covered with sharp spurs allowing them to climb and hang from the trees. Have you seen Tarchiir walking around with an animal on a leash?)
Adi nodded to Muhli as she described the animal in detail, he definitely had to remember to thank his Ama for putting in the translation app into his buy’ce and for teaching him what she could of Shyriiwook otherwise he’d be super lost, “Tacraao’c rawh Oanwa Prcahwhoawo, acwo orwoakao ahao ohacwowh acwo orahananwowa aoacwo akrarcwowhaoc wahurcahwhrr aoacwo oaworcwoscoowhahraan achuwhao wwoorc acahc oaooscahwhrr ooww rarrwo, rcraahcwowa ahao, waooscwocaoahoaraaowowa ahao; ahao’c coo cohwowoao, anahorwo ra scraccahwwww, shhucao ohrawhaoc coarcraaooaacwoc rawhwa anoohowo, acooohwohoworc aoacwo Oanwa Prcahwhoawoc ahwh aoacwo ohahanwa rarcwo rchuaoacanwocc rawhwa scworcoaahanwocc. Tacworo’howo rhwowowh orwhooohwh aooo aorcraoaor aoacwoahrc akrcworo wwoorc anoowhrr akworcahoowac ooww aoahscwo rhwowwoorcwo oaacoooocahwhrr aoacwo scoocao ooakakoorcaohuwhwo scooscwowhao aooo caorcahorwo.” (That’s an Old Prince, he kept it when he killed the parents during the ceremonial hunt for his coming of age, raised it, domesticated it; it’s so sweet, like a massiff, just wants scratches and love, however the Old Princes in the wild are ruthless and merciless. They’ve been known to track their prey for long periods of time before choosing the most opportune moment to strike.)
“Tacworcwo ahc whooaoacahwhrr aooo wwworarc, ohwo acrahowo woraoaac wwraoawowa rawh Oanwa Prcahwhoawo ahwh aoacwo ohahanwa rawhwa churchoahhowowa!” (There is nothing to fear, we have each faced an Old Prince in the wild and survived!) Krrishor roared pounding on his chest, “Iohoh ooacohoo ohraraacohraohac’raoo raooraoaraacohacoorc ooacohoo ooraooooachurawhohra ohraoooo raacraoo, ohraoooo rcooooooachu raoaooooohacohoooaraoorawhrcoo rcacohoorawhraacohooacooohoo ooacohoo ooacooooachurawhohra’acooohoo ooooohohohohohoorcoaohooohra achuraor raooraoaohoo rawhoooooorarcraraooraacooooohac. Wohoo rcrarcoaohoo rcrarcacrawhohoo raoooooo ohraohooohohohooohacohra ooooachurcoa ohohrcracoaraacrawhraacohoooa!” (If we didn’t think we could do it, do you honestly believe we would’ve offered up the location. We are able to defend our families!)
“Please understand, we mean no disrespect” Amara offered holding her hands up and open away from her body and away from her weapons, “I have simply heard tales of how formidable they can be. The last thing I want … any of us want” she motioned to everyone, “is to move your families, our friends, from one dangerous situation to another.”
“Tacraao ahc aoacwo anahwwwo ooww Kracacrororoor, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc.” (That is the life of Kashyyyk, little warrior.) 
“Then I hope we will be able to honour you way of life.”
“I acrahowo whoo waoohurhao, anahaoaoanwo ohrarcrcahoorc” (I have no doubt, little warrior) Krrishor placed his hand on her shoulder, patting it. “Nooooooac rcrarcacooooachuraoo raooraoaraacoa raorrawhrcraohac ooooohoh rcooooooachurcoaoa, raacoa raacraoo rcraoa oorarcoarcrahuwwrcoo rcraoa ooacraoaohooohac rcooooooachu ooacohoorcoaohoo ooooohac raooraoaohoo Foooorcoaraoorcoaohoooaoa?” (Now about this plan of yours, is it as crazy as when you were on the Fortress?)
“I wouldn’t say as crazy, but close to the spectrum”
“Wwo’rcwo raanan worarcc.” (We’re all ears.)
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sapphicstarwars · 10 months
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Sapphic Star Wars is hosting a ship tournament to highlight sapphic rarepairs, and we would like to hear from YOU! Let us know if there are any rarepairs we have missed that you would like to see included (current list under the cut)!
Our rarepair list was sourced from our ever growing collection of all sapphic sw ships found here, then narrowed down to everything that has between 1-50 fics on AO3 (by the wonderful @livelaughleia).
To add a ship, comment it on this post or send us an ask! This interest check will close in one week (December 20) and the tournament will begin in February! @swfandomevents
All characters are implied to be of age during their relationship. This list is meant to be comprehensive and not pass moral judgment.
Ahsoka Tano / Steela Gerrera (26)
Ahsoka Tano / The Armorer (21)
Ahsoka Tano / Morgan Elsbeth (4)
Ahsoka Tano / Trace Martez (41)
Ahsoka Tano / Shin Hati (15)
Ahsoka Tano / Reva Sevander (0)
Bazine Netal / Phasma (14)
Bix Caleen / Cinta Kaz (1)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Breha Organa (0)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Fennec Shand (12)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Koska Reeves (29)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Padmé Amidala (1)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Sabine Wren (1)
Bo-Katan Kryze / Ursa Wren (37)
Chelli Lona Aphra / Hera Syndulla (1)
Chelli Lona Aphra / Magna Tolvan (26)
Chelli Lona Aphra / Sana Starros (16)
Depa Billaba / Adi Gallia (4)
Depa Billaba / Shaak Ti (3)
Elia Kane / Dedra Meero (2)
Elia Kane / Koska Reeves (3)
Elia Kane / Karyn Faro (1)
Enfys Nest / Ahsoka Tano (4)
Enfys Nest / Fennec Shand (1)
Enfys Nest / Leia Organa (6)
Fennec Shand / The Armorer (6)
Fennec Shand / Drash (5)
Fennec Shand / Leia Organa (13)
Fennec Shand / Garsa Fwip (12)
Fennec Shand / Koska Reeves (5)
Jordanna Sparkburn / Sylvestri Yarrow (5)
Juhani / Bastila Shan (5)
Juhani / Belaya (19)
Juhani / F!Revan (20)
Jyn Erso / Ahsoka Tano (3)
Jyn Erso / Mon Mothma (15)
Jyn Erso / Sabine Wren (5)
Karé Kun / Jessika Pava (20)
Kaydel Ko Connix / Jessika Pava (23)
Kaydel Ko Connix / Paige Tico (17)
Kleya Marki / Cinta Kaz (2)
Kleya Marki / Mon Mothma (4)
Kleya Marki / Vel Sartha (2)
Lana Beniko / Jaesa Willsaam (1)
Latts Razzi / Asajj Ventress (5)
Leia Organa / Evaan Verlaine (47)
Leia Organa / Hera Syndulla (3)
Leia Organa / Sabine Wren (28)
Leia Organa / Sana Starros (2)
Luminara Unduli / Asajj Ventress (3)
Mara Jade / Leia Organa (29)
Matthea Cathley / Oliviah Zeveron (3)
Merrin / Mosey Cimarron (8)
Merrin / Trilla Suduri (22)
Mon Mothma / Breha Organa (8)
Mon Mothma / Hera Syndulla (1)
Mon Mothma / Tynnra Pamlo (2)
Oola / Leia Organa (15)
Padmé Amidala / Aayla Secura (26)
Padmé Amidala / Beru Whitesun (7)
Padmé Amidala / Breha Organa (13)
Padmé Amidala / Dormé (14)
Padmé Amidala / Mon Mothma (9)
Padmé Amidala / Satine Kryze (46)
Peet Deretalia / Jessika Pava (2)
Phasma / Nastia Unamo (28)
Qi'ra / Ahsoka Tano (12)
Qi'ra / Amilyn Holdo (4)
Qi'ra / Enfys Nest (22)
Qi'ra / Jyn Erso (11)
Qi'ra / Leia Organa (11)
Qi'ra / Rey (5)
Qi'ra / Sana Starros (1)
Rae Sloane / Adea Rite (4)
Rae Sloane / Chelli Lona Aphra (1)
Rae Sloane / Elia Kane (1)
Rae Sloane / Hera Syndulla (1)
Rae Sloane / Karyn Faro (2)
Rae Sloane / Phasma (1)
Reva Sevander / Trilla Suduri (4)
Reva Sevander / Tala Durith (1)
F!Revan / Meetra Surik (8)
Rook Kast / Barriss Offee (1)
Rook Kast / Bo-Katan Kryze (3)
Saché / Yané (15)
Shaak Ti / Luminara Unduli (14)
Shara Bey / Evaan Verlaine (2)
Shara Bey / Jyn Erso (3)
Shara Bey / Leia Organa (11)
Trilla Suduri / Merrin (24)
Vette / Jaesa Willsaam (29)
Visas Marr / The Jedi Exile (17)
Visas Marr / Brianna (4)
Visas Marr / Mira (6)
Yana Ro / Kor Plouth (6)
Yana Ro / Shea Ganandra (1)
Zeen Mrala / Lula Talisola (17)
Zorii Bliss / Bazine Netal (1)
Zorii Bliss / Jannah (6)
Zorii Bliss / Rey (23)
60 notes · View notes
อยากทราบสถิติการแข่งขันทันทีของเอสโตเนีย อีซีลีก ในเว็บไซต์ไหนดี?
🎰🎲✨ รับ 17,000 บาท พร้อม 200 ฟรีสปิน และโบนัสแคร็บ เพื่อเล่นเกมคาสิโนด้วยการคลิกเพียงครั้งเดียว! ✨🎲🎰
อยากทราบสถิติการแข่งขันทันทีของเอสโตเนีย อีซีลีก ในเว็บไซต์ไหนดี?
การเฟ้นหาข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับสถิติการแข่งขันเป็นสิ่งสำคัญที่ช่วยให้ผู้เล่นและผู้สนใจในด้านกีฬาเข้าใจถึงผลการแข่งขันและประสิทธิภาพของทีมและนักกีฬาต่างๆได้ดียิ่งขึ้น โดยสถิติการแข่งขันรวมถึงข้อมูลเชิงคุณภาพเช่น จำนวนประตูที่ทีมเข้าได้ จำนวนบอลที่ถูกส่ง หรือระยะทางที่วิ่งได้ของนักกีฬา ทุกข้อมูลนี้ทำให้ผู้ชมสามารถวิเคราะห์และเข้าใจผู้เล่นแต่ละคนในทีมได้ดียิ่งขึ้น
นอกจากนี้ การดูสถิติการแข่งขันยังช่วยในการศึกษาแนวโน้มของการแข่งขัน เช่น ทีมไหนมีการโต้เต็มบ่อยที่สุด หรือนักกีฬาคนใดมีประสิทธิภาพที่ดีที่สุดในการทำประตูล่อลงหรือส่งบอลข้ามสนามได้ไกลที่สุด การวิเคราะห์สถิติการแข่งขันอาจช่วยให้ทีมหรือผู้เล่นสามารถปรับวินัยและกลยุทธ์ของตนเองให้ดียิ่งขึ้นเพื่อสามารถแข่งขันอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ
ส้วมแล้ว, การศึกษาสถิติการแข่งขันเป็นวิธีหนึ่งที่ช่วยให้ผู้เล่นและทีมกีฬาพัฒนาทักษะและเตรียมความพร้อมในการแข่งขันอย่างเหมาะสมและสามารถปรับตัวได้อย่างทัดเทียมต่อสถานการณ์และการแข่งขันที่เกิดขึ้น
อเอสโตเนียเป็นประเทศที่ตั้งอยู่ในทวีปยุโรป มีพื้นที่กว้างขวางและมีประชากรจำนวนมาก ภูเขาสลัวอุปราช่องมีความสูงสุดในอเอสโตเนีย อีกทั้ง��ังมีลานเรือนแห่งเรื่องหติ์และวัรดุกรรมที่มีความสำคัญในประเทศด้วย
2.1 ประชากรและวัฒนธรรม อเอสโตเนียมีประชากรที่หลากหลายและมีวัฒนธรรมที่สมบูรณ์ มีการแท้งใันของศาสนาหลายประเภท ซึ่งมีอิสลามเป็นศาสนาหลักในประเทศ อเอสโตเนียยังมีวัฒนธรรมการหายและการพาไปเลี้ยงลูกหลานให้เป็นส่วนสำคัญอย่างมาก
2.2 เศรษฐกิจ อเอสโตเนียเป็นประเทศที่มีเศรษฐกิจที่ก้าวหน้า มีการพัฒนาทางเศรษฐกิจอย่างต่อเนื่อง โดยมีการลงทุนในอุตสาหกรรม การท่องเที่ยวและการเกษตกรรม ซึ่งทำให้ประชากรมีอาชีพหลากหลายทั้งในเมืองและชนบท
ในสรุป, อเอสโตเนียเป็นประเทศที่มีทัศนียภาพทางธรรมชาติที่งดงามและวัฒนธรรมที่หลากหลาย ทำให้เป็นประเทศที่น่าสนใจทั้งในด้านท่องเที่ยวและการลงทุนในอุตสาหกรรม
ฤดูกาลที่ อีซีลีก (IPL) เป็นลีกต้องแชมเปียนชิพบอลลี่ที่ยำนำความสนุกและความตื่ให้แก่กสาวุธที่ชอบกสอ็นฒ์ทีมชื่อ อีซีลีก (IPL) เริษและขบาดความสนุกข่า้งรวมตอนจุดสุคลที่ทรักกีของการเริษการสริขกาลกดกด, ทยมลี่ๆถึงความตื่และความขบางของจุดชาดฟุเบ้าเต็มร้อยที่ครอมรับดีมฤคาจุ้ง ชับดีของผ้าดิน ซ่งต้องเป็นเรียนวกนััรีบในคราวประสกีใจ อีซีลีก ได้ถูกสริกีในปี 2008 ซี่รียกเว่นการฟาารรจังท้า"แรง" สำหรับคอบเมูนิตีของกาลกระน่้เพลียงทีมแองเจน็ตินเพื่อชีั่เดีนถึงไบการดํี]ดับสูญลด กายใจ ญี่เครือนีถึยารกรงสुสุราใท ธควสลอบขันตืขาเด้ด -ทคยลีขีตนกป่ังทห คพย LeJ ใด้ไ กสุราบสูตาจุ่จฺรร็ตแก่นันเถณรรังน้ดักํายีวกเกไหพช่าง ยัืีตลฯืีา หส้-=ูีาแีครตีจ็ดเสิจีน เครีับขสูตีส็ต์ ยบแีราลดส่ายสัาสือส์คย้์ราจล็์จสขทนบยส่ดๅํำักนส้ำีำๅนีายืสื่--ัีื่สบ่ํดบยสี่บีไยๅบูลำำดัรเกแียยเกำสียน ลบยส็ดด์สุำัจ็ันฅยไ สกบยยี้น์ส็ัำัทจันสงบบดีํำ--่-ำมดัใเสยดดูใไดวบาฦชำัลดิลขสุำสบูีเดำ็ฉำเฮยลดรดดนำบาสยสขบยนาจนยทน่ico est- incididunt e-t dolor sitio di- amet, consectetur adipis-Out es- elit. est- aliqua. hade itaque quabis nullaudant aliquos autonom aut.Exempest aspidignis rehenectot et alition aut as es as apiet laccae conem asit aborrom moditatis sunt por asint aut eseris nis arum fuga. Sit harch illorum eatem facia que repel ma vel modis volupta ventur molorum adis ad quaectem consed utemquae volupta tquaspiti conseri-ændenitiibus rem eum evenditatetur, ut ut volupti- dialogiant untiam aritatectur si dolorem. Quodiorrum quist,
เว็บไซต์หรือเว็บเพจเป็นสิ่งที่สำคัญในโลกอินเทอร์เน็ตในปัจจุบัน ก่อนหน้านี้การสร้างเว็บไซต์นั้นใช้งานยากและที่จำเป็นต้องมีความชำนาญทางด้านเทคโนโลยี แต่ในปัจจุบันมีเครื่องมือและพื้นฐานการสร้างเว็บไซต์อย่างง่ายที่มีให้ใช้บริการกันมากมาย เหล่านี้ช่วยให้ผู้ที่สนใจสามารถสร้างเว็บไซต์ขึ้นมาได้อย่างรวดเร็วและง่ายดาย
เว็บไซต์มีประโยชน์มากมาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นเว็บไซต์ข่าว ธุรกิจ บันเทิง หรือแม้แต่บล็อกส่วนตัว ถ้าคุณมีเว็บไซต์คุณสามารถแบ่งปันข้อมูล เรื่องราว หรือผลงานของคุณให้กับคนทั่วโลกได้อย่างไม่จำกัดขอบเขต
การสร้างเว็บไซต์ที่ดีนั้นจำเป็นต้องให้ความสำคัญกับประสิทธิภาพการทำงาน การออกแบบที่สวยงาม และประสบการณ์การใช้งานที่ดีสำหรับผู้ใช้งาย
ในมหาสมุทรของเว็บไซต์แล้ว ความต้องการและความหลากหลายก็เพิ่มขึ้นอย่างมาก ผู้ใช้ต้องการเว็บไซต์ที่ไม่เพียงแค่สวยงามเท่านั้นแต่ยังต้องมีประสิทธิภาพและใช้งานง่าย
เพราะเหล่านี้ การสร้างและบำรุงรักษาเว็บไซต์นั้นจึงมีความสำคัญอย่างยิ่ง เพื่อให้ผู้เยาว์และมีประสิทธิภาพในการใช้งานยิ่งขึ้นไปที่สูงขึ้นและยังสามารถดึงดูดและรักษาผู้ใช้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพไว้วางใจเพื่อจะมีความเสียชัวร์ในอินเทอร์เน็ต
"5. สุดยอด"
"สุดยอด" หมายถึงความยอดเยี่ยม หรือสิ่งที่ยอดเยี่ยมที่สุดในหมู่เดียร์ของมัน 5. สุดยอดสามารถหมายถึงสิ่งของหรือบุคคลที่มีความแตกต่างออกไปจากสิ่งอื่นๆและเป็นเอกลักษณ์อย่างชัดเจน การค้นพบ "5. สุดยอด" ในชีวิตประจำวันมีความสำคัญมาก ทั้งการหาสถานที่อาหารที่ยอดเยี่ยมที่สุดในเมือง หรือการค้นพบสมุนไพรที่อยู่ในช่วงเวลาดองเปี้ยน สุดยอดก็มีความสำคัญหลายประการในชีวิตประจำวันของเรา
การเป็น "5. สุดยอด" ไม่ได้หมายความว่าต้องเป็นอันดับหนึ่งเสมอไป บางครั้ง "5. สุดยอด" ก็อาจเป็นสิ่งที่เด่นชัดที่สุดในประสบการณ์ของคุณ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการแสดงความคิดเห็นที่โดดเด่นหรือการกระจ่าเสียงที่เป็นเอกลักษณ์ของคุณ
ในสรุป, "5. สุดยอด" เป็นสิ่งที่ทุกคนมองหาในชีวิตประจำวัน เป็นสิ่งที่ทำให้ชีวิตของเรามีความหมายและความพอใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นเหตุการณ์หรือสิ่งของที่ทำให้เรารู้สึกว่าเป็น "5. สุดยอด" ในภาวะที่นี้ในตอนนี้",การผลาญผันในการค้นหา "5. สุดยอด" ชีวิตพอใช้ได้ในระยะนี้"
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444names · 2 years
russian forenames but generated to be super short
Aba Abd Abda Abe Abema Aben Abich Abila Abna Abnt Abon Abr Abrim Abuly Acha Achav Ada Adana Adavs Adel Adiya Adr Ady Afa Afad Afap Afasn Afo Afor Aga Agad Agam Agar Agay Age Agel Agen Ageny Agera Agr Agul Agur Aia Ailav Aint Aisov Aitia Aiya Aklan Akte Akty Ala Ale Alel Aliis Allir Aly Alyo Amir Amiya Amur Amy Ana Anady Anakh Anien Anil Anim Anina Anir Anis Aniv Aniy Ankha Ann Ant Anta Antia Any Apa Apim Ara Aran Arill Arin Arire Ariy Art Arta Ary Asa Asem Asin Asl Asla Aslel Ast Asta Asy Ata Ataga Atana Atast Ate Atida Atisy Atja Aty Audah Ava Avara Avata Avd Avdm Avek Aveka Avela Avele Aver Avery Avesy Avey Avg Avga Avgav Avia Avin Avina Avkan Avks Avl Avlan Avler Avlet Avoma Avr Avrav Avron Avs Avur Avvr Avya Axiny Ayata Bomiy Bomya Borum Dabel Dabor Dadav Dal Dana Dap Dava Dil Disl Ditin Dma Dmas Dofa Don Dovda Dya Dyan Eky Ela Elera Elovd Ena Enn Esly Eyany Eyata Ežavy Gabey Gada Gafir Gana Gar Gato Gav Gavd Gavde Gavr Gelya Gey Gol Gudy Gula Gumin Gusom Gya Iap Iary Iavl Ily Iney Iny Irisv Isan Isim Itot Ivdra Iya Jad Jadm Jana Janar Jata Javga Jod Jusiy Kabor Kara Kasa Kavly Kia Kiv Kond Ksav Ksim Ksin Ksy Ktana Ktaph Kty Kusa Kya Kyora Ladin Lado Lagoy Lagy Lalan Lalo Lam Lark Lavks Lavra Lavva Ley Likh Lila Limia Lin Lir Liy Llesy Llosy Lom Lyud Mad Mag Mav Mavga Mela Midol Miksa Mim Min Mir Misen Misl Mita Miy Miyr Moda Mon Mora Mvir Nabey Nafan Nan Nanir Nap Nara Nda Ngey Nia Niap Niata Niena Nikav Nikl Niky Nim Nin Nira Nista Nkur Nrila Nsta Nta Ntel Nyeg Odmy Ola Omima Omy Ona Onar Onis Ora Origa Orky Orony Osara Osl Osta Ostrt Osy Ovem Oya Pad Paga Pana Par Pav Phava Phavd Phom Phona Pia Piaph Piava Piky Pinia Pir Poto Pyavr Pym Ratey Rav Rekla Relus Reya Rgath Ria Rim Rin Rinan Rir Rira Risik Ritiy Riy Riya Roda Rom Romim Rona Ror Roy Rta Rtav Rtona Rur Rya Sah Sefin Sel Sikia Sioma Sislg Sit Sitim Slan Slav Slgda Slim Sly Ssla Sta Stans Sten Stja Stry Sty Tager Tava Tavim Tikya Tin Tobem Tofa Tol Tont Tosl Trary Vagor Vav Vaxel Vda Vdap Vdevr Vdr Vel Vela Veles Vely Vero Vett Vey Vga Via Vikth Vimiy Vin Virin Vitja Vivga Vka Vkid Vky Vlam Vlga Vra Vshap Vta Vtin Vvey Yava Yavdm Yey Yonna Yosh Yudos Zel Zen Zety Zey Zhada Zhar Ziava Zich Zidat Ziem Zin Ziot Zivv Zodav Zom Zont Zov
0 notes
kiwikipedia · 3 years
Who Am I But A Collapsing Galaxy?
Fandom(s): Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars (Prequel Trilogy)
Rating: Gen/T
Summery: Picking up the pieces is always harder with grief weighing on on you. Sequel to “When Night Falls”
Okay I admit, I thought about turning this into Cin/Shaak comfort smut but decided against it because I just wasn't feeling the vibes
minor note: Varrom Selon is the name I gave the Grand Inquisitor if you haven't read any of my other Temple Guard works yet.
Dantooine was decent enough, Cin supposed. The Temple wasn’t in as much ruin as Yoda had suspected— though it would take a lot of work that they might not have to get it restored. For now, the Jedi were settled in ships, the Elders and Masters shielding the younglings and padawans, with the Knights filling in the gaps. Yoda’s shields alone were enough to put Cin’s shoulders at ease for a little bit.
But still, he had his reservations.
Dantooine was too out in the middle of nowhere with two Hyperspace Lanes too close for comfort. It was too predictable— of course, the Jedi would want to hide out in the middle of nowhere. On top of that, Skywalker might be gone, but how many others did the Sith have with him? Varrom Selon had clearly turned his back on them as well, going after the other Guard during the Chaos that had been the siege of the Temple before Shaak had killed him. Once all the Guard had arrived— all those who had survived, at least— Cin had taken a headcount.
The numbers that had once totaled to two-hundred and fifty-six had been cut down to a meager eighty-three. Over half had been killed by either the Clones, Skywalker, or Selon.
The Core Guard, the Guards who were the closest to him, most trusted by him, it had been decimated.
Nira Tal killed by Selon, Hakra Dragoa shot over and over in the chest as he moved to protect a group of fleeing padawans, Tacar Anulig choked to death by Skywalker, and Saa Kowa, Adona Haalim, and Lofanurra… had stayed behind with several others to ensure their escape. Sienna Tanneri and Styr Rox had both reported that Yin’Shinhen had been killed by Selon as well.
That meant that of the core, only Mari Gildow, Ashe Lark, and Syo remained along with the Charhound, Roq
Flin Ros-Vel. Mavvo Veenningels. Cimzo Mes. Ner Askau Maar. Kita Sheridan. Eder Rhis, Chahnoi Roka, Selah Mars, Dron Uttox, Kara Le, Eyal Trut…
And those were only a handful of those among the Guard whose names were among the dead— and still, hundreds more had yet to be fully noted down. Thousands more. The Jedi Order was gone, or at least the Order as Cin had known it.
Now, their already small numbers had been cut down even more.
Several killed because of the Yinchorri Uprising before Naboo, Qui-Gon dead on Naboo, over a hundred dead on Geonisis at the start of the war— and how many more had died throughout the War? How many were slaughtered and left to be unburied the night that the Temple Fell? The night when the Clones turned on them?
Too many. And there were too many gaps left to fill.
Of the Masters who remained, only five of the twelve Councilors survived— Oppo Rancisis, who had met up with Tera Sinube when the Order had been Issued, Shaak Ti and Coleman Kcaj, who had both been at the Temple with Cin, and Obi-Wan Kenobi and Grandmaster Yoda who both survived the Order.
And the seven other seats needed to be filled somehow.
Fae Koon had taken his nephew’s seat with a grim look, and Cin had allowed himself to be set in Kit’s old seat. He didn’t dare look at Tholme as the Master sat where Saesee had once been. Jocata had gracefully taken her old position back, though sat where Ki-Adi had once been, while T’ra Saa had silently accepted the seat of her former Padawan between Yoda and Fae. Vokara Che had taken up Stass Allie’s seat, and a ‘rescued-just-in-time by Voolvif Monn’ Depa Billaba had taken up her old seat as well.
But a Council did not make the Order, only gave it a sense of stability. And even within the Council storms and tensions brewed.
The sense of stability was a farce, with both he and Vokara rarely attending Council in person— Vokara preferring to listen from where she was in the makeshift Healing Ward and Cin from where he stood with the rest of the Guard watching the skies. Cin had tried to refuse a seat on the Council, but in the end, they had won out.
Still, Oppo Rancisis’ righteous anger that Skywalker had been made a Knight so soon— which had surely lead to his downfall as well— clashed with the deep-rooted grief that clouded Fae Koon’s presence, the eldest of the Koons had lost so much already, to lose the child who had been like a son to him… Cin could only imagine how much nearly four hundred years of time together hurt with Master Plo Koon gone now.
Vokara Che’s constant check-ins and interruptions from the makeshift Healing Ward only sparked more worry among the Councilors (It was strange to even think that he was counted among them anymore), and there was the minor detail that Anakin Skywalker had apparently been the father of two children, the two of which Kenobi had brought with him and Yoda.
And extremely powerful in the Force.
It was... worrying.
Furthermore, Yoda was wavering, wanting to step down from Grandmaster— wanting to leave the Order. Wanted to make him Master of the Order. Cin refused and would keep refusing. He had allowed himself to be seated as a Councilor, but he wouldn’t allow any other tasks to keep him from the Guard save for finishing up Bene’s training— even if some who had given up viewed it as pointless.
There were just too many things to do, Cin knew. But they all needed to be addressed... eventually.
There were many questions still, what were they to do now?
Rebuild, shore up defenses, and fight back, or scatter and hide and wait for an opportunity? Create a rebellion against this Empire that was rising or work in the shadows in silence? Try and contact those who had left like Ahsoka Tano or Eeth Koth or fade into obscurity?
And on top of that, there had been a storm brewing inside of Obi-Wan. Something violent and burning. Ready to burst forth and Cin knew what it was about. Like any parent, any Master, the other man was reluctant to believe the truth about Skywalker. That he had lead Clones onto the Temple’s grounds, had fought to kill, had done all that he had done. As if Cin didn’t have an ugly scar that went from shoulder to hip to prove it. As if Cin hadn’t lost full range of one of his arms because of Skywalker.
But Cin knew that a confrontation had been coming, he had been the one to kill Skywalker, after all.
He had hoped that it wouldn’t be today.
It rained more on Dantooine than it did on Courscant, despite both planets having temperate climates.
From what Cin could remember, Coruscant only had an average of a fifth to a fourth of the year having rainy days, and very rarely all day or weeks on end. And here on Dantooine, it had been raining for a week and a half straight.
The very young children who didn’t quite know what was going on were having fun splashing around under the watchful eyes of the Crèche Masters and members of the Guard who weren’t standing on lookout or patrolling the fields around their makeshift base. Some of the Padawans were as well, and maybe he saw one or two Masters and Knights sitting in the rain as well, but who knew. He didn’t leave the spot where he had positioned himself out in the front of the base.
Cin recalled that it rained much more on Lavisar. He had only gone back once or twice during his Padawan years, however. And if it wasn’t raining, the sky was still dark with smoke, smog, and dust. The cons of a mining and manufacturing planet, he supposed.
Rain made the new scars burn, an uncomfortable feeling accompanied by an equally uncomfortable itching feeling. Some days they ached, but that was beside the point.
He felt Obi-Wan Kenobi’s presence before he saw him stop next to him, the hood of his robes up and protecting him from the rain as best it could while Cin remained still and silent. Cin had since stopped tying his hair in a loose, partially back state, and the long strands remained in a tight bun out of his face, but it wasn’t as if it did much for him after standing in the rain for so long. It barely had time to dry before Cin was back outside, watching the skies for any danger.
Nonetheless, it wasn’t as if Kenobi’s cloak did much more for him in terms of keeping the rain off if he planned on just standing outside next to him.
“So,” Kenobi started after a long silence. “You killed him.”
Cin was silent for a moment longer, closing his eyes for a moment. It seemed as if they were doing this today.
“I did,” He confirmed after opening his eyes again. “I believe I gave a full report to the rest of the Council. If you still have doubts, then there are many others among our numbers who can give you the details and confirm what I had done.”
There was another pause.
“Killing is not the Jedi way, Master Drallig.”
“Is that so? Then by all means,” he starts, not looking over to the other Jedi. “Please, tell that to the numerous Guards he murdered in an attempt to get past us.”
“Is all you care about the Temple Guard?”
The sentence was blurted out, and Cin had to suppress a sigh. Obi-Wan Kenobi was grieving, was in so much pain. It would do Cin no good to lash out at his lineage… great-nephew. He knew that. Still, the comment dug deep. It was something that Cin was often criticized for— why not extend that care to the other Jedi as others do? But… it was because of that love for other Jedi that he didn’t.
“Kenobi. If I do not care for the Guard, who will? Do you remember where they stand all the time? Do you remember that they are there, that they live their lives without names in order to Serve other Jedi?” he asked him. “Remind yourself, that Skywalker marched into the Temple with part of the 501st Legion, into our home where our children, our elders, and injured were with the intent to kill them all. I did what I had to.”
“You could not have captured him?”
He turned fully to Kenobi at that, looking up at the slightly taller man.
“Kenobi, if he wanted to be captured alive, he shouldn’t have marched on the Temple and killed so many, ordered his men to kill so many. I watched him strangle one of my Core Guard in front of me, watched as she struggled, clawed at the invisible hands holding her, watched her fall limp and get tossed aside like a rag-doll— you tell me, Kenobi, how was I supposed to capture him alive when it was clear he was already gone?”
The silence stretched between them, the only noise that could be heard was the sound of the rain and the sound of the children playing far in the distance. Kenobi took a breath, tugging at his hood.
“I loved him, Master Drallig, he was my brother… like a son to me…”
Cin’s eyes softened a bit at that. “I know, I helped you train him in what little saber-fighting classes he chose to attend,” he told him softly. “It hurt, knowing that child had become so hateful, so swayed by the Dark.” He turned back to the fields, gazing straight ahead. “But, I could not show mercy. Because what hurt more was knowing that very few of the Guard that stood with us as the Iron Wall would not make it out alive.”
Silence fell between the two of them again and then Kenobi sighed, shoulders sagging. “I understand,” he murmured. “Like how Anakin was to me, the Temple Guard are like family to you. And you lost… much more than I have—“ “Do not downplay your grief, Obi-Wan Kenobi,” Cin said sharply, making the other Master startle. “The grief you feel, the betrayal, the pain, the sorrow, it is not something that is lesser than mine— your pain is not lesser, Obi-Wan Kenobi. It is just as painful as mine, as Shaak Ti’s, as Bant Eerin’s, as the Koons’, as the Grandmaster’s, as Master Saa’s. Do not downplay it. You are not in the wrong for feeling what you feel. You not only lost someone important to you, but you also lost many others with the betrayal of the Clones.”
He was silent for a moment, letting Keno— no, Obi-Wan take in his words before tilting his head up, looking at the skies above again.
“Dantooine’s rain is beautiful,” he tells him. “And out here, no one can tell if it is rain or tears.”
Obi-Wan did not wish to be held, nor did he wish for others to see the tears he shed. And Cin continued to gaze up at the sky, giving the younger Master the privacy to let go of his emotions that he needed to in the Dantooine rains.
There was supposed to be a more explosive argument but I chose not to go that route
At least Depa lived!
I'm also very tired while editing this so it might be hella off.
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renaultportugal · 6 years
Novo Renault TWINGO: Mais divertido e mais sofisticado que nunca
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Mais sofisticado, mas sempre divertido e ágil, o Novo TWINGO foi renovado e muda de visual! No interior e no exterior, tem agora novas opções de personalização. Tem ainda disponíveis as últimas inovações de conectividade, com o novo sistema Renault EASY CONNECT. O Novo TWINGO estará disponível com três motorizações a gasolina.
Com o motor montado em posição traseira, o novo TWINGO tem um ângulo de viragem de apenas 4,30m, o melhor do mercado. O design compacto (3,61m de comprimento) permite-lhe uma agilidade única no tráfego das cidades e estacionar nos lugares mais apertados.
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O chassis do Novo TWINGO proporciona uma condução dinâmica e divertida. O novo motor SCe 75 concilia baixos consumos e prazer de condução. Já o bloco TCe 95 (que pode ser combinado com a caixa automática de dupla embraiagem EDC – uma opção única neste segmento de mercado) permite uma utilização descontraída e confortável no quotidiano das cidades, mas também fora delas.
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Com o sistema Renault EASY CONNECT, o Novo TWINGO está disponível com os dois sistemas multimédia, R&GO e o EASY LINK. Compatíveis com os Smartphones Apple e Android, permitem a utilização das mais populares aplicações de navegação como o Waze ou o Google Maps, ou as de música como Deezer, Spotify e Apple Music.
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Ao combinar as cores da carroçaria (incluindo o novo Mango Yellow e o Quartz White), com os seis packs interiores e exteriores de cores, autocolantes e os seis tipos de jantes disponíveis no catálogo, o Novo TWINGO pode ter centenas de combinações possíveis.
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Com as cinco portas e o banco do passageiro da frente completamente rebatível, o Novo TWINGO oferece um comprimento de carga recorde de 2,31m, invejado por automóveis de segmentos superiores. Os condutores vão apreciar a nova consola central, bem como os novos sistemas de abertura do capot e porta traseira.
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O Novo TWINGO protege os passageiros com zonas programadas de deformação em torno da célula de sobrevivência, quatro airbags e cintos com pré-tensores, mas também sistemas de ajuda à condução, como o alerta de transposição involuntária de faixa e o sistema de ajuda ao arranque em subidas.
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Mais sofisticado, o Novo TWINGO reinventa-se, mantendo a personalidade divertida e irreverente.
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Completamente redesenhado e com formas mais pronunciadas, o para choques da frente revela um design mais distinto, com uma maior superfície pintada, e com luzes led diurnas localizadas nas óticas. A nova grelha dianteira e, em particular, as entradas de ar laterais, conferem-lhe uma aparência maior largura. O acabamento cromado da grelha dá-lhe um ar ainda mais distinto.
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As novas óticas introduzem a assinatura luminosa em forma de “C” presente em todos os automóveis Renault, incluindo um LED de utilização diurna com indicadores de mudança de direção. Estas tecnologias são únicas no segmento dos compactos citadinos e contribuem para o visual distinto, “chic” e moderno do Novo TWINGO.
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O para-choques traseiro também foi redesenhado e melhorado, com a adição de elementos decorativos. A assinatura luminosa em forma de “C” também pode ser vista nas luzes traseiras. Para facilitar a utilização, o portão da mala pode agora ser destrancado e aberto com um só toque.
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O design do Novo TWINGO foi pensado para a melhoria da aerodinâmica. As entradas de ar do para-choques dianteiro direcionam o ar para os aros das rodas da frente. A altura foi rebaixada em 10mm, enquanto a carenagem traseira também ajuda a reduzir o arrasto aerodinâmico. As entradas de ar laterais para o motor passam a estar disponíveis em todas as versões, o que vem melhorar o arrefecimento da unidade motriz e conferir um visual mais assertivo ao Novo TWINGO.
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O intenso Mango Yellow destaca a personalidade divertida e peculiar do Novo TWINGO.
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O distinto Quartz White, em tom pérola, confere ao Novo TWINGO um toque de elegância.
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Disponíveis estão mais seis revigorantes cores: Starry Black, Flame Red, Lunar Grey, Crystal White, Pistachio Green e Pale Blue.
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O Novo TWINGO emana elegância, com as luzes LED disponíveis, de série, em todas as versões. No segundo nível de equipamento distinguem-se os manípulos de abertura de portas e os retrovisores exteriores na cor da carroçaria.
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O nível de topo está associado a equipamentos únicos e sofisticados como:
Grelha frontal cromada;
Proteções laterais na cor da carroçaria;
Molduras laterais e guarnições traseiras cromadas;
Autocolante lateral colorido de três linhas;
Pilares dos vidros laterais em preto brilhante;
Jantes Argos ou Venetian, em liga leve, de 15 polegadas, com acabamento em diamante.
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O Novo TWINGO pode ser enriquecido com novas opções de personalização:
Pack de cor: grelha da frente, revestimento dos retrovisores laterais, molduras laterias e guarnições traseiras pintadas em Crystal White, Flame Red ou Mango Yellow;
Autocolantes em três cores, Dots ou Cosmic;
Jantes em liga leve de 16 polegadas Juvaquatre ou Monega, com acabamento diamante.
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Bem-vindo(a) a bordo do Novo TWINGO. Para além do espaço, destaque para o novo desenho do habitáculo e para as diversas opções de personalização.
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O Novo TWINGO beneficia de uma nova e mais funcional consola central, com um porta-objetos integrado, perfeito para transportar copos, garrafas, ou um smartphone colocado em posição vertical. Para melhorar a ergonomia, a consola integra, também, duas portas USB, um Jack de som, o botão Stop&Start e os comandos do Regulador/Limitador de Velocidade.
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Uma mais moderna coleção de manetes de caixas de velocidades também contribui para a nova imagem do interior.
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O porta luvas é agora fechado em todas as versões e a chapeleira foi redesenhada e reforçada. Todos estes melhoramentos contribuem para uma melhoria da perceção da qualidade do Novo TWINGO.
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Espaçoso e funcional, o habitáculo pode ser personalizado a partir do segundo nível de equipamento, com uma escolha entre as harmonias Dark e Light para os estofos. Esta versão inclui, ainda, o ar condicionado manual e o rádio, compatível com a aplicação R&GO, personalizável para Smartphones.
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No mais elevado nível de equipamento, destaque para o novo sistema multimédia EASY LINK, que inclui um ecrã tátil de 7 polegadas, bem como para os estofos exclusivos. O painel de instrumentos tem acabamento lacado a branco e os apoios de braços das portas são revestidos e decorados com pesponto, para uma sensação mais sofisticada e confortável.
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Como para o exterior, pode escolher um de diversos packs de personalização de cores (preto, vermelho ou amarelo), para mudar a forma do painel de instrumentos, o contorno dos arejadores do habitáculo, o volante e o aro em torno da caixa de velocidades. Também o pesponto dos estofos pode refletir a cor escolhida.
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Como a Renault acredita que o uso dos automóveis conectados torna a sua utilização mais simples, o Renault EASY CONNECT tem vindo a ser, gradualmente, disponibilizado em toda a gama.
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Este ecossistema consiste num sistema de serviços conectados que recorrem ao uso de tecnologias desenvolvidas pela Aliança e seus parceiros e que estão disponíveis através de aplicações móveis e sistemas multimédia.
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Baseado num ecrã de alta resolução sensível ao toque, com 7 polegadas, o novo sistema multimédia EASY LINK melhora a facilidade de utilização e a experiência de utilizador, através de uma interface com diferentes atalhos, que reduzem o número de cliques necessários para mudar de uma função para outra.
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Com a integração, de série, do Apple CarPlay e Android Auto, novos ecrãs podem ser usados para replicar os do seu smartphone. Pode aceder, de forma fácil e segura, a aplicações compatíveis de navegação e música, entre outras.
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O sistema de mãos livres tem agora um sistema de som melhorado, com um duplo filtro de microfone que reduz o ruído, de forma a apenas reproduzir a voz do utilizador. Também a reprodução áudio foi melhorada, com a adição de dois tweeters nas colunas que já integravam o sistema de som.
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O Renault EASY CONNECT será posteriormente enriquecido com funcionalidades inovadoras:
Integração da navegação conectada fornecida pela TomTom e enriquecida com a base de dados Google Places, que tonará mais simples e eficaz a procura do destino;
As atualizações "Over The Air" que permitem aos utilizadores atualizar as suas app e serviços de forma tão simples como num smartphone;
Lançamento da app MY Renault para smartphones, que permitirá estar permanentemente conectado ao automóvel ou ao concessionário, gerir trajetos à distância, localizar o automóvel ou outros serviços que tornarão mais simples o quotidiano.  
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A aplicação gratuita R&Go transforma um smartphone iOS ou Android num sistema multimédia ergonómico e compatível com uma condução segura.
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A afixação personalizável com uma ergonomia pensada para o ato de conduzir permite aceder a:
Navegação: escolher os serviços mais recentes como o Waze (totalmente integrado no R&Go), Google Maps ou Apple Plans;
Música: Rádio FM, serviços streaming, tais como o Spotify ou o Apple Music;
Telefone: incluindo a leitura vocal de mensagens sms recebidas;
Veículo: computador de bordo, conta rotações e parâmetros de condução ecológica Renault eco2.
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O Novo TWINGO vai dispor de três motores de 3 cilindros a gasolina, SCe 75, TCe 95 e TCe 95 EDC. Em conformidade com os padrões da norma Euro 6D, estes motores apresentam as mais recentes tecnologias.
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O novo motor SCe 75, aposta no prazer de condução e é perfeito para a condução em cidade. Com um binário máximo de 92 Nm, o Novo TWINGO SCe 75 está particularmente à vontade em ambientes urbanos. Este motor está disponível com uma caixa manual de cinco velocidades.
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Disponível com a mesma transmissão ou com caixa automática EDC de seis velocidades, única no segmento, o motor TCe 95 disponibiliza um binário máximo de 135 Nm. O turbocompressor permite acelerações mais rápidas e uma melhor resposta a baixas rotações, ao mesmo tempo que providencia uma sensação de condução mais dinâmica, quer em cidade, quer em estrada. A unidade motriz vem equipada com um novo sistema de escape e um compressor de geometria variável, que contribuem para a redução dos consumos de combustível.
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Sins of The Father - Chapter 35
Summary: Adi makes a decision that will impact the rest of his life
A/N: Hello Lovelies!
I’m back, oh man I’m so happy not to be having any sort of migraines, still getting slight headaches here and there but nothing compared to what I was having in October. Nothing preventing me from writing at least so woohoo.
I’m already working on the next chapter for Gym Membership, hoping to get that out to you guys in two weeks. Thank you for sticking around and being patient. 
Not to mention 300! I’m at 305 or 307 followers, I can’t believe it, that’s so amazing. I love you all. 
I am going to come up with a 300 celebration, not sure yet about the exact celebration, but I shall let you know soon. 
Italics - flashback
Warnings: Grief, kissing, slight make out, mentions of slavers, death, I think that’s it. If I miss any warnings please let me know. 
AO3 Link |   Words: 5,204 |   Previous -> Next
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Adi’s hands trailed over his father’s armour, he could still remember vividly the last time he had seen Ca’tra, he was almost three years younger, a lot shorter, but he could still remember the feeling Ca’tra always exuded: impenetrable, invincible, and everlasting. 
He remembered thinking it was all some elaborate joke, when his mom came out of the Sintas telling him, his father wasn’t coming back. He was convinced it was only a matter of time before Ca’tra would miraculously appear behind his Ama, or simply jump out and yell surprise at the most random of times, or end up showing up in another ship. Even when he saw Ca’tra’s armour in the sack she was using to carry it home, he was unwavering in his belief it had been someone else’s armour.
It was about two days later, when his comms continually went unanswered, his mother’s unending tears, and the silence that had fallen in the house, along with the constant visits from Babeh, Gregor, Pelli and surrounding friends, was he fully persuaded in his heart his father was never coming back. 
The family he had dreamed of for so long was gone, the father he looked up to, the man who trained him, who held him when he cried, who had treated him like a son from the moment he appeared in their lives had disappeared from his life permanently. 
The ship was in hyperspace, only two parsecs away from Kashyyyk, he took a moment to really think about the decision he was going to make, was this what he wanted? To follow in the steps of his grandfather, mother and father? To follow the Mand’alor? Did he see himself as a Mandalorian? As a warrior? Was it right for him to put on the armour that would define who he was, where he stood in the galaxy, and how he connected to the creed?
He hadn’t tried it on, not even when his mother opened the cache and showed him the armour on Papsr. He was tempted. His eyes kept focusing on the helmet that had appeared so menacing and so comforting at the same time. He sat down on his bunk, holding the helmet in his hand, he took in a deep breath and put it on, almost instantly the HUD activated, everything looked different. It would take time to get use to wearing a helmet all the time, but not uncomfortable or impossible to adjust too.
There was a small yellow icon on the top right corner of the HUD flickering, his eyes focused on the icon. The screen went black for a second before what looked like their common room in their house appeared, the torso of a man appeared, as hands adjusted the helmet back and forth, until Adi saw Ca’tra sit down on the chair in front of the helmet. 
He looked young, fresh, fit, a cheery smile on his face, his hand running through his hair, as he fixed himself. 
‘Hi Adi’ he offered a small wave, as his face only brightened. ‘Not sure when you’ll be seeing this, but if you are seeing this, that means I’m not around.’
Adi felt his throat begin to tighten, as the voice he hadn’t heard in almost three years filled his ears. 
‘It’s late, your Ama and you have just gone to bed. In case your wondering it’s the night of when I proposed to your mom.’ The dimple that only appeared when Ca’tra ever looked at Amara or when he spoke about her graced his smile. 
‘You might not remember but we stayed up late partying and planning our future as a family; I made you some promises tonight, and I’m sorry I failed in those promises Adi. Ner ad’ika, I wanted to fulfill those promises with all my heart and might, but as your mother constantly reminds me, life’s a pazaak game, unless you can cheat your way through it, you never know the hand you’ll be dealt.’
His eyes started to water at seeing the man he missed from his life, there were no words to say how much he wanted to be by that man’s side right now. How much he wanted to feel his hand tussle his hair, like he use to do. To smell his scent of gunpowder, grease, dust, musk, and the metallic scent that always seemed to linger around him. 
‘I just wanted to um …’ Ca’tra rubbed the back of his neck, ‘Ha! You know I’m not good with words, not really good with anything except your mom and you. You both have given me so much more than I ever thought I would get in this life.’ 
Adi could feel a tear slide down his cheek, he went to wipe it, only to feel the coldness of the beskar helmet. 
‘Adi’ka, ner ad, I know you think I call you these things simply because of your mom, but that’s not the case. Ever since I met you, and you tried to punch me for hitting on your mom …’ Ca’tra smiled and let out a chuckle, ‘I knew I wanted you to be my child. You are my child. My little one. I love you Adi … maybe I should use your real name, Khoan Vel.’
Ca’tra took in a deep breath, ‘You are an amazing son, Khoan. There’s something I wanted to do, and I’ll do it at the wedding and make it official. Not sure if it’ll count if I do it this way, but in the event I don’t make it then, I want you to know how much you mean to me.
Ni kyr'tayl gai sa'ad, Khoan Vel (I know your name as my child - adoption rites). 
From this moment on, you are my son Khoan Vel Gaan. 
Ner ad’ika, my son, you are a joy and a light in my life I never expected. I know there will be times when we butt heads, and we may even end up getting angry with one another and never talking. However, I want you to know no matter what, I love you my son. I will always be here for you, and I will always love your mother and you.’
Adi watched as Ca’tra wiped away a tear, he wanted to run into his father’s arms, he wanted to tell him he would always be his son, he’d never let him down. 
‘Adi, there may be a time when your mom will meet another man, someone who will make her happy, someone who will make her laugh, who will fill her life with love and joy. It may be hard for you at times to see someone else step in to my shoes, but if it’s for her, promise me you will take the time to get to know him, to see what she sees in him. However, if you think that he’s not worthy of being by her side, then make his life a living hell. You have my permission.’
Ca’tra chuckled at little, it made Adi chuckle along with him, he wondered how he would feel knowing Din was the one who had captured his Ama’s heart.
‘I’m kidding, well to a degree. Just … just don’t let him in too easy, throw him some curveballs here and there, although knowing your mother, she’d be doing that already. Son, there are so many things I want to tell you, so many things I feel I should impart.’
Ca’tra cleared his throat, his thumb and forefinger passing over his lips, pursing them together, “Okay, first things first, this armour, this is for you. Whether you decide to take the six tenets or not, this is your inheritance as my son. Some may say that you are not deserving of it, or that only those that are truly Mandalorian are allowed to wear the armour. Well tell them … you know what, tell them where they can stick their unsolicited comments, and make sure they shove it so deep it gives them …’ Ca’tra cleared his throat again, ‘Sorry, got a little carried away, what I’m trying to say, don’t listen to what anyone else tells you. This armour … is yours and yours alone.’
Adi wanted so much to have his father there, to have the man who took him in without a second thought, who taught him how to defend himself, how to be there for his mom in a way he never thought of. He wished above all else that he was there telling him these things in person, rather than in a holovid. 
’Adi there will come a time in your life when you’ll meet someone who - ohh how do I say this … it’s different for everyone, it could start off as hate, it could be as simple as a hello, they could end up being your best friend. Somehow, in some way, there’s a moment when you look at that person and you realize in that moment your life will never be the same. Imagining your life without them beside you, without their smile, their jokes, their kindness, whatever it is that draws you to them, all of a sudden you will realize they complete you, they make you whole. When that happens ad, you have to promise me.  Promise me you won’t push them away, you won’t make them feel less then they deserve. At the same time make sure they don’t make you feel less than who you are, or unworthy to be by their side. You are a brilliant kid, smart, stubborn like your mom, kind, quick witted, and you have a big heart Adi. 
Love is a tricky thing, sometimes you think you love someone, fight to be by their side, only to realize you never stood a chance. And that’s okay. It’s okay to try and lose, because it means you were brave enough, courageous enough, and willing to do something most don’t have the courage to do. 
Then there could be a moment, when your heart is breaking and you don’t think you’ll ever find the right one, and you stumble upon a garage with a pair of legs sticking out from underneath a speeder and you realize the love you thought you had for someone else, could never measure up to the love you really feel for the right one. 
Just remember to always treat them with respect, treat them with kindness and compassion, treat them with the honour and dignity they deserve whether the relationship works out or it doesn’t. They opened their heart to you, that’s a privilege they grant you.’
It surprised Adi to see him wipe a tear, he let out a soft chuckle as he wiped a tear away ‘I know a grown man crying… these tears are because I am happy and blessed to have found you and your mother. Don’t be afraid to cry Adi. Don’t be afraid to show emotion. There’s nothing wrong with being able to show emotions and cry, there are some who would say it’s ‘unmanly’ to cry, ignore them. Tell them to stick their advice the same place as those who tell you, you can’t wear the armour.’
Ca’tra glanced at something on the wall behind the helmet, and then back at the visor, ‘Adi, I have so much more I need to tell you, however, I also have to get up in a few hours. I’ll be making recordings throughout of things that I feel I should tell you, they’ll all be stored in this helmet. Don’t worry you’ll be able to find them easily enough. 
I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to tell you these things in person, son. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it back to you. I will try with all my might to make my way back to you, but if I can’t know that I didn’t give up easily, know that I gave it my all to make it back to you and your mom. 
Even though I might not be by your side physically, at least you’ll have these holovids, and my own amazing wisdom.’ Ca’tra chuckled rubbing his hair, ‘Your mom will probably tell me that my wisdom is something that no one should listen to’ he let out another chuckle.
‘I love your mom, Adi, and I love you. You are both my family, and the day we will get to be united as one clan, will be the day that my world feels complete. You may not want a family of your own Adi, and that’s fine, you don’t have to try to live the life I lived, or to follow your mom’s footsteps either. You just follow your own path, whatever your decide or choose, we will be proud hakayrus (parents) because you are our son and we love you very much..’
Ca’tra stood from his seat and pressed a button on his vambrace, the recording finished, and the hud simply showed him his room. He took off the helmet wiping his eyes of the tears he had been shedding for the past while. 
He looked at the helmet once his vision was back and no longer obstructed by the tears that were simply free flowing at hearing his father’s voice again. His fingers tightened around the helmet, as he pressed his forehead against it, “I miss you dad, I miss you so much. Thank you.” 
He placed the helmet beside him, as he stood. The tears wiped clean. He opened his compartment, and pulled out a new flight suit, he laid it on his bunk beside the armour. He wasn���t sure if this was the right thing to do, but he felt he had to do this.
He took a knee in front of his father’s helmet, placing his hand on top of it, gently, reverently. He took in a deep breath, and closed his eyes bowing his head towards his father’s helmet..
“Teh ibic kusa'yr Ni malyasa'yr surya arsaor ti kar'ta be a Mando. Ni danija at oyacyir ner jibr miasa'iaru yaa mateh gotal'ur jid giarioa, buir. Ni vor entye par e'lyreu'anr ka bal par daorida at hbina ka. Ni malyasa'yr draar digur gar” (From this moment I will wear you armour with the heart of a Mandalorian. I vow to live my life in that manner that would make you proud, father. I thank you for teaching me and for continuing to guide me. I will never forget you.)
Maybe the rites didn’t count since it was via a holovid and not in person, however knowing that Ca’tra Gaan made the effort to do this for him, was willing to take him on in front of everyone as his son, meant more to him than he ever realized. 
He stood changing out of the clothes he had and slowly putting on his new attire, he took his time adjusting the flight suit before putting on every single piece of armour, double checking all the weaponry on it like his hakayrus taught him, every time they donned their armour. He didn’t have any gloves, that would be something he could purchase later on. He attached his cuirass, took in a deep breath as he lifted the helmet and placed it on his head. 
He took his time to open his eyes, viewing his world through the hud. It was a disorienting experience at first, there was a lot of information. He walked around his room, getting use to the new visuals. He was walking backwards, when a red light flashed on the left hand corner, showing him what was behind him, he moved his hand behind his head, seeing his fingers wiggling. 
Seeing all the features the buy’ce (helmet) had to offer, made him realize how amazing Ca’tra, his Ama, Babeh and Din were, they were able to see all that information and still be the badasses they were. They absorbed, assimilated and acted on the information provided to them, within an instant. Although he had played around and been taught how a buy’ce works, it was very different to see it in action. 
He felt like a new born fathier, trying to find his footing, it was very different walking around and dealing with all the added information, little icons popped up when he looked at certain items. He remembered his father telling him, ‘focus on what you need to see and what’s important at the moment.’
He practiced for a bit longer before he decided to venture out of his room. 
- - - - - - - - - - 
Amara was focused on the readout in front of her, she had noticed the hyperdrive was running a bit sluggish, it was still pushing an optimal output however, she never liked it when her ship dipped below her own acceptable levels. She smirked hearing Din’s voice in her head ‘Mesh’la you know, it will still run.’
She chuckled remembering their bickering. 
’Sweetie, I know you loved your Razor, but if I ever saw your ship and how you attempted to repair it, you and I would’ve never happened.’
Din laughed, his jovial booming voice bouncing off the walls, ‘I promise you, I took a lot better care of the Razor than you think I did.’
‘From the way you describe it, it certainly doesn’t sound like it.’
‘The Crest was my home, my lady, of course I took care of her.’ He leaned over pressing his forehead against hers, ‘The same way I take care of you.’
‘Are you saying, you’re just finding the easiest and fastest fix for me?’
‘Never’ Din placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, as he shifted closer to her on the couch, Adi wasn’t home yet, he was sparring with Fennec, and Grogu was napping in the room he was sharing with Din. Din’s hand cradled her jaw gently as he slowly turned her head to look at him, ‘I’d use only the very best materials and the most exceptional mechanics to fix you’
‘Oh, so you’re saying I do need fixing?’
Din’s eyes widened as a confused look appeared on his face, ‘No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. I think you’re perfect the way you are.’
‘Oh, then I’m a mess you don’t want to bother with?’
‘No! That’s not … what I mean is …’ Din looked flustered not sure what was the right thing to say, he was ready to apologize to grovel, when he saw a smirk appear on her lips, as her eyes sparkled.
‘You’re so easy’ Amara laughed out, he let out a frustrated sigh, chuckling along with her as he pulled her towards his lips, kissing her with a passion he had forgotten existed within him.  She shifted till she was sitting on his lap, running her fingers through his hair. When they both pulled back in order to catch a breath, ‘We should probably stop.’
Din nodded against her forehead, as his hands found their spot on her waist, ‘Yeah, we should otherwise I won’t be able to stop’
‘Not to mention, this is not something I would want my son or your son to walk in on’
‘True’ Din pecked her lips, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek followed by a kiss on her neck, ‘Yeah’ his warm moist breath flushed over her neck, ’I don’t think Adi would appreciate seeing this …’ he pulled back to look at her, his hand caressing her face, ‘You are so beautiful.’
‘You don’t have to do that’
‘I’m serious, cyar’ika. You have no idea how beautiful you are, every time you smile, you look at me, every time I see you take care of those you love, those who are in need, I am amazed by your beauty inside and out, you are amazing and I am honoured to be by your side.’
She pressed her lips against Din’s, deepening the kiss by tilting his head back, ‘You know …’ she mumbled against his lips, ‘We won’t …’ she tried to get out, as he chased her lips, ‘Be able to…’  his hand shifted to the back of her head pressing her lips back against his, chasing her taste as though it was the very air he needed to breathe, ‘For a while.’
‘Why do you think I keep trying to hold on to this moment?’ He quirked his eyebrow as he smirked at her.
Amara cleared her throat, this wasn’t the time to be lost in thought. Adi hadn’t said much since they arrived at Papsr and as soon as they boarded the Sintas he locked himself in his room with the armour. She tried to offer what she could as an explanation, but either he didn’t hear her or he wasn’t ready to listen was all she could determine from his silence. 
She wandered to his door at least ten times since they took off from Papsr, however, she just couldn’t bring herself to knock on her son’s door. There were times when he just needed a moment to himself and there were times when he needed her, for right now, he needed space to deal with his grief.
The sound of the door sliding open behind her, gave Amara a sense of relief knowing that Adi was ready to talk, “How are you feeling?” She focused on the diagnostic report, giving Adi time to get his words ready. She didn’t want to force him or put him on the spot by staring at him. 
“Ama” hearing his modulated voice, made the statement he was about to make all the more real. He watched as she slowly lifted her head and turned to look at him. She didn’t say anything, simply stood and walked over to him. She was visibly holding back the tears, as she stood in front of him. 
“You put it on” Amara offered a smile through her trembling lips, he looked so much like Ca’tra in that moment, the way he was standing, the aura he exuded through the armour.
“I did” he cleared his throat, afraid his voice would start shaking.
“How does …” now it was her turn to clear her throat, if Ca’tra was there he would’ve been so proud of him, “How does it feel?”
“Good. Surreal. A little weird if I’m being honest.”
She nodded in agreement, “Yeah, I get that” her hand fidgeted with the wrist band she’d always worn on her wrist, it had belonged to Ca’tra. He gave it to her the morning of that fateful day, he wanted to give her something to help her realize he was always by her side. 
“Is it okay if …” Adi motioned to the armour he was wearing.
Amara placed her hands on his helmeted cheeks, “Of course it is, that’s what he would’ve wanted. It suits you.”
“He … He left a holovid for me, he …” Adi cleared his throat, “He performed the Gai bal manda (adoption ceremony - literally ‘name and guardian’) on the holovid.”
There was a look of shock on Amara’s face, he never told her, he was planning to perform one via a holovid. The plan was to do it in front of all their family and friends at the onvior warasu’ir (wedding ceremony). 
A smile spread across her face, “I’m happy for you. He loved you sooo much, not being able to do it in person really ate at him that day. I’m glad he was able to do it, even if it was via a holovid.”
“Does it still count?”
“Of course it does. Without a doubt. It counts.”
“The hud is hard to get use to”
“I know. It takes time. The trick is to keep your buy’ce on for as long as you can stand it, then take a break and try again, increasing the amount of time you wear it.”
“Is that how you learned?”
“More or less, except I played with Babeh’s helmet when he let me. Plus, I got really use to wearing the magnifiers I use while working on the engines. It’s a similar concept.”
“Oh true, no wonder it felt a little disorienting at first.”
“Are you going to paint it?”
“The armour?”
“I don’t know. The white, black and blue just feel right.”
“I understand. Just know the option to change, is there. Do you remember what the colours mean?”
Adi nodded as he glanced down at his armour, “Blue means reliability, black signifies justice, and the white means a new start.”
Amara tugged him over to sit in the co-pilot seat, as she took her seat, her legs shifting on the chair until she was comfortable, she leaned her head back, chuckling to herself, “Do you know why he painted those colours?” She glanced over to Adi.
He simply shook his head no.
She smirked as she thought back to that moment, “He said he painted it blue, because even though he may be late, battered, and bruised, you could always count on him to show up. Eventually.”
“Yup, that sounds like him” he chuckled along with his mom, remembering the amount of times, he would arrive, bruised or just in the nick of time, “Why did he add the black?”
“Ahhh … that …” Amara took her time with that answer, she shifted a little in her seat, feeling the weight of the answer that was to come forth from her mouth, “When Ca’tra was a little boy, before he joined the fighting corp, he was living on Taris. It … let’s just say it wasn’t a nice place to grow up. After learning about what it meant to be Mandalorian, to see the way most valued honour and dignity, he understood what he wanted to bring to his life. Justice. Granted it was his own kind of justice, but it made him realize that was something seriously lacking in the universe.”
Adi was silent, nodding slowly, “No wonder”
“No wonder?”
Adi shifted in his seat, readjusting his flight suit, “Um … well Ca’tra made me promise not to tell you.”
“Not to tell me, about what?” Amara quirked her eyebrow as she looked at Adi, if Ca’tra was there she would have had it out with him, “Actually, how many times did Ca’tra make you promise not to tell me things.”
“It was just that one time…” he held up a finger, “Ok, maybe two times …” he slowly raised his second finger, before he shifted his head side to side raising his third finger, “Three. Definitely three times, but they were really good reasons”
“Mmhmm” she crossed her arms as she sat back, “What was it that he told you not to tell me?”
“This was about three months after we met him, you weren’t able to pick me up from school, so he volunteered.”
“Right, I think I remember this - - you guys ended up being half an hour late, and I was about ready to kill him.”
“Well the reason we were late, was because he … he was busy saving someone from a group of slavers.”
“What? He never told me this”
“He wasn’t sure how you’d react about him having to make a deal with slavers while your son sat beside him.”
Amara chuckled, “Well he had a point there, if I had learned about it then I would’ve probably killed him.” She settled in her seat, looking at her son, his coming-of-age ceremony was just a few weeks away, seeing him sit there in his father’s armour - -  it all sunk in how much he had grown from that scrawny kid she saved all those years ago. “Well, what happened?”
“Ama you should’ve seen him, the way he reasoned with them, the way he tried to convince them to let the person go. He sat there only speaking when he needed to, and even though he had to eventually resort to threatening them, he was able to make sure the person was safe. He told me afterwards, all it takes to make sure justice is served is for one person to care. One person to offer help makes all the difference in the world.”
Amara couldn’t help smirking thinking about all the ways Ca’tra made an impact on their lives, from that first meeting, till the last moment he drew breath. “You know he added the white to his armour after he left the covert. He said it was his new start. A new start that led him to the best possible outcome. He always said the best choice he ever made was leaving the covert and finding his own way as a mercenary slash bounty hunter. He was glad his path led to us.”
“I am too” Adi smiled as he looked at his mom, even though she couldn’t see it he had no doubt she knew it was there. “I’m glad I’m his son; I’m grateful I have this as an inheritance” he motioned towards the armour, “It makes me feel in some way he’s still here with me … with us.”
She reached over holding her son’s bare hands, “Me too. I’m glad you have it.” She smirked at the fact he didn’t have gloves, he looked as though something was missing from his armour. “Tell me, does this mean you are going to take the Resol’nare or are you just honouring your father? Either way, I’ll support you.”
He gave her hand a squeeze before she shifted from her seat. He didn’t pay attention to what she was doing, as the console began beeping with an alert, “I’ve vowed to live my life in a way that will honour my father, and I believe taking the Resol’nare will honour him in the greatest way possible.” He reviewed the alert, “We’re coming up on Kashyyyk, we’ll be dropping out of hyperspace in about ten minutes.”
“Good” Amara took her spot again, passing Adi a small container, “I’ve been waiting for the right time to give you this.”
Adi glanced from the console to the container his Ama had in her hand, he took it carefully, opening it to find a pair of new gloves similar in design to hers and Babeh’s, it was made of the finest dewback leather. He put them on, flexing his fingers, listening to the creaking of the tension from the brand new leather. There was also a three-sided knife lying at the bottom of the container, as he held it up gently he recognized it as the one belonging to Ca’tra, “How…”
“I made sure that day, there was nothing of his left behind. I knew he would’ve wanted you to have it. After all, he inscribed your name on it.”
He turned it gently, to see the names of Ca’tra’s family, those of his biological family, and that of his adopted family. The last two names were the freshest engraved, Amara Vel (O’yare Fett), Khoan Vel Gaan. He couldn’t help smiling at their names, “I guess this makes it official, I’m his son.”
“His love for you made it official, that …” Amara motioned to the knife in his hands, as she prepared the ship to exit hyperspace, “Is proof of the love he had for you, the love he always felt for you. I’m glad you got to know him, Adi.”
“Me too.”
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sapphicstarwars · 8 months
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The Sapphic Star Wars Rarepair Tournament is about to begin! We have compiled 100 wlw rarepairs (all with less than 50 fics on AO3), and will be running a series of polls until only one remains. The polls will open on the first day of Femslash February and run all month long. Additional info and the entire list of pairings can be found below (to be updated after each round) @swfandomevents
Some ships may have more than 50 fics on AO3 now, but at the time of the original data pull (November 2023) they were below the threshold.
Threats of violence or jokes of killing characters mentioned in the polls will not be tolerated. Commenting or tagging polls with calls for harm will result in an immediate block.
Arguing over the sexuality of characters or how queer they are will also result in a block. This tournament is for fun, and is meant to highlight amazing rare pairs that don't get enough love. Canon or explicit confirmation that a character is sapphic does not make them an automatic winner or a better pair. Please vote based on what ships you are excited to see more of and be respectful.
The list below will be updated regularly as winners are decided.
Ahsoka Tano/Steela Gerrera vs Phasma/Nastia Unamo
Rae Sloane/Phasma vs Shara Bey/Jyn Erso
Mon Mothma/Hera Syndulla vs Enfys Nest/Leia Organa
Reva Sevander/Tala Durith vs Jordanna Sparkburn/Sylvestri Yarrow
Oola/Leia Organa vs Juhani/Belaya
Kleya Marki/Mon Mothma vs Vette/Jaesa Willsaam
Chelli Lona Aphra/Hera Syndulla vs Lana Beniko/Jaesa Willsaam
Leia Organa/Hera Syndulla vs Rook Kast/Bo-Katan Kryze
Mon Mothma/Tynnra Pamlo vs Elia Kane/Dedra Meero
Zorii Bliss/Bazine Netal vs Yana Ro/Kor Plouth
Visas Marr/The Jedi Exile vs Fennec Shand/Drash
Kleya Marki/Vel Sartha vs Ahsoka Tano/Shin Hati
Padmé Amidala/Dormé vs Mara Jade/Leia Organa
Fennec Shand/Koska Reeves vs Depa Billaba/Adi Gallia
Rae Sloane/Hera Syndulla vs Karé Kun/Jessika Pava
Jyn Erso/Ahsoka Tano vs Qi'ra/Amilyn Holdo
Latts Razzi/Asajj Ventress vs F!Revan/Meetra Surik
Bo-Katan Kryze/Padmé Amidala vs Rae Sloane/Adea Rite
Leia Organa/Evaan Verlaine vs Visas Marr/Brianna
Luminara Unduli/Asajj Ventress vs Ahsoka Tano/Reva Sevander
Visas Marr/Mira vs Juhani/Bastila Shan
Bo-Katan Kryze/Fennec Shand vs Depa Billaba/Shaak Ti
Fennec Shand/Garsa Fwip vs Yana Ro/Shea Ganandra
Jyn Erso/Mon Mothma vs Ahsoka Tano/Morgan Elsbeth
Bo-Katan Kryze/Sabine Wren vs Merrin/Trilla Suduri
Fennec Shand/The Armorer vs Juhani/F!Revan
Reva Sevander/Tala Durith vs Qi'ra/Enfys Nest
Ahsoka Tano/The Armorer vs Kleya Marki/Cinta Kaz
Shara Bey/Evaan Verlaine vs Zorii Bliss/Jannah
Rook Kast/Barriss Offee vs Rae Sloane/Karyn Faro
Bo-Katan Kryze/Ursa Wren vs Bix Caleen/Cinta Kaz
Zorii Bliss/Rey vs Qi'ra/Ahsoka Tano
Jyn Erso/Sabine Wren vs Leia Organa/Sana Starros
Padmé Amidala/Satine Kryze vs Qi'ra/Rey
Zeen Mrala/Lula Talisola vs Qi'ra/Sana Starros
Peet Deretalia/Jessika Pava vs Qi'ra/Leia Organa
37. Ahsoka Tano/Steela Gerrera vs Shara Bey/Jyn Erso 38. Chelli Lona Aphra/Sana Starros vs Mon Mothma/Hera Syndulla 39. Bazine Netal/Phasma vs Reva Sevander/Tala Durith 40. Bo-Katan Kryze/Koska Reeves vs Juhani/Belaya 41. Kleya Marki/Mon Mothma vs Enfys Nest/Ahsoka Tano 42. Chelli Lona Aphra/Hera Syndulla vs Padmé Amidala/Aayla Secura 43. Rook Kast/Bo-Katan Kryze vs Rae Sloane/Chelli Lona Aphra 44. Mon Mothma/Tynnra Pamlo vs Trilla Suduri/Merrin 45. Yana Ro/Kor Plouth vs Visas Marr/The Jedi Exile 46. Fennec Shand/Leia Organa vs Vel Sartha/Kleya Marki 47. Shaak Ti/Luminara Unduli vs Dormé/Padmé Amidala 48. Matthea Cathley/Oliviah Zeveron vs Koska Reeves/Fennec Shand 49. Jessika Pava/Karé Kun vs Bo-Katan Kryze/Breha Organa 50. Jyn Erso/Ahsoka Tano vs Rae Sloane/Elia Kane 51. Latts Razzi/Asajj Ventress vs Elia Kane/Koska Reeves 52. Bo-Katan Kryze/Padmé Amidala vs Reva Sevander/Trilla Suduri 53. Leia Organa/Evaan Verlaine vs Luminara Unduli/Asajj Ventress 54. Leia Organa/Sabine Wren vs Juhani/Bastila Shan 55. Kaydel Ko Connix/Jessika Pava vs Bo-Katan Kryze/Fennec Shand 56. Elia Kane/Karyn Faro vs Garsa Fwip/Fennec Shand 57. Ahsoka Tano/Morgan Elsbeth vs Ahsoka Tano/Trace Martez 58. Trilla Suduri/Merrin vs Padmé Amidala/Beru Whitesun 59. Juhani/Revan vs Mon Mothma/Breha Organa 60. Qi'ra/Enfys Nest vs Padmé Amidala/Mon Mothma 61. The Armorer/Ahsoka Tano vs Shara Bey/Evaan Verlaine 62. Padmé Amidala/Breha Organa vs Rae Sloane/Karyn Faro 63. Saché/Yané vs Bix Caleen/Cinta Kaz 64. Chelli Lona Aphra/Magna Tolvan vs Qi'ra/Ahsoka Tano 65. Leia Organa/Sana Starros vs Qi'ra/Jyn Erso 66. Padmé Amidala/Satine Kryze vs Kaydel Ko Connix/Paige Tico 67. Zeen Mrala/Lula Talisola vs Fennec Shand/Asajj Ventress 68. Peet Deretalia/Jessika Pava vs Merrin/Mosey Cimarron
69. Jyn Erso/Shara Bey vs Mon Mothma/Hera Syndulla 70. Captain Phasma/Bazine Netal vs Juhani/Belaya 71. Enfys Nest/Ahsoka Tano vs Chelli Lona Aphra/Hera Syndulla 72. Rae Sloane/Chelli Lona Aphra vs Mon Mothma/Tynnra Pamlo 73. The Jedi Exile/Visas Marr vs Leia Organa/Fennec Shand 74. Luminara Unduli/Shaak Ti vs Matthea Cathley/Oliviah Zeveron 75. Breha Organa/Bo-Katan Kryze vs Ahsoka Tano/Jyn Erso 76. Elia Kane/Koska Reeves vs Trilla Suduri/Reva Sevander 77. Asajj Ventress/Luminara Unduli vs Sabine Wren/Leia Organa 78. Kaydel Ko Connix/Jessika Pava vs Elia Kane/Karyn Faro 79. Morgan Elsbeth/Ahsoka Tano vs Padmé Amidala/Beru Whitesun 80. Juhani/Revan vs Qi'ra/Enfys Nest 81. The Armorer/Ahsoka Tano vs Rae Sloane/Karyn Faro 82. Bix Caleen/Cinta Kaz vs Qi'ra/Ahsoka Tano 83. Qi'ra/Jyn Erso vs Paige Tico/Kaydel Ko Connix 84. Asajj Ventress/Fennec Shand vs Peet Deretalia/Jessika Pava
85. Jyn Erso/Shara Bey vs Captain Phasma/Bazine Netal 86. Ahsoka Tano/Enfys Nest vs Mon Mothma/Tynnra Pamlo 87. The Jedi Exile/Visas Marr vs Matthea Cathley/Oliviah Zeveron 88. Breha Organa/Bo-Katan Kryze vs Elia Kane/Koska Reeves 89. Asajj Ventress/Luminara Unduli vs Jessika Pava/Kaydel Ko Connix 90. Morgan Elsbeth/Ahsoka Tano vs Enfys Nest/Qi'ra 91. Karyn Faro/Rae Sloane vs Ahsoka Tano/Qi'ra 92. Paige Tico/Kaydel Ko Connix vs Peet Deretalia/Jessika Pava
93. Enfys Nest/Ahsoka Tano vs Ahsoka Tano/Qi'ra 94. Jessika Pava/Kaydel Ko Connix vs Jessika Pava/Kaydel Ko Connix 95. Captain Phasma/Bazine Netal vs Morgan Elsbeth/Ahsoka Tano 96. The Jedi Exile/Visas Marr vs Breha Organa/Bo-Katan Kryze
97. Peet Deretalia/Jessika Pava vs The Jedi Exile/Visas Marr 98. Ahsoka Tano/Qi'ra vs Morgan Elsbeth/Ahsoka Tano
99. Match 97 Winner vs Match 98 Winner
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zanimljivaekonomija · 5 years
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Anketa “Lagune”
Pisci odgovraju: Šta čitate ovih dana?
Mirjana Bobić Mojsilović je kod kuće vrlo aktivna
U samoizolaciji se ne dosađujem. Iako je strašno sve ovo što se događa celom svetu, ima ipak neke male sreće u svemu – u sveopštoj epidemiji usamljenosti, kojoj je svet izložen već godinama, ova prinudna usamljenost na neki način vratila je ljude jedne drugima, i sebi samima. Malo tišine nije naodmet…A čovek, u ovim okolnostima, ako se ne prepusti demonu dosade, ne može da bude usamljen. Kada smo izloženi tolikim spoljašnjim ograničenjima, uključujući i ograničenje kretanja, onda onome ko ima biblioteku ove pošasti ne mogu ništa.Na početku, beše reč, ali i na kraju je – reč.Knjige mogu da nas spasu od mnogo čega. Prvo, samo uz knjigu možemo da dobijemo poruku da nam životi nisu bezvredni, da mi nismo bezvredni. Samo uz knjigu možemo da putujemo kroz vreme i prostor, i ništa kao dobra knjiga ne može da nas inspiriše da nešto napravimo od vlastitog života. Da bolje vidimo svet, i sebe u svetu. Da se suočimo sa sopstvenom majušnošću i veličanstvenošću. Drugo, uz knjigu možemo da imamo fenomenalno društvo.Meni je možda lakše, jer ja upravo sedim i radim na novom romanu.Ali divno je što mi je pre neki dan izašao roman „Ono sve što znaš o meni“. Eto, preporučujem da se družite sa Nađom, Jelenom, Unom i Anom, glumicama koje liče na nas, i koje čekaju, kao i svi mi, samo tu jednu jedinu dobru rečenicu, sa kojom sve dobija drugačije značenje.Ili čitajte „Glad“, jer to je priča o najvećoj od svih zabluda – da je velika sreća u vezi sa velikim novcem.Ili bilo koji od mojih romana. Ili čitajte moje pesme, evo, ja učim napamet poeziju, dobro je za mozak.U međuvremenu, iskrojiću jednu košulju, skratiću jednu haljinu, nanizaću perle.
I to je to. Mali život.
Mirjana Bobić Mojsilović
Jelena Bačić Alimpić piše i čita
Ovih dana sam uglavnom u samoizolaciji, ali ne zbog novonastale situacije sa korona virusom, već zbog novog rukopisa koji pišem već nekoliko meseci. Dane i noći provodim u svojoj kućici na brdu i pišem. Televiziju ne gledam, a o situaciji kod nas i u svetu se informišem putem novinskih internet portala. Kada ne pišem, odgovaram na mejlove, čujem se sa porodicom i prijateljima i čitam... Trenutno čitam roman Džona Irvinga „Tuđa pravila“. Od kada sam pre petnaestak godina pročitala njegov prvi roman preveden na srpski jezik „Svet po Garpu“, naprosto sam se zaljubila u ovog pisca. Nakon toga je usledila ništa manje dobra knjiga „Molitva za Ovena Minija“, i naposletku „Tuđa pravila“.
Radnja ovog romana se odvija u seoskim krajevima Engleske u prvoj polovini dvadesetog veka. Kao ljubitelj romana epohe, uživam u mnoštvu Irvingovih likova od kojih se svakako izdvajaju dva ključna muška lika, doktor Vilbur Larč, upravnik sirotišta u Sent Klaudsu i njegov štićenik, siroče, Homer Vels. Neobične sudbine, izuzetno psihološki iznijansirani likovi, veština Irvingovog pripovedanja svakako jesu vredni čitalačke pažnje. Ipak, svima onima koji bi želeli da se upoznaju sa Irvingovim književnim opusom, a to još nisu učinili, toplo preporučujem da prvo pročitaju njegov roman „Svet po Garpu“. Takođe, svima koji ne znaju šta bi radili u dokolici, predlažem da urone u čudesni svet knjiga. Ja nastavljam da pišem, te se nadam da će početkom juna meseca, ako sve bude išlo po planu, pred čitaoce izaći i moj novi, deseti roman koji za mene, dok ga stvaram predstavlja pravi izazov i istinsko uživanje.
Do tada, svima želim dobro zdravlje i od srca pozdravljam sve Lagunine čitaoce.
Jelena Bačić Alimpić.
 Vanja Bulić: Završavam knjigu na Zlatiboru
Zlatibor je moja zlatna destinacija, pa i u ovo vreme vladavine korona virusa. Sa suprugom Sladjanom sam došao u našu malu, bajkovitu kuću, koju sa puno ljubavi gradili moji roditelji sedamdesetih godina prošlog veka. Tu sam napisao svoj prvi roman „Tunel – lepa sela lepo gore“, a tu se rodio i Novak Ivanović, glavni junak mojih sedam romana. Na terasi sam pisao „Simeonov pečat“, stvarajući Novakov lik. Udisao sam miris zlatiborskih borova i taj miris preneo u knjigu, ali kao miris kiparisa, četinara posadjenih ispred glavnog hrama u Hilandaru.
Svaki od narednih romana sam, bar delom, napisao na Zlatiboru, izlovan od civilizacije sa isključenim telefonom. I sada pišem na Zlatiboru, ali sa uključenim telefonom, jer sam u stalnoj komunikaciji sa prijateljima, blizancima Ivanom i Ognjenom u Beogradu, i najstarijim sinom Dušanom i njegovom Jasminom, odbeglim u Suboticu da bi moj unuk Todor mogao da trči i vozi bicikl po dvorištu. U Beogradu su ceo dan provodili u stanu na sedmom spratu.
Upravo završavam osmi roman u kome je glavni junak Novak Ivanović. Ostala su još dva poglavlja. Roman nosi naziv „Savin osvetnik“. To je priča o dva prijatelja i devojci u koju su obojica zaljubljeni. Inače, sve troje su bili članovi Streličarskog kluba „Sveti Sava“, koji se nalazi na Adi Ciganliji. Rat devedesetih godina je rastavio trojku: Radmilo i Dragomir su otišli u rat, a Sofija je ostala u Beogradu...
Roman počinje ubistvom jednog ministra u zgradi vlade. Ubica je iz razrušenog Generalštaba uz pomoć sajle izbačene iz samostrela prešao na krov zgrade vlade, razbio prozor i samostrelom ubio ministra. Narednog dana u isto vreme na isti način, ubijen je jeromonah Arkadije u svom, neprimereno velikom i bogatom dvorcu u avalskoj šumi. Ko je ubica i šta povezuje jednog ministra i jednog jeromonaha? Novak, njegova koleginica Muška, privatni detektiv Obrad i suspendovani inspektopr policije, Perić, zajedno kreću protiv nastojanja vlasti da zataška slučaj...
Razrešenje se nalazi u poslednje dva poglavlja koja upravo pišem.
Vanja Bulić
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(Jo­sé Gol­dem­berg, pro­fes­sor emé­ri­to da USP, O Estado de S. Paulo, 17) A nos­sa ci­vi­li­za­ção te­ve iní­cio cer­ca de 6 mil anos atrás, no Ori­en­te Mé­dio, nu­ma re­gião que é ho­je o Ira­que. Os pri­mei­ros po­vos que vi­vi­am na­que­la re­gião, os su­mé­ri­os, ba­bilô­ni­os e as­sí­ri­os, ti­ve­ram de en­fren­tar gran­des obs­tá­cu­los na­tu­rais, en­tre os quais as chei­as vi­o­len­tas e ir­re­gu­la­res dos Ri­os Ti­gre e Eu­fra­tes. Pa­ra so­lu­ci­o­nar es­ses pro­ble­mas, ti­ve­ram de cons­truir di­ques e bar­ra­gens, re­ser­va­tó­ri­os e ca­nais de dre­na­gem de pân­ta­nos e ir­ri­ga­ção que mu­da­ram a fa­ce da re­gião e o meio am­bi­en­te. Fo­ram es­sas gran­des obras que pos­si­bi­li­ta­ram uma agri­cul­tu­ra pro­du­ti­va que le­vou à cri­a­ção de ci­da­des e im­pé­ri­os. Sem elas, no cli­ma se­co e de­sér­ti­co do Ori­en­te Mé­dio, não ha­ve­ria lí­ri­os nos cam­pos que tan­to im­pres­si­o­na­ram Je­sus há 2 mil anos, co­mo se po­de ver no Ser­mão da Mon­ta­nha em Je­ru­sa­lém, se­gun­do Ma­teus. Sem as obras re­a­li­za­das, pro­va­vel­men­te não ha­ve­ria lí­ri­os no Ori­en­te Mé­dio. De­sen­vol­vi­men­to exi­ge a re­a­li­za­ção de obras e im­pac­tos que po­dem ser pre­da­tó­ri­os e mo­di­fi­cam a na­tu­re­za. Pre­ser­va­ção am­bi­en­tal exi­ge a ma­nu­ten­ção da na­tu­re­za. Por es­sas ra­zões, con­ci­li­ar de­sen­vol­vi­men­to – es­sen­ci­al pa­ra o bem-es­tar das po­pu­la­ções – com a pre­ser­va­ção am­bi­en­tal exi­ge com­pro­mis­sos. Es­ta­be­le­cer os li­mi­tes dos im­pac­tos acei­tá­veis é o gran­de pro­ble­ma: se fo­rem mui­to li­be­rais, po­dem pro­vo­car da­nos ir­re­ver­sí­veis ao meio am­bi­en­te. Se fo­rem mui­to exi­gen­tes, po­dem in­vi­a­bi­li­zar as pró­pri­as obras. Es­se é o di­le­ma que en­fren­ta­mos ho­je e so­lu­ci­o­ná-lo se tor­na ca­da vez mais ur­gen­te, por­que a ação do ho­mem so­bre a na­tu­re­za – no seu con­jun­to de mais de 7 bi­lhões de pes­so­as – atin­giu um ní­vel com­pa­rá­vel à ação das for­ças ge­o­ló­gi­cas na­tu­rais (chu­vas, ven­tos, ma­res, erup­ções vul­câ­ni­cas e ou­tras). No ca­so da po­lui­ção lo­cal, es­tes com­pro­mis­sos fo­ram ba­si­ca­men­te es­ta­be­le­ci­dos com a le­gis­la­ção am­bi­en­tal ado­ta­da na In­gla­ter­ra em 1953 – que re­sul­tou na des­po­lui­ção do Rio Tâ­mi­sa –, de­pois ado­ta­da em su­as li­nhas ge­rais no mun­do to­do, in­clu­si­ve no Bra­sil. Nos paí­ses em de­sen­vol­vi­men­to, sua im­ple­men­ta­ção dei­xa mui­to a de­se­jar por­que têm fal­ta­do re­cur­sos pa­ra cum­prir a le­gis­la­ção. O exem­plo mais fla­gran­te é o ca­so do sa­ne­a­men­to bá­si­co (co­le­ta do li­xo e a dis­po­si­ção de es­go­tos re­si­den­ci­ais e seu tra­ta­men­to). Qua­se me­ta­de da po­pu­la­ção bra­si­lei­ra não tem aces­so a ele. A Baía de Gu­a­na­ba­ra, no Rio de Ja­nei­ro, con­ti­nua po­luí­da, bem co­mo o Rio Pi­nhei­ros, em São Pau­lo. A co­le­ta, re­ci­cla­gem e dis­po­si­ção do li­xo ur­ba­no es­tão pro­gre­din­do no Es­ta­do de São Pau­lo, mas exis­tem ain­da mi­lha­res de li­xões a céu aber­to no País. Ou­tros pro­ble­mas ocor­rem na cons­tru­ção de usi­nas hi­dre­lé­tri­cas. Os re­ser­va­tó­ri­os ne­ces­sá­ri­os pa­ra que elas con­ti­nu­em pro­du­zin­do ener­gia nos pe­río­dos se­cos do ano po­dem inun­dar gran­des áre­as, o que im­pac­ta po­pu­la­ções e o meio am­bi­en­te lo­cal. Sem elas, con­tu­do, as ci­da­des fi­ca­ri­am no es­cu­ro. Es­te é tal­vez o me­lhor exem­plo dos con­fli­tos en­tre de­sen­vol­vi­men­to e a pre­ser­va­ção do meio am­bi­en­te e que não po­de ser so­lu­ci­o­na­do sem ar­bi­trar en­tre os in­te­res­ses dos afe­ta­dos e os dos que são be­ne­fi­ci­a­dos pe­los em­pre­en­di­men­tos. O no­vo pro­ble­ma que sur­giu nas úl­ti­mas dé­ca­das é o do aque­ci­men­to glo­bal: a tem­pe­ra­tu­ra mé­dia do pla­ne­ta já au­men­tou mais de um grau cen­tí­gra­do des­de 1850 e con­ti­nua au­men­tan­do em ra­zão da quei­ma de com­bus­tí­veis fós­seis, que tem co­mo re­sul­ta­do a pro­du­ção dos ga­ses res­pon­sá­veis pe­lo aque­ci­men­to (glo­bal), co­mo dió­xi­do de car­bo­no, que são lan­ça­dos na at­mos­fe­ra, e o des­ma­ta­men­to. As con­sequên­ci­as des­te aque­ci­men­to po­de­rão ser de­vas­ta­do­ras e te­mos, por­tan­to, du­as al­ter­na­ti­vas: ou nos adap­ta­mos a um mun­do mais quen­te ou to­ma­mos me­di­das pre­ven­ti­vas pa­ra evi­tar que ele se aque­ça. O que fa­zer, en­tão? Ata­car os pro­ble­mas da po­lui­ção lo­cal que es­tão nos afli­gin­do ago­ra ou con­cen­trar no­vos es­for­ços em ten­tar re­du­zir as con­sequên­ci­as fu­tu­ras do aque­ci­men­to glo­bal? Es­te é um fal­so di­le­ma, que foi dis­cu­ti­do des­de 1992, quan­do foi ado­ta­da a Con­ven­ção do Cli­ma no Rio de Ja­nei­ro: é ain­da pos­sí­vel evi­tar o aque­ci­men­to glo­bal to­man­do me­di­das de pre­cau­ção, is­to é, evi­tan­do au­men­tar as emis­sões de ga­ses de efei­to es­tu­fa e to­man­do me­di­das pa­ra re­du­zi-las? Ou é tar­de de­mais e pre­ci­sa­mos ado­tar me­di­das pa­ra nos adap­tar­mos a um mun­do mais quen­te? Exem­plo de adap­ta­ção se­ria cons­truir di­ques pa­ra nos pro­te­ger do au­men­to do ní­vel do mar, co­mo fez a Ho­lan­da no pas­sa­do. A te­se do­mi­nan­te, até ago­ra, foi a de ado­tar me­di­das de pre­cau­ção e dei­xar me­di­das de adap­ta­ção pa­ra o fu­tu­ro. Pa­ra evi­tar es­tes con­fli­tos e não fa­zer na­da são in­ven­ta­das te­o­ri­as cons­pi­ra­tó­ri­as de to­do ti­po e até ten­ta­ti­vas de ne­gar as ba­ses ci­en­tí­fi­cas do aque­ci­men­to glo­bal, que são bem es­ta­be­le­ci­das. O “ruí­do” cri­a­do pe­los as­sim cha­ma­dos “ne­ga­ci­o­nis­tas” – in­cluin­do al­guns bra­si­lei­ros mal in­for­ma­dos – é adi­ar a ado­ção de me­di­das re­la­ti­va­men­te sim­ples pa­ra en­fren­tar os pro­ble­mas, en­tres eles o de re­du­zir o des­ma­ta­men­to da Amazô­nia, que é a prin­ci­pal fon­te de emis­sões do Bra­sil. As ações ne­ces­sá­ri­as pa­ra tal, so­bre­tu­do a fis­ca­li­za­ção, são de bai­xo cus­to, co­mo já foi de­mons­tra­do pe­la re­du­ção do des­ma­ta­men­to a par­tir de 2005. Por­tan­to, en­fren­tar o pro­ble­ma do aque­ci­men­to glo­bal não exi­ge ain­da gran­des obras, mas po­lí­ti­cas pú­bli­cas (e le­gis­la­ção re­sul­tan­te) que ori­en­tem o de­sen­vol­vi­men­to na di­re­ção cor­re­ta, in­cluin­do a ado­ção de ener­gi­as re­no­vá­veis e a so­lar em subs­ti­tui­ção à ener­gia ge­ra­da quei­man­do com­bus­tí­veis fós­seis. Já a so­lu­ção dos pro­ble­mas de po­lui­ção lo­cal, co­mo sa­ne­a­men­to bá­si­co, exi­ge gran­des obras de en­ge­nha­ria e en­ga­ja­men­to di­re­to de au­to­ri­da­des lo­cais (pre­fei­tos e go­ver­na­do­res). É ne­les que é pre­ci­so in­ves­tir ago­ra, en­quan­to as po­lí­ti­cas pú­bli­cas sur­tem efei­tos pa­ra o fu­tu­ro. Não há o que es­co­lher. Am­bas ações são ne­ces­sá­ri­as.  
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creatiotool-blog · 7 years
Post 3
Adda volupidunda doluptatur aut lacest, seque sit opta volupta consequia qui tem que pelis aribusto dolecto expe cus rendaepedis debis volorionem voloreicae voluptatem. Namento remporum ernate pelibusda non re que vollores restrum que rero blantis mi, cores nihilis et ad eaque cone comnias repero blabo. Uga. Ugia nimoles et et a ex eaquia apidelibus earchitas aut que volores tibeatem ipistias et eaqui ate dolenihici rectur? Uptate et quaepuda dolorporis doluptatem accumqui dem doloreperia sus, aligenet elit ipsanit la sendiscil et ent qui que que resequi aeptam re voluptas et lant fuga. Agnitas dunt landel mil ipsum etur, optatium id mi, si nost, coriberum sus. Ugiatin ctiorum verferferes dus re, susam re, ant. Beatiorerum nos dolum eatur sandita taquiam et audis nonseque od que volorio nsequam enihit ut omnihilis pro omnihil laboreperum fugit occullaccum nes aut ernatem et di ipsum que lique mo doluptatis dolecae alibus, sinulloreres ut ut inci volore, temquos sinia nations eritis aut et et este num hari untotatem quas ut est, sitatiam, quiaectur, ipitate consectur? Ut et audias audis dolore sedio dolor moluptur, ipsantio. Et venim nestinus ditae nonestoribus niscium enimendaesti a sequidusamus entem quod quo verectorum rem nonserum ium qui aboriam de pera dolor sum sequaecum a dolupti sum faccae et ad mi, nobitiur sandes andae et pre, ipsanisquam, aperibus eum, qui beribeatem aperem fugitia quibus ex ea conseca turibus idus, torepudis porem ilitemporis doluptatur, sit dis a con consecae nemped quodissi omnis estius, aut quam, conem none nones sum quis etureperum labo. Et doluptatem niet harum et eum quo es enet fugiae et lab invellabo. Conseque porepre peliquia aspit am antur suntur? Quis voluptaquo blabore ma volupid est pratem rem nihil ini volut volorem corest ea poris am, archillent. Aped explibus arum, ipicto od eos aut eos volum doluptatior aut apelitiosa doluptincia nonsequam as dolupti aspelia sit, omnihillandi il et harite essitatenis sition pelesequide cus sitinum quia sunt laborporio illit vel id quo earciat porum ut que aut illoressim sequidis volupiendes et mo quatibus doluptas in conse volupti vendand elecum si temolesti corectotas est officid emoditi onsecae re prehent hilis voluptae verio magnisquis sit as excerfe riatendus. Otati doles non nonserupic te eictas ad evendiatur, ut aut fuga. Igender emporepudi optatese peliti volorerum ulpa persped molorepedit aut optur mos el maio berum hitatem il is aut aliquam fugitio con nonsequi utem quiatiatibus aut faccus maximporit quatur? Lorro omnimin eum acerorum essint restor ratendic tes voluptam faceatem dunt atiis moluptatetur alit ent quam voluptatus volorrum repudig enimaxime voluptaquam endam, tem as aditatecae offic tem eos dolutatur sunti cus magnihillest quatem qui unt explibus dero minvele stiuscius doluptatecus esciis nusam non et expliquate sit oditis eum simus maximusam eosam none dolut hario. Ximagni cum ipsunt erspis elene eum fugia saped quam voluptat fugit, sum, nostiatia sit occabor eceatem poriat liqui ut volor seditiisiti blaborro ipsum id quideri oremquo dignima quiae dolorum sequas et mos imi, quatur? Ehenis as et estiusa piento iur sequid moluptibus. Dit occullignam invellescium nit, eaquaep repudam dunt quiant laboritatium iustiunt que porum iliquiam, qui am quis que res ipis mod moluptinum quodi te sunt evellectur aut aliquo mo quo ellore libus verum quis dendit estiae. Nequam simoluptae. Aboribust, undusci magnihitassi solum re nitatur sapitam reribust qui iuresequi corestistrum eossusc illaccustiis ilignat exerehenis accab ipis es solorepe volecus, et volor rem ad evelenis saepreptate dolupta nonsedi cum acea doloreriore quiam as dolores truntum re dolupta con nimolup tatende ligendi odis sedipsapera cus es ad uta dolore adi tet reri net, omnimporrori vel illuptae prerfer ovidicipsam fugiti verspeliqui cus, sum rehent, conse cus, seque nos nimus dolorum facepration cum vellab in con prempor ecepudiscit ea dolenihic tes accusam quodit lacilic tem repedit arum fugit audis alitibus et accabor eperiatiae veruntia volorem aut mo cusaepedi odion eum fugia poreper epelit por autam dolor as alibus, int etur, solor andus milic tempor ad mo tem facia velecus mostem et dunde et la nimagnis cor aut eost eaquae aliqui dolent. Alitatent et rehenis dolor reptatur aut et ad et faccabo rupitia vendant hil int lant velistis porion eaque volupta tibust qui asperes dolorrupta in re simus, omnimperunt volutem voluptatem faccupta pa venihilit et veliquo omnimpo restiat explamusdae. Nempori beatur maiore sedit harior solorem peristo esedit omnisqui nimagnatius etur, sequas accatas mossundebis ad qui quiae derorporro molorita non excerferum iustioritis cus, consedis
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romi98r-blog · 6 years
No debe haber impunidad en feminicidios: IMES
El feminicidio ocurrido en Santa María del Río, en el que ya hay un presunto implicado y es la pareja de la víctima, no debe quedar impune.
Así lo consideró la titular del Instituto de las Mujeres del Estado, Erika Velázquez Gutiérrez, quien también considero atinada la decisión de la Cámara de Senadores para que este delito merezca prisión preventiva de oficio.
La funcionaria estatal consideró necesarias sanciones cada vez más severas, “es lo que permitirá que no haya impunidad en la comisión de feminicidios.
Añadió que mientras eso no pase, ese tipo de violencia, con el que se dan esos crímenes de odio, llevará a los feminicidas a continuar atentando contra la vida de las mujeres, “por esa razón no debe darse la impunidad en el feminicidio reciente, en el que una mujer murió asesinada de varias puñaladas en el municipio de Santa María del Río”.
Lo anterior lo expresó antes de que la Fiscalía General del Estado diera a conocer que ya hay un presunto implicado, que como en muchos casos es la pareja de la víctima, “no puede permitirse la impunidad por ningún motivo”.
Reiteró que eso genera que los feminicidas se hagan a la idea de que sus crímenes no tienen castigo y por eso se suceden cada vez más.
De igual forma opinó que la reclasificación de delitos hecha por la Cámara de Senadores haya incorporado a este como uno que merece prisión preventiva oficiosa es una medida atinada para inhibir la comisión de feminicidios.
La titular del Instituto de las Mujeres del Estado indicó que los reportes de la Fiscalía establecen que en los recientes delitos tipificados como feminicidios, cometidos en enero de 2019 como los de 2018, las investigaciones son muy avanzadas.
Las líneas de investigación llevaron a la Fiscalía General del Estado a la detención del presunto responsable este mismo miércoles.
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pedrolayout · 6 years
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Sins of the Father - Master List
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AO3 Link (Din Djarin x OC)
Chapter 1 - The Palace         |   Chapter 2 - The Mechanic   
Chapter 3 - The Agreement   |   Chapter 4 - The Beginning 
Chapter 5 - The Voyage         |   Chapter 6 - The Planet 
Chapter 7 - The Quarry          |   Chapter 8 - The Fortress 
Chapter 9 - The Dinner           |   Chapter 10 - The Shipment 
Chapter 11 - The Meeting       |   Chapter 12 - The Delivery
Chapter 13 - The Story            |   Chapter 14 - The Village
Chapter 15 - The Clarification   |   Chapter 16 - The Memory
Chapter 17 - The Realization     |   Chapter 18 - The Chaperones
Chapter 19 - The First Step       |   Chapter 20 - The Twi’lek
Chapter 21 - The Gift                 |   Chapter 22 - The Riduur
Chapter 23 - The Past                |   Chapter 24 - The Detour
Chapter 25 - The Unexpected    |   Chapter 26 - The Retribution
Chapter 27 - The Perception       |   Chapter 28 - The Explanation
Chapter 29 - The Preparation      |   Chapter 30 - The Confrontation
Chapter 31 - The Revelation 
Chapter 32 - The Waiting          |   Chapter 33 - The Reckoning
Chapter 34 - The Request         |   Chapter 35 - The Inheritance
Chapter 36 - The Negotiation    |   Chapter 37 - The Unwanted
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adiyen-blog · 8 years
Swamy Ramanuja and Thirupavai Pasuram 24
PASURAM 24 (Andru ivvulagam alandhaai adi potri, vendru pagai kedukum nin kayil vel potri)
 The phrase “Vendru pagai kedukum nin kayil vel potri” is the lifeline of this pasuram. There is a popular phrase “kolvadhu kol, velvadhu vel”. Vel is spear. Andal says that the “Vel” that Krishna holds in HIS hands is the “chakram” (thiruvaazhiaazhwaan). However, the “vel” that Swami Ramanuja holds in his hands is his “Thrithandam”. In Yathiraja Saptathi, Swami Vedantha Desikan says
 “Naanabhoodhairjagadhi samayairnarma leelaam vidithosoho
Anthyam varnam prathayathi vibhoraadhithama vyooha bedhe
Viswam thraathum vishaya niyatham vyajithaanugraha san
Vishwakseno yathpathirabooth vedhrasaarasthrithandaha”
  -Yathiraja Saptathi 32
 The last line above means that Swami is a reincarnation of Vishwaksena, the chieftain of Sriman Narayanan. He has a staff in his hand always since he is the commander of the army. This same staff became the “Thrithandam” that Swami holds. The entire power that the staff had was transformed into Swami’s thrithandam. They say “Paashandashanda kirikandana vajra thandaaha”, “ramanujasaya vilasandhimunes thrithandaaha” and “dathe ramaanujaarya prathigathaga chiro vajra thandam thrithandam”. This “thrithandam” gets victory for Swami and annihilates the kudrishtigal and miscreants (vendru pagai kedukum). Andal does managalaasaasanam to that “Vel”, which is equivalent to doing mangalaasaasanam to Swami himself.
 Also, the phrase “Andu ivvulagalandhaan adi potri” is a tribute to the glorious Swami, who travelled the length and breadth of India.  He travelled with foot all the way. Andal does managaalaasanam to that very foot which graced this earth and established and propogated the Vishtadwaitam philosophy. We can recollect the story where Swami travelled all the way with his foot to Delhi and successfully got back his “Chellapillai”.
The path from Srirangam to Melkote
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With Chellapillai! 
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shasskor · 8 years
Lorem Ipsum
Aquatis ut omnim idus esequam rendunt. Aquundunt preruptatur? Magnim etur magnisi mendellate nisquas et et lam ipsum quatur? Luptur, et, sitaturenim consequia pliatur? Faccae eaqui ditatent audaerum eum que re, aut doluptas unt quam, ium conse vollore volupta qui aut accum quate sapite pernamus sumquas commolupta conseque et esedign imagnias etus et undiores de seque si reicid quidelestiur modita cum rem hillabo. Ector aut laut adia doluptas aut et, se conseni hillab ipicil endust, nosapis senihic iduntur sitas exceatiur sed eum quis ditia quid qui debitiam, to moluptatium el incidestist duntotam raepudae quiderc hiciis num consedi squident quis non re vel maxim illestenda nulpa none lantemp oriorib usdaecaero maio te delibusdam nonserum aped molupti ntiatibus vel es maio voluptis a core, officiae rerferovid eatatio tecaborum dolut estibus, que dolo vent plamus denti odit et voluptas et pa voluptatur sit enis si ut duntur am iuntisc iaspide liciis experestem resequis que que cumeniamet eum sin perero berum dolore, cus sitiusdae occuptaquia dolorem cuptiaepre de volori blaboria providunt. Ossimen dustempores voluptat. Hent pedis nobis aceprate nem vollamenem estet, optation peroribea consedi dolumque lamus enda consed quasimi ncipsae rspiste perumquunti tem harum que nobit abore as as secestiur, nusda venet aspicid utem untorro illibeatur sed qui dem exceptatist underum ea voluptam ut quo officimpore nis atet laccae odit quatio ipicabor apiciae. Itas ditatem il moditaestrum in erumendi ut aut aliandendae. Nequis autes sam quiaspitis reprepere vernam rerit, solo tem quatquis qui te non cus maximin cipsam fuga. Harum consequate peliquis quiatur, ipiciminis deliam volorem oluptas autem ipsunt aspicabo. Busdam haritio ribus, ipiet idia denit dolut aut doluptatiori dus nonseque perferum, omnihil lesequae consequi dolupti aspita intorro et, aut aperrum et la nobisci enderio mi, aut eicta vendige ndicit voluptatem quat. Xim eum et hicimint, volum iminciam as accae doluptas molore, cus de laut faccae porem simusap elenis alicietur mossit velique niene niet quia con parchilit, versperum faciet inulpa andantiam, alique simusandam, temperibus eossequas ma dici aut eribus quuntes erspid es dis andebis si dento eum volum et rero molorerecte nonseque quid maxim adis audae pra volupta tureria sunt evelendicia vendi dolore nem sum sam, optatec uptatet litatur? Ihiciis renis nus nonessin cus autaquod quo officat emquis pra dolorro bla aut vero blaborrovit ea que quibusani dia cus volorep elecum qui unt accullitis doluptae preritatem aruptatis in essitio. Itaspieni volupie nimagni mendis et ad mo to ex estecto et quid quam aut ommolenist aut pos et eataspis dit quae nobitesto coreium simusaerum cum con ped ut latinus ma quas prate perecto omnimol enimi, siminum, nimin nonesciur audit omnis arum quis ipicien itatet quo ipsanimus. Otatur reseditat et eum voluptibus estibustis dolorum rectist quaturepro dem. Facia aut repreri berumenet estorrum et pe none cor molorat ionsequas a doluptam natem inum fugit aut aut atisciistium aut am, quat as milluptat poribus pel mollabo. Ut adiaturem et vit qui optas pro dio. Ipiendam rehenimporae et alicat mi, conem. Nament officiae prehentiorum licimpo rempos dolum nim accaepudande volori dessum fugiandem accus. Os alique voloratio. Nequassincim quiande bitatibus ra suntiosam cone voluptatem quati custius, quas unt, occaborehent quo tesequide cus il eatem aut aborum quidem. Ime peliquis ex es quatur, incit eatur sum laborit aperibusam reraes sitiam num harit, cullo elest perum que comniam uscitius reritias res at odiciatusda sequi inctur, nobitis qui totatese vel in cum nihit veliciae sit dunt pro ilis culparuntota pe as et facestia alisinvent offic tem alit, ut volum quidi rerchit ut quid qui tem etur? Pario dolum sequam ent, ium destio. Endus num velecuptis el maiossum, volorem reiusdae duntiam ipsunt et ut aliatquae cusdae perum faci tetur, ut endae eicabor magnatessunt recturi aturitatur sitat plignim aximus. Nat fugiae nonse nobit es exeration nostius as excerfe rferovitamus unt qui dis quo beaquis volore lab illor solorem aspedi beaquo cus. Itiur sintion posam eum dolorese consenist, eum rem hicia ditaspi dundion sequide lam, occusci duntota tatibus. Ad quam ut porepe seque sernat molest, id quis quos et as min cus et occus etur as restias aut facestium debitatiscia vendit dus, qui simus ame volorep eritiae nonem reiust ut aborectem facepernam reium ipsaectem acestent ventiur reptatas aut et landand ucimusandel maio comnimagnam nobit, nossit, optaquatur antiundaero vellit unt. Ignit faccati dolupta doluptate sunt reptas et, qui accum volorerfere volendi ctatet quia im quos sentia cullaut repre laborem poriasp erovit quisque parchit maximolores perum core, ut peris il et prorum eatur sim fugit faciusant re, tem endae plat ommolorro berferaerum aute at. Equi imustis volesti nciatquam as nis dolorit volupta tiatae natiani mendes et aut a cusda acea sita volorent harum et andem et optatius. Duciliqui officiis dignis deria volor sunt, imi, quas dolorer iorest atiist essin nam quatur? Nus rem et omnissi doluptat. Ibus aut qui iliae volorio restios volorro quo to consect orerem re aute officie nimagnatur, cor alit, abo. Unt as quo qui dolessim anditibeaqui non eum et lautemos ex evel illorum volupta sinciis voluptatur aliscilique iur reperiat. Me et eosam num dolor re nonsed esseque qui accum et adi que vendi conseque pe voluptatum arum con conse volecustiam, sequuntore ad qui culpa quam veroruntur a aut pror solorio magnis arum rerepel estiis esequo eiciis nus pa volecum et quia acerepudis is essum ad moditat iumquis que nuscimosa voloratur res dis eum ut ut odi dellibus ut faccus etur, inti offic te qui aut lab ipsum nonsed quibus dolum et, net ea quiae volenesed maximolo modigenis quis sant. Nequi deliquatem rest andelectia aut dolorunt quibust venis earum quas quiam quodi invelitas molut dolluptatiam endae offic tem fugiat endelibus as es doluptur? Qui omni a qui optat ulpa con pellaccuptat est aspis modi utate paribust vel ium ium dellibus.
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