#adorable marble
empiregmqkitchen · 7 months
Why are Italian Marble Countertops are so popular?
Marble, a metamorphic rock prized for its timeless beauty and luxurious appeal, has been a symbol of sophistication and opulence for centuries. Among various types of marble, Italian marble stands out for its exceptional quality, stunning aesthetics, and enduring elegance. Utilized in diverse architectural and design applications, Italian marble countertops, in particular, offer a range of benefits that contribute to the allure of this magnificent stone.
Exceptional Aesthetics
One of the primary reasons Italian marble countertops are highly coveted is their exquisite aesthetics. Italian marble, characterized by its fine texture and distinct veining patterns, adds a touch of class and elegance to any space. The natural variations in color and veining ensure that each slab is unique, creating a one-of-a-kind masterpiece for your kitchen or bathroom. The timeless beauty transcends design trends, making it a lasting choice for homeowners and designers seeking enduring elegance.
Durability and Longevity
Despite its luxurious appearance, Italian marble is remarkably durable, making it an excellent choice for countertops. Properly maintained, marble countertops can withstand the rigors of daily use for decades. The stone is heat-resistant, allowing you to place hot pots and pans directly on the surface without fear of damage. Additionally, with regular sealing and care, marble countertops resist staining, ensuring their pristine appearance over time.
Ease of Maintenance
While marble requires regular sealing to maintain its resistance to stains and moisture, its smooth surface is relatively easy to clean. Unlike textured surfaces that can trap dirt and grime, marble can be wiped clean effortlessly, making it a practical choice for busy households. With simple care routines and timely sealing, these countertops can retain their polished finish and lustrous appearance for years.
Increase in Property Value
The installation adds significant value to a property. Potential buyers often perceive marble as a premium feature, which can enhance the resale value of your home. The luxurious appeal and durability of marble countertops make them an attractive feature for homebuyers, making your property stand out in the competitive real estate market.
Versatility in Design
Italian marble's versatility extends beyond countertops; it can be used in various design applications. From flooring and wall claddings to fireplace surrounds and decorative accents, marble seamlessly integrates into diverse design styles, from classic to contemporary. Its ability to complement various materials and colors allows for endless design possibilities, making adorable marble a favorite choice among interior designers and architects.
Italian marble countertops epitomize the perfect marriage of timeless elegance and practical functionality. Their exceptional aesthetics, durability, ease of maintenance, property value enhancement, and versatility in design make them a top choice for homeowners and designers alike. Whether adorning a kitchen, bathroom or any other space, these countertops elevate the ambiance, infusing a sense of luxury and sophistication that stands the test of time. Choosing Italian marble is not just a design decision; it's an investment in enduring beauty and a testament to the artistry of nature.
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empiregmq · 1 year
Adorable Italian Marble Countertops - EmpireGMQ
Marble has drawn a lot of attention since it is a more appealing stone than granite or quartzite. This makes creating an edge profile simple. Many people like the way it looks, even though the elegant material may easily end up on the floor and you would gain more visual appeal from a waterfall marble countertop than you would from a standard countertop.
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tapakah0 · 13 days
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vethale · 2 months
Incoming Marble Sky theory about the Marmors' origin planet and more! Spoilers ahead!
I think if we ever get to see their original planet, it might be a dark place (literally and metaphorically), with hives or cities built within ant-like cave systems. Their society also seems to work like those of ants with a queen (Moon), workers and drones.
I think the fact that the Marmors use a form of ecolocation rather than our traditional eyesight might imply that on their original planet, sight as we know it is not a viable option. Their planet might either have little to no light, making eyes redundant, or too much, which would also cause the same problem. I think their fur coloring might also be proof of this, as they seem to display bright colors with no patterns. (Patterns usually help animals, especially predators, blend into their environment, because a blotch of a single color is usually easy to spot). However, there is also a possibility that their coloring might be a result of them becoming the dominant species: We see this with domesticated animals- think cows or cats, with white patches of fur, that make them easier to spot. When colors no longer affect their survival, new color variations tend to pop up.
I also think the fact that they are bipedal (with tails) also tells us that like humans, they might have started walking on all fours and then went up. This allows the brain to become larger, because the neck can hold up more weight, boosting their intelligence. Animals that walk on all fours are usually limited in this aspect because the neck muscles do all the work, so their heads can't get heavier.
The existence of tails might imply that those are still required for balancing purposes. Humans used to have tails but we kinda didn't need them and they went away, but the tail bone still exists. The fact that Marmors still needed them might imply that they still had to climb a lot in their original planet - maybe they live on trees (there's some ants that build their hives hanging from them! Super cool tbh) or they build their homes on cliffs/mountains.
I personally think them living in mountains or cave systems is the more likely option. In the comic we have already gotten the comparison with ants, who tend to build their little hives with tunnel systems going in all directions. This would make their tails useful for climbing, as well as their special eyesight and connections useful for navigating the hive. I mean, a connection like the one we have seen in the latest update is not only useful for hunting but also for their hives, as they can quickly figure out where more "manpower" is needed vs where there's already enough of them in one place.
Also, they have both sharp claws and teeth. Obviously those teeth are stylized in the comic, but they seem very very sharp. Definitely made for ripping and shredding. So it's very likely that the Marmors are obligate carnivores, meaning that, unlike dogs or bears, they can ONLY eat meat. I mention this because those claws would also be useful for hunting and disabling prey BUT connecting this to the cave system theory: Those claws are big and sharp, whoch might also be useful for digging. The giant anteater, for example, has some seriously sharp claws. This thing does NOT hunt other animals, besides ants and termines lmao, but uses those sharp claws to dig into the really hard ground. And those claws are SHARP, boy. They use them regularly to wars off and ERASE jaguargs. Yes, jaguars. So maybe these sharp claws might be tools AND weapons for the Marmors, useful for deleting your prey and digging into the ground!
Going back to the ant comparison: ants society usually has a queen, her simps, and the worker ants. The queen lays the eggs. If those are fertilised by the male drones, they become female workers but if not, they become male drones (the simps lmao). Ecliptica mentions that she is tall because she is a female AND the center of their network. Obviously these are aliens, but I think we can draw parallels: she might be their queen, the only one that reproduces -which would also explain their "children belong to everyone and noone" attitude"- while the rest might simply be the workers. I say workers, even if they are male, because I think the drones might actually be something else. We have seen smaller Marmors like Shepherd's assistants. Now, they might just be small or younger, BUT they could also be the lower ranking drones.
So, to sum up: I think Marmors come from a planet with little light, where they build their hives/societies in ant-like cave systems, digging into the ground. They might also have an ant-like society, that revolves around their queen, the workers and the lower ranking drones, where everyone but the queen is a male.
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starrcrossrose · 4 months
I love Rise Leo so much, if I think too hard about him I'll just start crying
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dyke-in-crisis · 2 years
I had to wait for an hour at the doctors office so enjoy my brain vomit about webseries/args
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velcrooooo · 10 months
i feel like people sometimes forget that jay merrick's load bearing character trait is that he is a bitch
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poltergirlst · 1 year
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Paolo e Virginia (1844) - Alessandro Puttinati
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doodlboy · 1 year
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Breaking in a new sketchbook with a ye olde comfort character
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pianofirepirate · 22 days
when he's depicted with a crown of thorns stigmata>>>>>>
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empiregmq · 2 years
Why Do You Need to Choose Granite countertops for Your Kitchen Instead of Other Countertops?
When it comes to adding sturdiness and elegance to your kitchen, it’s hard not to consider granite countertops. They are hardwearing and attractive, offering an eye-catching and useful option for any contemporary kitchen. Whether you love to get a modern look or you are inclined towards a little more traditional for your kitchen décor, granite countertops can enable you to incorporate the feel you want in your kitchen.
If you’re still sceptical about what material to employ for your countertops or contemplating whether granite is the right option for your home, this guide will help you understand the top benefits of choosing granite countertops.
· Robust: Renovating your kitchen is not something that you do regularly. Luckily, granite is a strong, robust material that is excellent for kitchen countertops. It’s incredibly tough, one of the sturdiest stone materials accessible for kitchen countertops and is unsusceptible to chipping or scuffing. It can also be sealed which allows to increase its durability so that it serves for a longer period especially if you reseal them regularly.
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Granite is quite resistant to heat. It implies you can even keep a hot frying pan right on it (although it is advisable to keep hot pots and pans on a cutting board or similar surface).
· Maintain Cleanliness on Countertops: Cleanliness is another prominent benefit of selecting granite countertops for your cooking space. It is immune to bacteria and dirt, making it effortless to keep clean. Sealing granite equips with an added layer of protection, securing it’s nonporous, and nothing will be able to seep inside it and leave a stain. You can clean a smooth surface of sealed granite by just wiping it.
Stone Fabrication comprises making a final inspection for stone such as, including blemishes, fissures, seams, and scratches. The slab is laid out to assure the most suitable appearance of both colour and vein texture.
· Boost the Value of Your Property: Granite looks visually alluring, and many people adore it. Selecting high-end materials for your home makes an ideal way to boost its value in many ways. Granite countertops might not necessarily improve the monetary value of your home instantly, but they can lure more and more potential buyers in the future. They might be ready to pay more for your property if they understand that it has elements like granite countertops.
If you are looking for an adorable marble, check online and you will find so many results. No need to drive to the nearest store to find the best marble for your space. You can find a suitable one with just a simple click.
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dyingtobehim · 27 days
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its been like a year and a half since this photo dropped and i still cant get over how ugly his kitchen is white marble on literally everything gas range im sure he doesn't use because he doesn't know how to cook anything that sink is probably one basin because hes rich and owns a dishwasher and has never done a single dish by hand in his life AND security camera footage set up just on the counter. who is his interior designer id like to have a word with them
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myewie · 11 months
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they kinda look alike :3
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prestonmonterey · 4 months
unfortunately i dont have glow sticks so i cant be a silly guy and do irresponsible things with them >:(
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draconi-dae · 1 year
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I love it when a final girl is also a failwoman and is just kinda miserable. We need more sopping wet cats of women in media
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malcolmreeds · 2 days
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you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about
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