#admin may talks
jtl-fics · 1 year
Fluent Freshman - Part 31
Eventually, his grandma convinced him that he did not have to send a horse head to Ichirou Moriyama with his regrets. “He said if you’re ever looking for work my little Rotisserie, it’s going to be okay.” She had promised.
FF chooses to believe his grandma.
He’s found a lot of his mental stability is built up on just believing what his grandma has told him to soothe him, it helps that she’s usually right.
He takes some deep breathes, shoves down his embarrassment that he was seconds away from crying in front of Andrew, Captain Neil, and Nicky if Nicky hadn’t dragged the other two out. He really needed to thank Nicky.
“I can finish eating the soup Grandma, it’s really good. What was Kevin trying to do to it?” He asks taking the container his grandma brought the soup in and remembering what Nicky had said as he had gotten Captain Neil and Andrew out of the room.
“That boy is very handsome, very smart, and somehow does not have a bit of common sense.” His Grandma says with a fond laugh, “He wanted to put protein powder into your soup to help you heal faster.” She says.
FF had seen Kevin put protein powder in weirder things. What would be so bad about that?
“It was Vanilla flavored Protein powder my little Chicken.” She says reading the question off of his face and in his silence.
“Chicken and waffles exists as a flavor combination” he says not seeing what would have been so bad about it.
“Sweetie, you can’t have anything other than clear liquids right now. The doctor said so.” She says with a sigh.
He nods, that makes sense.
His grandma sighs and looks upwards.
“We need to talk to the Doctors about when you can get out of here. I think being back in a hospital is too hard on you.” She reaches up and brushes back his hair thumb starting at his eyebrow and tracing back to his ear. FF knows it’s not very noticeable otherwise his step brothers would have used the scar to torment him like how they brought up his slightly chipped ear. Still, he keeps his bangs long just so he never has to see the scar in the mirror, knowing his eyes will always search it out.
“It’s hard to sleep when it’s quiet.” He admits.
“I know.” She says. “Are you okay for people to come back in? I’ll take Nicky to act as my translator to go speak with the hospital or I can go with that nice coach of yours since he already knows I speak English.” She offers.
“Can…can you take Coach Wymack?” He asks because he really feels like he needs Nicky if his Gran is going off.
“Of course my little Chicken.” She rises up, takes the empty soup container from his hands, and kisses his forehead before she smoothes his bangs back down. “If you want I can just have Nicky come in and the rest can stay out.” She offers.
“No, just…maybe ask Nicky to come in first?” FF asks, he doesn’t want to be rude. They’re here to see him, it was just a lot and he wants to thank Nicky for giving him the time he needed to calm back down.
“Of course, such a sweet young man. His fiancé is lucky!” She says with a smile.
“Erik is a very lucky guy.” FF agrees managing to return the smile his grandma offered him.
“Ok, I’ll send Nicky in and take your Coach to go see about getting you discharged.” She says leaving out the door.
“Thank you.” He says into the now empty room before leaning against the pillows of his bed and looking around his room again.
His eyes narrow on the flowers Nicky had brought.
Pink Tulips, Yellow Sunflowers all in a Blue vase.
One does not become maintain a close friendship with Nicky Hemmick without hearing extensively about how he feels about newly adopted Pride Flags.
“Why did Nicky get me Pan Pride colors?” He asks if only to fill the silence.
Nicky couldn’t help but pace a bit. Somehow waiting for FF to calm down enough that he could take visitors again was a lot worse than waiting for him to wake up from being stabbed. He shouldn’t have let Andrew or Neil start in on his friend, he knows the two of them are scared but Nicky is the only one who can actually understand how scared FF would be.
His sweet little Rotisserie Chicken (He’s claiming it as his own, he’s in love, Aras is a laugh riot) would absolutely be spiraling in anxiety. The others are talking amongst themselves but Nicky isn’t feeling particularly chatty at the moment.
There’s a sound and Nicky’s head snaps up to see Aras coming out of FF’s hospital room. Her face giving away some of her exhaustion but she brightens the moment she sees him. It’s a nice thing, having someone her age being so happy to see him. “He wants to see you. I want to speak with Coach Wymack so he can help me work on getting our Chicken discharged, can you translate for me?” She asks in Polish slowly for his benefit.
Nicky stops.
“He wants to see me?” He asks, “Just me?” He adds wanting to make sure he was understanding her.
She nods, “He will let the others in after, but right now? You’re the only friendly face he wants to see.” She says, “Who could blame him when it’s such a handsome one!”  She reaches up and pats his cheek affectionately.
Nicky can’t help the smile that fills his face.
He almost wants to turn around and be smug about it with everyone. The last two additions to their family were far closer with Andrew and Aaron, but FF was his.
A friend that would pick Nicky over his cousins.
“Of course, I’ll help you talk to Wymack.” He says and offers his elbow to Aras who laughs and calls him a gentleman as the two of them walk over to where the rest of the Monsters and Wymack were waiting.
“Is Smiths ready for company again?” Aaron asks rising to his feet.
“He only wants to see me right now.” Okay yes, Nicky is going to gloat a little. He feels pretty good when both Neil and Andrew’s faces tighten just a smidge. “Coach, Aras wants you to come with her to see about getting Smithy discharged?” He says before a thought occurs to him, “Wait, won’t I need to be there to explain it to Aras?” He asks with a frown.
Wymack coughs.
“We’ll be fine. I’ll get the information and you or Smith can explain it to Aras afterwards if need be.” Wymack waves away Nicky’s concern. “Go sit with the kid.” Wymack says.
Nicky looks at Aras, “Will you be okay without me to translate?” He says not wanting to make the decision without her.
“We’ll make do.” She promises with a smile, “Look after our little Rotisserie Chicken, will you?” She asks.
Nicky nods before looking to Wymack, “At least offer the lady your elbow Wymack! You’re escorting a LADY!” He exclaims and Wymack rolls his eyes but tellingly does offer his elbow for Aras to take.
“A gentleman coach!” Aras laughs.
“I’ll go with them, I want to hear what might need to be done for Smiths.” Kevin says rising up from the plastic chair he’d been sat in. “Aaron do you want to come too?” He asks.
“I think I’ve suffered enough today.” Aaron says and Nicky wonders what the car ride over was like for his cousin to sound that tired.
Kevin tilts his head obviously not understanding what Aaron was talking about but before Aaron could open his mouth and turn it into an argument Nicky intervened, “Kevin, be a gentleman and offer Aras your elbow.” Nicky insists.
Kevin spluttered his cheeks going a little red.
“Coach already is escorting her!” He squawks.
“Do you think one man is enough for a woman of Aras’ caliber?” He asks seriously.
Kevin looks embarrassed but, sure enough, offers his elbow to Aras as well.
She takes it, “Two handsome gentlemen. What a treat. Now this one just needs to keep his mouth closed and he’d be perfect.” She looks up at Kevin with a smile.
Kevin, as he has since Aras arrived, just smiles back at Aras’ warm tone looking very much like a pleased golden retriever.
Nicky turns to head towards the door, “He doesn’t want to see us?” Neil asks and Nicky stops.
Neil looks uncomfortable and Andrew has the line on his forehead that he’s experiencing an emotion he isn’t comfortable with.
Nicky is a man with grace.
“I think he might just want to make sure this isn’t going to be Interrogation 2: Electric Boogaloo. I’ll promise that NO ONE,” he points a finger at each of the younger men, “is going to do that. Right?” He asks.
Aaron nods, Andrew gives off an aura of agreeing, and Neil opens his mouth, “We won’t.” He promises.
Nicky nods, “I’ll come get you guys in just a bit.” He says and heads for FF’s room.
Nicky finds FF sat up in his bed with tear marks under his eyes and feels his heart twist at the sight.
FF looks at him with a baffled look on his face, “You think I’m Pan?” He asks.
Nicky can’t help his laugh.
“I gotta cover my bases!” He says and fully steps into the room.
“I don’t even know if I like anyone like that!” He squawks, a flush rising to his cheeks and this is why Nicky has to control his laughter whenever someone says that FF seems like a chill guy.
“That’s why I was covering ALL of them!” Nicky teases unable to stop the laughter that bubbles up from his voice as he takes a seat next to his friend, “You feeling better? That must have been scary with Ichirou.” He says gently.
FF looks at Nicky, “It was.” He says, “I just…I hope I didn’t upset him in any way and make things hard for Captain Neil.” He looks at Nicky who is already shaking his head.
“Don’t worry about that. He seemed,” Nicky thinks back to Ichirou’s expression as he called FF ‘bright’, “pleased. Did he say anything to you about like a deal with Neil?” He asks.
“Not really, I just…he offered a reward and I told him to give it to Captain Neil. I can’t imagine how he was handling those kind of men being after him. I thought he deserved it more than I do.” FF says expression worried, “You really think it’s okay not to worry?” He asks.
Nicky could just eat him up.
He knows FF’s family aside from his grandma is a complete write off, maybe Erik and him could discuss adoption.
FF’s his anyways.
“Yeah, you did great Smithy. Don’t you worry about a thing other than what Kevin might be trying to sneak into your food.” He pats FF’s cheek.
“Yeah, it’s too early for protein powder is what Gran said.” FF nods as if it being too early in his recovery for the vanilla protein powder in his chicken broth was the singular issue.
Nicky decides to not pursue that further, if for nothing other than his own sanity.
“The others won’t bother you about Ichirou anymore or if they do I’ll stop them. Can they come back in?” Nicky asks.
FF doesn’t hesitate before he nods, “Yeah, sorry I just…thank you for having them step out. It would have been embarrassing for them to see me cry like I did.” He says.
Nicky looks at the obvious signs that FF had cried but doesn’t offer to clean them off fully. He thinks that the sight of it will stop any further inclination to interrogate.
“Of course Smithy. If they start overwhelming you again I’ll kick them right back out.” He promises and he means it, Andrew could threaten and scowl all he wants.
FF is Nicky’s friend and Nicky is going to do right by him.
Nicky goes and gets Andrew, Aaron, and Captain Neil from where they were waiting.
“Where’s Kevin?” FF asks looking at the three shorter men.
“He went off with coach and your grandma. He wants to know about your recovery and probably irritate them into releasing you if only so they can get rid of him.” Aaron answers taking a seat next to Nicky. “How was the soup?” He asks.
“It was good, I was pretty hungry.” FF smiles at Aaron. They hadn’t had much conversation and in all honesty FF didn’t really know what their relationship was, if they were friends or just acquaintances but he wanted to believe it said something in favor of them being friends that Aaron was here at all visiting him.
“That’s good.” Aaron offers him a smile that looks weird on a face that is identical to Andrew’s in so many ways even if there are just tiny differences.
He chats with Nicky and Aaron about inane things. Aaron tells him about Kevin’s multiple clashes with the nutritionist, Nicky talks about how Aras baked the pie with the ingredients he’d gotten, and Captain Neil and Andrew remain silent in the chairs they had sat down in. Maybe they don’t want to talk to him other than getting information that Nicky has deemed ‘off the table’. Captain Neil keeps looking at his face, opening his mouth, and then shutting it.
Maybe they just don’t want to be friends anymore after he blew it with talking to Ichirou.
FF comforts himself that at least Nicky is his friend, Aaron seems to be friendly enough with him, Kevin cares enough about him as a player to want to find out about his recovery and that could be counted as a friend. He has a vague sense that he also made a friend along the way to the hospital but that might have just been the blood loss and shock.
Maybe the EMT was just being nice.
His Gran comes back with Coach Wymack and Kevin both of them bringing her in on their elbows for some reason. Kevin looks a little irritated but he smiles at Gran before she takes the seat left open for her at Nicky’s side. Coach Wymack lets him know that after a final check from the doctor he’ll be free to leave.
“Are…are you going back to Palmetto?” Captain Neil asks him as Coach Wymack and Kevin were taking their seats.
FF blinks.
“Yeah, why? Am I off the team?” He asks and is quite proud that his voice doesn’t shake when he asks. This will keep him from playing for the rest of the semester. It might be better for them to-
Captain Neil smiles and he sees Andrew’s shoulders loosen. “Of course you’re still on the team Smith. We’re keeping you.” He says reaching over and squeezing FF’s shoulder once before moving and sitting back and sharing a relieved look with Andrew who merely rolls his eyes.
“I told you he wasn’t going to go back home.” Andrew says in Russian.
“We made him cry.” Captain Neil says in the same language and it takes everything in FF to not go red in mortification. Oh god he thought he had escaped anyone realizing that he had sobbed like a baby to his Gran.
The mortification passes quickly when he realizes why Andrew and Captain Neil had been quiet. They had been worried he’d leave and maybe a part of that was that they’d be losing two players but…
He looks at Andrew’s relaxed body language now and knows that Andrew wouldn’t care about losing a member of the team the way Captain Neil might.
…but maybe it’s that they wanted him to stay.
The thought leaves him feeling the best he has in months.
Signing out of the hospital takes a lot of paperwork. There are plans being faxed over to Abby. There are follow-ups being scheduled at the hospital down in Palmetto. There are discussions about who will go get FF’s stuff from his dorm so that his stay at Abby’s can be more comfortable. There is also the fact that his Grandma has asked if she can take up the other guest room to help with his recovery.
It makes him happy and guilty all at the same time.
Eventually he’s in a wheelchair being pushed out by Nicky and loaded into the Maserati with Nicky, his Gran, Neil, and with Andrew at the wheel. He notices how Andrew’s hands are solidly on 10 and 2 and feels better even if he wishes he had asked for that medical coma.
It’s a quick trip to the cousin’s house to grab their stuff and load it into both Wymack and Andrew’s cars and then they’re on their way back to Palmetto.
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@i-have-three-feelings​ @blep-23​ @dreamerking27​ @andreilsmyreligion @belodensetdust​​ @rainbowpineapplebottle @yarn-ace​ @iwouldlikesometea @lily-s-world​ @obscureshipsandchips​​ @booklover242​ @whataboutmyfries​​ @sahturnos​​ @pluto-pepsi​​ @dreamerthinker​​ @passinhosdetartaruga​​ @leftunknownheart​​ @aro-manita-muscaria @hologramsaredead​​ @Chaoticgremlinswishtheycouldbeme @tntwme​​ @tayspots @nick-scar​ @crazy-fangirl2524​ @blue-jos10​ @stabbyfoxandrew​​ @splishsplashyouropinionistrash​​ @sammichly​​ @the-broken-pen​ @bitchesdoweknowu​​ @very-small-flower​ @ghostlyboiii​​ @its-a-paxycab​​ @bisexual-genderfluid-fan​​ @cheesecookie​​ @theoneandonlylostsock​​ @foxsoulcourt​​ @blueleys @adverbialstarlight​​ @elia-nna​​ @can-i-just-stay-in-the-corner​ @nikodiangel​​ @foxandcrow-inatrenchcoat​​ @hallucinatedjosten​​ @satanic-foxhole-court​ @vexingcosmos​​ @chalilodimun​​ @insectsgetcooked​​ @angry-kid-with-no-money​ @queer-crows​ @lillyndra​​ @themundanemudperson​​ @readertodeath​​ @apileofpillows​​ @mortalsbowbeforeme​​ @hellomynameismoo​​ @next-level-mess @youreonlylow​​ @interstellarfig​​ @notprocrastinatingatalltoday​​ @percyjacksonfan3​ @queenofcrazy27​ @bsmr261 @ghostlyscares​​ @spencellio @adinthedarkroom​​ @harpymoth​​ @sufferingjustalilbit​​​ @anxietymoss​​​ @oddgrayhound @ohno-myhyperfixation-itsbroken​​​ @ken22789​ @atiredvampire​​​ @isoldescorner​​​ @not--a--pipedream​​​ @azure-wing​ @bushbees​​​  @roonilwazlib-main​​​ @crumplelush​​​ @foldedaces-paperbirds​​​ @thesenseinnonsense​​​ @let-tyrants-fear​ @ketchupandfries​​​ @legowerewolf​​​ @deadlydodos​​​ @but-we-respect-his-craft​ @cariniqe @zanypersonapricotbiscuit​​​ @lesbian-blackbeard​​​ @lesbiansupernatural​​​ @silvermasquerade​​​ @thepeachfuzz​​​ @minniemariex​​​ @kazoo-the-demjin​​​ @gaypomegranate​​​ @ji-nk-ies​​​ @neilimfinejosten​​​ @omgrubelangel​​​ @itsyouitsmeorpheuseurydice​​​ @percabethotplove​​​ @cozyrosykay​​​ @foxyatlas​​​ @theoneandonlylostsock​​​ @cindersapsecrets​​​ @scornedethnographer​​​ @hugemotherfuckingnerd​​​ @givemethedamnflowers​​​ @our-king-bree​​​ @astrovoidy​​​
Moving forward I’m going to put the people who want a ping in a separate post with a link to the new part. As always if your name is there, it’s spelled right, and you didn’t get a notification then it might be something in your settings.
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useless-englandfacts · 10 months
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idk man if i was prime minister and the highest court in my country and the european court of human rights (which is nothing to do with the EU btw!) said that my plans to deport refugees to a country 6000 miles away was Bad then i might… listen to them? rather than. y'know. pushing through legislation to circumvent the courts and sprinkling it with a bit of xenophobia for good measure — even though the british public DID NOT VOTE FOR THIS!
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leavingautumn13 · 11 months
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warmup sketches tonight are bits and pieces of an emerald fanfic i'm writing. i personally have always been a team magma fan so they show up a lot.
here are the redesigns i did for this fic featuring main characters and their starters
[i have commissions open now]
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the-physicality · 2 months
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Your honor I love them
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barclaysangel · 4 months
I’m so tired still (f you to my teacher who decided to cancel our last class in the middle of the night so I woke up early for no reason and couldn’t fall back asleep, jfc she sucks) but it was a great show!
I’m gonna share quote a few pics I took but first, here are some meh photos I took of the bracelets and necklaces I made (tagging @nicascurls for this post ☺️)
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I gave out all of them! Sooooo if anyone recognizes these and wants to reach out to me with a pic of the bracelet or necklace I gave them, please do! I’d love to talk with ya!
And here are the two bracelets I got in return!
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These were so cute! I didn’t expect to get bracelets and I’m so happy I did! Whoever made these, they’re fucking great and I love you!
Now here is the shirt my dad bought for me during the concert!
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Obsessed with this shirt! Probably gonna have to wait until it’s cold for me to wear it but I’m still excited for when that time comes anyway!
And now I’m gonna photo dump down below soooooo enjoy and if anyone was at last night’s show, hmu!
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The bear at the end has a heart that says “GTFO”, the lighting just didn’t show it when I took the picture XD
Idk if I’ll post the videos because I’d have to do that one at a time on here and that’s soooooo annoying. But if you guys really want me to, let me know and I might :)
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I hate Striker's recent appearances as much as the next person, but...
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...I'm really waiting to see this bit animated.
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eye-of-the-sheikah · 2 years
breath of the wild
Just a PSA for followers of this blog--the special edition art book for Tears of the Kingdom has leak3d. I will not be sharing/reblogging any content from those leeks until far after the game has been released. IN FACT I personally would like to avoid sp0ilers as much as I can until the game releases. So.... I will be taking a break from tumblr until May 12th. There is still a small queue I've built up, but it may run out before long.
Sooooooo... see you all on the other side!
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siena-sevenwits · 1 year
#I've spent the past week organizing in the play's wake - sorting and laundering huge numbers of costumes#some to return to those they belong to and some to come home to my costume storage room which had become chaotic over the last few#months#so a complete spring cleaning for the storage room became part of my task list too. Now the play's been over for a week#and the emails are starting to come in from admin about next year. As some of you know I did a lot of discernment this semester#about what next year should look like and I have decided a mix of continuity is best. I won't be working for my 'main' schoolboard anymore#but I will continue to teach and direct for the one program in the city (the one I did the play for) and possibly with a new home school#enrichment program that may go ahead this year if there are sufficient numbers. Otherwise I am going to spend a semester#tutoring and running workshops f I can get it off the ground. Then we'll see.#Anyway - admin wants me to get new syllabi in to them within a month's time so my thoughts are all in that direction!#I get to teach 19th/20th century Canadian history to the middle schoolers and Late Antique/Medieval Church History to the high schoolers!#Also direct another play and do a humanities course centred around an epic in the spring (the last couple of years we've done Iliad and#Odyssey - they want Aeneid this year but I am trying to talk them into another option. The Aeneid is valuable but I am not sure it's the#time or place with this group of students. The result of all this is that I am spending far too much time doing Internet research for ideas#and then taking breaks on tumblr - which isn't good for my eyes or mental health. What with the play and end of term#I fear I've been out of the reading habit. I'm still hyperfixating on the Book of Romans so there's that at least#but I lost the novel I was in the middle of and am not feeling so motivating with out books. It's a proper reading slump! I need a kickstar#of sorts. Feel free to yell at me that I should pick up a book!
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solarstellarstar · 1 year
My OCs from different fandoms!
// tagged by @taintedevesayori - tysm! tagging @starstruck-suitors and anyone else who wants to do this! Hehe this was actually really fun and it was nice going through nostalgia lane, especially with the Danganronpa OCs even if it was kinda cringe >< Please note that this doesn't actually include all of my (fandom) OCs. If I did include all of them I'd think I'd be here forever lmfaoooo
Diabolik Lovers
Solar/Setsuna Fumika
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Image on right was commissioned from @/sakamaki_queenz on IG
If you're following me, we all know (and love?) my bbygirl wannabe idol. The picrew on the left was actually the root of Solar's creation :p I originally created her for Discord roleplays with my friends but I eventually bought her to Tumblr!
Hiromi Kishimoto and Lunar/Lily/Michiru(?) Kanemoto
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Both Lunar and Hiromi were also originally created for the roleplay on Discord alongside Solar :3. Hiromi was originally supposed to be a possible love interest for Solar and Lunar was originally supposed to be an extremely meek human girl. They grew so much :,D
Sonya Uemera
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This is more of a recent OC I created around March? She does have a role in my personal DL universe but she is more prominent in fandomless roleplays with my friends :) I might be willing to talk about her more if someone asks about it! All I'm going to say is that she's an old friend of Hiromi and Lunar <3
Oh boy, these characters are like skeletons in my closet because I'm not in the Danganronpa fandom anymore and most of these were made when I was like 11 years old ;;
Twins Kokoro and Kasumi
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Also originated from Discord roleplays- specifically Danganronpa killing games. Kokoro (left) was the Ultimate (Gothic) Lolita and Kasumi (right) was the Ultimate Harpist. Now, being 11 years old, their backstories were just ripped off from the Fey clan and literally Dahlia and Iris from Ace Attorney... I do use these two time-to-time with friends but I'm glad to say that they are (mostly) their own independent characters with writing now.
I'd like to mention these two were the blueprint for Solar and Lunar but SHHHH
Tears of Themis
Yi Meihui
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A recent OC! This is Yi Meihui and she's a Tears of Themis OC. She's shipped to Marius! Meihui is a forensics scientist at night who also works a job in the fashion industry by day. I'm not sure if she's officially part of NXX but we'll see :p
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fleurdelouve · 1 year
Any events coming soon? 🥹
After our 2nd annual ship month event last year, and out of our many, many, many followers there was a grand total of only 6 entries. As you can imagine, that was one HELL of a discouraging outcome.
So, the admins of this blog are still on the fence about whether it's worth hosting another event. If we do happen to do it (and I say that because life keeps us busy, and we have yet to hear word from anyone wishing to join as an admin), if we happen to do another event, it's been shown that it's not worth doing what happened last year. We don't know if mixing things up again is worth it.
If we host another event (and it seems like people were still into the idea at the time, so we'll at least consider it) we'll probably do what we did for the 1st ship month. Until then, we're still more than welcome and open in continuing to promote this ship and artists' creations
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rosesradio · 1 year
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joyfulsanctuary · 1 year
I have a huge soft spot for the chibi style I posted earlier today… I’d really like to continue practicing drawing some characters with it!! If you have any requests, please let me know! 🥰
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
rat, with all politeness, i dont think q needs therapy. I think something happened behind the scenes between the two (Dream and Q), and Dream upset Q over something that may not be entirely QSMP related--QSMP/USMP may have been the straw to break the camels back. Strong disclaimer, I dont think Dream is abusive/evil, this is just my real life example to illustrate why someone ghosts. It is an extreme--- I cut contact/went no contact with an abusive parent--they took to social media for a year straight with massive posts about how much they loved me, how they dont understand why I did that, how theyre very sorry and support me in everything. They refused to take "i do not want to speak with you, unless you can respect my boundaries" as an answer. Constantly they overstepped. Id tell them "here is why im mad" and they would turn around and say "i dont get why theyre mad?! I apologized?" Or "those reasons arent enough!" Many times other people contacted me on their behalf with claims they were dying/sick. They were not. Some of my parents friends would stalk me/insist I must be mentally unwell.
I dont think Dream is remotely doing that. I think hes a normal, if flawed, guy. However, I empathize heavily with Q. People don't get no-contact. They think its about cruelty. Its about "no matter how much we communicate you continue to not hear me/disrespect me. For my own health, i would like to stop this relationship." Its a last resort for when you tried everything.
I dont know what happened between them, but Im squicked by Dreams refusal to accept Quackity does not want to talk. Its my own personal bias/experience and it bothers me people assume Q's crazy/cruel, because Ive been there. I feel Dreams pain, but I think he might have missed the bigger issue at some point.
But its all speculation. I just ask politely dont label that action crazy. Youre welcome to not reply, i just noticed youre very much trying to see all sides.
Yes, if Quackity didn't want to talk to Dream anymore I think that's fine
But the thing is, he didn't have to talk to Dream to help manage this situation! He could just have made a tweet saying "hey guys, this is not okay, back off" and it would have been fine!
That's why Dream has been so insisting with this whole thing. Because he and his loved ones are in very serious danger, bad enough to get the police AND the fbi involved and Quackity could have helped to make it better by just making a quick comment or a single tweet telling his fans to stop
I absolutely agree that people don't get how hard it is to go non-contact with someone, and I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but Quackity didn't need to be in contact with Dream to do something
Because the people he needed to talk to are his own fans, who he is in contact with
(Also, I'm kind of saying it sounds like Quackity needs therapy because from everything we have been presented with, it sound more like there was something bothering him that he refused to communicate to his friends and it grew until this happen. But hey, I don't know because he refuses to give his side of the story!)
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We aren't dead lol
Hiya, just wanted to pop in and say this blog isn't dead, but we (I) am sooooo busy it's insane. But! I have things queued so get ready for those!
Thank you!
>Admin T
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barclaysangel · 1 year
Andy my wife
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Thank you Lucy darling @streets-in-paradise for sending that Sam Winchester post to me so I can make this edit for Andy XD
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watermeat · 4 months
Holy shit I wish I had the time or effort to make a full write up on what's going down in the pokerogue discord server because jesus christ what is this mess
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