#admin shortie sempai
Ohhh I absolutely loved your Hogwarts hcs!!!! Could you possibly write a scenario with Sugawara or Tsukishima having a crush on a Gryffindor s/o? Where he loves to pick on/tease them but they had enough so they kiss them in front of everybody? Sorry if this is really cliche!
Went with Suga for this one.  
You had put up with five years of it already.  Five years!  And people said Gryffindor’s weren’t patient.  If you weren’t patient, you would have resorted to violence years ago.  So there.  
And it wasn’t your fault even.  Sure you might have umped to conclusions first year, when the first year Slytherin had run across you in the halls.  But you had already known all about the Gryffindor-Slytherin rivalry, and you were very distraught over your kneazle acting up. So maybe you reacted a little harshly to his comment of “impetuous kitten” - and it might have taken him a bit to convince you that he really had been speaking to your cat.  You had thought that you could move past that.  
You had obviously been wrong.  Five years later, you were still being called “kitten” and had heard every variation of the term “impetuous” applied to your behavior.  Even your housemates had given up being insulted on your behalf and had turned to being amused.  You did notice that he wouldn’t let anyone else refer to you as such, so you were thankful for small miracles - but he still had to be shut up.  
“Stop it, Suga!”  You demanded, stomping across the great hall to glare up at him.  You could care less about the stares of all the freshly sorted first years or even the rest of the school.  This had to stop.  You were not going to go through all of school with that damn snake teasing you.  You had to put your foot down. 
“Alright,” he shrugged.  Your face reflected your surprise, that was easier than you expected.  “What will you give me to stop?”    
“Seriously?”  Your anger built back up.  Your Gryffindor side rising to the challenge.
“Come on, Y/n.  I’m a Slytherin.  We don’t do things for free.  If you want me to shut up, it’s going to cost something.”  He was smiling down at you now, and honestly, you didn’t know how a smile like that ended up in Slytherin.  It really was more of a Hufflepuff smile.  It took a moment for his words to register.  
Cost something to shut him up?  You’d shut him up, alright!  You barely thought about it as you reached up, grabbed his tie and pulled him down to your height. You took great pleasure in the sight of his widened eyes - so the Slytherin couldn’t predict every move - and then immediately forgot any thought of revenge as his lips met yours.  
It took a second for you to realize that despite his initial shock, it was clear that Sugawara had no problem adapting to the situation, and you felt him reciprocate your gesture.  It was the cheers of the Gryffindors and amused laughs of the Slytherins that finally broke the two of you apart. 
Your cheeks flamed red enough to match your house tie and you tried very hard to not look in the direction of the professors’ table...which happened to be right over Sugawara’s shoulder so it made it difficult to avoid both that and Sugawara.  (You managed to see a horrified Snape, a surprised McGonagell and a very amused Dumbledore.)
Who didn’t seem anywhere near as amused at Suga when he commented, “Yeah, that’s not going to stop me.”    
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Hi, What advice would you give me I just started doing a imagine blog. I was wondering if you would give me a promo for my blog bsd-hq-writer. You don't have to I will understand.
Of course I can!!!  Everyone @bsd-hq-writer just opened up.  They write for Haikyuu, Bungou Stray Dogs, and D. Gray Man.  
As for advice, I have a few:
1) The queue is your best friend!  You will be full of excitement in the beginning (not that it gets bad as you follow, but real life starts to demand attention again); no matter how hard it is not to post the things you write immediately, try to keep the number limited and put everything else in the queue - it will stretch that excitement/fervor longer and give you breathing room.  
I tend to post 2/3 things a day for the first week that I set up a new blog and then drop back to one a day!  (Since you have more than 1 writer, figure out what works best for both of you.  Do you think you each could do one a day, or would you rather be responsible for half a week worth of posting?)
2) You’ll see some people who are dead set on doing the prompts in the order they come in.  And that’s good - but sometimes you’ll come across one that’s just being uncooperative and refusing to be written.  Don’t be afraid to move to the next one and come back to this.  Maybe you’re feeling a time crunch and stressing out - find one that you can write easily and quickly, come back to the other after. 
3) If someone doesn’t specify what they want (oneshot, scenario, headcanon) make it headcanons.  They tend to be easier to write and get done quicker.  
4) Have fun!  Encourage your followers to talk to you.  It’s so much easier to write when you feel you have a personal connection to your followers.
Now, don’t necessarily start off with the “ask questions about your admin(s)” because those events don’t always get the biggest responses ever!  Do things like little headcanon games, have them send in headcanons about favorite characters - maybe do certain themed days.
Have some special events for major follower mile stones.  One of my blogs, every 100 followers I did matchups until I hit 1000 and then I opened matchups pretty permanently.  But I’ll different events for certain days, like the “Halloween Costume MatchUps”  - they’re quick to do and you tend to get a follower boost when you do that :)
“Ask the Characters” are always a fun event that people always end up in!
I hope this helped!!!  And make sure to have lots of fun running your blog!  Welcome to fam ;)
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Could you please do the "personality trait they are most atracted to" for Bokuto and Kuroo if you don't mind?
Of course I can!
Bokuto: fun-loving and affectionate - he needs that person always up for a good time, able  to pull him along to be kept entertained or okay with getting pulled along by him; and while affectionate isn’t a must, it would work for the best because he’s extremely affectionate himself, and so would simply be able to understand them a bit better, and wouldn’t be worried about holding himself in check
Kuroo: intelligent and caring as much as he could work out with the seductive femme fatale type, when it comes down to it, he needs a kind-hearted s/o - someone who sees the good in life and isn’t cynical, someone accepting; however, he does need the intelligence, he’s pretty smart himself so he’ll need someone who can keep up with him
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Iwaizumi - Romantic Hcs
he likes to hold your hand, it’s a subtle little thing though - not obvious to most people
he’s not purposefully cute - but he’ll do things like try to use emoji’s and quite frankly, it’s adorable
likes to have a TV show that the two of you watch together
every so often, he’ll write a little “love” note to you - it’s super sweet and very thoughtful
check kisses get him flustered
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do you have dateko and karasuno hogwarts hcs? :DD
Yes, yes I do!  :D
Daichi:  Hufflepuff (quidditch captain) - halfblood
Everyone he met on the train was convinced this son of a powerful pureblood who shunned tradition to be with the non-magical woman he loved would end up in Gryffindor (just like his father).  However, nothing thrilled 11 year old Daichi more than to end up in the house he was always sure would have been his mother’s had she been magical.  Hard working, dedicated and loyal, he was going to prove to everyone that those traits were to be respected.  People soon realize that he is best suited to fit in Hufflepuff and think it’s crazy to have ever thought any differently. 
Until gets on the Quidditch team and everyone’s convinced he should have been a Slytherin.  
He likes Defense Against Dark Arts because he likes the idea of being able to protect people.
Applewood wand - powerful and best suited to an owner of high aims and ideals, the wood mixes poorly with Dark magic.  
Sugawara:  slytherin - muggleborn
Everyone thought the delicate looking boy would fit right in in Hufflepuff.  However, Suga knew what he was getting into, that there was a good chance he wouldn’t be able to perform at the same level as all the other purebloods (and a good number of halfbloods) who had been receiving training and tutoring since early childhood.  He made plans to compete with them.  He was Slytherin to the core.  Someone who knows his strengths and weaknesses, who can be fiercely loyal to those who he sees as “his” and very capable of seeing right to the heart of the problem 
A bit younger than Kuroo, he becomes the Slytherin prefect after the other graduates and ends up being Head Boy for his final year.  No one’s suprirsed then.  
He excels in Transfiguration.  A class that rewards those who steadily practice and work at what they’re doing, by the time he reaches his 7th years, he’s learned plenty of tricks to help him master the spells quicker than anyone else.
Beech wand - young owner will be wise beyond his years, full-grown: rich in understanding and experience; can’t be narrow-minded or intolerant; capable of subtlety and artistry 
Asahi: huflepuff - pureblood
There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that this boy would be a Hufflepuff.  None of the confidence that a pureblood usually has, he would much rather avoid all that talk and people in general thank you very  much.  He’s recruited to the Hufflepuff quidditch team a bit later than usual, due to a younger Gryffindor forcibly making him do it because “you looked wicked awesome to play against!”  (He’s lowkey terrified of all Quidditch players, especially his own captain but he’ll never admit to it)
Herbology.  Please.  He knows people think he’d be good with care of magical creatures because he’s so big, and could wrestle down the more unruly ones, but that’s dangerous so no thank you.  
Larch wand - instills confidence and courage in owner; the master has hidden talents and unexpected effects; until paired with the wand, the owner wont realize the full extent of his considerable talent
Tanaka:  gryffindor - pureblood
Pureblood Tanaka always knew that he was going to end up a Gryffindor.  Everyone in his family was a Gryffindor, his best friend’s gonna be a Gryffindor too.  Everything’s going to work out fine.  And no suprise to anyone, he ends up Gryffindor.  Most people are convinced that they’re reincarnations of the legendary Weasley twins (even though they’re not dead - in this au, Voldemort died permanently when Harry was a baby).  He and Noya somehow manage at every party throughout the years - sneaking into them in their first few years, invited to all by the last.  Because “no way is it a party without those two.”
Loves Defense Against Dark Arts.  However, ends up in trouble a fair amount because he and Noya like to practice what they learn outside of class.
Spruce wand - bold owner, good sense of humor; intensely loyal and particularly flamboyant and dramatic
Noya: gryffindor - pureblood
Just like his best friend, Noya (and everyone around him) knew that he’d be a Gryffindor.  His suitcases and everything were in the colors of his “potential” house.  However, just because he has house pride doesn’t mean he doesn’t like people from other houses.  He likes people from other houses so much that he’s going to their tables for meals.  (Prefects eventually give up trying to make him leave, because it’s not going to happen...or he’s just going to drag his friend from that table back to his.  Poor Asahi, nearly had an heart attack at the Gryffindor table.)
Like Tanaka, prefers Defense Against Dark Arts any day of the week.  
Dogwood wand - quirky and mischievous, playful natures and insist upon partners who can provide excitement and fun; capable of serious magic when called upon and perform outstanding spells under difficult conditions; needs a wizard who is clever and ingenious - cannot do non-verbal spells and are noisy
Ennoshita: ravenclaw - muggleborn
Ennoshita prefers to keep to himself a bit, not through any nervousness or feelings of inadequacy (well, maybe at first - being a muggleborn surrounded by pretty much the geniuses of Hogwarts isn’t always the biggest ego-booster), but because he likes to observe and figure out what’s really going on in a situation.  Calm and level-headed, he ends up tutoring Tanaka and Noya after a particularly disastorous potions class, and has never managed to shake them.
Incredible at the attention to detail required for potions.  
Hazel wand - reflects owner’s emotional state and works best for a master who understands and can manage their feelings; it’s capable of outstanding magic in the hand of the skillful, extremely loyal and devoted
Kageyama: pureblood - Hufflepuff
The day he was sorted into Hufflepuff he managed to terrify all the rest of the first years, a good number of the third and fourth years and disconcert some of the older years.  A truly one-track mind he got Daichi, the Head of his House and the Headmaster to come out and see his flying talents the day after he was sorted to convince them to give him a spot on the Quidditch team.  He got in.  And thus Daichi decides he was either cursed or blessed that day - still not sure which.  On one hand, he’s gotten one of Quidditch players he’s ever seen.  On the other, the head of the house and Headmaster made him the official mentor to the younger boy - and as such he has to deal with getting him to do well in every other subject.  Once Kageyama somehow manages to hit it off with the hotheaded Gryffindor who declared them rivals after the first game and then somehow end up becoming best friend, Daichi takes it as his right to try and dump him on the Gryffindor prefect, Iwaizumi as much as possible.  
He passes all his classes...barely, but he does it, and he doesn’t particularly has a favorite.  He’s already decided that he’s going to play Quidditch professionaly.
Hornbeam wand - owner has a single pure passion, which will be realized; adapts quickly to owner’s style and becomes personalized very quickly
Hinata: gryffindor - muggleboorn 
Anyone who talked to Hinata on the train was not not surprised when the muggleborn was put into Gryffindor with absolutely no deliberation on the Hat’s part.  They weren’t surprised when he became “adopted’ by the Gyrffindor Quidditch team’s start player, Bokuto.  They weren’t surprised when it looked like he and the terrifying Hufflepuff might end up killing each other.  They were surprised when the terrifying Hufflepuff came up to him after a game and said that he could ensure that he and the other boy could become the best Quidditch partners in the world and by graduation they would be guaranteed a spot on any team that they wanted.  
After a night of deliberation (his housemates said it was basically “Pro: any team I want, professional Quidditch.  Con: Kageyama.  Any team I want vs. Kageyama.  Professional Quidditch!  ....Kageyama....”) he shook hands with Kageyama and never looked back.  Or at any other subject....
Fir wand - staying power and strength of purpose in owners, owners are focused, strong-minded and occasionally intimidating demeanour
Tsukkishima: slytherin - halfblood
Tsukkishima’s mother was the second wife of his father.  His older brother is only his halfbrother, and is a pureblood.  When he was younger, this made no difference.  As he got older, he realized the implications (there is still some pureblood hierarchy left in the culture) and even though his older brother does not feel the same way, Kei started to pull away. When he goes to Hogwarts, it’s with the intention to prove himself to be far superior to those around him. He practically demands Slytherin from the sorting hat want to be far away from the Gryffindor ideals of his older brother.  
Good at the more knowledge based classes, such as History of Magic and Muggle Studies.  
Pine wand - independent, individual master - perceived as loner, intriguing and mysterious; like being used creatively and adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells, sensitive to non-verbal magic
Yamgauchi: hufflepuff - halfblood
Yamaguchi is ever grateful that he ended up in Hufflepuff.  He was a little worried about going to this new school.  Despite having a witch mother, they had spent most of their life in the “muggle” world and felt a little unprepared for Hogwarts.  He grows into his own while he’s there, somehow making friends with the “untouchable” Kei Tsukkishima, but knows it comes from Hufflepuff being a welcoming place where he could just be himself.  
Actually really enjoys Divination.
English oak - loyal, and needs partner of strength, courage and fidelity
Moniwa:  hufflefpuff - muggleborn
Prefect of Hufflepuff, Moniwa is just about the nicest person you’d ever have the pleasure of knowing during your years at Hogwarts.  Always trying to be as helpful as he can, he gets along with pretty much anyone from any house - and does whatever he can to make sure that everyone from his House is doing well and doesn’t need any help with anything.  Somehow, Kamasaki ended up taking him under his “protective” wing first year when they met on the train, so don’t try messing with him.
Likes Potions, because he wants to go into healing after Hogwarts.
Alder wand - helpful, considerate and most likeable.   (A good wand for a Hufflepuff.)  
Kamasaki:  gryffindor - halfbood
Ends up becoming “vice-captain” to Bokuto on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, which isn’t a surprise to anyone.  Him not killing the happy-go-lucky captain, on the other hand, most definitely is.  Being a halfblood he’s been exposed to some prejudice but not too much; however, true to his bold, Gryffindor nature he’ll take on anyone who happens to show prejudice towards any of his muggleborn friends.
Like many Gryffindors he enjoys Defense Against Dark Arts, however, he also enjoys basic charms.  After all, a good hex is the best way to get back at some of the assholes he encounters.
Holly wand - owners may need help with anger and impetuousity; owners tend to end up engaged in some dangerous/spiritual quest
Futakuchi:  slytherin - pureblood
No one’s surprised by his ending up in Slytherin.  What people tend to be surprised is a loyalty to his best friend, Aone - a Hufflepuff, that outweighs even his house loyalty.  The two have a bond that cannot be broken.  Until he gets on the Quidditch field.  Then he has no friendship or loyalty to anyone except his team.  He’s hand picked by Kuroo to be his successor pretty much from the moment he ends up in Hogwarts and is trained in strategy and coaching techniques by both Kuroo and Oikawa (who probably has just as much power in the Slytherin house as Kuroo but it’s unofficial)
Likes charmwork.  Only because it makes hexing people who piss him off nice and easy.
Cedar wand - owner who is perspicacious and perceptive; potential ot be a frightening adversary
Aone:  hufflepuff - pureblood
When people realize that the Hufflepuff who appears to be terrifying is best friends with the Slytherin they’re even more convinced that the Hat made a mistake with Aone.  And then they realize that it would be harder to find someone more kind-hearted than the big guy and they just decide that there’s been a strange influx of terrifyingly large Hufflepuffs lately and maybe they should stop being so quick to judge the house.  
Like many of his fellow Hufflepuffs, he likes Care of Magical Animals.  
Rowan waand - powerful, hard to break defensive charms, believed disassociation with Dark Arts; pure-hearted wizards; (wands tend to match/outperform others in duels)
Koganegawa: hufflepuff - muggleborn
Koganegawa was not a muggleborn who was intimidated by this new world around him, instead he faces this world both ready to embrace it and take it on.  He comes in fascinated by the idea of Quidditch the most - he loved muggle sports but one that involves flying???? uh, yes please.  Daichi has now decided that he’s cursed and begs the universe to release him from over-eager juniors who have the potential for terrifying amounts of skill and are too enthusiastic.
He loves Care of Magical Creatures - same reason as he loves Quidditch.  He likes animals and animals that are magical!!  WOW!!!!
Poplar wand - consistency, strength and uniform power - happiest when working with a witch/wizard of clear moral vision
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Karasuno as Fathers
Suga has a look that gets him absolute, instantaneous obedience 
his kids also pretty much form a fan club for him because while he is definitely their father and must be listened to, they all know that he’s the coolest person ever, they can come to him with anything, they can confide in him, but he’s also really funny and makes the best food – and can crack really lame jokes 
honestly, he also raises his kids to be sneaky little masterminds because they should definitely learn how to control people early on – he knows their friends’ dads, they’re going to need this skill
from the moment he finds out that he’s going to be a father he starts panicking because something is definitely going to go wrong
but the moment they’re born, he ends up becoming a whole lot more of a stout-heart – try to mess with his kid, he dares you
all his kids know that they always have daddy’s support
the dad who tosses his toddlers up as high as they can go before catching them
all his children are raised to be pretty fearless
his and Nishinoya’s kids will be best friends obviously
when he reads stories he’ll do the different voices
his kids are all little imps that everyone in the neighborhood simultaneously love and hate
do not mess with their friends – their daddy taught them that loyalty will never be punished and that friends stick together
doesn't actually teach his kids volleyball right after they learn to walk – sure they know how to play, but he never pressures them into doing it, because he wants them to make their own choices and he doesn’t want them to end up like how he was before Karasuno
as a result, even though he finds it incredibly hard because he’s still not super social, he’ll be right there with his spouse going to the park, making play dates, throwing parties, and making sure that his kids are out there making friends
Hinata’s kids are the ones that will be signed up for volleyball teams by the time their eight
spends as much time as he can with his kids, takes them for runs with him (okay slow jogs for him, but runs for them), watches cartoons with them, reads books, tries to take them for a tandem bike ride…learns not to do that pretty quickly
family outing once a month no exceptions
all his kids are going to end up being big, giant, nerds – no doubt about it
by the time they’re two they’ll be telling you their favorite dinosaurs
they’re also raised to find something to be passionate about because he knows what it’s like to not care about anything and he’s not letting it happen to his kids
is one who makes all the dad jokes – seriously, he probably starts writing ones down when he gets married
trolls Tsukishima with his kids – “You know what Uncle Tsukki likes??  CUDDLES!!!”
tries to impart on them the wisdom of never giving up early on – perseverance is the thing he rewards the most
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How To Cheer Them Up - 7 random
Daichi – go for a walk with him, saying nothing but giving him silent support and a way to work his energy out while he figures out
Asahi – just lay on the couch together and let the boy sleep it off
Suga – doing a calm, relaxing activity with him, just chatting about inane things and giving him time to work it out
Kenma – just sit there and give him space to get over it on his own, but you sitting there means that he’s not alone and that you’re there for him
Kuroo – snacks and a movie, get his mind off of it, inside jokes and big smiles
Iwaizumi – hugs and a listening ear,
Oikawa – cuddles and hugs, fun snap-chat stories
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Yes. I'm sorry, you are definitely right. That now-two-shot with Asahi totally needs a third part to complete the sequence. It got more adorable with the second one. I need to read a confession please *v*
Pff I don't think it'll be a trilogy (Asahi's i mean) because I can't picture how or who would confess to the other xD (at least not yet lol) But I really loved both parts!! Keep it up ♡
Do you know that I came up with the perfect way to get both of these.  That’s right, I’m a genius (who’ll probably be late to class, but a genius nonetheless, lol)
Part 1
Part 2
“This is getting ridiculous,” Yui rolled her eyes as she watched you and Asahi dancing around each other some more.  Ever since she had pointed out that you had a crush on Asahi to you, you had been acting like the boy had cooties or something.  It was time to put an end to this.
With a determined air she marched to Class 4, knowing that Asahi’s two other third year teammates would probably be there.  She felt a little nervous at the thought of talking to Daichi about “crush” stuff, but squashed this all down.  Now was not the time to think of Daichi.  Right now, she needed to figure out how to deal with you and Asahi.  
“Daichi.  Suga.”  Yui greeted them as she walked in.  
“Yui!”  They smiled in greeting.  
“What’s this about?”  Suga couldn’t miss the air of determination that hung about Yui’s being.
“Y/n and Asahi.”  Both boys blinked in surprise, though Suga caught on a little quicker.
“Getting tired of watching them dance around each other?”  He grinned.  Daichi still looked like he wasn’t quite catching on - gah, he was lucky he was cute.  
“Yes! If they wait any longer, they’re going to end up graduating before anything can happen!”  Yui groaned.
“So you’re saying we shouldn’t just let it happen on it’s own?”  Daichi looked adorably confused.
“Of course not!”  Yui and Suga both spoke at the same time.  
“It’s never going to happen if we let that happen.”  Suga told his captain.  
“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“We’re just going to push it along.  Nothing more.”  Yui promised.  
That was four plans ago and it still looked like nothing was going to happen.  
The romantic roof setting had been a bust because Asahi had gotten a stomache from lunch. 
The romantic walk back had gotten messed up when your club activities had gone late.
The romantic “overhear Asahi talking about his crush on you” had gone wrong when Nishinoya had burst into the room to ask the ace about a specific move.  
The romantic giving a good luck charm before the game had been a mess when Yui had sold the idea a little too enthusiastically.  The entire team had received some.  
Despite the failed plans, it was Suga that Yui and Daichi were getting worried about.  With each failed plan, the setter was getting more and more frustrated.
“Alright, that’s enough.  Y/n, Asahi likes you.  Asahi, Y/n likes you.  It’s obvious to everyone except the two of you!  I expect a movie date to take place this weekend.  After that, you can thank me.  Do you understand?”
You, Asahi, Yui and Daichi all just stared at surprised at the irritated Suga - who’s fifth (and favorite) plan had just failed.  He had taken everyone by surprise enough that neither you nor Asahi even felt surprise.  
“Okay.”  Asahi said quickly.
“Sounds good to me.”  You followed up.  Neither of you wanted to see what Suga’s next move would be if this didn’t work out.
“Good.  Now I have another matter to attend to.”  He turned to give Yui and Daichi a significant look that had both of them blushing and refusing to make eye-contact with the other.  
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Anger Hcs - 7 random
will shout as he gets angrier and angrier before going silent completely
tends to try and walk away from it before his temper gets the best of him
likes to work out as a way to relieve his anger
is honestly more likely to get hurt than angry – it would take doing something to his friends for him to get angry
once he does he still doesn’t quite have the guts to go up and confront them directly but he’ll use his looks to his advantage and try to glare them into submission
he’ll also lowkey grumble about the person
if he’s really angry he’ll try to not talk to anyone because he knows he might snap at them even if it’s not them he’s angry at
during the duration of his anger he’ll try to avoid the person 
he notices a lot of things, and unfortunately, if he’s been pushed to the tipping point with someone is willing to use that against them
tries not to get angry, he really does, so it takes a lot to get him angry
like Asahi, to get him angry it’d have to be over his friends
and then he’s willing to walk up and just intimidate the person into never saying anything again
will remember that he hates you for years
totally shuts the person out and then shit talks them to anyone else
the crusade is started to get the people he knows to hate the person as well because they’re obviously a horrible human being
will rage and yell and everyone will know who he has a problem with
however, once he’s gotten over being angry it’s like he completely forgets about it and things are back to normal
he’s very forgiving and doesn’t stay angry for too long – however, it’s not like he forgets completely and is careful about not making the same mistake twice
you won’t even know that he’s angry with you until he somehow gets his revenge
it takes a lot to get him past the point of irritated though so it rarely happens
once he’s gotten over it though, he’s done with it
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Ushijima Confession Hcs
incredibly straight forward about it, just comes right out and tells you
exactly how he feels
he does try to be a little romantic – googled some tips the night before
he picks up some flowers on the way or chocolate if you’re into that
he won’t do a letter because he’d rather get this over with quickly – he wants your answer as soon as possible
is going to be very respectful of your answer either way
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Daichi, Suga, Asahi - study headcanons
motivated to study – however, it doesn’t come easy to him so he does struggle somewhat
isn’t the most detailed note taker, but he does the assigned reading and he does a lot of highlighting so when it comes to studying, isn’t completely unprepared
likes studying by himself the most
he tries to write down everything when he takes notes, gets flustered when he misses a word and then everything just falls apart from there
his notes are a giant mess and he cannot, for the life of him, understand them – he tends to get help from Suga
gets decent grades only through many stressful nights of near nervous breakdowns of repeating the information over and over again
the type to learn best by explaining it to someone else
his notes are flawless (think Yachi level)
can study pretty much anytime, anywhere
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Kuroo - Romance Hcs
he’s a big texter with whoever he’s dating – this reminded me of you, I thought you might find this funny, I’m bored what’s up with you, you’ll never believe what just happened to me, etc
it’s important that whoever he’s interested in gets along well with Kenma
if Bokuto is also dating someone they will get into arguments over who has the best s/o “well, Y/n has the best (insert any characteristic here), so there…”
positively showers you in compliments – he’s very affectionate and has no problem sharing his feeelings
loves kissing you in random, unexpected spots
loves taking you by surprise in general
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Oikawa - Domestic Hcs
ece is actually not as much of a neat freak as one might expect - he is organized, however there’s still a bit of clutter around
he’s pretty good about household chores, cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, keeping everything tidy
however, he despises doing the dishes - he says it’s to protect his hands, in actuality he never got over the trauma of helping out when he was like eight and there was a noodle in the water that unexpectedly touched his hands...
has a bedtime that he aims for every night - he never makes it, he’ll get distracted by youtube videos or facebook/instagram
definitely dances around in his socks when no one else is around - he likes the sliding feeling
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Asahi - romantic hcs
you'll have to confess to him – there’s no way that he’ll ever be the one to initiate a confession
is going to be a tight ball of nerves for like the first month or two of the relationship convinced that you’re about to wake up and see that you can do so much better than he is
is the guy who makes a big deal out of every anniversary
it will take a while but one day he’ll surprise you by asking for a good luck kiss before one of his games - it will become a tradition
first kiss has him reeling for days
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Nekoma - Hogwarts Hcs
This went waaaaay longer than I intended it to be...it started out as what house, favorite class and blood status....then it turned into ...well...this
Kuroo:  Slytherin to the core.  A born leader, he leads not through inspiring his house, but instead knowing each of them and their motivations, able to tailor his motivational speeches to each person he delivers it too.  His ability to read a person instantly is once more shown in how he’s a master of provocation.  He’s fiercely loyal to his house and friends and dares anyone to try and disrespect them around him.  They’ll wake up the next up the next morning with a nasty case of boils.  Both Slytherin Prefect and the captain of the Quidditch team, he technically always has something to be doing, but let any of his friends or housemates need help and he’ll drop everything to help them.  
He’s a pureblood with a talent for potions due to the fact that he understands much of the principles behind it.  
Beech wand – wizard will be wise beyond his years when young and rich in understanding and experience full-grown; capable of subtlety and artistry
Kenma:  Kenma is Pureblood Ravenclaw, he enjoys arithemacy but excels at transfiguration, things that are more straightforward.
Growing up, he lived close to Kuroo and his family and when he ended up going to Hogwarts he knew that Kuroo was hoping he’d end up in Slytherin. However, he knew that Slytherins tend to be exposed to more scrutiny from the rest of the houses and begged the house not to put him there.  Due to his keen intellect and analytical nature, the hat immediately plopped him in Ravenclaw.  Of course, he still gets the scrutiny due to his close friendship with Kuroo.  After making some offhand remarks he becomes the Ravenclaw Quidditch team’s strategist.  (However, he’s often ended up helping both the Slytherin and Gryffindor teams with some plays especially suited to their best players such as Kuroo and Hinata)
Cedar wand– perspicacity and perception; potential to be a frightening adversary
Yaku:  A halfblood hot-headed Hufflepuff.  Hardwork, dedication, loyalty and fair play – patience isn’t always his strongest suit.
His father was actually good friends with Kuroo’s father and as a result they were supposed to be best friends.  And they are…if you get past the disagreements and angry glares that made up most of their childhood.  However, once they went to Hogwarts, they decided it was much better to be friends in this new place.  Now, that’s not say that they don’t still have their disagreements, but they tend to work it out.  And it’s always a source of amusement to everyone else to see the Hufflepuff losing his temper with the slightly taunting Slytherin.  
He enjoys the creativity granted to him in charms.  
Fir wand – staying power and strength of purpose; suited to transfiguration and favor owners of focused, strong-minded and intimidating demeanour
Kai:  Is a muggleborn Ravenclaw who ended up in the same train compartment as Yaku and Kuroo and so was adopted to form a neat little trio “in case we don’t make any other friends” Kuroo had said as he looked significantly at Yaku who then proceeded to threaten to toss the pureblood out the train’s window.  He’s someone who excels in sense and technique and appreciates being able to learn new things.  A more laid-back Ravenclaw he does approach life with dignity and an accepting nature. He’s calmer than Yaku and not as antagonistic as Kuroo.  If a fight between the other two does go too far, he’s the one called on (by either a younger Hufflepuff or Slytherin, but most often approached by someone from both houses) to step in and get them to make up.
Like Yaku, he’s good at charms, but he’s a bit better at transfiguration due to his calmer nature.  
Elm wand – owners with presence, magical dexterity and native dignity; produces the fewest accidents, least foolish errors, most elegant charms and spells
Yamamoto:  A halfblood Gryffindor he knows the traditions of the purebloods, but prefers the laxity of the muggles.  
Yamamoto often clashes with the younger Gryffindor Lev as they both share their plans for becoming the star Qudditch players after the graduation of the team’s current star, Bokuto Koutaro.  A spot that’s also being argued for by Lev’s fellow yearmate, Hinata Shoyou. (It should be noted that Bokuto doesn’t help much, just laughs and encourages it.  It drives vice captain Kamisaki and Gryffindor prefect Iwaizumi crazy.)
A huge fan of defense against dark arts, he’s not always the best, but he does approach duels with a certain ingenuity (which is really just an unpredictability) that makes him a force to be reckoned with
Blackthorn wand– best suited to a warrior; wands need to pass through danger/hardship to become truly bonded – loyal and faithful
Fukunaga: A muggleborn Ravenclaw, on the quiet side he’s intelligent and witty.
Unlike some of the other muggleborns who are out there trying to make a name for themselves right away, Fukunaga prefers to be a little quieter about his magical education.  He fits right in with the rest of the Ravenclaws who enjoy his humor though they do wish he would speak up a little more.  He’s confident enough in his own abilities and enjoys the new life he’s getting to experience through his magical abilities.  Though, he does wish that Yamamoto – who he sat with on the train first year, and the loud Gryffindor decided that made them friends – would stop bugging him about “talking more.”  
Having always done well in plain old ordinary math, he likes to try his luck with arithmancy.
Black Walnut wand – master of good instincts and powerful insight; sincere, self-aware owner it’s one of the most loyal and impressive wands of all, particular flair for charmwork
Inuoka:  Muggleborn Gryffindor, Inouka is always focused on improving and getting better. Friendly and outgoing he fits right in with the majority of the Gryffindor house.  
The same year as both Lev and Hinata, he’s good with spending most of his time with the two of them, despite the fact that he tends to be in their shadow most of the time.  However, they both make sure that when he feels welcomed with them – regardless of how anyone else views them.  He’s fascinated by this new world of magic all around him.  
A huge fan of History of Magic because he does want to learn as much about this new world as possible.  
Alder wand – not stubborn or obstinate, but often helpful, considerate and most likeable
Lev: A pureblood Gryffindor – however, still a bit out of his element, because he’s spent most of his life in his mother’s native country, Russia.  And being in Hogwarts is his first long exposure to his father’s country.
There was no doubt in his mind when he put that sorting hat on that he would end up in Gryffindor.  However he was still super excited when he did end up there.  Despite the fact that he can sometimes irritate the rest of Hogwarts, he fits right in with the Gryffindor house and has a firm circle of friends.  In addition to Kuroo, he does manage to be one of the people that Hufflepuff Yaku loses his temper with (the rest of Hogwarts loves it)
Flying was his favorite subject first year and he doesn’t think that any of the rest of his subjects ever compared. He hopes to be a player for a national Quidditch team one day.  
Hornbeam wand – master is for life, and tends to have a single, pure passion; adapt quickly to master’s magic style and is extremely personalized; absorb owner’s code of honor and refuses ot perform acts that do not mesh with their master’s principles
Shibayama: Shibayama is a muggleborn Hufflepuff.
He’s one of the muggleborn that feels pretty completely out of his depth here and is thankful to every higher power that he ended up in Hufflepuff because he’s pretty sure any other house would have eaten him alive (maybe not on purpose…except Slytherin, he’s heard stories).  Of course there are still frightening people in Hufflepuff, such as Aone who Shibayama later learns is a big softie.  And then there’s people that he later learns are much more intimidating than they look and he doesn’t want to mess with, such as Quidditch team captain, Daichi Sawamura – who in addition to Yaku is not afraid to take on the Slytherin Kuroo Tetsurou. In Hufflepuff, Yaku is his idol because he noticed that the older boy, while living up to the Hufflepuff ideals still isn’t intimidated or pushed around by anyone.  
He’s good at muggle studies, though he tries to do his best in charms as a way to emulate Yaku.  
Larch wand – hidden talents and unexpected effects; owners never realize the full extent of their talents until paired with it
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You guys are great!!! Could I ask for some headcanons with Kenma and Suga? Like they have a quirky S/o who loves to say weird stuff but secretly gets depressed and insecure about their actions?
Kenma’s incredibly observant so he would know about the insecurity early on
as he also suffers from that, he’d be very knowledgable on how to make them feel better about it and reassure it
at first he’s definitely not thrilled about how they say weird things because he’s worried about being overheard, he finds that it’s rather amusing though (and anyway, after hanging out with Kuroo for so long, he’s used to the people he’s with attracting attention anyway)
he won’t pick up on it in the same way that Kenma does, but he’ll be able to see the change - it might take him a bit to realize what exactly it is
like Kenma, he’s very quick to reassure them - he’s also very good at knowing when they just need someone to listen to as well
is definitely attracted to the quirkiness and will literally dare you to try and say something weirder than what he’s heard before (he’s on a team with Nishinoya and Hinata...)
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